Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 06, 1859, Image 3
T1TADYERTISER tToO AL. jROWKVXLLE, OCT. 6.169. T F.UMS: insdvauc. - - $2 00 f.f"-" '. .. ..ibeendof montbi. S 60 " " f U r -iore will be furnished t $1 60 jer Cl'-i oVlllcd the ocompEit;i the rdcr, not ill y"r'The -Nebraska Advertiser" having h the Urgent circulation of any paper in ff0 Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St. . 5t .josepb. Cincinnati and other Eaat- A,0U'arket where Nebraska merchants pur- frC T will f.nd no better advertising medium Western country -C3 waha "countfTgrlcultaral Fair ' Qjr paper has been delayed until this, Sll.jr(jay, because of cur time being iollv occupied, Thursday and Friday, Dub our County Fair. We have not now ime nr fFace t0 Pcak of llie Fair as merits deserve. Next week we will "ublish the award of premiums, and give r detail the matters connected with Vcmafca County's first effort. Suffice it totay: ihe Fair just closed was a suc ceJ5 beyond the expectations of the post sac?uine. Qui'.e a number were in attendance frwn other counties and from Missouri. Cor. Hues, we were pleased to meet, ladfind participating in the capacity of co.T-mittcman, &x.. luslibaush & Carson. This enterprising Banking firm of this ci.v Ure just moved into their new build ing cn Main street, erected expressly for their purpose. The building is without cojlt the most admirably arranged Bank ing House in Nebraska, or perhaps in ibis western country; open front of the latest style; circular counter, over which is s Lamlsome and artistically executed arch. The main business room is large and con veniently arranged. In the rear are vcreral consultation rooms. In short the shole interior arrangements of the house sre most admirably adapted to the pur poses for which they are used. ( In regard to Messrs. LrsiiBArcn cc Cahsox, we take pleasure in saying that their course as business men evincing of fine business qualifications, gentle manly arid accommodating in their inter course since locating in this city, has ken such as to secure for them the confi dence and respect of all with whom they Lave transacted business in fact all who Iiavd formed their acquaintance. We wiih them a continuance of such success n's they have thus far met with; and further feel that we are doing no more linn justice, when we say to those at a distance,- having business here in their line, that they need have no hesitancy in ciitrustiugit with LrsnnAucii c Carsox. James W. Coleman. It is not our intention, through the columns cf the Advertiser, to say a single word for cr against any of our county candidates. What we here say is in de fence of Mr. Coleman as a citizen mere- intimate acquaintance with Mr. Coleman; tnowing him to be an honest and upright man in every respect, we feel it to be our duty when his character is assailed, to present a statement of facts. We learn that reports arc in circulation in some parts of this county, that Mr. Coleman improperly used funds taken from the counterfeiter Hess, who was ar rested in this vicinity some weeks ago; 5 and further, that Hess was foully dealt with at the suggestion and by aid of Mr. Coleman. Now the facts are, that about the Sth of July last, a counterfeiter by the name of Wm. Hess came into this city, and passed S10 counterfeit money on euch of six of . our linslnpso finiiSPS. Thp discowrv be- --. " - J ' ir.j made, J. W. Coleman and Wm. Hays, as special deputies by Esquire John, were sent in pursuit of Hess. They found and arrested him at Nebraska City. Very prudently, and as is always done, tlipy searched him, finding upon his person S132 30, all of which afterward proved to be genuine, except $10. Coleman and Hays brought Hess to this city, and deli Tered him in charge of the Sheriff, after vhich they had no more to do with him. The enly apology for a jail in this county leing an indifferent thrown aside log cabin, the fellow Hess made his escape tie night after his arrest, stole the ferry inland made for St. Joseph, where he ta$ been since seen, and, in fact, from which poii.t he wrote to Mr. Coleman in reeard to some letters left in his charge. After the escape of Hess, Mr. Cole man look legal advice as to what course to pursue with the funds in his hands. It as unanimously agreed that the money Loul4 be used tirt to redeem the coun : ffeit money passed to various individu- ls in this city, and then pay off costs which otherwise would have been to be r faid ly the county. Mr. Coleman did so as tar as the money went it lacked SO Paying off all costs and redeeming the cunterfeit money and he now has the i receipis fqr every dollar paid out.' 5 As to Hess being foully dealt with .to ary serious extent at least that is all 1 1 fabrication from beginning to end. From t uat we can learn, a few of our citizens, j kiting this fellow to be one of a gang j f ruffians infesting this country, went to j t cabin where he was confined at night, 1 ,0 cain what information they could as confedeiates. Failing to obtain any- definite, they gave him perhaps the j rU end .of a brush pretty freely until j hd confess. With this, even, Mr. C had nothing whatever to do; knew noth ing about it. Hess, in a letter to Mr. Coleman, fully exhonerates him from any connection with his ill-treatment. So far as Mr. Coleman was concerned in this matter, we have given the facts; by which, we repeat, we think we are doing him but justice as a citizen. Accident We regret to announce than an acci dent occurred on the fair ground track, which resulted in the quite severe injuring of our young friends T. W. Bedford and H. M. Atkinson. They were driving a spirited pair of horses on the track that took fright from some cause, ran away, dashing the carriage to pieces against a tree, and severely injuring the occupants above named. We learn from Dr. Hol laday tliat no fears are entertained but what both will very shortly recover the shock. Go to Selgel & Greenbanm's. If you want the finest and cheapes fall or winter coat you ever saw. CALL ON DAVE SEIGEL, and purchase a supply of those extra fine woollen gents' under clothes. AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE can be found a supply of pants of every grade and price. SEIGEL can furnish you with hats, caps, boots, shoes, &c, at remarkably low figures. THE CLOTHING STORE on Main street, can fit you out from head to foot for a smaller sum of money than you have any idea. Agricultural Ball After the Fair closed, the Floral Hall was cleared out, and an impromptu dance for the benefit of the County Society, gotten up. We venture to say a more pleasant and sociable gathering never was known in this county. 'Last week, not having room for all the notices of candidates, we left out, or excluded that which had advertised our dear self for the Probate Judgeship, and we did so because S. Belden has not paid nor never will pay for any favors that he has, or may expect in and through the Journal, and others will, we suppose." Thompson's Colt. VOTE FOIl's.' G. DAILY If you desire Nebraska to be admitted as a State at the coming session of Congress. Which ras It ? Recently we have noticed the name Henry Clay Bean announced both as a po litical speaker, and a trotting stud horse. Which was it here on Wednesday last ? Election Tickets. We have printed, and on hand, tickets of all kinds to furnish candidates or their friends, or can print to order any desired ticket on ten minutes notice. Examine jour Tickets. Look out for scullduggery on election day. These Estabrook supporters are playing desperate games! "Drowning men grasp at straws !" For the Advertiser. Chronicles or Jonathan. CHAPTER III. Now, in the Land of Jonathan, in the province calkd Nebraska, the people had buitded a City ; and they called it Omaha, after the name of the heathtn who had been driven therefrom. 2 And the people of Nebraska, every year for the space of four jcjis, pent men from the City of Oma ha, or that side of the river, to t&e Sanhedrim, at Washing on. 3 And they did get fur Omaha and for tho Coun try round about, iiiUch gold and silver, yea, even lucre than a niiiliou of shekels. 4 For a road, running to the west country from Omaha, they got a hundred thousand shekel; and to coutinue the tame road, eight hundred thousand she kels. 5 And for a road running noith from the River Platte, they got fixty thousand shekels, aijd to bt.i d the Ureat Temple for the Sanhedrim, one hundred thousand bhekels. 6 but the country south of tho River they neglec ted. 7 Now the people who lived in Omaha were very crafty, yea, even ruorc than all the children of Jona than. 8 And they made many presents to the Chief Ru ler of Nebraska, and did bribe and corrupt him with many pieces of silver, an J with parcels of ground, otherwise called Corner Lots. 9 And the chief Kulcr barkened unto their voice, and granted their request, and said the Sanhedrim should meet in Omana, and tho Temple should bo built there. 10 And the children of Jonathan, living in Oma ha, said a hundred thousand shekels of silver is not enough, wo will go in debt, and build a Tempie whoso top shall reach up to Heaven, and we will get us a name, and become great; and our Ci'y shall bo the largest in all the lund of Jonathan ; and the Railroad that tho people :f Jonathan will build, from the gret Sea n tne Last, to the great Sea on the West, even Lota Dan to lie-erheba, shall pais through our City. 11 Moreover, the Children of Jonathan shall pay us fr the niney we spent building our Templo. 12 And it came to pass at one of the Hirelings of the Sanhedrim, certain of the men of Omaha, being vinlfiit, and under the influence ( win, hich bo in interpreted ineaueth Itol-Uut created a tumult, mid fought with the men of ho Sanhedrim. 13 Then waj? the wrath of the people of Nebraska kindled agaiutt Omaha. 14 Hut tho pooplff of Omaha said, behold, is not all Nebraska angry withua? Go t", let us devise some means to turn thtir attention from us, lest tbey rcmuve the Sanhedrim from our City, and re fu to send one of our number every year to Wash ington, and will not let us do just as we please. 15 Is there not in Nebraska divers tribes, chief am-'iig which is the Democratic tribe and the Re publican tribe. (Jo to, let us agitate the people, and bavc the (arty lines drawn, and when the candidates are chosen from the different tribes ono will always be from our side of the river. 16 And then we can always have a counsellor in the Sauhcdriui at Washington. For we will cast our lots for our own man. 17 So meeting! were held at Omaha to organiee the Democratic tribe : and it was also propose4o organize the Republican Tribe. IS liut the people of Nebraska aid i is not good that party lines should be drawn. Il will act brother against brother, and son against father, and son-in-law against father-in-law; it will engender strife, and heart-burning, and tumult. It So the people would not at that time harken to their voice. 20 liut tho next year the crafty men of Omaha, other-wiso called the wire-workers, were more wary, and succeeded ia pulling wih.I over tho eyes ot the Kxiple, and they induced tho Tribes to tnot in con vention, and to choose, each tribe a candidate from aun ng its own men. 21 1 he Democratic Tribe chose one of the Children of Ouiithn, aud the Republican Tribe choose one of the Children of the land on the South of the River Platte. 22 Then was Robert the printer, arid also many others of both the tribes, sorely displeased, and tbcy. said, organizing the Tribes was all folly there was no difference in politics that could possibly affect the people of Nebraska at thxt time either fvr good or for evil. 23 And they ?a id, as for u wc will cast cur lots, with one accrd, for our tieigbbor, even fr Samuel. 24 Then Were the people in Omaha, and the peo ple in the Provinse of Iowa, in a very great strait. 25 And they said j Is it not necessary to our in terests that Experience sent to the Sanhedrim, and that the rop!e of Omaha shall receive mora talents r.f gold and shekels of silver for their Tem ple, and that roads thould made, and that appro priations for Asylums and for Colleges, and for In stitution ;f learning should bo granted north of the River Platte, and thatcountry receive every en couragement ar.d stimuioas to become populr-us and wealthy; s'i that when the children of Jonathan make the Great Railroad from Dan to Be-ersheba, onetimes called the Pacific, it will go through Oma ha and Council bluffs and Central Iowa. 26 For they feared if the Counsellor was ecnt from south Platte, that he would nse his influence to get appropriations for his own section to counter balance those given to the North, and the great rail road Wiull be located In its natural channel, on the south of the River. 27 And the Chief Rulers oTer the land of Jonathan who were called the Administration, were exceed ingly anxious that Experience should tt chosen, for he was their friend. 23 Now Old buck and his friends sent epistles to their friends, and to the officials in Nebraska, and ad vised them what to do. Then did all the officials suddenly profess to be friends to Stephen, whose snr-name was Douglas ; and they went to and fro through the land, and spke to the people, and per suaded thtm to cast their lots for Experience. 29 And the Administration had delivered much money into the bands of the Official at the City uf Omaha. 30 And the OuchIs Lircd men who had ready tongues, men who scrupled not to lie and to slander, as well as those who were upright and honorable men who were well skilled in ail the artscf sophis try, shrewd lawyers and buffoon priests, who with sounding brafs and tinkling cvmbal, could deceive the simple and unwary, aod make them think right was wrong and wrong was right who could distort beauty till it appeared hideous, and enibelish loath some deformity till it seemed altogether lovely. 31 And thejr traveled to atdlro and upanddown through tho land, and with much eloquence did they glorify and exmWt Thomas Jefferson and the democ racy of his time ; and some of them did invent scores of falsehoods and slanders against Samuel and his tribe, and perverted the histoiy ol their counTy, and resorted to every trick by which they thought they could deceive the people. 32 Rut about the present Dcmoerat'c Parly of James buihanan, and his fire-eating-disunion advi sors, and his corrupt oCfi;ia Is, his extravagant squan dering of millions cf pieces of silver, his beheading officers who could not pronounce Lecompton ; his trifling and radiation with the Mormons, und bis violation of pledges about tho public land, few of them opened their oouthes. 33 forth y knew that these things had caused want, and poverty, and suffering throught tho land. 34 Rut ia all Nebraska there was not found men enough to speak for Experience, so they did send to the province of Iowa lor a High Priest, who wanted railroads fem foica to exttnd on west in Nebraska; saying come over and help us. 35 This Priest was a man of much belly, and also waswiseacd powerful. He could make men be lieve whatever bo pleased, so that his famo spread over all the land. And it came to pass that his ad vice was asked as a Lawgiver, and when men were charged with crimes and defalcations cf thousands of pu-ces of silver, they would'scnd for him, and give him gold, and he would make a speech unto the piople and "get tip a furor," and the people would say, as with one voice, the man is innocent, and they would lot him go. 35 Toevil doers he was as terrible as an army with banners; and timid women in the village whero he lived did saj they feared to meet him on the high way mere than a wild boar of the forest. On the Sabbath he preached the everlasting Gospel; neither did ho ccaso doing good when the day ended, and the night came on, but would go with the young men of the City, and slone the habitations of baric ts, and trample the wicked under his feet. 37 There was a certain Son of belial, living nigh unto the homerf Samuel who had gained much m jney by taking horses that belonged to other men, and he hated Samuel, and he swure he would be revenged upon him, even if he had to destroy his life. And n hen it was told unto him that money would be given to those who would persuade the people not to cast their lots Icr Samuel, be girded up his loins, and got him up to Omaha, and bargain ed with the Elders of the City, and they gave him thirty pieces of silver, and bo went to the uttermost parts of Nebraska, wbere the people knew him not, and with smooth words he talked slander, and he was cheertdand applauded by Old buck's Tribe, but the Republic -ns would not harken to his voice. 33 At Omaha every man was u.gcd to go for Ex- ferience, on sectional grounds; l ut south of the 'latte, all the agents of Omaha strjve to make the people believe that local inuttors had nothing to do in the election. 39 And it came to pass that in Brownville, there were divers who wero deceived by the crafty cun ning cf the men of Omaha, and of the servants of Old buck. And they closed their ears lest they should hear, and shut their eyes, lest they should sec. 40 There were also other.:, who, though not de ceived yet were numbered for Experience. They were influenced by various motives some, bceaus! they were the servant and friends of James, the Chief Ruler, and semo because they owned parcel. of ground in Omaha, and some because they were to be paid three hundred iiii-sJ i;f silver, and soma because they hated nvu were jealous of Robert the Printer, and som because they loved slavery with all its evils better than freedom, for divers of them had saiJ, on the corners of the streets and in the Market Places, tbey "would vote to introduce iSh rery here, to-day, if they could thereby bring it here," but others, more cantinu.-, hod answeied them say ing, Hold your peace andbo-juiet, or ye will pro duce confusien among us. Do not all our Orator" tell the people every day, from every stump, that not one man in all Nebraska wants slavery here? 41 And some of the tribe, whi were the mo.-t Tiolent said. If there is not as many on our side as there is on the side of Samuel, wo can make more noise than they can, wo can appear on thecorners of the street while the Mud Sills are laboring, and passers by will think we exist in great number. 42 Arid we will make many of tho candidates who are not of the Dera rntic Tribe o."t with us to get our votes, fur they are afraid of us, but they know the Republicans are more moierat--, and wg can get their votes without our being reekond amongst them 43 Now David the M rehant, and David tho He brew, and Eli iho Scrib. and Siym iur th jr'n ter, and John, and Gerdon the Mney lender, and Wjilter, and Thompson's Colt, and Daniel, sur-named the Rash, an l (Huts and divers others were constant ly stirring up the people. 41 Their principal month-piece was Daniel, who was a very clever little man ready of speech, and .-killed in the uso of those weapons kown by the names of irony and sarcasm, but he was yowig and lacked understanding. 45 His memory, also, was poor. He soon forgot that Samuel had been opposed to annexing South Platte to Kan?s, though all other men remember ed it. H3 also forgot that all talk about "the glori ous o'd Democratic Pat ty, of the dajs of Polk, was in his opinion, contemptablc deaK goguisin." But in his speeches for the man whoso sur-name was Experience, he did glorify and magnify the old par ty, and tho roan Polk. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order cf the Probate Court of Nemaha county, N. T., granted on the 10th day of Septembco, 15, the undersigned wiil offer at public sales to the highest bid ler. on Saturday tho 22d day of October, A. I). 1Sj9. between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M. and the setting of sun, at the door of tho office of R.J. Whitney, in brownville, Nemaha county, N. T., the following described land, to-wit : the north-west Y of section number 15, in township number 4, north or range nnmbcr 15, cast of the 6th principle merc dian in Nebraska and county of Nemaha, as a part of the Estatoof the late William Welsh. deceased. O. b. HEW ETT, Administrator. Brownville, Sept. 15th, IS59. ' 10 6t $7 ELECTION NOTICE. " Territory of Nebraska.) County of Nomaha, f " Notice is hereby given that there will be an elec tion held at the several Precincts in said county on Tuesday the llth of October next, for the purpose rf electing 4 member to the House of Representatives of the Territorial Assembly of Nebraska, and 1 Pro bate County Judge : 1 County Commissioner f.T the 1st Commissioner's District in said County; I Sheriff; 1 Register of Deeds; 1 County Treasurer and Col lector ; 1 County Clerk ; 1 County Survejor, and 2 Justices of tho Peace, and 2 Constables in each Precinct. In TcstimoET Whereof I hare hereto (. e . set my hand and aQxcd the Seal of said i '"' "f county at my office in Brownville, this 27th day of August. A.D. 135'J. ERASTUS E. PARKER, County Clerk. LIGHT IITEHATUM NEWSPAPERS, AND IeriodLioals, Of every description, for sale at SCHIITZ & DEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and Second, Brownville, X. T, Scrpt, 22J, 1S59, U-tf Dwelling House for Rent. THE EnUersimed will rent on liberal tmn?, to prompt and rrcul tenant, tbe most commodious, elle gant and clliitlj situated dwelling fcoue in tbe city of Brownville aa excellent cistern, all necessary oat bouses, and a ne garden with all tbe vegetables of tbe season in an advanced state of cultivaiioa, cpon tbe premises. D. L. McGART. May 1. no47-tf Dissolution. lllti .Mercantue firm of Crane & Lhii as hereto fore existing is this day dissolved by mutual con S3nt. Theodore Hill having purchased the entire interest cf Merchandise, Notes and Account of Jonas Crane, the books and account of the firm remain at the old stand, N 17 Main Street, in charge of Mr. Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled business of said rta. JONAS CRANE, TflEODORE UILL,f BrowBTilie, June 13th, 185. 5l-t Found. A XOTE of fcarM, calling for over one bnn lrcd dollirs, which owner can have by calling at tbi office and paying fur tbis advertisement. DISSOLUTION'. TnE Copartnership heretofore existing between noadley &. Muir has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Those having accounts against the aaid firm witl please present them for payment, and those indebted will please make payment to either of the late firm. LUTHER IIOADLEY. ROBT. V. MUIR. June 1st, 50. 49-tf Dwelling House For Rent. Apply to June 1st '59 WM. n. HOOVER. 49-tf 1IA.1 WASTED. I wish to employ a good, steady hand, to labor as a farm hand for tho term of ono year. CURRAN HUTCHIN3. . - n5-tf flWRPfiTinffl 1 lUti UUUUJl 2Plxilvcloliplxix. A Benevolent Institution ettalhshed by special En dowment for the relief of the tick and distressed, XHcted with Virulent and Epedcmic Disease. TIT E Iloward Association, in vie of tbeawiul distruc tinnof buoian lire caused by Sexnal diseases, and ifce deception? practiced npon the unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years go directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, t? open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip Hon of their condition (age, occupation, habits of lire, &.c Jand in caseof extreme poverty, to famish medicines free of charpo. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands thebigbest Medical skill cf the age, and will furnirh tbe most approved modern treatment. Tbe Directors of tbe Association, in their Annual Rc nuil Rep rt upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended ihe labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Mreakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &c, and order a continuance of the same plan for tbe ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of tbe past, feel assured that their labors in tbis sphere of benevolent effort have been of (rreat benefit to the affiixted, especially to tbe young, and tbey have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de spised ciuse. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, tbo vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self abuse and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by tbe Cocsuliin? Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TW O STAMPSf r postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexnal diseases, diet, fee, are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re medics and methods of treatinnets discovered during the last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTK nOL'GHTON. Acting Surgecn, nward Association, Xo. 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIARTWELL, President. Eo. Fairciiild, Secretary. July 14. 1858-ly D. H. M'LAUGHLIN CHAS. DORSET Mclaughlin & dorsey, laand Agents 2 Main Street, Brownville, N.T-, Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy and sell property on commission; furnish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected wi'.h a general laud agency business. Particular attention raid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location ot land warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAUGIILIX &. DORSET respectfully refer to George II. Xtxou, Esq., Register Brownville Land Offlre. Chrlcs B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Nemaha Land Di'trict. Robert W". Furna?. Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbaugh 5t Carson, Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M T. Hamilton, Hagerstown, Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. Hon. Fenncr Furguson, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Bcal, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. no43tf 1'robatc Notice ami Sale. NOTICE notice is lercby given to all persons interest Cd that Avery Carter has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Hugh Gerld. late of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory. Persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the Probate Judge of said county, at Brownville, on or before the 12tb day of Septe mbcr 1S59, or they will forever be de barred collection ; and tbe said Avery Carter is further authorized to sell the poreonal property belonging to s.-iid estate, or sufficient to satisfy all demands, at pub lic auction or at private sale as may seem best, on the 13th day of September lSf.9. R. J. WniTNET, Probate Judge. Brownville, August 24th, 1S59 7-3t.$4. PIKES PEAK DIGGINGS AHEAD And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet discovered, and 33 ESKT, OK THE City Boot & Shoe Store, Will makeyou a superior pair of boots or shoes if you call or leave your measure, or he will sell you a cheaper caiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's fine gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other house West of St. Louis. Employinggood workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture, I hope to receive that liberal patronace heretofore bestowed on me. Give nre a call. W.T. DEN. Brownville July 27, 1S59 ti3 T. 31. TALB0TT, DENTAL SURGEON, Having located himself in Brownville, N. T ten ders his professional services to the community. All jobs warranted. OffP'or Texas. TnE undersigned, desiring to start about thcIOIh of September for Texas, will sell either for cash in hind or ujon a short time to good men : One Dwelling Honse in the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good garden and outhouses npon the premises. Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville situated bear the levee and convenient for business purposes. 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of an Original Stare (equal to 50 lots) in the Town of Aspinwall.' Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City, near Nebraska City wharf. The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who are Indebted to him will please to come forward and pny their littlenotes and accounts, he will take it as a great kindness upon their part, and will be hapfy to pment each of them with a slight token of bis high recard. ia the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with bis autograph appended thereto. D. L. McGARV. May 19 n47-tf SAILS Mi MM MANUFACTORY! JOHN W. MIDDLETON, BROWXTILLE, IV. T. XIEREBT informs tbe public that he located himself in this City, and is prepared to serve those in want of anytbingin his line. He has selected his stock rith care and will mannfactnre a No. 1 article of ftvervthine i ffered. He deems It u;i- recessarv to enumerate; butwill keep on hand eveyarti cie usual ly obtained In Saddle and Harness shop. JOHN W. MIDDLKTON. Brownville May 12. i.o46-em Frobate Notice. NOTICE is hereby giren to all persons Interested that Russell Pccry has been appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of William Gilmrre, late of Nomaha county, Nebraska Territory. Persons hav ing claims ajajnst -aid Estate are hereby notified to present them to the Probate Judge of said cor.nty. nt RrowviIle, on or before the 2d ilonday of Ocn tobcr 1S59, or they will forever be debarred collec tion. R.J. WniTNEY, Trohate Judge. Sept. 23d, 1S59, . " nll-3t-$i - " c -? -r t! - w - I - i- -r - a e 5 ? .2 . S o x a x ; c T 3 I a 2. 5?- SB 5 i P s a 5 - 2 ft. y 52 c - -few . --"52 c s crtr 3 -S C i- - 5 - r c kr5 its! , 4 o e s x - k a a C ! o - tt b Z 4 a. t . 5 e 31 f2 s 3 Si I ---.3 2 - - ' e it a c 5 3 2 J h 1 - w 2 s. 2- 5-5 i js t 5 - -5 5 r s - H o Hill 25 l it - . 7 j z U o a o s o Pi 5 X a S ? 5 Jf a . a 2 3 . - C e - 3 u c t. c c - 5 0 (S 9r i e E 2-5 W :M 3 e & 1 g- 3 SI m fc- U si 5! . - - a. " - Si?- r." t e c 2 '-OS - S -1 . - c t r - Si m w- - k c - F and 7; 0 5 5 56 r5s :;s feo S - cc? .Sk--6J-5 a m .i ar Z 2 entire .-555? etc? . 2 W v ki 1 at " af fl or sale by J. It. M AtS & CO , Brownvii oyau cruggists generally. x C B vT 2 k ? S m !e, X. T n3-ly XEW AXD HIGHLY E31 PROVED (Patented) MET .TL1C SUN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, Pa.f and sold by W. W. Wilson, A sent. For AH Latitudes. In additii n to the hour circle, subdivided to show the true time to minutes, these Dials have engraved Equation Tables, showing thediffererce between ap parent a i.d true time every day in the year ; a mii ror inserted, which reflects the clouds, showing their exact course, and the consequent direction of the wind ; a com pas j, circle, Ac Reins made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durable workmanship, and very ornamental and useful, this valuable work of art should have a place on tbe groundsof all im proved country residences, plantations, gardens, lawns, Ac. A cast ircn column of Doric Order, three feet high, is furnished nt $3 each. Tbe dials are 3 to 9 inche diameter, Prica of No. 4, $15; No. 3, $10; Mo. 2, $7; Nr. 1, $5. The No. 4 Dial andcol uran, $20, is generally preferred. Directions accom pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted to the true meridian. Order promptly filled. Aug. 13, 1Sj9. n6-tf Arnold's Combined Grinding 31111 Corn and Cob Crusher, and Corn Slicller. Three valuable machines in one! Tbis is anew in vention, ami one that is well worthy tho attention of the public, the (arming portion in particular; Combin ation has beei: pronounced by those who have the Mill in use to one ol the best ever male, and the great val ue of this coaibination will be reailiiy seen when the fact is considered that eich machine mikes a necessity for the other. Thus: a Mil! nukes a necessl.y (or a Sbeiler, ami Sheller rr a Mill, etc. Boiiiij a.ljpted to the use of the firmer, by horse power, as a farm implement itsca:ccly has aaequal in vilue. It is also adapted to steam and water or wind power. It is capable of grinding from five to ten bushels per hour, requiring from two to three horse power, accord ing to the quantity and quality or the work done. It grinds sufficiently fine for family use, making a su perior article of il-al, leaving it round and lively. which is indispensable for lijrbt bread or puddings. Everyone will be astonished at the difference in this respect in favor of the meal male in this Mill compar ed with that made in any stone mill. Tbey have only to make tbe trial to be convinced. It will shell fifty to sixty bushels per hour, and will grind and shel 1 at the same time. It will crush fifteen to twenty bushels of corn and cob per hour, aud it will crus'u and grind at the same time. It is light and portable, weighing thrc hundred pounds and occupying a space of. lcs than tv:o feet by three feet. The grinding surfaces are very dnratle. being made of iron as hard as hardened cast steel, and when worn ont can be replaced without the aid of a mechanic., at the trifliug cost of one dollar and fifty cents, thus overcom ing entirely ihe grer.t objection to iron mills. Particu lar attention is caUed to this feature in tbe Mill, as the difficulty of replacing grinding surfaces in Iron mills when worn out is an objection t them that has al ways been urged with great farce, and has had the effect :o prevent thousands from purchasing, who otherwise would bp glal to do so. That objection is entirely done awa; with this mill. Miller will do well to examine this Mill, there be ing no doubt that they will find it for their interest to adopt it for a leed mill, as the grinding surraccs are re placed at a much less cost than is required to keep a Stone Mill in order, to say nothing ot the great saviog i:i powtr and cost of Mill. An examination of this mill is earnestly solicited, as it must be seen in operatiou to be (ally understood and appreciated. Cards of direction are attached to eich mill, which will enable any one to set up and operate them wlihout further instructions. State and county rights for sale on reasonable terms. Price of mill complete $75. For particulars inquire of E. RAUOX. No 13 Cm strcpt, or address G. SHEPAFa), Postoflice, Uj. Chicajo, HI, nolvl Spear's Patent Corn Ilusker. A machine capable of flunking as much Corn in a day as ten hands ! Speare's I'f tent Corn Ilusker was introduced to the uoiice of La.oni agriculturists, in January ia-t, and the immediate recognition .f its great merits, and the approbation it has met with from the farming commu nity is tnlly tested by the fact thst since is introduc tion to the notice of the agricultural public in the east ami south, (only six mouths sitce.) 20OO buskers cave been sold. The machine is now tipon exhibition at onr rffice in St L.'""i'. and we respectful ly invite the farmers and apiiculturists of thi- and tbe adjacent Counties and States to call and satisty themselves by personal i:i.-pec-tiunof the machir.e. of the simplicity of its construc tion, tbe easy and jerfect manner in which it performs its work, and the immense having ot time and labor it effects. lealcrs and arents have now a chance of more ample remuneration, by purchasing this machine, than wiil aci.-iin occur dr years in thi' section ot the West. Let them at once communicate witb m and they will find our terms to be the most liberal and encouiazing. We also offer for sale county ribts at a very low tlure and tip-iii easy teri.i. The Ilusker will be on exhibition at the next State Fair in St. I.ouis, and we will guarantee to tbe purch aser thereof that, it performance will give them entire satisfaction, otherwise the purchase ci-ney wiil be re funded. Price twelve dollars each. Bit AUG &. BURROWS, St. Louis, Mo. TESTIMONIALS. J"hn A. Clark, one of tho Editors of ihe Evening Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, writes as follows : New Tore June 17, 1S59. Mcssrt X. T. Spearx 4 Co Sins Aft r bavin- at tentively watched the operation of yon r Corn liut-ker it is a privilege to bear testimony to the grp it merit of the invention. You havedaimel for it nothing which it has not iii my presence proved iteclf ej-pabie. Our farmers will appreciate your Ubors, and it is not need ed that I tdiould wi.-h you a success wticb is already in your grasp. r.5jpccirui:y, Sec, joiin a. clark. Eeizabeth Tows, X. J.,'Jan ?2, 1S59. Afmrj. -Y. T. JS cars 4- Co Gents. Your Corn IT'isker was received this cioruin?. 1 stai ted off imme diately with my b.: ses and wig iii to try n.y fcai.-il at 6helling. I traveled only a few milts., as every farmer wished to tee the Hurker woi k. 1 z t back about eight o'clock, ni.ikirga ciiti.i: of ab..utfuur miles. I sold ten. That wilt do for half a day's woik. I can sell 530. Your fortune is made. Yours, respectfully. WILUAM XILE3. It has also received strong expressions of c mmer:da tion from Hon. C.S. Flint, Secretary of tbe Massachu setts Board of Agriculture, Hon. J. V C. Smith ex Mjyor of B,stou. Hollis Bowman, if BaDgr. JIp. FIois. James Allen, of Massachusetts, II. n Marshall P Wilder o( Massachusetts, Prof. Mapes, of .ew York, and nu merous others. Ia addition to the abovo, we have certificates from a large number of distinguished niea, who are interested in vuragriculturaLindustry, who endorse the tueitscf thu machine in the strongest terms. Among them, the lion. Henry w. Benchley, of Mass., who aays : I have had repeated opportunities of witnessing the practical operation of Mr. Spear's Com Ucsker, and have tested it thoroughly, and unbestUtingly pronounce it beyond comparison the bett, ir not the only practical without injury to the corn, and with astonishing rapid ity. Its umpiicity f const ruction, rapid and efficient working and low price, will, in my judgments command for it an un.imited sale. The undersigned have the pleasure rf informing the f riniua community Uiat they have tLU day August 2!i, 1S59, purchased rroia the patentee the right of man ufacturing and telling '-Spear's Coru Dusker." and are prepdied to fill orders with promptness and tli-p.i ch Farmers atid all others iutcri'Med, desiring farther informal i.n will pleae write for circular. All orders and letters should bo addressed ta BRAGG- & BL'P.RjWES Sr. Louis Vo. OSce, corner of Third aud Market streets- nolvl . Carpentry Made Easy. Thirty-eight pla'e-, two hundred 5u e-. The most practic3l and valuable bxk for farmer ext. int. Tells how to bni'.d Birtis, and Houses, Bridges &c. ice. Price $3; sample copy $2 by mail. iMistpanl by JAMES. CHALLEN & SUN. Philadelphia. Ageota wanted rlnl isuy Your Warrants OF J. McCOSiEE, Farnbam-stroot, Omaha, Nebraska. Pitts' Patent Machine. , TTic SubsTiber is tb iavecter and pitente el ite above celebrated itacbiae, and hit ta aiotiAtare-l them. fir cvrr twenty years, aad Is prepared tins season to furnish either eight or ten-horse machines, tairty-two-lnca cylinder, with all ill now improvements, geared la four distinct ways, vis. Ifmi gear new isprevemeat, pur gear short telt, !ot.g be't. This ce ebrated ma cbiae"in erdinsnr grtiit wheat, osts, barley, ryrwlil thresh and clean ready for market f . 01a 300 to COO besb els of wheat a doy. ou (rem 2M bushels cr oats or bar ley, and is without a rival la the ocntry. Tbis Horse Power, known as the Doub'.e Pinion Power, Is the only one iu tbe oountry ol tbe kind, aud for strength, dura bi'iry and case ol dracgat cuut be surpassed ia the country. The truck wagon for bsuUrg tte machircs sre gased to run on tbe wido track with lar?o wheel i, and can be used for farm purpose 1( required. Tbe iqiialirer for thjrocjhly regulating the draught cf thp horses so that one hcrse Cannot do any more than another, nor acy less, atd saves all straia on the machinery. The bag ging apparatus Is a new invention, attached to th ma chine for bagging the grain as it come rroui the clearer, atd saves one hand; tesides avoldi all Uisjutes betweeo threshers and farmers. Tbe Straw Stacker made by me far piling the strsw. sre made of any length and are the teat koowa for that Ail repairs far Separator or Eorse Puwurt furnished at the shortest notice. For prices, terms, tc, address IIIRAM A. PITT3. nclvl DelaTrare Grape Tines. A very fine stock of th True Delaware Tines, in pots, or transplanted from open ground; a!so layer from lirge bearing vines, all strong and well rooted, redy for delivery ia the fall. Price $2 to $3. Also. Logan Rebecca, Diana, Trslon YllliaKP, Concord Hartford Prolific, and other new varieties, selected vines, $1 to $2. The present season has Ween very favorable to the growth of the vine aud with increased far: Utie for pro pagation, ray vines are much flaer than I have ever be fore ctTered. Mr J)elawares are wreppyated dirtctl frontke 9figinal rias and bearing dctcetiaantt. aud are of course genmue. It U wall known that purkuj vines have been sold for the genuine, in various parts of tbe country, aud it is also believed these vines have been prcpaga'ed from (or sale, and purchasers cannot exercise too much caution ia obtaining tbe r-elawirt from a rel.ab'.e source. GEC. W CAMPBELL. 1-1 Delaware, Ohio. WAR ENDED ! Jiomt's Patent Ohio Thresher. The subscribers have now ready several hundred of the above excellent machines. Wherever these Mofili's Threshers have been Introduced, it Is well known that they sre altogether unequalled; and. therefore, as ma ny first class references can be furnished as may be re quired. They are built of 4, 6. 8, and 10 horse capaci ty, and every machino is run several hours, and thor oughly tested iu all its parts, bofor tearing our facto ries. We hnve sNo now resdy for delivery SORGHUM SU GAR CAXE MILLS, cf tbe most approved patterns, and also all tbe necessary apparatus for the Domestic Man ufacture of Suearand Syrup We are ne w prepared to surply our customers with Mills of the most efficient operation, at prices in St. Louis as low as in Cincinnati. Descriptions of these Mills and Apparam.s. also a Trea tise on Soruhum Susar Cane, and on Sti;ar and Syrnp making, wl.l be cheerfully forwarded to all applicants. As our farmers are fast learning the easy and la-ge profits of raising hay for market, we are now making ready to supply the demand far a 1 irge number of those well established Dederick's Paralel Lever Horse pow er n.iy Presses. We manufacture and have constantly (or sale the fol lowing hisnly approved Machines: Selby's Pateined Premium Grain Drill ; the celebra ted Kentucky Harvester ; Atkln's Seif-raklng Reaper; Pape's St Child's Portaole Saw Mills, Portable Flour Grist Mills; Mill Machinery, and stationary Steam En gines, and Boilers and fixtures Orders respectfully soli-itcd; and pamphlets with prices, terms and full descriptions cheerfully furuUbed gratuitously. St. Louis Agricultural Works, Corter Maine Bid die streets, St. Louis, Mo. CLARE, RICHAr.SOX & Co. nolvl Proprietors. L,awton Blackberry. to obtain tbe original variety for gardeu or field cnl. tare, or circulars witb directions, address, WM LAWTOK, Ylnl Xew Rochelle. JT Y Summer and Fall Planting. JOHN A. KEKKICOTT. at the Grove Nursery, West North fie. d. 111., will have ready (or delivery at the rizht time : Br.lbs. e-pcclaliy Tulips, at the low rate of $3 per 10!). and S20 per M for large rools: Strawberries, of all the most approved varieties. from $2 to SI per M for most; a fewsorts. like Wilson's Albany, higher, to 40 cents per foot, accordins to vane ty an l form average 23 cents, and are safe, to plant la Aueust and September. Fruit Trees, especially Peaches, in good variety. Small Fruits. Currants, nought n G wseberry, Rasp. berries. Blackberries, fitc, much lower than ever offered before. Ornamental Trees, Pcs and other Hardy Shrubbery, in great variety and abundance; and 10 000 small to large plants Unrizht Honeysuckles. Lilies. Splreav Dent2ia Scabra, Prim. &c, at from $1 to $10 per hun dred. by mall on application ; and every thing safely packed for distant transportation; and as a rule most things sold at about tea per ecnt., less In autumn than Spring. n lvl Dousrjass Sugrar Mills. Docgljss Brothers have made arrangements for man ufacturing to an unlimited extent their Sorgho or Far mers' Portab.e Sugar Mills, will be prepared to supply tbe demand however large, and will also be prepared to fill all orders for Douglass and Cooper's Pirtaile fur nace and Sugar Evaporator. on' Mills took the first Pretnlrrri (a Silver Medal) at the United states Agricultural Fair at Sandtky, conten ding with the Mills of Hedges, Free it Co. of Cincinnati and H. J. Cox of Hamilton county. Ohio, also tbe first Premium at tho Northwestern Virginia Agricultural K.iir held at Wheeling, Va., and at numerous county Fai'S in Ohio. PRICES $G0, $S9, $100- $t25andnpwards. Price of F irnaces and Evaporators, $30 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on app'iiea'i:n. All orders addressed to the undersiened will be prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS BROTnER3, ZDevil!e, Ohio. HUGH TOOMAS DOUGLAS, General Ag nt, vlnl Mt. Vernon, OZo. Important to Farmers. Messrs. James Challen 4c Son, Puhllahers PhUidel phia. will send any Agricultural pnb'isbed in America, postpaid, on receipt cf the retail price. vlcl PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! With Corn. Those indebted to me are hercbj notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, deli verod at the store of I. T. Whjrte in Brownville. This request is made only because I am in dpbt myselt.Bn'l cannot raise the ni'incy, but can make use of corn. Such an ar rangement will be taken as a groat accommodation under present circumstances. JESSE "0EL. Ijrownville, Dee., 2, 16o3. Ague ! Ague ! ! A Xcw Chemical Discovery. Foremost amon pll the ditft-rcnt remedies offered to the puMio for the cure of tbis disease stands 'Wards Telegraph Tonii?.' Il.-irg entirely vegetable, free from the use of quinine and arsenic, of which most of theaguo prepar.iti ns are composed, it is en tirely harmless in its elects, and leaves the patient strong ami healthy. If taken atcording to directions, it will not fail to cure tho worst cases. Just try it once and satisfy yourselves that the Ague can be cured. For sale, Wholeialo and Ketail, by Crftno & ill Brownvill-, N. T., and by dealers everywhere. Ail orders must be addressed toW. W. Ward, Loavenworth, Kansas, General Agent fcr Kansas and the Western States. JulylJ, lSoS. 3m est Fever and A?ne Killer Will cure ague and fever, chilis and tever, dumb sgce, Inter mittent and remittent fevers, and all the various forms of revers incident to bilious climates. If there is a man, woman or child sufferins wjtQ ague and J veer, they areadvUed to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It is positive curt speedy and permt nent. Try it. Plice sjl per bottle, or C bot.lefor &5. I'r. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addrc'sei1 'o pot tha genuine. Sold by J. H.. MAUN &. CO, Agents, Brownville. rDr. Baker's Specific will cure ronorrhea. gleet. trlctnre, eminal weakness, chordee, dieaieof the kidney, bladder, and all disease of the genital organ. Reader, have you a private ditetuel Po nor neglect it. Delay U ianqerou. Dr. Baker Specific i a sire, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific yon can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for tso accompany the medicine. Prirp .l 60 per bottle. rcymX)r. F. A9TEHLT. corner Third and Chestnut strets St Loni. Mionri. sole proprietor, to whom all orders mnst be addressed, to get thegcnr.ine. Sold by Land Warrants, a?or Casli on Tlxno Wft sre prepared to loan Lind Warrants of all sizes to settlers on such time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as tbey can be bought elsewhere in town. Buy of rernlar dealers and bewjre of ty.gns warrants AH warrants sold by ns will be gnaranteed to be genninein every respect and win be exchanged if de fective. Ecinrt permanently located In Brownville. we can al ray tie found at the old stand a few doors cast of tbe Brcwnville House. LrSHBAUCn &. CAItSOX. Bankers, and Dealers in I-acd Warrants. JOSEPH L. ROY, IS TZ. S 2Z3 IEL HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, DItOWXTILLE, S. T. Great ISush for D. J. MARTI1T&CO., lVloIesale k 'Betail X S3 -l U S3 IFL Sr MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to the Citizens of tbo COUNTIES OF RICHARDSON. JOHNSON. PAIVN'PP CLAV. AND GAGK, AND ATCHISON COUNTY : In 3!lT lac; oixzrl, that rnrr have Just Received, Per Steamer Emigrant, A HEW, COMPLETE; AUD SUPERIOR STOCK or GROCERIES, l?SD0KI'g- QUEENSWAEEi SADDIaEI&Y, Xa 3Z3 "E5. Glassware, . if w k m a ir w K i , SASH D00ES, Readjllade Clothing,. Boots, Shoes, Eats, Cap3, etc. mm Needed or EDesired Can It had at our Store, and on term f at faxoralh as thost of any cihtr . Jfause in ihe West. TTo Do a Cash, op TtthApe tot Produce Trade, ana nre Hetcr mined thereby to Give onr Cus tomers BARGAINS. We solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging ourselves li spare no pains to gi'e entire satisfaction ia prices and quality. Our Atchison County Frlemls Will find very mxc i their adrardagt ty deal with us. Give us a Call, And SiXUf7 yH,r-'!-': 'hatwc hivsj Or O O 33 Aid are seT'.in? iera D. J. 1MARTIN & CO Brownville, 'Angnst lt IS-9.