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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1859)
jTADVimTlSEK ysYILLE, jAy.i3.isro. "12 " .t'3 " . - - mre will t funded at i,5J per Dr. in . CiLrET. rrci-r:i-n.r cf the Heal mUt'- X-"" Teuu le. Cticss-'.j, III. -V i " jii,irc!-erI Advertises Afut.ia rear of J f j3ie'i4 Childreu' Shtc tvre, cD Wwt T tire. ttnrtnni. ji, CHta.Co, n us tea s:. r.rcday, KtJD, American Cna!cn and European jff and tut cr;puoii t-C.- e,N.) 123 'kkMu ureet 1crrt,,I5i:i: Northwest coirer cf Olive and -rcl. I'U.s. l l. t3- Pf arbora street, Chicago, ,uUsr:ei A-enU to solicit subscriptions and J ' for v, e Advertiser, and receive and receipt a.rt ttertfjr. , reid''5i In itii Te-r;ury, coming from various .,rfUtH!f i,'fi('ii nr;.ftw us the names tf ttbe.rc.d n.r..ln.rSR.'vH, to would doubt lct f ,b-ri'.-rrt if l.ry Co.: J ee Ci-J y cf the "Ad- t t . vi .-,. f ;rfcit.irn eopy, md person! rtt, ill c '.. r li a luliciatiua to tecoite a regu- j on wouk. w recent flU'm.v? of New Type, Cuti, iiAs. EroMPf, Card., &.c ruaie to ihe "Adver " OTxt, we claim iv te aUe to torn out Job Work in ,"wirt.-d ty anyoS'.?. The proprietor being Val r'iairlaof and r-a ia h. employ aa :ifh4 id txneix-M Fancy iv'j Printer, is de Vdfict to be out-4ne in the cxrcuiu.n of Job Work fhani fn rf roller's l&ic-t inroved Card L':i.l, V"rk ia lV;os, Bronte Wurk, &.C.J will m.;h frv.ct; r tter.iu-n. ..r frutu fi.nipce be --tnptly attended to, jxrasied tc five tatikr.;.isa or do pay. - 71.8 "irttmtVa Advertiser" tarinz i ttelwEist circuls-tion of any paper ia TerritcrT, 7Lcles&2 Ilcrchants in St, it,Et. Jotepb,CincirLneti and other East dark rt a .ttTQ irtbrfi-ikA merchjiiits pur ; s. will si no better tvdvertifiics raedium t Weitera country5 Lciles' Sc"In Clrlclc trill he sceritv reference to - :mn, that the hdi s cf this city have r,ed circle, cr society, the a tewinj ?ct tf which at present is to aid ia the ctica cf a Ccnrrecational Church. hil'e iler.'Mr. .-Tirxox the Taster i t.oa a rhissica connected with the -chand College, the ladies, Gcd lless m. are determined to do their share adrancing natters at home. V understand it is the intention ct ? ladies to .'hold a Fair ca the 22d o .Iruary. ' ' P. S. Itwin.le considered as perfect iacrdcr for gentlemen, old or young Dd-looking, hemely, or downright ugly, i visit the society, during the regular 'isions thereof, during which time it will ; conceded all are "f oia felloes." To Wticni It Hay Concern. We' have .been greatly provoked cf ite by persons carrying off our exchan ts sometimes the missing paper con fined "copy" and only a portion put in ype. . W'e file quite a number of our r.ost Valuable, exchanges, and often we "nd our files broken by missing papers. We have said before and yet say, we ire rleased to have .cur friends call and erusc cur exchanges. Bat to carry off -r mutilate them,' without our knowledge r consent, -we have serious objections. ?icae take notice, and govern yourselves I. . m-mm . See the advertise ment cf Messrs. Brattox . Favokite, id another, column. They have a fine lot'cf "excellent fruit trees for sale. Ne trasians, especially, will do well to pat ronize .them. Ecttctfcnd Arrogant. . ' Those who arro gantly believe that the present system cf indiscriminate credits, which frequently enables the irr.poster to compete with and cripple the honest trader, and to make racnev anyhow.- is a bar to a successful cash system, are mistaken. "Keevil,," the Hatter cf the Hall cf the Giant Hat, Broadwar. crnosite Wash ttrcet, Saint Louis, will be the advocate cf a just tar iff ia the price cf Hats. Those cf cur subscribers residing out cf 'Nemaha county, failing to receive the "AdTertijer," after the present issue, will understand that their names are stricken Irora our list "because ci non-payment. Hereafter f.o paper will be sent out of the county except in case cf advance pay xnent;. cr resident vouchers. We would ur blank paper than unpaid :ra Dick, and Harry, and rather hare c accounts cn Tern scattered all ever , creation. Kccv!P. t!ie Halter. Keevil is the came which resounds wherever hats are used in the Western country. His prices, too, .are a jusi &s uis jiais aic tiLcucm. xxs ..'his name is wide spread, if you want a hat wcrthv cf the name, jro to Keeril's Hall cf the Great Hat, Broadway, St. "Louis. ErcLe Tii roc s !i t'uc Ice. One cf Hcadley lurnhcr teams, ia crossing the ir's river ca Tuesday, broke through the ice: cr.c cf the exen was drowned before it could be gotten out. Last;evening a team belonging to Mr. Dunder, broke through the ice a short distance above this City. One horse was rercurd; the ether, together with the wagon ?ras lost. The Missouri bridge is rather danger ous just now. Be careful. EeligiQiis.. We are pleased to announce that Rev. A. L. Billiscsly, having consented to become the paster cf the i irst Presbyterian Church in this City has arrived, and will enter upon Lis duties cn Sabbath nexU Preaching at half past 10 o'clock, and -t'-o in the cvcnir.'v. Live a f-:ll cf weather ttrreicnt. Ftr tit Avvertijer. Sjscoks: Anatomy and jbyzlc!cjy are Uvo ci- cient volumes, written, printed and bound the garden cf Eden, ly infinity ; this wc: v his pnllicaticns, a world-wide and nn unJyicj fame, a. work rem his pen ahvavs meets with a reidv ale the market rrice is ahva ys right, issues from this pres3 possess cne most valuable and unique characteristic, viz: tlieir L,anrrucre -is not -tnc-Iish nGr french nor hebrew, arabic nor Latin; neither Dees it, in the Least re- emlle any cf the Languages or idioms of man ; at the same time, it is a Ian cruage Common to all men the mother tongue cf the race, all can read more or less cf it, the cttoman is familiar with it: the Islam has read it from his Boyhood. 0 ' the Choctaw first lisped it the hindoohas been Lulled to sleep by its Sjmphonies, the Student has won all his Laurels by its teachings, and the sage Jioncred anj benefited man by his acquaintance with it. it is a language of unbounded powers; in some particulars, as simple as a play thing adapted to the infant'seeble abil ities: ia others, as mysterious and in- jcrutable as Eternity, adapted to every Conceivable grade cf intellect: the books of this Language are the only Exampls of perfect binding, paper, type, orthog rnphy, Etymology, syntax and posody that is in the market, or that ever will be: also, the only one that possesses per fection in facts, Dates, Conclusions and philosophy, it is the richest and most valuable possession cf man, it contains all that man needs to make him healthy, wise and happy. ""The amount of philos ophy, health and happiness now in mrVs possession is Derived from the books of this ancient author; and the amount of Disease, unhappiness and wo, possessed by man is the result of his ignorance of these volumes. DR. NEVERTIRE. For the Advertiser. "Dr. NeYcrllrc." Ma. Editof: The above named gentleman has but recently made himself known through the columns of the Nemaha Journal. I for one, feel proud to know such a learned "individual" dwells among us benighted Nebraskians,, for in the language of a late lamented bard, "A good Dr. is a mighty good thing in any neighborhood." Suppose one of your darling pets gets a bean in its wind-pipe, or becomes the victim of that malignant, dangerous dis ease, known , among science doctors as "liver-grown," you need not be alarmed as long as "Nevertire" can be had before life is extinct. He OLly asks for a trial' Truly this is a glorious epoch for poor, suffering, afilicted humanity. "King Cal omel" must reign no longer to be dethron ed by "concentrated medicines." Oh, what a man this "Nevertire must be! The scientific experiments, and laborious researches cf the "Fathers of Medicine, will be "knocked into a cocked hat," and something more rational than we have ev er read or heard of will be revealed. Go ahead, my dear fellow, nothing like using the "knife and probe,"?ro re nata and may-be you can convince some super anuated, childish "critter" that the im mortal Hippocrates was a fool, and that you af e a "bit of a smart fellow.". Now, Doc, I would not for the world, and "the rest of mankind,' have you think hard of me. Two such great au thors should not fall out. An amiable temper is characteristic of greatness in tellectually, and with which, 1 am per suaded you are eminently gifted. Joking with "Doctors" is a habit I have contract ed for many years, from which it seems impossible to reform. Therefore I hope you'll not become offended. But, seriously, I am, and I suppose all sensible people are, well pleased .with your "papers." It's a great pity, "Doc," that Bonner, publisher of the New York Ledger, instead of employing Hon. Ed ward Everett to write Mount Vernon pa pers, did'nt secure your invaluable ser- vices in finishing weekly "Physopafhy PP" The reward, or profits of such an arrangement would have been rich in deed, to IMr. Bonner, and the benefit to mankind beyond all reasonable computa tion. Write to Mr. Bonner, Doctor, it might result in a satisfactory arrange- . 1.1 r 1 ... meni yet, ana me genius or your migmy pen receive me apjrooauon oi a grateiui world. In conclusion, Mr. Dr. Nevertire, Esq. allow me to ask an explanation of the word "physcpathy," in your next medi cal dessertation. Dlt. SNOOKS. Ladies Serins: Circle A meeting cf the ladies cf Brownville. was held at the residence cf Dr. Mc- Pherson on the 4th., for the purpose cf forming a sewing circle. The object cf which, is to aid in the erection of the Con gregational Church. The following la dies were elected as cGcers: Mrs Eiiz-abeth McPherson, Pnsi- denti Bliss Martha J. Favorite, Secre tary Miss Mart E. Turner, Treasurer. The following hdies were appointed a committee,- tD enquire into the expediency cf "holding a fair and supper cn the even ing cf February, 22d: Mrs Furnas, Mrs John Morrison Mrs Eelden, Mrs Coleman, Mrs Parker Mrs Rcssell, and Mrs Henry Lake. The society will meet oa every Tues day afternoon. E. McPHERSQN, Pres't. M. J. FAVORITE, Secy. DIR. EASTERLY" roiUne Earsaparillrv .- ( Will creall disease arising from aa Impure stafe cf ttb tLOOD, or a'dejravcd condition of Hie fluids of tLe system, viz: cancers, ireJUng cf the glands, rheuinat iBia, wilie 8we.iiir.5, ctirsmie sore eyes, piles, Doils, erysipi ks, jroitres, ?si3g in the bones and Joints, ul cers ia the ncu'.!i arid tLroat, and all chronic constitu tional diseases. This medicine searches out tte very roots cf the disease by purifying the blood, andchangiKg the teTctioas in the eytsteni, thus removing the cause, which rendcri the cure certain and permanent.' Dr. Easterly't Iodine and SartapariUavM cure the wortt mercurial ditect e, and drive out and destroy ev ery particle of mercury which Is la the systera. and cure Its talcfTects. . It will cure tecon&ary si'phUit or veneral dltiate, and will drive tho vjphililic t'lrui and all hereditary taintt and pohonout matter out cf the system throcgh the pc res of the (kin, tnd restore the patient to a per fect state cf health and purity. It is a positive cure for USer complaint and dytpeptia, if used a proper lengt a cf time. I challenge the world to produce its equal in these complaints.- The afflicted will bear iu mind that Df. T.atefhf Iodine and Sarsaparilla will cure all nervoui disenes, female comploiuts, dropsy, gravee, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary orgars, in a few days. It will remove pimples aDd blotches from lheace, and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala ?; baster. It does this by pnrifyingjihe blood, and pronrpt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory gans, producing vigorous health. . Persons who have long been afflicied with scrofula old soreu, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions of the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gridlcy'a Salt Bboum and Tetter Ointment to apply'on the sore! and diseased parts, when oslng Dr. Easterly t Iodine and Sartaparilla. The Iodine and Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and causes the sores to discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heal then. When both are used (which I always recommend) a permanent and radical cure is always effected. They are the best and most powerful curatives known to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner of Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., olo proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed. 53-Soldby J. H. UAUX &. CO., Druggists, Browa ville, TT. T., and by Druggists gene.-ally. NEW ARRIVAL! Is. I if1 DIUJii . :, AMD (R0OjiDS ! !! McAllister &-fonn; WilUL,1.3ALE AU HEX AIL DEALKKS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, , FrilKITtTIlE, HARDWARE, QUEEXSYtARE, &.C., BROWNVILLE, & T. - Having established themselves at the old stand recent ly occupied by John Mcpherson, . They are now offering and receiving for sale one of the AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF Ever Brought in this Territory They have an extensive and varied assortment of STAPLE AKD FANCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family GrrocerioSj COXSI STING OF Flour, Ham, v Bacon Sugar, Llolasses, CoSee, Tea, Salt, 7 Checss, - Candles, , And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. They have also on hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, ALSO, A well selected Stock of 4C. r IIARDWAltE ASTD CUTLERY, QUEENS WAR By sij 'cl cL I o :r . ? HATS&OAPS, Boots and Shoes. Wft -nlflfrft our customers to sell Us rhp-an as anv other house in the w r o ,- t j city, and that our goods in quality .... aDlj style shall be unsurpassed. Scientific American. Published Weekly, at No. 123 Fnlton Street, New Tork, by MCNN & CO. Terms cf subscriptions-Two Dollars a year, cr one dollar for six months. Club rates. For all clubs cf twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only $1 40. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. No itinerating Canvassing Agents employed. THE GOLDEN YEAR. GODEY.S LADY'S BOOK TOR 1S59. Fifty-seventh & Fifty-eighth volumes. , v terms. One copy one year, three dollars ; two copies; one year five dollars: three oopies one year six dollars. Address L. A.GOODET, 113, Chesnut street Philadelphia. The Bank Note Register. . Counterfeit Detector, Published by EDWARD L. LEE, Ko. Eleven, Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. T. WEEKLT, SEMI-MONTHLY : AND MONTH LT. Terms to Mail SubscnbersPayable in Advance. ; For the WEEO.T - - $2,00 per annum. For tbeSEMI-MONTIILT 100 For the MONTHLY - 75 " To Postmasters or others who will aid the circulation 11 iend c9 the Recister by the forming of clubs, we wi s Col lows : - 6 copies cf the Weekly, one year $S,00 a . Semi-Monthlyi " . . 6,00 r " Monthly. " 3,00 Advertisements occupying ei!Tt ltVcs' space or less, Soo ner month. Cards of creaieV length oa liberal terms. The Register is circulated among all classes cf business lien, including Banks, Bankers and Merchants throughout tho Uuited States and Canadas, and tSu offers superior inducements as a medium for advertis ing. Single copies can be had of Agents and Newsmen, and at our cocntcr. Acdrees EDWaRD L. LEE, Xo. 11, Exchange St., Buffalo. ' UAKDS." H. M'LAUGIILIS CIIAS. loRSEY IJcLATTGlXLIIT T; BOUGHT". ' t i , l In Sircet,Broiiii!Ie,N. Buy and sell Land "Warrants, inaKa out ar.d file declar atory fctatemontg; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles ; . : Buy and sell property on cotSmission ; furnish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to tho selection of Govern ment land and the location of land warrants for parties residing at a dif tance. MCLAUGHLIN & POSSET respectfully refer to Oeorsa II. Xixou, Esq., Register Brownville Land OSice. Ch tries B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys Nemaha Land District. ' Robert Furnaa, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownvlllo .Messrs. Lushbaugu & Carson, Bankers, Brownville, lion. W. M. T. Hamilton, Uagerstown, Maryland. : Lewis R, Kewcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio. Hon. Tenner Furtruiion, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Seal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. ' Brownville, April 22. no43tf T. W. BEDFORD, HUDSON GEORGE, County Surveyor Notary Pnblic BEDFORD & GEORGE warn ALSO REAL ESTATE A1GEUTS, BROWNTILLK Jf EBRAEKA. .. Office on Itlain Street. WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of their profession. Will buy and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location cf Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands, make out City Plats. Slc, &c, Having been located in the Territory for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actnal settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance in contested cases at the U. S. Land Office. . Letters of Inquiry promptly answered. WE B.EFEB. TO I lion. W C Reynolds, ; Kingston. Fein. John J Pendleton, Esq. ' Cincinnati, Ohio " lion Gal ut la A Grow Washington City, D. C. Hon Joseph G. Crane '"Dayton. Ohio Ryall & Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa. . Boster& Iletlges, Bankers do do Lushbaugh & Carson, Bankers Brownville, N. T. R. W. Fnrnas, Esq. ' do do " ' D. W, 0. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton, Pa. RufusR. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell ' Waverley Pa. W. G. George, Real Estate Agent; Dayton Ohio April 8. 1853 v2n41-yly A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., -Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, I'ront stree", west or Smitn, CINCINNATI, O. " TTould most respectfully inform their friends and V v the public generally, that they are now pro pared to execute all orders in thcirlino, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of tho liberal patronago which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw. Mill Engines of. every Description. Constantly oa han-1: consisting of the riash, Circu lar and JJulcy. Mill Gears and every description of Jastings, warranted to bo well mado in every particu lar. . : They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. : Thosain want of anything in outline, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern J BEARD & BROTHER, PROPRIETORS OF THE SAFE AND 'SCALE WORK &.JJYT LOUIS, .MO., rn 0r nf .'tTJvV,AJ CiJ nUA Ddllii OaiCO VI JTlttlUCIitU OICCI, UliU VIllllCU Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, -Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. The recent test of Safes of the different Manifactures in tho GREAT FIRE of the City Buildings, in which the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fully establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the confidence of all interested in Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in the fire for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large number of the others, in the Are but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, mum im Dress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be Bure beyond a doubt, et the Safe having stood the test and come out victorious. Wo pledge ouselves to manufacture none but sucn aa can be relied on, ana reier 10 me iohowiub Certificate. Wo, the uader6igded, take pleasure in certifying to th Miccpssful test Beard & Brother's Excelsior fire proof Safes were submitted to in the burning of the City Buildings, the mneieenui omovcmucr,iwo. uujud- tififtd in rpcommeuainfl: mem io ail wno neeaeaiea. Hall & Smith Eddy jameson & Co Charles Blow & Co " ; Samuel McCabtkey Pakthidge & co Joseph Eldeh hcmphkets Tutt&Terbt, John S thomaiok RUNYAN HlLLMAN & BROS BASTE WILE Y & BASTE TlLLAH ROZIET & CO . SCOTT & BRO McMEHAM & Ballaktine, Browh GODDIN & CO VON PHXJL WATERS & CO W LEWINQ St CO n a January & co - . John II Hall & co Barnard Adams & co Shapleigh Day & co THE EXCELSIOR Took the Premium over the best Rastern Manmactn'e at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to bo equal to any in the United States: Also manufacturers of Lightning Rods, of Best quality, and PUMPS of all Deacriotions. BEARD & BRO., No. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. July 22.TIS58. Iyv3n4 COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, For the current year, ending Jan. 1, 1860, up to which time subscriptions will be received. Every subscriber r,f three dollars is entitled to: 1st. The celebrated steel, engraving, The Village Ttlarkcmlth ' . . . 2nd. A copy of the elegantly niustratcd Cosmopolitan Art Journal. 3d. A free season admission td the Eastern anl TVes- trn OalVeries cf Art. In addition townich, the large and valuable collec tion of works e-1 Art, will be given to subscribers. Xo person U restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $16 are entitled to six memberships. Addrcsc, C. L. DERBY, Actuary. C. A. A., No". 548, New Tork, I Or R. W. FtRNAS, Brownville, N. T. E2TIr. Hooper's Female Cordial will cure all female complaints, such as excessive, suppressed, or painfnl menstruation nuor a.ous or wnitesf barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, diz ilness,weak nerves, frightful dreams, and all diseases caused by colds, checked perspiration, excesie?, over- Mcitement. &c.,: of tho sexual organ's. Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la- diea the bos remedy ever invented. 3"Price $ Fer bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Dr. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo, sole proprietor and to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold by J. H. MAUN & CO., Agsnts,. Brownville, N. T., and by Druggists generally. VOLUME FIFTY-ONE, GRAHAM'S ILISTRATED MAGAZINE Edited by Charles G. Leland, Esq. A monthly periodical which atms to entertain, instruct and amuse both Ladies ana ueunemeu. TERMS. 1 copy one year, $3 j 6 copies, one year, $10 rnriol " 6 I 11 " " 0 Those getting up clubs of 6copiesor more, will receive an extra copy. ... .. .(..mi. iiiHKtratpd Mafazme will be ruppned to subscribers punctually, and at; aa early a day as any other Magazine publishes. T. ,-rWV. ArtrtrPSR. WATSON & CO. South Third Street. Philadelphia. - Tr-frox- Sotict Subscribers sending .three dollars . for one year's subscription, to Graham's Magaiine, will receiveacopy of Graham's Ladies' Paper for .one year without charge. For your Wife, Daughter, or Friend. - T. S. ARTHUR'S" Home Magazine for 1859. Edited by T. S. Arthur and Virginia F. Townsend. t TERMS IN ADVANCE. - 1 copy, $-2; 4 copies, $5, 12 copies, $T5; and an extra stw Ia tX a v-i4 catti rtw II rk t h P clllb. .. - Specimens sent fre to those wishing to subscribe, or to make upelubs. ' i. - Address T. S. ARTHUR tr, CO., Walnut street. Philadelphia. ti husk Mattrasses Just received at the store of Dm Aus. 6. IS57. fnSl . I. T. WHITE. H. LI.ATKIITSOIT, Surveyor and Land Agent, IvI A.HST .. : STREET, JiROWNVILLE, N. T., TTilI attend rromr.jy to tie se!ecti(.n and loca tion cf Government J&ndi in the Xeirmha land dis trict: surveyir town sit-s, nni euWividip?land.-: draftincity flats, and ali other busim.--s tf a Gener al Surveyor. 11 will locate warrants on time for distant dca'crs;Ia d3c!aratory statements of in tention to pre-empt ; make cut pre-tmj.tion papers; and always on hand to look out claims for actual set tlers. ' - REFER TO W.W. San-or. M. I). Ne-v Tork City, lioiton, Mass. 1'ataskala Ohio, Sewal i Withina;Uin, Rev.T.W.Uowe, Col. Vr, E."Atkinson. Goorfre II. Nixtn, Ilciristcr L&ud OSce. UrowDviUe, Lushbaugh. A Carion, liankers Dr&wnville, N. T. li. . x urnas onoy Ore ek Hills.' -1 The undersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared to fill all orders in their line promptly af their mills four miles northwest cf Brownville, near the mouth of Honey creek. They have on hand the larftet and best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe ever ffered in the county or Territory, consisting of 40,000 feet seasoned siding; , . 40'CCS " cotton-wood flborinf.'J 20.000 ' urcamore " I0.0C9 " o ik and ash " 25,CC ' cutton-'wood, soft T2i?l,iynn and wsTlnut finishing lumber t:T'?3 fencing CO,rct Juistf Fills, ffnddinz and ecantlicgof al most every slie both hard and soft wood 20,000 ' rough and sqiiaro edged; also 200,000 superior sawed sE'iigles, oak, waluut and cotton wood alsa 150,000 lath, a Superior" article, cf uniform length, thickness and width ' Their mills are under the. charge of experienced and Scient men, and the" undersigned fatter themselves hat the quality of their luniferwill compare f3vorabiy .irith any other made in the Territory, all of which will e sM to suit the times. GRTJaM", SPRING LE Sc. CO. Honey creek Mills, May 20 '68 4Stf VMM S iiJL!ir The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of this place and viciuity that to has started a new Paint Shop iu Brownville, and will attend to all work ia the Painting Department, that ho may be favored with. HOUSE, SIGN, SCENIC, O R Iff AU E I TAL PAISTIXC : GpR A I N I Nr G G I L D I IS' G, PAPER HAITGHTG, Imitator of all Kinds of WOODS AND .MARBLES, Instructions given in the GRECIAN OIL, CRAYON, ORIENTAL,' 'OR-' GLASS PAINTING, On reasonable terms. Carriages painted neatly and wuh dispatch. HaviDg had a number of years' pratical experience in some tif the largest JSistcrn cities, he challenges com petition west of the Mississippi, and feels confident that he can give perfect satisfaction to all that may favor bim nits their patronage. Call and seo for youselves, that 'This show can perform all it advertises.' CHARLES R. MANNING. Brownville, Sept. I6,IS5S-6m 1 GEIITS' DEE8S GOODS. JACOB MAPJION, MERCHANT TAILOR, BEOWNVTLIiS, WEBBASKA Respectfully announces to the gentlemen of Brown ville and vicinity that he has just received from tne East a iarge stock of very superior goods and latest styles. ' - Cloths, vestings, &c., Which ho will manufacture on very favorable terms. He natters himself that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted coming Xrom his es- tabUshment, anacnarges aa tow asany ouier compcutor in this pi; lace or the West. A Neat Fit Guaranteed. NEW ARRIVAL OP Two Hundred n2? Q lEa .3 CHRISTIAN DEUSEK. Brownville, ICcbraska. ANNOUNCES to tho public that he has just re ceived, per Steamer Rjland, a Tery large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns, as follows: Uuck's Pattern, Plymouth Rock, 'Elevated Oven, New E.' , olden Era. and every variety o Parlor and Office Stores. Also, Japancd Ware, Brass liettlcs, Lantlierns, copper iTaie.fen o vels and Tongs. ' All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron ware, and am prepared to put up guttering and spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrantto give satisiaction. I pledge myself not to te undersold la the upper country. " " ' Brownville September 2, 1S5& 110-iy bi v bin u i nub si WM. ROSSELL, BnOWNVIIiLE. IT. T. Announces to the public that be is prepared to accom modate those wishing with Carriages and Buggies: to gether with good safe horses', for comfortani ease in tra velling. He will also board horses by the day, week or month. . - - X3-TERVS FAVORABLE. Juno 10, '58. 60tf National Police - Gazette. This journal of crimes and criminals is in Its thir teenth year, and is widely circulated through the conn- try. It is the first paper of the kind published in tho United States, and is distinctive in its characters. Subscriptions, Two Dollars per aununij One Dollar for six months, to be remitted" by subscribers, who must write their nams, and the town, county jwd State where they reside plainly to ' . ' GEO, MATSELL & CO. Editors and proprietors of National Police Gazette, N. T. Citv.- 1 . - :.- no23 ETDr. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture! seminal weakness, chordco, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases ot the genital organs. Header, have you a private disease 7 Da not neglect it. Delay U dangcrotu. Dr. Baker' Specific is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific you can care tfoiirtelf, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price $1 50 per bottle. 5l3"Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and (jhestnut strets St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed, to get the genuine. Soli by . . J. H. MAUN & CO., Druggists, . "Brownville, IT. T. The Great Republic - MONTHLY. To the Public, the Book and Peri odical Trade, and the Press. We hare the honor to announce that we shall issue, on or about tho first of December next, so as to be in sea son to command the early attention oi the public and the periodical trade, the first number of a new illustrated Magazine, to be called the GREAT BEPUBLIC LI O XT ILLY. ... ... Tcrrn&v Volumes Therewill bo two volumes a year, of about 703 royal octavo pngeseach,commencirg in January find Juiy, and ending In June and December respectively, making 6 numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers t? each year. Subbcriptions may commence at any time. - Eingle.coples, , - $25, Subscription, ore copy one year, ' - 3 03' ' " Two copies, - , ; -' - 5 03 ' ' ' three copies, - - . - 7 00 " four - " - - - 9 00 five " - - '0 00 Asdall additions! copies, over five, st the rate of $2 each, if sent to the same clns. Clabs may be form ed at different Post Offices. All subscriptions must be pai5f in advance. . . . PSEJ1IL31 Sv. JJ3t;KU' ine suoscri- br to the magazine for cr.e year, and to their choice of either of our two gTeat steel engravings, entitled, THE LAST SUPPERS AND THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING FOUR DOKLAES." TLere is little risk in sending ri6n y by mail. Lirt j funs should be remitted by draft, it possible, or rcsis-' terca. . , ; ,OAKSrrIITH&CO.,- Publishers of the "Great Repiblic" Motley. 112 & IU William StTcet, New Ycik. et.H UiMwjirfu .-..,- C, Denser tuts removed b's X:n S uopirom r rcai street to Main street, nearly crposite tto res' Hotel, wher- h9 hrt opened up tho larse.-.t stock of ware ia hi- lino t j be foind iu the upr .r country. 13 solicit! a Cjutinaa-co of patrtnage. June 13, 'uJ. ZJo.v crtrjiii. xx23lc1 or. i'imo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all ti2C3 to settle an such time as they nay deoirc U;n j or short at the usual rates. A coi stant supply o" Warrants will be kt;t cn hsni for sale as cheap as iLey cau be bougut tljewhere la town. Buy of reralar dealers anl beware of be jus warrants. All warrants ecltl by ts will le snarantcoJ to be genuiaain every respect and will hi eschaccd if de fective. Bein? permanently located in Brownville. we canal ways be found at tho old sta-d a few d.jors cat of U.e Brownville Hi;uso. lushmaugii c arson, Bankers, and Dealers in Laid Warrants. A stiperior stuck of ii.iliiaey and Trt-s Gocds at rr.v . ew Millinery establishment, one door above LuiLoau'h ct l arsou s uaniting iiouae, iirowuville, N. T. 'f MART TtTRNER. Notice to Tax Payers - R. T.RAINET, Treasurer of Xemabaco'jnfr, l;rforms the citizens of said county that be is ready to receive taxes at all times between this and tho 1st of January next. Brownville, Nor. 4, Jo3. 19-8 CITY STO FAS3ETT & cnOSSlIAIT,. I-Iarmfactttrers of Traveling & Packing VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SfC. 4.0, N. Second st., bet. Pine Sc-Chestnut, Saint Louis, lloV We are now prepared to fill all ord?rs m our line with promptness and on tho the most reasonable terms. Our stock is .ui,Lirf large and comn'.ete and all cf ocr own manufacturing. Those in want of articles In oar line, (whclcsalc or retail) will do well to give ts a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. A share cf public patron- ageis so;. cited. nl8v3-l Clocks, Watches' & Jewelry. J. SCHIITZ ' Would announce to the citizens" of Brownville vicinity that he has located himself in L-XaiBrown-ville, andintends keeping a full assort. Uient it everything in bis lice of business, which will be told low for cash. He will also do all kinds of re pairing of clocks, watches and jewelry. All work war ranted. v3nl3-ly PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! mm Corn. Those indebted to me aro hereby notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at the lushest market price, deliverod at tho store cf 1.1. Whjtein Lrownville. 1 his request is made only bocause 1 am in debt myself, and cannot raise tho money, but can make use of corn. Such an ar rangement will e taken as a great accommodation under present circumstances. . JtbbL iMJtL. Urownville, Dec, 2, 1&53. DR. D. GWIN, Having permanently located in BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, Fof the practice of Jfecticine and Surgery, ten ders his professional services t the afHicted. Ulfice on Mam fatrect. ' no"3v3 J. W. BLISS, COXtJOTAZ32jT! rCSD Collecting Agent, : PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY,, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. Particular attention paid to making collections fof non-residents. Charges reasonable. References. P.. W. Frame, " Postmaster, Peru Wm. E. Pardee, Probate Judge, Neb. City E R Parker County Clerk, Browni'.le Lyford & DTorn, Sonora, M17. The Missouri Republican PullUhed- Daily, TriWeelli and Weekly. GEORGE API, Ti. IWSCZIAEI, & JOIEV KXAPI-, Proprietors. ' St. Louis, Jllissonrf. Torino oT Dally in advance $10 00 5 CO 2 00 - 3 00 2 00 40. 00 25 00 20 00 Tri-Weekly in advance Weekly in advance Weekly not paid in advance, Sunday Republican To Clubs of five Dailies, To Clubs of six TrUWecklies To Clubs of fourteen Weeklies Lost or Stolen. Lost, oncnristmas eve, at tne tsrownvnie iiousa, a California-gold breast pin. The subscriber will liberally reward the finder of the pin. E. WORTHING. LOST! A Fur Glove on Monday, December I4th, Jomewhere between tbe bead or wain street, and South Brownville. The finder, by returning said glove to this office, will be liberally rewarded wan tne Kindest thanks. Brownville, Dec 23d. TUB PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Bedford k George, who have been associated as surveyors and' Real Estate Agents, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All unsettled business of the Arm. will be at tended tyT. w. uearora. T. W. BEDFORD, HUDSON GEORGE. Brownville, Dec. 15, ISIS. ' HEBGE FEITCIITG. The undersigned having had considerable experience in planting and cultivating Osase Orange nedges, here by Inform the public that they are nowprepared 'to con tract either planting, setting them out, or growing and cultivating tno fence complct-e. Growing hed?es of (hf ir planting can be seen on the farms of S. Wi Ken nedy, G. Crow, J. Skecn and others in thisiounty D. C. & T. N. SANDERS. . Sept. 2, lOtf - OUR ILLUSTRATED FAMILY JOURNALS. tife Illustrated. "The most beautiful weekiy in the Union." Rhode Island Reformer. A first class Pictorial Family Newspapor, which ought to be reaa by every family in the land. Weekly, at two dollars a year, or or one dollar for half a year. FOWLER & WELLS, . 338, Broadway, New Yoak, - Water Cure Journal. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous Illustra tions, and those laws which govern Life and Health. - One dollar a year. . Phrenological Journal. Devoted to all Progressive measures for the IS leva-" I tion and improvement of mankind. Amply illustrated with Portraits and other engravings. One dollar a year. For three dollars in advance, a copy of these three Journals will be sent one year. Specimens sent when desired. Address, FOWLER & WELLS, 358, Broadway, New York. Balloa's Dollar Mntlily Magazine. . The Cheapest Magazine in the world. You need no longer pay three dollars for a first class, eleaantly Illustrated and carefully edited Magazine. Ballou's Dollar Monthly contains one hundred pages cf original matter in each number, and forty cr fifty rich engravings, issued on tbe finest of paper, and in the best style, for one Collar a year. . , . at. il. BALLOT;, No. 22, Winter street, Boston GEOHGE HDV7AIID3, y. XTL GUI TI3 OT. OFFIC Main St, Lotto Kinney if HoUi cfice, z c DrasXA City, li . t. - Persons who contemplate bcilcLng can be furnished with Designs, Plans, Specincations, he., for buildings oi any class or variety of style, a rs tie erection of the same superintended if dired. Prompt attention paid to business from st distance. 6-1 1 rroT-io3;" . . All persons are hereby noticed that 1 take the necessary steps to theTe-opening of the contested case or James Feraruson, for the , purpose of more fully in vestigating' his right to enter the ont!T west qaafter (l4)of south west quarter (li4) and lot r.'iitnb(r f our (4) of sectiou eighteen (IS) in township Ave (3) irfre six teen (16) east, I hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for ary por tion cr tne arove oefcrioea propertv. MayS?, 'CA v2n4Stf AUGs'STUS tOUNTZlZ. OLIVER B3NSET. tTM. B. CAEEIT. JiitE3 P. FI3KE. ArGUSTCS KNIGHT. OLIVER BEITNETT & CO., . . Manufacturerrand WhalesalePealersia BOOTS AND SHOES, . . lio. 87 Haia Street. TrWwr4 "Cn -till . CsrvRor M' ST. LOUIS, JW. V' - 0 a. f. trsi'SArct;. j.. JLiUiJlJ.kUi.-. L,. BANKERS A.D c:.v;;, LAX. ) A - 1 I. Echas-j c:: tl ! ply of Land Warrants on hand f.r i -it.i a. cr v:t tercdoa time for Pre-cnptors. Ail V.rrau.a sii ry u guaranteed ii every repe-.t. WIU t-. Oratory i:.''c inents of intention to pre--irt, t'.f j re; are ITf-ei; .. .. Papers at shrt n-.-tice. Mru-y 1 uutl c- .n tc.t severi ties, at we-itern rt:s cf :r:.crpt, and i:;c-' z; - in Lands or city prepay f.T cjp,u.;t. Col lo tions upon a'.i ciiveaient points will bepr.tly attend ed to and procei-.!3 rcnitted In exclrir.-re, at current rii". Bills of cn EagUr..!, Ireland, ana i-'rauce. oi t;a.;ed at usual rates, with c st vf ":l-;!-':z.j on ire vk adcici. Depvit3 receivc-ita t'urrt Jt avCvU.-it at ia:stjt OiTlCH Mia2t., tor.r IT. 3. 1..-5S.I C.7.C3. tlnd, Brother ?- Co.. Mv'rcbjnts. Phi laii! :. Pi. IcNatihton. Cars-ni. Co., .. " " ni:-er at White, Ea'timor. Ml. Vouns, Carst n & Jiryatst, " " Jno". Thompson Mason, Col'rcfP.'rt, "" " E. M. Pur.derson &Cj. Jlsrchants. " " M. M.Tc Vil 3 & Co. No. 17, Broadway, V?w .f. IVtn.T. S::U:lis.-.n, Es.-j-, Banker, V'uh!n jfn, D. C. J. T. Stfvns, H.'i., Atfy at Lav, " " Jno.-S. Gallaier, LatedAuJ. C 3.T., " " Taylor A Erirsh, Bar.iers, McClelland, Scru.r-? & Co. Merchants Chica, 111. M. Louis, J.. Ar.napv-lis, ill. Pen a. Mercfrshurg, Pa. Haijorstuwu, ill. Eeckuk. low. Coar.dl BiuJ ' Ees Moine, " Vinun, " EaUn, MJ. Cumberland, ild. Havaua AiabAi.!. lion. Thoi. O. Pra:t, Hoo. J. VT. Geary, E.t-Gov. Zsziii, Hon. Jas. 0. Caraon, P. 13. Small, Es-i-, Pres't S. Ban?, Col. Goo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Banier. U. C. Xnttfc C. " Greene, Veare 3c Sice, ' Douglass &. war son, " Col. Sara llairjoieton, Att'y at awi Jsdo Thos. Ferry, rrcf. II. Tutwiler, Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-:tf J. D. IT. THQZ.ZPS02T, A 4 srfliP:,'iv -ill LmUj II.-.s rcnmcd his profesi.-nal bc5ices3, and win prsc- ticeiaallthe Courts of cbraa, and the Gr-ru ia Atchinson county, Mo. 021ce one door west of I. T. Thyto's Store. ErowuTlKe Nebraska.. Erownviile, April 22, IZZ3. ct3 ly Brownvillo Steam Perry ! )BEST CROSSING f :1) j ox Tuii i..-. . : MISSOURI The llouts from Urovmri r t t T v t til f AJ 's to Tt. IZpzt-zqj, and trcm to C orrij. 13 ma nearest most praccibl: BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to theJraTelinrul.!io thatthey ar. now running as a Ferry acro3 the Missouri alver at Anentirt'n nezo, fibstcntial cni cO'ntiodiou STEAM- FERRY BOAT, Which, arrangement will securo a certain an l . safa pasia1 at, ail times anl in all kinds of . weather. Ihe 1'ropriotors do not assert boasting!, cr for tho purpose cf gaining custom merely, but ar governed by facts, when they say this is the Lct crossing cf tho Missouri Itiver ia- Nobraaka, and when they say the route from Brownville to Fo,ri Kearney and from thence to California i3 th ncarsit for evidence they refer the reader to tho map of tha Country; and are warranted in saying it is the non , practicable route by personal experience, as well as. that of hundreds cf others who have traveled it. . We Claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to per?on3 going to California, and solicit tueir patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a saf and speedy crossing, odr charges are the jatno as ether Ferries in Nebraska, all beirg regulated by Legisla tive enactment. tSTRecollect that with our facilities of Power no kind3 of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. &4j A skiff and hanl will ba in readiness tacroid fooS passengers at all time3 of eight. n-' November llth,lSj7. -' BHOV7IIVILLS STIBAUI. TJ3ILIL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. XlrowiiTillo, rT- 1. JT. B. Vi'e would rospectfully inform tho citi- sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that . wo have always on hand a largo and well selcctel supply of LIDIBEIZ, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the 1 crritory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at tho yiri or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will recuir our immediate attention. 0. F. LAKE. vr. n. hoover; UrownTille. Nemaha City. ; LAKE. & HOOVEB, . NOTARYS PUBLIC. -Brovrnvillo and Nemaha City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. TTlLLpromptlyattend to Land Agencies, Paring l taxxs, Lrawinj- money, buying and sellinr Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant deaJei'?', -and all kinds of bu3ines3periainiD;to their profc??iin. ' - - . rarticularattentoiu will bo gives inLlinj declara tory statements to pre-empt andjprocurins Y"r ranty Deeds from the Town authbnfics. Persons owning town L0T3, rcsivrin at a distance wi3hin to rrocuro W arranty Deeds will do well to place the agency inour band?, (alvra j i presen'.inj thcif Quitclaim Deeds for said Lot I within the ex- pirationot sixmcnias, asaiiertnaiumea;uow3 cot Deeded will be sold. BIar.li3 always on hand. N. B. Letters of inquir v answered promptly: March 23, '57. ' 41-Jy " George Tcrsnson, ' ilTLLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, tBROWW VlIoIiE. N. T. AJfXOUJk'Cii to the publie, that ho ijireparsi to erect Steam and Water Saw and llerehpnt Mills at short notico and reasonable terms, lierair- ing of machinery of all ind?. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent for A. B. IIOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O. . LEE & LEAYITT'S Hlr"wr I i i-iriTS-ns-irATT And are prerared to receive and fill orders for any n chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es- . tabusbments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. Noel, Lake & Co., Erownviile, N". T. Steara Mill. R.VT, Furnas, . Crownville, " jralr, Cann" & Co.,, u " Dr. Uoover, Nemaha city, " Y. M. Rogers, Tawneo city, Nuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo. ' u 14 U U M: tt It A. B. Ilallibcrd, Cincinnati, 0. ; Brownville Jnne 13, 1357. v2 1-1 y Brownville HoiiGe, I3ROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA.: UORRXSOZT & V7H2SLER Announce to" tie public that they b ave taken charse A the new, largo, and commodious brick Hotel bul'.ulng re cently completed in the City cf Brownville, Nersika. TLbyhave furnished it from cellar to garret with en tire new furniture; thercons are all lar-?, we'.l vr tilated and finished. The table, we promise, sM'.I at ail times cci-tafn the best thecountryean cfw.'d. Our liinort shall be aa pure as are made, aa we purchase ts proa from reliable manufacturers. We rteera a more extent dad nctlca unnecessary and conclude by assui in? the pnb lic that we are determined that no effort oaour part ihal be war.tinj to render the Browavin Tloure a t,rm cUsa Hotel. MORRISON &.WIIE2L2X July 8. 1S5S-6ti A. W. ELLIOTT, PO" "Ul IAS O IT "37" SEED AJ)EP0T, Cor. lircadway and TTn: Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. - TIaving ptrrchated the entire nr;ery stork of Jn SiggersonJt Bro., I am preared to c3'r to tte pnba the largest and best selected' stock cf Frc:t .'.had?, and Ornamental taea3, sprats and plants ever o.Teret for sale in the West. We are Caterm'scd toc:Tr suca ia dncements to tresplanter. ad the trr.i aa will ensure tbe most entire satisfaction. Descriptive catalngucs win be furnishe a-rl an? inIorTnatkn given, by d :T?-irg A. W. ELLIvrr, - ' . Saint LJMii, November 33, 'c3-Iy. ' -:ze and Wra. V. Iciouo: Ac;';-f us knc'U as i f:ora :: i- -i. f