Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 13, 1859, Image 4
AYER'S PILLS, A Ksvr er.l flrrru'-arlv successful remedy for ti.t cure rf ull Iia:ouj ureases Costiveness, Indi Eestlon. Jtuniirf, Dreary, llheumatism. Fever out,-Ucmcrs, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamm tor. ller.dr.chc, Tains in the 13rcast, Side, Back. ad Limbs, Female Complaints, &e. &c. Indeed, Terr few arc the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine i not more or ics required, and much Bick uen end f unt-rir? nrht be prevented, if a harm bU factual 'Cathartic were more freely used. No ptrson can f? I well wldle a costive habit of kdy prt 4a's; besides, it soon generates serious and efteu fatal diseases, which might have been avoided tv the timely tnd judicious use of a good purgative. Thi it alike true of Colds, Feverish, symptoms, and UUious derarrcruenis. They all tend to become cr produce th? deep seated and formidable distempers which load the heaves cH over the land. Hence a tellable fuiiilv physic is cf the rst importanee to the pubhe health, and this Fill has been perfected with consummnte skill to meet that demand. An txtensive triul of its virtues by Physicians, Frofes- . or, aud Fiticuts, Las thown results surpassing any thing 1 iti.erto known of any medicine. Cures have U-eu ejected beyond belief, were they net sub-UiAiaU-d by ptrkoiii'of such exalted position and aharacter as to foibid the suspicion cf untruth. Amcr; the many eminent gentlemen who hart Ustid in f-ivcr of these Fills, we may mention: Frf- J. II. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cin einniti, whCbe high professional character is en domed by Joirx McLrar, Judge of the Supreme Court of . the United Stitcs.. Tuos. Couwiv, Secretary cf the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Vuiget, Governor of Indiana. ". JC- Long v. okth, prcat wine grower of the West. Al Dr. J. IL Ciultox, Practical Chemist, of Hew Yoik Citr, endorsed by 11 ax. W. L." :1a.rct, Secretary of State. W'u. Eh Astok. the richest man in America. S. Lklaxd & Co., Prcpr'a of the Metropolitan Ilottl, and.inar.y others. llii permit, we could give many hundred erUncate, e:n all parts where the Fills have been ued, hut evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public nca is found in their cic-ts upon trial. 'J hee the remit cf lor. Lavestlgatioa and stair, are e tiered to the public as the best and ' turtt complete which the present state of medical r-cnre ctn afford. They are compounded not of ttif crvrs themselves, but cf the medicinal virtues :;'y c f Vvetalle remedies, extracted by chemical t rocess ia a state tf purity, and combined together , in s u"-h a manacr as to insure the best results. This ' fvg-.e:u of con: position for medicines has been found in te Cherry FcctorrJ and Fills both, to produce a irmre rfheieut remedy than had hitherto been cb-tiiiit-d lv Try process. The reason is perfectly ob iou.' While ty the old mode of composition, every mecio'ne is lurdc-r.ed wi;h more or less of acri sr,iiiHis and usurious cualiiies, by this each indi vidual virtue cuy that is desired "for the curative 2'ett i pre scat. "All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each employed are left behind, the run. tire virtues Only being retained. Hence it is aslf-evideut the ellccts should prove, as they have jTot ed, lucre purely remedial, and the Fills a surer, ruore powetrfal antidote to disease than any other tuedic:r. kuon to the world. As it is frequently expedient that rcy medicine should be tsien under the counsel of an attending l'hvf ician, md as he could not properly judire of a reiiety without krerirg its composition, 1 have cpplied t;e eurate Formulae by which both my FcxUral anl Fills are made to the whole body of : iu the United States and LritL'h Ainer- ico FftMinces. If, however, there should be any cne . w ho U not received them, tuey wul be jrompriy forwarded l v mail to Lis request. . Cf aa'tlx l'atent liediciucs tlut are oifered, how tr w would be taken if their composition was known ! Ibeir Lfe colaUU ia their mystery. I haxt no citt'rlcs. . Jht composition of ret prcpiratioss is laid open to all r. cu, aud aiLvvbo we competent to judge on the suVett freely acknowledge their convictions of thtir iutrisic u;erits. The Cherry Pectoral was froi,iuncf-i ly fi-kntific men to be a wonderful Jiedi .-ir-e Ufure its elects vrtre known. Many em .iiier, rbysiciar.s Lave letlared tie same thing of my riii,Vr.4 eye a n.ore confidently, uud are will irit fc crtlfr tiiat lhc4r anticipations were more than reliztc l.y their c-ii'ects upon triuL , ILey chelate l y their r oirerful influence en the , & tenia! Ticera to" jmrlfy the Llcod and stimulate it 'ihto healthy action remove the obstructions cf the tiomsch, bonds, liver, and ether organs of the body, res toriLg their irregular action to health, and y corrccticrr wherever they exist, such derange- '.klerts as are the first origin of disease. ' lW :.r.s.susar-n-rapped, they are pleasant to take, ml Vin purely veoULIe, i.o hiixa can arise from Jieir use in ar.v" quantity. ' 1'cr minute directions, see wrapper on the Box. r&Kl'AEED BY . .DR." JAMES C. ATER, rjactlcalajidAnalj-tical Clicmist, . LOWELL, MASS. . ' rrict ZS Ce'aU per lox. FiTa Icxei lor SL .. SOLD ET . J. II. 5IAUX & CO., Urownvilie, If. T NEBRASKA CITY luraiioo Companv. capital btock .N3u,uoo. NEBRASKA CITT, X. T. . t itIITS Const inj, urider a literal charter, is cow 1 fully oraciied, an J their cntir capital stock cf .?(r.i.roai( UiHiirt, raid m anasecurea. They ar ireparcd, from thi3 date, to grant open policies, and ta'&a riks, upon equal term;, with the most favoml Insarince Lomtany arv where. Harm ' adopted the inutuhl t-riL'.iple, its ijatron?, without laeurrin any liabKity, rrili thare in the prcnU of lee'jnijsr.y. Tie operations cf the Company, will be confined, f.rtke present, to MARivi, or cakgo risks, with a Ciaxitrumiial'ilitv of S12,5o0 on any one bottom. Be!r,g tkeou'.y Insurance ODce, on the above pop ular plan, Vst of the iiissouri, it confidently ex- rets a ce&erous surport from estern .Merchants. VVs.repecrful!y invite the Misaouri Eiver pa- tC'Uage. IECXOBE J ' S..:tx hxlls, Chas. F. Holly, "II. I. Ucnnct, J. L. Armstrong, "U, JHles Yf. Drown, A.A.Eradford. ..." . ' ornctEs: C2AS.r.U0LLV,rresilent. J.GAB?iir,Scc'y. F t.'Loqis. A pent Col. T. I. Iloward. . Ai ril 2d. :7. 421- Stearo. Mill, ': Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers Lave entered Into a partnership "under the Crra of Rued, Ilolahird & Co., to .manufacture the J. V. Ueei, ratent rortable Gritt . Mill ad are rowj.repared tofcrnish all those ia want of a rood Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, iimplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the worli. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics ihttitotein ClaciEaati,a Gold ZTtdal was awarded thftnJwr it. It is adapted to all Grain rrindiErpurFe!: it is wjtfiior to all other for the uiot extensive Merchant Mul, as it i for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse jower.- . Ths above Mills are rrnnnfuetufed by the under igntsiat their shop in Ciucimati, O., where they l - : i i . i . ,. -eon uc lurui.-u ia njuaniujaisnori nonce. . The V'e Mills warranted to r-erforra as follows JSiruuiam., prh.nr50 U. Corn, 25 Yi'heat, $200 SO . ' Z) 15 250 34 m it . .. u JO " 13 " 200 29 u " 4t IS 8 150 As this Mill tells its own tory,it U unnecessary to .quote irom ournumerouirecominenaations,received DO WDALL, MARKHAM, &, CO., '.V7ASIirGTOIT FOUNDRY , I.nlnc and rsiacliine shop, . C0.M.a or StCOKOJ ASD mozloxx stbelts, fcT. LOUIS. Zlo. : KaftflSiiHnTWi'cf SeamEnrire and Boilers, Saw and Cr't Mill M-liitierT,i;;rizle and Iouble Circular Saw T.;1P, Tiontro Jytfwi ti1 Presses Lard Kettles. Lard ficreiil CyliiMifr, V.'ool Cardies; ila'-hines Building C v;in?s. ii.uj.f iuii rovei rateut Smnt Mill?, fitc. C-.A;ENTa for the ;.!. tf Jaue Smith AiCo.'sSn Xrtr it 'ii:ie t arK. v?n-l y OLIVER BENNETT & CO., KiyrrxcTrEEES axd viiolesale eeilzus in Boots Sboc3 Cl Erogans, KO. XrA!X STREET, SAIXT LOWS, MO A HE XOW IX ULCEUTof acomplcteassortment of poods from their own and other m&nufac tories.adapted especially to the v egtern trad. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock ' taatuUrtured ar:d selected with great care and KarraxteJ cf suncrior quility. Orders will receive cmpt andcaref ul atteuticn. . - . .. ishai.1 nnAvis, : ATTORNEY AT LAW, AM) HAL ESTATE AGENT; Cty, nicbs-dsca Cowcty, I'ebrastft. i- t -rr L u tj ail pn'C-ssioiial busi- :z i tj Li cire in Richardson and adjoining fc.-ar,:f ' w ULt C'awic of deeds, pre-emption pa- Hit U, &-a ST. LOUIS AD'S n 'Of- h- I 1 - 1 . . VEBSTER, MARSH. &. CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale .Dealers is. Keady Made Clothing, 85, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SIIIRTS, DRAWERS, OVERALLS, SHIRTS, and all kinds of FUFvIIISHETG GOODS. ALSO TALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND ROY'S CLOTHING, Which we ofTer as low as any TTousc in tfce City. WEUSTER, KAUS1I k. CO. " HAYDEN & WILSON. linportert and Manufacturer of Ej -L 23 13 3Li H3 ES. AND Coach Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Saddle Trees, llamcs, Springs and Axles, Patent and Enameled Leather, SKIRTING, HARNESS, & BRIDLE LEATHER. No. 11, Main Street. St. Louis, 3Io., Are prepared to offer to their customers and the trade an assortment of articles unsurpassed, in quality aud cheipncss, ty any IJouse ia their line. East or West. "COMBINATION PATENT." UPRIGHT STKAJI SAW BIIL.1L. This mill commands the universal adnnratlou of saw mill wen everyw here. As its merits become known, the demand for it increafes. Orders are coming from every 6aion of this Country, Canada, Cuba, and South Ameri ca. Ii is suited for every section of the world wherever there is timber to fcc sawed, uo matter of what character how hard, how larpe or how Mnall. Two extensive ma nufactories are now engaged in building these mills, yet it is almost impossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents and improvemeuts, and combine all cf the following ad- Simplicity Both the mill and power are so simple in anyone of ordinary mechanical ability can comprehend them, pa', theiu up aud ruu theai without danger or didiculty. Portability The whole establishment can be very quickly tafceu apart and put to?ethor, thus rendering it easy to be moved from place to place asdesired, and sav in? the necessity tf dr.iwin;; the legs a La-.g distance to Durability It is constructed In the most solid and fubstaiitial manner, runs perfectly still, is not liable to get out cf order, and will lat for years without repair. Rapicit' It will saw faster than any other upright pright mill. The Fpeed cf the saw is about three bun- red strokes per minute, and the feed from one-eighth to three-quarters cf an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the saw will cut through a log twenty-four Xeet lone la about three minutes. From this data any one knowing the character of the timber cau calculate how much it will do. Ef ficiency It does If s work well, cuts smoother and straighter than the ordinary mills, and the arrangement of the saw is such as to render it utterly impossible for it to run out of line. Chtaunett The entire lost of the mill, with fifteen horse power and everything all complete and ready for mining, boxed aud ready fur shipment. In bt. Louis, is only $1,750. This null requires less power to drive tnan any other mill, and the power furnished is sufficient to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. All ordert should te addressed to BRAGG &, BURKOWES. Corner Tkiri and Market streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole agents for the Western aud Southern States, ilarch 25, '63 43-ly MORE TO BE ADJURED THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM Yorn by Kings or Emperors What? myabcamirnlllcaaofllair Because it the ornament God Himself provided far all our race. Reader, although the rose way bliHUi ever so brightly iu the glowing cbeea, the eye be ever so parkling, the teeth be those of pearls, if the head is be reft of it covering, or the hair be snarled and shriveled, harih and tint, or worse still, if f-priiiilcd with pray, nature nill lose more than fcslf Ler charms. Prof. Wood' Hair Restorative, if used two or three timds a wect, will restore and pcrmanentlx secure to all such an ornament. Read the following and jurtee. The wri ter ol the flrst is the celclreted pianist Tkalberg : Xew Tork; April 19, 1S53. Da Wood Drar S'.r: Permit rue to express to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arri val ia the United States it vr.s rscidlr becoruits CTar. but upon the applicetion cf your Hair Restorative, it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your restor ative as a very wonderful invention, quite effluatious as well as ay ceable. - 1 am y-xtrs truly. S TlLlLUliG. Drych air Gwyliedydci, Welsh N'ewsraper office, N assau St., April 12, '53 rrof O J Wood Dear Sir ; Some month or tdx week ago, I f eceived a bottle of your Hair Restorative and gave it my wi.'e, w ho concluded to try it on her hair lilWe thinking at the time that it would restore the gray hair to its original color, but to her as well as my surprise, after a few weeks' trial it has performed that wouderful effect by turnins all the gray hair to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thickening the hair. I strongly recommend the above Restorative to all persons iu want tf such a change of their hair. CHARLES CARDEW New Tork, July 25, 1S63. rrof O J wood: With confidence do I recommend your liair Restorative, as being the most efficacious ar tide I ever saw. Since using jour Hair Restorative my hairs and whisker which were almost white have gradually grown dark: and I now feel confident that a few more applications will restore them to their natu ral color. J G KILET. Chicago, 111, Hay 1. 1S57. Prcf Wood About two years ago my hair commenced falling on and turning gray : I was fast becoming bald. and had tried many remedies to no eflect, i commenced using your Rectorative in January last. A few apnli canons iasineu my nair nrmiy. it iegau to nil up, grow out, aniturned tack to its former color (black). At this time it is fully restored to its original color, health ana appearance, aai-i cheerfully recommend its use. J D H0E3 The Restorative is rut in tc-ttlds of 3 f.izcs, viz : large, meaium and email; the mall holds half a pint, aud retails for $1 per bottle; the medium holds at least 20 per cent more in proportioe than the small, retails for fi per Dottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in proportion ana retails for S3. O. J. WOOD fit CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, Ifew iotk, ana 114, .star tot street, st Louis, Mo. And sold ty all good Druggists and Fancy Goods ueaiers. Sildby J. n. MAUN & CO., Druggists, Brownville, Nebraska 1858. 1858. SCAURITT & MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery, CORKER WASHINGTON AV. & 2d ST., St. Lonls, Missouri. To our Patrons and tlic Public In General. We take treat pleasure in beinc able to Kunr mn that notwithstanding our heavy low by the turning of our Sales Rooms at Kos 40 and 42 Washington Avenue, and the loss of the entire stock in them, on the morning oi luewm ini.,are aireaay able to fill any order that may be desired iu our line. Having a large amount of stock !n our ware houses inai are not connected w Hh our 6ales room, ana being in constant receiot of Eoods f rem the bout we are thus soon enabled to fill orders at our usual low prices, aud in our former prompt and satisfactory man ner. Our facilities for procuring and keeping up a desirable stock, are unequalled t our personal attention and larite experience is and will becoustantly given to our legit imate nnsiness as dealers in and manufacturers of FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, in an the various branches, we assure von that we wil 1 sell as good goods and at as low prices, and on as fa vorable terms as any house in the We6t. Thanking you for the very liberal patronage already ucsioean us, we asu a continuation of the same, Sales Rooms for the present, on the Northwest 'cor ner of Washington Avenue aud Second Street, four doors ueiiiwcur n ia nana. Very Respectfully1, ' "SCARRITT & ifASOX. -St.-Louis, August 1, 1859. - - - n,7 GEO. S. EAYEIi & CO., m mm mm General Land Agents, Glen-wood, Plattsmouth, .Mais co, lowa, Uass co, Aebraska VrnLL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves ey, Buying and Selling town Lots, Buving; Seiline j t . r in- . . '.. r. : . f ujraiiEK lines. l avinir i axes, investing mm uu ijocjiung juana arrant?, and an other business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and eorasKa. . J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. REFERENCES:- Greene, Tveare k lienton, 0. Donghty & Co., Greene, Weare i, Eice, " Greene & Weare, Nixon & Goodman, Tootle & Greene, N. W. Thomas, ichooly & Son Gen. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson,. 1. Reed & Son, Iiobinson k l'ro Durlicjtoa C. Bank, Council Bluffs. Iowa, H Ft. Des Moines Cedar Rapids, a u Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. . . . Vincentown, X. J. Jiigbtstown, a FL'iladelphia, Pa. Uedford, 2f. J. . I I II ' l. 'i .u. r ' VjV: I WELIL5AM:ap:'.;- f in port c r ;S3 a ii u f ac.tu. re r. BKOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. The Proprietor respectfully inforros the citizen of Brownville, and the public gen crilljfthat k iJilt retined from St. Louis with tb. largest .lock f .stomW innT.? A- SHOES ever brov.sht West of St. Joseph. MJ v A 7 v; He has a arre enfplj, ani preat variety in every 11a also has constantly on nana a jarc vuyyj - r t-t FOR HOME MANUFACTUKE. Vll XX-J.TXa-j f-f..,r,tToti Dn,i otmin. for themselves at no warrants his work to give entire satisracuon, mm iun lucuuun-. - - """."'.V' hMr murfo tnellrownvil le Boot & Shoe Store, and judge whether the hootsand 1 shoes are no of e o-ther. .better made and cheaper thau any jou ever purcaasea irom bu tuvi Sept. 23.; ico- MEW FALL AMD : CEANE & HILI, DEALERS IN AND lain st- between Front M -una y IN 4 wi Hi $ mmmmm 33 o o fc i HAT8 & CAPS, itove, Furniture, Flour, Bacon, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. WE haTe just opened a heary Stock of Fall and and Fancy line, which we are now prepared to - ' 0l 9 For Cash or Country Produce. 1S57. v2nlS-tf CRANE i HILL. SIEGEL & GREENBAUM, rTo- 27 351133. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the luey nave received and arc now opening one of the largest and most complete blocks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Trices ; as invisible Green, and Cloths, Larimers. hahnetts.Casbnierctts,nnd Jeans, all made lip according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In tho a. T M n ' -in iir May also be found atall time a finesclection cf Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored. Handker chiefs, Suspenders, CarpetBag5,etc, which we will sell Wc have the finest SPEHTG AUD SUMMER CLOTHIMG Ever brought BO!3! -MM Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fine assortment of COATS, Dress, Frock and Sack. PASTS, Every Sljlc and Description. VESTS, To please Eargc and Small. SHIRTS, Beth White and Fancy. and tCBty-Cvo l-cr cent, cheaper lh.n II... h... i..!vT .;ena!' cat '"th better ' ""M October Mft, iMT. vlS-I, A. V. PTETT. X. O. WILKINSON. Vf J9 Pi.JV ri mm AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMADI, N. T. Will attend to all business entrusted to their care REFERENCES Col. Jesse Williams, Fairfield, Iowa. Gov. Jos. A; Wright, Indianapolis, Ind, Mr. F. N. Roock, Washington City. Hon. John G. aris, Rockville.Ind. Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, N. T. T. B. CCMINO. ioun C. TL'KK. CLUING & TURK, Attorneys at Law & Real Estate A;enfc OMAHA CITY, N. T. ILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busf ness entrusted to them, in the Terrirnrini Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en trries and pre-emptions, collections, ic. Office in the second story of Henry & Rootsnew building, nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, 1 arnham street. Dec. 27, 158. vln28tf - FRANKLIN TYPE &- STEREOTYPE FOOfJDilY .No. 168 Vine St.. bet. Fourth ana I'iftn. Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCQEE & CO "JlTanufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job 1VL Type, Printing Tresses, Cases, Gallies, &c., Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books, Music! Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Eno-rovins, Ac., da. Brand acd Pattern Letters; various styles, Office of American Bank Note Company. J, J. O'SIIANESSY, topper Plate & Lithographic Printer. ' Corner of Randolph aud Dearborn streets. CDICAGO, IUL. VTeddingand Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Offlce Seals, Notary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by Kxpress. Pack of the very best olazed or Bris tol Card with name for tveo dollars, "by a new and beautiful process without cost of plate, equal to the very choicest engraving, samples when required on reception of post stamps. 9-J J G 1 y XIIABT & SON, Lions s . Oregon, Holt County, Missouri. Keepconstantlyon hand allicscriptiouot Harness. Saddles,Bridlee,ie.,&c. .. . ,; N. B; Ereryarticleinourshopismanufactured ourislr es,nd warianted te give stfaot ion. SAILS i V - styieana lanion, , nl" VL. r-V yiuw. tiutr .. . , , ,WIMTI3E.-, mmm and Second sts., rrn 3" 0iZ2.cL iSlioesSn Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple offer to the trade at extreme! v low nrices. citiiens of Brownville and tho public generally that to Color they have Brown, Bine, Black; visible and as cheap as any establishment In the West. and best assortment of to thi3 Territory. the trimmed CW"e"- SIEGEL i GREESBACM. A. LTFOItD. J T HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in jOirr Goods AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, ' BOOTS, BZIOI3S, HATS AND CAPS, Kalis, Ploirs, Stoves, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1857. 43-t W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AKD BIT AIL DEALER IN STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, Mo., TAKES pleasure in ansouncing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extenBiro stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patternsboth Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prizePre inium. Also - Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Old copper, Erass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, Tl-n5 Oregon, Mo., July b, 1S58. REAL- ESTATE AGENCY. GEORGE CLATE3. ' J. W. LEE. Clavos ds'lioo. Real Estate and General Agency, U-ulAIiiL U1X X, IS. X. ' REKEUTO James Wright, Broker, New York,. m. A. Woodward, Esq. " . Hon. R.Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, AV lcks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, Alcott& Horton, r . i ; Col.Robert Campbell, . , St. Loui?r - James Rldgway, Esq. . . " CrawfornandSackett,' ' Chicago ' Omaha Cite, Aug,30,1655. t1bU-j ST. JOSEPH "AD'S sssr B. F. SNYDER, - Forwaraingand Commission f. . , And Steamboat Agent, ...... sr. joslpii, Jo. , , Will beat tbe Levee at all Lours upon the arrlyal or . o,i .ffAn,! tA tho Collection cr urns ana Ensiness left witli him with prompt dispatch, aUo attena to the Ueceivinsor guuds tor boats, euuer iv re noper Missouri. ' . . 'AV'ltl bo found in the rfHco of Dolman & vt est Real Estate Agents, Market Square. '. i Groceries! Groceries!!. Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions ! ! , . . Prices Greatly Iledaccdl. ,' i ' CURIIENCY TAKEN AT PAR .....,., . J, B. JSIiniNGS.- ,. Cor. 2nd and Frances sts,-St.-'Joseph JMb. n AS just' received at his store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, everytliin defirable in his line, which he purdiar-ed IjT the Fall a'ld Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cafeh, and 'whieh he will sell at corresponding pvicei for cash or to punctual customers. Among his recent receipts are CO duz Fresh. Peaches, 35 doz Prime Apples, 20 doz Assorted Fruits,. 20 duz Lobsters i &. 2 ;b cans, 300 tfuz Field's ceieorateii Outers ptit up this fall, 20 half Barrels new white I isli. also Cudiibh, 100 boxes W It Cheese, 60 boxes E D do, 000 ib Currants, 60 boxes fresh raibins, 100 bvxes dried her ring, 600 lbs Goshen Butter, 200 bbls crackers, 60 bbls nuts assorted, 600 lbs Peanuts, ' ICO boxes assorted and fancy candies, 100 do gum drops and niotto Lozengers, 600 drums Fizs,&.c. Also a large lotsusaa and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the prices sixty day9 aw.- - - St. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1857. . , , Sin Wcw Hardware Store. Sign of the Saw. J. FLAHERTY; -Impoi ter, "Wholesale and lie tail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE JlND CUTLERY, ST. JOSLTII, MO. TS JTOWreceivlng and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of bt. Louis. ' lily stoek embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, .Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the most a proved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implement, in great variety, combin ing aUthercccnt and useful improvement for the saving ot a vast amount oi taDor io me ianningcom munity. from whom I respectfully request a carefu exaininat ion of this department of my stock. I am also eiclu.-'ive agent for the sale of tho celebrated St. Louis Circular ilulacd Cross -Cat baws, which J will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices Alsoalargeasiirtmentof Guns, Rifles and Pistols. Iron. Steel. Kail?- Ac, of the best brands: in a word. my stock iff very co uplete, which, for its quality and price, I am deterrcii. ed to oiler such inducements as will command a libera I share of trade from this and adjoining counties.; iJarrangeraents for importing and agencies for American Hardware M'iaufaclurer3, together with along espeii ncein the general Hard ware trade, enables me: not tily to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me thav the true principle of trade is small profits and quick i turn3. January 1,1857. Tln2lJtf JOIIX COLnoi'N i BK0TIIE2, (Sign of the Fadlock, opposite the Tost OlSce.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO. HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and foreign Hardware, such-ad : Greaves & in's Tiles Scissors and Edge TooJs Pocket knives Butcher's do do Knives and forks Spear & Jackson's saws lrass curtain bands and Gimlet pointed screws pics Griffin's - and American Doer locks horse nails Auger3 and auger litis Post hole angers Corn knivei . Ames' shovels and spades Briar scythes Lull & Porter's shutter Gra?s and grain dJ Butts Nails Morticing machines Shovels and tongs Circular, mill and rnuly Candlesticks saws Framed wood saws Planes and plane irons Blacksmiths' Bellows and Coopers drawing knives Vices do adzes and wood Jlousehole Armitagean tools . vil3 Tress Hoops American anvils Butts, cast and wrought Stocks and dies Copper rivets for belts Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Tuyere Irons Pad screws, cockeyes riatca ana com. stirrups urnaments, racks do do Bitts . Girth rein and roller web do " do Buckles Silk, 3 cord thread do do Kings Calf skins Breast and rtin snaps Upper leather Lasts, pegs Briddlo do Peg floats Skirting do Pincers Harness do Shoe thread Belting do Bristles, wax ' Goatskins Lining skins . Enammclled leather Binding "With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J. COLUOUN & BKO. April 16th, 1357. " . 31-ly Buchanan Life and General Xza.sixx' Co., -- . Office cor 2d and Jule sts., ST. JOSEPH, 310. CHAKTEKKD IT THE LAST SESSION CP THE 3TO. LEO Authorized Capitol 3,000,000. DIRECTORS : J.B.Jennings, l.R. Howard, J. A'. Owen' Milton Booth, John Colhoun.Johnll. Likens, W.II.Peneik. j imcs ivay, o . jicienan , a.. .t. iuansiieer. J. B. JENKIXGS, Pres. y.R.McAsnAN, Sec'y. IS now ready to receive application for Life. Fire, Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 pee cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. Losssr promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to thepatrons of the office. April 16th, 1857. . , .. . . . 4i-Zm S.I.OCKWOOP. 1S57. R. 1Z. PoMEBOY Lockwood & Pomeroy, holcsalo and Retail Dealers in" HATS .-AND. -'CAPS,.: STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every de scription ; for which they will pay -. the highest Market Price. :- Cnijm' IN CASH. ........ , UUrirKl Merchants arc invited to examine our stock of Hats &. Cajis for the approaching Spring and Summer trado, which will be large, fashionable5, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not bo excelled by any House in. St. Louis. Our prices will below, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store.. SccondSt. St. Joseph, Mo.' - - . .. 32-6 m M'NUTT'S ST0HACH--BITTERS Are an unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, a positive and palatable Remedy for general Debility. Dys pepsia, loss of Appetite and all diseases of the ' Digestive Organs. These Bitters are a sure Preventive of ' TESTER AHD AGUE ! They are prepared from the purest materials ly an old and experienced Druggist, and therefore can be relied on. . . . n THEY AID DIGESTION! By gently exciting the system into a healthy action; are pleasant to the Uste, and also give that visor to the system that is so essential to health. 3"A wine glass f cli may be taken two or three times a day before eating. - Prepared only by W, K M'TJUTT, J5T. MIJIS, MO.4 Oct. 2S, '58 18-ly SAINT-JOSEPH: AD'S Her; Wholesale Grocerj House. -,-,Y7. a RITCHIE,' ! . ' WHOLESALE; A jXD retail.. . n-T. AT.r.TL ttx Groceries, . riucs, liquors, " ; . CIGARS, WOODEN WAltE, Corner of Main end Francis Streets, Riddle's Old 1 th larc?e:.t and most cor"Tlt st-ckuf the above gpixls ever t')er.isl in upper ilissouri, to which the attention of merchants and dealers IS res peetxullli'3 iuvited Ljviagpurchasod thera principally tor cah at the very lowest possible prices, ia Poslun, New York nd St. Levis, reel c;tllent, that I can cCer inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, Ly fair .... . .. . . .i a r i. . . : . at.d liberal ueaiins, low prices mu gwa wwus, i nivni a libera: share ot paironajre. i an ana examine my siock ..t,,l Tiri, tinrtTiaiinc: tales, are bound to f.jllow. In my stix-t will be f.mud every articlo usually kept ia a. N 1 Grocery' lion v' ' . . " I V ;-'". -TTl JAiVIES CAIUiILL Proprietor. ' STANUFACTURES ami keeps constantly X on band for salb, all kinds of Fionr, Meal, on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for that ever u?ed it. , " St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30,185(5. TlnlS-y . AllEAM SAVE, DUDLEY 31. TEXL, JAS. M'COKf.. CIIAS. J. CLARKE. NAVE, M'COKD & CO., nisi ami I'orwardin?: anil Commission Felix Street, Ictwccn Third and Fourth, , SAItfT JOSEPH, MO., 1 Have Just received and for sale low 3C0 hhds sugar ; 250 baz rlo Colleo. SU3 kegs Iron Mountain f'aiis (the Lest nail made) 2.V3 brU and half brls molasses. t , 150 ten pallon Ees Belcher's ilo.'asses : . ' , . j 2300 sacks ii A sal ti, Xew sacks and in good OTder. ! 1SO0 bags Dairy Salt ia. Gunny's of 13 and 25. pounds .each; 200 brlacopper distilled whiskey, guarrantied good. 75- brls arm hf brls old Bourbon and Pwye, Lest artinle; 60 qr and 1-8 pipes Erench Brandy, warranted pure and genuine; - 150 boxes soap, different brands, 01ein,Palrn and Fam ily : . . .-. . . ' 15 tierces new Carolina rice? ' lOOcasks Lee's Xcvr Cartle iioda ... r ' 23 xes scKla'in pocr.d papers; 100 boxes assorted candy; 25 boxes fancy candles; ' 20 chests and half thots and cantins Imperial. Gun powder and Toung ITyson teas ; 2C0 bxs Tabaccu, Glasgow aud Virginia; 125 coils Manilla all sizes; 60 doi wooden buckets end 2 d3zen each no 1 k. 2 Tubs; 3G .doz wash boards. . Our stock is the larpcst above St. Louis, all of which was broupht before the' late advance and shipped at twelve and a half cents per 100 lbs. which gives os great advantages over our neighbors who have Dot yet re ceived their stocks. '; . , AVE, ilcCORD & CO. Sept. 9, lS5Vtf. STIIEXGTnEXIXG CORDIAL BLOOD PUEIFIER!! rriin greatest rcme c!y ia tho world. This cordis! is distilled frcm only Y ch iTiitraUv with Hme o: valuable medi 1. itDd barks known to the mind of man, viz: Mood root, black root, cviid cherry bark, yellow dock,' damlle Jolns, sar."?parilla, eld er flowers, witb others, prooacing th(? mot in fallible remedy for the restoration of DltiS iv. 4i':,ever mown u ir l.L..ltu l , i ui h; ult:lw L'j x t.isi ia"3. When taken its healing influence is felt rourging thro'ph every vein of the body, puriiying and accelerating the circulation of the blood. It neutralizes ny bilious matter in the stomach, and strengthens the "hole orga nization. McLean's Strengthening Cordial vill effectually curt Liver Complaints-, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chroni? or Nervous Dcbiliiy, Diseases of the Kidneys, ' and all Diseases arising f rom a Disordered Liver or Stomach. Heartburn, inward iiiU. aciditvnr irVnsa est otnm ach, fullness of blood to the head, dull pain or swimming iu me ueau, paipuauons or uie heart, choking or suOoc aiing feelings when laying down, dryness or yellowness cf the skin and eyes, sudden flushes of heat, depression There is no mistake about it. This cordial will never fail to cure any cf the above diseases, if taken as jer directions on each bottle, ia GernH, English and French. '- Over' half a million of hnitlat ITave been sold during the past six months, anl in no instance hasit failed In givingentire satisfaction "Who t. 'en will snCer from weakness or dtbilltr when Ale Lea? $ Strengthening Cordial will cure ycu? To the Ladies. Dn rnn vish to hf hfi'tIiT ,nJ c t ..r. 6 Tiui. onte and get me of McLean's tVrdial ?- it wvil streng- iufii a mi mvigo. bib juur uiooa 10 now tnroug.i every vein, and the rich rosy blwrn of health to mount to your cheek again, Hvery . bottle warranted to jive satisfac tion. . - For Children. "VTe say to parents, if your childreg arc sickly, pus or afaicted with complaints prevalent among children, give them a small quantity of McLean's Cordial. It sells rapidly, because st always enres. Delsy not a moment. Every Country Jlcrchant Should not leave the city until ho had procured a sup ply cf " McLean" Strengthening cordial. A liberal discount will te made to those who buy tt sell again. CA UTIOX Beware of druggist or dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or Sarsapai ilia trash, which they can buy cheap, bv saving it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for .McLean's Strengthening cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blcod throughout, and at the same time strengthen the system. One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain preventive for cholera, chills and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent disease. PiiCe only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. ' J H JlcLEAN", Pole proprietor of the cordial, Also, ilcLean's VolcanicOil Liniment O-Principal depot on the corner of Third and I'ine streets, St Louis, Uo. 2IcLcaii's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The best liniment in the -rorld for man or beast Another Rercarkable Cure Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Iiead ; it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, living near Cass avenne Tenth street, had a horaibie running sore on his foot lie tried various Liniments, Salves, &c, but could do it nogood. He despairedof ever being able to work at his trade again, because he oould not bear auy weight on his foot; and by one bottle of McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment he is now perfectly cured. . , llheumatism. neuralgia mnh-tii ' stiftncss in the joints or musclds, swellings, sore throat, earache or toothache, &c, yield to the magic In fluence of this wonrteriul liniment. : For horse and cattle, U is an infallible remedy for chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lameness, spavin, ristu la, prunes, swellings, wounds, rattls-snake bites, and varions other diseases which animals are liable to from injuries or accidents " ' Every country merchant should obtain a supply of Mc Lean s oleanic Oil Liniment. It sells rar-idly because it always cures. A liberal discount will bo made to merchants'who buy to sell again. .. . . j 5lr"For sain hv J rr -irT ir i v .- i ' . tk:T, . ... r I'wj'ijriui., coiner ox Third and Pine streets. St Louis. Mo. ; ZOOK & BALDWIN, , PtrocBCity, zvaro., ' . And 7 M.EID)IC!MB. Dye W oods, DyestulTs, uiia,ruiuis, ana I'amicrs Articles Varnishes, .AVinJow-glass and Putty, French, English, and American Perfumery. -sb5k a- toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and vJ7 tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical anddent fc A ad instruments, snices. annfT-. tri!i.nnf!.tiirl tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure nines unu cninaies, lor medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, etcetc. i rz -Agents lor tlic sale .-or. , Dr. Wistar's Balsam of "Vild Cherry. . ' Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. : t.ff- Osgood's India Cholao;ue, ; - .-. ! Jones' American Choingogue;; ' ' " Guy3ott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparillaj ". Smith's Tonic Syrap .. July 23.JS57. ... - . v2nl-yly Etii OCBiiS. if a Eerry known f) fS.S to iiiVaelf. ant f7i?. TK o.mblncd i7 t ; CS, f the nirtbt V Li . 3 calroots. -if J . r i. - - r 1 : X-- Hi! ALL TSS ITTSJcjjj 0j FAMILY PHlSlc . ! T-rrt-Ti'n 1 . . . :.oii eaectivo wmrat c, , VQut dew... sure -ndWeclly srSo1? teen prepared to meet thiM103- T e trial of it. virtues KSS?. is accompushes the si10,,h It is easv to mnto . e.PU;T,e I make th5 best Mp with what success we would rcsW f the public decision. It l Jg"5 JlSS the patient hitherto that medicine is acrimonious and irrfc eb. m This is not, Many of iSffi K,"pms pain ana revulsion in the tnan counterbalance the good to'l??10 them. These pilU produce no iXtH unless it ansefrom a previously eS- v tion or derangement in the bowel- p?eSt vegetable, no harm can arise from thtKf1 ?. quantity ;but it is better that anr agi be taken milifimitW r: "CT4art , use m the several diseases to wKL14 plicable are given on the box Am SS? S teites wits f ... , .Uv..uuu i.w vnuiami. in U ICC. . " -l . ui me liver i. encnent trier afToTrl wnrnni . .7 H a r J f "...y. MlU 8!ITc rUpf ' f tiveness. Piles. Colic. DTsentnr .ac and For ITieV havfr- alw Trr.dnfo1 .o .1 i cessful cures m Rheumatism, Gont TV. Erysipelaa, Palpitation of the Ext Back, Stomach, and Side, They Clc .ot c 111 i "ie year, to cutJt fr.r I jji vua , iiii ojjkiu iur me CUn"S of s? An occasional dose stimulates thstanvi ! 1 s ne ;t I I . - , . "J v" iy)rs r. tte and vigor. . They purify the blood, r.ih stimulant action on the circulatory system. vate the strength of the body, and resto i wasted or diseased energies of the whole ivi Ilence an occasional dose is adTaEtTeonT necessary dosing should never be carried too as every purgative medicine reduces fce st when tak en to excess. The thousand cases in r " a physic is required cannot be enumerated hertt they suggest themselves to the reason of body; and it is confidently believed tLip-J, answer a better piirpose than any thing- which hitherto been available to mankind. WleaSa doubt what remedy to employ when in Ed aft v.... "5.-niaj;ju,iijTu pleasant to take, and being purely veeeullt, riiuux cau wise uuiii lueii use 111 any ijuantiT. I'or minute directions, see wrapper on e ox riiErAHED Br DE. JAMES C. ATEE, Practical and Analytical Chcuist LOWELL, MASS. ' Price 25 Ceat3 per Box. Fivs Eoxes for 51 AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cmr ef COFGIIS, COLDS, H91KHE, KKO.MIIITIS, Vi llOOPIAG-fCfCn, CROIP, ASTIDU, A.D CO.SIjIPTI0.. This remedy has won for iteelf such aotoriey from its cures of every tariety of pulnum.rr isn, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the it'.i of its use fulness, and so numerous the eases of Us cures, that almost everv section of tie country atouna ' m persons publicfy known, whohat btramtonrf froaa alarming and even desperate diseases of ii rungs by its use. When oecc tried its mp?? ever every other medicine of its kind is tee r" rent to escape observation, and where iftvinca known, the pubh'c no longer hesitate wintanw' to employ fur the distressing and da Bgera ;" tons cf the pulmonary organs whicft r at-irJ to our climate. Not only in formidable ii'xa wpon the lurgs, but for the milder varietiei i rotns. CorGH. Hoassesxss, &e. : and for Zv. Dxr it is the pleasaatest d safest medku-e is A if has lonr been ia constant use tnron2-C3t aorH.nn. we need not do more thai assure u people its qnality is kept up to the best that it era has been, and that the genuine arteie is d by- J H. MAUN k CO., Asms, Erownville, 5. 1 VICTORIOUS OVEH PASV A,onv or 'rS re the qnesuoo ;. adoption or Tejwrvonof mn citie by the wartyM tfMtJ disease nd iujune-f. '''',. ct-ire.1 the iadrseaient ct tbeu ticcuUhed fart', the ! . KANlt, and it.iScaeT teteJi in two aful W iutfMiu Uie pons or eternal it, it-wBO'""-inj; into gem ral us i nsr? tiwi of tti civili-rfJ ?l'U,aJ nwrrv.i curr are verv excitii;T a.stoailiment. THE AFFLICTED 11EJ0ICI 1)AT8 tested iU Tiitul '' bJ rpjoicin? io fwi, w i:Kh-otber remejlim to euv. Have jon t..e MAHSJT. SfKi'Ht ACHK or TOOTH-AC! K-WJJ V. 3 fori,,? froui VV,V. T' A Xi.Kl v . J . ... . a-itk will alTonl von i '"" Lvery Ootly w l-'8 t0 1...- 1 '"I! .!, 'J fy A- 1 revl that Miu.e be l.V. -v.T-V S)r:A -3 their torture !" .'.? . ti haliay fain tvUln,UgS& THE 1I0THERS' C01DPAKION. ..... nsrs IN' TV TPF VST SOI IK MHlf- ; ,l,o rr,,e a J 1 these U II .main as jnnn'W "gl s It is excei'""i ,,. :?Iffita"'rJ,r .i-.t 5v i.i rii-uce. It.w -v i GOOD FOR MAN AND BEA5 ....wmfiT"" i the nwt afc"' "tflMSi!- h.u.t. wl!lT;viv.B:N,r For sale by all respectaV Pnigs"1'' an (, $1 , Kit Prices or the limmenVSo cents 50 c'juiBDl u vuu uu a v" eijjht twentjr-Gve-ceut bottles liant writers or the country. t'frtrBj1iiantI",P1. nd full particulars of the nvei ... tcCuuir terprise, of which this oiler form J"' .j His 1 impurity of the blood, IrreguIarrfTl: T mm ffj$ ,';- For these imUuUcr" t keep it. Wl,. that M Vh 'sXfrM s shrieks of'?'' TI 1 An AGKNT W ANTED in EtTR n ,lmnU 1T oe u"- . VVdJUiUUiWi.x 4 ' MAUri &- ..,m$j.. i S 1112 no C ie-t f C 1 f 1 d i '.A B Ml 1 i Io I -dt j Mer.J JOU, ion rss 'to B FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.