Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 14, 1859, Image 4

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    .;tte advertiser;
r'nTfsr.if rJ inaOvauce,
'. " " at the end of 6 months,
" " " "12 " .C0
' i.i of 12 or wore will b8 furnibted at $1,50 per
m provided the catb accompanies the order, not
"liawher & Gilbfet, Propnrtorii of the Ileal
lTve Letter, Hasonic Temple, CMcspo, 111.
H 'pakvik, (General A1 erlihinii Acetit.iii rear of
y'drk, ivies' and Children's fchoc Stre, SO West
hStrett, Cincinnati. - ......
;sschei OwtKfcCo, No 316 and 313, Broadway,
' nncw VtRD. American Canadean and European
M-rtl-f'S and subscription offlcc,o 183 Nassau itreet
Ppdekidoe, Northwest corner of Olive and
iftreetg, Saint Ixuis.
- H Scaivnf , 63, TOearborn street, Chicago, ;
"-. !thrued Agents to solicit Faliscrintions and ad
,'cmPnti for ihe AdvertUer, and receive and receipt
r.ofciP' tLcrcfor.
Tto "Kebraslca Advertiser having
J-b the largest circulation of any paper in
Territory, Wholesale Merchants in St.
-if. St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East
jVarkets Where Nebraska merchants !pur
je. will find no better advertising medium
;he Western country
ieTourlli. .
The 63d anniversary of American In-,
lesdcrice has passed since our last is-.
In this place there was no demon
nation of a National character, further
in the firing of- a national salute in the
orninff, aril decorating most of the
uses in Jhe business part of the city.
The Circus Company having advertis-
1 to perform here on that day : it being
e the first' appearance in Nebraska of
'.at class 'of amusements, there appear
j to le.a somewhat general conclusion
mong tlie" to "go in" and en
v themselves. . ;;.;vi c :o
' At Peru, in this county, we understand
bad an interesting celebration. Had
: been sufficiently known,1 we think there
ould have been a general turn, out of
2 county. We beard nothing of the
rair until' ca the third, and then acci
rstaL'y. The oration. was delivered ,by
W. Titton of this city, and we will
the .risk, without having heard it, or
reversing with any, one who did, of say-
it was a good address. Mr. T. 'uses
i ilher bind.'
IlII's New Goods-
; TntouoBE Hill, Successor to Crane
Hill, has;received and opened out a
gnificent stock of Goods. Hill will add
) feet to his store room, in length, which
.11 then present an unsurpassed ap-
:arance. Mr. Hill has made for him
If in the business world, an enviable
putation as a'safe, reliable, and cner
c tic tradesman. He is now the sole
roprietor of an extensive mercantile
:use in this city, enjoying the confidence
f all with whom he does business. May
is future prove as prosperous as has the
autVs Literary Depot. -
John II. Maun, Postmaster m this city,
i opening" out a Literary Depot in the
ost Office buildiug. u He is receiving by
jpress, and in advance of the mails the
srious periodicals of the daj'. Daily pa
rr cf importance to business men can at
II times be had at Mauri's. We hope
ohn may meet with sufficent success to
liable hira'to enlarge from time to time.
. 1
A colored boy, one of the waiters on
loard the J. D. Perry, was drowned at
he wharf in this city, while that boat was
receiving and discharging freight on her
last downward . trip.
f The body cf a drowned man was
:ound in a drift pile just below this city
:ne day last week. An inquest was held
;'sd the body buried by the coroner.
? till Another.
j We learn that a young man was frown
ed in the Missouri river, at the landing
a Peru. We did not learn the particu-
Sad Casualty.
S Wejegret to learn that Mr. William
Sogers of Middleport, in this county, lost
is infant daughter by drowning on the
llthinst. She was playing in the wa
cr with a small brother, when she lost
..crbalance and was precipitated into the
river. The alarm was instantly made,
assistance arrived too late to save her.
In telncss.
"Our old friend, J. G. Melvxn, we are
rlad to learn has again gone into busi
es. He bas purchased tha saw-mill
'arcierly owned by Dr. Hoover of Ne
iafc.a City, and added thereto a grist-mill
ad Store, which is an addition long de--irel
ty the citizens of that part of the
county, ' Mr.. Melvin is an energetic
Ubiaess man and bas the confidence of
M vho know him. Of course his suc
,cc0ssktertain. " .
jtraska House.
TLii detervedly popular House is stead
i"y fining friends. Jlr. A. J.
j4j"ays a favorite, with the public, both
;veHing and locab has been' outdoing
:Jtaself' during the present season. No
iraas is spared on the part of the pro
, factors to render their house as comfort
j !'le as possible to secure to their guests
j the Conveniences of a home. Land Warrants.
ScttUrs will be pleased to know that
I Kices of Land Warrants either for
j h or for tune entries has declined very
cridly. See the advertisement of
j ti,IIAUcn SiCAHsoN. Dealers in war
' x"its are Jail disposed to be more liber
! lsto viz: letting them out for
f "tune than one year.
Ejan's TficUrlcU TrcuDe, '
Are how performing for the present
week in this city. They gave their first
performance last evening, which was en
tirely satisfactory. Mrs. Kate Deicih;
Ryan' as an actress, needs no comraenda--tion
at our hands. She has made for her-!
self a name co-extensive with the entire
country, as a most charming actress. , j
Don't take our word, but go and tee
for yourselves. ;
Fruits, Shrc!:s, Vines, &c.
"An excellent opportunity is now offer
ed to our farmers and others .wishing a
supply of fruit and ornamental trees,
flowering shrubs, vines, &C.
Messrs. Hills, & Co., agents for
the celebrated Fahexstock & Soirs',
Nurseries, Toledo, Ohio, are now in our
midst soliciting orders for a fall delivery.
They represent a reliable and very ex
tensive nursery, and our people should
not fail to embrace this opportunity of
supplying themselves. -Nothing is lost
by early and liberal planting of trees,
shrubs, vines &c. . Catalogues can be
seen, and orders; received at this office.
One or the Egss.
We have frequently been shown large
and singular shaped hen's eggs, and as
often seen notices of such , in other pa
pers; but we .have not before seen or
heard of so singular an egg as one pre
sented to us last- week by Mr. Jonir
Easthidge, of this County. , In size it
was as large as an ordinary .Goose Egg.
Upon being broken, it was found to con
tain in addition to the usual . contents of
an egg shell, another, ordinary sized,
and perfect in every respect egg. Mr. E.
informs ua that this is the third. egg of
the kind the same hen has laid. That
hen can't afford to lay eggs at ten cents
per dozen. ; - -
Ponn's New Stock.
Since the issuing of our last paper,
Mr. Ponn, on the Levee, has received a
large and splendid assortment of goods
which he is selling on extremely favora
ble terms. Call around at Ponns ; you
will be treated gentlemanly and dealt
with fairly.
St. Jo. Daily Gazette. .
. ' In another column will be found the
prospectus o this valuable Daily. Our
business men should by all means, pat
ronize the Gazette. -St. Joseph commer
cially, is now " in direct communication
with all parts of the country, consequent
ly' a daily from that point is of impor
tance to all business men. The Gazette
keps up with the enterprise and spirit of
the locality in which it is sitated, and it
ought to be well patronized by every body
within reach.
Xcw Stock or Goods.
Chris. Deuser has received a new
stock cf Stoves, and other goods in his
line, which can be had cheap for cash.
Give hima call.
Do ' you like a No. 1 Segar ? Call a1
PniLip Dceser'b Segar Store on Main
Street. ,
Land Warrants.
See the Advertisement of John Mc
Conihe, Esq., of Omaha. He is said
to be supplied with a large stock" of War
rants which he offers low. We know
McConiho to be a fair, honorable, upright
business man, and what he represents he
will make good.
Reaping Machine.
We see our enterprising farmers in
this county, are bringing into use this in
dispensable agricultural implement.
Messrs Cole, Hall and Gilmore, havejust
received a new one. ',
Iowa Point Dispatch.
We are in receipt of the third number
of the Iowa Point (Kansas) DispatchK a
neatly printed, very spirited paper, con
ducted by Messrs Watrous"& Brigcs.
Success to them.
We want a few dozen sheaves of oats.
Will some of our subscribers accommo
date us with a supply ?
Still More Corn. -
The A.D. January last week took from
this place 8000 more sacks cf corn.
Job Printing.
We are prepared to execute book and
job work -of all kinds, in a manner un
surpassed anywhere. We have the latest
styles of type and cuts; keep none but the
best of stock, and send out none but num
ber-one work. Those wishing fine work
of any kind we will be pleased to serve.
JOur terms are cash cn delivery of
the work.
The Wheat Crop.
Take the wheat crop generally in this
county,- and it never .was better. The
fall wheat has all been cut, and spring
wheat has escaped serious damage from
rust. ,
There will be a surplus of wheat in
this county.
New Shoe Shop. .
In another column will be found the
card of E. Green, who has established
himself in this place perraaneptly for the
Durpose of manufacturing Boots & Shoes.
He has shown himself to be a good work
man, and, worthy of support. We hope
he may meet with a liberal potronage.
A New'Briflse.
Has just been completed across the Ne
maha, at a point opposite this city, near the
farms of Geo. Crow and Wm. Weddle.
This bridge was much needed, and .the
projectors deserve great credit for their
efforts. Those on the West side cf the
Nemaha, can now get to Brownville
without going four or. five miles out of
the way. . .
John G. Saxe has been nominated for
the office of Governor of Vermont, by the
Democratic State Convention. The Con
vention appointed Douglas Delegates to
he Charleston Convention.'
No. 637.
By the President or the United States
In ptiruance of law, I, JAMES BUCHANAN', Presi
dent of tne United State of America, do fceret'y declare
and cifcie known that public sales will be neld at the
vndemientioned land offices in the Territory of Xcoraska,
at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit :
At ihe land office at Brownville, commencing on
MoD!ar, the eigtth day of August next, for the disposal
of the public land within the following named town
ships, vin . ;
North of the Bate Line and Eatt of the Sixth of the
The part of township 1, outside of the Sac and Fox and
reervatlon, of range 17.
The parts cf townships 1, 2, 2, and 4 outside of the Sac
and Fox and half-breed Nemaha reservation; andfrac
tional townships 6 and 6, of ranee 16.
The part of township 1 octstfe of the Sac and Fox re
servation; township; the parts of townships 3,4, and
6 outside of the balf-breed Nemaha reservation; and
fractional township 6, of ranee 15.
The part of township 1 outside of the ac a ad Fox
reservation; townships 2, 3, and 4; the part of township
5 outildeof the half-breed Nemaha reservation; and
township 6, of range IB.
Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 13.
.; Townships 1, 2, S, 4, S and 6, of ranga 12.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 11.
' Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, S and 6, of range 10.
At the land office at Brownville, commencing on Mon
day, the fifth day of September next, for the disposal of
the public lands within the following named townsmps,
North of the Bate Line and Eatt of the Sixth Principal
Townships 1. 2, 3. 4, 0. and 6, of range 9.
The parts of townships 1 and 2 outside of tho Indian
reservation; nnd townships 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 8.
The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3,4, 6 and 6, of range 7 '
The part of township 2 ants id e of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 6
Tho part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 5
The parts of townships 1 and 2 outside of the Indian
reservation; and townships 3, 4, 6 and 6 of range
At the land office at Nebraska City, commencing on
Monday the first day of August, for the dispoBul of the
public lands within the following named townships, viz
North cf the Bate Line and East of the Sixth "Principal
. . jsierxaian
Fractional township 7 of range 15
Fractional towhships7 and 8 of range 15
Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12 of range 14
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town
ship 13 of ranee 13
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12 and 13 of ranee 12
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and II; and fractional township
12 of range 11
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12, 13 and 14 of ranee 10
Township 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; and fractional
townships 14, 15 and 16 of range 9
At the land office at Nebraska City, commencing on
Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the
disposal of the public lands within the following named
townships, vii:
North of the Bate Line and Eatt qf the Sixth Trincipa
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; and frac
tional township 17 of range 8
Townships?, 8, 9, 10.11, 12.13, 14,15 and 16; fraction
al township 17 of range 7 .
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of range 6.
At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Tues
day tlie fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the
public lands within the followung named townships viz:
North of the Bate Line and Eatt of the Sixth Principal
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 of range 14
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of range 13
Fractional ownships 12 and 13; townships 11, 16, 16
and 17; and fractional townships 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of
ranso 12
Fractional township 12; townships 13, 14,15, 16, 17 and
18; and fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range
11 -
Fractional townships 12, 13 and 14; townships 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22 and 23 of range 10
At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Mon
day the twenty-fifth day of Jury next, for the disposal of
thepublic lands within the following named townships,
viz :
JVorfA of the Bate Line and Eati of the Sixth Principa
, - Meridian
Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16; townships 17, 13
19, CO, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9
Fractional townships 16 and 17; and townsbi 18, 19,
20, and 21 of range 8
Fractional township 17; and township 18, 19, 20 and
21 of range 7
. Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 18, 20 and
21of ranee 6
FracUonal township 17; and townships 18, 19, 20 an
21 of range 6
Fractional township 17: and townships 18,19, 20 and
21 of range 4
At the land office at Dakota, commencing on Monday
th eighteenth day of July next, for the disposnll of the
public lands within the following named townships viz :
North of the Bate Line and Eatt of the Sixth Principal
Fractional townshlp27 of range 10
The parts of townships 24 and 27 outside of the Indian
reservation; and fractional townships 28 and 29 of range 9
The part of tow nship 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; township 23; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of
ranae 8
The part of township 27 oulsido of the-Indian reserva
tion; townships 23 and 29; and fractional townships 28
and 29; and fractional township 30 of range 7 .
The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; townships 23 and 29; and fractional townships 30
and 31 of range 6
Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, In
dlan, military and other purposes, will be excluded from
the sales.
; The offering of the above lands will be commenced on
the days appointed, and will proceed fn the order in which
they are advertised until the whole shall have been
offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be
kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry
of any of the lands will be admitted until after the ex
piration of the two weeks.
Given under my hand, at tho City of "Washington, this
22d day .of March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-nine.
fiT the President:
Thos. a. Hendricks,
v-Commis6ioner or the General Land 033ce.
Xotice to Prc-Emptlon Claimants
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to
any of the lands within the townships and parts of town
ships above enumerated, is required to establish the same
to the satisfaction of the Register ad Receiver of the
proper land office, and make rayment therefor as soon
as practioahle after seeing this notice, and before the
day appointed for the commencement of the public sale
of tte lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise
such claim will be forfeited.
" Commissioner of the Gen'l Land Office.
Note. Under the regulations of tbe department, as
heretofore and now existing, no payment can bo made
for advertising proclamations except to 6uch publishers
as are tpecially authorized to publish by the Commis
slonor of the General Land office.
!B0" IX S5 Z" 37
Cor. Broadway and YTaKli Street.
Having purchased the entire nursery stock of John
Siggerson& Bro.,lam prepared to offer to the public
the largest and best selected stock of Fruit Shade, and
Ornamental taees, shrubs and plants ever offered for
sale in the West. We are determined to offer such in
ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure
the most entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalogues will
be furnished, and any information given, by addressing,
Saint Louis, Mo.
November 35, '68-Iy.
Send Four Stamps for a Specimen of
A Weekly summary of the latest intelligence re
ceived from England, Ireland, Scotland, V ales and
the British Possessions in every paxt of tho world,
and devoted to politics, literature, science, art, his
tory, 4 c, Ac.
The "JTctts from IIonle?,
"Will be rorwarded postage free upon receipt of
snhscription, via :.
$2 for one year.; $1 tor six months; 50 cents for
three months.
Fostm&sters and newpapors officers are authorized
to act as agents. A liberal allowance made to par
ties retting vp clubs.
Address TOWXDROW 4 DAY" '
Editors and Proprietors, JTew York.
April 14, 'itf-ly
A NATE of hand, call ine for over one hnndred dollirs,
which owner can have by calling at this office ana paying
for this advertisement.
Sheriff's Sale; "
NOTICE is hereby given that by virile of an ex
ecution against Louia Zealand in farr of Hawk,
I5ro.& Co, for the sum of seventy-twc' dollars and
fifty-five cents, isued from tho cSce of the Clerk
of the District Court for Nemaha courrty, Nebraska
Territory, and placed In my hand. I Davi&ion Plas
ters, Sheriff of Nemaha county Nebraska Territo
ry, hare levied upon one horse, as propeay v( Louis
Neal, and will, on the 30th cay of July,;A. D-1853,
between the hours of ten o'clock, a. j., and four
o'clock, p. M., from the door of the hous in Urown
ville in said county in which the last term of the
district Court was held, proceed todlM public
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash ia (and, in sat
isfaction of aaid execution and judgment.
Sheriff of NemahaCo.. N. T.
Erownville, June 15tb, 1859. ! 4w f?5.
Ilegular St Joseph, and
Omaha Packet -
WM GRAT, Master. J A STEVENS, Clerk.
WILL leave St. Joseph every Wednesday morning at
J o'clock, A M ; (the connecting Rail Koad Train having
reached St. Joseph IIP M.) for Boston, Iowa Point, Forest
City, White Cloud, Rtilo, Winuebago.Arago, St. Stephens,
BROWNVILLE, Sonora, Linden, Nebraska City, Rock
Bluff, Bethlehheni, Plattsmouth, Pacific City, St. Marys,
Bel lvue, Council Bluffs and Omaha. . .
Coming up arrives at Brownville cn
Thursdays, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Going
down leaves Brownville on Saturdays 4
o'clock, P. M. . "
Take passengers throngh to St. Louis In 43 hours via
Hannibal & St Joseph R R
Tickets for sale on the boat for all poiits East, North
and South. i
CRANE &. KILL, Agents. . :
no46-tf Brownville, Nt T.
Main Street, Broivnviltc, Nebraska
Have just received per steamer White Cloud a
Complete Stock
o F
Which they will sell for cash a shade cheaper than has
ever before been offered in this market.
March 31,1359 n40
THE Mercantile firm of Crane & Hill as hereto
fore existing is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Theodore Hill having purchased the entire
interest of Merchandise, Notes and Account of Jonas
Crane, tho books and aocount of the firm remain at
the old stand, No. 17 Main Street, in charge of Mr.
Theodore Hill who will adjust all unsettled business
of said firm
Brownville, June 13th, 1359. 51-lf
5 t
Ilavlng rented the Interest of Lake and Emmerson In
the Brownville Steam Saw and Grist Mill, announces to
to the public that be is prepared fo accommodate the
citizens of Brownville and Nemaha County with a su
perior quality of lumber of all kinds. Also with the
urist sun, to serve all in that line.
The market price at all times paid for Logs and Corn
The old business of Noel, Lake & Emmerson will be
settled by Henry Lake. All future business conducted
by the undersigned. JESSE NOEL.
Brownville, Anrll 7th, 1S59. ly
- AMvOUIsCE to the public that they have opened a
Billiard Room and Saloon
in the old Nemaha Valley Bank Building, Brownville,
Nebraska, where lovers of the interesting game of Bil
liards can be accommodated in a style, they trust will Le
satisfactory to all who may patronize them.
Our Liquors, "
; Are all pure and of the choicest brands. The famous
Tippecanoe Ale
The best made is kept constantly on hnnd at this es
tablishment. R. MORRISON,
no44-ly J. Q. A. SMITH.
Friday, April 8th : -TRAIN
Express Train leaves St. Joseph 6:00 a. M
Accommoaation leaves " 6:00 p.m.
Freight leaves " 6:15 A.M.
Express Train arrives at St. Joseph 10:30 p.m
Accommodation arrives at " 6:00 p J.
Freight arrives at " " " 1:00 p.m
Freight taken to any point Hast. West, or South, at
lower rates than by any other route.
Shippers will please deliver their freight at the Depot
the day previous to shipping.
Will run In connection with the Road, above St. Joseph
to the Bluns.
Connect at St. Joseph from all parts of Kansas, Nebras
ka and western Iowa. Travelers from Nebraska and
Western Iowa will find this the
Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest
Route to all point. -von the Mississippi river and East.
TUHOUGU TICKETS can be had at tha office at St.
Joseph for nearly all parts of the country.
Chief Eng. and Supt.
P. B. Gboat, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. no45
TO EDITORS : Publishers of newspapers are re-,
spectfully cautioned not to insert the falsehoods re
specting myself, of ayoung fellow assuming aFrench
name, which appeared in several newspapers of late.
Such notices would not be admitted where he is
known. He cannot read nor write, bat hires some
one to copy my bill.
U. IS. SMITH, U. V.,
Proprietor of Sjtith's Electric Oil, n4S-tf
23 3EL lO Ej
Main Street,
A MEMORANDUM BO JK, which the owner can
have by calling at this o5oe, dcTi!)icg and paying
ofr this advertisement.
Dwelling House for Rent.
THE undersigned will rr.t on liberal terms, to a
prompt and careful tenant, tiic mest cotimodious, elle-
gant and elligibly situated d cKii j house in the city of
Brownville an excellent etie-n. an necessary out-
honses, and a fine garden wiih aii tlie vegetables of the
season in au advanced 6t it at ctiltivition, upon the
premises. D. i. McGART.
May 19. no47-tf
Regular St. Joseph, and
ti Ornnha-Packet' " -
WILL leave St. Joseph, every Sunday morning at 1
o'clotk, A M; (:lie onuecfit:g Kail Road Train Usvin?
reached Sr. Jwthll "'clock P M;) fjr Bst..n, Iuw
Point, Forext City, Whito Clou!, Iltiio, Winneb.'iuo,
Arago. St. Ntepl:ens, BROWNVILLE, Son.-ra, Liiuien,
Nebrat-ka City, R xk Bluil. Bethlehem, Plattsmouth;
Pacific City, St. Marys, Bellevue, Council Bluff, and
Coining up arrives at Erownville on
Mondays, at 5 o'clock, .A. M. Going
down leaves Brownville on Wednesdays
4 o'clock, P. M. ' . . --v. :
Take pasenjrers throuch to St. Louis In 43 hours via
Hannibal and St. Joseph ft. R.
Tickets for sale on the boat for all point jEat, North
and .South. CRANE & HILL. Aeonu.
no46-tf " Brownville, N. T. :
Proprietors of the
EROimiLLE, X. T.
TniS HOTEL has lately been entirely refilled
and the proprietors can now assure the publio that
they will meet with every convenience and comfort
usually found at a first elass hotel. - ...--
Mr. Berry, the Jri partner was formerly connected
with the same house, and lifts had large experience
in the hotel business in the East.
" Brownville. Juna 16th, 1859. 51-6in
I 'A
L mi ri isl MtaMa1 a-i
r&s i i i
r , II
Main Street, Brov. nvillc, X.
Buy and sell Land Warrants, inake.out and file declar
atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay
taxes, investigate titles; . .
Buy and sell property on commission ; furnish 'and
warrants for time entries, and attend to all .other busi
ness connected with a general land agency business.
Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern
ment land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a distance. -
McLACGULIN & DORSET respectfully refer to "
George II. Nixou, Esq.., Register Brownville Land
Office. . . . . ' ' '
Chirles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys'
Nemaha Land District.
Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville
Messrs. Lushbaflfih & Carson, Bankers, Brownville,
Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland.
. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. : i
O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. , '
lion. Fenner Furguson, Delegate In CongTeas from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C.
John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind.
Brownville, April 22. . , : , ' -no43tf
THK Copartnership !icri"fore oif-ting between the
nndersijrned in the merca:i?i;c u.-meKS la the City of
Brownville, has this day btc-J dissolve! by mntnal con-
,cnt. J B- McAllister,
With Corn.
Those indebted to m' r. ft Loft'oy notified that
they can liquidate tbeir ir M.'-f-i with corn at
ihobighest market price. '': -'l a the store of
I. T. Wbyte in Brownville. IK r uest is mad
only because 1 am in del! ::, and cannot raisu
the money, but can make t ' oi :ora. Such an ar
rangement will be taken $s a grsat aTomrnodatioa
under present eircumsfnr". ic!.c.
Brownville, Lec, iwO.
DURIili my absence, for a f hr$ tiiue, east, Wm.
H. Hoover, Esq., will attend -r. f rv Lupines of mine.
June 1st, '59. 49-tf
$25 SEWIH& hachiiie.
Double-Threaded Sewing Machine,
Warranted tlie best In the World.
Will stitch and hem, tuck and fell, gather and em
broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of
goods, even leather, and especially adapted for family
Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn In. one
hour to use It successfully.
We have a great number of references, but will givo
only the names of a few, who are among the first fam
ilies, to wit : .
We, theundersignedr-citizens of St. Louis, havin? la
tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa
tent Sewing Machines, and use-it successfully on differ
ent kinds of work, in our families' service, do cheerful
ly recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine :
Mrs JJewett Wilcox
Josse Coffran
L Mary Llvermore
MR Williams
II M Blossom
Mrs. P AMeflett
J Clemens
. Jas A II Lampton
D BGale
M BTennison
J A Hale
E Tillman
E J Stevens
Machines without tables, as hand Machines, with one
needle and two spools of thread on them.tchiue, are $25
With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, a.c, $33.
Needles $1 per dozen.
! " Complete printed directions will bo sent with every
machine. These machines take the same stitch as the
Grover and Baker.
No letters of inquiry answered except an extra post
age stamp is enclosed. '
Machines warranted, and may be returned ia thirty
days if not satisfactory.
' No machines delivered until paid for.
All orders by mail or expresSj with the cash, will re
ceive prompt attention.
N. B. Agents wanted for every town in tho South
and west; to whom a liberal discount will be given'.
Address EDWIN CLARK,, No. 82 North Fourth street
5t. Louis, Mo. n!0-3nt
1859. Missouri River. 1859.
rjHS Regular St. Louis and
Sioux City Packet.
For Fort Randall, Niobrarah, Sioux City, DakoU, 6ma
j di, Decatur, DeSoto. Crescent city, Florence, Omaha.
' Council Bluffs, Bellevne, St Marvs, Plattsincth, Ne
braska city, Lindeft, BROWNVILLE, White Cloud,
Iowa Point. A ma zona, St Joseph, Atchison, Sum
ner, Leavenworth, Kansas, Lexington and all points
below. ...
THB wcI1 and wldly known light
yhWI draught freight and unexceptionable-
. r- -. tiasscnger steamer OMAHA, has re-
SV- ., .mrrrr., i " turned her regular trips in the above
trade (and all intermediate points on the Missouri river)
and continue them punctually and regularly through the
entire season
The Omaha having undergone a thorough renovation,
both inside and outside, expressly for the above trade,
is now in the most perfect and complete order in every
department: and we trust by a strict attention to busi
ness the wants of shippers and comfort of passengers to
merit a continuance of the very liberal patronage be
stowed upon us in past seasons.
J Jewett Wilcox. Clerk
CRANE & UILL, Agents,
Erownville, NT .
May 12 no4
First St., bet. Main and Atlantic,
ANNOUNCE to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity
that ihey have rented the bakery formerly owned by E.
Worthing, ana are now prepared to furnish Bread, Cakes,
Pies, Confectionery, Ico Cream Lemonade, Sec. Ac.
Brownville, April 23, '59. 44-tf "
Land Warrants,
Por Ca,aJ3. and. on Timo
We are prepared to loan Land Warraats of all size's to
settlers on such time as they may desire long or short
at the usual rates.
A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on band
for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in
town. i .
Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants.
All warrants Hold by- ns will be guaranteed to be
genuine in every respect ana wui oe exchanged If de-
Being permanently located in Brownville, we canal-
ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the
Brownville Uouse.
LrsnBAran & c arson,
- Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants.
OIIFor Tesaa
TIIE undersigned, desiring to start about tbelOth of
September for Texas, will sell either for ca.-h in bamd or
upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in
the City of Brownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good
garden and outhouses upon the premises.
Two Good vacant lts in urownvuie sunaiea near me
levee and convenient for business purposes.
120 Acres of Land in Nemaha county near the Missouri
river; well timbered and watered.
One half of an Original Share (equal to 50 lots) in the
Town of Aspinwall.
Nine Lots in "McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City,
near Nebraska City wharf.
The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his
affairs in a very embarrassing condition. If those who
are indebted to him wil l please to come forward and pay
tbeir littienotes and accounts, he will take it as a great
kindness upon their part, and will be happy to present
each of them with a slight token of his high regird.. in
the form of a small receipt, neatly WTittenA with his
autograph appended thereto. .
May 19 n47-tf
To le t-nlarrj-'l ! A Nao I'l'i v-ru Strict j
commence vn"Jn!-i Crf. 1;VJ. r.-.rc.Mi ri 4 it t the
yearly volume wnl ci;ti;n r '';.' fcinru trs.i tn.rtj
t wo of YaiuuM rciuii.g nitcr, n.eiulaiid u
smu'live to all cle-.
The Scientific AmericanXs- p V.i.-k 1 weekly In imti
firm, KuitaMc fr t:n!;-r", and U.e iiuun-e-s f r a i;nie
yeircoutam i;ijjrnijii n in r-.'-j'J to New. lnvir!(iiL-j
Machinery. ;t bram-fi"-. f M.uiif.i-Hir:tg
Aprr kniinrl impleMei'M, t.i.';:i cii:-g, .'liilsrJ.tiinij
Irou Manufacture, Chemtrj in (a V, 1;ii-..-t every ii
dustrial pur.uit rtccrveti more or icsi attcuun m i.J
All Patent C!atnr c;!'ic..ti;y jr.MiJ:ed every week, a
reported frni the Patent Oi'lce; and I t Invent"! s and
Patentees it contains tnff rnutu-B net t ot!.nne!
wherit, and whitU no nioth.tLic, i.t ciitjrjif yatcntto cwi
well Co without.
As a Family .'ournal It b no for resl
tioil ntiliry, timt in Kn columns will bi iouud u.-tTul
practical ret-ipes. " '
Careful attention will teplven, from time to time,
to rrpofti of the Metal. Lm;:f.r, "tfit.T Mjrfct ?s.'
Every number wf'.I contjin si.x'c '- i i-tMa ni f rty.
clgfit columns cf matter, wui several iliutr.vio:n r(
patented ni.vtines and other enarav.ngs, cmr rlini; ui a
sing!eyer atmut six hurdre-t original en;raviiii.s.
Wit.b theenlarcr-d series is pre.en'eJ mi i pirtu:i ly
to subscribe not likely to occur ajj:a for T:i.i;y vrs l
will be hke commencing a new w.-r t Vol 1. "N- 1. New
Serie. Send in your sub-smpti-'n Uhjut dc!.y, so us
to beir'n the new volume July 2 next.
Terms $2 a year $1 for six nor ths.
Snsthem, Western and Cana.!! i;i m -at y ..r i -t ) -3
stamps taken at par for si'triptt-n: tb
scnbirs will please to remit twenty-. x cents extra in
each jrcar'a subscription to pre-pjy ptiie.
A liberal discount to club. A prospectus "giving full
pnrtioulars of the inducements for cluiis, wuh speciiueu
copicso the paper, and a janiy!ilLof iu:or!i.f cr n
cemiu the procuriuLf Patents u.iy Do b.-i g.:., I
audressiiig v j . . -.
MCNN & CO.. :
PuMisbcrsrf the ?cien-.li0.n(,r;caah :
: 37 Pjrk Row, AtvM York. .
OTICH is Ln-tv v;v-i , t1 ii. v :.- of an ej
fr'Ut".. n 5 ' : I ''" : I I
trkt Co-.-4, f. ' "
i." i c JiM. " , - . rr.;..rj.
ag-i'a?t J ii.i 'W--.'- a, i i.i . . I. i. !.j o
k C-) f.rtln ou.i i. ( 'TV 'u: ;.."r! ' ! f r r - r.
J:Ln.R.,l ir-?cv,t : 1, i ! T :.f
f Ui ty, I .tH i-vi f -j. 5 '- . "jt ,
S.'riV.ii'ertl estate in t-i i ital.if r-k-
T'tTii..ry, to-wit Th S..itK-r.i-t j f
tbe NWi?iw-!t fj-nrter vf i- ;i n r ' r tl.Irt.f,
("";) TownUip ii'ii.! -r :'v t , r ' f I"jir.
nu: .L.t tiT'cf:i , Ktt f t ! .-it! i J ri.-it-ij-
laTeJIan, n::l vYl, tn t?- -'1 J y Jjljr, A. 1.
1.-. r'-f.vfi! t'.o i. r . t" t i ..l. M. sn.l
f..ur oV-I.kV, P. f .u I i; ty n r:- v:rr rf t!
boui-c in which t'- ! -.t c -rs " .-a" I ".- nit . f 1.1M
county M 1 u rt 11 txd
J.iIto ,hrt !"'. r 4:.t 4r ia sai-
i.i;'.t:)a of s.i.J ei.---'i . ' :.:;! j'.i.!.-: 'i t.
. u v;k i i LAS. IT'.'.-,
1 Fer 1. 1 i.' . .'.j c u: T,.
r.-owiA'iio, Jjui i "-'i.. j r'ii
Norii'I. i." L-.rvlr j, .cu i:.. v v t f an rt
ctii'inn ivufl l. n t.i. i C.v f (' C.ti J'.ths
Di.-triet, Court Xoiu county. Nc'ri.-k.i Ten i
lory, 4ii'i:J.2Iw.'.iy hj.J C?? i i i t'svr r f ?: A '-rv--:r.NVj:ift
f, W-cuiu f f. ur h sit i ht t - crj-
, livo ijoll.irj: aat fi.vty 'i.T.ts: I. 1 ii.!.'03 i.'!a.iei-,
j Sa-?r:lf f.f f:ul county, ha re vi-i -c n ?.d n SmI-
urday the :jOilnliiy oi y,"A. I lSj-J. -nw-vTi t!i
nHn f tan oVlock a. M; an.t th ci r. ..
at tho ihx.r tf t'aa lionni,. hi 'wH -H i'.. !a-t term Y
tho sni.l i trio t C.ui t w.n'ri .-:',d at !;.-. nriilj.ia
sr.ii cour.ty, r 'A at r'it'ij j;:s to th Lijh:
TwoBay LTares iii Oiiargc
ON Monday tho 27th of June, ISifl, two men
Sassing by the names of James iliitnilton and Win.'
ohnson, stopped at the Drownvillo llouie in Urown.
TL'Ie,2'. T. havin;; with thorn tw larji d irk, lay
marcs. On the 2'Jth the citn left Unwavi'Ie leaving
the unimals at the City larory Stahl;. They s' ':l
before leaving that they tad taken op tho Lv-rscs Oiv
Salt Creek bet ween the two B'ucs, thinking thrra tt
be estrpys. , The mares are yet at the City Livery
Stable inBrownville, w here tho owners can git them
bj eitQfns proving property and pay'n? nil charjres
connected with their keeping; unl'-'H called fiT
within tlxly d.iys from "tbw date th'?y will le Lcld
at auction to the lushest bidder.
K. T,
-Sheriff's. Sale.-. .
"NOTICE is hereby given. thatby rirtu? of nn ex
ecution issued from tho office of tho Clerk i f the
District Court of Nemaha, county, -Nebraska TeiTi
tory, against Abrara F. f?Lerfy and in favor of Al:x
andqr 1). Skeen, for the sum of twelve dn'l.irTr.nd
fifteen cents ; I, Davidson I'laster., Sheriif of said
county, havejevjed upon nnd on Matur ity t!uUid
day of July, a. r. 1S5, between ;th hwrsof ten
o'clock A M, and threw o'okk r M, st thod or.f the
houe in which the la.-t term of the District. Court
for said county was held, in Brown villi ia sa id county,
will proceed, to sell to the highest bidder, for eiu-h in
hand, ns the property of said Sierfy, to sati.-fy said
excxiution, the following described Ilcal-etfo, to
wit : Lot number twelve(l2), iu tl c'a aauiSv ixfy
eigbt (63, in Nemaha City, as de.natcd on the
original plat of said City, and situate in said Na
maha county,
Sheriff'of Netnahi ev.uutr, N. T.'"
Erownville. June 23d. I39.
TIIE Copartnership heretofore existing between
Hoadley & Moir his thi3 day been diisolvei by
mutual coh?ent.
Those hwinj acjoncts against thj said Snn will
please present them for payment, and those indebted
will p'easftiaako payment to either of the late nrm.
Jun 1st, '53.. 43-tf
Sheriff's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an ex
ecution issued from the offieo of the Clerk of tl.n
District Court for Nemaha- County, Nebraska Ter
ritory, against Alexander Hallam in favor of lioert
Linford, for thesam of fourteen hundred; an 1 twelve
dollars and twenty cents : I, Davidson l'laVTH,
IShoTitF of said county, have levied upon, and frnti
the door of thehouso in which tho la.t term of said
Court was held at Brownville ia said county, rill
on the 8th day of Aug., A. I. IS.''J, betweou the
hours of nine o'clock A. M. acd three o'clock, p. m.,
sell, at public sale, to tho highest bidder, fo in
hand, tho following described Real-estate together
with all the Mill property, Machinery and improve
ment thereunto belonging or in anywise pertaining:
To-wit : Blocks number Jhirty-four nnd thirty-Jive
in Glen Bock in said county, as numlx-red and desig
nated upon the original plat cf said Clcn Bock, said
property to be sold as property of said Hallam to
satisfy said eiecution.
' Sheriff of Nemaha Co.,N. T.
Browuville, Juno 15th. 1859. 5l-lt-7.t0
NOTICE is hereby giron, that by virtue of an ex
ecution issaed front' the ofaeo of the Clerk of the
District Court for 'Nemalia coun'y, Nebraska Terri
tory, against Milton F. Clark and in favor of Bufus
R. Edwards for the sum of one liuniired nnd eighty
twodollurs ninety-ninccents ; I, Davidson Piasters,
Sheriff of said county, Lavo levied upon ns the
property of said Clark, the undivided halt' of t weary
feet otf of the West end of lot number ten in block
number twenty in tha City of Brcwnvillo in said
county; said twenty feet fronting on Main Street
and running back forty-eight feet north, with the
improvements thereunto p'-rtiiningaiid that on tha
sixteenth day of July, A.D. 155?, botn eeu tiio hours
of nine o'clock, A.M. and threo o'i lock, r. Ji, of said
day, from the door of the homo in Brownville afore
said in which the last term of the District Court for
said county wa held, I,rwi!I proeced t si U sai l
f roperty at public sale to tho highest bidder furcaah
n hand to satisfy said execution. ,
Sheriff of NtniaLa co., N. T.
! Brownville, June Lath, Bo fJ. . 5I-4t-$7()
bidder -fwrci.-'t iu I
a l th-i e-t -r , i A!frd
Med ly tat sify suit vxu:i.-n, tlnj't'-iiiuwh. U-
st r' real estate, to-wit : Lo's rninber mi-, lo.
three and ten. in bl.ivk ui:v.b-'r on 1 uu.lrc I n l
forty-f.ur, d-.si1patrl . n th i-rigi"'.! rtit f th.
town of Peru Aiid (ituaa in Fern ia .... Nei.iahik
county, together with nil tho iiiiprovcinent, t
ments and appurtmr.e. to snld k' l v I '' r
iu ai:jw;oJ aj
DAVIDSON BLASTERS.' of Nciuaaa county, N. f.
NOTICE is heri l y given thutly virfuiM-f nu e.x
eeution issued' ft :a tSo ;t'.c f th CI rk f Ih i
District CiT:rt cf N-m:.h-i oianty, Neb': t Tetri
tTf, ftg:r.t T.J. l.-.vriVJ and ia i't.-r;'
Sprlngio A Co., f r thesium !' :!.; h-T- ' -1 U m: I f. i.r
dollars and eighty coat.-1; I, Davidson i .vinr, S i.eri ;f
of said county LarolovieJ v.t-t ; 1 u Saturday
tho GOihdnycf July, A. 1. l?'J. Ictweea tho 1 o irt
of ten o'eleck A. J. and thro oVh-:k P M.. at tin
door of tiO housi in which iho last terra of Iho said
Court w u held at Brownvillj ia said .uuty v?iH
iH ft p utlie fa'o t.. the hi;;he -l I ' 1 5 '8 f -r c.v-h i-i
hind us roperty of said T. it Far. r'ti-to satisfy
s.'ud eseention, taa f i;.g ilev. i i- dl read c.-t.'.t?,
to-wit : The iouih-ea;t jiuarter rf tho north nat
quarter, cf section number fourteen, in t nvnyhin
nun,ber five, in rang'. number fourtf-i ra: of th
sixth j.rinci'-al mere-l'mii. P'''i r :.v tA the govern
ment survey, snd situa'e in l 1 Ne t:a'i:i cotiuty. to
gethor with ail tho lmyroTctLccts to Ual to
longing. -
Sheriff of Nctuaba cotrity.' N. T,
June 'JCth. 1S59. nl-P. 5750
Shcriirs S ile. ; .
NOTICE is hereby givon'thut by vjrtr? f rj ex
cutfoii Issued the ofito f t'l'J Ck-rk of tho
District Court of Ne'tiiha county, a-;' v TcrU
try, agaiost Daniel Cou vert i'JoA-pft J..i; . a:i;'.-.i
farcT c f Alfred Cary,' Jones .i Co., f..r Ih sitj of
thirty -four d llars au i forty-one '--n.s ; I, Davidson
Plasters. Sheriff of sni I eount y, having levi-d nr"'H
and on Monday tha first day uf. Angui, A. p. 1K5'J,
between tho bourof ton oViock i. it. ana !Vjro'c! ik
r. sr.'nt the door f the h.eue in which the l.ut, i.n-i
of the said Court was held at Brown? il' in caid
county, nrrd will sell at puLlio sale io the hi'iot
bidder, fer ca-h i,i bar. I us projrty cf sn'ul K gers
to satisfy said eteent icii, t!i f. Ib. u ln k' rj bed
reaj CaLii'.e t-nil ft ini!i!r thhton m block
nuiubor eighty-five as designated upon sail p'at, ef
said NeniUa City in Nuin aha coitnryj anlu!l tht
buildingaiid apoi r'wnesM thcra to loh.Hgir.
U.WIDN. 1 1. i t,l..
S'leril uC Ncraahn count v,N. T.'"
tl-it i.'w'k
NOTICE is hereby given, thatby virtue of an ex
ecution issued from the office of tha Clerk of the
District Court for Nemaha county, Nebraska. Terri
tory, against tho Nemaha Valley Bank, Samuel P.
Rogers and Barton B. Barkalow, and in favor of
Sainnel II. Bennett, for the sum of tlie Imndreil and
eighty-four dollars and seventy-five ccnt3 : I, David
son Plasters, Sheriff of said county, have levied
pen, as the property of said Samcoi E. Rogers, lots
umbered one and two In block number three in che
City of Brownville, in said county,!! designated r.pon
the original plat of said City of Brown,? pjc, au 1 that
I will, between the hours of nino o'clock, A. M., and
throe o'clock, p. M., on tho sixteenth, day cf July,
A. D. 1859, at Brownsillo aforesaid, froia the door
of the house in which tho last term of the District
Court for said county was hejd, proceed to sell said
property at public sale to the highest bidder for cash
in hand.
Sheriff of Nemaha co.. N. T.
F.rownvil'e, June 15th, 1359.
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue id an ex
ecution issued from the ofheo of the Clerk of tho
District Court for Nemaha Countv. Nebra-ka Terri
tory, in favor of Perter Martin and't " le.tan
der Hallam, for four hundred and ninety dollars al
twenty-six cents ; I, Davidson Plasters, Mieriff of
said county,baYe levied upon, and from tie ibxr of
th house in which tne last t'rm of tto District
Court for said eouaty was held nnd at Brownvil'e in
said coimtyf will, between the bf nrs of t?n o'cl .fk,
A. H., and three o'clock, p. M., on tha sixteenth' lay
of July, A. D. I859,8ellat public sale, to the highest
bidder, for cash In hand, as property of said AJ x
ander Llallam and to satisfy said execution, th? a l
lowing described pace cf gnur.d ait-d real-estate,
to-wit: Lot3 number 11,12, 13,11.15, and 1 , in
block number 5, lots number 15 and II inblo' k num
ber G.loU number , 10, II, 12, IX IE 15. an 1 1 in
block number 7, Dd lots naui'er 12, BJ, 1 1, 15, and
16 in Mock number 3, situate in Brownville, county
of Nemaha, N. T. ''' '" '
Sheriff rf Nemaha co., N. T. .
Brownvilie, Juno I5th, IS59. 51-4t7..'d)
NOTICE i iir-jby given, that by vir'ue e-f a ;, rx
eeutbiii i.-?u :d frn th ctT e of tV CU r' l.tlio
District Court of Neman county, Neririska Tjrri-torj-,
agnii!t Abrutn F. Shcrfy un i in lnr r i.-f Alex
ander 1). Skeets. tho sum i f two huo IreA ar.d"
.-ixty-thrfe viol'ars apd ?isiy. cents : f.; Dailsou-I'la.--itr.J,
Sheriff et said "oi.ty, L ive I;vicd vpof-
arid ui Svt!;,iay tho 2-'d day of Jnfy, A. P.'IiO.'
between tho hourn of tij oVlt-ck ,A nr.i tbri-j
o'clock TV, :it tho-d oor of the fn tis.i in v hi. h lot hist
term of the-Ditrit Conrt wn? held, In L'rownrillo
in said county, wii! sell nt. public sa!.j t i.c IThet
bidder,- i'of cash in hand, rs tho pf jf.- r' ' f said
,arfr r.l (... fjl' .it.! . oo., f ! '...'' t .
Iccrib' ti Real-estate, tc?vit i.. Lt -1 umWr iw-no,
ten, and eleven, in block number sixty-iiht, in Ne
maha city, as designated on the original (bit of said
rity. and teitnate ia Nemaha count?', t?g"thfp 'wWh'
all tho iijprovi-mrsnls, tM'teeut nn I vI.urv,nHicc
there auto tclon -in ' t3 i m y v' ; r i ti:n;r z.
; r' ' DAVnSuNl'LAiSTEES;
Sheriff cf Nemaha coimtv, T.
. Brownville, Jnnei:5.!, h; - 4t-:?r:i
I Probate
f NOTICE is hereby given tc all peryr, .. In'rt !trl
in tho Estate of the late Oliver P. 'ly Jati efNo
rnahacouuty. Nebraska Territory, dw,,, K. ap
pear at t'ie Cl'.cij cf the I'pA.2 'e f.v. 1 :;,nnty ,
lit Brown vUla, on Tm-sdny tha lth d-vf rtf August,
J 859, at ea oV"ck, A. if., to show caa : why uwi-s
N. Kelly, AdniinistirN r of at l;-y slioo'd Wit
bo authorized ti sell- t! 'i folloalug. 4, bribed real
prop-rfyof said estate, to-wit: tho south-east quar
ter of sevtion 2.1, in towL.ddo 5, north, ia .r.iogi' V
ea?t, cf land s.ituato in sail Nemaha ounty, r s ;
tiiuch therwif n m.ty bo ru-cessa ry to sati'ty soch
debts against said Esfito as still reraaitu iir"id.
'; Ordered that the above notice bo put," I f . rl
Successive weeks in tho X-lraka Adrni-f,". r. "" "
1 Given under my hand fhN 2 tb d?y (' Jan, 1S59.
June 30th, 1359.
R.J. WHITNEY, I ioiJi: !.;;.
nl-ir, J5
. Probate Notice.
WTIIIIEAS it appears that there aro claims exist
ing ngainsf tho Estate of George W. Blekely, de
ceied ; I have appointed Monday tho 5th of Sep
tember next as tho final day for h-ari'ig nil cb'ni1
against said Estate, nnd nil per?nni raving rv.r.n
against said e?tato are h'-rt-by notiSel t j Io tlov
amo at my office, or with tho Administrat-.r "f ai.l
Eatato oa or before that day, r r they will be forever
barred recovering such chums at,-l fie-ra telling
olf tho same ia any a tion whatever.
Given under my bind this 27th day f Jun!,1353. "
R.J. WHITNEY, IVttute JuJg'.
, Ordered that tho above notice bo publirhed fe-r lx
successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. . r
- B. d. WEJfVEV: .
BeatricA, Ga;'c ouLty, N X. . J
JuneCoth,L53. " . ' liof 7 t-Ct $7
NOTICE is hereby given, that, by virtue (.fan ex
ecution issued from tho fEc-e cf tho Clerk M' the
Datrict Court of Nemaha coaLty,-Ncbraka Terri
tory, against Elijah Iliatt ia fa vor of MoAIlirU r,
Broombock & Co., for tho stfm of one Lundfed and
forty-threo dollars and nineteen cents ; I, Davil? n
Plasters, Sheriff of said county, have levipd n;on,
and t-n Saturday the 23d day of July, a i J 859, be
tween the hours of ten o clock A M and three o clock
p 3f, at the door of the house in which the last term
of the District Court ?vas held, in Brownville ic a'd
county, will sell at publicsale to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, ft the property of said Tlialt, to
satisfy said execution, the following described RomI
estate, to-wit: Lot number seven, in block number
sixty-ninein Nemabacity.asdcsigcated on the origi
nal plat of said city, and situate in sail Nemnha coun
ty together with all the improvements, tenements aad
appurtenances thereunto belorjing.
Sheriff of Nemaha eountv, N. T.
Brownville. June 2"d, 1S59. oJ-t-?750
-Probito. Kotice. ;
VHEREAS application has been made tr the
Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska. Terri
tory, for th'-appointment of a General Administra
tor of the Estate of Charles M. Grccver, late of said '
r-oitnty, deceased, notice is h ueby riven that S itus- .
day the 4th day of A ngitft. is the iUy ir point-! fir
hearing said application, at my rice i i Brownville.
in sail cour'y, whn Rri where all perior.j inturcst
ed in said-; ; Estate may :-p;r and thtw c'M" whv "
Heath Nuckolls .-ball cot bo appointed na!d aJminis
trator. , ... . . -
Given irrdcr my bsn thi.- 50 rh (1 ?v t t 3r.v", 153.
I I. J. WHITNEY, Pr'oiatc Ji:d,-e.
Juno 30th, 1359." n2 6-. '
To Lot Holders ia Glen Rock, TsT. T.
Ix.t holders in Clcn Rock, Nemaha county. N. T.
are hereby notified that unless they come forward
within six months from this uato and pay up their
respectiFO proportions of entrance money and all
expenses attending the entry of sail town site, lots
ut-called for at- tho expiration of said six month?
will be sold to bo highest bidder, for tho beneii of
said town, as provided for in an act entitled ifta ftot
regulating the disposal of lands purchased ia trust,
for town sites," passed JuW 10th, 1.57.
R.J. WHITNEY, Probata JuJj".
June 30th4 1S59. jul-4t
WHEREAS application ha- been made to th
IV-. bate Court of N'cdui! a eonr ty, ?'e "ra'Is a Terri
tory, f .r tho a: poi.-itment f a Gt r,3.-al A-liiilc stra
tor to the Estate of Mary Sinipjsi-n, lute of said coun
ty, deceased, notisc is hereby givoi tg iill wh'.m it
may con-crn, that Thurid-iy the 4'b day ,f August,
A. P. 18.VJ, it tho day et for th? bearing r-f said ap-fli.-ation
at my office in Brownviih, in said county,
v.ben or.d whero fll persons ir.Wet:d aro r.: tiied
t'japjear and show cause why William Iloblitzcll
sh-'ttld iK.t bearT"!oirt"d a? saad Adiiinlitniter.
Giv en under iy hanl at obi ibi. 1 d t -sf Jane,
1359. Ji. J. WHITNEY,
Probate Jiiie.
.In ao 23d, 1359. il-ht 1 7
'wA rrr.Krr mf-rns the v.:liv that he has
J" b ca'.e i l.:rn.-cif iu this i ' i prpr.-l
4" - to serve t'u-.-e ia want of 3;yti viu Lis 1;:ib.
lie has s'e-tl Ms --?h.-r,,reaia will in i:iur..cti;ie
a .. 1 f-rticle of everything c Ha de.aua it un-ntH-vij-ary
to en; r.e-it.-; tnt wjl ie-p ou h !.! jvej' arti
cle tsualiycLuiiuM ia Sa.JJe io,J Hitlo' -f,-t. 1
i Erownville 1IJ7 12. no-4G-6sn