fHE ADVERTISER. Xi O O .A.X.. -JMILLE, AUG. 11, for oo yW- lJje eil(, of fi monU,g S,60 " ' ' " " "12 " . ,00 " k- f It or more will be rurjnsbed at $1,60 per C crowded the n accompanies the order, not tr The "Nebraska Adrertiser w Jiaving . cb the largsst 'circulation of any paper in Ju Territorr. Wholesale Merchants in St. --8-ii Et.' Joseph, Cincinnati and other East "arketa where Nebraska merchants pur &e. will 00 better advertiaing medium j the Western country-C Jill's New Store Room. . ' JJy "invitation of Mr. Tiieodohe Hill, tt touk a strull through his extensive and irwly fitted up store room, the. other day. Ie Us jasl een 4,opening out" his new xfc receivcd'a short time ago. He hai xtt udt-dhis tale's room, which is now 22 vv.Ofctt! The largest store room we r,ckon in Nelrahka. To look at the im iv.(; display, we .vould tHink a custom er fo'.ild gti almost anything he or she -irhtrall for, from a "needle to an an chor;1' a fiv cent juvenile bandana to a f:v tii Har Brothel? fcliali; six cent calico v sJLs as high pricoJ as you desire, or T ,,i:r parse allow ; sardines to the genui-n?-cinl fih," and"sich like." Theodore, Jacob and Robert are -'thar," and "no 7,Rible to show you our stock. In Town. Hwo. Geo. L. Miller, of Omaha, and lion: II. P. Kanki, of 13ellevue, were I. ,h in our city the past week. They are ciU'liJatcs for Delegate to Congress, and ire around evincing their everlasting de Tctio.3 to the interests of the "dear peo- JtPonn's j Around on the levee, you will , find a tiock 'of nice goods of all kinds, and at pees none can complain of. Go and see f ir yourselves. m m " liorrallton. . Is the name of a new Post Office re-f-ntly established in the western portion cf . this county; We are glad of this. There is -a highly improved and rapidly advancing settlement surrounding Wor jalltan, and they have long needed Post OiTice accommodations.' Heretofore they fcave been compelled to travel either to Brovrnvillc, or Nebraska City to receive erfend mail matter. Dr. Horatio Wor ll has been-appointed Postmaster. Tie Doctor is brim full of energy, and is determined matters shall move right along' out in his region. Success to the Doctor, and Worralliou. Jlartln ' ; And his clerks, just over the way from cur office, are driving things. The new ttk "goes ofT like ."hot cakes." If you would secure bargains, go soon. Thanks. To Mr. Carson of the U. S. Express, Mr. Stricklcr, Steamboat Agent, Mr. Salisbury, clerk of the St. Mary, and Mr. Brent, of the Wm. Campbell, we are un der renewed obligations for favors. The Voice or Masonry, Lo'svlllc, Ky. .This excellent journal makes its ap pearance in a new dress, much enlarged, its capacity nearly doubled, and its edito rial corps strengthened. It is now. one of the handsomest sheets in the country. In the number before us appears a communication from Mr. Cooke, the cor resrondincr editor, who has commenced a :our through Europe and Asia, in pursuit of Masonic intelligence. The article is very entertaining. ; The Voice of Masonry is certainly the perfection of journalizing in that depart ment, and no one can hesitate to stamp it a vigorous, sound and reliable exhibit the affairs of the Craft. Price only one dollar per. annum. Address, Rob. .Morris, Louisville, Ky. Bellerue, Larimer, and St. Mary, Their history , location, description and advantages; by C. Chaccer Goss. The above is the title of a neat little Fphlet of 4S pages, for which we are ; indebted to the author. It is creditable ; l the pen cf the author, the locality from i which it hails.'and its typographical exe cution. ...... The Atlantic Monthly, ? For August, is' on our table. Contents: I The Dramatic Element in the Bible; ; The Ring Fetter ; The End of All ; Birds 1 of the Nigh ; A Trip to Cuba ; Daniel Gray; The Minister's Wooincr : Roba di ; Roma; Encelados; The Zouaves ; My r . . . - "aim; The Professor at-the JlreakTast ; Table ; The Italian War. Sickles, says an exchange, has taken a house in Washington, for the next season, I Rs it he intended to retain his seat in the i House, and his former position in society. ; Soon after the murder of her lord, Sirs. . sickles said she was tired of Washington ; society, having seen enough of it, and .wished to retire : but now, having been !-uuy restored. - her. reappearance in ' ''aUunfTlon will rrpatft nuitp a ftnntinn: , o ; t'Ut gentlemen, in view of her confes- sions, will be very careful of their atten- .is Ve were . agreeably surprised, th doming, by the appearance in our office im vomrorts, tne eider of which is the firm of Comfort' & Tice, he bear ,nS his arms a hure water-melon. cou!d not at present impartially decide tiicn is the best his water-melons ox cak Al prtsent the melon is a little ahead. es Jndge3IHicr Returned. : . Judge Miller returned on the steam au 'lary. He is now at his post at xDraska city. He has been detained by severe illness in his family. ' Once a Week, ' . Is the . title of a new London literary weekly placed upon our table by Jonx H. Matin, Esq. At Mr. M.'s Depot, Post Offlce building, can be found almost any thing in the periodical line. Call on him. The Vermont Patriot, the State organ of the Democracy, in referring to the charge that it misrepresents the political sympathies of the Democracy of that Slate in saying that their first choice for Presi dent is Douglas, remarks: It is no use cheating all the time. The Democracy of Vermont, at the late elec tion, polled 13,338 votes; of these, grant ing this the entire vote of the party in the State, it is safe to say that 13,000 are Douglas men. SAINT JOSEPH FEMALE COLLEGE. ST. JOSEPH, MO. - - WILLIAM CAMERON. A. M., Principal. Completely organized as a Orht clans Female Boarding ami Day School. Number limited to 125, including 2b boarder. Scholastic rear commencing flrKt Monday In September. For Catalogue, with full particulars, ad- aress me rriucipai. AugUbt 4th, 1559. v4n4tf Code of Ordinances Passed ly the Board of Trustees for the iown oj reru, jemana cownry, jv. l:, at their regular meeting held August 2d, 1859. Ordinance No. 3. Sec. I. Dt it ordaiwd by the Hoard of Trurtrtii for the Toicnof Peru, Nemaha County, N. a fol iate : There- uhall be a town clerk, appointed br tho board of trustees, whope duty it shall be to keep true minutes of all the doings of raid board at all their meeting!, to see that all ordinances are publish ed in some newspaper published within S'cmaha County, and preserve all proper evidences of such publication, and perform all other duties pertaining to such odic. Sec. 2. There shall also be appoind an assessor, whose duty it shall be to take a I it of all tho taxable property, both real and personal in the town, and at tach thereto the true value thereof ; such Ii.it and assessment to be made annually and Lied with the clerk of the board on or before the first day of Sep tember. Sec. 3-. There shall bo a treasurer appointed. whose duty it shall be to receive and safely keep all the moneys belonging to the town, and pay all orders drawn on him by the board, signed by the chairman and attested by the clerk of the board, and before entering upon the duties of his ofTiee bechnll make and execute to the board such bond as may be requi red and approved by the board, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge nil the duties of treasurer according to law, and shall, at any tiiao when re quired by the board, report the amount of money in tho treasury, with all other matters pertaining to his office. Sec. 4. There shall also be appointed by the board a Street Commis.sioner. whose duty it shalj be to keep open, repair and otherwise improve the streets and alleysof tho t iwn, and seo that the citizens and lot holders pcrjorra all the work required of them by ordinance, and perform all other duties required of him pertaining fo his office. See. 5. 1 here shall also bo appointed a town con stable, whose duty it shall be to collect all moneys due the town by assessment of taxes, fines or for feitures, or in any other manner from any person or persons whomsoever, and pay tho sane over to the treasurer, taking his receipt for the same, and jxt form all other duties pertaining to his office, and. beforocnteringupon the duties of his office,' he shall make and execute to the board such bond and se curity as the board may require and approve, condi tioned that he will faithfully discharge all tho du ties required of him, and that he will faithfully ob serve all ordinances or orders of the board which may impose dutie or require bis services. Sec. 6. 1 hat there shall bo no order drawn on tho treasurer unless ordered by the board, which order and direction shall bo entered and appear on the minutes of the meeting ordering tho same. The said orders shall b signed by the chairman of tho board, and counters'gifd by tho clerk, and made payable to the person m whose favor it is drawn. All ordersshall be numbered respectively as issued and datod on the same day, and shall be paid by the treasurer in the order of their number ami date, un less otherwise ordered by the board. The Treasurer shall, when any order is presented to him for pay ment and not paid, endorse on the buck of such order stating that the within bna been presented, nnd date and sign tho same, which endorsement shall entitle the holder to ten per cent, per annum on the amount the order calls for, from tho dato cf Euch endorse ment. rROVlPING For wokk on streets. Sec. 7. That all able bodied male inhabitants of the town, over the ngo of eighteen and under the age of fifty years, shall work at least two days In each year on the streets of the town, under tho su pervision of the Street Commission'T, at such work as said commissioner shall designate, or pay for each day so failing to work the sum of one dollarand fif ty cents, provided that the said commissioner shall give six daya previous notice, either by sen- in a written noti-e or by advertising the same by posting up at least four advertisements in tho most public places in the town, said notice todesisrnate the place where said work is to be done, the kind of tools or implements to be used, and the hour of the day in which said work is to be commenced: t he clerk shall furnish the commissioner with a listof all hands sub ject to work on said streets. All persons who shall be legally notified oi above, and shall fail to work on said streets, either by himself or by a lejjal sub stitute, shall bo returned to the board a delinquent, and if he fails to pay to the collector when called no on to do eo the sum of one dollar and fifty cents, the same may be collected by suit before any justice of the peace in this county, the same as any other debt together with costs of such suit. The street com missioner shall every six months make and exhibit to tho board a full statement in writing of all his pro ceedings, netting forth the amount of money received and paid out for work, the number of days' work done under his supervision, the number of delin quents and the amount of money collected from tho same, together with all other matters pertaining to his office. Sec. 8. That the tax of this town shall not be more than five mills on the dollar per annum, un less the board is antboriied, by at least two-thirds of all the tax-payers in tho town requiringthem, to levy a higher rate of tax. It. PEERY, President. P. C. Richards, Secretary. Ordinance No. 2. Sec. 1. Be it Ordaiwd by the Hoard of Trtttteri for the Totcn of Pern, Xemtihn county, T., as fol lows : That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell or dispose of in any way, manner, or by any wiutenuge, any spirituous, vinous rr man liquors, or any other intoxicating beverage, within the incorporate limits of said town, unless he or they ahall first have procured a license from the board of tmstees for sail town authorizing him or them to sell the same. See. 2, That it shall not bo lawful for any person or persons to establish or keep any bowling or billiard saloon or ball alley within this town without first having procured license to pen or keep thesame. Sec. 3. That any person cr persons violating eith er of the foregoing sections of this ordinance, hall, upon conviction thereof before any justice or the peace within the county of Nemaha, be fined any sum not legs than ten dollars nor more than one hun dred dollars. R. PEERY, President. P. C. RiCHAKDS, Secretary. . Ordinance No. 3. See. 7. Be it ordained by the Board of Tntntee for the Town of Perv, Xemaha County. X. T. That any person or persons wishing to open any drinking billiard, howling saloon, or ball alley, within th in corporation limits of this town, shall make applica tion by a petition of at least a majority of all the citizens of paid town to the board of trustees, or to any one of the town officers who may be l?a11v ap pointed by said board toerinfc the same, for a licen se to open suh saloon or ball alley, and shall, before any suf-.h licene shall be pranted. file a bond, and pay to the treasurer of said board, or other officer granting said license snch sum a, shall be required by ordinance, to be receipted by said treasurer, and a license may, . at the di.vretioa of said board, be granted for any term not leas than six nor more than twelve months, and for any som not les than fifty iollars nor wore than five hnndred fToTlarn. R. PEERY, President. P.C.RicaAErs, Secretary. DR. EASTERLY'S Iodine and Snrsapurllla Will cere all diseases arising from an impure state of the sloop, or a depraved condition of the fluids of the system, vix : cancers, swelling of IhegTands, iLeutnat- iszn, wtite swellings, chronic tore eyes, piles, ooils. erysipelas, goitres, paing In the bones and Joints, nl cers in Hut mouth and