THE ADVERTISER. Jl. W. FURNAS. EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 1, 1559. The Parties Tbelr Nominations Onr Course- In the Candidate's column will le found the nominations made by the Democratic party at Plattsmouth, and the Republican From the Gold Mines. The St. Joseph M'et of the 27, says: The express frcm the mines arrived at Leavenworth on Sunday night last, bring ing a large mail. We get by it the Rocky Mountain Gold Reporter of the 13th. It gives flattering accounts in regard to the success of the Miners, and mentions the discovery of quite a number cf new claims that promise to pay remarkably well. Some cf the miners have taken out large party at Bdlevue. As our patron m tm county in fact in the Southern porticn of amounts cf quartz, which they can do Nebraska are of all parties, we are per haps doing nothing more than our duty in nviriff rxin ucttts a luc iu j.ujvk nothing with until they get machinery to crush it. Great excitement prevailed in regard With the platform cf the Democratic I to the newly discovered mines about the Convention we "say we are pleased as headwaters cf the South Platte and its much so at least, as any person could tributaries, and the tributaries cf the Col by J crado. A great many of the miners who were doing well had sold their c!ai:ns for what they could get and started for the new dicinz?. The Reverter says : gotten up expect to be with cne others than himself. The third reso lution, in cur opinion, to be perfectly consistent with the doctrine of "Popular Sovereignty," should have gone a step farther, and assumed the constitutional right of a Territorial Legislature to legis late upon all subjects in which the people are interested. The first clause of the tart rpsolution is imnracticalle ; and -cmack-s too mucn oi Wu i; the minors sav, a "pocket," in wnich case be applicable to the day, age and!is n0 crilerioafor future operations, and country; it is not vital, however, at prtstni. Of both these points we shall at a proper time take occasion to speak more at length. The "Complimentary ballot" given to townsman lion. tt. mcm la iuc GoTernraent Lands. Since the lands in this District, em braced in the President's Proclamation, were exposed to public sale, those not sold, have all been gone over by section, town ship and range for the benefit of those wishing to make private entries, and now, lands not taken up by pre-emption or private entry, are subject to private entry indiscriminately. Since our last issue, 39,508 acres have been taken up. The number of acres cf land pre-empt-eJ, sold and located at private entry, for the month of August, at the Nemaha Land Office was Sixty-one thousand six hundred and eighty-three ! "From the north that is the Cache-la-pouire and Cheyenne Pass we hear cf one man bringing SG.000 in gold dust, which he professed to have taken in six days. The dust was direct evidence of gold being found there, but we question the tin:e in which it was dug, unless it happened to be a very rich deposit, or as our Plattimouth Convention, we were glad to see : it was merited. Mr. U. was among the very first settlers in th:s country; Las-done much to advance its interests in erery respect; and it was but due that the Nemaha and Pawnee county delega tions, casi their complimentary ballot for him. Of the Nominees we are, cf course, expected to "say a word." To start cut, we frankly confess to a very great in difference under all the circumstances, and the shape in which we find matters. As rs well known we have always here tofore opposed the attempt to draw party lines while in cur infancy, and in the total absence cf practical, or tangible po litical issues. We have doubted the good faith prompting the organization of parties, j and every step toward we do not think it wise for men to be led away by such reports. True, there may be rich dicing there, but we wait for more reliable information than we have yet received ere we publish them as such, and frcm the character of some who have gone cut prospecting we presume we shall soon be able to give information which will place the matter beyond doubt. The reports from the headwaters of the Platte and tributaries of the Colorado are very exciting, so much so that some of our best miners