Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 28, 1859, Image 4

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& " .
5L- fcj JL&
rt aTid ;!fr:i,y sat t.-cratw. idacu
rcon yx'.Tr-A to'mc-rt' &-':r-;,fi,-$vil ?xt extfrn-
-v trir.l'vf i Mmcs epnoTrt.hrlv s1swo witfj
It is'cr.fT t a ihri- ;. l:::t tift J tfi
uV t'r?c of nil r'.V i,t?.t.j-:'h :tl iav
Bt-p f t';e' fi' irrtit-n., l.-tt j-.1I t':ur,i'lvity", of
tvrt -fli'iff. This bus Itv bere.-iusd
" witn" whrrt'i'ter-ess.we wt.r2 ."cpectJ'-tfy wVarit to
the public tUfr-:c.' It h:rs Icc'n' unfortunate for
the patient hitherto tk-it :"tfi"t every portative
modifiTie is acrhnowi-s-avl "vit'ti:; tte l-ow-
This is v.t. ' Mrov of ';;--;'o zr.w. - ruurh
'jfrpiug pain a ltd rvi-J-i- .n in
thiwi- winterta'an";.- the ft'."1
1 mem as M nrare
i.'o 3 o rived ff;ni
'th'.TTi.- . Thse fii't no irr.tattpn or pttft,
Unless it arise frt-Tx a iVevio'v1.? c:M'p.? obitroe-
.t':t.i or der?ruouc!.t vi th bov.ivi. -f.-.v p'irclj
veotao', no liarm c:in from tlc:r ie, 3:1 Miy '
.quantity; lut it is Ic J I or 11- ti.:y :(-Ciufie. should
lie lkn judiciously. 2lr..:ite d'.rrr tilers' fr tlir
se -in the r. n;l diseases u rl;i;. h C'.rA- ere ?p-"
plicaV.e ere given on ihoii.x.. Air.or. the com
plaints which hnve U-cr spenliTy c-urt.d h t'r.em; wf
mar mention Ijvrr Coraplnint, in its vara.-us fornix
cf Jaundice, Inai-'-sti'.n, T.'.iiv.or tJ,$ Ios of -Ap:.-pftite,
Listlessness, Irrit;d4:ityi Kilious Ueadnchc,
Ililious Fever, Fever find Asruc, Tain in" the' Sid
and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As ab
aperient thfy afford prompt and s' relief" hrCof-
t1 Pu'm. Polio liv,.1orr, Hmirir, firirrfal'i
" and Scnrvr, Cold- with screness of She Wl,v, Uli.:r?.
and in.nurity of the blood, Irrcpulai-itjcs ; 1:1 thou,
any and every case where a r;n;:tlve is required. .
They have also produced some singularly . fcue
eessful euros in Ilheuniatism, Gout, Dropsy Gr utl.
Erysipelas, Palpitation of the lle:rr, Vn.v.s i:i the
Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the Fpring of the year, to purify the blood
and prepare the system for the ehanre o.f sc?so::s.
An occasional dose stimulates the -aiij.
. . bo,rels into healthy action, and rc vtores the ay pe-"
tite and vigor. They purify the blood,' ar.d, Vy their
. stimulant action on the circulatory system, renb-.
Tate the strength cf the body, aud restore the
wasted or diseased energies cf ti.o wliclc orgaiiV-iu.
Hence an' occasional uc e i- aJwiutcous,- cvct
though no fcrior;s di'r T:i,?:::r'!t c:is; I'it V.n
"necessary dosin? should i.exrr be carried too far,
. as every purgative :oeli-ir;e reilu;-e: iho Ftrenpth.
when taken to excess. The thousand cases in wliieh
. phytic is required canuol be cr.ujucrctod horc.hul
. they" frugiiest Iheu.'ohcs to the rfas-n of even
body; and it is confidently believed this pi'i wi!!
ansM-er a better purpose than a?y thing vhivh Ik s
hitherto been available to maiikind. Whin their
-Tirtucs nre once kuowii. the public will uo longer
doubt what r?uedy
to e:-:i
l(iv v. ben
in need cf a
cathartic medicine. Ib-iitg i
pleasant to Uike, and t-en:
ATapK-d, they ere
ly vc:ct:-b'o, nc
harro can arise tioiu iluir use r.i nny t;';;;!
" 'Jor minute direcii;i:s, - e v.r: pper on the. Box
1 Kl.l'AU I) I'.V '
.: mi JAMES C. AYEIi;
rmctical ;iti Awa!j tiral Clic'ini!,
Price 25 CeaU .per Eox. rive I02
la for CI."
A Y K II v S
. For llie rmtlil ( int'cf
liRO.M HIT!. V !!"00ri.(;-CCl'jIf,"
Tm remedy has won for ' iNe'f mch nn.rict."
from its cures cftvory variety of pulmo:n-ry tiiseasr
that it is entirely vi'necessary to recount ihe ci
dences of its virtues in pny coiumur.'t-y where'jt
w has been employed. So wide is Jhe hdi of its zta
' fulness, and so" the c: ses of its ci res.
that almost every section of ihe country ri-otind'
in persons publicly Vnov.n, wl-.o have been restorer
from alamiinn and even derVrate dirrrr-cs ef th
lungs by its use. Whon.orf e triod its Et.per'u.ritv
over every other nir dieivse ef its hind is too appa
rent to escape oWrvation, and v. here it i virtue r.rc
known, the public v.o lorircr hesitate vvh:,t r.vtidr- j
fc to employ for the dis!res:nj and danprov.H ?f!t-(r
tions of "the pithnonivry organs which tti L-.csu-r.t
to our climate. 5ot oniyn fom;i!u.l!c r.t Jacks j
upon the lungs, but for 'the n.iidcr vrrj-. tirs tf i
Colds, Core.'us, Hoaupenkss, &.i ; mdfor Civ.i. I
DRENt is the pleasattcst and af?t int-t'icine that
, can be obtained. . .;5
Aa it has long been tit; constant t:(? throthx-.wt"
this section, we JiK-d i.nt do ti'.ore thi-n. as: tire-thf
Kple its quality is hept VP to the best th-.rt it eve:
been, and that.tb irfiminc article is sold ly
J. II. 3IAUN.& CO.; AntS;
"Briwavi'le, X. T
: r7n the' :
ProfesssT Wood's
Says the St. laau, iemocrat : neiow-, we 'publish a.
letter to Dr. Wo. d, of this city, from a' gentleman in
Maine, whfch speak Flo windy of the superior, merits l.f .
Yiin'hair tonic. fnclf tidciice llluthavc its eaeet,
when cominif fronf a reliable s"urce. If certiUcates ar
guarantees r truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor
useless puffery frin the press :
. . '-K.vtu, MaTne. Jau 20, 1353.
rrof. O. J. 11W, . ' ' .
GeNtLEMEN: Uavinji my atteiUi'-n. called a- few
months since to the highly beueticial t ficcts of j ot:r hair
restorative, 1 vas induced to make-apoiii atii n cf it U(n
my n hair, which had loioe ;uite pray, probably
one-third white ; toy whiskers were of the same charac
ter. Some three months t-ince 1 procured a bottled
hait; restorative, and used it. I oii found it was prov-
! ''IR what 1 had wished. J alxrui twi(?e a week. 1
have einc procured another bottle, of which 1 have usei
popie. 1 cn now certify to tbe world tiiatlhe pray or
.wkift-e bair Las totally disappeared, both on my head and
. gace, and my hair, has resumed Its. original color, and I
am now sixty yearsold my good w fe at the age of fif-
"ty-two,.has ued it with the same efte t.
The abve notice I deem due to you lor your valuable
discovery .( 1 am assured that whoever vv iil rijrhtly use
" as per dircctldliiK, will not have occasion to contradict my
' statcuifuts. 1 am a citizeu of -this cifynnd-a residcTit
I here for the last fifteen years, and nu knowti to nearly
every one hre and adji'inins townf Any use you may
makeot tRe alive, .with my urine attached, is at your
.Mfrvice, ai 1 ishJo preseyve t!p l e.utics oi nature in
t others as well ac niytelf. 1 am, trulv v. u--s.
t . A. C. RAYMOND.
, . HALTIMOXE. Jan.' 23, lsy.
Prvfcssor Tiod-Dear iri'llavini unsr.iT
t Aue to.ln)rr the tt portutkof my liair. from the cf
4ectn of he Velluw reru Xew Orlc-ans in Itl, I was
iiKlm-ed to r.xke c iriai of your wcparatlvn, and found
it to rt!'er at the. very thing nccchL " Jly hair is now
thick wid plirt ana n V--rds can pxire myuhMatiun
iu j.uu ut biMiig io iiiewiiL.ti s uci a irc.'iun'.
:- " i'lKLLY.JOltXSOX.
Tin Bndersipiied, Kcv. j.-ic, Bra?!T. is a mir.iier .in
In regular btandinii, andpaSJr"if the Or'.huBr.s Ciiurrh
at brwtfleld, Mass. rieas a geu'.lciaa -t aijiu
euce and universally heKyofl. ' V.r: IiY Kit.
' .' ' imoeri eld, January 12, lOS.. '.
Professor Tocxlrear Sir: Having made trial of ytKi'r.
.Ilarr Ret'rr'a':ive, ft pives'me pleasure to s.ty, HiM its
effect has Veen excellent in reniivins iiiuannnation',
" tlanijruff and a eoii.-j.tant tenjlency fo i;lnc?.wjth Which J '
have been troubled- from n. oliiUUifi.-d; and Ji:is alo w
storedVny hair,, which was ticeomii'isrfra'y. o" its original
color. '".I have ned no v'-lci ariicle v-'ith'saiything-Uke
pleasure or .or pre fiL " . .
' Toiirr truly, " " J. C BSAGTCr;
The Kesturati veJs rut tip in titles f three sries,
vit: large.. uieUunV and miall; ihe snia.lvnes hold a
half .pant each, and retails Iurne dollar per b.ttlef the
medium holds at least twentv per cnt n?)ieiw prorfr
.tion than the smaN, retail ftrtwo d dlaTs a 'battle;, fhe
Jarce holds a quart' .forty per cctiLutore iu proportion,
and retails for three dollars bottle. .
6.'.J..SCH)D Co.' Pr-oprYe'tors. 31S "Broadway. New
.Tork, in the srreat New Yorh f"ite -Rjinni ett'abliat
.tuent. end 114 Market St . St, LouU ilo. " :
&"'d hy j. n. MACX it Co.. JirownrUlP N..T.
; : ZOOK 5c. BALDWIN,."
. " Dealer in .
. . "-And;-- -
' DveTCVoodS;' ,DyesttilTsy
Oils, Paints, dnd Painxors Articles
Varnishes,. HKlow:gJ;its aud-i'Utt.,
Freneh, English; and 'American rVfujnery.
.FIXF. Jtt.Wet nd'shavin soaps, fine hair and
C7 toolh'ttroshes, paint brushes, surgiealin deijt
al instrumertsfcspicef; snuffs,.manufaetureji1
tuiM&o: all the .patent' medicines oi me uayijrc
wines and brandie..for ieical .r.tfrposcs; choice
toilet and fancy article?, e.te..etci. .
Agents fof tiio.SciJc. of
Dr..WisUr-liaIsaui of Wild Chewy. '
: M Roger's Liverwort, rar.and Cancualagua. '.
..' Osgood's India Clwbgogue, .
u Innpi' American Cholazor,ue: . .
' GuTsott's Yellow doek arrd Saraparillaj .
.' " Smith's Tonic yrup. ;
July 23f-:i.S$7..
;:.;-STt QUAD'S
'0111 GST- S.4.3I- SAW 3ILi
'TUi r-ii 1 1 c-wiKiijj!!'. tfdmiratbui-of saw
mill mea evtrtseW..- e Ft. meHts liecc me kiKB'n, tbe
deHiand tot it si;Vgtr OiVU:s' are.comin? from, every
section ,f th":S cfrtiriti-y; C.niJtla.Cu);.''.,' and Sc-tith Ameri
ca, -it i.f uitel Tor evcri ttivu-oi tl;e world wherever rn!cr .1 1 fg awj5Jii' mattt-r of .what character
hot bafd. h-w tarjiew'. t.w?niaH", Two ex.euMve ma enaii-ed in building iLese nulls, yet.
tt &iicest-impossib'.e to fura vhf-m- out as rase as
are war ue4- The y eirbrabe feveral valuahle patents
au'l !mpryvnie& -. sua'cowiue all of the foftowing ad-i&3p&(iff-l.jU-
'iie mill "nil powor ai e o simple in
thctrBtTetou fi-at a-nj one c.f ordinary mechanical
ability tJclU);,rhe:ldlelv,'i;nt theai up aud run thcra
wiSh.t AWitrer or ifeflkulty."
Port!iiitift1ie' 'wliple ert.-.ulishmcut an be very
tak'k.c5 -,.rt j:ir iut tr;etbar; thus r'iidcr:ii)g -it.
e;i.- id Ijz rivet frinn t!ico wVlace as-desired, "and sav
itm fie ftw'w-itj f Urawlbsf-tlie Iors a long 'distance- to
jHrsVZff'u- s is tonatrncie the-mos-t solid and runs perfectly still, is hot liutde to J
get ova nin-w :, will 1j.-i f r years withoot rtpair
Rcviditi saw fa-ter than any ot!)3r..uprichf
npi iKtit.'t'Mllv aSe speed or the saw is abot .three hun
dred etrnif- pet. minute, ar.d the- feed.from-oneteiita to
thr5-qurt',.' i( an inch. per stn.Re. Thus, at a medium
ppeedthfe ;: viiii cut through a Ug twtDty-foiir feet
kng in b"ut-i!rec uiimue. j-joni tins -oaia any. one
icocwinKihe character ol the. timber can calculate, huw
mu'h it Will !fc.
. EJFii :ic'l d es its work well, cuts smoother and
striuglricr V.n il; Ordinary mills; aiiiitfceftrrancemeut
of the iAsi-'i as.ti reudor it -utLerfj ittwosbible for
jt to X'lTi c-jJ-of liiie.. " . - . "
Cfi i : ?? The cnt.ire lost rrr .1 ie. mrA, waa firtecn
tairse j'-vegiid evry.thing all c.mplet aiei jejdy fr
rwRDiv V.scd';riid'xeauy fur fchii'iweut 1a &t Louis,- is
only'.l.tjO.'. - ".-'..
TfcLs'.urhl fe-.ulrc less-power, to 5rije tliat any other
mill,,ep'jver.furnishedl8 ufncieit to drive extra
uutJ.nicry. . .
' A drvu: ir tt.ntiiainK full parlcu?ar wilt he Fent to
any ort'e.dV ut'.tJ: it. . All oMert nhr-oM he )iMr'eted to
'Corner I.'. f av4 'MarktX tlreets.. St. . Louts,- Mo.,
Voie jt'c for the VFK.tei'n and'Souiher.u, States.
Waui.Uo, '03 ;49-ly
1859: 1859.
: SO AUR ITT.. t5 . MASON,
Vv'lioles'ale. and Retail. Manufacturers of.'
Furniture and Upholster;
.- COE5ER' WASIIIXCTOX AV & 2d S-t.j--
. St Louis, Missouri.
To our Ptitrosis acd tlic Public
in General. .
vsetnfcp preat pleasure tn being able to assure you
that notwithstanding tur. heavy lys 1- the burning of
our' ivtlf Rooms at Jmjs-.-IO and i-i tVashington 'Avenue,
and the lossnf the entire sUk-'k hi them,. on the morning
of the 53:b i'nst., are already able to fill any order th
m. y. be defil ed In our line.
Having a 1 0.1 0 atiiountof stocli in fair ware houses
that are nj t e-m:ecteU with onr salor; room', and being in
ciiis-.aiii receipt oi gj'ii from the best manufacturers.
we are thus soon enabled to till orders at our UMial low
pr:ces, and m our former prompt and satisfactory man
ner- . ...
Our faculties for procuring and keeping r.p a desirable
t-t.-ci. a"re une'inaliel our'persoilal atte.ulioii and large
experience is and' will be constantly.giyen to our' legit
imate business a-s dealers m an't majinf jcturer-of .
in all the various branches. We assure yon Chat we
will sell a good goods and at as low pricesaud on as fa
vcrr.ble terms as any house in the West.
Th.-.i. l::t:g you tor the. very literal patronage already
beM.jv.-i-l on. us. we-a.-k a continuation of the sme,"
S.ile Tt.Hiinsfor tiie present on the Northwest cor
ner of Washington Avenue and Second Street, four doors
below enr old stand. .
Very Ues;iectf nl!y, SCAltRITT &. ilASON.
St.- Lo.;:, August X, 1553. no7
Eitsisie and Ifac2iine shop,
ST. LOL'IS, Mo. - . . -
Jla'r.-nfacln'rers ef Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw ar.d
Grist Mill JIai'liinery,;Sihde 'and Double Circular Saw
Mills, Tobacco Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lard
Screws'and Cylinders, Wool Carditis Machines Building
Cast Ln is. Younp's luiprovcl Patent Smut Mills, Kc.
'5T5-AGKNTS for thesajeof James Smith Co.'sSt:
perr.TMuchinefards.". - - - v2n8-ly
For Pikes Peak.
Pons Ccleljr.ited Powiicr, in
' ' j'atent oMelalic Ivcg?,
And Canister?, juit the thin for Camp use. For
?a'.e by the Agents, .
.Corner of Vide .imi' Commercial Streets, and 51,
Xwrth Levee, Saint Louis,. 316. . ...
. The'se Kegs are oir ami water tihr, end coptain
ix and one-t'c.urth rounds. End 23 pounds. The for
mer Contain Dii I'oni'.? ocst'brandj, the latter blast
ing rowJer.- Sand on your orders to
" .. . 1C AM' ALLS UULLY i LU.
3 larch 'ZO-Zin. -'-
- '. ritorniETons or .the ' ,
n 1 m . 1 - 1. n 1 t ti rtrAn vr
'. ifciLYT LOUIS, .10. r
Bari Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled
Iron,-Jewellers' and, Express Safes,.-.
Vaults, Bank Locks,. &c
Ve reccit test of Sa-fes of t he-different-Manifactures
in Hie FIRE of tjie City" BuihhjtiRS, in which
the Kxcelsior triumphed over all- others, fully establish
es the'sTrperiority of the Kxeelsior Sale, which merits'
the coiifl.dcin.-e of alt iiitereste'l in Safes, and the securi
ty of tht'-ir. contents. The Kxcelsior beinjj the only safe
alter heim; iu the fire for ninety hours, and. taken out
red hot, that.Sayed the Books and Papers, while a large
number of the others, in tla-tire but a Short time, were
taken, out with their contents entirely consumed, muxt
intpreSs all with'the necessity Of examining their safes,
and those 'purchasing to le vure heyond a doubt, of -the
Sale having f to'-d the test and come out victorious, we
pledgoouselves to mainifacture none hut such as can be
relied t-u, and refer to the following .- " . .
. Ccilificatc.
V"e, the undersigded, take pleasure in -certifyins to
the successful .test Beards Brother's Kxcelsior nre-
liro-'f spates Weres'ibniitt-l to in the burning of theCity
Kiuidinps, the nineteenth of :oTenilier,15e8. snd are jus
tified Kv re'''nimendiux t'he-m to all who Cei-d safes. .
Hall & Kmitji Kumv jameso? & Co.
Chaiills Blow & Co , Samudi. McCak.txdy
PAiti niDG'E & t o ' Joseph Klddr;
HrjiniREVs Tutt Terry, John s t.mqjiason-
Von I'ii ut waters to w LIwisg it co ' . .
DA January &. co John H IIallN. co
Barnakij Adams &. co Shapldigh Day k co
T k the Premium over the best Kastern Manufactu'e
at the State Fair, in Saint Ij.uis; is fold from thirty to
(If ty per cent loss, and guaranteed to be equal to any ia
the I -.jiied e.
Also manufacturers of .
SJgklniiiar Rods,
of Cost quality, and - ... '.
TULIPS of all Descrirtions.
BKAItl) & BRO.,
Xo. 15. ilaiu Street, Saint Louis. Mo.
July 52.1S53. . . 'Iyv3n-1
. . .. ' -
Valley View Nursery Depot
Corner of Chestnut &, Beaumont Streets.
. ST. LOUIS, jio:. ;
Cl4.tRIt & I1ARXIRI), Propers.
Ou.haud ami "for sale a large and complete assortment.
'Apple, Pear, Flum, Iectariri&, Gooseber-.
rjes, Raspberries, Grapes, Peach, .
Cherry, Apricot, Blackberries, .
.' Currant, - Strawberries,
. . Evergreens, -&c: ' .
JVrict attentinpuid to the telectiu.n of varieties suited
ta this clini.i'.-e. ' . .
Olln Plant's Seed Store. No, 11 Main street. Or-rlerssid-!resed
to l'c'X 744: St. Louis, Mo., 'cr "Valley
View Nursei'ies," Edwsrdsville, Madisou Co.', . Illinois,
Will rcccive'pron;pt attention. ' ".-.'
Feb. br,: ty n35 . CLARK &. BARNARD. -
' .IMacIiinistSi Founders and '
Engine Builders,
' . ti'ont Ptres', TTest of Stnith,
T7ould mo?t rcsp.'ectfally inform t-beir friend? and
. the.public genera'iiy, that they are now pre
pajro-1 to execute all order.- ia the-rrjine; with prompt
ncss.. llavics: lately enlarged th'eir shop and with
"th increeseJ"t'aeiiifrlcs they now posses., they hope to
merit a. coptinur.tlon of tbeTibcral patronage which
has heretore been citended'to them.".
Saw- Mill .-Ermines of. every -DescripfiaD.
Constantly on han: eoiisisting of the rJash,.Chvu-
larand Mirfey. '.MilKJears and every d3crip.tion of
lasting,, warrantuilto-be w'cumadc in ererypaijt.ica
lac- .... .'' '
. Yiiey'tave also a Boiler Yard" attac-hcd tp their
est'aT.lishment; which enables them to' oversee all
wru-k in that l!nefiinish&l by ttrem, and are pre-
pare4 to..woron as rtasohihle'.tcnas as any other
shop irfothe country. . ' ' j
. Thoscia" want of anything in pnr line; wcnld do
'well to giye"cus a cull aad txamine onr new pattef n
Fruit Tree - Seeds. .
'c have now m store and can supply on order
Piarnyvnritties of trCe seeds, as follows viz: .Apple
seeds. 6( cents aturU$lG a bustei; rear seed S3
per lb.: Chcry piu$I per quart: Peach Vit?. S3 per
' fS. North Second St., 3t. Lonis, ilo.
That Great Remedy,
This remedy, claimed by the medical profession and
the multiplied thousands that have used it and tested
its wupdorf ul curative properties, to be the greatest
discovery in medical science, and nature's own remedy,
is the ref'ultof years of toil and study, by one of Ohio's
favorite physicians, in order to produce something. that
would meet the wishes of suffering hUmanityi and thou
sand;., from the princely palace and humblest cottage
can testify to the .immediate relief found by- its use.
For wantof rpice we only offer a few of the many evi
dences iu Us favor. '
MOLirE, ITX., Feb. 19, iS57.
MESSRS.. 3. K. MAKN-& CO We find your Ague
balsam superior to'any remedy in our market for the '
permanent cure of all malarious diseases. "We cheer-
uliy cecommend it as worthy that great name it has
wtcfever sold. and used.
Very Truly Xours, ItlCHAUDS & THOMAS.
To the sufferers from Chills, Fever and Ague. I cheer
fully submit the following.- Having observed closely
the effects of Dr. Alaan's -Ague Balsara in this vicinity
for the past three years, I am well pleased with its re
medial virtues as au antidote to malaria., I have fre
quently used it-in my practice, and with entire satis
taction. From my.intimateknowledgeof this compound
l.recomtipnd it as safe, promt-and efilcient.
Galion, Ohio, t Kril 1st, 1853. ....
Blttftos, Ind., May 17, 1858. .
MESSBS.-S. E MANN & CO. Having sold your Bal
sam for the. p'ast three years to scores of persons in this
vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not
hesitate m saying, we believe it- the best remedy ever
goblin Indiana, and wiil effectually cure chills fever and
will effectually cure chills, fever ahd ague without fail.
Truly Wars, PHlLLlilAN & KEARNS, Drug'ts.
. - . LogansporT, Ind., Sep. 13, 1856.
Dft. MANN Please send me one hair gross more of
your Agie Balsam imniediately. It is in great demand,
and may be truly styled the King of Fever and Ague.
: St. Louis, March 1st, 1S58.
MESSRS. S KM ANN & CO We have sold a large
amount of your Agne Balsam tbe past three years, and
find that where introduced and sold it has no equal in
the history of agutr remedies, arid from all parts of the
west we hear the same' cheering news it never fails
to cure its patient and i looked upon in this-country
as the best medicicine 'for chitls, fever aud ague ever
in our market. O. J. WOOD & CO. '
S, K. MANN U CO., Proprietors, Gal
ion Ohio. Sold by J. II. MAUN & Co.
no37 . Brownville, N. T.
Fruit Trees.
Brownville Nursery.
The subicribers offer for ale the following varieties of
Apple Trees.' '
Yellow Bellefleur,
Hawking. .
White Winter Pairmain,
Red Koinaninite,
Janitan, '-
Knglitjh Golden Russet,
.Winesap, '
Roman Stem,
Winter Swarr, .
Pome Gris,
Wilowor Limber Twig,
Snow Apple,
Domini or Darwin,
Talman's Sweeting,'
Northern Spy.
Fall Pippin,
Fall Janitan,
Autumn Swarr,'
Kali Strawberry,
Milan. .-
Sweet June or Hi
3 top .'
Snmmcr 'Queen, .
- fiolden Sweet;
.Karly Harvest Eedstreak,
Early Trenton, .
.arly Harvest.
TTie Nursery is situated on the farm of R. J. 'Whitney,
about' one mile south of Bronville. The trees are' one
year old .from the graft and very large and healthy for
that aE. ' Produced in the soil and climate of Nebras
ka,, they must prove superior to tbo-e that are shipped
from the States. They can be obtained earlier in the
srrin? are not injured by cutting off the small sprouts
order to maKe the shipment less, and to lessen
bulk, as our eastern .nurserymen do when they send
trees abroad. - This is a truth that our Nehtaska farmers
must take into consideration. To those who wish to have
Good orchards the proprietors will endeavor to. give en
tire .satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call.
During the planting season, one of us will be found in
the nursery to wait on thusewho favor uswith their val
ued orders, . GEO. VT. BRATTON,
P. S. TTe hereby warn all persons against' trespassing,
or removing any trees; or any. mark placed on or among
the said trees. ' ' B.. 5c F.
Brow nville, N.T., Jan. 13, 1859. . '3m
Two Hundred
Browsivillc, Nebraska.
A XXOL'NCES to the public that he has just re-
Jtx. ceived; per Steamer Ryland, a very largft and
well assorted .stock, ot l arlorand Look otovesj of
new and improved patterrs,as follows:
' : ' - . Back3 Pattern,
Plymouth Rock,'
' Elevated Oven, New Ei ,'
. olden Era. and.every variety o
Parlor and Office Stores.
Japanctl IVare, Brass Kettles,
Xantlierns, Copp er Was e. Sho
vels and Tongs.
All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estab
lishment in this region of country.
I have also now on hand every requisite "variety
of Tin, Copper aud Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared
to put up guttering and spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a . workmanlike
manner, which 1 warrant to give satisfaction;
. I pledge myself .not. to. be undersold in
tiro uppvr
BrownviUe September 2. 1853.
. Mclaughlin &. dorsey,
n r -
Jlain Street, Brownville, X.T.,
Buy and.-spll Land Warrantsmake out and file declar
atory statements.; make out pre-emption papers; fcay
taxes', rirestigate titles ; - '. .
Buy and sell property on commission; furnish land
warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi
ness Connected with a general land agency business.
' Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern
ment land and the location of laud warrants for parties
residing at a distance. ' '
McLAUfiTILlX & DORSET respectfully refer to
CieorgcJI. Xixou, Ivso,., Register Brownville Land
Office. . . "
Chirles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys'
Nemaha Laud District. ' .