throat, and a!', chronic contltu lion al diseases. Tfcla medicine searches oBt tte very roots of the disease by purifying the blooo, and changing the secretions in the system, thus removing the ca;iso. which renders the cure certain and permanent. Dr. Eatterly'e Iodine and Sargapariila will cure the vortt mercurial dtieatt, and drive oat and destroy ev ery particle of merenry which is In the ny item, and cure its bad effects,- ,. - It will cure tecondary typhili or ventral diteate, and will drive the ejitkilitie tints and all hereditary taints and pohouout matter out of the system through the pores' of the ikin, aud restore the patient lb a per fect state of health and purity. It U a positive care for liver complaint and dyspepsia, if used a proper length of time. I challenge the world to produce its equal in these complaints. The afflicted will bear in mind that Dr. Katterly't Iodine and Sarsaparilla will cure all nervous disea-scH, female comploiuts, dropt-y, graveo, diseases of the kidney's, Madder, aud urinary organs, la a fw days. It wi.l remove pimples and blotches from ihe face, and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala baster. It does this by porifyingthe Hood, and by its prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and bccietory or gans, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been afflicied with scrofula, old sores, letter, ringworm, acald head, blotches, eruptiuiis of the tkin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gridlev's Salt Khoum and Tetter Ointment to apply cn the sores aDd diseased parts, when using Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. The Iodine and Sarsaparilla purines the blood, and causes the sores to discharce their putrid matter, and the ointment heals them, vrnen both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They are the best and most powerful curatives knowu to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 hot ties for 5. Gridlcy's Salt Kheuni Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner t f Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders ruujt be addresed. 33old by J. II. MAUX & CO., Druggists, Brown ille, N. T-, and by Druggists generally. tiTDr. Carter's Cough Balsam will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bron chitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Pleurisy, AV'hooplng Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, and all discasesof the Throat, Chct-t, and Lungs. Xo one bhould negloct a Cough or Cold a single day. Millions die annually by neglecting a Commos Cold. . Coughs and Colds lead to consump tion, and then to an early death. Reader, have you a a cough, cold, or any disease of the lungs? Procure at once that celebrated remedy, Da. Carter's Cough Balsam, which never fails to relieves cough in twenty-four hours, and always cures the WORST CASES Of aolds, coughs, ansall diseases of the throat and lungs in a few days. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents; large bot tles, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. JTj-DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Strs, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, te whom all orders must be addressed to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX & Co., Agents, Brownville, N. T. jFever and Ague Killer Win cure ague and fever, chilis and fever, dumb ague, inter mittent and remittent fevers, and all the various forms of fevers incident to bilious climates. If there is a man, woman or cnid suffering with ague andj '.ver, they arc advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It is a positive cure speedy and perma nent. Try it. Plicc $lpcr bottle, or 6 hot. les for $5. Dr. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be aJdressop to get the genuine. Sold by J. n. MAUX &. CO, Agents, Brownville. ETDr. Baker-s Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordce, discasesof the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the genital organs. Reader, have you a private disease 1 Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's Specific is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific you can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price $1 60 pcrbottle. t3Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strcts St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addre6sod, to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX & CO., Druggists, Brownville, N. T. Advice. As the hot season is approaching, every person fchould prepare their system for the change, and there is no remedy so applicable as ' 'McLean's Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier." It will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same time strengthen and invigorate tha whole organization. The immense quan tity of it that is sold daily, is proof enough of its great virtues in thoroughly removing all .the impure matter from the blood. V'c say to all, try it! It is delicious to take. See the advertisement in another column. TwoBay Mares in Charge UN Monday the 27th of June, 1S59, two men ptwisinz by the names of James Hamilton and Wm. Johnson, stopped at the Hrownville House in Brown ville, N. T. having with them two large dark bay marcs. On the 20th the men left Brownville leaving the nnimala at the City Livery Stable. They stated before leaving that they had taken up the horses on Salt Creek between tho two Blues, thinking them to be estrays. The mares are yet at the City Livery Stable in Brownville, where the owners can get them by calling proving property and paying all charges connected with thc;r keeping ; unless called for within sixty days from this date, they will be held at auction to the highest bidder. WM. ROSSEIJ,. It. T. P.AXEV. $25 SEWING MACHINE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted the best in Hie World. Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, garher and em broider with perfection, and will sew every kimi of goi-ds, even leather, and especially adapted for family use. Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in one hour to use It successfully. We have a great number of references, bnt will give only the names of a few, who are among the first fam ilies, to wit : We, the undersigned citizens of St. Lor Is, having la tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on differ ent kinds of work, in our families service, docheerful lv recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine : "Mrs. P AMeffett Mrs J Jewett Wilcox 3 Clemern Jose C ffran Jas A II Lampton L Mary Llvermore D BGale RRWhorf M BTcnnison MR Williams J A Hale 1R Arbackle E Tillman II M Blossom E J Stevens Machines without tables, as band Machines, with one noedleand two spools of thread on the machine, are $26 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &.c, $33. Xcodle $1 per dozen. Complete printed directions will be sent with every machine. These machines take the same stitch as the Grover and Baker. Xo letters of inquiry answered except an extra post ape stamp is enclosed. Machines warranted, and may be returned in thirty days if not satisfactory. Xo machines delivered until paid for. All orders ty mail or express, with tho cash, will re ceive prompt attention. X. B. Agents wanted for every town in the South and west, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address EDWIX CLARK, Xo. 82Xorth Fourth street St. Louis, Mo. n40-3ui To Lot Holders in Glen Hock, N. T. Lot holders in Glen llock, Nemaha county, N. T.. are hereby notified that unless they come forward within si x months from this date and pay up their respective proportions of entrance tioney and all expenses attending the entry of said town site, lots uncalled for at the expiration of said eix month will bo sold to the highest bidder, for tho benefit of said town, os provided for in an act entitled "an act regulating the disposal of lands purchased in trust for town sites," passed July 10th, 1857. It. J. WU1TSEY, Probate Judge. Jnno 30th' 1659. nl-4t Land Warrants, For Casli vnci on Timo We arc prepared to loan L-nd Warrants of all sites to settlers n such time as they may desire long or &hort at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will 1 kept on band for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere iu town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located ia Brownville. we canal ways be found at the old stand a few do rs east of the BrewitVtllcr House. LTTSHBAUGfl k. CAB.?OST, ' . Bankers, a&d PeaJerc in Laud Wirrautt. Of the Eeceipts and Expenditures of Xemaha County, Xebraska Territory, from the 1st day of July, A. D. 1S07 to the 1st Cay of July, A D 1369. . I ,- - XXPIHIITVaEI. -: , -; l June term of the District Court, 1857 $310 70 Xov ember term do do do 33a 15 June term do do 1853 374 23 X-jvetuber term do do do 142 43 April term do da . IS6 436 7 County Court Including Coun:y der's fees foS 73 Expenses of holding Coroner's Inquests 214 61 Printing for the county M 04 County and Territorial Beads 414 96 Sheriff's fee 6C8 2 Iluuse rent, for use of connnty purposes 124 60 Fees allowed Justices in Criminal cases 130 73 Fees of the Countv Treasurer 174 40 Expenses of August election 1S67 66 70 do do do 18.'S 63 83 do do do 1639 special 13 60 Stationery and Blank Books ' 174 9 Fees of Probate Judge 117 00 Support of paupers 449 25 Guarding t nd keeping George Henderson (a Xe- gro, charged with murder. 712 83 Constable's fees iu guarding other persons and all other expenses nut heretofore enumerated 613 69 Deficit July Is 1S37 256 90 Total $6,638 43 RECEIPTS. Amount of Taxes collected in the yeais 1657 and 1853 $5 620 S7 Amount of Taxes collected in the year 1859 3,0-20 IS Delinquent Tx list for 1857 and 1S53 270 68 Delinquent Tax list for 1556 and 1S59 614 69 Total. $,523 42 Which deducted from the amount of expen ditures leaves the amount of iudebtedaea at thi date July 1st 1S57 $112 01 Territory of Nebraska. County of Nemaha. I. Erastus E. Parker, County Clerk or Xemaha Coun ty, Xebraik Territory, no hereby certify that the fore going u a true statement of the financial cm-liti.jn of said county at this daiei- as witness my hand and the impress of the seal of said county, at my offlce in Browuville, this 8lh day of July A. D. 1853. E E. PARKER, County Clerk. Brownville, July 14. 1850. Tlie Complete Ball-Room Hand Book. COXTAIXIXG upward of 300 dances Includingall the moct fashluiiablc Dances, Waltz, Polka. Mazourka, SchottUhe, GaKopade, Common and Polka Redowa, Quadrille or Cotillions, Varsovicnne, Gorlitza, Madrillianne, Elclezka. Espagnolo, two, three and Ave step Waltzes, &.c, &.c. Also, common Waltzes and Polka Contra Dances ; May day, Christmas aud Xew Year's Dance3. With elegant Illustrations, and full explanations, and every variety of the latest and tuost approved figures, and calls for the different changes, and Rules on Deportment and the Etiquette of Dancing. Price 37 cents. Sent free of postage on receipt of the price. IIoylc Games. A XEW EDIT10X, edition embracing all the most mod ern modes of play, and the roles practiced at the present time iu Chess, Billiards, WbUt, Draughts, and all other popular games, with sixteen games adapted to the new Yankee Xotlons cards. Edited by T. FRERK. Price in paper covers, oOcts, neatly bound in cloth 75oU. Sent free or postage on receipt of the price. Frcrc's Cliees Hand-Book. COXTAIXIXG elementary instruction, the Laws of Chess, flfty select game by the first p!yers, ending of games, and the defeat of "the Muzio Gambit." Also, thirty-one of the choicest problems. By Thos. Frere. Pi ice 60 cents. A liberal discount to the trade. Actv Chess Book! MORPIIY'S GAMES OF CHESS, and Frere's Prob lem Tournament, containing all of Morphy's most interesting games of Chess, played iu Europe and America. Also, forty original chess problems, never before published, composed by the most cele brated masters. Price60cts. Scut free of postage, on receipt of the price. A liberal discount to the trade. Address T. VT. STBONG, Publisher, S3 Xafsau st., Xew York. July, 14, 1859. BY .AUTHORITY.! wwTH a. IWffll MlfflOI X'lx.ilixciollpliifi.. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment. for tne reliej oj tlie sick and distressed, ajlicted with Virulent and Epedemic Disease. THE Howard Association, in view of the awful distruc- tionof human life caused Ly Sexual diseaes, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, wilh adesenp tion of their condition (age, occupation, habits of life, &.c ) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands thehighest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Ite nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex prcb the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the euro of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and order a continuance of the same plan fur the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the afllinted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de spised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or beminai Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self- abute and other discasesof the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Snrecn, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envclo: e) FREE OF CHARGE on the receipt of TWO STAMSf r postage. Other report and Tracts on tho nature aud treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &.c, are constantly being published for gratuitous distributicn, and will bescnt to the afflicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of ireatmuets discovered during tho last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTX IIOUGIITOX, Acting Surgecn, Howard Association, Xo. 2, South Xinth Street. Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. n ART WELL, President. Eo. Faikcjiild, Secretary. July 14. 185S-ly 1). h. m'laugiilin CIIAS. DORSE V Mclaughlin & dorsey, Main Street, Brownville, N.T-, Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles; Buvand sell property on commission , rurnisn iana warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAUGULlX it DORSET respectfully refer to George II. Xixou, Esq., Register Brownville Land Ofllcc. Charles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbauch &. Carson, Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Kewcouier Esq. Baltimore, Md. O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegate in Congress from XebraskaTerrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Real, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, inn. Brownville, April 22. no43tf JOSEPH L. ROY, AND HAIR DRESSER. . Main Street, DROWXTILLE, K. T. PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! With Corn. Those indebted to me are hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, delivered at the store ot I. T. Whyt in Brownville. This request is made only because I am in debt myself, and cannot raise the money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar rangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances. JESSE XOEL. Brownville, Dec, 2, 1858. Ague ! Ague ! ! A Xew Chemical Discovers'. Foremost among il the different remedies offered to the public for the cure of this discaso stands 'Wards Telegraph Tonic' Bdng entirely vegetable, free from the use of quinine and arsenic, cf which most of tho ague preparations are composed, it is en tirely harmless in its effects, and leaves the patient strong and healthy. If taken according to directions, it will not fail to cure the worst cases. Just try itonce and satisfy yourselves that tho Aguecanbe cured. ' ! - For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Crane & Hill, Brownville, N. 71, and by dealers everywhere All orders must be addressed to W. W. Ward, Lcavemvorth, Kansas, General Agent for Kaniaj and the Western States, July 14, 1859. -"M MISS MARY TURNER, Main Street, Broivmnlle, JVebrasIca, Ha iut received a fresh supply of MILLINERY GOODS. Consisting of Xew Style Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, And the finest and best materials for manufacturing anything in the millinery line. April 1st, '59 n40-ly FOUND, A MEMORANDUM BOOK, which the owner can bare by calling at this effisej describing ari3 paying ofrthiiadrortiicmoat. ' No. 637. !; . : 15 j (lie President of (he United States Io pursuance of law, I, JAME9 BI'CIIAXAX, Presi dent of the Uuited States of America, do hereby declare and mike known that public sales wilt bo behl at the cudernientivned land offices in the Territory of iebria, at the periods Lereinafter designated, t wit ; At the land fllce et Brownville, enfnmencinir on Monday, the eiafth day of August nest, for the disposal cf the pnblic lands within the following named towir ships, vix: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth of the Meridian. The part of township 1, outtide of the Sac and Fi x and reservation, of range 17. The parts of townships 1. 2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac aud Fox aud half-breed Xemaha reservation; aud Irac tiunal townships 5 and 6, of range 16. The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and F"X 're servation; township 2; the parts of townships 3, 4 nnd 6 outside of the half-breed Xemaha reservation and fractional township 6, of range 16. The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and F reservation; townships 2, 3, and 4j the part of township 5 outside of the half-breed Xemaha reservation ; aLd townships, of ranpe 15. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, at range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, 45 and 6, of raniNrlS. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 10. At the land office at Brownville, comracicinff n Mon day, the GUh day of J-eptcmber next, for the disposal of the public Uutls within the fuliowi:i named townaU:ps, vii : . North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Townships I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. of ranpe 9. The parts of township 1 and 2 outside of the Indian reservation; nnd township 3, 4. 6 aud 6. of ranged.. The part ut township 2 outside of the Iadiaa reci va (i'.n; and township 3,4, 6and6, of ran)te7 The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva tion; and townships 3, 4.. 5 aud C, of range 6 , The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva tion; and townships 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 5 The parts of towuf-hlpa 1 and 2 outside of the Indian reservation; and townships 3. 4, 5 and 6 of range At the land ofllce at X'ebraska City, commencing on Monday the first day of August, for the disposal of the public land wiiUlu the following named townships, viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional township 7 of range 15 Fractional towhships 7 and 8 of range 15 Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of range 14 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town ship 13 of range 13 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townbips 12 aud 13 of range 12 Townships 1, 8, 9, 10 and II; and fractional township 12 of ranpe 11 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships 12, 13 and 14 of rauge 10 Townships 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; and fractional townships 14, 15 and 16 of range 9 At the land piflce at Nebraska City, commencing on Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the disposal of the public lauds within the following named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principa Meridian Townships 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 1 13,14, 15 and 16; and frac tional township 17 of range 8 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12,13, 14,15 and 16; fraction al township 17 of ange 7 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of range 6. At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Tues day the fifth flay of July next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth- Principal Meridian Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 of range 14 Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of range 13 Fractional ownships 12 and 13; townships 14, 15, 16 and 17; and fractional townships 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of ranee 12 Fractional township 12; townships 13, 14,15. 16. 17 and 18; aud fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 11 Fractional townships 12, 13 and 14; townships 15, 16, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21, 22 aud 23 of range 10 At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Mon day the twenty-fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the publio lauds within the following named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principa Meridian Fractional townships 14, 15 aud 16; townships 17, IS 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9 Fractional townships 16 aud 17; and townships 18, 19, 20. and 21 of range 8 Fractional township. 17; and townships 18, 19, 20 and 21 of range 7 Fractional township 17; and townships 18, 13, 20 and 21 of range 6 Fractional township 17; and townships IS, 19, 20 and 21 of range 5 Fractional township 17: and townships 18, 19, 20 and 21 of range 4 At the land ofllce at Dakota, commencing on Monday the eighteenth day of July next, for the disposal! of the public lands within the following named townships viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional township 27 of range 10 The parts of townships 24 and 27 outside of the Indian reservation; and fractional townships 28 and 29 of range9 The part of tow nship 27 outside of the Indian reserva tion; township 28; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of range 8 The part of township 27 oulside of the Indian reserva tion; townships 28 aud 29; and fractional townships 28 anil 29; and fractional towmhip 30 of range 7 The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva tion; townships 23 and 29; aud fractional townships 30 and 31 of range 6 Lands appropriated by law for the ue of schools, In dian, military and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised until the whole Khali have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the ex piration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this 22l day of March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. JAMES DUCIIAXAX. By the President: Thos. A. Hendhick, Commissioner or the General Land Office. Xotice to Pre-Kmptlon Claimants Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and partsof town ships above enumerated, is rconiredto establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land ofllce, and make payment therefor aa soon as practicable after teeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lauds embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will 1 e forfeited. Thos. A. Hendricks, Commissioner of the Gen'l Land Office. Xote. Under the regulations of the department, as heretofore and now existing, no payment can be made for advertising proclamations except to such publishers as are specially authorized to publish by the Commis sioner of the General Land office. A. W. ELLIOTT, ul rs ery SEED DEPOT, Cor. Broadway and Wash Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Ilaving purchased the entire Nursery stock of John Siggerson U Bro., I am prepared to offer to the public the largest and best selected stock of Fruit Shade, arid Ornamental taees, shrubs and plants ever offered for sale in the West. AVe are determined toofTcr such in ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure the most entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalogues will be furnished, and any information given, by addressing, A. W. ELLIOTT, Saint Louis, Mo. Xovember 35, '58-Iy. Send Four Stamps for a Specimen of , "NEWS FROM HOME.' A "Weekly summary of the latest intelligence re ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the 1'ritish Possessions in every part of the world, and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his tory, 4c, tc. The "Xcws from Home" Will be rorwarded postago free npon receipt of subscription, viz : 52 for one year ; JI tor six months; 50 cents for threo months. Fostniasters and nowgpapers officers are authorized to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par ties getting vp clubs. Address TOWNDROW & DAT Editors and Proprietors, New York. April I4,'59-ly T. II. EDWARDS. A. J. BERRY. EDWARDS & BERRY, y- Proprietors of the NEBRASKA HOUSE, BROir.TILLE, X. T. THIS II0TEL has lately been entirely refitted and the proprietors can now assure the public that they will meet with every convenience and comfort usually found at a first class hotel. Mr. Herry, the Jr.. partner was formerly connected with the same house, and has had large experience in the hotel business in tho East. F.DWAKDS A BEFRV. Brownville. June 16th. 1S59. 51-6ui THE HELOT nmiEf- .-The undersigned .hiring. bought thi Mills for merly ownei by Dr. Koovebf Ne2iahn City, i no prepared ta grin,! Core, Wbcat, and saw Lumbar oa the most reasonable Unu . f'usesain, tb best w a ter privilege in Nemaha county, he can at all times accommodate his customers on short notice with the best quality of grist. From his store at the mill he is always prepared to furnish the. best qaallty ,f Groceries, Wines' and Liquors, aaJ farmers will save 20 percent by dealing with h in; instead of going to other places. July 19th nltf J. G. MELV1X. SHERIFF'S SALE. . 50TICL is hereby giTen, that bv virtue t,f au ex ecution isocd from the office of Yfre Cleri of the District Court for Xemaha county, Nebruka Terri tory, against Louis Xeal and in favor of Hawk, Pro. A Go., for the sum of seventy-two dollars and fifty-five cents ; I, Davidson Piasters, Sheriff of said county, have levied npon cno hnrra as- pro perty of Louis -2Ce.il, and will, on the 3Lth dity of July, A. D. 1859, between tho hours cf ten o'clu-k, A.M. an J four o'clock, P. M, fjvm tho d.r of the I hous in Brownville in nlj county ia which the last term of the District Court for sail county was held, proceed t sell at public sale to tho highest bidder for cash in hand to satisfy said execution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS. Sheriff of Nemaha co., X. T. " Brownville, July 7th, 1S5-J. Sheriff's Sale! NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued from the office of the Clerk tf the District Goort for Nemaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, against Alexander Ilallam in favor of Robert Lioford, fur the sum of fourteen hundred and twelve dollars and tweuty cents: I, Davidjon llastcrs, sheriff of said county, hare levied upon, and from the door of the house in which the la-t term of said Court was held at Brownville in said county, will on tho Sth day of Agg., A. D. ISS, between tho hours of nine o'clock a. m. acd three o'clock, P. sell, at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described Real -estate together with all the Mill property, Machinery and improve ment thereunto belonging or in any wiso pertaining: To-wit : Blocks number thirty-four and thirty-live in Glen Bock in said county, as numbered and desig nated upon the original plat of said Glen Rock, said property to bo sold as property of said llallam to satisfy said execution. ' DAVIDSON PLASTERS.- Sheriff of Nemaha Co., N. T. Brownville, Juno 15th, 1859. 51-4t-$7,50 Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that Ly virtue of an ex ecution iisued by Jesse John, justice of tho peace in and for Nemahacounty, Nebraska Territory, ag ainst Georgies Frederic and in favor of Heath Nuckolls, administrator of the estate of Joseph De ntin, deceased, for tho sum of sixty-eight dollars and ninctycents, I.Davidson Plasters, Sheriff of said county have levied upon, and, from the door cf the oQce of the said Jesse John in Brownville in said county, on Tuesday the 9th cay of August, A.D. 1859, between tho hours often o'clock, a. m., and three o'clock, P. si., will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following property, to wit : one sorrel mare and one roue horse, as the property of said ueorgies k redeno in satis faction of said execution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS, . Sheriff of Nemaha county. Brownville, July 27th, 1359. , n3-2t-$3 Probate Notice.- NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in tho Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelly late of Ne maha county. Nebraska Territory, deceased, to ap pear at tho office of tho Probate Judge of said county at Brownville, on Tuesday the Uth day of August. 1859, at ten o'clock, A. M., to show cause why James N. Kelly, Administrator of aid Estate, should not bo authorized to sell the following' described real property of said estate, to-wit: the south-east quar ter of section 23, in townchip 5, north, in rango 15, east, of land situate in said Nemaha county, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy such debts against said Estate as still remains unpaid. Ordered that the above notice bo published four successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. Given under my hand this 25th day cf June, 1359. R.J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge. June 30th, 1359. nl-lt $5 PJllIil) MUIXG 3 .411 II I 1 And will rixSWeiuor gofj iLan ny Vther aXc ut diconre4, ir-i i S k J I M 4 t ; City Boot & Shoe Otore, Will imkeyou a snperi r pair of fruits or sic If t ,,, call or leave jtar mr jis-.re. or hewili sell i'J rhe-m-f Itaiter, a petr shoe, wr .ratrie au- W"l v J. waiters or livprs, ibeaicr thau any uther buBN 'i of 8:. Louis.- Kmplof tn2(cMU wufkmeu, and se?tw: variety of m;ittr,ui aul uuiiunirt lot ju fu ture, t hope loreceiTa that literal patrai' trctrr hetowed m kie. Uive me a tall. . .W.V.Vkl. Browuville July 27, 1S3 1,4 ...T. M. TALBOTT, - . DENTAL SURGEON r Daring located himself in Browovillc; y, T.'tea dcrs his professional Services to the community. All jobs warranted. ' . ' OlXF'or TeiLaa- r THE BSJersiineJ, Jelrfuv (o start atx.ot tRe lfTi of.".' September for Texas, .i!leUaiihcr f.ir c-lr w htn t w -iln a short time to rowl oca : One UweHtM Huuw in the Citjr of lmiwnvillf with Two L tn eacU.i3, $.sT Si nlca an.1 outhouses tport fte ?rr-rn:-f. Two Good Vacant Lots in Brownville Mtnatel near tie ' levee and own ve nl ent for fiuMtfes purfoM', ; . ! - J f 120 Acre of Land In Semaha crrurtr near .lie ff;-iotrl' " river; well timbered an watered. ine Dan n au uriuinai atare (o-ua: to 50 ljtj m lie -Town of Asi'inwaM. Xine Lotia".IcLennn's aduitkji" to Xeti ak Lit t, -near Nebraska City wharf. . . ' Tho undersized finds the letkartwx'nt'cf tin affairs in a very euibarras.-ing condition. If tiosM? wti. re indebted to hiuiwlll p'eaae to come forward and (ay their Utile note and accounts, he will take it as a k.'-vi ' kindneHs upou their parf, and Till he hrpy t'pre-tit " each of them with a slight token ot hi hixb rranrd. in the form of a small receipt, neatly wimet, with uia auti'trajh appended thereto. - P. L. SK-GAlT." May 19 'n47-tf or z:--? e'sS - "t2 ; - . u IjJ-Sg 2- 5 3-?. S i 3 z. - n i-; . t : . m ; 1 ; " .3-5 eJ5 . ho . V o - -.?-i - a. i tizr iti - si-- ' HsS-'J-'i: f.2 5 -2 3- h SS-.5a:"ftS js i ' - oicf-iir ss.S---i cj ss.-jaij1- 2 z : h 5&3-EfS3 ? 75 2 ??! fi2 . i? - 5 t - 11 r J - 2r -rg-w ; ---- - r 1 c-offl2r;-c.r c 7 a '. i-t-?- 5 - vci .. S-3i c I 5 5 5 2 i i 3 i 1, C -2- .,'2:.:,.:?'r--3 8:ij:?- c r - ? 9 : . .- Jcv. '"-3-..- iS-E. 5ue;i:;s ,3e::'- ia W -3 -04. ..; Kiln For sale by J. II. MAUX k CO, Brownvlife, N. X. andby alt drnsists fenerally. . t3.1y Probate Notice. WIIEREAS it appears that there are claims exist ing against the Estate of George W. Ulakely, de ceased ; I have appointed Monday the jth of Sep tember next as the final day for hearing all claims against said Estate, and all persons having claims against said e?tato are hereby notified to tile tie jamo at my ofucc, or with tho Administrator uf t-aid Estate on or before that day, or they will be forever barred from recovering such claims and from setting off the same in any action whatever. Given under my hand this 27th day of JunerlSjD. K. J. WHITNEY, Fr. bate Judge. Ordered that the abovo notice be published for six successive weeks in tho Nebraska Advertiser. R. J. WHITNEY. XATnAN RLAKELY, Admistrator. Beatrice, Gage county, N. T; Juno 30th, 185y. nolvl-6t $7 Found. A NOTE cf band, csfliirtt for over one hundred dolHrs, which owner can have by calling at this oEccacd paying fur thai 4V0;UecsiCat. Probate Notice. WHEREAS application has been made to the Frobate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, for tho appointment of a Genernl Administra tor of tho Estate of Charles M. Greever, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that Satur day the 6th day of August, is the day appointed for hearing said applications, at my office in brownville, in said county, when and where all persons intcred cd in said Estate may appear and show cause why Heath Nuckolls shall not be appointed said adminis trator. " Given under my hand thig 20th day of Jnnc, 1659. " R. J. WHITNEY, Frobate Jude. June 30th, 1859. n2-6t $7 PROBATE NOTICE. WHEREAS application baa boon made to the Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebra.-ka Terri tory, for the appointment of a General Administra tor to the Etato of Mary Simpson, late of mil coun ty, deceased, notice is hereby given to all whom it uiiy concern, that Thursday the 4th day of Angn?t, A. D. 1859, is the day set for the hearing of said ap plication at my office in Krownvillo, in 5aid county, when and where ail persons interested are requited to appear and fhow cause why William Ilobiitzcll should not be appointed as s'"d Administrator. Given under my hand at office this 23d day nf June, 1859. R. J. WHITNEY, Frobate Judge. June 23d, 1853. 52-Ct-$7 Probate Xotice. Uliereat; it has been made to appear to my satisfac tion, that there are claim existing a?aintt the estate of Willis Hill, late of Nemaha county, Nebranka Territory, deceased ; notice is tereby ?iven, that I have appointed Monday the Sth day of August, a d 1S59, as the Cay for the hearing of said claims, and all person having claims ajainst the said estate are hereby Co tilled to fl!e the same at my offlce on or before that day, or they v:tl! be forever barred from recovering such cUiims, and. from setting oft" the same in any action whatever. Given under my hand, thi 14th day of I'ebrnarv, A D 1559. It. J, -vmiTXEY, Frohate Jodse. Ordered that the ai.ove notice be puhUshed for three successive weeks in the Xcbratka Advertiser. K. J. WH1TKET. Brownville, July 7, 18o9. $1. Probate Notice. KOTTCB Is berehy given, that Ttiey. Amnwt Hh, 1859, is the day appointed for the final settlement, of the Hstate of George Lewis, deceased, late of Xemaha county, Nebraska Territory, at my tflftce fa Brotfflviiie in 6aid county, at 9 o'clock A ?T, wteir all persons in terested in said estate may attend and show cause, if any, why the account of David Lewis, adminstrator ot uaii estate, should not be allowed. - -. II. J. WlilTNET, Probate Jcdge. July 7th, 1369. : . 3t $2 Probate Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given, that Tuesday, August 9th, 1859, is the day appointed for the final settlement of the Ksiate of X. G. Titus, deceased, late c f Xeraahacounty, Nebraska Territory at my office in lirownviile in aaid county, at 9 o'clock A M, when all persons interested in said estate may attend and show cause, if any, why the accounts of James A. Titus, administrator of said estate, hou Id not be allowed. - - - " B. J. WHITNEY, Probate Judse. Jgly7th. 1H69. 3t-f2 Prob ate IT otice. ? Notice is bercty given that I have appoint ed Monday the 19th day of September, 1859. as a day for the hear in; of claims against the estate of D. C. Patterson, late of Jones county, N. T-, deceased, and all pernors havirg claims against said estate are hereby notified to file the same at my office a or before that day, or they will be forever barred from recovering any portion ol such claims and from setting off the same in any action whatever. Given under my hand at Beatrix Gage county. X. T., this IStu day of July, 1S59. NATHAN BLAKELT, e2-6w Probate Judge, Ex-OJicio. Lost land Warrants. ALL person are hereby notiflej tSat on or about the spring of he TPr of 1jo7, I euchred ia a letter Land Warrant No. 60 b30 for 160 acres Nsued to Rebecca J"tm widow of Lemnel John, un.ler act of March 3d, livio, tnd mailed aid letter at Xenia. Ohio, directed To Ilenry HerrinRton, Brown.ville. Xemaha oiurtty, N. T., that said latter aud warrant never reached its destination, and has been lost or stolen, that I have Cled a caveat in the General Land Offlce to prevent the issuS of a patent npon said warrant, and that I Intend to apply to the Commissioner of PeuMuus to hate a duplicate cf sa:d warrant issued. D. COSBET. June, I3tb, IS53. Ot SS11E1I.IMIL MANUFACTORY! JOHN W. MIDDLETOi, ' " DEREDT informs the public that brr h.ia jfrVl, located himself In this City, ant is pm!red t to serve thone in want of anythinirln M tine, lie has selected his stock rittt care aud will nutuuf acturw a No. I article of everything oMered. lie eet.in iw up nti;e"ssaTy toenumrrafe; hut will kern on Aand eve") arti cle usually obtained in Saddle .in. I Hame Kli.tt.it. JOHN H MIDULETO.V. Brownville lfay 12. t.j6-itr Ordinance No.. 4.. Be it ordained by the City Council cf the civ of Brownville. N. T. ; J Sec. 1. .That whenever any person or porSor, iSa't. be fined for breaking any of the ordinances of tUfcity, a shall be lawful for the mayorof the city, tpon tii rein- sal of such person or persons to pay the said flue, tore lease himfrowcutdy (il ho deems mtch urtioa tKVvtea ble) ami lssne a writ of execution agaiiiktthe v'pe'ty of the said pers-m or rcrsons for the sai 1 ripe aud Xor c st , -which executii'i Dull btfksucd' and eXttJufe af a c-t-eoutions i-wned by Jmticcs of tpeav "I 't:sTrr,tory, a.id that if trjon such execution bririg refiiriicd no pr -' perty found or unsatisfied, then tlie said maj or bll Ik authorized to Isstir his warrant for the arrest of Vtvrv person or pcrnsfor nou paraient of said im and ost-. and commit him er them to the hands of tt e nnrobai, t be dealt with as in other cases for non-payment of tliiCs. Sec. 3. That any person or pernons who shall T'a' o ' and depositon the levee of this city, e.wti so as to make the said levee to conform to the jtr;idc that has ben, or maybe hereafter established tythe l'y etmioee and ap,rovel hy the council, be allowed therefore'' the nrnH of three cents for every cart load of earth so depCrtto-T. the samo person or person in doing th mnire to m jravcrned hy the city erfrmcer with resj'ee; t the plac where the same is to be deposited. Pasoed June 27, ' . . .. - . O. B,IIE'.rSTT, Mayor. T. W. Bedtoho, Becnrder. Caution. TO EDITORS: Publishers c-f iiow.r arcr a.-n r. ppectfulljr cautioned not to Irrsert t!i falsehoods re specting myself, ofa-oun2fel!owatnitrin al'renrh name, which eypeared 'n several newjap-rs of Jate. Such notices would not be nJmittctl" wher he J. known. Hecannot read nor write, out LLrci sorno one to coyj bjj I ill. - . G.'B. SMITH, M. P., Proprietor of PaiTa'3 Electric On.. nIS-tf Claim Notice To Thos. Loiurty, Jese liars, ai ! all other whoui it niayconcrn Yon are hfreby not:4cd that J v iJ'ap penr at the Land Qrfltein Brntnviiief ri Sa'Bf-Jiv, tho 6th day of Aurat, 1"S9, at 10 oM-rk a M. tj pr,' up my richt of pre-emption to the X. E. luarter ef section no, 19, Township no. 3", Eangeio. 13, ea.t of fho sixtls principal meri.li;.n. ABRAHAM PE;;XY. Brownville, Jury r7fU, 19594 , 2t .. Road Work. " TH05J7 persons within the cori orate limits cf the Ciy of Brownville who have not piit up are berery notified that there is yet one more chance of paying cp with labor, viz: of appearing On th streets, nuftject t. my order on any day between the 15U and 22d of Jul'-, 1M3. J. W.-COLIM AN City Marahal. July ll!b.ie59. . . ... . . . nl-tf . Buy Your. VVarraiaj;3 OF J. MJCONlUK.ParBham street, Omali.y'bra?!. Land Warrants FOR SALT by O-niha. X. T. IfcCOXini. A Coapetent Surveyor VTJO is personally ac(iuaiite" with all the Lands now offered for sale in lao Omaha Dtstrict Is' ca-vevd with rf. ilcCoNIUE. . Omaha. N. T- ' - vlrt DISS0LITI0X. TITE Copartnerahip heretofore existics l.ftwcea lloaJIey A Muir Las Jtis dty bden liiss-Jrcd" by mutual consent. " . " " ' ' ' ' - Those having acronnts ajainat thu sard Crra wi)l please present them fof payment, and those indebtaJ will rlea'se inike rajaaent to either t t the late ffrm. 1 I.CTHE1C riOAIiLEY. . K(7BT. v. ML'ir:. Juno 1st, '50. ... 43-ff Dwelling llousc For Rent., Jane lit 'b3. WM.n. noovER.. . ' '3-'vr Dwelling House for Kent. THE undersiuiivd will rent on U'ral ternif, in prompt and careful tenant, the most oiniaiwli.'u, e'.le irant andHijibly situated dwellicg boue in the city (J Browuville an excellent ci.-iern. .l iifce-.ary out-, houses, and a fine garden wnh atl the veit-utde. of the season ia an advanced state, of cuinvation. up.n he premiies. - . .IX. L. XcGART. May 19. . : . ao47-t: