Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 26, 1859, Image 3

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    ititm wi "T rn '
' ' ' -.-r ir paid in advance, - .00
! fat ", ' at tbe end of 6 months, 2.60
i " M " "12 " 3 00
i " " f 11 or more will be famished &t $t.f3 per
; C ' vlde4 the CiifcU acaiUipaUcs tLe order, nut
HtT"" of tie Ileal
",; v. Letter, Masonic Temple, Cbic?.?o, 111.
''" pri General Advertising rear of
; S. B ; Lades' and Children's Shoe Store, bQ West
Kf J ttr'eet. Cincinnati.
' c Hta. Owe Co, No S16 and SiS, Broadway,
i k
Kf rvr Vikd, American Canadean and European
i ns aud subscription tfflce,Nol33 Nassau street
'.r the Advertiser, and receive and receipt
K'-PEBinGE, Northwest corner of Olive
w"r f.s. Dearborn trer-t. Chicago.
i C' .,,,'oh Acentsto solicit subscriptions and ad-
t ..UiU'""v- 1 . . .. - ,-
j x "'wr i I l
I ,idetit in this Territory., coming from varljus
, ffr c jjiatcg) o'teu eucrcstto us the aame of
nr""' ,j,cirold ne?'3borbcxxi8, who would doubtless
rp& if r g u tI ey couid tee a copy of the "Ad-
ye always aena 9 Fjrwin- wvj . " t'"'
ill canWder U a solicit auon 10 become m resu-
' .,it. w
j jon WORK.
' iftt extensive additions cf Now Type, Cuts,
' ink KrwiM'sCarda, A.c, made to the "Adver
1 wr rlauaU) be able to turnout Job Work in
5 r' n-unrpi ty any office. The proprietor being
!r-s .l flrinterbimMlf, anl having la his employ an
r iu .pd undfspfrieuccd Fancy Job Printer, is de
.aipiv i.i ont-dm in tb execution of Job Work.
itrtm' pf ro,tpr.g latent Improved Card
r r1 aJ,' , . trork in Colors, Bronwj Work, fcc.; will
J"" I rrUcular attention.
.frMaaflirtan" will fce rroffiptly attended to,
iiJSrrttS to WllrtMltoWMW.
j tB -i'ebrt-tka Ajdrertiser having:
" h the largest circulation of any paper in
Territory, tVtolesale Herchants in EL
jkA 6t J08511 Cincinnati fend other East
, jtarket where K br&sk& me rc!iants pur
gt. rCl fiad no better advertising medium
- tie Western country-CS
pllj Disappointed-
i Ve were, the other day, invited by
'liiTUi of the extensive Jlercantile
Hksc of L'- J. AlAnriif & Co., cf this
Vi:r, to "walk up stairs;" when up there
Vewtre ordered peremtorily to "take off
:jsoti." We hesitated ; thought of 4.11
if sits f commission and omission we
lad ever committed, especially, those
:;kely to be attoned for by the use of cow
hide, horse-whip and such like ; began to
'link tome fighting had to be done ; for
renow have a military character to sus
'ia, and dare not run, however much we
'-bt feel inclined. While thus re vol v-1
! 'tatters in our mind, we were ajree
...7 relieved by being informed that as
f j old coat looked "rather seedy," it
ns said Martians desire to replace it with
3e of his extra fine Sunimer Coals! We
condea that ruction; instantly shed our
':' coat, had it replaced as above indicat
ed, and immediately appeared on the
'street as an Editor in gentleman's guise.
,"A few more left, same sort," as wellis
I every desirable article of Ready Made
i Clothing.
J City Council.
j The City Council at its last session
; passed new ordinances, which w ill be found
iia another column. .
I Contracts were entered into with East
erly & Waltz for enlarging the bridge at
j the head cf Main street and raising to
correspond with the grade.
' v A committee of two, Smith and Furnas,
j wss oppointed for thepurpose of securing
j Cemetery grounds.
; tnlon Hall.
j Mokkisox & Smith have just received
and put up a "bran new" A No. 1 Bil-
iiard Table, and are new prepared to ac
' cotc2iflJat3 lovers of this game to their
j heart's content.
They have also received a new supply
Ji the choicest kinds cf liquors; none cf
yoar "strychnine," but the "pure truck."
As regards the "London Jockey Club
House Gin," we are enabled to speak by
j iMpirdion, from the fact that we find
1 i'?oa our table' a bottle of said invigorat-
i compound, accompanied with "the
j ttnrpiincnts of Union Hall." We don't
fet offended at such treatment we don't.
ftone PaTcmcnt.
A sample cf the Stone Pavement which
Armatrout proposes to put down on Main
reet, can be seen in front of D. J. Martin
& Co.'s Store. It is all right and no mis
fcke. Cost $30 ; "cheap as dirt."
H:-c Cream.
you wish a nice dish of Ice Cream'
Co lo Comfort &. Tice's Bakery, on First
SreoL They keep it; and vre know its
3&i; "cause why" we've tried it.
A Half-Breed Indian, well known in
community, indicted for for the mur
der of Tecumseh Fontenelle, in January
kst, Las been convicted of manslaughter,
tad sentenced to three years imprison
and 6-250 fine.
1 Drag store.
frr. Holladat has made considerable
provemcnt in the interior cf his store
e, and has just received and opened
usually large Stock cf Goods in that
Atwe War Irapllmcnt.
The workmen, in excavating on Main
eet this week, dug out a granite
Axe; such as was in use by the
cri-ines before the use cf iron imple
ments, li was found about four feet be
ow the surface of the ground. Could it
,e-, it could an interesting story unfold.
s Trlte gentlemanly clerk cf the steamer
vfary for valuable newspaper files.
fV Iar5. as willbe seen by advertise
. " - -, is cne cf tb e line of packets running
a correction with the St. Joseph and
-ilal Railroad.
Almost every wagen bound for the gold
mines has some rr.ctto cr ether - in large
letters on the cover. A few weeks ago
we noticed cne with "Fcr Teak's Peak
cr Bust." Yesterday the same wagon re
ti rr.ed with this addition- to the motto;
"Busted ly G cf." '
: We were pleased to meet in cur sanctum
B. F. LrsHBAucii, Hsrp, of the Banking
House of Lushbaugh & Carson of this
city. He has been East since last fall,
and returns with additional facilities for
financial operations in this city.
WTe had the pleasure this week of a
"hearty shake hand" with our old friend
and neighbor, Hon. T. Jcliait, of Miami
Co., Ohio. He is out "looking at the
Ladles American Magazine.
We are favored with the June number
of this interesting monihly. Its matter
and illustrations are good. This number
closes the volume ; a good time to com
mence with the next number.
5c7 Firm.
It will be seen by our advertising
columns that Jko. A. Ponx, Esq., has pur
chased the interest "of J. B. McAllister
in their Dry Goods House in this city and
will hereafter conduct business at the old
stand cf McAllister & Bonn.
"Root Ho or Die."
"Was the motto on a wagon which
passed through here on the 25th for the
Nearest Rente.
Hundreds cf persons who had started
for the mines from other points on the
river, return by way of Brownville, and
invariably pronounce this the nearest and
best route.
Gone Back.
A Cherry Creek train that had been
turned back by unfavorable reports, and
came to this point, this week, fitter re
flecting over the matter turned back again
determined to see the thing through
Ballou's Dollar Monthly,
Has reached us again. The Jurie num
ber is excellent. The "City of -the Sultan,"-'
well illustrated, - and "Illustrated
selections from the Poets," are of them
selves worth a whole .years subscription.
Ladles Repository
For June we have. As we have before
said, this is one of the "substantial" and
grows better by age. This present num
ber has had no superiors.
Scientific Artisan,
Is the title of a new weekly scientific
paper published in Cincinnati, after the
style of the "Scientific American." It
is published by the American Patent
Company;" edited bo G. W. L. Bickley,
It is profusely., illustrated with original
engravings, and well filled with most ex
cellent scientific matter. It should be m
the hands of every mechanic.
Terms : S2 single copies ; clubs at rates
as low as $1.30.
Legal Notice.
Davil SeiRle, Pi'ff 1 In the Kemata Comity
vt District Court of the Second
Ilorace Coleman, Deft ) Judicial District, Keb. Ter
To September Term A D 1859.
Thearove named defendant, Horace Coleman is hereby
notified there now is on fi le in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court of the said Nemaha County, a petition of
David Seiglc, wherein is claimed of the said defendant
the eum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars, to
gether with interest on one hundred and sevei'-ty-five
dollar of that sum, from the tenth (10) Cay of July,
ISoS, at the rate of ten per cent, per annuel, and on the
remaining one hundred dollars of said sum interest at
the a.metate, from the ninth (9) day cf October, l$58;
on two promissory notes, one, for one hundred and seventy-five
dollars, u.'i'd April 10, IfiSf payablo ninety days
after daie, to the (..'der of David Sei'Ie ; and the oilier
of naid notes for one hi-'ridred dollars, d3ted April 9, IS.M,
payabls six months aftt.' date to the order of John II.
Morrison; and both executed by the said Horace Coleman;
And whereas, the summons ustici on the 2Gih day of
April, 1S69, on said petition b&? been returned "not
found" as to the said defendent : Therefore the said
norace Coieman is hereby further noticed that a writ of
attachment has been issued in faTor of said plaintiff by
virtue of bich the following describe-! Re Estate has
been attached and is held to satisfy raid dbtf to-wit :
the Boutb-eaJt quarter of section Xo. 13, in town tip No.
6,-north of ranpe So. 14, east of the sixth pri&cipal
merpdian, and situated in said Nemaha county.
And the said defendent is also hereby further notified
that unites be appear and plead tosid petition in the
said District Court on or before the seconl day cf the
next term thereof to be 1-epun and held at Brovmvilie,
on Monday the 19th day ni September, judgment
will Le rendered apainst him by default for the amount
claimed In said petition anil costs.
il'GAUT A. 1IEWETT Att'ys for Plaff.
It ia hereby ordered that Uio foregoing notice be
published for four iuccessire weeks in the Nebraska
Advertiser as the law in Euch case? provides.
Witness my hand this 16th 5sy of Xay, A - D- l$S9
A.W. PKNTLANI), Clerk,"
By Chas. G. Posset, Deputy.
Kay 19th, 1S59 nU6 f 12 50
Claim -Kotice.
To Alven II. Lewis and all others whom it may
concern: You are hereby notiSedtbat I will appear at
th Land Office JJrownvillo, N. T., on Friday, the
27 th day of Hay, 1859, at 10 o'clock, A it, to prove up
rnj right of pre-emption to Iho north half of the
south west quarter and the south half of tho north
west quarter of section no. ei?ht, of Township two,
of ran're thirteen east, in Nebraska Territory.
d::ai'EK killings.
Brownville, Hay 19, ISjO. 2t-pd
mm in lis
IIEREBT inform the pubiic that he ftas
located himseif in this City, and is prepared
to serve those in want of anything in his line.
lie has selected his stock rith care and will manufacture
a No. 1 article "f everything o::"ered. He deems it un
necessary to enumerate; but will keep on hand evey arti
cle usual ly obtained in Saddle and Harness shops.
Brownville JTa? 12. no46-6m
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in
the settlement of tie Fstateof Daniel C. Parterson,
late of Jones county, deceased, to appear tt tho oSlce of
the Probate Jndpe at Beatrice, in U.ij-'e county, on Mon
day theftth day of June next, tj show cause, if any, w hy
aa order thail not be granted f-r the j-aynieat of JTordyce
Hoper's bill against m;d Xsta'e, while actirs as special
administrator. NATHAN BLAKEIA',
Probate Judge, 02. -
Beatrice, Nebraska Territory - . .
ilay, 10th, 1809. " uo!7-3t $i
To DrujG'to and Physicians.
IT IS IMrOSsIbi.E to conrey an adequate idea
of the pool noT bi ir;; clono by Lr. Smith'$
l'Kltctrle Oil," of llsiladflp hi.' I is important to
place it in the hands of ell medical men as eoon as
jray be, to save pain, and rcffcriiig, in all cases of
incident ic. othin ; ha3 ever done what thi3 arti
cle is doing in same time.
Flics 3Iore TFondcrful Cures
Electrical OH.
rmLArFLFETA, June C, 1S58.
Dr. Smith : I was HiilTerinir intensely from intern
al Tiles : was civen up by t wo tAysicians. I was ad-
rised to try Dr. Duma's Electrij Oil. by injections
The f;rst application relieved the pain, and alter four
uppnea ions 1 was rciievea tie pain, and alter four
applications 1 was entirely cared.
Yours, jratefully
AIks. Mary CmmcK.
271 Joniper St., two doors above South.
fFrora the N. Y. Times, 13.1
Tni Rrsii. Yesterday more than twenty ladies
Timed Dr. ualaUa U.bmirh, at the Troy liouse-
fiomecoming five to ten miles, entering from Asthma.
errous I'ainp, Kheomatism and eenernl deranjrc
ments. The "Electric Oil" is already manifesting,
tranquiljzmg and euratiTe powers upon tho afilicied
of Troy atd vicinity. Call early.
WiLi It Strise In? Yes, a pimple, an incipient
gathering wbicn lor a time appears oa the surface
and by a trifling char ge in the absorbents is taken
up and carried oat though the circulation "strides
in." ; . ;
Just sdoes this (genuine) Oil act on the alior
bentt cf the human being.
JiTIT CURES, it is AULD,itdoes J70 II ARM
It OA. iJUiO llAHil.
Greatest Cere In The World!
For Toothache or any other Pain,
DR. SMITH, of rhiladclnhia will forfeit $100 if
the Electric Oil fails to enre a pingle ease of Rheu
matism, or pains in the back or limbs, Piles, Fever
Sores, Uleers, Sore Nipples, Swelled Glands, Felons,
Btiffnesln the Joints or Neck.
Dr. !?'aiElectri(5 Oil cures Rheumatism.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Pain.
oath's Electric Oil a euro for Toothache. .
, Smith' Electric Oil a cure for Deaf ums. v
' Siriith's Eloetric Oil--a cure for Neuralgia'
Srxiith's Eloetric Oil a cure for Swelling. '
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for stiff Joints.
Smith's Elec tric Oil a cure for Felons.
Hmith's Electric Oil a euro for Broken Dreast.
Smith's Eloetric Oil a cure for Sore Throat.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Burns.
Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Paralysis.
It is soothing and pleasant ; it gives more perma
nent As wtJl as instant relief than anything ever b3
fore used, and its sedative influence over nervous
pain is highly appreciated by medical men, many of
whom have used it. Read this from Dr. Elkinton,
a physician who has practiced since 1S36 (too well
known far comment);.- - -
"At intervals during thirty years past, my vife
has been subject. to rheumatism of the most violent
cast say lour times a year sometimes so severe as
to make it necessary to administer large doses of the
tincture of guiacum fcnd merpbia, and rock her like
an infant in a large rocking chair, to iniuco any re
pose. Having frequent correspondence with my son
(102 Chesnnt street of year city) I informed him of
an attack she bad about the middle of last month,
(January), which was of such severity as frj com
pletely paralyse the system. He, in bis anxiety for
his mother s welfare, sent me a bottle of your Electric
Oil, but as I am ono of the practioner? of medicine
in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent
medicine, I d.d hesitate to give it a trial,; however,
on reflection, I concluded to try it which I did, and
after tho third and fourth application she became
rather passive, and before one-third of the bottle was
used not a veitago of tho disease remained, and she
ftill continues well, although she rode out a distance
of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the
symptoms. I therefore fc't it my duty, for the sake
of fcuITeringhuminity, to forward this testimonial.
1 am yours truly,
- Xlclievc and Avoid Pain.
Pain is tho penalty for violated law, yet in God's
Providence pain is a friendly admonition instead of
a vindictive cruelty. ' Were there no pain from a
burn wo would be liable to lose bur limbs and not
know it, die and not cognisant of our situation.
Thank 6od for pain if not well, that you may dis
cover a remedy to get SPEEDY RELIEF, and be
careful in the future. Fact" are stubborn, and if you
have a limb swollen from GOUT. INFLAMATORY
growing and PAINFUL ABSCESS, you would soon
know it if relieved, without the aid of imagination.
E2T"Tbc public are respectfully cautioned to be
ware of SPURIOUS OIL, and to notice the name
of A E. SMITH," and "GALUTIA B. SMITH," on
the label. "A. II. SMITH" is also blown in the glass
of 3 sizes. The largest bottles may bo had at f 5 fcr
six bottles.
ff Large bottles are ten times the cheapest.
Western Depot and Manufactory at the Ware
house of
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo.
To whom all orders must be addressed. n48-tf
Trustee's Sale
NOTICE Is hereby piven that by virtno of a Deed of
Trust., madecn the 21st day of October, A. D. 1853, by
Benjamin IJ. Thompson and Eli.abeth Thompson, to se
cure tbq payment of two promissory notes therein de
scribed, and recorded on page 123 of "Mortgage Records
No. I" in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nemaha
county I, D. L. M'Giry, trustee namei in sai'l Deed,
will on the 4th day of June, D. A. 1859, and between tha
hour of 9 o'clock a. M. and 5 o'clock p.m. cf said day
from the door of the office -of the Repister of Deeds
aforesaid in the City cf Brownvillo in said county, pro
ceed to sell at pubiic Hale to the highest bidder for cash
in hand the following Real Estate, to-wlt : Lots No. 7,
8, 9 ami 10 in Bkck So. 10, in said City of Brownville.
. D. L. M'GART.
Brownville, May 9d, 1S69. 46-5t$5
Trustee's Sale,
NOTICE It hereby clvcn that by virtne of a certain
Deed of Trust to the North-East quarter of Section No.
Ave, in Township No. five, North of Range No. fifteen,
East of tho sixth principal meridian. In Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory, executed by Vm. S. nail, on the
I3th day of September, A.D. 1558, and recorded on pacc-R
104 and 105 of "Jlortgape Records No. 1," in the office
for the Register of Deeds of said Nemaha connty, to se
cure the payment of a certain note therein described:
I, Daniel L. N'Gary, trnstee created by said deed, will,
onthe2Sth Cay of May, A. D. 1869, between the hours
of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock v. M. of eaidday from
door of the office of the Register of Deeds of said county
in Brownville in said county, proceed to sell said land
with the improvernentii and appartenances thereunto
be'onging to the highest bidder for cash in baud, and to
execute a Deed to the purchaser.
May 6, 45-3t $4.
HIM idiliL
Ilavinir rented the interest of lake atd Emmcrson in
the Brownville Stenni Saw and Grist Mill, announces to
to the public that he is prepared fo accommodate the
citizens of Brownville and Nemaha County with & su
perior quality of lumber of all kinds. Also with th
Grist Will, to serve all In that line.
The market prico at all times paid for Lcjrs and Corn.
The old business cf Noel, Lake & Emmerson will be
settled by U'?nry Lake. All future business conducted
by the undersigned, JESSE NOEL.
Brownville, April 7th, 1S59. lr
First St., 'bet Main. and Atlantic,
ANNOUNCE to the ciUzen of Brownville and vicinity
that they have rented the bakery formerly owned by E., ana arenowpreparedtofumish Bread, Cakes,
Pies, Confectionery, Ice Cream, Lemonade, &.c, &c.
' W. C. COMFORT, ,
Brownville, April S3, '59. 44-tf
To tlae Ladies.
Main Street, Broiunville, lNclrasJ:a,
Jlftsjrtst received afresh supply cf
" ConsUting cf New Style
Ribbons, Laces, Flowers,
And tiie finest and best materials for manufacturing
anything in toe millinery lice.
April lbt, 'G9 nW-ly
No. 637.
By tiie President ofllic United States
In pursuance cf law, 1, JAMES BUCHANAN, Presi
dent of 1he United States of America, do hereby declare
and make known that public ssrea will be ne Id at the
undermentioned land oKices in theTerrrtory cf .Nebraska,
at the period hereinafter designated, to wit ; . r
At the land cfiice at Brownville, ccmrriancin on
Monday, the eighth day of August next, for the disposal
of the public lands within the foliowa-.g named town
ships, viz :
North cf the Lata Line and East cf the Sijrf h of the
Miridia ,
The part of township l, outside of the Sac and Fox and
reservation, of range 17.
The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, raid i autsida of the Sac
and Fox and half-breed Nemwia reservation ; and f rac
tional townships 5 ad 6, of range 16. ,
The part cf township S ouiide of the Sac and Fox re
servation; township 2: the parts of townships 3, 4, and
5 outside of the lialf-breed Neitaha reservation and
fractional townsaip 6, of range la
The part of township 1 outside of the Sic an! Fox
reservation; townships 2, a, and 4; the part of township
o outsine ot the half-breed Nemaha reservation; and
township 6, of range 15.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6, of range 13.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and ft, of rang 12.
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of range 11. :
Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, of range SO. ,
At the land office at Brownville commencing troXon-
day, the fifth day of September next, for the uiposal cf
the public lands within the following named iownships,
via :
North of the Base Line end East of the Sixth Principal
Towmhips 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of range 8.
The parts of townships 1 and 2 outside of the Indian
reservation; nnd townships 3, 4, 6 and 8, of range 8.
The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 7
The part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4, 6 and C, of range S
Tbe part of township 2 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; and townships 3, 4, 6 and 6, of range 5
The parts of townships 1 and 2 outside of the Indian
reservation; and townships 3, 4, 5 and $ of range
At the land office at Nebraska City, commencing on
Monday the first day of August, for the disposal of the
public lands within the following named townships, via:
North of the Bate Line and East of the Sixth Principal
Fractional township T of range 16 "
Fractional towhships 7 and 8 of range 15
Township 7; aDd fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12 of range 14 ...
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and fractional town
ship 13 of range 13 -
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12 and 13 of range 12
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 and II; and fractional township
12 of range 11
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10 arid 11; and fractional townships
12, 13 and 14 of range 10 '
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 1!, 12 and 13; and fractional
townships 14, 15 and li ot range 9 ...
At the land ofTlco at Nebraska City, commencing on
Monday the twenty-ninth day of August next, for the
disposal of the public lands within the following named
townships, viz:
North of the Bane Line &ndEat of the Sixth "Principal
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; and frac
tional township 17 of range 8
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18; fraction
al township 17 cf range 7
Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of range C.
AtthA land offlcn at. Omaha 7ifv. Trias.
day the fifth day of July next, for the disposal of the
public lands within the following named townships viz:
North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 of range 14
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of range 13
Fractional ownshipa 12 and 13; townships 14, 15, 16
and 17; and fractional townships 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of
range 12
Fractional township 12; townships 13. 14, 15. 16, 17 and
IS; and fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range
Fractional townships 12, 13 and 14; townships 15, 16,
17, 18, IS, 20, 21,22 and 23 cf range 10
At tho land office at Omaba City, commencing on Mon
day the twenty-fifth day of July next, for the disposal of
the pubiic lands within the following named townships,
vis :
North of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principa
Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16; townships 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 9
Fractional townships 16 and 17; and townships 18, 19,
20, tnd2l of range 8
Fractional township 17; and townships 18, 19, 20 and
21 of range 7
Fractional township 17; nd townships 13, 18, 20 and
21 of range 6 '
Fractional township 17; and townships IS, 19, 20 and
zt or range o
Fractional township 17: and townships IS, 19, 20 and
zi of range 4 ,
At the land office at Dakota, commencing cn Monday
the eighteenth day of July next, for the disposallof the
public lands within the following named townships viz :
A'orfA of the Base Line and East of the Sixth Principal
Fractional town thip 27 of raofe IQ
The parts of townships21 and 27 outside of the Indian
reservation; and fractional townships 23 and 29 of range 9
The part of tow nship 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; township 28; and fractional townships 29 and 30, of
range 8
Tho part of township 27 oulsideof the Indian reserva
tion; townships 28 and 29; and fractional townships 23
and 29; and fractional township 30 of rango7
The part of township 27 ontside of the Indian reserva
tion; townships 28 and 29; and fractional townships 30
and 31 of range 6
Lands appropriated by lav for the use of schools, In
dian, military and other purposes, will be excluded from
the sains.
The offering of the above lands will be commeneed on
tbe days appointed, and will proceed in theorder in which
thc-y are advertised until the whole shall Ifave been
offered, and the sales thus closed; but no bale shall be
kept open longer than two weeks, and no pri-ato entry
of any of the lands will be admitted until after the ex
piration of the two weeks. .
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, this
22d day of March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-nine.
By the President:
Thos, A. Hendricks,
Commissioner or tbe General Land Office.
Xollcc to Prc-Hmption Claimants
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to
any of the lands within the townships and parts of town
ships above enumerated, is requiredto establish the same
to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the
proper land office, and make payment therefor as son
as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the
day appointed for the commencement of the public sale
of the lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise
such claim will be forfeited.
Thos. A. Hendricks,
Commissioner of the Gen'l Land Office.
Note. Under the regulations of the department, as
heretofore and now existing, no payment can be made
for advertising proclamations except to such publishers
as are specially authorized to publish by the Commis
sioner of tbe General Land office.
; p i r v i
r-i li
! I 1 in t
kid u u- M-t t w v a
. . . AH . !
Public Notice
To Pre-emption Claimants claiming lands
between the McCoy Line and Treaty
' Line, lying between the two Nemaha
Rivers on the Half Breed Reservation,
Nebraska Territory. . .
By the sixth section of an Act of Congress, entitled
"An Act making appropriations for tbe, current and
contingent expenses of tho Indian Department," Ac,
approved 23ih February, 1859, provision is made for the
sale of the lands lying between the line surveyed by
John C. McCoy in 1S37 and 1838, and the western boun
dary of tbe Half Breed Reserve", as specified in the 10th
article of, the treaty of Prairie du Chien of 15th July,
I830,a!id the proceeds of the sale are directed to be paid,
to the extent of $1,26 percre, to the Secretary of the
Iuterior, for the U6e of the Half Breeds entitled to the
same. Therefore, all persons interested are sired to
take notice that pre-emption claimants who had not
perfected their claims prior to the 28th February, 1S59,
will be required to pay for their claims in lawful money
of the United States, and that Bounty Land Warrants
will not be received in satisfaction of claims to land3
lying between said lines, or any of the smallest legal
subdivisions belonging to any claim, which may extend
beyond or be cut by the said westernmost line.
, G. n. NIxON, Itegister.
C. B. SMITH, Receiver.
Brownville, March 31, 1853 n40-3w
Administrator's Sale.
PURSUANT to the order of the Probate Court of Ne
maha county, I, James N. Kelley, administrator to the
Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelley, will offer for sale
to the highest bidder, at the office of the Probate Judge
of said county In Brownville, on Saturday tbe 4thdayof
Jnne, A. D. 1859, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m.
and 4 p. M., the following described property, to-wit :
One qn irter section of land known at the South-East
quarter of Section No. 23, in Township No. 5, North of
Range No. 15, East ; and one Urge bay mars.
May Eth, 45-4t $5.
Money Wanted.
ALL PERSONS intebted to I. T. Whyte & Co., whether
by note or account will be so kind as to take notice that
the claims of that firm aie now in the hands of tho
undersigned for collection, and must be paid. Each and
every person, indebted to that firm, who does not by the
first day of June either pay his debt or pive to us in
person some substantial Teason for a longer indulgence,
will be proceeded against by legal process.
Brownville, May 3d, lf6. 454t
Land Warrants,
ZPor C,;olx ,3txcl on. Timo
T.'e are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to
settlers otfc such time as they may desire long or short
at the usual rates.
A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand
for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere ia
town. ...
Buy of regular dealers and beware of bojras warrants.
All warrants sold ty us will be guarmteed to be
geuuioein every respect and will be exchanged if de
fective. Being permanentlv located In Brownvtllsj.wg can al
ways be for.nd at the old and a few doors east of ths
Brownville lloose.
Eanicrs, and Dealers in Land Warrants.
, rrm ax vn i:,' iiar niTAiic,
Having estaVishei themselves at the old stand recent
ly occuiied by
john Mcpherson, ,
They are now o Jering and receiving for sate one cl tbe
Ever Brought in this Territory
They nave aa extensive and varied assortment of
A Large Stock of Choice Family
Or rooer s;
Ham, : . . . . ...
Cofice, . .v , ..
.Tea, . ; . - .
.-4 - Salt- - ;
And a fine assortment of
Such as
Soda, ,
. ' . Ginger,
etc., etc.
i They Lave also on hand a large lot of
A well selected Stock of
Boots and Shoes.
"We pledge our customers .'.to. sell
as cheap as any other house m the
city, arid that our goods ' in quality
and style shall be unsurpassed.
G E 0 C E E I E S.
. B. 4EKMXC8.
viTI3 sl-jkj cLi! iLa ila LL) i
Corner of Second and Frauds Streets,
The Senior partner of this Houje is now below mak
ing heavy shipments of
Flour, &c,
A large portion of which will arrive in a few days on
Steamers Carrier and Asa Wileus.
; naving mado arrangements with one of the bestMills
of St. Louis for weekly supplies of
Choice Brands of Flottr,
They will be able to flV , ; retailers and consumers,
at all times, too - .
Very Desi Flonr, .
At the very lowest prices, ...
Every Bushel and Sack Warranted
They have also on the way from the Eastern Cities a
large and choice selection of
Fresh Oysters,
And every Article appertaining to the
Grocery line.
, - All cf which baa been bought tt the
Lowest Cash Prices,
And they p'edge themselves to sell them as low as any
House In North Missouri. They rCspectfalty solicit a
continuance ot the patronage of their customers and
the community generally.
St. Joseph, Feb. 15, '53 35-lm
Wholesale and Retail.
Slain Street, 17,
BroTznyille, ITcbrasIia,
Have Just received per steamers Sioux
City, Ryland, Asa Wilgus, and
Hesperian, their
Ns vtr-1
f 3
Iron and Nails,
IBoots and Iioes?
fie y r
Farming Implements,
' At the Old Stand cf ,
Corner cf Main and First Streets,
Outfitting Goods
Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
per steamers Sioux City, E. SI. II viand,
and Asa Wilgus, our
Call and Examine our
Ladies' Brcss Goods
I . - '
Of the Very
Hit experience ice have had in trade in
this city warrants us in saying ws are
confident toe can give
Office of American Bank Note Company.
: Copper Rate & Lithographic Printer. . ,
Corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets,
"VTeddingand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals,
Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and
Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by
Kxvrcss. Jd- aci f the oest cfaztd or Bris
tol Cards with name for two dollars, by e. ntw and
beautiful process without cost of plate, equal to the
very choicest engraving, samples urAeA required on,
reception of post stamps. 9-JJGly
To our old Customers in
t -
' ' ricahrdson,
We return thanks for past, ar.d hope for,
not only a continuance, but increased paj
April 1st. nlO
Which is LARGE and COMPLETE.
WE wotrtn iAT to to those goinjj on the plaias as
well as those who remain at home
(Rive ns a Call,
And satisfr yourselves that we have the
Ajid ere selling theta
We are prepared to fit out those g' ic; to the
ITebraska Gold Lanes
With EVERYTHING thej may desire. '
TVs extend aa invitation to continue their patroiiaie.
We shall spare no pains to satisfy, and give bargain to
them, and all others who may be pleaded to
Hence we shall adept tho euAU
Quick Saks and Small Profit
Country Trounce, at Slarltct
Prices, talien In E5.clianc
for Goods.
Brownville April l3t 1359. ni Vly
We wish to buy C0.CCO bushels cf CO"?.rT
delivered in thia City or at 1'sru, lr wLi.h ne nil
pajthe highest market price in ca.'h-
D. J. 1 C.y,
Brownville, reb.i:tL,'53. 3fJL?.lit