Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 28, 1859, Image 3
J ill 4, . i IV VED i la 'l"ec;!;r hiiiC: ' ox 'mori are h evp- il 4 til ra pjy.. a tliir:- will r. ! S);i ea. ma ha nt ts.i " a-:, f'rj:. i ( - .e K:i; cti t he to tu ira :o ad- I ri , IS',-?, V 'M? . irii-'.j . laPil ..-.! r. tisfsr 9'1-SCl , . r. -V. v. A.SSM, ' r J J irV. ilI. wa:; -err."' J s" ntl-a b :' ic 2""' r.p ;i 8 IS'-'1'. etir" f M'i . It r.t IE-. , - t cnr.3- cut li "ftl-ld" , niv.'t if I f 3:0 fplVDYERTISER, 0yNViLLE, A I KiLi , iN-y. v;.v i : sr, nier'ran 'C inndean -and Eusapean j' A':'r5. -.Vrri;-aon cCiee,l. 1S3 Xassau street l. ;,r:n5f, jr.rthwtst corner f Clive and' I i's'w, D'erU-ra sVreet, Cbioapo, i !- Agents to solicit s'ebscriptions ar.i ad- jt e .jvcrtiser, ana receive and receipt . in tl.'.s Territory, coming from various - jOD'Vi'OIiK. .,:,:if ;-!i:i;.'r.6 ci .ic inc. l-bis, '.7i,"-. ;iru. iLCTiaade-tothe "Advcr-'uiiit'jti-a1 let j turn oat Jib Work in .el !-v ,-.ny.r.:c3. The prcptlctor being' i: i v..r's i': Colors, Bronic Vor ac- r :::;e:iti"ti. . '."1 i , . e .-i" lctlun or no pay. i - j , . nrv -;:ebrasla Adrertiser having peculation of any pEpet in n:uC '""-. 7feoles6le Merchants in" St. -s,it..o-- . .. . , .. . ,-. ; no cet'.er aaveriisuig meu.iuiii ! Dhtrict Court. ' J I ipril'tcrp ol'the Court fcr'tbe I .-j jdi.'i-l District, Nemaha courrty. f. , 4 ;.. -icn'on J.Ionday last.. . We I i'x;:" of riving the result in details. . f ;J ;.t to tl(? so would cc.qjuire 'an i-jle cf fonsideratle length, and Yiot to the readers gerierally. t jrjci.vfavR gav'e. abundant and sat ifjcrewVviJesce cf fcjs" l?gal-acquire--'.'wcether xttih other acd' equally' . ;?t;V4 fTualifiCaticJns, Tiigh toned and. ;cr,ar.Iy irAercourse, and a f acuity f tit ' i.-jsin-oiiiiatttrs rapidly, 4:nd Lu'siness, iiiCCourwas in Session seven, days; h tii'r.c tv.tnty-two Criiiiinal', forty- f ?f:-;l srl-ci'-ht. ChanCery cases were - j iIt i.'po?jl of.' ; Tiicre' voro a nuaber c indictments. ;nder the llfjof lav: caiTcs c: stui liquor t IIal:-E.:iX-d5 on.e case tried and acquit l.I ut the gropnd of failure to prove the j.rW.scJ ;te wore Halr-ljrecfds. i Iiwl-.e cas Territorv cf Nebraska vs. F.i.VurJs ct. tl, ftimiaal action Jor riot' i:.z.:i?Ty pulling 3cwa and - destroying i:us? cf Joseph Tc-ague. Indictment April "term IS-jS. Head guilty; tivil actioa was brought -.against, same :::ies fcr damages, which resulted in a r rix' for plaii'itia in the sum. of 81,000 r.l costs; lut by consent of plf. was re i.::cJ ly-the court to S'GOO. '' Myers vs. Longer, el., cause of action, i-'.se imprisonment. Jury trial. -Verdict 12-1 and ovts. " Nuckolls and others' vs. Nemaha Valley L;.k. Jujgrnorit by-default, j t've-fi'ivotYe. cases were disposed cf. Tl case of Ilfggkvs vs. IJiggihs dismissed dcf-;s. ccst. Bo'-arlh vs. Bozarth,' Lee p. Lec. Field vs. Ific-ld, and-Langdoa Y5 Lrigdc. Jfcfee"of divorce ir.c'ac'bt case; Tljlilcbard-n CQ'an.ty CpiJnty'at f. ii'ic-a v.ils brought upn'a writof error the county clerk.- Court disrp.t-?'d '4 7 I-ta lntrrcT. p Milliard Salcctii' -.' . . Morrisox, lau? "of ihe- Browdvittc v-s y -las city, and J Q A Smith,' f t-'iiJj the. old Bank ' Building . cji Main -J - . ' - tv.r and aro .opening up a, -hew. ia- 'Jv2lpoii. . The .tables -iiave. not yet. t '.ve J, but r'c. looked, for on the noxb i Everything wiH be new and fresh '-t tl'.is establishment, and as Uie pro J": .'tars are "both ."tip top good fellows'," "rrcphecy,.f.nice run of pa'ronage. . tterestlng Xers- i The -tnail has acrainbeen received from, f -Vraska City. . The contractors have - txn'!;3 of .this community for the un- r "pasted 'time: made. Letters of date ? '-irasla City 10th April, received at i: v.r.ville oa.the 2-5th, -only 15 days; 27 miles. "G'lang."-' - ; The' ftcaincrs Sioux City, Thcs. E -''-, and. Fiorcjice, arrived at this point r -oar last isue, and the Wm. Camp- "aad. St. JIary are making regnlai ' is ?s Packets from- St. Joseph to Coun t !i!U'iieycot6tIieMincs.- ; -X'uere a'ppears to be no decrease in the :v to the mines," especially from this f iZy As we write several trains are i;jour cClce. ' Several cf our own ns have gone the past week. Those ir, however, are mostly from the kites. ' " " ' jtoet ImproYements. I . see that the Committee, Col. Smith J- h. Carson, appointed by the City f-J-ncil far that purpose, are busily en f et curing subscriptions .to be used , ' aditioa to taxes and other revenue r PT'Ose of grading and paving r1". -street. They are meeting with : ' as liberal as could be expected I the stringency of the times. ' ' .-' Bakery. " . Spp tVa . J -tP the !,di.(:,v,. -.1 'v.uiociaciii iu -atioiaer coi .;n .Thcre's the place to get your ice ; ; ".lonaae, "p,es 'n cakes." and . Bill Comfort. will do things up - Verms: I ' ,T.f f.-.;J-inadvice, - $2.00 p v c3 - ' -1 the end of C months, 2,50 ' il j m ii " , " " 12 " S,C3 ' " is or rrrewili 1 furnished at $1.5eper l-c:u"?Vr'iilJC caah accompanies the older, not 5 -" "rrR" GLBr.RT rropneror? of the Real ''"l1 ifi'T Mx-nicTeaiple, Chic??a,-Iil. I -YW - v 'H'tiP? Advert is.njr Agent, ia Tear of "v I1 J1 , Childr,eVe Slice-Store, 80 West r " ' f.iiwj:xCvJr ?X and 343, Broadway, 1 ,- r: i ?'"- ; - .i;.;f,, n'M succet to us the namw or :'. ',"' r.e:rh?the'1s, who would frafbtless , i ;-'f; - i; tie couid -e a cvry' of the 'Ad - " ? v';."'w-:;Vs ft a p.rinien.C"JT aud je-5ons - : r-ir it a solicitation to tecame a regu t .V, :,r,t-f; hv;r:ginhis empicy an ,-. .' '"',;'c';..?r?nce4 FaScyJvb Trlnter., c " '.',' ,.at-i"'-e in the execution of Jcb Work. .--..(- V ' r..'ter's late.-t improved CaTd Personal. We had the pleasure" tie tast wV,f .welcoming to our sanctum our old school mate, office" mate and- co-worker "among the - types and cases,'.' Wm. C. -Mukce Esq., at present, of Louisville,. Ky: - He was on a flying' visit to friends in the northern .part -of the Territory. We re gret he -could not remain longer,' and take a more 'extensive look at 'our country. Thanks for the "Kentucky Friend" left in our ehargel ". . ' We ' met at the -wharf the other day J. II. Vanxat'a, EsqV,.e"ditor of the For rest City',. lIoM .Monitor. "We lost sight cf him in;, the cr.9wdt and what became of h:m we are 'unable ".to say. Supposed he stopped here, but has not reported him self at .our "sanctum.' ' . Since the above was in type,' we have h-d the pleasure of a call from Mr.'V., safe and. sound; hale and hearty.. Popping the Question- . We overheard a couple" of young ladies, one advising the other '".When you have got' a fellow to. the sticking point that is when he proposes--d6n'i lurn away your headv or affect to blush all these are tricks understood . now'-a-days but just lo.ok hrra right in . the face, give him a hearty kiss, and tell him to go right around to John McPherson's and lay in a stock of household supplies. '''' Godey for JIay. . The. May number of Godey's' Ladies Book' Is'upon.our table. 'Bird's Nestl ing" is" an excellent und-life like design and-most 'excellent engraving. Fifty-six engravings in this number:- "Social Cha rities,!' by Mrs. Havepi is one of her ad mirable stories that always incline to what.' is good. Clubs can be formed at any time,. and back numbers always supplied- m m m m ii Hallou's Dollar Monthly. , We .have re.ceived the May number of Ballou's Dollar Monthly Magazine. This is how the most interesting . Dollar Ma gazine published in the 'United States. - r. . . . . conlaipS a .great vartqty of -matter, suited to all tastes. Coanty Commissioner. The. special'. election on Monday last for a County Commissioner to fill the va cancy occasioned by the .resignation of J-udffe Cole, resulted in ' the choice, of Adbian Hoblitzele, Esq. A most ex cellent selection.- Serions Accident. "Oh, grief! thou art classed amongst the depressing passions. And true it is that thou humblest to the dust; but, also, thou exaltest to the clouds. Thou shakes! as with ague; but, also, thou steadiest Tike frost." And yet John Garnet Sc Co., St. -Louis, have still on hand a supply. of Seeds, Fruit Tree, Agricultural im plements, &.c. v . Daily West; . The West publfshed et'St;;J'0S8pb,Mb., by F. M, Posegat c &'Co., is now being published Daily,:And:a most excellent ap pearance it cakes. It iai the largest daily paper ia this region cf country. May n Wet . will that sute'esf to ; which i is so joscpxi Sc'H-TT.rtas rotfiVed' his CI' rv: csiablishni -.. froia ' the ' Pest Qmcz Bro4-nvili'6-.:Ho'usse.'."1 -0 1 r opened euj'h'i$ Sear- ."M,iiuf actory. - -1 you Wish an "A No, V Sear, call on .. D. J. Martin' Esq., one of. our heavies and most enterprising merchant?, has taken hold of the matter of raising fund and bridging the almost impassable gu between this city and the .Nemaha rittjkJ As we have before said', a hundred or two - dollars thus spent will return a handso.M-'&-j fer cent, to cur merchants in the waD;- V- ' " :- increased trade, . ' . . .- IlRtcliins' Select School. " ; We nedccted last week to' notice' the closing 'exhibition .of 3r. and Mrs. Hut. cnixs' School,-which took place" on. Fri day evening, the 13th. The. exercises Yere brief,- but gave evidence o progress on the' part cf the scholars';: and ability ori the part of the teacheijs. " . -Weregret to say, however, there we're bit three pa rents present on this occasion. '.The.'wea ther was somewhat inclement,, it is- true, yet that was hot sufficient excuse. for so- slim an attendance on the part of parents. Mrs. Hutchins will teach a short term this spring, receiving only the smaller class of scholars. - Immense S tock of Boots and Shoes' Those in want of anything, in the Boot and Shoe line should not fail to call on Dex. He has every desirable article in hi? line and at prices that cannot be com plained of. . Call before . making your purchases elsewhere. The Minnesota papers says that the Indians ia that part of the country are being rapidly civilized, all those xin: the neighborhood of the settlements' drinking whiskey, chewing tobacco, . lying-, steal ing and swearing equal to the white-men? and the other day a squaw committed '3 cide 'by hanging herself on a" tree on ac count of disappointed love. . . T)1El. EASTERLY'S Iodine ana Sarsaparilla - Will cure all diseases arising from aa imnure stale of the blood, or a depraved condition of the fluids of the system, viz: cancers, swelling oi the glands', rheumat- sm, wnite sweTUnSs, chronic Bore eyes, i-ifes. ooila. erysipelas, goitres,- pains in the bones and joints, ul cers. In th.a mouth and throat, and "all chronic constitu tional diseases. This medicine searches out the very roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions In the system, thus removing the cause, which renders the cur certain and permanent. ur:.Juqltrhf Iodine and SartaparillavlU cure the worst mercurial diseate, and drive out and .destroy ev ery particle of mercury which is in tho system, aad cure its Lad effects. " It will cure tecondary typhilit or veneral diieate, and wilLdiive the typhililic virus, and a.Il .hereditary tcintt and pouonous matter out of the system through the pores of the skin, and restore the patient to a per fect-state of health and purity, it is a positive cure for lieer complaint ar d dytpepzia, if used a proper length of time. IchaHungo .the world to produce its equal ia these complair.ts. The-atHicted will bear in mind that Dr. Kasterly'.t Iodine end Sarsaparilla will, cure all nervous diseases, female-comploiuts, dropsy, ETaveo, diseases of the Lidney's, bladder,-and urinary organs, in a few days. It will remove pjmples and bktches from ihcc'rf, and make the skin.ciear, while and beautiful as ala.- baster. It does this by porifylngthe blood, and by its prompt actionon the livor. kidneys, and secretory: or gan, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been afaicied with scrofula, old sores, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions of the 6fcin, and nil cutaneous diseases,-are advised to procure Gridlcy's Salt F.houm and Tetter Ointment to apply on the sores and diseased parts, . whea using Dr. Easterly' Iodine and Sartaparilla. The Jodine and Sarsaparilla'puriSes the blood, and causes the -sros to discharge their putrid ritatter, and the ' ointment heal the. When both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and radical cure is always' effected. They are the best and most powerful curatives kpown to man A fair trial is all I ai-k i do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $3.' Gridlty's Salt Rheum Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner cf Third anp Chestnut streets, St." Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed. JT-Soldby J. n. MAUK & CO., Druggists, BxOTfXL- villc, K..T-, and by Druggists generally. Quack Nostrams- The majority of hair Washes half dyes, hair :tonks hair oils," and the numerous preparations which are now before the public undersuch. extravagant, hyper bolical and fantastic titles as we see paraded in show- Window catdl; and newtpaper beadings,"as hair prepara rations, are all humbugs of the first water;-and their real merit, when they-possess any, is that they do no harm. IXog's lord, whale oil, lard oil, sweet oil, scented and colored, make up, when in beafif ul wrappers, and white Mint glass bottles, the costliest cqaracter"6f ton cs, and when thus coEtly, are. baptised with some tfi syllable term, add caught at by verdant young and old o both sexes. Such is not the charaoier of Prof. "Wood's Eaif Restorative. -This gentleman comes before the wo.rld without any "higi falutia"X.ilophloforim, or 'any other "astounding" and startling- catch' penny term ; he simdly advertises a Hair Restorative what-it 'expressi es, precisely1 and as a Restorative it acts. Buy Prof. rood's Hair r.estorative, and as yon value your scalp, aye, your very brains, apply nothing else ; for it may be that you will get some wcr-se-substince than perf um- cd lard oilon" your cranium. -Remember Wood's Re storative for the hair is the best article-extant. - tS?"Dr. Carter's Cougli Ealsam will cure Coughs, Colds," -Asthma, 'Consumption, Bron chitis, Spitting of Blood, Pain ia the Side, and Brea'st, Pleurisy, Whopping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation ot the Heart, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. No one should neglect a Cough or" Cold a.singleday. Millions die annually by neglecting a Common Cold. Coiighs and Colds lead to consump tion, and then to an- early death.. Reader, have yQU a a cough, cold, or any disease "of the. lungs?- Procure at once that celebrated remedy, 'Dr. Carter's Couch Balsam, which never fails to relieve a cough in twen ty-four boprg, and always cures the WORST -CASES Of oolds, coughs, ans all diseases of the" throat ad lungs in a few days. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents; large bot tles, $1 per bottle, orti bottles for $5. 53-DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Strs, St. Louis, Mo., 6ole proprietor, te whom all orders must be addressed to get the genuine. Sold by ' ' . J. H. MAUN &. Co., Agents, Erownville, N. T. - Dr. 3Iann's Agne Balsam. This wonderful compound is having ah extensive sale in all parts of the Union where ague exists. It is one of the few medicines wnich are now'sold'over the coun try, that are really what their inventor craim for them. And, unlike all other remedies that are- recommended by their proprietors to cure all the ills that fresh is hie t this remedy is only recommended for chills, fever tt ague, or "that particular cl8i -cf diseases growing out of or the result of taUt-ma, to comtnoa In the wetcru to an try. TLe nooerooa.eJldencua ot Its great curative property, ami tie hih estlniti placed ubon It, r.-a- de It t&e frntcf t disctvery .of the ae, and it deserve ii "rvtire arDrobation -of all classes of men.- Those. Jving occasion to use a medicine of this kind, are urged to s urre no pains to give this -3 .trial, if they wib. to be toi mil cured: .S."e " advertisement ia another column of -this paper. . . : v..-. : McLean's Cordial. The follofint Complimentary notice of McLean's Con"lat Ulnfcen from tie MiMrr.-"Oeadc.rat.: - Sitr ;he lait,.tw ree.s-th;' foUovrlag caises have lfrr rep'.irieJ cred t "''..' - .':'; .". . 105 person have be curptj of General pebility: CS e'" . ' " Xervous Debility, 23 " ' ". Diseased Kidneys ISO . ' who ha'e been affliQted with various cop.plaints, XiRht Sweats Pyspcpiia, and Weakness of fie Digestive Organs,0 ba-V been cured, besides a large number from nho vtre feavenot yet heard . Mcfean's Stienjtfeering Cordial and a remedy rcinrTdJ;by .isvry one ia ijia Western and ionthern co'int-y.' -t'Te.ry pleaeattand agreeable to take, and it can bo take: byTnaawM3; or child As adiurefic, it' will cuteby ai3fc- ft)? Kidneys j or'biadder, aud asarialteTatiSlt rUVpurij thebloo'd Try it.' ipie- Jrt?3i;u.ii sufficient 'ta-conviftco the most tkesaieH it, 'p.Mieyfui. slfengtLcnihg aoif' invigorat .?ii $f v-3fj;;y'- :; rTDr-.S-tf :St)CCificiil cure gohorrhea, g.let, sKtuie, 'scm'iDii weakness chordep, diseases of the kihp.s?tb!al.!er.a nd all diseases of the genital organs.'" na-ir,:hac .rou a private diteate Do not nccleci it.- Dttsri- it tidnaerous..' Dr. Baker' t Specific is a safc,'6psdy, aMradica'l. enfe. - With Dr Baker's Specific you- can ycurtclf, and prevent expbsaro,' as.piaiidirecti()ns for use .accompany the medicine: :'pit-i))i6jr;iii$l. .53-D.r. EASf2RLT', corner Third and Chestnut strcrs St Louis, Mis"sori, o;e proprietor, to whorA a'i orders must be addresawd, to ei ilktgeritlne. Sold by . . :.- -y.lll'jrij'N & CO., Druggists, '" . '. Bf 07&TiU XT.T. : .. Dir. Eastcrlj's ; . E3FeY$r nnd Agqe Killer Wil enre'ague and f evtr, shills and fever, dumb agce, inter raittent and remittent fevors, and -all the various forms of incideniiixbUiouS;clima.tes', If there is a man, woman or .cAi'&J&cifeg with dgrte-and. Jver; therare advised to jM(ciiie Dr. .Easterly's Fever and Ague Kil ler, a pojfitiv.e c.urepedyw and perma nent. -Try It. " ?'....'. 5s "' PliceSl pjsr bcttl. ef $ bt.lHoi-. ' " ' '. Dr. EASTpKLt,corBr.SithU;and Chestnut streets StXouissole pYoprieior, Xo wl'jta all orders addressee to' get the genu . . '. Soia by 3. n: maun i- & 1, Agent, Brown vill.' . -. .':.' .if-V ' will, cure all f spite comflalijt,. attch af xcessive; surpressed, or-painf al menaUiatt Float alb us or wnite-.tbarreHpes, sallow ctr.plexioa,' hcaaache, diz lincss, we.aR nerves, f rightru!4rMfcS, to4 .11 diseases caused ty colds, checked perspiraSion, txefttes, over excitement, kc, of-tho sexoai gBS.. -5 Hooper Female Cordial l's univer&tlty ettwlefie .by the la- ditw'tbebest remedy eve? tnvat4 3.Prtce' $1 per ootlle, or 6 bottles for $8. '" ' 7 "Dr.- E-VsterlV, corner ! fr4 and Ckfif.taut streets. St. lruis, Mo, sole prbpritfijr gad,tiJ1Sioai all orders rnu.t.b a'ddrcs-s.ed. ' - Said by J'- U- MAUN fc CO., AsinU, Ig.Wnville, JiT.T., and 'by Druggists teamllr. v !Pisli Seedgfe Sale At he.,A,lrrtie, Office. ' BROWNVILLE AD'S. NEW ARRIVAL! .!:'-'-Sbw fibh'-'" ' '' AMD N1W GrWBl iff McAllister & ponn, WHOLESAIIE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN" DItY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLIlXSTtRE, SIARUWAHE, BROWNVILLE, N. T.: naving established themselves at the old stand recent ly occupied by . ' JOHN McPHRS0N, - They are new. offering and receiving for sale one of the X AND BEST . A S S O ItTED STOCKS OF MEECHA.NDISE Ever Brought in this Territory They have an extensive and varied Assortment of STAPJLK AZWD fAXCY DRY GOODS, ALSO . - A Large Slock of Choice Family CS-roceries 9 COStlSTIXG OF Flour, Ham, Eaccn ' Sugar, . Molasses; Cofice, . Tea, .. . Salt, . Cliecsc,". . ' Candles, . etc etc., ' And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES :. Such as- -. " Spice,' . ' Peppers, ' Soda, '-.'".. Salaratus, Ginger,- : Allspice, ' ' . . ' . -. etc;, etc They have also on hand a large lot of ' BEDSTEADS,: . TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C, SC. " .. also,: A well selected I Slock of HARDWARE A?l CtTIERY, QUEE-NSWAREt HATS '& CAPS, Boots and Shoes. We pledge our customers to-..sel as clicop as any other house in the city,' arid that oux goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. . HEAVY SHIPMENT OF ' G E 0 0 BE IE S. ee':i. chilos J. B. JEMKGS & GO., "efffSS-SI PRODUCE AND COMMISSION Corner of Second cnd.Framis Streets, 'ST. jJOSEPII, MO. The Senior partner of ttiiHouje Is now below-.mak ing heavy shijmeata of ... .j . " Coffee ; O.CSt-'-" ; 'fe. . Flour, &e., large portion 'of-which will arrive in a few days on Steamers' C.irrior and Asa W'ilgus. .' . Having nra'de arrangement with one of the bcstitills of St. Loins for weel;iy supplies of Choics Brands cf Flcta:,' They will be ablc to offer to retailers and consumers, at all times, the . . . .;Yr.:B.cst Flop',. . At the very lowest prices,. Every Bushel and Sack Warranted ' They have also on the way from the Eastern Cit es a large jtnd choice selection of .- TEAS. FRESH FRUITS, Ercsh Oysters, Pisli, 135" i ls? Vvooden Ware, cordage, And every Article appertaining to the Grocery line. . All of which tas been bought at the : Lowest Cash Prices, And they p'edge themselves to sell them as low as any -ITmicn in Vnrth Viiianiiri Thev' respectfully SOViCit a continuance .of the patronage of their customers auJ the community.generally. j 3 & c0. ' St. Joseph, Feb. 15, '59 Office of American Bank Note Company. J. J. O'SIIANESSY, Copper Plate & LIlhojcrapMc Printer. ' Corner of Randolph and Dearborn strcct3, CHICAGO, IUL. TTpddinz and Visiting Cards. Doer Plates, Ofllcj Seals Kotary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and i-ii-nf vptt kind nromntly executed and sent by Express. Pack of the very bett glazed cr Bnt- tHCird with name for tveo dollart. ty a n$io and beautiful. procctt without cost of plate, equal to tht veryehoicttt engraving, tanpiCt when required op reception of pott ttcmp. 9-JJGly NEW GOODS IIUIM Wholesale and Retail. CRANE & HILL, . Main' Street," 17, Erownville, Hebraska, Have just re.ceived ' per steamers Sioux. . City, Ry'arid, Asi mlgus, and Hesperian, their ' or SPRING GOOBS WHICH IS. THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET: CONSISTING OP QUEENSWARE, . - - - Q L A. S S W A. R E, , HARDWARE & CUTLERY, "' '. Iron and Hails, ..HATS' & caps;. o'ts and Shoes'. 1 ft 3? LOWS. SllEllFWlll Gutfitting Goods FOR THE GOLD-MINES, Piclis, Axes, Cordage,. -. . Camp.Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. Ij A-D.IES! Call' and Examine our SUPERIOR STOCK OF Ladies' Dress Soods Of the Very LATEST STYLES. The experience ice have had in trade in this city warrants us in saying we are confident we can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION To our old Customers ia ' NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON,. PAWNEE, . ' GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, We return thanhs for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, hut increased pa tronage. CEAIIE & HILL. April 1st. nlO dU 1 llli I P. J. MABTIN, II. KVCKOLLS, r.'wcBotu. D J. MAETIN & CO., Wliolcsile & Retail' :3Ej jSl Xj IE I X FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 0 ... ' avf i '. READT-I.IADS CLOTHIITG, Hardwar Cutlery, Boots, ' Shoes, Hats, Caps,' . . . Books, . Stationery, iron, , .Kails, ' " Quesnsware, Glassware, Furniture, Saddleryi Castings- Plows, " Farming Implements, tin n -.At the Old Stand, cf. I. WE.YTE, Corner of Main and First Streets, a BROWNVILLE. N. T. NEW GOBI AVE - ' . :aue NOW ? RECEIVING per steamers Sioux City, 'E. M Rylandj and Asa Wilgusj. our m ... Which ia LARGE and CO?iPLETE4 Je would s-.vv to to those fcoipg on the plains as well as those who remain at homo ive us a Call, ' And satisty yourselves that we have the" CS- OO-DS ' And are selling them OUTFITS FOR THE MINES. . -Weare prerarsd to Ct out tLnsD going to the ,... Nebraska Gold limes, With LYERl'TUISQ they may desire. ; TO OUR OLD CUSTOMERS X" extend an invitation to continue their patronace. We shall spare no pains to satisfy, and give Largains-to them, ana all others who may be pleased to CALL AND -EXAMINE OUR STOCK, OUR TERMS ARE CASH. . Hence we shall adopt the raotto Quid: Sales and Small Profits. Country Produce, at Market Prices, taken la Exchange tor Goods. B. J. MARTIN Sc CO. ' CrownTilla Aptil ltls50. nt0-ly dQBN WANTED. T7a wish to ttay .50,000 bushels of COUN delivered in this City oral Peru, for which we will ray tho LLrhest market pries in cash. D.J. MARTIN A Co. BrownTill,Fjb.l5th,'5p. . 34tXp.lst TREES FOU EIJSI.T.:!! G7i T7e solicit t!i3 attention cf OrAariiot?, Nurarry- mea and frrcra in 3 rraino re:cas ct lac weii to oar irr:ni?K?o stool; cf iba iaot tardy, j,i'iwturf u-i bcaautul eret greAi trea, cr.athDLcit avl.ipttJ for fonain bdrj aaJ .Tecr., for the protection c f g.irl-ii?, or.-uards acd dwc-ilir?;, in a'l exfosetl situatiinr. Onr stock catbraec3 all sizes, fron osa to s'x foet in height, frcqucr.'.!? trar.jpt-atcd, ani fitted f.r scfo reiiK-vjl. i'riccd Ii?t3 ler ccxt ;rirg f ri,isLod on Jtp;-.lic.itioa and tho following catalogues are scut grasto ail Vi Lo ajIj tad eucloio ci'.o 3taaip for ea.;h. No. T. Des.-riptiro er.ta'rr:? of fcr. No. 2 I)c?.'r:ptive (.atalcruo et ort:iMcntcl tr;e. No. 3 Dccriptlva cat-ygat of grccii'aoujo aci b:duir.r out t.j" 0 - r 2o. 4. iiule.-ct,!.-! cr trad -3 , If": o Niirjerie"; Feb. 10, i:'..cLesier,.N. V. . . AWwm.W A U.uwa J CCO.GCO Trees for Sde ! Twolnrdrcd thousand opr.ia trec3 crafted tLJj winter, deliverable ia spring to trier at $5 for 10C-;. whenever t-.vcr.t7 thoaiatd ara taker.; f.r sa;.r.lir' aa2ount3 5isd-.!ir- rer taousard will hs charged. ; la.rtj thaacend txtra fina lie sorted rear ulie.i atfreni c:kte-?n to twenty ddarspcr thou?.ir.d. . 33,000 extra Ca3 iuirted Angcr'i Qaiaoe, SlTper thousand. 23,' CO Malialcb Cicrry Stcckj 10,000 I'iiradisepnd Douciaa 0 por 2') 23.000 Marzard CI erry s'ccLi 20,000 Paradise and boneain 2') 300,000 one Ycart.ll Byr'l(i C3 10 100,000 3 to -ifoit arpla trees f'J 100,000 4 to 5 feet vtry stocky and fine S0,0 NorwaT Srruco alcut I foo: 6) M M U U ' 12.0C0 drrarf pears T per 101' 5.000 dwarf ch-erric?, extra Caa 15 2.001 j.'iura troca. I year ?' "V Orriataritnl Tree?, Shrubs and Plants, -i'tavhea, Arri'-'ots nr.! Nectanno. Cala!orac3 sent to r.rJr J.C3 sent to r,Tva7 rn rcit cf a r:taa Feb. 10, '0 lr . TJlzCo. Oil?. Theunderr:i:nedhivin? had cor.LJ.pra'; expfl nee in plantina at.d cnliivatirs Osaso Orjnjo Hedges, here- ty inform the public thc.t they ar? now p; chared to cec trart eier plaatir.z, settins thera out, cr and cultivaMr;; iho fenco ccmieto. tj:-xirz hed.;e of the'.r p'cnti-ig cin be soca on the f.inr.-i R. W- Ksa nedy. . Crow, J. Sieensnd otherj lu thlssoi'-i'.r i. c. ii t. 5 vn j:::-..- Sept. 2, n:r Alt persr.ns arc h-'rerycpUKe-I that I wi'.I taSo thi necessary rtcp? to the re-epenin? cf tha centered cae of James rerguson. for tho purpos-o cf r-.rc fu! !y ln vestinstini? his riTht to enter tho s -nth west qu.irter (lit ) if south wcit p.a-.rtcr (I pi) and l -t n-iber f v.'.r (4) ofsectin-j elshteca (!?) ia tcau hip t'.ve (:) rano Six teen (IS) cast, I hereby w.trrt all pcrns not t. pur--ch u e. trade for, cr ia any way to nejctUt'e Ur any por ti t of the ,-ibovp dc-crijcJ property. ' - Sr.iy 27, 'CS viiiiotf Al-'CySTUS KOUXTZrr. Fmit Trees at Eccnvillc, Mo. " !" Tao un-IerM.Trcd ba Pr ssle achcien p.r.d re'.ial.le stock of, Po:v.-b, Pear, Cherry, Pliir.i, i jncot aad Nee'.arine trce, and cf seek varietie as hav proved srcccful in this climate. Ho ha cio stock of Larraat; Uoosebarry, lk.ispovrry ar.a Strawberry plant?, Kgcj, Evergrern tre1", nrap root?, ia. Thoo vtisl:':n to purekaso would do . well to ecu anl cxarame t.iem. Feb. 10, '53 ly U 11 IVkZn. KEDiOLDS & KENNICOTT, . Olor fcr e-r.le at tho . Central Epfiticn jVurscry, .Nea-"Odi:i, . Marion Oeuaty, I'-iac-h, I'COO Apr. Treos of cb.oica varicU?3 frc.a Cre to seven nr.d a half feet L'u cad four ycar3 cl , frr.ra rrrafV at S20 per ICO cash, delivered at Odin or. Sandoval, free (,f nil bat packing chargc3. - They cuer ia ad dition a splendid assortment rf laroEvergrcen trees, F.ose and ether OraarneutuI Shrubs end Plan's rf a good quality and at a? low rates ft tbfy cm b purchased elsewhere. Tho stock of Pear, Platn, Cherry, Peach and .Quince Tree-, though D' tlnr, has been carefully selected, and ii liko everything the in oar establishment of Western growth. A large and very fine stock cf choico Currant?, Uasp berricS, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Khubarb, tfo., for sale cheap.- Particular attention tc I'll be given to the pneiiinj of trees, Ac., for diant eustomor. Catalogues to be had at tho ofTico tf Emery' Jour nal or by addressing U3 nt Odin. JOHN" P. KETyOLDP, Feb. 10, '53 It . CIIAS. KKNMCOTT; Land Warrants, 3Tor Cnsla rtrxel ort Timo We are prepared to loan Land Warrantj of all settlers on such time as they may desi.e Ions or short at the u-mal rates. ' A constant supply cf Warrants will be kont on har.J for sale as cheap as ttcy can bo bought eisewhere In town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of bojrus warrants. . All warrants sold by us will bP guaranteed to f BeniiiDela every respect and will be exchanged If de fective. EelnT permincntly locatcl in Brownvtlle, we canal ways be found at tho old stand a few east cf. th Brownville House. ixsnBArcTi k. cAr.scc;. Eanicrs, and Dealers in L.nd Warrants. . . TT A T 7 77 To all Whom It May Concern. In as few wjT'l as possible, I wishrrcrid'aud Jo to understand that I am.d' ir.7 cash UL'-nrcsv . And bnpo henveforwardno or.e will dare to remove an article ironi n.v rmintcr. un:ci the CASH IS IAIE5 DGYiT:. . From th's rule I will not dsviata for anyone, or r.n der any c:rcumstnrices conio w(Th all or ders and all p-cscrittion., jT they wii'l l-? sent rw7 unfilled. Iain thus plain, that all, "high and low, j ricti aiid peer," may know that a:iy thing fcr sale at tho ' Muico!o.-auJ Cish, or u.i trade. A. 5. U9L.LAOAT. . JJrownTi'i'eFcbciry 17, W..P; LOAN, . .. ATTORNEY AT LAW:. ' LOT-AND LAKD"AGENT. ' . Arelier, r.icliardscn County, N. T. J. BLISS, Collecting Agent, TERU, NEMAHA COUNTYj NEBRASKA TEaRlTORT.' Particular attentioit. paid to Mikii.g collections for nou-resideuts. Charges reasonable. Ilcferriirev.- R. VT. Trtuse, p.. (-.4 - r. ?m Wm. 15 . Pardee, Fr-. rr-' 3 :! r;tr B B Parker Cur.'? " t.--rU, Br-.wr.I". Lyford &nrn, K ;;. v - ' : Onion Seed a;ul Sett?. MCALLISTER & ?OKN Have a very large stoci of Onioa" seeds ar.d settH for saie. Also a general assortnien cr gara. n feeus. .1100 io want of garden seed raL-ed ia thi.i ciii.nto and soil caa be surpiicd Ly mukins imme-fiiite app ;ra:nn. iicALUsTiii: at rosy. March 17, J. D. 17. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, Has resumed Ins professional bn;neM, 'anil win rric tice in all the Courts cf Nebraska, ana the Courts In Atchinon c.innty, Mo. Offlce one door west of I. T.wbyte's store, Drowa7ine NebrasK.1. Brownville, April 22, 188. nlly . TO PRINTERS CORTELYOC'a NEW YORK: TYPE FOUXDEUY ' A5D Printer's Warehouse. .' . o 29, TrErcE SrsEtT. The subscriber will bo happy to fnraish jur -ha-: crsof Printin2 Materia!. with Plain and Ornnmen tt.1 Types, Border?, ie-., mado frora combination r f all tho bard metals so extensively pulled by found crs. Also Gerr.iana, Greeks. Hebrew?, and a Xc . and elegant Kent ot Agaio Mnsiu Typo, fn m whi .h the Mnsical Review nd Frieod aro now printed wiLh Presses, and every ariicla required for Print ing at the very lowest price, for eash, or approved pa- per. Old Type taken in cxehacsa for ecw, at ten cents per pound. Second bund Presses and Material., nala corn- . pite Stcreotypo Foundry, with two Slaving 'Ma chines for salo cheap. Printer? i Newspapers pub- . Iishing this advertisement (lnclu.i.n to.s rte three times befvre the r.-t if Sertctibcr. 1So5, and sesding mo one cf the paper?, will be paid for it . ia Printing Types, when they purchase four tiroes the amount of their bill. P. O. COP.TLLYOt", April 14, 18;). St Office to Rent! The room en Main Street, formerly occ.r led by Brnwn Jt Uailam as a Banking House, U for rent. Apply t 4. HILL. . irewnvill, Fab. 20,-tf. lr