Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 07, 1859, Image 4
i i t - i t j . 1 : i - 1 fc.-. J: -- f i - C7. two. I Or: r:v.r.:u ir fc .u v X I ' 1 C . - j , fc - ' J fr f r t t .-- - . 2 v- -r & a i- i t , 1 . t.'. f t,f I lvt a ; r. : t fci 1 l. r : . :;,!.!'! t . .13 l iS r. . ' " ... " "' . ' ' I-..-. . ; -Iff. ' W .--., " ' Wur.!f, 1 e -i. U! J"U':'.t C I.'! lit a'.l lb CiCit .r.. J., a.&.is i : l e-l jarj.-ular attcf.loa U t f f ' ' i -I- a j v' . a 1 Upt rr t!! w?ei t,a tbs ia r.. t frit t ' . -r.fcl' : e lt tf. 'J t. A!.- .' IIS S i V i: 4 to., .1 Onion Eccd. ir. I LIMED J V.IIIPS, WalxQTih Co., f.r-rt . 9 I t ri aJ ri.s ft v . j iv "3 eeitt.lxrre -1 v -..x .'.'t; ri f3 rfirs, 1ire . li'l. t- IC' d.t&riT trij -.'ttl-j.i.' r.U f t f .-f : .4 -,; K .". KJ,'4 ; 4- ,ar Cr k e-IOfcr! I trt't CI! . . 1 1 i ' v;V:. wfi. of 1 -'- j ! .yr4s a I Cj6 r et KrexAfrHi Or g f 4.. ! -ui'ttii c t-j grail? rw j- ..' ''-- i"t' ' a e-cai t t.fc:til-1 us iivW s-a.tfS itLs-at! ... l y i.vl.i.ry, i,l i.U. tt-'J : .. I. . ' . ' v-:V; ''':':',: tin n the ivarary,ijk s s riiifti, .".:. 1 m .or caftMi t.lJW it4l ft . itv.of J 1 2,5t- n oa a j t&tea t i.f.'y i r!1iraL' Oi;e, oa ka5f "f Z" Tvt ')Ti ir ' ?i vf t-e 5iLtouw. it e'i.VP tX' I--! t tf'-1 3;rrt fr'?i V'etera JJitSiifc'. V.'t fC ;.;-.;y lujits. tbe i-iisvuri Xitl ja "r,r. . . ' - .. PiktciO!: P. !!. A. A. PralforJL '- crudriMi :''.' ' V :v "'"' i; . C::AS.F.!J0LLY,lWJer.t. . . O, ;, - J.ffARstrrf.Sc. I t, t sil Arr.t Cel. W. P. Howard. ?r.i : J. " - 421- La Lloille ITurcery.. ' . On Hi,f4 f,l twerty t ttoairl N"atrve Tirrit i iu'jd 10 incbef, fi lrli, Iri jf tb aand. 123,000 do ire f rit, i-Ji-er tun ir"i f U r.ll.outanl j0 pcr 1 J J. I.hfctarb, Cwrrarts, tran herricf, Lawtcn D'.ack- Wrr-i',l. ur-'na 51 f 15 l.:ra. I.-iich. hi V. .'.- at u' lt uritiia .i.-h, American. and Ln- IvtriU-iie, Uuidca &hi U:icr Ai( rt5.r tfcil tra l, 2 )J0, Native and For t',a crrf rr-ci. fx.u 1 tv 1U ttcl Ligh, which tan be tv v rc.u iul, ..t, ft j r- to',r.ri our fjecicfn tbe Cntft in the Wtti. 1 t::t lu i arietit-i 4xhiLiU"d at t-LeSUte .r tt t'- '.r.i.ia, wr awar ied the Hirst premium a--! a f''ui:r. A jrinrril a-rtaet.t of- rrnitand 1'n.iiL -r il Trf, shrubs and l'laats, "0ara acd Jlu M I!-12 T-u. C-t. l'at'.i.ruei fur&Uhel ca applica- kubtrti. .-Ji.'.a rtd iiinp. SAMUEL ElrtVAEUS: JLa M .I'.'f, "iireaa Co lit. li. ly, t-J.-; ly t f r r KB.MC0TT. Vrfvf sale attba rr.r O 1 .i, !'.ri..a !U,uLty, lll'iut 'ii, fcUf'O Apple Trfcf cv.-i -a varieties frwi fie to seven and La"? fn-t b'-"i an 1 fjtr ytars eld, from tul or gruft . all.' '.-r I 'o cKrh. d-.ivcrrd i t)lin or Sandoval fr if k s 1st i vkir gcbergM. Tfc-y ofTcr in ad .:'!. a ; '. i m l i i I.i '; .ita.-Lt of ireLvtnrron trees, .4 r Orr Shrub and .llatit of r -"i )..--l.'r t.i 1 at bt l.-w rates as they can be tf'.U'4 t;eiere.. He sUk tf l'car, l'lutn, itrrry, lVi li aui VuiL-w Trc-e, thocgh met l'H'? r i-r. a ctii : i.y n.vitt l, ana is I. to evrrvtLiiijr U r t jUu i-bnirtit f V"estera gron th.- Aj lr ai, t icry I'.ii-stjtk tboiie Currant, llafp lefi,", 'j:tntft. Strawberries, ilhubarb, ;d'c., t t t -'ic t;.. l'ari!?u!r ttteation will 1 given to tL p4 k'l- f tre-, A for distant custorunrs. . -.fkfi t le Lid at the of Lmory's Jour ai4 tr t v aJirc-j:n us aHMin. JOHN p. LEYNOLD3, . iWlP.Vi ly . CUAS. KLSMCOTT.. "rruit Trees at EocnviileTOo. X':.i m.l r-if i bv fr i'e aih( t -o tnd rtliale t.. s . -f A 1 5 Ir, iV-i'.'l, i'er, CLtrry, llumApricot h-ui N tr.i,? trcr, tl t f su.h varieties as bare rr. v i suTt-trfu! ia this (aintc. He Lasal a I n ! V c f C irract; .iljf berry, lla.j berry .and S:-at rrv ylza, I; vk, Lvcrrrca tree, (Jrape 'e.'4 4.'. TL" sitlii; ti j .Li wull ii , i t i tie.; fct.l tiki'..u tiitu. )-. I.-, If II M MYERS. . P. LOAN . ATTORNEY AT LAT7. LOT AND LA.NI) AGENT, A r c 1 : r r, I: ! : '. : .". rilson Coanlr, N. T. J. Y7. BLISS, Collecting Agent, 1 TAW. N F-.i A 1 1 A" COUNT V, . .'KA tk-i::t(;p.t. " .. ' , rr:, k".t-i '... ii la.d-tj ruti:.' cullccUeps or t-iti.:rL'.. 1 1 ,-e rcavji.'.. . . Jlc-rerencet. . T.. V . Fume, ' i.uiier, Pera 'm v i f t l-.-i, ' pTobaie Ju-lpe, Neb.-Tlty ' . . t 1. Fi V-r ruitntpi'ierk; BrowuiU. . 1 ?. '1 a 1! rn.- S', ii. Portable L3311. . - Ur have entered Into a Tartneraip it. I f ttrtu i-f KeeJ, Ii j'aLi.rA A' Co., to e J. C. Ied, Patent Portable Grist I I a 1 at :.' tew j rej ar-1 to iurnia -all those ia HV('.inr Vhat Mill that fordora- .?. 1 tv. - - ', tr an IjKoni ciy ; excel asy Mill in the ii t'.e Ut exbibittop vf .thf Mochanics u V'.Lciii'.ti.a Uuld Xtdal was awarded iLi J:':i t all 'rai rrins; it Is q.vr. rt-. i i o .-r f..r!heu'stext-t;fiTe Merchast 1 . ', n il is f . r j'.-i-r. j tbe ParLjtri fe.ei ly liorge ,.i'.Jvi V.;;:are raAnafactureJ by the tinder t' ict i";.-irKp i a Cincinnati, 0 where they ( -S.-u. 4 o tin acy quantity at short notice. .' ' ..' rrartcd tu j erf . rra as fallows: . , t -TlriJ H.Com,:5 Wteat, . . ' " ; ? - 15 " Zlb I, u " r 44 IS " -2b!) : " , i$ 3 150 tc. it a i ! c t) u unwjfrarj w ..vir'-a:vn laii-tsrsesirel. rST; LOUIS A-BSflTO -voMNATiu:; paths .trnicriT. stea:.;?. 7b. t? 1 ... 4 -.5jn it.'i tie tir i.ven-'l ,rr tr .! --s frj:-i"e. A iu ci.-:a ..;:: jie it v--w..v l'. i!(:d li'ti:"' i pa ' V r: 4!u.,utt't.''t r tl.C.'S.-ty..- ' .ri.;.-K v., ...jvrf3iKii .-rii.c:!5,'S'.cr. 3i-.fcir Utts -vr Klf'XtKetJfar, ikL-T 'J-l-fe ey to te p. .cJ frvtu pr(:9'W'l4c .?;'?:? ' V-i tv e 'f-y t rir.(ie itfjS'fei;- 'ifcrcii'i. It ii cirr-rtrrttef ia fk R' S t .-l!.rf.:!il tiXiO., rt irK-ci:y5lc, M 5 vf-drfis gel fcM'it or r, vi4 i.t f -f yeas' i i Pi'S': iiA;,..' ir-i. -wfVi . i?.res ti -: ' i6-tsf??,yf 1 5 -f .: :; I r-. i j ! . Tie t.;! Hit' 5. 1 tl.'i- k5.j.-:i:r of aa & t er fef fa&m peliiwi':H5t tLrutgh, a.' 1 t J f5 Sl '.rit ttr.t-e. J.aiv.- U-i 'i-i; ?-i? tafse fctH ii.e t?.e (t-riC'fcr ol- tlBi. f38'isSrl4 frw i.iMf I U t4 . rt.n .i if l...e. ' ! . Oftfie entire l.4f fc t3,'Ti' .tnea br jiff arid verriLiisr.'Stf.'5'S.rsftf its', u , k-r, t-xi artJ fea.fy t1mSi3 fe3 Jt(sa 'is c:r f.?59. . .V V'- .. TL.i juiit ten i -It Vtt:ifMtm f.'otber bi'a aU tie pva k I ifwVSJEfi OfeSalSSI extra jj4.'tirery . ". ' r-i? ': lj . any toe 4 tru.j it- Aii'i?it f 1-4' .1850. a t-'f rest $.?fer'i,.'t4 .li:e to.fas?re yba - S'. - - w -f t MT- tt Vt -'tbe Uirpil.1? of .1 f ' ; it . r 'r'&t .i.a fc. eil -ii-r tinier ILit 'fiUft-sSig t$ mtef tisdk la Vi'iir. -oaes tsr ee Mctc4 i A r 4e r,Ai, .!. teitzia; a-fcKU t&f.U of r-6s"- B:a tHu." taictiiic-taiers; v-e at Ut et)il fit ftiil rd'eri ! er t:sii.l lw ia lc;:ur pfcf sa's.i'tis.fcWT; tas; Oct f itiVMt t'PmtliX K-A keeper )?n? tr eUfd4i ai fS4 are st4a!-$ f '35f-!8iul.atreUti'a fcv f iTiir:s aM,Ki &faoati-s'Te-to our lein FunraTUiuiAD upholstery; ra M. W4riwu-5fft3j.' We aicre yoa ttatwe i ; Mil cx4 fc.'o at as prices, fcLdn as ! Tt;e taecta as aty ,"jiato itieVTett. Tastfcif.S yvu tA very iurai patrncage already. tft Ja trs,' a acoaticuatioa of tbe tat?ic, Kmsr-r'ttie preseM on tte Xorthwest 'cor- ar vt t&cn Areuue atid lecotd Sireet; four doors YwRenctftiyy. . " ECAHRin & masok.- $L UrCU Auxusl I, I55f. ' . to! : DOViTDAlllARKHAtSc.CO.i T?AOI2sGOtl FPTJirDR-jr .. nsjinc tm naclilne Kliop, Ccasn a P sEcesi a to mosgax sTeeets, . v - ST. LOU IA, Mo. Sraf db3Tps of Stear.1 Engines and Boiler, Saw. and B'Li'K.II SikthineTT.-Siczle and Double Circular Saw li'la, t4i here- arid Prcf?es Lard Kettle, Lard fT I'yiii.'iersi'Wool Carding Machines Building Cj TMtMz'slmfrovedPatei.t SruatMilK fcc. . sarKisn-5for tbe sale of Jaa es Smith fcCo.'ssn- For-Pikes Peak. 'd VCTtVi GCleOrS-lCH! FOllder,. In I ... ;. ..? a aiciu.jiuutM ti.ta, k C4i-B, just tie tilts fvf Caiap js.' For Cvrr.ctdf Vint a4 Cirtiil Stret,' and 5', &rrtjlt, tristu.'u,.ao, " itr& are ar itHt i-irt.t,' sad contain s&f asKl M-f'rui p&aarij. sa4 xa KiGBds. 1 be for ist ecU l '' V br . tba latter blast ir.g rv'wjft- tHaJ t yor tn CHAilD C5 BEOTHER, rQtTOS Or THt " SAFfi iVXD SCALE .WORK SJiXT LOUIS, J10,t Bank Safes of . Hardened Steel, and Chilled ' Iroa, Jeueilers imd Express Safes, . Vaults, Bank Locks, -fcc ' The rent tet of' Safes of tte different Manifactures In the GHKAT FIRE of the City BuiUiinsrs, n Whicb 1 hi.' I the ExceUier triumphed over all others, fully c tablish: ea tbe uperiority oi iiie xzceisior aaie, wnica sierit I the c.fl'ien e of all inttreted in Safes, and the securi ty of their cvfnienu,- The Excelsior being the only afe after being in the fire for.niuety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers; while a large number cf the others, in the are hut a short time, were taken their content, entirely consulted, mut In.preM all with tbe necessity f examining their safes, and thoie purchasing to be s'i're beyond . doubt, of tbe Safe baviiir f tool the tet and come out victorious, .we pjetpecuelves to manufacture none but such as c&a be ielivd cn, and refer tj the following Ccrllflcate. TVe, the cn'.er.igded, take pleasure in certifyins; to the sacretsful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior flre rronf Si e wf re submitted to in the burning of the City Building?, the nineteenth of I.'oember,l36J. audafe jut t.P.edia rec wmeudinz them to all who need safes. Ilatt fc. Smith Edut jamesos fc. Co Chaklei Blow & Co Samuel ilcC'AaTSEY PARTaiDGE fc. ro Josefh Elder llr.M ruaE t s Tvtt fc. Tr bbt, J oks s thomason RVTA! UILLMAH fc BaOS , BASTE WILEY fc BASTE Till ah Roziet &.co . Scott fc. Bro alcMEii ixfc. Ballaktixe, BbowxGoddix k. Co Vos Phil waters fc. co w LEwiso. fc. co I) A Jitil'iBT fc CO . ' JOflX II llALL fc CO Barsaso A. dams fc. co Shaple ioh Day & co THE tXCELSiOR Tv'k'tbe TTcmlum over the bet Eastern Manufsctne at the State Fair, in Saint LouU; is sold frcm thirty to Cfty. per cent lef, and guaranteed to be e'i'ial to any In the I nited f fate. . . Also ciau'J' turer of Oglitnlii? Roils,- cf Best quality, ana FU1IF3 of sll Decriptiocs. L'EARll fc. BRO., Xo. 15. Main Street, Saint Loui, Mr July M.ltrfS. Iyv3n ' Valley View Nursery Eepot Coriier ci'CLestnut ic Beaumont Streets, ST. LOUIS, MO. CIARU.& ilARNARO, Propr'rs. On band anl LxnCt a large -and .complete asortment . o Apple, Fi-a.r, Ftuizi, Nectarine, Gooseber . rie, lUiperrie-s, Grapes, Peach, Cherry, Apricot, Blackberries, Currant," Strawberries, Evergreens,. &.c. Strict attention paid to tbe selection of varieties suited to tbis climate. Osice a: Piabt'Seed Store, So. 14 Main street. Or der addretuedl to Box St. Louis, Mo., or ."Valley View Nurseries," Edwardsville, Madison Co., Illinois, will receive prompt attention. Feb. 23, .'63 rJ .CLARK h BATtVARD. A.. L?. 1I0LLABIRD & CO., ilaclihisls. Fodders anl Engine Builders, I rgnt street West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, "XTTo'uld most respectfully inform theirfrjendsahd f v the.jr;blic generally," that they are now pre pared to-exoi-ue all orders in Cbeirlinejwith prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their" shop and with the inc'reasixi facilities they powpcs?ess, they hope to merit a eortinuation of the irberal patronage wtich has hcretfTire been extctacd to them. I ' a W . . m baw iuiifLngiiissoi ercrj iicsenpuos Constantly ahan': eonsislin? of the frash, Cirea lar and.Mu'ey. UUJ Gear and every denriptioa of Jajitings; warranted to be wtll made in overypartica lar.- They 'hava.alo a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables .them to eversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are jtc pared to work cn as reasonable terms as any othe bop in the coustry. - Those in. want of anything in onr line, would do ' well to i v u a call and examine our new pattern Fruit. Treo. Seeds. have now in store and ean supply on order many varieties cf tree seol j, as fellows, vii: -4pjle soei., CO cicts atmart, flo a bu?hc!; Pear seed $3 pr lb.; ( ir la.; Cherry j it ?1 per unart: reach Pits 13 per ill. . . JUUAUAKXETT&Uo fe'.'Jforth SecccJ StHt, Luis, ilo. ftls. ir, ' 1 I rtsis:, cUinifd 1 lit tc; ! jrofmi-a nd Live luel it M tested - corative properties, lo te tte grete WttifFcsfcltc Team of toil acd atudy, lyos o Olao'c frfy!cite j-hysicixD; in crier to j.roJace aomethieff itat j. laeft tie yi-iiea cjt n!Teris, ai &n-1 low afcw.ji -rt- 0 testify to tte immediate relief -toca tj sss. f .ill rw frf. iruir v fjor. Kolite, I t-i Fe; 13, J55T,: ' 5-S,S3S."S.--K, MAXX Jt CO We. DM. yar Joe tA'.saek irisiiwiaf to ay remedy ia cur mark? tla ,l.rSsftj4 cf. ail malari-jti dilate.' 'e ctheer :ia. &bi!mJ it as tr&rOr feat efca Mss? sf fctfef rv er .;.d fcR:4 nset. . " Vfrj Trv! I(sr., SC3E)3 ; t5 a Sj&ffvePs ffjse CtniU, FeTer and Arue, I cheei1-fiit:yK-?iE)u e?e WliM!.; Harin utterrfj c!ieiy t&osiB tf Safes's Ajrnc Ba!aa ia- ttsis rjciBity tte iks tVe year." I ell j!ea ed wita its Je- rJ'?!'! vi?r as M utuuiev) uaaiana- i nive ire .;ceaf.j? 8 tt in my practice, acd witb entire sat; faclM f laiimaie anowi.etve oi vfcia compoaua 1 s;E$ii&4taai'i,r'H)t and UScient. .Gaiifea, '0ii9, .April 4t, lSiSl ELCFTOS. Ind., 3ffay 17, ISM. ME.RS. !f..E MAXX i CO. aTiss sold yoor Bal- a'rn 1 ite.past ttiree years c re tf persons in tLis viciaify, and closely oosernnz it errect, we. ao vol Leiuie i a e beJieve it tte let remedy ever toil in Iiidtaaa, and will effectaally care caills ferer and iii effectnAUy corectills fererandajfue-witbont fail. TralyTuor, I'll ILL I VAN Si lLt.Ali.NS, Drug U. Locassf6rt. Ind.. Sea. 13. XS56. fcs. MAXX Kee read . me. one half gro more of yonr Aee Bl jam tocieliare'y. It U in great demand. aal rcay he iroly atyleu tte sung oi erer. ani asuc. . : . J. LTTLK. Ft. Lens, March 1st, 1S58. MC5SE.3. S E MAXX fc CO We Lave sold a large antyMat of your Aft-ae Balgara the past three years, and f aittat where introduced and sold tt has po equal ia the hirory of a?4;e remedies, and frcm ali parts tf. the 'wet -tear .the ane cheerins cews it never fails U cure it jjatient and ia looked upon ia thia country a the let medicione for claU, lever and ague ever ia our market. O. J. WOOD &. CO. S. K- MANN. & CO NN. & GO.i Proprietors, Gal- SoUbyJ.IL3lAUNS.Co. ioa Okfo. ne37 ' Brbwnvillc, N. T. Fruit Trees. Browiiville ITursery. The1 ubicribers offer for sale the following varieties of AppieTree. ' WINTER. VARIETIES. Te2Jw Belleaeur, .Winter Swarr, Pome Gris, Wifcwor Limber Twig, iSaow Apple, Baldwin, Domini or Darwin, Talman'a Swectiug, Xortbern Spy. "lfakin(t. White WlDter Painaain, Bed Pmanihlte,' Janitan, English Golden Basset, Wineap. Ho ma a tem, FALL VARIETIES. Autumn Swarr, .Fall Strawberry, Milan. . Fall Pippin, Fail Janitan, SU3IMER VARIETIES. Sweet June or Eigbtop Sn'mmcr Queen, Swectiinr, Golden Sweet i Early Trenton, . Early Harvest Bedstreak, . Early Harvest. The Xursery. is situated on the farm of B. J. Wbitney, about one mile sonth cf lironvilie. The .tree are one year old from tte graft and very large and healthy for that age. Produced .in the soil ana climate or jetras ka, they mnrt prote superior to tho e that are shipped from .the States.' They can be obtained earlier in the spring .are not injured ty cutting off the small sprouts in order to make tbe shipment le-s and to lessen the balk, as '.oar eastern nurserymen do when tbey send trees abroad. This is a truth that onr c bra ska farmers mut take into consideration. To tboe who wish to have Good orchards the proprietors will endeavor to give en tire atifaction to all who. may favor us with a call. During the planting season, one Of cs will be found in the nurs-ery to wait on those who favor uf with their val JOIIX S. FAVOB1TE. P. S. We bereby warn ail persons against trespassing, or removing any trees; or any mark placed on or among . the sai l trees. . & r. BrownvUie, R.T., Jan. 13, 1859. - 3m NEW ARRIVAL OF Two Hundred ttzi UISIS1UN DEUSLi:. . Urownville, Nebraska. " A XXOUXiJES to the public that he has just re- ceived, per Steamer ltyland, a very large and well assorted stock of rarlorand Uook Stoves, of new and improved follows: Buck's Pattern, Plymouth Rock,-. .Elevated Oven.New Hi , olden Era. and every varietj o Parlor and Office Btoes. . ' . Also, Japaned Ware, Bras Ilcltlcs," L,antlicrhM, Copper lVai c.SLio-. vets ana Ton. 1! T. 1 T T 1 ... . m . . I . ' - ' ' . - V"V "M "s iwui. uj viuer cstao- lishment in this region cf country. I have also now on hand every reqnijfte variety of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared to put np guttering and spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold La the-upper coDutry. Br'-rnville September 2, 19E8. . . alO-ly D. B.M'UCOHL .CBAS. DORSET LIcLATJGHLIN 2c DORSET, n i i Slain Street, I5romville,N.T., Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements ; make out. pre-emption papers; pay taxes, im-t-stigate titles;. - Buy and sell property oa commission; furbish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to' tbe selection of Govern ment land and the location of land warrants for parties residing at a dutanoo. Mclaughlin fc. DORSET respectruiiy rererto Gearge II. Jfixou, Esq., Register Brownville Land Ofiice. Chirles B." Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xemaha Land District. Robert W. rnrnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser BrownvUie Messrs. Lushbaufrn fc. Carson, Bankers, Brownville lion. W.. M . T. Hamilton, ltagerstown, Maryland., Lewi R-. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegate In Congress from Jf ebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Iwl. Browuville, April 22. no43tf RARE AND NEW SORTS GARDEN SEEDS. We shall have for eale the coming spring all the rare and new varieties of Garden, Field and Flower Seeds that can be procured. : Among then will be found ymn. uarley, King PhiliiplCurn, Peabody Corn, Hubbard Squash, Japan Pea, Peabody' Matcmoth Lima Beans, Early white Mammoth Broccoli, Several varietiea of extra sop3 rior Cabbage, New, Early, Danvers iello Globe Onion, Ac, Ac, Orders for nearly every sort oi new seed that bas been tested and found valuable can be filled JOIIX GARXETT & CO. 63, Torth Second StlSL Louis, Mo., '. Feb.W, '59 . ; ly GARDEN SEEDS. We are now receiving in Store and offer for Sale a large stock -of all varieties of garden seeds, the growth of the past season, and procured from soureea we can. rely upon for correctness and .purity . of the varieties: -Catalogues' containing descriptions and directions about the manner of growirg, Ac.,' will be gent to all applicants. Prides very reasonable... . JOUX G All SETT & Co., . CS, North Second St, tSL Louis, Mo. ' Feb X0, 49 ly . NOTICE. hnor about the 1st day of J.uly, l0i7. LAMJ All B,VXT No. 5tl2 for 160 acres, issued niider act cf M Miirch 1S55, to John fwncisco, who served nn kr ba name of John r. hiico. All persons are warned not to rurchae said Warrant, as-1 have fled a caveat with tho Commissioner of the General Land Office to prevent a patent being issued there for, a ad will in duo' times apply to. the Commissioner of Tensions to issue dupUcateof said warrant. S7-6w . T. W. BEDFORI. OS. LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSS ELL, llRO"WVIX.I.E. IJ. T. Announces to the public that be is prepared to accomr rotate those iwirihing with Carriapes and BnpRies ; to- ceiher with Rood sale horses, for comfort and ease in tra vel ling. He will also board horses ly the day, week or liioutb. ' tlr TERMS rArQRAELX.JEi Jau10, 'ti. W A. 1 J. 1. CEILE3. CO. j. b. jEinmi G3 EXCLUSIVELY V. ll Ol G S SiG 2VXrO C C TS "i win?! Cor. 2nd end Frances lis, St. Joseph HATE jsst rccierelby late arrira!, at mncb b? the ref!ar rates f freight, a bearj c xk of linerics, wbkh taring been parchased at extreme ly low prices, will be soli naeraallT cheap for caah. We r?f pectfaKj iariU buyerl to aa examination cf oar stock. . : '. f ' -i 9 tfcds ueir erop Sogar, fair to prime, at reduced prices . ICGO sacks O A sad Kanawa salt ' . , .' 00 bis saperae, extra sad extra ne Flonr , eOQ sacks . . - - ;; 2i) tierces new Ri? 9 ' . ' 4?0 hf and qr boxes Star Candles , T JW) boxes family Soap -00 boxea Eio Coffee, good fair to prima . 58L58 ernsbed aad powdered ognr . , ' 200 Us and hf bis batter, soda, sugar and wixte Crackers . . . r ' , : 400 kegs assorted Kails '- ISO.eoilsniaEnilla ropefrora i to V,4 Ljttes, lb boxes pirl Starch 50 boxes fcXIO and 10X12 Glass. . SCO dos 8X10 and 12 and 12X14 window saa'a . 1 CO sacks new dried App!e3 100 boxes imperial, gaapowder, younj bjson and black Tea 150 boxes asarted and fancy Candy ' . 50 boxes Sagar Toys and Gaa drops- .' ; 100 whole and bf dram Figs 50 boxes layer Baisen3 .. 200 boxes Glasgow, and Virginia Tobacco-. 100.000 Sears. rarions brands 150 boxes, nd 25 bis Smoking To acco 600 doxen Field's celebrated Oysters 1 50 boxes W PFand E D Cbccso Wooden ware . in every variety: Cotton batting, Caddie wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fieh 1'otomat herring, fresh Gofheh butter, cranberries, orange ,freh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles, lobsters, pepper sance, catsups, pepper, alUpiee, gin ger, earrants, prunes, vcrmacilli. mataronl nutsof all kind3. etc et. ' l' t57"llides, peltries, beeswax and all other hinds of produce taken in exchange for goods by jAn i0 1S53 30j!y " Kew Hardware Store. . Sin of .he Sav.'. - : J. FLAHERTY, Impoi ter, Whole-gale and lietail Dealer in American German, English & French HARD WARE AND CUTLER Y. . . T. JOSLTH," SIO. IS XOWreeeivingand opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever ouered in any market west of St. Loui3. My Stock embraces a fall and complete assortment of Lab'.netand lioase Jjuilders Hardware, Jiecbaa ic's tools cf every description, direct from the mft approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to tbe farmmc com munity, from whom I resroctful)v request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I will warrant, and nil all orders at ine factary prices, Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Sails, Ac., of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, fo. its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share cf trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangemen ts for importing and agencies for American Hard ware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Ham ware trade,enab!es me; not only to defy all competi tion,but has convinced me that the true principle of traae is small prohts and quick returns. . January 1,1857, yln23tf W.C.RITCHIE, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEAUBB IN . . ; . Groceries, Vines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner of Main and Trancit Street. Riddle' f Old Stand, Oppotite Stout$ Hotel,' ST. JOSEPH, axp. HATE just received the largest and most complete stock of the above goods ever opened in upper Missouri, to wbicn the attention oi merchant ana dealers Is res pectful ling invited having purchased them principally . for ca-sb at the very lowest possible prices, in Boston, New York and St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Call and examine my stock. and prices before purchasing sales are bound to follow, In my stock will he found every article usually kept in a q i grocery nouse. PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! With- Corn. Those indebted to me are hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the highest market price, delivered at the store of I. 1.' byte m. UrownviJIe. This request is made II1J UCUtUSS . Mil IU UCUl IU J 1 1 , ilia CTlflllOl r&lSO i i- - i jv. i. i . - tbe money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar- ranecment will bo 1 taken as a ereat accommodation under present circumstances. JESSE KOEL. lirownville, Dec., Z, Iftis. W. II. ITIIXIASIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX STOVES & TINWARE Orogon, Mo., rpAKES pleasure in announcing thecitizensof Or-.J 1' ronandthe public in : general, that be has on hand the most extensive stock. of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. Jly stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. ' I would call particular attention to .my stock of dUUK-lMi niU V comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found r illy s Charter Uak, the beststove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight; Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also - Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWEII THAN -ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting bp Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Vld copper, Urass and l'ewter taken in exchange Tor work or ware. W. W; WILLIAMS, Tl-n5 , Oregon, Mo.. July 5, 1S58. . LTFOBD. , j. T. BORJl .Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in ' ' AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, 0UOrLS, HATS AND CAPS, ZValI.rios, StoTcs,Furnilure, &c . SONORA, MO. April 8th, 185S. ; i3t J. HART & SON, wAnnni n a n ran 11 ii Oregon, Holt Count7, MisscurL KeepcodsUntlyonhandalldescriptionof Harness Saddles, Bridles, Ac., Ac. ,' ' . N. B. LveryarticleinourshoptsmannfactaTBd ottridives,and warranted to give satisfaction. Seeds! Seeds! r The snbscribcr would call particular attention to the following: . - .Br om Corn Seed of very superior quality, Chi nese Scear Cane and Black Lcut. - Also. Onion; Beet, Cabbage, Radish, Turnips, Let the ouantitv. n supplj of Chufas or Earth Almonds, at 50 cents per 100 tubers. Currant Sccdi by tlie package or ounce. . ..... Our Seeds are all Warranted. We hate a fine lot of Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Cora which is positively the best garden corn in cultivation. aLo Smith's Early White Corn. Per sona desiring acythicg jn the above line should of- der immediately. Address II. A. TERRY, Crescent City, Iowal Mare j 3d, 1353. . ' ; . For Sale at this Onic. JOSEEff AD' Tvliir -kvov. jso. I caasox LUSHBAUGH'-G CARSOZJ..- 2JL2;KZVS- ASD OEXLRAL LA3D AGESTS, j. . : Dealers iti Coin, XTaeorreat Mor. r, Eartanre awl arrar.s, iROirXVlLLK, XJiJtAUA CO., X. T. JVpecial tuention. will he given to Brjii.? aal f? Zxi;aan::e-on,tbe principal niiest-i itie i-r -Gold, ver. and ui-cnrreiit Bask SUM.' A o.ustiat s-p-t!r tf 1-anl Warrants on hand fur sale, roa casa- t'r fci- " J . . ..I.E.' . .4 V A teredontsmej.iri're-enipiors. ah arja.i goaranteedin eery reiect. Kill Cle Io.SjratrjS:a:.. zaeats of InteaU., to prereinp't, and pnTrelre-et:;.u Papers at short n'jti:e. Money leaned ufon Vol eecari tie. at western rates of iiitjreut, aa 1 iavement maie 3a Lan&i or city property for distant ca;i:UU?ts. C-1 ec- tinns cpon all Gonrenieni jmlmhii viviuvw ed U Sad proceed remitted inexchanze, ancarrerrt rates. Bills of Exchange on England, Ire'.aLd, arsd France, ob tained at uEal rates, wita cost of Exctiaie oa tne L.m a.Ued: Deptit receiveia CarreataoooEtaaJusiereai aiiowedin fpecial iepAits. ' - OFFICE Main St., near V. S. Land 03. Ucd, Brother Sc. Co., Jlerctantg, Pbiladelpbia, Pa. iIcXacghtun.-Carju X Co., Hirer White, ' ' Toun?,Caron h. Bryant. tt tt Baltimore, tt Iza. TboniTStn Mason, Col'f of Port, K. M. Punters, a ttCo. iler:hniis,. M. M. Y-eakle fcCo. Xo. 17, BroaJway, rm. T. Soiithon, Ei., Banker, J. T. Stevens, Eiq., Art'y at Law, Jno. S. GaS'.aber, Lateil Aud. t'. S. T. Tsyl-ir A. KL'iegb, Bankers, , ' McClelland, Scrubs 4t Co. ilcrciaaU, Hon. Tbo. G. Pratt, . Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. lansas, lion. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Ssiall, Esq., Pres't S. Back, , Col. Geo. Schley, A tt'y at Law, . Charles Parens & Co. Bankers, U. C-XnttatCo. " Greene, Weare JtBice, " Douglass & Wauon, " Go 1. Sam Jiamhlteton, AU'y at Law, t: tf tt Xew York. Wabii22ton,D.C. Cbicfo,!!!.' fc-t. Lotus, M. AcnapuUSjMl. Pesn. - il ercerborg, Tx. ' lljgerstown, Md. tt t Ketkck. Iowa. Council Bl alT " DesMoiae. Vinton, ", Md. Cuaiberland. Ml. Havana Alabama.' JndgeTUos. Perry, Prof. u. Tutwiler, Oct. 8. '57-vO-nlS-tf HTriTJOTlTn 1 1 0 iSrPflTTI H firrV 1 JBST CK0SSLNG OX THE t MISSOURI B IY-E.R. The Berate from BrowiiTilla to Ft. Kearney, ana irom tnence to caiuorriia, la tna . nearest and most practicable. BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are now running as a Ferrv across the Missouri Jiver at An entirtly ntv, tubttantial avd canmodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, hic-h arrangement will secure a certain and safe passage st, all times and in all kinds of weather Ihe rropnetors do not assert boastingiy, cr for he purpose of g-ining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Jiebraska, and whea they say the route from Drownvule to rort kearnev and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable ronte by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly, favorable inducements, to. persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for safe and speedy crossing, our charges are the same as other r ernes in eorasKa, m oeipg reguiatea c-y Legisla tive enactment.. - lifRecolIect that .with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. ii A sniff and. hani will be in readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. czu November 1 1th, 1 657. BROWIJVTLLE STEAM HIILIL, NOEL, LAKE &. EMERSON. N." B. We would ruspectfully inform tho citl- sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on band a large and well selected supply of .LUjIBER, which wecan furnishatlow er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid f r logi delivered at the vard or on the bank of tbe river. . All orders accompanied with the eash. will recciv our immeuiate attention. O. F. LAKi.. W. H. HOOVEB,. Brownville. Nemaha City. LAKE & II00VEK. IE MITE SSEilS, NOTARYS PUBLIC. Erowuville and Nemaha City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. WLL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying taxas, Drawing money, bavins and sellinz Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission, Making Collections tor distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their profession; . f articular attentom will be given in filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and procurine war ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. . Persons owning tows lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agency in our bands, (alwa j i presenting I I cir Quitclaim Deeds for said Lot 'within the ex- pirationof six menths, as after that time all lots not Deeded will be sold. .Blanks always on hand. N. B. Letters of inquiry answered nromntlv. March Z. '57. 41-lv George Ferguson, 3ULLAVKIGrllT & ENGINEER. UU.KJ VV JS Vliil.T; Tj T A to the publicr that he isprepared A to erect Steam and Water Saw and Merchant I Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. EeDair- : r tr . e lug oi iDiw:.uiuery in an. mas. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ho' is also Agent for ' A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foimdry, W CIXCISjrATI, o. LEE & LEAVITT'S ' Saw Manufactory, cmcxwif ATi, o. r And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery-manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. .' .... Letters of enquiry, promptly answered! " 1 REFFEIIEXCES. Noel, Lake A Co., Brownville,N. T. Steam Mill. . K. W; Furnas, , Brownville, " Muir, Hann A Cd., " u Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, P. M. Rogers, . Pa wnee city, u Nuckolls A White, Rockpcrt, Mo. James Lewe, Linden, " a tt t tt- it u it it ,tt it A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, O. ' urownville. June 18, la7. . . v3 1-ly All persons are hereby notiflei that I -vi ill take the necessary steps to the re-opening of the contested case or James i-erftuson, tor the purpose of more fully in- vebiiKaiiDg ois rigin xo enter me south west quarter (14 )of so tin west quarter (Ii4) and lot number-four fll of section eighteen (18) in township five (5) range six i teen (16) east; I hereby warn all persons not to pur- cpase, vraae ior, or in any way to negotiate for any por- uon oi me aoove ueticrioea property, May -27. '3a v2n46tf . ATTGeSTTS KOryTZE GEHTS, DRESS GOODS. JACOB 3iARII0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, Be?pectfully announces to the ientlpmM r,t Rm-n' ville and vicinity that be has lost receive! fr..m th East a large stock of very aunerior goods and latest Cloths, vestings, &c, Which be will manufacture on very favorable terms. He natters himself that he understands bis hnsinea thoroughly and all work warranted coming from bU es" Ublishmrnt, and charges aa low aa any other onnpe titer In this place or tbe West. - '. A IVcat Fit Guaranteed. ' Land Warrants, ; IT'or Casio, txxxd on TLmo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes b eettlera on such time as they may desire long or short 'at the usual rates. . ' "A constant supply of Warrants wfll be xent r,n hand for sale as cheap a they can he bought elsewhere ia town'. . Bay of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold, ty ' us-will be guaranteed, to be genuine in every respect and will be exchangtdlf de fective. '. . i , Being permanently locate! in Brownville, we can a4-i-ays be found at the old stand a few doors east of tbe Brownville House. , . LUsnBACcn & carso"n. - . Bankers, and Dealers In Land Warrant. Cash, for Produce. r .We are now paying eash for corn and wheat and on the return of Mr. Hill, now east, we will pay CASH fcrail kinds of couatry produce. -i CKAh 4 HILL. Bro wnvi'Je, March 3d, 18, 9. vj o uSDICIITES. J t ZaQiULjUU cordial AXD BLOOD PURIFIER!! THZsreiteitresje c"yia tte world. Tbiscordlal is distilled from a Berry k3owo p on!y to tayself, ar.'.j;' ' cblmica'ly coni icei , with ome of the mot , Tal cable nielical root, berbs and tarijkaowa to tte mind tf man, Tis: tlool root, black , root, wii I cherry hark, yellow dxk, dndie- loins, sarsjparilla. eld er Sowers, wi:b otters, producing themotia- -falUMe remedy for the r-toration of beaUuij ever known. - Wi:rruAi.. r5 .v.irriLsrs a? a t. : OTT.V REMEDY, caricz dieiics by natural lw. Whea taken it bealitgif aenteis felt rcnrsinit thr'eb everv vein of tte body,, puriryic and accelerating tte circulatioa of tbe blood. It neutralizes any bilious matter ia the sbjuiacb, and streastena the whole orga Ditatioa. . ' ilcLtan't Strcr.ctheninj Cardial will ffectual?y curt Liver CompUmt$. Vyppni, Jnnaice. LAronie cr Xervut VelUny, Vstaetoj lie Aisey, and all Dutate aruinn Jrtr a buordtrti ' Liver cr i to mcch,- Kaartbura, Inward piles, aC.diryor f':cines of tbe stom ach, f ullaess blood to the head, fluii pam or swimming ia the bead, palpitations or tae neari, caokinz or auuc aiits feeUngs whea layiczdowa, dryness er yellowness ,t the f kin and eyes, suadca Cuxhes of beat, .depression of r pirits. &c. There u fiomistakt about u. Tbls cordial will never fail to cure any of tbe aboTe Germaa. English and French. Over half a million of bottles Cave been sold during tbe past six months, and ia no instance hasit failed ia givins entire satisfaction Wba then will snffer from weakness or debility when Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you? , To the Ladies. Do you wish to be healthy and strong? Then at onte and get some of McLean' Cordial ? It will treng- thea and invigorate yonr blood to flow tbrouga every vein, and tbe rich rosy bloom of bealta t- mount to your cheek again, Every bottle warranted to give satisfac tion. For Children. We say to parents, if your childreg are sickly, puny or aSicled with complaints prevalent amnng children, give tbem a small quantity of McLean's Cordial. It sells rapidly, because st alway cures. Delay cot a moment. Lrery Country JSIerchant ' 1 Should not leave the city until be bad procured a sup ply of McLean's Strengthening cordial. A liberal disconnt will he made to those who bay to sell again. CA UTION Beware cf druggist or dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or Sarsaparilla trash. Which they can buy cheap; by sarins it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengtceoingcor- dial, and take nothing else. It i the only remedy that ill purify tbe blood throughout, and at tbe same time treng:hen tbe system. One table epoonfal taken every morning is a certain pieventive for cholera, chills and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalen dUease. Fiice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles lor $5. ' j a Mclean, Sole proprietor ot the cordial. Also, McLean' Volcanic Oil Liniment-' T5" Principal depot on the' corner of Third and Pine streets,' St Louis. Mo. ' McLean's Yolcanic Oil Unimcnt. The best liniment ia the p-orld for man or beast Another Rerrarkable Cure Performed by McLean's Tolcanic Oil Liniment. Bead it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, livine near Casa arenne Tenth street, bad a horaibie running tore on hi foot - lie tried various Liniments, Salven, &.c, bat could, do it' no goou. lie aespairei of ever being able to work at hi trade again, .because he oould not bear any weight on bis root, ana cy one Dottle of McLean's Volcanic Oil Liai- meni ne is now perfectly cured. Rheumatism, neuralgia, naralvsis. ImisM. BtiffnesS In the joints or musclds, swelling, ore mroar, earacne or toothache, fcc, to tbe magic in uutuw ui km wuuuenui uniaient. xor corse ana catue. it is aa lnfallibl rnnMT for cuaies, scratcney. cracked heels, lameness, spavin, flstu 14, urumea. swellings, wounds, rattls-nake bites,-and arioua omer aisease wuica animals are liable W from injnues or accidents. . . Every country merchant should obtain r.-nr.iftf We. Lean s oicanic Oil Liniment. It sells rapidly because it always cures. A liberal discouht will be made to m'erchnu"whn bnr. 10 r ii again. tj-For sale by J n McLEAX".. Bronriefnr" corner nf n . iv,. . ' Auuu uuriue Bireeis, ot Lonis, alo. ZOOK & BALDWIN, . -27 1 rocaClty, Mo., " ,-IEtL' 'TEJ . CS- S 3 ' And - ' 3 GHemicals, Dye Woods, DyestTilTs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, liidow-glass and Putty, uLAbS n AKE, French, English, and American Perfumery. tlj toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments, spices, snuff's, manufactured tobacco;, all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy artices, etc. .etc Agents lor the sale or Dr. WisUr's Balsan of Wild Cherry. Rogers Liverwort, 1 ar and Lanchaiagua. Osgood's India Cholagogue, . " . Jones'.American Cholagogue; " Uuysott'sYellow.dock and SarsafaiiHa; Smith's Tonic Syrup. July 23, 1357. v2nl-yly . THE ' GREAT WONDER OF THE XISETEEATU CEXTRl Professor food's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St.' Louis,- Democrat : Below, we publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of .this city, from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the saperior merit of his hair, tonic. Such evidence must have its effect. when coming from a reliable source. . If certificates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor usercss punery xrom me pres : "BATH, MAlXZ. Jan 20. 1358. Prof. O. J. Wood, Co. ' odstumej: Having my -attention called a few months nince to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative 1 was induced' to mate apolicatiun of it upon mynwnDair, wnica naa oecome quite -gray, probably one-third white ; my whisker were of tbe same charac ter.- Some, three months since I procured a bottle of hair restorative, and used it. - I iwu found it wa prov- inj wnat i naa wibhea. .1 used it about twice'a week. have since procured another bottle, of which I have used sotiiei ' I can now certify to tbe world that the arav or white bair has totally disappeared, both on my bead and gace. anifm-y nsir has resumed it original color, ard 1 am now sixty years out .my good wife at, the age of fif fy-two, has used it with the same effect-. Tbe above notice I deem due to you for your valuable discovery.. I ama.-'sured thai .whoever will rightly use '. ' A. ; .(If . ' Y 7 "I'" r ' as per direction-, will not have occasion to' contradict my statements. 1 am a citizen .of this city and a resident here for the lai-t firteen years, and am known to nearly every one bre and adjoining town Any use vou mav make or the. above, with my. name attached, is at vour service, as I with to preseyve the beauties of nature otters as wen asniysen. l am,, truly "yours. . A. C. BATMOSD. Baljimoxe, Jan. 23,1353. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having had the.miafor tune to loose the bet portion of my bair, froja the ef xecip or me xeuow reverin new Orleans inibo4, 1 was induced to make e trial of your preparation, and found ltto vnswer at tbe vembinz needed UiMri...... thick and glossy, ana no words can express my obligation iw you iu simg u me aaciea men afeannre. fin ley; joiLksox. The undersigned. Rev.. J. K, Braeg. ia a minisier In ia tegular standing, and pastor of the OrthodJx Church ax urooaneia, jsass. lie is a gentleman, of treat In-flu ence ana univers:-iy oei.vei WM. DTEIt . BaooriELD, Jacnary 12, lo53. ' Professor wood Dear Sir: liavicg made trial of your Hlr Restorative, it gives me pleasure to nay, that iu eneci nas Deen excellent m removing inflammation dandruar and constant tendency to itching with which have been troubled from m? childhood; and has also siorea my nair, wnicn was becoming gray, to it original color. 1 have fcsed no other article with anything like pleasure or or pi cm. Tour truly, J. K. BRAGG The uesiorative Is put up in bottle of three sizes, is: large, medium and small; tbe small one bold a half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottle: th medium bWl at least twenty per cent more in propor tion than the small, retail for two dollars a bottle; tbe isise uoiusa quarv rony per cent more in proportion and retails foT three dollars a bottle. O. J. WOOD St. Co.' Proprretor, 312 Broadway. Tork. fin the great Xew Yorh Wire Railing establish ment, j ana 1 1 nartei Hi.. St, Lnis J4 j. Sold by J. D. M AUK & Co,, Brownville, X. T. ITO LIE ! To all Whom II liar Concern. in as lew words a possible, 1; wish friend and tn nnderslnnrf th.t 1 m CASH 'DUIDb CSS. Ana nope henceforward no one will dare to rtmoTe aruc.e rrom my counter. -unie the CAS5I IS PAIO DOTTX. From this rule I will not deviate fo anyone', or tin der any circumstancess Money must come with all or ftr. and all . V. : . . , ,v . v, nicj urn oe sent away unfilled. lam thus plain, that ali; -hlsrh and low rica and poor' may know that anything for aale at the Mustcommai.d Cn, or no trade. 9 .vl '., A- 3. EOLLAPAT i BROTOLXlTi' -4 AMD UcATiTiTSTER fc j, VC0LX3AL3 A.VD BSTA1L tr., BR0W2iVlLLE,$ LTavirg establiabel tlemselves at ti.v. ly occur :edty '-St; Tbey axe i now offering asd receiTig B, .AND BEST ASSORTED sf or MERCHANBi; Tbey have an extensive and virUj STAPJLi: AD FAr DRY GOOD?, ALSO A Large Sleek cf Choice F: '" CO"SI5TD0 OP Flour, Eacca ' Coce, Tea, Salt, And a fine assortment cf LIGHT GROCERIES Such ts . Spice, - Peppers, Soda, Salarataa, Gizger,.' They have also oa hand ahrgsk: BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, 4'C, V ALSO, - A tctll selected Stock cf IIAXIDITARE AXD CTTLEII, QUEENSWARE, SadcaLlory Boots and Shoes, We pledge our cusfcrnts to s as" cheap as any other house ia t city, and that our goods in qur and style shall be unsurpassed. HEAVY SI1IPJIENT OF GEOCEEIES t. B. JE55I5CS. xs. oz J. B. JENMKGS & CO, T UmJ tit U PRODUCE AXD COMMISSI ! USECHADITS, ! Corner of Second and Franns Slrttk ST. JOSEPH, 3IO. The Senior partner of this Hauae la nwbi:vw ing heavy shipments of Cofiee, Sugar, Llolassen, Hour, & A large portion of which will arrive ia a few to." Steamer Carrier and Asa Wilgu. t Having made arrangement with one of th M1 of St. Louis for weekly supplies of Choice Brands of - Tlczr, Tbey win be able to offer to retailers sad ear at all times, tbe 7 Tr a very Lest i At the very lowest prices. ETerjBusliel and SacSTTarr: in Lab They have also ea tbe way from tbe rasters P large and choice selection of FRESH FRUITS, Fresh Oysters, ' WOODEN WARE, CORDAGE, I re- ii AnrT prprv Artirlf unnprfntnin? tfl j - ---- - r 1 - - a Grocery line, All of which bas been bought at tbe Lowest Cash Prices New -And they pledge themselves to sell then a ,0 House in North Missouri. They respectfully coniinuance of tbe patronage of their custom the community generally. k r J. B JEXXIXG3 St. Joseph Ft. 15, '59 3J-lm Office of American Bank Note Cofflf" J. J. O'SHASESSIi, ' Copper Plate & Lithcpbie Pr'r- Corner of Randolph ami Dearborn strset CHICAGO, ILL. . foe - an n..ji:.....lrL.:i; TlhAr HllM. 1-- Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts. Labels of every kind promftly e.veutet a' 1. tul. . . . -....-n . Exprf tol Card beautii rrry i rrcepti of pott rma. i