Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1859, Image 3

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"fTb c a.
BROWNVILJ-E, . SEPT. 15, 189.
., " attheendof 6 months,
ia " 200
flu! of t or nore wi" furnished at f 1,50 l-er
flnom. provided the ca.n accoiiipanie. the rder, not
; "jj- The "Nebraska Advertiser having
auch the largest circulation of any paper in
tjC Territory, Wholesale Merchant in St.
, ui st. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eaet
tj markets where Nebraska merchants pur
has-nc no Detter advertising medium
ja the Western country .2
: ; ' Appearance Docket.
Thomas Heady,
tj I Appeal
George V. Simpson, J
1$. B. Tborndson,
xt . Appeal
Thoniaa Ilea J r, J
v'liarj-A-LI'-'weU, J- M'Hicwon, et al
" ' vs fAttach't.
bteanacr Aa ilgus J
Jerome B. Pratt, )
n S Damages
Oscar F. I.ake, j
Fleming Davidson, 1
v V Ae.umsit
Henry W. Lake et al, J
Samuel Callum "J
vs Appeal
Joseph II. Springer, j
Phillip Starr, )
vs V Ccrtior'i
X. B.Tindal. j
Charles F. Holley, )
vs V Attach't
Moore A I'rowntec, J
William A.
" v AtUcL't
Abel Line, I
j ton,
irtfor, '
iltJarri Jewctt,
J!lll" '
M'Uary& Hewett, Ladew, Tecr A Co.,
vs Assam sit
VHnrv A Ilcwctt,
X Gary v lie ctt, itaai, iroiucrs o.,
j; 'Gary A Hewett,
J .U5n,
JTUrr A Jlcsrctt,
JlUiry t Uc-rett,
jfCarrJL newett,
J .hnson,
K'ltnfyt Hewett,
Jump H.Mel vin,
Kartin Dunmore,
John tt'Donough,
John M'Dunongh, "
i Dunmore, I
i s: riaii. j
Brown, hotel e. t al J
A ur'iolU A WKite, 1
i Assum'it
G cargo C Frrgur, J
CraiHi!l, )
s iAssum'it
Cityf iJrowiicille, J
t hn'B.
K.iTtU. Stt. etal j
I'liary&Ilewctt, VoiIa K. CJard, 1
sAinin, .Ti.n.C. Aylsworth.ct al j
It. 5. U hitney,
J. I,. McCoy, ct al
J. C. Tuifcot,
51. (I. H ii!y,
Daniel Kinuison,
Htlian M 'Arthur,
Noci, Lake JL C ,
SnuiBf! 1. Wolm".8,
Drowiivillc llo'.rl Co., I
v CerLiora'i
llrj nville el Co j
in Certiora'i
lhn M'l'l)ersn, j
ChaVli.L Holmw;
vs. Appeal
J mcs W. Coleman,
tfcorc I,,. Ilafer, j
. son.
rC.ary, IJewett,
: d JohiiAta,
' ally,
. jhnon,
. .jliiiMn,
Johnson, - -il'Gary&Uewctt,
M'Gary & Ilcwctt,
M'Gary A Hewett,
M'Gary lie welt,
M'Gary &. ITewctt,
M'Gary & Hewett,
M'Gary MIewctt,
M'Gary A TTowett,
M'Gary 4 Hewett,
" It. V. Furnas,' )
l'emck, -
b, et al J
II. Dougla?, k
li. H Thompson. J
J. II. Davis, -j
v Assuta'iit
U. W.Fnrnas, J .
J. R. Davis,
vs VAssum'tiit
C.W. Wheeler, j
Darnsrd & Co.,
ti VAsaum'sit
S. iVyatt, )
W. R. Fcnick,
W. It. l'enick,
vs VAa'nm'el
J.II. Maun, ct al J
i, )
Samuel South,
S. A. Tr og.lcr,
John Long,
Hudson George,
U. C. Cobcli, 1
vs -Assum'sit
C. B. Smith, et aU
S. liclden, ""j
vs Vlppeal
L. V. Hyatt, J
Kinney X Holley,
M'Gary A Ilcwctt.
M'Gary A Hewett,
M'Gary A Hewett,
Chancery Doehct.
e Noel, ct atj
rs Injunction
nville, et al )
for Ht.
Johnson A Dclden, Jesie Noel, ct at
Richardson A v
M'Gary, City of Brow
M'Gary A Ilcwctt, W. Edward.,
Johnson, J. L. Teague
M Lcnnau &. Al Gary, b t uckolld, et al
Iouis XchI, et el J
John Eaton,
vs Injunction
Win. Conch
Win. Morton,
vs In chano'ry
Emily MclJride,
Akmina Munson,
vs Uivorce
G. A
J. Holmes,
iJIorton, "j
Delay, )
ily Mcbriue, "
vs VDi
lucl MeTiridCjJ
Munson, J
J. Holmes, -j
xs Injunction
.I..Kiw. ,n F. L. GulJ.burv.
, . , ( r oreciosurc
rn, TWMf .T.,,nM,nnno,. ff Mortgage
M Gary A Ilcwctt, II. utkoU?,
vs Injunction
M'Gary tt llewet
M'Gary .MIcwitt,
II. utkoM?,
vs Inju
George Fredrick, J
It, M. F Mow, ct lForocl
J.D.N. Thompson, J ""ortgag-
D. L. M'Gary,
W. W. Hackncy.etaU
nj unction
J of mortgage
y A.sutaVit (
)- Certiorari
ertiora l
G. W. Orum,
J. P. Baker,
J. E Davis,
J. II. Maun,
D. Seigcl, ct al
J. L. Chnmbcilin
M'G-ry l Hewett J. Foster, et al
I.T. White,
J. C. Deuser,
C. II. Sni'tli,etal
It. E. Case,
Mary Case,
la ndditioti to the above cases there are nine Crim
inal ease, eiht of which arc indictments of selling
Jiquor without licence, and one for assault and bat
tery; all uniiop runt cases.
