Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 08, 1859, Image 3

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    ! -
. ... 1 Jln-A
t :'li ihe end of G months.
v n
2 50
- .. . m i.e furnished at l,5o per
' 't,,yf ,?,"rfl cash accouipamcb the order, not
Nebraska Advertiser " having
;,.; here Nebraska mcrch;
r-' aJ no better advertising medium
'rrn country .
tie'-" .
' si. Mary Sunk.
ViJLjiiy morning- last, about Jay
,. sicamc r St. Mary sunlrin about
i r,vt crater, just below Ilemines's
i .T iouri.'anJ fifteen miles below
. i Knnl a considerable amount
og xl i"-
:. .luiul'or and uierciianuise lor me
1 tjwas, betides forty or fifty pas-
t' of t-e latter were injured, and
I , r ilc freight was saved without
net known where or haw she
tl- a-!eak! The St. Stephens ferry
vras sei:t for, which arrived in due
.speedily relieving the suspense
j !! ca WrJ. She is sunk beyond the
S of reco ve ry. 1 1 e r i ns u ranee was
4 '-a 'hv'iid five hundred dollars.
.unska Farmer.
5 the time has arrived when
r?.i:iand for the publication of a
:.2 iu"lraslia devoted "exclusively
ri;u!:-ral aiid Mechanical interests,
I have consented to commence the pub
jiLcn'cf Uie "XrcBASKA Faiimek."
?f.rr.iju:aber will appear October 1st:
';;:;sl!o, we will have out a specimen
. ly tae meeting of the Territorial
!;. 'We have the promise of aid, in
-hr.pc of contributions, from a number
!c v.ri:trs in Nebraska ; both gentk
auiltdits: The "Household Dcp
v. l.p niidtr tho charge.
. .ii. . ... - " O '
.."cg.'," d a tvTTs t ae writers.
We lave tui out circulars to every
jrt'n'f Yhraska, announcing our in
; i.'i regard to this enterprise, and,
i :!. same U;ne," soliciting communica
L'.s upvii any ar 1 every subject connect
i : r. aniculture. We hereby extend
: : i.i'.itail'jn "to write" to every man and
t i:i lraAa, and hope to receive
:.f'jr!.:a?i'"n" from every nock and cor-
iriathe Territory.
1 Tie ' Tanner" will be the same size of
Prairie Farwrr, Chicago, and the
u.'nj GaiHanan, Albany 1G three
L j aes, and published on the first
i . wch mciith, at 81 per annum. Wc
1 1!! "issue no prospectus in advance, but,
V"!rj made arrangements for the publi
i:'.ni of t!iO paper without fail, shall al-
v iL'j .paper itself to serve as a pros-
1 Holt lomily DiGlcuUics.
pW'iz tired some time ago the exist
of zn investitratiner Committee in
' '. coTf y, Mo., relative to some barn
) T:n atfairs in the vicinity of Jackson's
j Two Walkers, father and son, and Dun-
:- a soD-iu-luw, were suspected. It ap
J that Duncan has confessed that they
t -e did burn ihe property in question.
elder Walker is said to have been
j 'i-tofore ,labove suspicion" a man of
influence, and position in that
isdering Minstrels.
Tie "Austin Family" gave a concert
is place j'esterday evening. Their
'ormance, both vocal and instrumental.
ntcd continued applause" from a well
d house.
-Mn 31111s. "
Melvin, of the Kcmaha Mills, ha
'-"fT some time furnishincr citizens of
:s place with an article of flour which
?'ven universal satisfaction. We are
u inj it atl,our house," and are free
it ii the best we have found, since
''"- Territory; fresh, sweet, whitCj and
Valualjlc Public Document.
kn. J. Miller will except our thanks
r"'l. 10 Explorations for a Railroad
v-' from the Mississippi River to the
c- This is a favor we prize very
v-y, and consider ourself under extra
o'Mi'Jus to Jude ZNIiller for it.
Onions. .
Ir- amY II. Caldwell, of this
-;y, has, placed on our table three large
-i.s of tit. 'Red AVcthersfieli" variety,
-tire very fine-indeed the largest we
" '-en in this Territory. Weighor
; full ;. and measures in circumfer
'-e hj inches each.
j Wtorial Fair.
! , s everybody going to the Territorial
Nebraska City I We hope so.
i " l- vi!l be a great place to sce:candi
i ' aiid a great -for candidates
lile "dear people," and if Sterling
r'x lets himself out, he'll make a
'rWrc4;jlg. speech than you'll hear
of tLe candidates. 13y all means
j,.3 Territorial; Fair on 21st, 2:2 d
i this month.'
-x-V'ents, for late papers.
The First Shipment oHYheat from
Nehraiika . ;
"The Omaha, down Sunday evenin
lrom Sioux CUv. 1,1 r,y, :t ,..v . t
wheat, which was shipped from Nebraska!
I ltr Thu ... , J i . . '
--j- uu understand, is t'ie lirst
shipment of wheat ever made from that
Territory.''. Jo. Daily GazttU. , .
In the above paragraph the, GazitU
made a mistake in the locality from which
"thefirst shipment of , wheat from i'Nef
braska" was made. The wheat in ques
tion was raised in Xtmaha countv. nml
' - j t "
shipped from Brounvilh by our entcr-
prismg snipping merchant Theodore
WTc intended to have given the "Plat
form" and a synopsis of the proceedings
of the Bellcvue Convention this week ;
but have not space. It shall appear next
Green Corn.
Who wants to pay for their paper in
Green Com, stalks and ail, with which to
give our ''porkers" a start, preparatory
for Christmas 'sasscners." ..---
Arrested for Howe Stealin
A fellow, having on a pair of substan
tial "iron gloves," passed our oflice win
dow this morning in company with officers
Plasters and Rogers. We understand he
was under arrest on charge of stealing
An iron spire is about to be erected on
a church in Pittsburg. This will be the
first construction of the kind in the United
States, and it is fitting that it should be
put up in the "Iron City." This church
(St. Philornena's Catholic) has now a
brick tower 100 feet high, which is to be
carried upG-5 feet higher, and upon it will
be erected a beatiful cast iron spire So
feet high, exclusive of the cross that will
crown the apex. The style is to be per
forated Gothic of the middle ages. Tt
will cost about $10,000. There are now,
it is stated, but two church spires in the
world that are made of Iron, viz : at Vi
enna and Frankfort-on-the-Main.
The Charleston Jlcrcury, having dis
posed of all the trusty captains cf the
democracy has commenced "ruling out"
by states. In a recent issue the States of
Virginia, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland
and Missouri were excommunicated and
directed to be "diseountenized" by all
who are salivated by excessive Mercurial
doses. That enterprising journal intends
to have an especial Charleston platform
framed, to meet the approval of sore
mouths only. "Popular sovereignty"
recognizes the right of every man to
doctor himself in his own way, and take
the chances of going under. Spring fulJ
Reg U fir.
A firm in Philadelphia have manufac
tured a splenlid sewing machine to be
presented to the Empress Eugenie, which
is thus described : Upon a silver base is
embossed in elaborate elegance the es
chutcheon of the Empire, while the whole
rests upon four silver lions, over which an
eagle is perched. The names of Napo
leon's generals and victories appear upon
one side of the base, and at the end upon
a square, a statue of the great Napoleon
is standing. This is done in enameled
work, and is a crem in its line. At the
side of this figure the goddess of Indus
try is seen, and over both the spread eagle
is flying, which, bending forward, forms
the "vibrating arm of the machine, the
needle being in the beak of the royal bird.
The plate of the machine is of highly
polished steel, supported by four angels of
silver with wings of gold, and in the front
of the case is the inscription. The case
and table of the machine arc to be made
of wood from Mt. Vernon,
The Taris correspondent of the London
A'eii's says:
" I have seen a Turin letter, which
states that when the Emperor Napoleon
announced to King Victor Emanuel the
terms of the treaty of Villa-franca, he
said, 'Has your Majesty any observations
to make V The King at once understand
ing the situation, replied by the question,
ifas your Majesty anything?' The two
sovereigns bowed and parted."
The imports of foreign dry goods at
New York for July amounted to &14,
035,000, against 0,906,113 for the same
month last year. The increased impor
tation for the seven months of this year
over the corresponding period of 1657, is
about eight millions, or nearly 11 per
cent. The increase over last year is one
hundred and thirty-three per cent.
Legal Notice.
Stephen F. Xuckulls, pi 3". 1 Distric t Court for Ne
va. ma ha County, Nebraska
W. S. Hal!, Territory.
Kusscll I'eery, nnJ op temper term ISoO
U.S. llihU.wer. J
The above named defcnilants ore hereby r,otif;eJ
that there is now cn filo in the office f tho Clerk
.f the district euurt for Nemaha Count-, N braska
Territoiy, the petition of Stephen F. Nuckolls who
claims of iheia the fu?n of nincty-nino dollars and
peventy-threc cent?, with intercut from the lf'th day
f March, A. 1. lSoS, at the rate of thiity-fix per
cent, per annum on a promissory note dated Sept
ember lfith, 1S5S, and executed tu R. YV. Frame,
Secretary of the Peru town company or order, and
that unless they appear before tho district court at
the next tern, thereof for Nemaha County aforesaid,
to be held at lirownville iu paid county on Moud.iy
the UUh day of September nud answer to said
petition on or before the second day of said term,
the said petition vrill be taken a? true" and judg
ment by default will be rendered against raid defen
dants for tho amount claiiud with interests and
costs. JIcCAKY &. IIEWKTT.
Attorneys for riairitir-i.
August 15th lS5f. C,-iw-$7o0
Trust Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given to Irene Gilmorc, widow
f. William tJilmorc, Charles (lilmore, James W.
Calkins and Tlizabcth Jane Calkins his wife and all
others whom it may concern, that by virtue of a
certain Deed of Trust executed for and by William
(iilaiore to .Joseph F. Jlitehcll. to secure the sum of
$114, and dated Aii. 10th, ISoS. aud recorded oa
pa;;c C4, Mortgage Reword No. l,of Nemaha County,
Ncbratka, I, Joseph F. ilithtll. the Trustee named
in taid 1M-J ef Trust, will on Thursday Sept. ctb,
ISj'J, between tho hours of nine o'clock, A.M. and
1 o'clock P. M at the premises described, sell to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand law ful Money, the
following described Real-estate situate iu faid Ne
maha coantr. N. T vii t The South-west of tho
North-west and the North-west i of the South
west Yi of see. If, township 0. range 14, east bth
principal meridian, together wi:h all tho buildings
tenements, improvements aud appurtenances thereto
belonging; haid sale to be msJe to meet tho said
note of 111, bearing even date with fciid Docol of
Rrow-Evillc, Aug. 11,180. no5-it-$7j0
: 7 Legal .Notice, v "
Theodofr U r.r, Phf ) ftUtrfct 'Court'-fur Gao
v.-. r county, Nebraska Tcrri-
UuU Keefer; DffJ. ) UrjA i .' .1 ,!
To Louis Keefer, the abovr namd defendent, you
are hereby n tilj'.-d that the said plaintifF, Theodore
Hi!!, has t ed in tho ,fieo of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court for the county of. Cage and Territory cf
Ncfcrrk-kB.tii Tuition, claiming of jca the sum f
tvvn hmdmd avi L fry dollar and twenty cents, with
intcrct t on one hundrod and sixty-nine dollars and
fifty-seven cent of that snm, at the rate ef ten per
cent, per annum from the third day of lay, I860, as
due ujon a prcmissorj cota given by jou to Crane
Si Hill or order, which nott ly assignment is tho
property of Siid Thco - crollill ;Rnd w ith interest ist
the same rale ua the balance of said sum vii: eighty
dollars ind sxty threc cents fnm tin llth'day of
August, ISj'J; forty-four dollara be in r due on a
ballanced old account between you and Seiglc SL
Greer banjn.nssi'med to laid Pllintiff. tcd thirtT-fcix.
dollars and sixty-three cents on a book account with
Theodoro Hill: unti unless you appear before said
(rtirt on the first da of the nest term thereof, to
be held at U;:atriec in said county, and plead to said
Petition tho same will he taken as true, and judg
cicat rendered accordingly." ! . '. . .
Atfys for 11 IT.
August lRth,lS53. C-t-7:0
O'oteutcd) MET.TL1C SUN DIALS, Manu
factured at Pittsburgh, Fa., and sold by W. W.
Wilson, Ag'jnt.
ror All Latitudes.
la additun U the hour circle, subdivided toshow
the trua time to minutos, these Dials have engraved
Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap
parent ai d true time every day in tho year ; a mii
ror inserted, which reflects the clouds, shewing their
ex:wjt course, and the coiitejueut direction of the
viu,l ) a coiii'ia.-?, circle, to Doing mado with great
accurivey, of beautiful ami durable Workmanship,
and very ornamental and u.efo!, this valuable work
of art should hare a place cn the grounds of all im
proved country residences, plantations, gardens,
lawns, Ac. A cast iron column of Doric. Order, three
feet high, is furnished at $j each. The dials are 3
to inches diameter, 1'rico ef No. 4, 615; No.
$10; M. 2,57; Xr.1, $6. The No. 4 Dial and col
umn, ?'J9, is generally preferred. Directions accom
pany by which they are easily set up and adjusted
to the true meridian. Order promptly lilled.
Aug. IS, 1S09. . n5-tf
Legal Notice.
White, Kucsc 11 k Co., Pills. 1 District Court for Nc
vs. i Tiiaba Couuty, Nob'ku
Albert Prcduior and ' I Tc;ritory.
T. M. Drydeu DTs. J September term 1Sj
The above mimed defendants, Albert 1 redmorand
J. M. Drydcn are hereby notified that thero is now
on li'.e in the ofiiecof the Clerk of tho district Court
for Nemaha C-junty, Nebraska Territory, tho jtcti
tion of White, Russell Co., (he taid plain tills,
claiming of said Predmor and Drydeu tho sum of
(.n c hundred dollar, ith interest from tho 1st day
of July 157; at tho rate tf t-en per eent. per annum
tm a promissory note executed by them to said plain
tiffs or order, and bearing data Jelj 17th 18;07. And
tbtit unless tho said defendants appear and answer
to laid petition on or before tho seeoud day of the
nexl term of td Court, to be begun and held at
Drownville in said county, on Monday tho 10th day
of September A. D. ISj'J, a default will be taken
anl judgement rendered against them for the
amount claimed in uid ctitioii with costs.
- MeOAKV &, HEWETT, Att'ys for PTs.
August Utb, 135'J. ; . ;. . t-4w-$750
Legal Notice.
To Thomas L. M'Coy and tho Nemaha Valley Rank:
You and r.ieh of you arc hereby notified that
whereas", at th last (April, A. V. lSD,) term of the
District Court for Nemaha County, Nebraska Terri
tory, judgment was obtained in favor of Stephen F.
Nuckolls and against ''Tho Nemaha Valley Rank"
f. j- the rum cf three hundred and thirty-six dollars
and cig!ity-?'?wn cents, upon hiehsaid judgment
execution has been issued and returned in part un-sati.-fiod,
and whereas said judgment was obtained
upon Rills of said Rank issued to circulate as ear
rei.ey, and the sum of three hundred aud six dollars
and eighty cents remains unpaid thereon, the Ilain
tiif hf.s tiled his petition in the tfueo of the Clerk of
the District Court for said Nemaha county, asking
that judgment for the amount remaining unpaid as
af ire.-aid be entered up against the said M'Coy as a
stockholder of said Rank as well s against said
Lank, and furthermore asking an attachment,
against the property of you the said M'Coy, and
furthermore charging that Richard Rrown his prop
erty of "the Nemaha. Valley Rank in his bauds, and
asking thut he be ordered to appear aud answer con
cerning the same on the moruirgof the second day
of the next term of said Court; and you and each
of you are further notified that unlessyou appcaron or
before the morning of the second day id tbeneitterm
of tho said Court to be begun and held at Rrownvillo
in fnid county on tho 13th day of September, A. D.
IS! 'J, and plead to -aid petition, the allegations there
of will be taken as true and judgment rendered ac
cord in :'l 3.
Att'ys for Plaintiff.
Rmwaville, N. T.. Aug. 17,V.h 6-5t-$10
I w i.'a to employ a good, steady hand, to labor as
a farm hand for the term of one year.
CCRRAN IIUTCniXS. . . , i'5-tf
. Atlniiuistrat or's Si;Ic. - -
Pursuant to on order of the Probate Court, made
on the 'Jth day of August, A. D. 18.VJ, I, Jauies
N. Kelly, Adinia'strator of tho Estate of Oliver P.
lvelly, latj if NeiuahaCount', Nebr:iska Territory,
deceased, will offer for sile at public vendue, on
Satuiday the 17th day of September, 1S3D, between
the hoursof D o'clock A. M. apd the setting sun, at
the door of the ol':ice 4" R. Vhitney, in Rrown
ville in said Nemaha County, to the highest bidder,
for in hand, the following described real prop-pt-rty
ns a part of said Estate, to-wit : The South
east quarter of section number 2:1, in township num
ber j, north, of range number 15 east of the sixth
priucioal meridian, in Nemaha county, N. T.
Ordered that theabovo notice bo published fjrsix
successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser.
R.J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge.
Rrownvillc, Aug. 11th. 1.VJ. n5-St-$7
Buy V our w arrants
OF J. McL'OX !, FrraaciitrcctOiraha. Nebraska.
Claim Notice.
To Joseph Proud, Launns II. Johnson, and all
other whom it may concern. You are hereby noti
fied that I will appear at the Land Office a Drown
ville, Nebraska Territory, on Thursday tho 1st day
of Sopternber, as 2 o'clock p.m., to prove up my
right of pre-emption to tho West half of the north
east quarter and the East half of the Northwest
m irter of section numb r 21, iu township 4, uorth
of range C, east of Cth principal meridian.
Claim Notice
To Albert Clark and all ozbers whom it may c:iecrn
Von are hereby notified tliat, I will appear at the hand
'l'ia;iu B-owitville, X. T. on Saturday, the 3rd day of
sei'temPer 1S."9, at V o'clock 1 M. to prove up my l i'ht of
1 re-empu :ii to the Kast hair of the X". K., aiid Xrt!ieast
c.inrter of S. K. quarter of section no. 7, Township no.
1, no. 7, east of the sixth principal merl lnm.
JAS. il. D. L. ilAPi'S.
Aup. CO. 1S59 7 Ct
A p omisFory on V m. L. Chaftine ffr trrenty
two dollars nod about fifty cents, dared May iSo!), due
Aufiurt 1st, 1809, with per cent interest
inin tiitc till paid. The fim'cr will c-jnfer a favur by
Icavit R it s thut 1 can j;ctit.
August 23, 1S59. WESLCr TEXXY.
John C. Denser, plff. 1 District Court for Nemaha
vs County, Nebraska Tcrrit'y.
Charles A Frcybcrg, df J September Term, 1S50.
The above ii.imod defendant Charles A. Freyberg
is fmrcby notified that there is now on file in 'he of
f;ee of the Clerk of said Court, the petition tf tho
said plaintiff, John C. Denser, wherein is claimed cf
the said Freyberg tho sum of sixt3T-vc dollars,
tweuty-tve dollars of which sum is tor money ad
vanced t-j him by said pliintirT, as the consideration
for certain lots on tho town site of St. Frederick in
said county, to wit : lot number 11 in Vb ek number
2'J, and lot number 5 in block number SO, and lot
number 0 iu block 31, and which lots slid Freyberg
had sold and conveyed to plaintiff by w-rrantce
deed ; and forty dollars of said claim is for damages
sustained by plaintiff by reason of the failure of litis
to said lots so conveyed. And said defendant is
further notified that an order of at'achmcnt has been
i.-sucd from said Court against biia ia said cause,
aud izalcss. hj ajpears and auswe.s to said petition
on i r before the first day of the next term of said
court to bo held at Rrownvillc in said county, on the
l'Jtu day of September, A P liS0'., a default will be
taken and judgment rendered against him accord
ing to tho prnver of said petition, with costs of suit.
M. GARY HEWETT, Att'ya for FluT.
Aug. 20, 1S59. ii7-4w
Frobato Notice and Sale.
NOTICE i hereby given to all persons interested
that Join i-'vlay has been appointed Administrator
of the Estate of Jaeoi May, late of Nemaha county
Nebraska Territory. Poisons having claims against
said c:'tf:to arc notified to present them to the Pro
Late Judge of said county, at Rrownvillc, on or be
foro the l3;h dayof Sej. tember 1S39, or they will
forever be debarred collection ; and tho said John
l)ay is further aulhoriied to fetlthe personal pro
perty belonging to sflid estate, or Fulhcicnt to satis
fy all domands, at public auction or at private sale,
as may seem Lest, cn tl:c l3th ray of September lSiQ
- - r Prtbatc Judge.
Auist 23d", 1?:9.-
(Krcat Musli for
! '
Wholesale & Kelail -
J.1AV STREET, ' " .""
Announce to tLe Citizens of the
NEMAHA, ' .a- -
. RICHARDSON, ' ' . .
- ; . ': AND GAGE,
a ; ' .1 - : : .. ..' .
X n-Mlssouri,
, . r THAT, -TULY HAVE r. 'T
Just Eeceived,
Per Steamer Emigrant,
O TT 1? X-o "H3 DEt "S",
jf y K iki o t. y m "9
Heady Made Clotbiug,
Caps, etc.
Needed or JLDesired
Can le had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any other
House in ihe West.
Wc Do a Cash; or Exchange for
Produce Trade, and arc Deter
mined thereby to Give our Cus
tomers BARGAIN'S."
We solicit a continued and increased
patronage, pledging ourselves to spare
no pains to give entire satisfaction in
prices and quality.
Our Atchison County Friends
Will find very much to their advantage to
deal with us.
(Give us a Call v
And satiofj jonrselves that wc have tba
G- O O X3
And arc Eelling them
BrcwiTilleJ ArsnsU?59. ". T
; ' ' t ; i ,
THE having Ifa.'el ths Steam F'ocr
and CvrcT Mills lately trecU-J on the Ml.-onrlRivcc
at Ncmalja, City, are now prepared to grind '"'
' ' ' , - -
, Wl TJI Disrji TCJI.
' Having ono of
Clark's Celebrated Flouring' Mills,
Manufacture! at Philadelphia, wc can manufac
ture 10U iacka of Sapcrfmo Flour and 'grind GOt)
bushels of tom daily.
Our building for itoring and shipping grain or
produce is unsurpassed on the liiver.
We will provIdVtho public with a Frco Ferry at
all times.
cr-iTrustee's Sale.-?Trf;w
NOTICE Is hereby given thai! in'puriuar'ec'of'jt
certain l)eed of Trust exe-jutej by Janice A. Adams
to deo. F. llisby, to secure thesum of $j51 K'lO'j,
and dated Aug. 11, lj,, bearing interest from djto
at 10 p;r cent, per iuaiiuia.-flnd recorded oii me 74
Mortgage Kee rd Xo. 1 f Nemaha county, Nt braska.
I, Geo. F. Lixby, the TruUo u:miicI in said Deed of
Trust, will on Monday, September 12. Ij0, between
tho hours of 0 o'clock a. it. and 4 o'clock r. M,ut the
door of-the othee of llegister f l)ecd3 of Nemaha
county in 15nwnville, s.ll Ui tho highest bidder for
cash in hand lawful money, the fullowin described
real estate, situate in Nemaha county, Nelirraka viz
The S. W. 11 cf Section No. 11, in Towuship 5,
north of Itange 1 lr ea-t, containing ICD Hijrt?, to
gether with ail. the building?, tenements, improve
ments and appurtenances thereunto bolon i g. Said
sale to bo made to meet the said note of ? 551 16100
together v.ilh aecruing interest, and bearing even
date w ith said Truvt Deed. ..
August 1, is.:o. . t-4t-s;jo
Sheriff's Sale:
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an ex
ecuting issued from the ollieeof tho Clerk of the Dis
trict Court for XtLiaha omujtv, Nebraska Territoiy,
against Jaws Entwine and tn favor of 1. T. Why to
JL Co.",. for tha sum of ono' hundred tind fiify-one
dollars and forty cents: I, Davidson Piasters, Jnhcritf
cf said county, have leviel npen tho following de
scribed Ileal-estate in said Nenv.iha county, Nebr.j?-
Territory, to-wit: The Sonth-East quarter ef
the Drt!i-wc3t quarter of bection nuniber thirty,
(30 Township nuinber Cvc (5 North of I'anp,u
numl).;r sixteen (1(5), East of the sixth principle
nv.Tcdian, and will, yu the ltHh day of Sept., A. D.
lSj'J, between tho hours ef ten o'clKk, A. w. ond
four o'clock, r. jr., of said d:iy at the door of the
houso in which the last terni of said Court of said
comity was held i Urownville, proceed te s 11 sad
land to tbe highest bidder 'or cash in har.d, in sat
isl'aet;on oriaid execution and judgment.
Sheriff of Nemaha county, N. T.
Drownville, Aug. lSlh, ISj'J. .. Git-$7.'0
' "Shcriir's Sile.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by viitue of an ex
ecution issued from tho office of tho Clerk of the
District Court fur Nemaha county. Ncbra.-ka Terri
Ury, acainst tho Neiuaba Valley Dank, Samuel E.
Rogers and Barton D. Darkalow. and in favor of
Samuel II. Dennett, for tho sum of 4,ne hundred and
eighty-3evtnd I!ars and sov'enty-To cents; I, David
son Plasters, ShfriS" of nai l county, hnro levied
upon, as the property of siid Samuel E. Rogers, lots
nundtered one and two in block number three in the
City of Drownville, in said county, as designated upon
tho original plat of said City of rownvilie, and thato
I will, botwoen the hours of nine o'clock, A. M., and
three o clock, r. 31., on tho l'Jtu day of neptouDcr,
A. D. Sbd, at Drownville aforesaid, from the door
of the house m which the last term of the District
Court for said county was held, proceed to aell said
property at pubnc sale to the highest bidder fcrcati
in hand,
Sheriff of Nemaha co., N. T.
Drownville, Aug. lfit??, ISo'J. C-4t75')
A Benevolent Institution established l-j special En
tlpirment. for the relief of the sick a)u! distressed,
ojflicted wit'i Virulent and Lpcdemic
TO EHuwurd Association, in vie.." of the awful ilistruc-
tiuuof human lirecause.1 ty Sexual Uisciises, and the
deueptioi practiced upon the unfortunate viciimsof buch
disense by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con
sulting .Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of ttieir
name, to open a dis;Mi.sary for tho treatment of this
clas. of diseases, iu all their forms, and to niva iledical
Advice (Jratis to all who apply by letter, wiiU ado-scrip-lion
of their condition (a:-'e, occupation, of life,
c ) and iu eascof extreme poverty, to i'nntbh medicines
free of charge. It is needless to add that tl.e As-socia-tioii
couiniauds the highest Jledical ki cf tbe age, and
will furnish the most approved nudem treatment.
The Directors of the Association, in their Auaual Re
ntul Itepirt upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex
press the highest satisfaction with the success which has
attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper
matorrhoea ; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea ; Gleet;
Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or sell-abuse, disease of
ihe Kidneys and Hladder, &.c, and order a continuance
of the same plan lor the ensuing year.
Tr.e Directors, on a review of tho past, feel assured
that their labors ia tLis sphere of benevolent eil'ort h;ivc
been if great benefit to the ftli-ted, especially to the
young, and they have resolved to devote themselves,
with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de
spised cause.
An admirable Iteport on Spermatorrhoea, at Semiual
Weakness, tho vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self
abu. e. and other diseases cf the Sexual organs, by the
Consulunp Sureeon, will be sent by mail (in afpaled
envolo(C) TREE OF CHARCiE. on the receipt of TWO
iTAlll'Sf r postjpo. Other report and Trncts on the
nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, cc, are
constantly being published for gratuitous distributicn,
and will boseut to the afflicted. Some of tte nc ' re
medies and methods of treatinncts discovered during the
last year are of ureal value.
Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILMN"
IltJCGHTON', Atti'iK Siirs-'ecn, Howard Associ.ttion, Xo.
2, S,uth Ninth Street, l'luladclphia.
Ry order of the Directors,
EZRA D. HARTWELI,, President.
Eo. Fairchild, Secretary.
July 14, l3S-ly
Mclaughlin & dorsey,
Main Street,' Browmillc, N. T-,
Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar
atory statements; mnlce out pre-emption papers; pr.y
taxes, investigate titles )
Buy and sell pr.'perty n comr.iisinn ; furnish land
warrants Tor time entries, and attend to all other busi
nefs connected with a general land apency business.
Turticular attention jiaiJ to tho selection of Govern
ment land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a distance. "
MCLAUGHLIN &. DORSET respectfully refer to
George II. Xiiou, Esq.., Register Browaville Land
t'hirles B. Smith. Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys'
Nemaha Land District. .
Robert W. 1'nrnas, Esq.. Editor Advertiser Brownrtlle
Messrs. Lushbanch &. Carson, Banters, Brownville,
Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, llaperstown. Maryland.
Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md.
O II Barnct, Esq , Dayton. Ohio.
Hon. 'enner Kurpuson, Delegate ia Congress from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washiupton, D. C.
John A. Keal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Pern, I mi.
Brownville, April 22. no43tf
3B jZL 2L B E 2
Main Street,
Those iudebted to me are hereby notiSed that
they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at
the burliest market price, delivered at the store of
I. T. Vv'bytfc in Drownville. This request is made
only because 1 am in debt mysel:, and cannot raise
the uiouoy, but can make use of corn. Such arvar
r;;ngemcnt will be taken as a great accommodation
uu lcr present eircurustance?. JESSE NOEL.
Drownville, Dec, 2, l6oS.
Main Street, BroisnviUe, Nebraska
Has hist received a freh supply of
Consist ii i tf or New Style j .- -. .
Ribbons; Laces, Flowers
And the finest and best materials for mauulacturinj
anyfhin; in tbe millinery line.
April 1st. '59 t.40-ly ' .
A ME JK) RAND Cii DOOK, which the owner can
tioi-nlm . -, -i.: . . .n.,.. l i- :
Lr this alvcrtiscsiCEt. j
T. II. EUrPd
- - -A; t. riKY.
t i i f f i.. : ?
'?', l'roprict-irj of Ui ; 1 '!
THIS 1IOTKL has. lately been entirely ratted
and tha pro; rit.fs c'an noiv.asfcttr tht 'pabUj
the f!rieet wttii (?v?ry einvem?'.iev sn a tomiM t
usually found at a first class hotel.
Mr. Dcrry, the Jr., partner was formerly eona cted
with tho same houso, and has had large experience
in the hotel business in the K;ist.
DnwriTillf; June l th,Hjy.J ' ri ' "' Sl"rrr
Cor. IIroaHay :iiitnvat!i SJxcl.
Havii. purclnse-I the entire Nursery stock i f John
sij'SerMin, i aui ..i w uv ri.fnv
the larpestai.d bet selected of Krui; Sh i le, and
Ornamental t ees, shrubs and pi tuts ever otrercd for
sale iafh Vfesi. We aradetermiDed' ! ife-t :t S in-
dureme-iH to tigo pl.trtf trale as wifJ ensure
themost efttire satisfaction. Desenptive rata,,.? ics win
be furnished, anJ any iuforuiatioti piven. ty add vs.ia,
! r-- .r '! . A. f.Li.Kirr.- .
- ' gfiIlt Lu-.ns, Mo.
November C5, 'fiIy.. . '('"' i '.' ' ' ' t
Blanks BlanlKT I UWA
thirertl hi:id,t;-f:ifc fh4'rt;.?rior s7ie,V.-3 Ut
nh' .heap f-r cash, a trtrlfmTVT of'
Warranty Deed?, rirTtjac Ttzcizr
Trust, Dew3, Uoadu for D'.ids
Justice, She ru? and. Constable tilanks, .
Blank Preemption Papers.
.j f - Tot-.ii !iij rata. Bull tis. "
, 1 :-. " OrafUi, Kotos, etc. ec, t tc
T. which wc call the especial attention ..f (dose in need.
J"t li lii'ki; nf ..lii r -ju-i c Ct- desw n.nted 1
oroer in a atyle l-ritn ? U titH pr.d i-t vrt of
liie country. We eiic".it ini e In th( 'Ve"t. ' ? eNc-
here, anl .2r;;f. Iokv-m) f ,it ij V. fHeri-e
riitiM iiii iEf;iit;H!Aiii!.4i)
And will pr.iLCuaiuii tlanaa Uwei IHiwi Jet
City Boot &. Shop; Store," .
Will inkeo'i & superior vairof bot ..r m" il fen f
ca:t ot leave your luea.siire or hewill scHj . u a .hejper
faiter, a neater 6c.rT.Jtfe T tjj: .! u.iy'a tloo .
palters t r lipj('rs,lbfte1"tta;i j iy Ct. L.ue M'it
of .f. Loulo. i EiirvUji-J.i.l workman. . -
variety of material and tr.tuiaiiuzn f. r limine uianu.'ac
tore, I ln;ww ih t libera! parfli:MM" hrirTry
bet jwproii-iiie. iie imiicaU. '. W.n'Lt"
B.owtivillcJuIj 27. ixJ. ... , ...i. !:
discovered, mJ .
M J.
Send Four Stamps for a Specimen of
A Weekly summary of tho latejt intcili nee re
ceived from England. Ireland, Scotland. Wtleand J
the Driti.-h rosscssions in evry ef trmvi .d,
and dwvetcd to jiolitics, litorature, scieiicewt, his
tory, Ac. ie.
The Ycvss from, Ilttrup''
Will be rprwarjed potagr: i'vee um A''it of
3'jbseription, Viz f ' " ' '
S'J for ono year ; $1 tor six months; jO cents for
thrc liiontlis. ." ' ' '
Fostuuiitcrs and newspaper. oP.ieeMareaulTiorizcd
to act as agents. A liberal allowance Uiado t j par
ties getting vp clubs. ; - - w - - k ,
Address TOY"NI)r.OV k D A V
r.Jit ri and I'roprictvrs Nc.-Vork.
April I l,'5'J--iy' f.L f.'.'i.'
-Probate Notice. -
WIIKIIUAS it ajipeitrs t!iat there arort lira exist
ing the Ds'at-) of George "W Tdakely, de
ceased; I Lave appointed Monday tl.e i'.h of Sep
tember next a the Ihiad d.ij- fr hearing i.'.l claims
aga'usti.ii l Estate, and nil 'persons hav ii g eluin ?
aL'tlinit'tiiid estate are hereby 'notirhd to lilc tie
same at my oihce, or with the Administrator: of sai
Estate on or beforo that day, or thy wiil bo forever
barred from recovering such ctaiuiiand ;oii setting
off th'e same in any action whatever.
Given uiidcf my hand this 27th dy f Jen", 1.00.
- H.J. : WHITNEY, Prebato Jnd.
Ordered that the above notice be published i r six
sucsesslvo' ttuc' ia tba Nebraska AdverfT-4 1 , " " ' .
It. .1. WIUTMiY. -'
: : NATITAN B1.AKELV, Adialtr.Uor. .
Deatri. re, Gage county, N. T.
June :30th, lbj'.h . . .. . nol?l:0t $7
T. 31. TALB0TT,
Having located himself in Drownville, N. T., ten-,
ders bis professional 3 ri ico to thwcvaiuiunUvj.
THE TJidtTiiimil. Colli iii to fctjrt al oiVt'ttJlUta cf '
September for Tex is. ii! sell either for cash in h.uid or
upon a short time to K .-! lien : One invellim: Uoiise'i
Jire!c3 ai.AuUi'lU"eW''.eirffli!.'' . "
Two (ioiJ Vac.iiit Lots in Cruwutille MtiiatcJ near th .,
levee and convenient for l' . ureses.
1ZJ Acres of Laud in I'maha c.-unty near tbcMiUW
river; well timbered and atered. , tJ .
One half of an Original Share iual U Zii Tt) in the
Town of Aspinwall. .
Nine Lotsi.i '"McLentiati's aiMitrba ! to Nebraska City,
near Nebraska City I jr(.
Tim uii.lersiriei -rtii'l' tre II seal department cf bi
Jlt.iir ii ter ttnbarrassin condition. If tht wb
are inlebied to'liTui w ill please to dime forwaid ad pi'i
their little notes and accounls, he will fake it aa a -wn-'
kiiidness Uin their part, and will he lot:. Mr present
each of them w ii li a s!ii-ht tkeii of hi p:tf' ftf.r,I. tit
tlie f .riu of a sm ill receipt, nc fjj .written, witi Lla
mli raph j;: ended tudt ty. - -,
.--- V. L. McU ART. '
.ir.iy 13 ' !";.T.';0
1 C -3
S - - t U 1, -
3 ?
a Si -
- jr . -
Probate Notice.
WHEREAS n "plication lias be-n made to the
Probate Court of Nemaha.' county, Nebra.-ka Terri
tory, for tho appointment of a General Administra
tor of the LUte of (Jarli M. Gruevesr, lata ef ?aid
county, deceased, notice ij hereby giveii t6at Satur
day the Cth day of Aognst, is th"? day npfniuted for
hearing said applications, at n;y ofdee iu D;ovvnville,
in said county, when and where all persoiu Litcrcit
ed in said Estate may appear and show cause why
Heath Nuckolls shall not bo appointed said adminis
trator. " Given under my hand this 2'.):h dav of Jnn-, ISjc
K. J. WHITNEY, l'r.batir dudge.
June 30th, IS'yJ. i.-tjL-c;7
- -Z H it J " " "' 2 - Z r -
- 7 J C - . ' r '572 if.3'
M 3 , - 3 X. - t n .i ? x
q cr- jit z i i 3, iji
3 -5 - :, Z Z s t r s i .i 1
.-ir, 5J--- 5; 5 J - ' - -i -5
w -s s a si- : e s : j,! -2 . ,z 3t
ii c tM t ? " .
"A zzi i"f--;i3f- ?rr sty
d of-:: ill- i ?i z 2
MrfU -l ' l.llfl Ijl? -V
c - V.
- r. '
Probate Notice.
NOTICKis hereby given., that Tnesdav. Ai:--nt 9th,
1S50, is the day a p. inte t for the 3 Hal t-ettleuiei.r. ef tlie
Estate of Georce Lewis, ' deceased, late if No. mill a
county, Nebraska Territory, at my otli.e iu lirowmiilc
in said cuuty, at 9 i.Vlud A M, when ;i persons in
terested In snid estfttc mar attend and show c.iu-e. if
any, vhy the accounts of Uavid Lewis, adiii.natra'.of of
said estate, should not be allowed.
It. J. WHITNEY, rebate Jol.-o.
July Tib, 1S5). oi
I 1 . 3 J
" - " " .c 'S i i - i.
P "Z
rt -3 - t H ' ? ' 5 " - 2 1 Z
r" I o . x r Z-i 2 ' -iv-P
: - y. - t - z - - Z - n z -
O t "" w
5 -. m C "3
'1 X
c 5
O -).aT-!9if.s5ttri '-32
Prolate Notics.
NOTICI! is Lercl y ?iven, that Tue.-day. Ausust 9th,
1Sj3, is tted.iy appointeil for the final set'iome;;! ,t the
Kstate of N. tf. Titus.'deceiiseJ. hue of Ncui iliaciin:y.
Nebra.- ka Territory at iry ftire iu lrtwiviHe 5a sal t
county, at 0 o'clock A M, when a!i persons i:.tere-ted in
said estate may attend ami tUow cause, if aty, why the
accounts i f Janu-3 A.Titus, a1lu11i.istr4t.or tt estate,,
should not be allow ed.
it. J. WHITNEY, I'.obate Ju.le.
Jnlv 7th. is."!). :t f-.i
- - - .p.Z - - . ; i 5 z " T
a c 5 r-- - :' " - " r f- - '. ,
9. -1. - - - i - r - - r i. - ' .-
cr"-o - e ii . o ; ; ,J i Si a
Probate Notice.
Nofi.-o Is here'iv civen that I ha ve ai'.tuint cl Monday
thf I4th A iv of"mhi.r. IfiS9 :"i a dav for tbii hftur-
iug of claims asraiu.--t theeMteof I. C. l'atterm.-n, late
of Jor.cs county, N. T., Ueceared, ami all persons h-iviax
cl.ums 8'iinst said estate are hereby notified to tile the
same at my oi!'ue oii'or before, that Cay. or they will he
forever barred from recovering any poi ti'.n ol such cl.iiin.-.
aO'l from setting ott' the same in any action w hatev.-r.
(jiiveii nnder inv han I at lieatrit r (iunf c n nty; N. T..
thisisth Ja of July, 1S03. NATH AN IKKI.Y,
Ii2-Uw Prol"-te J n ice. E.c-ttiUrin.
Lost Land Warm n!s.
ALL riorsons are Lerel.y iiu'itied that on or a?oi:t the
spring of the ear of ItoT, I eocUtci 111 a letter Laud
Warrant No. CO 830 for 100 acres issued to Koheeea John
widow of Lemuel John, uicier act ot Man. 1 3d, l'iO,
and mailed said letter at Xenia, Ohio, directed t.i Henry
Ilerrinnton, l!rot nsville, Nemaha county, N. T., that
sai'i latter aud warrant never reached iis destination,
and l.s Lceu lost cr stolen, that I havo tiled t tvat in
the General Laud OHice to prevent the isoue of a patent
vpoli s lot warrant, ami tliat I intend to apply t tl.e
Commissioner of Peuso ns to hare a dopl.cite of said
warrant Issued.
Jnrio 13tl.. 1S.-.9 ;t
For sale ty J. II. MAUN .V. CO, brow nvule, N, T ,
and hy 4.11 iiry:t'is petw-raHr. r ' t3-l"v
1EOI Mff f
Kr.ovr.wjLi.i:, .. tJ
A 11 Ml. 1 , 1 . . . . . . .
r"S niro'in i,ic pmic k4 Lai
'1 - t,i ..'rvitl..,.n in iL.i.r . f i . ', ;
o., an? UIIMK 111 li4 HOC.
Ifehas telectel Li block ithcireaud w ill Biminfactui
u N'l.'l article of cverythiiij; ..liorod. Ilt J ecu. it uU.
necessary to -iitunrate but will lteeiioirh:id evey arti
cle Usually uhtdined in Saddle and Ilarnevg, h .s.
JUUN W. illUlJLETuN. -rtrownviMe
Jlay 1?. uUii-tliii
Tl.e under-igncd hiving bought the Mills for
merly owned by Ur. Jfoovercf Nemaha t'ity, is now
prepared to grind C'o:n, Wheat, and saw Lumber on
the most reasonable terms, l'osscssing the best wa
ter privilege in Nemaha county, he can at ail tiur'S
accommodate his customers on sbort notice with the
best ouulitv of grist, i'lour, Corn Meal aui lumber
cot'-dair.Iy t n hand.
Jo vlUt.ii nltf J. ('. MELVIN.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue ot an ex
ecution is.ued fr'iu the oiTice of tho Clerk tT the
District Court of Nemnhacounty. Nirbra.-ta Terri
tory, against , brain V. Shcrfy and in f.i(.r(J" Alex
ander I). Skccn, for tho sum of two hundred and
eighty dollars, and aevcuty-llvo ceuti ; I, Davidson
Hasters, Sheriff ot said county. h."-V j l.'vied. tijion,
and on M .nday the lClh day of 'Sept.'. 'a. I. l j'J,
between the hours of t.-n o'clock a it ar.d three
o'clock r M, at the door of the hi use in which the
term of the District Court wishiM, in Ilrownvilie
in said comity, will telfat public sain U the highest
bidder, for cash in. band, as the r.j( rf of. sail
Sherfy, and to satisfy s.ii'1 execution, the following
de-eribL'd Ilcal-cstate, to-wit : Lots No. niuf, t?n,
eleven and twelve in block No. si.ty-e;ght, ia Ne
maha city, as designated on the original plat of said
city, l id situate in Nemaha county, together with
all tli 3 imp roT?cien:s,teneiDcnts and appurtenances
thereuntil belonging or in anywise pertaining.
Sheriffof NcraahacCfUatyN. T.
Brr.vTr.viUr, Aug. 13th. ISi'J. ' f-4t-4750
Sheriff's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtnecf an ei
ecuti n issued from the cfiic of the Clerk t the
Dittric t Court of Nemaha county, Nclnaaka Terri
tory, agairit Nathan Hay (rood, Ii. V. I'urna, Ii. V.
Muirand Thomas P. naywooil and in-f vror of .Limes
M Ilintoa, for the sum of fire hnndred fir.d f:rfy-Sve
dollars and nine cent; I, Davidson Phsters, Sheriff
of said county have leviel upn and on Monda1'
the l'Jth day of September, A. D. 1 H9. bet r0en tho
h)urs of ten o'clock a. m. and four o .!(K:k v. f.,at the
door of thehou.e ia which the last t?rn f the sai l
Court was held at lVownville in. s.iid county wiil
sell at public sale to tho highest bidder for ea.-h in
hand 8.s property of said Thos.P. Haywood, to satisfy
said execution, tlie following describe J rcalerate.
to-wit : The north-west quarter ("f section rrtmbcr
twt-Ety-fonr. ia township number Cvc, in range
numbor fifteen, eat of the sixth jrineioal inert -dian,
accor-ling to tlie government survey, si.d sit
uate in said Nemaha county, together with all the
iinprn-cincuti to said lai.d blnging.
hcrifT cf Nemal a county. N. T.
r.rownville. Au,r. 18th, 13:9. f.-t - .?7'0
inih.i. N. T
Land Warrants
. THE Copartnership lierct vre txistin letwen tLe
U'lCcrsineJ in the ie.-tdiitilc husiiie-ss ia the City of
MrowttvUiC, Liv thi du" wct. dis'ilveti 'v i'ie:i;i ,,i
Bi.:. J. B. ilcALLUTLK,
v.vj. a. i"':;.
Probate Notice.
Whereas aoolicatio ii ha lo-ioi m .! t., ika rr . .r
Court or Nemaha County, .W l.r j.-k.i Terrilon'; r.T'tf.n
saleof certain real property of Hie Est tic 'if i Wil liaui
Welch, ilceta-el. l ite of s.iid coi-fy, ift or J: to i.htmu
means to satisfy the dehts au'aiiist s..i.f m4 jteliotiee i
herehy kivcii that Satuidaf IJ:S 10. h d.iy or Sepiember
ISO:), at 10 o'cluct A. M., ited- appointed Tor Lear
in' said apidu atfr n at my . riUe iu lirownvillc io mm kI
county, waeti anU.wlitrt- all persons interesri-d may al
tenl audD"wr Cal4 Xy m order for the si!e of tho
followim; descnlit'il l ifid leloiiving to said etatc may
uot he urantctl, to w it : The n."rthwest i'nrtr of sec
tier. 15, iu township 4, north of rauife 15 ttt of tlifsii'k
principal meridian, in theonntv and Territory aforiV4i
It. J. WUirNEV,iToi,,e Judfc,, '
August -Itli, 1S5D. 6.7
Caution.- 3
TO EDITORS: Publishers of newspapers are re
spectfully cautioned riot t j insert tho f.tihoMli in. -.opecting
myself, of ayoung fcih-w assuming a IT rencli ,
nam", w hich appealed in severul newspapers of late.. .
Such notices wou'd not be admitted wherobi.4
!:nov.n. lltjcaunot read nor uri:, but hires sonu
one to copy njy bill.
(i. V,. SMITH, M. D. '
Proprietor r.f'!1 Electimc Oit. - n H-tf
, . A Competent Survcyer i , - x'l'l
WTIf) 13 personal? acijuair.teJ withal! tfce Lands rlilr '.
oilercil f r sale in the Omaha District i i'.nuertrd witfj "
0:n ih.i, N. T.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing bet ween
Ho.-vlley & Muir has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. ' '. : ' ' .' . ;
Tbnso hwing accounts against the sal lffrm will
please present thein far payment, and thoa indebted ,
will please make payxent tr either of tio 1 t flfui.
Juno 1st, 43-:f
r Dwelling House For-Hestr-
Apply to
Juna 1st '70.
tm. n. noovEn.
Dwelling House for Rent.
THE undersi-'nei will rent fir literal tern;, to
prompt and r ireful tenant, tho mr,st commcdlou, alU '
eint and ell:?ib'y utt itcd dweMirg h.use ia the citTef
Brc.wnville 3a exce'lent tibtern. all necei-sry uu
hou?es, arirt a flncHVn ri-n 1! ?ie vetreuMe l r.t
seafon i rf ati advarxctf fc?ate of Cii IVjiToii. upn r
premise. I. L. TvGAKY.
it ay 13. B'-tr
Hit, ilf rcaiiliie liria ol trauo V Hid nereto
fere existing is 'Ms day" disclved by muiuil c.n
sent. Theodore Hill having puivlm.ed tha enti"
interest of Merchandise, Notes ami Account of Joisu. '
Crane, the books ar.d a count of th Crin remain nl '
the obi stand, N. 17 Miii Strett iivchivzaof .31r.
Theodore 1 1 111 who wili a-Jjust all uusetllcd busLat3i
ofaiitirai. -''" - -
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Er .wnvi! le. Jurte tr,:b, 1-.V?. ' l t
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A NOTE of tainl, caJiici for over one Uundred dull.i
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for this advertisement. " "
A"D V.'crrar.ti ty
J. l?:C0Nin2, Osata.