IE; ADVERTISER VKVILLe'oCT. .27. 189. TERMS: cvfr,f pala InaJvame, - - 2,00 .,... attbeeudof 6montbf, i.6u t H " " " ' " 12 " 3,t0 y j; or Fiore V ill furnished at $I,tO per j.fjviiled ilic tli aocjinpaiiici tua rtfer, not Crr-N-r'v,yVS-,N'v szvvs-w -be "Nebraal. Advertiser' hating ve largest circulation of any paper in iritory, Wholesale Merchants in St. St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East ket where Nebraska merchants pur- riU find no better advertising medium Western country C$ Blanks- ",.e in hn(, prlntod in itrorior style, and far m cth. a f resn sui ply of " -ty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Deeds, Bonds ior Deeds, justice, SfterilT and Constable Blanks, j3lEnk Preemption p'npers, ToTvnship Plats. Eiils iiadingr. .Drafts, Notes, etc., etr... etc. v ire rail the especial attention of Looln ueetl. ny n' every descri;di"n executed to M;e inferior to none, produced many part of ' t,r" w o exof pt no offi in the West, or else jui tSirtpoauions of our wuik as evidence. I More Xcw Goods. I e steamers Asa Wilgus and Emilie j ht up aiul put c9 an immense quan- e tooJs "or v-al of our business ! ti, on Saturday last. zroDORE Hill, always on hand to y the""p3 people" with every de le article, hai quite outdone himself ,it the necessities and tastes of his :ners. He is Lout.d uotto be behind; :o head thi lisu Go right along in rry nox, all of you, and lay in your cr supplies. Theodore himself, or ,!, or Kobert.or Louis, will find time jit upon you, "according to Hoyle." ; J.Martin- Sc Co. have received clonal supplies than those noticed last V; and they have secured the ser $ of Rainey,' the well known and po r clerk. "Pitch in," everybody. avid Seigku, at the Baltimore,T Store, has also received stacks rv Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c, ' He'll sell' upon the principle of all profits and quick returns," for he ;ts to make up as quickly as possible loss in consequence of the rascally .ves who carried cflf a lot of his goods s other night. V. T. Des, the enterprising, go-a-i shoe merchant, has jut returned n St. Louis with just a little the larg and best slock of Boots and Shoes r opened above St. Joseph. Some of raost comfortable and durable winter . we have seen anywhere, are at V s, and can be had at remarkably low res. All kinds of work made to T." loitm Schiitz, the Jeweller and tier ia Clocks, Watches, &.c, has a v stock of Clocks of al.nosl every im- nalle pattern and price, and warrant to '-regulate the sun," if necessary, .hough Joe's business is mostly "on V," he sells for cash, or "rocks," which ?r is most convenient. ?. J. IIentjcln-, as we have before no 0d,has opened out a fresh and superior rk cf Groceries,' Provisions, Choice i;uors, Preserved Fruits, Confectiona ns,&c, Scc.T in Lushbaugh & Carson IJ Banking House, Main Street. 'verything is as "neat and clean as a new in" about'his establishment. Bead his ivertiseinent, and call around. .LcsnBAVGii So Capsos arc Agents r the U. S. Express Company, the most -liable in ' the country ; also for the 'artford Fire Insurance Company. Ev 7 citizen ought to have his property in red, and the Hartford is as good as can ; found. 1 The Elslit Vcrd. In do FJ?Lt Pi-ce; A New Pocket Dictionary and Refer ence Book; Embracing Extensive Col lections of Synonyms, Technical terms, Abbreviations, and Foreign Phrases; Chapters on Writing for the Press, Punctuation, and Proof-Reading ; and other Interesting and Valuable Inform ation. By the author cf "How to Write," "How to Talk," etc. Price 60 cents. This volume contains the essence of three or four heavy works condensed into asizft and form, adapting it to the Desk or the Pocket, and afibrdel at a price which brings it within the reach of all. We hazard nothing in pronouncing it al most indispensable to the writer and speaker. In short, this work should be a universal pocket and desk companion. Sent by mail, to any address, on receipt of the price, by Fowler & Wells, SOS Broadway, New Ycrk. In Town. Hon. J. E. Bl'rdank, Representative elect from Richardson county, and Editor of the FalU City Broad 7xe, dropped in to our sanctum this week. He is a soci able, agreeable, intelligent gentleman. The Malls! The 3IaIIs!I What is the matter with our mail route from here to Rock Port? It amounts to just nothing at all, lately. Scarcely any matter reaches here by that route; al most all cur matter from east and south coming by way of Council Bluffs and Omaha, and is old enough to vote by the time we get it. urlher Improvements. "Dr.- A. S. Hollad at has the lumber a the ground, and is preparing to erect a new business house on the corner of Iain and First streets, next to - the old N'emaha Valley Bank building. J. W. Middletos, the saddler, has aised and partly enclosed a new shep on ilain street, between Front and First Streets. On we go. 'icCarj, Hewett & Thomas. See the card of McGary, Hewett & Thomas in our advertising columns. Of McGary and Hewett we need say noth ing; they have already established them selves in this community. Mr. Thomas comes among us with the very best of re commendations, and in his short residence has thus far given corroborative evidence 'f legal proficiency and good citizensaip. May the new firm flourish. "Tbcj- went and told the Sexton, And the Sexton tolled the Bell" Some mischievous fellows alarmed some cf our citizens terribly, the other night, by ringing furiously the Presbyte tjan Bell, awa' in the wee hours, when : Morpheus had or ought to have had Possession of all the inhabitants. Don't do so, boys ; recollect the boy and wolf. A fire might occur some night, and the ood people not turn out think you was foolin' 'cm. . J'Throw good eggs." . T. R. Fisher Is our authorized agent in Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa, both for the Jldvzr fiscr and Farmer. He is now canvassing this county, collecting and soliciting sub scribers. - We hope he may meet with encouragement.. Those who are in ar rears 'raust pay up, and those "who are r-t taking the ' Advertiser or farmer ought to. take, one or both. We need your aid, friends, in sustaining our pa-P-ts. L?i us have its instates may Occur. We have been transcribing our Sub scription Books within the past two weeks, and it is quite likely some names may ac cidentally miss being placed upon the book. If such should occur, and anv one or more fail to receive the Advertiser, will they please notify us immediate, that we may correct the mistake ? Deserters. OiHcers from Ft. Kearney arrested on Saturday last, near this place, two deser ters from the army. When they left the Fort, they took with them a horse each. The horses were also obtained, and, to gether with the deserters, were taken back on Tuesday. A woman who recently had twins has named the eldest boy Robert Schuyler from his connection with the over-issue ! stock. The "Old"' Spirit of the Tiaies. We dera it n act of editorial conrtey to our ancient fiicnd, the '"Oli" Spirit of the Times, acd one of the oldest vecklj papers in the Union, to say, tbat it is not identified or involved in anj way in the controversy recently brought before the public through Porter's Spirit,,?and "Wilkes' Spirit of the Tunes, a mistake that is not altogether unavoida ble the names cf the papers mentioned being near ly the tame. The "Old Spirit," as it is familiarly termed by its fiienda and subscribers, still flourish es, the leading journal cf the Turf and the Ticld, and vra are happy to hear that its subription list was never larger tl an at present, cr itstditor3 and publishers more prosperous. Hen. F. S. Lyon is being talked up in Mobile as a candidate for the United States Senate, in the place cf Hon. Ben. Fitzpatrick, whose term expires with the next Congress. Probate Notice. Wherea application La3 been made to the Probate C urt of NeniJUa County, Xf-tiraska Territory, Ly Wil li im HoMitzcli. Administrator ox tte cMatc of Slary SiEij-Min, late f Nemaba county, deceased, for the sale of certain real property in order tocbtain means to de fray tbe exten.e& f utiminixU'rir.g faiJ Estate, notice is bereby Kiveu t a!l concerned, that Saturday the ISth day of November, 1359, Is the flay appointed for lieri:.p said application before tb.e Probate duM, of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, at 19 o'clock A. M., at my office in lirownville in said county, when and where all persons interested may attet:t! and Fliow cause nhy authority for tLc said kale mav nut be prantcd. U. J. WUITNEV, Prcbate Judpe. October 6iu, 1SC9. 6w-i$7 . . -A. Probate Tvotice. NOTICE is hereby piven to all jiersons interested that Kuell Pe?ry has been appointed Adminis trator tf tho L'state cf William Gilmore, late of Nemah county, Nebraska Territory. Persons hav ing claims against said Estate arc hereby notified to present them to tbe Probate Judce of Faid county, at Prownvillc, on or before the 2d Mondny of Oc to'er 135'J, or they will forever be debarred collec tion. rt.J. WHITNEY, Probate Jud?e. Sept. 23d, 1553. nll-3t S Caution. TO EDITOnS: lubli.-hers of newspapers are re Fpectfully cautioned net to insert the falsehoods ro spctin myself, of a young fellow assuming a French name, which appeared in several newfprpcrs of Inte. Such notices would not be admitted where he is known, llecannot road nor write, but hiresfoinc one to copy my bill. G. P. SMITH, M. P.. Proprietor of Smith's Electric Oil. niS-tf 'illfc Merjcntiie firm of t'rano t Hill as hereto fore existing is this day diwlvcd by mntual con sent. Theodore Hill having purchased tho entire interest of Merchandise, Notes and Account of Jonas Crane, tho books and account of tho firra remain at the old stand. No. 17 Main Street, in charges of Mr. Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled bufinews of said rui. JONAS CRANE, THEODORE HILL.f Brcwnville, June 13th, 1859. M-t Found. A XOTK of hand, caUinR for over one hnndred de ll in, which owner cn have by calling at tbia offl:eaDd paying for this advertisement. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnerohip heretofore existing between Hoadley A. Muir has this day been dissolred by mutual consent. Those owing accounts againt tho a id rm will pleae present tuciu for payment, and those indebted will iveasc make paymeatto either of the late firm. LUTHEIi IIOADL2Y. EOIiT. V. MUIR. Juno 1st, '59. 43-tf Dwcllins House For Rent. Apply to : ...HOETOH--HOUCU,i: i'i : MAIN SJREET, KEillMSUA CITY, , ' T. L GODDIN, Proprietor. September, 29, 1S9. ' tf A History of all "Religions Containing a Statement of the Origin, IJcTelopment, Doctrines and CJovcrnmcnt of tEie Uell Iock Bcnoniinations in Europe and tiie Lnitcd States, With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines, by Sa.maei M. Suiucker, LL. D. Published by liuane liuliioii, Quaker City PublifLing House, 'ii, South Third Sweet, .Philadelphia. Tho subject cflielifjion and too Doctrines of nests must always have au aboorbing interest for the thoughtful observer, and a oik which affords the desired iufkruution, ia a convenient and accessible form, at a moderate price, has been urgently deman dfcd.nd will ba fought for with avidity, and must eornuiand a larg" sale. in -t iTesent work, the origin, developemint, tlis 'fin'i fc. M f, Church GoVirnment and peculiari Uiii t ever eighty different religious sects, are trea ted ia style Ucar, compendious and accurate, and will afford 1! the irformation which might be pro cured vivh f:eat di'Salty and expense, and much ih'.it on! r search, from the larger polemical works and cnctycli.'