t ; ft HE ADVERTISER. jjROWNVILLE, JAN.G, 159. rr K RMS: L. rear if raid inalvance, - - $2 00 e year, i g 2,60 '. " ' "12 ' ,00 of or more will I furr.Vshed at SL50 per provided the ttkU .ccomoauies U order, not Tfrtrls. -..liCH'E Gilbfrt. rroprietors of tbe Ecal " Vpw Letter, U aaotuc Temple, Chicago, 111. , ;'Plliw utneral Adverting Agent, in rear of , T,.rk. LiVanl Children's Shoe Store, 80 WeU rMk street. L'il-'-il-1-1'1- " g is ( BIK) OWES lOj f "vu-j. - 1 ,,-uMi:g and ubcr;p-uoa cfice,Nol33 Nassau street ri.iEinDOE, Northwist corner cf Oiive and L.I Lou.S. C3. Dearborn street, Chicago, r II N.-L.IVES solicit subscription ana - -'!en.:.i for the Advertiser, and receive and receipt aou.e therefor: .n reser.t in this 1 erntory. cowing from various f f ti.ei-.a-.es. ofteu sucpest to us tbe names of . ... I hlT 'oia mi,""-" - - - tubril'prs u ui; ....-. - . , . - .-,-. . and persons -.if' JOB AVOIIK. additions oi f iTV , CntB, Adver- l-15" u. . Ar mid totbe . 4. I A . wrf4.aed 1-t any of.ice. Tbe proprietor b,,ng . "isuuk.. Work ,u Co.ors, Bronze ort, fcc, ul etwuhi-anicuUraweiiLion. .attended to, ie-s from a dimnre will be proT.piiy i waxrahted to give saiifsction or no pay. Advertiser 1 havins "i: -ct Circulation of any pap er in T5 S; olesle Merchants in SL ..T JcTeph, Cincinnati and other East i markPt Trberc Nebraska merchants pur se. wlU d no better adrertisinC medaum ;ve W'estera country-S The mechanical department of our es .isbment has reqturei our attention to i an extent the past week, we have fa unalle to give but little attention ;tln? Saloon. In another column will be ztA the advertisement of the "Brown He Eatins Saloon.'" By invitation we .rtctl-of a dish of fresh oysters ar.d a .rely Savored ci;p of ccnee, the other kninir, aud are free to say they were I M u.cans lad to take. Fresh oys rssre quite a rarity in this region, yet tv can be had at this establishment, iviir.g in the eating line, can be had a:. Lour, at the 'Brownviile Eating Sa- i Louis Republican. We need scarcely v to rn k'rs in the Missouri or Missis-fri-Vallvv, -that the St. Louis Republi a is the most valuLle paper in the west n country. It is published daily, tri-M-'kly, and weekly, and, owing to, its crpious size, it is enabled to give its iif rs. in" dtlail, relative to all matters ir.terest. See rfospectus in another column. orfls of Trcth. Some men inherit fame; some acquire r.e ; and some have fame thrust upon rti. Kecvil is a Hatter famed all over f wUe expanse of country; but his fame i.ai worked for and earned by years ;stry. He deserves all he has ac- K'ecvil's Hall of the Giant Hat, ridwavj cppcslt? Wash Street, Saint ales' Repository. .. The January number tLis '-Queen of Monthlies" is before ; 'The Repository, as we have before I, is in o'ir opinion, the highest ton- periodical pullished. It is strictly til and religious in its tendencies, and t possessed of snlncient wit, repartee I anecdote to relieve it from what some ?Lt think monotony. he present number commences the -ii volume, and is an admirable time to -nonce. Terms, $2. Address Sworm--t k Toe, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lccliln? On!. Cv HILL sun i.ety additions to their already capa- -s Store Building. They are now put- r c-n an extension, which makes the th of .their building one hundred and y Xeet, the entire depth of a City roe Bin. : Nature may have produced .fv letter men in the "calculating" i-J, t ut a more capable, energetic, or on.pusjied halter than Keevil is sel- i .produced anvwliPVP TTJc hi tp I they should be at the Hallcf the Gi- i Hat, Broadway, opposite Wash street Louis rk Barrels- ' . Vre noticed for -the first last week, a lot of new FcrkEar- l?ir.g delivered at Crane & Hills. ;y were Nemaha County productions. a very ilentiful commodity in Ne- Ka. Jcrj's Journal cf Asrienltnre. hat has become cf this v luable ag- -'turui v.ewspapcr. Y c have missed rep cur table for s . some time past , e it Las nci' suspended ; or has the -rsal cut cur acquaintance? Hope ; we have copied your prospectus; ta. attention : talked to the farmers in Uhalf, r Journal, and did what co; ,V1 to help you. Now dont treat us entlcicnt. - Frctn the simplest hcuse- -1 Cc-v' cooj, to tLe tcwericg column set the remembrance of o .perpetrate irtcd Wcrttl. re SOP err.YnAA lV,o nh two elements r.rn YlenAeA in 'a,s rroducrd by Keevil, at the Hall Giant Hat, Broadway, ' opposite ' Wlio vill Sinker Citizens of Brownviile, permit roe to say a few words respecting the new road to Cherry Creek 'which has beeh talked of so much of late. It is to my interest end your interest, that this road be opened. - To consum- mate tnat obiect, wit little more tnan a Survey CI me route IS requuen., X aiure has alreadv done much for us in Ioca- - j i won anu numeiwsuuicrau imiaScs, anu what I speak I am prepared to back up , j J"1" Then, having been placed by the hand j of V,i in fnvnr,.!0 cihon n Q gold country west of us, I ask, "Who will strike ?" Who will go to work in laying ofT the road, and preparing it for the great tide of., emigration that jrill certainly pour into -our town and county on the first appearance of Spring ? Don't fold your arms, and see points above and below us, making roads which will do wonders in attracting emigrants. I am not writing for any Other purpose than tO awaken that feeling of interest which should in this enterprise, as well as all others, find a. cordial and undivided 're sponse in the heart of every citizen of Brownviile, and Nemaha County.' v 'Who ... .. - r.vr-rJ.L- win strike i . , ; ui riAtiJN . Stage KoHle to tlie Mines. ' R. Brow-k and J. W. Coleman, mem bers of the Brownviile and Cherry Creek Stage Company, provided with necessary "le proprietor, to whom all orders most toe addresed. Tr ' i i- - r 53-soidbyj. n. maun & co., Druggists, Brown assistance, left yiis place this morning for vine. E T., and bvDrupgists generally. the purpose of shortening a portion of the-route between this city and the inter section of the Leavenworth route, and to make such repairs as are necessary to se cure speedy and safe transit at the earliest possible time in the Spring. MnniCcent Liberality. At the late meeting jof the Alabama Baptist State Convention, at Gainesville, it was announced that Jeremiah H. Brown, Esq., of Sumpter county, Alaba- ma, would support as many as titty-one theological students at Howard College, allowing to each S250. This would make $13,750 a year given by this liberal gen tleman. Howard College IS a XWPtlSt seminary at Marion. The Broadway Theater, New York, is chartered for prayer meetings, etc., on Sunday nights. At that establishment just now, is Sands & Nathan's Circus, and as all the elephants, zebras, curang oa tangs, dancing bears, and Shetland po nies, are cooped up just behind the drcp curtain, any accident which might be the means of letting these animals loose upon the congregation, must inevitably con tribute to the seriousness of the scene. The colored people of Philadelphia are considerably excited in view of the prob ability of the establishment of a colony from that city in Liberia. Robert Camp- bell, a wormy man, tor seme years a public teacher, is at the head of the move ment, ana under his guidance it promises to be a success. We learn that a girl at the Hospital, who has been sick for some time, died last Sunday. Owing to the exceeding inclemency of the weather, the burial was postponed till Tuesday, when con sciousness returned to tne little creature, and she is nowr covering. Wheeling aTjj c?. NEW AD'S. BROWNVILLE Eating aloon. The proprietor has recently fitted up and now has in operation a DIXIItG R003I, Vest door to tbe Bank Building, on Main Street, -where MEALS AT ALL HOURS, can be had, able, and orderly 33111 of Pare rEESn OYSTEKS, PICKLED O YSTEKS, CHICKENS, MUTTON CHOPS, BEEF STEAK, HAM & EGGS, PIGS' FEET, TRIPE, SOUP. COFFEE. WILD GAME CF ALL i SUCn AS DEER, TURKEY, GEESE, DUCKS, TRAIRIE CniCKENS, BRaXT, FISH, &c. Believing that the City needs, and will support such establiflimctit. the enterprise has beeu embarked in, with the confident hepe that a liberal patronage will be exteiided. Brownviile. Jan. 6. Ia53. - " THe MlSSOUri IvepUDIlCail rMUltd Daiis,Tri-TetUy and Wctliy. GEORGE RSAPP. K. PASC1IALI-. & Proprietors. Si. Louis, .Missouri. Terms