M'Gary f Hewett,
M'Gary Hewett,
.M'Gary A Hewett,
j of in
' I foreclosure
. . I of niurjr:i2c
J of mr(
j- Assum'sit
rr,ry.t Tic well,
'.'Unry A Ilcwctt,
iTl'Iaryrf- newett,
Jl'Uary t jTwctt,
IVMen, "
KHiaryi Hewett,
'Uary A Hewett'
j- Assui-it
A. M. Fergus, ct al
Ljford A Horn,
J. W. Swan.
Frank Worth,
John Hall,
Jul ILiTL.
H. VorV,
John Hall,
John I.each, et al j
The(Alorc Hid,
vs Attach'nt
E.n. Edwards, J
W. F. Eudcrs, ct nl )
vs Attach'nt
Wm. F. Gaines, c tan
J. C. Dcuser, j
vs Attach'nt
C. A. Frevbcrg, )
Hcary J. Ivoring, )
is r
John k. Davis, )
Iary A newett, White, Lussel A Co,
vs r Assutn'sit
1 A. Predmnro, ct si j
'(isxy A newett, S. F. Nuckolls,
rs Aiiacn nt
.' ..ion, Ncm. Valley Dank, ct al )
X'Uarj A newett, S. F. Nuckolls, )
vs AssumVit
W. S. Hall.etal )
W. Green,
vs V AssumVit
C. 11. Smith,
Alary Hewett,
Wy A Hewett,
ss urn 'sit
Ajary A Hewett,
'ry A Hewett,
S.MCartncy, J
vs V A
I. T. White, etal
vill, etal )
vs Appeal
G. Mclvin J
Kinney A Holley,
Lewis Ncal,
Dank of Nebraska,
W. W. Hackney,
A. II. Scov
4 Cavins,
y7 Ilewett,
Alary t newett,
l'ratt A Reath,
R. W. Furnas,
J.D.N. Thompson,
Homer Johnson,
John l Scott,
W. W. Smith,
John Jamison,
James Holland,
R. li. Stout,
cwett, JohnG. M'Cath-on, )
John C. Campbell,
W. L. Copier,
Nathan M'Aribur,
D. Kinni'son,
IV. Dunsmor,,
L. Lvon,
D. Seigcl,
n. Coleman,
Heath Nuckolls,
D. Jeffries."
-v ncwcix, inoraas iuiams,Y
Ts t.Vttach'nt
Isaac Edwards,
S. Call an ,
vs Attach'nt
The Union Scttle'tCoJ
(JtrS 4 Hewett,
John Hall,
Frank Worth,
J.L. M'Gec,
J. W. Coleman, J
Heath Nuckolls,
vs VAssumVit
4 Hewett, Finney A Coddington,
vs VAssumVit
v tM W.W. Miles, etal J
wjtnewott, S. M'Cartney,
i vj S-AsjumVit
, . Alexander IUllam, j
"rJ4 Hewett, J. J. Ilockstetler,
vs A!sumVit
J.J. Schitti, )
S. 0. Robcrson, "j
ts AssumVit
W. Edwards,
ts AssumVit
Jamuss !?. Kclley,
D. Flatters,
s vs fAssumVit
. Y. Clark,
,JirJ 4 newett,
:TJ 4 Hewett,
4 Hewett,
inos.r. llaywnod, "4
vs AssumVit
"Wtaii . C. E. L. Holmes, ct al
' - "eweii, KadaaiU Cooper A Co.,
C. C. Ferg
Hectro rhyslolog).
On Thursday evening' last we haJ ihe
pleasure of hearing Dr. J. A. Weoe Je
lirer a lecture in the Presbyterian Church
iu this City upon the interesting subject
of E'leciro Physiology. The church was
well filled uith an intelligent and atten
tive -audience. The Doctor acquitted him
seJf haindsomely ; giving unmistakable
evidence of a thorough knowledge of his
.subject. His experiments, illustrating the
incoiitravertible correctness of the theory,
were interesting indeed. The "Russian
Bomb" experiment uas new to most
of the audience.
This science is highly important in its
relations to human knowledge, and it is to
be regretted so little attention is paid to
it by the masses. Dr. Whoe fully sus
tained his reputation as a teacher of this
interesting science. We ciip the follow
ing from the Washington (D. C.) Star:
"Dr. J. A. Wnoc, last evening, lec
tured to an intelligent audience of ladies
and gentleman ?.t Temperance Ha!l on
Electro Physiology and Phylosoghy of
Imgressions. His remarks on the elec
trical condition of the atmosphere and
earth in causmg disease, nature of epi
demics, as well as his remarks on the
philosophy of impressions, human brain,
its mysterious electrical connections, illus
trated as they were by the illuminated
manikin or medel man, artificial globe
and galvanic apparatus, made the even
ing's entertainment exceedingly instruc
tive and interesting, both to the super
ficial and profoundly scientific.'"
Gov. BtACKand Lady are at the Brovrn
ville House in this Cit The Governor
is in good health, and is still that same
sociable, open, warm-hearted man that
won for "Co. Sam. JUack" such a host
of devoted friends, on the battle fields of
We had the pleasure, this morning, of
meeting our old friend Col. J. A. Paukeh,
of Richmond, Va. The Colonel has many
friends in Nebraska.
Judge Young, of Washington City,
passed up the river this morning on the
Florence. We were pleased to fcrm his
Nemaha County Fair.
We hope that our Farmers and Me
chanics are not, in the midst of election
excitement, forgetting that the County
Fair takes place at Brownville on Thurs
day and Friday, October 5th and 7th.
To the people of Nemaha county this is
a matter of more importance thsn the
Delegate question, or any other question
connected with the coming election. Let
everybody be in attendance.- Bring your
Stock, Products, efc, etc., and let us ina'ke
a start in this matter.
Fldirrins Mill.
Read the Advertisement of Green &
Martin, of Peru. They now have their
new and improved machinery in opera
tion. and are prepared to serve the good
people of Nemaha county.
Brownlce & TIdweirf
Have their new Merchant Mill iu fine
working order, and are turning out a No.
1 1 article of Flour and Meal . .. '
for the Advertier.
A Cnaptcr from the Chronicles tn
v Jonathan.
1. And it came to pass that James
the Fourth, whose surname was old Back,
ruled over the nation of Jonathan.
2. And James spoke to the poeple,
saying; you fchall regulate your ali'aira in
your own way, and the people did rejoice
and glorify James.
3. Now there was in the land of Jon
athan, in the uttermost parts thereof, a
country called Nebraska. And it was a
goodly land; the heathen had been driven
forth, and it was uninhabited.
4. Aud James lifted up his voice and
said: It is not good that this land should
be sold- Let it be diviJed into parcels
and given as homes to the poor of the
land, and for their children and their chil
dren's children after them, for a posses
sion and an inheritance.
5. Now the people were exceeding
glad and rejoiced greatly, saying his yoke
will be easy and his burthen light. Let
James lire forever.
6. Now after a time James forgot his
promises, and squandered the people's
money, and wasted their substance to be
stow raiment of purple and fine linen on
those who licked the dust from his feet.
So that in the second year of his rule,
the principal keeper of the treasury came
to him saying, behold ! there are no more
shekels of gold nor of silver; what shall
we do ?
7. And James asked of certain of his
household, violent men, whose food was
fire and brimstone, saying, what counsel
give ye that I should now do? And thy
answering him said,
S. Thou shall sell the land thou hast
given to ihe poor, even that land which is
their inheritance. And they said there
by ye will get much gold and much silver.
9. And James harkened to the words
of those evil counsellors, the fire-eaters,
and hardened his heart to the counsels of
the old men of the nation, the just men and
the true.
10. And he would not let the people
regulate their affairs ihcir own way, but
made them to do as he and his counsellors
desired. And he beheaded all who could
not pronounce Lecompton, even as the
Ephriamites were slain who could not
pronounce Shibboleth.
11. And he appointed for his servants
throughout the whole hnd, men who
could say Lecompton, and who would do
his bidding.
12. Moreover he oppressed the peo
ple greviously, yea, more than any of the
rulers who had gone before him.
13. And he sold the land, yen, even
the goodly land in Nebraska, to which the
poor of the people had gone; even before
they had gold or silver to buy with.
14. And it came to pass that the time
drew near when the people of Brownville. !
one of the cities of Nebka, were to
choose one of their wise men to go up to
the Sanhedrim, even to Omaha.
15. Now about this time there arose
no small stir that way;
16. For there were In Brownville
three of James' officers and certain of
their friends, who made no small gain
from the sale of these lands.
17. And they counselled one with an
other, saying: Sirs, ye know by these
sales we have our wealth ; moreover, ye
see here, not only in the city of Brown
ville, but throughout all the land hath the
people been persuaded and turned away,
sayinr, old Buck is a humbug.
18 So not only is our occupation iu
danger to be set at nought, but also the
great James be despised.
19. And they were full of wrath, and
cried out with one accord, for the space of
three days, long lie old Buck, and his
servant Estabrook.
20. And they took counsel among
themselves that they should send a man to
the Sanhedrim who could pronounce the
shibboleths of old Buck.
21. And they said unto themselves, if
we call a congregation of the people, and
let none have part with us but they that
go for the man Estabrook, even Expe
rience, who is North Piatte, verily our
numbers will be few and our congregation
22. And it came to pass, as they coun
selled thus among themselves, that one
John, who is a publican, lifted up his voice
and said, Behold, I will call a council of
all the tribes, even all of those who lis
ten not to the voice of old Buck, and
thereby pull much wool over the peoples'
eyes, which being interpreted meaneth
23. And as he said so was it tione.
24. Now there were found among all
the people but two men who desired to go
to the Sanhedrim, and no one knew to
what tribe these two belonged.
25. And when the people were as
sembled together the Buckites chose an
old man of their tribe to sit in the highest
place. And they did make motions and
he did put them, and when the Buckites
had said yea, then did he sit down, that
ihe other tribes might have no voice in
the council.
213. And there was a certain man
who is called Dan, small of stature and
of tender years, and who possessed many
talents of brass, which dazzled the eyes
of the foolish and they thought it all gold.
27. And he called on one of the can
didates whose name was Jesse, and asked
him to what tribe he belonged, and wheth
er he would vole for the man Estabrook.
28. But Jesse was an independent
man, and said he did not like to cast his
lot for the candidate who lived beyond the
river Platte (for he was one of old Buck's
servants, and Jesse did not think old Buck
a good ruler,) but he prefered casting his
tot for his neighbor in the South Platte
country, if he was in favor of allowing the
people to regulate th?ir own affairs in
their own way.
29. But Dan answering, said: Verily
verily I say unto thee, we will vote fnr
no man who will not swallow the candi
date of the Buckite tribe without greas
ing ; even Experience who liveth beyond
the Plaite.
..... 30. And one Andrew, skilled in the
use of herbs, and ho privately wanted to
be sent lo the Sanhedrim himself, did
arise and speak To the people, and did de
nounce those of all oiher tribes, and did
glorify and exhalt above all the kings of
the e&Tth, the servant of old Buck, even
Estabrook, who is called Experience.
3f. And he did say it was an Esta
brook meeting, and that none but the ser
vants and followers of Experience should'
take part in their counsels; and likewise,
that he would go for a servant of him who
is called Experience,, verily until his tai
did drop olT.and woald still ga forhiut asa
bob-tail son of his tribe, and &d say much
more, in thfe tongue of his .nation, which is
called gas. "" . ..
32. Then they called for the candidate
whose surname is Hewett, and said unto
him, Art thou of the Estabrook tribe? tfest
thou stand upon the Democratic platform',
and will thou vote for the faithful servant
of old Buck, even experience?
33. And Ilewett answered and said:
Yea, verrily, am I of the Democratic tribe
I stmd upon your platform, and I will
cast my lot for no man who is not of your
3L And there was great confusion
among the tribe, and thej consulted one
with another, saying, -What shall we do
to be saved from defeat? And some
said, Let us cast cur lot for Jesse, for
Hewett will not get fifty votes in the
county, and all men will laugh at us; bet
Jesse will get many votes from the other
35. Others said, Hewett doth not be
long to out tribe. He is not cloven footed
though he cheweth the cud.
36. Others said, Hewett only joined
our tribe to-day to get office.
37. But some said, Neither is Jesse
of our tribe. He was never reckoned
among us. Let us go for Hewett, for He
will do as we desire.
33. And there were many Democrats
whose wrath was kindled, and they said
to the leaders in the congregation: Who
made you rulers and judges over us?
Neither ye nor your fathers before you
were numbered amongst us! Ye are
strangers and aliens wolves in sheep's
dothing office-seekers who have no
part nnr inheritance in our household.
We wiil not vote for any men whom ye
nominate. ., - . -
39. And a few of the ' people cast
lots ; and fifteen lots fell for Hewett, and
forty-and-four for Jesse.
40. And certain of the other tribes
also cast lot3,.most of which were, given
to Jesse. . -
41. And the multitude departed, each
man to his own vine and his own fig
tree, laughing and crying out "hum
bug!'' "Humbug!" "Hurra for Daily !"
42. Bui the Buckiies went away sor
3forc improvement.
We see'MAitTiN &. Co. are . making
preparations for building an addition to
their Store house. All right.
Judge Whitney's new building, on
Main street, is progressing toward com
Brownville House.
A. J. Berry, Esq, late of the Nebras
ka House in this city, has taken charge of
the Brownville House. Berry understands
his business; is industrious, enterprising,
energetic, gentlemanly and accommodat-
Success to him.
The September Term of Court com
mences in this City on Monday next.
Quite a list -of causes of various kinds
will come up. See list in another column.
Legal lNotice.
White, Russell A Co., riffs. 1 District Court for Ne
va". I maha County, Nct'ka
Albert Fredmor and I Territory.
T. M. Dryden DATs. J September term 1859
The above named defendants, Albert Fredmor and
J. M. Dryden are hereby notified that there is now
on file in the office of tho Clerk of the district Court
for Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, the peti
tion of White, Russell A Co., tho said plaintiffs,
claiming of said Fredmor and Dryden the sum of
one hundred dollars, with interest from the 1st day
of July 18o7, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum
on a promissory note executed by them to said plain
tiffs tr order, and bearing date July l th 1867. And
that unlcsJ the said defendants appear and answer
to said petition on or before the second day of the
next term of said Court, to be begun and held at
Drownville in said county, on Monday tho 19th day
of September A. D. ISi9, a default will bo taken
and judgement rendered against them for tho
amount claimed in said petition with costs.
McGARY A HEWETT, Att'ysfor Pffs.
August 15th, 135'J. 6-4w-$750
Legal Notice.
Theodore Hill, PUT.) District Court for Gago
vs. V county, Nebraska Terri-
Louis Kecfer, Dffs. J tory.
To Louis Kcefer, the above nam:d defendent, you
arc hereby notified that the said plaintiff, Theodore
Hill, has filed in tho office of the Clerk of tho Dis
trict Court for the county of Gage and Territory of
Nebraska, bis petii'or., claiming of you the sum of
two hundred and fifty dollars and twenty cents, with
interest on one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and
fifty-seven cents of that sum, at the rate of ten per
cent, per annum from the third day of Jiay, 1859, as
due upon a promissory note given by you to Crano
A LI ill or order, which note by assignment is tho
property of said Thco lore Hill ; and with interest at
tho same rate on the balance of said sum vis: eighty
dollars and sixty three cents, from the 12th day of
August, 1859; forty-four dollars being dno on a
ballanccd old account between you and Seiglc A
Grec-bau m, assigned to said Plaintiff, and thirty-six
dollars and sixty-three cents on a book account with
Theodore Hill : and unless you appear before said
Court on tho first day of the next term ihcroof, to
be held at Beatrice in said county, and plead to said
Petition the same will bo taken as true, and judg
ment rendered accordingly.
Ati'ys forPlff.
Awgostl8ih.l859. 6-U-S750
Legal Notice.
To Thoma3 L. M'Coy and tho Nemaha Valley Bank:
You and each of you are hereby notified that
whereas, at tho last (April, A. D. 1359,) term of tho
District Court for Nemaha County, Nebraska Terri
tory, judgment was obtained in favor of Stephen F.
Nuckolls and against '"The Nemaha Valley Bank"
for the rum of three hundred and thirty-six dollars
and eighty-seven cents, upon which said judgment
execution bag been issued and returned in part un
satisfied, and whereas said judgment was obtained
upon Bills of said Bank issued to circulate as cur
rency, and the sum of three hundred and six dollars
and eighty cents remains unpaid thereon, the Plain
tiff ha filpd his petition in the office of the Clerk of
tho District Court for said Nemaha county, asking
that judgment for the amount remaining unpaid as
aforesaid be entered up agaicst tho aid M'Coy as a
stockholder of said Bank as well as against said
Bank, and furthermore asking an attachment,
against the property of you tho said M'Coy, and
furthermore cbargiog that Richard Brown has prop-
rty of ' the Nemaha Valley Bank in his hands, and
asking that he bo ordered toappcarani answer con
cerning tho same on the moraiigof the second day
of the next term of said Court; and. you and each
of yon are further notified that ualess you appear on or
before the morning of the second day of the next term
of tho said Court to bo begun and held at Brownville
in said county on the 13th day of September, A. D.
lS5?,and pJcadtonid petition, the allegations there
of will bo taken as true and judgment rendered ac
cordingly. McGARY A HEWETT,
Att'y3 for Plaintiff.