! edias. . ir. Sujiti-ker has evidently prepared this work with stijch care, and it exhibits great ability and learning. Tbe artieleson the difiVrent religions are very itujrtially written, and show thecaretul study of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and the iui jjortanco and value cannot be too highly estimated of such superior and unbiassed effort in a work of this kin j, as too often, those pretending to giv cor rect information upon such subjects are prejudiced in favor tf seme particular sects or denominations. Mr. Bulison has brought out this great work in a very handsome form, and the public is indebted to him for & vr ry valuable, instructive and useful book. The price, $1,CQ, is remarkably low for such a work, ajid in oruVr that it may have a rapid and extensive circulation, bt will scud it to any address, accompa nied with a valuable Gift, on the receipt of the price Knd tweaty-fiveceuts to pay prstJge. Mr. Itulison will send free, on application, his new eabirged aid revised Catalogue of Looks and Giftd, containing all information relative to the establish ment of Ag-.nei-'S lu the Gift Book business. Ad dress DCA.NE 1CLLISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 3 J, South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. A CARD. To Pre-Emptois and OTHERS. Persons win may hereafter desire the tervices of the undersigned, and Associates, vii I please send to me 1st. A description of the land in contest, SJ. The time when tbe cases are tried at the local of flccs; how decided ; and when f-eat up. S I. A copy or the evidence taken. Patests When Patents are wauted. the Ccrtiaaites mutt bo seat to cie The cost of obtaining patcuts is only $10. By ceupiyica with the above, much time will be sated, and tliC businesi can be better attended to. JOHN' A. PARK.KE. Washington City, September, 15, 1S59. no!0v4-3ai Two Bay Mares in Charge US Slonday the 27th of June, 1859, two men pacing by tbe names of James iLircilicn and Wm. Johnson, stoj-pedat the Brownviile House in Urown ville, N. T. having with them two targo dark bay mares. Oa the 2(Jih tho men left Brownville leaving the animals at tho City Lirery Stable. Th'-y stated before Iciviag that they bad taken up the horses on Salt Creek between the two B'.ues, tuinking them to be e.s:rays. The mares are yej at the City Livery Stable in Brownville, where the owners can get them by calling proving property and paying all charges connected with their keeping ; unless called fir within sixty days from this date, they will be held at auction to the highest bidder. WM. ROSSELT,. It. T. BANEY. Farm for Rent and Crop for Sales. The undersigned will rent his lrm during the the winter. The farm is l(atcd about sixteen miles south of BrownTillc contains 16 acres of corn, which will be sold on reasonable teiins. There is re-wod on tho farm. ' E. S. 1IANIFOKI). . September 15tb, 13:9. 19-4w Arnold's Combined Grinding Mill Corn and Cob Crusher, and Corn Shelicr. Three valuible machine ia ohe! TMsii anew In vention, aiid one is well worthy the attention of the public, the farming portion in particular; combin ation has teeu pronounced by tLose who have the ifill in use to one of tbe be?t ever made, and the g-eat val ue of this combination will be readily seen when the tact is considered that each machine unices a neccss-i'.v lor the other. Thus: a Mill n:akcs a necessity for a Shelier, and Sheller for a Mill, etc. Beinz adapted to the Use of the firmer, by horse power, as a farm implement it scarcely has an equal in valuo. U is also adapted to steam acd water or wind power. It is capable of Rriudins from Ave to ten bushels per Lour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord ing to tbe quantity and quality of the work done. It grinds sufiiciently fine for family use, matins a su perior article of Mral, leaving it round and iive'.y, which is indispensable for litt bread or puddings. Eve-yone will be astonisbed at the difference in this respect ia favor of the meal made ia this Miil compar ed with tbit mile in any stone mill. They have only to ffiukc tLe trial to be convinced. It will Ehe'M fifty to sixty bushels per hour, and will grind aud shell at the same time. It wilt cr ush Citccn to twenty bushels of corn and c. b per hour, and it will crush and grind at the same time. It is lijtht and portable, wci?bint thrc hundred pounds and occupying a space of less than two feet by three feet. T:ie grinding surfaces are very durable, beins made of iron as hard as hardened cast bteel, and w hen worn out can be replaced without the aid of a mechanic, at tbe trilling cost of one dollar at:d fifty rents, thus ovcrconi ir.S en'.irely the great objecticn to iron mills. Particu lar attention Is called to thiS feature in the Mill, as the difficulty or replacing gnnding surfaces in Iron mi. Is u ben worn out is an objection to them tbat has al ways beeu urged with great force, and has bad the efi'ect to prevent thousauds from purchasing, who otherwise uoi.'.J be flail to do so. Tii-t objection is entirely done away with this mill. MiUers wiil do well to examine this Mill, there be ing no doubt that they will cud it for their interest to a!opi it for a feed mill, as the grinding surfaces are re placed at a much less cost thaa is required to keep a Stone Mill in order, to say Nothing of the great savicg in power aud cost of Mill. - An txaminati n of this mill is earnestly solicited, as it oimt be seen in operation to b fully understood and appreciated. ; Cards of direction are attiched to each mill, which will enable any one to set up aud operate them without further instructions. State and county rights for sale on reasonable terms. Price of mill complete $75. For particulars inquire of E. ItAWSOX, Xo. 13 Cmss street, or address G. SIIKPARD, Pustofflce, Bjx, 23U9, Chicago, 111. uotvl ' June 1st '11 Vi'X H. HOOVES., 49-tf Land Warrants J. McCOXIHE. FOR SALL by maha. 5. T. ISHATu RE AVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASD REAL ESTATE AGENT, 'falls t'ity, Richardson County. Nebraska V.'f 1 fc re prompt attcuti n to all professional busi nets intrtuted t i his cie in Richardson and atjoiniLS ounf jes; also totiD d;a of dee.,ls"nre-rr,p;ion p per , Kt.,K. May 13, 't5 nt3-6ia pltt i latent ZZZzhlzs.. .J The Subscriber Ha the iavetler awl patentee of tfc above celebrated mat blue, and has manufactured them for olvi twenty years; and is prepare t this season to furnUh either eisut ot teii-hore niav-hiaca, Uiirty-tiru-iucb cylinder, with all hisnowicijirovenieuu, geared in fourdistinct ways, viz. bevel gear new Improvement, pur fear short belt, long belt.: Ttis celebrated ma chioe in ordinary graia wheat, oats, barley, rye, will thresh and cleun ready I r market from 300 to 600 b'Jah eis of wheat a day, on from 1200 bushels of oats or bar ley, and is without a rival in tbe country. This uorte Power, known as the Do tile Pinion Power, is the only one iu the country of the kind, and for strength, dura bi'ity and ease of draught cannot ho surpassed in the country. The truck wagon for han'ing the machines are gagod to run on the wide track ith large wheels, and can be used for farm purposea if lequired. Tte Equaliier for thoroughly regulating tho draught of the horses so tbat one horse cannot do any tnre than another, nor any less, aDd savee all strain ot- the machinery. The bag King apparatus is a new Invt ntion, attached to the ma chine tor tagging the grain a it comes from the cleaner, and saves one hand; besides avcida all disputes between threshers and farmers. The Straw Stacker raadety Tte for piling the straw, are made of any length and art the "test known for that purptse. All repairs for Separator or Jlorse Powers furnished at the shortest notice . -For prices, terms, &c, address HIRAM A. PITTS, nolvl . Delaware Crape Vines. A very flue stock of the True -Delaware Tines, In pots, or transplanted frum open ground; also layers from larire bearing vines, all string and well rooted, ready for delivery in the fall. PKico S2 to $3. Also. I.ogan. Rebecca, Diana, Union Villiate, Concord Hartford Proline, and other new varieties, selected vines, $1 to $3. The present season has been ve ry favorable to the growth of the vine aud with increaM '1 facilities for pro pagation, my vines are much finer ti I have ever be fore offered. My DH-awares are pi opagated directly from the original riue and bearing detcenaantt. and are of course genuine. It is well km wn that spurious vines have been sold lor the genuine,' in various parts of tte country, and it is also believed these vines have been propagated from for sile, and purchasers cannot exercise too muchcuutiou in (btainiix the Delawaro from a rehable source. OEC. W-CAMPBELL, 1-1 I'elaware, Ohio. Soffit's l'atcnt Ohio Thresher. The subscribers have now ready several iundred of the above excellent machines. Wherever these Mofnt's Threshers have beeh introduced, it is well known that they are altogether uue;ualled ; and. therefore, as ma ny first class references can be furnished as may be re quired. They are buiitof 4. 6, 8, and 10 I orse capaci ty, and every machine is run several hour and thor oughly tested iu all its parts, before leavin,-; our facto ries. We hn ve also now ready for delivery S0R1 IICM SU GAR CAXE MILLS, or tbe most approved pal terns, and alsoall thenecesfary apparatus for the Domeni Man utacturoof Sugar and Syrup. Wo are now prepared to supply our customers with Mills of tbe mo6t eftident operation, at prices iu St. Louis as low as in Cincinnati. Descriptions of these Mills and Apparanus, alst a Trea tise on Sorghum Su;ar Cane, and on Sugar, and Syrup making", wiil he cheerfully forwarded to all applicants. As our farmers are fast learning the easy an 1 large profits of raising hay for market, we are now i taking ready to supply the demand for a large number oi' those well established Dederick'. Paralel Lever Horn pow er Hay Preses. . - We manufacture and have constantly for sale tnv fol lowing highly approved Mchines : Selby's Patented Premium Grain Drill; the ceUbra tel Kentucky Harvester; Atkin's Self-raking Reaper f Page"s &. Child's Portaole Saw Mills, Portable Flour & Grist Mills; Mill Maihinery, andrtationary Steam En gines, and Boilers and fixtures Orders respectfully solicited; and pamphlets with prices, terms and full descriptions cheerfully furnished gratuitously. St. Louis Acrieultnral Works, Corner Maine Bitl d'.e streets, St. Louis, Mo. . CLARK, RICHARSON- & Co, nolvl Proprietors. I.awton Blackberry. To obtain the original variety for garden or field cul ture, or circulars with directions, address, WM LAWTOX, vlnl Xew Rocheile, XT Summer and Fall Planting-. JOHN A. KEXNICOTT, at the Grove Xorsery, West Xorthneld, 111., will have ready for delivery at the ritht time: Bulls, especially Tulips, at tho low rate of $3 per 1(K). and $.'0 per M for Urge roots: Strawberries, of all tha most approved varieties, from $2 t- $lper M for most; a fewsorts, like Wilson's V.banv. hisher. to 40 cents per foot, according to varie ty and form average 5 cents, aud are safe to plant In ! August and sjcpteniPer. Fruit Trees, especially Pescbc. in good variety. Small Fruits. Currants, Houghton Gooseberry, Rasp berries, Blackberries, 4.c., much lower than ever offered before. Ornamental Trors Rotes and other nardy Shrubbery, in great variety and abnndance; and 10 000 smill to large plants Upriaht Honeysuckles. Lilacs, Spireas, Deutzia Scubra, Prim. Lc, at from $1 to $10 per hun dred. . by mil on application; and every thing safely Packed ior distant transportation; and as a rule mot things sold at about ten per eent., less ia autumn than Spring. nolvl WAR "ENDED! Carpentry Elade Easy. Thlrty-eicht plates, two hundred figure?. The most practical and valuable book for farmers extant. Tells bti'.v to build Barns, and Houses, Bridges. &.e. fcc. Trio $3; sample copy $2 by mail, posipaii by JAMES C1IALLLX fci SOX. Philadelphia. Agents wanted. . , - . . . vlnl , J2l 02,roL. , , The publio aro now resjwctlully informed that the undersigned have procured from Cincinnati and put in. operation one of HomtfrA Co.'s ll'ur mills of the latest patent, and the first brought to this Territory. They were induced to exchange their former roill for this one, from the higa character they have gain ed ia tho east, and from tho personal testimony of millers who have tried them throughout tho Western States, and in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exeeed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do tho work better and quicker than any heretofore in ope ration. In addition to their flour mill they will keep the Corn JL11 constantly running, ready at all time s to accommodato the farmers without detention, und by giving their undivided superintendence to thebu-i n ess (assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells,) they hope for the continuance and increased patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shinglos and Lath constantly on hand. GREEN & MABTIN. Peru Mills, Sept. 1st, LS59. A. LTTORD. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in AXD GROCERIES, HARD WAKE, QUEENSWARE, HATS AiD CAPS, Xails.Pioivs, StovcSjFurniture, &c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1S58. 43-t Dwelling House for Kent. TI1K undersigned will rent oa liberal terms, to prompt and careful tenaat. tte most commodious, elle gar.t end eligibly situated dweUicg house in the city of Jirnwavillo n excellent ristcrn, all necessary ont houses, and a fine garden with all the vegetables of tte season in aa advanced state .of cultivation, opon the premUes. D- L. McGART. XiT 13. nci7-tf Douglass Sugar JIIlls. Douglass Brothers have made arrangements for man ufacturing to an unlimited extent their Sorgho or Far mers' Pcrtab.c Sugar Mills, will be prepared to snppiy the demand however large, and -iil also be prepared to fill all orders for Dou;ilass and Cooper's Portaole fur nace and Sugar Evaporator. our Mills took the first Premium ( Silver Medal) at the United states Agricultural Fair at Sandusky, conten ding with the Mills of n edges, Free &. Co. of Cincinnati and H . J. Cox of Hamilton county. Ohio, al-o the first Premium at the Northwestern Virginia Agricultural J'air held at Wheeling, Va., and at numerous county Fair? in Ohio. PRICES $C!), $100. and upwards. Price oJ Furnaces and Evaporates, $5ito $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on sppHcati:n. All orders addressed to the undersigned will he prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTHERS. Zanesfille, Ohio. HUGH THOMAS DOUGLAs, General Agent, vlnl Mt. Vcrnou, OEo. PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! yith Corn. Those indebted to mo nre hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with com at the highest market price, delivered at the store of I. T. YVhyte in Brownville. This request is made only because I am in dobt myself, and cannot raise tho money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar rangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present cirenmfctancos. JESSE NOELr Brownville, Dec, 2, 1S5S. Ague ! Ague ! ! A Xew Chemical Uiscoyery. Furcm jst among Ml the different remedies offered to the public for tho cure of this disease stands 'Wards Telegraph Tonic Being entirely vegetable, free from the use of quinine and arsenic, of which niost of the ague preparations are composed, it is en tirely harmless in its efft-cts, and leaves the patient strongand healthy. If taken according todirectiong, it will not fail to cure the worst cases. Just try itonce and satisfy yourselves that tho Ague can be cured. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Crano & illjJJ Brownville, N. T., and by dealers everywhere. All orders must be addressed to W. W. Ward, Leavenworth, Kansas, General Agent for Kansas and tho Western Statee. July 14, 1S5. 3m ESTFcrcr and Ague Killer Will cure ague and fever, chilis and fever, dumb agre, inter mittent aud remittent fevers, and all the various forms ot tevers incIJept to bilious climates. If there isa man, vsaman or ci7f suffering wjth ague andj 'zcr, they arc advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It is positive cure tpcedy and perma nent. Try it. ilper bottle, or 6 bot.lesfor $5. Dit. Easterly, corner cf Third and Chestnut streets St, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be adireKcp to get the trennine. Sold hy J. II. MaUX & CO, Agents, Brownvill. )r. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, glflr-t. strlctnre. seminal weakness, chordee, disease' of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases or the genital organs. Reader, have you private disease 1 D.) not negleci it. Dcay U danaeroua. Dr. Baker' t Specific U a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Biker's Specirlc yon can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the niodkine. Price 1 CO perbottle. Jr-Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis. Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders mist be addressad, to got thcgenclne. Sold ty Land Warrants, JPoxr 0(3lx axicl on Tiiaao We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sites to settlers on such time as they may desire long or 6hort at the usual rates. A constant supply ef Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhero in town. Buy of rejmlar dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will bo guarantrvi to Se genuine la every respect and will be exch. ngl If de fective. ... , Being permanentlv located in Brownville. we can til -ways be found at the old stand a few doors east ot the Brownville House. LUSKEAUOH ft. CARSOX, Cankers, aud Dealers in Land Warrants. JOSEPH L. ROY, AND HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, IXAXD WASTED. I wish to employ a good, steady hand, to labor as a farm hand far the term of one yenr. .. . CVERAN ncTcmxs. TroTmville. An;. 11. n-tf Great Utkish for D J- IvIARTIN & CO., Wholesale & toil ID S3 Xj :H3 EL JB .. MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to tbe Citizens of the COUNTIES OP NEMAHA, RICHARDSON, JOHNSON, PAWNEE, CLAY, AND GAGE, AlU115Ui tUUJNTI In 3jZior3 0TL2.T,I, THAT TJ1ET HATE Just Eeeeived, 9 Per Steamer Emigrant, A HEW, COMPLETES AIID SUPESIOE STOCK OF GROCERIES, QUEEjSTS-WlRE, O TJ "27 Xj S3 S "ST, Glassware, (F 83 03 El O.T wm.m '9 SASH BOOHS, McadTladcCf ethic?. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Meedetlor esired Can be had at Qur Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any ether IJqvss in the West. li e Do a Cash, or Exchange for Produce Trade, and arc Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers DARGAIXS. We solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves to spare no pains to give entire satisfaction in price's and quality. Oar Atclilson Countj Friends Will find very much to their advantage to deal with us. (Grivc us a Call, .And satlsfr yourselves taatwe have the GOODS i 5 i3 J;?2 ! "3 n v. t-Zr,'Zi s- -5. c 5-25 2 s ! & fx-3?- 5-5 s - ? ! . " V rS z t '- - m '"Sic O - . - 3 - ' r- oj - s. 5 3 a u. 6) ? S, cV"5fl ! x . - !: "a c E ? u5 rS-o-?2-' -.-e ' - - i b t?s5f r.T '! S - si2 H - "r st " i 5 S o i f 2c OS.? S-aa3 J S3 c --as "-r t r - t s c r -j ; x i , " s -c - - - jr- s.-;5j:-- O 2 - ii:- aV- - f - z TiJsSjfsg5:? tZ 25 32 cuSjo:io os-r:o jHS -7 .r ac-J; L i ; ! a. 73 - a z. ;''' v7, X For sale by J. H.JTAUX& CO, Brownviile, K. T., andhyalt drupgiits generally. n3-Iy xnvr AXD HIGHLY PROVED (Patented; MET . TLIC SUX L'iALS- uianu faetarcd a: Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold hy XV; XT. Wilson, Arent. I or All Eatitudcs. Ia addith n to the hour circle, subdivided to shew the true tima to minute?, thesa Dia!s havu enjruvtd Equation Tables, showing the difference bstween ap parent ar d true time every day in the year ; a mn n.r inserted, which refloetithe elouds, showing their exaet course, and the consequent direetion of the wind ; a compass, circle, Jein made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable woi kin mship. and very ornamental and useful, this val ,iul!e v.-i.rk of art should havo a place on the groonds of ail im proved country residences, plantation, gardens, lawn?, Ac. Aca3tin n column of lor:.; Order, three feet hirh, i? furnished at $i each. The ciinlsareS to i) inchest diameter, Tiica of Xo. 4, S!5; No. 3, $10: Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $3. The No. 4 Dial and col umn, $20, is generally preferred. Dircct.ons accom pany by which they arc easily set up acu adjusted to tho true meridian. Ordor promptly filled. Aug. IS, 135$. nC-tf Spear's Patent Corn Iluslier. A machine capable cf llusiicj as mut-h Corn in a Jay as ten Lands ! Speare's Pftent Corn Iluster was introduced to the notice of Eastern a.riculturUts, iu Jinua-y ljjt, snl the immediate recognition (f in gre3t me its, and tbe approbation it has met with from tho farmius commu nity is lul.y tested by the Met that i a introduc tion to the notice cf the agricultural pub'.ij in the eat and south, (jniy bU mouths tirce ) 2J,0 Lusters been sold. Tte machine is now upon exhibition at our cfflce in St Lor is, and we respectful iy invito the farmer, and agriculturists tf this and the adjacent Cnutiei at.d States to cuil and satisty themselves ly peiouai in-pec-tion cf the machine, of the simplicity or its construc tion, tbe easy and perfect manner in which it performs its wort, acd the immense saving of time and labor i: effects. Dealers and azents have now a chince ot more ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, tba again cccur for years iu thi' section of the West, let them at once communicate with us and they will firil our terms to le the msl liberal and enccuisjrimc. V.'c also otter for aaie county rights ataviiy iuwCju.e jlj upen e isy terms. The llusfccr wiil be on exhibition at fie rext State Fair in St. Louis, and we wiil guar ai. tee to the purch aser uei coi that its performance w;;i give tbem entire 8atifaction, otherwise the pu: chase ui-ncy win te it funded. Price twelve dollars each. ' BltAGG it BURROW S, St. Louis, Ho. TESTIMONIALS. J.bu A. C?avlc, onocf the Editors of tte ilveuiris Dispatch, Augusta, Goo g.a, watts as follows : - Xew York Jire 17. ISoD. teutively watched the o; oration oi jour Cjvh Luster it is a pmiicge to tear testiuijf.y to tbe grfat merit of the invention. Voa have claimed f rit nothiUii whi-.h ithas not in my preence proved ittclf e.-pab:e. ()jr farmers will appreciate your I-ibors, and it is not ncel ed that I should wish you a success which is already in your grasp. Respectfully, &.C., JOHN A. CLAR5. KBI7ABETH Tows, X. J.. Jan CC, 159. Messrs y. T. Spear Co Cents Voar Core II 'taker was received this morning. 1 st.-rted c IT imme diate y with ray horses and waon to tty my huud at shelUngr. I traveled only a lew miles, a.i every farmer wished to see the Husker work. I got back about eleht o'clock, makinga circuit of ahoutfou.- m.les, I sold ten. That will do for h-ilf a day's wotk. I canht-li 5l-0. Yjur firtuce is made. Yours, respectful v ill:am xilks. It has also received stron? expressions o: commeiidj tion from lion. C. S. Flint, Sejreury i,f the Mijsachu seits Board of Agriculture, llou. J. V C. Smith. CX Mayor ot B,stou. Uollis Bowman, tr Baig r. iie. IKn. James Alien, of ilasaachusetu, II m Jlai eh ill P Wilder of iiassachusetts, P;-cf. ilapes, of Xew loik, and nu merous others. In addition to the above, we have cerliacatcs from a large number of distinguished men. v, h' are interested in our agricultural industry, who eadorte tte merits cf this machine in the strongest terms. Among them, the Ilea. Ucary V. Ben:hley, of JIass., who says : I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing -he practical operation cf .Mr. Spear's Corn linker, and have tested it thoroughly, and unhesitit.nly pronounce it beyond cmiparison the best, it r.ot ths only without injury to tte corn, and with astonishing rapid ity. Its simp'.lciry of construction, r.ii l and eSlaent working and low price, will, ia my judgment command fpr it an un.ircited sale. The undersigned have the pleasure of informinj: the fjrmiiia community that they have this day Anftuat 23, 1S53, purchased from the patentee the ribt cf maii Ufacturinx and selling "ispear's Com Unsger." ami re prepared to fill orders with promptness anil di-paii h Farmers aDd ail others iutereted, lesirias further information will please write for circular. All orders and letters should le addressed to BRAGG &. BURR jWES. 3'. Louis, Wo. 013ce, corner of Third and .Market streets. no 1 vl Send Four Stamps for a Specimen- of "SEWS FROM HOME.' A Weekly summary, of tho latest inteilizenco re ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales anp the Uritish Possessions in every parttf the w. rid, and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his tory, &c, Ac. The ".Ycvrs from Home" Will be rorwarded postage free upon receipt of subscription, viz : ?2 for one year ; $1 tor six nicnth?; 59 cents fcr three months. Fostmasters nnd r.ew?pnpcrs cCocrs are authorised to act as 8gcnts. A liberal allowance mado t i par ties setting vp clubs. Address TOWN DHOW A DAT Editors and Proprietors, New Yiirl:. April Il,VJ-ly , ; And are icHins tieta - " O IEEE S3 jL D. J. MARTIN & CO Brownville, Annst l3t ISJ9. A. B. II0LLA13IKD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, 1 iont Etree. "West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. "TTonldinnst respectfully inform theirfnendsar.d V V the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theirune, wr.h proinpt pess. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now posses.', they Lope to merit a continuation rf the liberal n.itronatro which has heretofore been estended to them. Saw Mill Engines of eveiy Description. Constantly oa ban ': coESiftirg t-f tue'aa,Cicu lar and Muley. iliM Gears and every description of vaHiicg,warranteaio oe wcumaue mevcryparucu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to thoir establishment, which eitaoies them to oversee all work ia that lino furnished by them, and arc pre pared to work on as reasonable tsrms as other shop in the country. Those in want cf anything in, onr line, would do well to give us a call and cx tmine our new pattern Probate 7"oC5ccand Sale. ' XOTICE notice Is ierel y pvcu to all pe-s r. interest ed that Avery Carter babec-n aprx.intcl Ad.uti i.-tfatof of ti.e estate of Huh Gcrld. l.ito of X?t:iah: county, I Kebraska Territory. Persons havii j; claims asaitist s..i.l estate are hereby notiacd to present them to the Probate Jddjte of s;id county, at, ci or M-rore the liith lay of September iit). or tiny will forever be de barred col lection; ik1 the said Avuiy Carter .i nsrther " a jtliorie-1 to sell the por.oual property beicuin to sard. estate, or sufficient to st;sfy all demands, at pub lic auction or at private sale a fray seem best, oa the ISUtdiy t SeoiemWr - .. ' R.JlY.-niTXET. Probate Judse. Brownville, At!?i:st52irh, iitO -7-3t.s4. V Jr. iYEirs r ILLS, l sett and sV-aTar! s-;reer.sfrl remeir f-T Hr.r t cure cf all P. 1'. lot's d'scar-c Cos'.ivctics. fnUi fMtion. Jaunil'-c, Drr,'f, liheurm ,h:n, Feura Gout, Umwrs, Nervcuvic'iH, Irrit u.lllty.lrj.3. ir.trrv tic-r.s, Heridi"he, PJn in tii Prcast. SI-:. lUxck. and Uinhs, Ferule Ctn-.plvxt. c. Prl?ed. rery few are the diseases ia wLith a Purg itlve Medi cu:e is r.ot taore or less leqn'wr'd, and mioS ;' aess ai:d su'fcrL". r.;ij;ht be prevealcd. i" a tuna Irs but c:fct'tU3i"Catmirlio wl-re more frcelv ised. No person can fed we'd white a costive h; of" br4v prevrdU ; besides, itsovii jcpcraies mi often fatal diseases whka miht haveleea avt.i.V J bv the timely aci judicious use of a good pi.r;.t.vf. This is alike tree of Colds, Feverish symptom, ar.l derarsment. They all tend ta becoii.e or produce tlic deep seatel and fruidttble distempce which lo.ii the hearses all over the I md. Ii'-.-e a rf 'a.ibic fi.iuilv piiTkic is t f the ilrst i!i)pmlar;e t- . the puVJc health,' and this P.U has Wen petlVcted . with skill to uteet that dx::i.d. An exter.-dve tiir.I of its by Physicians, i Vi sors, and Patients, hr.s ?hoivn reuirsaar;a-n ary thiin? hitlj-t ? kuovm of fcny lutdlrtuc. lre have been eilected bin cud bvUt-f. were they ti.t ao tantiatcd by persons of snch cssitci pvs.t.'u an-i character as'to forbid the su victim (i" untrutii. Arr.onsr- the many e nlncv.t gen tie met wht have testified iu f.ivor of these P4!, wc may mention : Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, tf Cin cinnati, whose high professional cliaructer is en dorsed bv Jotix "McLean, Judge or the Saprcue Ci'lirt of tho United State-. Tiros. Cohwin, Sccret-.rv of the Trurt. linn. J. II. Wki:IT, Governor of Ir.iuirjn. N. LoNaTVuitTi!, creat w.:i?c;rowprif theWev' A!-o, 1k. J. it. (Jhiltox. Practi;J Chemit, of Sew Yotk City, endorsed b IIos. W. L. Makct, rSciretary of State. . Wm. II. Astk. the richest man in America. S. Lelaxd & Co., Pscpr's of the Metrcpiiiu.n Hotel, and lr.any others. Did space pcn.Tit, we could .tiye mat-.v hundre l certiSc.ttes, fiom 'all parts where the Pills have been incd, but evidence even more corn inci-:; thaa the expsricr.ce of eminent public men is LnJir" their etieots unon trial. The-e Pi"-.' the result of invetrg:it'Tm an! sl'idy, are orllred to the public rj the b-:st an-1 aicst complete which t.'ie present state cf medical science can aii'crd. 1'hev aro compounded not of the tlri.tfs themselves, but of tha nidilcimd virtues oniv of' Vegetable reir.edies. extracted by chemicsJ process in a state of purity, and combined together . in sucli a manner as t irsurc the best results. Thla svstem n? ffmTitioii for iv.f-i.i-ir,cs hastAtn fcund in the C'hcrrv PectcTu! and I'ilU b th, to pio-iuce a more e!:ic:c-iit remedy th;.n hud h.'.hcrt- Iccn p- . tvincd bv anv process. The roys.m i- pcvf- iiy V tions. While by the old rr.mpositl.-.r., every medicine is burdened with more i: ies of acri monious iid injurious rjua.irics. hy this e-ich iiidi virtue only that in desire 1 for the curative ei'eet is present. 'Ail the ii.ert at.d obnoxir us fjual ities of each subsUuce tmployed me left behind, the : enrativ v:rt;;es boii.L: retained. Hence it is s-if-eviJcnt the c:rect sli.-.ild y r -.. iv have proved, more purely remeiil;.l. r.nd the Pill i a surer, more powerful antidote, to discus; thau sny other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medirL-ie sliould be taken under the counsel i f an ; ttiLdln . Phywcian, and a-s he could i.ot property judtcs of a : remedy without knowing iN'.M.'v'E 1 hare supplied the accurate r'nrniul.c by which both ny Pectoral ar.d Tills n-ude t- t!e nh-i'c body Of Praetilioncrs in the Unite J States nd Ihiiish Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should l ay. one who has not received t'ntm. they will be promptly forwarded bv mail to hi request. Of all" the Patent Medicines that are oijcred.'how few would be taken if their composition w:,s knowu . Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no" mvsterlcs. . "The composition of my preparations is Lid opea to sll mer, and all who ore competent to judtje on the siljc t freely acknowledge- their eoriviuiions cf their intrinsic nurits. The Cheny Pectoral was proTior.nced by scier.t.if.c tuen to ) a wondnfut. nedicine lrf',r"e its c:!'cets were known. Many Cm Tr.ent Phv$.ici;ir.s have th-chirr-d the same thlr g of rr.v Pills, im a ee; looio i-oTiridi'i.tly, nnd aa"e w.U irsj to cerllfv that their anti.upations were more than realized hv their cilVcts "i -n trial. '1 hcv oTierate by their powcrfil i'.iMrtnce on the tnter'ri! v.scer.i to" purify the th-od at.d stimulate K it, to beitkhv action r-move tho obstiu-tions of the t,t,n..:h, love's, liver, and other e-r.-uns of .the 'jody, rsto; i'-jj their irrojnuir action to health. ani iv correcting, nlirrocr they e:-t, such derange trier ts as i re tho first or .-in oi d;ea. lU-i::' sug-ir-wrupp:d. tney are ph.xsant to tike and beirur purelv verf, no l.oir.i car: arise from tor minute uliecw.uis. see wrapper cn ie oox. -l lll-I'AKKD LY DFi. JAMES C. AYER, rracti&:al sind Aualyticnl Chcmitf,- LO'.VF-I.L, MASS. Prica 25 Cents per Eox. Jiva lozei lor SI, SOLD BY T. J. WIIITi:,Erovr.viLIp.- TflGfiSOFIIlSK . G. 5. KXEFFER, Infonn3 tho pallie that ho is now r-rppnrcd w'h' all tho n'.-ccssary sppari'tus sum as heavy irr.n jack screws for iaovinj, rai.-ln or luWc-rla buildings f every description, without injury to the plastering. His facilities ore su;.i, ia this, Iils that, h oan;Ki fail to satisfaction. Also Carpenter and Builder,. In which business h-s trusts Lis cx-sorierfe and qu ilifications are such as to sccuro ftr him 4 liLaral patronage. iSi-pt. 22d, lSHD. nll-tf ISlUM i-A fc M.JS kJii AcJ X A e (Over Sile i Grecnlautu's Clothing Store,) ErovjnvlllG, N T. The proprietor wou'i rc?pcctfu!Iy ii:f,rm tho -juh-' lie that he hasopened upand ct.ibil.-hcd for thu r-fro-hmetit of the r riun.ut t! c nb vo inenti id pinee. where all can be accor.r,. -dated vuih ths h'e-t of Wines and I.iquois. ar.I tbe a- oth;n;j in fluence of the best qua! i'y cf fce,;nr.. "A Cst cht'i Pbcla a' 6 Patent Cvoihi nation Cusliions, tti ail the rr.tderm imp rcvemcnt, is rijo on the premises. for tho ct j- vmcrit of 'l who dolL'ht in thi j-nrtenian-Iv ard scicntifl? ?nme. EVAN WOL.TIZI '(." " " ScptCKtcrSS-i, 13V. i;l-Cra AVanlcd at this Wilce. . Wood, potatoes, ccm, turnips, 'pumpl-in.-. FEU IT TREES.. OHIiAI.IENTAL TREES.- Shrubs, Rosa, J'ines, Plai.ts, etc:... II ILLS &, CO., A;er.ts lor A. Falmestock k Sons.- TOLEDO NUESEEIES, now canvaa-ineXeniahaand R!' ha: d'.E e.-ari:ie, Kebrtka; ai.d Atchivu ci'Urjiy- illf.nrij ttcivM orders for Fruit Trees, fchri.i. Vliua, Hvercrrena. . itc. They cjll the atieii'i' ii of Farmers ail t th-r Ca f ireir.g ariythir? In tttir line to tfca v Tantare of pur chasins supplies at their Nurse-?. 7b8 tck isa m-. plete and prices a firorat :e a of any o-Br N'ur-. tery anywbere, and all warranted t- I e a repe-elted. Ordprscau ;so be left at the AZvcrtizcr t2.-j vlile. X. T. PRINCE t. CO.'S . r a m a a . ' i w 7 a ksii i The Lieut-Tuned ll--ed f'flriinieitt in the uorlJ. -' L'st cf Prices: Four Octave HelcdO" it t1 c v K,)i-.r-ar.d-half Ocfave iTeloicon -60 ro. Five Octave ilehCv n 15 Cf Five Octave ilel. d(n. Plmo Ce, Ficr ftr-rs $!0C CO Five )-.t:ive U.'o'e.n. do-jh -e reed, prtaUecase 130 W Sis OcUveiIeh.Ue n. ri-i- O-j 15o Oa. Five Octave M a..'ieji:, Pi-no Ca.-e douVe re.,t l."0 til. Five t.V.ave .i!e v:i. bouMe E.vks.f nr strp ) 23 ,00 The Craan Me!-ie ai liceUs, two Utnij Keys and I' Fa- s - S."i CI. Firri i'rer.our.i awrd.'d v. l-e-ovor ciLil i -c2. l.liij-frsit-i! i-ri-P t-lrcb !..:. et:t t v ni.ui. Cn'prs Pre: vrtlv I .-llr t T.j GKO.V PIMN'i K i'O . l'";Vi; . Y. Oi:o. A. I'illXCK A.CD.. 110 Umc j-t.fiictuo 111.. o::o. a. ru:.cE t"u:uj;ist. s.ruy,' July 7.L. iZZ'J. . , . t .... i I : l . - . 171, TVdlnui Street firtt ro ?r I'.mc Cilio. Hsuss, ! C.VCf.VA'AT'J, Tojlers in Socls, Tr?. S'u-j..-. n 35.Jns : i sie i rru.u, -