Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 20, 1859, Image 1

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Nebraska SUujcrfoct
Sizoni Story Hoadley&t Muir's Building,
(Corner of Main and Fint Streets.)
w. ...,r;ri.ii in advance.
- $2,00
V. . " at the end of 6 monthi, 2,50
tt u . " w " 12 " 3,00
r 12 or more will be furnished at $1,50 per
Ma.vded the cash accompaniei the order,
One noare i 10 11": leu) om insertion,
1 t:!l aliitloaal insertion,
cm square, one month,
i " three months,
i six months,
u one year,
Bi.'.neis Card! of six lines or year,
'JaCumn one jear,
jaeatfCjIumu, onejear,
- f.nrth " "
: - .ith
Cy.onn.six months,
u ji'.f Culumn, six months,
f,iinin three months,
tTCa-cn, three months,
Amoan:inr, ;nli dates for office (in advance,) 5,00
Real Estate Agent,
; Eon.Wm.Jessup, Montrose, Pa.
B.S.Bcntlr, M " "
Jobs C. Miller, Chicago, 111.
Wm.K. McAllister, " "
Claries F. Fowler, . " "
It. V. Farnas.Brownville.N.T.
O. F. Lake, " "
May 7, 1557. 47-ly
Cabinet & Wagon-Haker
Main Street, bet. Sixth and Seventh,
! Ail kind of cabinet work neatly executed.
t7ilir',1f 6f wagons' plow, etc., promptly done.
1 john Mcdonough.
House, Sign, k Ornamental Painter,
tY Vdr can beleft at the City Pmg Store. C3
Kea Estate 5c General rollecting Agents
'Ascnls for Iowa Ins. Co.,0skaloosa,
, ALL butineti entrusted to our care will meet with
j 'umpt fcitrnii-m ixl warranted correct. Papers prepar
H t r r?roin msbing to pre-etapt, Declaratory state
i;iriit made out, etc., etc.
J3Om:e on Firt street, north of I. T. Thyte it Co. S
1. W. (;rime, Ex-Governor Iowa
k T. L Price do Missouri
AuhUb A Kirg do do
i. S. Kjrrek. Co., Glenwood, low
. Pouriity Council Biuffs, Iowa
i Ajn! b, T2n41-ly
.'OUS. r. EIVNEY. CH 48. F. HOLLY.
will practice in the Courts of this Territory. Collcc-
1 aofl criminal bastness attended to throughout Xo-
i mi, Wfvtfru lun and Missouri. Will attend the
t jorti at Bronnville. v3n33-m
"!LL practice fn tbe several Courts of the 2d Judicial
t'Stru-t. aud afifnl to all matters connected with the
Prureu,B. W M.JtcLrirwAX, ".Esq-, of Nebraska City,
ill Mt mf in the prosecution of important Suits,
i Rfj't. 10, '67-U-tf
Architect and Builder.
f Drownvlllo, 30". T.
fnimi-rk iIIR nnr-nn iiirrn
"LLIUtn ArtU UilWd rartlXtni
f .-11 uiic uoor twvo vn-i ouuo
rounds and irvnmi
; Attorney at Law,
Land Ageat and Xolary Public.
1 Archer, Richardson Co., A". T.
I VW practice in the Courts of Nebraaka,asiite4
7 Lardicg aDa Bennett, Nebrafka City.
Attorney and Counsellor
! A.t Law,
' aud tre-t. between Main and ebrafka,
i ED. IT. 3100RE,
i General Steamboat Agent,
p&K ARDIXG It commission merchaxt,
on Oonifniftioa and prompt returns mtde.
i'tXr BT T nt t ..VI i ..AM GArln mA Pa.
un aJ; k,t)(i Cf freight and produce.
OSes on the Levee.
''WfkiBM In tbe o block with tearney Hotel.
, Itftrr to tbe Merchants of Nebraska CitTS
ajticfceistLouiiMo; Harper k Scuder St. Louis;
A-Warden . Joseph Mclotyr "
Fmney & Co" I Barcklar, Uinklefc Co " -
Attorney at Law
V ilL4i"
, ,crun, peruana to.,
n'oatBir bUrntionridtotherraaiiceof law anl
W".W', !!..tb Xnaha, Paw
and col-
V,1 R'ln, Nebraska Territory.
warVL . .'urtt nJ "Won commission. Land
arrauu located for distant dairrs. lTe-emp,-lion
papers carefully prepared.
n. Klbert.rutunwBtb.K. T.
HK.,oet, Nebraska city, X T
bVr l Tr 1 k Ck' Forl Desmome., Iowa.
Drugs, Slcdicmcs,
Fine Hair and Tooth Brashes,
Tobacco & Cigars,
Pare Wines and Liquors for
. Medicinal Ise.
3 Phfslcians' Prescriptiou and Family Eecipes
carefully compounded.
All orders correctly answered, fivery article war
ranted genuine and of the best quality
Cj" AGENTS for all leading Patent Me&icintt
oihe day,
Old Stand of SL P. CLAKK,
Where can be found a full supply of Family Groceries
Ham and Bacon, Maclcrel and Cod Fish, Teas, Sugar,
Coffee, Candies, Nuts, Wine Crackers and Cheese, Liquors
and Wines, Sardines, Cigars and Tobacco, Oysters and
Lobsters, Peaches, Prones, Blackberries and Wnortle
berries, and all articles usually kept in a Fancy Grocery
Store, which he wil 1 tell for cash or produce as cheap as the
cheapast. Will you give me a share of your con tin nod
Brownuille, July 15lh, 1868. T3n3
Land Warrants bought and sold. Pre-emption papers
carefully and correctly prepared.
OFFICE ou Main street, in Brown and aenneii's Bann
ing House.
Hon. Fenner Ferguson,
" R. W. Furnas
" R Brown
Kinney 4t Holley
Hon. James Craig.
Nave, McCord &. Co.
Clark & Conrad,
July 8, 1858-v3n2-Iy
Bellevue, Nebraska.
Brownville, "
Nebraska City
St. Joseph Mo.
Will write deeds of every kind and contracts for every
purpose, with warranted legal accuracy.
Office, In the Banking House of Lushbaugh & Carson.
Hon. John A. Bingham, Cadiz, A Ohio. 1
" W K Carter, Cleveland, "
" RP Spalding,
" BF Leiter, Canton,
" SLahm, "
" Wm R Sapp, Mt. Vernon,
S P Chase, Columbus,
Thos. Ford, Mansfield,
Jas. Craig, St. Joseph, Ho.
Brownville, Oct. 22d, 'c7.
- 1UNDALS, G01LEY & C 0.
St. Louis, Missouri
rti-rior. tnr TnPTT.handise solicited, and promptly filled,
at the lowest rates. All kinds of produce bougLt or sold
on sum mi s ion.
Septomber 23. 1S5S.
v r r'! """a. -Lsj
J JU OOj, !l 33
Will select lands, investigate titles, pay taxes, &c
either in Kansas or Nebraska; buy, sell, and enter
landson commjssion, invest in ww property, , uuy or
sell the same, and will always have on hand correct
plats of townships, counties, &c., snowing amanassuh
ipct to entrv. and where desired will furnish parties liv
inz in the states with the same
Being the oldest settler in the county will in all
cases be able to give full and reliable information.
Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownville or emaha
Citr. Nebraska Territory. 6m-42-v2
, 1 Hj
c'onnciiBiuffs.Iowa. ) Nebraska CitvNTj
Conncil Bluffs, Iowa
loucccssors lo uiuen tv Mime.;
(Successors to Riden
TTAVING made arraneements by which we will
ATI receire accurate copies of all the Townships
embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we
are now prepared to offer our services to the
" Saualters of Nebraska Territory."
In Pilling Declaratory Statements of Inten
tion to iTe-empt. csecuring r-re-e mo
tions. Locating: linnd Warrants-
Land Warrants Houarht and Sold.
Property on commission: Also, to making Collections
and forwarding remittoneesto anypartof thetmon.
Blanks of all kinds always on hand.
Hon. A.A.Bradford, NebraskaCity.
S.F. Nuckolls, " "
Messrs. Dolman k "West, St. Joseph, Mo.,
Peter A. Keller. Washington City
Thomas Lumpkin, " "
June 23.1856. vl-n4
JOHK A. PAItKER, late Recister of the Land Office,
Omaha, N. T.t having resigned his office will hereafter,
d connection with one of the best Land Lawgirers in the
cuuntrr. attend to all business confided to biiiiitii es
v t'jrtri.YJ yjsuo" . ...
by study and practice for jpcars.
n DKu ucnu miuu uituscii tuuivuui; atuMuicu wiui
ot c.lVrZy por,m.u .uu mnrm
aji applications for services must r aeoompanied wita
a fee to insure attention
January 83, 186?
Cir. Eng., Sur. &. Draf t'h.. General Land Agent-
ilOTlFni iinnrf AOntS
WLIt5i , .2
iMOOrou.p yi
ARE connected with agencies in Washington City
which they are enabled to prosecute claims agamsi
ToSiiiLM with dupTtcV SFS
BBuwarion or tncircusiomerB.
tne oi in iinn being a practical engineer ana survey
or (havng been for many yearsconneeted with ttfe united
States Coast Surveys engaged on wtrk of:Ihtenal Ita-
rarms, &c, inanvpartof the Territory; and having
arcniieciurat, fcc,) to the perfect satisfaction our
October m, is 7. tntir
To proTide for the Yalnation and
Assessment of the Real and Per
sonal Property, and for the Levy-
IHg ana UOIieCUOn OI TUXeS-in ge a receipt 10 me person paying tne
the Territory of Nebraska. saie- n, m . . ,
concluded. Sec 35. Territorial "warrants are re
Sec. 29. The county commissioners of ceivable for the amount payable into the
each county shall constitute a board of Territorial treasury, and county warrants
equalization for the county, and the said are receivable at the treasury of the prop
board, or any two of them, shall hold a er county for the amount payable into the
session of at least three days at thecoun- county treasury; and city warrants, and
ty seat, commencing on the second Mon- city SC"P saW be received for city taxes,
day of June of each year, for the pur- specie, or equivalent only, is receiv
pose of correcting the assessment roll4ft as Jor.the school, tax, and, road taxes
their county; and during the sitting of may te discharged as proVidetfinSection
said board, any person feeling aggrieved 31. - -
by anything in the assessment roll, may Sec. 36. When a territorial or county,
apply to the board for correction of any or road warrant is received by thetreas-
suoDosea error m tne listmrr or valuation
of his property, whether real or person
al, and if any person returned as refus
ing to render a list, or to be sworn there
to, or. to the list of property of another,
can show good cause for such failure or
refusal, the penalty herein provided may
be remitted.
Sec. 30. On the first Monday of July
of each year, the county commissioners
shall meet at the county seat to levy the
necessary taxes for the current year ; and
they may levy the taxes at any time af
ter the first Monday of July, if the state
ment from the Territorial or county board
of equalization has not been received, but
such levy shall not be postponed for more
than ten days ; and they shall levy the
taxes as herein directed; for Territorial
revenue, as directed by' the Territorial
Board of Equalization, but not to exceed
three mills on'the dollar of the equalized
assessments; for ordinary county reve
nue, including the support of the poor, not
more than six mills on the dollar, and a
poll tax of fifty cents ; for the support
of schools, not less than one mill nor more
than six mills on the dollar: for roads, a
poll tax of one and a half dollars, to be
paid in money or labor at the rate of one
and a half dollars per day, at the option
of the person so taxed, and a land tax of
three dollars on each one hundred and
sixty acres of entered or pre-empted land
lying without the limits of any incorpo
rate town or city, and in the same pro
portion for a greater or less quantity,
which tax shall be paid in money or in
labor at the rate of one and a half dol-
lars per day, at the option of the person
i i . i .i i -
so taxed ; and the receipts of the dis
trict supervisor for labor done shall be
received by the county collector for their
several amounts in discharge of. said poll
and land taxes.
31. As soon as practicable after
me taxes are icvieu, uie county ciei h.
.1 . - 1 ' J - . -1 1.
shall make out a tax list in tabular form
and alphabetical order, having distinct col-
umns for lands, town lots and personal !
property, with the valuation thereon, and
the amount of the several taxes for Ter
ritorial, county, school and road purpos-
es, in separate columns, and the amount
of the several species of tax in another
column, and also a column for delinquent
taxes, according to the forms furnished by
me vuaitor, or me county commission-
ers, which list shall be kept by the coun-
j vavii vsj auv a X J laiU vvuilLj
The cleik shall also prepare a duplicate
of the tax list for his county, and deliver
the same to the county treasurer on or
before the first dav of SeDtember fol-
. . t 1 r .v
I luwiug vue uaic ui iuc icvy iui me tur
Spr. M2. An pntrv is renuired to he
made upon the tax list and its duplicate
showing what it is, and for what county
tv vpnriMs- nnd the ronntv r.ommisslon-
ers shall attach to the list their warrants,
J v- r - . " V .
under their hands and official seal, in gen
eral terms, requiring the treasurer to col
lect the taxes therein levied, according
Urr nnd nn informality in the above
renuirements shall render any proceed-
inffs for the collection of taxes illegal.
- j
The county clerk shall take the receipt
of the county treasurer on delivering to
him the duplicate tax list with the war
rant of the county commissioners attach
ed, and such list shay be full and sufficient
authority for the collection by the treas
urer of all taxes therein contained.
Sec. 33. The county treasurer of each
county shall be the collector of the taxes,
and shall give bond in good and approved
sureties to the County Commissioners in
the sum of ten thousand dollars for the
faithful discharge of his duties ; and the
county commissioners of any county, may
at any time when in their opinion the
safety of the county treasury may de-
mand it, require such further security to
be given by the treasurer as they may
deem necessary.
Sec. 34. The treasurer on receiving
the tax list and warrant from the county
clerk, shall forthwith proceed to collect
- 1 .1 1 1 1 r .
I 111 iuauo tugitiu icucu , aiiu lui iuui
purpose it shall be his duty lo attend at
me usuai piace oinoiaing elections in
1-1 i L 1J !
each preCinct of his county, for two
days curing me month or September,
ahd from nine o clock in the morning till
four o clock in the afternoon- of each day,
v v v n-r m s va, a. vva jii a,u.Awo a. a
any person who shall . at that time wish
to make payment ; and the treasurer shall
&ive at least tw0 weeks notice of the
timewhenhe wili'sit in each precinct,,
I v.. .,uit: .1 :
by u jwuiiiuiig viic aaiuv m bu.uc paper w
tne me COUniV, II mere be One, Or by rOStinSf
t5e at least two written or printed notices
me time in eacn precinct it there be no
the time in each precinct if there be no
county newspaper; and' it shall' be the
ouiy or tne treasurer to attend the coun
ty seat for the balance of the month
8T tHe month of Ob
ens - tooer ioiiowing, to receive the taxes not
yet paid ; and he- is also- authorized' and'
required to collect, so far as practica
ble, the txes remaining unpaid on the'
list of the former tear or years. In all
c?ses her the taxes are Paid h.e sha11
ulci 15 ""cueu iu euuue ou n uie
name of the person from whom it was re
ceived (the amount for which it was rer
ceived,) and the date thereof ; and from
that date the warrant is to be regarded
and considered as cancelled, and cannot
be re-issued ; and the treasurer is re
quired to write upon the face of it "re
ceived for taxes " but when the warrant
amounts to more than is to be paid by the
person presenting it, the treasurer shall
give him a certificate for the balance due
him, which certificate is also receivable
for taxes in the same manner as the
original warrant.
Sec. 37. If on the assessment roll or
tax list, there be any error in the name of
a person assessed or taxed, the name may
be charged and the tax collected from
the er??n iedf d f he be taxable and
urer; and when the treasurer after
the tax list is committed to him, as
certain that any land or other property is
omitted, he shall report the fact to the
assessor, who, upon being satisfied there
of, will enter it upon the assessment roll,
and assess the value, and the treasurer
"lU. " upr
Sec 38. No demand of taxes shall be
necessary, but it shall be the duty of ev
ery person subject to taxation under this
law, to attend at the time and place of the
treasurer's sitting in his precinct for the
purpose of receiving taxes, and there
pay the same, or to attend at some other
time within the two months allowed, when
the treasurer is not engaged in collecting
the taxes in anY of the precincts, at the
l trAQcnror'o rftoa o f tTio mnnlir coot nn1
tl VUOCa VxA 3 VlUwv Wl, KsJKA LA J WVUk u 11V4
pay his taxes ; and if any person neglect
so to attend and pay his taxes until after
the first day of November next succeed
ing the levying of the taxes, the treasur-
, , , ,. u
I 1 rii I w.M if ill I it- im if hi ill filial IV- ii im
i , . . nt l i.
from tJati Fand the tax list 11
. snffir;pnt warrant for auch distress and
" nn A e , ' , . T
Sec- 39- After the first day of No-
vember the unpaid taxes of the current
year ueme uemiuuem auu suau uraw
interest at the rate of fifty per cent per
annum, ana taxes upon reai property are
nereoy maaea perpeiuai lem tnereupon
"o"4"01- Fv.c UUu w.w vu.riu.v
except the United States and this Tern-
Sec. 40. When the Treasurer distrains
goods, he may keep them at the expense
of the owTner, and shall give notice of the
time of sale within five days after the
I A .,a .,
ua) ui iimug, m mc ummici mt vwn
stables are required to give notice of the
sale of personal property on execution,
ana me ume 01 saie sna11 01 De more
than ten days from the day of the taking;
but h"e may adjourn the sale from time
- a j: .1
lu UIue , u FC1,UU,. "Ul
days, ana snail adjourn once at least
when there are no bidders, and in case
ot an adjournment he shall put up a no
j a
ce thereot at tne place ot sale; anysur.
Plus remaining above the taxes, charges
for keeping, and fees for sale, shall be
returned to (he owner, and the treasurer
shall, on demand, render an account in
writing of the sale and charges.
Sec. 41. If the treasurer be resisted or
impeded in the execution of his office, he
may require any suitable person or per
sons to aid him therein, and if any such
persons retuse to aid, ne snail torteit a
sum not exceeding ten dollars, to be re
covered by civil action in the name and
for the use of the county; and the person
or persons resisting, shall be liable, as in
case of resisting the sheriff in the execu
of civil process.
Sec 42. The treasurer shall contin-
ue to receive payment of all taxes after
the first day of November, upon the
above terms, until collected by distress or
Sec. 43. Whenever, in the collection
of any district, town, city or local tax
which may have been levied according to
1 1 u ,1 ,
i mn, auu UiC VUilcVlUr IS IJUl UU1C iU iUaKC
the tax by distress and sale of personal
"I 1 t t i i
property, and real estate is 10 De sold lor
the same, it shall be the duty of the col-
lector of the tax, to send such delinquen
list to the county treasurer on or before
the first dav of November of each year,
.ij,, I.AUU b jr ilrJUBUl VI t;aiu v a v w
delinauent list, advertise the same, and
sell the lands as directed incases for col
lecting the Territorial and county taxes;
and' shalV credit the proper district, town,
r I f .ooo.
cuy, or lucamy tvuu iuc suiuuui
SO Collected, wniCft Shall De EUDjecilO me
of order of the proper collecting othcer.
Sec 44, Tlie treasurer shall give no-
tice of the sale of reai property, by pub'
ncation tnereor once a- weeic, icr three
of consecutive weeks, commencing the- first
week in- Apriipreceeding the sale,- in a
newspaper in his county, it there be one
land? by a written or prictecV notice posted1'
on the door "of the court house or building
in vhich the courts are commonly held ;
and if there be no newspaper published
in the county, the like notice shall be giv
en by posting otfe written or printed no
tice for the like length of time, in oach
election precinct in which any land to be
sold is situated and one notice on the court
house door, such notice shall contain a
notification1 that all lands pn which the
taxes of the proceeding year (naming it)
remaining unpaid, will be sold, and the
time end place of sale; and said notice
must contain a list of the lands to be sold,
and the amount of tax due: the publica-
ioaluTae newspaper shall be at the ex-1
pense of the county.
Sec. 45. On the first Monday of May
in each year, between the hours , of . nine
o'clock, A. M., and five o'clock, P. M.,
the treasurer is directed to offer at public
sale, at the court house orplace of holding
courts in his county, all the land3 on which
the taxes for the previous year remain
unpaid, and he may adjourn the sale from
day to day (Sundays excepted) until the
sale is complete. i
Sec 46. The person who offers to
pay the amount due on any parcel of land
or the smallest partion of the same, is to
be considered the highest bidder, and
when such portion constitutes a half or
more of the parcel, it is to be taken from
the east side thereof, dividing it by a line
running north and south except that town
otsare to be divided in such case length
wise by a line parallel with the proper
mes of the lots. If the portion taken be
ess than one-half of the parcel, it is to be
taken from the south-east corner in a
square form, as nearly as the form of the
and will conveniently permit. The pre-
ceeding provisions of this section are sub-
ect to the following qualifications: the
homestead is liable to be sold for no tax
ave that which is due upon itself exclu
sively, and the above directions concern
ing the division of a tract of land shall be
modified so as to meet this requirement,
and to that end the quantity of land bid,
may be obtained by drawing the division
me in any direction or form, so as to
avoid the homestead, -and when the home
stead constitutes a part of the tract or
parcel sold, and is not yet ascertained, the
court may in the action hereafter author
ized, at the suggestion of either party,
cause proceedings to be had similar to
that required in relation to mechanics
ems, for the ascertainment of the home
stead ; and in all other cases of such sales
it may take the requisite order and pro
ceedings to ascertain the land sold, and to
set it apart from the homestead.
Sec 47. Should any person so bidding
fail to pay the amount due, the treasurer
may again offer the land for sale, if the
sale has not closed, and if it has closed,
he may again advertise it specially, and
by description by one written or printed
notice posted for two weeks on the court
house door, after which it may be sold at
public sale ; or the treasurer may recover
the amount bid, by civil action brought in
the name of the county in which the sale
was held.
Sec 49. On or before the first Mon
day in June following the sale of real
property, the treasurer is required to file
in the office of the county clerk of his
county, a return of the sale of his lands,
(retaining a copy in his office,) showing
the lands sold, the names of the owners
so far as known, the names of the pur
chasers and the sums paid by them, and,
also, a copy of .the notice of the sale, with
a certificate of the advertisement verified
by an affidavit, and such certificate shall
be evidence of the regularity of the pro
Sec 49. The purchasers of land sold
by the county treasurer for taxes due on
the same, will be entitled to a deed for
the land purchased by him, upon the pay
ment of the proper amount, which deed
shall run in the name of the Territory of
Nebraska, and be signed by the treasurer
SV ! I Ml
in his oriiciai capacity, ana win convey
the title to the land so deeded, and will
be presumptive evidence of the regularity
of all prior proceeding. The purchaser
acquires the lein of the tax on the land,
and if he subsequently pay any tax levied
on the same, he shall have the same lein
for them, and may add them to the
amount paid by him in the purchase.
Sec. 50. The treasurer is authorized
to demand fifty cents for each deed made
by him on such sales, together with the
fee of the notary public or other othcer
acknowledging the same, but any number
of parcels of land bought by any one per
son, maybe included in one deed, as may
be desirf d by the purchaser. -
Sec 51. Land so sold will be subject
to redemption as follows: If redeemed
before suit be commenced, as hereafter
provided, by paying the amount paid by
the purchaser, including the fees for the
deed, and any taxes on the land paid by
the purchaser, and fifty per centum there
on; and if redeemed after a suit is com
menced, by paying in addition to the fore
going, the sum of ten dollars, and the
costs of suit, to Be taxed by the clerk of
the ccurt m which said action is brought
such payment to be made to the purchas
er, his asent or attorney, or the treasur
er, who is to enter a memorandum of the
redemption in the list of sales, and give a
certificate thereof, to the person redeem
ing the same, and hold the money raid
(except the cost of the suit) to rtie order
of the purchaser.
Sec 521 The purchaser may at' any
time after'si months from the dav of the
sale, file hrs petition in the District' court,
as in case of a' foreclosure of a rribrtfrane.
(except that' no sale shall be decreed,) in
which action the notice to the party and
the service are to be the same as in case
of a mortgage;. but the owner shall not
be entitled to defend," unless" he hSs paid
or tendered the amount above directed, or
shows that no tax was levied on the land,
or that he had paid. the . tales, or that it
was not subject to taxation.
Sec 53. When the owner of the land
is not known action,' may' be brought
against the land itself, but in such cases
of a non-resident, and when such' action
is commenced against, a person who dis
claims the ownership of the land, the
land itself may be substituted for the de
fendant, and the action continued for pub
lication. .
iec. tj-. I he court -stall iiaTS jarii-
diction of such actions as' in chancer,
and the decree therein shall b3 conclusive
in the same degree as in other ectfons.
Sec 5o. When by mistake or wrongful
act of the treasurer, land has been sold
on which no tax was due at the time, the
county is to hold him harmless by paying
him the amount of principal and interest
to which he would have been entitled had
the land been rightfully sold, and the
treasurer and his sureties will be liable
or the amount to the county on his bond;
or the purchaser may recover directly
rem treasurer.
Sec. 56. A tax for territorial pur-
purposes shall be levied upon each pedler
of watches, clocks, , jewelry or patent
medicines, and all other wares and mer
chandise not manufactured within the
imits of this territery, for a license to
peddle throught the Territory for one
year, the sum of thirty dollars.
Sec 56, Such license maybe obtained
rom the county clerk of any county upon
paying the proper tax to the treasurer
thereof, and taking his receipt therefor.
Sec 58. Any person so peddling,
without a license, is guilty of a misde
meanor, and the person actually peddling
is liable whether he be the owner or not,
and upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit
and pay the sum of fifty dollars to the
county treasurer where such conviction
shall be had, to be recovered by civil ac
in the name of the county prosecuting for
the same. All fines and penalties recov
ered under this section shall be applied
to the common school fund of the county
prosecuting for the same ; and if any ped
dler refusing to exhibit his license to any
person requiring a view of the same, he
shall be presumed to have none, and if he
produce a license upon trial, such peddler
shall pay all cost of prosecuting.
Sec 59. The treasurer of each coun
ty shall pay into the territorial treasury all
funds belonging thereto, annually, name
ly: on or before the first Monday of Jan
uary next following the levy of the taxes,-
and the funds so paid in, shall- be the iden-
ical Territorial warrants, if any be taken
by the treasurer for payment of the taxes
or in the coin of the United States; and
the county treasurer shall be entitled to
receive ten cents a' mile for travel each
way by the nearest route, in making his
returns to the Territorial treasurer, which
he may recieve either by a credit upon
his account, or an order of jhe Auditor
upon the Territorial Treasury.
Sec 60. The county treasurer shall
settle with the county commissioners on
the third Monday of January of each
year, being charged with the tax lists of
the preceeding year or years, and credited
with the monies collected and paid out.
and the delinquent lists of the current
year, and he shall leave his vouchers with
the commissioners, to be retained by
them for evidence of his settlement. If
the treasurer's accounts are correct, the
commissioners shall certify to the same,
if not he shall be liable on his bond.
Sec 61. A list of lands becoming
taxable for the first time, in each county
of the Territory, shall be procured by the
Territorial Auditor from the proper Land
Offices at the best prices for the Territory
and a list of the lands becoming so taxa
ble, in each of the several counties, shall
be forwarded to the county clerk of each
county, on or before the first day1 of Feb
ruary of each year.
Sec 65. That in executing the pro
visions of this act, the following compen
sation shall be allowed and paid out of
the Territorial or county Treasury, as the
case may be, on the order of the Auditor
or county clerk:
The following fees, and no others, to
each member of the board of equalization
when sitting for the county three dollars
a day, payable from the county treasury
on the order ot the county cleric.
To the county assessor, fifteen cents on
each separate list of lands or personal
property or both, valued ond returned to
the county clerk, as required by the pro
visions of this act, and an additional sum
m 111 0 .1
ot ten dollars ior arranging the list, as
directed, fcr the county clerk, which sums
shall be paid from the county treasury up
on the order and estimate of the county
To the eounty clerk, for each day he
may be employed in preparing the ab
stract of the assessor's roll, for" the Ter
ritorial Auditor, the suit of three dollars
and for each day he maybe employed1 in
preparing the tax list ana duplicate, as
required by tms act, the sum of three
dollars, which sum is to be paid from the
county treasury on an account kept by
himself, and allowed by the county com
missioners, and on an order for the
amounf found to be. due him, drawn by
the said commissioners en' the county
treasurer of each county.
The county treasurer shall be allowed
ten per eefltum on all monies-and war
sahts received' by him into the treasury,
to the amount of three thousand dollars or
under'; five per cent on' the amount over
three thousand dollars and under five thou
ancT dollars ;- and- and two and a half per
cent tfn the amount over fire thousand
dollars ; and an additional sura cf ten per
centum, will be allowed cn all monies col
lected by distress, and sale of persciial
property, and the advertising and sale'cf
lands. In case of distress and sale cf
personal property, he shall be entitled to
reasonable charges for keeping,' the.prcp
until .the day of sale, and tt: fee.'ot cqe
dollar. for advertising fcnd sale, together
with five cents per mile both "wayst for
the distance travelled in making ""distress
of goods, which amounts shall be deduct-"
ed from the amount . cf the tales, and if
the property distrained and, "sold siall net
la sufneient to cover ths air.ouht cf taxes
and costs, the .taxes' te to be first taken
from the amocnt, and the ballance ' shsll '
belong to 'the treasurer.; The: county,
treasured shall be allowed mileage at the"
rate cf ten" cents per nv.Ie, . going to and
retarning from the capital, for the' pur
pose of making -his annua! settlement
with the Territorial Treasurer, which
sum shall be paid outf the Territorial
rk : .i. - r -1 .i ip . i
Sec 63. All acts or parts of acts in
consistent with thb act are hereby re
pealed; . , '. , . - .
Sec 64: This act to be in force frcm'
and after its passage. .... . f -
Speaker of the House,
. President 6f the Council, pro Urn. '
Approved, November 1st, 1858. -
Governor of Jftbraska.
1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a
true and correct copy of the "original act
now on file in my office.
in witness wnereot, i have hereunto
set m hand and affixed the frrpat "
the Territory. Dene at Omaha, this
eighth day of November, A. D. 1S53. :
L. S. Secretary of Nebraska ':
, 1 ' ' . t., .
What to dor ia Cases or Accident
If a man faints away, instead of yel
ling out like a savage, or running to him
to lift him up,- lay him at fall length oa
his back on' the floor, lousea the clothing,
push the crowd away so sis id allow the'
air to to reach him, and let him alone.
Dashing water over a person in a simple
fainting fit is a barbarity', a:ntf soils the
clothing unnecessarily. The philosophy
of a ftfrntfng-fit fs, the heart fails to send
the proper supply.of Uood to the brain if
the person is erect, that blood has to .be
thrown up hill, but if lying down, it has
to Jbe projected horizontalfy-iwhich re- '
quires less ower, is apgarerVt. .
If a person swallows poison, deliber
ately ct by chance, instead of breaking
out into multitudinous and fncoherent ex
clamations, dispatch some one for a doc
tor; meanwhile run to the kitchen, get.
half a pint of water in anything that is
hatiay, put into rt a teaspoon full of .salt
and as much ground mustard, stir, it an
instant, catch a firm hold 6f the person's
nose, the moath .wrU soch' fly - open, then
down with the mixture, and in a second .
or two up will come the poise h.- This
Will answer in a larcrpr nnrnkor nf r,ce.m
thantmy other.- If. by. this. time, the'
physician has not arrived, make the per'-'
II .1 1 . m ..
son swanow me white oi an egg, follow
ed by a strong cup of coffee, (because.,
these nullify a larger number of poisons
mail any uiuci aLLc23i uic arucies an an
tidote fcr any pbiscrr that may remain in
the stomach. . ' ""
If a limb or other parts of the body" is
severely cut, and the blood comes ou; by
pins ana jerics, "per saltern, as .doctors
say, be in a hurry, er the man will be
dead in fife minutes; there is no time to
alk or s6nd for a physician ; say nothing,
out with your handkerchief, throw, it
around the. limb, then, twist it around,-
tighter and tighter, until the blood ccae,s
to flow. Only a severed artery throws
blood out in iets. and the arteries ret
their blood from the heart; hence,- to
stop the flow the remedy must be apnlidd
between the heart and the wounded spot
in other words, above the wound. If a
vein has been severed, the blood ,wpuTd
have flowed in a regular stream, and oh
the other hand, the tie should be applied
beiow the wound, or on the -other side bf
the wound from the heart, and there is
no need of such great haste. " .
. . . , . t
ASpIritrial Infant.
John M. $pear, the apostle of "self-de
velopment," has been Jiving in a .small
shanty at Kiantone, N. Y., for some
time with his spiritual bride, Miss Hmk-
ley. Recently, between the two, in some
mysterious way, "a son of man has beeri
made manifest in the flesh," as Spear
says, andnhey. both declare that it is
wholly a spiritual developement, with
nothing natural or material about it. It is
noticed, however, that the thing cries and
nurses, and other things peculiar to ma
terial babies, and some go so far as to
I. 1L-1-- 1!1- t-.X
say Luai h iooks uxe lis lamer.
"My children," said a rich . old lady.
"I am the root and y'ba are the' bran
ches." , ,
"Grandma," said ope. 1 : "
"What", rrly cfcilcl?" ; : ': . :
"I was thinking how much better the
branches would flourish if the. root was
tinder the ground."
Clear writer?, like clear fountains, do
sfem so d
ep as
look the
mc$t profound.
A smile is ever the most bright and
beautiful wih a'tcar upon it What v
the dawn without its der?; iv...i