Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 07, 1859, Image 2
" -"" "" : 1 : i ' r .. : ; - NEW'GOODS Fresli Seeds for Sale At the 'Advertiser' OSIce."- .in IP, nVTPTTWP'i - Srj3 Mliltarj " - .---.-a-cave.-- Mcamcromnar. lillJ- iklJ lilt 1 llJAJll. ! ' v, . . ,.v,.4i ;,: Tj rr.v nrJcni friends who so Uindlv ! On PV.-tnv th.-rr.lialle.-well fur D. J. MARTIN & CO. ' , I ; Wholesale & Eetail & - ' V.jU .:,.7TTi.m ; rV:. r? th?-fico u,ecr hiSl,"al!etod cf Orcion, I here-ly tender tnyin- manly officered Missc-un river boat Oma I y - . ...VJ.;. .j-iiiv a Urs with-cate biA fcty," and eetest thanks; bat, though deeply ratc ha, reacheour har, ftcra fet I.cui?,ana ' ' Ccr ur: l! I1 Ilttitcii. 'ii a.ijVfcca'i lxovlc"e cf thb fulfof th4 high horioj they propel to con- after ' leaving vrhh. us ' passengers and , . ' At : 4. liVr tVif. rs, i u p7: : pitc!,' itcrr.d j fc'r LT-a selecting mo to f-11 that freight ieft foripux City. ; MrWjlcox -V ' I'v't A.-f I!;.;:: rt..If "J" las 1 , , n hcu d .1 v G.v. 1 "1 :TVn ! will accept ourihaik. for valuable papers: - ' .i as v. ill !.e t e If to CLlxaUnvr.riifVrmft more'canable and 'rat-riotic I . " ,J ,or-- v V ni.riv' r; !c:ncftf'K:!i Ionic u.d. prcf.t." . i - - t . i : 1 1 i ixu, l. f .rv.. r; i i . . . . . . it. '.I. r..';.r. J ' ' "ji -t 1 m: r.-::.Ji-u !;.th.' rriat.j !:.;.! J. a.:. t;.. an i 1 f . . r.'V. Kl t..l i - : , v.. ..: t!.-;t ci.M.!- rs f f th- j :a-.v t i f f ' , . ; ... i ,,. - c l---a , r,;-. . t t. lo.w, there',,, tr IV- - ! -.1.- . r- i !. hlr.J c.h. r 1 ."" j ,5 ; r i .. XVith V c7$5y .w&cti, the a uhcr i- C Vt f i pitlwe a: jhi of the fa; d il'i&y Utczne, anidif- - if- , - - .- - l-'r- 4i ":i -- " u-' T"iu.!'.J:,iv;of: revive and -Muhne, I nenhcr tnaber ncr waier except in the Jl.. . !':;-;". i v 'Ul ' Vicinity cf. the Colorado river. . rvj'i reJ uff t-vir- x - - .V -'lV, ' ; .: -Armenia wight ba cai.ed a des-rt from . . .' , v..; r:'"?:t'-?Jt?S: -.--vn -v) -.-,'1-'aM'.- -one ' nd to .the -other.- The mines vvnl , cr nray t all. . I have" projected and r;-"t;r . v r: M!.ri:;ci;-? CCCJ-hich! found :uo ld, but nothing that will -:?f'tSt?,tV:iiIir:Ui .v.t drihI J wijl kvave here- in the morning ru.i ,u. tut crpr-rvv ; : v ; V . :A'--::l-:''.;;iV:''' h'crSacreiento City. . UttiUAf ,??y,:??51-'. T'Wl5g50ri VnW,, of April Is,. 1 r?' 61. gt, dC"-!V HtV.c.CIaPulWr treaty, f ayingAal the rbii farv. .MrJ .Wi WftiiT- :-' ,)-ptc .a3-nQvcr. his policy i , J, i:-J tvivUT?floyf . K tivclvrthafthe substance of ,- ICz- coi r - - . "p;:-1";: ;.uorc;uiiiey s .instructions oeen ccm- ; ' ; : :Trk . B. off fce- Brkish Gdvernmcnt, :i- llSi; C icri;;1?1? M it; Sir .William Go're'Ousley has : t!;,r, ra for : r-vr ' W iriy : part . :. i . . tl i;at:c:.rir . f;;.rw rr aHt-i- V ;; f f I' 1 J' :'Et"-,! us iwr-ijf , ii li'! u f ' -iv ai-c ;tjpa:.rm;'V-t3 ti. j--.. V;rt.-1 r;vnu' ..t ;v-ar fr Hi'- i-c'j,a:bi: i h;V ihuc 'v.t "r. ou." ;V;. A lev exam- : .:- re, mil r-i-It ifi.tV.j hl-b !ns r f" r.,-:ry J az.n,' h-,v jrvrr ihciili .'r iLv. i.