Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 28, 1859, Image 3
Ti fEjADVERTISER." L OCAL. KaOWNVILLE, JULY 23, l&'O. $2 00 TKKMS: . t r. if baid in advance. ' .. ' " " at the end of fi months, 2 6f) ',, ' . . "12 " -' 3 W ,-, -..f 15 r nre will be furnished at $T 60 per .nf pr-vdd tfce caih accompanies tbe order, Uot .,.ri-e- J-- Tbe "Nebraska AdvertiBer" having cj he lamest circulation of any paper in Territory, V noiesaie laercnants in t. fjt- Joserb, Cjn'jinnati and other East nii '''',:r' Nebraska merchants pur .,. w ;i UtJ ro btttc-r advei t;?ing medium Ifnprnu'iacnts; ; T;.(r oKE Hill is. clearing away the ,-'1 preparatory to erecting -a new bu .s' h.-iu.v1 adjoining, the one he now ;( V on Main Street. vQo-ahf-ad" I Ifui's motto. . . JvA'z? W hitney has nearly or qujte all ni iu-rial on the ground for . the erec t in. of a new business house on Main Strt-t, near Carson's Banking House. It ro le compltned in short order. Dr. ITollada y is tearing but the old front in his Drug Store, putting in a i'urieWtmerit, an(J nev sh0w windows: '?.hJ pavjn the side-walk with a good iuUtaiitial stone paVernent. Col. Nixo.x has entered ioto a contract v.ith IHmel Smith, Esq., for cutting 'j3vn the lots on the .hill in. front of the ;..Vfp, to Atlantic Street. The dirt will .laood upon the '-levee, Which, when 'fMiDpleteJ, will add very greatly to the cparance and. convenience. Mr. Smith uiil drive the woik right along. ; The workmen are putting down a stone jitvement in front of McLaughlin's &, !)oRrv's offrce r.rxl the ' Barber Shop. Lot the work go on. Ulanks, Blanks. i v chi on hand, printed in superior style, and tor sic cheap for tA, a frrsh supply of i Warranty Deods, Mortgage Deeds, 'Trust Deeds, Bonds for Deeds, , ' Justice, sheriff and Constable Blanks, 13 lank; Preemption Payers, ' Township Plats, Bills Lading, Drafts, Notes, etc, etc., etc. ,7u which we call flic especial attention f those in ueed. ' J.. Pri itiiia of any Nd every description executed to .Tiler in a ty fe inferior to none, produce iu auy of te.u-untry. ""c cvrept no offi -e in the W?st, or eUe lere, and oflir sicitueus of our work as evidence. . Loeal Items This week are as scarce as cash pur chases of public lands. Nobody drowned, vjti oiT, or committed suicide; 'nary fight even .dog fight. Several attempts Lave been made by the canine race; as- ji'U'd by their allies the street loafin cfnus homo; but owing to the exercise : .-;f too much "liollerin" by the latter, and -Uj.crior flatness oil the part of a portion ' tL? oilier, and a 'want of accelerated nC''jn or pluck by ihe other, the scheoes fai t"5"A few iiHTf roj :es of the ErotTLvillc Directory on !:;. and f.T sale. Ilicy slumlJ ail tc (-out off. We j e sent over 100 on our own account. Whoelbe wili .1 A ... f... I. 1 1. i.i,i,.l.r-r 9 r ; will take Produce We have been asked by several if, in i "turning that new leaf you read about,1" we mean that we will no longer take country produce on subscription, &c. By . n means ! We will still take, at market ' prJces, every thing we can eat, dxick, or wear, or feed pig, cow, or horse with ; but we vairf than , mere promises we are riot willing to take we want the article. o again we say bring in your corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, chickens, buuer, 'if, iiacoli, lard, Sec, Sec. J-Jperoon to mlioi this, and the prccedias rmniher J tte JSrertisrr i Mnt, will consider so doing a solici ltim to become recular suniicrilers, and if they like j:ir Pr.d terms, we will tie pleased to place tbeir names upon our 8iu?ci'iit;n books. JJ Washington States. A. Tkyor, Esq., retires from this valuable paper. He returns to his r.ative home in the "Old Dominion," to engage in his profession, the law. Mr. Htiss will continue the paper under the name of "Tkt States and ihe Union." Nr. II. is the old original Union man, and new that the administration paper ha? cast aside the name Union and substituted " Const U id ion" he takes up again the fa vorite name. Success to the new arran penient. . tj-!"Wri;itinii received for any length of time, rrunjtoe mutch U twelve Slcaracr Dmaha. Tbe steamer, Omaha, fea-ched our 'Wf fn Friday last. To 3Ir. Wilcox "e are under renewed obligations for fa vors. Frn hitn we are always sure of receivin full files of .St.. Louis and way lepers. We are not alone the recipient tucn onremitting attentions. , lie is thus attentive . to all with whom he has intercourse, either in a friendly or busi cess relation. : t" Advertiser tbe commencement of tlwe volume. inend wto have already interested themselves D fXtfndinc the nt nv.r runer will nloiim H oar thanks. OLbit ia ttaia county and otber por Jimi of the Territory, who have promised ua clul, we Pf,li to tear friu aoon. Our -subsciiption list is increas !' ery hindsomely, aod we trust we will have the list VP Uauoo before the expiration of the first three nioutha. m Notices. Godey's Lady's Book, for August, is on hand, beautifully arranged and filled with engravings and matter. How do ladies get along without the Lady's Book? Arthur's Home Magazine. The August number we have. "Crossing the Brook" is a beautiful and life like engrav ing. "Wait and See," by Virginia Town send, is yet in progress and very interest ing. Ballot's Dollar Monthly, for Aug ust, is upon our table. The leader, "New England Celebrities," rewards a perusal. "Tea Culture and the Chinese," freely illustrated, is good. The Romancist. The number for August is received, and is filled with in teresting and useful matter. Cosmopolitan Art Journal. Vol. 3, Number 3 of this valuable quarterly periodical, devoted to the diffusion of Li terature and Art, is upon our table. Principal steel engraving : "The Ameri can Eagle guarding the Spirit of Wash ington." "Hagarin the Wilderness," an illustrated poem, is interesting. 5j"Tho best advertisement of our town and county, properly holder, business men and othem can send to their friendiiin the Slates, i the Advertiser. Send it repularly and tbercbypet those looking westward inter ested in thin particular lcality. There is nothiDg liLo "keeping it before the people. 3J Large Tomato. We plucked from a vine in our own garden, this week, a tomato weighing two and one-half pounds, and measuring in circumference twenty and three-quarters inches Can anybody in Nebraska or elsewhere beat it ? . Rain. Since our last issue this locality has been blessed with abundant showers, which, by the way, was just in time; worth thousands of dollars to our farmers. Land Warrants on Liberal Terms. H. A. Atkinson, General Land Agent, corner Main and First Streets, Brown ville, is offering land warrants to settlers on the most liberal terms. Call on him before making your arrangements. II. S. Express Co. We are again under obligations to the U. S. Express Co. for late papers. The St, Mary, on her last trip down, had on board 12,000 in gold dust. Minor Dead Letters. In addition to money letters, the num ber of letters registered and sent from the dead letter office for delivery to the own ers during June, 1SJ9, was 1,026, con taining in bills of exchange, drafts, checks, notes, Sec, 933 Ms. 20d.,S219,- 010.76, and 9,637 francs. Also, 120 deeds and land titles, 32 articles of agree ment and powers of attorney, 10 certifi cates of stock, 15 pension papers and land warrants, 7 court papers, and 96 miscellaneous articles. Of the above, 323 letters were evident ly returned to the dead letter office for want of care and attention on the part of the writers, 268 of thetn being misdirect ed and 60 held for postage. Many more were apparently misdirected, but, not bearing the address inside as well as out side, the fact could not be fully deter mined without other evidence than that furnished by the letter. These 32S letters contained in drafts, notes, Sec, $107,211.93,11 deeds, 3 pow ers of attorney, 7 pension papers, and 17 miscellaneous articles. Wash. Star Espinassc Shot by own Soldiers. It would seem by the subjoined para graph that Espinasse was taken off by an expedient which was said to have proved fatal to some unpopular officers in our own army during the Mexican war: "It is said that General Espinasse met his death by unfair means in the melee, and that his untiaiely end was anticipated and talked of in the army before going into action. The story of the cannon ball and the horse's head being carried off by the same stroke, is all an invention. Gen. Espinasse was shot own by a stray bul let in the back of the neck while giving an order to his aide-de-camp, who, placed immediately in front of the (general was shot dead likewise at the same moment. The two shots came so quickly one upon another that it is thought they were both fired from the same revolver. This is the rumor ; I leave its responsibility to those who are spreading it with great assiduity. It is well known that Espinasse was hated most intensely in the army. His behavior in the coup d'etat, of which he was foolish and vain-glorious enough to beast, had rendered him a marked man, and for a long time he had shared in those secret threats, received in anonymous communi cations, which have tended during the last few months to dispirit the Emperor's mind and made him fly to this war with Austria as a relief from remorse and the Carbon ari. 51 -Candidates. The ball opens, as will be seen by re ference to the proper column. We are ftow prepared to receive patronage m that tae: provided, always, that the "rocks" r "spondulicks" "accompanies the ot .for.". From this rule we will in no in ?'a;n.( deviate, and. hope no 'usMrani.'or cs friend, will, by asking cr.-dit, place us u the unpleasant posit km of refining. .liave noT upon our Wis charges of lhis kind of one. two, and three yrars Ending. ' . ' ' - . . A gentleman ef this city inquires the position of Mr. Douglas in regard to the duty of our government to protect natur alized citizens traveling in European countries. We can assure our correspon dent, from the words of Mr. Douglas him self, that he is distinctly opposed to the doctrine enunciated in the letter of Gen. Cass; that he is in favor of protecting in every land the adopted as well as the native citizen. In support of his opinion he instanced several remarkable cases in which the most powerful nations of Eu rope have asserted and recognized, among themselves, the absolute right of expatri-ation.-r-Cm. Times. The Boston Traveler noticing the ap pointment of- Douglas delegates to Char leston, from Vermont, says: : The indications from Maine are that Douglas delegates will be sent from that State, 'and we should not be surprised if 'he ..1 lained the vote of all the delegates ; frem the New Enjhind States. : AXD XVvrrantt Located by ' . - J, KcCOXIHE, Omaha. DR. EASTERLY'S Iodine and Sarsaparilla Will cure all diseases arising from an impure stale of the blood, or a deprared condition ol tbe fluids of the system, viz: cancers, swelling o the elands, rheamat isra, white swellings, chronic aore eyes, piles, ooils, erysipelas, goitres, pains in the bones and Joint, ul cers in th taouth and throat, and all chronic constitu tional diseases. This medicine searcte out tbe very roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions in the system, thus removing the cass tich renders the cure certain and ftrmanent . Dr. Eatterlift Iodine and Stirtaparilla will cure the worst mercurial diteate, and drive out and destroy ev ery particle of mercury which is in the system, anl cure Ha bad effect. It will cure secondary typhilis or veneral diteate, and will d.ive the syphilitic virus and all hereditary taints and pouonous matter out of the system through the pores of the tkin, and restore the patient to ft per fect Btate of health and purity. It is a positive cure for licer complaint and dyspepsia, if used a proper length of time. I challenge the world to produce its equal in these complaints. The afflicted will heir in mini that Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla will cure all nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy, grareo, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary orgaiiH, in a few days. It will remove pimples and blotches from ihe face, and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala baster. It does this by purifying'the blood, and by its prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory or gan, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been afflicted with scrofula, old sores, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions of the skin, and s 11 cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gridley's Salt Rhaum and Tetter Ointment to apply on the sores and diseased parts, when using Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. The Iodine and Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and causes the sores to discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heals them.. When both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They are the bct and most powerful curatives known to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner of Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be adlresed. Jj-Sold by J. n. MAUN' it CO., Dru?gists, Brown viile, N. T-, and by Druggists generally. iiTDr. Carter's Cougli ISalsam will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bron chitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, and all discasesof the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. No one should neglect a Cough or Cold a single day. Miilionsdie annually by neglecting aCoMHON Cold. Coughs and Colds lead to tion, and then to an early death. Reader, have you a a cough, cold, or any disease of the lungs? Procure at once that celebrated remedy, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, which never fails to relieve a cough in twenty-four hours; and always cures the worst cases of aolds, coughs, ans alf diseases of the throat and lungs in a few days. Trice Trial bottles, 25 cents; large bot. ties, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. J3-DH. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Strs, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, te whom all orders must be addressed to get the genuine. Sold by J. H. MAUX & Co.r Agents, Brown ville, N. T. BFcvcr and Ague Killer Will cure iigue and fever, chilis and fever, dumb ague, inter mittent ami remittent fevers, and all the various forms of fevers incident to bilious climates. If there is a man, woman or child suffering with ague andj'.ver, they arc advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Kil ler, It is a positive cure speedy and perma nent. Try it. Plice $1 per bottle, or 6 bot.lesfor $5. Dr. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresser to get the genuine. S.ld by J. n. M.UX & CO, Agents, Brownville. j&rDr. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordee, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of tbe genital organs. Rejder, have you a private disease 7 Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's Specific is a 6afe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific yon can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, s plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price $1 60 per bottle. 5l3Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed, to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX &. CO., Druggists, Brownville, N. T. Advice. As the hot season Is approaching, every person should prepare their system for the change, and there is no remedy so applicable as "McLean's Strength ening Cord. al and Blood Purifier." It will purify the blood thoroiiRhly, and at the same time strengthen and invigorate the whole organization. The immense quan tity of it that is sold daily, is pronf cnortgi of its great virtues in thoroughly removing all the impure matter from the blood. We say to all, try it I It is delicious to take. See the advertisement in another column. For Sale at this Ofiice. Two Bay Mares in Charge ON Monday the 27th of June, 1S59, two men paEsinsr. by the names of Jamea Hamilton and W'm. John.nn, stopped at Ihe I'rownv'tlle IIourcin Hrown vil'e, N. T. having tvith them two large dark hay mares. On the 2'Jth the ;nen left Brownville leaving the nnimals at the City Livery Stable. They stated before leaving that they had taken up the bore? on Salt Creek between the two Blues, tDinking them to be estrays. The mares are yet at the City Livery Stable iu Brownville, whore the owners can get them by calling proving property and pay ing all charges connected with their keeping ; unless called for within sixty days from this date, they will be held ut auction to the highest bidder. nr. iiossell. K. T. UAXF.V. $25 SEWING MACHINE. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted the best in the World. Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of g'Kls. even leather, and especially adapted tor family me. Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in one hour to useit successfully. We have a great number of references, but will give only the name of lew, who are among the lirst fam ilies, to wit : We, the undersigned citizens of St. Louis, having la tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machiucs, and use it successful ly on differ ent kinds of work, in our familie:i' f-ervice, do ciieerful iy rcotumenl ir to all persons us a Family M:ichiuo : Airs. P A Meflett. Airs J Jcwcti Wilcox J Clemens Jos-e Coffran Jas A II Lampton J. Mary Livermore I) Htiale It R VVhorf M BTennison MR Williams J A Ualo DR Arbuckle E Tillman II M Blossom E J Slecns Machiues without tables, as hand Machines, with one needle and two spools of thread on the machine, are S25 With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &c, $33. Xeedles $1 per dozen. Completeprinted directions will be sent with every tnuchiue. These machines take the same stitch as the Grover and Baker. Xo letters of inquiry answered except an extra post age stamp is enclosed. 1 Machines warranted, and may be returned in thirty ' cays if not satisfactory. ! Trt m irhinaa ila'ji-arAjl unit 1 mij. f r .r AH orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. K. B Agents wanted for every twn in the South and west, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address EDW1X CLARK, Xo. 62 Xorth Fourth street St. Louts, Mo. n40-3m To Lot Holders in Glen Rock, N. T. Lot holders in Glen Ilock, Nemaha eounty, N. T.. are hereby notified that unless they come forward within six months from this date and pay up their respective proportions of entrance money and all expenses nttending the entry of said town site, lots uncalled for at the expiration of said six months will be sold to the highest bidder, for the benefit of said town, as piovided for in an act entitled "an act regulating the disposal of lands purchased in trust for town sites," passed July 10th, 1S57, K.J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge. June SCth' 1850. DI-4t Land Warrants, 3?or Caolt and on Tlmo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to sot tiers on such time as they may desire long or short at the uxnal rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere iu town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of hocus warrants. All warrants sold by us will be gns-mtecd to be genuine iu every respect and will be exchanged if de fe".ive. Being permanently located in Brownville. we can ali ! wnys be found at the old stand a few doors east of the Brownville House. LUSTIBArGII & CARSOX, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. AX-'ESIlItirj Of the Receipts and Expcnditu es ,f f.. County, Nebraska Territory, from thi ,t t; (J 4 -aS- A;p. 1S57 to the Us Bay of July, A D l:;3. . EXPEICEITCRlj. ,. J une term of the District Court, 1;;t '. Xovember term do do , f June term ' c- do I . Xovember term do do , April term do do i j County Court including County r.r-j r Expenses of holding Coroner' j s u f Printing for the county County and Territorial Reads ' ' , . 4 " Sheriff's fees t t House rent, for use of counnty :,-.s Kces allowed justices in Crimn "ilC Fees of the Countr Treasurer ' " ,. Expenses of August election 1!-T do do do lSi 1 . do do do lS;t'ii Stationery and Blank Books " Fees of Probate Judge ' f Support of paupers Guarding rnd keeping George Jet t;,-r t- Xi gro, charged wuh murder. ? , 712 85 Constables fees in guarding ;t sors and all other expenses not her etj.ri e n urited 6T3 69 Deficit Juiy Is 1S37 265 W $310 70 333 15 371 23 J I 42 42 436 97 600 73 211 51 S52 04 414 S6 C08 24 124 60 1M) 73 174 40 5 70 53 85 13 50 174 96 117 00 449 25 Total RECEIIS. $6 633 43 Amount of Taxes collected iu the ynai.i I5j.' and 1653 $2 620 87 Amount of Taxes collected In the jes- il "9 3,020 18 Delinquent Tax list tor 1S57 anu iv J? 270 63 Deiinquent Tax hat for 1553 and 51) 614 63 Total. $f,52o 42 Which deducted f rem the amount ;f expen ditures leaves the am juut cf i.ilchteJ at this date July lit 1S57 $112 01 Territory of Xebrasla, County of Nemaha. I. Erastus E. Parker, County Clerk : Xeniaha Coun ty, Xebrask Territory, do berety cettily that the fore guUig is a true statement cf the condition of , "- . suid county nt this datt. s witness my L S hand aud the impress t the seal of said 1 ' ' county, at my it!k-ein Brownville, this 1 vy' Sth day of Jutf A. D. lifl. E E., County Clerk. Brownville, July 14. 1359. ioiii Hand- Tlie Complete UalZ-i JSook. COXTAIXIXU upward of 300 d-.ica- Incladingall the most fashionaLle Dunce, V'!, Polka, Mazourka, Schottishe, Gallopade, Cjmnioii.tnd Polka Redowa, Quadrille or Cotillions. Varovieune, Gorlitza, Maariili.itiue. Eletczka. EspnMe. two, three and five step Waltzes, ii.c, &.c. Aiw. cumnion Waltzes aud Poika Contra Dancei ; 21 ij Wy, Christmas tnd Xew Year's Dances. WUh, eijg:iut Illustrations, and full expatriations, audeveiy- variety of the latest and moot approve I r;'ur-, aod calls for the ditverent changes, and R lie on Deport cieut and trie Etiquette of Dancing. : -yire 3i certfj,- Seat free of postage on receipt of th juice. Hoyle'8 C.aines. A XEW EDITION', edition e tbracir;; all the most moo ern modes of play, and ttie rr. ti practiced at the present time iu Chess, miliar.. WLt, Draughts, and all other popular games, ni'L tixteen games adapted to the new Tan :eo Xi-ll-.-n cards. Edited by T. FRERE. Price it. paper "jver, 50cts, neatly bound in cloth 75cts. S.-tu lre rf p jsUge on receipt of tbe price. Frcrc's dices Ilnml-'ftc'oK. COXTAIN1XG eiemeatary intn -wwii, the Law3 of Chess, City select game. by tht Jirst pUyers, ending of games, and the defeat of "the Muzio Gambit." Also, thirty-oneof thechoicest problems. By Thos. Frere. Piice 50 cents. A Jiberal discount to the trade. 1 1 Xciv Chess ISooli! MORPHVS GAMES OF CHESS, and Frere's Prob lem Tournament, containing all of Murphy's most interesting games of Chess, played in Europe and America. Also, forty original chess problems, never before published, composed by the most cele brated masters Price 50ci. j Sent free of postage, on receipt of the price. A liberal discount to the trade. Address T. W. STRONG, Publisher, 83 Xa.-Sau St., Xew York. July, 14, 1853. BY AUTHORITY. EWffl MlfiTICI Xlxil,clolt-l3.i.. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment for the relief of the sick and d stressed, ojflicted with Virulent and Epedemic Disease. TIIE Howard Association, in view of the awful di-truc-tionof human lite caused by Sexual dit-ea.-es. and tbe deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such disease by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to -open a dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their form.-:, and to give Medical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adescrip tion of their condition (avre, occupation, habits of life, ice ) and in caseof extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commauds the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Tbe Directors of the Association, in their Annual Re nual Rep rt upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfacri. n with tbe ucces which has attended the la'oors of their Surgeons in the cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea: Gleet; Syphilis ; the vice of Onanism or self-abuse, disease of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &c, an-l order a continuance cf tbe same plan for the ensning year. The Directors, on a review of tbe past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been cf great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, hnd they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important aud much de spised cue. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vire of Onanism, Masturbation or self abuse and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting S irsemi, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelo: e) FREE OF CHARGE on the receipt of TWO STAM1SX r postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &.C., are constantly being published for gratuitous distribution, and wjlUhesent to the afflicted. Some of the new re medies and methods of ireatinnets discovered during the last year are of great value. Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SKILLTX noCGIITOX, Acting Surgeon, Howard Assciation, Xo. 2, South Xinth Street. Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL, President. Eo. FAiRCiriLD, Secretary. July 14. 1 653-1 y 1. II. M'LACOHLIS CIIAS. DOHSLY Mclaughlin & dorsey, Inane! Agents, Main Street, Brov,nviIIe,X.T., Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy and sell property on commission ; furnish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency busiuess. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location of land warrants for parties residina at a distance. McLAl GnLIX & DORSEY respectfully refer to George II. Xix.iu, Esq., Register Brownville Land Office. Clurle B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xemriha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, Esq.. Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbjugb &. Carson, Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M T. Hamilton, Higerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Xewcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. H .n. Fenner Furgnson. Delegate in Congress from Xebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Beat, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. no43tf JOSEPH L. HOY, B :el s :fl AND HAIR DRESSER. Main Street, BROWXTlIiLG, IV. T. PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! With Corn. Those indebted to me are hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, delivered at the store of I. T. AVhyte in Brownville. This request is made only becaus'e I am in debt myself, and cannot raise the money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar rangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances. JESSE XOEL. Brownville, Dec., 2, 1S5S. Ague! Ague!! A JVciv Chemical Discovery. Foremost among pll the different remedies offered to the public for the cure f this diseaso stands Wards Telegraph Tonic' Being entirely vegetable, free from the use of quinine and arsenic, of which most of the ague prepara tions are composed, it is en tirely harmles in its effects, and haves the patient strong aud healthy. If taken according to directions, it will not fail to cure the worst cases. Just try it once and satisfy yourselTes that the Ague can be cured. For sale, Wholesale and Befail, by Crane & Hill, Brownville, N. T., and by dealers everywhere. All orders must be addressed to W . W. Ward, Leavenworth, Kansas, General Agent for Kansas and the Western States.' July 14, 1859. L3"J MISS MARY TURNER, Main Stmt, Brownville, Nebraska, nas iust received a fresh supply of MILLINERY GOODS. Consisting ft Xew Style Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, And the finest and best materials for mauuracturing anythinc in the millinery line. April 1st, '53 n40-ly A MEMORANDUM BOOK, which theewnerenn have by calling at this o(5ce, describing and paying ofr this aj vertiicmea t. No. 637. By the President ofthe United States la pursuance of la- 1, JAME3 BCCHAXAX, Presi dent of tbe raited St-lcs cf America, do heret.y declare and make knewn that public saies will bo held at tbe undermentioMHl land unices in the Territory of Xebraska, at the period hereinafter Ue;iguated, to wit : At the land tfHce at Brownville, commencing on Monday, tbe t"gtth day of August next, tor lb disposal of tbe public laDds within the following nauied town ships, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth cf the Meridian. The part of township I, uuuide of the Sac and Fox aud reservation, of ran 17. The parts t f townships 1, 2, 3, and 4 outside of fie Sac aud Fox and balf-breed Xemaha reservation; auil frac tional townships 5 and 6, of range lb. The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fox re servation ; township 2 ; the parts cf towuships 3, 4, and 5 outside of the half-breed Xemaha reservation; and fractional township (j, cf range 15. The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fos reservation; townships 2, 3, and 4; the part of township 5 outside 01 the ha:f-bre.d Xemaha reservation; and towusbip 6, of range 13. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 13. Townships 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6, of ranga 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of rar ge 10. At thp land office at Brownville, cemmencingoa Mon day, the fifth day of September next, Tor the disposal of tbe public lands within the Tollowiug named tow usfcips, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Townships T, 2, 3, 4, 5, and t, of range 9. Tbe part a of townships 1 and 2 outside of the Indian reservation; nnd townships 3. 4. 5 aud 6, of range 3. The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva tion; and townships 3,4, 5. ml 6, of rango7 Tbe part of township 2 outsi.le of the Indian reserva tion; and townships 3, 4, 5 and 6, of ranee 6 The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva tion; and townships 3, 4, 5 and 6, of rungo 5 The parts tf township 1 and 2 outside of the Indian reservation; and townships 3, 4, 5 aiul 6 of range At the land office at Xebraska City, commencing on Monday the first day of August, for tbe disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional township 7 of range 15 Fractional towhshins7and 8 of range 15 Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of range 14 Townships 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town shi13 of ransel3 . - Townships 7, S, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships 12 and 13 of ranse rl Tow'iships 7, 8, ?, 10 and 11 and fractional township 12 of mnpe 11 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 aud 11 and fractional town-hip 12, 13 and 11 of ratine 10 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; aud fractional townships 14, 15 and 16 of range 9 At tbe land cfH:e at Xebraski City, commencing on Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the disposal of the putiic lauds within the followiug named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principa Meridian Townsbips 7. 8, P, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; nd frac tional towtship 17 of ranges Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14,15 and IG; fraction al township 17 of range 7 Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of range G. At the land offe at Omaha City, commencing on Tues day the firth day of July next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships viz: North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 of range 1 1 Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of range 13 Fractional ownships 12 and 13; townships 11, 15. 16 and 17; and fractional townships 13, 19, 20, 21 aud 22 of ransc 12 Fractional township 12; townships 13. 14,15. 16. 17 and IS; and fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 11 Fractional townships 12. 13 and 14; townships 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22 and 23 of ran;e 10 At the land onVe at Omaha City, commencing on Mon day the twenty-fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the public lands within the followi-.ig named townships, viz : North of the Base Line and Easi of the Sixth Principa Meridian Fractional townships 14, 15 and 1C; townships 17, 18 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9 Fractional townships 16 and 17; and townships 18, 19, 20, and 21 of rar.-,'b S Fractional township 17; aud townships 18, 19, 20 and 21 of range 7 Fractional towns-hip 17; and townships 13, 13, 20 and 21 of range 6 Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 19, 20 and 21 of range 5 Fractional township 17: and townships 18, 19, 20 and 21 of range 4 At the land office at Dakota, commencing on Monday the eighteenth day of Jiily next, for the disposal 1 of the pi;blic lands within the following named townships viz : North ofthe Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal Meridian Fractional township27 of ranye 10 The parts of townshipsil and 27 outside of the Indian reservation; andfractional townships 23 and 29 of range9 TSe part of to-nship 27 outshfe of the Indian reserva tion; towns-hip 25; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of raTitre '3 The part of to"'n-hip27 onlsidc of the Indian reserva tion; townships 23 and 29; and fractional towm hips 23 and 29; and fractional town-hip 20 cf range 7 The part of township 27 otitiddc of tbe Indijn reserva tion; townships 28 and 29; andfractional townships 30 and 31 of range G Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, In dian, military and other purposes, will becxcluc.cdfrom the sale-. The oiTering of the above lands will be commenced on thedays appointed, and will proceed in tbeorder in which they are advertised until the whole shall have been ottered, and tbe sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no p. ware entry of any of tbe lands will be aHuiitted r.util alter the ex piration of the two weeks. Given inder lay hand, at the City of Washington, this 22d day of .March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and flfty-nine. JAMES BUCnAXAX. By tbe President: Thos. A. Hendsick, Commissioner or the General Land Offlce. TH2 endersijned, devirine t st.vt aVt theirb of September for Texas, will sell either for cash ia hnoft.r upon 1 short time to p.od men : One Dwelling House In the City of Brownville with Two Lots ct closed, a gjc-a garden and outhouses upon tbe premises. Two G. od Vacant L"ts in Erownvil le situated near tie levee snd convenient for business piiriK-. 120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered and watered. One half of an Original Shire (equal to 60 lots) ia the Town tf AspinwaM. Xino Loum ".McLennaa's additijn"toXeiraskaCity, neir Xebraska City wharf. TLe u-.rJersigtiet rinds the fiscal d-'partment cf his atT.iirs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who are indebted to him will please to cr me forward and pay their little notes and accounts, he will take it as a greit kindness npon their part, and will be happy to pre sent each of them wiita a slight tokeuof his huti resard. iu the form of a small receipt, neatly written, witb fci autcgrai h apj-euded thereto. D. L. McGART. May 19 n47-tf C. If." "WIT-COX. Xoticc to Pre-Emplion Claimants Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of tbe lands within the townships and partsof town ships above enumerated, is requireutoesfablih the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therei'or as soon as practioable after seeing this no'ice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of tbe public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. Tiros. A. Hendricks, Commissioner of the Gen'l Land Office. Xote. Under the regulations of the department, as heretofore and now existing, no payment can he made for advertising proclamations except to such publishers as are siecially authorized to publish by the Commis sioner of tbe General Land office. XTV. ELLIOTT, AND SEED DEPOT, Cor. DroatUvav and WaIi Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. n.iving purchased the entire Nursery stock of John Siggerson& Bro., I am prepared to offer to tbe public the largest and best selected stock of Fruit Shade, and Ornamental taeas, shrubs and plants ever oliered for sale in the West. We are determined to offer such in ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure the most, entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalogues will be furnished, and any information given, by addressing. A. W. ELLIOTT. Saint Louis, Mo. Xovember 35, '53-Iy. iknd Four Stamps for a Specimen of "NEWS FROM HOME.'' A Weeklv summary ofthe latest intelligence re ceived from Hngland, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the British Fosses-ions in every part of the world, and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his tory, Ac., &c. Tlie ".'Yews from Blome" Will be rorwarded postage free upon receipt cf subscription, viz : $2 for one year ; $1 tor six months ; 00 cent3 for threo months. Fost masters and ne-w.'pnpers otTuers are authorized to act as ngents. A liberal allowance made to par ties cretting vp club3. Address T0WNDR0W A DAT Editors and Froprictors, Xew Tork. April 14,'c'J-ly T. H. EDWARDS. A. i. BEKEY. EDWARDS k BERRY, Froprietor3 of the NEBRASKA "HOUSE. BROITXTIIXE, - T. TI1IS HOTEL has lately been entirely re5tted and the proprietors can now assure the public that they will meet with every convenience and comfort usually found at. a first class hotel. Mr. Berry, the Jr., par nt-r was formerly conn-ctcd with the sane h"ise, and h-is h id large experience in the hotel business in the Fast. FDWARDS&EEI'RY. Brownville. June 16th ljy. 51-6in Sheriff's Sale. "C'TICL is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued from the otTue of th Clerk of the District Cort for Memaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, against Alexander Hallam in favor of Robert Linford, for the sum of fourteen hundred and twelve dollar and twenty cents: I, Davidson Plasters, hc-riiT of said county, have levied upon, and from the door of the house in which the last term of said Court was hcjd at Brownville in said county, will on the 3;li day Aug., A. D. ISj'.1, between tbe hours of nine o'clock a. ji. atd threo o'clock, P. m., sell, at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described Real-estate together with all the Mill property, Machinery and im-.nve-meu". thereunto belonging or in anywise pertainihg: To-vit : Blocks number thirty-four and thirty-tve in Glea Ro;-k in said county, as numbered nd desig nated upon the original plat of said (lien Rook, said property to be sold as property of said Hallam to satisfy said execution. DAVIDSON FLASTER3, Sher.ff of Nemaha Co., N. T. Brownville, June 15th, 1S59. 5l-4t-$7,50 SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued from the cfTteo of the Clerk ofthe District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, against Medly and Compton in favor of Solo mon Wyatt for the sum of four hundred and tbifty five dollars and sixty cents; I, Davidson Blasters, Sheriff of said county, have levied upon and oq Sat urday the 30th day of July, A. D. 1S59, between the hours of ten o'clock a. ir. and three e'clock p. f.. at the door of the hous-o in which the Iat term of the said District Court was held at Brownville in said county, will sell at publio sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand as the property of Alfred Medly to f.Uisiy said execution, tho following de-sr-iibed real estate, to-wifc: Lots number one, two, three nnd ten, in block number one hundred and forty-four, as designated on the original plat of the town of Peru end situato in Peru in said Nemaha county, together with all the improvement?, tene ments and appurtenances to said lots belonging or in fenywioo f.ppertainin?. DAVIDSON PLASTERS. Sheriff of Nemaha ecuofy, N. T. June 20th, lSjO. cl-4t--?rj0 "SHERIFF'S SALE7 NOTICE is hereby given tnatby virtueof an ex ecution issued fmm the office of the Clerk of the Di. trict Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, again t T.J. Favorite and in favor of Green. Sp-ingle t Co., for the sum of onehundred and four dollars and eighty cents; T, Davidson Plasters, Sheriff of said county have levied up ;n and on Saturday the 30th day of July, A. D. 139, between the hours of ten o:W-k A. u. and threo o'clock P. at the door of the house in which the la.t term of the. said Court was held at Brownville in said eounty will sell at i.ubiicsale to the highest b'.dder for cash in hand as property of said T. J. Favorite to satisfy fca'd execution, the following dejc ibed real estate, to-wit:The south-east quarter of the north east fltia'ter, of section number fourteen, in township number live, in range number fourteen, east of the sixth principal mercdiun, according to the govern mcnt survey, nnd situate in said Nemaha county, to gether with all the improvements to said land be LAND WARRANTS, A 5 D EASTERN EXCIJ AT.'C V- . Srowxivillo, XC. I". . Lasd War?. axis Loaned on Tl:3 - From On? Month to Ten Years, Land Wjrrsnts Lorncd To Pre-p-np-'-rs TixtJ Pa d : Collecti. n made; Real tstai? Bv-at and .Sid ; I. irv) , located ; ana afo Investments tnO? f i'astern. Cap italists. All Land "iVarranti sold by us r juarerAsi pertt iu all rejpe-:-i, ... Rticnrcr. . . . . Register and r.ecelvcr of Ln1 OfVc at rwnv.r.c : TV Register and Receiver cf L.r.-1 ottfe at XeVask CV Register anl Receiver of Lxui ViT, e at Oa;.ib. X. V . Saarue! W. Iiijik," GovcrL-r of Xcbra4a, Einse:! Majors Jt Wadetl. Government Tran-porurs. Kinu and Xebraska; E. K. Willarl & Toui.j. U-irker, Ch.a ro; F. Granger Adam. Banker. CbiCatj; Taylor lire's. 78 wall street X. V. City. Thompson Bro'a. X ? Will street X T City, nn Alfred Gilmer, Philadelphia, Pa.; V. S Grant. President G-rrj.ner Ear.k, if ainet l.V M. Conker, President Banker Ccrianso, X. T ; Crsa- HU1 Brownville, Xebraska. . " . ' The Land Saies tko place 11 Xehr4ki i July, A-' gust and September, when u.P of tin ch t lunis iu. tbe rnited6tate will beefier?-! for s 1 irui sfterwaraJr subiect to private eiitry wi;b Zyi or Lar.a Varrants. Brovrnviile, X. T., July 1 1. lsoJv no 1 6ni N E W BOOT & First 'Street opposite Recorder's BROWNVILLE, N. T.. OJicc,. Imaging. June 29th, 135Q. DAVIDSON rLASTERS, Sheriff of Nemaha county, N.T. nl-lt 750 Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued from the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska 'lerri Urv, against Daniel Convert A Joseph Rogers and in favor of AliVcd Cary, Jones & Co., for the gum of thirty-four dollars and forty-one ccms ; I, Davidson Plasters. Sheriff of said county, having levied upon and on Monday the first day of August, a. P. ISjO, between the hour of ten o clock A. M.and four o clock P. M., at the door of the house in w'hich the last term of the said Court was held at Brownviilo in ?aid county, aud will sell at public sate to the highest bidder, for cash in hand as propeity of said Rogers to satisfy said execution, the .following described real estate to-wit: Lot number thirteen in block number eighty-five as designated upon said plat of said Nemaha City in Nemaha county, and all the buildings and appurtenances there to belonging. DAVIDSON PLASTERS, Sheriff of Nemaha county, N. T. June 30th, lSj'J. nf-lt $7i0 Probate Notice. NOTICE i3 hereby given to all persons interested in the Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelly late of Ne maha county, Nebraska Territory, dteeased, to ap pear at the office of the Probate Judge of said eounty at Brownville, on Tuesday the Oth day of August, 1S.V.', at ten o'clock, A. Ji., to .show cause why James N. Kelly, Administrator of aid Estate, should not be authorized to sell the following described real property of said estate, to-wit: the south-east quar ter of seci ion 2:5, in townchip 5, north, in range 15, east, of land situate in said Nemaha county, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy such debts ag.iin.-t. aid Estate as still remains unpaid. Ordered that the above notice be published four successive weeks in the A .- AUceriirr. . Giver, under my hand this 25th da y of June, 1850. li.J. WUITNEY, Probate Judge. June 30th, IS50. nl-lt j Probate Notice. WHEREAS it appears that therearo claims exist ing againsf the Estate of George W. Blakely, de ceased; I have appointed Monday th-3 tfi of Sep tember next as the final day for hearing all claims against said Estate, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to lili the same at my office, or with tho Administrator of said Estate ou or before that day, or they will be forever barred from recovering such claims and from setting off the same ia any action whatever. Given under my haod this 27th day of Jun, 13.39. R. J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge. Ordered that the abovo notice be published for six successive weeks in tho Nebraska Advertiser. R. J. WHITNEY. NATHAN BLAKELY, AdaristrVor. Beatrice. Gage county, N. T. June 30th, ISo'J. nolvl-6t $7 Probate Notice. WHEREAS application has been made to the Probate Court-of Nemaha eottn'y, Nebraska Terri tory. fo tho appointment of n General Administra tor of the Estate of Charles. M. Greevcr, late of said county, doc-eased, notice i hereby given that Satur day theCth day rf August, is tho day appointedfor hearing taid applications, at my office in Brownville, in said county, when and where all persons interest ed in said Estate may appear and show cause why Heath Nuckolls shall not be appointed said adminis trator. Given under my hand this 20th day of June.lSjO. . R. J. WHITNEY, Probate Judge. June 30th, ISCO. n2-Gt-$7 PROBATE NOTICE. WHEREAS application has been made tc the .Probate Court of Nemaha eourty, Nebraska Terri tory, for the appointment nf a Ganeral Administra tor to the Estata of Mary Simpson, late of said coun ty, deceased, notice i3 hereby'given to all whom it may concern, that Thursday the 4th day of August, A. D. ISj'j, is the day set for the hearing of said ap plication at my office in Brownville, in said county, when and where all persons interested are required to appear and show cause why William Hobiitzell should not beappointcd as said Administrator. Given under my hand at office this 23d day of June, 1959. R. J. WIIITNEY, . . Probate Jud?e. Juno 23d, 1359. 52-6't-$7 TnE subHcriber would respectfully inform the ciritem of Brownville, and vicinity, th it he Eos located here-f-jr tbe purpose f maaufirturicjr Bot ud Shoe to order. All persons in want of a superior article wiii Uj wc.i tv call and leave tbeir measure- Repairing promptly and neatly dne. ' K. GltSUN". Brownville, July 7, 1S33. . vtal-tf DIS39LTJTIOI7.- THE co-partnershji) heretof'Tj existing between Thos. M. Green, Jno. P. Baker, S. A. Chamber anl John Martin, under the style Gr-.-en, Chambers I ' 1 . v . J . ... ! J k ...... T . r .'11 VI)., UiU i' wit uia.sonca ujf 1uaLa.11 luus-rni, iiw" binint' will here.tfter be con.lujtiJ by The. XI. Green and John Martin, under the nrimo oC"lirjn A Martin, to whom all accouuts ia'jst b presented and ' all debts paid. ' . llii.'S. y. t.tiHL.N, J.P. BVKEIt. c , (ill 1 mrnn . r-. a. ..ita viri.i,j, JNO. MARTIN. June 23-,lS39. . 52-tf Found. A NOTIJnf hand, calliuK for over one hundred d-dlfs, which wner can luve by calling at this oOIceaud paying for this advertuoaect. she a us MANUFACTORY! JOIIX W. , MIDDLET0N, BROTt"SV!I.Li:, X. T. ' nERJ!BT inf.irra Ihe pr.V.Ic that he ha J-1inTlT - VST I TVTffflJriwv We wish tohur 50.000 busheLi cf CORN drhvercil m this (?itv i.r jtiVrii. lor which W9 will pay the highest market price in cash. - . J, MAiai.'S ct Co. BrownT;Ho,.reb.l5th,':9. 3lLp.lst- a FRANK Cul'LEY. 9 3 SOt'TIIARIl, JIC GOULEY i5- co':; (Late Randall, Coi lt y, y Co.,) .' Commission Merchants, CORNER OF VINE AXD "CO JtME RCI AI. ST3. A SO JVumler 51, Levee, St. Ioiiii., 32Iicxui, GETTEHAL FORV7 AKDER.'J, . EAST. ST. J0LIS, ILLS., -"Patent Ietiliic Jv'.-;r" Airtucv fr DuPout's Guei'OVlUt. AtS- V 1gentiJor Cropper m Co's Ur.cdullzraicd July7.h, Liquors. BUALX.TU3 S UPPLIED with Land Tarrants by Omahi,.'- T. J a-:C0XI3S. FRUIT TREES. Shrubs, Hoses, ' Vines, Flar.ts,' tic. HILLS Si. CO., Agents fjr A. Falincstock. "& Soils.; TOLEDO NURSERIES, AttE auv canvassing Xemaha in I P ich t'dst cc 'it!e, Xebraska; arid AtcbU'-n ccunty Mis-ottri ; rcreivlnn orders for Fru.t Tree ;, S'iruhs, Vijus. Evcr'Cen, ate, &c. They call the attentr '. cf f and di sireitn? anything in tbeir line to the a-lvnitaes of F'-r Chasinp supplies at thrtr Xurery. T:. st(.cS Iscoru plete ai.4 prices as fuvoraMe as tiiat of tr.y oihe.- Nur sery anywhere, and all warranted tr be a r prsent-d. Orders cuii also be left at tbe Adecrhitr or5l;rowu ville, X. T. July 7th, lb3. PIUSCE &, co-.'.s . IMPROVED PilELOBEONS, with iivii:i syvLiLL Tim Lesl'Tone'l 1!'-1 In t fitment inhe tr.drll. I4st of Price : . Four Octave Hi-Tode. n $UICi Four-atid-balf O :tave JleloJe; n ' . FiveO:t:ive Melodeon 71 t' Five K-tavc Melo'k'o, Pian.i Cat-, f.-r i !"C W Five (:tave MelKleon. d oiiblfvret; 1, i-.rtaMcca.-e 'M ( Six Octave If elodeoii, Ti-ino C-.-e 1.1) i" Five Octave Mptodeon, Fi in C i-e. i.m! 'r rrf i l."v) C Five Octavo lC-!-leon. Double .Hi". s. f ur atf.p 2W The Orjtan Melodeon. five s ts P.ced.., two Uanlii K rys and I' 15 " 3"0 0 First Hreii.iai.'i awar b-d wbe. pTiir Pfhlhited. trated price circ'Uajs sent b uwil. Orders Prorrtptiv J'il!c'l ' I3y GKO. A. PItlN'CE CO.. i;'u;f.t; X. T.. OKi. A. PKIXCK . CO., 110 'I.j'xt.,Cli:r:iso, fll. (;KO. A. PItIC'K it. Ct.yb7 Ful'oii . X. X.C1I7. Julv 7fi, 1S..9.. . : JLaOS h ON the 3d of Jupe, in tho vlcjnity or within tw k or three miles of Brownvilli, on ti e N bras' a Ci'y road, a Clasp Pocket Bjo'x; cont iii,i g about twenty dollars. Any person tf.-ihrg ari l V'aviiig tiie satn-i at the Advertiser Office sLa:l bo libfra'ly r?r;ard:d. For further description inouire at tLis Tr:?. Browavillfr, June t'th, I -sO'J. 5'i-it Dwelling House For Kent. Juno 1st 'yy. - Apply to WJI. II. HOOVER. .. 4H-!f l to se- ve ttiose in want of anything itllus rr lv,i b.-catt-d himself in this CVv. and i i.reoared . - . ... - He has sele- ted his st.k vitb care and will nianuf acture a Xo. 1- article of everything t fered. He .feenis it un. necessaiy toenume but will kep"uhand evey arti cle cfua-liy obtain j ia dtIe and Harness si.j,s. J01IX W. illCBLCTOX. Brownville Uaj 1?. iS-6m Dwelling House for Rent. TOE uruiersl;:r;i.d will rent on H-cn! t.jin, . t prompt and careful tenant, tbe on.tif-d.-. is; eiie pant aad eliiyibly situated dweliirg ho :.-e ia i'cp c;ty ot Drowryllle an excellr-nt ci'era. r1 r.ere-sury onf houses, and a fine jrarden with all the v?uM ij tt e fceasoa in an advanced stafe oi cuitn.-tu-n. i tin h premises.- It. L. Airt.AKT. May 13. - 00 17-1 DISSOLtTIOX. THE Copartnership hcretof-irj cxistinj lrt. n noadicy & Mair Lasfhi.i day ben diss-'7.vtH by mutnal consent. - I'ah'i bivin; weoaots agrJnst th siii firm will plea33 present them fr payiaect,nl those indebted will please aake payaaeiit to fithec rT the lit? ririn. "LUTflES tl'iADLEY. - ROBT. V. M'Jil:. Juae Ui, '59. i3-f liib Mercantile tirm ot Crane Ii;;f maaot'i fore existing is this day dissdv-i ty nn'-aal e n gent. .The'Ioro Hill having purl-hast I thj eniire inter-jst of Merchandise Notes and A-.tnt "f J.S Crane, tho books and a,:rTJrTt of the ar'n raiain. at the old stand. No. 17 Main Street, in char;? of Mr. Tbecdor Hill wh will adjust all ui settled businesi 01 ?jiu urui. .. .JONAS CRANK, Brownville, June 13th, 1S5'J. .6t-tf UCIU-U my aD3enea, ior a ?Ti'-ri t.'a.', cut, m rt.. H Hoover, Esrr., will attend ! arrr usine3' r f r:r.. LLTHER IIOADJY. Jane 1st, '59. IJ DISS0LI TID.V. THE Copartnership iwrr tofyri? btAeen t. undsrsitrned fn tbe nrc.nfiie bustrie j: the CV Brownville, has thi? day bec- ils;,,i,.. 1 y'nrft et.c- srii. r .-i .ll.l 1 - i Lift, ' . ' - JNO. A P.Jli.N. !Tro1::ioe 'tt : . i- .. ....... 1 1.11-1- i . a ;i ., 1 - h. ' r l "i. or trusting Max B-iurij-itrtrir. fv a !-.- ai. uir:v aeconn, as he has rrmir.v.V-.J '::a I ? tu. withvat cau.-e, and I wrll-ptv t '- T hi- . r.t:-tie'i.-,g. t ! V T 1 ! ViM!''l'VLI.' Uj. 30th, '53. . . 4pJ,