Brownville, N. T.. Aug. 1759. 6-5t-jlQ
Administrator's Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the Trobato Court, made
on th 9th day of Augsst, A. D. 1$5D, I, James
N. Ktlly, Administrator of tho Estate of Oliver P.
Kelly, late of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory,
deceased, will offer for sale at public vendue, on
Saturday the 17th day of September, 185$, between
the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and the setting sun, at
the door of the office of R. J. Whitney, in Brown
ville in said Nemaha County, to the highest bidder,
for cash in hand, the following described real prop
pcrty as a part of saii Estate, do-wit: Tne South
east quarter of section number 23, in township num
bers, north, of range number 15' cast of the sixth
principal meridian, in Nemaha eonnty. N. T.
Ordered that the above notice be published for six
successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser.
R. J . WHITNEY", Fratate Judge.
BrowTilIeAug.llti, 1858, '.. r a5-6t-$7
' : ' l I, ' I " ' I !",
THE n3T3!Ties havicg leascJ the Bteam' Flonr
an! Cera Mills lately erected on tho Bllraouri River
at Nemaha City, ara now prepared to grind !
flaring one of
Clark's Celebrated Flonrlng Mills,
Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac
ture 100 sacks of Superfine Flour and grind 000
buahels of Corn daily.
Our building for storing and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on the River.
tYe wil! provide the public with a Free Ferry at
all times.
August II th', '6 5. i . ,1 is 5-3 m
- Legal ,NoticGi ; ,-
Stcphen F. Nuckolls, plff.V , District Court far .'e
vn. maha County, Nebraska
W. S. Hall, Territory.
Russell Peery, and September term 1S59
U. S. Hightower. - J . . -
The above named defendants are hereby notified
that there is now on file in the office of toe Clerk
of the district coart for Nemaba County, Nebraska
Territciy, (he petition of Stephen F. Nuckolls who
claims of them the sum of ninety-nine dollars and
seventy-three cents, with interest from the 16th day
of March, a. D. 1853, at the rato of thirty-six per
cent, per annum on a promissory noto dated Sept
ember lGth, 1853, aqd .executed to R. W. Frame,
Secretary of the Peru town company or; order and
that unless they appear before the district court at
the next tern, thereof for Nemaha County aforesaid,
to be held at Brownville in said county on Monday
the 19th day of September 1S59, and answer to Mid
petition on or before the second day of said term,
the said petition will be taken a? true and judge
ment by default will be rendered against said defen
dants for the amount claimed with interests and
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
August 15th 185S. . - 6-4w-$750
Sheriff's Sale. ;
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an ex
ecution issued from the ofUceof trie Clerk of the Dis
trict Court for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory,
against James Entwisllo and in favor of l.T. Whyte
A Co., for the sum of one hundred and fifty-one
dollars and forty cents: I, Davidson Plasters, Sheriff
cf said county, haro levied upon the following de
scribed Keal estate in said Ncraan.a county, Nebras
ka Territory, to-wit : The South-East quarter of
the North-west quarter of Section number thirty,
(30), Township number fire (5), North of Range
number sixteen (16), East of the sixth principle
m' redian, and will, on the 19th day of Sept., A. D.
1859, between the hours of ten o'clock, a.m. and
four o'clor k, P. if., of said day at' the dcor of the
houso in which the last term of said Court of said
county was held in Brownville, proceed to sell sa d
land to the highest biddcrfor cash in hand, in sat
isl"act:on of said execution and judgment,
Sheriff of Nemaha county, N. T.
Brownville, Aug. ISth, 1859. ' 6-It $750
Sheriff's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtuo of an ex
ecution issued from the offioo of the Clerk of ihe
District Court for Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri
tory, ajrainH tho Nemaha Valley Bank. Sum Del E.
Roaers and Barton B. Barknlovr, 'and in favor of
Samuel II. Hcnnett, for thesum of one hundred and
eighty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents; I, David
son Plasters, Sheriff of said county, have levied
upon, as the property of said Samuel E. Rogers, lots
numbered one and twoin block number, three in ihe
City of Brownville, in said connty,as designated upon
the original plat of said City of rownville, and tbate
I will, between tho hours of nine o'clock, A. M., and
three o'clock, f . M., on the 19th day of September,
A. D. 1S59, at Erownvillo aforesaid, from the door
of tho houso in which the last term of tho District
Court-for said county was held, proceed to sell said
property at public sale to the highost bidder for cash
in hand.
Sheriff of Nemaha co., N. T.
Brownville, Aug. 18th, 1859. 6-4t-7,50
r u k iiur tf it
r ' : r r r
A. J. k t !! V
0 O "70
9 p ri IT, M V
iPrpprictora of tbe V ! .
: Ml i, it i - ' -if
nnoiyxriLui, x. t; ' "
TniS HOTEL has lately been entirely refitted
and the proprietor can new assure tbo public tfcafc
they will meet with every convenience and. comfort
usually found at a first class hotel.
Mr. Berry, tbe Jr partner was formerly connected
with the same houe, and has had large experience
ia the hotel business in the East.
Brownville. Junu lBth, 1355. al-6m
Cor. Broadivay andlYasli Street.