-i:;l'.tt r how 'it'Jlf nt prj ri .t"- h: vs r crJ!:;i:--s .may V u;!i .;.-.!. :!"-.!, fahLM an! yiiji TlV.'xi le, j'jlliv- t;'hi'xri, or in f .v,;r.-, r !c uy.iA eiitain aiil. I.; irx f-: rate furthr, lui cf j J.:ii:?;str a;.a:!, asist- f ivtii i-ri...-;j c: t: i :a it i Ill J , .:i a j Li.:.; si rvuu'.b. cqr.'ry t!t "fc m rt-.'i. a'"!ia:.t fr.'D.lf'au tp Cun- o r i a i:.i:i.f :';t.ilii:e v 4 i.!.iiicri 4irVi:. nina'-vi, tt.d 'etfr ; : ; --Irt-.r;ri,- n-ould nOr i;V- r f) ry ri:i rf latirtLa r;ioi:':rVj ; Vo.riVov) w.rild bargain' . . ti tl.'sj-v idtii.ri iy, 't6. eir.ia- ai5aiiiat.tbpbt?a'in tri' Vii-.; lat V-i')ript . likel- reiR'aii i 0 Pe' any , ' -V--V:.i; t'.ij-tj-yrii wllc;. MorihV ti'J- ' 7 " '-'::' ''V-.-- length of timD. , .'; '- , 1 rltr;;; t.. -v, . .A cur-o of Vlviar ,fa-rn;France, if .ci lncg the flare cViu Pehcvavaa'- And . '. fAl-V'lM jajJ ll; wkaj:: rv"1U?!11 uv crk-crs naving;, fcotwitEoainlaJlfiieult-iesV 'if you V iV vvSiiif rV-j, ,u"i "Nort!'fii? 'V'' fi;iac(;; ;cdp.CWttif .1 aayth;r'in';tha;seci,'hrb:fruit "'XZt-iuu j-niii'.'ar'i-:k feic f rjoca. ! trve-or agricharar ime,. cir'oa; Jons YK-ifi. ar.!:a i.r.4M .Vlfchmsu;. licensed -V- k.. : :i- , Fv-".. .' - i . " . r.iv-v.;- .'Mtf.!,w?vU4v!t, Cote has reiiracd hi3 riuctia? ene.of V-mViCM.tMaij'W Cv:-t;'1' -Cv-vi j&--';h;-r-- tiil.:of ibis Vf v;t'."c lf.tV-? i"r.-.-. 't'i:-.' as.irrctlifcf-ect the Jatt. sfssren, trlivtC :V.ruvti.!y iVVaV, - OiT'J.a ;-'cisJiiind it - !) !, -ra-. fJlly f;r c:.'::.o il' hrlm I,-:.-. a,. L.i-ui-, tt'.at tht .:c in !. Ct.ts e.-fi ' r.t to t::vt!.ii.'' . i.Zr'iCjfCt. i !i-.T::-it!"- ct:.t j. 'l-tj . ---- - . . . 4 ii, -'.u' f. I a!L!m-'; I-'n'pn;;o;i tat Kccou-Mluy a horse here I . ' Thc Coart appointed' J-esse Joii.v, (. : "k ; t f ''i.'i '.'.? v'i2r'V:i.t-, i):I;'t;it.,'l.(- j "1' tpyrl wl."iipj 'very conlfortal'ly" to 13 -fill 'the vacancy occasioned ly Cel. ;'W'. a fa-h..r !,V''K):h;'aii yivvrti.4 j J'lleV Peak rhiV Winter,. Vl.-:p;.n:.3: When- Thomnson's resignation, and Joshua Ro . :Nwo!i,rj:-L,;:; all r.r. mrlo krytrvlccrpt c;,f cri loCIl that cf B. B. Thomson. . I. i. , 4 7 i ' I I. 1 ,Ui La. J fcV'A'1 ,lt!T.!Vn l':!,"4;-wp'l1'tt:i:abVhir toS.jfsiit on, Kdng Jf ti,e - !:.-.!' sh Ur ttert ib? 4 1:'-4 fi::pr.'.v: icn tlot th'.-:-;e "cliipi rvri.' some- i J: -ir t.f::-. Ile! to i 3 di-.-har-,- the "iirJ-tbyi duties" cf ; ' I.ii Uhvv.-as U) ! ?cci:io "it?5t;yctilra. - ruvl cf't.r let i.ti that fcics tii:. liida- imitated the cxa.i:pi.2 c.f vor:hy prede- -yo ll to v h'l--! ua.t ri.rir:;s sham. co::e.. ( iiv ,: . . . . K.:..r..' f tlt r; ;. k ---r.-!T:-e iA t. ir.i v.: T . I. i. r i l.: t : rtm. s... f ary &M A-t- j JV'Z '1!:au?:t 11:0 r? cf mining;' luf finding u-.j .t?i -.ii:.e st. r,,K--. j there was nothing to be made, left there i v'-V ";?,,,il l"-rtw:V : r--e'- for Califoraia, and at Ft.'Yuma' wrote ; ;t;-!V;--r;!:: the fcllcwin- letter: JTcZ Count, Mvs. l' ii-:.';.) v! vr--f. i J vrvti-'.o ! try . J tjif.'l i i i- ii-'. . TVr -jt S;-. !',o T.-rri"' ty. t!1H !, Vi'J-, tt ' 7t'j .:)-t f M.tnh. J.. i If. U r 4 ViV- c'i'ict?i -rc after to "depart" frc:n .-uv,'r'.v-'-l--.: - end x;zt?vxs. . ;;:V,--;vtiori wiUl?e substantially earned into eOect, t ' ' -: -;-'V 'fil-t .thcT Musquito protectorate and the . V. n,S be surrender. ii vnvAAaD vojjrAKxv it s Faia, cave j all our irsiiiAiutirld; .cf ur tgitati'isw .tirtcur-X .tw?- i!t;cr 1 ywn uiakt 'ycy hcldjriiUiltintn. and.kuock 3 riV- f K-a.t oiics . O, worvkr hzig:Tj yoiivaie ihV bialSi'p xkc0 plu'A :uii, 'ii:rti.?,:i aid 4"tT.f"jviJi I .Yoy -.oclit tal.Vf?l-,VcJ 5-our-c(nie, i.iiuror rt-qtitca. resign; :J - '' . .. ( t ; '1 he, vta&h r cf - e'eigrants. who arrived at th- pert e! 'N.e.v Vot k during .'tl:cJ ;pt .yrsr, tei j 59 b r 1 It s' than d ur.L:thi")'i;ur Jmmodiatt-ly-"preceding z;A M&it$ Jfis.thaji yj IblO: . -Of .these jcuigT2?t4.3i",iC?i :?vrtre:;fpcnY Gormany, 20, J7i "rt't :f Tri ;an:l i a " f rem hxa 'Ji;-ht v3;?m, two' Newfauiidland ,tna reyh&fKls,.a;.id .two pointers For tli jl'i5. &nj expects tq f dini.ce - b!I 1 lit -VwC i i.ic ora siy ILat .Mr. K. b, 1 and .Nemaha river: i- ifivor a hundre OihcTfi. of J l!: Jt ihiro. is cnfjv.:I ?i.'rtirv! .T.-.'I'.rc cWV'vi-i i m'r r W? - ' Tr. w rm?. Cor tlkgci -region with a d--- train.. .lP'.kvduld a'4l;lhoIii a xtds "to the-tradeiaftfe - heu Joi'pU Caictte. Cha;.'" Jy'WaVUf Vvfc,, i--',,,f, . - j d i laVfi. 4, and Jhu IX jyH ail j&id PMal? SSS - -A-Kcft2!JtKr Crccn Hpra. ; c!!; - :T?.. Vc.5'.3:t Sts.ri.jyi Vltstrilin?. the - - Vou'tQ. jro)h--r:l cig-iw, jays:''. '.-.'.'.- - . 'Tii-r r.'owin'this nHviJaor- .j), frji. Davis couiv Kenvacky' iai6. cau.fe i.f'cjr,-; tv.o .r-et3 ao cndeMTiet - arc-foi;:ciy ttrewn alt;r- the to! ) rouio. . ju jcaieiiiaitu to take no meat ;' ,: ..,, ,t. hiii-liLc". e t.i c 'x. citizen. Allow me to sujrgea the narrie Cn; t." Peter Price .as a candiJate for that t ilice. ' Respectfully. 13. E. FRAZER. . The clip from the Holt County Yz,::i:. A' e always- luicw that Ben yas mcdest very; but we". think "in this f;;s ancc, he should have oonsidefed himself- the hand's of his friends.'- . ' Letter from Fu Ymna, California. The following letter was handed to us by Mr. Ilech. Pinkston of this citjr. Our. citizens all know the writer: Abcut the miJdl-3 of last winter he went to Arizonia - Ft. Yuma, California,) : . . . Feb. 20. 155a J " Dear Ilrcn.: I am now seated -on the ground, cn the w-est Lank of .the Colorado of the V.'est, in the heart of the poorest country 1 ever saw, .or ever expect to see; Vv-v.rTw:prR; that the A'raerican'construc- i nfu1 Hcnduras r,-nec Sir Villiam and ex- icular, T.;rt'C'wiMj,-nb. doubt,' be called1 to a right ac- A dispatch ha beon sent from -Leaven-worth to the S't. -Louis Republican, of date Ajfril'lfcj, says'c lnfo'rmatidiihas'tccn re-cciv-C'dfrcni the .cxplcring'party' sent cut towards k's's Peak', by RitsseH i Jcncs. T.ews s-peah-'s .111 the highest terms of .tlib 'r' ; the explored 'region. ; OOiB ITEMS. SriO to ill Word, ". . t-VAn'6'd.Tine.cidtivatcr says, "one year old f Iaht3 are -bett j- but cultivators are oTt-asieij: to Jtava".large vines, with- bcttniooght that the xop-'r.rast be cut tack ih':prtfrtioir as-tha'roo'ts are destroyed." ,Dj. McFiVs'p.H -at his store room .on the leveefcaSod fine ! stock of cne year old C'atuwb4 .grape . roots at 10 cents a piece. Also1 TuhiMI'ver. "for .mining purposes. 1 VU!oQar:-r;i;hants. are. e'njng'a rlci.harvci:i.?Cvi'raf .thc-y should nctfor g t that (theyT avejoshg much by not mak ing a- f ttw short-bridges botweeh this' city cpurte Xthe.sensotv- We see eutiKeb , raika Cay tic iglibors are making- ' efforts tjt r$lllmpr-cr.rtrade. hvest of ;th.Lac.g.,; JkCGrpWiviilij-merch tKrj votcp-of.the people of Neiralia 'county A fpeciat. election' is. ordered to fill tile vpcanry. . ... '.-.' '. .' ' . Sovcral other resignations were' hand-. in to. the' County -Court yesterday, viz: J. D. N.' Thompson, Justice 'cf "the Peace in tlw3- precinct, atid B. B. Thcrnpsca'; 'con.sta.ll1?-in-tho same, .' Also, D. "Welch,, the Peace- in .th'c Neiiiiha City pr-ecjnc.t resigned, and ilr. Gr'uhbappo'nt- i ed to fill the vacancy.' ; .'-.''- A liand.Cart train from Oregon, Wo. , - .it. i . i i came up on. the Iatan, last night, and left thimcrmng. for Pike's Peak. Another ovcriai-ul company, from Ohio, is laying in .wri-iicn, r.i-.i will siart in. a fvu- t'aya, -. The Hanaabal. Also made cur landing on the same day 'with freight and passengers for this place. 'f ' ;nynn ., ; i Frcm.Su Louis landed here yesterday evening. , She had the ,best, Ioad-of 4 pas- geagers of any boat of the season! k Large nuniberscf: permanent,. gettlersyiaitors, and Pike's Peakers landed at this place. Thanks. taoiitceH for favors.'. The lenghty advertisement cf Treasur er Rairiey,' prevents the publication of the Agricultural Premium List for two weeks yet to ccine, ; ' . i The Delinquent List, and the demand j . for advertising space by our busines men, compels us to cut short reading matter this week, and for several weeks to come: Notices' of. a .number of books and period icals furnished us by publishers' are nec essarily crowded cut." ": " - Repaired. ; - : - Kexmas Utecitet,. Esq. of St. Frede rick, informs- us that the bridges between St. George and St. Frederick are again in good repair. : Stcnmcrs frora Cincinnati. Ve tee by the last .Cincinnati papers, that seme half dozen boats are advertised to leave for as high up the river as Sioux City. ' ; -. ; ' The Weather. Qne would think the clerk of the weath er had been on a "high" the' past week. Cold and snow have laid an embargo on vegetable progress. Xcmalia Connty Ccrn. . The Captain of the Hesperian informed U3 that a larger shipment of corn was made from this point than any other in Nebraska. There are. yet many thous ands of bushels to ship from here. . Judge Millek, passed up the river, on the steamer Iatan, yesterday evening. As the Judge has arrived in his District, we suppose hd will hold the regular term cf Court for this county. PliESBYTEIlIAL TI10 Presbyter j of Omaha, rvll! nie.'t at Utlicvua next, Tucsdav, tit 7 o'clock. P.M. ' ' ' - PELIGIOL'S. A. S. Bili.i.vgpby wilt preach til the- '-OvprT.cco of the Sabbath" next Sunday. in Nt-mnha Citj, at half past ten o'-Htyk, and in tha churcii in thi? city, at half fist 8evcn'oV.lo-k, P. M. ThoDillc Cla?a and Sabbath School will met at church at the uiual time. IOO A'OZ Of FOR SALS. The tract of land -known a3 the '-Cook Farm," one and a half miles sauth of the city of ttrowDville, will bo st id on easy terms, if apj ligation bo inide soon If.not disposed of beforo the ISth, first day of the lJinn;?s Vou"'lt WlU b5 s"'d to tho highest bidder, Torino made koown on the day of sale. ' - . A. S. HOLLADAY. r.rvwnville, N. T.ArrilT, 1?. nilL't ; GvH. WILGOX, - .'. .DE4IXB. IS - . ) LAND WAR HANTS rem w -v. 1 EXCIIAXGG. Land Waerasts Loaned on Time Anil 'lfcatel ater tLc Land Sales for-distant parties All lrind warraats sold by mewill tepnaranteed perfect iii.all reiic-cts, ani excnansc-il lr twind defective. ' .'lircwnville, X. T., April 7, 1S59. no 41 BEOWNVILLS JESSE-NOEL - rivi!,:'ren-.e-l the inferest of Lake mid Emincrsonia He Urownvilic Sieaiu Saw and Grist ilill, anuouuce to to the public tLat lie is prepared 10 accommwlate tbe citirt'iis il Brownviiie and e!a.iai County with a su. perif r.ri!a':iij- cf l-ji'iiter of all kinds. Also with tLe Grist -Mill, to serve all m tint. Imp. The marVet price at ai 1 1 tildes pdid fur Lijfs and Corn The-old liuincss of Xool, Lake &, Emriicrson will l,e settled 1 y Henry I.uie. All future business conducted IT t!.e Biidc.-ei?ned. " JE3E XOKL Biwnville, April 7!h, 1S39, If. . " LIST pr MTTE11S " Keniahiirg uncalled fur ia ILe Brown vi'lle Pust Of n .e et Browcville, for thefiuarter ending on the 31st of jlarctij lhoJ. Ajre3 Dennis 2 Alexander Martha J. Alans Xancy J.. . r.:nfrle7 lieorge liafton II P 2 H 'ley"vv-:n Ilobert ItebC-iiirt A J liiians "larrikin Patpes L Burley John-' ' Crie:tJirbn Col'c'AtisUn iriyc;xk S E Juwell David 2 John Sarah KtlloyMrs Bevley Lewis Elizabeth 3 . Lant;!if.rd Matilda . Martin John F Macfcea.-e Thomas MarketJEhjah 31 c Wirier Hohcrt Meek ilartLa Medley A . Merry Ell McCamlandJM May Hllllani Maskind E 1) Pattou Thumpson Price-John ItauUalis B Kodabangh Marchant ' llummersfield Juhu Itobei ts II 15 Kice E S ' Kadpray Henry Sayle Jaine L 2 Swift Benjamin Christian Fred Stacthouse Ilobert Traverse Matthia -.Thomae ilis$ Ueien Titns James ; "Tinker QP 'j ' . ; ' ( Wiliiifms D V iriniletnan Earwrence 'CullCinn G- C aTi Jolin Clark Klii-hi Uubee Oevrpe ?i.;teyjauu'stl 2 lavii John K 1i ' Davis Jn XT .' D.trVy Henry Dingee HiIiaT! 1 -. 1'exter WiilUni . Fowler I) 9 Fraker Peter Fa s. Albert . (Iraiiam Andrew Gardiner JohnwU (liaze Vm. . , , ' iates Milo Halm 3Iiss Catharine Hef emart )off -Uircyd TiVui v ; 11:11 l:;izabc-!h-''i Iljudiey ilary E IHllb Enhralm Perst iis ealling for those letters will ldease'say thev . Glaini Notice. To Dar!l l itaIf, Georse jranleyanj all oth crs o rihciu l nay ec neero; l'ou are hereby notiS e-.l that 1 rrill arr.ctr at tbe Lnnd Qflieo in Krcirn rill? T.; on. In Jay tho 22nd day of April, 1359, Et l o ckf i. A M- to prove up my right of pre einj-.troa to tLe north east quarter r f section 35, town Ehp5, ran?e 14 en?t. S. L. COLLINS. lrownTine,.Arril 7, . Claim Notice. To Franklin Spurlotk, anl all others whom ii msy ciicefn. Von are LerrLv ni tiSed that I will annoar at tu Ijind Odlce in BrownvlHe, cn Saturday, lGth cf icor, io provti!p rap riKtit er prc-einptiou ta the s. n. quarter of jfi.a no 21, Tuwn,-hip no. 2, north ij .nu, pvmc, Irflrthfiaj.- flxKSlirs. TSS LIQ hi : Wholesale aud Retail. CRANE "fc HILL, 7, Main Street, 17, . BfowiiyilleV ITeHraska, Have just received per steamers Sioux City, Ryland, Asi Wilgus, and . . Hesperian, their . . or SPRING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER ' ... OFFERED IN THIS MARKET,- COXSISTIXC OF ' QUEENS WARE, ; G.LASS W A. HE, HARD WARE S CUTLER Y, Iron and Nails, HATS & CAPS, oots and Iioes, 3? LOW S. fflBIIHIOl Outfitting Goods FOR THE GOLD MINES, Picks, Axes,' ; ' Cordage. Gamp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc. etc. LAD IES ! Call and Examine our SUPERIOR STOCK OF Ladies' Bress floods Of the Very LATEST STYLES The experience we have had in trade in ihis city warrants tis in saying we are confident we can. give .. . ENTIRE SATISFACTION To cur old Customers in NEMAHA;: ' V: - RICAIIRDSON, . PAWNEE, . GAGE, CLAY, AND JOHNSON COUNTJES, We return thanks for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. . CRA1JE & HILL. April 1st. n-10 JOHN. M'PIIERSON, - ' WHOLESALE AXD IIZTJ.IL DEALER J.V v - g ii o c k r: i E s., . HARDWARE -If Q UEE.YS WARE, i And Country Froduce: . Sired, BroxiiViUe, elraslca. rrr l'o xne iaaaies. ..: ;J.?!SS rMHY -TORfJER, - Main Street, -iBroicnvilk, Kelt railed, . r t Hasjuit received a f;esh supply of MILLINERY GOODS, ; . CvnsUiin? of New S.yle 1 Iibbcn3, Laces, Flowers, And the finest and let materials for manufacturing anything in lhe millinery line. ' , . April I3t, '59. ciu-ly .. .. SEIGEL & GREENCAUM, jya Street, Brourivilk, JYclrasJca. Ilave juit received isr steamer White Cloud a Complets Stock 0 F READY-MADE - GLQTHiHQ. IrVLic'i thry will sell f.r cash a shade cheaper than Las ever hefore heen orrereU in this market. March 3l,l59 n40 Browiivllle House, NEW ARRANGKMENT. WHEELER & RAIirET, Announce to the public t!f thevhar recently pur ch isedand re:i;tHltl,e NEW, POPTJIiAH, AJNTD COMilODIOUa ilOTEIi in . BROWi;VILLlTf NEBRASKA, tnown as thcBronvillc ITo-jie, anJ are now prepared to entertain and atvi.mtuotlate travellers, sdoUiuers, antf J.iy hoarders i:i a ty le s'econ'l to no other II )us in the V"et. Every eu'.-.rt will Le luade io entertain, please anl make comfortable all who may lavor the Brownvjlle HoC; with cir patrcnaoJ. OJLO. .ill at all tines to supplied with the suhstantials and Ueiii..a(.-:? f thc ita.0iir, Jjv, anI country ia which vc acs locaieJ. U wn ntfe-l v.?, a:H s-jpplie'l with tho choicest lienor to oeiouii. Arrangements have beon mlc wr!h 'iVm. Rossell, nro- pruiorof the Ciy Livery Stahle, who i prepared with a gjf-u accon)mo:ations as can te found anywhere. Mr. It. also' keeps an excellent Livery StabTe for the accomuiot-aiicii of the r'lib'.tc. ' -. .V.'IIEELER itRALNET. April 1st, 1253, 40-ly $5 SEWING MACHETE, RAYIONB S LATEST IMPROVED Du'iiblc-Tlireadi'd Sewing. Machine, YJ an anted Use best ia the World. Will stiN-h and horn, tncS avA :c, rather and em- broider with erfei-iion. and will sow every kind of S.Midi, evea leaner, and e;ecuny. adapted for farnily use. Any por?-- n of cr.'.iji.iry iDiellicr-cc- can learn ia erne bo-ir to re it Encce-sf'.:!ly. ' We have a pret niimofr of references, hut will give only the n antes .t a f fr, who ra among the lirst lain hie, to wit : . We, theundcrsii:nd citizens of St. Loui, having la tely pr.nha.ed one of Ray m iiU'i Latest Improved Pa tent Sewing Machines, aud use it succes.-rully on differ ent' kinds ot work, in our famiiies' service, do thecrful ly rec-:-nciend it to all ; ersc-n's ss a l'mily .Machine : ' Mrs. I' AileSTctt' M'SjJcwett Wilcox J Cieaifens . Jos-e CVffran J .s All l.atnrton I, Mary Ijverniore 1 KUale . . RRWhorf -M liTi.iuison MR Wi!ii.-ira " J A Hale DU ArhuctSe E Til'.iiirta ... . . II il Bioestoia E J Stevens Jlachlnes without t.iMo, as hand Machine', with on; nee l'.cand two of thread on the niacl ine. are $25 With tables, half dozen extra needle?, tools, &c, $33. Xeedlei $I jer dozen. - v Complete printed directions will be cent with every tnaehine. These raac'uiat-i take the same stitch as the (Irovcr and D.iker. ' Xo letters of inquiry answered except an extra post age stamp is enclosed. Machines warranted, and may- be returned in thirty days if not f ati.'factory. Xo machines delivered until paid for. All orders by ni.,il or express, with the cash, will re ceive prompt attention. B A rents wmted fjr every town in the South and et, t w-honi a libera! uim o'int will bo civen. Address EDW1X CLARE, Xo. Xorth Fourth treet Public Notice To Pre-emption Claimants claiming lands IdiL-ccn thz McCoy Line and Treaty Line, lying lda;ccn. the iico Nemaha Rivers on the Half Breed Reservation. vtxi; u.)nu it llUllj. ...... r.ythes.:xth section of an Act of C rgress,-entitld "An Act nuking appr.-r riatio'19 for the current and continent expenses of the Indian Department." be . approved 2S'h Ecbraary, 1853, provisi ja is made for the r.n.j oi me iiin.;s i ins: oe-wecn ti.e ime urvevod bv John C. McCoy in 137 and 1S33. and tho wpstnrn" h,.. n". dary of the Half Breed Reserve, as sreciflod ia the icm ar'icloof the treaty f f Prairie da Chien cf 15!h July, lS3a,a!i(i the proceeds of the sale are directed to be paid) to the extent or S1.-25 tier acre, to the .Spcrot.-irv ,f th Interior, fur the ue id-the Half Breeds' entitled to the sanie. Tt ere fore, all persons intere.-ded aredfsiredto take notice that pre-emption claimants who hod not perfected their claim piiur to the 2S:h February, 1S59, wiil be iPcuired to nay for their claims in lawfni mnntv of the Unitel States, and that Bounty Land Warrants win not te received in satisfaction of claims to land1 lymj ceiween said tr any of the cmnllest leiral subdivisions beion5in?t. any claim, which, nuy C-Xteud beyond or te cat by the faid westernmost line. . - . G. U. XUOX, Rr?Uter. C. B. SMITH, Receiver. Erownrille, March 31, 1S3 nia-3w ' - ' Special Election. Territ y of Xebraska, ) ' County of Xetuaha, J '. " X0TICK Is hereby piveu that there will be a jpeeisl election he'd in XenMha o.unty at thentual place cf holding elections, on the 25th day of April, A. I. 1353 for the purpose of e'.ectimone Connty Commisinno (fi.rthe 2nd C'niniijbijii?r4' District, in place ot Jesse vote, res:,:iM. pone by order of the Hoard of Cornmlssioners. 0-';"' la ci'ri-ny whereof I have hereunto 2yyf- f,- ?et ry hand Bnd afntedthe seal of satd I c ,nn;.v, at my ofilce in Prowuvilie, thii i : Cthdayof April,A. P. 1ST9. - County Clerk. Equalisation Board. Territory of Xebra: ka, County qf Xeniaba, 15 XOTICEls hereby Pi ven that the Uoard of E.;ui:ization of Xrrnuha county will meet, at theusaal p-'ai-e vl hold in? Commissioners CoUit of said county, on the2-id ilund.iy or next June, l..r the purpose of exandnins the Ac-ssment Tas Koll tf Xcniaha County for the ensuing . Dune by order of the B ard of C.mtni?5i ;nors. ri !i,tte-t ; DM;rr rhf,recf 1 1vc hereunto " lar.d aia.oM the. seal of said S;. .Vv.T f;-'!!!t' at ".v "i'-e in. Brown vulo tius i'JZ '. Of April,. A. I), im ' 23 i v FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 1 f . ' ''""..". " READT-TvIADB CLOTHHTQ, Hardware," . ; . ; ! Cutlery;; . - . ' y ,f Boots, .. : ; . Shoe 4? - ' Hats, Caps, Books, . Stationer j, Iron, Nails, . Queensware, Glassware, ' ' ' . Furniture, j Saddlery, J '' , Casting Plows, . Farming Implements,! EiEii rail -At 'the Old Stand of ; I. T. W HYT E, Corner cf Main and First Streets, BROWNVILLE, K T. NEW-GOODS! WE. : ARE NOW RECEIVING per steamers Sioux City, E. 31. RvIa:J, and Asa Wilgtrs, cur Which 'is LARGE and COMPLITX WE wortD say to tothotie ejinir on the taini n well as those who remain at home Giye us a alK And salisfr yourselves that we have the O Q Z3 S . ' . And arc selling them O - 2H3 J. jP OUTFITS FOR THE MINES- "We are prepared to fit out tho3 going to tl Nebraska Gold Hines, ' With EVERYTHING they may detirt.' . TO OUR OLD CUSTOMERS X23L EIlGSOUff Wo extend an Invitation to contiane their Vitnm?,t We s-hall spare no pains to lath-fy, and give bars315' them, and all others who may be pleased to - ' , - - '- , CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. OUR TERMS ARE CASK-, rience wc shall adopt Uie motto " ." Quick Sales' end' Small 'Tt' Country IroIiice, at Jfarfc Prico, taken la ExcJian?c .lor GcoIS. D. J.MARTIN &ca Brownville Apiil 1st 1350. n-SMJ m i -a r. -j w nri a , is of CC We wish to tny 50,000 bushels o' delivered in this City or at Pern, forwhica" pay 'tho highest market price cjrjrXl ill M t C!llli;y flcrk. . 1