AYER'S PILLS, 4 viv 7.r! snrilrr'y sccctfsfj! remedy for tie i. cvre rf tU hocs else- Costivcr.ti.s Indi ration. J UTiLc e, L:c7't, lUiesir.-:Uin, 1'even tic.it, llcin&rs Xert ous.jcs Irritability. IrSamma tlrr.s. Ileaiacbe, Pains ia the BreasU Side. Back. arl LL.As i i-male C;r3-Ja.::.ts 4c. .c Indeed. rrr$ iex are the d.?eies ia wLi h a Pirg:ii;ve Jlcdi c.:.e U r.ct more or iss required. i.j.d rrn.ch sick r? tni Ti!rcri!ir rc'itt be prevented, if a birra lt eTectt.il Catiuir'Jc wre rr.cre froclv used. 3 pcrv.3 t: iv,y prr-rilf ; fe-t-l ttell vtl.i'.e a costive Libit cf Lri'.cis it oor trtrcratcs serious tr.d .:rn uUi Las lil digit Late been avoided iy te V r- t'j cjjfl judicious ue tf a git-o purgative. This, u tj.e true of Co; as evora mpkuus, ana t:nr rTiiCr.:s. Ther ill trr.i to tieeonie or ace lie Ce"P sea.a s.r.a I'jrruiwiiu.e ttiMemjicrs s , :h l; id tie hearse a" ever the Lid. Iler.ee a r.i.' :'e Lit.il y r'cjtic i f f the first in) porter re to tie public tellifc.ard this Pill L&s becc perfected srl'h e.n4in,r-ale skill to n:ttt thr.t dcmxud. An extent vp t-liJ cf iU virtues by Pbys;cians Profes- scrx, aid rV-rts has i'jwd re.u. - i tice. Cures tLiz.z L.'.hert" known of art n;c. Lave btn e lected beyond belief, were they i-ot sub ituJtd by pernors f such exalted position and ehrrartrr as to f jrbld tie snfplcion of litttmtk. " JjrR'n t t'.re iuioy en.icei t crTitlrrceTi wao hare teled hi Ltvcr of tbee Pills we may iaertiora : Pr?f. J. M. Loess, Ari!ytical Cberait, cf Cia rizr.itl. Lcs L'.ch prolaUoail tLiTicter is en-do-elly. Jans JJcLziX, Ju-e or tie Scprexie Court of tie LV:d Siite. .Tp&. Cobtttn, Secretary of tLe Trtnrcrr. ;, la- J. Vjl&et, Goremor of Indiana. . JC. Le)'s ouokTH, trrct wine proper of tLe WL AJks i. J. 1L Chuton. 1'racUcU CLexuikt, of Y i Citr. cud jrrfd It .Ilfis. W. L-'IIarct, Secretary cf Slate. Wk. B. ATa. le rirLe-s.t iiiiia in America. &. Li i:ix: A. Ok, Piur's cf tLe iletrcpolitaa ai.i n.t2T otLera, DU .ru:c thth.il we coud rive ir sr.v Tbcndred en ucne. l!1 parU trLcre tLe P. hare .trn ttst-d. but cidMH-e even more conv-mczn? iLaa t .'e e i-; rrlersce f tciit pcLlic den is fwuudin lL-T e rfM-t TL-pon tiL TLe Pills tLe rev't cf &t,z invejtgition and '.v.lr, -re cfer-d to tLe public as tLe best atd c.cit cmf.t iiich tLe present state of medical ricnt. ca a5ord. Tl.ey are eompoTmdcd tot of t": e tirrr thctr.srivcs lut of tLe metirirJ virtues cir.'iT rf.Ve.-ta: le rrn.t-dcK citratted by chemical yr .KTVi In a t-UU of parity, sr.d cunibbicd together j:. satb a ti.tT.tcr as U irsure tic best rwaitfc. Iliis w itrrr. x f cow.-iosititia for redin:ies La.s btea foucd in fjie-nxnr Pe U rai and Pill botL, to produce a .ttfire eft-ieut reiatxy tL..a had titLerta iwTi H ti:ri Vy ar r ptorcx. "lie rei n is peTiecl'.T ob txc. VTLiie by tLe '.& tode of eon 'position, every tnewfne burderied -;tL more or ies cf acri i3ft:T sd iriitrionft j'jauiti'.. by tLis cacii iudi vitLcai v jrne niy lL;-t i k-ir'd ur tie curative rrt t prrrf:t. All tLe ii.crt a:d obr.oaioca t;aal re t f eat L .u Mf.uj.ee en, p.oyt-d we left btLiiid, the rvra-re rirtt o:y U-i.j rtUirf-d. Hence it is -.l-e tCK.t tue eTtits .Lild jn"c, they have p;tiH, n"re pure'.y rea;edil, suid ti-e Pills a sarer, rnose poerf Ji aiid te to tUeake tLui any other nt iiiii-e l;vc- ta tLe wwr'd. A :t i frcr-.iciit.y T-er.t til rrr mecjnae '..Id l U.k-B xi-.iiar li.e couT-.fieJ of an artenoiag :.?.c a be e.ud Tot jrcperly jncre ol a ;iLit kio'n'e it corrivTsiiii P., 1 cave I tic'if-rantr If nrnir.ir wLit-B bctb TE? H '-J ki d PT-is stc u.ade to the white body cf re Fra ui'm it t::e I lr.U-S ??tat and iirith Ainer jnn PnivrRce. If. liwerer. tere fboald be try toe ho Y.a i"t received tiifn, they will be rr: u,t.t t I rfTT:i--a lt n.s 10 lis rer-ne crai w v .i-.. ,e J'itit !we di. incs tbi.t sjc o reri, row d e ica if thrrr composltioa ra Vatms TL:r'Ll M-k-iU ia tiicj Sii;tcry. I Lave to H e. t"trpoTtkrt c f r'T prep.rL.tkrs is lid pen ' ta iL Xi cr.T eud r.Il bo tre ctfpetett to judre on tie si''eet f.t!y arkLOw'-dire tLcir c.isvicticiis of tLtlr iitrj.Cc n crlu. l"5e CLerry PecU.ral was pTi.tctei-d by dentic u cn to be a wonderful edlt : e t-fie it etus were Viiown. Many n irt ri:-irj; haie drcJared ti e saroe tLiig of r Pil'.v, a;d evta n.rrc -tdT.ty. and are wili Ir'rr to cert."" tLtt tKtr.T aatie!tks were HiOre ' tkaB levied by their electa Km triaL ;'i Ltv-Te:aic by ti.-ir r-rrrii iafluenee on tie iuitmil vra U purify tLe b"it4 rid stiuiulate it izlo we'tLy atUiti wnoe tLe obstmttions .f the iT!ick. bovnJs iier. and other orrans of the ldv, relirjig fcir ineriilar action ta health, and rr etifreita.fi. Lerecr ti-ey eait-t, t;ucl drraiige Kicr Uuut the tit t.rL'Lj of difceae- .lW ii-r .-ff;ir-iri.7-ped. tr ey are pltcwmt to take, ad W-irs pu't'y vczet-. L'.e, no harm caa ariae from . tL'ir ce ia arr j'lar.tiy. Tcz n-'-ls directions see wrrppey en tLe Box. DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. tzict tS Ccru pej Bcz. Fit Xcxei lor SL SOLD BT J. 1L3IAIX & C0M BrownviHe, T - aNEBKASKA UTY Inourrtnco Comp rTy, . MI2kA CITT, y. T. Till.5 Cn-4j'rj, under a liberal charter, is no fa'.'y .r-nr.iitd. and tbe;rcat;re cat ilal etK-k oi F,'j 7 ii d I'llnr. lAid il aIdtcared. Thev ars pre;rri. irvvi lh:s date, to rrant ii'cn p 4'icics. ci'ta.e riL, gixb e .ual teri, with tLe toxtft ;.T?re-l lu-uranfe Comply any sibere. iiavirg al'):t-4 th mutual t rin'tls. its ttrcns withdut iiccrrtof atyiiabili'.y, will share in the rrtta ol tlf cf-rr;ary. TLe t'-'j.-tIoE of the Company, Iu be er.cfVctd, -f-r'tbe preset t, tv jiakine. tr Cauuo rifks with a taaaiiauntliabllitv -f SlZtvo osatv .r-e Lctwia. !?.-;r- veonly ! l.? orange 05', ta lhealKve K-.p vlarj West of the H-.cri. it einfiJcT.t!y cx jcf a g'eatreus fU rx.rt from Western Merchants Wa rec'Jui'j ioviu tLe Xiisfaari liivti p r?nae. ttttCTOEf: $.T.y?t".r, CLr.s F.n.rj, . ?l.P.ltnet, J. L. Armstrong, liinchmsa, Jli!et V. Brown, A. A. Bradford, orrrenr.?: : C3AS.F.TI0LLY, President. J.llit?trr,Secj. ft. Unit ArE Col. IT. P. Howard. Arril M.-W.7. 4il- : Patent" Portable Mill. TliB si.bcribers Lave entered into a rtDer.-Lip ucitr tLe Lrta of r.ooi, lloiabird A Co., to taaufacture the J. C. Heed, Patent Portable Grist W;tl arl r9 tkw pre pved to farni.-h all those in want of ac4 Corn or Wheat Mill that fordara-bil-.JVj siajplirry and nvr try : excel at:j Miii in the wnila."t'a the late exhibition .f the ilechanks iat itt ia Cincinrati,a GJd If Jul was awarded th eat for it. " It is aiajted to all Grain rrlndinspnrpAses: it is rterir to ail ethers fuTtheia ftexienire Merrbarst il.U, as it is for jriailcj the Farmers feed by Uuie potrer. TheaboTa M ills are tr.anafaetured by thennder- 'jttedat the'.rhcp in Cincinnati. O., where they ete be fcrnUbedin any quantity at short notice. Tht vr Mills warranted to .ert ,rm as follows: J6in.diam., per hoar iO B. Corn, 25 Wheat, f 3 23 M - S9 - 15 23a ;i " - JO . 13 u 2;0 1 8 " 150 ith!s !r." telle its ewa stnrT.i? ts nnnecesssry to n c r n u taerou rec-.TOtuenaaiionsrecei rea. DALL, 3.IARKHAM.&C0., WASII.GTOI7 FOUITDRT Ensrlnesxnd .lachinc sbop, costs, or tter st) Au ncasas stackTS, . - ST. 1.0 PH. Mo. . Ifaarfsctcrersfl Steim Er.cnieaii 1 B ilers. Sawar.a Crut y V-'-i'ry, Sjiis:e ana iLinhig-Cucuiar -Sam V.'.lt, T.J-iksti Trew cd Pieces Lard Hetties. Lard Hcr-wsanl Cj.n-er. W-l Car.f.r.c Machines BuT.dltig CTS Tour'l:::pr'ved Patent Smut Mil!, 4.C. f7"a;EAT r thea.eo James Smith Cws S p K- Xictit e Cant- rtnS-iy - OLIVER BENNETT k CO., MayrrarrrPXES i wsolesalk feuees ix Eocts Slices Cl Erogans, SO. F7 JL'.m- STT.EKT. SA TXT LOUIS, MO VBII NOW IS Bi'CElITof a c tnTlc!casrtnent cf C od frtm their own and ether ncanufae I ; ri,adaptcd espcria; to the Wt stern trade. Par. r.a-cTf are inrited to etaraine their stock Banfc;ttred and selected with fcreat eare and warrar.tei t.r jt-erfor qnlity. Orders will receire tint avd eru' atttLtion. - - ISnAM REAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'Jir.AL ESTATE AGENT, . . t t-ity. B'chardsoa County, Kebrsska. T 1 ft 'e prerspt a:iei a a to aii pr.feina! busi- tir3.'.tNj to t.i care la K.obardv and adjoining tl mv te the d; w:.- .' deeds prv-eicption pa- &T; louis Airs; "';OM!iINATlUN PATENT." rPRIGIIT STEA3I SATT 3I11LX. This vcu'.l tunjiAasil tie m.iverfsl aJawratkJi ot aaw Riii tr.cn evp-rirLere. A it ujeiit? liec-iae tnoTTJ, tie lem jaJ rr it :nreit-. Orter are &.Oiii: funa evey secii.m cf tbi a -ntrr, Caad4, CaLa. aaJ Sa-Ji Aiuori ca. I: u FUited f every frcti-m t tie wi',i wherever there i tiai;er to he eawel, Sio matter of what tiaracter L,'Lard, Lw U;p-of hew nsii. Tw-j exlenme na Dufactr:es are xmw encased i ticilimc t jfjte lait 1. yet it is altut iintK-ible to tars ILen -t a, f t t?r arewstjiei. T-.pt ent'Tae seve-al ralajit'.e Ttcs-u aoO iaorev-eraeuts. aaJ cnibiue a!! f tte f Owowinc- a4- Sinjiiicily Bttli JLe m;il ar4 p-jwer areo simp'.e in the: r cuasirycit.m that auy tr.e i-f crlaarr inesaical ability car c-mprebend ltn put them ad rua ti.eai w::b'.-tit l.!iter or t.iS-slty. Poriaii'U The w!..te e?tahlihineat can ? very flui.VIy trtea irri a:.u pat t;geLhr, thas readerius it ea-y to be m ivt-S from place ti-;re adf!re-l. aiid sav ins tLe Jjecetdly of drawing tie log a Iciig distance to Duraliutf it it cjUitrcc'ed in tie eioM aud and itit.:.: iza:!T:er, rT er;er.:y still, i a.'t liaaie to ret rt : orUer. aid wi:i la f .t year w:th. T.t repair. ILipiisi It w:Il sjw taster tiaa any other cprizit opr;Ut n..:i. TLe i-e:d ei the fw i bjL.t tliree tua d:ed t.trk( i-cr ciauie.aad the teed from oae-eibi l itree-qcruiers i an :ach -r iri te. Tns, ;U a n.eciuiii !-peii li.e saw cat 1b.-4.usi1 a 1 twen-y-x..ur leet iuiiC is a';-'Ut t'cree nuatiie. From Li data ai.y wie tno-rin? the cli.-a;ter of the tiat'er ca calcslate Lw Ci.li it viii ix - - - - - Eciccy itdt.es itswwi vrellj cuts sauwther and tr:-bter itav the wdiiiarj- and ttearranc-emetit of the saw u .-j.-hasto reader il ntier'y iuM.ille fur jt t rcn frtat tf iiire. Cktapne Tue eatire iot of the mill, with f fteea tc:e i.-verand cverytiiin!: all complete ai-J reacy VJt rur iu'ic, h-ae4ud reiy lor shij'iaeat ia ht. Lous, t r.:y r.&. - Tii nii'l re5-!res e jwrer drjTe than any otter :m'.;, and thepwer fana."kedis s'fficieat to drive extra i ajachiaery. ACi.-ccUr Cfiliials? fall paricc5ars will be sent to any ece deiirir.5 it. All ortiert s bou'd t-e ariiresMd Ui BilAuG k. Bt'ESOWES, Csruer Tlird cl Hcrkct strcett, St. Lornx, Si le a?erit for tie WeU?ru and Sjattern Slate. aiar.5, li S-lJ MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM rvra , Worn by Kings or Emperors Wbal? Wlijabeanliraincadornalr Ikcacit lheoraiUiCnt Cod Ilimstif provided ti All ku"- race. Reader, aiin juch tbe rte taay Mwai ever j t-r:sijt:y ij tLe ?i-in? taeefc. the eye le ever -j.kraiirs, te teeUj I Jbne of pearls, it lie head i be- ert of i:o'-eriiig or the h:r oar Jet and t-Lriveied hcvth end fry, vr worse still, if spriuklel With pny u.tire win he taore Ua Lai? ner charms. Pruf. WijO' Uair Eefrtvrnve, if ued two three Urnas a met-k. wuj refu te ad perniiueiitly -e-ure i ail aach u v-rasmfli!. Uejd tbeX"ii,. iiij: ar.i jufl.e. Te ri :er uf the fi:tt is tie ccitlrttcd piaaiaf Tkalberg r Kew Tori: April 19, 1S59. I'X Voce Drar Sfrr Perautme to espre.- t. yon Le vtitiul auiuuder lur LLe entire rrt(iraxiua.'l Biy Lair U it iririaai cviur; abvkt ihetimevf tay arri v! ia ti.c rai".ei States it - rapi-ltV tootuini: fray But urK.n the apphceuoa of yor Hair Hetivrauve, it tua retw eted iuripnal Jitie. 1 cuuider your resnwr ue a a very woaderlul invention, quire tfneatrvus a well as affrreable. laiayfurti truiy. S TUALJJEKG. 1rrca air Gry;ie'ydJt, "clfti Xewqper 4Tce. Xt.a t., Airil 12, '5S ' Tint O J CHUlMcr Sir . Some tumta .r fcs week ae&. I leonived a buttle f yur Hair Retwauve tui gave it icy lit, aim cuci-oded u try it uu bet hair uitic thinking tle time that it wm;id resume the itrT Lair to its original color, but tuber a veil as ray .urprie, auer a tew eek' trial it has perftrae4 that wnderjoi efiect by tcrninjail the gray Lairs to a dark bruu, at tLe Maie Uma beauiifyiiic and thitkeningihe bair. 1 strongly reconiaiena the itov He.-turative to ail pero:a ia wai.Ia1 soch a ct..nze J tteir hnir. cuaules csnnzvr yew To:t, Jaly 5, 1S5S. Prof O J Wocd : Tith confluence do 1 retviuniead ycur HairEestoratrve. as beia? U:e tnl ef3ci-jus ar- uc e I ever raw. Since umb; your Cair e'aUrative n y ba;rtand Liters wLih were alcxn-t vti:t have gradaaily trowa dit:k: and I nw feel ru&fitent that a rcw n.-re a;xi-ca-iuaiJ roiore theratw their aata tl Color. 3 G CILET. - Chicaco, lil, Jlay 1, 1S57. Prcf IToniv Ahcrt two years a?o niy Lair eomnjcacel faliiny -and ttrninp pr?y: 1 was ta-.l becmins bald and b.J tried many resiedie to 00 effect, I coinieaced BMtig your llei-toraUve in Jaaaary lst. A few appii-ctuut-J aened loy hir brnily. It befaa to fill up i.r..- out, turned hack to iu former color (bl&ik). At .in 5 time ii i failj rer-iored to lUonjziaai col'-r, beallb ad tfpperaL4, and 1 cheerlaUy recaanuend its c--e. J V HOES The The!oTiti;ve is put in bartld f J sizes, viz : larpe Dficm n'.ti smalt; tbe staali holds i.all a pint, aod reiai'.yf'r $1 f-er Utie; the taeipai buids at least 2) ir cent ni-re iu pr -poriii ttaii the smail, reta.ls f. 2 per ttti'e; tts Uft boidy a aart, 4J per cent mere ia pri.MrTiiai and retails tor Sj.3. O. J. M"tKi at CO., P.-v pnetnrs, 3:5 B-oadway. New Ti-rs. and 114. Market street. St Louis lit And Sold hy all good Xruitts and Fancy Goods Deaiers. Sildty J. H. 3i ArX &. CO., Druarists Jirownrnle, XeraKa. 1859. 11859. SCAUR ITT 4- MASOX, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery COB.XEK W ASKISGTOTf A V. 2d ST., St. Louis, Missouri. To onr Patrons and tbe Public in Gcnrral. we tit? rreat pieaFtire 12 bei-s .tie to assure yon tbat :vritlitanciiie riir bea Iip by the terrain; our &aleEuoa) at 40 ai.d 42 U a-ti;i)rt-.n Avence MZii tlie ls of the entire sUx-k in them, ou the XB.n?n(r f the i:i-t., are already aWe to 11 any order that tnT be de-iretf ia sr hue. njvi.p a larre asnt-unt 'f stock In cr ware buue that are f't r:ir.ecred wiib our sacs TLra, an J being in ojostant receipt f pids trt-m tbe tt m aim fact crers earet'an.sooa eublcd to fill ordert at oar val U,ir prices, aiid ia our loinier prompt bd satii-iactrvry ataa- atr. Oir fjci'liiej for pr.icurinR snd keeping ur a deirab t.jck tie cue-ailk-d ; our j.er-H.al attention and larse exi-Tiere t and will be o.nMant!y pivei to cur legit mm' Snii-inn-f acealer? in ana manufacturer ef FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY in all tLe vcrivT branwie. w"e s-ure you 1 1: at we will el z f kmJ ?'k1 artd at a l.-w prices, an J en as fa vtb'e term, as any b-,.u--e in tbeWef-t. Thjt.kiiijf ? uu for ibe very lil ?ral patmnape alread; beiwe-l on us, we ak a Orfuiinuatieii of tbe miiic, S.-.1e lw.rjsfor tbe present oa the Xcrthwerf orr nerol Wa-hincton Avenue abd Second Street, fcur doers llowour oiJ staad. Te-y ReicifuMy. SCAH1UTT fc X. XSOS. St. Louis Aupuft 1, IS5S. bo7 GREAT WONDER OF THE MAETEESTII CEXTRY Proressor Wood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says tbe St. L-uis Pemotrat: Below, we publbdia' letter to l)r. Woid, this city, from a gentleman ia Maine, waich speaks gic-winply of the superi. ac-ntt, of bis Uir t.d-ic. Sack ev:detce niuist have its effect, when d-misg from a reliable source. If certificates are puarantee of truth, the lr. needs no euuoxuiums, nor n.f ies puStry from the pre- : Bath, MaIe, Jan 20, ZSS3. fro. 0. J. Wo?, C. Gextle.mex ' Ilivinc n;y attentii-n called a few Kotith wine t j the highly leoencial effects t f your hair restorative. I vis induced to iake application of it upon ii:y I'-vrn h-ir. which had leroie quite gray, prb.b'y one-: hirJ white; my w hirers were of the same tbarac tcr. Situe ihree months tjnee I procured a Uttleof liair restorji'ive. and used it. 1 s--n f otiuU it vjs prov ing ht 1 had w:d.ed. 1 u-ei it about twice a m eet. I have since procured anotber Kiitle, tif which 1 have used Kitae. l now certity to the wrld thstthesrrsy or white hair La tota'.ly di.-aptared. both on ny bead and Caoe, and n:y hair Ls retinjCd its original color, ai'd 1 ara n3T- ix'.y vers old n;y p od wite at the ase of tl-ty-iwo, bat ured it with the same eSect. Tbe above aotiee I deem dee t for yertr valuat-le discove-y. 1 am assnred that wbc-er will tichtlr use as per directions, will not have occasion t roeitradia ny statement. 1 aiaa ctjen of this city and a retidcut licre for ti;e lat uiteea years and am known to nearly every one bvre and ai!j'-inir.g towns Any u.-e you niay raikeot the above." with my name attached, i at your tervke, as t wi.-b to preserve tbe leau:ies a" nature in other as well as myreif. I am. truly years. - - A. C. EATirOXD. - Baltimoxe. Jan. S3, ISjS. Frofeswr . 'Wood Pear S:r: Uavin bad the niu-b-r-tane to kx-e the bet portion of my hair, frc-ji tbe ef. lects of tbe Teilow Fever in New Orleans in 1S04, I was induced to mai.ee trial of your preparation, and Tonnd it to tnj-wer at tbe very thing needed. My bair ts now thick and Eiosfy, a nt no words caa expTes ray ohliiiUuO to vou ik giving W the aficiei Such a t-easnre. - riXLEY J0I1XS0X. . Tb derigueJ- Eev. J. Bragg, is a miwiieT ia iu regular standing, and pastor f the Orihodux Ctarch at BrwktSe'd. ki. He is a gentleman of great inSa ecce and universally beloved WM. IiVKR, BkOOritLD, Jaaaary li, Zb58w Prvre.5s.r Wood Ier Sr: llaving made trial of your nir Bet;ative it cives me pleasure to say, that its efiert tas been exrellent ia removing infiatr.uiation. da ci ruff :h1 a constant ter.dency to itching with wbieb I bare leeo troutled I rota iny ebiidbood; and has also re stred tnv batr, whkfc was lieccuiing gray, to intorieickal cU-r. 1 have uel no other arucie wiib 4Jiy thing lke pleasure or cr prit. Tinrs trc:y, J. t. EP.AGf?. TL-e resK--rative is ptt vp in bntles of three sirs, vir: larce. niediutn and small; the small rte btwd a tV.' tint each. a?:i retails ft one dollar per battie; the nw im hob's at least sweaty per cent more in pri.p.r ti. n ais the small, retails for two dollars a battle; tbe l.ire br-ld. a cusrt' f-.rty per cent mure ia prt prtioa, a&J retails f-r three dollars a bottle. O. J. TTCOD t Co. PrfTrrefrs, 352 Bcs.tway. New Tork. (ia the creat Xew Vorh Wire Railing eiUblLsh nient ) andlU Market St.. S. Lnis lii. &ld by J. H. M ACX at Co., B-o tville, X. T. -"j FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. TT --' . - r? -HT liinporter cs lm a n u iaciu re r. - BKOWNMLLE, NEBRASKA. The Proprietor respectfully informs the citizen of BrotvDville, and the puhlic gen- fklij, that be has jat returned frr.tn St. Lotiis witli tbe largest stock of enstom-made BOOTS S? SHOES ever Irovgkt JVat of St. Joseph. Elf Mwrtment of ready-aiade B(Kts i. Shoes embraces every rariety far Fall and 'Winter. French Citlf-fkin bck)ts:c:le a-od double K.Ie f the latest ther water-firtK-f tacts j Sua iVrfiis, aada grut ust n:ht f.r I'ilvL l't-AK oa UijsnBa. lie nas a tarfresujjj vi my variety of Shoes and Brogans ; Boys' boes and bots of all aires and varieties, an 1 sreat varietT in everr siTleand fashk-D. tf Ladies Gaitera, Slippers Misses' and Children's Gaiters and Shoe?. Gect'mens Mirters, baUalo and tima-eiaftte UTer?boes, are lie a! ha ccntaEtlji.n hmd a Iwje sajp'j e" French Kip and Calf-fkins and triiataiags - - " FOR ITO.MK AIANUFACTURE. H warraata ti wk to p-ve entire f;tiPfacTicn, aaJ invites the pnt-hc to call and examine for themselves at ft 9 B-ownville Rt k.S?K.e St.ire-anijtKipe whether tbe at.3 ciieat-er thuu any j on ever r a riiaed from ny other Sept. C3. ISiS. m fall mb mimE gsddsi CEAnE& HILL, V 1 ..' DEALERS IN rV-v fcr aa.- f Sla.ia St. between Front MB!! HARD W5A;R i QlMiWMai, s - and HATS & CAPS, Stove, Furniture, Flour, Bacon, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. VTTB tare jnst opened a heavy Stock cf Fall aDd V and Faacj line, which we are now prepartd to For Cash or Country Produce. 1S57. vSnlS-tf CE AXE & HILL. T3 SIEGEL & GREENBAUM, TOO- S"Z 33LglTl Sfzroot, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors wold most respectfully inform tbe citizens of Brownrille and the public generally that they have received and are now opetinjroncof tbe largest and most complete Stocks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment cf Embraees crery variety of Textrres and Prices; as to Color they hare Brown, Blaa. Black, risible and invisible Greenland Cloths Cas.irnersSatinett. Cash meretts. and Jeans, all made up according tthe latest fashionable cat. Tbetrvariety of vests is superb, embracing the very la est styles and patterns. In the Viar also be found at all time a fincselectinn of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes Collars white or colored. Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bag?, etc., which we will We have tbe finest SPBING AKD SIMMER CLOTHING Ever brought ITS Warranted to sait the most fastiduons, COATS, Dress, Frocls. and Sacli. PAXTS, Every Style and Description. TXSTS, To please Earge and Small. SHIRTS, XTclli lTliite and Fancj'. T7 would but ask the public to call, examine andjudgefor themselves whether the Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better maJd material, cut with better taste, ml tweniv-nveptri cheap October 29th, 1857. vSnlS-ly A. D. KIRS, Attorney at Law, Land Ageat and Xotary PubUc. Archer, Richardson Co., .V. T. Will practice in the Courts of XebraskR,asjisted br Harding and Kennett.yebraska City. FEHNER FERGUSON, Attorney and Counsellor j4tj Law, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. T. . CrMlNO.' ODJ C.-TCBi. . .. . CUMLG & TniK, AttoixcTS at Law & Real E.state AgcnU omjlha crry, is. t. - WHXattendfaithfal!yand promptly to all bna ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial o Iowa Courts, to the purchase ef lots and lands, en trries and pre-tn2piions, collections, As. Office in the second stry of Henry fr Bootsnew buildinz, nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Parana m street. Dee. 27. lifi. vln2Stf TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 16S Vine tst-bet.Fotirthfm.aiifui. - :. Cistiiinat!, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOEE & CO v Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ana Job Type. Printing Presses. Cases, Gallies. Ac, Ac. Ae f c. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles. OSce of American Bank Note Co m pan v. J. J. O'SHAXESSY. " Copper Plate Limuraphic Printer. Corner of Randolph and rertK.rn streets, CHICAGO, IMa. TTed-linean.! Tisitinc Cards. P.or Plates. Office Seals Xtary Public's Piesiuxl Presses, Draft.. Invoices, and Labe's of ev4ry kind pr ?- er merited and sent by Express. Pack of the rcr fxsf pleztd r ri- il Card trith sstw or tva doUtrt. 'by a w end bttutifuJ protrtt tr:JMxt cvtt pUSe tqiuU to tte rerg thoicet enrtrevivg. tr&rd recsffred eg recrptiin cf jwf tfatapa. -JJGly J. HART & SON. I 12.1 J3, Oregron, xioit County, Missouri. Keepcoostant iyon hand alldescriptiouof Harness, Saddles, Bridles Ac. Ac. X. B. LTcryartKlcinoHrsaopisraaauractnred urw-lvaf,aai warranted ts fire iatiifaeaJon. Tv, . . 3 ir.: . if.r.i ,.r TT. t - . auit. mtti iiiimiu jijicuu i i.ri iT-criLiou, . jiaurns ooin Atr-i ijici ana r remium STEJtEOTYPIXG of all kind Books, ilusic. i may be found Tilly's Charter Oak, the 1 atent.viedicine iiirecuns, Jobs, ood Lnjrrevtas in nse. the Asiatic Air-Ti?ht. Pioneer - iL-v I'M r7 - 'i ' r style and ia-Li.m ; also a sujnurstii of Lraia iea b-xts and fb-es arenoi 01 oetiei lea.ner, oeiter place. The highest prices paid for bides. m?de and Sesocd na 9 Winter Goods embracing eTerythin- in tbe Staple ofTer to the trade at extremely bw prices, soil as cheap as any establishment in the V est. and best assortment of to this Territory. thla A fine assortment of Clothins at the Letter trimmed SIEGEL A GKEEXBAUM. A. LTFOBD. J. T. EOSX vLyford c& Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in CLr AXD GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, J322022i3, , IIATS AND CAPS, .Aalls.Plows, Stoves, Furniture, &.c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1&3J, . 3t IT. II. TFIEEI.4JIS, WHOLES ALK ax ketail dealek is STOVES &TJN WARE - Orecon, 2VXo.. rTTAKES pleasure in announcing theeizizens of Or- 1 eon and the pnblic in general, that he h t.n ! hand the most extensive stock ol Moves and Tin i ware, eTer offered in this market. Xly stxck of Tin- 1 ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at i U holesiiic aiid Uetaiiat St. LcuU i tice.-. j I would call particular attention to my stock ot bUUklMiMOl E, comprising the most improved . Among them best stove now and prixePre- miain. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I will j SELL LOWER TUAX AXY HOUSE IX TOWX. j Particular attention paid tu making and putting j np Tin Gutters, ia the town and country. Also, re ; pairing done on short notice and cn reasonable term-, f Old eopper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange ! for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, j l-ti5 Oregon, Mo July b, ISS6. - REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I GEOSGZ CLATE3. J. V. UZ, Clayos s Xjioo. ! Real Estate and Genend Agencv, 1 OiIAHA city, t. " ' EE FEB TO James Wright, Broker, Xew Tork, Wna. A. Wood wtrd. Esq. " Hon. R. Waod, Ex-Gcr. of Ohia, CleTeland, Wieks.Otieasi Browntll.BaakerB, " Alcettfllcn, , Col. Robert Campbell, St. Loai, James Uidgway,Esa. Crawfcrn and Sackett, Chicago. OaaakaCUf.AcSA.Ial. vlall V &e. fr$ f?s ctTv Zf fc!U IlJ S3 ix o e BROWJKLFAlS. r. trsEnrcH. iko. l. cassoi LTJSKBATTGH Cl CAHSOIT, EA'ZRS A.VD GEXERAL LAXD AGENTS, Healers In Coin, Cacnrrpr.t il.rfieT, ExcvaTisreaad Lan-1 Warrants BEOWXTILLB, XEMAUA CO-, X. T. Especial atlenticn will le given i Bcyins and Selling Exchange on the principal cities f tie United Stales, Gold. Silver, and Kmurrent Bank Xotes. Acosistant scp ply of Land Warrant on haodfr stle. ro cash, or en tered ou time for Pre-enip'-ors. Ail Warrants sold by as guaraateed ia every respect. ITiil rile Declaratory State ments 0 intention to pre-empt, and prejre Pre-eaipua Papers at short notice. kUmey loaaed upa lest securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments mude in Law's er city property for distant eai"ita!it. Colleo tions uptn all cvuvet.ieut points mill be pronot'tly attend ed Ui and proceed remitted inexcLaae, at current rates. Bills of Exchai:?e n England, Ireland, and France. l taiced at utnal rates, with cost of Exchn?e i the E.it ad-Jed. Deptwits received on Carreat account andiaieiieat al lowed on special de;Kjits. CFi'ICE aiu St., near C. S. Land 025ce. KErE&EXCES Lind, Brother h. Co., Jterchants, Mcli an AUxn. Carson & Co., " Kiser it White, " ronnc. Cars.a A Bryant, Jao. ThoatTso Alalia. CorrofPort, E. M. Pundersi-n &.C0. Merchants, M. 31. Tealc k. Co. Xo. 17, Broadway, Win. T. Snr.tliMn: E?q., BanteT, Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Xd. New Trt. Waaingxon,D. C. J. T. evens. Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Uallaher, Late 5-1 A ud. C. S- T Taylor & Krieh, Banters, JleCle!land. Scrors 4s. Co. Merchants, Hon. T1kh. G. Pratt, lion. J. W. Geary. Ex-Got. Kansas, Hon. J as. O. Carson. P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Vol. Geo. Stbley. AU'y at Law, Charles Param h. Co. Bankers, H. C. Xuttfc. Co. ' Greene. Weare fit Rice, " Douglass at Watson, " Col. Sara Uamhleion, Att'y at Law, Judce Thjs. Perry, Cnicaeo, 111. St. Louis, Mo. .AanapoiisJld- Pena. 3terverburg,Pa. Haperstowu, 3td. Keokuk. Iowa. Council Bluff" Pes Moine, " : Vinton, -. EaU.u. Jid. Cumierland. Ifl Bav ana A labs ma Prt.f. H. Tuwiter, Oct. 8 '57-v-olV-tf j. d it- THOLtPSorr, Attorney ."-at Law 9 Han resuBied his prvfessioaal business, and will prac tice ia all the Conrta ef Xetratka, and the Courts in A tohinson county, Ma. 053ce one door west of I. T. TTbyte's Store, Brownville XebratKa. Brownville. April 22. 1S5S1 : -n431y Brownville Steam Ferry! SpLST CKOSSLMI rjS -3 OX THI tr.5 - r-'z MISSOURI EIYER. Tha Boute from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, aviita ixviiii iucwc tf wjLioruizL, is wo . nearest and most praeticible. BAKER & CODINGTON AXXOCXCE to the TrarelinPBb!ic that they axe now runnia a rerry arnm. tbe ii-wan jiver at An entirely pev. $-bstaiitiI end commodiotti STEAM FERRY BOAT, u inch arrangement wul aeesre certain and safe pas-w e-e at, all times and in all kinds ol weather. The Proprietors do not assert txiastinglT. or for he purpose of g inirtg custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is tbe besi crossins of the altssoon niver in ebraskA. and when they say the route from Brownrille to Fort Kearney and from thence to Ca i 'ornia is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to tbe uapof the Country: and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal e :perieuee,as well a that of hundreds of others who bare traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route h li ont peculiarly favorable inducements to irsccs : ... r : a . i- - . yiing wi twiimuii, auu euncn iaeir jiaironjlge. ot- wttnstanaing oursupenor arranjrements for a safe and speedy crossing, or charges are the same as other Femes ui Xebraska, ail being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. i5F"Heeonect that with onr facilities cf Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from icarin j regular trips at all b .nrs IST'A skiff and hani will be in readiness to cross foot passengers at ail times t night. n20 November 11th. ISi7. EROWOTILLE inn" ' Ji- iLJiillfU lfRlliUliA. NOEL, LAKE k EMERSON. ; X3r---7crri. villo , INT. 1. ' X. B. We would r jspectfully inform tho riti lens of Xemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we bare always .n hand a large and well selected supjJy of I.TJ3IBKH, which w e ran f ora'Li at low er rte than any miil in the Trritry. Market prices paid for log delivered at the yard oron the bank of tbe rirer. All orders accompanied with the eash, will receiv our immediate attention. O. F. LAKfc. Brnwrrville. w. h. nuoriB. Nemaha City. LAKE & HOOVER. Mil. EATS Mil, AND 7 NOTARYS PUBLIC. Erownville and Nemaha City, XEBRASX A TIERITORY. V7lLLpTvn?ptlyatti:nd toLaai Agsacies, Paying V taxas, Braiog money, buying and sellirg Heal Estate, buying, and selling tm Commission. Making Gibectiona lor distant dealers, and all kinds of business ertaining to their profession. Particular at lent in will be given in filing declara tory statement? to pre-empt aud procuring War ranty Deeds from tbe Town authorities. Persons owning mts lots, residing at a distance wishinc teprteure Warranty Deeds will do well t. place the agency in eur hands ( al w a : presentitg their Quit claim Deeds for said Lot 'w'ithin the ex piration of six mentis, as after that time all lots not Deeded will be sold. Blanks always cn hand. X. B. Letters of inqniiT answered promptly. March 28. '57. . 1 I "atlv. George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER AKX0L3CE to the public, that be is""prepared to erect Steam and Water Saw and Memhsnl Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery ef all" inds. .ALL WORK AVAR RANTED. lie is also Agent for . - A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CIXCIXXATI, O. LEE & LEAVITTS ilannfactory, cincixnati, o. And are prepared to receiveand fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. KEFFEUEXCES. Noel. Lake t Co., Brownville, X.T. Steam MiH. K, W. Furnas Brownville, Muir. liana & Co u u " " u Dr. Ibwver, Nemaha city, " P.M. Rows Pawnee city.- " " Nuckells A White, Rockport, Mo. James Iowe, Linden, " A. B. n!liberd, Cincinnati, 0. Brownville. done IS. 1 "457. 44 14 2 1-1 j Brownville House, BROWNVILLE, NEBRaVSKA. ' MORRISON & WHEELER Announce to tbe pnblic that they have tat en charge tf Tberr"- I"'? 1e. OiTrwlKnbTirkn-telbnilu:ne re cently completed inthcCuytif Krownvme. Xeora-ka They have fumiibed it from cellar to garret with en tire t-ew-famuuxe; tfcerwrms aieall lrre, w! veu tilated aud anisned. The table, we prorai, shall atall time? c-nlaiu the tet tbecnfarycaa off.rd. Onr liquors shall be as pnreata are tna ewe purchase ia per-n frutu reliable uunufactcrer.. We deem amjreexten ded n tic unnecessary and conclude by assuring tbe pnl- iic inai we are ue;eruijrieimatno efJjrt on our part sha!l t-e wanting to render the Brownville Huse a t!rt c!ass n.4el. ilOKRlOX k. VHEELElt. JutyS, lS55-6m GEORGE EDWARD A 3Ft C TT ITECT. OmCav .iaiM. Ltoj Ximxey 4r UeUj't cJ5c, iaebraska City, T. Perrons who cotteusplate t.i ding can be fnrnirhed with Poigas, Plaas S;ci3calv,ns, tc. for t ui :dins ..i any class or variety c4 style, aew tbe erec;tn of the aame scperintended if dswred. Prompt attenUcn paid to bssiness from a di-tanee. an t All pers.a are hereby nuned that 1 will take tbe n-ces.-ary ttep? to tbe reo pening of the contested car-e ol Jaate FerruM-a. f, the purpose cf more fully ir restigating Us ri?hi to enter tbe sou Lb west quaner Os "f soaa w-et ncarter (li4) and b nnmher fnur (I) cfseciU eighteen (15) ia township five (5) rar.?e six teen (16) east, 1 berehy warn all per.ns not to pur chase, trade for, or ia any way to cesoUate tor aay por tion cf the above described proper! t klay 27, '53 v2n4tf ArGVSTUS KOrXTZE. Lost or Stolen. Lost, cn Christmas evu at the BrownTille nouse, a CalilorciB-grld breast pin. Tbe vubsoiber will iitera!ly rewardxbe naoar of the pla. I. YORTHiXG. SAINT JOSEPH AD?S vr. c.niTcnir, F WHOLES LE -l.XD RE TAIL Groceries, AVines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner cf J-Iein end Trancit Streets, iliJLVa Cli Stand, Opposite Slutt Hotel, ST. JOSEPH, HATE just received the larjtt and most complete stock of the above p-xls ever opened in upper ilif.-u-i, to wbich thettentit'ni nerchant and dealers is re pectfcllin; imited havirsparcha-ed them principally f r cah at the very K'west p:i-ib'.e prices, ia Bvtm, XewTork and St. Lt uis, feel corfideni that I can oEer indacen.'ents that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair id liNral uealms. Ijw prices ai:d (T'mmI fols, to merit a ln-erai share c f patronage. Call and examine ruy st.x-k and price be?re pnrchaiiitr'; sales aTe bnd to lollow, Ia my stock will lfouad every article usually kept ia a 3io 1 Grocery Ilouse. MEDICINES. STREXGTUEXLNG CORDIAL AXD BLOOD PURIFIER!! rTTJE rreates t reme dy ia the world. 0 This cordial is distilled from a Berry koowr yfonly to myelf, an heniott :fl ; ilrot.ts, v. - s known t ' i'v aiuable ntedica herbs a rtd bat ks to the mind of man, rix: blood root, black Toot, wtid cherry bark, yellow dk daiidle loir.s. sarssparilla eld er flowers, wiib others, priceius the most in fallible remedy for the rattoration of heaKi T Effcrc Ukiiii ever ia.o. r. IT IS NATURE'S AiuT Ukl Otr.V REMEDY, camp dieses by natnral laws. Wken taken its bea litis muiKei feltcvarsins thro'eb every vein of the Uiy, purifying- and acceleraims the circulatiou uf the blood. It neutralizes any ti!i a matter in the stomach, and ttrcngthens tbe whole orpa niztiin. JfrLeca' Strengthening Cordial ',Tt ejfefaaiy rare Liver Coimplarnt$ Pyipepaia Jaundice Chronic cr Serroui Deiihiy V.ieeetof the Kidneys, mud cU Lhtectri tritina from Disordered Urer or Stomach, Ueartbtira, inward piles, acidity or sickness of tbe stom ach, fullness of tit. d to the bed, dull paiit or swiiiuuiaiB ia the head palpitations of the heart. cb-kins or actTc aitng feetinps when layina invn. dryness vr yeilvwaes J tbe fckin and eyes, saddea fluobea ef beat, depression of (pints AiC There is notnisialit cbovl it. This cordial will never fail to cure any of the above di-aes, if taken as per tiirections em each bottle, in German. English awl French.- Orer half a million of lotilcs Tlave been sold darinatbe past six months, 1 in no in-tame hasiit failed in pvinyen'ire natisfactitrn Wh tbtnwiil j-nffer from weakness or debility when klc Lean's Strengthening Cardial will cure you? To the Ladits. Do you w ih to be healthy and strong? Then to at oete and get some of McLean's Cordial ? It will Mreng thea aad invigorate y ur bkiod to ffow tkroaea every vein, and tbe rich rtr-y bloom wi health to mount to youi cheek again, Avery bottle warranted ta give SAli&iac- For Children. We say to parents, if your child; eg are sickly, puny or afSicied with complaints preva cut tic cUldrea. give them a t-uiali qiuMtity ;f J2rLea'a Co.d.al. It sell, rapidly, because t always cares. fely xk1 a moment. Every Country .Merchant Should not leave tbe city until he had procured a sup ply ef VeLeao'a Streoinbeniuc cordial. A libera. UixvinnT aiil he taada Ut tbRe whj hay to sell acin. CAVTIOS Beware of drtpgiet -r dealer who may try to palm up a you some Bitter or Sarsapari'.ia tah which they cjn buy cheap, by savins it is juit as gotd. Avoid och njen. Ayfc f r 31 cLean'n Streiunheningar dial. and take nothin else. It is tbe only remedy that will pmify the tld throughout, and at the same time trenfrthea thes;-?teni. One table spotol taken every criming is a certain pjeventive frhlera,chiJhi and fever, yellow fever, or any pievaien dieae. Piice only $1 per bottle, or S bottles for l5. J II klcLiUV. Sole proprietor ot th-e orrdial. Also. JicLean'a Volcanic O.l Lininient Jj-Principal depot on the comer ef Third and Pine streets, St Louis, ilo. Met,ean'sToleanIc Oil Liniment. The best liniment in the orld for man or beat Another Reiraikable Cure Performed by aCcLeaa's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Bead it fur yourselves Tb 'mi Ford, a blacksmith, riving near Ca.'s avenne Tenth street, bad a h raiie runr.ing sore on his f.t He tried various Linintents, Salves, hx, batcoulJ do it nugood. He de paired of ever teing ahletowork at bis tra-ie acain. becau-e be onu'd m.t bear any weight on his foot; and by one bcttie of iScLean'. Volcinic Oil Lini ment be is Ufw perfectly cured. Rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, bruises, sprains, stif cefs ia the y ims or musclils, swellinjrs. s.-re throat, earache or v othache. a.c, yield to the magic ia Caetce -f this wonderful Iin;njent. F'.r horse awl eatile. it is an infallible remedv f-.r chafe, scratches, cratked heels, lameness, sp.via, rtn la, brnes. swerin-, wxznCt. rittinake bites, and varies other diseases which animals are liable to from iat'ifics or accidents. Every country merchant should obtain a snpply of Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liciaieat. It 6ells rapidly becauH' it always cttres. A liberal discount will be made ta merchants who buy to sell again. Sj-For sale by J n McLEAX. proprietor, eciner ol Third and P.ce streets. S: Iuis, Mo. ZOOK & BALDWIN. ZT t rocCity, TWIo.. 1EL TJ Or S3 , MEDICINES. Dye Woods, DyestrifTs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Article Variiislifcs, Window-i.jssand Puttv, GLASSWARE, French, English, and American Perfumery. l FIXE toilet and shaving s aps, fine hair and C" ttx,th brumes, jmint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent meJic:nes of the day: pure wines and brandie. fr medical pnrposcsj ehoice toilet and fancvartieles. etc. etc. Agents Tor the sale of Dr. WUtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwtrt, Tar and Cancbalagua. 44 Osgood's India tTtmlagrgue " Jones' American Cholagfjpue: Gnysctt's Yellow dock and S ax sa par ilia; 44 Smith's Tonic Syrnp. July 23, !Si7. T2l-yly Ifevi Hardware Store. Sifjrn cf the Saw. J. FLAHEBTY. Impot ter, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Ameri&fn Gf rm tn, English Si French HARDWARE A.YD CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. IS XOWreceivingand opening the largest and most aried arsortment of gixls is the above line ever I offered in any market west of St. Louis My stock embraces a full and complete asjr.rtmezit of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mochaa ic's tools of every deseription, direct from the mt apiiroved m.u.nfat ltirer?: agricultural and horticul tural tool? aud imj leratLts. in great variety, c.mbia ing all the recent and useful tmprorement- for the savin of a ast amount of lalw.r to the farming c m muuitj.frcm hoai I respectfully r(v.ne?t n carefal exarrination of thisdey-artraent cf my stock. I am also exclasive agent f.r tho sale of the celebrated St. Lui Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws which I will warrant.and '1 all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and I1tols Iron, Steel. Xails. Ac of the best brands: ia a word, my stock is very complete, which, f. it quality and price. I am determined to offer such inducements a will command a liberal share, of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agenoicj-for American Hardware Manufacturers together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enable me; not only to defy all errnpeti t'ron. but has convinced roe that the true priccijJe of trade is small profits and quick returns. January 1, H57. Tln2Sftf The Llissouri Republican PUiled &oJj,Tri-Wetlf3 and HZ7y. GEORGE KA APP, X. PASCIIAUL Si. JOIIX Ik.TAPP, Proprietors. SL Lo'ju, llissouri. Dii-'T ia advance $10 03 Tri-Teek!y ia advance Weekly in ajrance Weekly n--t pH ia a jrance, Sun-tay Eepubljcan Tb Clubs of five Dailies To Clubs f six Tri-Weeklies Xo Club of louiteta.Weekii & 00 2 00 S 00 3 00 49 00 U 00 0 Oft DRUGS, lEDlClN TC2 All TZ3 CI I FAMILY PHYSIC Twnti baa lorsj existed a pull.'c dewj effective portative jnll whkh could be are and perfectly safe in ita operation. Tw been prepared to meet that demand, aad 3, sive trial of ita virtaes has eonciusiTely what mcceaa il aecompushea the purpev 4; It i eay to make a physical piu, h"tact make the best of all one which sair-jj none of the ob:ections but all the adrii;t.3' every ether. Tkia has been attempted he, ' with what ncre we would respectftuiy p.. the pnLIic deci-icrru It has bee nafortai? the patent hltherro that almost every j, mfdacirie ia animoTitou tr.d irritntr to ti els. This ia not- ilany of them -prjiv M J rmp'.nz pain asd rrvu.jon in ice yieiu u vegetable, no bnn can arise from their tj a" quantity ; bet it ia better that any KuLtiy be taken judicioinly. Miamte direction i ' u-e in the eveTal diMasea to wkkh tiej fc, plicable are given on the box. Amort; thj plaints whicn bare ten speecuiy ntrsa bv e. 1 t r ; ". Bilionv Fever, Fever and A true. Pain ia th v and Loin a ; for, ia truth, all these are htrt aeqnence of dieaed actlow ia the hver. aperient they afford prompt and anre relief tiveiiesa. Pilm, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Srr.; and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the bouv, and impurity of the blood, IrregiJarities ; a any ana every case where a purgative ia rfin , Ther have al produced aome arsriilatj'r eessful cure in Rberjiiatism, Gout, Prrw-r FjTsipelas Palpitatkm of the Heart, i Back, Stomach, and Side. They shonld ! Sf taken in the spring of the year, to ptrrlrr fot and prepare the system for the change of e Aa occasional dose stimulate the stoieifi bowels into healthy action, and restores ft tte and vigor. They purify the blood, and, w fi rtimnlant acrioa on the drenlatory 8ysnj7 Tate the strength of the body, and re, wasted or diseased mercies of the whole orjrse. Hence an occasional dose is adt kctagcti, rs though co KTions derrngemcnt exists; botj necessary dcir.g should never be carried ti as every purgative medicine reduce the strrr; hen taken to excess. Tbe thousand cases m wj physic is rrqaired canaot be enumerau bt they suggest themselves to the resswa of re body; and it is oonfUlently believed tiiis p; answer a better purptje than any tlinjf vLick k hitherto been available to siankrad, Whea tie virtue are Bce known, the pnbue iu to otr doubt what remedy to employ whea ia Deed 1 cathartic medicine. Being cgar-wrppeJ, they aa pleasant to take, and being purey vrrtah'it, b Larrn can arise froan their use in ar j atanfcty. For minute directioBS see wrapper on the ci PEKJAEF.D BT DR. JAMES C. AYEH, , Prsictiealaiid Aimlytiral ChcnU LOWELL, MASS. . - Price 13 Ceata per Bex. IlTt 2szm far W AYER'S. CHEEEY PECTORAL, Fr tbe rapid Caire mt COrCIIS, COLDS, IIOARSEMfl BRoxrnnis, uiioopiag-ioui, I'ROt P, ASTU.1IA, A.D ro.sniPTio.. This remedy has won for itself such nottw from its cures of ei cry variety of pulmonary. thwai that it ia entirely unnecessary to recount the den res of its virtuea in any eommmitty rct : baa been employed. So wide is the field of ita fulness, and so numerous the cases of ita era. that almost every ectk of the cone try abu ia persona publicly known, who have been refc from alarming and even desperate diseases (rf a lungs by its nse. Wbea tee tried its superinrt over ty cry other medicine of it kind is v ra rest to escape observation, and where its lirruei-t known, the public no longer hetitate what arhdit to employ for the distressing and dargrreM a. tions of "the pulmonary organs whkb are. act! to our climate. Not only in fonnidal.lt ittaui upon the lungs, but for the milder vtrlftt i Culds. Cordis HoaasESEs;, Ac ; and ft Cm Dkes it ia the r.leasaiitest and safest meditiae ti can be obtained. As it ha long been ia constant nse fkrov.fi this section, we need, not do . more than assure i people its quality is kept np to the best that it rt has been, aad that the genuine article ia sola t?- J. 11. MA LIS &. CU'.', AfrtL' 4 Brwnf:ls I VICTORIOUS OVTH PAJ21. BRAGG'S ARCTIC LIM3IDI. As"fr or ea-e ! .Sck: Letih '. I it r fcearfc! I ; aie Hi q.ui. ial ' atptiour rrjeel U tla 1 eitic ty tl nuirt5r!i t k'r" .fijfa and injuries. Ilar cvel tlnr UnWM-"HllTlt vt ii1 tiag rfOjd pim. tl a I k.Ni; and it(l oirTl''l'jr ig two a ti.l Tt ,tt'm il l mi if errnale. U Hi ing m4-grni - ia . txti 4,( tim cn ilwW g4" "7 iwrrl-M err ant cci!i2 ar t Mtn t. WVa-VU?, THE AFFLICTED -REJOICE. ur.'H::i n.l mot'A bate irtr-l rl irtu-, al rfji:ii; in fiMbwi ti-w. Liu.frais' Pain a.M.iH mlm li c;Imt r-K-;.- 1"' cure. . ll.ne 1 ! ' niiiK Mif.iiM.t. ri!'t- U A T I 5 M. H i: 1 1 l.A, U" AillK wKHM .A lis A BrtlicSwl n U Mltr- " trwe f- rxt t-:. M K;Ai tlHINS, .hi;k IVV.S iy-? the Jincnc uxnnr m aIW! im iuM.at l UJJ in liable t 5V ?JJ"rA t.r I"v lle. lmMlb 1 aer- AI.X1IC IJ.MUKVT "-u lef.t 4m t,M. W it ixi.'.i), i aIrf-f. .r'ta' ti tl 4raJ h . 1 1 rrr a" il railvrod tra'a TT Sm 1 l.t "' J "W'JI and ina.i.t ""-- ... - . 4 1 Ual 4K4m lll.l r"" . THE IIOTEEILS. CCMtitl. It cw. CJkV-- in-j1- n 1: k a t, M'l r m;1:- Mi(:KI.1I. I liHI.. tliK lo prwe r"' - ...... i Z)) I ait tli-c hT!i-W ' eree racrs -bu W a'' .. 1W Irg-pa1". r ttt 4i:a - f1T with tl-e Alttlfe T It 1. 4-t,l fcf i 1 gi.'nig it a U-alihy. it"- 7 pfaxancr, 1t w GOOD Foil LI All AI7D It H a WTfrntn tw".' II varimta tin-- 4: p::i sriiAiN-S j-'-r ItAIT. vTfXMT. W.yWH.XY.M-AVlN.1; ivv ia-iih-i, .Tl!,Ac. V br-"- tal4e k-rr. ' c u.' n ibJa R "-j. f-hnulA 1 wiLiHHit Ui ta- Urn m.'r. For a Sy all r"ipeeUI4 IViifglU J Pe,", PrieeW tW limwnt, ti renin. Wen" ' tl. A nee dollar. h.4l!e CHitaiM a aiucb l-"' ijht teufy fireent b"tLl EXTRAOSOSASY AXXOaClXc ' Fvery pr-!iH f a .l.n.tr 14tV irf il v rUT iwirf. at Jr. P.rg-" e.fw. 'i1 'i STAIhi? JOCRV.AK of New York, tor 'r- Journal i a large illmll paj-er esrli mn'"y9 taining sixteen pa, beaatiftly printrd on c1 y paper, and !S.l witii -rinaJ . ia 1: ;r trenj tl "L,.S . liart writers of tle intry. f eniaeate 'r-t and full particulars cf ile'nl and l-,,it-,"il'Jrt , terprwe. of m hieh tin. Cer ioruM a latrt, ' An fiF-T TTAVrm r fTr?.T TtTV anl ' . aULIUQ Dt miOMEi, St. !-" ; Nkw Yoa tnat. No 3TI Bi'-U.J,, ; Comman-calioas sLo;'4 aivays b. a4irtssed M ; & CO., t. than counterbalance the gooa to ne OertTeiv, them. These yai prod'Jtce to irritation w 5 niilcsa it arise from a prevjmIy existing 8 tion or derargeareiit in the bowels Eev cut mention l rr uwij'iuii, iu n Trt-s)j. cf Jaundice, IncI.-rsTit.-n, Lfrgnor and lyw t .1 T :..',."':.. T-i: . peine. ijmifMir5, 11 1 1 i.u...ii , uuium 11 A w t fa ." a - v m w w --I (L1 t 'I f ' , '1 ' V. - .0- . - - t . . 1 0 a- , 1 ,A- i-v v - a.t t r M0I ? f