Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 14, 1859, Image 1
9 .i i . '- MaY 4 MA": . i I ! ft Z DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTER El VOL. III. CITY OF BEOWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, APSIL 1 1 ! i : j : ill1 A 6 crttscr rwY7, rUHNAS, v - (Ul::ry lb-,y Muir's Building, ii3VNVIiiriii!iuT- 4 kT ' .. .. - IJ S.CO 4. C i .-fi''' M T IT S '0 F A l V - USING: 't ., & e v -i. 4.CJ 6,13 12.CJ 4 I .(V jii vat Jtar, - ( . tK"a. 1 ttlul, 25.00 8, CO 2'J,co ' 1- .'. 0 ... - t . . f .i O ias i:u:ss ;caiids u. c. ATTORNEY AT LAW, s'jUCWJlllS CIIANCXltV .. ' ttule -1,'cnt, i:. airot.r. II!.. !... U. i " "t i i V1-- ' o.'r L.kf, . ' on-IIakcr 4 ;!' i vrfft.t-t. Firth tn.'l Seveath ; JOHN McDONOl'UIl il.izl?, vfOnnracnt-J Painter, LUZIZR, ie. ' untm;xiVLi t. UreVt.rJi a I Jt'.f ts., (3ii'iiMT Ti? i.- t.- :" r thiwo. Ltd luiiicriica fitriiici ,000,000. J.H. J. r '. r 'i, I. U. i!..r l. J. A.Owen.UiM .0 I.vl. J .-uc.Jolhii.i. kt i.W.H.l'eii.ik, Ji4i- kT.N.J. McA.-3U. Mrtcf.eT. J. 15. JLNMMiS, I'rc. N.n.M. av, 1 ic rra ;t rrr !'' a j ''cation fr L'fe, Fire, SU:.' t i i Kivfr! I f. A ra.-ii return tf ii:ee eci.u i.l it -; taf -ret"i.S. :vta to It t . r 1.. ,J t;i..e. U-Tux i;inni:v ATTORNEYS AT LAY, '.'! ... I l:..t l rilojf. C' -HN I' ., V -!?. 1. 1 ' fci i i -C t. W l.l S. DUHDY, ATTon:n:v,AT laav, V II L ,-.' . ia Jl itr! "tr' f t!,e il Jo l.cUl '..t.. t. .. li .i -r Cv-i.!t 'r4 ttli tH Architect- and Euildcr. nr 1 13 " IIKOWNVJU.!'. N. T. 1. . . 1 .. .. . t t.Tii in i.aun. r 1 JAMF.S v. (jiio: 1JLA CK SMITH J N.Ua.ia, T. 1 . ''if' ' i t t, Vfv V ttl IU.'t. ':. e i :. - !. . f . - a ..t.kf" 1 .. .;r4. j t 3 1 :j - C -fc " a. . l-t . : . . . . . , ; n k . iu t -i -it'j vty. i(. tr . .;. L U t, 4l-J c. I I f( I ., Mi-.. i! ; ; l ..b 4 m.a 1 1 : ' i-ir m e lv t r . i V . 4, i . t t . ' t c. -r-i . i t:.t ;y !a all - A i 4 -i t .. . 3 .. KlOYlSIOi: HOUSE, i V '1 5 'JH Hi:u..l a :. F. CLARK. 4 V V w ihl,:,, .i. 1., ' i j ' i I 1, ' - ' .. . . tr . t . ' t l :. . . t f i I .... J ..I. 1 ., i -y - . J- ? 4 Nebraska Ului ml ilRDTi JOHIT H. IIAUIsT Cz CO., JJIIOIVMILLE, X. T. tALrl IX T"T 9 I . o 5 CIIH.tlCALS, TOILET SQAFS, Fine ILiir and Tooth Brushes, I'Enrr.iiEnv. r.4?;cr i toilet CJ1 Fere Vi'Ines mid Liquors for ; :.:cd!clR:;l Ise. t rtyslcic' r."e;.c; iyliuiu sad rcii1y Recipes tteii;;y . jujptundi (I. All orders corre-'Uy answerrJ. Kvery article var ruteJ spiiiiiut anj i.f tte bit quality. ACLXTS Jir all leading Pctcr.t 2Jedicimt of tht Cay, CITY TPJTIJK 8T0E TACSUTT c CIIOSOLIAIT, J.r.anufacturers cf Traveling 5 Packing V.ILISES, CARPET BAGS, South Wert ccrutT cf Pine. and 3J .st's, ' Saint Louis, Mo. v Te now prepared to fill all orders tiLt'la fiir lite with pro.mytness andenthe . -$- 'wos teaikunaUletenns.' Onr stuck is "hmm ... :.;rF nd couipicte and all of our wn manuficiuri";. T!iuie in want of articles in our liiie, (wUoie.-ale r rf-Jail) wui do well to give U9 a call le tre piirclra.sji.s clctwliere.- A it bare of public putroa- aseui solKM; d. . ' . - - , nlSva-ly Clocks, AVatelies & Jewelry. i J. SCHIITZ Ti'i-vld arn j'-'.nce t j tbe citisens of Brownville j ai.-4 vi :ni:y that be hu. located bluiseif in fcl3rovnViiie, sr. liairn-is keeping a full ascrt. tt;ui cf ever) m J i hueof tii)es, wbici will K (urfafli. lie ill also do a!l kiuj. 'f to- ti'i:.(f,i 1 Kct, iti Lc him jtwcli y. All w-rk war- ruif.r. v3nlly S. lAK'.SWUOn. . XC53. K. E. Tomerot Lockvrood & Pomeroy, Vi'ko!c&iu'anJ Iletail Dcul rs in DATS-MB, .CAPS 5 0 rr r rrr n r o n c. A13D, Bhtprcri of American Furs of every de scripiion ; lor which thev will pay tha h:pN-t 'jrVc-t Trice,' ' ' ' Ii.r CASH. CuJUXTRV M-r: !..mtf araievitcd to exaatne ottr ' stva k of liars k Caps for the approaelaTg spring and aoer traJ wLk-h will L latere, fashionable, and well eclei-teJ. In point of variety our gtocksliall not Ls excelled br any House m M..ijuig. Oar j.ri.?3 will be low, term aooommodatirg. aftd tea ti at our Xew Store. Second St. SU'Josexb, ilu- 22 -a" is STOIJACnDIfTEOS Art en mittrvrKiJ Tonic end Stomarhfc. a pwlivt jtt'jtu, lotf Apyfhtt '4 ell dutastt of the D.yttt.vt Oryan4. Tr ee Pittcri are a ure Prever.ilreT.f FEVER AIID AGUE ! TLer are ti enartd f n-rn t'e rnrer.t uateriais by an old and eiji.eucc l Uri'Ziot, and tLerilre can be ruuea THEY AID DIGESTION! Ey pertly ex it.i t tbe nj'ttem into a ticaltby action; are j;ea-ai.t t itie tat?, anl also ehe that v.porto me ali;u iU.Ukaetmtial tu health. f wiuec'.jj fu'.i ioj. j Le taScntwo or three timet a ob- bc!.re fuW-a. l-rt ! art J ut'y by T, L. H'XUTT, st. ions, 71a. (Vi. 2. l-!r rLITO.V, lT.a)UCE DEALERS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, Ko. 7S, North Levee, St. Lotus, Mo. OrJ?r .t .r iccre an-i Stunafartured Articles accc ra'e'y f.llet t !'f.t x"-i!'4e rate. Comi-iirnmeut fi.r m !e aid re-b I'letit ic vti'lJT aulicited. bipiuentt t-f all tUxi iJ b f Jiiiiiuily aueiwed ta. l'.rlerrenccs : lifTi. C. 1! nri K Co t. LoiiiS H ntU l. V.'C tnh 1 Ca ' ' dj . it rt. M.U Iv S'.a'iinr.I " dj IT -n. IV 11 Uun;.;tii. Au.iit rts.'Mie of Slissourl J Q lliriii 11. Cir Ci.y. iil. jy fi.:r loin , u Cy New Orlean?, LouUiaua idtr r. i k' e.ou.'.l ic Co, Cincinnati, O. i''ttl d .a: ' A. ri ( r ! Lccisviile, Kr. V."i'i uS 4k. Hi i.i.:jn( ilol ile. All. n.r.n.u, , PearUatcwn, 1.1. Kay M, It.rt 4S-3u HAYDEN & YILSON. " """ "T" fT'9 """IT "T AM) Coach Hardware, Cani.'e Triniiiiii!, S id die Trees, Ilarae, S .nn5 cwl Axles, Palrstl Kaasclcd leather, bKinriNii. - HAIINHSS. fc :iiiULn LrATHER. lif vit t -J n. Iff I j tJjnr f u.'l.'i Jt!ti 1 1 e t itiPo! vr. l' ti1: v I. .i.; in i! i-ir ii;:e. II.-t t Vei. 0 .! i 1 i t WEBSTER. MARSH ic CO., !,Ia::ufucijrtrs a:.J W.c!aIe Dealers Bcr.cly Hade Clothing, 61. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. M;;!:TS, I aAWtr.S, OVERALL?, M11XT3, E7G G00E3. il'O r A 1. 1. STOCK OF CENT'S AND i:OVS CLOTIIINC WJL1 i :.t, .M Al'.rl CO. r. JAMF.S C AR.i!Ll Pivrriotor. L;::!MA:;iTi i - (till! J . w ftrr:(M?,.rr .-r' . 7i...Sh( rn f.rreJ. Ii t.Vi.-u.M vvaj the ' !".:5 vnv. I thi-.k- '1 r- rf ! rr-r! .! ' t ! "rt It rr.!;- n-onirt-. ti L . Al l4 lt.t.-J -?. wbntt. r,r en r t- ! St..j--i ', T !!, I , - T ill! II, . I P.) - -r- s l J - w 1 , " ' , - j . . ... .... - -v.,- . J - I' . ut!. r.-t!.:u ... w v.. r, ... . .. . . - rTi-.v. t v u:tai;:i: i c:cttv .1. lo i:;. iVwVt j. w. 3. r. tarcii..:r. r. . ... u,-,.. 1 -la'J r. vr ,ri;:jHf,,v.,,,-,.,af f i...;w-J-' . ! - c- Ecu iric'T 1.' : ItlLTl iftli . ... ..... 1.. . tf .1 ? 1 r .! I o, Tf 1 I 1 l .. - i t,r " . . n ure ie r.a ic.m 1:1 cur w; c. it tr.cre cc no ia:u in c:r w:r;:s, c: Lienors come lv c;.i:r?r.:e ; ne-es ::ai O. t. K'OIRV. LIcGARY : HEVETT, O. B. HEWITT ATT0RHEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS LY CHAXCERY. Ero;YiiTilIe, , Kel)raslia. Will practice ir the Courts of Netraska. and North west iliscouri. REFERENCES. Messrs. Crow, llcCreary &. Co., St. Lotls, JIo. Hon. Jame il. Hughs, - . Do lion. Jehu It. Sbcply, , - Do H'ju. James Crais, ,- - St. Joseph,iIo. 15 on. Siu WtM.diion, - Do Jr.ii A. A. Bra-ford, Nebraska -City, N. T. B. 1 Nuckolls. Ksq., - Do Kinney ikllolley, Nebraska City. Cfceever Sweet & Co., du J. Sterling Morton do Urown Benuett, Brownville R. V. Furnas do Erovavllle, N. X. Nov. 13, 1S5S. TtiSl Book Bindery, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Empire Block, No. 3. WILIiXAXil F. HITER, Tould inform ti e public that he Las opened a first clat-s Biok Bindery, and is now preparid to do all kinds cf B.Kik BiiiUlag d or new, lxund or re-bound upon the shortest possible uoticc, and on the must reasonohle terms. Orders recoiredcr all kinds of Clank work. July I, lK-3-ly. Watchmaker & Goldsmith,- A. GYS, HOCK PORT, MO. BEGS to I jforra the public that he has located tntheabove uatnc4 town and offeri for sale a choice etoris of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and otberarticlesr.suaily kept in fnch establishments at prices which CHnnot be complained of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he flatter himself that in repairing watches, clucks and jewelry he can give perfect eatista uou. 19 em. JAMES HO GAIT. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER,' Soatlicasl er. 2nd and locust Si's. ST. LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Books, made of the best paper, ruled to any pattern, and tewed iu the new improved patent mxe. LIB II ABIE 3, PERIODICALS, MUSIC. &c, txmnd in any fMyle, and at the FhorJest notice. Having teea awarded the Premium at the last Me chanic' Fair, he feels cundident in insuring satisfaction to a'l wlio niy give cinj a call. July :2J,1&33. Iyv3ni DR. D- G WIN, Having permanently located in 'BROWNVJLLE,. NEBRASKA Tor the practice of Jlediclnc and Surgery, ten ders Lis profe.sioaiil services to the aSlicteJ. uirioe on Main street. . no-'vi A. W. ELLIOTT, SEED AJ)UP0T9 Cor. UroaiHvay andWasIi Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. flavins purchased the entire surgery stock of John Sieyerton &. Bro., 1 am prepared to ifier to the public the largest and bet selected t-tock of Fruit Shitde, and Ornatuental taee;1, fhrubs and plants ever oQ'ered for sale in the M'est. TTe s re determined tocfTer tuch in ducements' to tree planters and the trade as v. ill ensure the ci st entire ratisfaciion. Descriptive cataioprueswiu be furnished, and any information given, by addressing, - - A. W. ELLIOTT, Saint Louid, Mo. November 35, '53-Ty. - ISHAM EE AVIS, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, AND" HEAL ESTATE AGENT, 'falls Vity, IJichardson County, Nebraska. Vi'i 1 pro prompt attMi n to all professional busi ces intrusted to his we in lticliardton and adjoining counties a No to the drawing of deeds, pre-empUt;n pa pers, &c.,tc. Way 13, '53 n46-6m D. LANDRETH & SONS, Agricultural Varehouse AXD SEED STORE, Xo. 13, Suth -Vj. h Street, opp. New Exchange Build. Si. Louis, .Missouri. Constantly on hand, Garden Grafs, and other Feeds ; the i.:r;len seeds are, with slight exceptin, the produce of ground cuUiva'.ed under tho sirict personal inspec tion of the nfnior pirtnor of the house. Also a large variety of Agricultural implements, partly of our owu Manufacture Jj-Citaio'-ncs furni.-hed gratis. -l cb. HI, 'Z) 15 !ia A. S. HOLLADAY, IvI. D. Eerrectfnlly Informs h:s friends in Brownville and iaiiueJutc vicinity tliat he has resumed the practice of 3IeIIcnc, Fui-gcrj, i CbsctrJcs, r.d hopes, ty strict attenUca to his profession, lo receive that generous patroi:;:ge heretofore extended tohim. In aU cae wl.ere it Is pos-sil leer expe licnt, a prescription business v, l be Lne. Cif.lcc at City Drug Store. Feb. 24, 'S3. RASDALS, GCULEV & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COBNER OF TINE AND COMM EltCI A L STS. AND Xv.vilcr 51, Xorth Levee, t.Louis llisKCiirl Ca.-h adranees roaJe on eoR-iixurnent?. rlers for Men-La nhs Koli-.ifed and jromptlT fill'J. Cora, Ostt, Hides acd l'rouuco geueriilly RdJon t !:in3i(..-!on. Jiarch t, ly. A. D. IIIRI, Attoraey at Law, Laud A cent and Xotars' Public. Rilo, Richardson Co., X. T. Vri.l prj?li-.e in tb- Cnrt.r.f Ncra$V.a.a2istcJ uj UtTlii z U.-c,nett.Nelra?la Citj. FEHNER FERGUSOIi, Attorney and Counsellor RELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. THANK MN TYPE STEREOTYPE FGUriDiiV ! i;ra:.a sr.-:i rnucrn uv.m. vnri .-s viMC: 11 1 ITln T . vm it..ieui"0ur!nana.fia. neip to support a town raprr, i:ey vwzm i - '"- t - - - - - - - j - " Cincinnati, 0. to have a voice in determidn? what it 5 of the raw ast-tjcc: which I c;u?ider hi-' I" Ar.di Ryy tu llcy E.l, u: C r O-nrhrx. ' CO KaI1 PUfCe' n;V city friend, ! por:a::t anlrti. Of ccurso this L V,hi? Ta ail- 12 rH tfcnt besiie, ycur trials and pnvrts, j provcme.t uU deprj :ea tho f EI, I J o Of If r. iU rnt, IVI I.; V:.s ca:j.y.. JLc. Ytur country brethren are partially sbves, ; tica cf t.;e ir.:v;dual tifcu-a v;h::n yc- k iL- N- - i'. L, lit.1T y a O; fe !"iJ.r;1.,r,,:':i? yaU''"iiJ l.vrr iJ,.,-!i.;M.n, rct v-h-n''ti'' to themselves, lul lemg tho ; tvtsa to rrcragate- - It u true, the so -c- Ara d, s o retail pit. raurt:u-i2ei:re,'-cctii:r,ir-Tcrty c! their sulr-cnbers. . c. a in t... raso. wc-:!i tc o A, u i w...i.ri. x. n - .1 VT A A fe. ' -2 ' ' lii; J - i. a - ' V- 11.,. I. A. .r-v-w . 1 . . V-. . I . . 1 1 - . - - . I . i - 1 S T r ! V W rr f A Mi - T Miscellaneno 0. The Country Editor. ' Editors seem particularly to delight in complaining of their lot, and some of them, we have not the slightest doubt, would like to have a law made, that for rclbin or cheating -an editor, the penalty -should be capital punishment. When they chance, in common wun, to nave tneir pockets relieved of a few dollars, or their sanctum of a ccat, .'they speak of the rob bery as so cruel and unjust, as though they were the poorest of all classes cf re spectable men in the world. - They have excellent opportunities to lay their griev-, ances and privations before the public, and probably receive much sympathy in return, as the legs of venison from, the east, legs of ham from the west, the rounds cf beef from the north, which mys teriously find their way into editors' sanc tums, can testify. v City editors are more addicted to this fashionable complaint than those of the country, and for their benefit we will just glance at a few of their humble brothers' troubles, and perhaps the contrast will serve' partially to allay the irritation of mind which seems to force their pens into the habit of complaining.1 The farmer stops his ox team before the door o the printing ofiice of his na tive town, and, with his whip swung over his shoulder, calls on the editor to pay his yearly subscription. The editor, perhaps wishing to draw out a compliment,. asks him" how he likes the paper. ' His reply will be that it is "first rate, only there isn't quite enough said about farming',"-and as the greater portion of his subscribers be long to that respectable class, he advises him lo read bocks that treat upon raising cattle, potatoes and corn. He thinks he has some of the best books to be found on the subject of farming, and kindly offers to lend them, for which he receives the editor's thanks. ; The next ' morning the farmer's son calls with two bound volumes of an agricultural paper published auo2en 3rears ago, with certain articles marked for the editor to insert, one of which recommends very highly a plough patent ed fifteen years before. . Next comes .in a pompous young man who has seen two or . three productions of his own , in print, and . who has the most exalted idea of his own abilities, to tell the editor, confidentially, that he does not publish original matter enough in his paper. He . is satisfied there -is native talent enough in town to fill two papers the size of his, every week, and is per fectly willing to do his part of the work, The editor begs him not to trouble him self to write any more at present, as he has already on hand .more: than a half bushel of original manuscript. The young man turns very red, and gives vent to his anger by telling the editor he is afraid to publish his articles, and have them, con trasted with his editoriils. Another young gentleman, of studious. literary habits, but devoid of worldly ex perience, drops in and expresses his dis taste for all the simple or exciting stories of the day, and proposes to the editor that he commence republishing one of Scott's novels," to be continued weekly, and the news of the day would, in his opinion, make an excellent family paper. a . 1 . ti A pretty, romifntiu young lady calls, who wishes the editor would print more love stories and more poetry. She thinks his paper is too dry. ' Then comes the sedate, matter-of fact man, who would like to have all the light reading discarded, and the paper, if it would, prove profitable to the editor in a pecuniary point of view, and he has no doubt it would, filled with solid, philosoph ical matter. He has long wished to see one country paper devoted exclusively to the sciences. Next follows the minister of a neigh boring village, who expresses, as gently as possible, his sorrow that the editor does not devote more space to the "one thing needful," and proposes to write a few articles on religion, that will not oil end the most liberal thinker. A few weeks after comes an article of twenty manu script pages, defending the creed of his church, ly an elaborate argument, founded cn the texts of the Scripture, and because the editor refuses to publish this, the minister says he is opposed to inculcating the doctrines of the Bible among his readers. The village politician thinks if his columns were devoted to politics, his cir culation would double itself ia less than six months. One eld lady wihes to know if it would be much trouble for him to print his paper a little coarser, as she finds seme diilkul ty in reading it with her glasses. Another wishes the paper was;l quite so large, as she cannot find time to read all it con tains every week, while a third thinks it ought to ha larger, so that the editer can afford mere space ia publishing receipes urea cooking and housekecr iccr. Each ens cf these feel that if they Tit young Queen cf IVrturra! lately i I . m i . c ! t:n c: T. Paper , Mills. There are in the United States 700 paper mills in actual operationhaving 3000 engines, and pro ducing in the year 250,000,000 pounds cf paper, which is worth ten cents per pound, cr 625,000,000, To produce this quantity of .paper, ever 300,000,OCO pounds of rags are required, 111 pouncs cf rags being necessary to make luU pounds or paper. The value, of these rags, estimating them at four cents per pound, isovet 812,000, 000. ....... ' . . j. How "Paper is made. Has the reader ever felt any curiosity as to the manufac ture cf the paper which he holds in his hand ?. If so, let us try and elucidate a few points. Imagine, then, huge piles of rags, which have been collected together from different sections of country, and which now repose on the floor cl some mill, waiting to be thrown into the cutting machine. From this they emerge in slips of about six inches in length. These are passed through an apparatus which cleans them of dirt, and they are then thrown into stands or "vats," 'a strong , lye is placed upon them, and the whole is then boiled by steam for about twelve hours, in order to soften the texture and loosen the coloring.1 From there they are put into the Vwashey." After having become thoroughly cleansed and fibrous, they are bleached until free of all coloring, and now present the appearance of a pure white Cottoii, which' has been thoroughly soaked in water and afterwards allowed to dry. The next process they undergo is that of beating, from which they emerge in the form of a fine pulp. IThe pulp is placed in a vat, ', through, which a large cylinder, covered with fine wire, revolves. Upon this wire the pulp is gathered and taken oft" upon a belt,- thoroughly saturat ea with water. T It is then run through a number of ."press rolls' to a .second "press felt.". The paper, or -rather .wet pulp, spread upon the felt, is also run, around two large copper dryers heated by steam. There the pulp first assumes the appear ance cf paper ; which is finished by being run between three pairs of cylinders, and afterwards reeled. The paper is now about five feet wide. A short distance from the "calanders" 13 the cutting ma chine, by which the-paper is cut" to any width or length, and afterwards counted into quires, reams .and bundles, dressed and stored away for sale. Thus it is evi dent that the verj pocket handkerchief, now in your pocket, or the collar on your neck,' may, in time, be' incorporated, into the newspaper, on which your eye rests with so' much satisfaction. r , Contributions to Bee Culture. : Raising or Queex Bees. To breed "in and in" always leads to injurious con sequences, in bfces as well as in animals. It is well known that with bees, ths young queen, who is to become the mother of a numerous progeny, leaves the hive five or six days after swarming, to pair with a drone. It is generally believed that this pairing takes place, in the air however, it has never yet been ascertained," whetht er the queen pairs with a drone out of her own hive, or with one cut of a strange hive. Most of the apiarians, who have directed their attention to-the subject, have come to the conclusion, that the queen only pairs with a drone out of her own hive when she cannot possibly meet with a strange one the near relationship is re pulsive to her Has. the queen been im pregt ated by a drone out of her own,hive, (namely, her brother,) then the female of sueh a mother is less fruitful than if she had paired with a drone not so closely related; for only seldom will a swarm be thrown out cf such a hive. Moreover, the workers are generally lazy, uncon cerned about the prosperity of the hive, commence their work lata in the morning and are inclined to rob and carry ia but little honey. If the season 13 unfavora ble they suffer, and often starve. Now this is the reason why so many apiariar.3 lose all their swarms the relationship is too near! Such a loss will, however, not take place, provided there is an apiary net far off, to enable the queen to cohabit with a strange drone. If this will be the case, then the subsequent queen will be strong and healthy, and communicate to her numerous progeny tho same quality. We are well aware that whenever a new species are brought into a neighborhood, they will invariably nit with ethers, and that they cannot be kept pure, unless all hives are removed to a distance cf frcrn six to nine miles.' These facts are im portant connect:! with science, but have a much mare important bearing in con nection with practical bee culture. They teach the bee-kecper the necessity to cb tain from time to time swarni3 cf tecs from a distance?, to prevent ia and ia" breeding, and in case he wishes to intro duce a foreign species or race, to remove his domestic bees to a certain distance, in . . ' croer to preserve tucir parity. Tho above statements remind me cf a! ,i! -ject which Izs occupied my thought a fcL-.a!;-'.d le very casr. Oil! ' meihers shaul 1 ? r.rckh.-3, ar.d strenr.1 Knrif Fpf ifWVif A Filter's 'Aflv2:e. T-Iany years sr I remember man leaving his j ..r.-ntal roc 5, t. for himself. On the eve cf hh his native mill-village, hiifath; a roll of bank bills ia his hasd, wiili Cis advice : "Jcsiah, ycu are now about to go cut into the world, where it's a good deal v.iler than 'tis here, and no fence round it, neither. Take them bills; and, mir.d ye, keep ycur fi-gtrs cLto 't-ta tight, for the wind's mighty apt to blow 'cm -where you'll never see 'em again. You hain't got a hard finish edication ; but I tell ye, J osiah, common school larnin's list as crood as the hard finish, if you know how to nandie it. i?on t swear -don t throw the dips don't play kcards don't hang about taverns but yer mtiy chaw ter b?.cker, 'cause yer dad does. Don't cheat anybody what can't afford, to stand it ; them as can, you may put the hard .finish onto as thick as ycu like. - Keep a stiff upper lip, J osiah, and dcn'tlet nobody im pose on ye. If they do, jis: you bring cut them hard-finish licks what yer old da.d guv yer for inheritance." A Hay Field Anecdote. There is a good story which may ha ire been heard in mcre than one hay field last summer. We heard it one day while on a visit to the country. We went out to show some men how to "pilch;" we had failed, and wilted down uuder a haycock, and lay flushed and fanning the glow and sweat from our features in a comfortable posi tion, when one of the jolly hay makers related the anecdote of the old man who was alway3 bragging how. folks used to work in his young days, and challenged his two sons together to pitch on a load of hay as fast as he could lead it. The challenge was accepted, and the trial commenced.' For some lime the old man held his own very creditably, calling out tauntingly.. . ' "More hay !. more hay !" Thicker and faster it came, whole cocks at a time, cloud after cloud overwhelming him. -Tho old man. was nearly covered ; still .he kept crying "More hayl more hay!" until, struggling to keep on the tcp of the disordered and ill-arranged heap it began first to roll and then to slide, and at last eff it went frcra tho wasron and the eld man with it. . - "What are ycu. down here for ?" cr: the boys. "I came down after hay," answered the old man, stoutly. Which was a literal fact ; he had come down after the wagon load, which had to be pitched on ' again rather mere deliber ately. " - i...,. A Wesiixiscesce. Lewj3 Gaylord Clark (the "gay lord" cf the AnzcAer bocler) tells a little story which we can not resist transferring to our "Lights and Shadows," department. He. was on a pleasure-trip from the foot of Lake Geo rge to the Canada shore, and during the voyage met an English tourict exceeding ly well posted in all the legends pertain ing to the region "round about." In the course of the journey they came acrcs3 a a precipitous declevity known in the vicini ty as "Rogers' Slide," and Clark ever. on the (jui vivt for information, asked the origin of the name. The Englishman volunteered to . satisfy hi;j cirriosity. "W-ogers' Slide?" said he. "Yes," said Gaylord. in Lis blandt-st accents, "but what particular incident gave it the name?" "Awhr'.' said the Englishman, with that piculiar suavity which distinguished the nation, "weminiscences you want, ch ? Well,' one Wogers, being VJcy pursued by the Indians, and arrived at thisp'wes ipice slode down it, and ence the nam Lewis, as in duty bound, raised his hat and with a bow for which he is famcu3, simply replied, as he tacked out: "Thank ycu, Sir, thank yea ; explanation entirely satisfactory." Juvenile Precocity. A little child of this city wa3 holding a very animated conversation with cue cf about its own r years, a few day3 since. A portion cf it was overheard, and it appeared to bo a dispute as to what their "mothers could do." After naming over various meri torious acts cf which their maternals were capable, the one in question put an end to tho dispute by exclaiming: "Well, here's one thing my mother can do what yours can't rrrj ircf.Ur can tz!:e. every of lizr Udh Qitci ence." X. II. Xcvrs. A NE PIT A PHO NAW O! MAN who's O L Dear the N. Wa, R. E. BENE AT. HT. HISST. O.NELIES KA TIF Arin, e-. Rave, hang'd F, RO! rr.alus YLI. Feto Li idersc L-y Bye aR T. Hind; c hy s II E-o T. hcrp i If AND NOWS he Uxa d. Too. Artf hi Era EL'y ewe Ei NG. fri E, N. d sl-imca ' VI Ther are loth - Engliih cr.l rcctrv ia tho abjve zzl it is proialiy asTvell ;,t- tirw .s ... . j . - J . . , .meg, butter th I owh, theta Fhv.r Fvdlh.'T. c spoc;-.:uu c: l.ur, tcii u cr.2 Lcur HirJ, . sauce. CvsiarJ. Take cue quart cf boiled milk, cH t eggs, leave out part of the whites, ill cinnamon and rose water to your taste and fancy. AIM. 1 Rrcjd Pudding. Take cne quart cf milk, soak bread ia it to make it nearly thick, and seven eggs, and sweeten it to your taste, add cinna mon -and nutmeg. Currari Fuldir.. Make a pastry, put it around ycur pud- ding dish, till it with ripe curarnts and cover it, boil it cne hour, then take ciT the crust and put in butter ar.d sugar, nut meg and cloves, and eat it wi;h hard sauce. Winter Puddinc: Take the crust clT a leaf cf bakers bread asd fill it with pluros, and bell it in milk and water. Rics Pudding. Boil rice ia milk and water, when soft put in thin cream, and boil it thick, when cold make a sauce cf cream and sugir, put ia essence of lemon. Potato Savce. . Three part3 mashed fino potato, hilf part coarse, four ounces butter, prepare it ' for the table, and spreal tho yolk cf an egg over it and brown it. Fricascz Chickens. ' -Cut up your chicken, put them in your pan with a little water, eniens, sweet mar jcrum in a bag, beat as many yolk3 cf eggs as you have chickens, a glass' of wine, a little vinegar, a littb butter, grato ia a nutmeg, a little parsley chopped fine. Balls. Take salt pork unboiled, and fresh veal, mince it fine with bread, moistened with brandy, seasoned with doves, nutmeg, parsley,' summer savoury and pepper, toil them tho size cf an egg, and try them brown ia butter. Alt at . Tako mince meat prepared as above, put a few spoenfuh cf water ia it, mako a pastry and roll it up, tia each cno ia a cloth and boil them. -hr. rczs. Take two small muskrr.elons, soak then in salt water, then split them and 11 then wiih small onicn3 and small cucumbers, radish tops, cloves, allspic 2, ginger, pcrper and mustard seeds, th ih'.r.i together, czl put thin in vinegar. Current Fuddir.r. Taka one pound cf boiled currant?, siTt it fine, and six ounces of butter, and six cunce3 of sugar, and eight eggs, wiihbut half a nutmeg, half pint wine, salt, &c. Almond Pudding. Take cne pound cf nkicnda aftsr they are cracked and shelled, put th-:m ia w arm water, take tho tkina off. th?n pcunl them, wet them with roso water, take six eggs, ten ounces cf sugar, pounded and sifted, and beat it with thy egg well, then put in your almonds and a pint cf cream, put them in a basin, cr. J s:irtkn well together over a fe;v ccihs till it ia warm, then put it into c thin dLh, paMe enly round the sidej cf the dish, atdUio it three; quarter cf an hour. Pudding. Take three ccccanuts, grate them, dry them in the sun, take half an cf butter, the yelks cf fifteen t ggs, cr. a gill cf rose water, beat then toother, then mix the same with butter and si'gttr, the-a throw in the coccanut lit .le at a tim:j, put it in a rich crust, dressing tho tcp wiih a slice cf past?, mix a litth Hour and i-gar together, and still it cn tho tcp. Cccoar.'J Tiirts. Take cne, ped tf: tho black skin, grate it very fine, tako ha!f a p-;.I of whits sugar, mix your cccraa-'t an! sugar together, tako thu r.hi'.eicf fcur eggs beat to afrcth, t;.i:: then wi-Ji your mat anl sugar, sea it to ycur tar.o with the juico cf put them into a thin paste, and bake it ia a l'!z cr. n. Eltciizn Li,jf CcXe. Eighteen pounds cf ikur, po-.r.Ji cf sugar, ni3 pciuidi cf, r j three 1 ir.ts cf yca:t, fwur quarts a:l cll pint cf Luilk, two ci:;.-:zs cC L-.::::g, tv,i cur.ccs cf no:?, cigh: p'a::-?s v.h,?. , ci;hl g'aiscs tf lravi?,ai.i r.::.o tf i raL':.3. 0? po-Ll tf f.:. r, thrr? p orters cf a J1 i C L c:.o rir.tti t r t in 14 2 V A C J ' . T :i t f - - c:h, f.-v.rrergs, Ial: ::ias.cs 3 aid rr. :i r.r. ? r C-.i i..,, C - j - . - - f ' ' line :n r r : ?, a!: t-. . , . .. r. - - : a - 1 V .. . 1 r" :: .,A.i-.:?,t?:!. tI::!-7 t;.i j what u;c tre th:y? wrrt i-ro aro they ? i spr:r.g uozzzr. itl;- . - 7'.: