Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 10, 1859, Image 3

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    "erownville, MAK 10, IS'9.
trnrnr,tf pid
.. . . " at the end
ranee, - ? w
vt ttr.wor will be firvibe-l a 1.W per
; provided the Cifa accumiCi, tte-ordtf, kot
- . . icil! ft &
ciLisrirr. TT.?pEtetors .of the -Real
ew Letter, IC..uicTcinple,Chicaco, 111.
abtik, (,tieral AnerUin; Agent, in tci
1 Yrk. Iaj'-e's and Claidreu'a Shoe Siore.eiO 1
rear of
a 8J"eet, I iwim.ati.
;js, nr. a, Co, No S45 and 113, Broadway,
1 . .
.xvxzw Vikd, Ane-icm Canvlran awl European
rtii.cS end uicr:;' ivn t:!HC,Nol33 Nassams'reet
Trk . ,-. .
. f pcpcriiDJt, X.Ttbwcit corner of O.ive and
U tyRivtw, t3, Dcrbom street, Cticafo,
if a.Ujrit :1 Areuts to klint subscription'' and al
tetntbf .-r n.e Advertiser, and receive and receipt
. Lu-e Ihercfvr.
roo resident in Territory, oroinir from various
,,pf t5it SH'v. run scprttdto u the name of
' j- tte.rci-1 i i .r'.torV;, who would doubtless
it;U-.ri U lipr ccuid see a copy cf the "Ad
ttr " aiwayttpMaavecimcncopy, andierson
f'.xv't, cruder 11 a sV.irr.aUon to become a reKu
jon woux.
r.vfMs ettrsuve t New Type, Cut,
4, Z5rti;i, Cr!s, &.c.,inJe lothe. "Advcr
.t" OSK-e.-we t to he able w turn out Job V ork In
nt.rr Bi:tr;. !y a'T ". TLeproprlctuTbcing--actical
rriuw-rt'n.clf, ft-t h-svir.?iD.hi employ aa
..ui-'.hM'J PinteV, la
o.iied t .a tu t ;.e in i.e exeeutu
J p.aii.s cf Furter'a Utc-t P CT'
.-.e.):i.k, vurk-iuCV.ifrJ,rytiirMuxk,o.i1
-rt iih rrViCf.r a? ;, 4 .
.'dera from a e unce will Iks rromptly aUcauOd lo,
lwarTatiedtos.veJatiArah.norayfay.. ;
t ' 1 '
rj- The T.-ebi'a4Jc .drerti'ser" -fcyving
ach tie lar-st circulitrcn f aiy paper la
, TerMcry. "Wholeaaie rchaats-ln St.
St. Jojcpli, Ciocinrtati ad othe East
-ackrkeU wherVlJ'ebr&tta jn.frcnant pti'r,
jje. will find no better advertising s&diui4
: tla Western counttTC3 ' V ." .
.Schcpi. Uccllns. ;
la accordance with previous notice, .llie
alif.ed voters of. Urownvill school dist
rict, Nemaha count',- Nebraska Terfifo--v,
held an election at the ofTice cf' II. J.
Vhilney, Esq.;Xthc usital plate. cf -itdi-'.15
elections.) ca the first 'Monday In
'larch, A. D. Wm'g tlae serepth
iay c said rn'onth.. ' .. .. . "
Oa ratuon,jPrfcA. S. .Hollada. tvay
Secretary. . ..
Oa mcticn, the 'meeting proceeded to
t-lcct three school directors for said.dis
:riet, to act, in accordance wrth the New
School Law, which resulted as .follows,
W. FURNAS, for three years; .
3 -J. D. N. THOMSON, To; two jearsr
J. II. MAUN, for one year. ' e
: . . A. S. IIOLLADAY; JPrWt."
! R B. TnoyrsoA, ,ecy. .:
.First Stcanbost of llic Scasori. '
On Jlonday evening last the -pleasing
and .enlivening, sound. of a. steamboat
'.vhisile, and ns:t-e-a-m -.boat;" ffp?a the
-oys, greeted the "cars of out -citizens.
That 4,lico;ing pjalace," the steamer 0:na-
:.i yas
cur wnart. .soon sne
was "made fast," and out levee assumed-
accustomed lively appearance. Num
bers of passengers for. this place, others
for the mines, .and - mountains of freight
were put cf far merchants and others cf
this city. 'We were pleased to. find .those
familiar faces CapL Wiseland as Coia-
raandor, and W.ilcox m thcolTice. They
have" become "pcnnahe'nt -fixtures" to the
Omaha. .None could fill their places bet
ter, and' with, such men, the: Omaha, will
zi up to timd" Ja every respect. .Gen
tlemen," you have our best wjshes for a
prcrpeross season. .Sir.' Wilcox will'a-c
ccjt-ptir lhanks.or. St-'Louis papers of
Tory hte dates the 3d--four days from
St. Lcuis to Bronnville.
Fmh Groceries r.nd Garfien Seeds.
"Cairlc Hi ll have just received by
the Omaha a new surjlv" .of fresh Gro-
cerics and Garden Seeds'. Those in heed
cannct do better than to call ia. . 'Jacob
and Robert; are.5 at ,ul. times prepar
ed t "do the genteel .thing," wirh cus
tomers. . .'.'.
a new arucie -o: i-carionate -ct sto-
da, for baking purposes, is-: arhqng . fhe
Lew arrival. .Our folks prcaotince U ex
cclleat. ".Try-it: : ; ' '
l2rIcccr.ts.ar4-.SectJs.- '
. Those in -want cf fresh garden or field,
teeds, cr the. test 'farming implements
tow ia use, all well. suited to this climate
td locality, s'enJ orders, or go in .person
t3 Jo us Gap-xett Si .Co., No. CSj South'
Sfcpad Strbet, St. Louis. Thi j estahlish
cicat 'ijsa new cnet anil their stock is til!
fresh, tew and cf the Very best, and. at
s low' rates as any known in the West.
The senior partner is a practical farmer,
cne cf them a thoroughly skilled hor
ticulturist and seedsman. Send 'for their
uustrated catalogue with' a" postage
'ap and you will have a book to be
i-hly prized. Call on them, -and. you
yill be pleased and well paid for the
loafc Cnll-Kccp Cccl!;
Dry, cf the City Boot 'and Shoe Store,
' receive Ly tne next Boat a freslisup-
1-y cf these "Pike's Beak Boots" which
tare gone s.T. recently 'so 'like hot cakes.
Ao additional slock cf .evexythin'g in
tarm' cthTrswho have hides or
furs la rrll '-;!!
vial stkiA a uaj iiiui uti -C4 w
He will start East in a few days,
A Z - 1
Mpc'ir' i"i nil KtirTi
----- v. " -
rade before he leaves.
Eallou's BcIIarllcnthlr.
t The January February and March
nuraccrs ct this periodical are just'receiv-
ii contuns more reading matter for
lae money than any other. Call and see
peci.Tiens. .
Th Ad rrriirr nil
Dollar monthly
lc forwarded for 2,50
------- wijva
IfUil hit
---- .-.iwi, li;uk ilUlCltU
p'y, pa::cd d-?v
The Jilarch r.umlcr i3 before us; we
have perused r.o previous one vith more
interest. Cedents : Hollicn r.nd the
Dance cf Death Lizzy Griswold TharicrJ
giving Achncd and his mare Charles
Lamb and
Bears The
Smith Bulls end
Waterfall The Winter
Birds "The Netv Life" cf Dante The
Doulle headed Snake cf Newberry A
plea for the Tijians The Professor at
the Breakfast table The Utah Expedi
tion The Minister's Wooing. As a lit
terary periodical the "Atlantic" has no
"Atlantic" and "Advertiser"
for 83,50 cash in advance.
one year
Kctts from Home.
Is the title cf a new weekly pullished
in New York, being a complete summa
ry of the latest intelligence received frcin
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, &c.
Every old country man should subscribe.
Towsdkow h Day, Publishers, New
York. The "News from Home" and
Advertiser' furnished cne year for S3 ,50
', '
TIic Great BcpnUI.c, . . .
For March is.receiyed.- No periodical
is beiter'filled with matter calculated' -to
instruct and interest. ' The llepublis is
the: largest of-the- monlhlies .
CplsIOns of !MUn?QlsIi&3
, . ' Kt'SLXESS 31DX.'. '
I i'drertie jorf usfnfefe's.;. Do not hide your light
uriJer.A bushel.' Vhate7eryourcallipjcr.oeenpa-
tion niiy 5,ii4t.noed? pnrihortTrom th t publ'.e, ad
TCrtiee it thwrcfu:;hly and efiectnally !fi some Ehape
cr"olher,"ttat w;ll arrest pul'ic attention.' .1 freely
confeSf that whafeii-rccfs I' Lava 6ad in life my
fatrlT ba'aUribuled more to the public press' than to
nearly aU ethec -ucg comt"ineJ. There rndy pos
Aj be occupations that do not require advertising,
ut 1 cannot- well conceive what they are. L 1
I tyavo -ftlwaya consiilered luirertisics liberally
and lon to be the great medium of success, in fe-a-
ncs?.Dd tee prelude o wealth.' And i bave maae
it an inTariib'e rule, too, to aJvcrlLsa in the'-dullest
isies, alon esrcrienco having taught me tJiat mo
ney 'thus spent i.i well laid out; and by keeping my
busineis continually before the public,. has secured
me maty sa'ws tr at I otlienrise; would, have lost.
"hatcVer. succ ess I. may hare' had in busiuess.1
'owe mainly to continuous Advertising,, ami J deem
it eoid policy to advertise 1odc in the same papers.
From, a elose-obsurvation. I am fufly convinced that
-it 13 impossible to maSe much head way in any branch
of commerce, wvirfaut the facilities wbjen the Ixess
alone -can giv,--J AC0B. Eidgeway. .
II rnotto-'throcgh life has been-wcrk.nd Adver
tise.:. In business, Advertising is the troo Pbiloso-
hcr s stone,-that turnvwhatever it touches to gold.
hR'e adrerfisei much, both in .the weekly and the
daily pa pcrs tor. have I found that thoso of the
largest cieculatkm of cither class-benefitted-iae
the nioit. Jons J. Astob.
Advertise ! advertise ! advertise ! This is the lift
of trsde,and standing- advertisements, you. will find
will prove the inost rcmu crative, at least I have
found it so, duf ing- rny business eareer thus -far ; Tor
6hoiild you .withdraw- but a single week from the
paper in which you are accustomed to advcrtisc,.ten
chances to one that would be the time when some
would-becustomers wul look into the paper for your
business, and not-n nil ng it you wiu leose several
profitable sales. m.illiam.Uiiav.
. Qaack Nostrums. ;
Thc.majority of bHir Washes, iair dyes, hair tonics
balr oils, and the. numerous preparations which are
now before tie public under such extravagant, typer-.
boUcai andiantastic titles as we iee' paraded in' show-
window ca'rdl, and newspaper headings, as hair p'repara
rations.'are all humbugs-of the first . water ; and their
real merit, whea they .possess any,-is that they do no
barm: Hog's lcr.d, wbale oil, lard. oil,'swect.oil; scented
and colored, make 'up, when iirbeatfful wrappers, and
white tint glass battles, the' costliest cqaracter of ton
ics, and when thus costly, are baptised with some, tfi
syllable term, add, caught at by-verdant young and old o
both Such is not the cha'raojer of Ercf . Wood's
Hair "Restorative. "This gentleman comes before the
world witifout liny "liigb taltftia" Xilcphloforim, of' any
other astounding arid startling catch penay term j ho
sirndly advertiies a Hair Kestorative-t-what it express
esj precisely and a's. a Eestorative it acts.. Boy Ftci.
Wood's Hair Restorative, -and. as you value youi scalp,
aye; your-very brains, rp!y nothing '.else! for it may
be that yotj will get some, worse substance than perf um-
edlardoU on your cranium. Remember Wood's Re
storative for tte hair is.-the bes.t article extant.
:.' Br. Ilaun's Ague Ealsan. :
This .wonder ful compound Is having a extensive sale
in all parts of fiie Union waere ague exists.. Il ls one
of the few medicines wkicb are now sold over thc-coun
try, that are really what tteir" inventors claim for them
And, unlike all other remedies. that ere rcccmm'cnded
by tiietr proprietors to cure all the Ills that fiesh is hie
to this rtme?y Is oiily recommended fox chills-, fever
Jckgue, or that particular class of diseases' growing out
of-or the result of miasma, so commc in tho western
country. The numerous evidences i it's great curatiA e
properties, and the higher timatiov placed u&on it, ren-
rfers it the greatest discovery of the are, and it deserves
the "entire approbation of all classes if men. Those
havmg occasion to use a medicine of this kind, are urged
to- spare no pains to give trial if they wish to be
soundly cured. See adverttseBaeut in another column
W ttls paper.
iSTUr, Carter's CougU Kalsai-i
will cure .Coughs, CoMs, Asthma, Consumption, . Bron
chitis, flitting of Blo(d, Fain in the Side .and Breast,
Pleurisy, Whooping .Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint,
Palpitation ttf the Heart, and all diseases of the Throat,
Chest, and Langs. . Xo-o'ne should neglect a 'Cough- or
Cold, a single day. Iflllionadie annually by neglecting
iCbxxos Cold. Coughs and Colds lead to cesscMP-
.tiok, and U.en to an early death.. Readerhave you a
ough,ld,oracy UUease of the lungs? Procure at
'ne t&jt- c4.clra'ted -remeiy, pa. -CAiiTEa's CoccH
BAWASt, tka eever filla to relieve a cough in twen
ty-four fceur's, and always eurfs the .worst, cases of
ciolds, coughs, apsaH dise:ifis t the throat and lungs In
a few days; Price Trial tattles W cenU; large bot
tle-, ftl per bottle, r. bellies w t
53-D'S. EASTERLY, f-Rtftar4.4 Chestnut Strs,
St. Louis, i:o.f sols jFoprkts W Birrdcrs must
.be addressed to get t&t $vmttoti Sol by
$.&. 'ifirS fc Co.," Agents, .
' -Urowniviile, IJ. T.
a. L x V -1 3
The -foUesviMg ewinpliia-enlary" uotico of - UcLean'a
Cordial fetsitifa frcra the aicmori Democrat: ;
. fr?tve lo v c;'s the toOowirg cases' have
to r. :M0l -:-. I : '. . ; '
1. . ji:?i;3 have i-cea cured of General Deliaty.
' IS -M Nervous-DeJilrty.
. ? '' . ' Diseaf-ed ti daey's,
' -ho have lR aSlicted' w itti various
complaints,-Xirtit.Swe.tia, Dyspepsia, and Weakness ef
the Diies'tire t'rgans., have ten c-uretl, besides a large
number fKm uhom we have-nat ye.t ceapo.
Jif Lcan'H S-trengrhening Cwdial and Blood PariSer is
a remedy required ty f-very en to the
Southern conntry. It is very pleasant and agreeaMd tp
take, and tt can be taken by man ipewan, or chiia
, As aiiiureuc. it will cure any disease f the kidneys'
or. bladder, and a-s an alterative, it will pnrify the blood
and rcuiovu all pimples. oresor blotches from the- sl-in
Try it. Ow' drachm U u2fcient to convince the nioet
skeptical ef ltwUe.rf.ul trengthening anl inv-voa-t
ing properties'. . '
See tbe.ndv-cT-t-i-senjf nt in another column. ' . -.
iTkeTreas ; it has tc cn n;a-1e to appear to my sai-i'sfac
I,. twat there arc clakaf existing against the estate of
Cliacle a. Gfeever, la.e r JCemaha Count v, Xeb-s-
ter -ris-oiy. deceased ; notire is hereby given,, that I
have 8fo:te1 alo'nday, the 15th day -f Auenst, A. D.
1S09. is the fjy f.r tue bcar-kig cf sa:d claims, and all
persons ha vine claims against the said estate are hereby
notified t fc-le the same at my office en or before that
day, or thoy will te forever barred froiii recovering such
claims, anl fpoxj setting vS the same in any action v.-liat-ever.
Given under my hand, this Ut-h d.iy ct February, A D
1359. R.J.WHlTKEr, Probate 'Judgj.
Ordered that the above notice be published for twelve
successive wetka in the Nebraska Advertiser..
Brownville; Feb. 17,133. 3ci.
Iodine ana Ssrsanarllla
Ifjll care all diseases arising from an impure state of
'.lit blood, or a depraved condition cf tfce Cuidsof-the
tyiteni, vit: cancers, swelling cf the6!ands, rheumat
lsni, white BwelIiD;g, chronic eo?o eyes, piles, ooila,
erj sipelas, goitres, pains iu tbe bones and Joints, ul
cers in tne mouth aad throat, and all chronic constitu
tional diseases. This medicine searches out the rcry
rex is of the distasehy purifying the blood, and changing
the secretions la the system, thus removing the caus.
wtica renders the cure certain and permanent.
Dr. Lctterl ft Ioiine and Sartaparilla.wttl cure the
tecrf mercurial dlscatt, and drive out. and destroy ev
ery particle of mercury jrhlcli Is la the system, and cure
Us bad effects.
It ill cure itcondary typhilit-m, ventral diseate,
ani will dive the syphilitic virtu and all hereditary
ta '.ntt and pouonov vuUte'r out of the. system through
ths pores of the skin, aud restore-the patient to "a per
fect state of health and. purity. It is a positive cure
lor ueer compicini ana aytpepna, u used a proper
length of time. . I challenge the world to produce its
equal in these cociplaints. The afflicted will "bear In
m.nd that Dr. Easterly' Iodine and Sarsaparilla will
care all nervous diseases, female comploiatg," dropsy.
graveo, diseases of the kidncy'a, bladder, and urinary
organs, rn a few days.
It will remove pimples and blotches from ihe face,
aisd mate the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala
baster. It does this by purifyingthe blood, and by its
prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory or
gans, producing vigorous health.
Persons who have longJeen a3Uded with scrofula, old
sores, tetter, ringworm, 6cald bead, blotches, eruptions
of the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to
procure Gfidley's Salt Raoum and Tetter Ointment to
apply on the 6ores and diseased parts, when using Dr.
Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. The Iodine and
Sirsararilla purines the blood, and causes the sires to
discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heals
f.TwTS. "When both arensed (which I always recommend)
a permanent and rad'eal cure is always effected. They
A".e fte best and most powerful curatives known to man.
Jl fair trial B all I ask I do not fear the result. '
Price f the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle; or-
tttli?s for $5:. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75
cents per bottle. Both are prepared by J3r. Easterly,
corner of Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo.
sole proprietor, to whom all orders roust be addresed.
E3"Soldby 3. II. MAtX &. CO.,Pruggi'sts, Brown-
rille, K". T.., ani by Drupgists generally.
E47"Dr. Hooper's Female Cortllal
will cure -all female complaints, such aa excessive,.
suppressed, or painful menstruation,. Fluor albus" ' or
wnitesf barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, diz-
tliress, weak nerves, frightful dreams, and all - diseases
caused by, colds, check ed perspiration, exees:e, over-
excitement &c., of tho sexual organs.- Dr. Hooper's
Female'CorcUal -is universal !y acknowledged by the la
dies the best remedy ever invented. Jd"Price $1 per
boftle, or 6 bottles for $5.
Dr. EASTjaiy, corner of Third and Chestnut.streets,
St. Lo His, Mo, sole proprietor and to whom all orders'
must be addressed;- .'.-"- . .
. ScliJ by J. n. MACJf it co.,'-Agsnts, Prownfille,
. ana Dy druggists generauy. .
tDr. Baiter's Specific. will cure
gonorrh,ea; gleet, stricture, seminal weakness,, chordee,
diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the
genital organs. Reader, bave you private disease 1
Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr.-Baker's
Specific is a safe, speedy, and radicar cure. With .Dr.
Baker's Specific yon can cure yourself, and prevent
exposure, as plain directions for trse accompany- the
medicine. Trice $150 per bottle. .
,E3.Dr. EASTERLY, corner Thirdand Chestnut strets
St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom' all orders
must be addressed, to get the genuine. Sold by
J. 1L JIAUK ti CO., Druggists,
. . r Brownville, KT.
Wc solicit the attention of Orchardists. Nursery-
men and farmers ia the prairie Tegionsof the wist
to our immense stock of
The most hardy, rapid trowing and beau til ul evcr-
ereen tree, and the best adapted for forminj belts
and screens, for the protection of gardens orchards,
and dwcllinss.ln all exposed situations
Our stock cm-bxaces all sizes; from one to six feet
in. height, frequently transplanted, and fitted for
safe removal, rrtccd lists for next spring furnished
on application and the following catalogues are sent
gratis to all- who apply and enclose one stamp' for
eaen. . - .
No; I.- Descriptive catalogue of fmit3.
" No: 2. Descriptive catalogue of ornamental trees,
No. 3.- Descriptive catalogue of trreenhoasd and
bedding omt j'lant3.
0.4. W hclcsaljO or trade list. ...
' 'Monnt Hope Nurseries;
Feb. 10, '59 It - '-' ' ' Rochester, N. Y.
Toledo Nurseries.
' .900,000 Trees-for Sale I
-Two hundred. thousand apple trees grafted this
winter, deliverable ia spring to order at $5 for 1000,
when over twenty thousand aro taien; for smaller
amounts six dollars' per thousand will be charged..
' Thirty thousand extra fine imported Pear stocks
at from eighteen to twenty dollars per thousand.
30,000 extra fine imported Anger's Quince, $17 per
20,00 Mahalcb Cherry Stocks'
I6,00Q Paradise and Doiician
20,004) Mazzard Cherry Stocks .
20,000 Paradise and Doueaia , .
300,000 one! year old apple trees ',;
100;000 3 to 4 feet apple t-ecs . ' 1
.1 00,000 4 to 5 feet very stocky and fino
20,000 Norway Spruce about 1 foot
12,000' dwarf pears -
6,000 dwarf cherries, extrv fine
$T3 per 1000
: 20
25 per
20 '
2,000 plain trocs, 1 year
U lth a larxe lot oi Currants, and Iiaspberncs,
Ornamental iree?, bhrubs and. Plants, Peaches,
Apricots and fteetarines; .
t-alalcgues sent to order oo receipt of a postage
stampeaen.- a, r Aii-iiOiuuA. s csuo.
Feb. 1059 ly
Toledo. Ohio.
Legal Notice. -
Jesse Noel, Pl'ff j. Johnson County District Court
vs ofzd Judicial Uistnct, ebrasRa
John. Cochran D'f. J Terr'y. To April Term a D 1859
' To John Cochran the bove named defendant.
You are hereby notified that in the above entitled
canse a writ of summons, from the Johnson District
Courtof the Second Judicial District, Nebr'a Terr'y,
has been issued, returnable to the April terra of the
said District Courtof tho year 18 59, in the first day
thereof , to be held at the Court house of the said
county on the 4th day of April A. D. 1859, comman
ding answer the petition of the said plaintiff
Jesso Noel to bo on file in the Clerk's office of the
said Johnson county District Court on or before the
first day of February AD 1S59, wherein he claims
of yon the sum of one hundred dollars for work and
labor, care and diligence, M a physician and nurse,
bestowed upon you the said defendant by him the
plaintiff, in the county of Nemaha, Nebraska Ter
ritory, for the space of five weeks from to wit : the
26th day of July a b 1858.
' And whereas the said summons has been returned
"not found" as. to you the said defendant. Now,
therefore, you are' hereby notified that unless you
appear, and plead thereto on or before the morning of
second day of the said term, to be held as afore
said, default w ill be entered against yon and
judgment will be'rendercd sgninstyou for the sum
demanded in the said petition of you the Eaid defen
dant. U. C. JOHNSON, Att'y for IYtff.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice be
published for four successive week in the Nebraska
Advertiser as the law in such cases provides. -A.W.
- By W. P. Walker, Dep.
February IP, '59 n33 . ;
FiSld, Gareen and Flower Seeds.
We are now fully supplied with one -of the larcest
and'most complete. stock of Garden, ri"wer and Field
Seels evcreftered to the irestern pei'ple. Our stock
teas been made up with much care-from the best seed
gardens of America and Europe. A large share are
home grown seels, being grown under our cud inspec
tion., and whkh we can recommend as true to name and
of the best quality.
.Among our assortment of seeds may be found over
150 of Flower seeds: ..
. '300. do Garden seeds:
' Hungarian Grass Seed:
Chineese Sngar Cane and Imphee seed, itc, Ac.
From a long acquaintance with Trade, we leel confi
dent no one can offer better inducements to those desir
ing seeds. ' "
Those who design to emigrate to Cherry Creek and
Pikes Peak would do well tc take with them a box cf
fresh seeds. . x
we also keep constantly oh hand a full assortment of
Suited to the Field, Garden, Orchard and Household.
We are f u.i ly prepared' to supply the trade on the most
liberal terms..
Pull Catalogues furnished gratis oa application if by
mail inclose a stamp. Address
H. D: EMERY A. Company.
3i Lake street, Chicago, Illinois.
February H, 'E3,
C. Denser bas removed h's Tin Ehcpfrom Front street
to Main street, nearly opposite the new Hotel, where he
bas opened up the largest ttock of ware in Lis line to be
found in the Ripper eountry. He solicits a continuance
of pat rename, Jane 1
TUE UNDERSIGNED havirg formed a co-rart-
ncrship, under the nams of ,
Fcr the purpose of doing a general
Wholesale & Ectail Business mBrownvilIe?
And having purchased the commodious store-rooms
recently occupied by L T. Wbjte, will, by the 20th
of March, open the , ' .:
Most Lxtensive btock of
GrOOB Z3--
Jvcr brought to this City, consisting oi
Queensware, Glassware,
Boots and Slices,
Of every description needed br the emigrant cr citi-
sen, which will bo offered for sale as low as by any
otner. House West of bt. Jiouis.
Merchants and buyers from RICHAIID-
other couUies West of this Uity. as well a3 traders j
L - - ' - -r
ITebraoka ; Gold jHine,
.Will find. our stock largo, varied and complete- -
11. J. MAllTiN,
Brownville Feb; 15th, 1859. n34tAp.lst."
Cash for Produce.
We are now paying cash for corn and wheat and
on the return of Mr. IIiLL, now east, we will pay
vasu icr ait. sinus oi country proa uce.
LUANE i illLL.
Brownville, March 3d, 1859. 1
To all Whom It ?,iay Concern.
In as few words as possible, I wi6h friend and foe !
10 unaersiana in si i am aomg
And bope henceforward no one will dare to remove an
article from my counter, unless the
From this rule I will not deviate for anyone, or un
der any circumstancess 'Money must come with all or
ders and all pscscriptions, or they will be sent away
UPJiued. -lam thus plain, that all, 'high, and low,
yicu and poor," may know that anything for sale a the
City rDarcts Otoro, .
Hust command Cish,;.or no trade
Brownville, Febuary 17, 1S59. - ' " - t i ;
Ftill Blood Devon Cattle,
i i n i.
A pair.' male, and female, of full blooded Devon
Cattle! pedigree furnished, will, bo parted with on
favorable terms, if application Be made soon. A
yoke of work cat tie, a cow - and rraino breaking
will be taken in payment.
Apply at the "Advertiser Odice.
March 3d, 1859. ,;
sra Jl JT ' L -
llaln Street, BrowiiYille,N.T.,
Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar
atory statements ; make out. pre-emption papers; pay
taxes, investigate titles ---a . - -
Buy and sell property on commission , rurntsn lana
warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi
ness connected with a general laud agency business.
Particular attention paid to the selection of Govem-
jnent land and the location of land warrants for parties
residing at a distance. - .''
MCLAUGHLIN tc DORSET respectfully refer to
George II. Nixon, Esq., Register Browuville Land
Office. -'.'
Ch u-les B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys1
Kemaha Land District. . . '
Robert W . Furnas, jssq., isaiior Aaveriiser urownviue
Messrs. Lusbbaugh at Carson, Bankers, Brownville,
Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, Hagerstown, Maryland.
Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md.
O 11 Barnet, Esq . Dayton, Ohio.
Hon. Fenner Purguson, Delegate In Congress from
Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C.
John A. Beat, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind.
Brownville, April 22. . no43tf
Ttjo Hundred
OI? 0 "W 15
Rrownvillc, Nebraska.
A NNOUNCES to thDnblio that he hasiast re-
Xjl ceived, per Steamer Kyland, a Tery large and
well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stores, of
new and improved patterns, aa follows: , ,
Buck's Pattern, '
Plymouth Hock, ,
Elevated Oven, New Ei ,
. olden Era, and every variety o
Parlor and Office StoZes.
Japancd Ware, Brass Hetties,
liantbcrns, Copper lyaie.siio
, vel and Tonsrs.
All cf which I ,pledge myself to sell at as fair rates
and on as accommodating terms as any other estaD-
llsVimont. h f hi rpcinn of ennntry.
I have also now on hand every requisite variety
nf Tin. Connor and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared
w . , - j a a
to put up guttering and spouting and all other work
in my line, at short notice, and in a woTKmaniiKe
manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction.
I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper
Brownville September 2. 1858. " I0-ly
"::jCPruit Trees. -Brownville
The subicribera offer for sale the following varieties of
Apple Trees.- , ' ' 1
Tellow Bellefleur,
Hawkinc. r". ' ' ; ".
White Winter Painnain,
Red Romanitc, -Janitan,
English Golden Russet, .
Roman Stem, .
Winter Swarr,
' Pome Gris, s
Wilowor Limber Twig,
Snow Apple; . ' ; - '.
Domini or Darwin,
Talman's Swectiug,
Northern Spy. .. ...
Fall Pinnin.
Autumn Swair, .
Fall Strawberry,
Pall Janitan, ;
Sweet June or Higbtop
Snmmer Queen,
Golden Sweet,
Early Trenton,
Early Harvest Redstreak,
Early Harvest. -
The Nursery is situated on the farm of R J.Whitney,
about one mile south of Bronvilie. The tree are one
year old from the graft and very large and healthy for
that ace. Produced in the soil and climate of Nebras
ka, they mnst prove superior to tho-e that are shipped
from the States. They can he obtained earlier in the
spring are not injured by catting ctf the small sprouts
in order to make the shipment lets and to lessen the
bulk, as our eastern nurserymen do when ttey send
trees abroad. This is a truth that our Nebiaska fanners
must take into consideration. To those who wi'a to bave
Good orchards the proprietors will endeavor to give en
tire satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call.
Doriiig the planting season, one of us will be found in
tte nuTsery to wait on those wbo favor us with their val
ued orders, GEO. W. BRaTTOX.
P. S. We berebv warn all rerBons aeainst trespassing.
or removing auy trees, or any mark placed on or among
the said trees. a. es. 1
Brownville. V.T.. Jan. 13. 1S59. 3ro
TFIlIi Corn. . .
ThoseTindebted to taa are hereby notified that
they can liquidate their Indebtedness rita com at
the highest market price, delivered at the store of
I. T. Wbytein Erownville. This request is made
only because I act in debt myself , and cannot raise
the money, but can make use of cum. Such an ar
ranfrentent will fee taken as a great accommodation
ender present circumstanecs. JF.cSE NOEL.
Brownville, Dec, 2, 1353.
A superior stock of Millinery and Dress GokIs at my
ew Millinery establishment, one dor alive Luchbaub
& Carson's Banking IP.nfe, Ervwuville, N. T.
naving established themselves at the old stand recent
ly occupied by -
They are now oCcring and receiving f ir sale one cf the
- - . OF i- - -
Ever Brought in this Territory
They have an extensive and varied assortment
it l
A Large Stock of Choice -Family
cossistixq of
Hem, .
TJolasscs, :
i 4l
. Candles, . ....
And a fine assortment of
Such as
Spice, . .
; ; Beppers, ' ; ' , v . t
. ; Salaratus,
'; . 5 : 1 Ginger,
etc., etc.
They have also on hand a large lot of
A well selected Stock of
Boots and Blides
Wp niPflcrA OUT CUSLOmCrS tO SCll
as cheap as any other house in the
., 1 11 j ,vu.
City, and that OUr gOOdS m quality
" sr o - - -
and style shall bo unsurpassed.
Announces to the public that be is prepared to accom
modate those wishing with Carriages and Buggies to
gether with good safe horses, for comfort and ease ia tra
velling. He will also board horses by tho day, week or
June 10, '63. 60tf ,
Lledical Faculty cf Brov7aville
College. ' - - !
At tho annual meeting of the Directors of tho
Medical Department of the Erownville Colicgo, at
Brownville, Nemaha county," Nebra-ka Territory,
the following officers were elected for tho ensuing
LL i n tit uu AJuLr a , rresiaent.
A. S.1IOLLAD AY, Treasurer. ,
U. C. JOUNSON. Secretary.
Tho following persons' were appointed to fill the
different Chairs in tho Faculty .
. . Professor of Surgery, . , . ,
A S nOLLADAY, U D ' '. '.., .
Professor of Theory and Practice. v . .
- Professor of - Materia lledica. -
Professor of Anatomy , and Dean. 't
UC JOHNSON, - y- '
Professor of Modical Jurisprudence. -
" ' E D -ALLEN. . '
Trofessor of Chcmi3lry.
The regular course of lectures for the session of
1859 will commence on Monday evening, 14th of
February next, in the Presbyterian Luurch. .
Feb. 10. '59. WM ARNOLD, Dean.
M 1 , . 1 . r ----- L
Legal Ilotlce.
Elizabeth A Field") Johnson CountyD-stnct Court
vs rof the cceond Judicial District
Gccrgo W. Fields J Nebraska Territory
To April Term A. 1. 1859 In iiuity. : " ;
To Uecrgo r lelds the aooye named aeicnoant:
Whereas on the ' - 1 day of January A. D.
1859, there was issued from the .District Court in
and for Johnson county, Nebraska Territory, a writ
of eubpoena out of the Chancery side of the said
Court, directed to yon commanding yoti td appear
on orbeforothe first day of tho next April term cf
the saidCcurt, to be begun end beid in the taid
county of Johnson, on the fourth day of April A. D,
1S59, and answer the petition and comptaint of the
above named Elizabeth A. Fields for divorce and
alimony. And whereas the said supboena has been
returned as to you the said George W. Fields "not
found." Now, therefore, this te to notify yon of the
issuing of the said writ of subpoena, and of the pe
tition and complaint of the aaid Elizabeth A Fields,
and tnat unless you appear ana answer tne saia pe
tition and complaint of the saidElistbeth A. Fields
at the timo required in tbeuaid subpoena, that theB
the said Elizabeth A Fields will proceed to establish
the facts set forth in the Ea.d petition and obtain a
decree from the said Court fur divorce and alimony
prayed for in said petition anl complaint.
1 rf n iniT';nv
Attorney and Solicitor for Comjhtinant. .
Ordered that the ftregoirg notice be published in
the Nebraska Advertiser for four successive weeks
as the law provides.
A. W. rEri.AXT Clerk.
By WM. P. lFALKEli,depy.
February 10, '53 n33
Christian Deaser ' Justice Court la and f
vs . Nemaha County, NeUas
San Franc isco lown coia'ny J ka Territory.
Whereas ; the above named plainiift". Christian Dea
ser has on tho S:h Jan, A. D. liil filed his petition
at the ofllce of J. D. N. Thompson, Justice of she Peace
in and for Nemaha County, claining of the said San
Francisc-j Town Company, the suia of forty-three dol
lars and forty-five cents, acd intercut cn tiin same, at
the rate of ten pet cent per aanuia, from the sixteenth
day of September, 1S57, as rsuuey due on an account,
and the summons issued thereon has been returned
"not found;" notice is hereby given to the s-iid compa
ny andall concerned, that nnlcss they appear at tLcif
fice of the said J. D. N. ThompSvn in Erownville, in
the county aforesaid and ans-srer ti said petition, on or
before SUnrUay the I9;h day cf A D l'.'t, jn .la
ment will boTendered the ni by Cefaultfor V.u
amouutof Eiid cl.iim ami cewts.
Ji'GART k HEWSTT, Atiy'f. for Tif.
Orde-cil that the Move notice le pui.Iishod fur foa
successive wteks in tin; Nebraska Advertiser.
J. D. K TflOJIPSOJf, J . r. cf Nemaha Canity.
ErownvlMf, Feb 17, lc53. . 4w.
E 0 C I! I
DIN', cniix;3-
;,i ...
Corner cf Second ar.J Fraiuls SiretU,
' TSie Senior partner of this Ilouje
lng heavy shipments of
la caw below cisk-
A large porUcn of which will arrire 13 a fcir djys on
Steamers Carrier and Asa TTiUns. .
; Having maJo arrangements with one of the tcstilills
of St. Louis fur wceily supplies cf
Clibicc Brands of Flour,'
They will t e a'le to
at ail times, the
cfler ta retailers aad consumers,
- . At the very lowest prices,
Erery Ensli cl and Sacli TVarrantca.
They bave also on tho way from
large and choice selection of
the Eastern Clt es a
'-' TEAS, v.
; ;i?resli Oystera,
And every Article appertaining to the
Grocery line.
; - - - - ' t
' All of which has been bought at the
Lowest Cash Prices,
And tbey p'edge themselves to sell them as low as any
House in North Missouri. They respectfully solicits
continuance of the patronage of their customers and
the community generally.
- St. Joseph, Feb. 15, '59 35-lm
New Hardware Store.
Sign of the Saw.
" J. FIiATXETiT i,
Impoi ter, Wholesale and Kctail Dealer in
American German, English & French
TS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most
JL varied arsortment of goods in tho above lin8 ever I
offered in any market west of Bt. Louis.
My stock embraces a full and complete a3Sortmeit
of Cabinet and Uonse Builder's Hardware, Mechan
ic's tools of every description, direct from the most ,
approved manulacturers; agricultural and bortieul-
tools and implements, in great variety, comtia-
f ing all the recent and uselul improvements for the
saving of a vast amount of
raunity, f roin whom I rc?p
examination of this depart
labor to the farming com
pectf ally request a careful
artment of my stock. I am
also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I
will warrant, and nil all orders at ihe faetary prices
Also a large assortment of Guns, Rides and Pistol,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac., of the best brands: in a word.
my stock is very complete, which, foi its quality and
price, I am determined to offer such inducements as
will command a liberal share ct trade trcm this and
adjoining counties. Jly arrangements for importing
and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,
together with along experience in the general nard
ware trade,enables me; not only to defy all competi
tion, but has convinced me that tho true principle of
trade is small profits and quick returns.
... January 1,1857. Tln29tf
j, 13. jEininiGS
Wholesale Grocers,
Cor '. 2nd and Frances sis, St. 'Joseph Aro.
HAVE just-recievedby late arrival, at much bo
low the regular rates of freight, a heavy stock of
Groceries, which having been purchased at extremo
ly low prices, will be sold unusually cheap for cash.
We respectf
pecuuLy invito buyers to an cxanunaLu
ition of
car stock.
50 hhds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced
" prices
1000?.v:k3G A and Kanawa salt
500 bis superfine, extra and extra Cue Flour
600 sacks ... .
20 tierces new Rice
400 hf and qr boxes Star Candles ...
.100 boxes family Soap
500 boxes Rio Coffee, good fair to prime
50 bis crushed and powdered Sugar
200 bis and hf bis batter, soda, sugar and wine
Crackers -.
400 kegs assorted Nails ,
" 150 coils mannilla rope, from to 1 J fhches
75 boxes pearl Starch
50 boxes 8X10 aud 10X12 Glass
500 dox 8X10 andl2 and 12X14 window sash. .
100 sacks new dried Apples , -
lvO boxes imperial, gunpowder, young by3on and
black Tea - t .
150 boxes ajsarted and fancy Candy
j 50 boxes sugar Toys and Gum drop3
. 100 hole and hf drum Figs
50 boxes layer Raisens
. 200 boxes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco
' ' 100,000 Scgars, various brands
150- loxes, and 23 bis Smoking To accx
COO dwtcn Field's celebra ted Oysters ?
150boxc3WR,PFandE D Chce.a
Wooden ware in erery variety: Cotton baiting,
Candle wick, wrapping yarn, hemp twine, white fish
rotomao herring, fresh Goshen butter, cranberries,
orange , fresh and preserved fruits, jellies, pickles,
lobsters, pepper s.iuce, catsups, pj-ptr, all j ice, gin
ger, currants, prunes, Yermaoiili. macaroni, nutj c
all kinds, etc etc.
Ef"LLides, peltries, beeswax and all other hinds
of produce taken in exchange for pools by
Jan'y 20 1559 SCyly
vr. c.niTcnxn,
Groceries, "Wines, Liquors,
Corner cf Main and Francis Streets. R
Eland, Opvotitt Stouts Hotel,
st. JC5EPU, no.
nAVE Just received the lareest ani most complete
stock of the above soods ever opened in rppcr Uisourl,
to which tha attention of merchants tni dealers is tea
peciful ling invited having pccased then principally
for cach at the very lowest iwsj.ble prices, La &sior
New Tort and St. Louis, feel cocSJtnl that I can offer
lmicceaients that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair
and literal lea!ir,g, low prices and good Goods, to merit
a liberal sharecf pitmna?e. Call and exatnlaa my stock
and prices before purchasing aa'.es are bound to follow.
In my stock will be found every article usaally kejt. in
a N 1 Grocery House. ; t -
Ohio Statesman,
. !miPi:Y & 2IILLE2,
Pal)IisI:xs ana ProprieJors.
Dily, per a;iuum,
$5 CO
3 ca
8 09
the f.,::,--,:-.r:
Lr. f.a C ;u 1 cf r::j ? :r!
n:sc Sarir CV:. J ar.l I . j L or..
Also bnioc, Ll-. t, C.ittn:, Itil .
ti-e fee..'.?, Xc.lj the cuir.u'j.
A limi e 1 s'j"! !y cf Chtsfn
f.t 53 cenujer U) tubers. C-r
I aArecr ounce.
C::r V ds ere all J
TTo hit 2 S. lt Cf StOTt.'.'.
Cora whka is pvs-;:Tv'y the to
cultivation. Alio Sru'.u'a Early
'a E? ;t -r'?--?2
r t 1 C ' -Wince
sons desirir: acjtl
; ia the above tine fh;
i cr-
der lmmediAty. ...
Address II. A. TlirjlY, Crescent C'.'.j, Lti.-
March. Z i l ).
A- . . w A
TE7in or srsscaiPTio.v , "
The Daily Plain Dealer is cne of tie o'J'-it Vz'.'.f ?i
pers in the Northwest, an.-t it the c-.'.j ir-nrl.:-: .
daily in Northern Ch. , it a.:' xU ai. i:. ; ti :, cr- .
ti.-err unc'Vfillril by a-!y c'.?:er r i tit v.
It contain the latest news ar.d ai.i-k . t r T-.r' . . l
bytelccrarh np to tho time cf gvin? t. fre. It W,et every day cxeei-t S-mdjy, a.d trtt tos.'i
scnter at the low. prise of 5,CO per ye.-r, at CJceuts a
mon'h. payable ia aJvaote.
The Tri-Weekly ia published every T;?c lir, T' -.
day and Saturday, aturcc dollars a year, i-vaii..? :i
The v.'ee'ily is print e-1 efe'ry We Tr. .-2.y c-on,;.-;, t :
Contains the news of the week, caoivtt r-.vtaal aud se
lected Miscellany, Editorials, Correspond:!-:, tr tat-e-U
lelcgfij Lie Reports, and carefu'ly prewar d ii irket
Reports of the Olii and tUe i: a-tcri Aia'-.cts. IILj
the largest circutaUon, cl aa layer -'v-io, and It ia
furnished to ... . .
Single Subscribers at $i,50per year, - - '
C:uhs.or Ten, $12 oo .
Clc'osof Twenty and upward 41,00 per ccpy, at.doL.9
cory gratis to the getter rp cf the clua. ,
CJ"InvarUl-!yia advance. ' '
Whereas it has teen niado to irpcar to my siUa-'ic-
tion, that there are claims existing ass'Jt'-t th4 etas1 tf .
Joseph Dcroin, laieof Nemaha County, -Net-rv.; Ter
ritory, deceased ; notice is hereby fivf-n, that 1
appointed JioTiday, the Cftcett.i day cf At;gut. A D 1 .
as a day for the hearing of said claims, and ail jr. r.j '
baving claims ajiinstthe said eitate are heresy r,r-t...i
to file the same at my offloo on or before -that day, or '
they will be forever barred from recovering rich claims,
and from setting on the tame in any aottua wfcar.evT.
Given under my hand oa th: li'.h d.iy of 'sr'J.ry,0
AD1559, R. J.-WHITNET rroh.-Jo JJ.!,-o. ,
Ordered that the above notice be published for 13
successive week la he Nebraska Advertiser.
Brownville, Feb. 17, ISO. - - J.n. ' 1
THE ' - . : -
National Intelligencer, .
. Published in the city cf eshinton,
dt gaxxs & siiato:;,
The Natinnal Intelligencer is an old estaMikhed Jour
nal, at the seat of the General Government. It pi--'
lishes, originally, the proceedings and debate cf Con-
gres, and containa a more regular and accurate r?-xr t of '
these than any other paper in the Cfun. These recom
mendations, ia addition to the variety of other Informa
tion which is to be found in its column, connected wich
the general interests of our owft comitry, wttlr L2tera-"
ture and Science, and the aHairs of thow .rld at large,
together with the charactprfor fairness which the pancr.
has ever sustained, mako it useful and evea tfiUii-ii tl
all rrhn feel an Interest in the concerts of ta:s or other
The Int cutnencer is published daily at $13 a yeir;
three times a week at $5 a year, and weekly at $3 a
year all ia advance.
A reduction of 20 per cent, (one fifth of the full char,: ) .
is nude to any one who orders and caysfpr, at ce time,
ten copies of the weekly paper; and a rei-icUon cf rr
cent, (one-fourth cf tho charge,) to any ouo hoordrs.
and pays for, at one time, twenty or more copie.
No accounts being kept for the paper, it will not te
sent to any one unlesa paid for in advance, nor any Ion-:
ger than the time for which it is paid.
AKZW and singularlT successful remedy for ti.
cure of all Dilious diseases Costivenes, Indi
lestion,. Jaundice, Dropsy, llheumatism, Feven
tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back,
and limbs, Female Complaint?, Ac .fcc. Indrei,
very few are the diseases in which a Purgritire Medi
cine ii not more or less required, and much sk'i
ness and sntl'erir? might be prevented, if a harra
less but effectual Cathartic were more frcvly usc L
No person can feel well while a cotlre habit of
Body prevails ; besides, it soon generates serious nr.l'
often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided
by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative..
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, eni
Eilious derangements. They all tend To become or
produce the deep seated and formidable di topers,
which load the hearses all over the land, licrce a
reliable family physic is of the first iatpottance t-j
the public heaUh, and this Pill It been perfected
with consummate skill to meet '-v.l demand. Aa,
extensive trial of its virtues by Pbysiciuni, Proua
ars, and Patients, has ahown results surpasvin
any thing hitherto known of any modiciae. Curf
have been elfectcd beyond belief, were tliey nt su
atantiated by persons of such exalted positlca ai, it
character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Among the many eminent gen tic sr. en who hav
testified in favor of these Pills, we may mcnt,i j
Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chout, cf Ch-.
einnati, whose high professional ciaiacUf is en
dorsed by .
Jonx McLeax, Judge'of the Supreme Court of
the United States.
Taos. Couwiy, Secretary of the T'r)nry.
lion. J; M. Vrioht, Governor of Indiana.
N. Loxoworth, great wine grower of the Weii.
Also, Dr. J. It. Chiltox, I'ractical Chemist, of
Hon. W. L. Marct, Secretary ef State. -
Wf. B. Astor, the richest man Li America. "
S. Lelaxd & Co.; Propr' cf the' MetropoliUa
Hotel, and many others. ' j .
Did space permit, wa could gire rrtr hundred
eertificatos, from all parts where the PiUe have
been used, but evidence even more corrv inning than,
the experience of eminent puSUe men ia fcund in,
their cr&cta upon triaL ' ' ' : - '
These Pills, the resuTt cf long investigation ani
study, are offered to the public as the best and
mtst complete which the present state of medical
science can afford. They are compounded net ct :
the drnrr themselTes. but of the medicinal virfrica;
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chcniivlf
proces in a state cf purity, and combined tog-t Vt
m rath a maaacr as to insure the berit rea'ilts. TLi
system of composition for medicines has been fu'in 1
in the Cherry Pectoral and Fills both, to produce a
more eJ3cier.t remedy than had hitherto boea oh-f
Uined by any process. The reason is perfectly cb-'
vions. - Wtilely the old mod&of comptiaiticn. every
medicine is burdened with more or loss cf acri
monious and injurious qnaJities, by this each ir-di-,
vidual virtue only that is desired ior the curative
e.Teet is present.-- All the Inert and obnoxious qu;il-.
itics of each substance employed axe left belaud, the .
f,t -evident the enecta slion:d prove, n taey luve
proved, more purely rcmeilal, and the Pills a tnrcr."
more powerful antidote to ti.a any ether
medicine known to the woxhL . ... ' .
As it is frequently, expedient that my medi.-'ne
should be taken underlie counsel of rg attemdirg
Physician, and aa he could net properly y-."i ef a
temely without knowing its c;z -.; : bav
supplied the ecruratc Formulje by w'ukh, bc-th niv'
Pect0T.1l ar.l Fills are mne to the whole body of
Prautitionecsla the United States 1 British A;al
lean Provinces. If, bowever. there should kx any
one who has r. t received them, they will be
proTTfy forwards! bv mall to hi reqnet. -. .
Of all the Patent tbat are o.:'cr?.d.h ;s
tt if would be taken if tbt'r ecmpo's'tl mi m knoTa f
llcir life consists in their, mystery, I hava no
mysteries. . " '
The composition of my prcpiratioT.s is laid epn
fey all men, and all who are competent to jud-j cn
tne subject ireeiy acxnowici zz: picuib ct
their n.trinsic raeriU. The Cherry Pectoral wa
pronounced by scientific- men ta be a wrmdcrful
medicine before its ejects were kiown. 5Iary cra
iner.t Physicians IiaTe declared the same thirg ef
my Pill, and even R.ore cor.ndently, arid ae wlil
ir.g to cerlifr th-it their anticipations were more
than realize! by their cifccts upen triaL '
They operate by their p-owrrfal iriucuce ci the
intcr.ill vwcera to pcri'y the bioed r i stlm-jlata it
into healthy scon remove the ebstneiior. cf,
the stomach, bowels, liver, and ctler crar ? cf tl s
bodr. re toriii? their irre"':lar action to heel ar.i
by correcting; wherever they exit, fscA rai
mcnt as are the Srst cric-i cf disease.
. Being fcugnx-wrapped, u.ey ar p'.cnsrt ta L-.e "
and being purely vegetable, no Lara eaft aflse Lzr
the'r ia aor quantity.
Fcr miiiuie dl'jwioas, ace wrapper ca tie Hex.
DIL JAMES 0.- AYE?.;-'-
Practical uxKlAnaJj tlinl CIic:.:::f,
Price tS Cezts per Z:x. lira r;s.s tot Ct. -SOLD
SolJby J. II. MAUN & CO
. Ercwnville, N. T.
-J SAa1.,, i
-r v..
k cr bii2 at luh Ui