usf-- rff !" W1 it" .i- JIIMDVERTISM, BROWN VILLE, FEB. 3, 169. TKltMS: ; rtT ?t?fr,it pmd in adauce, - $a 00 " 44 ,i the end of C mouths, 2,60 '.. "12 3,00 Cftf -f T? or -.ore will be fi ni-beJ at $1,60 per ' jntm. provided ibe casfi accoii.jai.ics tbe order, not . va;-e. ; , ,. Rtu.ncntR k niiarRT. Proprietor wf Le Real Nr Leiter, MinicTemple, Chicago, 111. S. 15. Pa is, ;ncral A1vcriiuiK Agent, in rear of ,rV rrk, La-Iici's and Children's Choc Store, 80 Weft .u;tb street, C'lncmt.ati. . t '. i Vii Hr&tOwts K Co, Xo 316 tad 3i3, Broadway, .w V:k. ANHREW Wind, American Cacadean and European .JtrrtiMOg ud subscription ,fflce,Nul33 Xaesau t.tret j t UL-biiLRtDCE.'Xortbwest corner cf Olive and - U ! 1 fts, Saitlt L.Uis. C u S. hives. 63, Dearborn street. Chicago, ue suborned Afcntsto solicit subscriptions and ad , ruii.-- for Advertiser, and receive and receipt Biotiiaf therefor. Tr, m re-dPRt in tbn Territory, conumjfroni various r the State. ifteu suS1;est to us the name of '-'utiK-tbetrokd eicf.t.ithui-, "-bo would doubtlc ,t i .bers if tey couia s-ee v-i 7 " --- ,r-.-er.' v i com-Mer it a solicitation to become a regu- r subscriber. . JOIJ WOllK. TT-.-h ec-M es'teive f.i'a n of Nev Tn. Cutu, kWi..CTd, e ,tia.1etotbe -A4rer-'Ofl. e eclairatobeab-etotumoat Job Work in .,.;, unlurua r ,ny.tRcc. Tbei.ropnetorbciiig ' w-ifiri.imelf. ant birt in; in bi employ u ,. . ....ri.rrJub Printer, is de- -.-O,! ) Hi&rAt, Work in C,! r, BrS.-i rk, kc.( ill ranted lu CiveRiiMlau or no fay. ,-I ?- Tbe -ytbrftk Advertiser " having -h the largest circulation of &ny paper in aVerritorr. .Wholosale Merchants in St. u: 8 1. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East n markets where Kebraslta merchtnts pur la. will find no better advertising medium ; the Western country 3 IicV Fair and Supper. V, e are mfurnied by the President of ,o LadkV Sewing Circle, that the So las tlctcrciined to have a Fair and jj.pertn the evening the 22d. The .aJies, fur evincing: the industry, energ)', ue.rj)ri?e, and courage to give an enter liriinent during these excessively hard '.:a:-5, are dm rvir.g of the highest praise nd j.huuld meet that encouaagement, due he (Iji-ct fur which the proposed demon .rati ou is to be given. The object, to as. in erectiiig a Congregational church -ilJiiig, and Academy, and the day, 22d I KvLruay, ever sacred m the memory I every lover of the I'ather of his Coun--y, bluulJ inspire a patronage exceeding .e most sanguine expectations of the aiies. The articles to be on exhibtion rJ for tale will be only those of the ,hstantial and useful classes; consequent ' there need be no fear of "throwing a ay money" by investing ; but on the con- - ... irv, purchasers will "get tneir money 1 cL,vnnd atthejame time aid in a high trediialle nu rprise. Let everybody i ; iroiiize tle Ladies' Fair and Supper. r .other Chureli Organization. We learn that the Kev b. L.. Collins, Sunday last organized a branch of the church in this city. We now have ;r diiTerent church organizations in this ice, viz: The Christian Church, organ- .-i near four years ago was the hrst near lour years ;rch organization in Nebraska Rev. M. Wood pastor; the Methodist Epis pal church, organized something over a ar since, Rev. Thilo Gorton pastor; the ::gregational and 'Presbyterian churches re K.ih organized the past summer. :: T. W. Tipton pastor of the former, J Rev. A. S, Rillingsly of the latier; e presume Rev. S. L. Collins is to be regular pastor of the Baptist congre- llO'). Jrownvlllc Library, Lyceum and Liaernry Association. It. Urown, A. S. Ilollaoay, G. W. rattou, C. S. Langdun, II, S. Thorpe, L, MtGary, Chas. Dorsey, A. J. ?i.cdkt, J. M. Wood, J. L. Dozier, T. Kbyte, J. Noel. II. W. Lake, J II. W. Furnas, Trustees of the "ownville Lyceum, Library aud Littera- Ass-xiation, are requested to meet at ? City Drug Store, to-morrow (Friday) ening, at early candle-lighting. A full is de.-ired. rndon House,' Omahlu ) e nutice ia the Omaha papers that a rent change has taken place in the a ve nam.'d Hotel. Keith & Hoffman tire, and are succeded by Dr. Geo. L. iLLta, ana Lymax Richardson, two the principal owners of the building ."vim a tKTicnal acnuaintance with the ; cprietors, we have no hesitancy what er, in predicting an increased populari fv'r the Htiiidon. :e -Miner's GuitiV,' Is the title of a pamphlet of about 100 e cs, being published by Byres &. Kellum, -.ila. It will contain an authentic map he Gold region, guide over the sever pules, full instructions for outfitting, t aril weiirht of same, and much other luaUe information. Price 50 cents. IliardsT - Ir. It. iloRRisox, of the Brownville rras fitted up a new Billiard table nily, -where lovers of this amusement a be gratified io their heart's content e Voice cf Masonry and Tidings mini me trait, lithe title of a uew. Masonic periodi . edited and published iy Rob. Morris uisville, Ky.; monthly, at SI, 00 per an n. Our Masonic readers can find no 'ter and useful matter than that to be -nd iu Rob. Morris' new paper. Spec pn rubbers can be seen at this office Mil scription money received and for d.. tatoes Wanted. ill some cf our dejii inqucnts, or, some n or persons vhb are not subscrib s, t'Ttuho would like, and ought to be ucn, t.nng us a few busheis rood - o ue nad the misfortune he misfortune to - a pcrttoa of-nu our wmter'.s supply, by zi:.?. A STATEMENT, , of" the' '-- Buchanan Life and General Insurance Co. at. cr oBepii, ir iAe far ending Vecemler 31, 1859. CtFti on harrl, 3".,T82 5 .J l ' " It N T. and St Louia 2l-$o2,915 87 Real Etate, -'-V,.-- 4,42155 . Offiae Fixtures . i r f ; ; f-ttSir,- Bill Receivable, ' ' ' : ' ' . 8,305 51 Stock notes well secure I and payable on demand, 81,770 03 Balanco due on Insurance Premium, 5,916 70 J 154,0 iG 81 $0fi,200 C3 . 52,G75 8:J 5,170 93 Capital Stock, Deposit?, Profit and and lx)6?. $184,046 81 The above statement closed the second jear of tbU com ran j. The company paid los3es promptly, on the pre Ecntation of the claims, without submitting any of tneir insurers to any detention whatever, or availing themselves of any of the usual Ie!ayp, or charges for prompt rwynient. And they hope by the continu ance of this iolicy, to secure a large share of the bu siness cf merchants, steamboat and shippers gener ally. A dividend of 335 ter cent, on the cupital paia in, nas Deen icis ay aeeiarea ana carried to the credit of the Stock note, and 25 per cent of the cargo jirenu urns returned to the customers of the ace. J AS. L. 0' KILL, Secretary. DIRECTORS. J B no WARD, V R IEXICK, J B JEXXIXGS, JOHN CALHOUN, HENRY BLOUNT, JAMES KAY, MILTON' TOOTLE, ALBERT O CLARK, C HYATT. J H LIKENS. J. B. JENNINGS, President. rs '-, JAS. L. O'NEILL', Secrctrry.' Kotico to Lot Holders IX TAI1XE ROCK, IV11DRASKJL. Person balding any evidences of titles, contracts for deeds, or certificates of deeds, Id the town of Table Kock, rawnee county, neDraska, are nerebv notified tbat unless presentatiim l made in person, or by the proper attor ney, and lots eliined, and respective proportion cf en trance money (55 cts per lot,) and fee for executing the deed, (SI CO ) be paid on or before the expiration cf six 'nonths from this-date. AH lots uncalled and unpaid for, will be sold at pnblic atiction to the highest bidder, for the u?e and ber.otlt cf said town of Table Rock agree able to the provisions of an act passed by the General Assembly of Nebraska, entitled "an act regulating the disposal of lands purchased in trust for townsites," and approved February 10. 157. C. "W. GIDDIXGS, Table Rock, Jan. 13, '69. -3t Mayor. FARM FOR REM. The undersigned, desires to rent, for the coming season, his farm, situated seven miles due west from Brownville. Fcrty acres is now under cultivation, enclosed with a good post and board fence. There is also a good comfortable log houso and a splendid spring of water on the premises. The farm will be rented on very favorable terms, and tho pay taken in breaking additional farming land, share of pro ducts or cash, as may be desired. . T. J. FAVORITE, Brownvilie, N. T. Jan. 13-59-29 tf. Notice. Those persons who have taken Lumber from our Hoard yard at the foot of Main street lirownville, without our consent, are hereby requested to report the lumber to J. II. Morrison who is our authorized agent; The persons who took the lumber, are known and will save themselves trouble by calling as above and settling as soon as possibly convenient, Also those who have purchased of Mr Morrison, are requested to pay up, as we are in need of funds. jan. 27,59-30-3t J. L. McGEE & Co. Claim Notice. To G. B. Dorrington, Ym N. Williams and all o:hers whem it may concern. You are hereby noti thnt I will appear the Land Office in Brownville, N. T on the fourth day of February 1659, to prove up my right of pre-emption to the south cast quarter of suction .11, township 2, raugu lo eat. Jan. 27, SO 3t AUCHEY WANLES3. Claim Notice. To John Stoddart and all others to whom it may ooncern; You are hereby notified that 1 will appenr at the Land Office in Brownville X. T on Friday rely th It59, to prove up my right of pre-emption to the north east quarter of section 32 township 5, range 16 eat. JOii HAMILTON, jan. 27, 59-30-3t L.IST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled for in the Brownville Post Of fice for the quarter ending Dec. 81, 1S59. Aiuack. D. Am Burns William Baislcy George Belrel William Bruker Jacob Conrad Xickolas 2 Chard John 5 Cowpertbwait Bich'd Con Elizabeth Cricbfleid Uardin Council Jos W. C.rer Ephreim Dickey Jjino? Duexee RichartJ Dirbs Henry McDonald B McCombs John Martin John F 2 Morris Mrs Mary Masters Kate Mow John H Manning R C Minick Elizabeth Monroe A Q McLaughliD Charles Xickerson Lewis Prosser Jonathan Ripple nenry Reynolds Henry Ross R. Sam. Smith Jacob Stewart Manrarct Steys Samuel Scott Henry Scott Mrs. E. C. Sinclair Mrs. F. Steward Joacph Stites Emellne True D Thurber Wm2 Twining W. W. Worrall G. H 2 WilJuian Auny Dester Wm. Emerson John Elliot Henry Fowler S D Freiberg August Carl Hitbard S Williatn Harrison Jam E 2 Hawley KOrester 2 Haskell C Emily Humphreys D Charles Jewell David Jewell A P Jaik Da.'id Lyons Jeremiah ly.ngfellow Joseph 2 Wally Solomon Lull M II Wintin Samuel. Persons calling for those letters wili please say they are advertised. JOHX H.MAl.N. D. P. M. WM. ROSSELL, BROWNVIIiliE. N. T Announces to the public that be is prepared to accom- UU'iaiC 1U1PP n .liu Ululates aim n , r eelber with Rood af e horses,' for comfort and ease in tra veiling. He will also board horses by the day, week or month. KJ-TERMS FAVOR ABLE. JEjH June 10, '6ti. 60tf Scientific American. Published Weekly, atXo. 12S Fulton Street, New Tork, by MUXX ti CO. Terms of subscription- -Two Dollars a year, cr one dollar for. six months. Club rates. For all clubs of twenty and over, tie yearly subscription is only SI 40. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any pari or ine country. Xo itinerating Canvassing Agents employed. Dr. Easterly's EST Fever and Ague Killer Will cure ague ar.d fever, chills and fever, dumb ague, inter mittent and remittent fevers, and all tho various forms tn l,iliuii climates. If there is a nan, woman or child suffering with ague andfver, they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, It ia a positive cure speedy and perroa- nent. Try it. Plice $Iper bottle, or 6 bot.lesfor $5. DR. Easteblt, corner of Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole rronrietor. to whom all orders must be addressep to get the genuine. Sold by J. n. MACX & CO, Agents, Brownville. fS"Dr. Carters CougU Ilalsam will cure Conghs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bron chitis, Spitting of Blood, Tain In the Side and Breast, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Palpitation of the ncart. and all diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. Xo one should neglect a Cough or Cold a single day. Millions die annually by neglecting a Common Cold. Coughs and Colds lead to coscmp Tiox, aid then to aa early death. Header, have you a a conch, caid. or any disease of the lungs? Procure at! once that celebrated remedy, Dr. Carter's Cough Balsam, which never fails to relieve a cough in twenty-four hours, aud always cures th WORST cases of, aolds, coughs, ans all diseases of the throat and lungs ia a few days, rrice Trial bottles, 25 cents; large bot tles, $1 per bottle, or ti bottles for $5. , J3DU. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Sirs, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, te whom all orders must ba addressed to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAUX &. Co., Agents, Brownville, N. T. A Splendid Illustrated Jtfctcs paver. HARPER'S WEEKLY A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATION. Employs h best talent in the World. Terms In Advance. I copy, 20 weeks. $100 1 " Irear. 2 60 5 copies one year, $9 12 20 1 ' 2 4.00 35 " 40 Harper's Weekly and Magazine, one Tear four dollars. rotstmasterssendiiie aclubf twelveor twenty-live, pill receive a copy gratis. Subscriptions may commence with any numoer. speeimen numbers gratuitously supplied. Back numbers can be fumlrbed to any extent. Clergy men sna teacher .uppiicd' at the lowest Club Bates. imtPEn BROTHERS, Publisher. funkhi Square, Xew fork. Iodine and fcarsapariUa ' Will cure all diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood, or a deprave! condition of the ouiiUof the system, vfz cancers, swelling of the glands, rheumat ism, white swellings chronic sore eyes,.pilcs, oolls. erysipelas, goitres, pains in tho bones aud joints, ul j cers in Ihe mouth and throat, ami all chronic con?tltu- tional diseases. : Tb is medicine searches out the very roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions in the system, thus removing the cause, which renders the cvre certain and permanent. Dr. Easterly'i Iodine and SartapariUa will cure the trorsf wierctfrtaJ duea, and drive out and destroy ev ery particle of mercury which Is )n the system, fend cure it bad effects. . . , - ". It will cure tecondary $phi?i r ventral diteae, and will d.ive the typkihlic virut and ail hereditary taintt and pouonoua matter out of the system through the p jres of the skin, end reutore the patient to .a per fect state of health and puTity. v It is a positive cure for Ziper complaint and dunpeptia. if used a proner length of time. I challenge, the world to produce its equal in these complaints. .The uilUctcd will ber in' mind that Dr. Zatterly'i Iodine and SartapariUa will cure all nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy, jraveo, of the kidney's, Hadder, and urinary I organs, in a few days. ' It will remove pimples and blotches from ihi face, andmakethe skin clear, white and beautiful as ala baster. II does this ty purifyiugthc blood, and by its prompt action ou the liver, kidneys, and secretory or gans, producing vigorous health. .; Persons who have long been affiicied with scrofula, old sores, tetter, ringworm, scaid head, blotches, eruptions of the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gridlcy's Salt Rhoum and Tetter Oiutmeut to apply on the sores and diseased parts, when uing Dr. Easterly'i Iodine and SartapariUa. The Iodine aud Sarsaparilla purines the blood, and causes the sores to discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heal them. When both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They are the best and most powerful curatives known to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75 cents per bottle, Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner cf Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed. JC-Sold by J. II. ilAUX & CO., Druggists, Brown ville, N. and by Druggists generally. 5TRr. Hooper's Female Cordial will cure all female complaints, such as excessive, suppressed, or painful menstruation, Fluor albus or whitest barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, diz ziness, weak nerves, frightful dreams, and all diseases caused by colds, checked perspiration, exces:es, over excitement, &c, of tho sexual organs. Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la dies the best remedy ever invented. S3"Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Dr. Easterly, corner of third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Ho, sole proprietor and to whom all orders must be addressed. ' Sold by J. n. MAtTX 8t CO., Acsnts. Brownville. N. T., and by Druggists generally Dr. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordee, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the genital organs. Reader, have you a private disease 7 Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's Specijlc is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific you can cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price $1 60 per bottle. J3Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed, to gt the genuine. Sold by J. n. MAUX & CO., Druggists, Brownville, W. T. NEW ARRIVAL! NEW FIRM AMD NEW SODI McAllister & ponn, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FFRICITURE, HARDWARE, qiEEXSWARE, &C, BROWXVILLE, N. T. Having established themselves at the old stand recent ly occupied by JOHN McPIIERSON, They are now offering and receiving for sale one of the -rf i3 av AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF MERCHiANDISE Ever Brought in this Territory They have an extensive and varied assortment of STAPLE AXI FAACY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family coNsisnxa of I FlQiir Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolasses, Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. They have also on hand a large lot of TJJEUSIlLirCTBl BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, G, C. ALSO, A yell selected Stock of HARDWARE AXD CCTXERY, QUEENSWARE, a 3L cl 1 27 . HATS Sd C.AJPS, Boots aud Shoes. "We pledge our customers to sell as cheap as any other house in the city, and that our goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. THE GOLDEN YEAR. G0DEY,S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1S59. Fif ty-seventh & Fifty-eighth volumes. TERMS. One enpy one year, three dollars ; two copies; one year five dollars : three wpies one year six dol lam. Address L. A.GOOPET. ILL Chesnut slrcct Tbiladelpbia. CARDS. n. H. M'LiC OHhtlf CU9. DORSKT MCLATJGHX.HT & Doxtsirr, tf 3Iain Street, BrownTilIe,N.T., Bux and s-UJand WairaBts, make out and file declar atory statements; mnke out pre-emption papers J pay taxe3, investigate titles; ' ' i Buy and sell property on commission farninh land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location cf land warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAUGIILIX fit DORSET respectfully refer to George U. Xix:;u, Eq., Register brownville Land Office. - ' -4th- -. Charles B. Smith, Eiq., Receiver cf Public Moueys' Xemaha Land District. . Robert W. Furnas, Esq.,Eilitor AdvertisPr Brownville Messrs. Lushban"h Jc Carson, BaDkers. Brownville, Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, llagerstonn, Maryland. Lewis R. Xewcoiuer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O II Baruet, Esq Day tort. Ohio, i ' . i Hon. Fenncr Funruson, "Deirgate in Congress from Xebraska Terrr!tory, Wa-diington, D. C. : . John A. Bcal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, I ml. Brownville, April 22. no43tf T. W. BEDFORD, IIUDS0X GEORGE, lyounty Surveyor Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE siraois, a mn ALSO REAL ESTATE A!GENTS. BROWXVILLE XEBRASKA. , " Office on Main Street. WILL attend promptly to- all business entrusted to them In the line of their profession. Will buy and sell Land warrants, make time entries, atteud to the selec tion ana location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands, makeoutCity Plats, kc, &.c, .Having been located in the Territory for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate Jtitles, and render assistance iu contested cases at the U. S. Land Office. Letters of inquiry promptly answered., WE REFER TO non. W C Reynolds, John J Pendleton, Esq. HonGalutiaA Grow Hon Joseph G. Crane Ryall & Charles, Land Agents Bostcrii Hedges, Bankers Lushbaugh & Carson, Bankers R. W. Furnas, Esq. Kingston. Penn. Cincinnati, Ohio Washington City, D. Dayton. Ohio , -Sioux City, Iowa. do do Brownville, X. T. do - do C. D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer. Scranton. Pa. Ruf us R. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waverley Pa. W. G. George, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio Apri! 8. 1858 v2n41-yly A. R 1I0LLABIKD & CO., . Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, I'ront str-ee. "Wast of Smith," CINCINNATI, O. "T7ould most respectfully inform theirfriendsund V V the publics generally, that they ore now pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on lian !: consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and JIuley. Mill Gears and every description of Jastings, warranted to bo well made iu every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern 2 BEARD & BROTHER, PROPRIETORS OP THE E2HCEXjSIOI1 SAFE AXD SCALE WORK SJLYT LOUIS, JIO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. The recent trtof Stfes of the different Manifactures in the GREAT F1RH of the City Buildings, in wliich the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fuliy establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the confidence of all interested iu Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in the fire for ninety hour8,and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large number of the others, in the fire but a short time, were taken out with their cmtcuts entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of tbe Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ouselvcs to manufacture none but such as can bo relied on, and refer to tbe following Certificate. "We, the undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to tbe successful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to ia tbe burning of the City Buildings, the nineteenth of ioehiber,lbob. ynd are jus tified in recommeuding them to all who need safes. Hall &. Smith Kddy jameson 4s. Co Charles Blow & Co Samuel McCartney Partridge Ac to Joseph Elder Humphreys Tctt&. Terry, John S thOmasov RUKYAN IIlLLMAN &. BROS BASTE WILEY it BA8TE TillAn Roziet ico Scott & Bro McMehan & Ballantine, Brows Goddis St Co Vox Phil waters &. co W LEwixo &. co DA January & io John H Hall is. co Barnard Ada-is & co Shapleigh Day it co TIIE.EXCELSIOH Took the Premium over the best Eastern Manufactii' e at tbe State Fair, in Sai:it Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per ceut less, and guaranteed to be equal to any in the United States. Also manufacturers of Liglitningr Rods, of Best quality, and PUMPS of all Descriptions. BEAItD &. BRO., Xo. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. July 22.1S59. Iyv3n4 VOLUME FIFTY-ONE, GRAHAM'S ILISTRATED MAGAZINE Edited by Charles G. Leland, Esq. A monthly periodical which alms to entertain instruct aud amuse both Ladies aud Gentlemen. TERMS. 1 copy one year, $3 I 6 copies, one year, $10 2 copies " 5 I 11 " " 20 Those getting up clubs of 5 copies or more, will receive an extra copy. Graham's Illustrated Magazine will be rupplied t subscribers punctually, and atj as early a day as any other Magazine published. Address, WATSOXfiCO. South Third Street. Philadelphia. Extra Xotice Subscribers sending three dollars for ne year's subscription to Graham's Masazinc, will receive a cojf of Graham ' Ladies' Paper for kone year without charge, - For your Wife, Daughter, or Friend. T. S. ARTHUR'S Home Magazine for 1859. Edited by Tj S. Arthur and Virginia F. "ownsend. TERMS IX ADVAXCE. I copy, $2; 4 copies, $5, 12- copies, $15; and aa extra copy to tue one getting up the club. Specimens sent free to those wishing to subscribe, or to make upciubs. Address T. S. ARTHUR & CO., Waluut street. Philadelphia. Fruit Trees. Brownville Nursery. The subicribers offer for sale the following varieties of Apple Trees. WINTER VARIETIES. Tcllow Bellefleur, Hawking. White Winter Pairmain, Red R;nianinite, Janitan, English Golden Russet, Winescp. Roman Stem, Winter Swarr, P. .nie Oris, Wilowor Limber Twig, Snow Apple, Baldwin, Domini or Darwin, Talman's Sweeting, Northern Spy. FALL VARIETIES. Fcltr.n, Fall Pippin, Fall Jacitan, SUMMER Autumn Swarr, Pall Strawberry-, Jinan. VARIETIES. Sweet June or Uigbtop Sweeting. Snramer Queen, Gdden Sweet, Early Trenton, Early narvest Eedstreak, Early Harvest. The Nursery is situated on the farm of R J- Whitney, about one mile noutb of Bronville- Tbe trees are ne year old fprni the era! t and very large and healthy for that age. Produced in tbe soil and climate of Xebras ka, they must prove superior to tbo-e that are shipped from the States. They -can be obtained earlier in the spring are not injured by cutting off the small sprouts in ordes to make the bipruent les and to lessen tbe bulk, as our eastern nurserymen do wbijn they send trees abroad. This is a truth that onr Neoi asfca farmers miist take into consideration. To those who wish to have Good orchards the proprietors will endeavor to give en tire Satisfaction to all who may favor us with a rail. During the planting season, one of us will be found in the nursery to wait on those who favoruswith their val ued orders, GEO. W. BRATTOX. JOHN S. FAVORITE. P. S. Ve hereby wara all persons against trespassing, or removing ny trees, or any marif placed cn or among the said trees. b. fc F. Brownvilie,. X.T , Jan. 13, ISM. 3m BROWNVILLE AD'S, ; H. M. ATKINSON Surveyor and: .Land -Agent, maTjST- Street, BROWNVILLE, N. T,,. 7. - Will attend promptly to tti - .c!ecti;ii! aai Itca tion cf Government lands in tie Nemaha hind dis trict: surveying" town flti.4. ar.A subdividing lands; draftingcitj pints, aud ail ether bnsinecs cf a Gener al Surveyor. He will leat warrauts on time for distant dealers; Clo declaratory statetcmonts of in tention to pre-empt? make out pre-emption pipers; and always on hand to look cut claims lor actual set tlers. , . .V EEFEIi TO W. W. Sanger, M. Xcw Ycrk CiJy, Sewl & Withingtcn, '' ' l?oston, X!a3. Rev. T. W. I!owe, l'ataikala Ohio'; Col.W.E. Atkinson.- 7' f " George ll.Xixin, Uegisterl.ini OSv.TirownviUe, Luhbaugh A Carson, Hankers, Ui-owrvllle, N. T." ' U.W.Furnas, . Honey Creek Mills. ' Tl:e undersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared to till all orders in their line promptly a! li.eir mills four miles northwest or lirownvine. the mouth of Honey creek. . They hve in h:uid the large.-t itid test assortment of lumber, shingles ar.d lathe ever fi'ored in the county or Territory, o.iisisiiiig f 41) 00C feet seasoned sidinu: 40-0C0 cot ton-wood flooring; sycai'ure " afc mid 'ah 20 0OO 10,009 it ' cotton-wood, soft v.ii'19, iynn ar.d - - ' walmrt finishing lumber; frncin?; J lists; tills, studding and scantling rf al cc.cct most every size both hard and soft wood; 20.000 " rough and square etgd sheathing?; also 2M,000 superior sawed sUingles,oak, walnut and eottoii - wood; also v I50,0o0 lath, a superior article, of unifjriu length, thickness and widih Tteir mills are under the charge of experienced at Ste.cut men, an.i iho undersigned Hatter thetnselv and es bat inequality of their lumber will compare favorably jriti any other made in the Territory, ail of which will e sild to suit the times. - GREEX. SPltlXGI.E & CO. noney tfreek Jfills, May 20 'o8 ; 4S:f NEW- -PAINT. 8D0P. The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of this place and vicinity ibjt lie has started a new Paint Shop in Brownville, and will attend to all work iu the Painting Department, that he may be favored with. HOUSE, SIGN, SCENIC, OR IV AM ESTA 1 PAIXTIXC; GRAINING, GILDING. and "', PAPER HANGING, Imitator cf all Kinds of WOODS AND MARBLES, Instrnctions gives in tho ' : i j v , GRECIAN OIL, CRAYON, ORIENTAL, OR GLASS PALMING, On reasonable terms. Carriages painted neatly and with dispatch. Having had a number of years' pr.nical experience in soiuo of the largest Eistern cities, he challences com petition west of the Mississippi, and feels confident that he can givo perfect satisiactior. to all that may favor him with their patronage. Call and see for youselves, that 'This show can perform all it advertises.' CHARLES R. MAXXIXG. Brownville, Sept. 16, 13ot-6tn GENTS' DRESS GOODS. JACOB MAIUION, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Respectfully announces to the gentlemen of Brown ville and vicinity that he has just received from tne iarge stotk of very superior goods and latest styles. Cloths, Vestmgs, &c., Which lie will manufacture on very favorable terni3. He flatters himself that he understands his busiucss thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor in this place or the West. A lYeat Fit Guaranteed. NEW ARRIVAL or - Two Hundred JE3 B3? C3 "7" S3 3 CHRISTIAN DEISLK. Itrowmiik', Xebraska. ANNOUNCES to the public tbat he has just re ceived, per Steamer Kyland. a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns, as follows: .buck's battel n, Plymouth Rook, Elevated Oven, New E; . Clden Era. and every vai iety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japaned "WareRrnssi Kettles,. L.a n! lie rns, Copper Wai e. Sho vels and Toxics. All of which 1 pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of eountry. I hare also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper nnd Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to put up guttcrinjrand spouting and all other work in my line, nt short notice, aiTd in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to bo undersold in the upper country. Brownville September 2, 1S68. ' I0-ly National Police Gazette. This journal of crimes and criminals Is in its thir teenth year, and is widely circulated through the coun try. It is the first paper f the kind published in the United States, and isdistinctivc in its characters. Subscriptions, Two Dollars per annum; One Dollar for six months, to be remitted by subscribers, who must write tiicir names, and the town, county and State where they reside plainly to GEO, MATSELL& CO. Editors aud proprietors of Xational Police Gazette. N. Y. Citv. no23 The Great Republic MONTHLY. To the Puhlic, the Book and Ptri Trade, and the Press., " We have the honor to announce that we shall issue, on or about tho lirst of Deceniier next, so as to be in sea son to command tbe early attention oi the pubiicand the periodical trade, the lirst number f a new illustrated Magazine, to be called tbe GKEAT EEPUELIC MONTHLY. Terms. Volumes There will he two volumes a year, of about 700 royal octavo- p.iges each, commenting in January and Juiy, and ending in June and December re-pecti rely, making 6 numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers to each year. Subscriptions uiiy commence at any time. Single copies, -Subscription, ore copy one year, Ciubs Twoc.pies, - " three copies, " four " " . Ave " $ 25 3 00 500 700 9 00 10 CO And all additional copies, over five, at the rate of $2 each, if sent to the same club. Ciubs ra.iy be form ed at different Post Offues. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. PREMIUM SUBSCP.IPTIONS. Entitling the subcri Per to the magazine for one year, and to their choice of either of our two great steel engravings, entitled, 'THE LAST SUPPER.' AND THE 'CITY OF THE GREAT KING,1 POTJB DOLIiABS. There is little risk in sending money by mail. Lartre sums should be remitted by draii, if po?;b!e, or regis tered. OAKSMITII Sc CO., Publishers of the ' Great Republic' Month'y. 112 &. 114 WiJliom Street, Xew York. The Bank Note Register. ATO ' Counterfeit Detector. Pullished by EDWARD L. LEE, Xo. Eleven, EcJti tig Slrtet, Ptffrlo X. Y. WEEKLY, 5EMI-MOXTJJLY. '.-ANI MONTHLY.. Terms to Mail Subscribers Payable in Advance. . For the WEFKLY - - $2 00 per annum. For tbe SEMI-JIOXTTtLY 1(H) Fr the MONTHLY . 75 ' ' To Po!-tmater or others who will aid tho circular ion of the P.egiter by the forming of clubs, we will send as follows: 6 copies of the Weekly, one vear $S co 6 " Sfmi-MoMh!y, . '" CO 6 " Monthly, " Z 00 Advertisements icupying eiglit lines space or ls!s, $2.00 penur cth. Card of greater lencth on liberal terms. The Register isc-ircnlated among til clasnex of businessmen, including Banks, Bsnkers and Slerchants throughout the United States and Canadi?, and thus c.ffera superior inducements as a uicdicm for adterlis ing. ' ' ' . i ' ;."','' Single crpies can bp ad cl Aleuts cr.d, and at.our coui.ter. ,. r . . !. ' " ... - Address - ", EtiVASB L LEE, Xo. 1L Excha litre St.. Buffalo. FOR SALE AT TJIJS OFFICE BROWNVILLE AD'S. BROWN VILLI . ; ISatiaiify a!ooii. . Ti:e proprietor has it--entiy Ctted up and n r. has in operations ' " ' " iLnc KOO?I, Xet d'.or t i the B mk PMiidinu. orr Msrn S:reoU licfc MEALS AT ALL HOiiiS, c.n be had. Great pains is taken to Live everylbii; ce.t, comfort able, ar.d orderly . . . , , ---' of JT'ci-ra. FKEsn oy sTEfis, ricnx.in3 orsxrji3. 1 ' BSEP ST2AK, HALI & EGG3i " TIGS FEST. TRIPE, SOUP,' COlTr.E, WILD CAME CF - ALL ' jvtN'DS SUCH A3 DEElt, TVRKF.Y. GEESE,- ' ' rUCSS. PRAIRIE CH1CK.EX5. . , BllAXT, F1SIT, k.r.t ; i : . Believing th;t the City needs, and will s.irport such eiiiliishiuctit.. the.enterfriaP has boca. csilurkd with tho contidentlK;pe tha: a literal patronieill be, exteii'Ioii, Brownville, Jan. 6, V33. ' tf C, Dea-r has removed b'n Tin SitopfioAi i rvK strfet to Main street, W-i-ly opposit" the new Htc-t. m!iT-o he has opened up the larsest aWk of ware irt la litre to be fouud in tl.o uppor Country. - He so. w its a c -niuu-uic of patronage. Juno 10, '53. , - Land V arrants, DTPoir CntsljL on T'lriao We are prepared to n Umd M".-Tants cf all sizes t settlers ou such time as they may desire Jyug or short at the us'i;;'. rates. A constaiit supply of 'Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as ILey can be bought cise-A hero in town. Buy of rcihllar d?aler.4 and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants sold by Us will be guarantee! to be geuuiueia every respect and will be exchanged if ie fective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we c in al ways be found tit the old Und a few dors east ol the Brownville House. LUSHBArcnii CARU1X, Bankers, and Dealers in Laud Warrants. Notice to Tax Payers. R. T. RA1XKV, Treasurer of Xenv. ha county, l!i?i;rras the citizens of said county that he is ready to receive taxes at all times between this and the 1st f January next. Brownville; Xov. 4, 153- 19-Svv Caution, I caution ailjersims whomscet cr ag.uust 'uuying fror Augustus Kounfze and Wm Ruth certain town lots known as 'Benedict's Addition' to Brownville. Xbraska. JOHN iLTnERSOX. W. P. LOAN ATTORNEY AT LAV7. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Archer, Richardson County, N. T. J. W. BLISS, Collecting Agent, PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. Particular attention paid to making collections fr.r nou-resulents. Charges reasonable. References. R. W. Frame, Postmaster, Peru Wm. E.Pardee, Probate Judge, Xub. City E K Parker County Clerk, BrowniMo Lyford &. Horn, Sonera, Mo. PAY YOUR DEBTS!! lVltli Corn. , Those indebted to mo are hereby notified tluit they can liquidate their indebtedness with com at tho lushest laarket price, delivered ut. the stora .f I. T. Wbytt ia Brownville. This request i. made only because 1 am in debt myseit, and cannot raise the money, but can mako use of cor. Suuh nn ar rangement will be taken as a great aeei.romodatioQ under jrescnt cireumstunees. JESSE OEL. Brownville, Dec., 2, 1S5S. The Missouri Republican PuUishcd Dnihj,Tfi-WtdIif and Wokhj. CrORGEMAPP, A. PASCKAI.I. & JOXI KXAPI, Proprietors. St. Louis, Missouri. Terms of Djily in Tri-Weckly in advance Weekly in advance $10 00 a oo 2 00 3 'M J 00 !'.) t!0 ilh Ot 2i) 00 Weekly not paid in a. Sunday Republican ."ance. To Clubi of Ave D .iTies, To Clubs tf six Trl-Week lie To Clubs of fourteen Weeklies LOST! A Fur Glove on Monday, December U:h, mcwhorc between the he id nf Main street, nd South Brownville. Tbe finder, by returning suidglove to tins mice, will be liberally rewarded with tbe kindest thanks. Brownville, Dec. 2wd. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Bedford St George, who hayc been associated ar. surveyors and Keal Estate Agents, is this day dissolved l.y mutual con.-ent. All unsettled busiucss of the firm, will he at tended ty T. W. Bedford. T. W. BFPFOUD, HUDSON GEORGE. Browrviile, Dec. 15, lSoS. EEDGE FENCING. The undersigned having had considerable experience in planting and cultivating Osage Orat.go Ik-dyes, here by infirm tbe pa! lie that they are now prepared io con tract either planiin,', ie;Unj them out, or gro.vii.i ui: 1 cultivating the fence complete. Growii.x hed-.'es tf their planting cm be seen oil tijo far;r. i,l . V- Ken nedy, G. Crow, J. Sieen and other in this snuuty D. C. 4t T. N. .1 IN' J KitS. Sept. 2, 10tf the GREAT WONDER OF THE SIXETEEXTII CESTUI; Professor Wood's HAIR RESTORATIVE. Says Hup St. Loni.J, Demntrat : Below, we pib!i-h a letter t Dr. Wood, of this city, fr.,rti a gentleman m Maine, which speaks glowingly of the supen.T inerits of his hair t'-iiic. Such evidence mut have its effect, when ci-rnirg from a reliable source. If ucrti.-icatcs arc guarantees cf truth, the Dr. need no ciioomiuuis, nor useless puUery from the press : 'Bath,, Jua 20, Prof. 0. J. Wood, & Cj. fi.KTLf.MEK : Having my attention called a few month Mi.ce to tbe highly beneficial elt'eciM of y.,i;r hair rctitorative. I was induced to makeapolR-atiui of it upon my own bair. which had become qui'.o pray, probably one-third wb;te I my whiskers were of the sln:e charac ter. Some tbree months since I prcure.l a bottle of bair restorative, and ustd it. 1 .on toutnl it wjj prov ing v. hat I had wi.:,cI. I uJ it iboui t ic4..a a t. 1 have hi:. ce procured another b.tiie, of whirh 1 Lavo used some. I cju now ceriify to the World that the gray oi wl.ite hair has to'.a'ly dieajicurtd, bth on my hcad ai-d fa:e, and my hair has rc.'-:ned i'.i oriual toior, and 1 am now sixty years old i.,y go.;d wile at the ago of iif-ty-two, ha- used it with the same effect. The -bove notice I dr-cm duo to you for your valuable discovery. I am asMired that whoever will rightly use as per directions, wll not have occa.-it.ti to contradict nty atatemoLts. I am a citizen of tLU ci:y and a rcidc!it here for t!:e lat fifteen years, ar.d am known to nearly every one hire and adjoining lowuj xny tue you may make of the aboe, with my Lame attached, i at your service, as I wiab to preseyve tl.e beauties ot r.atuie iu others is well myself. I ci, truly yours. A. C. KAVMOX3. . Baltimoxe, Jan. 23, lS. i-rcresBor .m.u veur ir: Having had the piisfor- tune to Wse tte uet portion of my bair. fr-"j the rf f ectj of tbe Yellow Fever in Xew Orleans iu Ll. I was induced to make e trial of your preparation, a:ir found it ta n.wer at tie very thing r eeded. Mr hair is n. thick and glos-y, ana n. word can express my obligati. n toycuiu giviug v-t iiie aicc ; such Mtrejnre. FIX LEY JOIIXSOX. int.- uir ti-uv., j.r. a., urapg. is a n;n.i.-ier :n in regular standing, and pa. tor tfc0 O.-tbodos Church at lirui iiass. Ho la a gculcmau f gieat itiriu tine and uuvfctsi;y bl.ved. WM. laVElt. Bnooriit.D, January 12, 16Cd.' n..f-ui:ii vir; iiayiog ln.iOe triai bf ycl'.r it ir r.cMorauvo, u gives mfi i.vaoU.e in sy. tjt p.3 nt i oeta tx eiicnt in renoin in:i uumati'.n. and a constant ter. lorcy to itciunz w i;h w Lich I na c oecti ir'.r.Dic: irom mr ctil .d i-xd ; and h alw r sureu my nair, wi.rrn j Dec. linng gray, to its. ricinl c: r. l nave ueed no otler article with i:ytbirr; like p:ea-ufe er or prom. Yours truly, J. K. BItACG. Tlie Restorative is put up in tx ttlen it three tizr? viz: large, medium -md mail ; the email ones hold a half p.tit each, aud retuils f .r one Jliar ir bottle; tt.e mwaum h.-M at leas-t per cent i.-'rc ia ; r- p- tion tbau tnestr.uti. retails for two d .liars a bottle; the lar'e holds a quart' forty per cent more ia r,r( portion, aii'i reiaus r.r inree (i.i.ia,. 4 O. J. WOODJk Co.' Proprref'.rs. 312 liroaj.vt;'. Xew lork. iri the irrear Je,v x .ru u ire liaiilnjr etiUi-h meti'-.j an 1114 Maiket St., St, Loui JJ . S.i I by J. II. MACX & Co., Urownville, V. T. Sallou's Dollar jlonllily JIajazInCa The Cncapcst .Magazine in the trurll. ; You need no louder pay Uirec dollars for a lirst c'.is, etccantly i,lu?trted and careMilly edited Macaziue. Hallou's Dollar Monthly contains na huodre-l pages of original matter ia each number and forty .-r fifty rich ensravinss. issiien on the ftnett of paper, icd ia the best styic.. ror .ono Uoliiir year. ', . M". M. r.Af.T.OU, X-;. 22. Miuttr street, iWoit. BROWNVILLE AD'S. b r. tn:iiiAran. jso. l. cmi LTJSII3ATJGXX cc CARiiOII, BAXXER7 ASD GENERAL LASD AGE.STS. Stealer in Coin, l'ncnrrr.t Moncv, Ex-hin .e aot Ind Warrants, B.LCWXVILLE. XEJlAllA CO., X. T. Kpecul at;nw.ii miu bo given to rtuyin? nd Selling Exhaie on- tha priacipil ci jesi-f tfce United Matc-. Gold, Silver, aud uacurrvnt Bti.k Note. Acoiiatafit sup ply of I-ii: 1 WarranV" on har.J f..r sale. or cair, or cn tcredon time rorP.e-err.p'or. All Warr-at. sold by vs. guaranteed in every reject. Will Pie Declaratory S;at- lueuts of lutentica to pre-ierup, au 1 prepare Pre-ernptbm Paper short notice. Money vjnU upin oent ecu. l-tic-t, at western rates of interest, and itivcrtment tayat, iu Lands r ci!7 property f.-.r distant CApUanrs. Vol lav ti'H;s up-a all c. iiveni-i'.t pointa i'.i ! prnniptly atterut ed tj av.-I pr.s:e'!ds reU:i:tcU ia ex.-baiwe, a? vurrent rata. bills cf ;cchar.r n mtrl:.-.''t. Ie!..n,1. r". J Fra-c. ob- , fain.M at nsuii r;its, with f st of F-iobn'!!.'" -n ttipK.iit a Uel. Dcp:sits received nn Cut rent i ;'uust audinta.cit allow d on specinl d: !'.. OiilCE Maiu&t.,ue.irU.S. Ijind OlSO. MLir.ttr.NCES Lii.d. Protlier & Co., Merchants, riiilJ-elpU'.a, Ts. M;angTre.!i, Carson it Co., " Hirer it White, ' " Bi!f!n:ore, Md. . Yonrip. Carscn fc Brj-.r. " '"' Jno. Thompson Mi,4, rvl'ror " " E..M. Pundorson &Co. Merchaats. " M. M. Yeakle &. C. Xo. 17. Broadway, .New Tolk. Wn. T. Suiithon. Et'j , Banker, Wiahir.gto'u, O. C. J. T. Stevens, E o... AU'v at l.iw, Jii. S. Gallaher. Late 3d Au I. U. S. T.. " " Tayl r & Kriegh, Bankers, -McClelland. Sorujrss ;t Co. Merchants, Hon. Tin s. G. Pralt. II n. J. W. Geaty, Ex-Gov. Kansas, . Hon. is. O. Carson. V. B S:iull, E...1.,'t S. Bin!;, t -l. Geo. Schley, Att'v at L.iw, Charles Far; ps 6t Co. flaukeis, H. C. Xntt& Co. Greene, We.tre Jt Rico, Douglass it Watson. ' Col. Sam Hantbleton, Att'y at Law, Chicago, Tit. St. Louts. Mi. Annapolis, M J. Penn. MercersUurr', Ps. -llagoritlown, Md.. . Keokuk, I)w. Council ft i uS . De3 Moiue, " Vinton, J Ea.-.ton, Md. Cumberland. Md. Havana Alabami. Ju lv;e Thos. Perry, Pn f. II. Tntwiler, (X-t. 8, '57-v2-nl5--tf J. ra IT, TSOMPS01T, Attorney at Lav,'- Has resumed Ms professional business, and will prac tice in all tbe Courts tf Sebrka, and tuO C'ourU'ln At?b:nsen cottrtr, M . . Ol!oe cue door west of I. T. Why te's Store, Urownvilia XebrasKs. Brownville. Apri! 22, 135R. nt31y" Brownville Steam Ferry! liBEST CROSSING i;-XZZZZJ2 o.v THE -t-.:--. .-.-a MISSOURI RIVER. . Tho Route frcra Erownvillo to Ft. Kearney.. and lrom thence to California, t tli nearest and most practicable. BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Ti-avclinruhlio that they ara now running ns a Ferry ccro"w the Missouri iirer "nt ' An entirely nete, uhtintinl and commodious . STEADI FERRY EOAT, Which tir-anement will 8ceur6 a certain and safe puosoiro at, all times and in all kinds of weather. Tho IVoprietorj do rot assert hoastirjglr. . or for the purpose of pin'.ns custom merely, but art governed by fa.-t. nl.en they say this ij the be.-t cro.sins of theMLsouu River in N'eUrHska, and when they say tho route fmm Urownville to Fort. . Kearney and from them-e tr C.tliforr.i.i i.i the nearest for evidence they refer the render to the map of tho Country; and nre warranted iu iayintr, it is tha most pnutlcitble route by personal experience, a well as " ; that of hundreds of others who haro traveled it.--. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holdi out peculiarly favoralle inducements, to' persona go'n:; to California, and sollcitthcir patronage. Not- . willutar.ding our superior arrargcmenU for a safo ar.d pccdy erosslnr, our charges arc the same as other Ftrric3in Nebraska, all Icing regulated by LeHsIa- ' live enactment. " . fjr"Ree!..ct ihat rilli our facilities of Tower, no kinds of weather will prevent our Eoats froni makin regular trips at alt hours, IW A skill ar.d hanl will be lu readiness tocrosa " . foot passengers ut all tiis of nibt. " n20 Novemlcr lltli,13j7. : EROWITVILLE STEAM M1LIL,: "-. NOEL, LAKE k EMEIIS0N.: X3z-OT7V2iTTjLllo, 1ST. rr. N. 15. Wo would rofpcctfttlly .iufor:n tho cltl- sen? of Nemaha county and utljoinin Missouri, that' " we have always on hand a brc nsj well selected supply of LLMIlint, which weeaufurnijbatlow--. er rates titan any mill in too Territory. Market j riots paid for log. delivered at" the yard or ou tho bank of the river. . All orders accompanied with the cash, will recei our iu. mediate attention. O. F. LAKE. 4V. It. HOOVER. I'rownvilb. , Nemaha City. LAKE & HOOVER. m- mm mwi :. AXD . N0TAUYS PUBLIC. . Brownville and Nemaha City, . KEBUA&KA TERBITOny. . ' WILL promptly attend to Land A-nnioa, I'aying . taxaa, Drawinj money, bu-.-inj and selliDjc Ileal r'tfli?, buying and selling ou Commission, . ' Making Collections fordistant dialer., and all kinds " . of lusincs pertaining to their profc&ioii. " rartienlarattentoin wllllcivfnlnlilinjf daelaro- tory statements to pr--cwpt and p "'-cu ring-. War. ratity Dctds from tho Towuauthoritie.i. . , IVr.-tons cwuir: T'.w.v i.ot, rosi Jir-j nt n dTstcBca wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well i place tho agency i;: our hand.', (nlw a ; presqn''inc their Quit ttaim Deets forsiiid It w'ithin tho ex- . piration of six mcnth's, tti after that time lllU not . . b-e ltd will bc3old. " i:bnk alw.iyj cn band. " . N. H. Letters of inviiiv aiuwcrsdr-rc nit tlv. Marrh 21. '57. 41 :i , - j George rerguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, A XNOUNCE to thi puhlic, that he ij""prr.arci to erect Steam and Water Saw and JIervb.Jnt Mills at short noli'jo and reanable terms Itopair- :i of machinery of nil inds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. lie is also Agr-nt for . A. Li. IIOLLIBIRD Si CO'S ; . Western Foundry. . OSCISXATI, O. LEE & LK AVtTT'S Sav Iilanufactorv.- ciirciATi, o. . And are rreparrd to receive ahd "II orJcrs for arr nsa- chinery manafaclurttl tr kept oa LuU, tj tL'eM laDiiscmcnts. Letters of (.z.?i:':j,irTJrz,,'J.j atts'rered. '. r.Eyfni:NC3. . Noe!. Lake & Co., Tlrowr.ville, JT. T. Steam ililil li. W. Furna., trownvillo, " Mair. liana i Co., " " " .".. Dr. Hoover, NeaahacitT. w . P. M. Roir. Pawnee cify,4 Nuckolls k White, Rockport, Mq. James Ix)we, Lin len, A. 13. Halliberd, Ciieinrati,0. lirownville. June IS. IS,')7. ii i ii Brownville House. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ' MORRISON &. V7HEELER Announce to the pb!is thst they have taken c'larje of the new, larre, arr! c .urwllou b.L-k Hotel bnildln re cent completed ia the City of li.-wavillo, Xcbrsaka. they bav Xurni'fced it frmi cDllar Ui garret wtUiea tire new furmturp ; tl.oro.;ris are all larye, wan ven tilated and finned. Tho table, we promii-o, tbill at all timeo uuin tbe trst tbe country can i ff .rd. Onrlliuors h!l be i pme as are made, a wp purchase In parson frmu reliable manufacturers. We decro a more exten ded notice uinecosnary and conclude y aurir.r the pub lic th-it we are tletf rminel that no f ff rt on onr part shall bo wanting to render the Bro-.vnvi; II ,n-e a flrtt class Hotel. mo;::::?on it wjiEELKa. J u!y 8. IW-ftn GEORGE EDWARDS, ATI CZIITECT, pmtLMu. Lust of Kinney 4 Ho'.lj's ajHce, Nebraska City, U. T. Por:or:swhi contemplate bi.i din c:n be furri-.trl wi.h le.-ii;us. Plans, pcciticatijns, iic.. f..r b illdin;s el anyiiio.i or varcty of htyie, a:ul ihi erection of lii satne snperiaier.tle I if do.-ireil. I:oi..,)t -t.eiul..H paid io b iMwa fror i a detain-.?. 5itf JSTG TI OZD . Ail peTonare hereby notirieI that I viil take tba necessary steps to the re-cpcum; of it e nintsstcl cns of J inies li-rii'ison. for tbj pii"r.5e of r, fully- in veti.'a:i:. his rial: J to niter t'.:5 soutii west qur;er (lp ) f iouiii west eartcr (lJiud lot na.'.iber lour (4) of section fict.frenOs) i'l tow:,shji( f,'i raatt sis teeu (1() e-!t, I hereby wira a:t persons rot tv psi chase, trailft for, or in any w;y to negoiiatc lor ny porj ti.. a cf tlie abvve de .-tiljijd property. May 27, Vl . t:UCtf AUUSTUS KOtXTX. Lost or Stolen. Lost, on Christmas eve, at the Brownville TTouse, a c,Kli..tnjt-tTM h-?wt p,n.. Thob?criber will tiherslty rv ., tie of tae r.n. E. WORTH IXG.