mm .MISCELLANEOUS. COTTAGE GAUDEXXUIlSErilES. CLYCIXXATL OHIO. t riiit end Ornamental Trees, Ever r',. greens, Flowering Shiubs, &c. Tbe proprietors of tue above earned Xurseries, of fer for rale the coming season fail-assortment of fruit and ornamental trees of tbe mutt arpruved va- rietles aud tbHfty growth', and f a suitable tiae for I are .-.-.-.... . .. i all .ia in . - T I -riA .Apile, ' Pears. Chmle; . PosA, . PllllES, AjTKvt?, . Or;, . '.vuafite, ' . Quinces.1 . Kectarine?! 0! oseberrir,' Raspberries, . Strawberries. " TLe oraameijtal departrjient contains all tbe most desirable varieties of.evergreens and deciduous trees fiowerinj, LruU'roe. cliuibefa, Ac. The auliseriHcr would eall particular, attention to Lis fiat collection of. DWAEFPEAES. Tlarirg paid grmt attention to their cultiavtion, be hat pleasure and confidence, in offering them t tbe notice of purchasers. They are all woiked on the beat vanetic of I rench (juince Hocks are remark ably healthy and in a fine etate for transplanting . the coming season. A fl"W hundred trees of the feeftsorticaa be farnbhfed of extra site and in a bearing state that will give frait immediate! Uj becoming established. All the above stock will be furnished at -prices that will compere favorably with any other estab lishment, v g dope In the best manner.' Catalogues furnUhed all who enclose sUwps for rrt-payment. Addre? JOUX SAVERS A C., ' CutlaseOardea Nurseries, Cinc-inBU,0. ' .. ' Feb. 10, '43 1 ' Onion Seed. '. WILLUM EDWARDS, Walworth C$., ' Wisconsin, Of en the following varieties of Garden Seeds for by tbe poond or hundred. The following sorts re aBsorpajued, all having been rawed by my own . xnra the last summer, from the best selected stocu, aad will be warranted fresh and- genuine, and to fire satufaetloB.: Large .Eed Onion 63 -eents, large . Yellow Onion 63 erntsialeo turnip seed, early white fiat Dutch, ii eents: improved Rossi or Rutabaga 45 eents. AUe large quantity of Cucumbers long green Cftcumbers 4i cents ; early short Cucumbers 45 ee&U ; early short Cucumbers 43 cents ; also long .Orange Carrot 73 eents. All the small kinds in an frailest rariety. Catalogaeg. sent on the receipt of a stamp. All orders addressed . to William . Ed- wards, bngar Creek Seed Garden, will be promptly . attended to. WM. EDWARPS, 'Fagar Creek. Walworth Co., Wis. Teb.lO.'io ly. . imMlTSlNCIlIG. He cndcrtiirned having nad considerable expert nee . la piantinx and cultivating Osage Orange Hedges, here t y inform the public that they are now prepared to con tract either planting, tetUBg them out, or sjruwir.i an 3 etlinatuiit the fence complete.. Growing; hedges of their pianuntr can he seeuvn the farms of S. W ten &edyi U. Crow, i. Skecn and others in thUjountr . . . 1. C. I. N.SAJfOEES. jit.S,10tf NEBRASKA CITY Znnmranoo CJonxpany. Capitol Stock $50,000. . BE BE ASK A CITT, jr. t. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is sow futly organized, and their entire capital stock of nflfTkomiaad lhiUart, paid in and secured. They atre prepared from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without iftcorricg any liability, will share In the profits of the com tuny. The operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to marixe, or cargo risks, with a Bailmumlialility of $12,500 on any one bottom. Uci c g t b e only f c?u rarce 0 Ece, on the above pop- alar jhtn, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex perts a'ge&erons snpport from Western Merchants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa . ronsge. directors: H.F.yuckol!, Chas. F. Holly, II.IMennet, J.L.Armstrong, W. X. Hinchcxan, Miles W. Brown, A. A. Bradford. " officers: CHAS.F.nOLLY, President. J.GARSTPr,Sec'y. Et.Lrtuis Agent-Col, W.P.Uoward. April SdlaaS. 421- ' La Moille Nursery. One. hundred and twenty-fire thousand Native Evergreens in Nursery, assorted 6 to 10 inches, $i rer -Lund red $10 per thousand. 125,000 do from fortxt, t2 per handrel S10 per thousand $S0 per Ukcbarb, Currants, Strawberries, Lawton Black- Verne ,t aronean Mountain Aib, American andLn- !Uh Elm, Larch, Silver Maple, Golden and Osier M i'Iow at wholesale. Alw for the reULl trade, 20,000, Native and For eira evergreens from 1 to 10 feet high, which ean be afciy removed. Yieitors pronounce Oar rpeeimens the finest in the West. Twenty-two rarieties exhibited at the State Fair at Cent railia. were awarded the first premium and a gratultT. A general assortment of Fruit and j Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Hants, Osage and Eorktborn Hedre llants. Terms 0h. Catalogues furnished on applica tion by enclosing a red sump. SAMUEL EDWARDS. La Meille, Bureau Co 111. . Feb. 10.1S59, ly HEllvOLDS & KEXXICOTT, OHer for tale at the Central Egyptian Nursery, Near Odin, Marion County, Illinois, VO00 Apple Trees of choice rarieties from fire to seven and a half fert ki?h and four year old, from bud or graft, at t-0 per 100 cash, delivered at Odin or Sandoval, free of all but packing charges. They offer ia ad dition a splendid assortment of large Evergreen trees, ' Uaees and ether Ornamental Shrubs and Hants of ,'sn good quality and at as low rates as they can be . paix-bucd e'tfcirbere. The stock of Tear, Plum, Cherry, Peach and Quince Treer, though cot large, , Las been carefully selected, end is like everything alse in cat establishment -of Western growth. A Urge and very fine stock of choice Currants, Rasp berries, tfooseberries,' Strawberries, Ilhnbarb, frc, fr sale cheap. Particular, attention will be given to the parking of trees, Ac, for distant customers. Catalogues to be bad at the ofTico of Emery's Jour- " xul ct by addressing us at Odin. ' ' . - JOnXP. REYNOLDS, FeVlOSJ ly CIIAS. KEXNICOTT. Trees at Bocnville, Uo. The nnlcrigned has for tale a choice and reliable toe k of Apple, Teach, Pear, Cherry, rium, Apricot and Xettarine trees, and of such varieties as hare roved mcers.