are going over for the purpose of probing the matter. One individual ccmirg from the tributaries of the Colo rado stated that he would warrant 100 men to take out a pound of gold a day, another f rem the headwaters of the Platte, where the snow and ice is still a formid able barrier to mining operations, says he took out 893 in two days with a pan." From Salt Lake. The Platte 1rgus, says the St. Joseph lies, has a very interesting statement from F. B. Davidson, in regard to the affairs of Salt Lake City. Mr. D. left that city on the 22d inst. The sales cf mules were progressing. ,11 1 . UUTClIJiltVIil strengthened ihcse doubts. I or instance, . , . i were a mousanu more 10 oe uisnoseu or. there are five territorial ofnees to fill; we find for four out of those five offices, the nominees not only hailing from a certain section of the country, but from one particular local ity, or city Omaha. 'We ask, in all seriousness, does this look like good faith ? We have no quarrel to wage with Omaha in her good luck : it is her "good fortune, and still better will it be for her, if she) 6ecures their election. Under the particular circumstances the law requiring the Auditor and Treas urer to "reside at the Capitol," and the compensation, at present, not being suffi cient to induce any one if elected to re-1 move there solely for that purpose we would Daturally enough look to that point for men to fill those offices. The present incumbents, Messrs Jordan and Wtman, were very properly nominated, and we hope elected: we shall do all in our power to secure their election, and j Thcv were in fine order, and wer-3 better for their government apprenticeship, than when they left the border. Average price 7o cost to the government SloO. Mr. D. came in with Scl. Young, of Jackson county. The people of Salt Lake are dissatisfied ! at the change made in their mail arrange ments. The army was more especially dissatisfied, and grumbles much at the course of Mr. Buchanan in regard to the late difficulties in Utah. The Hour con tract, cf which we have heretofore spoken, continues to be a matter of complaint with the army. The soldiers aver that they have undergone hardships and privations enough to entitle them at leaM to an arti cle of fiour that would be marketable in the States. The quality of flour manu factured in Utah is cf the most miserable quality, and is worth there from five to eight dollars per hundred ; yet the ccn- imrt ic Ipt nt Art Cr vrnnr'pr iho can but think the people of Nebraska will j , , . v . ., . ,.. soldiers express dissatisfaction, not consult their true interests if they fail to bestow upon them their suffrage. Now to the "Delegate:" Of General! . t ' Estabhooi:, we have only to say, he is a man "against whom nothing can be said." We wish all other Nebraska officials could show as "clean-skirts" as he. As to Mr. Daily : lie is, we are free to say, not cur choice ! Yet, he hails from a locality, in. the prosperity of which we feel, and have always felt, a deep and ,. . i i. i i: abiding interest; aiocamy vmicu wt ciaim has been shamefully slighted in every re tpect. We, as a journalist, have been unremitting in demanding for the section cf Nebraska embraced within the Nema ha Land District, something. An oppor- itself, and we would be exercising a far greater amount of bad faith in not em bracing it, than to fail in supporting a full party ticket especially under all the cir Etances before referred to. We have faith to believe that Mr. Daily, if elected, will use all honorable means to secura for Southern Nebraska what is due her only; that she may occupy an equal footing with other, and heretofore more favored portions of the Territory. In taking this po sition we will not allow the charce of wai ; : . - j ing war upon any other locality ; we only . mean and purpose, as stated a few weeks ago, to do as other localities have been, and are still doing-and we honor them for it and what we, in a great measure have failed heretofore to do. We wish it understood, therefore, that we support Mr. Daily as a local candidate solely, charges that may be made to the contrary, notwithstanding. We are fully aware that we arc, in taking this step, subjecting ourselves to anathemas "loud and long" from strict party disciplinarians, even in our own lo cality. We go "the figure" with our eyes wide open; willing to "take the responsi bility," and either in failure or success, will feel a consolation m the tact tnat we done what our best judgment dictated as for the best. In this matter we are acting or ourselfz ask no man to "pin his faith to our sleeve;" but shall endeavor from time to time, between this and the elec tion, by reason and argument, to convince those of our readers who u.ny cLance to A most excellent little stcrv h to be differ with us, of the jiiitnessand correct-found on the first page especially for Iiess uf our position.. j the ladies. Mr. D.'s statement in relation to the'fraud J attempted to be practiced on the Govern ment by the Mormon?, and in which Brigham Young himself is implicated to some extent: "There was considerable excitement in the Valley about the 10th of July in re gard to an attempt to swindle government by the Mormons. It seems that a man by the name of McKenzie, (the Church Engraver) and one Mr. Brewer, concoct ed a plan to engrave plates for the pur pose of issuing Quartermaster's drafts, and so complete was their success that Col. Crossman himself admitted that he could not have told them from the genuine had they been presented to him. Fortu nately, Brewer made known his plan to Mr. John Wallace, a Gentile and Mis sourian. Mr. Wallace, after listening to all his plans and premises of fortune, kc, provided he would be one of thedisbursers of the counterfeit drafts, consented to enter the list as a full partner. But Wal lace, it seems, was recommended to the partners by Brigham Young, which was afterwards proved. Mr. Wallace, however, as soon as Brewer left him, communicated immedi ately with Gen. Johnson, informing him of the whole plan and asking his advice to which Col. Johnson replied but urging h:m to nurse the matter and see what would be the result. In six weeks after the plot was gotton up, the plates were completed and blanks ready for filling up. It was then arranged that Wallace should pass one hundred thousand dollars in the Valley, to merchants, traders and gam blers. (There were not to be smaller drafts than S3S-5, in order to keep them out of the hands of the Mormons. ) Wallace was then to go to California, Brewer to the States, McKenzie to branch out and sell where he could. When all was completed and ready for service Brewer was advised by Wallace to take one three hundred and eighty-five dollars and 65-100 draft and try how it would go, which was presented to some merchant and the money paid without a word. Mr. Brewer and McKenzie were then arrrested and turned over to Judge Eckles. Brewer has turned State's evi dence, and exposed the whole plot as above stated in which he says that Brigham Young knew that the work was going on. Thfr engraving was all done inside of Brighaurs walls." News Items. A correspondent cf the J'ational In telligencer recommends that a National Convention of the Whigs be held on the 4th of July next, at Richmond, Baltimore or Philadelphia, for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, or, if seperate nominations be deemed expedi ent, for the purpose of selecting among the candidates already in the field such as may be most eligible to a majority of the Whig parly. The Commissioners for locating the Union Christian College, have selected Mercm, Sullivan county, Ind., as the site. The building is to cost 850,000, of which amount the People of Mercm have sub scribed 825,009. It is to be under the charge of the denomination of Christians known by the name of New Lights, whose origin was the secession of Barton Stone and his associates from the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky, many years ago. James Beckwith, ex-chief of the Crow Nation, and a noted mountaineer, is at present in Kansas City. He has not been within the settlement before for twenty years. The fine racing mare Hiawatha, the property of Col. Jo. C. Gould, was sold at Gallatin, Kentucky, on Thursday last, to Mr. Scruggs, for the sum of 86,000. At the same time, Mary Wyley, the race mare who figured some time since with Hi awatha, was sold for 81,000. Besides the 8125,000 won by Ten Broeck at the Goodwood Races, his friends won 835,000 on "Starke," taking prompt ly all the wagers that were offered. D. W. Phillips, of Lebanon, Kentucky, sold last week 25 mules at 8173 10 per head. The Journal says, of non-voting in Ken tucky, that from 20,000 to 23,000 voters have not been to the polls in Kentucky since 1S56 ; when the aggregate vote was 141,939 against 120,000 in 1S57 and 123,452 in last year's election. In 1S56 the Democrats polled 74,567 votes ; in 1S57 their vote was 66,590, and last year GS.240, while in the same year the highest Opposition vote was 67,372, ani the lowest 53,510. One cf the greatest misfortunes to the Italian cause, brought about by the recent place of the Emperor Napoleon is the loss to Sardinia cf the services of Count Cavour the man above all others entitled to the admiration cf the Italian people. It was he who dared to throttle the mons ter cf p.3pal supremacy in Italy, and sup pressed the orders of monks and priests who were the agents and tools cf Austria in the Sardinian dominions. The Harrisburg (Penn.) Telegraph ani several ether papers in that State have nominated Mr. Senator Cameron as a suitable candidate to be supported by the "United Opposition," for the Presi dency in 1S60. The Wcl'sboro (Pennl) Democrat nom inates the Hen. Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York, as a candidate for the Presi dency, subject to the decision of the Charleston Convention. The Rutherford (Tenn.) Ttlegraph, and several other Whig journals in that State, nominate the Hon. John Bell as a candidate for the Presidency, to be sup ported by the "United Opposition" party in I860. The Morning -Vcirs, a paper recently established in Richmond (Ya.) has dis carded its political neutrality, and now appears under tlie editorship of Mr. A. Judson Crane, as the advocate of Mr. Bctt's election to the Presidency. The McKinney (Texas) Messenger nominates the Hon. Sam. Houston as the 'Union Candidate," for the next Presi dency, "subject to the Conventon of the people at the ballot-box." A California letter states that all the recently-pending differences between Col. Fremont and other owners in the Mari posa estate have been amicably adjusted. All suits growing out cf them have been withdrawn, and the Colonel is about to erect new additional quarts mills upon the river. Col. Fremont's family and house hold are encamped upon the top of Mount Bullion, 2r,000 feet above Bear Valley, and about 4,500 feet above tide-water, where the air is comfortable in the hottest season. Gov. Banks of Massachusetts is to ride the celebrated stallion, Green Mountain Morgan, to the State encampment to be held at the old battle ground in Concord on the 7th, Sth, and 9th of September. The stallion is now owned by a stock com pany in Williamstown, Vermont. Chas. Dickens and the Earl of Malms bury are announced amongst the arrivals at the Salt Sulphur Springs, Va. We are not adnsed as to w hat other-parts of the , country they will visit. : Correspondence from the Capital. Omaha, Aug. 22, 1S59. DEMOCHATIC 50MIX ATIOX. The Democracy are right side up, and the terrified opposition in a quandary, re minding one cf the busy ants after being disturbed by some interferance and up setting of their insecure place of refuge, showing them considerably bewildered and apparently in active commotion and at a great lose to know what may be the con sequence of so unwelcome, a visitation among them. They act and intermingle as if some extraordinary event had hap pened, threatening to them danger and distruction, from which they have no shel ter of safety, and appear always ready secretly to take refuge for security in any rottenness that may be the most cenven ient. The opposition had set their minds on principles, and were greatly in hopes that by some mismanagement of our party they would be better enabled to accom plish their design of stealing our thunder, but having been overwhelmingly defeated in reference to that matter, they assert that "we have stolen their platform, have procured their sign and now we might as well take their stock." I, for cne. am perfectly willing to take that which is sound and uninjured, but deem it unprofit able to receive all such refused stock as maybe colored and worthless remnants. NOMINEE'S RECEPTION". During the day, on Friday, it was un derstood that Gen. Estabrook, th? regular nominee of the Plattsmouth Democratic Convention, would arrive on the steamer Campbell, in company with many of his friends. All were on the alert to give the Gen a hearty reception. The gun squad were on hand, presenting the appearance in number of a small army endeavoring to extricate themselves from difficulties en countered whilst crossing some trouble some stream, or a foot charge upen the enemy. The old gun was charged, and belched forth in mighty power and rapid succession, the welcome home, cf the great standard bearer of a strong and united Democracy. Then came the German Brass Band, the fast friends of cur worthy leader, and showed by their animated and cheering musical airs their due apprecia tion of the worth and political importance of the Democratic Nominee. The steamer passed in the midst cf this rejoicing, and mooring herself at the landing discharged the welcome passenger among friends with open hands to receive and cheer him on to victory and honor by their countenance, gratitude and congrat ulations. He was again met at his own thresh- j hold by numerous, fast and tried political friends, who were determined to meet and give him their encouragement and as surance of his entire safety frcm the hands cf the enemy and the steadfastness of the Democracy in his behalf. The best of feeling prevailed among the Democracy as they met him singly and by advancing crowds, showing their due appreciation of his high position and char acter. But thi3 wa3 not all, the rushing multitude were witnessed ranidlv wending1 their way towards the Hernion, but being disappointed at not finding the object of their call at the House, a party of friends waited upon the Gen. and brought him from his home and family to mingle with the animated crowd. He showed his sincere and due appreciation of their ex ultation and rejoicing at the prospects of the Democratic victory before them, and the prospective good result of the first political campaign of Nebraska. THE RESPONSES. The impatient multitude assembled at the Herndon could no longer resist their feelings. They were desirous to witness the General upon the rostrum, and conse quently about twelve o'clock at night the united shout went up for Estabrook ; who appeared upon the veranda in front of the Hotel and very satisfactorily reconciled the masses by a very timely and appro priate speech for that occasion which was answered with repeated applause by the congregated masses surrounding him below. Dr. Miller was then called to the stand; who responded in a very happy manner, and endeavoring to explain and reconcile all past differences which had arisen during his effort to procure the nomination from the party. All was apparently harmonious and satisfactory to the assembled company, who retired with the best of feelings to wards the speakers and each ether, with a general disposition to pitch in to the harvest of the fight, and give battle to the Congressional interfere rs with oar State GoTcrnacnt-PuWIc Meeting. Baow ville, Aug. 31st, '59. Pursuant to a call, the citizens of Ne maha county me t for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety cf secur ing a State Government for Nebraska. The meeting was calhd to order, S. A. Chambers in the Chair, T. W. Bedford, Secretary. On motion the chair appointed a com mittee, consisting of R. Furnas, S. G. Daily and Richard Brown, to draft reso lutions expressive of the sense cf the meeting. They reported the same res. lutions passed at a Convention held in Otoe county. Which, cn motion, were unanimously adopted. Whermt, The experience of the fst bJ bow ,lpm..trte J that a Territorial frin of zoJtnmt resulted in the collection, before the ; i. fiaiij ficd t acconiuh te a:a of agoc-a to pick up the same, and ride on them to victory and power. DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Our platfonn is now all right and suf ficiently explained to satisfy the most ultra Douglas Democrat. I hope this may be among the last times that we will be com pelled to make any distinction between the different wings cf the party. Let this question respecting men be dropped, and adhere to the doctrines of the party as laid down in the Plattsmouth Platform. When we have the correct principles what should we care for the differences of men on the minor questions cf the day. DEMOCRATIC nATITICATICX. A call being made by posters for a grand ratification meeting, cn Saturday evenin 2. WAR ENDED! (Great Mush f0r Western Exchange Bank, of a large and j wholesome in"eu:ior. ttf. rnce to the wit: of the , - i t . . . ;c - j i rw.i'c aril tLe t nwrrt administration cf Hsiiee: entnusiasuc numoer ox me umerrmeu . -;Lerexj lhe Uliljn tf Nebrak Terri Democracy, as well as many ot trie ex tremely terrified, who follow the opposi tion in politics. A Chairman and Secretary were chosen, i r.r.w tr,P.-'i(rt to iu-tif? their claimirr aJmii?i-n in!o the Unica, is an ir.icpei.Jenr t.ite, cnier tie treaty with Fiance fr the sn-bao cf Juiana, ar.1 under the rcvins cf the federal Constitu tion, and whereas it LslclieveJ that thepe'e haTe a'.readj ?crre 1 a s jfkient t relation t the Federal when tue following speakers were caLcd . Eli,!e a3 to t nT.f0r ourjeh-c therefore llK,lc'd, That we are f,r takicg immediate jt to the stand: Dr. Miller, Col. Rankin, A. D. Kirk, of the Rulo Guide, Dr. Tamer, of the Council Bluffs Press, Col. Palmer, Receiver in the Land Office at Council Bluffs ; Col. Howard, of Omaha, Gen. Doane, of Burt county, Hon. Geo. limitary ster toward the crjaniration cf a State Sorcreijrnty, with such bonndiriejas the ror !e maj detercaine upon in their Constitution in time f jT an application fr admi.-in into the Union at the earlit?t rraoticahle ieriod, d jrir;,; the ensuing es ?ion of Conreri. iUifActd, "That with a vkw to this oljt. His Excellency the Governor le re?re-?ifully requested to eel: tne Leg--;.aure : ether a soon aj may be, to Claves, J. J. Reddick, Esq., and Gen. ".aWe the j-ec-le t takf such f-js aa to them nuy T, 1 ., , , -ii ! deem pr.rr toard-i fran'c? a f.T their EstabroOK ; all Cf whom acquitted them- I ratieation ccrejtLn, and f r iti submission, if selves nobly in the advocacy of the rights and principles of the Democratic party of Nebraska. Good hard sense, reason and eloquence followed in all their discourses, to which the attentive multitude often responded, apparently with a hearty good will. The old belcher was again brought out, and from the summit of the bluff in the rear of the town, repeated discharges were let off in honor of the nominations and excellent feeling which existed in Douglas County. CAPITOLUM. ratified, to C'CiH-e;a at the ea-uir.r seion, On motion, Resolved, That the secretary be and is hereby instructed to forward a copy cf I these proceedings to Gov. Black. Adjourned. S. A. CHAMBERS, Chairman. T. W. Brr.ioHD, Secretary. D- J. MARTIN & C0 Wholesale k Retail." MAIX STREET BROWNVILLE, WT Announce to the Citizens tf COUNTIES OF . ' NEMAHA, ' J. RICHARDSON", " JOHNSON, PAWNEE, CLAY, Thanks, To Jacob Stiuckleii, Esq., clerk of Hill's Steamboat Agency, for late papers. CANDID A T K S 5j"Anp.ouiicir- candidates, &5:r advance. Ia no ln- lance win tLis rale be deprte'! frvui.J TERRITORIAL CANDIDATES. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Fcr Delepte to Conr"??, EXPERIENCE ESTABROOK. Of Douglas County. For Territorial Auditor. ROBERT C. JORDAN, Of Douglas County. For Territorial Treasurer, WILLIAM W. WYMAN, Of Douglas County. For School CoimnissieVier, WILLIAM E. HARVEY, Of Otoe County. For Territorial Librarian, ALONZO D. LUCE, Of Douglas County. RCFl'I!LIC.4. TICKET. For Delegate to Congress. SAMUEL G. DAILY, Of JVtmaha County. For Territorial Auditor. II. W. DE PUV, Of Dodge County. Fcr Territorial Treasurer, JAMES SWEET, Of Otoe County. For School Commissioner, JOHN H. KELLUM, Of Douglas County. For Territorial Librarian, DAVIS, Of Douglas County. jtEW A I) YE B MENTS CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the Slate cf Connecticut. Capital Stock S2CO,000. With n 1 ir.oreair.surplu? receipt. ecure ly inrested un l ?r the .-nn -tii n ai.d approval cf tie Comf'tr Her of l'uUIe Arcancl. OFFIOKKS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C.WAI.KLEY. 1'reiident. JOHN L. iHWCE, Vice l'.-eIeat. ELI AS GILL. Secretary. E. D. DICKEIIMAN, General Agctt. DIflECTOHS : ATfre-1 Gill, Danid I'iillirs, JyhnL.Bunce, It. l:i. .i -cf. J. A. 1'utier, E. D. Di-konnao LeattE, 'eL-on Holliiter, James C. Walkley. S. B. Bere?f..rl. M I, Crnultin? Pbyk:an. A. S. HfHaJ.iy.M I). Meiieal Examiner. Applications received by 11. W. H KXAS. Az't, S-tf UruwuTia-, X. T. A N D i A T C II I S O N COUNTY' jcl Missouri THAT.THLl HAVE Just Eeceived, Per Steamer EnigrurJ, HEW, COMPLETES-AS' SUPERI0E STOCI or ELECTION NOTICE. Territory cf "lra-ka. , C.ucry of -Vemaha, )" "t Notice is hereby j;iren that there will b? an -lection bu!d at the several Predicts ia saM connlr nn Tuesday the 11th of October next. f. r the rurrr f GROCERIES, ( queetsVaee SADDLERY, Glassware, eleetmz 4 member to the IL.uecf Ipr?$en:atives ! rJ H 1 tH 1 11 T) ? of the Territorial A-sercbly cf Xebr.5ka. nni 1 Pro i 'j U Lf A Li J J J 4J - if- bate Ci-aury Jud-e : 1 County C..inn::3-iverf. r tb i - "" - Irt Coramii ik t District ii; said Couaty ; I Sheri.T: 1 Kegister of Deeds: 1 County Treasurer and cJ-' lector; 1 County Clerk; 1 CutHy Ssrve..r, and 2 Justice of the l eace, aal 2 Citable in each Precinct. In Testimony TVher.f I hae hereto! SASH B00ES, RftOIrTniln V( IilTVT jr J set my Laud and afSaei the Seal of ;d I V till I Jl&2m tiUllli" c tlnt-T at u-y (:'-- in BmwnvrL, this I 2. chd.ircf An -nt. A.D. Ei:ASTl S E. PARKER. C'ountr Clerk. T. B1STKICT ATTOBNET. are authorized to acn .unce U, r.smc f TT C. Johnson, of BroT?vii;e, a.- a canjilate rr district Attorney f.jr the Sc-cocJ Ja.J:ciil n-tri.t. jBrownville Hotel Scrip. THERE a; j-ears tob? yet urr-decmed about 0 of I.roWDTU li..M Scrip. The he Ider or holders are hereby notified that ucb?ss it be jren'ed f r F VjMnt within siity days frrra this date to Jwtn ffrf Tr:je"' Nwnvillo, N. T collection K. W. Fl RXAS, Pre Hrownville, Sej t. l:t, '5v K TT. C. O. F. Lak- Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ct. I t George Hughes, F. Hum and all otli ers whom j-e are acthf .rizc J to 3nr ounce the name f f W. ' ' ton .-era, you are tereby notified that I will Ij. i3cydston,f t Xehrarka Vity. as a canl:.!ate f.r the i aI rer at the I.ani Office in I3rownvi';e . af-dai-crrceol District Attorney ia the SecvtJ Judicial DL-tnct i Seit. 3d. at 1 oc!.k, p m, t? pre re ri"ht cf 5UE3IFF. i tre-enry ti- a to the soath-we.-t iuarterVf p..;T- v t -ir r"i ... ii . . . . ... - Cviuuty. 3T?"W"e are anthrrired to ar;n?tincc the ran.e of John H. Llorriaon as a canJi.t.v.c fr the offl.:e f ShtriJf Nemaha county. KF""e are autboriied to anr-ovnee the nane of Orin Rhodes as a candidate Ijt the oCke tl 6her:a of Neiua La county. ' fcr "e are authorized to anTi.irtrc tf Tw.a r.i Samuel Callen as a for the offl-:e tf She--i ia of .."emaha C'juuty. j p::obate jrrcE. i r3we are authorize! o ther.ane of Geo. W. Bratton as a c.r.JiJa;e .r the c:2ce cf Prolate ! Jn'Je of 'e:ha county. ; tr''c are authorized to announce the namocf C. ' W. Vrheeler a canj date f.r the t fllce f Pnlate ; ju'ji'i' oi .ernana cousty. -JIi. J. Whitney is a candidate f r re-elevtioa to ; ti c . rri-Mie j Uu.-e .r eriidha c..)ii:Tv. Thank ful for past honors he trusts his old frieou's wiil still irmeuiier uiw ai ise tauot oos. i twn.hiP 4. range 'J, eait tf tie Oth rrincifle aer Septcrahi-r 1st R. V. HUGHES. Stray Cattle. Strayed fr. rn the subscriber at IJrow,:" v. maha Co.. N. T.. cn or ah, ut the M of 'jw'lh ! a yoK? cf ork Oxen. Went off with Tok In 0 ' ox bluish e,.r r : nsr ox red wi:L .tae white in the ! EVERYTJIIiVG ! deeded or Bcsirf Can le had at cur Store, and cri t:r ir-e .ist-ly yoke f i --e. i hey are a t tor their return tr any icformation th.u wi'j . 1 to ' their recovery, a literal reward will leraid ! s.jt. 1st, t?-tf ; firoralle as thou of ciyt. He j'f are aurh"rieJ to antonnce th "'f Sf. ' mour Belden as a carxUJtte Kr the tSice ii Pr ti-o : JaJpe of NemaLatoanty. " To the Voter of Nemaha Count y : Citizens I "..fler myself as. a candidate f .r the office oi rrwMiej,.u;(;t eauaa unty at the ensuinc e:ec- ' cieik of court .h.O.f ,r..hafe business", I, ;f eh ui!-.u.ifi,c iae u aues t r ii.e sazue corr satijtacti'jn. Jl IVlll l i is I AND oolibinderr rights. HEPUBLICAK COC5TT C05VrXTIOJT. By a public call of the leaders of the terrified, a handful composing the sup porters of tHe opposition met at the Doug las House on Saturday afternoon, amount ing not to exceed fifty voters and about half that many more outsiders. A Chairman and Secretary was chosen and' a delegation of nine gentlemen were selected viva voca to attend the Conven tion of the Republican People's Opposition Free Democratic party, at the City of Bellevue, on Wednesday next. There, earnestly, is much fluttering in the- camp among our good neighbors. They have failed to drive us from our principles, so that they might le enabled TTll tJ... . . " ....... v . uuiuuaj. a ijmi.'amciDr lucicce t l Treasurer cf emanacuunty. u3rVe are authorized to announce the name of Jacob Strickler a a candidate fur the trace oi Treasc-er t,f county. JTWe are authorized toann.-nme the name of En fua T. Rainy as a candidate for re-elecuou to the citiie of Treaurer tf Nemaha County. COfXTT COilMI&SIONER. H?"Ve are antLorizci toaarouncethenarce of D C Sanders as carrJldate fur re-electivn t,. the ,n. t,f muMUBH ior the ilTsl fcirut, Nemaha I U 0 Ii ' 1roU" Trade, aud are Vt "7"t". -x-T-., J.;rJ.V.V. -L Wit jl ! mined llierebv to filve urii tULUL ULLJrFS, IOWA. I -. WILLIAM F. KITTT? ! I can, ;f ele-.ted. j "Would re.-pc, tfai: v ir.f- rns the cit:zr-s ;., vV ' j Bmlery, and the r.'y vaj tTer c?:al:;h.-d in thU I itk T-er; umnz lo the bu.incw r r-... ( ; r , ha a V. ii-Iev V. I Vie r n A rth u r. .a.lou Utliy, Knickrx-ker. Wj verly, Hunt?, and Tutra Mi. --uin- ice 3 i tomers IIAItKAI.S. TEEASl'EEK. r .i j auiojnze.i 10 announce the name cf A, S. . of work T-crt uninz to the h Uarj L Coun:y. EEPRE?EN"T ATIVE. i-jn eare acmorirc-i to am on-e t'.caa-- e f O ' clu wmiiu uc i'.tr ve iron Ne- uitua cocniy in me lerruonal Leci ew York Le-fccr. Ha: Iohis IV to rial. II irr- r s U eek'.y. S-ien- tific Auerican. Yankee X'-tion. M j-ioal Ileview. Les lleV II u-tratcd. Lili - I2t.-..;.V. Hl. breath. Atlantic .Vt'hlr. Law. D.x.ks. and .ew,rJpcf or j . b-vkao: anykhid, old or ne ff, bound or r b-.und , in the tnort V i rove.l styles n hort notice a-1 low I prjej. U d tamily Bibles abound w w to look and I wear c-jnl t new. Ar-ut '2. l.5t. - ii - v We solicit a continued ar.J J:::r"" patronage,, plvdginj rsvlvtr? :i) ' no pains to giv? entire sd'.:riat""-- ; i rices and quality. , t3-We are aurhorircd to announce the nam-of Jesse NOTICE notice i le'ret-y Kiven t . !' ,A!P Lm( Noel as . candidate for Representative .';oni Xerauhl Ave-y Or,.:r en aj;,, Mni-i frot r County ,a the Territorial Legislature. of the e-tare of crJ.L le of 'r ?tj-We are authorize.! to announee the nm.e f Dr e-tat'ea-V.U.l', lCT,i; Ui "'v-'ie-l-"ii, a-iin5t ni i W. W. Keeling a, a ,and.due f-r Re ' nt.tTve i !ud Je uf i?? 19 lh from Nemaha county in the neat Territorial LefUlatttre. ! :b dar of srrV ZV .'i ' l'freU' BrCOKDEH OF BEED3. j e are authirizl tri anm.nru Ilobiitzell as a candidate for the cSi uee;or Nenjaha consty P.eare authorize! to announce the name of "W i H. JToovs? for re elnion to the office of Register I of Deeds. COr.NTY CLERK. I Sice tf Itecurier; t -f'l ,"T U detn-nd. at P to t- , on thy OcrAtcfilsoH County Frfes Will find very mveh k their aJX'? deal tcith vs. 13ih day of Sej.teml r K.J. MIIITXET. r.-Mte Jr j-- Probate Notice and Sab. arma i wMinit mar concern; T. w. Bedford "UU. hereby pirca toail ron. , has. by sohcWaiion. ensenttd to be.-ome a candidate for that David Kinni -on has been ,,K ! i f J thecmcecf Cuncty Clerk of Nemaha County. fator . f t' -e Ri f I l I-'jntW Adaiinii- J3- We auttorize-l t- announce the r.,me .fji B. 1 Xeaaha ctoty'." SchrUt TcTrW ' n' cf Tnpsoace for the oce of Cy j elaims.aA !n?"fT' TT '--tcoaTpiain- j JTroVVn" ttWt-n'' lbg 01 tie!; actw thwith ' ember 1.9. Zrf'tcT hAtL procure a bottle of Curtis Man.aluke Liniment, aJ re- i tion ; and th 5ai l'Da iJKinnn i ? CvllT .....j-oiOLc luv.r uece3ea muscles? It i a ria killer, ! ""J i-sc:i l!2eTrsinalrrorrtv !-m : . and no mistake. And remember also, that hi., CVmpouad I 3t?t? or there-f iray I,?'"8. , , j (ii SvTouot sfru , - . . - i satisfy all demand. ftf , ,-i , . r7.1'6 Dffss4rJ W ... c JC.urjr m ..oum?, coios, T - i wit auction or at private and the thousand and one deae of the respiratory or- , Zr'l ' cn the 13:b dj J of fcejtem- gan. No medicine are more a?!-:ari..t-i and ncce rvre i "'" T rP'ilar. tee a-iTertercfct m . , o..v ,;'. "ITXEV, IVtla! Jud. Give us a CaU And at:sfr yourjelvts that e fcae t- 0 Or 0 0 Aad are te'.V-tg taeoi "D. J.irARTO' i I