Having purchased the entire Nursery stock cf John
8!pgerson & Bro., I ani prepared to offer to tbe public
tre larfi'stanl test selected stock of Fruit Shade, and
Ornamental taees, snrurs and plints ever oflered (or
sale in the West. We are deter nianed tooTor uch in
ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure
the most entire satVjetigiv Descriptive rata lr.gxe will
he furnished, and auj iuioi mation given, by addressing,
. A. VT.. ELLIOTT, . .
5.nt Louis, So. '.
November 35, '53-Ir.
Send Four Stamps for a Specimen of
A Weekly summary of the latest intelligence re
ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and
the British Possessions in every part f the world,
and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his
tory, Ac, Ac.
The "IVeiYS from Home"
Will be rorwarded postage free upon receipt of
subscription, viz : .
$2 for one year ; $1 tor six months ; 50 cents for
three months. , .. .
Fostniasters and newspapers officers are authorize 3
to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par
ties getting vp clubs.
Editors and Proprietors, New York.
April II, '59 ly . " , .
Probate Notice.
WHEREAS it appears thai there oro claims exist
ing against the Estate of Oeorge W. Blakcly, Ja
ecised ; I have appointed Monday tho 5th of Sep
tember next as tho final day for hearing all claims
gainst said Estate, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to file tbe
samo at my office, or with the Administrator of said
Estate on or before that day, or they will be forever
barred from recovering such claims and from setting
off tho same in' ny action whatever.
Given under my hind this 27th day of June. 1359.
K. J. WHITNEY, Pr bate Judge.
Ordered that the above notice bo published for six
successive weeks ia the Nebraska Advertiser.
NATHAN BLAKELY, Admistrator.
Beatrice, Gago onnty,'N. T.
Juno 30th, 1859. nolvl-6t $7
Probate Notice.
WHEREAS application has been mado to the
Probato Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri
tory, for tho appointment of a General Administra
tor of the Estate of Charles M. Grecver, late of said
county, decCT!Td;notice is herebygiven that Satur
day the 6th day of August, is the day appointed for
hearing said applications, at my office in Brownville,
in said county, when and where all persons interest
ed in said Estate may appear and show cau3c why
Heath Nuckolls shall not be appointed said administrator.
"Given under my hand this 29th day of Jnne,lS59
R. J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge.
Juno 30th, 1859. n2-Gt $7
A BcnevotCnt Institution established by special En
dowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed,
ajjlictcd Kith Virulent and Epedcmic Disease.
TITK rioward Association, in view of the awful distrac
tion of human life caused by Sexual diseases, and the
deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such
disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con
sulting Surgeon, a a charitable act worthy of tbeir
name, to open a dispensary for the" treatment of this
class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical
Advice (iritis to all who apply by letter, witi a descrip
tion of their condition (age, occupation, habits of life,
&.c.) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines
free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa
tion commaud thehiglicsi Medical skill of the age, and
will furnish the most approved modern treatment.
The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re
nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex
press the highest satisfaction with the success which has
attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper
matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet;
Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of
ilie Kidneys and Bladder, &.., and order a continuance
of the same plan for the ensuing year.
Tho Directors, on a review of the psst, feel assured
that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have
been of great benefit to the aflU.ted, especially to the
young, and they have resolved to devote themselves,
with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de
spised cause.
An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal
Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self-
abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the
Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed
envelope) FREK OF CHARGE, on tbe receipt of TWO
STAMPS f. r postage. Other reports and Tracts on the
nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are
constantly being published for gratuitous distribution,
and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new re
medies and methods of treatmncts discovered during the
last year are of great value.
Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTN
noUGIITON'. Actias Surgecn, Howard Assxiation, No.
2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia.
By order of the Directors,
KZRA D. II ART WELL, President.
Eo. Faibciiild, Secretary.
July 14, 18oS-ly
Mclaughlin & dorsey,
Main Street, BrownYll!c,N.T.,
Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar
atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay
taxes, investigate titles;
Buy and sell property on commission; furnish land
warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi
ness connected wi;h a general land agency business.
Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern
ment land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a distance.
McLAUGHLIX & DORSET respectfully refer to
George H. Nixou, Esq., Register Brownville Land
Chirlcs B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Honeys'
Nemaha Land District.
Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville
3Ies6rs. Lusbbaugu h. Carson, Bankers, Brownville,
lion. W. M T. Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland.
Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md.
O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio.
lion. Fenner Fureuson, Delegate in Congress from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C.
John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind.
Brownville, April 22. nc-13tf
John C. Deuser, plff.
District Court for Nemaha
County, Nebraska Terrify.
Charles X-Freyberg, df) " " September Term, lSi9.
The above namod defendant LnarUs A. rrevberg
is hereby notified that there is now on file in the of
fice of the Clerk of said Court, tbe petition cf the
said plaintiff, -John C. Deuser; wherein claimed ef
tbe said Freyberg the sum of sixty-five dollars.
twenty-five dollars ef whieh sum is for money ad
vanced to bim by faid plaintiff, as th J consideration
for certain lota on the town site of St. Frederick in
said county, to wit : lot number 11 in block number
21', and lot number 5 in Mock number 30, and lot
number 6 in block 31, and which lots said Freyberg
had sold and conveyed to plaintiff by warrantee
deed ; and forty dollars of said claim is lor damages
Fustained by plaintiff by reason of tbe failure of litis
to eaid lots so conveyed. And said defendant is
further notified that an order of attachment has leen
issued from said Court against him in said cause,
and unless he appears and answers to said petition
on or before the first day of the next term of said
court to be held at Brownville in said county, on the
19tn day or 5ept'mber, A D 18o9, a default will be
taken and judgment rendered against him accord
ing to tbe prayer of said petition. wi;h costs of suit.
McGARY A HEWETT, Att'ys for Pits.
Aug. 20, 1859. n7-4w ; - l :
A promissory note on Wm. L. ChasUne for twenty-
two dollars and about flfty cents, dated Hay 1359, due
August 1st, 1669 witn. twentyrfYa" per cent interest
from date till paidl TBe flader will conleFi a .Xaver" by..
leaving it 6o that I can get Jt. - .
August S3, 1S03. WESLET rENNT. -
Probate Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Tuesday, AugnrtSth,
1869, is tbe day appointed for tbe flual aett lenient of the
Estato of George Lewis, deceaaod, late or Nemaha
county, Nebraska Territory, at my office in BrownviCe
in said county, at 9 o'clock a m, when all persons in
terested in said estate may attend and show cause, if
any, why the accounts of David Lewis, administrator of
said estate, should not be allowed.
R. J. WHITNEY, Probate Jcdgc.
July 7th, 1859. 3t $2
Probate" Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Tncsday August 8th,
1859, is theday appointed for the Anal settlement of the
Estate of N. G. Titus, deccasedJate of Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory at my office ia Brownville irf said
county, at 9 o'clock A M, when all persons interested in
said estate may attend and show cause, if any, why the
accounts of James A.Titus, administrator of said estate,
should not be allowed.
R. J. WniTNEY, Probate Judge.
July 7th, 1859. 3t $2
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have appointed Monday
the 19th' day of September, 1859. as a day for the hear
ing of claims against thecstate of D. C. Patterson, late
of Jones county, N. T., deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notified to file the
same at my office on or before that day, or they will be
forever barred from recovering any portion ol such claims
and from setting off the same in any action whatever.
Given under niy hand at Beatrice. Gage county. N. T..
this 13U(Ia of July, 1S39". - NATHAN BLAKELY.
n2-w Probate- Jffdze, Ex-OttciQ.
The undersigned hiving bought the Mills for
merly owned by Dr. Hoover of Nemaha City, is now
preparad to grind Co:n, Wheat, and saw Lumber on
the most reasonable terms. Possessing the best wa
ter privilege in Nemaha county, he can at all times
accommodate his customers on short not'ee with the
best quality of grist. Flour, Corn Meal and lumber
constantly on band.
July 19th nltf J. G. MELVIN.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtuo of an ex
ecution issued from tho office of tBe Clerk of the
District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri
tory, against A brain F. Shcrfyand in favor of Alex
ander 1). Skeen, for the sum of two hundred and
eighty dollars and seventy-five cents ; I, Davidjon
Plasters, Sheriff ot said county, have levied upon.
and on Monday the 19th day of Sept., a. . 1859,
between tho hours cf ten o'clock A X and three
o'clock p M, at the door of the hiuso in which the last
term of the District Court was held, in Brownville
in said county, will sell at public sale to the highest
biddor, for cash in hand, as the property o said
feherfy, and to satisfy said execution, tho following
described Real-estate, to-wit: Lots No. nine, ten,
eleven and twelve in block bo. sixty-eight, in Ne
maha eity, as designated on the original plat of faid
city, and situate in Nemaha county, together with
all tbe improvements, tenements and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise pertainin?.
.. Sheriff of Nemaha ecunty,N. T.
Brownville, Aug. 18th. 1S59. 6-4t-f750
Sheriff's Sale,
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of aa ex
ecution issued from the office of the Clerk of tbe
D'utrict Court of "Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri-
terr, againt Nathan Hay woodr It. AY . Furnas, R. V.
Muirand Thomas P. Haywood and in favor of James
M Hinton, for the sum of five hundred and fcrty-nve
dollars and nine cents; I, Davidson PI isters, Sheriff
of said eonnty bare levied npin and on Monday
tho 19th day of September, A. D. 1851?, between the
hoars of ten o'clock A. X. and four o'clock P.M.. at the
door of the house in which the last term of tbe said
Court was held at Brownville in said eonnty will
sell at public sale to tho highost bidisr for cash in
hand as property of said Thos.P. Haywood, to satisfy
saia execution, tnc loiiowing desmoid real estate,
to-wit : The north-west quarter of section number
twenty-fonr, in township number fire, ia ranee
number fifteen, east of the sixth principal mere
dian, according to the government survey, and sit
nate ia said Nemaha county, together witi all the
improvements to said Ianl belonging.
Sheriff of Nemaha county, N. T.
Brownville, Aug. 18th, 1859. - 6-4t$750
Probate Notice and Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested
that Joha J9elay bar been appointed Administrator
of the Estato of Jacob Zclay, lateof Nemaha eonnty
Nebraska Tcri tory. Persons having claims against
said estato are notified to present them to the Pro-f
bate Judge of said county, at Brownville, on or be
fore the 12th dayof September 1859, or they will
forever bo debarred collection ; and the said John
2elay 13 further authorized to set! the personal rro-
pcrty belonging to said estate, or suffcient to satis
fy all demands, at public auction or at private sale,
as may seem best, on the 13th day of September 1359
Probate Judge.
August 23d, 1859. 7-3t-$4
A MEMORANDUM BOOK, which the owner can
have by calling at this, describing ani paying
ior wis advertisement.
i J.
Blacks, ElanliS.
irturt n nam, prinxea in aupenor 'J' "
ale cheap for cah, a frevk wryly of
Warranty Deeds, Mortgage PeeriT.
Trust Deeii, Bonds fo 1)cc0j
Justice, Sheriff and Cinstaiie Xlank,
Blank Preemption Tapers,
I . TOwTiship FlaU, Sail Lads.
Drafts, STotes, et, 4t4 i:a'
To which we rail the especial attention jf tUoia ae-l.
Job Printing of any and every Ue:iiyUv,a executed t-
order in a ttle inferior to none, produced it auy pari i t
tEe country. We tm:ept nu ufllcc ia the Wet, or ?le
where, and offer sixtcioicus of our wxrk as tr u'ix
And will product ntorf sold than any other dicing ret
discovered, and
or THS
City Boot & Shoo Store,
Wi 1 1 m.1 ? . lnniipl.ip nil, u.t. .i. it . .-n
ca"ll or ftave you. measure, it tie will sell T' o iUi(!r'
gaiter, a neater ih, or prairie bixif s, ail lady' foe.
gaiter or slippers, cheaper than any .lhor tui-c Wot
of SI. Lonla. Employing govd workmru. rl ieepiiu a
variety of material and liunminci fur ht.ine m.iiitif u-.
ture, 1 hope toreccjve that liberal ptrooji;o bertif
. Brownville July 27, lSi i-f
T. M. TALEOtr, T
Having located himself in Brownville, N. T., ten
ders his professional services to tho community..
All jobs warranted. j.
TIIE uppers ii3cd, det-irhv: to start abont the 10r s r
September for Tetas, willse'.l either foroh in hand or
upon a short time to good men : One Dwellicx House in
the City of Brownville with. Two Lotn cbc1jm;L- a pr
garden and onttouseft upon the premises.
Two Good Vacanf ls In Brownville .ituatcd near tCa
levee and convenient for business pnTptfes. t ,
120 Acres of Land in NerriMhscoiuitJor tUcMUspiri
river; well timbered and watered.
One half of an Original SLaro (equal to SO loir) in tho
Town of Aspinwall. - -
Nine Lots in "McLennan' addition" to Nebraska City,
near Nebraska City wharf.
The undersigned find the fiscal department cf bin
alTain in a very embarrassing condition. If tlne h
are indrVi? tonfrt will please to come forward and tr
their littlcnotes and accounts, he will take it a a irrOj
kindness upon their part, and will be happy to pre?-,
each of theru with a alight token of hi hitta recti J iit
the form of a small receipt, neatly written, with his
autograph appended thereto.
D. I.. Sfi-G ART
May 19 n41-if
& -3
K Si 3
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7? 5 i " 2 s
V3 1 . 9 .
a Er5'sa;j
3 Sast-tl
U - S 2 5
Buy. Your- Warrants
OP J. STcCONlDE, rarnhim stf eet, Omaha, Nebraska.
U 3 2
3 -is si
Q jw an
M - P S a . .2 i-
P 's?;!.
2 . e S s
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? Z S ei- c s
5?S .:!.f 2
5 ; -3 - a-
For sale bv J. IT. MArv v ro n,wn.
and by all druggists generally.
M A iV U F A C TO R "V
iiuoiyxviiaLE, Sr. t.
f IT.ERJCBT informs the public tTlat do flan
C". - 4 1ated himself in this City, and I prepared
i' ti serve tSuat in want f anythlnsln hrt lin.
He has seletei his stock with care and will ni:iinrn. t m
a No. 1 article of everything offered, lie deem It tuv'
necessary to enumerate; butwill keenonhaiid evev arti
cle usually obtained in Saddle and TIrnea shop.. .
Brownville May 12. 4U-e:it
Probate Notice.
Whereas application has been made to the.
Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory f.r it,'
aaleof certain real property of the Ei.tare f Williarf
Welch, deceased, lateof said county, in order tocbtnin
means to satisfy tbe debt against ;ml etati. notjeo is
hereby given that Saturday the 10tbday.f ..v,niber
1859, at 10 o'clock A.M., is t3e day appointed for hear
irK said appiicati at. my tUlce ia Brownville in
county, when and where all persona interested may at-
ici.Ti 11N1.11..0V cus wty an order ror the tale of the
following described Iaudleloncing to aaid entate my
not be granted, to wit : The northwest quarter of
ticn 15, in township 4, north of range 15eat of the six'ri
principal meridian, in tbe county and Territory aforrhaiJ
K. J. WIIITNF.T Pr.,l.,i. I,l.
Angust 4th, 1S59. 61 f 7
FpcctfuIIv cautioned not to insert the faWn. (h! r.
specting myself, of a young fellow assuming aFrein h
iisluu, nun u n j.jx ariu id several newspnpora 01 into.
Such noticej would not bo admitted where b5 is
known. Ho cannot, read nor write, but hires cur
one to copy c-7 bill." , .
f .. . 17. V. SMITH, M.
Proprietor of Smith's Electric Oil. n'l-tf
A Competent Surveyor
"WIIO Is pcraonally a'otiainteJ with all tho Lands
offered for sale in tbe Omaha District i conno ted with
Omaha, N. T. vLif
TIIE Copartner.hirr heretofore tiltinT Wtrmi'
LToadley & Mair his this day been dissolved by
mutual consent.
Those bivifir accoanta a?ainst tbe siid firm will
please present theldfor pamenf,and thfae iriiTiNV
will please make payment to eithrr r.f the late ft -,"'.'
K0 BT. V.ML'lU. .
June 1st, '59. ajP -t f
Dwelling House For RenrV
June 1st '39. T. f
Dwelling House for Rent.
THE underilgned wm tent on nbeT.i tcrmr?.
prompt and careful tenant, the mot como.viions. r'.l'
gaint and elligibly sitaated dwelling bne in the cut f
Brownville an excellent cistern, all ti"
houses, and a fine garden with all the vegetable ,-i th.
season in an advanced state of cultirattl,n, cr-n the
premises. ; U. L. ilcGAKT.
May 19. n.7-tf
lllK Mercantilo firm ot Crane A liul as in rcto-
foro existing is this day dlwdved by mu'ual ou-"
sent. Theodore Hill having purchased the.en'.irc
interest of Merchandise, Notes and Account of Jonm'
Crane, the books and account of tbe firm rcraais at
the old stand. No. 17 Main Street, in charge of Mr
Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled business'
of said firm.
Brownville, June T3tb, 1859.. M-f
A XXyTT of hand, calling for over one hundred dollirs-
which owner can have by callihj at thia office and paj'lni?
fbr thia advertisement.
Aytf frcrraht? Locatzi by
j. v-rnv-Ti o.,v,