Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 26, 1859, Image 4

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UtlrMMM 'W il" I inmrm mm,
res all mz ttjepcszs cr a
f TKtst has lor.g existed a public demand for aa
effective pnrgative pill which could be rdied on M
rare rd Tfrftttly snf in its cperatlon. This ha
been prrp;jr-3 fe? meet that demand, and an cxtcn
r v? trial tf its virtue has conclusively shown with
wh-.t suct-cra it accomplishes the purpcf designed.
It js easy to maVe a physical piJ, but not easy to
make the ibeet cf sui ju7i or.e which should hire
none of the Inertioiix, but ill the advantages, of
every other. This has ben attempted heie, and
with whnt nccess e would respectfully submit to
the public decision. It has bern unfortunate for
the -Kttiei t hitherto thr.t almost every purgative
medicine is acrimonious and irritatin-r to the tow
els. This is not. Mzny cf them produce to much
priping pain and rem'Mon in the system as to more
than counterbalance the cood to be derived frra.
them- These pill produce to irritation or pain,
unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely
vegetable, no harm can arise from the ir use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
be taken j udicionsly. Minute directions for their
bj 1m! several 'diseases to which they are ap
plicable are given on the box. Among the com
nlainta mVir V hare f-n rreedilv cured bv thero. we
mst mention Liver Complaint, in its vixicus forms
of Jaundire, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap
petite, LLttk-ssrtets, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
forms Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side
end Loin ; for, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased "action in the liver. A an
aperient they afford prompt and aare relief in Ccs
bvenesa, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula
and Scuny, Cold with orenes of the body, Ulcers
and impurity cf the blood, Irresrularitici ; in short,
axv and every ce where a purgative is required.
They lava al.o produced some idngularly sue
cewfui curet in liheumatism. Gout, Dropsv, Gravel,
IlrvRpeias. Palpitation of the Heart, I'ams in the
Back, Stf coach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the rpring of the year, to purify the blood
and prep:ire the system for the change of seasons.
An occasional di4e stimulates the stomach and
besss L" inso healthy action, and restores, the appe
fcte and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their
' ftir.';ulaot actio oa. the circulatory system, reno
ts th strength cf the body, and restore tit
wasted cr (Lseased merries of the whole organism.
1 1 race ax occasional doe is advantageous, even
thocri s frxus dersigemext exists ; but cn
accessary dosirr ahc-ald aever be carried too far,
ms rery tnnatiie med ine reduces the strength,
vhea. tk.s u exer. The thousand cases in which
' m payvje is required earrxt be enumerated here, but
taey sujrrwt tierrsclves to the reason of everr
biy ; mi it is ec-tliertly believed this pill wU
amfwer a ltter pirpes than any thing which has
h-ihxto bee aai-Ie to mankind. When their
wxta are cure known, the public will no longer
i.Kibt rrtady It ere ploy when in need of a
cathartic id--TLe. Jrzz sugar-wrapped, they are
asast take, and being purely vegetable, no
Lara caa aria from their use in any quantity.
I cr kui te directions, see wrpjr oa the Box
Practi cal and Analytical Clicuxlst,
' Tries S-S Cexts per Box. Tire Eoxn for SL
upright sti:a?,x sxt 2111.1
Tt is t:i;l rcrsi-iiards I be unjvtjrsa! itdtairatlan cf sw
mi!l men everr l.e re. As i: nieriis beome knowi tie
lemand tor it ucreifces. Ordets are cowing from every
scciion ot ttiis country, Canada, Cuba, aod Souta Ameri
ca. It U suited tor every sectka ot the world wherever
tliere is timber to be sawed, no n.atter cl wbt character
tow hard, bowlarseor how small. Two extensive ma
nwTaciories are uow ergased in building theft mills, yet
it is almost icitxtsihle to turn them out as last as they
are wanted. They embrace several valnaMw pateow
and improvements, and corabi'jft all of ihi f'llcwliit ad-
SimplicJf Both the mill a! power are si simple is
their cunslrueltoa that any oue of ordinary mechanical
ability can comprehend them, put them up ami run them
without dancer or difflculty .
Pcrtclility The whole eiLHsuinent can be rrry
Quicily taken apart and imt toitrthr, thus renderinp it
easy to be mored from j.lce toj-lace asdeirel, and iv
Jc the ne-eslty of drawing the log! a l-ng ciwtance U
Duraiuily It is constructed in the most solid and
substantial manner, runs perfectly still, U t liab to
get ont of order, and wiil lat for year without reiaif .
Iiapiitfn will si.w fater than ny other uprinM
crrightmill. The Meed of the saw 1 about three hun
dred strokes per nunuMJ, a!i the feci from one-eighth to
three-quarters of an inch per Tiius, at a meciaia
speed the saw will cut through a U twecty-rour feet
long in about three minute?. From this data anyone
knowi2? the character o: the timber ca calculate how
mu'-h it will ! .
Ejf-icicnry It!iie its work well, cuts smoother and
straigtter than the ordinary mills, and thearrangemeut
of the s rjw is si-h as U render it utterly impoHsibie Kr
it to run out of line.
CUapne$ The entire lost ot the mill, with fifteen
horse power ail everything all complete and really for
runnins, txelaal reaiy for shipment la St. Louis, is
only S1.T50.
This mill requires less power to drive than any other
mill, and the power furnhued it sufficient to drive extra
A circular containing full tarUculars will be sent to
any cne lesirinz it. All order, fhoft!4 be addresned to
Corner Third and Market ttreet, St. Louit, Mo.,
sole agents for the Western and Southern States.
March 25, '53 3-T
1859. 1859.
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers cf
Furniture and Upholstery,
St. Louis, Missouri.
To oar Ialroass and ilao E"alIlc
In General.
VTe take gTeit pleasure in being able to assure yon
that notwithstanding our heavy los by the burning cf
our Sales Rooms at Kos 40 and 42 Washington Avenue,
and the toss cf the entire stock in them, on the morning
of the 25th Inst., are already able to fill any order that
mzy be desired in our line.
Having a large amount of stoca in cur ware nouses
that are not connected with our sales room, and being in
constant receipt of goods from the best manufacturers,
we are this soon enabled to fill orders at our usual low
prices, and in our farmer prompt and satisfactory man
ner. Our facilities for procuring and keeping a desirable
stock, are mnequalled ; our personal attention and large
experience is and will he constantly given to our legit
imate business as dealers In and manufacturers of
in all the various branches. We assure you that we
will sell as good goods and at'as low prices, and on as f a
v or able terms as any house in the Wtt.
Thanking you for the very literal patronage already
bestowed on us, we ask a continuation of the same,
Sales Rooms for the present on the Northwest "cor
ner of Washington Avenue and Second Street, four doors
below our old stand.
Very Ref pectf ul ly, SCARRITT it MASON.
St. Louis, August 1, 1353. no7
For the rapid Cure of
corcir?, colds, koarsexess,
BR0.( IilTIS, WII00PLG-(01CII.
This nftnedy La won for itself ich notoriety
from its cures of every Tariety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of ita virtues in any community where it
haa been employed. So wide is the field of its use
fulness, md so numerous the cases of its cures,
that almost every section of the country abounds
in persons publicly known, who have been restored
from alarming and even desperate diseases of the
lungs by uts use. When once tried its superiority
OTer every other medicine of its kind is too appa
rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec
tions of "the pulmonary organs which are incident
to our climate. Not only in formidable attack!
rpon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of
Colm, CorcHS, Hoarskxess, 4c; and for Chil
dekn it is the plea an test and safest medicine that
ran be ob tained. J
. As it hits long been in constant use throughout
this section, we need not do more than assure the
people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever
Las been, and that the genuine article is sold by
J. II. MAUN & CO., Agents,
Brownville, N. T
' " Professor Wood's
Says the 3t. Louis, Democrat : Below, we publish a
letter to Dr. Wood, of this city, from a gentleman in
Vaine. which speaks glowingly of the superior merits cf
his hair touic. Such evidence must have its eflect,
wfcei coming from a reliable source. If certificates are
ruarratees of troth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor
useless puffery from the press ;
"Bath, UaIxe, Jan 20, 1553.
Prof. 0. J. Wood, d- Co.
i : Haviog my attention called a few
months sines to the highly beneilcial t-Ex:ts of your hair
restorative. I was iodiued to make application of it upon
sny own hair, which had become quite gray, probably
one-third white; my whiskers were of the same charac
ter. Some three months since I procured a bottle of
hair restorative, and used it. 1 son found it was prov
ing what 1 had wished. I uxed it about twice a wef t. 1
have since procured another bottle, of which I have used
some. I can now certify to the world that the g:;iy or
white hair tas totally disappeared, both on my head and
face, and my hair has resumed its original color, and 1
am now sixty years old my good wife at the age of fifty-)
wo, has used it with the same effect.
The above n-tice 1 deem due to yon for your valuable
discovery. !! am anred that whoever will rightly use
as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my
statement. I am a citizen of this city and a resident
here for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly
every one bore and adjoining towns Any use you may
make or the above, with my name attached, is at your
service, as i wish to preeyve the beauties I nature in
others as well as myself. I am, truly yours.
Baltimoxc, Jan. 23, 1S58.
Frofefsor Wood Dear Sir: Having bad the misfor
tune to Jooso the bct portiou of my hair, from the ef .
f sets of the i'eliow Fever in Xew Orleans in 1S54, 1 was
induced to rcake e trial of your preparation, and found
it to nwer at the very thing needed. My hair is now
thick and glrsry, and no words can express my obligation
to yon lb giving to the afficted such a treasure.
nsixx jouxsox".
The usrferi Igned, Rev. J. K, Braes, is a minister in
tn regular st snding, and pastor of the Orthudox Chnrch
at Brooktleld, alas. He is a gentleman or great in Ho
wies and universally beloved. WX. DTF.R.
BaooriELD, January 12, IboS.
Frof essor Wood Dear Sir: Having made trial of your
TJair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its
effect has Uen excellent in removing inflammation,
dandruff and a constant tendency to iichicg with which I
fcave been trubied from. my childhood; and has also re
stored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its original
color. I have used no other article with anything like
pleasure or tc profit.
Tonra truly, J. K. BRAGG.
The Restorati ve is put np la bottles of three sizes,
vrt: large, medium and small; the small ones bold a
half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the
medium boWs at least twenty per cent n.ore In propor
tion than the smail, retail for two dollars a bottle; the
large holds si Quart' forty er cent more ?.n proportion,
and retails tr three dollars a bottle.
O. J. WOOD &. Co.' rroprretors, Hi Broadway, New
Tork, in thf great Xew Torh Wire Railing establish
ment, and 1 is Market St., t, Louis if .
Sd by J. U. M AUX II Co., Brownville, X. T.
X roenCit, nio
3HL lJGt
Dye Woods, DyestuiTs,
Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles
Varnishes, AYindow-glass and Putty,
Trenrh, Erglish, and Americas Ferfumerj.
FIXE iioilet and sharing soaps, fine hair and
T ? tooth lrusbes,jaii;tbnuhes, surgical and dent
4 al instruments, spioes, sou 2s, manufactured
tobacco; a.U the patent medicines of the day; pure
wines and branlios, for medical purposes; choice
toilet and ft.ncy articles, etc.etc.
Agents for (!ic sale cf
I)r. TTiFtar's Ualsam of Wild Cherry.
. lloge r's Liverwort. Tar and Cancbalagns,.
Osjrors India Cboiagoirue,
" Jonoi:' Amriean CuJiUtgorae;
u Goysott's Yellow dock and Sargapariila;
Frratb's Tonic Svrup.
-V7:3,l;S57. T2nl-yly
Engine and laclilne shop,
Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and
Grist Mill Machinery, Single and Double Circular Saw
Mills, Ttbacco Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lard
Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines Building
Castings. Toung'slmprovel Patent Smut Mil Is, ftc.
riAGEXTS for the sale of James Smith 4s Co.' Su
perior Machine Cards. ' T2nS-ly
For Pikes Peak.
Da PonTs Celebrated Powder, In
Patent Metalic Kegs,
And Canisters, just the thirg for Camp use. For
sale by the Agent,
Corner of Vine and Commercial Streets, and 54,
North Levee, Saint Louis, Mo.
These Kegs are air and water tight, and eontain
six and one-fourth pounds, and 25 pounds. The for
mer contain Da Font best brand, the latter Dilut
ing Fowder. Send on yonr orders to
March 3, '59-3m.
Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled
Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes,
Vaults, Bank Locks, &c.
The recent test of Safes of the different Matlfacturf s
in the GREAT FIRE of the City Building?, . in which
the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fully establish
es the superiority of the Kscelsior Safe, which merits
the confluence of all interested in Safes, and the securi
ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe
after heirg in the fiTe for ninety boars, ant taken out
red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large
number of the others, in the fire but a short time, were
taken out with their content entirely consumed, must
impress ail with the necessity of examining their safes,
and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of the
Safe having stood the test and come out victorions. we
pledge owe-ivei to manufacture none but such as can fee
relied on, and refer to the following
We, the undersigded, take pleasure in certifytrg to
the successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior Ore
proof Safes were submitted to in the burning of the City
Buildings, the nineteenth of I'oveuiber,185tf. and are jus
tified in recommending them to all who need safes.
Hall & Smith Eddy jamesos & Co
Charles Blow & Co 3amcdl McCartxjiT
Humphreys Tutt & Terry, Jons S thomasoh
Rcjsyan Hillmas h. Bros Bastd Wiley &Bastd
Tillan Roziet &co
McMkiianAl Ballaxtixe,
Von Phcl waters & to
Barnard Adams & co
Took the Preuiium over the best Eastern Manufacture
at the State P.-dr, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to
fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be! to any in
the United States.
Also manufacturers of
Lightning Rods,
of Best quality, and
PUMPS of all Descriptions.
No. 15. Main Street, Sain; Louis, Mo.
July 22,18.58. Iyv3n4
Scott it Bro
Brow Goddik & Co
Johx n Hall & co
Shapldigh Day tt co
Machinists, Founders and
Engine Builders,
Front etree', "West of Smith,
Would most respectf ulljinforatheirfricniiand
the public generally, that they are now pre
pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt
ness. LTaring lately enlarged their shop and with
the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to
merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which
has heretofore been extended to them.
Saw Mill Engines of ercry Description.
Constantly on han-i: consisting of the riash, Circu
lar and Muley. Mill Gears and erery description of
J astings, warranted to be well made ia erery particu
lar. They hare also a Boiler Yard attached to their
establishment, which enables them to oversee all
work in that line furnished by them, and are pre
pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other
shop in the country.
Those in want of anything in our line, would do
well to give us a call and examine our new pattern
That Great Remedy,
Thiaiemedy, claimed by the medical profession and
ifce molt plied thousands that hav.j nsed it and tested
its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest
discovery in medical science, and i ature's owa remedy,
it the result of years of toil and study, ly one oi Ohio's
fawUe physicians, ia order to produce something that
would meet the withes cf suffering humanity, and thou
sands from tie princely palace aitd humblest cottage
can testiTy to the immediatu relief found by iia vse.
For want of space we oniy tfsr a few of tio many trvi
dinces is its favor.
Momte, li t., Teb.13, 1S57.
MESSRS. S. K. MANN t CO 'ffe find your Ague
balsam superior to sny rendT in ur market for the
lermanem cure of all malarious i!ieaies. Wecheer
fnlly reonnineud it as worthy that great name it has
wherever so!d and nsed.
Very Traly Tours, .RICHARDS & THOMAS.
to r ii i:tihis
Printer's Warehouse.
No 29, Pre rex Street.
The subscriber will be happy to furnish purchas
ers of Printing Materials with I lain and Ornamen
U4 Types, Borders, Ac, made from a combination of
ail the hard metals so extensively puffed by found
ers Also Germans, Greeks, Hebrews, and a New
and elegant Font t Agate Maie Type, from which
the Musical Eeriew and Friend are cow printed ;
with Presses, and every article retired for Frint the Tery lowest price, for eash or approved pa
per. Oil Type taken in exchange for new, at ten cents
perponnd.. . ,
Second hand Presses and Haterials, and a com
plete Stereotype Foundry, with two Shaving Hat-bines
for sale cheap. Printers of Newspapers pub
lishing this advertisement (including this note)
three times before the first of September, 1859,
and senirjr me one of the papers, will be paid for it
in Printing Trpes, wten they turcharc ton r I'mes
the amount of their hill. P. 0 . COI'.TLEYOiT.
April H, St
To the Hufferers from Chills, Ferirand Ague, I cheer
fully sub nit the folluwinsf navtcg ohterved ciosely
the effects of Dr. Mace's Arue Baliam in this vicinity
fir the pt three years, 1 aci well pleased wish its re
medial virtues as an antidote to malaria. 1 have fre
quently lised it in my practice, anl with entire satis
faction. Prom my intimate kuowIeJeof this compound
1 recommend it ansare, promt and efficient.
uaiioDj uiiio, .ipru ist, iba. ...
Blctto. lnd., May 17, 1S53.
UVSSP S R V V4 VJ Jt ' MinnT cl u,l
earn for the past three year U sec-res of persons in this
vicinity, and closely observing lu effects, we do not
hesitate in saying, we believe it the best remedy ever
sold in In.I:ana, and will effectually cure chills fever and
will effectually cure chil Is, ?ever and ague without fail.
Truly Tours, PHILL1MA2J & a-EAKXS, Drug'ts.
Locaksport, lid., Sep. !3. 1S56.
DR. MANX Please send iae one half gross more of
your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand,
and may be truly styled the King oi: Fever and Ague.
St. Lent:, March 1st, 1863.
MESSES. SR MANX & CO We have sold a large
amount of your Ague Balsam the pist three years, and
find that where introduced and sold if has no equal in
the history of ague remedies, and from all parts of the
west we bear the same cheering rews it never fails
to cure ita patient and is looked upon in this country
as the heft medicicine for eld Us, fever and ague ever
in our market. O- J. WOOD &. CO
S. K. 31 ANN & CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. H. 31 AUN & Co.
no37 Brownville, N. T.
Fruit Trees.
BrownviUe ITiiroery.
The subicribers offer for sale the following varieties of
Apple Trees.
Tellow Bellefleur,
White Winter Pairmain,
Sed Romaninite, .
English Golden Russet,
Roman Stem,
Winter Swarr,
Pome Gris,
Wilowor Limber Twig,
Snow Apple,
Domini cr Darwin,
Talman'j Sweeting,
Xorthem Spy.
Autumn Swarr,
Pall Strawberry,
Fall Pippin,
Fall JaniUn,
Sweet June or Hightop Snmmer Queen,
Sweetinr, Golden Sweet,
Early Trenton, Early Harvest Redstreak,
Early Harvest.
The Nursery is situated on the farm of R. J. Whitney,
about one mile south of Bronville. The trees are one
year old from the graft and very large and healthy for
that age. Produced in the soil and climate of Nebras
ka, they must prove superior to tho-e that are shipped
from the States. They can be obtained earlier in the
spring are not injured by cutting off the small sprouts
in order to make the shipment less and to lessen the
bulk, as our eastern nurserymen do when they seud
trees abroad. This is a truth that our Xebi aska farmers
must take into consideration. To thone who wish to have
Good orchards the proprietors win endeavor to give en
tire satisfaction to all who iay favor us with a call.
During the planting season, one of us will be found in
the nursery to wait on those who favor us with their val
ued orders, GEO. W. BRATTOX,
P. S. We hereby warn all persons against trespassing,
or removing any trees, or any mark p laced on or among
the said trees. B. & F.
. Brownville, N.T., Jan. 13, 1859. 3m
Two Hundred
UllKIbllAN DElSfctt.
Drotvnvlllc, Kefoiraska.
ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re
ceived, per Steamer Ryland, very laree.and
well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of
, 1 i . mm
new ana improvea patterns, as louc ws:
Buck's Pattern,
Plymouth Rock,
Elevated Oven, New Ez ,
olden Era. and every variety o
Parlor and Office Stores.
Japaned YTare, Braxs Kettles,
Lantherns, Copper Waie. Sho
vels and Ton::s.
All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country.
I have also cow on hand every requisite variety
of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware., and am prepared
to put up guttering and spouting and all other work
in my lino, at short notice, and in a workmanlike
manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. ,
I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper
BrownvUle September 2, 1658. uTO-ly
Mclaughlin & Dorset,
Main Street, Bro wnyHIe,N.T.,
Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar
atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay
taxes, investigate titles ;
Buy and sell property on commission; furnish land
warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi
ness connected with a general land agency business.
Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern
ment land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a ditance.
Mclaughlin & Dorset respectfully refer to
George H. ixou, Esq., Register Brownville Land
Chtrles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys
Nemaha Land District. ,
Robert W. Furnas, Esq . , Editor Advertiser Brownville
Messrs. Lushbaugb & Carson, Bankors, Brownville,
Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, nagerstown, Maryland.
Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md.
O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio.
Hon. Fecner Furguson,- Delegate in Congress from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. 0.
John A. Real, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, lnd.
Brownville, April 22. - no43tf
Double-Threaded Sewing Machine,
Warranted the best in the World.
Will stitch and hem. tuck and fell, gather and em
broider wi'.h perfection, and will sew every kind of
goods, even leather, and especially adipted for family
Any person of ordinary intelligence can learn in one
hour to use it successfully.
We have a great number of references, but will give
only the names of a few, who are among the first fam
ilies, to wit :
We, the undersigned citizens ef St. Louis, having la
tely purchased one of Raymond's Latent Improved Pa
tent Sewing Machines, and use it successful ly on differ
ent kinds of work, In our families' service, do cheerful
ly recommend it to all persons as a Family Machine :
Mrs J Jewett 'Wilcox
Jose Coffran
L Ms ry Livermere
R R Wborf
M R Williams
H M Blossom
Mrs. P AMcffett
J Clemens
J as A II Lampton
D BGale
M BTennison
J A Hale
E Tillman
E J Stevens
Machines without tables, as hand Machines, with one
needle and two spools of thread on the machine, are $15
With tables, half dozen extra needles, tools, &.C., $33.
Needles $ I per doxen.
Complete printed 4ireetkns will be rent with every
machine. These machines take the same stitch as the
Grover and Eaker.
No letters of inquiry answered except an extra post
age stamp is enclosed.
Machines warranted, and may be returned In thirty
days if not satisfactory.
Ko machines delivered until paid for.
All orders by mall or express, with Lae cash, will re
ceive prompt attention.
N. B. Agoats wanted for every town in the South
and west, to whom a liberal discount wi II be given.
Address EDWIN CLARK, No. 82 North Fourth street
St. Louis, Mo. n40-3m
Collecting Agent,
Particular attentioa paid to making collections for
noa-residenU. Chsrjes reasonable.
Reference?. .
R. W. Frame,
Wm S.4wrdee,
E R Farkr
Lyford tt Earn,
Postmaster, Peru
Probate Judge, Neb. City
County Clerk, Brownille
Sonera, Mo,
j. b. nmnsGs. s.w. childs.
j, b. jEinmrGS a co.
Wholesale Grocers,
go:.::.:issiq:i herciiaiits.
Cor. 2nd ard Frances sis, St. Joseph. .13.
HATE just relieved by late arrival, at much be
low the regular rates of freight, a heavy soc of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low prices, will be sold nnasually cheap for cash.
We respectf ally invite Lnyers to an examination of
oar stock.
s 50 hhds new crop Sngar, fair to prime, at reduced
1GC0 sacks Q A and Kanava salt
SCO bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour
800 sacks u u
20 tierces new Rice
' 400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles
IDO boxes family Soap
500 boxes Rio Coffee, good fair to prime
50 Lis crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bis batter, soda, sugar and wine
400 kegs assorted Nails
1 j0 coils mannilla rope, froai to inches
75 boxes pearl Starch
50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass
500 do BX10 and 12 and 12XU window tish
100 sacks new dried Apple
100 boxes imperial,gunpowder, young hyson and
black Tea
150 boxes asrarted and fancy Candy
50 boxaa sugar Toys and Gum drops
100 whole and hf dram Figs
50 boxes layer Raisens
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100,000 Segar3, various brands
150 boxe3, and 25 bis Smoking To acco
600 dozen Field's celebrated Oysters
150 boxes W B. PF and E D Cheese
"Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish
Fotomac herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, enrrants, prunes, vermacilli. macaroni, nuts of
all kinds, etu etc.
fSHides. peltries, beeswax and all other hinds
of produce taken in exchange for goods by
Jan'y 20 1859 SOyly .
Hevj Hardware Store.
Sign of the Saw. -T
Impoi ter, Wholesale and lie tail Dealer In
American German, English & French
IS NOWreceivingand opening the largest and most
varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever
offered in any market west of St. Louis.
My stock embraces a full and complete assortment
of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Jlechaa
ic's tools of every description, direct from the most
approved manufacturers: sgricultural and horticul
tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin
ing all the recent and useful improvements for the
saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com
munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful
examination of this department of my stock. I am
also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I
will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices.
Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in ft word,
my stock is very complete, which, foi its quality and
price, I am determined to offer such inducements as
will command a liberal share of trade from this and
adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing
and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,
together with a long experience in the general Hard
ware trade,enables me; not only to defy all competi
tion, bnt has convinced mo that the true principle of
trade is smail profits and quick returns.
January 1, 1857. vln23tf
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
Corner of Main and Francis Streett, Riddle's Old
Stand, Opposite Stouts Hotel,
HAVE just received the largest and most complete
stock of the above goods ever opened in upper Missouri,
to which the attention of merchants and dealers is res
pectfulling invited having purchased them principally
for cash at the very lowest possible prices, in Boston,
New Tork and St. Louis, feel conddent that I can offer
inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair
and liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit
a liberal share of patronage. Cal 1 and examine my stock
and prices before purchasing!; sales are bound to follow,
In my stock will be found every article usually kept in
a Xo 1 Grocery House.
With Corn.
Those indebted to me are hereby notified that
they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at
the highest market price, delivered at the store of
I. T. Whyte in Brownville. This request is made
only because 1 am in debt myself, and cannot raise
the money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar
rangement will be taken as a great accommodation
under present circumstances. JESSE NOEL.
Brownville, Dec., 2, 1358.
Oregon. ZVXo.,
TAKES pleasure in announcing theeitixens of Or
gonandthe public in general, that he has on
hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin
ware, ever offered in this market. Mystockof Tin
ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at
Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices.
I would call particular attention to my stock of
COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved
patterns both Air-Tightand Premium. Among them
may be found Filly's Charter Oak, thebest stove now
in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prisePre
minm. Also
Parlor & Box Stoves
Of various Sisesand Patterns, which I will
Particular attention paid to making and puttin
up Tin Gutters, in the town and country.- Also, re
pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term.
Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange
for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS,
vl-n5 Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1S5S.
Lyford & Horn,
Dealers in
Fc m riv ..-i
Importer s hi an n f ac t n re r
The Proprietor respectfully informs the citizen of Browcyille, and the public cen-
erally, that he has jast returned from St. Louis with the largest stock cf eustoa-niade
BOOTS it SHOES ever bravght West of St. Joseph.
nis assortment of ready-mid-i Bjots & Sheer eritraces every variety for Fall asd Winter. French
Calf-skin boots, single and dou'sle sole of the latent style and fashion; a!o a f uperiorstock of Grain lea
ther water-proof boots, ju3t right for PIKE'S PEAK Gold Diggings. 1U b;u a Lirpre supply of Kip and
Stga Boots, and a great variety of Shoe3 ai-d Brogans ; Boys' Shoes and booti of aii sizes and varieties.
Ha hru a large supply, and great variety in erery style and fashion, of Ladi ;s' Gaiters, Slippers, Jiijscs'
and Children's Gaiters and Slioe?, Gentlemen's Slippers. Buffalo and Gum-.;!a3tie Overshoes, -e, Ac.
Ho also has constantly on hand a large sapjly of French Kip and Calf -skins and trimmings
He warrants his work to'give entire satisfaction, and invites the public to call and examine tot themselves at
the Browaviile Boot &. Shoe Store, and jud?e whethor the boots and shos are not of !e!ter leather, better made
and cheaj-er than any jou ever inrchased from anj other place. The highest pricen iaid for hides.
Sept. 2.1. 1853.
soots, gsxojm,
XallSjlMovrs, Stoves, Furniture, &c
April Sth,lS53. -t
Oregon, Holt County, Missouri
Keepconstantly on hand alldascriptionof Harness,
N. B. Everyarticleinoarshopismanufactured
ourselveand warranted to give satisfaction.
Seeds! Seeds!
The subscriber would call particular attention to
the following:
Br om Corn Seed of very superior quality, Chi
nese Sugar Cane and Black Locust.
Also Onion, Beet, Cabbage, Kaiish, Turnips, Let
tuce seeds, 4c, by the quantity.
A limited supply of Chnfas or Earth Almonds,
at 50 cents per 100 tubers. Currant Seeds by the
package or ounce.
Our Seeds are all Warranted.
We have a fine lot of Stowell'a Evergreen Sweet
Corn which is positively the best garden corn in
cultivation. Also Smith's Early White Corn. Per
sons desiring anything in the above line should or
der immediately.
Address II. A. TEEST. Crescent City, Iowa.
March 3d, 1859.
! L
53 lal
INTO. -123. Qtsreol:,
Brownville, N. T.
THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and the patlio generally that
they bare received and are now opening one of the largest and most complete Stocks of OlothiE
Ever brought to this market.
Their assortment of
Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices ; as to Color they have Brown, Elae, Black, viiible
invisible Green, and Cloths, Casimers,Satinetts.Cashmeretts,aDd Jeaas, all made up
according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests iiisaperb,
emUricing the very latest atyles and patterns. In the
r Kid
May alto be found atall time a fineselection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored, Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we willstllascbeapas any estabiishnient ia the West.
We have the finest and best assortment of
Ever brought to this Territory
tl&v O Li)
A fine assortment of
Baltimore Clothing
and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever bought elsewhere
October 29th, 1S57. v2nlS-ly
Brownville Steam Ferry !
'.The Route from Brownville to Ft. Kearney,
and from thence to California, is the
nearest and most practicable.
ijale at this Olfice.
ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public thatthey are
now running as a Ferry across the Missouri .river at
An entirely new, substantial and commodious
Which arrangement will secure a certain and
safe passage at, all times and in all kinds of
weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly,
cr for the pnrposeof gaining custom merely, but are
governed by facts, when they say this is thebest
crossing of the Missouri Biver in Nebraska, and
when they say the route from Brownville to Fort
Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest
for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the
Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most
practicable route by personal experience, as well as
that of hundreds of others who have traveled it.
We claim therefor that thin crossing and route holds
out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persoos
going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not
withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe
andspeedycrossing, our charges are the same as other
Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla
tive enactment.
fRecoUcct that with our fiwilities of Power,
no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from
making regular trips at all hours.
t3JA skiff and hanJ will be in readiness tocross
foot passengers at all times of night.
n20 November llth,I857.
Dealers in Coin,
Cncurrent Money, Exchanpe and Laivi Warrants,
Especial attention will be given to Buyin? and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities of the United States.
Gold, Silver, and uncurreut Bank Notes. A constant stj -ply
of Land Warrants on hand for sale, fob cash, or en
tered on time for Pre-empt ors. All Warrants sold by us
guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory State
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare .'re-emption
Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi
ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend
ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates.
Bills or Exchange on England, Ireland, ami France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East
ad-led. Deposits received on Current account and interest
allowed on special deposits.
OFFICE Main St., near C. S. Land Office.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pal
McNaughton, Carson & Co., " "
Hiser &. White, ' Baltimore, Md.
Young, Carson & Bryant, " "
Jno. Thofnpson Mason, Col'r of Port, " "
E. M. Punderson ft Co. Merchants, "
M. M. Teakle tt Co. No. 17, Broadway, Kew Tork.
Wm. T. Smithson, Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C.
J. 7. Stevens. Esq., Att'y at Law, "
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d And. U. S. T., "
Taytor&Kriegh, Bankers, , Chicago, 111.
atccienana, Scruggs & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo
Hon. t&os. u. iTatt,
Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Par, us 4c Co. Bankers,
H. C. NnttiCo. "
Greene, Weare tt Rice, "
Douglass tt Watson, "
Col. Sam Hambteton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. H. Tutwiler,
Oct. 8, '57-vC-nl5-tf
Steam rziJJLl,
Patent Portable Mill.
rpHE subscribers have entered into a partnership j
JL nnaer the firm of Kcjd, liolabirl 4 Co., to
manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist
aim and are now prepared to furnish all those in
want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura
bility, simplicty and economy; excel any Mill in the
world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics
institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was awarded
them for it.
It is adapted to all Grain grindingpnrposes; it is
superior to all others forthemostexten?ive Merchant
Mill, as it is for grinding the Fanners feed by Horse
The above Mills are manufactured by the under
lignedat theirshop in Cincinnati, O., where they
son oe lurmshedin any quantity atshort notice.
The above Mills warranted to perform as follows:
35 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300
0 " " " " Z) " 15 " 250
Z4 " " 20 13 " 200
20 " " " 15 8 " 150
As this Mill tells its is unnecessary to
etrom our numerous recommendations.received
Annapolis, Md.
Hagerstown, Md.
Keokuk, Iowa.
Council Bluff"
Des Moine, "
Vinton, '
Easton, Md.
Cumberland, Md.
Havana Alabama.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ever
greens, Flowering Shi ubs, &c.
The proprietors of the above named Nurseries, of
fer for sale the coming season a full assortment of
fruit and ornamental trees of the moit approved va
rieties and thrifty growth, and of a sui title size for
transplanting, consisting in part of
Apples, Pears.
Cherries, Peaches,
Plum3, Apricots,
Grapes, Currant?,
Quinces, Nectarines,
Gooseberries, Raspberries. Strawberries
The ornamental department contains all the most
desirable varieties of evergreens and deciduous trees
dowering shrubs.roses. climbers, Ac.
The subscriber would call particular attention to
uis una collection of
Having paid great attention to their eultiavtion,
ne has pleasure and conf uenc-fl in offering them to
the notice of purchasers. They are all worked on the
best varieties of French Quince stocks are rmark-
.bly healthy and in a too state for transplanting
the coming season. A few hundred trees of the
nest sorts can be t arnirbed ot extra size and m a
bearing state that will give frnit immediately after
teeoming established.
All the above stock will b- furnished at prices
that will compare favorably with any other estab
Packing done In the best manner.
Catalogues furnished all who enclose stamps for
. A j 4 TrvT? VT C?'Tr3 1. r
Cottage Garden Nurseries, Cincinnati, O.
Feb. 10, '59 ly
1 1 "2j - S
zzicrzozz cTin pact.
,1., I
litiki AAV
ha.-a: U of d-..rwi
Try or eiS
..A 1 IJ .9 Of
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A' HKorTUin aCir-
i:i:;c'.f-l i.H tJi.n f,;:.
lil a:Tord yri iii
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kept oa
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dr.!Iul aet.U.-,.
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j balmy pin couti jl'i.t,, j, ;
It eir
- TKl I Jiea wbf prij a y
Warranted to suit the most fastiduous
COATS, Dress, I'rocK and Saclc.
atT?. PAXTS, Eycxt Style and Description.
VESTS, To please IL.arg:c and Small.
SHIRTS, Botli T Iiite and Fancy.
A h W0Qld but ask the public to call, examine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the
1 v Laltimore Clothing Lmponuia is notof be'.tcr made material ontwWh v..r tnat Kttpr tHmmp.l
tl.l)...l........1 V. . '
oaf in j
i anl ail di.-ctU rxl.rt 4 i
: eteieenti, sbvuij s.i,
1 tl.e-m trTam WttT,
I d- niain as onu .i lln
? with the AT.Cr.'C ijn:-;
i It ia ti!rnt for t!
; r;Tin5 a lI:liT, rW
' j-earanL It is
It Is a sovert'jii rH) hj
th various cvaa
vbicli boparal3 etta,
in? tlt Kit '-vrytnm4
halt, trorxes, s-nti-j
F. 5WEy,
ITir, e. No fcrroer, 1
tall kwper, or tnr fn
own re valuable IfOK?H
slior.M b vi'iout Uiia
b! rmwlf .
For sale by a'J respectabl PruetH aad IVar.
Prices of the liniment, 25 tml, 50entanl 11 aU
tie. A ooedo'.'ar bottle contain as much LiUata
eight twenty-firc-cent bottle
Evry parrba-ser of a dor b!' of tin 'JX
IMEXT wi'M, at Dr. Erapz's expea-, u IN.T3
STATIS JOL'RVAL, of New York, for eo ynr. 2i
Journal is a lar? illastratel paper cj aumfcw r
tainimr sixteen paz'-s, beautifully printed on ie.
paper, and filled with orrnal matter trrm tiniiMH
uant wnLen ot ize pouniry."i m. ym 1
txnA full isa.rticul.-irs of the novel and lliiian-.lirnMS I
terprir. of which this offer forms a part, vill tervmju i
each bottle. - . .
miAGO fc D V RK O VE S, S t. Loa la, W
Krw York Crvrat, 371 ekuai.i.
Communications should always be aMrasi t St Ua
Brownvili'j, N. T.
-mown1 .
'only to myself, am tW . (;
A cbimicallv ojmbineo 1 ' ;
Sold by
TUEffreafest remiv
dy in the world.
Tbis cordial is distilled
from a BeTry- I
cbimicall? co
V, f -
Zxisurnzico Compn-nTr.
George Fergnson,
BROW I, V1XLE, ir. T.
ANNOUNCE to the public, that he is"repared
to erect Steam and Water Saw and ilerch?nt
Mills at short notice and rea.onabIe terms. Repair
ing of machinery of all inds.
lie is also Agent for
Western Foundry.
Sai7 Llanufactory,
cnj-crmrATi, o.
And are prepared to receive and fill orders for an v ma
chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these ea-
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N.T. Steam Hill.
, K. W. r urnas, CrownviUe,
Wuir, Ilann & Co
Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city,
P. II. Rogers, Pawnee city, "
Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Ho.
James Lowo, Linden, "
A. B. Ealliberd, Cincinnati, O.
Brownville, June 18, 1S57.
fTiniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now
a- luuy organised, and theirentirecapital stock of
r.jiw Montana uouars, raia ui and secured- The-r
are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,
uu vjib.o ndiss, upon equal terms, wita the most
lavored Insurance Company anv wher. IT.,,
adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will share in the profits of
me company.
1 be operations of the Company, will be con3ned.
u piwcui, vo AKi.e, or cargo nsJcu with a
maximum liability of f I2,o00 on any one bottom. t
Being the only Insurance Offiee, on the above pop
ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex
pens a generous support from W estern Men hants.
11 ivajretnui luma ito jiissouri iiiTer pa-
S. F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly,
H.P.Benne J.L.Armstrong,
W. N. Iliachman, Hiles W. Brown,
CHAS.F.HOLLY, President.
. J . G AB3TDK, See'y.
St. Louis Agent C1. W. P. Howard.
April 2d, ISoS. 42U
t2 1-ly
Cash for Corn.
I will pay Casb. for Corn delivered at Brownville cr
other gol shipping points on the Missouri Rirei
o. u. -n-iLCOi.
BrownTille, N. T. llarch 24, lS53-3t
Announce to the public that be a prepared U accom-
DKKiaiemose wuininn wita carTiagjs and Bnppie; to
Setber with good safe horses, for con fori and eaae ia tra
velling, lie will also board horsei by the day, eek or
June 10, 'M. 60tf .
iiltornsy at i
mi J
11.1s rest meu bis professional business, and wHj prtc
nee m an ine ouns or eorasa, ai.d the Courts in
uifon county, ji .).
with wJt') of the mofct
valuable medical roots,
herbs and barks fcawa
to the mind of man,
vis: blx) root, alack
root, wiid cherry jark,
yelVw dxk, djnd'e
lrlns. sarsapurilla eld
er 2owers, with o:bers,
producing the most in-
i illible remedy or tne ; ij
O XV X Tir.Tr.T)Y. curing dieacs br natnral lawt-
When tiien its bea'.in? inSueiice is felt t onriri tarcra ,
every rein of the body, purirying and acceier.;sf o
circulation of the bkod. It neutraiires arr biua
matter in the stomach, and strecg-.hecshc wfljltsrf
McLean's Strengthening Cordial rul ejccttrtl
Liver Complaints Dynprutia. Jauidice. Ckrtnie
or Nrrvnui Detiitiiy, Diteiteiof the Xidtrjt,
and ali Duetites arvtintj fron s Ditordtrtd
Liter or Stomach,
Heartburn, inward piles, acidity or sickness of tss
ach. fullness of b!od to the head, dull paia or swiaaisj
in the head, palpitations of the heart, cbokn? ra&
ailna: feelings when laying down, dryness or yellowaw
of the skin and eyes, sudden Hashes of beat, dertw
of spirits. Ac.
There is no mistake ab vv.1 it.
This ccrdi l will never fail to cure any ot tit ato
diseases, if taken as per directions on aci
German, Kngli-fi and French.
Over half a million of bctUes
ITave been sold during the past ix montS, al
instance hasit failed in ivins entire satisfaction w
thui wil! sutler from weakness or debiilty wan
Lean's SLrengthening Cordial will cure yoa?
To the Ladies.
Do you wish to be healthy and strong? Titt
onte and get some of MrLean's Cordial . It wiil strfr
then and invizorate yoar bloo4 t. flow throin
vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to taooat tT
ch?ck again. venr bottle warrantel to gie 'JJ'K-
For Children.
w ssy to parents, if vour childreg are sickly, ynry'
affiictei with complaints prevalent among
them a small quantity of McLean's Coriial. It '
rapidly, tecane st always cares, telay not a be"
Every Country Merchant
Should not leave ll,e citv until he had p'o:el snr
ply of JfcLean's Strenethening corcial. a l!Mr"
discount will be made to thwe who buy to sell
JOA-Beware of drnsrslst or deaierw
try to palm upon you sotae Bitter or Sarsaparilla tr
which they can buy cheat?, by saying it is just a
Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Sttengtbeniage
dial, and take nothing else. It is the only rme, ri
will penry the blood throughout, and at the am
streng-hea the system.
On tihlo nwnfnl f -. V An -rn!r( is a ctr-a1
pjeventive forcholera, chills and fever, yellow fertr,
any prevalent disease.
Piice only gl per bottle, or bottles for 5. ,
S.,:e proprietor of de cardial.
Also.ilclan's VolcaDioOil IJairaeo.
55"Principal depot oa the corner of Third sail rJ"
streets, St Louis, 3. .
Iclatan's Volcanic Oil Unimcd
The Ixst liniment in the orld for maa or beast
Another Remarkable C'!j
Performed by SfLeaa's Yolcsnic Oil Liniment.
it for yourselves
Thomas Pord, a black?m:th, living near Cass avs
Tenth street, had a Li. rait ie rnnning -wrs on hn
He tried virions Liniments, Salves. &.c, butoB.a '
nopid. He dept:re-i;f ever tein ibi to work
trad, acain fcpeau-e te aid nt tear anv we:l!it oa
foot; and by cce Ntt:e cf AicLeaa's Tulcucic Oil 1"
meet he Is now perfectly cured.
Rheumatism. neuraUia. paralysis, bruises. i?r-
stiSTness In the joints or musclds, strellijs. w
throat, earitfhe or toothache, ic. yiell to the magi "
flaeuce of this wonilerf ul lininieat.
For horse and catt'.. it i an lnfT!ihl rt?meo7
chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lameness, spario, 9
la, bruises, swellings, woondi, rattlj-snake We.
various othr diseases which aniasa! are liable to
injuries or accident.
Every cocntry merchant should .btala a sarp'T V.
Lean's Volcanic Oil Lininieat. It seiis npiil
italwarsca-es. -
A l.beral discot nt will be made to merchanU rv
to sell acain. .
53"For ale br J n McLE AN, cronrielor. eoja1
Third and Pine streets, St, Mo.
jacod jLuraoy,
HesDectfnllv announce t,i tht pontlcmen of J": -
vine and vicinity that be has jnt received 'rt,l(
East a large stock of very ssperwr gowdi and
Cloths, Vestings, ccc
nu n te win maoanciare on very hkti" 'ae
no tlatters hime!f th;t be undert.nJs lis
thoroughly aid ail work warranted coming rom
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IStownviitc, April C2, 1S53.