Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 02, 1859, Image 4

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A . '-1
ros all hie rrnrc:i- cr a
. 1 i t fect.v :c in ;
a rnbV.e
dcmETid for sn
ure '
ild 1 e
lH-n rrrrared to rnoit that tiiand, r.
tire trial of iU virtue his conclusive. v
r!.'. ! (!T S5
an ext?-:i-j-l.own
ni'd have
e dvai;tiC3, cf
ptrd Lore, and
wht pticiwr it eeon:p!-.fci tnc rarposc es:gtica.
It i mv to make a phvsiral ;i'7, but not easy to
tV Vt nf nil .' cr,e which k..c
itnr.f fif the fiKiCCtiOIiS Lilt a.i t
with what urce we world mpcctfully submit to
the pul.l c oVHuion. U h:i been unfortunate fur
the psdwr.t hitherto that alnir.-t ocry py.ritive
mrdw-Mie is acrimonious !id irriUtlli:.? to the bow
1. Thin is not. Many of them produce so much
fT-phic pain and revulsion in the system as to more
Iftsn couTitti balance tie. good It la derived froa
thrm. These pCl.'s produce no irritation cr pain,
mult- it arise frora a previously existing ob&truc
tioii or deraiiK"t'it in the bowels. Being purely;, i;o huvtn run iuic from their use m ary
throo bun-
but it is better tlrr.t v,r incditine thould
W Tfintp r", rectum for their
which tier are ap-
bV taVcn i'lCicioTisly. IIhu:te
ti? in t'ic m-vortl disf.cs to
'.ica'o'.e re phtn on the box.
Among the coni-
plaii:t hieh have been fpeeiily cured by them, we
mav rr.entimi Liver Complaint, in its various forms
cf J 'milk. Indigestion, Ijms;uor and Ioss ot Ap-
ftlie, Iat.tlwr.css, Irritability, Li..ous Headache,
,;'.ioTi Ffvcr. l ever and Acne. Tain in the fcide
and Ix)i m ; f-r, in, tU these are but the cc n-
srnuenc? of disacd action in the liver. As
per.ent ttu-y afiord prompt ana mre reoci in os-tivrn-s.
Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula
r.d Scnrvr. Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers
and iwrairity cf the blood, IrrcfrulnriUes ; in short,
anv ar.d every cae where a purgative is requirea.
1l)ev hate alto prcdnced some sinpulariy suc
fensfuJ c-urrs in Kheumatism, Gout, Dropvy, Gravel,
Frrsi-v.aB. r!?-:tar:on cf the Heart, Pains in the
Ea'tk, Stomach, end t-ide. They should be freely
taken in the Fprii g cf the rtrj, tcTpurify the blood
and prepnre the sybtcm for the change of seasons.
An oecisumal do'se stimulate the atomsch and
bowels into healthy action, snd restores the appe
tite and vi?or. . They purify the blocd, and, by their
atiroula:it action on the circulatory fystem, rer.o
tate th! cf the body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism,
llence an oct-asionrd dese is tdvantapeous, evcii
though no serious dcrngement exkts; but un
necessary dosir.? should Eecr be ciu-riod too far,
u everr putative medicine reduces the strcrcth,
when Uken to excef-s. The thousand esses hi which
a phyws is required cannot be enumerated here, but
thev BuiTpcst themselves to the reason cf every
body; and it is confidently believed this pill whl
arswer a better purpose than any thin? which has
fciierto been av;dlable to mankind. When their
rirtuen are once known, t!i3 public will no lonpcr
doubt what temedy to employ when in need of a
rathart c medicine. Kemsr sugar-wrepped, they are
'essant to take, and being purely vegetable, no
arm can are from their use m any quantity.
I'vi t sinute directions, see wrapper on the Eox
.ntKi'AKED cr .
rmcfical niul Anal) Jlcnl Clittist,
Trici 5 Ceati ftr Icz. Tixt Icxei for CL
4. X. h 4 n . . .. 4 -4. '
Tui n.iil cvnmia.v. tto i.t.iverKit uiuaticn ot sa
mill men everyu here. Aiu meiiU become kt.wa, tbo
.U-maiid for it inert a- ck. Order sre coming trma every
section ,f eas tx.Liitry, Ct.cad., Cuba, and S"aM Acicr4
c.t. It is suited lor every seaioa cf tie world where T
U.ore is timber to b f swift, in.!?r of wbat character
Low Lard, how larpeor how small. Two extensive D a-ir.'-fiftories
are now cnciged in building oills, jet
it im alni'.ivt lnr.Nsib!eo turn ttcm out as ft as they
arc wan-el. Ttey ei-'rife K'tf-:..! raluatle f itcntj
and irarveuieutR,'aad on.Unp all cf tfce folltwinjt ad-
Simplicity B-tb the mill und pwer are so sime in anyone f ordinary mec.ban'oal
al'iiity car. comprcbeTid ttern, ptt thoi up and run thorn
ithout denier or ili.Tlculty.
Portability TUo wN.le estav.ishinent can be vfry
quickly taieu aprt a:id j ut toco:har, thus reoderins it
easy to be moved from place to place as desired, and sav
in? the Heredity of drawing the logs a long cutanea tj
I'urcbi'.ty it is constructed la the most no lid and
nut-tact :al jiismicr, runs perfectly still, is not liable t
set but ol order, and will last for years without repair
Rar idit-J It will saw faster than any other
crriuht mill. The s;:eid of the s;iw is alxut
d.ed strokes per mimite, and tbo tee 1 from one-eighth t
th; ee-qu irters f an inch per stroke. Thus, at a uieurira
speed the faw wj'il cut through a r, twenty-four f?ei
long in atn-ut three fiinutes. from this data anyone
know ii: the character vX the Uialcr cau talcnlate Loir
mucli it w ill do. It 'toes its work well, cuts smoother and
straitrhter than the ordinary m. iis, ana tne arrancemect
of the saw iii Mirh as to reu'ltsrx utterly impossible for
it to run out of line.
Cheapness The entire tost'cl the mill, with fifteen
horse power and everytr ins u'.X complete and -ready for
rv.nnin?, toxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is
only $1,750.
This mill requires less power to drive than any other
mill, and the power furnithel is 6uriicient to driveextra
machincy. "
A circular coutaiuin? full particulars will be sent to
any one desiring it. All orrtert should he addressed to
Corner Third end Market tlrcttt, St. Louis, Jld.,
sole agents for tto Western and Southern States.
March 23, '-3 S-ly
1859. ' 1859.
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of
Furniture and Upholstery;
St. Louis, :iiscnr!.
To our Patrons and tlic Public
in General.
We take prcat pleasure In being able to assure yon
that not withstand; i. p o-ar heavy loss by the burning of
our Sales Kooms at os su atuj 4a at,uingi4n aiyeuuc,
and the toss of the entire stock In them, on the morning
of the 25;h ir.ft., are already able to All any order that
may be desired In cur line.
Having a large amount of s"o:k In our ware Iiocsof
that are uot connected with ouf hales room, ami beic,? in
constant receipt of booUb from the best manufacturers,
we ore thus soon enabled to till orders at our uevui low
pric;s, and in our former prompt and satisfactory man
ner. Our facilities for prrv?rrin;r and keepin cp a desirable
sto a. are une;uallod ; our personal attention and large
experience is aud will be constantly given to our legit
imate business a dealers In and manufacturers of
in all the various branches. We assure yon that wc
will tell as good goods and at as low prices, and on as f a
rorshle terms asany bausc in the West.
Thanking you for the very liberal patronage already
bestowed on us, we ak a continuation of the same,
Sales Rooms for the present, on the Kortbwest cor
ner of Washington Avenue and Second Street, four doors
below our old stand.
Very Respectful ly, SCAERITT & MASON.
St. Louis, August 1, IS53. . no7
Y"' S
l or Iie ritl Cure of
rorurs, colds, hoarseness,
KRoxniiiis, vriooriG-toL'cii,
Thi remedy has wen for itself euch r.otoriety
from its 4 tire 'f e ei y riiety cf pulmt miry dis-case,
-that it is c-iitii iv uiLcc-.i;ry to recount the ci
ience of its iitues in tiny community where it
. baa beuii employed. So wide is the field of its use
fulness an'i mimerous the cases of its cures,
that almost everv section of the country f.bounds
In peiii publicly known, who Lave been restored
from alanitiuR and even detpcrate diseases of the
lungs H its uc. When tried its superiority
over r. cry ether medicine of its kind is too appa
rent te esc a e ozonation, and where its virtues nre
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to employ f"r l-c distrcsMng and dangerous affec
tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident
to our climate Not only in formidable uttacki
upon Ihe lungs, but fur the milder. varieties cf
, C--Li.Cot-CH, Uoakpeness, & c. ; and for Chil
lRrs ii is the pleaKsntest and safest medicine that
can be obtained.- ". '
A it ba b-Jig been in constant nse throughout
this rtion, c need not do more than assure the
people ita qimhty is Wept up to the best mat u ever
. ana tliat tue genuine axcue is sum cy
baa I en.
II. MAUN k CO., Ajrents,
Urownville, N. T
i'rorcssor Vi'ocd's
Eays the St. I.ouis, l)cinM.rat: Below, we publish a
letter to Dr. Wood, tf this city, from a gentleman in
Maine, which spea' rlowitigly of the superior merits of
hi batr toni. tu.-h evidence must have its efiect,
when coming from a reliable source. If certiacatcs are
jnarantifes of truth, the Ir. reeds no encomiums, cor
tittle. i?ufTcry f;oia the press :
"I'.ath, Jan 20, 1S53.
Prof. C. J. N f Co.
fiTLtMtK : liavlig riy attention called a few
months idnce to the highly bcncilcial ( -fi'ects of your hair
restorative. 1 was indnced to make apolu'ai ion of it upou
luy own hair, which hnd !ecotne Quite grsy, probably
oce-thirl iiite ; my w hiskers were of the same charac
ter. Snne three months tince 1 pr-cured a bottle of
tur restoi stive, and ustvl it. 1 i-u found It was prov
iu; wiut I had -sl.eJ. 1 md it N.ut twice a week. I
have slne procured another bott !o, cf v l.ich 1 have used
aome. 1, c.n imw i-f-rtiry to the world that the gray or
white hkir hat tot ally disappeared, batli on my head and
face, and u:y bvir his resumed its original color, and 1
am now sixty ye:ir. r.ld my njd v.i:c the aje of iif
tytwo, !aa use! it i:b the same cik. I.
4 The aT notu-e I deem dee to yotl U-t y "nr v aluable
discovery. 1 am asf urel that whoever will light ly-sc
as per directions, will riot have ocoasinn to Cntradict my
statements. 1 am a ciluen or this city and a resident
lere for the last unpen years, and am known to nearly
every vi.e hire and adjoining toti ng Any use you may
inakeol the above, ith my name attached, Is at your
aervlce, as 1 wi.h to pre--eye the leauties of nature in
c!brt veil asuty-cif. I am, tru'.v yours.
Kaltimoxe, Jan. 23, JSCS.
TT.'fe'aor Wih1 IH-'.r Sir: llavinz had the misfor
tune to loose the b"t jxcii ji; of t:iy hair, from the ef.
feet or the Yellvw i'everin New Orleans in l"S5t, I was
induced to make e trial f your preparation, and found
It to mswer at tte very thing i,eivi-d. y.y hair is now
thick an J glossy, am? no words can express my obligation
to you it giving to the afilc;ei su-h a trenre.
The u i.ttrsiened. Rev. J. K, Rr.iLg, is a miuisicr In
In regular atandiug, and pastor f the Orthodox Church
at Brool. field. Mass. lie ia a gentleuiau of great inGu
nct and unive.sally beloved. WM. !YF.R.
t'KOoriELXi,1' January 13, ISoS.
Frofeisor VTM Pear S.r: Having luade trial ef your
Hair Restorative, it pives me pleasure to say, that its
sffect has been excel lent in reuiovins intiannnation,
dandr uS' and a constant tendency to Itching with which I
hare ben trouVjled iroiu my childhood; and has also re
stored my hair, wi.i. h j bivoniins pruy, to its original
color. I tnve use-. i uo other article v.uh acythins like
pleaur't or or I'
Yours tro!y, J. C. CnAOO;.
- ITi Settrati- li put r-p in b .ltles of three awes,
--ir ; la!;e, raeaituu ami sitiullJ the small ones bold a
fcalf pii,. each, and rotnils for one dollar per Lottie; the
Ciediuni hold, at lejst tweu-y j;er cent Horeln prp r
WuB the i.iiiil, re,.: tor two djllart a K'ttle; the
I re hoid-a t,uri' 1 r;y pr coiit u.ore iii proportion,
ar1 rrt.ll f, tiireo d l!are a battle.
O. J. WOOD &. (" '.' IN-oprrctors, S:2 Rroidway, Kew
Yrk fiu th crat .ew Y'U Wire Uailit:s establih
liient and 114 Aiirtrt St., 1ST, L uis Mo.
Sold by J. H. VAVX &. Co.. ilrowuville, N. T.
.. . .. . - And . -
i 1 1
DyoTJords, DjctnLj,
CIl;, Pal:itx. a:ul Painters Articles
Vumhte, Wir.dov.--pI::ss:iLd Putty,
ri ccr t
Tf3nth, Er.;'-in. find Am-.rkan rcrfuraery.
. HXL1 LAlet aul sharinz soaps, f.ce hair and
t,?th trushev. t.intbruhe:". snrncal and dent
al ir.itruiiieuts, sj.ioes. snuffs, ianufactnred
Htt a-tl the patent njedieices of the day: pure
rt ii'i lrjsilis. f -r ctvdieal purpusesj cuuice
1 1 ' f : v s rt It ?, c!e..etc.
.- 1 f f?-f ( ,T - f f
T. I i -: -r l;.ila:n cf Wild Cherry.
. ' Lii r t rt. Tar f.r.d CaiivLa-bj'j.
n t n.;.i""pi!p;
J u y d.
(lev. u"s c'l
S-u'.h' T-.r.K
1 - ' .7
Undine and niaclslnc sliop,
toa.Ntn or SECOMD akii si oh can jthekts,
Mannfacturers of Stesm Kngines and Boilers, Saw and
Grist Jtill Machinery, Single and Double Circular Saw
Mills, Tobacco Screws and Presses Lard Eettles, Lard
Screwsand Cylinders, Wool Cardinjr Machines Builiicg
Ca.tic?s. Vmi'is's Improved Patent Smut Mil 1m, &c.
53-A GENTS for the sale of James Smfth & Co.'f Su
perior Machine Cards. v2nS-ly
For Pikes Peak.
Da Pours - Celebrated Powder, in
Patent Metalic Kegs,
And Canisters, juet the thirg for Camp nse. For
sale by the Agent?,
Corner of Vine and Commercial Streets, and 51,
North Levee, Saiat Louis, Mo. . r
Thee Kegs are nir and water tight, and contain
six and ono-i'ourth pounds, and 25 pounds. The for
mer contain Du Tout's bestbrandi, the latter blast
ins Powder. Send on your orders to
March 3,'59-3m.
or THE
SJli$T LOUIS, M0.t
Bark Safts cf Hardened Steel, and Chilled
.Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes,
Vaults, Bank Locks, &c.
The recent test of Safes of the different ITanifactTires
in the GHEAT KIKE of the City Buildings, in which
the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fully establi th'
es thesuneiioiity of the Excelsior Safe, which merits
the confidence of all lutereste-d in Safes, and the securi
ty of their contents. The Excelsior being; the only safe
after being in the fire for ninety hours, anl taken out
red hot, that saved the Books and Pajers, while a iarp e
number of the others, in the lire but a short time, were
taken out with their contents entirely consumed, niuat
Impress all with the necessity of examining their af,
and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, ot the
Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we
pledge ounelves to manufacture none but such as can be
relied on, and refer to the , following
We, the undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to
the successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior fire
proof Safes were submitted to in the burning of the City
Building, the nineteenth of l.'oTeniber,lSoS. end are jus
tified in reconirocuding them to all who need safes.
Hall &. Smith Eddy jamfson h. Co
Charles Blow & Co - - Samudl McCAnTxntr
Partridge it co Josvph Elder
Humphreys Tutt &. Ttrry, Johh S thomasow
Run yah Hillman & Bros Basto Wilit &Bastd
Till an Koziet &co
Yon Phul waters & co
D A January ft co
Barnard Adams St co
Took the Premium over the best Eastern Manufaolu'e
at the State Pair, la Saint Louis; is eold from thirty to
fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be equal to any in
the tinted States.
jAUo manufacturers of
USiitniKfy Hods,
of Test quality, and , .
TULIPS of all Def erlrtion.
Ko. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, ISa.
July 22.1S5S. Iyv3a4
Scott & Bro
. Bhowh Godihn &. Co
John II Hall & co
Shapldich Day fit. co
A. 13. IIOLLABIliD & CO.,
Machinists, Fcricrs and
Tiiat Great Eemcay,
r.roxx2acl fit ZLsitZ
Thisrcnic chi.i ! ly the medical professiun and
the multiplied tbcusand that have used it and testc-d
its wonderful curative "properties, to be the greatest
discovery in raei (al science, anl nature's cwn remedy,
is the f Coult of y.jars cf toil and study, by one of Ctio's
favorite physicians, ia order to proinca something that
would meet the wishes ofsulering humanity, and thou
sands frora tho psincely palaca ard humblest cottage
can testify to the immediate relie.f found ty its ut.e.
For want of rpaco we only oifer a law of the many evi
dences in its tvor.
IfOLlTE, I'L., Feb. 13, 1S57.
SfF.SSas. S. JL. ilAKN & CO "Ve udJ your Ague
balsam superior to any remedy ia our market for the
permanent cure tf ail malarious !iteat.eR. We cheer
fully recommend it as worthy that great name it has
wherever sold and used.
Very Truly Tours, EICHAUDS It THOMAS.
To the sufferers from Chills, Fevirand Ague, I cheer
fully submit the following: Having observed closely
the ctf jets of Dr. Slaun's Aue Balsam in this vicinity
for the pact three years, I am well pleased with its re
medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. I have fre
quently used It in my practice, atd with entire satis
faction. From my Intimate knowledtreof this compound
I recommend it as safe, promt and efficient.
Si. E. UACKEIiOif, if D.
Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, li&i.
Eluttox, Ind., May 17, 1S58.
MESSES. S. S MANN &. CO. Eaviujr sold your Bal
sam for the past three years to scores cf persons in this
vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not
hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever
sold in Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever and
will eTectualty cure chills, feverandsgne without fail.
Truly Tours, PIIlLLlJfAN &, Drug'ts.
Looaksport, Ind., Sep. 13, 1S5S.
DIt. MANN Please send me one half gross more of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand,
and may be truiy styled the ting of Fever and Ague.
St. Louis, March 1st, 1S58.
MESSRS. S K MANN &. CO Wo have sold a large
amount of your Ague Balsam the past three years, and
find that where introduced and sold It has no eiual in
the history of ague remedie s, and from all parts of the
west we hear the same cheering news It never fails
to cure its patieut and is locked upon in this country
as the best medicicine for chills, fever and agne ever
in our market. O. J. WOOD it CO.
S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. MAUN & Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
Two Hundred
E3 'ul? 0 "7 jS3 13
Broivmille. Nebraska.
ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re
ceived, per Steamer liyland, a- very large nd
well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook StoYes, of
new and improved patterns. as follows:
ulna's Pattern,
Plymouth Hock,
Elevated Oven, New Ut ,
olden Era. and erery variety o
Parlor and Of3.ce Stoe3.
Japaned Ware, Kras Kettles,
JLantliems, Copper Waie. Sho
vels and Tongs.
All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country.
I have also now on hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron wwe, and am prepared
to put up gutteringand spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, nndina workmanlike
manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction.
I pledge myself not to he undersold in the upper
Brownville September 2, 1S58. VIO-ly
iiinjiine imiiaors,
1 rent ptree. West cf Brnith,
Would mopt re?pectfully inform theirfriends and
the public jrcnerally, that they aro now pre
pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt
ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with
the increased fac ilities they now possess, they hT to
merit a continuation of th liberal patronage which
has heretofore boon extended to them.
Saw Mill Engines cf every Description.
Constantly oa Lan': consj-tiog of the Sash, Circu
lar and iluley. Mill Goara and every description of
Jastings, warranted to be wp U made in every particu
lar. . . . !
They have a!?o a Boiler Yard attached to their
establishment, which enables theia to oversee all
work in that line furnished by them, tr.J are pre
pare! to work oa as reasonable terms as any other
shop in tho country.
Those in want of acythicg in ourline, would do
well to give us a cull and siamine our new pattern
to rnrr:Ti:ns
Printer's TZarcliomio.
No 20, FrErca Stbeet.
The subscriber n ill ha Lpry to furnitih purjhas
ersof Tricting Materials with I'laia and Ornamen
h:.l Type?, Borders, ic, made from a combination cf
ad the hsrJ metals so extensively pu2oi ly fcucd
er?. Also G nii;ins, Greeks, Iiebrewg, and a New
ande!car.t Fcr.tot A.te Music Type, from -which
the Muicr.l Kevicw and Friend are now printed ;
nith 3'recs, and every ert'eij reiuirt-d for 1'iiut-in-
at the very I awst price, fur CJLsh or approved pa
per. Cld Type in exctana f.r new, et tea cents
per pound. ' . '
Second ban! Presses and llalcrials, ar.d a eora
plt te Stereotypo Foundry, with two iS'::ivin L'ft
chiccs fjr sr.Ic theap. 1 'rioters of Newspaper pub
lisLir.j. this .r JverUsert (ipclnlirs this note)
threet::::es i fore the :L :t cf t '? ieiaber, 1359,
an 1 scndii p l.i or.o of the izts, ill ho paid for it
in IVintir Types, when thev purer-ana four times
the amnunttf their bill. 1'. V. CORTLEYC U.
At-ri! 11, lS-'y.-St
Mclaughlin & Dorset,
Main Street, ErowmiIIc,N.T.,
Buy and sell Land "Warrants, make out and file declar
atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay
taxes, investigate titles: - . -
Buy and seil property on commission ; furnish land
warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi
ness connected with a general land agency business.
Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern
ment land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a distance.
MCLAUGHLIN &. DOUSET respectfully refer to
George II. Nixon, Esq.., Ke0ii ter Brownville Land
Chutes B. Smith, Esq., Receiver cf Public Moneys'
Neraar'a Land District.
Robert W. Fnrnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville
Messrs." Lushbacgh & Carson, Bankers, Brownville,
Hon. V. M. T. Hamilton, Hagerstown, Maryland.
Lewis It. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md.
O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio.
Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegato in Congress from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C.
John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind.
Brownville, April 22. - - no43tf
E. C"3ILX)3.
8 . .
hyson and
Double-Threaded Sewing Machine,
Warranted the best In tlie World.
Will stitch and hem, tuck and Tell, gather and em
broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of
goods, even leather, and especially adapted for family
Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in one
hour to use it successfully.
We have a great number of references, but will give
only the names of a few, who are among the first fam
ilies, to wit :
Wc, the undersigned citizens of St. Louis, haang la
tely purchased one of Raymond's Latest Improved Pa
tent Sewing Machines, and use it successfully on difler
ent kinds of work, in our families' service, do cheerful
ly recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine:
Mrs. P AMeffett Mrs J Jewett Wilcox
) Clemens Jose Coffran
Jas A II Lampton L Mary Livermore
D BGale R R Wliorf
M BTennison MR Williams
J A Halo DR Arhuckle
E Tillman H M Blossom
E i Stevens
Machines without tables, as hand Machines, with one
needle and two spools of thread on the machine, are $25
WitK tables, half doiea extra needles, tools, &c., $33.
Needles $1 per dozen.
Complete printed directions will be sent with every
machine. These machines take the same stitch as the
Grovcr and Baker.
No letters of inquiry answered except an extra post
age stamp is enclosed.
Machines warranted, and may he returned in thirty
days if not satisfactory.
No machines delivered until paid for.
All orders by mail or express, with the cash, will re
ceive prompt attention.
N. B. Agents wanted for evety town ia the Sauth
and west, to whom a liberal discount will be given.
Address EDWIN CLARK., No. 82 North Fourth street
St. Louis, Mo. n0-3m
TUMI ffflil,
Cladc by Ginsland & Ferguson,
TIIE above named machines are unquestionably the
most simple, cheap and durable efferea for sale. They
Thresh and Clean the Grain ready for Market and can be
managed by the moft unskillful farmer.
This macbino received Lhe first premium at the last
Fair of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso
ciation, for being the BEST FOl'Ji HORSE THRESHER
AND CLEANER exhibition.
It having threshed aud cleaned more Wheat,
tin a Ittkr style, in a given time,
than any other four horse
Machine on ihe ground.
0'ir Liter Cabin Hone Pcwrrwas awarded at the
same fair the Grand Cold MedcJ of Honor.
We are this season prepircd to;'urnish these ma mines
with several late improvements, and we guarrantee the
workmamhlp and material shall not be excelled by any
other made. We sell them with lever or endless chain
horse power, as preferred. Orders filled promptly.
a. biQu.wU
WE are 'Ms season prepared to furnish this widely
known and Justly popular ilan'.ine with all the new
and valuable improvements, and made iaa style certain
to place it in a Jvance of all others.
Its past snccesR, both as a IiCLi;jr and Mower, wjrrant
us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that
will five perfect satisfaction in every particular.
Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fill
all orders promptly, but would be pleaded to receive
orders, 60 thai we may til then on the cay they are
rj-Oruers respectfully solicited.
Cor. id and Cherry Stt. St. Louit, ZIj.
May 19
j. b. je:htiigs.
YJhole salei Grocers,
fin r t
,' i ; ;! J t' "! ;:
Cor. 2nd end Frances sis, L Jcscj:h Jt.
IIAYE ju?t rccievedby late arrival, at ranch be
low tho regular rates cf freight, a heavy stock of
Grocerieswhich having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for crkih.
Vr e rc?pectf nil j invite buyers to an examination of
our stock.
53 hhds new crop Suga?, fair to prime, at reduced
pi ices
ICuO sacks G A and Eanswa sa!t
500 bis superfine, extra and extra ne Flour
600 sacks " - " "
20 tierces new Rico
400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles
ICO boxe3 family Soap
500 boxes Kio Coffee, good fair to prime
50 bl3 crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bis butter, soda, sugar an! wins
400 ke?? assorted Nails
150 coils mannilla rope, from i to )i inches
75 boxes pearl Starch
50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass
500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 window sash
100 Backs new dried Apples
103 boxes imperial, gunpowder, you
bhick lea
150 boxes a,5?artcl and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drops
100 whole and hf drum Figs
50 boxes layer Kaiscns
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100,000 Segsrs, various brands
150 boxes, and 25 bis Smoking To' acco
600 dozen Field's celebrated Oysters
150 boxes W R. FF and E P Cheese
Wooden ware ia every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white b.
Ic-tomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange-, fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, currants, prunes, vcrinncilii. macaroni, nuts of
all kinds, etc etc.
2T" Hides, peltries, beeswax and all other hinds
of produce taken in exchange for goods by
. J. E. JENNINGS & Co.
Jan'y 20 1S59 SOyly
New Hardware Store.
Sign of the Saw.
Impoi ter, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
American German, English & French
IS NCWreceivingand optuiingthelargestand most
varied arsortment of goods in the above line over
offered in any market west of St. Louis.
My stock embraces a full and complete assortment
of Cabinet and House Buildor'a Hardware, Mechan
ic's tools of every description, direct from the most
approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul
tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin
ing ail tberecent and useful improvements for the
saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com
munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful
examination of this department of my stock. I am
also exclusive agent for tho gaie of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular Mill and Cress Cut Saws, which 1
will warrant, and fill all ord-irs at ihe factary prices.
Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of tho best brands: in a word,
my stock is very complete, which, fo. its quality and
price, I am determined to ofer such inducements as
will command a liberal share of trade from this and
adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing
and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,
together with a long experience in the general Hard
ware trade,enables me; not only to defy all competi
tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of
trade is small profits and quick return.".
January 1, 1857. vln29tf
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
Corntr of Main and Francti Streets, Riddle's Old
Stand, Opposite Stouts Hotel,
ITA YE Just received the largest and most complete
stock of the above goods ever opcued in upper Missouri,
to which the attention of merchants and dealers is res
pectful ling invited having purchased them principally
for cash at the very lowest possible prices, in Boston,
New York and St. Louis, feel confident that A can offer
inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair
and liberal dealing, low prices and good Gooda, to merit
a Ifberal share cf patronage. Call and examine my stock
aLd prices before purchasing!; sales are bound to follow,
In my stock will be found every article usually kept in
a No 1 Grocery House.
With Com,
Those indebted to me are hereby notiSed that
they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at
the highest market price, delivered at th9 store of
I. T. Whyte in Brownville. This request is made
only because I am in debt myself, and cannot raise
the money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar
rangement will be taken as a great accommodation
under present circumstances. JESSE NOEL.
Rrownville, Dec, 2, 1S58.
Oroson, Iblo.,
TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or
gonand the public in general, that lie has on
hand the most extensive Btock of Stoves and Tin
ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin
ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at
Whnlpsftle and TietftH at St. T,nnis nricps.
" r
I would call particular attention to my stock of
CUUrvlU biuv r.s, comprising the most improved
patterns both Air-Tight aud Premium. Among them
may bo fou nd Filly's Charter Oak, the best ? tove now
in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prirePre
mium. Also
Parlor & Box Stoves
Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I wiil
Particular attention paid to making anl putting
np Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re
pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term.
Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange
forworkorware. W.W.WILLIAMS,
Vl-n5 Oregon, Mo.; July 5, 1S58.
Lyford & Horn,
Dealers in
2337" G-oods
Kails, Pi oits, Stoves1, Furniture, &c
April 9th, 1853. 43-t
Oregon, Holt County, HissourL
Keepconstantlyonhandalllescrictioiiof Harness.
N. B. Everyarticlcinonrshopisrnanafactcrel
onrselve,ani warranted to give satisfaction.
Seeds! Seeds!
The subscriber would call particular attention to
the following:
Er.-om Corn Seed of very superior quality, Chi
nese Sugar Cane and Clack Locust.
Also Onion, Beet, Cabbage, Radish, Turnips, Let
tuce seed3, tc, by the quantity.
A limited supply of Chufas or Earth Almond?,
at 0 cents per 100 tubers. Currant Seeii by tha
paeksgs or ounce.
Our Seeds are all Warranted.
We hare a ae lot of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet
Corn which id positively the best garden corn in
cultivation. Abo Smiths Early White Corn. Per
sons desiring anything in theabova line thoall or
der immediately. - -
Address II. A. TERRY, Crescent City, Iowa.
I - - I nU M M Q
bale at this Oliicc.
fcNHb. -fclte.'-' t.m i-mtammJ tmm m -m mJM V ,iA-ti'' ,MMm -imn,, 5
m T 1 it Ti A?-r i A T 11 IpO p 1 1
The Proprietor respectfully informs the citizen cf Browcvill?, a::l the
eraily, thut he has juatretcrned from St. Lcuis with tho largest s'xk of cutom-cuda
BOOTS vV SHOES ever hrovght West of SL Jcsh.
Ilia assortment of ready-made Boots & Shoes embraces every variety for Pall and Winter. French
Calf-skin boots, singlo and doablo sola of the latest style acd fishion; a No a superior stock of Grnlalea
ther water-proof boots, just light far PIKE'S PEAK Gull Digiricgs. He- has a I.-irg-j3upt.-ly of Kip and
Sto-'i Boots, and a great variety cf bnoes anaiirons ; .beys onoes sna t- on i a. j sizes an l varieties
He h;u? a lanra surclv. and irreat variety ia everr FtylcanJ l.uhion,
acd Children's Gaiters and Shoe.i, Gentlemens &Iipper3, anJ Uum-cliitic Jveriioes,dc, ic.
ircccaivip and La.i-;.in3 anl tnrnm;r.7S
of Ladies' (jaitcr?, Slippers, '.
Ho aL;o has constantly on hand a lar
LTe warrants his- work to'irivo entire satisfaction, and invites the public to call and examine fcr themselves at
the Brownville Boot & Shoe Sore, and judge whether the boots and Klines arc not of beiter leather, tetter ni-ida
aod cbc:iper than any jou ever purcha.sed from any other place, xc highest rnces r;u t ror hides
Sept. 23. 1S53.
T3 C3
j. f ' a S
3XTo. 27 TlzZ2. street,
Brownville, N.
THE proprietors would mo?t respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and the public generally that
they have received ana are now opening one ol the largest ana most complete ft too Us of Liothing
Ever brought to this market.
Their assortment of
Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and
invisible Green, and Cloth.-:, Cassiraers.batinetts. tasnnierctts.and Joans, all made up
according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests issuoerb.
embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In tho
' , t i ' ;
i? W U ll i
May also be found atall time a finesclection cf Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Ce llar?; white or colored, Handier
ehiefs, Suspenders, CarpetBags, etc., which wc will sell ascheap as any estabiiihment in the West.
We havo the finest and bcot assortment of
Ever brought to this Territory.
-A 'ni
t :Js
L IrfUMti fr im
Warrantod to suit the most fastidaoiis. A fine assortment of
COATS, XJrcss, Frocli and Sacli.
PAXTS, Every Style ana Description.
VESTS, To please Largclacd Small.
SHIRTS, Botli TS nitc and iTancj-.
E would but ask tho public to call, examine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the
jjaitirxvore iiotcing emporium 13 not of better made material cut wi
nd twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever bou-ht elsewhere
October 29th, 1S57. v2nl8-ly-
th better tate, better trimmed
Brownville Steam Ferry !
The Eoute from rownviPo to Ft. Kearney,
and trom thence to California, is the
nearest and most practicable.
ANNOUNCE to tho Traveli ng Public that they are
now running as n Ferry across, the Missouri liver at
An entirety new, substantial and commodiovs
Which arrangement will secure a certain ard
safo passage at, all times and in all kinds of
weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly,
or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are
governed by facts, when they say this is tho best
crossing of the Missouri Itiver in Nebraska, ar..d
when they say the routo from Brownville to Fort
Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest
for evidence they refer tho reader to the map of the
Country; and are warranted in sayirg it is tho most
practicable route by personal experience, as well as
that of hundreds of others who have traveled it.
We claim therefor that this crossing and routo holds
out peculiarly favorablo inducements, to persons
going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not
withstanding our superior arrangements for a fafe
and speedy crossing, our charges are the same as other
Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla
tive enactment.
3?""Keccl!cct that with our facilities of Power,
no kinds cf weather will prevent our Boats from
making regular trips atall hours. -
J2f A skiff and hand will bo in readiness to cross
foot passengers at all times of night.
n20 November llth,lS67.
Uealcrs in Coin,
Cncurrcnt Honey, Exchanee and Land Warranrj.
Kppecial attention will be givea to Buyintr and Celling
Exchauecon the principal cities of the United Status,
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup
ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, ron cash, or en
tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants soki by us
guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory State
ments of intention to pre-empt, nd prepare Pre-emption
Papers at abort notice. Money loaned upon best i-ecuri-ties,
at western rates of interest, and investment, made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Colla
tions upon all convenient points will beproinptlyattecd
ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrent rates.
Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and Trance, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the E.t
added. Deposits received on Current account andix.tere
allowed on special deposits.
OFFICE Alain St., neur U. S. Land OCce.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa
McXaughton, Carson it Co., " "
rjiser &. White, " Baltimore, Aid.
Younjr, Carson Sc. Bryant, " " .
Jno. Thompson Afason, Col'r of Tort, " "
E. If. Punderson JtCo. Alercbants, "
M. M. Teakle i Co. Nro. 17, Broaiway, New Tork.
Wm. T. Smithsou,Ei(i., Banker, Washington, D.C.
J. T. Stevens, Ecq., Att'y at Law, "
Jao. S. Gallaher, LateSdAud. U. S. T., " "
Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, t Chicago, 111.
McClelland, Scrutss Sl Co. Afcrchants, St: Louis, Afo.
Hon. Tbcs. u. Pratt,
lion. 3. W. Gearj', Ex-Gov. Xmsas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo., Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Pargons & Co. Bankers,
II. C. Xuttfc Co. "
Greene, Weare &.Kice, "
Douglas & Watson, ' "
Col. Sam llambleton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Terry,
Prof. II. Tutwiler,
Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl&-tf - . -
Ilagerstown, Aid.
leokuk, Iwa.
Council BlunT "
Des Afoiae, "
Tinton, "
Eaton, Ifd.
Havana Alabama.
- George 'Ferguson,
' A
nowirviLLE, sr. t.
1SN0UICE to the public, that ha is
- a. a. C a It . i-
xx to ereci oicam ana at?r Caw
Mills at short notice and reasonable !
ing cf machinery of all inds.
' LTa is also Ag?nt for
T7estern Foundry,
CiyCI5ATI, o.
kiP,TT I
And are prepared to rec cive and f 11 orlers for any ma
chinery manufactured or kert oa Laud, by thse es
tablishments. '
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N. T.tcam Mill.
iv. . rurnas, Brownville, M
Muir, Uann 4 Co., u u "
Br. Hoover, , Nemahacity, "
P. II. Rogerf, Pawnee city, 44
Nuckolls & Whita, Hockporr,, Mo.
Jamos Ix)we, Linden, . "
A. B. Ualliberd, Cincinnati, O.
Brownville, June 18, 1357.
Patent Portable Mill,
THE subscribers have entered into a partnership
under the firm of Reed, llolahird 4 Co., to
manufacture tho J. C. Reed, Patent Portable. Grist
Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura
bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill ia the
world. On tho lata exhibition cf the Mechanics
institute in Cincinnati,! Gold was awarded
them for it.
It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes; It Is
superior to all others for tb e mostextessive Merchant
Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Llorsa
Tho above Mills are manufactured by thennder
signedat their shop in Cincinnati, O., whero they
son be furnishedin anyquantityatshort notice.
The above Mills warranted to perform as follows:
35 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 2b Wheat, $300
dO " " " 2a 41 15 " 230
24 " " " 2D " 13 " 200
20 " " u ic " 8 " 150
A3 this Mill tells its is unnecessary to
efrom our numerousrecommendations.received.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ever
greens, Flowering Shi ubs, &c.
Tho proprietors of the above named Nurseries, of
fer for sale the coming season a full assortment of
fruit and ornamental treos of the nioHt approved va
rieties and thrifty growth, and of a suitable size for
transplanting, consisting in part cf
Apples, Pears.
Cherries, Peaches,
Plum., Apricots,
Crapes, Currant3,
Qainces, Nectarines,
Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries.
The ornamental department contains all the most
desirable varieties of evergreens and dociduous trees
flowering hrubs,r.e3. ciimbers, Ac.
Tho sub.criberwould call particular attention to
hi3 nj collictinn of
. . . DWARF PEAH3.
ilaving paid great attention to their caltiavtion,
he has pleasure and coniidenco in offering them to
the notice of purchaser. They are all worked on the
best varieties of French Quince stocks are remark
ably healthy and in a state for transplanting
the coming season. A few hundred trees of tho
best sorts can bo furnished of extra size and in a
bearing state tbnt will give fruit immediately after
becoming established.
All tho above stock will bo furnished at prices
that will compare favorably with any other estab
lishment. Packing done in the best manner.
Catalogues furnished oil who enclose stamp for
pre-paymcnt. Address JOIIX SAVERS & Co.,
Cottasro Uardc n ursencs, Cincinnati, O.
Capital JStoclk ?j5t),0oo.
THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now
fully organized, and theirentire capital stock of
Fifty Thousand Dollar, paid in and secured. They
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
iuu whe risis, up-n equal icrms, witn the most
iavorccl Insurance Company any whero. Ilavin
adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, withoa
incurring any liability, will share ia the profits of
iue couip:i3j.
The operations of th i Company, will be conSned
lorine present., 10 ak:.k, or carco risks, w;ta
maximumliability of 512,500 on any one bottom
Being the only OSice, on the above r-on-
uiiirpia.i, ii t-si ui iu9 flussoun. il conuiently ex
peer? a generous support irern t estom ."lerchant
invito the
v a rcspectfiA
j. o T? 1 n .. r f-r mm
II. P.Bennet, J. L. Armstrong,
"VV.N,.Uinchman, Miles W.Brown,
A. A. Bradford.
CIIAS.F.nOLLY, President.
St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard.
April 2d, 1858. 421-
v2 1-ly
Cash forrCorn.
I will pay Cash for Corn Celivered a". Browaville or
other gxd shippins pvinrg tu tUs iliisooi 1 Kivet
BroTrnvillc X. T. ilarch 21 135D-Ct
ucnv o t a n i c
Announces to the pubiU .bat he i prepared to accora
rndate those wihir.ijwiti Carriages ani Bu?uies ; to
gether with Rood safe horsei, for comfurt and ease in tra
vel ling. He will also board horses by t He day, week or
Jure 10, 'M. soif
H I.; .1 s . i a
v s T s W mA ...11
nasrecnied his prcresi busir.e'f. and will rr--
.ac in an uta vyuu, VU.iiii ami tli3
Atchirisoii county, Aio.
Oilii.e one dvr ei of I. T.Wfcrte'j si
ftill ti
Couru a
rCi E,-owjiTllle
j B.-ownvillc. April ZZ.
i t :
; 1 - - II -V..'
; (i or t-jz
r;' is 'a
i !i j ,r'
: i .4 i ,- r.
i 1 f'. ( .
S, mil.', i (l
r ;!) t
i m -;f eii.-
r - in
00 C4 4
t" f
al -C9. !t ,J
III -.-
l of '.in ci -:'.ipx
c.a: t- i-j.j-1 Jr.
ei-i.'i i a-stcnbaieat, '
wi Ii - '
1.av if .ra i-h irt
r-. i r n i-.cai fr
t n t, 1' ir tor, r,. "
(;:.i:'. M-Uii, ;
'A ati 5 it. c::cvv
i -irn-Aii.-vj,,1-
Ol W.. I I I I) S' - '
.' front n:r :",l v
;:i T.r..i y. in,Uj,
1 M titvh.9 U
t e r t oa ni, for it j r -t J
'.t ana ia.r;nJ i rt',
'"f d:a:h. l;rtr,'
b.t aj MilrnnJ
l.rtr? ,
1.1 . 1
kp it. Who lint U, u.
! -ibri.-ln of nfrlv Z
' c:i'i'-! nj (a-nt-l .... -J 1
ex-Iii'B nd edlli-a.
-- ' .i i
;it w-a: tr-anf ..
. . ' urn
Oal:iy pan. coi.lrvu:
w-. 4
t Cti n cwn ix
lUtKAST, H !.S si "-5
ft, run.u
void of 'iniple, l-nlrli!,
cd 11 JielnTiK!iii!j t!t R
crenceiice., nboiilii i;:l;t
lliese trf-j4JMtni en bri ....
llcitiaic a a ilit r-,,
with ti A7.CT5C UN;,; .
It iu exctlent fur ll-.i,
jrlvirj ii a healtly,
arauce. It ia
It i. a ore:?n rts: )
t'i vriu iix ,
w LiVli licriarraJlxuiv
it ? i ' rt n."c t ruin;
r. a t.
jiai.t. v,'(ir.i.
Ki 8-.i'Kr, .v ta vln , 1
idsk, lii-ir.ixn, a.
EV1I, fcc. No fanrvrjt"
table Upr. or rr v
O'Tuir? tliVjl llit
1ku!.1 b .'.!.' at Uiit ria
bit reutJy.
I'or rale j all rerctllr Prugs'wt i I IV&Vn.
f-rices of the liniment, 13 ewU, McentttJ ti aV
tie. A one-dollar botild cutaiu a amcU Lniraeo;.
tiglit twenty-fire cect boU
LiaaVi.i.i' ,l...iW4U,.tail
F.very ?Grclia?r of a dulhir bot'.l of the ACnc:.t
IMENT r-riT". t Tr. Bruj3 exj-if, tl VZ1
t-TATLS JOiaAl of Ne Vrk. f onj jtr. J,
Joorual in a Ure i'.luitrate. perecli aunta
taining sixteen pa, benuti 'uliy j rialed oa clm.ii
paper, aad lilli i'.l ongnal uHtnr imtu lliemi
ha it writer of ti.O country. OrllRcile ol uUtr
acdfull particular of the note! and tfHUntimpt
terprise. of which thU or Sma a dl swjt
each bot'lrt.
r'w York Oft-ick. No. ST1 tHtUl '.r.I
Coramunicatiom should alwj b addid to StU
Sold by J. H.MAUN kCO.
Brownville, '. T,
s Txinri ctuejiUi q cor.viii
TII2 greatest reme
dy in tb. world.
Tlds ccrcial l distilled .
frora a Berry knows f)
f s'
. I '
! r f,
j cu i mica 1 17 comniue-i
wiLh some of tbe mo-t f
vkiuable medical roottt, v ' -herbs
and brks knowa i i
to the mind cf man,
viz: blood root, black
root, wilJ cnerry bart,
yellow doc, dandle-
lulns, sarsapfnlia. e!c- ,
er Cowers, w.ti otberit, j ,
prolucing tbe nioct In- J
fallible remedy for tlie j i
rastoration of heaUui' j
ever known. 7, ,,
idtaiii A' ;t r? Vvirr'i?r.? air-.
Oir.iV REMEDY, curing diseases by m tunl Ui
Wben taken its healing influence U fe! t couru
every vein tf tbe body, purl.'ying and acceieri:.M':
circulation of tbe blood. I; neutnUr r.y w-J
matter in the stomach, and strcLg-.bsns la a woo..,
nization. .
Afclan't Stremtheninj Ccrdial uHU ffi"l "
Liver ComjUmtt. Vjup'oria, Jo-undue. H- !
or Nervous Eebuu-j.D.t en.ies of the I'ii'T. ;
end all LHiease ariiint from t LuaticrU
Liver or hlomcck.
Heartburn, inward pile, addify or sictness of tl- -ach.
fulint-M of blood to tbe head, dnirpaia or iwia
la tbe bead, palpitation of the heart, cnoking orw
aiiag feelings when layini? d-)wn, drynes or yei";"
of tbe skin and eyes, sud len t.ushe of beat, airs '-
of tpuita, &.c. , ;
There is no mistake alcut it.
Tbis cordial will never fail to cure any f tt
discae, If taken is direions oil 51
German, :ng!ia and French. ?
Ocer half a mi'lior. of bcilus
Ilave been sold diirin? tbe past six n-ritfc, fil ' "
instance baait failed ia givin;; entire iati.fti'
tbtnwill snrTer from weakness r t-ebiiliy -en J
Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cnie you?
To the Ladies.
Do yen wish to be bealtby and strong? Tia '
onte and get some of ii:Le4n'f Cordial? It will
then and invigorate your blood to flow throw1"
vein, and te rich roy tlooni of healia to idobiH"
cbeek again, Every bottle warranted to fia
. : For Children.
"We say to parents, if your cbild.f g ireslci'T. Vs ,
afSicted with, cortir. laints prevalent am wijr cfci.dtea.
tbcm a small quantity of XcLeaa's Cordial. K
rapidly, becaue st always cm es. Delsy cut wx ,
Every Country J.ItTihant J
Should not leave tbe city ni ul hehsJ pr'XV h
ply cf i!cLeanJs Strecitbcninir cordial. A t-'.
discnnnt will be to ti:r who bay to iH
CA UTIOX Beware of Jr-ic?!st or 431"'
try topalrn upon you some Bitter or Sarttnl
which tbey ciu bey cheap, bv sayinir Hi
Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strenfd'01i
dial, and take nottin? e!e. It 1 the only ulu7u,.
will purify tbe blood turou-hcut, nd t the n v ,
strengthen the system.
One table spwiful taken every morning H
preventive f...rcholera,chillsaudfever,yei:-jl'
any prevalent disease.
Piice only $1 per buttle, or bottle fr $3- 1
Sole proprietor of the eo'-i'
Also, McLean TolcaticOd I-pTr,
Ej"Prinripal dej't ca the corner o Tblfl aa
streeu, St Louis. .V .
IcLcan' Volcanic Cil Uci
Tue best liniment in tbe n-orld fof vert "
Another KemitrkaU?.-
Performed by 3r.-r.eaa' Volcanic Oil Liniment.
It for yonrscives
Tliorn.ts Kurd, a blarkmitb, livinnear C
Tenth street, hati a horaibie runuing tore on Di
He tried vrin Liniments Salves. t,ltcr,,L ;
no K'xkI. lie defpaireif of ever te;i.g aJle !of .
tra-Je again, became be oonM not bear inyt lt
roo; and Ly trie bottle of ilcljn' Vulcanis Oil
merit be i-i now perfectly cure-i. .5
I:heu;i:jti::i, reuralsU. pa:;yis bmif- j
ti3aes ia tie ;' i'ts cr nucld. swel!;0..
throat, car.n-be or u , :'. i 1 ? i.c, yieid to the
Cnence of this woL.; :f ui i. -, ; ;en"i.
For Lorse at. 1 ci t;, it is an inftlHole rtSi
chafes, scratches cracSed bee'iS 1 ineus. sf1?-
la, bruises, sweihrgs, wound-., ra:t:-nak 4
varinrs other lii-eiies wbica a-iiali a-'e..',' w
injufies or acci.Jeats. . jf
Every country mrchar.t sboiM obtain a f
Lean's Volcanic Oil LiQiaseat. It ; rapiJ
it alwnyscures. .
A liberal discount will be inida to nwrcbw
tosella;iin. rgi
J3-For sale by i TI JfcLHAN. proprietor,
Tlnri and Pice streets, ft Lcnli, Hi.
jacod :iAsno:r,
rp rp TT,0J
mart - ?
peQi-viiiv.- 9
receive ,
TteJEectfully anr.o7.ncfs t. tie
t11 le and vicinity that he has jsst
East a iargs stock of very superior
Cloths, vestmss.
ne Batter biaie:i that fca c:idt?M'an ; 3
roi :iy and ail Wort wirrar ;c-d Cvii.;c- -
tablishiiier.t, ar.dch irce a low a ay 0"-ci
in thio place or the Vet. .
A Xcat I'll Cuaranu