Robert V. Furnas, Esq.,-Editor Advertiser Brownville
Messrs. L'uAhbaimh & Carson, Bankers, Brownville,
iloi. M'. M. T. Haniilion,.llacerstown. Maryland.
Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, ild.
O H B irnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio.
Hon. Fenner Furpison, Delegate in Congress from
Xebraii i Terrritory, Washington, D. C.
John A. Bcal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru; Ind.
Brownville, April 22. .no43tf
ire shall have for eale the coming spring all the
rare and new varieties of Garden, Field and. Flower
bceds that can be prooured. -
Among then will be found jv-'nan. Uarley, King
Fhillip-Oorn, Peabody Gont,.Ilabbt''rd Squash, Japan
Pea, 1 eabody s .aammoth Ijima Leitns, tarly white
Mamtnoth Broccoli, Several varietkt of- extra supj-
rior Cabbage, New; Early, Danveru .Yellow Globe
Union, &e, e, .
Oplcrs for- nearly every sort of new seed that has
been- tested and found valuable can he-filled
CS, North Second-St.'. St. Loui3, llo.,
- Feb. 10, 59 ly ..
We are now receiving in Store and offer for sale" a
largo stock-of all varieties of garden seeds, the
growth of the past season, and procured from sources
we can rely upon for correctness and Trurtty. of the
varieties. Catalogues containing descriptions and
direc tions about the manner of growing, Ac, will be
sent to all applieants. '
Prices very reasonable. ' .
'68, North Second St, St. Louis, ilo:
- Feb 10,. '59 ly
notice. ;
Stolen- from me- in the town of Brownville, N,T.,
on 6r about the 1st day of July,lS57. LAND WAR
RANT No. 54.212 for 160 acres, issued under act cf
3d Mirth 1S55, to. John Francisco, who served un
der the name of John F. Sisco. All -persons are
warned not to purchase said Warrant, as' I have
filed a'eaveatwith the Commissioner of the Genera1.
Land OSse to prevent a patent being issued therefor,-and due time apply te the Commissioner
of Pen-fieus to issue a duplicate of said warrant.
37-tlw"' T.W.BEDFORD."
. BrtowisrvrLiiE, fr. t.
.Announces to the public that he is prepared to accom-
moVlate' hose wishing with Carriages and Buggies: to-
gei'uer with good safe horses, for com fort aDd ease in tra
veiling: . ila will also hoard Horses oj tneaar, wees-or
mohih.' . . ' -
June II, U WW . A '
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo.
HAVE just reeievedfcj'Iate arrival, at much he
low the regular rates of freight, a. heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extreme
ly low' prices, will be soli unusually cheap for cash.
We respectfully invite buyers to an examination of
our stock.
50 hhds new crop. Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced
prices- . .
1000 sacks G' A and Kanawa salt "
500 bis superfine, extra and extra f ne.Flour
600 sacks " ' " M. '
20 tierces new Hiee '
400 hf and qT boxes Star Candlc3
' 100 boxes family Soap
5U0 boxes Kio jUofjee,good lair to prima
50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bis butter; aoda, sugar and wine
400 kegs assorted Nails -
150 coils mannilla rope, from Js to inches
75 boxes, pearl Starch
' 50 boxes 8X10 and 10X12 Glass
500 doz 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 window sash
' 100 sacks new dried Apples
100 boxes imperial, gunpowder, young hyson and
black Tea.
. .150 boxes assarted and fancy Candy
50 boxes sugar To'ys and Gum drops
100 whole and hf drum Figs
50 boxes layer Raisens
200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
100,000 Segars, various brands
150 boxes, and 25 Lis Smoking To' acco
600 dozen Field's celebrated Oysters
150boxesWR.PFandE D Cheese
"Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish
Fotomae herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange', fresh and preserved fruits,' jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper Eauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin
ger, currants, prunes,, vermacilli. macaroni, nuts of
all kinds, ete etc.-
XSF'Uides, peltries, beeswax and all other hinds
of produce taken in exchange for goods by
. J. B. JEXMXGS & Co.
Jan'y 20 1859 30yly .' .-
New Hardware Store
Sisrn of the Saw. '
'Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
American German, English & French
ST. JOSEPH", .510.
IS Nt)Wreceiving and opening the largest and most
varied arsortment of good3 in the above line ever
offered in any market west of bt. Louis.
My stock embraces a full and complete assortment
of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechaa
ic's tools of every description, direct from the most
approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul
tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin
ing all thereccnt and useful improvements for the
saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com
munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful
examination of this department of my stock. I am
also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I
will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices.
Also a large assortment of Guns, Rides and Pistols,
Iron, Steel, Nails, &c., of the best brands: in a word,
my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and
price, I am determined to offer such inducements as
will command a liberal share of trade from thi3 and
adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing
indagenciesfoT American Hardware Muufacturer3.
togetnerwitn a long experience in the general Hard-
the ware tradeienahles me; not only to defy all compoti
end tion, but ha3 convinced me that the true principle of
trade is small profits and quick rcturri3.
January 1, 18571 vln2Ctf
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
Corner of Main end Francit Streets, Riddle's Old
,Stand, Opposite Stouts Hotel,
If ATE just received the largest and most complete
stock of the above goods ever opened in'unper Missouri.'
to which the attention of merchants ' and dealers' -is res
pec'tfulling invited having purchased .them principally
for cash at the Very lowest possible prices, in Boston,
ew York and St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer
inducements that are rarely, found, and hoping, by fair
and liberal dealing, low. prices and good Goods, to merit
a liberal share of patronage.. Call and examine my stock
and priceshefore purchasing?; sales are bound to follow,
in my stock will be found every article usually kept in
a jno l urocery jiouse.
Willi Corn. .
Those indebted to me are hereby notified that
they can liquidate their iud.ebted.ness with corn at
the highest market price, delivered at the store of
I. T. Wbyte in Brownville. This request is made'
only because I am in debt myselt,and cannot raise
the money, but can make use of corn, buch an ar
rangement will be taken as a great accommodation
unuer present circumstances. jtasj iun.lj.
' Brownville, Dec, 2, 1853.
' .' ; TV. II. WEjLIASJSj
w- g v w xT A l H
w .-ajj.! m xaaiaj
Oregon, 3VIo.,
TT1AKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or-
.L gonandtne public in general, that be has on
hand the most extensive stock of fctoves and Tin
ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin
ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at
holesale and Ketailat bt. Louis prices.
I would call particular attention to my. stock of
t-UUHliNtir olUYbb, comprising the most improved
patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them
maybe found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now
in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prizePre-
mium. Also
Parlor & Box Stoves
Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will
Particular attention' paid to making and putting.
up l in Uutters, in the town and country. Also, re
pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms.
Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange
tor work or ware. w. w. WILLI Aji.s,
.vl-n5 ' Oregon, llo.j July 5, 1S58.
Lyford & Horn,
Dealers in
"0237" Goods
Xails.Plorrs, Stoves, Furniture, &c
April Vtn, 1858. ' . 43t
mm k n
Oregon, Holt County, Missouri;
Ke'epconstantly on hand allde3criptioiiof Harness
oauaies,uxmies,&c., &c.
N. B.
onrseLves,ant warranted to give satisfaction
Seeds! Seeds! .
The subscriber would call particular attention to
the followins : '
Br. om Corn Seed of very superior quality, Chi
nese Sujar Cane and Ulack Locust.
Also Onion, Beet, "Cabbage, Radish, Turnips, Let
tuce seeds. 4c. by the quantity.
. A limited supply of Chufas or Earth Almonds,
at 50 cents per 100 tubers, warrant .oeeds ry the
package or ounce..
Our Seeds are all Warranted. '
-We hare a fine lot of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet
Corn which ia positively the best garden corn in
cultivation. Also Smith's Early White Corn. Per
sons desiring anything in the above line should or
der immediately.
Address H. A. TERRY, Crescent City, Iowa.
March 3d, 1859.
.For Sale at this Office. "
Im p.o Her i?i
The Propfietor'respectfull'y'infprras the citizen of Brownville, and the public ffen
erally, that he has just returned from St. Loui3 with the largest stock of custom-made
BOOTS Si- SHOES ever brought t lVest of St. Joseph.
it:? ,woY,t nf rooir 'mrnlA nnti A Shoes embraces every variety for Fall and Winter.
Calf-skin' boots, single and double sole of the latest style and fashion; also a superior stock of Grain lea
ther water-proof boots, just right for PIKE'S PEAK Gold Diggings. He has a large supply of Kip ami
Stoa Boots, and a Teat variety'of- Shoes and Brogans ; Boys' Shoes and boots of all sizes anu varieties.
He has a laro-e'supply, and great variety in every style and fashion, of Ladies' Gaiters, bhppers, Misses
oruUHhiMrpn's Gaiters and Shoes. Gentlemen'3
He also has constantly on hand a large supply
rw-irivo".nHrAB:asfac:tion. and invites the public to call and
and 'cheaper
Sept. 23. 18o8
WO. S"7
Brownville Biot & snoe iore, anu juugu uc.uri.m .......
than any j on ever purcnaseu iruui auj umci y.m-c. j."c uhji ynuw
BrownviUe, N. T. .
THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and the public generally that
they have received and are now opening one of the largest and most complete Stocks of Clothing
.hver brought to this market.
Their assortment of
Fmhraces every variety of Textures and Prices ; as
invisible ureen, ana L;iotns,oassimers,i3aiiin;ii.a.-uun.reiij,uuu hcjm, uh iu,iu. Uy
according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vcst3 is superb,
embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the
Uv alun he found atall time a fineseloction of Cravats, Stocks, Tyca, Collars whito or colored, Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, CarpetBags,etc., which we wiilsellascheapas any establishment in the West.
"V e have the finest
Ever brought
M tef JiJ
Warranted to suit th e most fastiduous. ' A line assortment of .
COATS, Dress, Frock and Saclt:
Every Style and Description. .
TESTS, To please Earge"and Small.
SHIRTS, BotI White and Fancy.
WE would but ask the public to call, examine and judge for themselves whether, the
Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better made material.-cut with better tasp
ina iweniy-nve percent, cueapcr man mey uavc ever
. . a i i i ii l l
October yth, l.aof. . JvZnlS-lyj
Brownville Steam Ferry !
mi s s o u b rER I VE ii .
The Koute from Brownville to Ft.. Kearney,
and from thence to (Jaliiomia, is the
nearest and most practicable.
ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are
now running as a Ferry across the Missouri jivcr at
' An entirely new, substantial and commodious
"Which arrangement will secure a .certain and
safe passage atj all times and in all kinds of
weather. The Proprietors do not -assert boastingly,
or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are
governed by facts, when they say this w the best
crossing of the Missouri Itiver in Nebraska, and
when they say the ' route from Brownville to Fort
Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest
for evidencethey refer the reader to-the'map of the
Country; and are warranted in saying it is the. most
practicable route by personal experience; as well as
that of hundreds of .others who have traveled it.
We claim therefor that this crossing "androuto holds
out peculiarly fardrabbo inducements, to persons
going to alitornia,and solicit their patronage. rot
withstanding our superior arrangements, for a safe
and speedy crossing, ourcharjres are th same as other
berries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla
tive enactment.
$?liecollcct that with oiir facilities of Power,
-t si biro a tirnn t .trill A 1 A C
making regular trips' at all hours
CSTA skiff and ban 1 will
be in readiness tocross
foot passengers at all times of night.
n2Q November llth,lS57.
Dealers in Coin,
TJncurrent Money, Exc;hanceand LanrVarrants,
Especial attention will he given to Buyine and Selling
txchanpc on the principal cities of the United States,
liold, tuiver, ana uncurrent Bank .Notes. A constant sup
ply or Land Warrantson hand for sale, for cash, or en
tered on. time lor Fre-emptors. Ali warrants sold by os
guaranteedin every respect. Will'flle Declaratory State-
ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare-Prc-emption
Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon hest securi
ties, at western rates o'f interest, and investments made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon all convenient points will heproinptivattend-
edtoand proceeds-remitted in exchange, at current tates
Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East
added. Deposits received on Current accuuut andintere,
allowed on special deposits.
OFFICE Main St., near U. S. Lan-1 Office.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants,
Philadelphia, Pa:
Baltimore, Md.
MCNanRhton, Carson 6s. Co.,
Iliser &- White,
Youn?, Carson & Bryant, "
Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port..
E. M. Punderson &Co. Merchants,
M. M. Yeakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway)
Wm. T. Smithson, Esq., Banker'.
New Tor.
Wa-hingtoii, D. C.
J. Stevens, Esn., Att'y at Law.
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T
Taylor & Kriegb, Baukers,
Chicago, 111.
.St. Louis, Mo.
Annapolis, Md.
Hagerst.jwn, Md.
'Keokuk, iow-a.
Coilncil Bluff"'
Des Mome,
Vinton, '"
Ea-ftoji, Md. '
Cumberland, Md.
Havana Alabama.
McClelland, Scrujrgs &. Co. Merchants,
non. Thos.'G. Pratt,
Hon.- J. W. Geary, Ex-ki v. Kansas,
lion. Jas. O. Carson, ;
P: B. Small, .Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, '
Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, .
ii. c. iutt& uo.
Greene, Weare & Rice, "
Douglass & w atson, "
Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y atXaw,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. E. Tutwifer, . . '
Oct. 8, '57rv2-nl5-tf
George Tergnson,' .
ANNOUNCE to the public, that Ije isprepared
to erect Steam and Water Saw and Sierch?nt
Mills at. short notice-and reasonable terin3. Repair
ing of machinery of all . inds.
He is also Agent for
Western Foundry.
Saw Manufactory
CliWIIiiAil, U.
And are prepared to receive and fill orders for an v ma
chinery manufactured- or kept on hand, by these es-
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. .
Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N. T.Stcaai Mill.
R.W.Furnas, Brownville, "
iluir, llapn & Co., " "
. Dr: Hoover, Nemaha city, '
P. M. Rogers, ' Pawnee cit'v,"
Nuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo.
James Lowe, Linden, "
A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, O.
.BrownviUe. June 18, 1857. '
. u
t2 1-1 r
Cash for Gorn.
IwitlpayCah for Corn delivered at Brvwaville or
j Other good fchipping'ix.ini j 6n the Mi.nri R Wm
BrownTiile, Xi T.Marcb 21, 1S53-31 -
anu factu rc i
blipf", UuEalo ana oum-eiastic uverstioe?, a c, sc
Qf French Kip and Calf-kiu3 and trimmings
examine for themselves at
er leather, better made
for hides.
uol street,
'to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and
and best assortment of
to this Territory. . " "
Clothing at the
better trimmed
. . . .
uount elsewhere
Patent. Portable MU1,
THE. subscribers have entered into a partnership
under the firm of Reed, Ilolalird A Co., to
manufacture the J. C.'Keed, Patent Portable Grist
.uill and are now prepared. to furnish all those. in
want of a good- Corn or Wheat Mill tha t for dura
bility, simplicty and economy; excel any 31 ill in the
world. Un the lato exhibition of the Mechanics
institute in Cincinnatf,a Gold Alcdal was awarded
them fork. .
It is adapted to all Grain grindingpurposes ; it is
superiorto all others fof the mostextensive Merchant
MM, &3 it is forgnnding.the Farmers feed by Horse
power. . . '
Ihe above M;llsare manuf;ictur3d by'the under
signed at their shop -fn Cincinnati, 0., where they
;on be lurnishodtn any quantity atshort notice.
ihe aoove Jlills warranted to perform as follows:
36 in. diam., per hour 50 13. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300
0 . " .30 " 15 ' " 250
2t . . " 20 " 13 " 200
20 " " " " 15 u 8 '" 150
As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to
e from our Humerousrecoinmenuations.m-eived.
Fruit and. Ornamental Trees, Ever
. greens, Flowering Shnibs, kc.
The propric-bors of the above named Nurseries, f
far fur sale the coiniiig1 season a full assortmnt of
fruit andornamental tcecs of the most aot-rovcl va-
.rieties and thrifty growth, and of a suiUblo size for
transplanting, consisting in part cf .
. Apy!cs, ' - . Pears.
Cherries, . Poaches,
Plums, . . Apricots,
Crapes, ' ' Currant.,
Quinces, ' Xvctarines,
. fluosebdrries, ' Raspberries, Strawberries.
The ornamental department contains all tha most
desirable varieties of evergreens a od deciduous trees
flowering shrubs-, rose. cli;'ioer3,&c.
. Tho subscriber would call particular! attention to
his fine collection of "
Having paid great attention to their cultiavtion,
he. has pleasure and conGdence in offering them to
the notice of purchasers.. They are all worked on the
best varieties of French Quinke sticks arc remark
ably healthy and, in a fino ftate fur transplanting
the coming season. A few hundred trees of the
bct sorts can be furnished of extra size arid in a
bearing state that will give fruit immediately after
becoming established.
All tho above stvk will bo furnished at prices
that will compare favorably with any other estab
lishment. Packing done in the best manner.
Catalogues furnished all who enclo?c stamps for
jirfe-payment. Address JOHN SAYF.US & C.,
Cottage Garden Nurseries, Cincinnati, 0.
Feb. 10, '5'i ly
. inebrasa .an
IriBiirniico Compniiv.
Capital Stock $3U,0yv
TIII-S Company, under a liberal charter, i.s now
fully ocgarnized, and tlmPr entire capital stock of
Fifty Thousand Dollars, paid in and'secured. They
are prepared, frru this dale, to grant oyn policies,
and tako.risk?, upn efual terms", with the mt
favored Insurance Company any where. Having
adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without
incurring any liability, will ihara ia the profits of
the company.
The operations of the Company, will bo confined,
for the present, to itari.v, or cargo risks, with a
maximum liability of $12,5u0 on any onehottow.
Being the. only Insurance OSce, on the above pop
ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex
pects a generous support from Western Merchant?. '
We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa
ronage. .
' ' DIKECTOr.3 :' .
. -S. F. Nuckolls, . Chu. ', .
H P-.Be'nnet, . J.L.Armstrong,'
"VV. N. Llmchman, Miles Vi'. Brown, -
. A. A. Bradford. . x .
CHAS.F.nOLLY, President.
' J.UAr.3iLE,Sec,y-. '
St. Louis Agenf Col. W. P. Howard.
April 2d, 1858. 421-
Onion Seed.
Wisconsin, .
Offers the following varieties of Garden' Seeds for
eale by the' pound or hundred. The following sorts
aro unsurpassed, all having been raised by my own
men the last summer, from the best selected stocK?
and will be warranted fresh and genuine, and to'
give satisfaction :
Large Red Onion 63 cents, large Yellow Onion
C3 cent3 : also turnip seed, early white Hat Butch,
45 cents; improved Russia or Rutabaga 45 cents!
Also a birge quantity of Cucumbers long green
Cucumbers 45 cents; early short Cucumbers 45
cents; early short Cucumbers 15 cents; also Ion"
Orangs Carrot 75 cents. All the small kinds in an
endless variety. Catalogues sent on the rec-itd of
a stamp. All orders addressed to William Ed-
.wu.-,;e ceeu ien. wi I l -t.r,f t!w
attended to.
Sugar Creek, Walworth Co., Wi?.
betilth !
Ure or ,C. 7V
are the qwli.,M intoivJi f
i.-.optiou or reJM:ion a
cite by the BrtTr, T , !
diseavw tnd injuria j,,-'
c-ived the ia.l.,rwmtflt "x
tinguished atrcni,
KA.Nt; and it.tiw". , l-1
in? two awful Winter. I
inter. 'V I
eions of eUrnal i-
nig into general u :
tiou of 1.1 1 ci iWif.l i. ,' "7
If liar tented Un rirtu. i
rejoicing iu fre.!UIB (J.
ich otbrr rcme.liM t
its,. to cure. Have to tU v
ACHKorlWril-AUu-' ',1
alllicte.l with OI.l) v),,..?"-' '
ferine from TPd 1SF.-J "'" I
J ."W Vn lr"r'1 J in.Ua; !
Aim c.m
F"r the .lrpS,iri
i !i -i ir i iv i in ... '
kent ou h.m.l fi.r i. .
f-v r-'7T and limn e!iit!e it;.r ..t.
insr from dt-ath. Ktyr.r'
boat and rnilroaj tra.
keen it. Wli.i tliit I.,., i
, !irifk of ai'Biii-U uiin
-1 nmliipil anil
. . j. j. s - - - I t y -w
lv.V'.A vj7;3': accessible t Such
It enres CAKFS J
Bit EAST, H-liK vi;-!
FilUE 1.111, l lMl U Jtt
died who prize t pi.r H
and all ili.-ci-lcraiii fn uy
erescence, shouM ,
-i these trespassers on n-
i domnin asHimmis lliTr .
; with the AIXTIC UN:-.-
j- It is excelh-tit for 111;
J givintr it a he::I!liT, g'.y
' pearaiiee. 1 1 i.s
It is a s'nrereiirn remt
the Tarioit ilixeap i
wliirli horsesarealllictfl.
inr t!K most nLirniincr"-
r.i:iisix si'R.uxs, r.. i
Il.Al.T. WCl'MiS. sn!.
tKiYU T!l- IIL- t tl
KVlh, ke. No tirmer, I
stable keeper, of .any r
ownin tnlnnble HOU-.
rhoold be without Uo's4v
bla reiuedr. . ' "
For sale by all respectable I'ruggists nd Teaieri
Prii-iK nf fli l iniment. 25 cents. fiOei-nNand J! a,
ll. A one-dollnr bottlo coutaius as aiucU .iuinirv.i
eiUt twenty-hve-ceut bottle . 1
Every purchaser of a dollar bottle of th.' Ar.CTlCL?
IMKXT receives, at Dr. Kragtr'a expense, tl.e
STATES JOl'UNAI., of Xev iork, lor one vvnr ;
Journal is a larjre illustrvte-1 enth uurolwr
taining sixteen p.-ic, beautifully printi-H en clean
paper, and filled nith oricinal matter tn.m tl.eit;
liant writers of the country. Certificate f.f Riibsenj
and full Darticiiiars of the novel .and-philintlir.t k
terpri.-e, of which this offer forms a part,- wiil ccumfi,
each bottle.
UllAUU & DIUKOWES, St. I-obIh..
Nsw York Omen. No. C71 l!i;n.U 'V.(T.
Coramuniaatious should always be adilressfd to Hbu
Sold by J. H. IAUN CO.
Brownville, N. T.
to the mind of man,
viz : blood root, bla tt
root, wild cherry b.irk,
yeliow duck, dandle
U.ins, sarjparilla. eld
er flowers, with others,
producing the most in
fallible remedy for the
ra?torati.-n of Lealth;
Before t
rvt-i kuou. , ...
liill.i- j-n rc VtTf'BrV flli'l Ul
Oir.V REMEDY, curing diseases by natural U'
Vhen taken i's healintfinfluencei- felt-coiirini tti.-''-every
eiTi of the, purifying and at-t-pleraur.c is
circulation of the biojd. It neutralizes y b..: '.
matter in the fetomach, and strengthens the wii "V
nization. McLean's Strengthening Cordial trill efte'valUr.'
Liver Complaints. Dyxpfiisi. Jaundice. ChruM
or Nervou Debiliij, Diseases of the Kidnrv.
and all Diseases arisinn from a Ijiiorderei
Liver or Slomaeh,
Heartburn, inward pi lex, acidity or sii knp of the
ach. fullness or bliMHi to the head, dull piu rjwir.a.
in the head, palpitations of the heart, rh-kinsmr'6""
aiins feelint;s when ljiying down, dryness or yelli"
of the skin and eyes, sudden flushes jC heat, Jeprs
of spiiits, &.c.
There is no mistake alovi it.
This cordial w ill newr fail to cure a-iy "Mhc
disea.-es, if taken as 'i-r direction, on eaa n.'-
German, Knglixh and French.
Over half a million of bot'h
Have been srdd durint? the past six months. in ;
instance has it faile4 In givinj entire siti-f.uti'H
then will suffer from weakness or deiiillty wufs 1
iean'i Strengthening Cordial will cure yuu?,
To ihe Ladies.
Doynnwishto he healthy and sfrms? Tl.enr!
onte and get some of McLean's Cordial ? It will t re""
then ami invic-.ratc your blood to flow thr.mA f'
vein, and the rich rosy bUxim of health to tn'ai t' ' -cheek
again, very bottle warranted to five vu''
tion. .... '
For Children.
We say to parent, if your ciiiMret: arci'-'-.Ir- r,J"r."
afflicted w ith compUiuts prevalent anions i l i :!.''''
them a unall quantity of .McLean's 1' "
rapidly, tecauet always cure's. Delay u-t a ai''
Every Country Merchant
Should nit leave the city until he ha I pn-irf-I
.Ply of McLean's Strengthening crdial. 'A I-'''
discount win t-e made to those who buy v, fe!l '-r-3 .
CA UTION Beware of drneslst or dealer "
try to palm upon you some Bitterer Sir-swan!'."
which they Can buy cheap, by savin? it is jiM J"
Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's s:re"liW';'-'
dial, -and take nothimr el?e. It is tbe !y reme! -will
purify the blo-wl throughout, and at the fame L'
fttrencihen the .system.
O'.ie table FpM,nful taken every mrninj i cfra(.
pieyentive fon-holera, chills and fever, yell" ,eve''
any prevalent disease.
Pi ice only $1 per bJtlie, or 6 bottles for i?- .
J II M l KA.; .
51e proprietor ot tbe cr-ho-.
Also, McLean's VoleanicOil d""',
iTr'Priscipalderiot on the tumor of Third aJWr-
streets, St L.uis. Mo. . . ,
ilIcLcim's Tolcanle Oil IJnlmf
The best liniment in the -rrorld for man r fcev'
' ' .Another'Uerraikallt-
Performed by McLcan's Volcanic Oil Liniment- fc""
it.for yourselves . ' ' y
Th inias Ford, a black-niith,lrvin near' Cas. ,
Tenth street, had a'hTUaie running ore " 1-
He tried various Liniments, Salves, &c. biit ci.u.J
Hozood. He despaireilof ever bein able to"1
trade a-iin. because il(.n,ri,i n,. i.e- an weil'1"" .
foot; aud by one tx.ttie of McLean's VuWar;:? 0: u'
ment he i.s now perfectly cured. . -.
KheuinatLsrn, neuralzia. paralvsis, bruises.
stiffness in the joint or niuc'ds. swe'niii-'-1-
thruiat, earache or toothache, &.C, jield'to the '
tluence of this wonderful liniment.
For horse aud cattle, if i an infallible re', ,
chafes, scratches, crackW heels, lanie ess, sr'"-1
la, bruises, weliingj, wound.;' rattrs-sn.t liI' , ; other diseases which animals are.lubie W -Injuries
or acc-i.lents. - - ,jl
Every country merchant should obtaip a si:; I''?""
Lean's Volcanic O.l Liniment. It sells Xi.
it alwayscures. ' . . . i
A liberal discount will fce-madetamervhants ''"
to sell acain. . ,
TV. . - . .' ' - 'i '
uir u iki streets, si Louis, Mo.
; Ttepoctf-.ii:vnnwnnrr to the cpntleniei
ff c I'll i irti'T -
ville ntj viciruty thiit'he ha.- jnt receive?
. ..- x .la atlJL 1
t. lot :a i t i snm k kf w-nrt? ittnarr.vr riMnu
Cloths, Nestings,
Wliich he will nunufactiire on vcrv fiv- ral'l .j
ne uai ters 111:11- v.i uiaine unuersi n.'-"
.,.t: . . 1 ... 1 . . . ..rher Ci,ai
i.iou--u 111, iii vii.i! .rit as low jisinj v.u.
in this place or the Csf. .
A A'cat Fit Cuaraalcfd
X. '7 -. v
i II - ' . '
frpiIKgreatest.'reiue- '
cly iu the world. f
This cordial is distilled
from a Berry known rj VK.
fv pof to uiyseir, an'0 , : i I
Achlmically combined i -J "I 'l
with some of the moot ' r f i ?
valuable medical roots, YS .-M
herbs and lurk known 4! I I
?'.it t