Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1859)
THE ADVERTISER, ' PUBLISHED EVERY TEUESDAT ET ;nd Story noadley' Block, Main Street, uRowxriLi.t:, .v. t. TEBMS: one year.!! PiJ ivaDce' " " " 2 ' 1 ' if paid t tbe end of 6 nionlbt 2 " v'.'of or more will be funded t $1 60 per a! provided tLe cart accompauie the order, Lot ie. VOL. IV. If 6 J. - (fs Ay r I ! i 12 1 ! VvVy Ay Ay. .yAyPAyAy , "Free to Form and Regulate ALL their Domestic Institutions in tlieir own way, snfcjec! onlj to tlie Constitution of tic United States." BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1859. THE ADVEIlTJSiii!, rTza or ADvrr.risroj. One iquara (to Uses t,r las) ca ti.r.i .s, 1C i;U u.htioual iusertks, ------- Ot Oae sqaare, one month, - - - -- I.J Biiiaesi Cartliof ;x Lsecrleit, c-tf 7'ir, " - 3C One CXUito oue year, --------- C ) C'j 034-h.i.lf Culuma oce year, - :5CJ One fourta Column one year. ------ 2 ) !o Ou :suti Cvi aiisn one yer, - - - . 15 co Oaecuiuma lix civntis, ;5 t-j Oaj hail Culaaiu .x ni' n'L, --' -;.) c OaaXourtli Coii!a;u ;x i.iuat.1:, - - - - - I ") ( One c.iiia Cul5:ai4 sis !m nU.j, - - - 1 . - j u Oae Ciiuma tli.-ce ttuhi:.. !K Oue half C-jlaoin three nuawl,, t i One fuurta Ciiuma tiifOt?, - , 13 0 Oue:hilj Culumn irce u."r.iL, e i .i ia.:aiCAQUiUj'.efurtdie (iuadvnre ) 5 NO. 14. SIN ESS CARDS. TOHNEY AT LAW, JL1C1T0R IN CHANCERY AND Ileal Estate A?cnt, BROWN VILLK, X. T. REFEIINCES. ,C.C"!!Ser, Chilli. A',.K.McA.I!uter, Chrle F. toiler, K W FuriiM,li'-'wnvjlI.c'- : - 4 " O. F Like, R. MATHIEU .binet & Wagon-Haker H u q Street, het. Sixth and I Seventy . . - .v;n. m- .ik neat r executed. i ' 1 T W JOHN McUONOUGII use, Sign, & Orn imental Painter, - "rn ue i.ft at M,e Pity Dreg Store, 7TT-NSKV CIl AS. F. HOLLY. KINNEY & HOLLY, TTORNEYS AT LAW, M IIU 1SK 1 CITV, !VT T. llpraoice in the Courts of t'uit Territory. Coec- E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AllCHER, RICHARDSON CO. N. T. I EL practice in tt.e fevora! Court, of tl; 2d Judw al :ict.and attend to all matters connected with i the eshin. VM.McUMAK, Eq., of NebrasVa City, assi-t me in the prosecution of important Suita. t,t. 10. 67-ll-tf O B. HIWETI, C. W. WHEELER, rcbitect and Builder. UroxvTivlllo, N"- MISS MARY TURNER, iLLIHER AND DRESS MAKER, aia Street, one door above Carsons Bank. BROWN VI LL.K N. T. wets and Trimmings always on nana. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Second Street.betwcen Main and Nebraska , BROWXVILLE, N. T. locks, Watches & Jewelry. J. SCHITTZ Wonld anri'junceto thecitifens of Brownville and vicinity tbat be has located himself in liDrown-viile, ndintenli keeping a full assort. vt cverythinp in his lineor biibines, which will ..Id low f.r cash. He will also do all kind of re fine of clocks, watches and jewelry. All work war ted. 3nl81y DR. D. GWIN, Having permanently located in OROWNVJLLE, NEBRASKA, "or the practice' of Medicine and Surgery, ten a his jiroreionnl services to the udicted. See on Main Street. ""23v3 FRNNER FERGUSON, itorncv and Counsellor k.t Law, 3ELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS LY CIU.VCERY. Brownvlllc, Nebraska. . . Will practice In the Courts of Xebraska, and North west Missouri. REFERENCES. Messrs. Crow, McCreary &. Co., Hun. James M. Hughs, Hon. John E. Sheply, " -Hon. James Craig, Hon. Silus Woodonn, Judge A. A. Bradford, s V. Xuckolls. Esq.. Kinney &.Uol!ey, Nebraska City. Cheever Sweet & Co., do . J. Sterling llurttn do Browu & Bennett, Brownviile R. W. Furnas . do Brownviile, K. T. Xov. 18. 165S. St. Louis, Mo. Do Do St. Joseph, Mo. Do Nebraska City, N.T. Do rcn21 FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth ana Fifth. Cincinnati, 0. C. F. CTDRISCOUL & CO " Tanufacturerf and dealcr?in ews,Iookana Job i I Ti.p Printing Presses. Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Descriptor, STEREOTV riSli of all land iiooits,Jias . Patent .Medicine L)irections,Jobs,Wood Eiigrevings, Brand'and Pattern Letters,' various styles, GEORGE EDWARDS, a. n O XI ITECT. FILL Main St LtutoJ Kinney 4 Holly $ ojfice, Nebraska City, ISl.T. f:mh rhn r.mtptnni.ii iiiii-dine can be fnrt'ished i Designs. Pi jns Si-eutic.itions. S.C., for buildii.?!- oi clas or variety .if Ktyle. and the erection of the e iiinerinteniied if do-ired. Frompi aneniion pju oMtic8Rfrom a distance. A. D. KIRK, Attorney at Law, md Acat and Xotary Public. Rulo, Richarhon Co., JV. 7'. T-Vil! practice in the C-.urtfff sist -dXelraska,a II irJin? and llcnnett .!elrasko City. l S. HOLLADAY, M. D. 3rspeia!iy inf jrins his friends In Brownviile and i:e!u! vn.ii.jiy that he has teamed the practice vt redfclnc, Surgery, & Obstetrics, 1 hupes, by strict attention to hU profession, lo receive t ncuerou patronage 1 ra:ofore esteudwd to hlui. In 1 cafes where it Is ijkp'i la ir expedient, a prescription siaennwill be done. Ottie at City Drug Store. Feb. S4,'59. 35 ly BROWNVILLE W B M HttL. JESSE NOEL tt..i .nntAI1 t Vi a ini.mLt nt T.aVfi nii EmmfMon in Xia.iUfS iciiwu VU 1U 1 I V J . v. v v iir.,.-niMiia Cuim S.inr anil firiKt Mill, announces to to the public that he is prepared lo accommodate the citizens of Browuville and. Xemaha County with a su perior quality ot lumber of all kinds. Also with the Grist Mill, to nerve all in that line. The niaiket price at all times paia lor L.og3 ana orn. mi....M v. .. . ; . o xTr.Al r v Ste Fmninrsiin will le 1 l J Wli UU .1 1 ... . ' J .v. u . settled by Henry Lake. All future business conducted by the undersigned. JESSE NOEL. Brownviile, April 7th, iy CITY TRUNK STORE. FAS SETT & CROSSMAN, Manufacturers of Traveling & Packing VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SC. South West corner of Pine and 3d si's, Saint Louis, Mo. Te are now prepared Ik, All all orders jr.l "Utjiin our line r-IHKj, Vlthe most r "ii rTrt 'lirrr and o with promptness anuonioe. reasonable terms. Our stock is complete and all of our own manufacturing. Those in want of articles in our une, (wholesaleor retail) willdo well togive us a call be Kre purchasing elsewhere. A share cf public patron ageia solicited. nl8v3-ly M'NUTT'S ST0E4CII BITTEBS Art en unequalled Tonic and Sto-mccMc a pcxiteiv zr.pcJs.(ible Remedy for general Debility Dyt pcptia, lost of Appetite and all diseatet of the Digestive Vrgam. These Bitters are a sure Preventive of FEVER AND AGUE ! They are prepared from the purest materials by an old and experienced Druggist, and therefore can be relied on. THEY AID DIGESTION! By gently exciting the sybtem Into a healthy action ; are pleasant tothe tate, and also give that vigor to the system that is so essential tohfclta. J3"A wineglass fuli maybe taken two or three times a dy before eating. Prepared only by YV, L.M'NUTT, ST. LOUIS, 3IO. Oct. 23 '53 lS-ly 0KO1V & CLlTO.V, PRODUCE DEALERS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured A rtlcle accu rately flllcd at lowest possible rate. Consignment tor in.-re-niiimneiit resrectullr noliciteU. SUipuients of all kinds will he faithfully attended to. iteierrencea : Messrs. G H Rea ft Co St. Louis B irtlett. McComb &. Co do Gilbert, Miles &. Stannard ' do non. AV H Bufn.i?tcn AuditorS"tate of Missouri J Q Harmon, Esq, Cairn City, III. Messrs Molony, Bro's it Co' New Orleans, Louisiana J V Jackson. L so. , dJ do Messrs Hinkle, Guild & Co, Cincinnati, 0. F Haiumar &. Co do Brandell & Crawford Lomsville, Ky. Woodruff ft Huntington, Mobile, Ala. n.Billinirs, Ksq., Eeard town, III. May 12, 1853 45-Sm 1 SAINT JOSEPH 3 COLLEGE. 57. JOSEPH, MO. 7ILHAM CA2IEI10N. A. II., PrindpaL Completely organized as a first class Female Bnardin nd Hay Scbi. Number limited to 1C5. including S5 "afders. Sci. elastic year commencinc tirst Monday In eptcniber. f or Catalogues, with full particulars, ad re the Principal. August 4th !St9. v4ntf SAVE YOUR MOXEYA.YD GO TO WM. T- DEX, it m sis in, Wholesale and Ke'.ail dealer in ' BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownviile, V. T. HAS NOW OX HANI) a large and well select t t01- ' 'and thoe, Lady't and Gent. ' I ,1 Gaiters and Slippers of every variety; also, VfcMisses and Childreus shoes of every kind that I will t.ell ibeaper for Cash or Produce than any other house west of St. Louis. All work warranted; orders reiectrnilyso!iclted. The Uirbest Cash price paid for niden, Pelts and Furs, kt 'he City Boot and Shoe Store. Cut Leather kept for nie nrowtmue.juncSd, '59. nif- CITY BAKERY, First St., bet. Main and Atlantic, BROWNVILLE, COMFORT & TICE, Itt K renn7Pred tfurnish Bread. Ckes .es, Couf cillery, lee Cream, Lemonade &c. Kt. W. C. COMPOKT, wvi:i,1Pril?8f.. -tf J0SEl iI T1CE- Bushauan Life and General Zusnrnuco Oo.r U2icec(.r2J an 1 Jule stg.," ST. J OS E J' IF, MO. CHAITERED AT THE LAST PESSIOX OF TftE MO. tEO AntiioHzed Capitol J3,000,000. DIRECTORS: J Tt Jenninsrs. 1. 11. Howard. J. A. Owen. Milton Booth, John Col Lou n.John II. Liken?, M'.II.Peneik, James Kay, N.J. JIcAthan . A. G. Mans Beer. j. u. Jh..M.xud, rrej. N.R.McAsnAN, Sec'y. rR nnw read v to receive application tor Lite, tire I Xtarineani Kiverritks. A cash return of 25 pee cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. LoestT promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to iriAnntmnSof thecCice. arii ifitti.lR57. 41-3m , a TBAKK COCLET. I S SOUTHARD, IR GOULEY CO., (Late Randall, Gouley, &. Co.,) Commission Merchants, C05B OF VIKE AND COMMERCIAL STS. AND JVumler 54, North Levee, St. Louis, 3Ilssourl, GENERAL FORWARDERS, N EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLS., "Patent Metallic Keg" Agency for DuPont's Gunpowder. ALSO Agenlsjor Cropper ? Co's Unadulterated Liquors. July 7.h, 1S63. NEW BOOT c& SHOE First Street opposite Recorder's Office, BROWNVILLE, N. T. TTTC enhtr: '.her wnnlrt resnei;tf nil Intnrm the citliens of Brownviile, and rlclnlty, that he has located here for the purpose of manufacturing Boots and bhoes to order. All persons in want of a superior article will do well to call and leave their measure- Repairing promptly and neatly done. E. GREEN'. Brownviile, July 7, 1S59. vinl-tf O. H. WILCOX. T. w. BEDOR L WILCOX & BEDFORD, DEALERS IX LAND WARRANTS, AND' EASTERN EXCHANGE, Brownxrillo, Ttf". T. Land Warrants Loaned on Time From One Month to Ten Years, Land Warrants Loaned to Pre-emptors; Taxes Paid; Collections made; Rea! Estate Bought and Sold ; Lands Located; and safe Investments made for Eastern Cap italists. All Land Warrants sold by us are guaranted perfect in all mpecis, REFERENCES. Register and Receiver of Land Office at Brownviile, NT! Itecister and Receiver of Land Oftlce at Nebraska City! Register and neceiver ot Laud Office at Omaha. N. T. Saniue! W. Black, Governor of Nebraska, Russell- Maiors & Waddell. Government Tranfporters, Kansa8 and Nebraska; E. K. Willard & Toung. Uankern, ChLca- S: r. irranser Acams. umiEer, cnicaeo, iayior oro s, 76 Wall street N. T. City. Thompson Bro's. Xo 2 'A all street K Y City, ITon Alfred Gilmore, Philadelphia, Pa ; W. S Grant. President Gardiner Ban, Maine; W. .M. Conkcy, President Bank of Chenango, ti. X.; Crane H. Hill Brownviile, Nebraska. The Land Sales take place in Nebraska in July, Au gust and September, when some of the choicest lands in the United States will beoffered forsale.aiid afterwards subject to private entry with Gold or Land Warrants. Brownviile, X. T., July 14, IS59. no l om PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED MELODEGNS, 1TITII DIVIDED SWELL The Best-Toned lived Inxlrument in the world. List of Prices: Four Octave Melcdeon 5" CO Four-and-balf Octave Melodcon CO t.o Five Octave Meldejn 75 00 Five Octave Melodeon, Piano Case, Four stops $10C 00 Five Octave lielodeon. double reed, portable case 130 00 Six Octave Melodeon, Piano Case 130 00 Five Octave ileloden, Piano Case double reed 150 ou Five Octave Melodeon. Double Banks, four stops 200 00 The Oman Melodeon. five sets Reeds, two Banks Keys and Pedal Bass 350 00 First Piemiuin awarded wherever exhibited. Illus trated price circulars sent by mail. Orders promptly x uiea jay GF.O. A PRINCE &. CO-, Buffilo, X. Y. GEO. A. PRINCE 4. CO.. 110 Lake St. , Chicapo, 111. GEO. A. PRINCE &. CO., 67 Fulton St. N. X. City. July 7th. 1S53. J. W. BLISS, Collecting Agent, PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. Particular attention paid to making collections for non-residents. Charges reasonable. Ilcierciices. R. VT. Frame, Postmaster. Tern Wm. E. Pardee, Probate Judpe. Neb. Ciry E E Parker County Clerk, BrowniUe Lyford &. Horn, Souora. Mo. JAMES HOGAN. BLANK BOOK M1M.T1CTUBER. Southeast cr. 2nd nuil Locust St's. ST. LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Books, ma le of the beat paper, ruled to any pattern, and sewed in the n iiaj roed patent mod I.IZK ARIES PERIODICAL.3, MUSIO.&c, borud in any stjle, and at the shortest no'.i e. Having been awarded the Pnnijnin at the list Me chanic's Fair, he feels confident in insuring sati'faction to all who tnv pive hlin a cail. July 22d. 1SC3. lySn4 8. V. IZazrllf nc &, Co., 171, Walnut Street ..tint tioor helovo G.'iion Boute, Dealers In Peei, Trees, Shrubs. R.c, Beddinjt Plant Cut Flowers, Agricultural Iicpieracuts, tjreen and J iel I'r-iU, Uz. vlnl FRUIT TREES. ORNAMENTAL TREES. Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Plants, etc. II ILLS & CO., Agents for A. Falmestock & Sons. TOLEDO NURSERIES, ARE now canvassing Nemaha and Richardsoncounties, Nebraska; and Atchison county, Missouri; receiving orders for Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vinas. Evergreens. &c, Slc They call the attention of Farmers and others de-t-lreing anything in their line to the advantaccs of pur- ohasing supplies at their Nursery. The stoct is com plete and prices as favorable as that of any other Xur- erv anywhere, and all warrantee to be as representee Orders can also be left at the Advertiser office Brown viile, X. T. July 7th, ls59. ISHAM REAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND EEAL ESTATE AGENT 'falls Oity, Richardson County, Nebraska. Wi liree prompt attentl n to all professional busi ness intrusted to his care in Richardson and ailjcinicg counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa pers, tc., c. May 13, 'oH n46-6m ARCADE .'SALOON! aSwIAirT STREET, (Over Seiglo & Greerbaum's Clothing Store,) Brownviile, N T. The proprietor would respectfully inform the pub- lie that he has opened up and established for the re freihineut of the inner man, at the above mentioned place, where all can be acconmdated with the best of Wine and Liqucus, ftnd enjoy the s othin in fluence of the best quality of begars. A first class I'lieltn's Patent Combination Cushion?, with all the moderm improvement?. i also on the premises for the enjoyment of all who dc.iffbt in this gentleman ly and Bcientifio frame. EVAN WOUTHING. September 22d, 1359. n 11-6 in TO OWDH trains . G. S. KjYEPFER, ' Browxivnio, icr. r. Infonna tho public that be is now prepared with all the necessary aptiaratus such as heavy iron jack screwa for moving, raising or lowering buildings cf every description, without injury to ten plastering. His facilities are each, in thb, line that, ho cannot fail to satisfaction. Also Carpenter and Builder? In which bu?ine?s he truita bis exr-ericnre and qualilfcatiLcs are such ai to secure fcr hiin a lilerai pfltronnge. Sept. 22d,1950. nll-tf : " F'OTJISrT). A MEMORANDUM I500K, which tie owner can have by calling at ths office, dcscrilLrg and pajiDg fur this advertisement. - . FLOTJEIIIG HILL! THE undersigned having leased the Steam Flour and Corn Mills lately erected oa the Missouri Eirer at Nemaha City, are now prepared to grind WHEAT OB. CORN "V WITH DISPATCH. Earing one of Clark's Celebrated Flouring Mills, Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac ture 109 sacks of Superfine Flour and grind COO bushels of Com daily. Our building for storing and shipping grain or produce is unsurpassed on the Liver. "We will provide the publio with a Free Ferry at all times. BROWNLEE & TIDWELL. August 11th, 59. n5-3m Pioneer Bookbinder AKD MA-TSTUIhUTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOVvA. WILLIAM F. KITER, oWould respectfully inform the citizens in Western wa and Nebraska that he has opened a first class indery, and the only one ever established in this section of country. Iam now prepared to doall kinds of work pertaining to the business. llarper 8, Graham s.Oodcy ?, Peterson a, Arthur s Bailout, Frank Leslie's, Knickbocker, Wi verly, Hunt's, and Putnam's Magazines. New York Ledger, Ballou's Picto rial. Harper's Weekly, Scien tific American, Yankee Notions, Musical Review, Let lie's Illustrated, Ladies Repository, Ladies Wreath, Atlantic Monthly, Music, Law, Books, and Newspapers, or books of any kind, old or new, bound or r bound in the most approved styles, on ah on notice and low prices. Old family Bibles rebound so as to look and wear equal to new. August 24, 1859. n7-ly Send Four Stamps for a Specimen- of "NEWS FROM HOME."' A Weekly summary of the latest intelligence re ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the British Possessions in every part of the world, and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his tory, Ac, &.c. Tlie "Xcvrs from Home" Will be rerwarded postage free upon receipt of subscription, viz : 2 for one year : $1 tor six months : at) cents tor three months. Fostmasters and newspapers officers are authorized to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par ties getting vp clubs. Address '1UWMJKUVV & VAX Editors and Proprietors, New York. April I4,'5J-ly Caution. TO EDITORS : Publishers of newspapers are re spectfully cautioned not to insert the falsehoods re specting myself, of ay.;png fellow assuming aFreach name, which appeared in several newspapers ot late. Such notices would uot be admitted where be is ktiown. He cannot read nor write, but hires seme one to copy my bill. li. IS. SMI 111, .11. 1J., Proprietor of Smith's Electric Oil. n4ii-tf CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Incorporated by the State of Connecticut. Capital Stock $200,000. With liinre and increasing surnlus ly invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C. WALKLEY, President, JOHN L. BUNCE, Vice President. ELIAS (JILL, Secretary. E. D. DICKEIiM AN, General Agent. DIRECTORS : Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JohnL.Bunco, R.Blodget, .T.A.Butler, E. D. Dhkcrman N.Whcaton," Sam. Coit, Nelson Hollister, James C. Walkley. S. B. Beresford,M D, Consulting Physician. A. S. Uolladay,M D, Medjcal Exn miner. Applications received by R. W. FURNAS. Ag't, n8-tf Brownviile, N. T. A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., MachinktsFouiiders and Engine Builders, Front street West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. Would most respectfully inform theirfriendsand the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Havinz lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage wnicn has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on han : consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description 0 JastiDgs, warrantee 4.0 be well made tncveryparticu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their work in that lin furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop m the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern rrenlmns Awarded At the First JVe6rai Territorial Fair, held at Xtbratla City, on the 2It, 22d and 2Zd of Sept cviler,l$ji. P&EMICMS OS CATTLK. Short Horns, Geo P West: Best 2 year old Dtuham Bull, SS. . Geo P West; Best 1 year old Durham Bull, St 6. . Peleg Redfield ; 2d best 1 year old Durham Bull, S3. J L Armstrong: Best 2 year oU Dur ham Heifer, 88. ... Geo P West: Best 1 year old Durham Heifer, S3. - . John B Bennet : Best 4 year old Dur ham Bull, S10. J N Cowles : Best sacking Calf Durham Bull, 83. Devon s. R W Furnas : Best 2 year old bull, 83. R W Furnas ; best 2 vear old heifer, S3- R W Furnas : beat sucking calf, 85. Native, and cross between native and im proved cattle. 3 L Armstrong: best one-eigth Dur ham cow over 3 years, 85. J L Armstrong: 2d best cow over 3 years, 83. J L Armstrong: best three-fourths bred sucking calf, 82. Russell, Majors & Waddell: best na tive 1 year old heifer, 83. J B Bennet: 2d best fifteen-sixteenths Durham bull calf, SI. Working Oxen and Skers. J H Masters: best yoke of oxen, over 4 years, 85. D M Martin: 2d best, S3. DM Martin: best 10 yoke working oxen, 810. Foreign cattle. DC Gibbs, Clarinda.Iowa: best 1 year old bull, Durham and Devon cross, diplo ma. Harvey Bourn: Best 3 year old Dur ham cow, diploma. Harvey Bourn: best 4 year old Dur ham cow, diploma. Harvey Bourn: best 9 months Durham bull calf, diploma. Harvey Bourn: best 4 months Durham heifer, diploma. Sweepstakes. J B Bennet: best bull over 3 years, a cup of the value of 88. J L Armstrong: best bull calf, 10 months old, a cup of the value of 88. D C Gibbs: best 1 year old bull, a cup of the value of S3. J L Armstrong: best cow over 3 years a cup of the value of S3. J L Armstrong: best heifer over two years, a cup of the value of S8. Geo P VVest: best 1 year old heifer, a cup of the value of 88. Harvey Bourn: best heifer calf, a cup of the value of 88. A. LYFORD. J. T. HOES Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Goods AXD GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, SOOTS, -JSH0323F HATS AND CAPS, A'ails.PlQivs, Stovc3,Furniture, iic BONORA, MO, Apiiith,liia8. 43-t Of all kinds, for saJe at this office, . HOUSES. Blooded Horses. I L Gibbs : best brood mare over four years. 810. A Bow en: best stallion colt over three years, 86. Geo P VVest: best stallion colt over 2 years, 84. Andrew Jason : 2d best stallion colt over 2 years, S2. Robt Hoback : best filly over 2 years, S4. II H Harding : best filly over 3 years, 84. Francis M Cox: best stallion colt over 1 year, 84. J S Morton : best stallion over 4 years old, 810. P J Armstrong: 2d best mare over 4 years, So. J L Combs: 2d best filly 2 years, 82. Edward Platner: 2d best stallion colt over 1 year old. 82. S F Hail: 2d best stallion colt over 3 years, 83. Geldings and Mares. W W Hackney : best mare for light harness, 85. Davis & Teese: best gelding for light harness. So. William Garrison: 2d best gelding for light harness, So. T J Armstrong: 2d best mare for light harness, 82. Rhoda A Davis: best gelding for sad dle. S2. Emmet Nuckolls: best mare for sad dle. 85. Watson Black : 2d best mare for sad die, S3. - Horses of all -work. Pe'.e Redfield : l est brood mare and ; fnnl hv the sioe. S10. 1 ' . s11 .1 1 fHff II Blioberts: za Dest orooa mare, co. Edward Frazier: best celdincr, So. Edward Frazier: best stallion over 4 years, 815. Draught Horses. JohnCasseli: best mare for , draught nver 4 vears. S5. J S Morton : best stallion for draught over 4 years, S10. Match Horses. George Glines: best pair matched hor ses, S10. -aboc : best pair matched colts, di ploma. Mules and JacliS. l Wedge: best psirof mules 3 years old and over, .S15. Horses from other Territories or States- Harvey Bourn: best brocd mare, diplo ma. ' '"'-' J McCoy : best span matched horses, diploma. A H Green : best gelJiog, diploma. SUEEP. Peleg Redfield: best pen cf 5 year old ewe?, 84. Pelfg Redfield: best fat sheep over 2 years, S2. Peleg Redfield : best buck over 2 years S4. J S Morton: best Suffolk boar 1 year old 85. Best sow 6 months old, S4. Best breeding sow over 2 years, 85. John Swan: best boar 6 months S4. FARM IMPLEMENTS. HCWoolph: best spring wagon for marketing, diploma. Peleg Reddeld: be3t corn planter, dip. Richard Justice: best mowing ma chine, dip. J H Masters: best bee hive, dip. WOOL. Peleg Redfield : best fleece fine wool, dip. Best fleece coarse wool, dip. FLOUR. Z Vanier & Bro : best sack of winter wheat flour, dip. Best sack of spring wheafflour, dip. Brownlee and Sidwell: 2d best sackef spring wheat flour, dip. John G Melvin: best Rio Grande wheat flour, dip. Native Vt'ine. C R Oltoway: best native wim-, dip. II B Strong : 2d best nativo win-., dip. !i-3w- BUTTER, BREAD, SCC. Mrs R L Fay: best lot of butter in rolls, S3. Mrs. H P Strong: best lot of butter in firken, 83. Mrs H E Hilh : pan of best rucks, dip. Mrs G Melvin: best salt rising bread, dip. MrsJM'Cann: best cheese under 1 year old, S3. J II Master: best 101b3 honey, S2. Peleg Redfield: 2d best, SI. Mrs. A Majors: best grape jelly, dip. Mrs H H Harding: best plum jelly, dip. Mrs J Anderson: best apple melon butter, dip. Mrs H H Harding: tomato catsup, dip. Mrs J H Masters: best fresh tomatoes in bottles, dip. Best fresh rhubard in bottles, dip. Mrs II E Hills: best plum butter, dip. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Mrs E B Hizsrins : best ladies collar crotchet work, dip. Mrs G G Gillet: best pair lamp mats, dip. MrsE S Arnold: best table mats, dip. Miss C Gibbs: best infants net shirt, dip. Miss Lnia Raisin: best embroidered shawl, dip. Mrs J S Carr : best hearth ruggs, dip Mrs Alia Morton : best worked slip pers, dip. Mrs L Arnold : best stoal covers, dip. Mrs. HE Hills: best leather worked picture frame, dip. Mrs E B Higgins : best landscape painting, dip. Mrs W RAdlnns: best red quilt, dip. MrsG G Gillett: 2d best red quilt, dip. Mrs J W Swan: 3d best red quilt, dip. Mrs John Closse : best two coverlets, dip. Best pair of blankets, dip. Mrs G G Gillett : best flannel, S4. Best counterpane, dip. Mrs H P Strong: best pair woolen hese, dip. Best pair cotton hose, dip. Mrs John Closser: 2d best pair cotton hose, dip. Mrs H B Strong: best embroidery on cotton, dip. Miss Julia Golloway : pencil landscape dip. Miss Gillett: best crayon sketch, dip. Mrs E B Higgins : best feather flow ers, dip. Cabinet Ware. Albert Theis : best dressing bureau, dip. Aug. Gerhart : best portable writing desk, dip. Fred Clark : best fancy stand, dip. A McAsland : best Platte River cedar newal post, dip. HARDWARE. D B McMechan: best case of cutlery, dip. T Creed : best pair horse shoes, dip. FRUIT. Teaches. W H Lowe : best specimen of seedling variety. So. J H Masters: 2d best specimen of seedling variety, SI. Watermelons. Peleg Redfield : belt six specimi3ns,S2 Muskmelont. Peleg Redfield: best six specimens, SI. HORTICULTURAL. M Allen: greatest variety of flowers, dip. J H Masters: greatest variety cf dah '" dia. Greatest variety of roses, dip. Greatest variety of vef3- dlP collection china astus, dip. Best collec tion green and hot-house plants, diploma. Sist pair round roquetta, dip. Best pair petunias, dip. VEGETABLES. J II Mnsters: best six heads cz er.Sl. , , P Redfield : host turnips, SI- P Redfield: best carols, 81. J II Masters : lest b?ets, SI. J II Masters: best cnicas, dip!;:na. ' A EMcCcnnell: lest 12cablu-, 1. Peleg Redfield: best peck turr.atoos, SI. J II Masters: best eggplants, ch. M Allen: best peck sweet potato, 81. Peleg Redfield : test 3 squashes, 31. ' Joel Draper : lima beans, SI.. Peleg Redfield: test white leans, SI. Pel?g Redfkdd: largest pumpkin, SI. Pel. 'g Redfield : be;t 12 ears sweet" corn, SI. - . : . Peleg Redfield : beU half bushel talis . potatoes, SI. '.; M Allen : 2d lest Irish potato?, dip. , John Closser : best variety of vegeta bles, 85. . , GRAIN. John McCann : best sample of wheat, S3. ' " - Peleg Redfield: best Indian corn, "S3. . T II Dunbar: best oats, S3. J B Bennet: best variety cf seed corn, upland, SI. LADIES RIDING AND DRIVING.. Rid in r, . ' Mrs A M Barn3 : be;t ecuestrianihip, gold watch worth S50. . . Mrs D Whitin-jer : 2d best equestrian- ship, Lady's saddle and bridle worth S25. " . Driving. Mrs George Glines : lest manager of pair horses in harness, set cf jewelry worth 825. Mrs A M Barns: 2d best manager. oE pair horses in harness, set cf jiwelry, worth SI 5. The Committee on Discretionary Pre-' miums and Awards, report: That they have . examined, with- qj much care as possible, a number of arti cles not included in tho regular premium list, and find several worthy of notice and reward. ; Mrs Elizabeth Coleman exhibited "cna . worsted embroidered picture" a very fine specimen of skillful "handiwork'. Mr. Peleg Redfield different products cf his garden, including apple pie melons, California citrons, rutabaga, sweet com and pumpkins, common and ne plus ultra ' cucumbers. These products furnish sat isfactory proofs of skillful and well dir ected industry, and affords additional cvi-" dence of the already established fact that" the invincible soil of Nebraska is as -a ' rious in capacity as it is prolific and- rich in production. -: Mr. James Anderson exhibited an ex cellent quality of butter, made from app Us pie melons. .It bears som3 resemblance to peach butter, and is delicious in flavor. One solid limestone gate-post, cut and finished by Mr. George Clinton, is entitl ed to especial notice and commendation. The material wa3 procured from hi3 cv cellent and inexhaustible quarry, within six miles of Nebraska City. A fine saddle mule, of srr.all r.ze, but pos?essing great powers cf was placed on exhibition ly McCall Rasia It attracted general and favorall? notice. Messrs. Davi? & Teeso's lay retlting, Ben. Bolt, was the fastest trotting nag exhibited. The Committee had the rleasuro uf taking reliable testimony oa the claim .of Judge II C Wolph, cf Cass cemtv. to tho "best cultivated farm of 40 acres." Thi " evidence wa3 very satisfactory, and fully justifies a favorable report. We do. not pretend to enu.nerate the good points of. this excellent farm, but we canoe?, omit to mention that fine fencinrr and plowing, and "constant attention to keeping out all kinds of weeds," were some few of th evidences furnished by Jud::e Wolph hi' favor of his claim to "the best cultivated farm." To each one of the persons named, wo recommend that a suitable diploma should . be awarded. In closing their report, your Committee beg leaveto say. that this first Territorial Fair of Nebraska, though not a complete success, i3 far from a failure. Taking all things into consideraticn, it is a marvel that we have done half so well. Tha Territory i3 but a little more than five years old. Daring the first half cf her existence, she was exposed to the prevail ing epidemic cf wild and insane specula- . tion; and for the lasttwo years : ehe-hm suffered under the prostration censeq-ent upon a long run of financial dissipation and folly. But instead of yielding to the almost fatal effect3 of low times after " high times, the people cf Nebraska betook themselves to their fields:, and forsaking all the delusive schemes of speedy fortune by speculation, followed that never sailing friend, the plough, to prosperity and in- dependence. . This Territorial Fair is a part cf the first fruits. Energy, perseverance, and -the awaiting courage which never sinks, bein to reap their irreat reward. In ev ery element of prosperity, the present exceeds our utmost anticipations. The future is filled with encouragement and promise. " - S. W. Blacs. Cha-rraa'a, R. W. YVL: :r II. II. HRDiso,Stc'y pr--. i The rtan who r.Iat.ted h:-.:- s't. good intention's cn :d, i r - H