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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1859)
moat m THE ADVERTISER. It. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1859. Congressional Delegate. " The principal, in fact,, all absorbing question, connected with the two' political Conventions to tneet next month, is who will be the Delegate; or rather, who will be' candidates. It is well known that every important locality in the Territory is pressing what it calls its "claims." We rail the attention of the people South of Platte, and more particularly those in the counties of Nemaha, Richardson, Paw nee, Gage, Clay, and Johnson, vhose interests are: perhaps more closely con nected than any other portion of the Ter ritory, to be watchful, and see that they are fairly, honestly, and equitably dealt with, and thatei'r claims are regarded! "What have you ever had, either in ben efits from appropriations by general gov ernment, or in the enjoyment of bestow ed favors. in any shape ? Not one thing! .Is not the country embraced within these boundaries named, the portion of Nebras ka ? Has it not; is it not now making more advancements . in. true, reliable, back-bone progress, end becoming more rnpidly populatod than any other portion of the Territory ? ' We believe it. Has it" not then claims, strong "claims; claims no reasonable man or locality, can for a moment dispute! Will those claims be asserted? We urge the people, as they value their future welfare and prosperity, to fail not in sodomy. We understood, that by treat ing this subject as we do, it is farthest from our desire or intention to arouse any old North and South Platte feuds. We Avould they were forever buried. We simply propose to our people to do what other localities have always done, and we have neglected, viz: look after our inter ests. . We have no fault to find with other portions of the Territory in working for, and obtaining all they can; in so doing they. are' only performing their duty. Hitherto local feelings and interests have 11.. t 1 . 1 overnuuen everyming eise ; we oeiieve they will do so still, and it is worse than nonsense that we suffer ourselves to be led into somnambulic influences by lulla by songs, or have "wool pulled over our pvps" rnntinnnllv. -It is not onlv desira ble on.our part, but in fact we are anxi- ous that party lines might be drawn: provided circumstances will admit, and good faith be exercised. . -We have watched very closely every movement connected with talked of party organiza " tions in Nebraska, and have never yet failed to discover "a nisjer in the wood pile" the whole affair to be the schem ing trick of some man or clique; the masses were not there, as was shown by ballot-box proof. Now if the people in Smithprn Smith Plnttfi nrp nrpnnrpfl trVrrn - - - . I k . D into a political fight the battle to be fought upon political principles exclusive ly, why, we say amen. . Will somebody tell us, however, what the political differ ences are among the masses? Demago- fTtlPB will loll xrn ttoro Je Vint Trii-it t out. .' J3ut ive are getting off the subject; on . ly desired to caution the people in this . region to be awake to their interests, and no longer be tricked of what is justly due them. Our neighbors North of the Platte " i. Li' ' . i .i ougui noi, in our opinion, 10 ciaim me .next Delegate; would not, we think, were party organizations sought in good faith. . They have always had the Dele gate, together with every dollar of gov ernment appropriations; and, with due respect, we think them rather greedy in still claiming the "lion's share," which they, may possibly-get if South Platte sleeps on her post, or fails to keep run of the cards. At least such may be the re sult in the Conventions. It will be observ ed that the representation in these Con tentions is equally divided between North rPlatte and South Platte! ' The game is to divide the South; or, if that cannot be done; to foist upon us a "Southern man . with Northern principles,' a man whose every intere&t and sympathy is North of the Platte. This is all shrewd if well car ried out, and if success crowns the effort, we can. only give credit to the projectors. The w ires are thought to be laid in Ne - maha and Richardson counties already. . Will they work ? ' -We shall see. Re member, gentlemen, not to "charge too heavily- along the line." Appeals are yet in vogue; the decision' of a few scheming wire pullers may not stand as .the final - judgment in the case. The people have a peculiar way of their own in speaking through, the ballot-box ! So look out ! Again we say to the people South of Platte, more particularly in the counties named, look- to your interests! Suffer " jiot yourselves to be. led into pit-falls. ."Not one of these six counties is deficient in Delegate ."timber, . why not go into the contest, either in Convention or at the ballot-box, asserting your rights, and knowing which, you dare maintain them. Let there be. consultation; concert of "action; your man selected, and in "solid phalanx' stand by him, first, Jast and all the time!. Success may not-crown the first effort, is sure iii the end, and " we have nothing to lose,' but all to gain in making the effort. We have had nothing have nothing novv, nor will we ever nave until we askj insist j demand, require! We know that if the people in the six counties named will .only wake to their own interests, they will no longer tamely Bubmit to being cast aside as the "fag end.'- Our local interests are equally as valuable as those of any other point, and there is no reason under' heaven why we should fail to take care of them. Other localities allow nothing to rise abgve or conflict with their local interests. True, they sometimes talk of party lines, cf differences among leading men, and such like; but when thoy come to act, all else is laid aside, and they "get at their work" as one man. . We shall refer to, and urge this impor tant matter from time to time, from now until the election, and hope to be able to convince the people of the vital import ance of action, energetic, united and prompt. ' . The European War. The anxious watchers of the European war are just now suddenly set back by the intelligence that an armistice has been agreed upon, extending to the 15th of August. It stipulates that commercial vessels, without distinction of flag, shall be allowed to navigate the "Adriatic un molested. ' The Paris Jloniteur cautions the public against misunderstanding the armistice, and says that negotiations may be recom menced, but it does not see how the war may be terminated. Prior to the declar ation of tbie armistice, the Sardinians had proceeded vigorously in the siege of Pes chiera. But this and other movements have now lost their interest. The London Times says with regard to the armistice, that there is little to com municate beyond what the public already know. "All that seems to be well authen ticated is that the proposal came from France, and was the result of the Empe ror's own determination. That the Em peror Napoleon should stop short in a ca reer of victory and make overtures to the foe, whom he has defeated in two pitched battles, and hurled back to the limits of Lombardy, argues the moderation or the necessities of the French ruler, and we can hardly believe that the latter have been the cause of this sudden resolve. m While the action of Louis Napoleon in this movement may be astonishing and inexplicable to us, yet, in the language of fhe London Times, "there -is probably concealed under it some subtle scheme, the nature and scope of which will be seen only as the events he has prepared shall develope themselves. Meanwhile, it will no doubt be fruitful in conjecture and speculation airy fabricsof the mind, which will be dissipated by the next new astonishment which Napoleon is probably now busy tn preparing, quite as much to his own aggrandizement as for the world's wonder." It is but in keeping with his adventure at Boulogne, the similar one at Strasbourg, his demand to legislate for France in the face of a standing law which had banished him from that coun try forever, his elevation to the Presid ency, his covp d'etat and Imperial domi nion, his New Year salute to the Austri an envoy, Baron Hubner. Americans at the Scat of War. Hon. II. J. Raymond, of the N. Y. Times, and Hon. M. Forsyth, of N. Y., are now at the seat of war. Mr. Jerome Bonaparte, of Baltimore, was also to have left on Saturday, en route for Italy, but is still in Paris. Dr. W. E. Johnson, of Ohio, for several years a resident of Pa ris, left with Messrs. Raymond and For syth, intending to obtain, I am tokl, from actual observation, the materials for a future history of the war, which, from his accomplished pen, cannot fail to be interesting and popular. Before leaving Paris, Dr. J. had an interview with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. Paris Correspondence ,V. Y. Express. We have watched with interest, for years past, the progress of our old friend and associate Dr. Johnson, and are glad to know his course is still "onward and upward." We worked beside him at the 'case' when an apprentice, and afterwards he served us in the capacity of "jour." He worked alternatively at case and studied medicine in Troy and Sidney, Ohio, in summer ; and in winter at New York, where he graduated with the high est honors. He went to France in 181S, in order to obtain further instructions in the medical colleges of Paris. He there became the correspondent of the Ohio State Journal, Cincinnati Gazette, New York Tribune; is "Mdakojf" of the New York Times, whose articles have attracted much attention of late. From the Mines. Notwithstanding the continued favora ble and reliable reports from the Neb raska Gold Mines, there are those conti nually returning from the mines, who, from various causes, have been unable to make it pay. We have conversed with a great number of late, and cannot bet ter give present news than by extract ing the following from a letter by V . H. Kidd, of St. Louis, under date July 6: SUCCESSFUL M1NEBS. Messrs. Gridley & Henderson, Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, opened their claim June 13th. Purchased it from Mr. Gre gory for S2 1,000. Up to the 22d had taken out S4,23S, with 3 sluices and 9 men. . J. E. Leeper, Farmington, Illinois, purchased his claim from W. Defrees, South; Bend, Ind., for $7,500. From June 3d to 22d,he had taken out S5.05S, with 3'sluices and 9 men. The largest amount taken out in one day was 81,009. He informs me that he has sold 25 feet of his claim for $10,000. Mr. Leeper kindly presented me with a large pan oi rich dirt out of his claim, which I intend taking with me to St. Louis, with some fine specimens of quartz rock, received from Messrs. Gridley & Henderson. S. J. Scott and W. W. Webster, Lor ain county. Ohio, had just opened their claim and made one dollar to the pan of dirt the first day. They assure me that the quartz rock in this lead is very rich. James Emerson, Logan county, Ohio, purchased his claim from Mr. Gregory for S-40,000, calling for 600 feet. He informs me that an offer of $10,000 has been made him for his bargain by two Englishmen (Australian miners). The lead is just opened and is considered worth $100,000. The largest amount of gold taken out of one pan of dirt in this claim is $15,50. I have a very fine spe cimen of pure gold taken from this claim. There are many claims in this district paying comparatively well, others doing a little, and a large majority barely paying expenses, some losing money, in hopes that by going deeper, their leads will prove more profitable. UNSUCCESSFUL MINERS. Notwithstanding this favorable report, (and were I to make use of your paper by giving a report from the many mining districts, especially the Russell diggings. the result would be equally gratifying,) yet it is to be regretted that there are thousands who have spent all their means to come to this country, plodded their way for weeks, and some for months, through those rugged mountains, toiling, in vain, day after day to discover a "lead," and finally have had to return to their homes disheartened, feeling confident there is no fortune wrapped in the bosom of the Rocky Mountains for them. The great majority of such cases result from want of experience in searching for a "lead, and knowing the "blossom." The large majority of the gold-seekers, however, are men destitute of experience, intelli ffence and perseverance, who could not tell a gold lead from an ant-hill; and, if given the best lead on the mountain, could not believe that there was gold suf ficient to pay them, because it is not vis ible to the naked eye. It is deplorable that such men ever leave their fireside. This class of individuals are so largely in the majority here that they keep down the price of labor to $2,50 per day, and there are some working here at as low as $1 per day and board, while there are plenty of leads that will justify the pay mentof $10 per day for ordinary labor. Hence it is that so many exaggerations and conflicting reports are carried throughout the Union. GOOD ADVICE. The journev here is a difficult, labori ous and expensive one, -subjecting the traveler to many trials and privations, such as he probably has never been accus tomed to at home; consequently he should consider well before leaving his comfort able home, if he is prepared to endure those privations; and, in case he leaves for this region, come fully equipped with provisions aud money the latter being quite as necessary as the former. For in casre a man is fortunate enough to find a claim, it will take him from $200 to $2000 to procure water and erect a sluice. These, and many other reasons, induce me to caution men, particularly on this subject, as there are many here now, who if they had the means would willingly ....... . . . . : 1 1 " - ' 1 " ' " I-. I. i 7 1 1 I Cutting Timber on School Lands. We arejtolity persons who know, that a great deal of valuable timber has been taken from Certain school sections in this county. These lands are yet under the protection bf the general government, and the penaltf foc removing timber there from very heavy, Persons who know or such depredations being committed, should not fail to notify the proper authorities H. Z. LtTDpiNGTON, U. S. Marshal at Ne braska' City, cr U. S. District Attorney L. L. Boy en, Omaha. Those who have not interest enough in educational mat- ters to prevent their pilfering the school fund, sio pld'be made to suffer severely. This cc:inty h3s already lost most of its raluable :Iiool land, especially along the river, anji we hope what it now has, will be taken pare of. Since the above was in type our atten tion has been called to an "Act to prevent trespassing on Timber Lands." passed at the last session of our Legislature, and which provides for such cases as here complained of. The act gives Justices of the PeaceJurisdiction. We hope some one knowing of trespass upon school lands, will pake immediate complaint, and have tte offender or offenders dealt - . i with. . i Will the Farmers aid us ? We mad an ineffectual effort last year to secure statistics showing the exact agricultural condition of Nemaha county. We are still extremely anxious to know how many acres of land are under culti vation; what the surplus product was last year, and what it will likely be this. Five or tm minutes time on the part of each farmer will furnish us with the de sired information. Shall we have it ? We hope a?., 'When you come to town call up in or office, and let us know what you are doing. If you are not in town soon, write'a line by your neighbor. Sickles the Murderer. It is bothj diverting and disgusting to see how thDfe editors who supported the murderer Sickles, and did what they could to prevent the law from doing its duty, now erpeavor to "clear their skirts." Hear the Ntjw York Times : "This, of course, is purely personal and private matter; with which the public have nothing to do. But it is due to the lead ing personal find political friends of Mr. Sickles, whp honestly believed him to be a man maddened by intolerable wrong, and in that Relief interposed their influ ence between himself and the hasty rage of public feeling at the time of his trial at Washington, that they should not be made responsible, as by the journal in question, they are, for a step taken enti rely on tlte impulse of Mr. Sickles him self, without their knowledge and in the face of 4 tieir - positive remonstrance and disapproval." No, niMr. Times, that's too poor an apolegy. Now, don't insult your readers by asking them to believe for one moment that a man who all his life if one half that is told be true had been giving oth ers causs to become "maddened by intol erable wrong," should be unprepared to meet a fate he could but know awaited him ! lou, gentleman, have given coun tenance t the establishment of the "new principle in American law," and you must face the music. You have been un fortunate truly so, in the selection of a case with; or by which to exemplify the "new priiciple;" but either back square down froni "your position, or "go the whdle figure." The Ne;v York Sun in speaking of this affair, sayi: i "It will interest, though it will scarcely surprise oui1 readers, to learn that Daniel E. Skkles tnd his wife have harmonized their little difficulty if a difficulty ever existed bet.veen them and are aain en joying eau other's refined and elevating society. Mr. and Mrs. Sickles have, we ara-'inrorneu, Deen resiuing ior some Kansas Constitutional Convention. Hon. S. A. CnAMDERS, one of the Del egates from this county to the Kansas Constitutional Convention, has returned, and paid us a visit this week. From him we learn that the Convention is progress ing slowly. In regard to annexation, there was a large majority of the Dele gates in favor of the movement, but a difference of opinion as to how it should be accomplished : Some are in favor of inserting the boundary in the Constitu tion, as the Iowa Constitutional Conven tion did ; while others are for memorial izing Congress to make the Platte River the Northern boundary. Outside of the Convention there was a very general feeling in favor of annexation. The Republican party is split up on the negro equality question. Quite a number of the Republican Delegates will hear to nothing short of cenfering upon the "nig ger" all the rights, privileges and bene fits of the white man. come herewith speculative ideas, taking with them various articles of provisions, clothing, and almost every train has more or less whisky. There is sufficient of that here now to almust deluge the whole country. Provisions of every class are very cheap, and dry goods can be had al most at St. Louis prices. It is difficult for people in the States to imagine how this state of affairs can exist while the mines are paying well, which can be eas ily explained, however, by reminding them that the fortunate miner has no lime to spare to parade in "purple and linen." As a general thing they are men of means, having sufficient provisions to do them six months, and the unfortunate have little or no money, to expend. return home, notwithstanding the favora- hjfrie past ii the Bloomingdale district, ble condition of the mines. Numbersnand a fev ev enings since, that Mr. S. was observed taking Mrs. S. out in his boat for a sail on the beautiful waters of the Hudson. Yesterday we learned from a source Territorial Fair. On the first page of to-day's paper will be found the remainder of the Territorial Premium List, together with the Rules and Regulations of the Fair. Farmers and others would do w ell to preserve this and the preceding number of the Adver tiser for reference. While our farmers are preparing for the Nemaha County Fair, they should make equal preparations for the Territo rial. Being held at Nebraska City, it is "so near, our county should not fail to be represented. Such an opportunity may not again present itself for many years to come ; embrace the present, and show Nemaha in her "true colors." While speaking of the Fair again, we take occasion to say that the Steam Pack ets St. Mary and Campbell will run during the Fair so as-to accommodate those go- ing to and returning. Thus, stock, im plements, products, and passengers, can be conveyed to and from more conveni ently, in most instances, than by land. ikely to be well informed, that Mr. Sickles has notified his more intim ate frienls, that he and Mrs. S. have been reconciled. Perhaps the Christian influence of the clergymen ho manifested such a deep interest ia Daniel's welfare during his incarceration in Washington, and his trial for the 'murder of Philip Barton Key, has kindled in his breast the spirit of cha rity. Or the music of the young jury man's Tiolin may have reawakened these earlier sentioients of affection which had been ttaiporarily paralyzed by the suppo rt sed "dishonoring of his bed." The only regret that the public will have is, that his vengeance proved so fatal, and that Mr. Key is not alive to witness Mr. S. restoration to sanity, and his full condon natibnof his wife's "indiscretions." She confessed all, and her husband, it ap pears, hss forgiven all. Would that he had earlier learned the prayer, "Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive them that tresspass against us." The finale is in keeping with the en lire drama.; , Hoid Him, Somehodj! Mr. J. L.Pugh, of Eufala, Ala., can didate fpr Congress from that section, re cently held forth a3 follows : "To-day I fling my banner to the breeze, covered all over with the motto, Union'amorg ourselves for the sake of the Soup. Corne to its support, and if the State Rights Democracy of Alabama dishonor themselves and degrade their State by permitting it to remain in the tTnion after the election of a Black Rep ublican President, then I pledge myself to join you in raising an Alabama regi ment to light the torch of revolution in the capital at Washington." BrownTilie, Nebraska, Fair. We are indebted to the Hon. R. W. Furnas, President of the Territorial Agricultural Board, for complimentary tickets to the Brownville Fair, which commences on the 21st day of September and continues three days. We are advi sed that preparations have been made for an exhibition which will be creditable to the Territory and the flourishing town of Brownville. This town has exhibited a most commendable enterprise in its prompt attentions to the agricultural inte rests of Nebraska, which after all are the foundation of all subantial prosperity. St. Joseph Gazette, 23d. While we thank the Gazette for the compliment paid our city, we are at a loss to know how it made such a wide mistake as to the point at which the Territorial Fair is to be held. The Fair is to be hld at Nebraska City ! As the notice might mislead .some, will the Gazette please make the correction? Killed by the Indians. Wre see by the following, which we ex tract from a letter written at Denver City July 6, that two Nebraskians have been murdered by the Yute Indians, and tho third, our old friend Slaughter, of Platts mouth, very narrowly escaped : "Dr. L. J. Shanks, Niobrarah, Mr. Kennedy, Plattsmouth, N. T.,and a Mr. Slaughter, went out prospecting on the 20ih about 20 miles west of Gregory dig gings. On the following Sunday five Yute Indians came to their camp, and were kindly treated, haying received some provisions aud other courtesies. At that lime there were no unfavorable indi cations on the part of the Indians. Mr. Slaughter and party left their camp at noon, and traveled a short distance to an open or grassy space in the mountain, where their pitched their tent for the night. Dr. Shanks took a walk on the hill to view the surrounding country, while Mr. Slaughter and Kennedy went out to prospect. Shortly after the latter had left the camp, ten rifles were fired, one of the balls striking Mr. Kennedy in the side, passing in range of his heart. Mr. Slaughter drew him down behind a rock, when Mr. K. remarked that he could npt last long. Mr. Slaughter then left him and went in the direction the Doctor had gone, and saw the Indians scalping him. Mr. S. then hid himself in a cave, where he remained until night when he fled for Gregory's diggings, ar riving safe but bereft of everything. Great excitement prevails in the mining district, and a number have left to seek revenge Doy Escaped. Doy, who was a short time ago convict ed at St. Joseph for negro stealing, and sentenced to the Penitentiary, made his escape from the St. Joseph jail on Satur day last, in a very ingenious manner. A party of his friends, seven in num ber, called up the jailor at a late hour of night, saying they had arrested a horse thief, and desired him confined in jail! The jailor opened the door, when the party changed their notion, and instead of putting in a prisoner, took one oat Doy, and escaped with him. Shrewdly managed, surely ; yet very imprudent and unfortunate, as will be seen in the end. Pawnee Indians. The Washington Star of the 23d. in speaking of the difficulties with the Paw nee Indians in this Territory, says : "Active measures are bein taken by the U. S. Indian Office to guard against difficulties existing between the Pawnee Indians and the whites, and for this pur pose a special agent has been appointed to inquire into the recent conduct of those Indians, and to withhold their annuities in case they should have been at fault. Instructions are now being prepared at the omce for the special agent. The ap pointment of a local agent to reside among the Pawnees is in contemplation. At Oskaloosa, Iowa, a young woman whose husband came home drunk the oth er day, took down an ox goad and chastis ed him most gloriously until he promised not to do so again. He laid the blame upon a friend who asked him to drink. She then whaled him again for not hav ing stability to refuse. She ought to travel, giving lessons to young wives, or taking the job. We know of several localities where "whalein" from such a source might do good, as everything else has been tried ! Refuse the notes of the following Banks : Bank of Lawrence County, Penn. Tioga County Bank, Penn. Bank of Crawford County, Penn. Monongahela Valley Bank, Penn. Pittston Bank, Pittston, Perm. The two first named Banks are discre dited and thrown out in Philadelphia, and the three last are considered very dan gerous. Hodge's Bank Reporter. The Department has strictly forbidden a Postmaster to give a part of his com missions or other allowance, to a party as a consideration for mailing matter at his office ; nor will it permit any other arran gement or decree to be entered into by him which would tend to injure the legi timate business of another office. Such proceedings will be considered a good cause for removal. There is a negro in Philadelphia who is distinguished for the size of his feet. They measure over thirtv-one inches in length. A good Republican platform, and per fectly appropriate. A marble shaft recently erected over the remains of Aaron Burr, in the grave yard in Princeton, N. J., has been mutil ated and broken by some person's unknown. Proceedings of the Democratic Central comraiuee. The Democratic O'entral Committee for tho Terri tory of Nebraska, met at the Hern-Jon II. .use, in Omaha City, June.H, 1359, pursuant to call of the Chairman. A quorum being present, on mohon Cha B. Smith, of Xcmaha cCufity, waa appointed Secretary, in place of John C. Turk, absent. The following resolutions were a.l.pted: IieHolceJ, That the Democratic Territorial Con vention, be held at PUtbmouth. on Thursday the 13th d;iy of Aunsf, UbO. f.-r the purpose cf nomi nating a Cardidate for Delegate t and Territorial officer?, and to transact such other busi ness ns may be deemed ne-e'sary. IietoLed, That the Delates to the Democratic Territorial Convention, to be held at HattJiiioutU, shall be composed of the .ami nti:iVr of meibbers as the Council and Homo of K-orcsenrativei in the Territorial Legislature, aud shall be distributed as fullows. vis : 7 A County, Richardson Nemaha Otoo Ca.s Lancaster S.irpy'as Washington liurt and Cuming Dakota Dixon Cnlar 1 L Dodsre ' qni court M it t 1 M 4 8 4 3 Fa w nee riatte, (Jreen, ) Calhoun A HutlerJ Monroe A II.i l onroe A ll.i l . Johnson. Clay t u j and (i:ige ) . . Resolced, Tbat the Committee recommend that the em craey of the several Counties' meet in m-iss convention, "on Thursday, the 11th day of August. 1859, to nominate Lelegates in acordanee with the above apportionment, at the County Seats of said counties, severally; except the following counties, to-wit: The Counties cf Burt and Cuming, at Tekamah Burt county. Platte, Green, and Butler, at Columbus, riatte county. Monroe and liall, at the County Seat of Monroe county. Johnson, Clay and Gage, at Beatrice, in Gage to. Jtetolecd, That the Democratic! papers of the Ter ritory be requested to publish tho proceedings of the Committee, up to the time of the meeting of the Convention. On motion, the Committee adjourned tine die. L. L. BO WEN, Chairman. Cha3.B. Smith, Sec'y. CANDIDATES. J3"Announcing candidates, $5 in advance. In no "in stance will this rule be departed from:3 JjWe are autfloriied to anoounce the naiiieof IT. C. Johnson, of Hrownville. as a candidate fjr District Attorney tor the Second Judicial District." jrj We are authorized to announce the name of J. W. Coleman as a candidate for Sheriff of Nemaha County. J3W"e have no l ity for people who go about complain ing of their aches and pains. Why do they not forthwith procure a bottle of Curtis Mamaluke Liniment, and re invigorate their deceased muscles? It is a pain killer, and no mistake. And remember also, that his Compound Syrup of Sassafras is a sure remedy for coughs, colds, and the thousand and one diseases of the respiratory or gans. Xo medicines are more afflcacious and none more popular. See advertisement 3 it PREACHING, A. S. Billingslt. will preach in the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath at half past 19, a.m., and ato,P. M. . " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. PIKES I'EAIiDIGGlAGS AHEAD And will produce more gold than any other diggings yet discovered, and OF THE City Boot & Shoe Store, Will make you a superior pair of boots or shoes if you call or leave your measure, or he will sell yoti a cheaper gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and -lady's fine gaiters or slippertt. cheaper than any other bouse West of St. Louis. Employing good workmen, and keeping a variety of material and trimmings for home manufac ture. 1 hope to receive that liberal palroiiace heretorore bestowed on me. Give me a call. W. T. DEX. Brownville July 27, 1S59 u3 S S 5 e '; 1 i n 3 - o S3 2 o a-. S-3 2 es X -a . y i 3 fL 4 3 j 7T. - s s S E . - S -4 3 3 Don't everybody lrin us a few dozens sheaf oats all at once ! We want the oats, however, sure. m c - 2 r 2 &3 5 .a u 0 ?f u;i 4. M Bf 2 O -3 6, M I- o O w rr. "2 S 3 i " ; - i O oiC 3 J3 3 5 c d a C S s ' , 2 - 2 2 e 5 P - -? 'Z ti A rfl a - z a t Sa 2 3 a Z is 5 .--3 .a -,5 a 2 " IT -5 - si Si--2 a a if o r s- - - 5 ? p 3 w Hi . . mm S o 5 2 " - M 2 3 tc ' a a " - Si"3 "S 2 J: " 1 e I - o i-i t. oi 3 SI 3 c c ' t 5 -S a x - Z 2 i x H A 2 "3 Z, 3 2 e.Z Z aC .Z2z S 3 S-S . . - c - J a 2 1 2 -.5 c 3 .. aT 3 1 A, S3 o c ; ... c s. r. c 5 3 , - es a rt O Va - . S-2 - X 3 "J mm "Sis -2-sS n o - - o a x -o a 3 a a i 3 a 0 . J J r, , c t - m-t , . . w a Ss rs o i Z J 5 a 2 2 "1; 5M t a -? a" 1 5-o S J.3 o ?e a O t Z - - a a -r - - a 5 f a 1 Z 3 2 c. - 5 i 2 -2 2 -2 - -nZZio sl (.asji! --j 5 r - a J 2 e 9 3 '? r 9 - So-SB' - 2 7 'S.r s -z-. & -3 cc aa-3 aS For sale by J. n. MAUX &. CO , Browuviile, X T andtyail druggists generally. n3-ly ' Ordinance No. 4. Be it ordainei by the City Council cf the ' of Brownville. A. T. : ' J J Sec. 1. That whenever any person or' persons ohall be fined for break mtr anv nf th nriOninf.. .. shall be lawful for the mayor of thecity, upon the refu sal of such person or persons to pa;- the said flne. to re- uiuiiiuui .uMo-jjr yi, ueueenis such action advisa ble) and Usue a writ of execution against the property o' thesaid person or persons for the said fine and for cost which execution chaM be issued and executed as are ex ecutions issued by justices of the pea of this Territory, and that if upon such execution being returned no pn perty found or unsatisfied, then the said nuvor shall be authorized to issue his warrant" for the arrest of such person or persons for non payment of said Hoe and"cot and commit him or them to the hands of the marshal, to be dealt with as in other cases for non-payment of fines. Sec. 2. That any person or perjns who shall place and deposit on the levee of this city, earth so as to make the said levee to conform to the grade that has been o may be hereafter ettablished by the city engineer and approved by the council, be allowed therefore the sum of three cents for every cart load of earth so deposited, the same person or persons in doing the same are to be governed by thecity engineer with respect to the place where the same is to be deposited. Passed June 1T7, 1S59. O. B. HEWETT, Mayor, T. W. Bedford, Recorder. . Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution issued by Jes.e John, justice of the peace in and for Neman a county; Nebraska Territory,, ag ainst (jeorgiea Frederic and in favor, of Heath Nuckolls, administrator cf the estate of Joseph De roin, deceased, for the sum of sixty-eight dollars and ninetycenLs I.Davidson Plasters. Sheriff of said county have levied upon, and, from the door of the office of the said Jesse John in Brownville in said countv. od t.t fit.h -"n-r a . A. D. lSj'J, between thebtxir3 of ten o'clock, a. m. to mrccuTOn, r. ii., wiiiseu at pu-blic mile, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following proDCrtV. to wit; find anrrtl as the nronertv of sHid (Jinrn-!c Fpui.n. ; faction of said execution. DAVIDSON PLASTERS,. T, . SheriT of Nejuiabacninty. ' Br-ownvrl!, July 27th, ISj;. n3-l"- :?3 ; AMUSEMENT LlABIE'S- ijabies ; TIAEIES . ME.W1GERIE mLVD jcihtf . .MEXmlGERIE mlXD' cftcT. MEX.JGER1E JXJ) c.J . "Will Txhilit at ' .Monday, $t, ArTEttXOOX AXil XS(jIj' Doors open J ami 7 12 p n AdnJlfln to the Nenak.-er;e Circoe,. cents. Children under 11 ye re. ?5oea!i Land VarraaiT FOR SALE by Omaha, X. T. SHERIFF'S SA1F NOTICK it her. t y given, that bj virtu,; ecution issued '.:,'. iie (,!lk-e of tbe r; District Court f - 'iih; county, Xt-bri. ory, against J . .V-?t aaJ in f3? : Bro. A i)o., for 'J r ,f sevcLty-tw;, fifty-five Cents; I. Davidson !'", said county, bav levied upon on "a Serty of Louis Neal, and will. wntiwVrt a;y, A. D. IS between the hour?, of t,5 A.M. and four o'clock, p. m, from the house in Drownvillo in iald county ii wLL-b term of tho District Court for said emmu,'. proceed t sell at public sale to the hibr;'' forcash in hand to satisfy said cseoo!;,,, DAVIDSOJ I'LASTSi. Slier'ffof Nemahi. J Brownville, July 7th. lSj't. l-il Evlj Your VVarraits - OF J. McCOXIIIE,FarnhaustTeet,Om.i!!j,x.!-l THE. ; helvht mm The unJersigned hiring bongh't tBe S;., merly owned by Dr. Hoover of Nemaha Cir-j , preparad to grind Co: n, Wfieat, and saw 1.,, the-iuost reaionabU terms. Po.-s?ssin" th(r ter privilege in Nemahi county, ho can mttL accommodate his customers on short netictv; best quality of grist. From his store at tbe mill he is always prT furnish the best quality of Croceries, W'ja Liquors, and farmers will save 20 per cent br.t with hitii instciid of going to other pla?es. ' July lath nltf J. (i. JiEir CL4IJI NOTICE To Lucius StowcU, II. O. Bowcn anl !! whom it may concern : "i oa ara hereby not:;? I will appear at tb-j Land Office, at Lmwy T on lhursday the zia aay vt Ju:y, i-o:, o'clock, p.m., to prove np my riht uf fr-v. to the .North West quarter of Section S, J r 6. lUnre 15. eajtof tho bUth frincittil n JOil.NULf July 17th, 1559. It-pd. . . Claim Notice.-' ' .To Miles Koough and all others whoa it 3' corn. You arc hereby notified that I w .'! the Land OJUce in Brownvillc.N. fnUu 23th, at 6 o'clock P. M., to prove Bp rr j pre-emption to the S. V. qnartt rof theN.Vf. teraatrtheN. W. quarter cf S. W. uar :! 27, and the i. E. quarter of the N. E. -pif N. E. quarter of S. E. quarter of section ship 4, north of range 1 1. east. " DANIEL K. CBAil'I July 21st 1859. 2tpd Claim Notice, j To.N. Ileywood. U. V. Muir and ail othe-M it mny concern. You are hereby nofifiod thr. appear At the Land OiHoe 4:1 Br vsnviilt;, J.! Friday the 2'Jt.b d.iy of July, ljJ. to jtv: right of pre-emption to the ncrtii-wii;! us section 3, in townships, range 12, ea.-t ni:. principal meridian. A. E. flKYWi' j Claim NoticaTl ' To Cr. W. Newcoinb all oth-K- wii 'in ft xi; cern: You. aro hereby notified that I wiiN,;- the Lnnd Office at Bron-i!!e, . T., un iJ ' July 25th, 1S55, at 10 o'cl x-k, A. MUpnn: right cf pre emitic n tf;the soirh halt' f t"r' quarter of section 13,nml the wi-st l E. quarter, of section 2 . Township 5,KcB'et of the sixth principal lueredian. J . ILLIAJ JU-'-I I.I, WJ,', JIOl-lJ m , , l'rolmtc rVolicr. Whereat ; it has been made to api e.- tion. that there are claims exitm i.l.1t'', ' Willis Hill, late of Nemaha. county. Nei'''1,,r' deceaeil ; notice is 1 ereby given. tUif 1 fce'B j Monday the 8th day of August, A D ' the hearing of raidclalmt, aoxlali pern. i !. against thesaid estate are hereby nutififl same at my office on or before th i day. Hhr ' forever barred from recovering such cl c"" ' setting off the same in acri'-n wbate' Given under my haiid, M'h day c( T-.v"'' 1S59. R. J. W1UTSKY, VrU. ' ' Ordered that the ab.v notice be piiM;hrf ' i successive week in tbe Nebraska Advert." K. Brownville, July 7, 1Sv9. $4. ' Probate ITotice. " XOTICE i hereby given, that Tjp-cW. AJ- ; 1859, is tle day appointed t jrthe'J' J Estate of George Lewi., dccpjvi, Jd't j county, Nebraska Territory, at my .f. t is B; ' in said county, at 9 o'clock A m, when a'1 tereste.1 in said estate. may attend and n3 any, why the account c f David Ii, tl:a-- said estate, should Dot be allowed. , K. J. WH1TNET, Pr54a': . July 7th, 1S69. - Probate Notice. 1S59, is the day appointed f-r ttie flnaVe'"'-K-itate of X. G. Titus, decea.1, late of nnM Nebraska Territory at my cltke iu Brcuv county, at 9 o'clock a 3,1: when ail 1 sai'I pNtaf mar itfn.l ami uhw cai:e. if accounts of James A.TUua, aJuiiuiirttrf Khnll hi nut h a t I K. J. WiUTXEr,Prihi July 7th. 1H59. Probate Notice. . XOTICE is herebv give 1, that Tue-'.a? 1350, is the day appointed lor tl.e Una'. f) Kstate of James Littlejoliii, ileceael. l1. ', county, Xebrakka Territory, at my in said county, at 9 o'cluk a M. wben ' terested in said estate m.iy attei.i! r"ls ! ., any, why the accounts of Jerome Hoover, w-1- ' of said C8tatc,bhou:d Uwt be allowed. . K. J.irElTXErrTr' Julj 7th, 1S53. Probate Notice. the 19tb day of September, TSS9 .,. ing of claim against the estate ! D. I J'(-i? of Jouea county, X". T., decs!, ai:l ai-.P,-claims acainst ait estate are hereby w-ip' . k ,r. A it. K ,n'-. ill 111 I'iiJIC I'll Ul ui'fi: hi..- - forever barred from recovering any P",rli n.l frrnn i.fT thf :.-nl in aT!ai r - liiTen umlpr nir hai:rt at Beatrice 'f C1'1 thi 18th day of July, 1S69. n2-6w r Pr.bate i lost Land Warrs , j ALL person are fcereby notifel that"3.! spring of the year of 1S57. I enctosdl 'n Warrant Xo. 60 630 for 160 acre ioued t". widow of Lemuel Jtbn, Dlcr "net uf " '. and mailed said letter at Xenia. Ohio, J'V ? I irownsviliei Xernaha d'r r- Herrinzton. Kr said latter auI warrant never reached and has been hist or stolen, tbat I have tbe General Land Office to prevent tbe upon s?ld warrant, and It at I intend Commi.'sioTipr of Pensions to hae warrant issued. ' H,' June, I3th, 1S53. " TIIOSK persons within the con or "'itw 9 tf -.m ilU wf hlTO Hi t rJi'J ? . notified ihst there H ret oie mteon , with labxr viz: of appearing on f?1 i i m m my qrder on ajiy djy between the lbo9. July 14th, 1S59. J. W. COLEltJLi Claim Notice - To Thos. Lrir.irtv. Jo-sp ITjvj .. . it niayciKern Vol. aro h7.iV . ' e." Wn m tny right of pre-emn!i.,ii v v V T no. 19 Township no. 3, Itanze 110 " k allt Xl..:, principal meridian. ACtiVniv Kvx-vr Brownrillf., July ib, ljj. , T. 3I.TUB0TT. , DENTAL SUBGi: Having loi-atit himsoifin 1J-X ;n'i1 d,Ts h'rs ; r:-' n-.-rrkts to t!u'u- All j 's warranted. . A-Competent f- t wnn 1j ton,nv a.fiiia n'e W,n ...n 1" .iTercd for sale in the Ouiata Pitr-i " Omhv V. T.