"VVNVI. AUG. 4, 19- ; TE It M S i v)ir if paid in advance, " rr " yf,ar' V. 8t the end of 6 months, ' " :,i . f,.rtishcd:at ftl,60 per flK;i:-S the e,der, not $2.00 2.50 3,00 .cum. I'1"' msc. V h larcest circulation of any paper m ft.-M St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eust chase TJobmska Advertiser" Having Wholesale Merchants in St h Cincinnati and other Lust- ,.vt where Nebraska merchants pur- will find no better advertising medium the Western country .-CJ ! Doings of Hie City Council.. I Council Chamber, ; Tl-p Council met pursuant to adjbura . n,,,t. Present: O-11 Heivctt, Mayor; i Vr.-rs. Furnas, Carson, and Morrison, i u--nnon; IfcdfonJ, Recorder; Coleman, Marshal. The proceedings of Jast meet ; :L,cr. were read and approved. i The MU presented LyD. H. McLaugh- : i;n uaS then laKcn ujnui nuu v, navs were t:.cn laheru.'jon !rrm0sal, until the 15ih of -August, for Ib'-rading, paving, and guttering the 1 5 .. . r vl I". AT... t!,.,vn ks m irOiil Ol inuu tuia ou laiii whi'-h'rt suited 's '1' . , , . s iiv'for -..- t dtinaU'd liv an ordinance previ- r"sV pii' d, requiring property holders to'iierlorin the fame ; said proposals to he r:vd -.io presence of and acted upon Ly ' th'? Council. ' " Jn motbn, the number of cart loads to be d. poMtcd on the levee from the. lots of ix. n and mith is to be K'ft to the City T.L'iiiec-r to determine. (in ui"iioii, the City 'Recorder was au- Vjorizt'd to enter into a contract with Mr. !m'ii!i, fortlie removal cf the earth in frrnt of lots G and 7, in-Mock 20, on the ij.-vi-p, at the rate of 15 cents per yard, av;;ll' in city order. The following- Ordinance was then-: of - Vr- i ly R. W. Furnas for adoption, rh, on motion, was unanimously Tr "iJoMed: 1. J?e 7 ordained by the City Conn- I of the. Citi of Brownville, That the nihr meeting ct said council, i'e, anu " .... i i hereby, fixod upon the lirs.t and third Mondays in each month.' On motion, the Council adjourned. T. W. HEDFORD, Recorder. a larUn's New Gooas. D. J. Ma n tin has jur.l returned from "tire East, with an -"almighty", stock of (Joods of every linaginable variety. Da vid knows just what he is about, and what will suit this market, and has made his purchases accordingly. ' A stranger, on seeing these mountains 'f poods, wondered "what onairth they'll '-Jo with Vm all?" . Well, they intend to 'nil them. We have some half dozen 'tallies in this city, that bring each about huch stocks of goot'.6 four times a year. B. F. Luslibangh, ; Mr. Luihbaugli has just returned from n jrip East to Raltimore, Philadelphia, ;iriJ' Washington. Mr. L., since estab lishing himself in this city, has shown a 'co-Tjinndalle spirit in looking after our ; iyteretu at Washington. Recently, while : the Post Oifice Department were cutting 'T routes right tmd left, Mr. L. happen ed to be just in lime to save our daily inail all we have really worth anything. St. Joseph Female College. In another column will be found the an nouncement of the St. Joseph Female College, Wm. Cameron,' A. M., Princi pal. We, this week, had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of Prof. Cam ;' cron, and are free to say that, from so ' limited an acquaintance, we are pleased with the man and his manner of teaching. MJsstns Numbers- find the following Nos. of the Ad nrtiser missing from our files: Nos. 14, 2y,'atid42'cf Vol. 3, and No. 43 of Vol. 2. For either c the missing numbers we wiH give anyone tn? Advertiser for three 12'Aiiths to come. Land Sales. The public sale of Government Lands Wok place at Nebraska City on Monday On.Moixlay next sales commence a' this city. Prc-Emption. . 1 u ing the month of July , there were ftf;o h 'aid red and one pre-emptions made .f-t.he Land Office in this citv. Ififllfs' Repository. e are in receint of the August 'num !',r of this valuable nil? h monthly and visitor. always accepl- T.he dear old .n?" .is excellent- -stirring. Our old correspondent V Capitol ium" has turned up again. He's welcome to the.'7u'ricr columns. A Call for a Territorial Sabbatii Jftbratka City, July 27, 1 So9. At a meeting of the citizens of Np1,. ka City, favorable to. the Sunday School cause, me undersigned, i'asteni cf the va rious worsmpping . congregations in this city, were appointed a Committee to call a Territorial Sabbath School Convention Ine Lommittee, therefore, earnestly re quest all Sunday Schools in Nebraska Tpr, ritory to send at least one Delegate to saiu convention, winch will convene in the Firt Methodist Church, in Nebraska City, on the 14th of September next, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Committee also de sire such Schools as may not be able to send Delegates, to forward such statisti cal information as is called for. through this circular. Come, ye friends of the Sabbath School cause, turn out in vour strength, and let the people of this coun try know that you are awake to the inte rests of this noblest of institutions. No person can represent more than 1 School. mple accommodations will bf? made to entertain all who may attend. The items of information which your Committee de sire presented to the Convention, are the following:. . ' 1. Tl-', lo,zi::(r the S,hDcl 2. LV!:ru:t V:;u :i r.rl);;, the 3 ' '4 ors. 5 6 ' When the School v. as utrr-rizf-J. The number of Officers and Teach- Thc number of Scholars. The number of volumes in Library. 7. The number ot 1'ible Classes. 8. Tiie number of Children in Infant Classes. 9. T1m number and kind of Sunday School periodicals taken. 10. The total expenses of the School since its organization. con- 11. The number of conversions nected with the School. 12. What portion of the season in oper ation, and what suspended. ISAAC CIIIYTNGTON, E. ADAMS, II. M. CILTNER, J. G. 110 WEN, J. L. FORT. -New 'Counterfeits. Threes on the Uelvidere Rank, N. J. ; tens on the Farmers' and Drovers' Rank, Waynesburgh, Pa. ; twos on the Farm ers' Er.nk, Lansinburgh, N. Y. ; twos on the Liberty Bank, Providence, R. L; fives on the Bank of Weston, Va. ; twos on the Colchester Bank, Ct., (a broken concern); fives on the Butchers' and Drovers' Bank Yew York City; fives and fifties on the Commercial Bank, Wilmington, N. C. ; threes on the White River Bank, Bethel, Vt. ; fives on the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. City; one hundreds on the Merri mack Bank, Haverhill, Mass.; twenties on the Madison County Bank, Cazcnovia, New York. . . The Washington Star of Monday eve ning says: It was understood that this morning an attempt would be made to reach the top of the monument shaft, in order to make the necessary arrangements for a speedy re sumption of the work. It was intended that a rigger should ascend by means of the rope suspended from the beams at the top, but upon an inspection cf the rope and condition above, Lieut. Ives denoun ced the undertaking as unsafe, and the plan was abandoned, and another will be devised less -dangerous to those employed in executing it. The shaft at present is .174 feet in height from the ground. Capital of Kansas. We understand that Topeka has been made the temporary Capital of Kansas, by a very decided vote in the Constitu tional Convention now in session at Wy andotte. It occurs to us as a wise selec tion, if. the seat of government was to be moved at all, and this was a foregone conclusion. Topeka is centrally located as to the Kansas Valley, as accessible from all quarters as any other point, is a beautiful and healthful town, and is obno xious to as few objections as any ether places of the Territory. The location of the temporary seat of government there, is, we presume, equal to its permanent establishment, and secures at once to that young city a celebrity and prosperity, which, first or last, will be hers anyhow. St. Joseph Gaziitc. the Philadel- BE. EASTERLY'S Iodine and Sarsaparllla Will cure 1.11 diseases arising from a impure state of the blood, or a depraved condition cf the fluids cf the system, vii: cancers, swelling of the glands, rbeuinat ista, wtite iwellings, chronic sore eyes, piles, ooils. erj ilelas, goitres, psTms in the bones and Joints, nl cers in th mouth and throat, and all chronic constitu tKDal diseases. This medicine searches out the very roots of the diseate by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions in Uie system, thus removing the cause. which, renders the cure certain and permanent. Dr. Easterly' $ Iodine and Sartaparilla will cure the tportt mercurial diseatt, and drive out and destroy ev ery particle of mercury which is in the system, aud cure it bad effects. It will cure secondary siphilii or vcneral diteate, and will d.'ive the eyphilitic virut and all hereditary taints sjid pouonout matter out of the fystera throngh the pores of the i-kin, and restore the patient to a per fect state of health and purity. It is a positive cure for lictr Complaint tnd dyspepsia, if used a proper length of time. I challenge the world to rroduce its equal iu these complaints. The affiicled will bear in mind that Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla will cure al! nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy, grareo, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary organs, in a few days. It will remove pimples "d blotches from ihecce, and make the stln clear, white and beautiful as ala baster. It does tLis by poriiyirgtbe Hood, and by its prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory or g.ini, producing vigorous health. rcrscDS who have long been amicied with scrofula old Hore. tetter, ri'rifworiTi, scald head, blotches, eruptions t if t"i fk ti, ari l .ill eitineous c'ipa-'M, are advlsM to pn- i:t J.'ri-i'.ey'H Salt liiiousn t-l Tetter Olrtmcrt ? j 7'.'.;r on ih? soVtH and diftl i arts, ml.ti -js::'.r '-. iti'V Iu7ir.i' c-i i Swtrpir&'j. - TUe T :-. uj SrMtp:.riUa purges Ue blood, add uu.es tl.ti res to discfciirso their putrid itter, aud the eirtnetU hciU them. When both are used (which I always re--ommenil) a permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They are the best and most powerful curatives known to man. A air trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Tri :e of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or C bottles for $5. Gridlcy's Salt Eheum OiLtmcnt 75 cents pgr bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner of Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole iroprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed. JCJ-Soldby j. H. MAUX & CO., Druggists, Brown vilie, N. and by Druggists generally. SiirOr. Carter's Cough ISalsam will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bron cbiiiK, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Pleurhy, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, and all diseasesof t'ae Throat, Chest, and Lungs. No one should neglect a Cough or Cold a single day. Millions die annually by neglecting a Common Cold. Coughs and Colds lead to consump tion, and then to an early death. Reader, Lave you a a cough, cold, or any disease of the lungs? Procure at once that celebrated remedy, Dr. Carter's Cough IlALSAJr, which never fails to relieve a cough in twenty-four hours, and always cures the worst cases of acids, coughs, aim all diseases of the throat atd lungs in a few days. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents; largo bot tles, $1 per bottle, orti bottles for $5. 3-DX. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Sirs, St. Iouis, Mo., sole proprietor, tcwhom all orders must be addressed to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX & Co., Agents, Brownville, W. T. writes to 'Occasional phia Press: I perceive that it is denied by certain Washington correspondents that Judge Douglases preparing a still more elabor ate .argument on . the subject of popular sovereignty in the Territories. As I was the first to make this statement, I now repeat it. Judge Douglas has almost competed a paper on this great question, which will soon be published. m m fc. m ' Senator Doujlass was presented Avith a cane recently, by Mayor Haines, on be half cf the citizens of the Tenth Ward of Chicago. Tho Chicago Journal says that the cane is o oak, of large dimensions and of very curious workmanship. It is covered with fimin and devices fmures of Washington and Douglas in very bold re Ywmtcd. . A iV.r cf TO SQUIRRELS and a RACC00X. Apply at tl, ottke. " Ji3 The. above we clip from the advertising columns of the Nebraska City Jfexrs, and SIve it the benefit of an insertion in the 'JJtcrLib-cr columns... "What in the na uon" do you propose-doing, Milton? Resurrect the' old Whig party ? Or start a eppojition to "Mabie's Menagerie ?" tot Republic. ' The August number we have received. Tie "Midnight Review," an illustrated Hllad, is "striking and spirited." ' , , Bayard Taylor oes out to California a the steamer of the 9th August, under gageu.ent with the - San Francisco -Mercantile Library" Society, to deliver lour lectures in the metropolis of thePa cific. Ie .will be absent about 3 months, aM will crobahlv 1 tna the' prmcipai t0WM jn lne lief, eagles, clusters of grapes liberty caps, horns of plenty, star spangled ban ners, cannons, drums, trumpets, Sec. Ov er the head of Douglas is the inscription "PeomVs Sovereignty." The work was all done with a knife. Mint Statistics. During the month cf June, 1So9, 1,202 deposits, of gold bullion, averaging SS7 fine, and weighing l(J7,Jol ounces, and worth. $1,977,967 17, were deposited in the San Francisco Mint. The silver de posits of the month amounted to 40,5o4 ounces, worth S49.2SS. The coinage of the month summed up to $2,26S,971 GS, of which S2,09S,G00 was in gold coin, and $19,871 68 in refined gold bars. Some of the Austrians seem to have been particularly struck at seeing Zouaves come into action with their pipes in their mouths. The German's love for a. pipe is of the number of calm delights- thing to be appreciated when "he beside his cottage door is sitting in the sun" but a pipe in battle! Innocent German! Incomprehensible Zouave ! ESTFcTcr and Ague Killer Will cure ague and fever, chilis and fever, dumb a;ue, inter mittent and remittent fevers, and all the various forms of fevers incident to bilious climates. If there is a man, woman or child suffering with ague andj'.ver, they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It is a positive curespeedy and perma nent. Try it. Plicc $lrer bottle, or 6 bot.lesfor $5. Dr. Easterly, corner ofThirdand Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addre.sep to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX &. CO, Agents, Brownville. ErsTDr. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordee, diseasesof tho kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the genital organs. Reader, have you a private disease 1 Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's Specific is a safe, speedy, aud radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Srccitlc you can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany tho medic ine. Price $1 50 per bottle. 3"r. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must bo addressod, to get the genuine. Sold by J. H. MAUX & CO., Druggists, Brownville, N. T. Advice. As the hot season is approaching, every person should prepare their system for the change, and there is no remedy so applicable as "McLean's Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier." It will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same time strengthen and invigorate the whole organization. The immense quan tity of it that is sold daily, is proof enough of its great virtues in thoroughly removing all the impure matter from the blood. "We say to all, try it ! It is delicious to take. See the advertisement in another column. Two Bay Mares in Charge Slonday tho Zitnoi June, i&uv, iwo men Sassinjj by the names ot James Uiimitton ami m. ohnson, stopped at the Brownville House in Brown ville, N. T. having with them two lare dark bay mares. On the 2vth the men lelt Urownvillo leaving the animals at the City Livery .Stable. The- stated before leaving that they had taken up tho horses on Salt Creek between the two Blues, thinking them to bo estrays. The mares are yet at the City Livery Stable in Brownville, where the owners can get them by calling proving property and paying all charges connected with their keeping ; unless called for within sixty days from this date, they will be held at auction to tho highest bidder. It. T. II AXE Y. $25 SEWING MACHINE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted tlic lcst in the World. Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and e:n brcader with perfection, and will sew every kind of g-:ls, even leather, aud especially adapted tar family use. Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in one hour to use It successfully. V,'e have a great number of references, but will give pn'ythe names of a few, who arc among the lirst fam ilies, to wit : We, tbc undersigned citizens of St. Lov.is, having la tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on Uifl'er ent kinds of work, in our families' service, do cheerful ir recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine : Mrs. y A Aienett J Clemen Jas A H Limptoii D BGale M BTennlson J A Hale F. Tillman E J Stevens Jlactines without tables, as hand Machines, with one needle and two spools of thread on the machine, are $26 "With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, te., $33. 3C ix?d les$lperdozen. Complete printed directions will be sent with every machine. Thee machines take the same stitch as the Grovcr and Baker. Xo letters f inquiry answered except an extra post age stamp is enclosed. Machines warranted, and may be returned in thirty d.iyg if not satisfactory. Xo machines delivered until paid for. All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. X. B. Agents wanted for every town in the South and west, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address KDWIX CLAKK, Xo. S2 Xorth Fourth street St. Louis, Mo. n40-3m Mrs JJcwett Wilcox Jose CYffran I, Mary Livermore K R Wlnrf M It Wi:il:inis DU Arbuckle II M lHs5un To Lot Holders in Glen Rock, N. T. Lot holders in Glen Inck, Nemaha county, N T. . are hereby notified that unless they come forward within six months from this dite and pay up their respective proportions of entrance money end all expenses attending the entry of said town f ite, lots uncalled for at tlio expiration of said six mouths will be sold to the highest bidder, for the benefit of said town, as piovidcd for in an act entitled "an act regulating the disposal of lands purchased in trust for town sites," passed Julv 10th, 1857. R.J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge. June 30th' 1S59. nl-4t Land Warrants, Por Caslx ancl on Timo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to settlers on 6uch time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located in BrownviMe, we can al ways bo found at the old stand a few doors east of the FTOvrnvtlle House. LrSTTBArGH & CARSON, Hankers, and Dealerc in Land Warrants. AX EXIIIKIT; Of the P.eceipts and Expenditures f Keraaha County, Xebraka Territory, Irom the lttd.y of Jcly, A. I). 1S57 to the 1st day of July, A D IS EXPE5EITrBES. . - June terra of the District Court, 1867 $310 70 Xoveuibcr term do do da i 393 15 June term do dj ISM: 374 23 Xovember term do do do 42 April term do do ISoJ 436 97 County Court including County cler's fe 656 73 Expenses of holding Coroner' Inijues 214 51 Printing for the county j 352 04 County and Territorial Roads 414 96 Sheriffs fees j 663 24 H uie rent, for u?eof coonnty purpose 124 60 Fees allowed justices in Criminal case 130 7S Fees cf the County Treasurer 174 40 Expenses of August election 17 to 70 do do do 18fi I 63 5 do do do Io9 special 13 50 Stationery and Blank Books 174 96 Fees of Probate Judge 117 00 Support of paupers , 44'J 25 Guarding fnd keeping Ceorge nen!crn ( Xe- gro, charged with murder. S5 Constable s fees in guarding other persons and all other expense not heretofore eumcrted 613 69 Deficit July Is .1567 255 90 Total $6,638 43 Receipts. Amount of Taxes collected in the jeais 1S57 and 1X38 $2 620 7 Amount of Taxes collected in the yer 1859 3,020 18 Delinquent Tax list lor 1857 and 1858 270 68 Delinquent Tax list for 1558 and 1S59 614 69 Total. $,52G 42 Which deducted from the amount of expen ditures leaves the amount of indebtedness at this date July 1st 1857 $112 01 Territory of Nebraska, County of Nemaha. I. Erastus E. Parker, County Clerk of Xemaha Coun ty, Xcbra li Territory. !o beref certify that tho fcre-j-. a truo t1 ater.ctit of ti Csjucial cr.c-Iition f ( giiid c un-y at th.s Uate, as witr - my ) - f b.nd v.-. i- -- (T 'I f if s . 1 . i i "M!'. at i..y . ... i.i f T:ivj..;, lu ' -v-. 3 .1. U-y -l i-.ur A 1). t jj. k. K. PA;;Kr.;t, UuntyClerk. - Brownvil, July 14. - Tlic Complete ISall-llooui lland ISooIv. COXTAIXIXG upward of 300 dances Including all the mofrt fashionable Dar.jes, M'altz, Pulia, Maiourka, Schottishe, Gallopjde, Common and Polka Redowa, Quadrille or Cotillions. Varsovienne, Gurliiza, Madrillianne, Eletcrka, Kspagnole, two, three and Ave step Waltzes, Kc, &c. Also, common Waltzes and Polka Ci-ntra Dances ; May day, Christmas and Xew Year's Dances. AVith clcgaut Illustrations, and full explanations, and every variety of the latest and most approved figures, and calls for the different changes, and Riles on Deportment and the Etiquette of Dancing. Price 37 cents. Sent free of postage on receipt of the price. Iloyle's Games. A XEW EDITION', edition embracing all the most m,d ern modes of play, and the rules practiced at the present timo in Chess, Billiards, Whist, Draughts, and all other popular games, with sixteen games adapted to the new Yankee Xotlmis cards. Edited by T. FRKRK. Price in paper covers, 60cts, neatly bound in cloth 75cts. Sent freecf postage on receipt of the price. Frere's Clices Eland-RooK. CONTA1X1XG elementary instruction, the Laws ot Chess, fifty select game by the first players, ending of games, and the defeat of "the Muzio Gambit." Also, thirty-one of thechoicest problems. By Thos. Frere. Price 60 cents. A liberal discount to the trade. rew Cliess Hook! MOIlPIir'S GAMES OF CaESS, and Frere's Prob lem Tournament, coLtainiug all of Morphy's most interesting gunesof Chesr, played in Europe and America. Also, forty original chess problems, never before publirJied, composed by the most cele brated masters. Price COcts. Sent free of postage, on receipt of the price. A liberal discount to the trade. Address T. W. STFiOlTG, Publisher, S Xassau Et., Xew York. July, 14, 1859. HOWAEH MSHTB A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, cfp.icted with Virulent and Epedcmic Disease. TIIE Iloward Association, in vie of the awful dist ruc tion vf human life caused ly Sexual diseases, aud the deceptions practiced tif.outhe unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed theirCon sultiug Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy or their name, to open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip tiun of their condition (age, occupation, habits of life, &x ) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands thehighest Medical skiil of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the Huccess which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea ; Gleet; Syphilis; the vice of Onanism or seir-aou.-e, aifeae or ilic Kidneys and Bladder, &.c, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensning year. The Directors, on a review or the past, reel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been cf great benefit to the aftliated, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much de spised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or self-abus-o and other diseasesof the Sexual organs, by the Consuming S lrgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope) FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO STAMbSf r postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c, are constantly being published for gratuitous distributicn, and will be sent to the afllicted. Some of the new re medics andmethods of treatmnets discovered duringthe last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTX ITOCGUTOX, Acting Surgecn, Iloward Association, Xo. 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. n ART WELL, President. Eo. FAincmr.r), Secretary. July 11, l5S-ly H. M'LAUCIILIN CHA9. DOKSEY Mclaughlin &. dorsey, 2m tf? Afywfcs. Main Street, Erowinille,N.T., Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles Buy and sell property on commission ; furnish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAUGHLIX &. DORSET respectfully refer to George II. Xixon, Esq., Register Brownville Land Office. Chirles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xemaha Laud District. Robert W. Furnas. Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbaugb it Carson, Bankers, Brownville, lion. W. M. T. Hamilton, H;igerstovn. Maryland. Lewis R. XewcomerEsq. Baltimore, Md. O II Barnet, Esq , Davton, Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegate In Congress from Xebraska Terrritory, Washington, 1. C. John A. Beal, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. uoi3tt JOSEPH L. ROY, EAR3SK AND HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, IIROWXVILLE, IV. T. PAY "YOUR DEBTS ! ! With Corn. Those indebted to inc ore hereby notified that they can liquidate tbeir indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, delivered at the store of I. T. Whyte in Brownville. This request is made only because I am in debt myself, and ennnot raise the money, but can raako use cf corn. Such an ar rangement will be takn as a great accommodation under present circumstances. JESSE XOEL. Brownville, Dee., 2, 1S58. Ague! Ague!! A Xeiv Cltemieal Discovery. Foremost among p.ll the different remedies ofi'ired to the public for tho cure of this disease stands AVards Telegraph Toni.' Bmd? entirely vegetable, freofrom the u.ieof quinine and arsenic, of which most of theajnio preparations are composed, it is en tirely harmless in its efftcts, and leaves tho patient strong and healthy. If taken according to directions, it will not fail to cure tho wor.t eases. Just try it once and satisfy yourselves that tho Ague can be UFor sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Crane & Hill, Brownville, N. T., and by dealers everywhere. All orders must be addressed to W. W. Vi ard, Leavenworth, Kansas, General Agent for Kansas and the Western States. July 14, 1859. 3 m MISS MARY TURHER, " Main Street, Brownville, JSebrasIca, TTas last received a Jvrjtt MILLINERY GOODS, Consisting of Xew Style Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, And the finest, and best materials for manufacturing anything in the millinery line. April 1st, '59 n40-ly BY AUTHORITY. fothstd. A MEMORANDUM BOOK, which the owner can hfrve by calling at this Office, dcscribiaandTttyina ofr this advertisement. No. 637. By me President oftlie United States In pursuance of law, I, JAMES BCCnAXAX, Presi dent of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land cCices in theTerritory of Xelraata, at the periods hcreinaiter designated, to wit : At the land tico at Brownville, commencing en Monday, the eigtth. day of August next, for the disposal cf the public laiidi within the following named town ships, v:2: North of the Base Line and Enst of the Sixth of the Meridian. The part of township 1, outside of the Sac and Fox and reservation, of range 17. The parts of townships 1. 2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac and Fox and half-breed Xemaha reservation; and frac tional townships 5 and o, of range 16. The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fox re servation; township 2; the parts cf townships 3, 4, and 6 outside of the half-breed Xemaha reservation ; and fractional township 6, of range 15. The part of township 1 outside or the S.ic and tox reservation; towusLip 2, 3. and 4; the part of township 5 outside of the half-breed Xemaha reservation; and township 0, of range 15. Tcwnships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. ct raugj 12. Town.-bips 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 aud 6, of range 10. At the landoilice at Brownville, commencing on Mon djy, the fifiU day of September next, for the disposal or the public lauds within the following named townships, viz : North of the Ease Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Townships I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of range 9. Th parts of townt hi 1 and 2 outside cf the Indian re-prva'.ii r; urd tiwnsbips 3, 4. 5 and 6. of nnccB. The j irt .f in -r.shio -' out.to of tins Inlian reserve- tioT.; .-tnd t.jwii&l ips 3. 4, 5 and 0, of rniii:e7 it.i! i,it ttt i-i -t -u: !".. rt tiie la reterra- iloii; towiiuij t, -i it a!ni t, of'raiigefi The p.irt of towusi.'.p 2 ouubio of the, Indian reerra- tion; and townships 3, 4, 5 aud 6, of ranso 6 The p-trts of towuhlp 1 and i outside of the Indian Teserva:ion; and townships 3, 4, 6 and 6 of raugu At tho land office at Xebraska City, commencing on Monday the tirt day or August, lot the disposal or the public binds within t)e following named townships, viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional township 7 of range 15 Fractional townships? and 8 of range 15 Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of range 14 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town ship 13 of range 13 Townships 7, S, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships 12 and 13 of ranee 12 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and II; and fractional township 12 of range 11 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships 12. 13 and 14 of range 10 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; and fractional townships 11, 15 aud 16 of range 9 ' At the land office at Xebraska City, commencing on Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Trincipa Meridian Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; and frac tional township 17 (if range 8 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; fraction al townbip 17 of ra.icc 7 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of rango 6. At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Tues day the fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 of range 14 Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of ranse 13 Fractional ownships 12 and 13; townships 11, 15. 16 and 17; and fractional townships IS, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of range 12 Fractional township 12; townships 13, 11.15, 16, 17 and 18; and fractional townships 19, 20, 2 1,22 and 23 of range 11 Fractional townships 12, 13 and 14; townships 15, 10, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21,22 and 23 of range 10 At the land cilice at Omaha City, commencing on Mon day the tweuty-tifth day of July nest, for the disposal of the public lands within the follow ing named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and Easi of the Sixth I'rincipa Meridian Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16; townships 17, 13 13, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9 Fractional townships 10 and 17; and townships IS, 19, 20. and 21 of range 8 Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 19, 20 and 21 of range 7 Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 13, CO and 21 of range 6 Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 19, 20 and 21 of range 5 Fractional township 17: and townships 13, 19, 20 and 2i of range 4 At the land office at D.ikota, commencing on Monday the eighteenth day of July next, for the disposall of the public lands within the following named townships viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Slxtti rrintipal Meridian Fractional township 27 of range 10 The parts of townships24 and 27 outside of the Indian reservation; andfractional townships 28 and 29 of range9 The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva tion; township 2S; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of range 8 The part of township 27 onlsideof the Indian reserva tion; townships 28 and 29; and fractional townships 28 and 29; and fractional township 30 of range7 The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva tion; townships 23 aud 29; andfractional townships 30 and 31 of range 6 Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, In dian, military and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. The offering of the above lands will be commem-ed on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order ia which they are advertised until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will bo admitted until after the ex piration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the City of "Washington, this 22d day of March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. JAMES BUCHAXAX. By the President: Thos. A. Hendricks, Commissioner or the General Land Office. TIIE - ItLELVIH HILLS. Tho uoicrsinej having bou-ht the Jlilli for merly owned by Dr. Hoover of '?mah i City, is now prepared to grind Com, Wheat, and saw Lumber on tho most reasonable term?. Toiiesiing tha L -t wa ter privilego in Xcnu.ua county, he can at all times accommodate his customers on short toliee v. i'.h the best quality of grist. From his store at the mill he L-i alwnjj prepared to furnish the best quality of Croetri., Winc3 and Liquors, end fanners willyave SO perc-.-nt by dealing with hiiu instead of going to other place. July 19th nltf J. O. MELV1X. SHERIFF'S SALE. "0 riCE is hereby given, that by virtue of en ex ecution issaed from the oCce of tho Clerk of tho District Court for Nemaha- county, Nebraska Terri tory, against Louis N'eal and in favor of Hawk. Uro. Jt Co., for the sum of seventy-two dollar? and fifty-five cents ; I, Davidsjn 1'Iaster?. Sheriff of said county, have lev'.cl upon ono Lorso as pro perty of Louii N'eal. and will, on the 20th ilar i f Ju!y, A. D. 1559, between tho hours tf ten o'clock, a.m. and four o'clock, p. x from tho dor of the housj in Brownville in said county in whkh the last term of tho District Court for said county was hel 1, proceed t sell at public sale to tho hluji bidder for cash ia Laud to satisfy said execution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS. Sheriff of Nemaha co., N. T. Brownville, July 7th, 1359. I-4t- Xotice to Prc-Emptlon Claimants Every person entitled to the Tight of pre-emption to any cf the lands w ithin the townships and parts of town ships above enumerated, Is requiredto establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as so:n as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for tho commencement of the public Fa!e of the lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. Thos. A. Hendricks, Commissioner of theGen'l Land Office. Xote. Under the regulations of the department, as heretofore and now existing, no payment can be made for advertising proclamations except to such publishers as ATe.specialhj authorized to publish by the Commis sioner of the General Land office. A. W. ELLIOTT, IKT nrsery AM SEED DEPOT, Cor. Broadway amllVasli Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. naving purchased the entire Nursery stock of John Siggerson &. Bro., I am prepared to offer to the public the largest and te?t selected stock of Fruit Shade, and On.ameutal taees, shrubs and plants ever offered for sale in the West. We rc determined to offer such in ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure the most entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalogues will be furnished, and aDy information given, by addressing, A. VT. ELLIOTT, Saint Louis, 3lo. Xovember 35, '5S-Iy. Send Four Stamps for a Specimen of "NEWS FROM HOME.'' A Weeklj summary of tho latent intellionee re ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, W tiles and the British 1'ossenstons In every part of th world, and devoted to politic?, literature, scion.?, art, his tory, Arc, Ac. TIac "Xctvs from Home" Will be rerwarded postage freo upon receipt of subscription, viz : ?2 for one year ; ?I tor six months ; 50 cents for threo months. Postmasters and newspapers officers are authorized to act as agents. A liberal allowance mado to par ties getting vp clubs. Address TOWNDROW A DAT Editors and Proprietors, New York. April 14,'5'J-ly T. n. EDWARPS. A. J. BEERY. EDWARDS & BERUY, Proprietors of the NEBRASKA HOiM uroitotilli:, x t. THIS HOTEL has lately been entirely refitted and the proprietors can now assure the public that they will meet with every convenience and comfort usually found at a first class hotel. Mr Rorrv tVie Jr . rartner wan formerly ennneeted with the same house, and has had large experience -i v . i : i V T" EDWARDS & BERRY. Brownville. June ICth, 1S59. 51-Gai Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtu of an ex eenlicn issued from the oCi.'e of the Clerk .f the District Court f.-r Nuh CoC3ry,"NvXraik Ter ritr ry, o rtSn-t Alcur-l-.-r IT.-.IlAin ia f.-.vi r ef K-lert Lir''j-.;, i tie fBTn f 1' ,tU-i n ln:ndrr 1 an I t ! J rr t wct,tj- ti !.-: I, ! ;.! n I ' S ti, A' aid Cjut.tr, J.are lew. J Jv.i, ci fn :n the J.. -r cf the hoi: ia which the Du: term of sn; 1 Court wasLeid at lirownvi'.lc ia eeuuty, will on tho till day of Au.j A.. D. ISC3, between the hours of nine o'clock a. si. ard three o'clock, p. si., sell, at public sale, to the highest bidder, for caa iu ban i, the following described Real-estate- txr?taer withali the Mill property, Machinery and improve ment thereunto belonging or in anywise pcrt:iinin: To-wit : Weeks number thirty-four and thirty-five in Glen Rock in saidcounfy, as numbered and desig nated upon tho orijnal plat cf said C!en Rck, said property t be sold as property of said HaHnta to satisfy said exocution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS, Slier. ff of Nemaha Co.,N. T. rriwnville, June lLih, 1SVJ. 5l-4t-57,50 Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution irsued by Jesse John, justice of the peace in and for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, ag ainst (ieorgies Frcderw and ia f:.vor cf lletith Nuckolls, administrator of the estat? jf Jospi.h He roin, deceased, for the sum of sixty-eight dollars and ninetycents, I, Davidson Pla-tors, SberitT of said county have levied upoff, aud, from the ?r.or of the office of the said Jes.io J .hn in Drownville in said county, on Tuesday the S)th cay of Augu?t, A. D. 1S50, between the hours of ten o'clock, a. m., and three o'clock, P. M., will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in band, tho following property, to wit: one porrel mare and nnerono horse, as the property of said CJeorgics Frovlerio Iu satis faction cf said execution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS, Sheriff tf Ncmahacountr. Brownville, July 27th, ISb'J. c3-2t-SS Probate JS'otico. NOTICE is hereby given to all person? interesti'd in tho Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelly lata of Ne maha county. Nebraska Territory, deceased, to ap pear at the office of the Probate Judge of said county at Rrownville, on Tuesday the t'th day of August, 1S.VJ, at ten o'clock, a. sr., to :,how civusj why .lume.-f N. Kelly, Administrator of said Estate, should not bo authorized to sell the following described real property of said c-tate, tn-wit : the soiitii-eat quar ter of section 2:1, in township 5, n(rth. in rango lo, ease, of land situate in said Nemaha county, er so much thereof nny bo necessary to tati-fy such debts against said Estato as still remains unpaid. Ordered that the above noticu bo .nblished fuur saccossivo weeks in tho X.bra".!:-t Aderrtlm r. Given under my hand this 25th day of Jim.''. 1 S'J. R.J. WHITNEY, Prolate Judge. June 30th, 1S50. nt-lt $5 Probate Notice. WHEREAS it appears that theroaro claims exist ing against the Estato of Ccorgo W. F.!ke!y, de ceased; I have appointed Monday the 5th of Sep tember next ni the Ennl dny fjr bearing u elulms against said Estnte, and all persons having c'aims against said estate nro hereby notified to Mo the same at my office, or with tho Administrator of said Estate on or before that day, or they will be forever barred from recovering such claims and from setting off the same in any action whatever. Given under my hnnd this 27th ilay of June. 1Sj3. R. J. WHITNEY, Pn bate Judge. Ordered that the above notice be publitdn-d for six successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. R. J. WHITNEY. NATHAN P.LAKELY, Admistrotor. Beatrice, Gage county, N. T. June 30th, 1659. nolr-t-Ct $7' Probate ANoti.cc. WHEREAS ajinlication has been made to the Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, for tho appointment of a General Administra tor of the Estate of Charles M.Grecver, late, rf said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that Satur day thcCth day of August, is the !ty nr p unted fur hearing said applications, at icy office in Urownville, in said county, when and where ail persons interest ed in said Estate may appear and thow cause why Heath Nuckolls shall not be appointed said adminis trator. (Jiven under my band this 20th u w of Jure, 1S59. K. J. WHITNEY, Probate Jud-e. Juno 30th, 1359. n2-Gt $7 PROBATE NOTICE. WHEREAS application has been mado t-. the Probato Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, for the appointment of a General Administra tor ti the Estato of Mary Simpson, late of said coun ty, deceased, notice is hereby given to nil whom it may concern, that Thursday tho 1th day of August, A. i. 1859, is tho day set for thu hearing of said ap plication at my oGieo in Dr wr.vilic, in said county, when and where all persons interested era required to appear and show cause why-William HoldiUeH should not be appointed said Administrator. Given under my hand at office this Z'-l h-.y of Jun?, 1S59. R.J. WHITNEY, Prolate Judge. Juno 23d, 159. 52-tt-J7 I'roJtatc Notice. Whereas ; it has been made to appear to my satisfac tion, that there are claims existing airainst tie estate of WillisHill, latcof Xem.iluc n;ity, XeVa.-ka Territory, deceased; notice is iereby given, that I have appointed Monduy the 8th day of August, A i lsrf, the day for the hearirg of said claims, and a! I persons having claim against th.esii l estate aro hereby noticed totl tlin Sime at my office ou or before that djy, or they v.ill te forever bnrred from recovering stu a claims, and from setting off the same in any arfi. a whatever. Given, under my hand, this Hih d.iy of February, A D ISoft. K. J. V. IIITNKr, l'rfibati J a l'e. Ordered that the abov noti -i tic publi.-bed for three successive weeks in the Ncbra-.L a Advertizes. It. 3. WHITXET. Brownville, July 7, ISM. $4. Probate IJotico. XOTICK is hereby given, that Tuesday. Auputt 9th, 1659, is the day appointed fur the Cn l net: lenient of tho Ki6tate of George Lewis, . deceased, late of Nemaha county, Xebraska Territory, at my iffice in Urownville in sid county, at 9 o'clock a m, when all persons in terested in sail estate may attend and show cause, if any, why the accounts of Uavid Lewis, aduiinntrator of said estate, should not be allowed. B. J. WUITXEr, Frctate J:dge. Jaly 7th, 1S53. 3: $3 Probate Notice. XOTICE is hereby given, that Tue-day, Angnst Otb, is3j, is the day appointed for tho final seiiiemert of the Kstatc of X. G- Titos, deceased, late f Xemihacounty, Xebraska Territory, at my t.r.ce rn Brownville in sail ccp-.nty, at 9 o'clccl A M. when all persons interested in s.iid estato m?y attend and show cau.e, if any, why the accour.ts of Jaxes A.Titus, administrator cl saidestate, should not be allowed. E. J. wniTXET, Trotate Jtiige. Jnlr7th. 3t tl Probate Notice. Xotlce i3hercry given that 1 have appointed Slonday the 19th day of September, 1S53 as a day for the hear ing of claims against the estate of O. C. Patterson, late of Jones county, X.T., deceased, and all persons having claims acainst said estate are hereby notified to file the same at my office on or before that day, or they will bo forever barred from recovering any portion ol such claims and from setting off the same in any action whatever. Given under my hand at Beatrice. Gase county. X. T., this ISth day of July, 1359. XATIIAX BLAKF.LT, n2-6w Pre bate Judge, rx-QIcio. PIKES PE.iKCIfJCIACJS A3IC.1D And will produce more g.'d ttanaiyo'er d:,r;lv yt jlicovered, aad . ". ." flS" Tt Found. A XOTE of hand, calling forever one hundred dollirs, which owner can have by calling at this o31ce and paying for this advertisement. Lost Land Warrants. ALL persons are hereby notiiied that on or about the spring of the year of 1357, 1 enclosed in a letter Land Warrant Xo. 60,830 for 160 acres issued to Rebecca John widow of Lemuel John, under act of March 3d, 1S55, and mailed said letter at Xenia, Ohio, directed to nenry nerrimrton, Brownsville, Xemaha county.Jf. T., that said latter and warrant r.3ver reached its destination, and has I-een lost or stolen, that 1 have filed a caveat in the General Land Office to prevent the issue cf a patent upon said warrant, and that I intend to apply to the Commissioner ot Pensions to have a duplicate of sa:d warrant issued. D. COSSET. Jtrm. TSth. tS59. 6t City Boot &. Shoo Store, VTiii raakeyou a superh-r pair of b-.'s or s.Toes-f yi.a rail or leave your measure, or he il 1 1 eil 1 .a acbeai-i-r faur, a neuter shce. or prairie N-ots, s- d H'y'i i!f. of St. Louis. I.tr.ph.yitf.x dwortme .. a:, ! t.-i a variety -f material and irimmir.s f r 1, m , rV tare, I hope to receive that liberal r,-M 4 VeV. testoweJon me. Givorieacali w' " tiv BrownvilleJulyS7. l;;.J . j3- T. 21. TALiiOTT, DENTAL SURGEON, Havinir located himself in TV,.: . t n. . ' . , . " - ; , . i., len ders his professional services to thccoiauiiinirr September fr Texn, wiii.se! I either r r c.-h in h r,i r Ul-otl a Short tiiue to I,-id rien I it I)j . . the C.iy of Brownville wiih T.'i.t endo-e-J ' - a To Good Vacant I'ts iu Uron nrnre MtV.itcd re, r tte levee and convenient f,,r tu.si:e jMirj'oj. . J 120 Acre of Land in Xem ih.i c. ui,:j- ner the i: sou -l river; well limbee.f and watered. One half cf an Original Share (ei'-.al to io :ct.) la He Town of Asriawail. Xine Iatstti "McLnrari'a addition" t.Xl-i-ViC:f- " near Xebraska City v. barf.- ' The undersigTMd find., the fiscal d.rarn er.t t atTairs in a very enibarras-it, 0 ii :;. u ". ,.e are i-.debfe-I fo wilrie t ( 'ir, .','.. t t!:eir;:t'en . a-J .ivc. t. ;K ,i . . "J'. . . ki:".;.ess :., s: C . i,:. : , ; ., . , . J'J a.a of tt.eia . u :'?, t. , r .-! 5.. i -Miii be f of af;n.i.a r.-vf -,-, n.i ;,. 1 actv t-t, i ai-ei-'it-a '. i. . i ' " , 3X.T ii "" " ' " . 2 iZ-i - 5 s O c 'J O M X 5 Z " IB 0d i - . 3 1 w S ? '? - 5 - f z H i -- zT ? u v . - - - -.- - . V - 3 t) " - H A c 'Z i - -z T, .1 -is? Z r - a . 5 - e; - Ui rt .- rt S 2 5 f a - 2 ? S " iS . - o . I'- rt " C. .3 .- : rt - ; j c - - y i. Z -1 k. ICS " - - - ' 2 . - - 5- - n t - -- - -i ? - 2 t (Q r r ? -1 . s - v -s c g t - -2 - 1 - ' H si - a - !r -2 - i - ; y. - -? - . '3-g ;s k3 '-? - I : r, .; zzZ? o -. Z-zz ' -2 2 O U--iCrt-rt i rt - - "? c .? r- - rt V. t. - js - . a izz- 3 Ert2-2rt x-i 2Ti V'h K slI ii . -. i r - - - 9 i -i 5st5Srt -2! Zil ?S-.. "?7 Z 'rt r - - '-.: w i - .t; 2 -? ' - t - - j ' - - - r ' - -7. ? 1 l ? ? - - - v --. --r z :.- j . . 5 -. ;j i: '2 . - '2 Ui:tVi-il- 'itT-":r v -3 'A ' c 'CZZ? w r ? b " i 7 '!- - 3 S c Z i ' "z 5 Z i a. "1 'i 2. c-. Z Z'.t : .:?7'ir g - " " ,' 5 - e r t i- ' - 7. 1 : For sale by J. II. ilAfX A. CO , J5iwiivii!e, X. T., and by ail druggists, geiierally. . ;-:i-ly mm Mi imm - M A N U F A C TORY ! J0IIX W. . MIDDLET0N, i!nori x vii.i.r, t. IIEr.FnT Inrtrms f?,e pbli; tt.nl h t:a T. ?;- located himself in this cii y, ,t-id is -r.o,.'.rcd i- to serve tho-e in want f bj:: 5 in hi line He has selected tiH t,tot Tvii.li cure will miriufa -ti;ro a Xo. 1 article i f everything 1 trercd. IU- Vteius it uo n(.H;ess;iry to enumerate: but will ktoj, or 1 and eceyarti clc usually obtained iu Sa tille ;ind if n n... si,t JOHN W. MIUM.MTrv Brownville May 12, ; u4J-em Ordinanco No. 4. Be it ordained fy the City Cctiicil if the i :4Jvr Brownville, Nt T. : J J Sec. 1. That whenever any persm .r peV'-'oris ?hall be fined f r breaking any of the j.rdinanres of th'sclty. it shall te lawfti! f,r the ln.iyor or the city, n; .,n tho rrfu sal of such per..o:i or persoti, : p,ry tbe jtt fi.. le ise Innifriiiu ciistod (it he deems' : h ar..,u advisa !) and issue a writ of-execiiti-m au.ii;.-t tl,e prcfertv .f the said person or persons for t'lO.-.i 1 tine and f.r i-o.-ts, which execution shall be i.ued ami execined 1 ar ex eeutions i nc I l y jn-ic ..f t he peTti'of tiilst -rr N ry and that if upon suth i xeitition Lemf; returned nn pro perty found or unsatisiie-I, then tbw "said m-tv,,r sli ill 1 authoriziwl to issue his warrant I ,: rWe -arre-t of .'icJi person or persons for lion payment f taM li.ie and :ots, and commit him or tl.em to the hands of t.'io i,i.ir-b;il. 1 he dealt with as ia otter cues for rioii-t, ivn.rnt cf fines iKC.X. That an person or p3r lis w i i sliail place '' :i. o:i 1 1. levc- or ci'y. e:irt!i so -si to iiuito the said levee ti eonforni to tiie rri'ethit hn beoa, or maybe hereafter established t.y the Uy encinrer and approved by the council, be al 1 .we I t'.-. rr-fore the 'tei of three cents for every cart load of cu th s deposited, the same pnrson or persons i:i doing the .juie are t i Y governed by tbeeity tr;;i:ieer with re.it to the pl.ieu where ti e same is to i e deiH sited. ' Passed Jure 27, loo . - - O. 2. nEWFTT, Miror. T. W. BEDl'O ItD, Rc-T-ier. ant inn. . TO EDITORS: Pub!i.-ber. of nw-'aj-ersiro re spectfully caiti nf il not r-i irt-ei t t f il.ieh. !.: jo spectirj myself, of a your. I'-.luw a-isu.ninv; ai'rcnch ' name, which nppon r; d in several tew:..'!j i-rs'of lat'. Such notices woiill not be Rdtaitted whre Lt m known. Hcannot read cor. write, but hires iota one to copy my bill. ' ; . G. 15. SMITH, M.D., Proprietor of Smitfi's l'tECTKic On.. i, l-tf Cl?.!xn Notice ' To Thoq. Lreartr, Jrtt flays, sa a!l others ri.nni it iiwyc-mcern Y.n are here y n.ti.d that 1 wiiia pear at the Land O.Tcei'i Brownville on Svv.nrdir, thn 6th day t-f Aiigtisi, l -'.;:), at 10 ,. '.. i A M. t j prove my r;;hf of pre-ernptioti to the X. K. i-. ir pr t,t f-e-ti-ir no. 1!), Town-hip i.o. 3, at:o-0 i-i. -l the dixtH priricip ii iii,-ri...ari. . . ABIlAIiAAl I'KXNV. .Brownville, July 27ih, I3.'j3. . 'it . ' Koad Work; - TIIOSK persons within the cor; orato !:rr itr.cf tb Ci?y of Brownville wl.ohnve u; t pai l nr ate herety i.otiCai ihut ti.or u yet oe uior nHiv. paring c with latr, vi: of avpeariaz oi. the t reeks, tt er t- my order on any day between th) bih aud 2d ,f Julv lbC3. '' July Ilia, i: J. VT. COZ.EXAX, City Marshal. ' ' . . nl-tf Euy Vour WarrantH OT J. McCOXinE, Farifham street, Omaha, Xubraika . FOR SALT by Oaiata. X. T Land Warrants A Competent Surveyor T7IIO i personiliy aciuaintiN wlta sil the Lsnds now cCered for sale ia the Omaha K.trict a.cr.ecred with J. McCOXIHE Omshi, X. T. nut DISSOLUTION. - THK Copartnership beretof-ro exietinr "itweer . Hoadley & Zluh ha3 thi day been di,iolvtd by mutual consent. . : . . Those bwirl accounts ajainst tho said f.rm wi'.l ' pilease present them for payment, and tijoae indebted will please make payment to either rf fho lute .firm. ' i.l'TiinU.HDAL'LEY. ' ROBT. Y. s:ui;:. Juno 1st, '53. Dwelling House For Rent. Apply to June l3t '50. W3i. H. nooyn; - 49-tf Dwelling House for Rent. TEE ur.dersisned will rent on liberal terms, toi prompt and careful tenant, tl:e mos; currnvxhuus,. el irant and elli.ibly sitnatcd dv.eliin; L-T.se in tLocityof Brownville an cx.elkLt ris'.ern. all niH-esary mrxv houses, and a fine gar-lim with atUtbe vegetal ies of tha season in an advanced state f cultWution, u?oa th i- t M.-riiTtT. ' ltl,i.-'V '. rt. rt - II y 13. tChi7-tf