Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 14, 1859, Image 2

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i u ...i.j.. ,V':,i L-v..:fJir"i-. v, t'l.l.t !y ! vt,,; V -Vater Witch,
. 1 :,Vr:! '.'"V:, .,( vl::.,V,f!h. -r-- Xft?rdcpA.has issued his
i .! ,., . .i;,:i: j n 5 l: V .' ' - ' ' : A ana? Septeniber next
' ;'N ' :V1""1. j - -T lV-.'? vetary; JCclh, by direction of
, , - '.'-V Wll.Wilo 'J, ' ieH.:nt,uding as Attorney
. . r .'V. ., . r J - : w--J,WV'V. 1 - .rWihfr absence of Attorney
. v7':;v"v ,? i. v - v; b'; : v 4lb inst-literates
, l l,.:;"" V :,-iJ;s Jruiij':!'tr V' 'j dedaratioh' that the dangerous con-
'Xtik V T:i W&Xif?; ' Scso. long existed be-
" v,t' !vh!C-ivMT..-(.v?, ..W 'ltA ': ' : ,v;Uwc thUWh government and the
.VS K fe "Sf!1 revard-to the true con-
. . 1 ;l;;-Vr' i fiViru.-Vrvi-s, ofv. V!J' : i'?l'l&rfS.' ' ;i5rracticii:Hie!ay1.on.Bahvar treaty is
. -Vm ' - ".xi.-.Uv.v., - x' Ml.:lf' V-hlr .wjfy a$r examining for a
, :;i.:J:y-m. J.. tlweek c wcfv.a-BiiaSs presentments in
' r : :-;i.m;.. il-V, ;i if lf.-M-!')i:-.,','t,VU'4-iuY . . jftin8,TwlaiB,.fe Crt of - Use House, and
' ' . . ' V,,:-v-- tiK&-ii&. The last
i ' .:.... n,.ii','V-Tvv-iI-'.:i J84iii,.V5.,-. Jfr-Seamen'
,!- .'C; i.- h-V Vr-V.'-11'- t(: :ipiC.3Vl:H Dtrict- Attorney
i -v, iV-' . ' re- ; v4:E1;fl2inIy -still mot be im-
W . . P ... f - .to . ;;fi'tf r-' r . k-v - w
i..u i. ?xn) nd Ncbras -
V . ' - ab3ti-d ' i ''u ItaM , but n th
. trfiy ra-.ii h cxpvnr .-.cjcj to
milivr .1.2.1 d.i ini-he: Ii
arc dK
jiffsin, anl t !y pen th
n th., parijplr l -
I I'ltl, an JdCa ' I lilt' n .any
. . aiid perplexities wit.'' v,IiV.a
v:il jcjuu.i.alist, end favoring jfltr
, lAvrcd west, is Mirrour
. 1 lr if ii 1) t o v t . 'i i I
in a" tt" '
wun-nisa. .urnne'ruii i.,,
by which tvu alnd unMtcd' floUrsJ
furnished. Ihr.'- a pgcI mill, on
all scale,' at Ci-; jlw k twelve inilcs
wt nf this rlnrv'?-. , " : a'Vothpr at TVru.
H ;-"Tv:. cry I nefiy lntrdcr as numbered, ti0 Catnpbelr; under
':" iti&1$.Jwe leucf r' - C4' " krrtone business.
J. - f:;)--e nyt a Tegular erchk:,..,
about she same di rthhoth ia1 gtcj Geo: Jones of Iowa, who recently
, . .V..'' . 1, 0 z i.dekned the mission to Bogota, telegraph-
Brownville. There
: is no 'cvjiy .
i Nejnoi4 1"ittv,j
braska in advance of
rallj'. She h
has in store more
(2A We consider thro -v rbe no't?eU;eri f
opening for a good raerfchV.".'; .lain, any. : f-fW
wherein the western t'dn;r -,Lh n't ; ?
surmus e-cta iiV-
other county in the TerritcfLjortF Legfakture
ville . is the county, seat', tsmEZ&iw$g.
principally the business cf the' eoujiiy ; i
and in additton has the trade of a '
portion cf Atchison county, Mo. a fer
tile and extensive portion of bottom coun-
try immediately opposite this place. A
ready market is found here for all the
products of the farmer and at good prices.
Corn is now worth, in cash, from 45 to 50
cents per bushel. The wheat crop last
year was nearly, or quite a failure on ac
count of the rust-; Spring wheat is the
principal variety sown. Fall wheat without
doubt will do well if put in with a drill.
Our farmers are making extra prepara
tions for extensive, fanning this season.
A mSn or company understanding their
business could reap a golden harvest by
erecting a No. 1 merchant mill in this
place. They could supply all the country
North and West of this.
.. (3.) There is no water power- imme
diately at our place, nor nearer than about
5 miles.
; (4.) There is no doubt as to the prac:
ticability of steam "power in such an.ea
terprize at this point. Wood is abundant
andcheap; and beside coal abounds in
the vicinity, and even within the corporate
limits of our city, we have no doubt, as
ta'isfactery discoveries hrive been made
by very limited explorations.
(5.) The retail price is S2 per'cord
delivered. It could be had for much less
in large quantities and by the season
would be necessary in running an exten
sive mill.
(o.) That would be altogether owing
to the location, and whether you purchased
hni sniered, cr took a claim cf govern
ment lend. If the latter, you would get
:; rrcun3i: g land at SI. 25 per acre
i' -1
w i t-iit a
il vthr v tan
;ii u as aoou.ns
. va".Uu : V. I . L .iter forj
WV'ci Mbn3y
ftCScf Line;
steamer, tt'i Camp-
k JioiLAKD, arrrtT;d here
' uiuv-.f - She is one o.3e, line
L jVke'iV'oiury ling with- f?
rM I Ian tubal :.ikRoad at St. to
rv-.J ' ri1?'
Ynri.miT -i fr
rly to Council-
aaj DyUa. TMs boat in connection
. wiy iht ft. Marys and others will now
vt h Tt. Tnrv nnrt nther trill nnw
rcaTe regwlar 'trips this 6easonl - '
Cant. .'Joe Holland is one of the most
p0j?u!af anl'deservedly soof the Mis-
I i .? 3 tit j .
kEoun rivec commanaers. lie preaici ior
his management, a
express is carried on
inrflnv TIT occonffor
, a fc Lushbaugh agets for this city,
expeditious company."
.o .
News Items.
Tl. fd the President on the 3rd ultt with-
pie declination. Ho JiJXS been
greport himself immediately at
tflsrt Dpartmerit, . -r ' '
lUwUicanskate el?c!
xted the entire
as well as the
State tickV tS S'-p'ertimtr and a
' The election fet Slayer and other city
e$kers, in Sv Louis, has resulted in the
success of ilie Republican ticket. For
Mayor the vale stood Filley (Hep.) 7,776;
Bogy (Dem.) 5,312. IVyman (Am.)
3,141. :' ' ' . . r
Col. M. Jeff -Thompson has been elec
ted .Mayor of the City of St. Joseph, Mo.
A special dispatch from Leavenworth,
of date April 2nd, to St. Louis Republi
can, says: "Information has been recei
ed from Washington, by parties in, this
city, announcing the intention cf the Gov
ernment to place several companies of
cavalry on the emigrant route from this
point to Denver City, for the protection of
the mail passenger coaches and emigrants
generally." TheTBigBIue will be bridged
This, will insure a speedy transits '
At an "election held at Keokuk, la., the
following -was the result : for Mayor,
Vm.' Lighton (Rep.) 794 ; Wm. H. Sam
pie, (Deni.) 643. Lighton'a majority ISO.
Mr.' Jewett,' Republican candidate for
Mayor, Portland, Me., was elected on the
5th ult. by 200 majority., A large major
ity cf Republican Adldcxrnea were also
elected. . ' '
The charter election in Brooklyn,' N. Y.
cn the 5th ult, resulted in the success of
the whole Democratic ticket. The majori
ty for Mr. Powell, candidate for Mayor,
is three thousand.
The election in Chicago, on the 5th
ult., for Judges and Clerks cf the 'Su
preme Court resulted in the success cf the
entire Republican ticket by an average
majority cf 2,000. The Tote is 7,000 less
than at the March election.
. The French Courier De Estais, New
York, of the 5th ult., repeats its former
j a ii,wi:i .i ".v cyj-.uiiioa f.r the
c i. jjoa t-f Ci.'. i i - i. v en foot. It alio
:i.-ei i.i that a ; ' A u? txpcJiuua has
!rvf.Jy i.iilcJ. .-.:.. tb'vt within' -x ir Jays
vL:k- aifriir v!l le i:vi pullic.
It j ha as iiv-.d:ed ty the Courier, is
l it ! on suii:-; n tn?te point cnthoCuban
i it, where '.Le y s're mairitaia them
es 'vci-Unlil a irvf4t-Vftriiiii!r oa tha IsIanJ
.1. !'. up..n. ,-,-n the ri io march upon Havana.
, The Nev.'Vor'i ilerald has intelligence
jrom M jijtt-vi J-Vt the lQ:h of February,
ffver.Xcen days li'.er', announcing a peace
ful of the difficulty with Para
guay, ttivuj'.fih'e. friendly offices of Pres
ident V' '-iiia'of the Argentine Confede-
II."' precise terms of the settle-
mcnt-ro'rit Itated, but it is known that
been conceded to
person killed on the
and to the Ame-
ented by Mr. Hop-
public lands
during July,
learning' the
cared and
i;W, ry Oiiaaha ttaTii&'AWraikian have
j tillTt, ahdf0wHTnhereafter ,,tb . published
iH Site "Omaha Nebraskian and Times,"
Robertson and Clark editors and proprie
tors. - ' i ;
' From the St. Joseph Gazette.
Latest from the Gold Slines.
Dekver Citt, K. T.,
. March 1st, 1859.
Thomas A. Kirk : ' .
Dear Brother I have had my health
better 'out here than I have' had for'the
last fifteen years.
1 have been searching tor goiu an wm-
fer, and I have found it at last. One of
my crowd has just returned from out of
the mountains and found a place where
he can take three hundred colors to the pan.
Get one or two good mules and pack
through. , Do not wait to join any com
pany ; one or two men are as many as I
would want. . -
Provisions are as cheap here as you can
buy them and haul them.
Do not pay any attention to men coming
back disheartened, for they are too lazy
to work good mines, when they find them.
You need not bring any picks or shovels
as I have plenty of them.
Direct your letters to Denver City, K.
T,, via Ft. Laramie.
Your most affectionate brother, -E.
Mr. T. A. Kirk, brother of the writer
of the above letter, gives the names of
good and reliable men, to authenticate
the truthfulness of the writer. The refer
ence of these men are commendable to
the public confidence; they are as fol
lows: -
Geo. W. Lewis,
Probate Judjje
Col. B. Hartwell,
John Hundley,
James Howell,
Gentry, Co,, Mo.
Mr. Kirk has repeatedly written in
favor of the South Platte route, but as the
letters have been mislaid we cannot pre
sent them to our readers.
The Election. The election on Mon
day for City Officers passed off quietly,
and resulted in the choice of B. B. Frazer
for Mayor, A. C. Bevan for Marshall,
and John Martin for Assessor. Almost
an entirely new Council was elected.
Holt Co. Jwirs.
The Next Census. Provision was
made in the Civil Apropriation bill at the
late session of Congress for the prelum
nary arrangements for taking the. 6th
Census under the existing law. The Presi
dent will no doubt soon appoint a Super
intendent for the work." The Secretary
of the Interior will follow the plan of the
last Census in reference to statistics, un
less Congress order .otherwise. The ap
portionment of Representatives, "it will
be recollected, is settled by existing law.
The number of "members of the House
was placed at 333, allowing additional
Representatives for new States.
A few years since. Chili was the great
rram market .of the whole Pacific coast.
Now the current is changed and the young
giant of California is already shipping
cargoes of flour and beans to that country.
San Francisco. It is a litte funny
that where gold is so plenty, money should
be so scarce, but this is the case at the
present line in San Francisco.
Glenn Rock Mills. r j
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of:
a handsome and su!itaritial present- t'rom
Alix. IIax.lam, Ksq., proprietor of the
Glenn Rock Mills ia this county; laid
present being in the shape cf a sack of
superfine our and another of extra fine
corn meal. Although such presents merit
what we newspaper folks call a "big puff,"
yet we shall not en consequence do so ; the
quality. of flour jmd meal produced by the
above named mills, since put in operation.
is too. well understood and appreciated in
the county to need a newspaper puff. We permitted, however, to add our
individual testimony -by saying we have
used the Glenn- Rock flour and meal con
stantly since Mr. Hallam commenced
operations, and are free to -say we never
used better. It is on sale at Crane &
Hills, Main street,' in this city.
Pcafcod) Proline Corn.
If our farmers consult their interest
they will send to John Gaenett & Co.,
Louis, Mo., for a supply of seed of
the famous Peabodxfs Prolific Corn. It
ripens from two to four weeks earlier than
the common varieties, and produces very
much more to the acre. All who raised it
in the vicinity of St. Louis last year got
over 100 bushel to the acre.' It. is a fine
hard white corn; excellent ,fcr bread or
stock- The stocks yield a large amount
of fodder, -'.anchfrom 5' to 7 ears to the
stock. . ' "
The Mails. -
Some how or other our mail has been
very irregular of late. '. The Northern
and Southern mails have entirely failed
the past week. We hear that the com
pany has "busted." No wonder, at the
price they took the contract. It wouldn't
surprise us "to hear of other contractors
going by the board for the same reason.
Jewelry Establishment.
Mr. Joseph, Schittz has almost com
pleted a new building on Main street, in
which he intends to open out a stock of
Clocks, Jewelry, notions," &c. Joe is , a
clever industrious , and meritorious young
man and we wish him success.
City Marshall.
Jim Coleman has been appointed by
the new Council, City Marshall; so now
look out ' you young chaps who "raise
h 11 on general principles." Jim is pro
vided with "Juniatta Boots" for in door
accommodations, and picks and shovels
for out door amusement.
For the Housewife-
On the first page we have have been
publishing for several weeks a column of
"Family Receipts."-' They are valuable
and reliable. We shall continue until
the whole of a pamphlet, entitled " Five
Hundred Valuable Family Receipts," is
published. These alone are worth more
than the subscription price of the Adver
tiser a year.
E. A. Ogden.
The excellent steamer E. A. Ogden, Cap
tain Lee, and Cl'k Douglass, reached our
wharf, from St. Louis, on Saturday last.
As usual Brownville received a good
share of freight and passengers. This is
the Ogden's first trip this season. We
have the best of authority for saying this
boat is "A No. 1;" her officers gentle
manly and attentive and understand their
business. Success to them. Mr. Douglass
will accept our thanks for favors.
We have upon our table, for April, the
Great Republic monthly.Cosmopolitan Art
Journal, Ballou's Dollar monthly, Ladies
National Magazine, ;Ladies' American
Magazine, Atlantic monthly, Ladies' Re
pository, Arthur's Home Magazine and
Godey's Lady's Book. The limited space
in our columns, prevents extended notices
this month. They are all good, as usual.
This new Steamer in this trade made
our landing "yesterday, from St. Louis.
The clerk will accept thanks for favors.
Extraiagant .
A great event in the beau-mode of
Paris has been the Rothschild marriage.
The ladies present wore upon their presons
jewelry to between twenty and thirty
million dollars. John McPherson, at
his store on the-levee, has the choicest lot
of jewelry ever opened in the west; also,
Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, &C.
Den's New Stock of Shoes.
Den has returned with a rousing stock
of boots and shoes. His stock is unusu
ally large and of every style and grade.
He has- also a supply of Pike's Peak Gum
Coats and Hats. No one certainly can
fail to be suited either in price, styh, and
quality. .
If you have any doubts call and see.
We consider ourself indebted to William
"a good turn" for a present of a nice pair
of summer shoes. "
One cr 'Em.
We noticed cn the cover of a wagen,
leaving this place yesterday for Pike's
Peak, the letters G. R. J. O. in taming
big capilals.
Important inrormaUon.
The editor of this paper, as City Alder
man, has net yet sucecJeJ in "running
the corporation in debt two or three hun
dred dollars for printing."
. The "April Shower" sent yesterda
by the clerk cf the weather, turned cat
to be snow ! So we go.
The April Term cf the District Court
will commence . next Monday. The newly
appointed Judge, Miller, presiding.. . ,, r
Doings of the City Council.
. . " r BaoTrxviLLZ, April 7, 59. J .
- Council ntft. Present, Ilewett, )!ayor; Bedford.
Recorder; Furnas, Carson and Morrison, Aldermen,
The Mayer and Recorder haying previously quali ed
the oath cf office was administered to the Alderman,
t hereupon they tock their seata. . ' '
Oa Dwtion if Mr. Carson : the boots and papers
of Mr. yVest were received and referred to a gelect
committee -for- examination, Carson and Mormon
constituting said committee.
Oa motion of. Mr. Farnaai Council proceeded to
elect a City Marshall, Engineer, Attorney and Asses
sor with the following result . i
J. W. Coleman, Marshall.
. T.W. Bkdkobp, Engineer. - :
U. C Jonx30X, Attorney.
HrDSON Geokge, Assessor.
. On motion of Mr. Morrison : the City ordinances
were referred to the City Attorney for revision, with
instructions to report at the next meeting.
On motion of Mr. Furnas : the Committee to whom
was referred Marshall West's Books and papers were
further instructed to report as near as may be the
iinancial condition of the corporation.
Ou motion of Mr. Furnas: tho City Eng'neer in
conjunction with a select committee of two were in
structed to examine and report upon an estimate of
tne cost or grading Main btreet to the western cor
porate limits. Furnas and Morrison appointed said
On motion : .the Council adjourned to. meet on
Monday evening next. -,
-,- . ;. T. W. BEDFORD, Recorder.
- "- couxcil;chamber, )
' ; V" Brownville, April 11, 9. j
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
lreeent Hewett, Mayor: Bedford, Recorder: Carson,
Furnas, Morrison and Smith, Aldermen. Oath of
office administered to Mr. Smith and also to Marshall
Colenian. ...
Mr. Carson, from committee to examine Books and
papers of Marshall West and to report upon the fi
nancial condition of the corporation, aked and had
granted further time of on9 week in which to report.
The City Attorney ako asked further tima in w hich
to revise ordinances granted.
On motion of Mr. Carson : a committoe of two
was appointed to report rules for the government of
thu body- Carson and Furnas appointed said com
mittee. " l'etition3 wero presented from D. J. Martin & Co,
asking license to wholesale sprit uous liquors ; and
from Wheeler & Rainey to retail the same.
On motion of Mr. Smith : licence was granted D.
J . Martin Si Co. for one year, on the payment cf the
sum of $ 40 : and to Wheeler & Rainey for the same
time,' on tho payment of 5100. .
On motion of Mr. Furnas: it was - - - -9
Hesolced, That the City Recorder be and is here
by declared the proper person, as provided in Section
15 of the License Law, with whom to file the petition
and bond, therein required, and after the granting of
of any license by this Council, said Recorder is
further empovrcrd to issue the licence upon the party
to whom the license was granted presenting him with
the City Treasurer's receipt for the required fee for
sail license.
On motion of Mr. Smith: tho following resolution
was adopted !
Retolvfl, That the City Marshall be and is hereby
authorized to rent, at the expense of the city, a pro
per house or calaboose, at a rent not to exceed $3
per month, for the purpose of confining in a secure
and proper manner all offenders arrested by him,
for violating City Ordinance : and also procure hand
cuff.chains Slo , sufficient to render them securo.
Tho following ordinance wa3 handed in by the
Mayor and unanimously adopted : r -
Us It Ordained, by the U)uncil of the City of
jirotmviae, j.eorasica : xnas wnenever any person
cr persons shall hereafter be brought before the
Mayor for any violation of the City Ordinances, or
iir disturbing tne peace, aiaorderly or boisterous
conduct, or indecent obscene or -profane behavior,
shall, on tonviotion thereof, be fined in any Bum not
less than 1- nor more than $25, and on failing to
pay which, shall bo placed in charge of tho City
Marshall until tho. sum is paid either in money, or
work upon the streets at tho rate of $1 per day... -
The Recorder presented the bill of A. S Holladay
$18 for services as Mayor: and, on motion of Mr.
Furnas the bill was ordered to be paid.
On motion, Council adjourned to meet on Monday
evening next.
T. W. BEDFORD, Recorder.
A MEMORANDUM BOOK, which the owner can
have by calling at this office, describing and paying
for this advertisement.
The tract of land known as the "Cook Farm," one
and a half miles seuth of the city of Brownville, will
be sold on easy terms, if application be made soon
If not disposed of before the 18th, first day of the
District Court, it will bo sold to tho highest bidder.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Brownville, N. T. April 7, 1859. n412t
Land Warrants Loaned on Time
And located after the Land Sales for distant parties.
All land warrants sold by inewi!l be guaranteed perfect
in all respects, and exchanged if found defective.
Brownville, X. T., April 7, 1353. no 41
Ilaving rented the interest of Lake and Emmerson in
the Brownville Steam Saw and Grist Mill, announces to
to tbe public tli at tie U prepared to accommodate the
citizens of Brownville and Nemaha County with a su
perior quality of lumber of all kinds. Also with the
Grist Mill, to serve all in that line.
The market price at all times paid for Logs and Corn.
The old business of Koet, Lake &. Eniniersou will be
settled by Henry Lake. All future business conducted
by the underbigned. - JESSE NOEL.
Brownville, April 7th, 1859, ly
- Claim Notice.
To Franklin Sporlock. and all othern whom it may
concern. You are hereby notified that I will appear at
the Land - OSce in Brownville, on Satnrday, I6th cf
April, 1859, to prove tip uip rizht of pre-emption to the
S. E. quarter of section no 21, Township jo. 2, north
of range 15 east of the sixth principal meridian. -...
Brownville, April 7tb, 1559. no 41 3t
G It O C E U I E S , .
And Country Produce.
Front Sired, Brownville, Rclraska.
Claim Notice.
To Davil r.MtcaIf, Gtrr Mauley and all oth
ers te whc3 it nsy eoiiern; Yen are tcrtby nrti2
ei that 1 viJ apri at the Land OfSce in Brow -villa
X. T oa Fri l&j th 1 5th dy f April. 153.
at I o'clock, A. XL, to prove op rsy riht ef pre
err plica to th north exst qaarter f ctka 35. tn
fLip5,ras;rlljt. S. L. CULLING.
Bft-waT-ntf, Ajril 7. 1?Z?.
Wholesale and Retail
Main Street, 17,
BroTTnville, ITcbrasIia,
Have just received per steamers Sioux
.-. City, Kyland, Asa mlgus, and
" w '; ; Hesperian,' their "" ' "
consisting or
3 .dflBh. JF
Iron and Nails,
Boots and Shoes,
- 3? Ij O W S,
' ' . . . " - ' '
Outfitting Goods
roa the
Camp Kit,
Ox Yokes,
etc. etc.
Call and Examine our
Ladies' Dress Goods
Of the Very
The experience tee have had in trade in
this ciiy warrants us in saying tee are
confident tee can give
(- To cur old Custcrners in
We return thacj for past, and hepe for,
not only a continuance, tut increased patronage.
'April 1st. nlO
- Cutlery,. ;
- loots,
Furniture, .
Saddlery, .
-. - Castings,
Farming Implement
At the OU Stand of
; ,1. T. WE7TB,
Corner pf Main and First Street? ;
per steamers Sioux City, E. II. IZylaaJ,
and Asa Wilgus, our
Which is LARGE and COMPLETE.
"Wt WOULD SAT to totho fotnj 00 tit f'M
well as those who remain at home
Give us a Call,
And satisfy yourselves that we h 0
Gr O O 3D 0
And are selling Uiem
O -1 1 . 253 JL.
Ve are prepared to fit ont those, foist- to a
Hebraslra Gold llia,
With EVERYTHING tin ntfjt
In na:ic;no
w extwi.1 an V' , ,.tion to tontinne their -rfJ 9
We thall spare ao paiot t satufy. and r
them, and all others who mar p'.eafi
Quid Sola J 'SxcZ ?
Country Produce, at HrJi,t
Prices, talirci In CxcbaBc
for Good.
iWBTl A JX i-'
f 3i4
" " . wrv
.'.i.rd u tk.a U'T IVr v