Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 02, 1859, Image 3

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rROWNVI LLE, JUNE 2, 1&"9.
" T.E UMS:. ... . .
'r-,r one r?ar, If paid in advance, - $2 03
-' -attbeend of C months, '.260
"!". "."12 " 2,00;
of 15 or lorc be furnished at $1,60 per
"km, provided the cash accompanies Uo oidernot
-TlTToieb GiLErRT. Trrpripr rH A lie
le Nc' Lcltf" !aoijic Temple, CLicacn. 111.
" h'pjihvik, General Advertising A?iit, in rur of
y'ork, Ladiri'f and CLiidreu's Shoe More, 8cnveet
; rB street, Cincinnati.
VjjitHERf Otfi.N Co, Xo 86 and 33, Broadway,
'"xpRiw "VTikd, American 'anaiVan and Furojiean
"eruir.g and subscription cfT.ce, Xo i;3 Nassau tired
i t penntf DMt Northwest corner of Olive id
ie'rtreets "
- n Scaivnw. (, Dearborn streal. Chicago;
i.g authori"'1 Ag-fit tn solicit subt-cripuuns and 4J-'-tisemcnt
for tlie, and receive and receipt
nionie therefor. .. c - -. , . .
".run" resident in this Territory, coming from various
' mtf,t the, oMen suggest to the names of
d if their old neighborhoods, lio would Uomotiess
j,( Pulcnber if they could fee a copy cT the "A-
e aiway seno a spot limn aiyy, mu jtiuu
,uUcriber. . .
' 60 .
-r'li recent extensive addition of Xew Type, Cuts,
jJd Inks, Cards, A.C, made to tho "AMve
r" Office, we claim to be all?l turn out Joft Work in
T.rncr un'furpassed by anyone, c TLp j)nprittorbcBig
' . I 1 ..... I . AVtt t. t. Id M n - . 1 n nr.
-.raciicai pnaier uiuipcii,, " n-m, .u mo miuj y
c,niplhed and experienced Fancy Job Pintr, is
.neurit to be out-done in Ike execution of Job Wo
.neurit to be out-done in Ike execution of Job Work
rd (having UT)4 cf Foster' latext Improved Card
rses ) Blanks, Vork in Coftra, Broi:ze Wurk, 4tc; will
with particular attention. ,
Ordera from a distance will be promptly attended to,
1 warrautfcd to give satlbfactlon or no pay. o
, m m mm e
v-ji ijte "JTebrasHa Advertiser having
uch the largest circulation of any paper jn
e Territory, Wholesale Merchants in. St.
ouia, fit. Jose rjh, Cincinnati and other East
m market wief e, Nebrska merchants J5ur-"
:ase. will find no better advertisinj; medium
j the Western country TS
:caraeiSt. Marr. r
, We are clad no know that''
. o o
'alisbcrt haj taken possession "of the
.lice aboard the " Steamer St. IIary.
rharley will make, in every respect, an
reeaUe gentlemanly attentive 'officer,
ad the fact of his occupying thajt position
v ill be' of no small benefit to the boat
here Charley is known; ancj thats all
rcr Nebraska Agcept our flianks.fjor
avers. . 1 s ; ;
Ihe Great .-Republic-e v
' This valuable monthly for June is upon
cur table and with others; closes the vol--.T.e.
We have "perused the Republic
i'.rntiveiy through the at vokime and
five been ijreately interested .indeed.
-Ve hope the new volume may confluence
dth an increased fubscription. list -Terms
S3; ojcopis foe S10. Specimen
?pies can te'seen at ihis office. ,
A Ecinarkablc Look. ; :
Hints Towards Physical Perfection: cr,
. The ; Philosophy of Human Beauty;
. showing how to Acquire and Retain
Bodily Symmetry, Health and Vicr;
.secure Lon Life; and avoid the In
. firmities and Deformities cf Age. By
: D." II. Jacques. New York: Fowler
. "Wells, publishers, 309 Broadway.
Price SI.
This is a work which, if we mistake
not, is destined to command almost uni
versal attention, and awaken everywhere
a peeper interest in the physical improve-
.mont of the face than has yet been "mani
fested ; as it shows how certiin and easy
this improvement may be made by the use
of the perectly legitimate means therein
pointed .out. Its revelations of the laws
of 'human configuration, on which sym
metry and beauty .depend, are net less
interesting and important than they are
novel and surprising; showing, as they
do that Ihe form and features of even the
mature man or wnman (and'much more
those cf the child) may be modified .at
will, anJ to an almost unKiuJ.ed extent-"
that'we have the power to char ge, grad
ually but surely,' the shape and arrange
ment oF bone, fiber, 'and fluid, the grow
ing, day by day, more -beautiful or more
ugly, according to the- direction given to.
the vital forces. " .
It'.will be found deepty. interesting to
both "sexes: (but especially to woman) and
to-all ages; and we earnestly commend
it to all for whom health, strength and
beamy have any attractions; to parents,
as the' right performances of their all-
! important functions and duties ; to teachers
who may learn from it howMo develop the
minds and bodies of their pupils harmo
rliou&ly together ; to young woman, who
wjll not look in vain in its pages for the
secrets jof that womanly beauty and per
sonal attractiveness which they 'very
properly desire to possess; and to young
men, who will find it a manual of rules
for the development of those high quali-
I ties. of. physical vigor and manliness which
will command the admiration of their own
sex no less than the love of the .other.
Illustrated with twenty plates and a large
number of cuts, executed in the highest
style of art. .
lannlbal and St. Joseph R. B.
E.V. Coiess, Esq., Agent of the St.
Joseph -and Hannibal frail 'Road, is stop
ping at the Brownville House in (his City.
He is on business connected with the road
.ad line' of . 'Packet. .'.We-are pleaded to;
Inotv the Read and: Packets are meetirrg
with encouraging 'patronage. By. these
!rarelliDg" facilities,' jwe Jn? the upper
country are' very 'greatly benefitted.--The
time now. made rom St. Joseph to
St. Louis is 22 .hours; St. Josep'h to
Chicago 6. ."..
SIcn Rock llWlsz ...
? We notice a handsomC-shipment of corn
rhadetoSt. Louis byCrane "&.Ilili. " The
ncal was made by Hallamfat- the Glen
Hock Mills in this 'county. We" under
stand "Mr. IL has a Contract to furnish
weekly. ; . . ,
Sodej for June,- ' . ... .
.! Complets the fif;y-eighth volume. ;We
:.ave so ooften spoken of this leading and
:nost popular - magazine, and it is so- weii
tad widely known and appreciated that
:t seems useless 'to tay a word in its behalf.
The fifty-ninth 'volume commences., in
July, when, says "the publisher, stories by
'he following celebrated authors will be
e'ven: Mrs! A."B. .Jlaveo; Mary WT:
'Jauvrin will furnish Aunt Bethiah's
Visit," one of her most humorous 'sketch as;
a new novelletta' by Captain B t-, and
Vatitled "A Titre Cost, a Heart-'WQn,"
;vill be commenced in the July number
and run through the volume;. Virginia
Townsend will contribute two or more
of' her celebrated rtories a new stgry by
author cf "'The Tallow. Family" and
"'Miss Slimmcns," will also appear ; Mrs".
Daffodil will make "her appearanqe often;
and the p elebrated Widow Jedott" etory,
copy-righted,. will also be published. ' :
o . .
yoke of 3Iasonrr; '
e observe that cme 'of ..the editorial
CcrP? of this enterprising journal has start
fd to Europe to search among the archives
of the fraternity0 there for su'ch 'material
. 8S its. editors 'so well understand making
VtP for.their American readers. This, as
first, movement of hesort ever adopt
ca, isa gratifying evidenc.e of tfie popu
arity cf the Voice, and of the efforts 'of
' We publisher- tj interest his Masonic
ethren. ' v ' " '
Q the jssue of "May 1st, we pre'reeive
e continiation" of -a .series, from. Mr.
morris own pent upon the management
; f trials in lodges, which must be of great
advantage to the officers . cf "lodges. No
lasoa should be without a JNIasonic paper
nd thebest of the class is thejotcc-r
, published semi-monthly, at Louisville,
'y.i at SI per annum. , .
""" Address "' - :
.'. Rob- "Morris,
. : .' . . Louisville', Kv.
' " ' . ... . v ' - ' '
? Htj Scales, ' :-; ." :
, t
-v'ciai. oi ourj enterpnsinsr business
. Jjen have contracted for ihe'-erection of
; City Scales", on the Corner of First and
Streets. All right. The times cf
rayng at c the rates of 15 and 52Q per
lca for hay will now run out. "
Another Barber and Hair Dresser.
Jas.. L. Roy has purchased the room
next . to McLaughlin & Dorsey's Land
Office, on Main street, ard opened up an
A" No. 1 Bartering and Hair Dressing
establishment. .
Religions. . . .
The past week religious meetings have
been in progress under the superintend-
tience oi me inrisiian crancn ci u:e
Churchl Numbers have connected them
selves with the church, fifteen 'were im
merged on Monday last. Revs. White,
Wood, Mullisand Parker officiating.
Dagacrrclan Gallcrj. , '
We see new baguerfeian operators are
refitting tlie room erected specially, for
that purpose next to the Bank Building,
aiid will in a few days be prepared to
"secure the- shadow ere .the substance
fades.." McFarland Si' Bond ate the names
of the artists, of whom' wd may again
speak. -
' .Legal Notice. .
"t)"vil Seijile, TL'tr ) In the XeraaSa County
vs Disirict Court cl the Sect nd ,
"iTnrace Coiemany Deft Judicial District, 2veb. Ter
To September Tei nvA D ls59.
The.aN)ve named defendant, Iluracc.Colcman ishtrehy
rotitied there uou- is on Ulc in the'iltlceof theCleriof the
District'Court of the sal I Nemaha County, a. petition of
David Sci?le, wherein is cluir.ied or the said defendant
the sum of two hundred and teven!y-flve dollars, to
gether with interest on one hundred and seventy-five
dollars of'that kuui, from the tenth (1C) day of July,
1858, at; the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and on the
remaining one hundred dollars of said sura interest st
the same rate, from the ninth (9) day of Oct.jbor, 1S53;
on two promissory notes, c ne,.f jr one hundred and seventy-five
dollars, dated April 10. 1833, payable ninety days
after date, to the order of David Sciple ; and the other
of said noies foroneiuindrcd dollars, dated April 9, 1853,
payabls six months alter dale to theortcrof Juhn H.
Morrison; and boih executed by the said Horace Coleman;
And whereas, the summons issued on the 26ih day of
April, 1553, on said .petition has been returned "not
found" as .to the said derendent: Therefore the f aid
Horace Colemnji is hereby further notified that a writ of
attachment has been Usued in favor of "said plaintiff" by.
virtue of which the following described Real Estate has
been attached and is held to 6atisty said debt; to-wit:
the south-east Quarter of section Xo. 13, in township Xo.
6. north of raupe Xo. 14, east 6f the sixth principal
meredjan, and Mtuatd in said Nemaha county.
And the said derendent is also hereby further -notified
that ttnls he appear and plead tossid petition in the
said District Court on or before the second day of the'
next term thereof to te btyrun and held at Brownville,
on Holiday the I9tbd.y of September.' 1S59. judgment
will be rendered a?ainst him fry default for the amount
claimed in said petition and osts.
At'GARY & J1EWETT Att'ys for'PlafT.
It is hereby ordered that the foreroins notice bo
put'.ishod forlonr euece?siTe weeks in tbe Nebraska,
Advertiser as tbe" in such ca?ei prvtvides.
' Witness my h3nd this 16th day cf May, A. D. 1S53.
A. W. 1'KXTLANl), Clerk."
" " ' By Chas. G. Porsev. Deputy.
'May 19th, 1S59 no48 " ,. 12 00.
To DruzU ani Physicians.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey aa adequate idea
of the immense gooJ now being dono br Dr. Smith'
"Electric OS." of ITiiladelT.hia. I is important to
(lace it in tbe bants cf all medival men as soon as
rnay Le, to earo rain and suffcrrnir, in all cases of
strident 4c. Nothing has ever done whi.t thii arti
cle is doing m saaic time.
Piles 31 ore Wonderful Cures
Occtrical Oil.
Philadelphia, Juno 6, 1S53.
. J'r. Smith : I wa4 sufferins intensely from intera
&1 Fils : wns ciren np by two r.hyf ieiins. I was ad-
risud to tr Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections
The first application relieved the pain.ard after four
applies, ions I was relieved tbe pain, and after four
applications l was entirely cured.
Yours, gratefully
'R3. Mart Chittick.
271-Juniper St., two doors above South.
From tbe ". T. Times, 13.
The Rcsh. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
visited Dr.lralutia 13. Smith, at the Troy House
Fcmecominj fiveto ten mile?, suaiinng from Astuma
Nervom rains, Kbeumititn ana general deranpe
ieL. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting
traniquiliiir.g and curative powers upon the afSicted
ct lroy arid vicinity. Lall early.
Wjll It Strike Ix? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering which for a time apptars ou the surface
and by a trifling change in the absorbents is taken
up and carriod out though tbe circulation "sLrives
Just so does this (genuine) Oil act on ti.0 altor
ZxtifKif the hnm:in bein?. .
tSTlT CURES, it iaillLD.Udoes NO UAR1I
Greatest Curo In The World!
For Toothache or any ether 'Pain,
. DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit 5100 if
the Electric Oil fails to cure a single case cf Rheu
matism, or, pcins in the back or limbs. Piles, Fever
tsorcs, L leers, bore Nipples, bwciled ulands, ielgns,
slinnes in too Joints or Heck.
Dr. Smith's Electric Oil cures RhoumatL-m.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain.
. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Tootbache.
Sraith' Electric Oil a cure for Deafness.
Smith's Electric Oil-- cure for Neuralgia
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Swelling.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure fcr stiff Joints.
- Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Felons.
" Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Droken Breast.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Sore Throat.. '
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is soothing and ploasant ; it gives more perma
nent as .well as instant reljei than anything ever bs
foro used, and its sedative influence ever nervous
pain is bigbly appreciated by medical men, many of
whom bave used it." ICead this lrom Vt. tlkmton;
a physician who has practiced since 1SJ6 (too well
known for comment): .
"At intervals during thirty years past, my wife
has been subject to rheumatism of the most violent
cast say four times a year sometimes so severe as
to make it necessary to administer large doses of the
tincture of guiacuin and nicrphia, and rock her like
an infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any re
pose. Having froqucnt correspondence with my son
(102 Chenut streetof ycurcity) I informed him of
an attack she had about the middle of Lut month,
(January ), which was of such seventy as to com
Eletely p,ara.lyze tbe system. He, in bis anxiety for
is mother's welfare, sent me a bottle of your Electric
Oil, but as I am one of the practioncr? of medicine
ia our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent
medicine, I dd hesitate to give it a trial; however.
on reflection, I concluded to try at which 1 did, and
after the third and fourth application she became
rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was
used not a vostago of the disease remained, and she
still continues well, although she rode out a distance
of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the
symptoms. I therefore felt it my duty, for the sake
of sjuffering humanity, to forward this testimonial.'
. ' lam yours truly,
. Believe q.nH Avoid Fain.
Pain is the penalty for violated lawyet in God's
Providence vain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. V ere there no pain from a
burn we. would be liable to lose cur limbs and not
know it, die and not cognizant of our situation.
Thank God for pain if not well, that you may dis
cover a remedy to get brLED X KLXIbr, and be
careful. in the future. Facts are stubborn, and if you
have a limb swollen from GOUT, IXFLAMATOltY
growing and FAIM; LL ABSLtbh, you would soon
know it if relieved; without the. aid of imagination.
J5F"Thc public are respectfully cautioned to be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name
of "A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH," on
the label. "A. E. SMITH" ia also blown in the glass
of 3 sizes. The largest bottlei may bo had at $o for
six bottles. ; .
fsJLarge bottles are ten times tho cheapest.
Western Depot and Manufactory at tho Ware
house cf
Wholesale Druszists and-Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo
To whom all orders uiustl)0 addressed. nl8-tf
Trustee's Sale-
XOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a Deed of
Trust, mad? on the 21st d.iy of October, A-.-D. 1803, by
Benjamin B. Thompson alid Elisabeth Thcmpson, to se
cure the payment of two promissory notes therein de
scribed, and recorded on' p;ige 123 cf "iLortgnge Records
Xo. 1" in the office of the JJegUter of Deeds of Xetnaba
county; I, D. L. M'Gary, trustee named in sai'i Deed,
will on the 4th day of June, D. A. 1859. and between the
hours cf 9 o'clock A. or. apd 3 o'clock p.m. of said day
from the door cf the oflice of the Register of Deeds
aforesaid in the Citycf Brownville in saidcouaty, pro
ceed to sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cah
in hand the to lowing Real Estate, to-wit : Lots Xo. 7,
8," 9 and lOiafikck Xo. 10, in said City qf Brownville.
d.l. aijARr. .
. Brownville, Ma7 9J, 159. 45-6t$5
: Claim Notice. -
To G. W. Circles and all others whom -it mny
concern: You arc hereby notifiedthat I will appear at
the Land Oflice Brownville, N. T on the 13th day
of June, 1S59, to prove up my right of prc-cmpjiun
to the lots eight, nine and "thii teen of the south cast
fractional -quarter of section do. seven, Township
four, rtfnge ' fifteen, cast of tho sixth principal
meridian-. " f?IIAS. M. GOODRICJ.I. .
June 2d, 1S59. 49-t ...
0mm bus
. . .
brow.vtiixi:; x.. t.
j--! TJERKBr inform the public that he has
- , located himself in this City, and Is prepared
to serve those in want of anything in his line,
lie has selected bisttock trith care and will manufacture
a No. 1 article of everything fl"ered. lie deems it un
necessary to enumerate; but will kecpouhand evey arti
cle usually obtained in Saddle and It irne ,
Brownville May 12. ' no4$-m
NOTICE IS hereby given to all persons interested la
the settlement of the Estat 'f - Daniel C. Patterson,
latec5f Jones county, deceasedto appear at the t iTi.'e of
the Probata Beatrice, in Gajie munty, on Mon
day tl'e Gth day of J;incnext, to show cause, if any, why
an .order shall not becranted for the rmnrntof Fordrce
Rrtper'i bili against 6aid Estate, "while acting as special
Bumiuisiraior. m XATUAX BLAKKLY,
x . ' Probate Judge, Ex OiB.
posirice, eorafk 7crriHr-,
jity. lots. I6;y.
' nc47 l
. Trustee's Sale,
XOTICR is hereby given that by virtce of a certain
eed cf Tnst to the North-East quarter cf Section Xo.'
five, in Towrship Xo. Ato, Xorth.of Ranee No. fifteen,
East of the sixth pimcipal meridian. irfNemabacouniy,
Xebraska Territory, execnted by Win. S. Hall, on the
J3Th dayot J.eptember, A.J). 1S53, and recorded on pases
104 and 105 of ' Mortgage P.ecordsXo. 1,' in the office
for tbe Register of Deeds of said Xemaha county, to se
cure the payment of a certain note therein describfd :
I, Daniel L. M'Gary, "trustee created by said deed, will,
on the 23th' day ofllay A. D. 1859, between the hours
cf 10 o'clock A. M.'.and 3 o'clock Ps M. of said day from
door of the ofilce of tho Register of Deeds of-said county
in Brownville in said county, proceed to sell said land
with the improvement and appurtenatces thereunto
bciB?ing to the highest piaaer r casn in nana, ana to
execute a Deed to the purchaser.
. . D. L. M'GJtRT.
ITay 5, 45-2t $4. . .
Ilavinfi rented the interest of Lake nl Emtnerson In
the Brownville Steam Saw and Grist Mil:, announces to
to the public that he is prepared fo accommodate the
citizens of Brownville and Xemaha County with a su
perior quality of lumber cf ill kinds. 4Also with the
Grist Mill, to serve all In that line.
The market priceat ail times paid for Logs and Corn.
The old business of Xpe'u Lake & Epmerson will be
settled bv Henry Lake. All future business conducted
by the undersigned. . , JESSE XOEL.-.
Brownville, April 7th, 1539, .ly
First. St.. feet. Main and Atlantic,
AXXOFXCE to the citiiena of Brownville and vicinity
th,at they bave rented the bakery formerly owned by E.
Worthing. -ana are now prepared to furnish Bread, Cakes,
Pie Confectionery, Ice Cream, Lemonade, &x.. &c
Brownville, April 23, '53. 4 4-tf .
To the Ladies
'Main Street, Brownville, NcbrasJca,
Has just received a fresh supply of '
. Consisting f Ner !?tvlft
' ' Ribbons, Laces, Flowers,
APd the finest and best materials for manufjcturing
anything in the tail Jinery line.
April If tj 3 t4? -ly
No. 637. ;
By the President ofthe United Stat ci
. In pursuance of law. I, JAMES EUCUAXAX. Presi
dent of the United States of America, Co hereby declare
and make known tat public sales will be held at the
ur.derrpentinncd land oflices in iheTerritory of Nebraska,
at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit :
At tbe lard cfSce at Brownville, commencing eti
Monday, the eigtth day of August next, for the disposal
of the public lands within the following named town
hips, via:
North ofthe Bait Line and East of the Sixth of tho
The part cf township 1, outside of tbe Sac and Fox and
reservation, cf range 17.
The parts cf townships 1, 2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac
and Fox and h!f -breed Xemaha reservation; and frac
tional townships 5 and 6, of range 16.
The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fcx re-
lervation: to-nship2; thep3rtsof townships 3, 4. and
6 outside of tbe half-breed Nemaha reservation; and
fractional township 6, of rane la
The part of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fox
reservation; township 2, 3, and 4; the part of township
6 outside of the balf-breed Xemaha reservation; and
township 6, of 15.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 13.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, ef rangj 12.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of rango 11.
Townthips 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and B, of range 10.
. At the land office at Brownville, commencing on Mon
d;iy, the Uh day of ieptembcr next, f ar the disposal of
the public lands within the following named townships,
Aorth of the Bate Lint and East of the Sixth Principal
. Meriaian.
Townships I. 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6. of range 9.
The part; of townships 1 and 2 outside of tbe Indian
fcervalioc; nnd townships 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 8.
The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tlpnj and townships 3,4. 5 and 6, of range?
The part of township 2 ontside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4. 6 and 6, of range 6
The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3. 4, O and 6, of range 6
The parts of townships 1 and 2 outside of the Indian
reservation; ana townships 3, 4, o and o of range
At the land office at Xebraska City, commencing on
Monday the first day of August, for the disposal of tbe
public lands within the following named townships, viz:
North of tht Bate Line and East of the Sixth Principal
, jucnaian
Fractional township 7 of range 15
Fractional towbships7 and 8 of rango 15
Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12 of range 14
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town
ship 13 of range 13
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12 and 13 of range 12 ,
: Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and II; and fractional township
12 of range 11 -
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12, 13 and 14 of ranee 10
'Township 7, 8, 9, 10r 11, 12 and 13; and fractional
townships 14, 15 and 10 of i. nge 9 ' '
At the fand oflice at Xebraska City, commencing on
Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the
disposal of the public lands within the following named
townships, viz :
North of the Base Line and East ofthe Sixth Trincipd
meridian .
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13,' 14, 15 and 18; and frac
tional township 17 of range 8
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; fraction
al township 17 of. range 7
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of range 6.
At the land omoe at Omaha City, commencing on Tues
day tbe fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the
public lands within the following named townships viz:
North of the Bate Line and East of the Sixth Principal
, Meridian
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 13 of range 14
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 1G and 17 of range 13
Fractional ownships 12 and 13; townships 14, 15. 16
and 17; and fractional townships 13, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of
range 12
Fractional township 12; townships 13. 14,15.16. 17acd
13; and fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and '23 of range
Fractional townships 12, 13 and 14; townships 15, 16,
17, IS, 19, 20, 21,22 and 23 of range 10
At the land office at Omaha City, commencing on Mon
day the twenty-fifth day of July next, for the disposal of
the public lauds within the following named townships,
viz :
North of the Base Line and Easi ofthe Sixth Princip a
Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16; townships 17,13,
19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9
Fractional townships 16 and 17; and townships IS, 19,
20, and 21 of range 8
Fractional township 17; and townships 13, 19, 20 and
21 of 7
Fractional township 17; and townships 13, IS, 20 and
21 of range 6
Fractional township 17; and townships IS, 19, 20 and
51 of range 5
. Fractional township 17: and townships 18, -19, 20 and
2i of range 4
At the land office at Dakota, commencing on Monday
the eighteenth day of July next, for the dieposall of the
public lands within the following named townships viz :
North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal
Fractional townsbip27 of range 10
Tnc parts of townships 24 and 27 onfside of the-Indfnn
reservation; andfractional townships 28 and 29 of range 9
The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; township 23; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of
range 8 .
The part of township27onlsideof the Indian reserva
tion; townships 23 and 29; and fractional townships 23
and 29; and fractional township 30 of range 7
The part of township 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; townships 23 and 29; and fractional townships 30
and 31 of range 6
Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, In
dian, military and other purposes, will be excluded from
the sales.
The offering of the above lands will be comnienfed on
the days appointed, and will proceed in theofder in which
r.hey are advertised until the whole shall have been
offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be
kept open longer than two weeks, and no priate entry
of any of the lands will be admitted until after the ex
piration of the" two weeks.
Given under my hand, at the City of TTasViiyrtnn. this
22d day of March, 'Anno Domini, one thousand cigiit
Hundred ana nfty-nine. .
By the President: . ,
'" Commissioner or the General Land Office..
Xotlcc to Prc-Emption Claimants
Every person entitled to the richt of prc-cmptlm to
any of the lands within the townships and parts of town
ships above enumerated; is requiredto establish the same
t. the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the
proper land ofllco. and miko payment therefor as soon
'as practi.vable after seeing this notice, and before tlie
day appointed for tho commencement of the public sale
of -the lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise
such claim will be forfeited. .
Tnos. A. nExtotticirs,
Commissioner of the Gen' 1 Land Office.
Note. Under the regulations of tbe department, as
heretoTore and now existing, no payment can be made'
for advertising proclamations except to such publishers
as are tpeciallij authorized to publisa by the,Commis
sioaer of the General Land office.
. Public .Notice
To Pre-emption Claimants claiming lands
bettccen ihe McCoy 'Line and Treaiy
Line, lying between the two Nemaha
Rivers on the Half Breed Reservation,
'Nebraska Territory, , .
' By the sixth section of an Act of Congress, entitled
"An Act making appropriations for tbe. current and
contingent expenses of tho Indian Department," &c,
approved 28th February, 18o9, provision 's made for the
sale of the lands iyina between tbe line surveyed by
John C. McCoy in 1S37 udl838j, and ihe western boun
dary ofthe Half Breed Reservcj as specified in the ICth
article of the treaty of Prairie du Chien of loth July,
lS30,and the proceeds of -the sale are directed to be pa'd,
to the 'extent of $1,25 per acre, to the Secretary of the
Interior, for the use.of the Half Breeds entitled to the
same. Therefore, all persons interested are dr sired to
take notice that pre-emption-claimants who had rot
perfected their claims prior to the 28.h February, 18f)9,
w ill be required to pay for their claims in lawfnl money
of the United States, and that Bounty Land Warranty
wm not be received in satisfaction cf claims to.
lying between said lines, or any of the smallest ;cgal
subdivisions belonging t any claim, which may extend
bcyoid or be cut by the said westernmost line. "
.' - ; G. II. NIxOX. Register.
- ' C. B. SMITH, Receiver.
Brownville, March 31, IS53 . n40-3w , .
. Administrator's Sale
PURSrAXTto the order of tbe Probate Court o: Xe
maha county, I, Jsme X. Kelley; administrator to the
Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelley, wLll offer lor sale
to tbe highest bidder, at the cnlce of the Probate Judge
of said county In Brownville, en Saturday the 4fhdayof
June. A. D. 1859. between the hours ot 10 o'clock A. M.
and 4 p. M-a tne large bay mare. - , 1
May 23 h, 45-4i $5.
Money Wanted.
-ALL PERSOX8 Inf ebted to I. T. TThyte i Co.. whether
.by ti jte or account will be so kind as to take notice that
the claims of that firm aie now ia the hands of the
undersigned for collection, and must be paid. Each and
lv OTV nArcnri 1ik!,i'iIa.1 tn t i . firm tsrfw r!rft a rtrtt v
.first day of Jcue either pay his debt or give to us in
person some suustantiai reason jor a. longer mauigeuce,
will be proceeded against by legal process.
, . . M'UAJKl fit ilitVii l.
Brownville, May 3.1, 1856. -, .. 5-4t
Land Warrants,
3jox" Oivssla. fvna-ci on Tlzao
Y7e are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizeiito
settlers on such time as they may desire long or short
at the usual rates. . ,
A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on band
for sale as cheap as tbey can bo bought elsewhere ia
Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants.
All warrants: sold by us will be guaranteed to be
genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de
fective. - .
Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al
ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the
Brownville House.
Lrsn3Aron& carsox, '
Esr-lers, ani.tealers in Lan3 i"a?raf .
(Tin 1 1
' Having established themselves at tbe old stand recent
ly occupied by -
john Mcpherson,
Tbey are now offering and receiving for tale oca of tbe
Ever Brought in this Territory
They bave an extensive and varied assortment of
' A Large Stock of Choice Family
cossisTixo or
, Hani!
Eacon "
'. ' Sugar,
Ccfise, .
Tea, i
, 1 ' Candles, ...
6 to OtC
And a fine assortment of
. " Such as
Spice, '
Soda, . '.
. ' - Salaratus,
' , " " Ginger,
. . . . - Allspice, , -
' . " . etc., etc.
They have also on hand a large lot of
A well selected Stock of
Wholesale and Retail.
Main Street, 17,
BioTznyille, Ilcbraslia,
Hare just received per steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asi Wilgus, and
. Hesperian, their
Boots and Shoes.
We pledge our customers to sell
as cheap as any other house in the
city, and that our goods ia quality
and style shall be unsurpassed.
io'ri P. nz3 Tr) f53
Comer of Second and Francis Streets,
The Senior partner of this Houjo is now below mak
ing heavy shipments of
. Molasses,
Flour, &c,
A large portion cf which will arrive in a few days on
Steamers Carrier and Asa Wilgus.
Having made arrangements with one of the best Mills
of St. Louis for weekly supplies of
. Choice Brands of Flour,
They will be able to offer to retailers and consumers,
at ail times, tbe
Yery Best Flour,
At the very lowest prices, '.'
Every Bushel and Sack Warranted
They have also on the way from tbe Eastern Cit es a
large and choice selection oi - .
Eresli Oysters,
'F'isH,: 1ST zx lis,
And every Article appertaining to the
All cf which Las been bought at tbe
GLAS S W A E 33,
Iron and Nails,
Boots and lioes,
3? E O W S
D. J- 22 AST IS,- H. KCCSilLS, 3- T- TV Z " '" 1 1
i .' V J v.
Outfitting Goods
"Lowest Cash: Pricies,
And they p:edge themselves to sell tteta as low as any
House in Xortn Missouri . They respectfully solicit a
cuntinrance of the. patronage of their customers and
the community generally.
St. Jjsepb; Feb" 15, r33;33-lia '
Office of American Bank Not e Company,
Copper Plato & Lithofrjaphlc Printer.
Corner of and Dearlwrn streets,
Veddirigand Visi:ing Cards, I):or Pla'es, Seals,
Xotary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoice, and
Labels of every kind promptly eecuied and sent by
Express. ' t?f"A Pack of the vry test glazed or Bris
tbl Cards vath name for two doll art ' by a neue and
beaut' ful protest without cost cf plate, equal to the
very clioiccst cryjtaving, tamplcs when reqtired or,
ret.'pt cr. cf yiit ciirrpt: ' 9-wJGly
. Axes,
Cordage, .
Camp Kit, .
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
E A. E I E S !
Call and Examine our
Ladles' Dress Goods
, . . Of the Very
The experience we have had in trade in
thin city warrants us in saying we are
confident we can give
To our old Customers .in
,i fUXCAHRDSON - ' '
We return thinks for past, and hope for,
not only a continuance, but increased paj
. ! . CEA1TE & HILL;
April 1st. niO
Farming Implements,
At the Old Stand of : . " '
. L T. V7HYT E ,
Corner of Main and First Streets,
per steamers Sioux City, E. M. Rylaiid,
and Asa Wilgus, our .
Which is LARGE and COMPLETE.
wocldsat totothoso e.iinz ca tht Dlaiai i
Ti -r if
And satisfy yourselves that we bavo the
Cr O O
And are telling them
a 9 o 3
We are prepared to fit out tbose going to th -
ITebraska Gold -IIines
With ErZRrTIIltfG thej maj dttire. 1
o o o
W extend an lBTiJa?ion to continue their ratro-wre.
We shall spare no pain to natiHrr. and give barsasn to
them,, and all others who may be pleased tv 3 ;
Hence we shall adept tie mitt . ,
Quid: "Sales ami Small Projls.
; '--it
Country rrotlHce, at market"
Prices, taltcii In Kxchansc
lor Goods. ,
i .
BrcwnviHe Apiil 1st 130. nto-ly " .
We -wih to try 50. COO bushels cf CCHIT
dtltrered m ihts i'ry ( i'c-m. tr w'lk-b wa will
paj tbo birhoet market rr- in tnU. ' "
l.J.JiAK7I.V 1 Co.
rrwcTi:i9,r8b.l5th,'3. 2iti.p.lji