Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1859)
.1 j u MISCELLANEOUS. COTTAGE GAUDL.V XIJIISERIES. ClYChYXJTI, OHIO, Fruit di Ornamental Trees, Ever . . greens, , FlawcringSliiubs,:.:; . TL'e j-cpriitorj of the nVure named Nursejie?, of r fer for tmls tbc coiainj season, a tM assortment of fruit andKrparaerrtJ.tree,s.of the-most approved va- jictiegfcr.i (hrifxj growth, and of a &ukaXie'&:ze fof tranyjtl.mtis.'coiisisCiag' of ! " I'.'-?, . ; Jean?.'. ; . Cbepriff my licac-Jres, . . . .llum?, " " Apricot?, ." . . Grape, . . . Currant?', .".. Quince?,'. . Jffctarines, . . . , rrcoscb?rriej 'liapbcrnc3,. . Strawberries. The orautncritatucfarlmeiit contani all the most desirable Tarictk'S of evcr;rreen3.ind deciduous tree3 Cowering thrubf,ro?es, climbers, &c. . The s ubsorfijr would call- particular attention to ' I Lis La collctif r of " . ' DVZ AEF PE AfeS. . " . Ilavirlg paid great attention ito their cyltiartiori,. he has i.' in. cfTenrj .tber to the ncticeof-puivhaserj. TLey are a!! Vorlicd cn the" iest varieties of French Quince stocks are. remark -" M healthy and in a fir.e'etate for transplanting the cming seiwoir. A few hundred trees "of tho .V-efsbrts furf.if bed ef extra tiza and in a "bearjir;; state that wiil give fruit icmpdiately after becoming established; ' . .. . .AU the above stock will be furnished tC prices -that till compare favorably with any ether estab lishment. '. Tucking don? in the best manner. ;' Catalogues furnished k'.I who t-nclofe Starrvps fcr rre-p3TiE'rt..AJdn JOHN HAYEKS & Co., Co'.tasre GarlcaTvurscrits.XJii icinnati, 0. feb. 10, i'J Onion Seed. WIL L IAM ED WARDS WalviortkCS., tsconsin, . Ofrs til' following VEr:ttif;3 of GarJ- hhji by'tbe pound or hundred, lie fcl . - are unj;irna-cJ-, rdl baric been raise ' i . t . j r. - l. I . i Gar Jn .Seeds for 10wingscrfs ed by my own totnthe l.i"tcujra5r,ffom !?e best ?oJeeted stoc?, ahi .r-rrrantcd fresh tar4d enaieC, end'to giro uti.fart:ra : " ... L-irco "lied pnion C3 cents, lar Yellow Onion 3 c'tt;? ta'.so turLir.eeed, early hite'ilat'nutch, .' ccntt ; impfovi IIu?;;a or ilutataga. 43 cents, Al-so a lirn quantity cf Cacunrberf: lori grten Cncaiabers i 'cent.s : car:j . chort Cacutubcrs 4s ant? : Nearly Eb"krt Ca Wr.-ino Carrot Iv eor. kft Cacumberfl 15 cents: al?o long All tlie email 'cn'llss. vatiety. Catalogvu.-s sent on the receipt of a rtJEP A'i" orders. y'JJrcscd " to William Ed- Catil rders. :k TrcKJarJen, wil b"3 ")romptly . .W.M. EDWAItD.S, tttenJ id O. Rncar-Crccli. WnlwortlfCo., Wi? . HEDGfE- FENCma . " T jsfir4kv;'i5 hid co'nsider&lle'j?xperi "nee m ylanliur ati4 Otiirat!.iTsge Hedj-rs, here-. Vf iufvrw the vut lutl.t! ibey ate uowiire; ired to c-.-u-lrcl.Btr fclai.:;?. ff.tina theiuwut, or growir.j and- aluvM.Mfl tie lr:..-e -rii:4e!e. Cr.); ed?e3 cf lktr lanuvtif ca r ttt be Utuis .f i.W- U?u fr. 4 Sitf Ube.- i ihUi'ouar r 1. C. k T. A. 3 .VN'y tS. tey.g.QtC - NEBRASKA CITY capital btock 50fooa TFZTZ Cia;B7i nu'tt UUnl Tartr, U row . t. faTIy rtitt4. aivliWtrertire capital rlwkol V f'ftj TKnmi OMr. paid !a ar.dfM-urcd. They re rtpard, (ram tL'.a (Utr, to grut pea ptli-ie?. i lfc T.jk-, tx rul Urmv with tbe tccwl . . . ' farr!J intruw: Ct'r.y ny lib err. llavini " 4op:J .lV tHwtwl riu(-i te, Ut patrons, without Itfenrrir sr j UftUUit, viil stare in tbe jniU cf ' ; . ' ti'oc uy. Tie c pcrtioe f tbe Ccnpsn jv will ccaSn? J, . forth rreot. t uxHi'itf brcikcorik, with c .-- .. tsauMKtalialrilitVftf 1200 on ary cue lttvui. 1 . Ueinx lie vJj loruratu-t tu-c oa taeabure - t!ar plain, Vct f the Midori, it confidently r---,.. Jtct4 ;8erWi Mfport fratl Wertcni 5Iitr:binLt.t.. .- V . 7 rsiyectfttl'tj iatite tbe iliesocri IUtci ja- If. I'.licnnrt, J. L.Aruar.a W, U;n!iEiS. . . Miles Wtono, . - ynCERS '..'CIIAS.r.lIOILV'fCsiJeat. -:" J.GicstrrjSec'j. .' Pt. Lauli ireaU-Cj.TT.P.lIowarJU ArrilM,litJ?. 42!- 5 EE17C0LDS & KENMCOTT. : ,-:;; Cyrforleattha . . . : Ccr.lcal Egyptian Mrsav, . 1 . ' KearOJin, JUrkn Count r, Illinois" VtfOO ArTlo . . ' '. -r Tfcf ftaice raricties from 5re to e,en zul a . ... . -fcalffeethl-b tnlfiurTc5rsilj,frr!ali!i.l trRrdft, . . V . .. t:i r m ca.-lif dflircrcl tt Odlo cr SsnJcral, ' ' . ; free cf all but facLirg charge. Th y oacr ia aJ : . rfi'.Mnail3alid ai-wrment f largcllvi-rreentrce?, .". . Kiao4rthtr Oriiauciital Sttrubi VleMtvi . . .' M(MMlatitjanl&t34l9ir ratea ts t!;cycaii be " .irvkai4 elscwbw.- Tito toc!c cf IVar, Ham, .. CTbTjrf Tncb anil Quiue Trs, tVnU ttt hr;, Am la ear erl! rtUs'ti, en! i Jitc cTtryiLic ... ; . liaar MtiWi-kturcttT Vwtem crowt'i. A . m larpttadrrry asertotk cf cbcico Carn.6(s KaJ ", IWfriM, We'err. Strlerrte, .lihubarb, Jc, t.'- f-f altehcf. tVtbuNr attti'.im will bsvco . . ,.. tbpekUg f trs Ac, fitdi?tantl!.uiw. m ' . U2egBt U be 1r1 at the cUco of dmcryl Jwar . - Zilvt tj aidxesidr c t (Jiia. . . . JollS I. HTZYK0LD3. '. T.KtVi ly ? ? cilAS. KLXXicorr. : " ' . TTr2.rTrscs at Bocnville, MoTT - . TblTii&ii La fir sale a vliai.-e and Tre ble - . , ." . f Af pJc, IVvb, lVr, Cherry, Ilom, Apricot - t4 trrt, ci.J 4-f ui1a varieties as Lave -. Mt e J MMval ia tbit cliuate. He be also a . ' ttt lJt ef i'arraat; liwWry, Ila-Wrry ar.d . . .tHnUrry la .-. I Evergreen tree?, Grape t;, A Tbtre fcMiir t J jorvha? wuivl do 1 ' " WU t eBl atel Xlfila ibenw , ;. rb.tM!lly .v , HMMVESS. w; P. ''LOAN, .. ATTORNEY- AT LAW. LOT AND LAXD AGKNT, Arriier. RidiariZscii Cosnly, 3?. T. .X Y. BLISS, Collectiug Agent, n n wah a county. NF.1HA5S . TErlElTil&r. rftV1a ;ti?ivi..4 t tsikmj cUCctlo8 for M-rt.Mdeuti. CLsm reisfnab'e. Ucfereiic'cs. ..1t.V. irn Postmaster. Pern C. F4nr , iVobate Jnice, Nefc. f ify EPrlrr m. Co-tvtjfVr Jmii:e t.yaf4 & ll riy 9yt"za. ft. '- Patent Portable iVHll, . THE (ubsiTibrS Lave-ettcred into a vartaers&in inlcr the cf Ree, Uo!iJsri A C., t naaafactcre its J.C. !ree3, Tatfnt 1'orttiUe Vila Mill and ar tiw rrejulra ofurr.i-h all those ia want U;fk4 Cora r Wheat Mill that forilura iuify.cimpticty md ecorv.rsy ; excel any Mm icthe world. ! b lft9 exhiKitin f the ilcchanic lartitateinCiuciaaati.a Cold Medal w&aawerdcd them for It. It is aiatt?i u a!! Grain rin ling purposes; it is npcrwr U all thrr for the mr..txt w-osi ve Merchant SliU, if it is for rriuiia th Fanact feed bT Uorse jwwer. 2j0 A thit Mill tclUHn wn rtrrU'w nr.uof csary t SB3DS! SEEDS!!. . . FttLn, G PLawnxt Srr?. Wrar ne fally fnppUcd r."4.f the !ar?eht . atwtiot c-itiipttt n:k. of tiir.o. yirmtt tadci'jcid rU etrrOt-! t .ttrf l'ete.-n tffle Our au:k ia UevniPW'.e bp "th hicob rare u. tt.e U't seed rrdrj .J ArtieiK-a t:.d Kar -je. A Urye tare re . , . a-.uie j;ri ii eod.letug rrwc .: dr tnt xinspeo Uho. sni 1uch vecaa rrcvuiUKUd a Uit to ruie ul& M tbe Vt quality. - Jtu-8;rtnrit trtU fear lefotr4 tixtr vTli:e cf Ft cr.!-f -... '". V',Vi s " utt . r.ird.n vii: . ttnafwhb Ara ! -. , . .OuM-r Hsr C?u an-T I-nj lioe seW, .,' from a t-tcr.ix-i'T4H-? wi:ti Trndc.-s-e feel conft , '.n-i c.n vti-r l-ettfr iUtlureit:.: td the desir- -Tbe wh'Ii?n it rvVratetOr Cterry Creek and rik- Peak fun'.f -i-mtU ttaliih thenx a'ix it '. , tr"!; Garden ' --r. e or. r-T.ran'r on Tr4 a nll sWn'iactit - '? -v v- - s t f!.r;KXTs A?ti macuiniiS; Knit-tt, i r.i. J, GarCen. rchari?a I II.niteh Vt. we re ft.: prepared t f.'pply thetrae on the mo i't'-sl t-n. v s .. ''' t"i.ett.';j ura:,hed prti s;p'.io-tioni I OCk a lLip': .r-l:t 4 ' . " VII. !. rUHuT Sl . frt.iuary J7. . ." a . iD-a.ot TulUart runafactoyed by thennder HSnedttlioirfhort ia Cincinnati, 0 where they ou b?rjirni-!i-dia snyqntatity atrhrrt nctiee, The nbov ilill warranted f u rf xrtxk. cs follows? ST. LOUIS AD'S "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGHT STEA3I SAW : This mill commands ttc universal admiration cf saw mill men everywhere. As it merits become- known, the demand for it increases. Orders are coming from every section of thte.couctry, Canada; Cuba, ?.ud &-uth Ameri ca; It is suited lor every section ot the world wherever there is timber to be f awed; noniattf-r of what character hosvhard, how .large 'or 'bow biuail. Two extensive ma nufactories are now encaged in building these mil Is, yet alnfos't impossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace Veveral valuable patents and improvements, and combine all of the following ad- Sl&jtficity Both the milllaixLower are so Fimple in thc.r construct ton that anyone -of ordinary mechanical ability can comprehend thcmpu.t theu up aiklruu them without dinner or difficulty; Port cbinty The whole estaWUhiaent can be very quickly taken apart afid put tofethar, thus rendering it easv'toVe moved from place to place as desired, and sav ins the berr-ssitv-of 'drawing the log- a long distance to Durability It is constructed in the most solid and ' eubstai.tia.l-manner, rv.ns perfectly still, is n".t liable to get out order, and w ill last for ye-ar without repair. '". 'Rapidity It-will g aw farter than any other upright tpright mill.". The tpecd of UiZ Jaw is about three hundred-stroke? per niicuta, and the feed from ono-c;ghtk to three-qvrltrs of "aniuoU jver-stroke. Thu, at a metlium t-f.eclUaw.wtljcut through a los tweniy-ionr leet Ht-nt intHSA -jJL thrrs .minutes. .From .this-d.:ta aiiy one knowing ib character of the timber can calculate bow murh H -tvi-H-do." ' ' ' Ejfiiviertcj It does its work well,, cuts smoother and EtraigUter tfean the ordinary mills, and tbe-arranement .f thoaw is e&coi as t9 reuder it ntter-ly iinpoEtible for 1 ii to Tttikourcf lias. -. . . . Cifap?ifs Tie tnrire lost cf the mill, with fifteen horse power ana" flrrytbintj all. compkte and ready for funnliS tioxed att4 rajr fo.r shipmerit in tt. Louis, is Tl'is i rill r cuirej less p-Tfrcr to drive than any other mill, and th.e'po"4cr furnifhed is sulUcient to drive extra maohiiterT. A-cif'c'.ilar eT.tiimnc; full-particulars vill be cent lo 2cv oiie desirii.c it.- -All ordert bhou'.d be addressed to - iSKACO & 15URROWES. Corncr'.TMrd end 31'r.rket streets, St. 'Louit, ZIo., " tele fcpnts for the Western and Sotukdrn States. .March 5, '53 " . . 4i-ly 1859. 1859. ':. &CAUhITT ' 'MASON, .Whole?aJe and '-Retail Manufacturers.!: .FuraiturG : and Upliolstciy :" CQRXEU WASlil.X'GTCJr-AV'. CC. 2d .ST., . .' j&..Louis. 'Missouri. To. our Patrons and ilic Public J a General. Ve take cj-eat pleasuw; m l.cin? a Lite to a.nre you that notwithstanding our Heavy Ic. Ly the our. Sales H'joms at Xos 40 and 42 Washington jvetiue and t"he boss of the cutiTe stock in thtfnn ou tha iiwrtiiiig' ,f the 25ih ins., are already able to till any order tua nia: be desired' la fuj line. llavins.-Q large. amount of Stork in ttir. vrare lr:rjscs tbatare not connected wi:hcnr salesTofiai, and being in cotistailt receipt cf Roods from the best manufacture we aretSus toon ertalueJ to till orders at our usual 1 prices, and in bur former prompt and satisfactory mail uer. . . .Ota facilities fr prcuMn.r acd kocpins rp a desirable stiM.-u are usetiuftioa j our personal attention nu iargi espcrience is and will lc Jtistautly given to. ouf legit imate, liusfuess as dealers in and .nmnuactnrers of- FURNITURE AIsQ UPHOLSTERY m air thevSriocs branches, we assure yyu that we will sell as goodoods and at as low prices, aud on as fa voruble terms as any hotR-e inthe West. Thanking; you forthe very- literal patronage already ic.-twed cn us. we.ask a continnatipn of .th.e saiie, Sales R ius for the present on tbe Northwest co: n;r4 V.'arliiaj::! Avenue and Second Streetfour doors Wlowonr old M&ntl. . Aeryr.CMi?-tful!y, ' SCARRITT & MASOX. Et. Luui, u,'U I. ITS. no7 DOWDALL, MARKIIAM, & CO., WASIKGTON FOUNDRY Enzliic and .llacliinc sliop, conxsa or axo mouuan stuei-ts, iT. LOUIS, Mo. Manr:fart.rc rs f Steam HnEiuc an ! B Saw and Crist Jt::i Marhiafry, Single ati.tlVuMe Cirttslar Saw Ji-tl. T.4.or. Screw, uu4 P.cssej l ard Kettles. Lard rc tri Cylinder, Wtn! Cardine Mat-tones Buildiiij Catiutr'.Toni;a'IcnrovedPatetitSiiHitMills, lac. jL--AGKSTsf.-r IhCialCwl James Smith ic Co.'S-.- prior Macliins Cards. v-JnS-Iy . Por Pikes Peak. Da Pont's Celebrated PowJcr, In .' . Patent Mcialic Kegs, . An I C.i hi !fr ju;t the iUlt fur Cajaji Ft saloljtLi A2t:t.v' - . . UAN'DALL?, 'COrLET Jt Co. . C;rrcrtf Vise and Cotnmcrcbl iitr.ct. aud 51, XrtJi Lrree, Kaint Lou!, JI." TLr.e Kt?3 ere air end water llsht, pai rontain six e&J ca-fonrt!i cnd." asi 2i po-.uid. Vbe A.r tnef crot'iQ la lnt' best brands, tta Ui! Vast lolWucr. Send on your rdors to ' fiAXDALL? COCLY 4 CO. 3&tA3,W-3ia. BEAKD & BEOTHER, . . rnoraixraBS or rns XSSZOXSCjSSXOXL' " SAFE AXD-SCALE Mr01tK S.1IXT LOUIS, .10., Bsiik Safes of IMchcd Steel, and Cfcdled Iroi, Jewellers' and Express Safes, . VuultsBank lock&c: " . .. The re'"it teet f Sfe f tie ifftrent Marifacture ia the GitllA'f FX!U of the l''r fcuiidii.ri. which the KxiM.r tricmj bed over? II utinrojfiillrfstapifA f the :krii;rity .X ti e Estel.;. rfs hUl ta'etit's tuC a nfidetirc of rlllaterestH In Safes, aad ilie securi ty ir their en-Meats. The Ex Ui-t !.g the safe atterbPlng intUefire f.r nirtv J.oBf. taktnout red ht, fjat .vet the BoU at; J ;; .iite large ruMbcrof t.e 'sJers, in tu fite hat thw.i -tinre; were ta'.t u out with !b?ir contents tuiireljl. -'st'.mt? trjiiiit impirall with ifce recewdty .f i-xpi.ifi? thrir ires, anSth.vej'urdia.:irsta t are sA.nbt.rt the SafPbav'ttjr ftto4 tteJctr..l vmp,.i VirtfrtoasV .fco j pn!ete!ve i t maaafacture bttitch as caaho relit Jen, at J it.'cr U the fvKotviua . ' Cerlincatc; Ve, the r.EdcrfipJrd, take p'e.i'jrre la fffliMnj td t.e st:cCrtrI test Heard f Br:Ucr's KxU!rr re ;rf Safes werehohTnitted U tu tbe brniinxW the City Bu! l.::ng, the Kii.cte. u;t veciber, It&S. va f are jus tified im rer.tumcidlr.g thCia ta all who i.cJ safes,-. Kali. & Smith Eddv JAMESON & Co CHAtI.ES MT.OW &CO s S.MniUMcCART!Iy 'AM1&1C t CO JOSEra KtCBH ITt.Mpiaci-sTt?T?&.TERv, Jojiv S thomaSon RVKVAS X!XX.UIAX&B&0 HA6TJW1I.CV &BAST9 VllUAS ItOllET &tO , 'sCit7t &, BRO McSlEifAK ii BAtLANTI.VE, 13FO W GODDIS S CO VOX Hltlt WATEK3&. CO V" LKWIN'O ii CO D A jam'ahy & co - ; jotix ii HaLtfit em llARAKO AiVS &. CO "BAPintail D4V 6c CO . SHE EXCELSIOR : ; Tjox th r.-er.iim:iipr tbe Ht Eastern Manractne tt ifce State Pair, in Safe Vmi; is joM from'tUrty to ft-ty per cent Ie8, and fitlaraatccd ti te Cijuai to any ia. the I'titet! .States. . At taaucfactrrei9 cf " B " ."j''' ' ' LiprlitiifRg Rods, ; it Bert quality, ai.d i VUIITS of all Descriptions. ' ' BHARU & BP.O., Ko. 15. Main Street, Saint U'Cis, M . ' .,n!yS2,,IioS. sci?tyv304 ' J o " - i . c-. " 6 Valley View Xfcrscry Depot; Corner cf Chestnut & Eeaumont Street ST LOUIS, MO. I & KAIi 4ITI. Tropr'rs. Ou hand and fur sale a targe and complete assortment of ' Apple, PearPlum, Nectarine, Gooseber ries, Iiaspberrics, Grapes, PeacbV Cherry, Apricot, Blackberries! s Currant, Strauberncs : ? . Kyergreens, &.c. ' S:rict attention jaidto the election of varieties suited ta this climate. . ' Ot'.icc at Finnt's S;cd Store, No. 14 Main street. Or ders addressed to B:-xJJ. St. Lonis, Mo.;!W "Talley Yiow Nurseries," Edwardsvillo, Maditon .Illinois, will receive prompt attention. Tcb. 25, '69 ti35 C LAR K XT A R-N A R D. A. 15. 1I0LLAIJRD &' CO., . Mat!ihisl.S)&i!lcrs and . . Engine 'guilders, ! "' .l iontftreet;,We?tof Saalth, ' CIKCINATI, O. , , ; TTToauod reipeclfuVy inrormfheirfriendsand t. It ,110: , tie writ a con tinuation ox the liberal pat viiss uereteiyre been extended In them. SaY;:;aiU Engines cf every Deseripfioa. Constantly oa hann: 'consistiET of the .ih r;h. lar andIuley. Hill Gears and every description of Jaititgs warranted to be well made ia every particu- ?ll?r,!:Te a BnVari attached to their .-.ta.Ujshraent, whi-h enables them to oversee all wovi rath&niue furnished by them, end are pre pt.tcd to work oa as reasonable terms as any other feuoJVin tbe country. Those in want of anything ia our line, would do ffc.l to give ns a ca.1 and examine our new pattern ' 'Fruit Tree Seeds. Mif.Lave now in store, and ran. supply on order :tani.y.varictiosof tree seals, as follows, viz : .lpple r.ed-,f0 eentsar-aart,516 a bushel: Pear seed 3 pc-r lb.; Cherry pit $1 per quart: Teach Pits $5' per ba.-hcl. ' J OilS GA RXETT& Co.. 65. North S9et?r.d St., St. Loais. U. f.Ti. It. i9 ly it public Ecucrally, thai thev are now ire- r'i tn c Kwtttte alTcritei'sin t I'.'cirlinV, with prompt s'. 'Ilawni ialo!y enlarged their shop and with ivrased faciiiti?. they now possess, they hone to rona-re which DRUGS, MEDICINES. That Great Remedy SO LOXG SOIGI1T, Is 3Potlxxxc1 ctt Xiast! This rcmcdy, claimed by the medical profession and the multiplied thousand Chat have and-tested its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest discovery in medical eci-ence, and nature's .own remedy, - is the result of year? of toil and study, by one of Ohio's lavorite physicians, In order to produce something that would meet the wishes of suffering humanity, and hou-c sands from the princely ralace and hnmblest cottage can testify to the immediate relief foundry its use. For want of space we only offer a few of the many evi dences' in its favor. MoLtfE, I L.j Feb. 19, 1867. MESSRS..S.- K. MANX CO We lind your Ague balsam superior to-any remedy ia our mirket for the permanent cure -of alt malarious .disease. We cheer fully recommend, it- as worthy that great name it nas wherever sold and uscJ. Vjery Truly Tours, Richards &thomas. To tbte sufferers. f rem Chills, Fever and. Agv.e, 1 cheer fully submit tie following: Ilavim; observed closely the etfbcts of Ur. Matin's Ague Balsam in this vicinity far the past three year., I am well pleaded with its re medial virtues as au antidote to malaria. I have fre quently used it in my practice, and with entire satis faction. From iny inthnatcknowledpeof this compound 1 recommend it as safe, promt and efficient. . . N. E. HACKElOMr M Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, 180S.- D. .- Blufton, Ind , May 17, 1S53. MESSRS. S. K MANN &. Ct). Having sold your lial- fi!ti. for the-past three years to scores of persons in this cinitr, -and closely observing its effects, we do not hesitate in s-ayirig, we believe it" the best remedy ever st!din Indiana, end wiil effectually cure-chills fever and will cnectually cure chins, fever and ague without fail Truly Yours, PIIILL1MAX &. KEARNS, Drug'ts. Logasspojit, Ind., Seps 13,1858: DR. MANN PJease send me one half gross more of your Ague Balsam immediately. It is in great demand, and may be truly styled the King of Fever and Ague. J. LYTL K. St. I.ons, March 1st, 1S53. MESSRS. S K- MANN Si CO We Lave sold- a large amount of your Ague RalsaiA the past three years, and find that where liifrixiuced aud sold it has no equal in the history of acue remedies, and from all parts of the we.-t- wa Lear the fiame cheering news it never-fails to cure Its patient and is looked npon in this country, as the fcet linidicicine for -chills, fever, and ague ever inoitr iuairtet. . . O. J. WOOD & Co. u--rr r a "mist e- m . vr.y nK ion Ohio. . no37- Sold byJ.H.MAUN&Co.. . .'Brownvilfe, N. T.. ; Friiit Trees. Bf cneThville Nursery. 'Thp subscribers oI5pr for sale the fallowing-varieties- of "Apple Trees. . ' '. WINTER VARIETIES. '. . r Yellow Be HcCeiir,- ." Wtutr Swarr, Pome Gris, Wilowbr' Liinte Snow Apple, Hawkintt, Whit Winter Pairm.tin, Red Romaninite,. Janitan, ' .- . KugliitGoWcnRu.sset, Wijiesap, . " Twij, 'Baldwin, . ... Domini" or Darwin', Talman's Sweeting jVortncTii bpy F&th: VARIETIES. FuTton, Fall Pippin, Fall.Jauitan, Auturan Swarr, Fall Btrawbenyj Milan. SUMMER 'VABIETIES. Sweet June or Hightop Summer .Queen," Sweeting, Golden' Sweet, - V Early Ireutun, . .; ; Early Harvest Redstrcak, ' : Early Harvest. . The JCnr-'Cry is situated on the farm of R. J, Whitney, about one Wil? couth of Bronville. The trees..are one year eld fr.n the and very large" and healthy for lUat ae. ProilucrtJ jn the purl and climate of Ncnras--ta, they iwv t l-rore supeior tothu.e that preshinwd fron the States, They ran t ? obtained' earlier in the f pring are liot injured by cutting atf the'small sprouts inordvr ! maSo the shipment less, and to. lessen the bull:, iur e.strn r.ur.-.ciymen do .when they gcud trees tbror!. This is a trtth tliat our-Nebia'ska farmers must tuhei'ttw co.r.siieratkin. To4hos.e" v. l wi.-h to have iJood ori"h;trd the proprietors will-endeavor .to give en tirp s.tttsf;ic:n taljwi may favor us wiih a call. Purine the t'lTitipg scrfsotj, 0116 of lis M ill be foutid'in the fcursc? X Wali oa&we who' raver us v. ith their val-UtdrdC.-?, ' . ' .' GEO-.W. KRATTON, JOHN S. PAYOftlTE, . r. Veherehy 'aruall-persons against trespassing, ?r re:nt?vl?a!jj trees,-oany mark placed cu or among the sa-ht trees. . . . B. &. F..-. Brovv-nvinc, N".T.,.Jan. 13, 1S51 ' .. . -. 3m , HEW.-. ARRIVAL . . .. . OP Two Hundred eC5 "7" S3 " .. C'ifniSTlAX . DELTSEik. Rroivhvllle, Nebraska. AyyOU"UEStotth'e public that he has'just 'rc , ceivrd, pqr Stealncr KyLind,.-a very large aDd well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves,- of Jicvand improved f.aterns,a3 follows: ... . ' ' Buck's Pattern,. .' . . ."; P.iymoutdi Rock, v-i' p:f' TJlevated. OvenvNew Ei , A, ' .oldest Era. aad every variety o Ptu'lor.rjid Office Slo"es. .-" ; , Also,-; . '.-. Japajied Ware, Rrass Kettles, liafjtlrnnis, Copper Wat e. Sho-av.-;- '. Vcls antl Tongs. - All of which 1 pledge myself to' sfc'll at as fair rates and 'on as aceemmcdating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country.' "I-havo also now on band-cvery requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared tq puLup gulteringand.spcutinff aud all'other work .ia -nny line, atshtfrt notice,- and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge my self not to he uudersold in .the upper country. -. ' ... .. BVownville September 2, 1S53." ' tilO-ly D. II. M'LACCHLIN CIIA3. KOKSEV .Mclaughlin & dqrsey, ri . 3Iain 'Street, Bf ov uvillc, N. Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make but. pre-emption papers;, pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy aud sell property on commission j furnish land warrants for time entries, and atiend to all. other busi ness camSccted with" a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment ind aud the location pf land warrants for parties residiB? at a distance-. ?Mci,AL"G1ILIN & IJORSEY respectfully refer to . '. iUe)r?e H. Nixou, Esq., Register JJrownville Land Mfice.V . . . " , '' th j ies B. Smith, Eq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Nnaha Land district. .- ' it-bert W. Furrias, Esq. ; Editor Advertiser Brownville . y ?-srs. Lushba'ugh &. Carson, Bankers, Brownville, vli n. W. M. T.' Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland. 'rVwislt. Newcomer Eq. Baltimore, Md. C1 II Barnet, F.vq , Dayton. Ohio. ilon. .I'enner Purguson, Delegate in Congress from N tiTa'V'r('rrriforJ' Washington, D. C. , Vn A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. . . no43tf 0 RARE AND NEW SORTS GAEDEN. SEEDS. ll'e shall have. for cale tbe coining spring all the rare and new varieties of Garden, Field and Flower Seeds that can bo procured.. . - Among then will be found. Syrian Karley, King PhilliplCorn, Pesbody Corn, Hubbard Squash, Japan Pea, Pcabody's Mammoth Lima Beans, Early wbJLtc Mammoth, liroeecli, Several TamtiCs ot extra inpa rior Cabhagc, New, Early, Danvcrs Yellow Globe Onion, Ac, &c, Orders for nearly every sort cf new seed that has been tested and found valuable can be filled ' JOTIX GARXETT& CO. CS, North Second St.. St. Loui3. Mo., -Feb. 10, 'j9 ly GARDEN SEEDS. We are now receiving in Store and offer for sale a larga stock of all varieties of jrarden seeds, the growth cf the past season, and procured from sources we can rely upon for correctness and ."p""1?. of the varieties. Catalogues containing descriptions and directions about the manner of growing, Ac, will be seal tJ au applicants. . Prices very reasonabrc'. "i : . '-''. . - - J OUX GARXETT fc Co., ; f8, North Second St, St. Louis, Mo. Feb 10, 2 ly NOTICE. Stolen from mc in the town of Pi-owhtIHg. N. T oner about the 1st day of Julv,lS57. LAND WAR RANT No. 5J.212 for K-0 acres, issued under act cf 3d March 1S55, to John Francco, who served un der the name of John F. Siseo. All persons arc warned not to purchase said Warrant, as I have filed a caveat with the Commissioner cf the General Land OGco to prevent a patent being issued thcro for, and will in due time apply to the Commissioner cf Pensions to lisue a duplicate ot sai.l warrant. 31-Cw T. W. BEDFORD. wi iwcnv ot Am r WM. ROSSELL, BP.OWITVII.LE, t. Announces t""1 the public thai preparfcl to accom mo!ate wisamg with Carriages al Xcggies i to- ceiher with giofsare horse?, for comfort and ease in tra vetiinf. lie will also iK-ard horses by the day, Tfek er momii. XlrTFRxg riromsLT.i Jo !, 'U. M:f SAINTIJOSEPH AD;S. J. B. JENNINGS . J. B. CHILD3. . - J, B. JENNINGS & CO. : EXCLUSIVELY. , r Who 1 e s a 1 ei LG r o c d r s , AND r ; , f '-COMMISSION MERCHANTS'. Cor. 2nd and Frances lis, St. Joseph Mo. , IIAYE jttst recieved by Iato arrival, at much be low the regular rates of freight, a heavy" stock of Groceries, whieh having been purchased at extreme ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for cash; e respectfully invito buyers t9 an examination oi our stock. . !')' 50 hhds new crop Sujar, fair to prime, at reduced ' prices ' 4 ." ' " 1000 sacks Q A and Kanawasait ; 'ir ') 500 bis superfine, extra and extra; fine Flour ;, , 609 sacks " " " "if., 20 tierces new Rica t v, , . , 400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles; ; ,'. 100 boxes family Soap (-.-' 500 boxes Rio Coffeej gocd fair to prime 50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar ? i i . 200 bis and hf bis buttery soda, fcugar and. wine Crackers. . , J f ,. . . f 400 keg? assorted Kail? ' '- ' t 150 coil mannilla rope, from to inches 75 boxes pearl Starch ; ' 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass . 500 doz 8X10. and 12 and 12X14 window sash , 100 sacks new dried Apple3 100 boxes imperial, gunpowder,' youDg Lyson and black Tea .- ' " . 150 boxes as?artcd and fancy Candy 50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drops - . ,' . 100 whole and hf drum Figs ( . ; , 50 boxes layer Kaisens 20ffboxes Glasgow and A'irgihii Tobacco- - 100,000 Scgars, varioti?brand3. 150 boxes, and 25 bis Smoking To' acco 600 dozen Field'j celebntfed Oysters" 150 boxes W R. VY and E D Cheese Wooden ware in every variety: Cotton batting, Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish Fotomao herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries, orange .fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles, lobsters, pepper sauce, catsups, pepper, allspice, gin geri currants, prunes, verniucilli. macaroni, nuts of all kinds; etc etc. JSllides, peltries, beeswax and all other binds of produce taken in exchange lor goods by J. 13. JEXXLNGS & Co. Jan'y 20 1350 SOyly ; New Hardware Store. Sign of the Saw. J. FJjALTERTY, Impoi tcr, Wholegale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. : ST. 'josErn, mo. ' S NCWrcceivingand opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any rxrarket wvrt of St. Louis. My stock cmbraccs.a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Buildor's Hardware, .Mechanic's-tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements; in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the savins of a Vast-amount of labor to the farmin z com munity, frem whom I respectfully rtiquest a careful examination of this department of my stock. 1 am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I wHl warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices. Alsoalargeassortment of Guns, Hides, and Pistols, Iron, BteXd. Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in' a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality asd price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agenci-os for American Hardware Mmufact urers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware .trade, enables me; not only to- defy a 11 competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade'13 smalrprohfs and rjuick returns.. . f ; January lylS37. vln2'Jtf W. C. RITCHIE,. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL, ' Liquors CIGARS, WOODEN WAItE,r' J Corner cf Main and. Francis Streets. Riddle' Old atond, opposite btonts . Hotel, ;, ST. JOSEPH, : . TfAVE just received the iarge.-t and most complete stock of the alove goods ever opened in upper Missouri, to'which-the attention of merchants and dealers is res pect.ruliing invited having purchased them principally "for cash at the very lowest possible prices: in Boston, iii-n iui & auu ot. ijuuis, ii'i'i lounui'iii mat l can oner inducenients that are rarely found, and hoping,, by fair apd liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage- Call and examine my stock, and priecs'beforo purcbaf-ir.g!; sales are bound to follow, In my stock will be found every article usually' kept iu a No 1 Grocery House. ' :- 1 PAY YOUR DEBTS!! . ''-Willi Corn. Those indebted to; me' are hereby notified that tbey can liouidatc their Indebtedness with com at. the highest market price, delivered at" the store of 1. T. byte in Brownville. I his reiuest is made only because 1 am in debt mysolt, and ennnot raise the money, Dut can make use-ol corn, ouen an ar rangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances! "JESbL NOEL. Brownville, Ucc, , isos. i x. W. II. WIIAIAMS' '. ' ' WHOLKSALE AND KETAIL DEALER IX " STOYES & TINWARE Oroson Mo., TAKES pleasure in announcing thecitraens of Or sronnnd the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market ; My stock of. Tin ware is of iny own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and lictali at St. Louisprices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patternsboth-Air-Tightand Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Onk, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prizePre imum. Also Parlor & Box Stoves ': Of various Sizesand Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER TnAN ANY HOUSE IN 'TOWN. Particular attention paid to makinz and raittin" up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice atid.on reasonable terms. Uld copper, Jrass ana l'cwter taken in exchange for work or ware. W.W.WILLIAMS. . vl-n5 Oregon, Mo July 5, 1S58. A. LTFORD. J. T.:nORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in AND I GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QTJEENSWrARE, BOOTS, SIZOISS, HATS AND CAPS, Xa!l,PIows, Stoves,Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. r April 9th;iS58. 43-t J. HART ;S0X, Ull , . Oregon, Holt County, Missouri. Kcepconstantly on bandalldescriptiouof Harness, Saddle?, Bridles, Ac, Ac. i 1 N. B. Evcryarticlcinourshopisinanufactured oursolve?, and warranted to give satisfaction. ...... Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber would call particular attention to the- following : Er om Corn Seed of very superior . quality, Chi nese Sugar Cane and Black Locujt. . Also Onion, Beet, Cabbage, Eadiib, Turnips, tiet tnce seeds, ic.,by the quantity. ' ' ' ' A limited supply of Chufas or Earth" Almonds, at 50 ccnt3 per 100 tubers. Currant Seedsj by the package or cunce. v ' Our Seeds are all Warranted. ' W'ehate a Cne lot of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn which is positively the best garden eorn "in cultivation. Also Smith's Early White Corn. Per sons desiring anything in the above line should or der immediately. ' Address II.A. TERHY, Crescent' City, Iowi. , Miroh 3d, 135J. . ; ; tor ia!i t thu OmcB. BROWN VILLE AD'S. B . F. LUSHB KVGII. JSO. I.. CARSO iiUSHBAUGH &. CARSON, . BANKERS AND GENERAL LAS1J 4 U-iT -i a, . ...: Dealers in Coin, Uncurrent Moneys Exchange an4 Land Warrants, , . RWftWXVILfE. NEMAHA CO.. N: T. Especiar attention will be given to Buying and Selling Exchange. on the principal cities of the United States, Gold; Silver, and uncnrrenl Bank Notes. A constant sup Dlv of Land Warrants on hand for sale, FOR cash; or ea- teredon time for lre-emptors. ah warrants ioiu uy ua guaranteedin every respect. Will file Declaratory .ate- ments of intention to pre-empt, onu prepare rre-cuuiou Papers at short notice. Money loaned upoabest securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed twaud proceeds rcnmteu in exenange, aicurrem raica. tills cf Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost or Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest allowed on special deposits. , , OmCE-Main St. .near U.S. Land Office. L , . i 3REFEBENCES Lind, Brother Sc'Co., Merchants, McNaughton, Carson & Co., ' 1 Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. 41 tt It New Tork. Uiser &. White, ' " Touns, Carson & Bryant, " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rofPort, K. M. Punderson St Co. Merchants, M. M. Yeakle 4c Co. No. 17, Broadway, Wm. T. Smithson, Eq., Banker, , , -J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Washington, D.C. Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T., - " Taylor" & Kriesh. Bankers, T ' : . Chicago", 111. McClelland, Scruggs &. Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Thos. G. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Annapolis, Md. Peun. Mercersburg, Pa. : I Ilagerstown, Md. ' Keokuk, Iowa. ' Council Bluff " Des Moine, " . Vinton " . Easton, Md. ' Cumberland, Md. Havana Alabama. non. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Si:iall, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co.' Bankers, II. C. Nutt 6c Co. " G reene, Weare & Rico, " Douglass & Watson, " j' Col. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. H. Ttttwiler, -..; . , Oct. 8, '57-v0-nl5-tf Brownville Steam Ferry ! rlSE&BEST CKOSSLNG rfiiSbj 3 ON THE MISSOURI RIVER. The Koute from Brownville to Ft. ICearney, ana irom tnence to uaiiiornia, is tne nearest and most practicable. f t BAKER &: CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are now running as a Ferry across the Missouri Jtivcr at An entirely new, substantial and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which ar-angemcnt will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. -The Proprietors do net assert boastingly, or for t he purpose of g ming custom merely, but arc governed by facts, when they sy this is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fort Kearney aud from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements,' to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, our charges arc the same as other Ferries in Nebraska, all beiDg regulated by Legisla tive enactment. . u. JJRecolIeet that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. IrSfA skiffand.hanl will be in rcadinesi tocross foot passengers at all times of night. - r n20 November 11th, 1S57. BROWNVILLE STEAM MIILIL. ;NOEL; LAKE & EMERSON, : - , 23rowsa.vill, 3ST. "37. N. B. Wo ; would, respectfully inform tbo citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo have always .on hand a large and well selected supply ui Ii U JIBE li, which we can furnishatlow er rates than any mill in the. Territory. Market prices paid fcr logs delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. . ' All orders accompanied with the cash, will reccir our immediate attention. . . , . O. P. LAKE.'. -,'. - - ' W. II. HOQVER. BroVnvillc Nemaha City. JjAIuv cc J1U0VEK, ma AND - NOTA llY S PUBLIC. Brownville and Nemaha City ' NEBRASKA TERKITORY. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying I tasas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real Estate, buying and selling on. Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, ami all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. ' i -Particular attentin will be given in-filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and procuring War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. ' ' - Persons owning town lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place tlie. agency In our. hands, (alwa 7 1 presenting their Quit claim Deeds for said Lot i Vitbin the' ex piration of six mentis, as after that time ail loti not Deeded will be sold.', - Blanks always on hand. ; ' ." ..' ' , ; N; B. Letters of inqnirv answered promptly;' ' March 2C, 'bljy - ' 41ly George FergusonT MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, BROWNVILLE, K". T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that he' is"prepared to erect Steam and Water Saw and Merchrnt Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery of all inds. ' ALL AVORK WARRANTED.-: He is also Agent for . . A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. "j - CINCINNATI, O. '" LEE & LKATlTT'S ' : ' Saw Manufactory, dK CIKITATI, O. ' And arc prepared torecei ve and Ull orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by theto es tablishments, f; ,; .". , t Letter of enquiry, promptly answered. U REFFEBENCES. . Noel, Lake A Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam MiH. It. W. Furnas, Brownville, " T - 1 Muir, Hann A Co., " ' " " Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, " P. M.Hogera, Pawnee city, Nuckolb? & White Uockport, Mo. , James Lowe, Linden, " . A.B. Hollibcrd, Cincinnati, O. ' , Brownville, June 18, 1S57. : tt it it tt ' it . u , tt tt u tt V2 1-ly NOTICE!. All rersons are hereby notified that I will take the necessary steps to the re-opening of the contested case of James Ferguson, for tbe purpose of more fully in vestigating his right to enter the south west quarter (l4)of souu; west quarter (ll)and lot number four (J) of sectiou eighteen (18) in township five (5) range six teen (16) east, I hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate foT any por tion of the above described properiv. May 27, 'S3 v2nj6tf AUGr'STTS KOt'NTZ K . GEHTS BEESS GOODS JACOB MAR1T0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, EKOWNVILIiE, K-EBKASKA. Bespectfullyannounces to the gentlenien it Brown ville and vicinity that he has ju.-t received n:m the East a iarge ttock of very superior goods aid lateet styles. Cloths, Vestings, &e., tThii:h he will manufacture on very favoraWe terms. lie flatters himself tliat he. understamht bis l-u.-inesa thoroughly and all worlt wan-anted oonting from his t-s-tabiihment, and charges as low as any other competitor ia this place or the West. A IVeat Fit Guaranteed. Land Warrants. .. 37"ox Casli 1X3. d on Timo We are prep-irdto loan Lar.d Warrant of all i.'i7csto settlers on snob time as thiy may desire loug or nhort at the usual rates. "A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on land for tale as cheap at they can be'bought cewLerc iu town" -Bnr cf regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. ':Alh warrants fold by im will be guarantr-od to be gentiine ia every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. ; Being permanently located in Brownville, we canal ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the Brownville House. LrSTT3Ai Gir Jc C ARSON, -' ' Bankers, au i Dealers in Land Warrants. T REAL am. :. Cash for Produce. '"We are now paying cash for corn and wheat, and on the return of Mr. Hill, now cast, wc will pay CASH for all kinds c f country produce. : ' CBANE 4 HILL. r r-rgwirrillc March ?d, 15f 9. STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER!! rrnE greatest reme-4- dy in the w-orld. rrom a Berry known 4nnlv t.i invrlf. nni'.H i ch I mica 1 ly. combined S. t ' -iff . w nn some oi rne moci . trim valuable medical roots, herbs aud brks known to the mind of man, viz: blood root, black root, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, dandle lolns, sarsaparill.i. eld er flowers, with others, producing the mostin fallible remeuy ror tne -r- i l rattoration of healthfeT- --1 ''v Before taking, it is nature's After taltm. OWN REMEDY, curing diseases by natural laws. When taken its healing influence is felt coursing thro'gh every vein of the body,, purifying and accelerating the circulation of the blood. It neutralizes any bilious matter in the stomach, aud jtrengthens the whole orga nization. ; r McLean's Strengthening Cordial will effectually cure Liver Complaints, Dyspepzia, Jaundice. Cfwonic or Nervous Debiliiy, Diseases of the Kidneys, and ail Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach., rieartburn, Inward piles, acidityor sickness of the stom ach, fullness of blood to the head, dull pain or swimming in the head, palpitations of the heart, choking or suffoc aiing feelinsswhen laying down, dryness or yellowness of the skin and eyes, sudden flushes of heat, depression of spirits, &.c. , . There is no mistake alout it. This cordial will never fail to' cure any of the above diseases, if taken as per directions on each bottle, in German, English and French. Over half a million of bottles nave been sold during the past six months, and in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction Who then will snfier from weakness or debility wuea Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial wul cure you? To the Ladies. Do you wish to be healthy and strong? Then go at ente and get 6omeof McLean's Cordial? It will streng- men anu invigorate your oioou to now tnronga every vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to mount to your cheek again, Every bottle warranted to give satisfac tion. For Children. We say to parents, if your ciiildrcg are sickly, puny or afflicted with complaints prevalent among children, give them a small quantity of McLean's Cordial. It sells rapiuiy, oucauscst aiways cures, ueiay not a moment Every Country Merchant : Should not leave the city until he had procured a sup ply or -uciean s Mrcnginening cordial. A liberal discount will be made to those who buy to sell again. CA UTION Beware of druggist or dealer w ho may try topalmi upon you some Bitter or Sarsapjrilla trash, which they can buy cheap, by saying it id just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLeau's Strencthcnlmt cor dial, and take nothing else. , It ia the only remedy that will purify the blood throughout, and at the same time strengthen the system. One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain- pjevBuuve iorcrioiera,cniiis anu revcr, yellow fever, or an ii aic;ui uisrau. Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. J H McLEAN, r Sole proprietor of the cordial," ilsn.IIi'l.lan's Vnlriii!i.ri;i l Jr3Principal depot on the corner of Third and Pine DJcI.can'8 Volcanic Oil Liniment. The best liniment in the Another Remarkable Cure Performed , by McLean's Voleanic Oil Liniment. Read it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, living near Cass avenne ii-uwi eutci, I14U a uoraioie running sore on his foot He tried various Liniments, Salves, ice, but could do it no good. He despaired of ever being able to work at his trade again, because he oou!d not bear any weight on his '" uu one oouie of aicxean's Volcanic Oil Liui merit he is now perfectly cured. Rheumatism, neuralgia, paralrsis, bruits, snr'alns stillness in the joints or .musclds, swellings, sore lu.ov, v-ai juie or looin icw, &c, yield to the magic in fluence of this wonderful Iiuimeut. For horse and catt!e it ia an infallible remedy for chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lameness, spavin, fistu la, bruises swellings, wounds, rattls-snake bites, and vanons other diseases which animals arc liable to from inmfics or accidents. " Erery country merchant should obtain a snpplv of Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells rapidly 'because it always cures. - . - ; A liberal discount will be made to merchants'who buy to sell again. 3Forsa!e by J II McLE.N, proprietor, cojner of Third and Pine streets, St Louis, Mo. ZOOK & BALDWIN, HF rocsCity, IVTo., . Dealer m . 23 IES. TLJ Or , Dye Woods, Dyestufis, Oil, Faints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, GLASSWARE, French, English, acd American Terfamcry. FINE toilet and shaviDg soaps, fine hair and toothbrushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tooacco; all tho patcct medicines of the day; pure wines and. brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, etr..ctc. Agents for the sale of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Cancha'agua. Osgood's India Cbolagogue, ". Jones' American Cholagogue; " Guysott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; " Smith's Tonic Syrpp. July 23,13j7. . v2nl-yly " . THE GREAT WONDER OF TIIK XIXETEEXTII CEXTRT rrofessop uood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says tbo Bt. Louis, Denioirat : Below, we publish a letter to Dr. V ood, cr this city, front a gentleman ib Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his liair tome. biK-U -evidence must have its etfeel. when coming from a reliable source. If certiflc;itei arc guarantees cf truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, ma useless pufitry from the pres : "BATH, MaIne, Jan. 20, IS38. Prof. O. J. Wool, d- Co. Giktiemen : Having my attenti. n called a -few months since to tbe highly beneficial (-fleets of y.mrhair restorative, I was induced to inake apolication of it nix.n my own bair, which had become qcito gray, probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the s.-ine charac ter. Some three mouths since I procured a bcttlaof hair restorative, and used it. I son foun 1 it was prov ing what I had wished. I ued it about twice a week. 1 have since procured another b' ttle, of which I have nscl some. I can now certify to the world that the gray or white hair has totally disapiearcd, both on my head and pace, and my hair has resumed its original color, and 1 am now sixty years old my good wife at the age of fifty-two, has used it with the same c fleet. The above notice I deem due to you for yonr valuable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly u.e as per directions, will not have occaMoii to contradict my statements. I am a citizen of this city and a resident here for the last tifteen years, and am known to nearly every one here and ailj' ining towns ' Any nst you may makeot the above, with my name attached, is at your service, as I wish to preseyve the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I am, trulv ynttrs,- j A. C. PwAlilOND. Baltimoxe, Jan. 23, 1S33. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having had the misfor tune to loose the best porta. n of my hair, froyi the er feetsof the Tellow Fever inw Oi lcans in ls3l I wa induced to make e trial of your preparation, and' foun it to pnswer at the very thing needed. My hair ii Cott thick and glossy, and no words can express my obligation to youih giving to the aElctcJ such a treuure. fin lev Johnson. The undersigned, P.ev. j. k. Brags, Is a minM in iaregu'.ar standing, and rastorof tbe Orthodox ChnrcU atBruokCeld. Jlass. Hoi a gentleman or great, influ ence and universally beloved. DTEli f ; " - . BnoortELD, January 12, IMS Professor U.wd Dear Sir: IlaviiiR made trial cf Hiir Bcstorative, it gives me pleasure to say. th .t itg rflertliM been excellent in removing iiin.iminatl.-n. dai druff and a constant ternlcwv to itchinz with wbka I have been troubled ftni my ihihlh.x d; and has also re. stored my hair, which was Iccuinin gravto itmclwinal color. 1 have used no other article with anything lit. pleasure or or profit. - Your truly, J K Bit vr"G The Restorative is pr.t irp, in tt'cs'oi'thrce "sizw viz: large, medium acd Nmaft; the sinull ones hold I half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottici th medium holrls at least twenty per cent more ia propor tion than the small, retails fortwo dollars a bottle : th large holds a quart' forty per cent more iu proportion, and retails for three tadiari a bottle. O. J. WOOD it Co.' Pa.prretors, 312 Broadway. New Tor, iu the treat New y1;iU Wire KaiUiig" establiah ment.l and IU Market St., St, Ix.nis il.. Sold by J. 11. MAUN it Co Brownville, N". T. IT 0 LIE ! To nil Whom if jinj- coueem. In as few won's as possitilr. I wish friend and fot to understand that I ;ni rtt.irg J cash msicss. And hope licncefurwardniyocv will dare to remove an article from uv counter. nnles the CASH ES PAIS) DOITS. From this r"!e I will not deviate fr ar.y.-r.e or un der any circurn.-tanrcss Mouey mut conie with all or tiers and all pnescripti. ns. or they win be cent away tinftllcd. I am thus plain, Hut all, - Li-h awl l..w rwh aud jKKjr," may know ihaUnythin.? Tor sale at the MnstSrcSfe,:?,; . ... u A. . IIOLLAD VT NEWARRiti AMD I NEW- GOOlj.s' McAllister & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tip DRY GOODS, 'GROCEPJ FLltITtnE, IIARDTTii CJL'EEXSTVAIIE, &f BROWNVILLE, X i Ilaving established themselves at iA ry occupied by ... : JOHN AIcPHEPiSOV They are now offering and receiving for sa;e ' AND BEST ASSORTED STfr 1 OP ! Ever Brought in this TerrC 1 They have an extensive and varioa t- STAPI.E 1AXD FAXci. DRY G.OODf i ' ' " ' ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Fa- ' COSSISTIXG or Flour, . . Ham, .. . ' Baccn . Sngar, Cofies, " ; Tea, - . Salt, Cheese, ' Caad i . And a fine assortment of . LIGHT GROCERIES Such S3- . " $ : Spice, . " ; ' . ' Peppers, . . Soda,- " . . ' ' -. Salaratus, - . . m . . Ginger, - Allspice, . ' etc., They have also on Hand a large k BEDSTEADS, . TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C, . ALStT " " " . - . A well selected Stork of HARDWARE AXb.Crimi QUJEEXSWARI, Sacicilery II-A.TS & CATS, Boots aild Shoes WTe pledge our customers -to; as chenp as any other- bouse in ; city, and that ouf goods in.-qui ami style shall be-unsurpassed. HEAVY SIUPMENT- OF G R 0 C EE I Ei J. B; JES5IXGS. BE.f. cn J. B. JEMINGS-Ol PRODUCE AND C03DH5SE IflEECEANTS Corner of Second and Frawis SUX ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. . r ' . ' . . The Senior partner of thii nou iJ no ing heavy shipments of Coffee, jEIolasses, v - 1 ' FlouiV A large portion ot which will arrive ia a ft Kieaniers Carrier and Asa Wllgus. Having arrangemeuts with ne'of ta f" ' of St. Ljuis for weckiy supplies of : Choice Brands of FlciTt They will be able to effer to retailers and f-.;:f at all times, tho .... At th& very lowest prices; . Eyerj Bnshcl and Sack-Warrsrt They have also on the way from the Easter large and choice sclectiou of . TEAS," ; FRESH FRUITS, Eresh Oysters, j WOODEN WARE, QOW1' ' ' - -. . . And every Article appertain, in J 13 Grocery iins, " All cf which has eeen tought at tia. ! Lowest Cash priced j An tlr pfpe tbmeW to them m 'V IloiiCf in Vz-.t-tt I ; u o . . . ; fi. .wt full' . continuance of the patronage of their cuswtn" tue Community generally. . . t J. B JENSI. ' St. Joseph, Feb. 15, '53 35-lm . , Olfice of American Bank Note Cor T t Ai:iT ivrceY .' t M O tt .11 i.o i opi er riarc LiiRcrapmc Corner of RamU'ph aud DearU-rn f.rte" CHICAGO, IU- trcddir.gat;d Visiting Cawls, D.xr Pia!e. Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Drai. " Labels of every kind promptly txetutcd testtf F. press. rVATck of the ver bett 'J'"'" r tol Ccrds u ntrt. for two du.urt, beautiful process without east of plfte. ff0 Very ch'tittPt enrrarinq. eirftt tr?" 7;S: r-rrf'' nf fi ?fpT. . ! n? M r c "1 o''