-ful in this climate. He has also a ne strk of CirraBt; Gooseberry, raspberry and lra berry plants, Koses, Evergreen trees, Grape roots, Ac Tnqse wishing to purchase would do 'well ia cau and examine them Feb. Iff, '11 ly H M MYFRS. W. P. LOAN, iTTORITEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, '.Archer. Richardson County, N. T. J. W. BLISS, Collecting Agent, ' PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, XKKRASKA TERRITORY. rrtlclar aUMKioa paid to. iuckin; collections for tje-reideuta. ATb.rf e reaaoubbie. Ilcferrnces. JL W. Frame. - Po.tmakter, Peru i m. J. rnk-, PiolMle Judce, Keb. City .lkKPrker C'vunty Clerk, lirownille l. ird !. nrn, Soiiora, Mo. . Patent Portable Mill, fTlUC $u.bfril'ers have entered into a partnership X stier the Inn riEcfacture . 11111 aril are wastif m. JC.ra or Wheat Hill that fordura- tlUt-.i! reicty aud eeononr; excel any Jlill in tbe wvrJl. On the laU cihibition tf the Mechanics institute Cinc;nu.ti,a Cold JL"ctf was awarded . them fur it. . JtUadAvtdtoallGraiB grindingpurpopes; it is fri"r to all others f tbe mnstextensive Merchant it is. fr grinding the Farmersfeed ty Horse . pwrr. The above ill'.! are manufactured by the ander . siged at their hop in Cincinnati, O., where they on be fartuhfiin acy quantity atshort notice. The We Kills waiTarttd to perform as follows: 25 ln.d.iu., per hur-J 11. Corn, 25 Wheat. $200 . i9 M m . o ' 15 " 250 J4 m t m -a M u 200 28 M u " ISO A lilt ll..! u'!t its 4wn rUry,lt ia unneetry to Sf iri.jcr uuiner'.'Uf r-vuimciilation,r(celTcd. cfKeed, Ilolabird 4 Uo.,toliV liilU 1110105 UI C II Y UeSlTUlUQD. the J. C. Keed, latent lorUble Onst CocjUntly on han': consistingof the Sash, Circn tow tirer-ared to furnish til tho?e in 1 1-- VhUt C.r mn sn nmn r.t ST. LOUIS AD'S "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGHT STEA3I- SA.VT MUX Tnis mill commands tbe universal admiration of taw null men everywhere. An iit nwrits become known, the demand fur it increases. Orders are coining from every section of this country, Canada, Cuba, and South Ameri ca. It is Buited for every section of tlie world wherever there is timber to be sawed, no matter of what character Sr. E "AJS how hard, how laree or how mall. Two e.'Uensi nufacturie are now encaged in building these mil it is almott impossible to turn theia out as fast as they wanted. Thry embrace several valuable patent and improvements. Sad combine all f the lollowin ad- Imikrikr SimpUcity UOth the Dim ana power are so simpie in their fciructum that anyone of ordinary mechanical ability en cnii'rehend them, put them up and run them without 4arp er or ditnculty. ' PorttWitr The whole establishment can be very nukiirtstea acwrt and rwt torethar, thus rendering it easy to te moved from place to place a desired, and sav the uetit? of dU-awins H' hags a ionf Uwtace to Drhiliit Btrurted i the x .ii4 and tibuaUat manner, runs perfectly still, ts not liable to ret net f order, and will lat for years witiuoi repair. RtpUitf-u win w f j-ter thaa any c.ber apriht wprijrbt mill. .The por o the w t about three hun dred trokes per minute, and the feed from one-cijhth to threes uartera of an Inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the wilt eat thrwagJi a 1 tweety-fonr feet king in about three ulnates. From this data anyone knowing the character of the Umber can calculate bow much It will da. . . micUm it doea its work well, cuts inraothef mA ttratghter than the erdinary mills, and tbearramtemtntt f the saw ts srca as to render it utterly lnjtoetible tor It to ran out of line. ' -' ' ? ' . ' CltpcuTte entire lost of the aiill, with fifteen aorse power and evcrrthirts all eocnplete and ready for ntnninjr, boxed and ready for hlpment la St. Louis, la ealy $1,150. ThU vs ll reauiret lest Twer te drive than any other aiilJ, ao4 the pvwsr tarnished is sufiicieut to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be sent to aor one deniring it.. All ordert shoo Id be addressed to. BXAGft k. BUKROVTES, Corner Third end Market streett, St. Louis, Mo., sole agents for the Western ad Southern SUtes. March S5,'i& . . 48-ly 1859. 1859. SCARRITT, MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery, cobnzr wAsniKCTOif av. & 2d st., St. Louis, Missouri. To our Patrons and the Public in General. We take great pleasure in being able to assure yon that notwithstanding our heavy loss by the burning of our sales Booms at rsos 40 anu z v acuington Avenue, and the loos of the entire stock in them, on the morning af .tbe 25ib inst., are already able to nil any order that may be desired in our line. Having a Iarpe amount or stock in our ware nouses that are not connected with our sales room, and being in constant receipt of goods from the best manufacturers, we are thus soon enabled to fill orders at our usul low prices, and in our foraier prompt and satisfactory man ner. . Our facilities for procuring and keeping tip s desirable stock, are cnequalled ; our personal attention and large experience is aud will be constantly given to our legit imate business as dealers in and manufacturers of FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, in all the various branches. We assure you that we will sell as good goods and at as low prices, and on as fa vorable terms! any house in the West. Thanking you for the very liberal patronage already bestowed on us, we ask a continuation of the same. Sales Kooms for the present, on the Northwest 'cor ner of Washington Avenue and Second Street, four doors below our old stand. Very Respectfully, . SCARRITT & MASON'. Bt. Louis, August 1.IS58. no7 DOWDALL, MARKHAM, & CO., WASINGTON FOUNDRY Engine and Machine shop, CORKER Or SECOKD AKD MORGAW STREETS, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and ftrist Mill Machinery, Single and Double Circular Saw Kills, Tobacco Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines Building Castings, Young's Improved Patent Smut Mil Is, &c. rf-AGEXTS for the sale of James Smith & Co.'s Su perior Machine Curds. v2nft-'v For Pikes Peak. Du Pcnl's Celebrated Powder, In Patent Metalic Kegs, And Canister?, just the thing for Camp uso. For sale by the Agent?, HAND ALLS, GOLTLEY k Co. Corner of Vine and Commercial Streets, and 54. North Levee, Saint Louis, Mo. Theso Kegs are air and water tight, and contain 8Tx and one-fourth pounds, and 25 pounds. The for mer contain JJu 1'oni a best brand J, the latter blast ing Powder. Send on your orders to RANDALLS GOULY Sl CO. March 3, ?9-3m. BEARD & BROTHER, raoraiEToas or the iscEiiOZon SAFE AND SCALE WORK SA1XT LOUIS, 310., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. The recent test of Safes of the different Manufactures ia the GREAT F1RK of the City Buildings, in which tbe Excelsior triumphed over all others, f ally establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the confidence of all interested in Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in the tire for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large number of tho others, in the fire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ousel ves to manafacture none but such as can be relied on, and refer to tbe following Certificate. We, the undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to the successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to in tbe burning of the City Buildings, the nineteenth of KoTember,1866. Knd are jus tified in recomuieuding them to al 1 who need safes. II all ts. Smith Eddy jamesoh & Co Ckahles Blow & Co Samuel McCaktkey Pahtbidge &. co Joseph Elder Humphreys Tutt & Terr t, John S thomaso RrxvAH Hillmam & Bros Baste Wiley &. Baste Tillau Roziet &co Scott tt Bro McMehan & Ballaxtike, Brows Goddih & Co Yon Phvl waters 4. co W LEwino & co D A January & co John II Hall & co Barnard Adams at co Shapleigh Day &co THE EXCELSIOR Took the Premium over the best Eastern Manufactu e at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, aud guaranteed to be equal to any in the United States. Also manufacturers of Lightning Rods, of Best quality, and PUMPS of all Descriptions. BEARD & BRO., No. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. July 22.1S58. Iyv3n4 Valley View Nursery Depot. Comer of Chestnut & Beaumont Streets. ST. LOUIS, MO. ' CLARK &. BARXARD, Propr'rs. On hand and for sale a large and complete assortment or Apple, Pear, Plum, Nectarine, Gooseber ries, Raspberries, Grapes, Peach, Cherry, Apricot, Blackberries, Currant, Strawberries, Evergreens, &c. Strict attention paid to the selection of varieties suited to this climate. Omce at Plant's Ssed Store, No. 11 Main street. Or ders addressed to Box 744, St. Louis, Mo., or "Yalley lew urseries," Edwardxville, Jladison Co., Illinois, win receive prompt attention. Feb. 25, '9 n35 CLARK A BARNARD. A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, Front stree. "West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. Wonld mnst respectfully inform theirf riendsand the public generally, that they are now pre pared to exacute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness.. Luring lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. ilcy. Mill Gears and every descripti Jastings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all workia that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in want u anything in our line, would do well to give ns a call and examine onr new pattern " Fruit Tree Seeds. Imb havo now in store andean supply cn order many varieties of tree seeds, as follows, vix: .Apple seed?, bU cents a quart, f to a bu-nel; rear seed $3 per lb.; Cherry pit? 1 per quart; Peach Pits i per bushel. JOUXGAKSETT& Co., ' 68. North Second St., St. Loui, Mo. Trh. 10 .'59 It P T Ml Tl ; - P TV 1 -sirnT3C?5 o. m t b v 't e f & M ; 4 mVMVTT T.TP BKOWNVILLE, . The Proprietor respectfully informs ihe citizen of Brownville, and the public;gen- . erallythat he has just returned from St. Louis with the largest stock of custom-niado BOOTS SHOES ever brought West of, St. Josef h. TTi. acv.rf motif, nf . .niir-ninlfi Hoot &. Shoes embraces every varietr for Fall and Winter. French Calf-Vkin boot?: single and double sole of the latest style and fashion; alo a superior stock of Grain lea , wtr-nrAr,f iwtn. inst ri?ht for PIKE'S PEAK Gold Diir'rineS. He has a of Kip and Stoga Boots, and a great variety of Shoes and Brogans ; . IU has a lare supply, and preat variety in every style and Children's Gaiters and ih. es, Gentlemen's Slippers, Buflalo and Gura-elastio uverstioes, l-cc. He also baa constantly on band a large supply of French Kip 'and Calf-skins and"trimmiDg4 : c FOR HOME MANUFACTURE. n warrants his work to give entire satisfaction, and invites the public to call 8nd examine for themselves at th Hwvnville-Boot & Shoe Store, and judge whether tbe boots and shoes are not of belter leather, better uiade end cheaper tbau any jou ever purcnasea iroin any omer KEW ' 'PALIi AND ' WIMTEE CEA1IE& HILL, DEALERS IN 4 V"7""iv - tTO AND Hain st. between Fr oot s il HATS & Stove, Furniture, Flour, AND TT7'E have just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and PJ A P ra A lr v t ana x ancy lino, wnicn we are now prepared to oner to tne trade at extremely lntr prices, For Cash or Country Produce. 1857. v2nl8-tf - , . , - CRAXE & HILL. JLLa SIEGEL & Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors wonld most respectfully inform the iney nave received ana are now opening one oi tne largest ana most complete fctouks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of . Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as invisible Green, and Cloths, Cassimers.batinetts.Cashmeretts, and Jeans, all made up according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the 'all May also be found atall time a fineselection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or i chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell We have the finest SPRING AUD SUMMER CLOTHING Ever brought "Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fine assortment of COATS, Dress, frock and Sack. PA1VTS, Every Style and Description. ' TESTS, To please Large and Small. SHIRTS, Both White and Fancy. WE would but ask tho public to call, examine and judzo for th.n,M v 4v .1. ., . Baltimore Clothing Emporium is'not of bettor madfjnuLrial el w?,l I 'V ?lot hinS k " and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever bought elsewW taate bettcr trimmed October 29th, 1857. v2nl8-ly fc - R1rfir,tnT)rrVTlir A. D. KIRK, Attorney at Law, Land Ageat and Rotary Public. Rulo, Richardson Co., JY. T. Will practice in the Conrtsof Nebraska,assisted by Uarding and Bennett, Nebraska City. FEHHER FERGUSON, Attorney and Counsellor BELLE VUE, NEBRASKA. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 168 Vine St., bet. Fourth ana Fiftn, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOUL, & CO Tl Tanufactorers and dealers in News, Book and Job 1YJ. Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallie8,Ao., &c. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac., f-c. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Office of American Bank Note Company. J. J. O'SHANESST, Copper Plate & Lithographic Printer. Corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets, CHICAGO, ILL.. Weddinjrand Visiting; Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals, Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by Express. Jt3"-d Pack of the very best glazed or Bris tol Cards icilh. name for two doll-art, by a new and beautiful process tcithoui cost of plate, equal to the very choicest engraving, samples when required on recejition of post stamps. 9-J J G ly J. 1TART & SOX, Oregon, Holt County, Missouri Keepconstantly on hand alldescriptiouof Harness, Saddles,Bridles,Ac.,Ac. N. B. Everyarticleinourshopismannfactured enr8elves.nnd warranted to givesatisfaction. GARDEN SEEDS. We are now receiving in Store and offer for sale a large stock cf all varieties of garden seeds, the growth of the past season, and procured from sources wo can rely upon for correctness and purity of the varieties. Catalogues containing descriptions and directions about the manner of growing, Ac, will be sent to all applicants. Prices Tery reasonable. JOHX GARXETT S- Co.. 68, North Second St, SU Louis, Mo. Feb 10, '59 ly ZJLS I est" T. a h ii fa c tu rcr. NF.RR ASKA. NEBRASKA. Boys' Shoe and boots of all sizes and varieties. and fashion, of Ladies' Gaiters, Shippers, Misses piace. me nifcnesi v .vo. nt and Second sts., T1. cL CAPS, Bacon, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple S . J GREENBAUM, citizens of Brownville and the public generally that to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and colored, ITandkcr- LheVVest tue est. as cheap as any establishment in the ' and best assortment of to this Territory, A. LTFORD. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in AND GROCERIES, HARDWAKE, QUEENSWARE, boots, snoso. HATS AND CAPS, Kalis, Plows, Stores, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. April th, 1858. 43. W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLES ILK AND RETAIL DEALER IV STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, IVXo.. TAKES pleasure in announcing theeitizens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. Mv stnoV f T;. ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ketail at St. Louis nriees. I would call particular attention to mv stoeV if oivj co, comprising me most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly'a Charter Oak, the best st..T r,w in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and priiePre- uuuui. atau Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sites and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER Til AN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Bras3 and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. . WILLIAMS, Tl-n5 Oregon,Mo.; July 5, 1858. ; RARE AND NEW SORTS OF GARDEiST SEEDS. H e shall have for eale the eomin; sprinz all the rare and new varieties of Garden, Field and Flower Seeds that ean be procured. Among then will be found Syrian Barley, King PhillipCorn, Pea body Corn.Hubbard Squash, Japan rea, reaooay's 3Iammota Lima Beans, Larly wbite .namniotn broccoli, Several vanetiea of extra supi rior Cabbage, New, Early, Dan vers Yellow Globe Onion, Ac. Ac, Urders for nearly every sort of new seed that has been tested and found valuable can be filled JOHX G A 11 X ETTA- CO, P8, North Second St.. St. Louis, Mo. ,10, 59 ly Ftb mm S3 ix o loffozng BROWNVILLE AD'S. B. r. LTJSHBAVQH. J50. L. CARS05 LUSHBAUGH & CAHSOII, BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Iealers in Coin, Uncurrent Money, Exchange ami Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE, NEMA11A CO., 2f. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling Exchange en the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Flvcr, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, for cash, or en tered oi time for Frt-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every re? pect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to prc-empr, ana prepare pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates. Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest allowed on special deposits. OFFICE Main St., near TJ. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. McNaughton, Carson it Co., niser it White, Young, Carson & Bryant, J no. Thompson Mason, CorrofPort, 44 41 li II E. M. Punderson &Co. Merchants, M. M. Yeakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, Xew York. Washington, D.C. Wm. T. Smithson, Esq., Banker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T., " " Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, Chicago, III. McClel land, Scruirgs & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Thos. ii. Pratt, . lion. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, lion. Jas. O. Carson, Annapolis, Md. Penu. Mercersburg.Pa. XIagerstown, Md. 41 41 Keokuk, Iowa. Council Bluff" Des Moine, " Yiuton, " Eatou, Md. Camber land, Md. P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, II. C. Nuttii Co. " Greene, Weare &, Rice, " Douglass & Watson, " Col. Sam llambleton, Att'y at Law, Judge Thos. Perry, Prof. II. Tutwiler, Havana Alabama. Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf KTrtTXTTX71 1 IP StPnTri WPiTnrtT I ON THE MISSOURI RIVER. The Route from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, ana irom xnence to uaiiiomia, is trie nearest and most practicable. BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are now running as a Ferry across the Missouri jiver at An entirely new, substantial and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, H men. arrangement will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in all kinds cf weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastingly, or lor l he purpose ot gaming custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of tbe Missouri Kiver in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds ot others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons goiug to vauioruiu, buu solicit lacir patronage, not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, onr charges are the same as other r ernesin JNebraska, ail being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. 5FRecollect that with our facilities of Power, uu B.IUU9 ui weuuuer win prevent our iioa:a irom making regular trips at all hours. fcsTA. skiff and ban will be in readiness to cross foot passengers at all tunes of night. nzu November litn.iaaf. BROWNVUiLE STEAM ME1L.IL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. Brownvillo, ZNT. Z". ' N. 11. AVe would rospectfullv inform tho citi- iens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we havo always on hand a larso and well selected supply ot LtVJlli 1.11, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard or on the bank of tbe river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will recciv our immediate attention. . ....... O. F. LAKK. W. II. HOOVER. Brownville. Nemaha City. LAKE & HOOVER. uuuu uuuitiu, a WT ' NOTARYS PUBLIC. Brownville and Nemaha City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. WILL promptly attend to Lard Agencies, Paying taxaa, Drawing money, bnyins and selline Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission. r I ? Cllecttions tor distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their protession. Particular attentoin will be given in filing declara- tory statements to pre-empt and procuring War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. Persons owning town lots, residinz at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agency in our hands, ( alw a presenting lucn uuibciaiui xeeus lor saiu witnin tne ex piration of six menths, as after that time all lots not Deeded wirr be sold. Blanks always on hand. N. B. Letters of inquiry answered promptly. March 26, '57. 41-1 v George 'Ferguson. MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, vvjm VJjjLiJU, r. T. A NNOUNCE to the public, that he is"prepared IX. to erect Meam and Water Saw and Merfthnt Mius at short notice and reasonable terms. ! r v t e , , r lug VI lUBCUiucrj 01 nil inu3. ALL VYUllK WARRANTED. lie is also Agent for A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Manufactory, CINCINNATI, o. And are prepared to receive and fill orders for anv ma- chmcry manufactured or kept on hand, by these es- A 1 V 1 w i&onsuments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. Noel, Lake & Co Brownville, N. T. Steam Mill. K. W. rurnas, Brownville, " Muir, Hann A Co., u u " Dr. Iloover, Nemaha city, " P.M.Rogers, Pawnee city, u Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe, Linden, " A. B. Llalliberd, Cincinnati, O. . u it it 11 tt it ti tt a Urownville, June 18, 1857. v2 1-ly ... NOTICE. ah persons are hereby notnled that 1 will take the necessary steps to the reopening of the contested case 01 jameH xerguson, ror tne purpose of more fnlly in- unwauuj ma rigiii xo enter the south west quarter lM;oi mumwesi quarter (U4)ani lot number four (4) v. ouuuu cumtTu io) in lownsnip uve p) raiiKe six teen (16) east, 1 hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for any por- nu vi mo auge utn cnueu property. May 27, '63 v2n46tf AUGe'STUS KOFNTZE. GENTS' DRESS GOODS. JACOB MARH0X, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROVKVLLLE, NEBEASKA. .f""81' announces to the gentlemen of Prown imi ne nas just received from the i4iBe Moc 01 very .uperior goods and late kt Cloths, Vestings, &c, u.u "in iiunuidciure on very ravorariie terms IT Mrt.t -u: ... . . . thoronghiy and all work warranted coining from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor n imo piace or me n est. A Xeat Fit Guarantccul. Land Warrants, lXACt. Oil 'I'lmn . n e are preparea to loan Land Warrants of al I. sites to settlers on such time as they may desire long or short a 1. iuc usual rates. Acuueianisuppiyor warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can se bought elsewhere In IOW II. Bny of regular dealers and bewaro of bogus warrants. aw marrams soia uy us win oe guaranteed to ce geumneiu every respect and will be exchanged i de fective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al- i me oiu aiana a few doors east of the piunuiiuo uouse. LUSIIBArGn 4. CARSON, Banters, and Dealers in Land Warrant... ' - II XAX IS M. JU 2jr "W"e wish to buy 50.COO busliela ef COKN dl vered in this City ortt Peru, for which we will pay tne highefct market price in cash. I). J. MARTIN A Ci. T Ml W m w . s- irowcvme, r cr. lotn, ia. 31t.Ap.lst STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER ! 1 ' - is m the wor! This cordial is distilled from a Berry kuown Berry kuown f) only to chlinica with sol . . V.llllhl: to myself, anf ny coumiucu mo of the most t valuable medical roots, V herbs and barks known to tbe mind of man, vix: blood root, blacx root, wild cherry b3i k, . yellow dock, daiidle lolns,sarsaparilla, eld er flowers, with others, producing the most in- . . lallible remedy for the rastoration of healtui Before lakin Tr is natures Acr taking. OTFiV REMEDY, curing diseases by natural laws. When taken its healing influence is felt coursing thro'eh every vein of the body, purifying and accelerating the circulation of the blood. It neutralizes any bilious matter in the 6tomach, and strengthens the whole orga nization. McLean't Strengthening Cordial will effectually cure Liver Complaxntt, Uynprptia, jaunaice, caronic or Nervout DcbiUiy, Viieaeof the Kidneyt, and all Disease arising from a Disordered Liver or btomacn, ITeartbnrn, inward piles, acidity or sickness of the stom ach, fullness of blood to the head, dull pain or swimmiug in the head, palpitations of the heart, choking or suffoc aiing feelings when laying down, dryness or yellowness of tbe skin and eyes, sudden flushes of heat, depression of spirits, Ac. There ts no mistake about it. This cordial will never fail to cure any of the above diseases, if taken as per directions on each bottle, in German. English and French Have been sold during the past six months, and in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction Whu then will softer from weakness or debility when He Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you? To the Ladies. Do you wish to be healthy and strong? Then go at onte and get some of McLean's Cordial? It will streng then and invigorate your blood to flow through every vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to mount to your cheek again, very bottle warranted to give satisfac tion. For Children. We say to parents, if your rhildreg are sickly, puny or afflicted with complaints prevalent among children, give them a small quantity of JicLeau's Cordial. It sella rapidly, because st always cures. Delay not a moment. Lvery Country Merchant Should not leave the city uniil he had procured a sup. ply of McLean's Strengthening cordial. A liberal discount will be made to thoe who buy to sell again. CAUUUX Beware of druggist or dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or Sarsaparilla trash, which they can buy cheap, by saying it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood throughout, and at the same time strengthen the system. One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain pjeventive forcholera, chills and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent disease. Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. J H lie LEAN-, Sole proprietor of the cordial, Also, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment 5jPrineipal depot on the corner of Third and Pine streets, St Louis, M.o. ill c Loan's Volcanic Oil Unlment. The be6t liniment in the Torld for man or beast Another Remarkable Cure Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Rand it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, livinz near Cans avenne Tenth street, had a horaible running gore on his foot lie ineo. various Liniments, Salves, &.c, but could do it no good. He despaired of ever being able to work at his trade again, because he oould not bear any weight on his foot; and by one bottle of McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment he is now perfectly cured. Rheumatism, neuralgia. Daralysis. bruises, snraina. stiffness in the joint3 or mnsclds, swellings, sore throat, earache or toothache, Ac, yield to the magic in fluence of this wonderful liniment. ior horse and cattle, it is an infallible remedv for chafes, scratches, cracked heel3, lameness, spavin, fintn- ia, uruibes, sweiungs, wounds, rattls-snake bites, and varions other diseases which animals are liable to from injufies or accidents. Every country merchant should obtain a supply of Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells rapidly because it always cure. A liberal discount will be made to merchnnta'who hnv to sell again. O-For sale by J II McLEAN. rrrTiriftnr- coiner of Third and Pine street?, St Louis, Mo. ZOOK & BALDWIN, trocaCity, ZVTo., j 'tinier in DEL ITGrS And MEDICINE TVP "Wfind "DvP?tnffs? VY UUUb, U y U&LUxib, Oils, Paints and Painters Articles VarillslieS, WindoW-glaSS ailtl Putty, ny 4 cjcjii nr J ULAbS Y AKL, French, English, and American Perfumery. riJNb toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, tor medical purposes; choice toilet and tancy articles, etc.,etc. Agents for the sale of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Jioger s Liverwort, lar and Lanchalagua. Osgood's India Cholagogue, Jones' American Cholagogue; Guysott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; Smith's Tonio Syrap. a a July 23, 1857. v2nl-yly THE GREAT WONDER OF THE XIXETEEXTII CEXTRY Professor Wood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says the St. Louis, Democrat : Below, we publish letter to lr. oh1, 01 this city, from a gentleman iu Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect. when coming from a reliable source. If certificates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery from the press : "Bath. MaIne. Jan 20. 1858 Prof. O. J. V.oo(J, & Co. bEKUt men : uavr" my attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative, 1 was induced to niakeapolication of it uion my own nair, wnicn naa become quite gray, probably one-third white; my whiukers were of the same charac ter. &ouie tnree months since I procured a bottle r.f nair restorative, ana used it. I eou found it was prov ing what I had wished. I used it about twice a week. have since piocurcd another bottle, of which I have used some. I can now certify to the world that the erav nr white hair has totally disappeared, both cn my head and gace, ami my nair nas resumed Us original color, and I am now ixty years old my good wife at the ae of fif ty-two, bus used it with the same effect. The above notice I deem dne to you for vour vulnah'e. discovery. I am assured that whoever will rixbtlr ni as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my statements. I am a citizen of this city and a resident here for tbe last flrteen years, and am known to nearly every one hre and adjoining towns. Any use you may makeot the above, with my name attached, is at your service, as f wish to presej ve the beauties ; nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly yours. A. C. RATMOXD. n , . Baltimore, Jan. 23, 1S58. Professor W.xxl Dear Sir: Having had the misfor tune to loose the best portion of my hair, from the ef fects of tbe Yellow Fever in Xew Orleans in ia, 1 was induced to make e trial of your preparation, and found it to ratwer at the very thing needed. Xy hair is now thick and glossy, ana no words can express my obligation to you in giving to the afllcted such a treasure. nxLEr joiixson. The undersigned, Rev. J. K, Brarg, Is a miniver In in regular standing, and pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfleld, Mass. He la a gentleman of great influ ence and universally beloved. WM. DYER. . Broofield, January 12, 1853.' Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having made trial of your Hair Restorative, It gives me pleasure to say, that Its effect has been excellent iu remove im.n,inn dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also re stored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its original color. I have used no e:aer article with anything like pleasure or or prcllt. Yours truly, j. K. BRAGG. The Restorative Is put up in bottles of three siae viz: larve. medium and small; the small ue hold a half pint each, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty cer cent m..r in nr,,,. tion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle: th large holds a quart' forty per cent more in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. O. J. WtX)D it Co.' Pr.r.rrrfor ?l" Bm..i. v. Tork. fiu tbreat New Y01I1 wir. w;ii,., ..I.n.v iarket St.. S:, L-uis ilo. SoldVy J. H. MACK Co., Brownville, X. T. Dr. Easterly's JFevcr and Agnc Killer-Win cure ague atd fever, chills and fever, dumb ague, inter mittent and remittent f overs, and all the varions forms of fevers incident to bilious climates, ir there is a man, woman ot child suffering with ague and freer they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It is positive curespeedj and perma nent. Try it. Plicc $1 per bottle. or6 bot.lcs for $5. Tu. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets ai liouis, soic proprietor, to wh !m all orders must addroscp to get the genuine DRUG'MRDlClx? EI US T0H ALL THE ?TJ2?0S3 CT 4 I FAMILY PHY Sl( Therb has long existed a public d?aij,?. effective purgative pill which could be re;i sure and perfectly safe in its operation, f been prepared to meet that demand, and st; sh e trial of it? virtues has conclusively shoT what success it accomplishes the pnrpos 4 It is easy to make a physical fill, bntnot! make the best of all pilis one which .ho none of the objections, but all the advmtjr every other, l'his has been attempted hn' with what success we would respectfully the public decision. It has been unfortmjs the patient hitherto that almost every medicine ia acrimonious and irritating tn ch. This is not. Many of them product ji griping pain and revulsion in the system n, than counterbalance the good to be derii them. These villi produce no irritation.. nnless it arise from a previously existing tion or derangement in the bowels. IkiEfJ vegetable, no harm can arise from their 0$, quantity ; bnt it ia better that any medicfe, be taken judiciously. Minute directions fc( v use in the several diseases to which they plicable are given on the box. Among the C plaints which have been speedily cured by ftn s may mention Liver Complaint, in its rarloa of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Lo petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilioss 2' Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain h and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but fc sequence of diseased action in the liver. . aperient they afford prompt and sine reHtfr,' tiveness, Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, S. and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the Wr, and impurity of the blood, Irregularities; a any and every case where a purgative is m- They have also produced some suijraWlT fc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gont, Drowy,, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pinnj, Back, Sto-uach, and Side. Tkty should bt taken in the spring of the year, to purify the, and prepare he system for the change of as. An occasional dose stimulates the stomjeij bowels into healthy action, and restores the r tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, , stimulant action on the circulatory systems vate the strength of the body, and restore 3 wasted cr diseased energies of the whole oria Hence an occasional dose is advantagecu, though no serious derangement exists; koij necessary dosing should never be carried tco : as every purgative rnedicine reduces the strrr when taken to excess. The thousand cases inr. a physic is required eannot be enumerated hire, they suggest themselves to the reason of r body; and it is confidently Wiered this pi answer a better purpose than any thine which hitherto been available to mankind. Then ti virtues are once known, the public wTi no Wr doubt what remedy to employ when in need at. cathartic medicine. Bern g sugar-wrapped, they a Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, 1 arm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Ba PREPARED BT DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chciii . LOWELL, MASS. Pries 25 Cemti par Box. Hit 1 axes for $". AYIill'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COrGIIS, COLDS, HOAUSESR BKOMMTIS, .VHOOPIXG-COlft CHOUP, ASTIL1I.I AD COXSWIPTIOX.-'- . Thts remedy has won for itself such no'trir from its cures of every variety of pulmonary dises that it is entirely unnecessary to recount thee dences of its. virtues in any community when has been employed. So wide is the field ofita a fulness, and so numerous the eases of it mr that almost every section of the country abon: in persons publicly known, who have been restr:" from alarming and even desperate disease of t lungs by its nse. Vben once tried its tuverior: over every other medicine of its kind is too tr? rent to escape observation, and where its virtue ir known, the public no longer hesitate what mntiiL? to employ for the distressing and dangeron tions of the pulmonary organs which are incite to our climate. Not only .in formidalle sttwi upon the lungs, but for - the milder varietei i Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, &c. ; and for Cr. Dben it is the pleasantest and safest medidne it can be obtained. ; . As it has long been in constant use thfoujiff this section, we need not do more than assort a people its quality is kept up to the best that it Las been, and that the genuine article is sold Iff- J. II. MAUN & CO., Ar:en!s, . ' Brown? iile, J.' VICTORIOUS OVER V&ZX. BRAGG'S ARCTIC. iTi. A'ronr or eas ! k-kaf , bealiii ! ljfet of dtatbl 1V are the questions ravoiiw m adoption or rejection 0.' UiU T eilic by the inartvrs to sitm diseai Mid injuri". Ila"'! CiTd tl iu.lor"titnt of ll" tingnislied taean, U KANK, an.1 it rtiotey tmr' rng two awful intf" ia tL i t.iva of eternal ice, it in ing into grnTl use it'ry tiou of the civilized gly!. ' luitrvvloos cure a utj1"1' exciting aHlenlmieut. . THE AFFLICTED REJOICE HUNDREDS and TITOUN"' Wve taxied il rirtueK, so"l " rjoicinj in fre!in fmin l lioif?rin I'Al.V aiiii )U.W ictnl ith U.D jr.r-; 2 from UKLISK-S SI Kii-vi t'OKN.'i, KRK i-.YF-S HI -' THE ARCTIC- L will nfTitr von inslaut v-yboly is liubie .lu f For thrMe tlrfi.irhracri'l? I'll'. ( ABCTSU 1 ka ' i' 'i L n f' 'mcJ keIt w bn I1. :r it .iff. X', '"I imuiediate reto-t o X- A (Si from dt-ath. try ip ..'-, A leer, it.' tha tl.nt has shriek ofaLsiiifU Ntler j .1. l.lo.l ...n:i..f.l Tict.l " frrl Hint noma rufUBSof rli" r.j"w their torture 1imM al" . , : j iiv-rr.i.i, 1 acrs10l r MJfll ll""rv-- ... ... 1 . J m '.f Ul-'i'i-i balmy pain controlling $."' THE MOTHERS' COMPANiaX - - ... rtt It enrf' CAKFS DUE A St. HItK N' ,t HJltK MIV, 11M1 di't who priie a prt j voiI if .in., blotch ami all dwcoloratw-na " crtcnce?, kliou'd ' . , tlie trejmvr on ,",Jlf donmin an wvma tli?a'.'' .. wilh t!.e Al'.aiC MSIJi.'-'' It in fxetUVnt for '' giv-w it a henhliy, j!""? j earance. t it GOOD TOR UAIT'AITD BEAST. n-O.r a witeiT'jn rm ruiti ih..ea IT 7. J-Utfi .i.wii. n. 11 ti minis' - I.I.I t.-l--, .1 1. -!.' , , HALT, Uii'Mf, r-i,Z FA MVKKXY, SPAVIN, Bof; BK.-1IKAP, 't'1 FVII-c. No tinner, Ktabln k. or ' r : lllMl should l without Uu' bie icnieily.- For sale Sy all respoctablo Irnggi t- and FeaVr Frices of ton Iiuiiwnt, centi, 50c nt-aii'l ?' (J, tl. A one dollar liottta tonUiiL aj Hiucli )U'wUI eit-Ut twenty live cent bottle rt a -v. X'As- which other renwdien li'l " SfAr trt'enre. Have you the FEV W-V CHITIS. NKl ItAU.lA. P'1;' k'jJ MATIfjSI. HKUHIA, r - v .t ..... nm-ru. ii liWXr" A V ill &5- ---s T.. EXTRAOHDIXARY AXXOCXCEMEST, Every purchaser of a liI!ar botlle of tbe '-iJ 1MKNT receive, at. Ir. l;ifas tnt, l-' STATES JOL'KVAU of Xevr York, for ore t Journal is a Lirg UliiM'ral r.,Pr uu" Uininj sixteen puife, beautifully rrint'.tl on cl,;r,jfJ. paper, and tillel with oriirinal emtter Iroin tbe liant writers of the country. Certificate of ,1, and full particular of tho nnrel aod .lilntlirH terprise, of wbich this oilitr fcruia a irt, will acc" r eacli bottle. ruUGt An A(JEXT TATED in FYFT.V TOTTX and VII is N.KW ViKK OvrtCK, No. ,!71 BKOAP" j CommunliKvliou.H abouid aUajs be addressed w 2'- MAI N & CO., t, . Brownville,' Sow by J. 11. M U X A co. A?eM,, Brownville