Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 05, 1859, Image 2

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-r- . . : r.-
's -
' . Heap Crop. ."
Nebraska Farmers whojiave at iheir
com rnajid such highly jrcZuctive. soil,
"kiould-qot fail to inform as. to
the Tarjous crops, u? be raised . to advan
tage. While corn is produced with com-
F?E?liTjJiVlli0Ja JaJi ccur:tryT and
, a ready market is- founds at - home, and
at good price. s,ib ere is. ipa.he r crop vrcr thy
the attention cf farmers. It is. the hemp
crop. Our soil isdmirably adapted to
hernp";ultt;re ; f ctjccly the bottoms, but
ihe rcllin upland rrniries. '
. '. Vi'e hare taken" pains recently to in-
fcrra ourcelf sorr.evriiat in regard to hemp
frcTrin,'anl here.gire our readers, vh.Q
.raayinot already .posted,. 'what tve-hare.
learned from ? practical hemp "cultiirist"
in'Missouri. ' ''!." V .' . ' ' '
In vhe first place, hemp is. raised,.with
no 'wore labor than .wheat,- ea.ts.rye- cr
barley.' It can be put in the ground after
other crcDs are. and cut dowry after har-
rea is over.' ' Whea down "it 'is not sub-1
ject to loss" if not instantly taken, care of;
" ca ths contrary it is necessary for it to lie I
upon the ground after cut until winter or
early spring, for the purpose cf "rotting."
. 'The time for, preparing for market, being.
'. ' in February. aiid March, is , a season . cf
the year too -when other farming opera
' . "tions will nof be interfered with. - Here
tofore there has been' rnore labor attach
ed to heiap raising than at ' present, arid
. thu? the profitsVere, greatly cut dovvn.
' It required to be pulled up by hand, thus
demanding a large camber of hands, and
a good ceal cf Hard.lalor.','i Tow It is cut'
with the ordinary reaper or iaowin'g tna
chine, and 'quite; .ipxpeditiqus. :". -Until
. within a few-years" it was prepared for
isarket only by the use of the olq fashoa
cd iiand brake ; now machines'-spmetiing.
.V..,:., t Krii
ilar to ihose:used fcr thteshirig .tuV-
fs are in ase, cne of which will do4he'
r work jfer a'uumher.of tafiaers. ..,7jb5 t'to
machines, .mower"; and bisksT,. will not
cost more lhaaaa ordfnart mdting"and
. , threshirrr machine .
, . . - - . . " . .
. c It is estimated that, an average crep" is
. tcae 40a, from two acres; the eot'cf- pro;
dacing which js about twenty 'dollars; the
verage price, delivered at any. point, oa
. - the river, eighty doilars per tcn';-teavihg
. a net profit "of 'sixty dojlars to the tcn,.cr
vhirty dollars to the acre.; .". (I fc; : ..:'
v .: r .. : . '. '. 1 - I .'
. ..l: t. ;iiclile5 AGQiiitted,: r '-
. Tlicse who' hare be.ea close .lookers enj
ivill cot hein ihe, least surprised, to learn
thit Sickles, the! nvirderef.j of Key,t has
' boea acquitted.--- The j'iry was out but a
rery short while, and returned fwithra
verdict of net g77??iThef whole . .trial
has'been" shocking to ilhe pubtic morals,
as presenting too true an indicatioa'of .tiie
. deprarity and, licentiousness o p)eopl& at
Washington: "This case is bot a solitary
. cne, so far as its immorality is concerned;
: " ".and the people no'longer express surprise
. t the corruption which is every year ex
. posed am'on: the members cf Congress
. and 'onici5lal ashington." Here we
hare .nothe r,ind ica t ion tha t me mbe rs of
: Congress 'and', others occupying' places, ia
the "upper circles'1 cf "Washington So
cietyV are amenable to no law, cr rather,
. there is no law for 'such! - The evil will
correct Itself : t re long ; Sufferers finding
no remedy in law. "will. take such matters
' into theirowa hands ! r
CCQtlngAtTraj-at NebrasSa City.
' ' We learn from a gentleman who came
" dawn from Nebraska City yesterday, that
acr)' serious melee occurred at the Slate
Government meeting in that city on Mon
day last; resulting ia'the probable death
of Mr. Gid. Bennett", and the serious in
jury of some ethers. Ve have not the
particulars but learn ; that considerable
excitement prevails, and the .end may no
jet, te."- Tf-": ' '
There has been a vast amount of bad
' feeling in that community for some time
"pastwhich we1 would cot be surprised a
any time to hear of ending very seriously
There' is a disposition on the part cf a
certain clique to ride over every body,and
.erery measure that may happen to not
suit then, ax3: the 'people have borne
.with such treatment-about as long as they
intend to, is our opinion., ."'. . . , .. .
". Trains Tor..(UeMins,'."7.,;'y'
. - The travel irom this point to the gold
.nines is sill ca tho 'increase ; it may
afely be said not to be scarcely begua
ret. .The. bottom oa the. Missouri side
epponte us'tools ,lie an army encamp
rncntT sd trlany traias are there encamped
"waiting fot grass. Many, however, are
-leavif.g daily.' -AVe notice trains crossing
at this point from various jparts cf
: ziztit Io wtRU'i "jniaois. - - ' , ;
- Our n;Vri!:ar.t3 are ctolng a heavy busl
' new ia 'selling' surp.'itrs Such is the run
rthat r.ev srrpHes are' received,.ty them
;'Vy, every boat. - If ve have such" a. travel
' r.rrr,' wltiray ive expect whea the st asoa
1 fairly opens.
I Ctrt
i -
Zl. '"!.
We .have a .few copies of T the ,New
. Ccr.c5iLav iri4;ar.iphiet,fc'rm'. which. we'
;.hare procured for distnbutioa among the
rchocl cfUcers-in this county, .They tan J
' iehad ly calling at this office.' -;
Ve intend as soon as we can possibly
find time, to prepare and publish a s
r,op?is cf the New School Law.
WP't0kMf-- Steamer OmaEta.
- , we cun?a up afHviagS-tr ?ie.i-t i!" .
'.::ohad ti ken tl.i -fAfivenBeCi ' ever f-.v', 1 , .t .... " .
. . '-t f engers and" freight.. 4Vhv is it," said
.' . it com: incc and t:3rer has .raid a . . r.; r .
- v - ! cne standir.T-on ihft ferharf. ttcit ererv-
v r'l gu22s,v;sr;d'hvI!n have 'to'disccn
untie" wy p2per,..times .are sa hard; in
iact i cugnt c.erer to .nave-, taken. the pa
J)er, and only did so to "inrourcge .you 7n.
- Vorseifj but bey the-Lrd of Oc1
To th;w tt:t LanIEsi icy -'cse c
J --'T-atfc6nty rasr
Vi'e called on another felow.:Yho hadj
owed us urer a-year for. advertising .and
ico ,vdrk; Ve had' balled jcnhhn cf ie.n
before and were. put off various ex-'
cases ; but, "no-,:whea every." ether excuse
had been Exhausted, he di.-ptited a-pcrrion
cf the biil, an3 ! pronounced the balance
"Xnafe -to j-eur pc.Tcet? tfcere be See '
Ttcctap tliat we3r ilie Printp;' ciotbesl
And ptoud, tht'tigi cycry bixly inijjwi
. u Tbe grub, Le gnawed tic PririCerJ'. ..j-
The' ahove are some, of .the pteasihgf
incidents" strewed alon the" path of a
newspaper publisher. "Hew do you seem.
t0 Hke it?" "How pleas;
isant. everything
3Iore Dimcnllies "fa.l'fali.
V'e' learn 'from the Valley :Tcn that
there is far fromheiug a healthy "state '.of.
affairs existing at Salt Lake between the
Judicial Executive and Ecla'siastieal'aa
thorities.. . ..." .. . : . : ",
"Judge. Crsdlebaughhasjt'een holding,
Court at Provo, and in his ..efTorts to bring"
. certain. ..Jlofmons to justice for the com-",
ihissie'a cf va'nou's'murd-ers.and.clhcr gut
rsge'eus crirv.eshe has"foundn1 E5.arv
to call : Upon -Gen. Johnson .for- .ccm-pan'y'-cf
the'" soldiery (6 protect' the-vit:
nesses.' G-ed. 'Johnson promptly oheyed
thecaH, jtnd seilt several other oampani'js
to "the nelgn Vprhpod ; fls .' a. "' precautionary
'asartj to sustain the en jccmpaiiy .in .aa easerirencv. :ine lormons
ca6-aa energencj.. .-Ine Mormon
lourKl &rea i1" course ot pro
nnng-.ccipcideq wiia- theta and-ifeua" a
prodaiation. whicii- -elicited a tart ccti)-
lentary frpiiV Judge Cradlebaugh.V '
. Many ;of .-the guilty. "Mormons - have
either fleJ- from 'jhe' cdiintry cr have se
creted, themselves o as to tlude the rigi-
leace -of- the -L. 'Marshall, whe' is in
active' pursuit yf.ihem.'" Judges-'Cradle
bajjgh and'clair.seein -determined to
enforce the judicial -anlhority' against- all
offenders;" and - tobe . supported by Geri.
Johnson xviih his" armv. while Brieham
.- . . - ...... . . . .
Young and Gov. Cummifig appear "-to .be
throwing iffieuli$es-ia the course .cf ius-
ToIThe edilress of the Ashland KcrJucUari',
' v.. . v -1 : . . i . i i ' i
i;u uy uie oy, is represenieu to De a nana
some youcg'wiow, m response to a su?-
getiion inai sae ciu cot wear, iiccps, says:
"iioops indeed ! wby; don t-iceaf any
thing eIseJ"Exckar.gel ' '' ' .
Whether, the' irtearre- dress of ' this
editress is" a matter of taste, br the ia-
evjtable result of :nn honest endeavor -to
live cpoa the receipts of heT paper . we
are not informed Jhe latter we presunW,
as we cannot imagine so much immodesty
in the editorial fraternity, -outside the'
e'aitors of "the two 'papers in Xcbras!idy
: Kcraaha Coanty Fair;
. - . " z
' - Oa the first page will be- fp'and the
regulations and premium list of the Ne
maha County Agricultural Spcietj'. It is
put'cut'at this time, that all interested
may know Epon what premiums are offered
and may make their arrangements' Iq com
pete; The premium list will not be pub
lished in. pamphlet form this yeari Thps'e
therefore who wish the list tb'refeV.tb
this fall had better preserve this, paper.
Sllaxnl Co Emisrating Company.
We see that some of pur old friends
and neighbors in Miami : county,' Ohio,
have organized themselves "into a com
pany for the"; purpose of forming a per
manent settlement in the southern portion
cf Missouri." We advise them ia all
. . . ,
sincerity,' W, at least,. take a look at. this
region of county before making any per
manent arrangements. We. am well -satisfied
there 'are superior inducements in
.Nebraska the southern portion particu
larly. .
, , . . Land Sales.
-' " : - -it
.. Last week -we called . attention to the
Sale of public Lands in this . Territory ;
and, also, published the lands' offered in
this District. This week bv order of the
f i 3 '. - - .
Department we publish the entire procla
mation. .-- . ' ' ( ': .
Gen. Burnett, Surveyor-General cf
Kansas and Nebraska, has been informed
by the Commissioner of, .the'Xahd OfTice,
that in : conseqaeace cf the smallness of
the j appropriaticn, it will. be "neqessarj'
that the cost cf the suneys ia his district
shall cot'exe'eed 826,000 of which Sip,
COO is i appropriated to surveys ia Ne;
braska, and S 12,000 to surveys, ia Kansas
;The Kansas ;su rye1" fundhas'heen'ap
portioiied for the survey of the New York
Indian lands. :. t As gooii as the survej-s are
eompletedlirtlf a section will jbe allowed
tor ach"of tH'c: Indians who'1 may have
moved there under the provisions of the
treaties of 1S3S and 1842. '; After which
ihe balance will be thrown into tjh.e public
domain, and opened to pre-eaption. 5 It
is one of.tlie most valuable ' sections of
Kansas Territory. "
body ' likes. 4to iruvel on .the .'Oma"ha?so
vreH','" iur -reply 'vvc.sA-and v. e heiyi re
peat- it." -without the. slightest intention of
soft scaphg"-.'fW,.if any, cleric Ulj1ua.a?ct"raioi lue uiaue a cwnraoa Furae
the pains, to." accommodate, please .and
t r-ov flP? I
and- there are none more experienced and
agrassalle: lhan Capt Vi nip a 5d.'II re
is the recret ci t-he Omaha's prosperity.
! :i V AgrieyUnral Implemciits-
;- CaaksIIii cf "this-cityhavejt
received a firielot cf Agricultural' Imple
ments: Horse, rakes,-'Scythes, Snathes,
.Forks, Cradles, Hand-Hakes, Chums, Ox
.Yokes, Lo; Chains, and' .a hundred ?md
one other ariicles'ia that line. .Farmers
will -dp well to give .them a call.: n Gold
seeker? Fill" also fini ev-ery;, desirable
a'rticle. at this houe. " ' "' : -
-.. ;." .' Kews .items. fv; ;r .-.
The late Arkansa's Legislature passed
a law,' which -is to take; effect.' from: the
first of v.jarAiary,- 1S60, prohibiting ,the
employment cf free" colored person' on
water craft, navi:gatinar Hztn of ' that
"Stafe.''.,'-A .violation of this Uv is "to." be
considered. highrai'ideffiCSLJSoj and upon
conviction, - subjects ,th$ -f&t ty ' having
.charge of such' craft ', to a fThe of from
S500 ,000,-. arid an imprisonment not
exqeeauig . , v,..,,: ;
..THe. Pennsylvariid 'LegisTaiiire has re
cently: chattered' an tss'pciation of ) gen
tle'raen, "undef, the- Ji4e of..The Philadel-'
phia Company for the Improvement of the
Drama, whose intention is io build a
theatre -.which shall, he "equal- to any on
".he .Continent; in its. ti'daptability for
dramatic 'purposes.. . A large amount' of
stock hs already been subscribed-for the
contemplated, .'edifice, the cost ' of which
is. estimated at. about S400 ,000. '
The .'.'Baton' Rouge .Advertiser , hears
complaints ambiig the planters, of .great
damage" to 'their seed, cane b .the Avet
weather -dTuring the winter. . .The eyes
have rotted badly in the stubble, as : well
as plant cane. - If the accounts are as bad
as represented, it thinks we may look out
for a very short crop this year,as il has
heard planters put down a half a crop as
the highest . figure that can possibly . be
reached. '"'""'''"" . '". '"S
. i . .. . .
. A bill. "to suppress licentiousness" has
just passed' the : Ne .. York: Assembly-!
which' gives tlie IVIaycr'and Com
mon .'Council to mct. an' ordinance for
.the' general -regulation of all houses cf
prostitution, including a registry of -the
names of their inmates. ''t'All the leading
physicians of the -pity are said 'be .in
favor of the bill. - ' .
The returns as published give. tae" total
vote of -.Kansas as1' 7,233; ; of which
5,739 vvere'fof a Constitution; and 1,494
agfiiast it, giving-a. majority of -4,245 for
a ;State .Government. .The election for
delegates will le held oji the first Tues
day in June, 159,.and the delesates elec-
ed w ill assemble in Convention at Wyan
dotte on the first Tuesday in July.- !
A New Orleans dispatch says that Cap
tain Ford's " company of Texan Rangers,
numbering 47, bee'ni surrounded in
the. -north 'of (the. State, by' 800 Indians,
and a desperate battle ensued, in which
Ford, and four cf his men cut their w-ay
through the Indians; Great excitement
prevails on the frontier, and large com
panies are about to proceed in search, of
the Indians. .;,
. .... . m- -i .-. . - r .
A correspondent of the Chicago Press
ana irwvine. aeciares-tnat as tar as me
slaking cf 85,000 a side by Sereiter. and
Phelan, in the late billiard match, goes,
it is all- a humbug-. He says Sereiter did
not havft 65,000 to put up; that it was an
advertisement for Phelan's billiard tables,
and . that both . parties and their ' ttoo!
pigeons won money on it, it having been
all arranged beforehand. He speaks of
400ijoZs who paid S5 a piece tp see the
game, lne gentleman has evidently lost
money. "
A special dispatch from Memphis to the
Con:r;ierncfsays two ccal boats, containing
seventy thousands bushels of coal, belong
ing to J.- L. Hiatt, of Louisville, were
swept into the. crevasse near. Lake Provi
dence, on Saturday night. The crew,
numbering thirty men, all perished.
Several -new" and disastrous breaks are
reported. on the Levee below.
"The Commissioner of Indian 'AiTairs
concluded a treaty with a delegation, of
IVrntetago Indians in Washington; by the
terms of which each head cf a family of
the tribe is entitled to eighty acres of the
Winnebago reservation in.Minnesota, and
the remaind-er of the tract is to be'1 sold
for .the benefit cf the tribe. , The treaty
was signed by twelve cf the Indians and
a number of witnesses. - .. r ' :
We observe that the Pittsburg Journal,-
Wheeling Gazette, and various other pa
pefs are urging that .the National.' Con
vention of - those opposed to the Dmo
craiuc party, be held. in Wheeling, VaMia
1S60; f --
The. steamer William Baird, which was
sunk near Waverly, last week, is, we
learn'; a' total loss. Most of the passen
gers lost their baggage; and a number are
said. to be in a destitute .condition. The
Wm. Baird was from, Cincinnati, and
i lomd for Sioux Cirr
i '
We learn that orders have been re
ceived from the Post-Office Department
changing the weekly service upon the
Utah and California,mail rout from St.
Joseph to a semi-monthly :rvi
Atlast advices thirteen ihipa had tziVcd
from Australia f ;r Ei:glar, i, wi:h SG,00DK-
000 m gold.
) Fifty Editors, in Maine, recently went
.1 j
In consequence cf that reckless extrava
r ? tf .1 i , I
the benefit of the bankrupt act.
k i Thei BostOnianS 2iave. Subscribed S70,?' I
000 towards Agassiz's JIuseum of. Nat
tural History.
""TOlSypre'ferlia'Caar'bS oa cixt Tdixy &S S"
T. il.-cn Fatbrday tt. ha!rf3t 2 1; M.; find- Sab
bath at 13 ' A M., ai 8 P.' if.' J. G. Fack-
ler frcm St.' JoEepb,' U expected to preMa cn Sat-
-3-. .Ji" Cin AC . . i : V 1 - r 4 O TJ
' S. B.
A, r..and Ai Id,
Grand LodgQ of . Nebraska.
ft - ; The Grand Lodge r f A. F. and A; Mason.',
the Territory of ; Nebraska, will bold its
va.' i rjeit-Annual omirjunicatioa in the .Citv
' X Pf Cellevue, commencing on the 2nd.2ues- I
da 7 in June, 153
It is
'R; . JORDAN', Gr. Master.
" . It'. W: FrrlXA?', Or.. Sec'y . .
't JJWill Territoriarrk?er3 please copy of notice.
XemaiiaTaUey Insurance Company;
Masonic Lodj2:e Meotine:
Nemaha Valley Lodpe 'Xo. 4. meets at Ua-
fanic;' Allister&.Pjnn,8 Store on
the first and third Saturday evenings of each
E.; W. i'CKNAS, V. II
T. W: Bedfchd; Soc'y'.
: ; ' The Markets.
- 0 t o, n e;;& H i 1 IV
t .,.-. .. .- ",; BhqtsvilLe, May 5,1859
. Floi;b, pack. .,' '".".- ..1,00;
IjCckwheatFlocb, Sack-... ., 3,Go'
Coa.T-ilEii, bushel ;-. . SO
CoitXj bttshel--r '. 40 45
'. Oats, bushel,?'. ..? , , .40.
. Sugar, $) J .. - - f . .. .12020
Coffze,--. r- . 15(16?
Tka .... .:. ioij
.CaiCEEN&,$dox.," --".v 2,00-
; Eggs,: v odo, . ;.. . . . iq
" Fbesii Beef, ft - .: ,, . G3
.rorK, per 10 Ibi. .- .
Potatoes,. bushel, .
, Salt, . '..'..
LrMrfEB, Cottonwood, per 100 ff,.,
L ' 6,00
" . ' 20
" ' 103.
. 6,co
" 3,50
. ' 75
liellow rine,
-Bctteh'.. "v.f ...
t ,
Cheese, 2-, ?
Laep, ' '.;
Nails, psr kejr "
TThzat, -n6ne. in market
WniSEr; per gallon,- -
o alt, sack, - .. ..... ..
" .Molasses, ' '
' Dt'AKS, DUt, ' '
Pet Hides, V '" - "
- 1 ' Rft T
v,..' i1'' -' .l St.; ton's, May.-lSSa.-
y at ; n h a st : ; i o o a i
CoRx. 13 bosh; .','"' ''784'2T9 .
.OAtSjH bush, i.-.v-.- --.;'45 Q 87c
i...-..-. :.;..' ;'$5l0?r.,50
'.TBccSweSAt: Flocb, per cit t, - -2,12(5:2,25 ' '
; -;J3eans;' -per bush, - - -'; ' 1,25 '".
Potatoes,, per bushel,
:s, per bushel,'-- '? KO.3U5- '
;3:... vTU;:'i. J ;. 33-Qt -(
2.? 2 2Cc
, WbiskeTj
Pork, '55eS575
'" .St. Jo3Era, May 3, 1S50.
'.rVHEATi bush,: .."v.- 70v?$i,oo
- C6rx,9 buah, -. J.rr-' ..... .... .. ... 60355
... Flocb, cwt, ..... .... - $3,CPT5l,2j
. BceKWHK at. Flocb, fJ.cut, .- - 3,50(.1,50
Fbesh PoRKt E "
Potatoes, bnsb,.;
AVciTB. Beaks, f4uh,
B l'tteb, I, ...?
Eggs, "ft doz ::,-;-
Gpickes?,5 doz, '' . ..' i
. 'T)bt Hides ? - v
!' Coffee, t? lb,' ' -' - .i.
SCGAB,'9 2), -'---'-'-.i-'i
Tea, ft,-
Rice, . . ...
Dri e A pples bush e!, . .
7 7
: J 5Q2; c,
i $2,00(2,50
'. .V(J12c
'" ' 7c-
' 2,50."
. JH.t.t.X, uy. . m. .............. .
4. 0
Beep. Cattle '
' Hogs.- -
"'1- (JAY'S " i.'i t. .i'mT. "..ii'.!' . 6( 75
Browntille Man Arrangeinenls.
Arrives Daify ( SaridayB eiceptcJ) at fire r. M.
Departt Da.ily (bandaya excepted) a.t half past
jgDA,.A. ii. .-ii i -j .-.
J 60TJTHERT .! MAIL.- 1 -. n. .
WC'""!7 VW. .VJ! t "'Ha.w 7?5a
Deparlt-z-yfL Tuesday, TnarsJay sand Saturdays
I.:- 'jORTHEil?r'M IL V ; '
4 rsiL Ln'Tf.i. Tu;c.'c..-.
A'lv vu a uvouuj m uuicuaj a CWiA CttLUlUdj S
ueparxton iUonaaysvii canesaaya ana r naays
Leacea BrowEville on jthe. first cf everr month
reacning r i. nearnev ia seven aays : tea-
. , -ng .i i, ivearncy on inj iuia
Arritt's At Brownrille in 7 clays. ' -
Leaves Brownvjlle, on Mondays. Wednesdays ann
Fridays at 8 o'clock. A. M
" v a.,
From 7. o'clock. A.M..'to l2. u : and' frowl. p. u.
to C, P. M. ' ' ' ' ' " JUJiN. iIAU, l 31.
v oi, rfUSLii'it A. It.
gnTT'fWTrT LyTSju. szvz r,
-" '
Friday, April 8:h
Express frain leaves St. Joseph
Accommodation leaves ". --'
Freight leaves
B:0O A.M.
6:60 P.M.
:15 A.M.
Express Traba arrives at St. Joseph
10:30 p i.
Accommodation arrives at "
Freishl arrive at ' v . - "
6:00 P.M.
4:00 P. II
Freight taken to any point Kast. Test. or at
lower rates than by any other route; - ' i ' ! i
Shippers will please deliver their freight at the TTvt
incut; c9un w Buiiiiiiis. . f. . : I
-.;....)... -
- A 'LINE of packets ; : ,i
TTill run n connection with Ui Road, above SU Josenh '
Connect at Sr.Joseph from all parts of Kansas, Xebras-
kaant Western Iowa.-Travelers- from Kebr'aska and
ncticiu iua win ona lunue
Quickest, Easiest and Cheapest
Route to all point on the Mississippi river' and Eat
TllROLGH ,-TICKElSean ,be had at th- office at St.
Joseph lor nearly all pats or ite cpuniry.
' - r " JosnnnuxT.
P. a. gboat, Gen'i Ticxet Ag't: i !H45
u -
l a'JcpbrBrownvaie,
Er-r-2 and COUnCil JJiUli racket.
The regular Trv-weekly Packet "
CAPT. JOE.- HOLLAND, ' Run3' re?nlarly from St.
Josepfc, ccunecting with tbe St. -Jost-h and Uafinibal
nail uaa, iovuui.ij uu,v;ib.iuu iu luinuitui-
ate points. CHAM. t HILL, Ai?e:it.
"( '. t - I Urownville, X. T.
rerK St. Joseph. Urowmrille,
szs ana council ipmii rath.uu
The Regular Tri-Weekly Packet; . . ?
CiPT. MORRISON. Runs regular iy from St. Joseph,
connecting with -tbe St. Joseph and .Hannibal Rail
Road, to Council .Bluff, touching at all. intermediate
points. A-3ANE fc HILL. Agent?.
j.O"i4 B.ownville, K. T.
lection' cf hiieJfasthJrtrodu.tion of ""1? 24 Rn& Jl6 t''
Masonry ia tbis Tamtory, not fail to makd fu A Tise paytft of wnhh, 9 j and z 0Xltside of . the .JaJiin
reports from their respective Lodge?.. ,: The C cmmit- reservAtion; and Uwnsbips. 3, 4, 5 aud 6 of racge j
tee .consists of Keller, BelleTus; LindIy,.Ktbr?.9k3 . , - . . - ' "
PI,., n-a. Omha Bratlon Brownville Will- At the land effice at Nebraslia Crfy, canmencin? on
Litj , Uftre, ua, Jraaon,rownviiie , ui MotM, ,he first db7 cf .Ansu,tl for the exposal of the
binson, Oinadi ; and AV teeier. 1 hatcmontrj. pubUc ,ands with!n lhe Iollwi:lg named townships, viz:
'"KOTICBTis lTererij- gi'vea that Books ore now open Townships .T, 8, 9 '10,11 and JSatq fractional town-
at the office of LushianghW.Car on in the City of MM3 f We 13 , -J n - - '
Brov,nville,Wiillre4in-oFcn,fot the pora Jl0111
of receiving, subscriptions cf. stock, until Jit leait TownsrJp 1, 6, 9, 10 and Ily anj fra-ii-wal township
Five. Thousand Dollar3 Capitol Stock is subscribed. 12 of Tartj-e lr - - - -
--. No. G37.
E) tc PresICcnt ofCic Unite 1 ::ta(es
In pursuance cr law, I, ErCHANAJ.", Presi
dent of i United States cf Amerio t, bereb declare
untl inaSe inowd th it public sslc will be beidat the
I ntiueruieiitioned laalcfiices in Territory of ebrasto,
At the land tt BrowcviUe, commencing on
Monday, the ei?ttli Ci? ot August next, for the disposal
of the pnbiic lauds witbin tbe fcllcwig named town
ships, viz :
Korth of the Bate Line end Hail of the Sixth of the
"H.e pirt of townbLt; I, outiiJe of tie Sac ia2 Fox izl
reervatiou, of rans 17.
and Fox anJ ha:i-breel Nemaha reservation; and frac
The parts of townships i. 2, 3, and4 ontsuds or the Sac
tional townships o and 6, cf ran;e lo
. Taaprt of township 1 octtiie of the Sac and Fox re
servation: township 2; the parts cf townships 3. 4, and
6 of the fcalNtrced Xeraaha reierratioa ; and
fracUjnal township 6, of rauce 15.
-The part of toft aship'l octsiUe or the Sac and iox
reservation; townshins 2, 3, And 4; the part of township
ostVie cf ftg- islf-breed-Nematl ireserration l acd
Tjvrrs!p3 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of rscge 13.'
T.T!nh;p3 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, ;t rang 12. .
Ttrnshiys 1, 2, 3, 4, fj and 6,if range 11. "
Townuhips 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 sad 6, of rane IX ':" :
At the l3r.dcfnce at Brownviile,' commencinjon Men-
day, the fit tb day of t-eptember next, for the disposal of
the public lands? within tie following named tuwaihjps,
Xoi-th of the Bise Line and East cf the Sixth Principal
Townships I. 2. 3. 4. fL and G, of range 9
:iThe parts of townships'! and 2 out?rwef t'ae Indian
reservation; nnd townships. 3, 4, o and 6. cf ranges
The part cf township 2 outswle of the Indian reserva-
iiou; and township 3,4, 6 a16, of ran?e7
Ttie part of townsbip 2 outside of the Indian rcserya-
1 North of the Base Line1 and Hast of the Sixth Principal
Fractional township 7 of ranjie 15
Fractional towhsUips7aa48of racse 15
Township 7; and fractional townships 8, 9, 134 11 and
12 of rar.sre 1-1 r, ff - . . t
,JTown?hips 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and fractional townships
12. 13 and 14 of ran?e 10
Townships 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; ana fractional
townships 11, Io and 15 of ranye
At the land cfiVe at Nebraska City, commencing on
jxon(la,. the twentj-ninth Uay of Ausfurt next, for the
disposai cf the public lands within the following named
townships, via :
North of the Base Line avi Ectt of the S'zth Principal
. r ' j - - -
TownsliiDs7. 8. 9. 10,11. ii-13, 14, 15 and 16; nd frac
tional township 17 raage 8' .
Townships 7, S, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, It, lo and Io fraction
al township 17 of Tance T
Townhip3 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11 and Ia cf rasge 6
. At the land office at Ontaha City, comraencins on Tnc?-
diy the fifth day of July next, for tbe disposal of the
public lands within the following named townships viz:
North of the.Base Line end East of the Sixth Principal
Fractional townships 13, 14, 15 and 16 cf rane 14
.Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, IS and 17 of ranpe 13
Fractional ownstiips IS and 13; township 14, lo, 16
and 17; and fractional townships 18, 19, 0, 21 and 22 of
"Fraot4nartrwn8bipl2; township 13. 14, 15. 16. 17 and
IS; and fractional townships 19, 20, 21, 23 and 23 of range
Fractfona! townhips il, 13 and 14; townships 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of range 10 . ; .1 :a
At the land office at Omaha City, conjmencinz on Mon
day the twenty-fl fib dsy of July next, for the disposal of
the public land within the following named townships,
viz :
.Yorfft.' cf 'the Bate Lfn? and Eai of the Sixth Principa
- -, , Mertaiaa
Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16; townships 17, 13-
19. 20. 21. 22 and 23 of ranee 9
Fractional townships 16 and 17; and townships 13,. 13,
20. and 21 cf rango 8
Fractional township. 1"; and townships 13, 19, 20 and
21 of ranee 7 5 4 i , '
Fractional -township 17 and'tovrnsMps 13, 13, 20 and
21 of ranzo 6 .
Fractional iownship .17: and townships 13, 19, 20 and
21 of ranre 5 .;' i ', ?'';
Fractional .township 17: and lownsLips is, 13, -0 ana
2t of. ranee 4 : .- ' :
At the land ofijoe at Daiata, commencing on Jlonday
the eighteenth day of. July next, for, the disposall of tlie
public lands within the Xoiiowinj named townships Viz
A'orfA of the-Bati Line ari$ East of (he Sixth Principal
i . .ii m uzfin - -
rr.ciron'a towns j!p 27 of TsnjrS TO "'' 7
Tha aarts-cf townsinpsSi and 27xnf.ide of tne IfMtsn
reservation; and fractional townships23 and 23 of range 9
The part of township 27 ntslUe ot the Indian reserva
tion; township 23; and fractional townships 2S and 30, of
The part of toWT-fhip onlsMe of the Ia J:a3 reserva
tion; townships 2.5 and 25; -and fractional townships 23
I and 29; and fractional township 30 of ranee 7 . .
The part r-t township 27 outside of the Indian reserva
tion; . townships 2S and 29; and fractional townships 50
.and Zl ol range . .
lands' artroTriated by law for the ns.e of school. In
dian, military and other purposes., will be excluded from
the sales. ' .-
The offerine of .the aoove lands will be commenced on
the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which
they are advertised until the whole 6hall liave been
ofiTered, ad the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be
kept ripen, loncar than two weeks, and no private entry
of any of tbe landc; will be admitted until after tho ex
Given nnaer my narid, at the City Of Wasbinirtcn. thi
22.1 day of March', Anno Djmini, one thousand eight
nunarea and arty-nine. v , - ' 1 x - r
" ' - - - ' - Ji.ME3 RUCH-AXAK.
By the President; j . - -. .
i Commissioner or, the General Land Office.
Xolice to Pre-Eaiption Claimants
Every person entitle! to the riLt of pre-emntion to
any of. the lands w.thin the townships and parts of town
ships aKn erouTneratecl, is recTriredto establish tbo same
to the satisfaction of the Roister and-Receiver cf the
proper land office, and make payment . therefor as soon
day arpoined for the commencement of the public oale
of the lands embracing lhe tract .claimed ; otherwise
l bucu cii win be furfttei.
Commissioner of the Gcn'l Land Office.
heretofore and now payment can be marte
for advertisine proclamations except to sncb. publishers
as are Pciauy cuinonzea to pumisn oy me uommis
sioner of the General Land office.
-.ALL PERSOXS inteWed to I T. Wnyte & Co., whether
by Dytc or account will be so kind as to take notiie that
the claims of that firm aie now in the hvsd cf the
undersigned for-cbl lection, end must bejaid. Each and
every person, indebted to that firm, who doe not by the
nrst June either pay Lisoebt or give to us In
Per!,on wme substantial reason for a longer indulgence,
Krownvnie. star 3d. I5j6. iut
Trustee's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a Deed o
Benjamin u. Thompson ana Elizabeth Thompson, to se-
cure the payment of two promissory . notes therein de
I V' T" in t .i rv01f.A .f . H T .n .1 . ' . .
county; I,D. L. M'Gary, trustee named in sai Deed
will on the 4th day of June, D. A. 1S39, and between the
hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock p. r. of said i!jt
from me noor or the cfljee cr the Repister or Deeds
I aforesaid in the City of Brownville in saw! eounty, m-
I ceeU to sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash
in hand the following Real Estate, to-wit : Lots Ko. 7
8, 9 and 10 in BIcck So. 10, in said City of Brownville.
1 -.- - - . V. L. M'GARY.
BrowBTiUe, ifay 83 1359.
i . i I , l"P-w, .4-N'. Cnl . ' :
V:ii-f 9 1 ' .....
XOTICE is terehy" rivea that by virtue of a certain
Deed of Trust to tne rU-East quarter of Section, No
five, in Township So. five, North of Ranee Xo. fifteen
East of the sixth principal meridian. In Xemaaa county
eorasKa Territory, executed ry Wra. S. Hall, on tb
I3t2i day of September, A. D. 133, and recorded on naees
K4artd 105 f '-Mfrtansre Record So. X," IrttheorKee
lor tne Kegisier er uee-w f said Xemaha otwityto se
cure the Pymnt of a cer
I Daniel L. M'Gary, trust
tain : note taerem ('.esoribf d
lee created by said tfeed. wiil
ontheiSth day of May, A. D. IS59, betvrcen tbe hours
of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock p. M. of saw! .lay from
door uf the office of the Register of Deeds vf aaid connty
in B.-owuviiie tn said county, proceed t sell said land
with the improvements aud appurtenances thereunto
bekineios to theiuziiest bidder lor casb in hiod and to
execute a utea t jne purchaser.
- 1 D. L. M'GART'.
May 5, 45-3t $1.
Administrator's . Sale
PrRSrAXT to the oner of the Probate Cocrt of
PTRSrAXT to the order of the Probate Cocrt of Xe
nah:connty, 1, Jme- N. Keller, administrator to tb
Estate of the late Oliver P. Kelley, will effet f ir
to the highest Udder, at the office of the Probate Jad?
cf said county In BrownrllJe, n Saturday the4rhiavo
June. A. D. ISO?, between the bonrs of 10 o'clock a m
I and 4 p. M., tho frdlowin? described pror-ertv. to-wif -
i uae quaner-.secuon er ianj mown at tbe1 Son?b-Eaft
?Tiarter cf S.?ctin So. 23, in Township So. 5. North of
I t .. -r ,5 T-,c. , . .
.u(.E w, ..-i, ij.ui.iiu nay mare
May 5th, lo-il $5.
A NOTE f band, cil.inz for over one hnn lrcd d.illtrs
whuh owner enn have by callins at this office and payinj
lor it3 swv.erii(emcnt. i ,
UiiliOjiJ idAhii,
1 nnovxyn.!.::, r;. t.
AXN0V;:.'C3 to the pubhc that t'aey Lave opened a
Billiard Itoorn and Salcon
i the 'old 'Nomaha Valley Bank Eai: -'U.S. Brownville,
Nebraska, wuere lovers of the iutei-vus game of Bil
liards can be accommodated in a style, they UUot wiille
satitactory to ail who may patrunixe them. j
Our Liquors,
Arc all pure and of the choicest brinJs. The famous
:TippecanoQ Ale
The bft made is kept constantly on hand at tliii es
tablishment.- . , , . R. MORRISON.
nli- y J. Q. A. SMITH.
L , mrt? liaL -Mi i mi-mi .Jm J
First St., Let. Ilain ana Atlantic,
ANNCCNCE to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity
that taey Lave rented the bakery formerly owned by S.
"Worttin. $ -hi are nuwprepare-1 to furnish Bread, Cake,
Pies, Coiui ?tionery. Ice Cream, Lemonade, he., he.
. . . . . W. C. t-"t).MrUHT,
Brownville, Apr.l 23, '53. 44-tf
: 2 otice. :
Eiccutcr's Sale cf Personal ; Pi o;ertj.
NOTICE ia hereby given, that I. Death Nuckolls.
executor of the rersunal property of Chas. if.. Greever,
ueceasea, in pursuance of an order of thProbate Court
of Nemaha county, Nebra-ka Territory, will on the 21st
day of May, A. D. 1So9, between the hours of eisht
o'clocS A M an I sis o'clock P M, of said day. and at tie
town of amt Dercrin, m e naba c)uiity. Nebraska Ter
ritory, soil at public sale to the highest bidder, all of the
personal estate of the estate of said Greever, deceased,
consietins in part cf horsea, cattle, furniture. oneold
watch and chain, a bujry; farming implements, the un
divided third of a steam saw mill, lathing and hlc?le
TERM3 All sums under $10 in band. nmi over
$10 on six months time, approved security to be civen
oy purmaser. ,
Saint DETtour.N. T.,
4t April ISth 159.
Claim Notice.
To 'VVilliaia Bell, and all others whom it aaj con
rn: You are h reby notified that I will appear at
tha Land.Ofice ILwnrilie. X. T on MonHav.. the
second day of May, lSO, at 10 o'clock, to prove np
my right of pro-emptioa to the north west quarter
of section seventeen, Township five, rc'e fourteen
( 14). east, whera rcu can ar.r,ear tn ertn'.-t. mi rin-V
; tsxj right
tcercto. -
11. SKILLL. ;
Brownyille, April 21, 1S39.
A ME1KAM)UM BOOK, which the owner r-in
have by calling at this cCce, describing and paying
ur mis aavertiaemcnt.
ICO -LozOJ3 02T
1 FOH SALE. ' - '
The tract cf land known as the "Cook Farm " one
and a half mile seutb of the eity of Brownville, will
bo sold on ea?y terms, if application bo made soon
If not disposed of before the 18th, first day cf the
wwmci vouri,ii wia be sold to tae highest bidder.
1 erms made known cn the day of snle.
Brownville, !i. T. April 7, 1S59.'. nil2t
.- ' AKD ,
: eastern exciiaxce. -
Lasd Watiras Loaded on Tijie
And located after the Land Sales for di itaat parties.
All land warrants sold by rue will be guaranteed perfect
in all respects, and exchanged if round defective.
Brownville, N. T., April 7, 1653. no 1 ' '
B 1ST ill.
Having rented the interest of Laie and Emmersonin
the Brownville Steam Saw and Grist Mill, announces to
to the public that ba is prepared!) accommodate .the
citizens of Brownville and Nemaha County with a su
perior quality of lumber of all kinds. Also with let
Urnst Hill, to serve all in that line.
The market price at all times psid for Lors and Corn
The old business of Noel, Lake 4t Emmerson will be
settled by Henry Lake. All future business conducted
by the undersigned. JESSE NOEL.
Brownvilie, April 7th, 1S53, ly
g no C E R I K s ,
i And Country Produce.
Front Street, BroivnviUc, Rcbraslca.
Brownville .House.
Announce to the public that they have recently pur
chased and refitte.1 the NEW, POPULAR, AKD
known as the Brownville House, and are now prepared
to entertain and accommodate travellers, sojourners
and day boarders In a style second to no other House in
the West. Every effort will be made to entertain, pieate
and make comfortable all who may favor the Brownville
House with their patronage. - -
will at all times be supplied with tbo substantial and
delicacies of tae seasons, dy, and country in which we
are located, ...
Is well fitted up, ani supplied witl choicest lliuort
to be. found.
Arrar.eenients have been made with Wm. Hoisell pr
prittorof the Ciy Livery Stable, who ia prepared with
as giKl accommodations a cn be found anywhere
ilr. K. : keep au excellent Livery suole for the
accomra x! iiion of tie public.
April 1st, 1553, 43-ly
To the Ladies.
iliaiJ Sired, BroicnviUeNelrailca,
Consisting of New Style
""'''" r r '
Rib be 113 , Laccs Flowers,
As'l, the finest and test materials or inantifacturica
anything ia the millinery Uoe.
Ap. :11st, '59 040-1 y
1 ,
On Mon-ljyt June 6th, 1 ' .
ill be 3 )ld to the tighest tidder sr. )
. pan;e Co., N. 7., oa Jfon.'.
Pawnee City,
lht3. Su
7e positive, and under the provu' h
re-:tivn of public buildings. t-.Jr'1
for tae e
situated near tie of Pawnee eouii'y ",C-V
permanently located county seat of iaM co?
are anioiift the public and busines houses. iaeT' .I
2 Steam w, and 1 Grist ilill; Dry Gor
Prug Stork
. and a ll jte! ana biore ia cry...
its bel'-nss to the people of Tr?!!
cee-is cf tliis sale s-es for the erertl1
;s. A Court House is now ri1'
Tlis town t;
ar.d tie proce
lie buildings
ptblic s-uare, and wm be complete thlis:
tf the lou purchased ;
i at tne putuc s: to ,Z"
in this puce nave Been eon ir mree andf, '
. . . . . .. - Tin.
their cost.
. ..... .. . -
E. W. Fowttit. Dp'y Clk. '
Pawnee City, N.T., Apriri7:h, 13S9.
"Probate Notice.
TTbereas It has teen Tr.i'.a to appear to mT '.
tion, tfc U tiere arc c. j!" s etis'ir.i azainst ti4
Jose;.h Deroin, Ute cr Nemaha Counry, Sebri.k.'
ritcry, deceased; notice is hereby firen.
appointed iionday, tie CIteenthday of Au ij""
as a day for tho hearing of siJ claims, aadli;,
having claims against tie said estate are hereby
to file tbe same at my cffic on or befre UntJ
they will be forever barred from recovering
and froa setting cfT tbe same la any action fci,3
Given under my band on thi Nth daT cf r i
A D 1S53, " - ' B. J. WH1TXET PTobaU j? '
Ordered that tee aoove notice
ve notice be tub.ijii
successive weeks .a tf;e Nebraska Advertiser,
Ldvert.. AI
Brownville, leb. I
Probate Notice.
i Ticrcas ; tt nas been maae to appear to h.
tion, that there are claims existing against tlieiJ,
Cbarlcs if. Greever, late of Nemha Coacrr, jT!
ka Territory, deceased ; notice is hereby
have appointel Monday, tae 15th day of Aurw ?
1S09, as the day for tae bearing of said eiuaijA '
persons having claims against the said estite wvlf
cotifledto file tbe same at my ofSceon
day, or they will be forever barred from recofr
claims, and from setting off tne same tn any acuv?
Given under my hand, this Mta day of Febrwr, i. f
1S5. R. J. WHITNEY, Probatf ' i
Ordered that the above notice be- published !or
successive weak ia the Nebraska Advertiser.. ' i
- fi. j. wHinrj
Brownville; Feb. IT, 1S5D.
Equilizatioa Bcairi .
Territory of Nebraska, )
S. :
County of Nemaha.
NOTICE is hereby riven that the Board of Inti's
of Nemaha county will meet, at the usual place f
inir Commissioners' Cimrt r.f rnnnt ii iv.
Monday of nest June, for tbe purpose of exsmimy
Assessment Tax tt-jll of Neaiaha County for tht nt
year. ,
Dona by order of the Board of Commissioner. I
la testimony wboreof T ti fcr
ei my nana ana arsed the seal af
-county at my olBce In Brownvilla,
JJ OI April, A. V. "
-. Councy CIr
Field, Gahee ad ' Flower Sri:'
We are now fully supplied wita one of the U.-T.
and most complete stock of Garden, Flower and
Seeds evercn'ered to the Western pefjpij. Our it..-!
has been made up with much care from the best if
gardens of America and Europe. A large than i
homegrown seed!, being grown under our ovninp.
tion, and which we can recommend a true toraaiit
of the best quality. i
Among our assortment of seeds may be found n I
150 varieties or lower seeos :
300 do Garden seeds:
Hungarian Grass Seed:
Chineeso Sugar Cane and Imphee seed, &,c. it
. From a long acquaintance with Trade, we fi
dent no one can oiTer better Indncementj to those fc ,
ing seeds. . .. . i
Those who design to emigrale to Cherry Crwt
Pikes Peak would do well to take wita them a ta 4
fresh Garden seeds. . .
we also keep constantly on band a full asortaa::'
Suited to tbe Field. Garden, Orchard amlHonAo)
We are fully prepared to supply the trade on tit
liberal terms. . j
Full Catalogues furnished gratis on application lf
mail inclose a stamp, iw.-w
n. D. EMEItT & CoBipwr,
Lake street, Chicago Ulmi
. February 17, IZZJ. , . j,
Central Ezvz'iCJi J'ursery,
NearOdia, llirkti iLcatj, IilinoiA li'JCQ iji
Treesof c bi- Taristica froar Cra to wen tU-t
half feet bib. arl foar years Id, fri -a bud or pi
at 20 per lu) casfa.deJiTered at Oiia or Sandjfi!
frea of all bt pocking charges. They offer iaa
dition a fplendil assd-maent cf large ETcrjrrwE'.T
liostj an j ether Ornamental Shrubs and fjai
a' pood quality anJ at as low rates as tbfjrn
purchased eUe where. The stock of Pear, F!a
Cherry, Peach anj Qniaee Tree, though ol 1st?
has been carefully jelected, nnd is like ererj-kt
ebe in oar establishment of Western growtli. i
Iareand very fine stock cf choice Curranti, In
berries, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Kan&ari,
for saJe cheap. Particulv attention will bef
to tho packing of trees, Ac, for distant nfUxff
CaUloues to be had at the ofT.ce of Emery 'i J'
nal or 1T Llir,:!n m t fl.lin '
JOHN P. nET'0I.r.
Feb. 10, '5 9 ly
Toledo Nurseries.
, . 90O.C0O Trees for . Sale! " ' i
Two hundred thousand apple trees rsfui ,i
winter, deliverable in spring lo order at$i for'
when over twenty thousand ere taken; for n
amounts six dollars per thousand will ba eoarfA
Thirty thousand extra fine imported Fear
at from eighteen to twenty dellari per ticusacl
30,000 extra Lne imported Ac'-r' Quince, Vft
thousand. f
23,' 00 Mahalab Cherry Stocks
$13 pert-
:u "
4 -
:i -:o.
53 '
iu.000 I'aradweand Doncian -20.000
Maaiard Cherry stocks
20,000 Paradise and Lloucain
300.000 one year old apple trets
100,000 3 to 4 feet apple t:ces
ICO.OOO 4 to 5 feet very stocky and fine
20,000 Norway Spmce about 1 foot 5
12.000 dwarf pears 2F"(
5.000 dwarf eaerriesextra fine IS "
2,000 plam tracy, 1 year . --. .20 ' J
V.'ith larre lot of Currants and Rajjbrrr;.
Ornamental Trees, Shrub j and Plant!, Fai
Apricots and Xeekirirtcs. J
Catalogues sent to rder a receipt sf ?-'.
stampeach. A, FAJI.NESTOC 4 S0S, I
Feb. 10, 'j9 ly Tolcda. Oa: j
We solicit the attention of Orchardlsts, 5
men end farmers in the prairie region! of tit
to onr immense iitock of
- . 2sTorway ojprmco-
1 he most hway, rapid g.owm and txaouiw v
grtun tree, and the bet adapted tor fonoisJ.
and screen, for the protection of jardens, re.
and dwellings, in all esposed situations. ' . '
Our stock embraces all 'ies. from one to
in height, frequently transplanted, and
safe removal. Prieed lisU fr next spric;
on application and the following cataiofw
gratis to ail who apply and enclose oa ?',
No. I. Descriptive catalogue cf fmits. f
Descriptive catalogue cfornameE'-4'
No. 3. Descriptive catalogufcof grveiio f
bedding ont plants. j
No. 4. Wholesale cr trade list.
Mount Hope Snrser.
Feb. 10,'i3 ly
Print Tress at Docnvillc, V
The undersigned bas for sale a choice and
stock of AppI. Peach, Pear, Cherry, riua, r- ;
and Nectarine trees, and of such varieties f
proved succejtyfal in this climate. C k
fine stock .f Currant; Gooseberry, Rajpfc'?.
Strawberry plants, Roes, Eyergreea trs.
root", Ac. Those wihic;r to perebase w04
weu io eau and examine them.
Feb. 10, 'i3 j
W. P. LOAN, .
Arcliery Klcliardson Connlj, 5
Cnsh fnr Produce.
7e are now paying eash for eora ana c .
the return of Mr, IIizx, now tst, w. "
,. , . - CRASEB-
ErcwnTiSe, March 3J,1S3!.,
Clffof tin T?fint!
w l
o Main Street, formerly cnPi'7 f
a Banking House, Is for rent.
Tbe room cn !
& Hal lam i
Brownville, Fab. 20, -tf.
Cash lor Corn. y
1 will rr Cash for Corn delivered at ( ,
other sooll.hippigJintsou tbe JIiurl -cl
ProwavlJte. N. T. Xarca Ii. I"?- ,
i k-
i rt
! t: