Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 06, 1859, Image 4
NEW ARRIVAL! NEW-FIRM AMD NEWGOODSI!! NEW GOODS foe tie aim JOHN A. PONN, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER IK DUY GOODS, GROCERIES, FlRMTinC, IIARDWAUE, Ql'ECXSlVAUE, &.C., BROWNVILE N. T. Having establi.-hed himself t Ibe old etand recent ly occupied by John : Mcpherson, He Is now offering and receiving for sale one of the Largest AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS MERCHA NDISE Ever Brought in this Territory fie bat an extensive and varied assortment if STAPLE AXD FA2VCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family COXMSTIXG OF Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses, Cofie. Wholesale and Retail. Tea, . . ' " Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, . . . Peppers, ' Soda, Salaratus, V 7 " " Ginger, - - Allspice, etc., etc. He has also on hand a large lot of , BEDSTEADS, . TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, SC., C. ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY, (i UEENS WARE, THEODORE HILL, Main Street, 17, Brownville, Nebraska, Has just receired per steamers Sioux City, Ryland. Asi Yilgus, and Hesperian, their ISTJETW STOCK.- or SPRING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. C0XSIST1NG or QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARES CUTLERY, Iron and Nails, HATS & CAPS, oots and lioes, PLOW S. 61CS8ISSfflM0I. Outfitting Goods HATS & CAJPS, - Boots and Shoes. He pledges Lis customers to sell as cheap as any other house in the city, and his goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. HEAVY SHIPMENT OF G E O C E K I E S, . 8. JEJiNISUS. HEN. cm LPS. J. B. JEXXLYGS & CO, . '; P110DUCE AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Second arid Francis Streets, st. josErii, no. The PonI partner f this Ilouje is now below mak ing heavy shipments uf Coffee, 5 Sugar, Molasses, Flour, &c, A large portion f-whicli ill arrive in a few days on Steamers Carrier and Asa Wilcus. Having maie arrangements with one of the best Mills f Si. Lui. for weekly supplies of Choice Brands of Flour, Tlewwilll bJe lo-offer t. retailers and own ram era, at an times, the .JcrY .'.Best ..Flour, 'At the very lowest prices", Every Bnshcl and Sack Warranted They b.-rve aKoon the way from the Eastern Cit cs a large and choice seleotiou of TEAS, FRESH FRUITS, Fresh Oysters, FislirNails, WOODEN WARE, CORDAGE, ... And every Article appertaining to the , - - Grocery liue. All cf which Las been bought at th Lowest Cash Prices, Andthev p'eJc tuemselvesto tell them as low a any Bouse in North Missouri. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of their customers anJ the conimuuitygcneral.y. b ?J. Joseph, Feb. 15, '59 35-ln Office of American Bank- Note Company. J. J. O'SIIAXESSY, Copper Plate & Lithographic Printer Corner of Kandolf b ami Dearborn streets, CHICAGO, ILL. - j.iarj r ,,,niir executed and fent by Label of every kind CgLed or Ens- iniamefoi- tJo dollar, by a new erf -nr choirt't rnnmvinn, tamj'ict vcn j jgiv frrption of poU f'amj'- COX & ROBERT'S FOR THE GOLD MINES, Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. Ju A. ID I IE S ! Call and Examine his SUPERIOR STOCK or Ladies' Dress Goods Of the Very LATEST STYLES. - The. experience he, have had in trade in this city tcarranis him in saying he is confident we can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, PAWNEE, GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILL, April 1st. n40 Brownville House, NEW ARRANGEMENT. WHELE & AITEY, Announce to tLe public that tliey lutve recently pur cbaslaud refitted tbe NEW, POPUIjAB, AND COMMODIOUS HOTEL in BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, known as the Brownville Uout-e, and are now prepared to entertain and aecommtKlate traTellers, sojourners, and day boarders in a f tyle second to no other M'jnt-e in the West. Kvery effort will be made to entertain, please and make comfortable all who may favor the Brownville Uuuse with their patronaoe. Tlie TtTDlo, will at all times be supplied wiib the substantial and delicacies of the seasons, day, and country la wLicb we are located. Tlie Bar, Is well fitted up, anJ supplied with the choicest Hi uors tobt?foll!Kl. THe Livery. Arrangements have beeu made with Win. Kuiscil, pr prictorwf the City Liver Stable, who is prepared with as good accommodations as can be found anywhere. ilr. It. also keeps an excellent Livery Stable for the aoimuodatiou ol the public. WIIEELEllfcBAIXET. April 1st, 1859, 40-ly ED. IV. MOORE, General Steamboat Agent, F0RWARD1G COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. Goods sold o CoiumiM-n n ailpr.mpt returns made. Particular attention given to receiving, StoriufnJ For warding all kinds of freight and produce. Cfiiceon the Levee. Storekonse in the same block with Kearney TTotel. Itefer to the ilerchants of Xebraka City; Fife & Michael St L-.'uislIo: I Harper & Scuder St.Touis: John A.. Warden " I Joseph Mclutyre ' Sl ake f.r.l, Kitmey&.Ctt'' ( Barckljy, Dinklefc Co " Apr ISiS v2-li-Iy 1118:11 Ctlll, Made by Hingland & Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE above named machines are unfiucstionably the most simple, cheap and durable c-fferea for sale. Tiiey Thresh aLd Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This machine received the first premium at the last Fair cf the St. Louis Agricultural and Metliar.ioal Asso ciation, for being the UKST FOURIlOEaE TURESHEIl AND CLEAXLK exhibition. It having threshed and cleaned more Wheat, In a better style, in a given time, than any other four horse .Machine on the ground. Our Lever Cabin Horte Pover was awarded at the same fair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. We are this season prepared to furnish these machines with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the workmanship and material shall not be excelled by any other made. We sell them w ith lever or end le?s chain horse pwwer, as preferred. Orders tiled promptly. J. XI. aiAxxra PATENT COMBINED MOWER AND REAPER. MADE BY Kingslands 8c Ferguscn, ST. LOUIS, MO. WE are this season prepared to fnrnih this widely known and justly popular la:ihlne with all the new and valuable improvements, and maile in a style certain to place it in advance of all others. Its past success, both as a Reaper and Mower, warrant us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that w ill five perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable tn to fill all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive orders, eotual we may fill tLeni on the day they arc wanted. trl'Orders respectfully solicited. KINGSLANDS & FEnGI'SON, Cor. id and Cherry Sis. St. Louis, Mo. ifav 19 n47-tf In NEMAHA LAND AGENT, SITO'EVOIS & XOTARY l'lULIC, Will select lmds, investigate titles, pay taxes. &.C., cither in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter lands oa commission; invest in town property, buy or sell the same, and will always have on handcorrect plats of townships, counties. &.c, showir.? a 11 lands sub ject to entry, and where desired will furnish parties liv in?in the stiteswith thesame. Being the older-l settler iu the county will in all cases be able to give full and reliable information. Address A- L. Coate, eltherat Brownrilleor Nemaha City, Nebraska Territory. Cm-42-vS SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, Main Street, Broicnville, Nebraska Have just received per steamer White Cloud a Complete Stock o F READY-MADE CLOTHING. Which they will sell for cash a shade cheaper than has ever before been offered iu this market. March 31.1S59 n40 rrj !s T. it rT l-.j . -ig HAW I ISA L &.ST. JOSEPH II. II. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. OX AND AFTER Friday, Apiil 8ih : TRAIN EAST E.ipress Trj.iu leaves St. Joseph Accommodation leaves " Freight leaves ' TRAIN WEST Express Train arrives at St. Joseph Accommodation arrives at Freight arrives at " Freight taken to any pint East, West, lower rates than by any other route. Shippers will please deliver their freight at the Depot tbe day previous to shipping. A LINE OF PACKETS Will run in connection with the Road, above St. Joseph to the Blufls. 6:00 A.M. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 A.M. 10:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 4:00 p.M or South, at STAGE LINES Connect at St. Joseph from all parts of Kansas, Nebras ka aud Western Iowa. Travelers from Nebraska and Western Iowa will find this the Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest Route to all points on the Mississippi river and East. THROUGH TICKETS can be had at tin tike at St. Joseph for nearly all parts of the country. JOSI AII HUNT. Chief Eng. and Supt. T. B. Groat, Gen'I Ticket As't. no45 TK-Regular St. Joseph, and iSiSlb Omaha Packet ST. MARY, BLT WEAVER, Master, CIIAT. SAL1S1URY. WILL leave St. Joseph, every Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, AM; (the connecting Rail Road Train bavin reached St. Jjsrphll -'clock P M ;) for Boston, Iowa Point, Forest City, White Cloud, Rulo, Winnebago. Arago, St. Stephens, BROWNVILLE. Sonora, Linden, Nebraska C'ty, Rxk Bluff, Bethlehem, Plattsinouth, Pacific City, St. Marys, Bellevuc, Council Bluff, and Omaha. Coming up arrives at Brownville on Mondays, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Going down leaves Brownville on Wednesdays 4 o'clock, P. M. Take passengers through to St. Louis in 43 hours via Hannibal snd St. Joseph R. R. Tickets lor sale on the boat for all points East, North and South. CRANE &. HILL, Agents. no46-tf Brownville, N. T. 1859. Missouri River. 1859. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS. zW TJnmilnr Sr. Loins and Sioux City Packet. O M AH A. For Fort Randall, Niobrarah, Sioux City, Dakota, O-na-di, Decatur, DeSoJo. Crescent tity, Florence, Omaha. Council Bluffs, Bellevuc. St Marys, Plattsmoth. Ne braska city, Linden, BROWNVILLE, White Cloud, Iowa Point. Amazoiia, St Joseph, Atchison, Sum ner, Leavenworth, Kansas, Lexington and all points below. 'ip)Civ TnE well and wldly known light ;.-r5f draught freight and uiiexreptionaMe rvp-tf .u.spnL'Pr Ktpjmpr OMAHA, has re- - sumel her regular trips in the above trade (and all intermediate points on the Missouri river) and continue them punctually aud regularly through the entire s'.ason The Omaha having undergone a thorough renovation, b'.'tu insiiie and outside, expressly for the above trai'e, is now in the most perfect and complete order in every department : and we trust by a strict attention to busi ness the wants of shippers and comfort of passengers to merit a continuance of the very liberal patronage be stowed upon lis in past seasons. ANDREW WINELaND, Master J JZWETT "Wilcox, Clerk CRANE &IIILL, Agents, Brownville, X T May 12 no4 rJEJjiH Regular St. Joseph, and M4 Omihn. P;if-kpf. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, WM GRAY, Master. J A STEVENS, Clerk. "WILL leave St. Joseph every Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock, AM; (the connecting Rail Road Train having reached St. Joseph 11 P.M.) for Boston, Iowa Point, Forest City, WhiteCloud, Knlo, Winnebago.Arago. St. Stephens. BROWNVILLE, Sonora, Linden, Nebraska City, R.k Bluff, BelblPhhem. Plattsmouth. Pacific City, St. Marj, Bellvuc, C unci I Bluffs and Omaha. Comirgup arrives at Brownville on Thursdays, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Going down leaves Brownville on Saturdays 4 o'clock, P. M. Take passengers through to St. Louis in 43 hoars via Tlannibal it St Joseph It It Tiikets for sale on theloat forall points East, North and South. CRANE &. HILL, Agents, no4S-tf Brownville. N. T. HEDGE FENCING. The undersigned having had considerable cxperi nee in planting and cultivating Osage Orange Hclges, here by inform the public that they are now prepared to ctn tract either planting, setting them out, or growing c.l cultivating the fene ctnilete. Growing hedges of their planting can be seen on the farms of S. W Ken nedv, g. Crew, J. Skeen ! otbers in this county V. C Sc T. X. ANDERS. Sept.2, lOtf. That Great Remedy, SO tOXC SOl'GHT, Is 2ro-txzxc3. .At Zjast! This remedy, claimed by the medical pn.'f'!'iou aivd hc multiplied thousands that have u.-ed it and tested its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest discovery in medical science, and natnrc's own remedy, is the result of years of toil and study, by one of O'.iio's favorite physicians, ia order to produce something that would meet the wishes of anflVring humanity, and thou sands from the princely palace aud humblest cottage cau testify to the immediate relief found by its use. For want of space we only offer a few of the many evi dences in its favor. Moli"E, If L., Feb. 19, 1S67. MESSRS. S. K. MANN &. CO We bud your Ague balsam superior to any remedy in our market for the permanent cure of all malarious diseases. We cheer fully recommend it as Worthy that great name it has wherever sold and nsed. Very Truly l'ours, RICHARDS &. THOMAS. To the sefferers from Chills, Fever and Agne. I cheer fully t-ubmit the following; Having observed closely the effects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam iu this vitality for the past three years, I am well pleased w ith its re medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I have fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From my intimateknow ledgeof this Compound 1 recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. N. E. IIACKEDOM, M D. Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, lSoS. ELfFTOJf , Tn.l.. May 17, 1S5S. MESSRS. S. K MANN it CO. Having wld your Bal sam for the past three years to scores of persons in this vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do r.ot hesitate in saving, we believe it tbe best remedy ever sold in Indiaua, and wiil effectually cure chills fever and will effectually cure chills, feverandaguewithout fail. Truly Voura, P1IILL1MAN i. KEARNS, Drug'ts. Logasspojit, In1., Sep. 13, IS56. DR. MANN Please send me one half gros more of your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand, and may be truly styled the King of Fever M.a A rue. J. LTTLE. ST. LOVIS, March 1st, 1S63. MESSRS. S K MANN & CO Wc have so d a large amount cf your Asnte Balsam the past three years, and find that where introduced and sold it lias no equal in the history cf acne remedies, and from all parts f the west we Lear the6ame chceriug news it never fails tocureits patient and is looked upon in tLis country as the best niedicicinc for chills, fever and ague ever in our market. O. J. WOOD &. CO. S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co. no37 Brownville, N. T. NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred "OP Q "7" 3ES 3 CHRISTIAN UEUSltf. Hi-cm ii vi He, Nebraska. ANNOUNCES to tbe public tbat he h is just re ceived, vcr Steamer Rvlar.d, a very large and well asserted stock of l'arlorand Cook Stores, of new and improved follows: tick's Pattern, Plymouth Hock, Elevated Oven, New E; . olden Era. and every vat iety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japaucd Ware, Brass KeUIes, Lantlieriis, Copper YVaie.Sho tcIs and Tongs. - All of which I pledgo myself to sell ata.sfair rates and on as accommodating tcr ma as any other estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin,Copperand Shcetlron ware, aniaui prepared to put up gutteringand spouting and all other work in my liue, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrautto give satisfaction. I pledge myself uot to bo undersold iu the upper countrv. Brownville September 2, 1S53. tilO-ly BETTER THAN GOLD. To Druggists and Physicians. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey nn aJuate idea of the immense good now being done by i'r. Smith's 'Lhctric Oil," of Philadelphia. I is important to place it in the hands of all medical men as soon as may be, to save pain and suffering, in all e;wes of accident Ac. Nothing has ever done what this arti cle is doing in same time. Piles 3Iore Wonderful Cures Oectrleal Oil. Philadelphia, June . 135S. rr. Smith: I was suffering intensely fn.m intern al Piles ; was given up by two physicians. I was ad vised to try Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. The first application relieved the pain, aid after four appliea ions I was relieved the pain, and after four applications I was entirely cured. Yours, gratefully Mrs. Mart Chittick. 271 Juniper St., two doors above South. From the N. Y. Times, 13. J The Rrsii. Yesterday more than twenty ladies visited Dr. Galutia. li. Smith, at the Troy House some coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. Nervous Pain?, Kheumatism and general derange ments. The "Electric Oil" is already inanife.-ting, tramjuilizing and curative powers upon the afflicted of Troy and vicinity. Call early. Will It Stkike In? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which for a time appears on the surfa-je and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken up and carried out though the circulation ''stri-ics in." Just so Joes this (genuine) Oil act on the ul&or Icnt of the human bcin. nrTf CUKES, it isMILD,Udoes NO 1IAIIM It CAN DO NO HARM. Greatest Cure In The World ! For Toothache or any other Pain, Pit. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit $100 if the Electric Oil fails to cure a single ease of Kheu matism. or pains in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons, stiffnes in the Joints or Neck. Dr. Smith'sEleetrie Oil cures Rheumatism. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Neuralgia Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sw elling. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felons. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Broken Breast. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis. It is soothing and pleasant : it gives more perma nent as well as instant relief thau anything ever b -fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous pain is highly appreciated by mdical men, many of whom have used it. Bead this from Dr. Elkinton. a physician who has practiced since 1S3U (too well known for comment): "At intervals during thirty years past, my wife has been subject to rheumatism of the most violent c ast say four times a year sometimes so severe as to make it necessary to administer large doses of the tincture of guiacumand incrphia, and rock her like an infant in a large rocking chair, to in Juce any re pose. Having frequent correspondence w ith my son i 102 Chesnut street of ycur city) I informed him 1 an attack she had about the middle T last month, (January ), which was of such severity as to com pletely paralyze tbe system. He, in b i.s anxiety for his mother's welfare, sent me a bottle cf your Electric Oil, but as J am one of the practioner? of medicine in our place'. and not a proselyte to any kind of patent j medicine, l a.U uestiaie i give u a tnai : nowever, on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and $25SEWIIIG HACHETE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted tlie best in tlie World. Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, an.l em broider with perfection, ami will sew every kir.'i of goods, even leather, ami especially adapted tor family use. Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn ia one hour to u '.t successfully. We have a number of references, but will give only tbe names of a few, whj are anion;; tbe lirst fam ilies, to wit : We, the undersipned citizens of St. Loms.havinjr la tely purchased one of Raymond' Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, and ut-e it sux-essful!y on differ ent kincs of work, in our families' service, do cheerful ly recommend it to all persons as a I- amtly ii.icince : 31rs. P A-Ueflett J Clemen J as A II Lampton 1) B(;ie H BTcnnisou J A Hale K Tillman K J Stevens Machines without tables, as hand Machines, with one needle and two spools or thread on the machii e, are $-5 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &.c, $33. Needles $1 per dozen. t'ompletepriuted directions will be sent with every machine. These machines take the same st:tcu as the Grover and liaker. letters of inquiry answered except an extra post age stamp is enclosed. Machines warranted, and may be returned in thirty days if not satisfactory. Xo machines delivered until paid for. All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. X. JJ. Asents wanted for every town in the South and wet, to whom a liberal discount will be piven. Address KDW1X CLARK, Xo. 82 Xorth Fourth street St. Louis, Mo. r 10-3m Mrs J Jewett Wilcox Jose Coffran L Mary Livermore K R Wuorf M R Williams 1R Arbuckie II M Blossom J. T. IIOKX A. LYFORD. Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in lOsrsr Goods AUD GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Xalls.IMovrs, Stoves,FuriiIture, &c SONORA, MO April 9th, 1S5S. Scott S. Uro Brown Goddix & Co W L Kwino it co John II Hall iv. to Siiapldigu Day it co after ;hc third an I fourth application shs became 1 rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was used not a vestage of the disease remained, and .-he still continues weLI, although she rode out a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal of any cf tlie snipt"ms. 1 therefore felt it my duty.fnr the sake of iufi'cringhumanity, to forward this testimonial. I sin yours truly. JOSEPH P. ELKINTON, M. D. .. 43-t BEARD & BROTHER, rnoritiETOF.s of the 332S:CEljSIOPt SAFE AND SCALE WORK SALYT LOUIS, .MO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, Sec. The recent test of Safes of the different Manufactures iu the GREAT i'lRK of the City Buildings, in which the Kxcelsior triumphed over ail others, fully c:-tabii:-h-es the superiority of the Kxcclsior Sjfe, which merits the coil tid'c nee of all intercr-tcd iu Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Kxcclsior being the only saTe after being in the fire for ninety hours, and t;il;in ont red hot, that s.ncd the Books aud l'apers, while a lare number of the others, in the tire but a short tune, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the ncces.-ity of examining their sfes, and tho.-e purcha-inr to be sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe bavins stood the test and come ont victorious, we pledge ouselvcs to manufacture none but such as can be relied on, and refer to lie following Certificate. We, the nndcrsigded, tate pleasure in ceitifyii.R to the successful test beard ft Brother's Kxce!.-ior tire proof Sates weresnbmitted to in the burning of the City UuiMin?:?, r!.e .:;i; of Xo ember, 1S55. rn.l are jus tilied in recom mending them to ail who need .-afes. Hall & Smith ErY jamison & Co Charles Blow & Co Samvdl McCarimjt Partridge & co Jpsyfh Kludr Humphreys Ti'TTSt Tf'jrv, John s tho.mason Run yax IIillmax & Bbos Bastij Wile y Bastd Tillan Roziet &.CO MC.MEHANJt BALLANTIXE, Von Phil waters 6i to I) A January & co Babsabd Adams &. co THE EXCELSIOR Took the Premium over the best Eastern ilanufactu1 e at the Statel'air, iu S.tiut Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be diual to any in the I'nited States. Also manufacturers of Ughtnin? It oils, of Best quality, and PTJjMPS of all DescriDtions. BKAllD BltO., Xo. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mn. Jtil-22.nS.3. Iyv3n4 A. 15. IIOLLABIKD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, 1 tont street West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. "T7"ould most respectfully inform theirfriendsand V the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in thcirline. w ith prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and w ith the increased facilities they now orses,t hey hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly oi ban': consisting of the rash, Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill, Gears and etery description of jastiiigs,warrantedto be well ma le in everyparticu lar. They have also a RoilerYard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee ail work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to Work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in tbe country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern GREAT WONDER OF THE ast.i:tcextii cextry Professor Wood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St. Louis, Democrat: Below, we publish a letter to Dr. V,d, of t in city, from a pent ;eman in M line, which spek frl.. windy of the superinr merits if bis hair tonic. Such evidence ni-.tst have its etiect, when coinii! from a reliable source. If certificates are mirtr.mtccK of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor Uifiess puncry from the press : 'Bath, MaIxe, Jan 23, 1S53. Vrof. 0. J. f- Cu gentlemen: Havini my attention called a few nii-iiihs si:it e to the highly beneticia! efiects or your hair re.-t. rative, 1 was ind'vt-d to niake .ip'ii'aii..ii of it u;iii niycwiibiir. which Lad liecome rpii'e Cray, probably one-ihird w hite ; my whiskers were of the same charac ter. Swine three months siiko I procured a bitticol h.iir restorative, and used it. I so:i found it was prov ing w hat I had wished. 1 ucd it alniut i ice a week. 1 have since procured another bottle, of which 1 have ued sone. 1 call now certify to the world that the erav .r wl,i:c hair has totally disappeared, on n.y head and gace, and my hair has resU'ued its original color, ai d I am now sixty years o'd my rod wife at the age of tit-ty-fwu, has used it with the .-amc cfiect. The above notice 1 :cem due to you for ymir valuable discovery. 1 am assured that whoever will riftbtly u-e as per directions, will m t have occasion to contradict my statements. 1 am a citizen td this city and a rcideiit here for tbe last fifteen years, and am known t.i nearly every ouc litre and adjoining towns Any u.-e j on m iy make't tl.e above, with my name attached, is at your service, as i wish to preseyve the beauties o5 nature in others s well as myself. 1 am. trulv voiir-. A. C. KAYjIOM). Relieve and Avoid Pain. Tain is the penalty for violated law, yet in G;h1" Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of a vindictive cruelty. "Were there no pain from a burn we would be liable to lose eur limbs and not know it. tiie and not cognizant of our situation. Thank God for tain if not well, that jvu may dis cover a remedy to get SPEEDY IiELJEF, and be careful i'l the future. Facts are stubborn, and ifvru hare a limb swollen from GOUT, INFLAMATORY BHF.U.MATISM, a HAD SPRAIN, a PURN, a long growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon know if if relieved, without the aid of imagination. rrTLt pub!i arc respectfully cautioned to be ware of SPL'KtOUS OIL. andt ntti -e the name of -A. K. SMITH' an J 'GALUTIA DSMITU,"on tbe label. "A. E. SMITH" is also blown in the glass of 3 size?. The largest bottles may be had at j fur six bottles. rSTXartje bottles are ten times the cheapest. Western De:ot and Manufactory at the Ware house of VAN I.E Alt. r.RITTAIN k HARDY. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo. To wlitiu all orders must be addressed. n-lS-tf WI11TINGR A WARREN, Wholesale Ant, Nebraska City. Baltimoxe. Jan. 23, 1S.V. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having had the tni-ifor-tnnc to I i..-v the bet iorti.ii of my hair, from the cf. lectsof the Yellow Kever in Xcw Orleans in ljjji. j WJS induced to make e trial of your preparation, and found it to euswer at. the c.-ytLins neeled. ily hair is now thiik and slossy, and no words can express my obligation to you ih giving to the a21ctci siuh a treasure. K1XLKY JOHNSON". The nndersi;metl, Itev. J. K, Brasi, is a mini-ier in in regular stat.ilins, and pastor i.f the t )rtb d-.. C hurch at Uroi krield, .Ma.-s. He is a gentleman of a-eat inriu cuce and universally beloved. v.M. DVKR. BROOriELD. Jarniary 12, lS"f. Prof esor tTot Dear Sir: Having made trial f your Hair Restorative, it pives me pleasure to say, that its eiTet has been excellent iu removing inflar.m.ation. daiidrutf" and a constant tendency to itching w ilh which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also re stored my hair, w hich was becoming gray, to its original color. 1 have used co other article with anj iLins like pleasure . r or pn fit. Tours truly, j. k. BltAtlf?. The Restorative is put up in bottles of :.:ne s.zes, viz: 1 'fge. mclium anil small; the small ones hold a half pint each, and retails for one dollar per lot tie; the medium holds at least twenty per cent mrein propor tion than the small, retails b-rtwo dollars n bottle; the large holds a quart' forty per cent more in proportion, aud retails for three dollars a bottle. O. .f. TTt)l) c to.' PYoprreiors, 312 Broadway. New York, iu the great New Yoru Wire Hailii.g estubiish ment and 11 Market St.. St. Inis Mo. . Sold by J. 11. MAUX it Co., Brownville. X'. T. Patent Portable Mill, TUE subscribers have entered into a partnership t1,i firm of lieed, IIo!ibird A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Keel, 1'atent Iortable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnuh all those in want of a good Corn or AV heatill that for dcra bility.simplicty and economy ; excel any i.ill in the world. On the late canioiiion i mo jh-iuu.! institute in Cincinnati, a Gold JlzJal was awarded themforit. - It is adapted to all Graun -rindinpurpose?; it is suoericrty all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill,asitis fwrgrin Jinj tho farmersfeed by Uor3e power. TheaWve Millsare ninnafactnrcl by the nrder- sincd at theirshop in Cincinnati, (., where they jon be furnisnedin anyquantity atfnort notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 35 in. diaui., per hour 51) B. Corn, 25 Wheat, f 300 ,50 " " " 311 " 15 250 2i " " " 20 " 13 " 200 20 " " " " 10 " 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it 5s unnecessary to e from our numerou?recommendations. received. Brownville Steam Ferry ! jglI3i.ST CK0SSLNG MISSOURI RIVER. The Itoute from Brownville to Ft. Kearne7, and from thence to California, is the nearest and most practicable. JOIIX CODINGTON & CO. ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are now running ns a Ferry across the Missouri airer at An entirely neve, ntl'stantial and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which ar-angccenl will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or for the purpose of gaining enstoin merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri Itivcr in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Prownville to Fort Kearney and from thenee to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country: and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, r.s well as that of hundreds of others who haro traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing androute holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, aud solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and spcedyerossing, our charges are the same a? other Ferries in Nebraska, all beicg regulated by Legisla tive enactment. J57licc .licet that with our facilities c f Tower, no kinds of weather will prevent our Uoats from making rcgufar trips atall hours. 2f A skilTand hanl will be in readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. n20 November llth,lS57. InEBKASKA IITY Znsumnco Company. Capital Stock 30,000. MliliASKA CITY, X. T. ' VICTORIOUS OVE3 pCr BRiGG'S ARCTIC j. V" - i--1e - ; k, x or Jirf Ibr j,M-,t .1H )hlji, ' ;"":r,K,;;-r iL-i-n-" and t.,.,. .. ' 111,' ITT Slfi.l 4, "?!,. iioin of r i-r,i..!i, m,' lid.. 5--,.r: 1 in tion of the cm!:.! -!. . . r - rV7 x;:.;iis a-t..i..-l.i:...t. '' THE AFFLICTED lLEJ0itL UI MID; .niT:;.,,-,... l.;i t!.l ,U Tir! .' rrj..k-i.r in (-.!, lm--"ri I'AIN ,i "t Which otn.-r irnol ., ,,. , to rnr. ir.T i. r', .! . ! liiiis, nh t:ii, r. t2 THE ARCTIC Ijj . t iT..r.l to, i.,,. Ever W!j ii i;a;P l(J' "t For ll..P i'tf-a."f. t :'. A, 9' '.ir from -a:!,. i ik! trsi. kT i:- li iluij,,,! "j r:il' mij ii i ti,.,i . s f-l that HM-arnoin. ' I thfir 1 ,!:....!.! . . ,lr I 4 . U.-i-A lal:r.y pain c.i,:r. T.,-. s-.:?.. i THE H0THERS' COHPAT '" It cons r.Kl' IV MtKAST. m.i:k :r. i u s, ? iiiM'n' rrilllS Company, under a liberal charter, is now L fully organized, and theircntirecapita! stock cf Viy Thou a ad JJollnrs. paid in andsecurf d. They arc prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take ri;ks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual patrons", without incurring any liability, share in the profits of tbecompany. The operations of the Company, will be confined, fortbc present, to makine, or cakjo risks, with a maximumliability of $12,00 on any one bottom. lleing the only Insurance OEice, on tbeabovc ljp ularplan, AVcst of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a gencrou -upporf from Western Merchants. Wc respectfully iavite the Missouri Itivcr pa- rouage. DIHECTOr.5: S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F.Ho:iy, H.P.l'ennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. N.LIinchman, Miles W.Brown, A. A. Bradford. OFtU EKS : CH AS. F. HOLLY, President. J. Gars;ie, Sec'j. S t . Lou is A gen t Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 421- - - -r -VI f '! '""o iil'.r l , It-iiS .U!!.!,.n.J.: r-'fiT rrs',u,-,, ooul.i ;i d-''fl' '' ' - 'eM. tl.pS.-M ,B J.J. It il er-!l n: ir tin. lf-arnce. It is GOOD TOR MAN AIT D BEAST. i For lale r all n pecUb Prices of tli Uniiiwrt, tie. A ooe-!ollur bottle eiht tenty Ue ceul txtt It is A vovrrf :k-n jn.!t 5 1!n i.irim.s ' ci-.t-m V,- uirli 1 frHfar"-ili c'.i-J in? tin n iniiv.'o.f, f M:t lh M'ir.VINs, sn; ii.J i. w-ii m.s Mpni f.MVJ.KNV.H-AVIN 1: .'. lo.vp. l.'i;-iik.i. : LVH, Ac. .Vo stu'lc k'-'t'fHT. or. ii ti v j-. j nitif :ilmllt UyU.-i.s llo rvinii' v. . ,' ecu I. r') c-nt-kih! II V ci'U'aiuk u-t juiucli Kuiiuruia 1c B. F. T.rSHBACGH. JJO. I. CARSO? LU5HBAUGH & CARSON, HANKERS AND GENERAL LASD AGENTS, Dealers in Coin, recurrent Money, KxAantre n. Land VTarrants, EHOWNVU.LE. NEMAHA CO.. X. T. E.-recial attention le v'cn to Buvins ami 5.?llinf! Kxchunseon tlie pri:icii;il cities f tbe L"nitel Ma'cs. Gold. Silver, and unenrrent Pjnk X-tes. A constant sr.j ply of L;inil M'arrautsoa hanllor sale, roa cash, or c:i tereloti tii?ie for Pre-cmptors. All Warrants s. M f.y us ci:r.mtielin eveiy ret.ect. Will file Declarator -State-;nent of intcMi' n to rire-emrt, anl prepare Pre-C'1'i ii..r. Papers at ?liort notice. Money lua'iel iifm bet ei uri ties, at western rate of luterest. and iuvestroeutr. m . le in Laiuls or city propr:y fr Ji.-tant cspttalits. Cl Sec tions uion all c uviMiicnt int will he promptly at teml C'l to an. I is rcinitteil ::i exchange, at current ra:ei. Uills of ExcUamre on Kii :l,r.-i, Irt.'.u. I. an-l Frame. .f tair.elat u-ual rates, with o ft of Exchange -n tbe Ka-t a'Mcl. Dep sit-i rcceivcaou Current account anUinterest all'io(i.,n pt- ial iop..-its. OFPlCEMainSt.. near r.S. Land Office. niFLREMTS Lind, T.rother &. Co.. Merchants, McN'auchtoii, Caisouii Co., " Ili-er & White, " your.-', CarM U 3t Bryant, " Jno. TIioiiip-nii MitMin. Col'r.fPort, E. Jt. Piiii'ler in tt'. .Verchinf. M. M. Ye ifcle 6c Co. Xo. 17, Broadway, Win. T. Smith-i.:i F.., Banker, J. T. Stevens. E-t.. Atfv t T.iw. Jno. S i;ailaher. Late 3-1 Aud. L. S. T T,iyl.,r .V Krietli, llaiikers, McClelland, Scrucs it Co. Merchants, Hon. T'uos. G. Pratt. J. W. Geary, Kx-Gov. Kansas, Hon. Jas. O. Car?oii. P. 11. Small. K.-.j., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley. Att'y at Law, Charles Par si ns &. Co. Itunkers, II . C. Xuttis. Co. (Jreene. Weare it, " Doula.-s &. Wats.u, " CI. S.un Ha?:iMet..ii, Att'y at Law. Jui.'ee Tin s. Prry, Pn f. 11. Tntwiler, Oct. 8. '57-v2-i,15-tf Philadelphia. Pa. Baltimore, Mt. Xew V.rk. Wa-hiugton, D. C. " " Chicn?. 111. St. Louis. M. Amiapolis.Md. Pena. Mercer-l urp, Ta llaKe.-i-town, M l. Ke.kt:k, Iwa. Council Bluff " De M-,iLe, ViUloD. " Ka-t on, MJ. Cc.mhtrland MI Havana Alabama. EXTSAOHOIXARY AXXOCXCOOT. ' Kvrv purpliasor of . IH.r Unlilo of MUT.I'l'X. IMCXT n-cei. at lr. I;rf;-' t' l'-", tin lyJt STATES Ji'UtVW.. of Ne-.v Yoik. lor T, Journal U a larsj i"u'ra:d yxi r nmuwr Aa. taiiiin sixt-n p:i,rf, l.-:iutilullv pr.nliu on i,r.,,- si, , p.-pr. and C".l"l nitli iri!r:v:i-l inalt-r In ni tl.riw.lw4 l::nt wri't r of t'..e rnmtrj. Certi r nf uU'V ,a and fali part Millars of t!i nvl mid pi: Lit'ij.t terpri-e. of wLicU tLi ollvr foiiu-s a Jrf, jcc.; each bitl-. An Ai.KNT WAN'T-T in FVFRV T'V.V a-.-l Hr ,,.; BKAliU C ni ItltOU KS, ?t. Iiiil.Mo Xkw YiK (TO k. No z:i li.lo.U Communications should nlwuys M aJJ;exi ta Miu Sold by J. II. MAUN & CO. Brcwnvi'If, X T. . STn.GTIIMG CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER" rpiIE great e-t c?y in the" w.,rld. This conhal d;til:? d T- j i iiis ci rcia. ia g.iui. u y y? a Kerry ic.-Ai jf gfZ fk. If.nlv to myr-el', an- CU 1 Xrl VjY wiih vine of the twt y val'l.ii'.e I'iC'liCa! r- oi-, ; herbs ai.d bark tin a to tl.e mind of man. viz: blind root, b ack ret, iv i i 1 1 l.crrv b irk, yellow d..vk. ' ilaulle h; aril eld er t?"wers. ith rihers, pr l:cii; the us. "-t i 11 fuIliMe remciy f th. Ut Haiti VI i 1 ? t After tak:ri J. C. C111LPS. &. CO. J. B. JEXMM.S. J, B. JENNINGS EXCLUSIVELY Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph .Mo. HAVE jiKl reeicvc.Ily late arrival, at much l.c l. iv the rcg!i!ar rates of frci-ht, .1 J.eavv sti-k of Uric-eries, which La ii; het n purchased at extrem.- ly low prices, will .hi unusua'.lv cheap Tor ca-h c rii ciiu:,y invite buyers to an examination uf our stfnk. 50 hhds newcrcp Sujar, fair to 1 rime, at red uceJ J'lices lflO .-ad;s (1 A ami Kanaka ?i!t .Oii "ols suiwrEne, extra aal extra Cue Flour ('HO sacks ' w 2'l tierces new Iti.-c JnO hf ar..l qr hv.xcs StarCanJIcs InO boxos family S- ap 500 hoses Kio (.'(.n"ce.,l fair to j.rime 50 his crushc-.l ar. 1 jir.v-.lerevl 2i.'l b!. and hf Lis I utter, sodau-ar and wine Crackers 400 ke aorfed XiP.s l.V) coii.-manni'ia,frcm to l)i Indies 75 boxes jwirl Starch ?0 boxes X10 and UlXlZCiass 6C0 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X1 1 window sa.-h 100 sacks new dried Apples 1 CO boxes imperial, gunpowder, younj hyscn and biacK lea 150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy L0 boxes su-irT'.j's and fluai drops 100 whole and hf drum Fijs od boxes layer Kaisens 200 boxes d'lasow imd Virginia Tolacco 100,000 Segars. various brands 150 boxes, nn 125 bis Smoking To' acoo CoOdoien Field's celebrated Ovstcrs ooxes m Aw, i t nua r v LLcose si:wk. t rosior.itn n MflrBlakii:s.e;,Vvl?-rrBr.s OWN REMEDY, curing d;-ea-?i ty n iiinl W'hen takeaits liea;irisinrtiie:Kei- fe'.t t"'-- J llir" s every vein of the I"ly, purify v-t and :i -i 'rrn.m ' circulation of the hi!. It neutral:z'' "T- matter m the stomach, and trenc:'.tii'U :ti? nidation. McLean's Stre."thi-ninrr Cordis.' u-i.7 ef 'dually W Livtr Complain ft D-iinrimin J,mn,tnr. 4 ironic or Nervous Dulihig. Jhseaitn"f tt A'irf i"y. end all ViiCtiifs arisinq fron a ihjordirti Liver or Sio -nch. Heartburn, inward pile, aciditj of i. k--ach, fill !iie.-aif b:-H d tu ihe head, duii pj'' in the bead, palpitations of tli hejrt. I-1 i!)C U-elii when do.w n. C. lc- r j of ihe kiti.(iid e; e, sudJen t;a.-hk "of heat, 1.''' of SpilltS. There is t,o mistake aloit il- Thi Oir.! will nev r fail to onre an? or '.!:? Uisei-es. if taken as pjr u;rectiou uu ta.b Ut-t.-1 Ge.tnan. rne!ih and French. Over half a million of 1ft da Have been sold d'irii IL e .t -ix in . nt'jK. -o' ia-tnve ha"; failed in ivlllreMirc'atl-fa't' thciwi'i r::;f r frcri w c-kness or di-N,..iy -' ' Lcatt's StretitLenir.? O-Ttli-tt will ci!tey.,tt? To the Ladies. Tn yo i wish to to healthy aod :r t - ? Ti '- ' ontcan.i pet sotnef McLeanV CoHUl? f !:' "'' then and i'lvi.ate your bl.d t. C tiir-. :;!i vein, and the rich ro bi.-ui of health to :.i "ii'r cheeiiaf-ain, Jivt.-y butt le warrant cd to .c a',;' lion. For Children We say t . parents, if ci.ildrf c re-K k'T Jiftlicic! with o .np!aiut!i prrval ut ani"i:(i iMa!:'n ' them a mai'. q:ian;i'.y i.f McLeai:- . V raj.idly, because st always cures. I.'jt " d'a' Every Country. M'.rchuht Sh mi not leave tl citr noul he ha 1 " y of 3lcl.en's Stremrthcr. r r. ri.:l -4 di-cnat w:i bo to th.r-e a!i rtoi t.-eif CAL'TIOX He1 are of drusnNr. .r UejUr !" , try lo palm uin n yon t.iue liitt.-r .ir Sar-apafi'-'' ir'J wtiifi they cjii fc.iv he;:r. by t in-' iti" 3 ! srch men. A k I .t McLca:i' Strei'i! aisl take iiothiPR el-e. It U the i-m? "ae' 5 I will purify fie bl 1 IhroL.chouf, J'-J ai the ' ; streincthrn Ihe system. f j t:i.- tblc p..nfn: taken eve-v rir.rrnr; i j preventive f .n h-.lera.cb:)i an.i feve". je ; any p fva!en d!-ea-e. Pace vuly $1 per bottle, cr 6 t..f' t- J U M -I.K.IV, . S..le prof rif tor ' ! I A Is ).. McLean" W caii.'Cfi.I CJPri!iriraI !eri.t on the corner f T'-irJ y"' ; street. Si L:.nis. m . j 3Icrcair Volcanic Oil UniniC"1 j The be?t liniment ir. the -..rid t-rm j Another Iltii-ailuHe lj ! Performed by McLean's Vo'.cjnc Oil Limsi''-'-- " it f or yourselves . Th ru rrj, a b:.o k-i.)i:h. Iivir ? O- ''. I Tenth street, had a 1m. rail le - re i-n ;'. : Le triel v triuiis Li:iiiu-:i. Salves. c no itiv lie despa'red..f ca er beinj ii.le trj.'e aj:nn. becai.-r I.o h.i:'.! to.t bear jny 1' -J f..;: aid br ne i.t : : nf :,-r i s VoKsuic t :- l IT," r" i ; 3 - I I I i lueui ne i s n..w perfectly c ure.1. .,, R'tep.Ti.iti:n. ncnrii!s!:i. prly'. In ."" Mi?nes in the joint cr mn-cl N. fwc: ll.r-at, e.iriche or t oihacbe. kc, yiellti i'-1' m' j tlueiice -f tti wom'eriul Imimeoi. i For h :re and cattle, it an infal!iJ 7.'v:- ! chiles, scratches, crackt-.! heels, laaie ic--. 'f' 4- ii- eriii-cs. swe:iinjs. w..inids. ra't - ,. Woodcmjarc in every variety: Cotton battin- I .v',r'"n "Hrdinsea which auiiaa saro.iia .andle wick, wra,ns yarn hemp twiuc, white fi-h Every cuntrv rwerchan. ,hor,:d oota.n . otomac herring. fresi (josuen butter, cranbenies. Ixa i s V..lcamc Oil Liniment. It sells ri."l ll C I orange , fresh and preserved fruiL-, jellies, pickics lobsters, pej i er sauce, catsup, pepper, allspice, gin-g'-r, currants, prunes, vcrmacilii. macaroni, nuts of arrTiinds. etc etc. 2f"IIides. tieltrie?. beeswax and all oth;rhifls of produce taken in exchange fur pds by J. V. JEXMNUS i Cc. Jan'y 20 lS5J).t3yly if jlm"iraiip A A liberal dicoi:tit nill be m io'c to merchat11 to sell XKAin. TTf"F"r a!e by J II M.-I.FAN. -pr'pric, ,r Th.nt ami Pine streets. St L'.uis, M t. . Cash for Corn. I will n:iy Ca.-U for Corn delivered at l'.rowuville or other sood sliipi'ing p. int j on the Missouri Kivei G. II. WILCOX. B-o-xr.vii'e, K. T. Mret IX, 1S53-SI GENTS DEESS GOODS. JAC015 3IARII0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, BKOVVJCVLLX.E, NEBRASKA. iiesicctiui.yaiiiior.uces to the ponlleuieii of own- tet vilieaud vicinity that he has jut received Li.i tne j-.asi a large slock or very superior gocds and 1, styles. Cloths, Vestings, &c., . Arhi. h he w ill manufacture on very favorable term. Ho natters hiiu-eU that lie understands hi Lumhc thoroughly and ;.il work warranted Coming from hi e. tal.'i-hnieiit. i'lidcbarce as low as .ti,..- . tu this place or ihe vvt. ' 4'v,4lv' A cat Fit Guaranteed. I LIVERY STABLE W.AL ROSSELL. BTlOVrf VILLiC. IV. T. wfit- Aanornccs to .he public that tc i proijrea . i...l.ite:h-se wi-hi'witU Carriace- M-i Vl , , r u'lLer with ummI safe aoisos. Tor cr.tufi rtaii i el line, lie will also Jai J hor.xs by tScu loiilh. yryTZS.?.lS rArORABLE.i . JonelO.Ti8. Utit " J. D II. THOMPSON, Attorney at Ji and i:... :.. ..n ii.. iVxirts .if NrbraK3, ilU county. Ma. . .'f 'lill c " - lias re-.uucU iiis pr ieienal baie-- .. r i