of ZTtoipTxTolicaix. Daily in advance $10 oo Tri-Weekly in advance Weekly in advance Weekly not paid in advance, Sunday Republican To Clubs of five Dailies. ToCIubs of six Tri-Wecklies To Cliibs of fourteen Weeklies 6 09 2 00 3 00 2 00 40 00 25 00 20 00 PAY YOUR DEBTS ! ! VrMli Cora. These indebted to xne arc bererj notified that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn at fh li7frht mnrket Trif (lelirprerl at tr-p (store cf I. T. Whjte in Lrcwnville. This reouest is made onlj because i ata in aeot mjseii, ana cannot raise the monev, but caa maKa use cr corn. ciiica an ar ranpemect he talien as a great awommoflation uiider preject cireturiftnnref. JLtbL ?Ux.u CrowaviUe, Lec2, ln. . . DR. D. GWIN, Having permanently located in . BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, For the practice of Medicine and Snrpery. ten ders his professional services to the auicted. Omce on Main Street. no-i Lost or Stolen. Lost, on Christmas eve, at tbe Brownviile nonse, a Caiifornla-grld breast pin. The subscriber will liberally reward the finder of the pin. E. WORTHING. LOST ! A Fur Glove r.n MonS.i3', December 14th, somewhere between tbe head of Main street, and South Brownviile. The finder, by returning said clove to this cCce, will be liberally rewarded with toe kindest thanks. Brownviile, Dec. 31. . , THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Bedford it George, wbo have been associated as surveyors and Real EsUt Asrent.o. M this day dissolved ly mutual consent. All unsettled busiaets of the flrm.will be at tended ty T. w . Bedi ci d. T. W. BEDFORD, HUDSON GEORGE. Brownviile, Dec 13, 1K3. . - - w - . " Auuine ana sarsaparllla - tTill curt ill diseases arising from aa impure state of the ELOOD, or a depraTed eoadition of tbe fluiJsof the yslem,-U : csaceri, swelling of tieplandg, rheumat ism, -white BwelliEss,.cbroi.:c sore ejes, piles, ooi Is, erysipelas, goitres, pauia la tie bones .and juiata, ul. ccrs in th mouth and throat, and all clrcaic constitn- tional diseases. Thia medicine searct jo out the very roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions in ti tni.n. m,. .v. which renders the curt certain and penxaneni xr- Eatterly' Sartaparaia win we the t tu u wtiwt, auu uu r c out buu aesiroy ev ery particle of mercury which it in the system, and cure iu baiffect. ;!vi tv"i Cir'::T Itwillcure tecondary typkilti or t;eeraZ dittate, and will drtre tbe t'jphilitic virus and all hereditary taint peitonov matter -out of the system through lue PreB -ne sain, ana reore tne patient to a per- feet state of health nl purity; It is positive cure for liter complaint and dytpeptia, if u&ed a proper length of time. I'challecge tLe world to produce its equal in these complaints. The afflicted will bear rn mind that Dr. Eatterly' t Iodine and Sartaparille will care all nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy, graveo, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary organs, in a few days. It will remove pimples and blotches from ihecec. and make the skin clear, white and beawtiul as ala baster. It does this by purifyiGg'the blood, and by its prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory or gans, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been afflicied with scrofula old aores, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions of the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gridlcy's Salt IUiouat a&d. Tetter Ointment to apply on tbe sores and diteaf ed parts, whenusiog Dr. Easterly' Iodine' and Sartaparilla. The Iodine and Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, aud causes the fires to discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heals ,ftm-."Khe? Mln are Dcd. Ckh;? always rccommcaaj a permanent aadrad.calcuie is always effected. rby are the best and most powerful curatives known to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do'not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or C bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Kheum Ointment 75 cents per bottle. Bath are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner cf Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Lonis, Ho., NEW ARRIVAL! Ji!n? JlVJI ISL ill AMD MEW GOODS ! !! McAllister & ponn, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FURXITCRE, HARDWARE, QLEEXSWARE, BIWWJSVILLE, iV.T. Having established themselves at the old stand recent ly occupied by john Mcpherson, They are now offerinz and receivinn for sale one of the AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF MEECHAN,DISE Ever Brought m this Territory They have an extensive and varied assortment of m STAPLEA5DFAXCY DRY GOODS, ALSO " ' " A Large Stock of Choice Family TooerieES? CONSISTING Of Flour, Ham, Baccn Sugar, Molasses, Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, . etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice i etc., etc. They have also on hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C, ALSO, A tcell selected Stock of $-c. HARDWARE AXO CUTLERY, QUE EX SW ARE,: . ELA.TS & CAJPS, Boots and, Shoes. We pledge our customers to sell as cheap as any other house in the city, and that our goods in quality and style shall be unsurpassed. Scientific American. Published Weekly. at No. 123 Fulton Street, New Turk, by MUNX 4s. CO. - - ' - - - Terms of subscription Two Dollars a year, or one dollar for six months . Clnb rates. For all clubs of twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only $1 40. ' Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any rrt of the country. No itinerating Canvassing Agents employed. THE GOLDEN YEAR. 60DET.S ' LABFS BOOK F0H 1859. Fifty-seventh 5c Fiftyveighth volumes. T e r m s . . One copy one year, three dollars: twocopief; one year five dollars : three oopies one year six dol lar. Address L.A.GOODET, 113, Cbesnul street PLilacSelphia, The Bank Note Register. Counte r f eit-TD e't e c t or, Published by EDWARD L.,LEEr-t. , Xo. Eleven Eixlanrje Street, Buffalo, 2f. T. ' , week.lt, semi-mon rnLT and monthlt. Terms to Mail Snbscnlers Payable in Advance. For tbe WEEXLT - - $2,00 per annum. For the SEill-MONTELT 1,00 " Fr the MONTHLY - 75 " To Postmasters or others who will aid the circulation cf tbe Register by the forming cf clubs, we will send as fallows;, i - r 6 ccpiea X Uu Weekly, L cct year $S.C0 -6 " Seiiii-Moathly, " 5.C0 6 " Monthly, 3 qq Advertipements occupying cicht lines spacs or Ies. $2.00 per month. Cards of greater length .on Jibefal terms. The F.eister is circolatcd among all classes cf baiii:es6 mcft, including Banks, Bankers and Merchants throughout the United States and Canadas, and thus offers superior inducements as a medium for adverUs- I ing. Single copies can be had of Agents and Newsmen, and at our counter. Address . - - t EDWARD L. LEE, -i r . - Ko. II, Zictage" st-, Buffalo. CARDS. . H. H'LAUOHLIN - CSAL-COKJET IcLAUGHLIN c BORSEY,- 1 ITT H " I ' h. ' i . n rj M n uau wysi'i a UJri bai --1 v ibi w4 Main Street, Browniille, N.T-, Buy and tell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements ; rnak out pre-emption papers ; pay taxes, investigate titles; Buy and sell property on commission furnish land warrants for ticie or. tries,' and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to tbe selection of Govern ment Und and the location of , land warrants for parUes raiding at a distance. ' ' ' ' McLAUGTJLIX St DORSET respectfully rerer to George H. Xixou, Ksq., Xegwter .Brownviile, Land Office. . Chrles B. Smith. Esq., Eeceiver of Public Moneys' Nemaha Land District. . . - . Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownviile Messrs: Lushbaujrh 8t Carson, Bankers, Brownviile, ; Hon. "W. il. T. Hamilton, nscerstown, Maryland. . Lewis E Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O U Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio. . . non. Fcnner Furguson, Delegate la Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, P. C. . . , , John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownviile, April 22.' ' k - no43tf T.W. BEDFORD, HUDSON GEORGE, County Surveyor Aotary Public BEDFORD -& -GEORGE S1IYB1, 13 m ALSO.-- a- . - REAL ESTATE t A'GEtlTS, BROWN VILLE NEBRASKA. Office on Main Street. i i -J WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them iu tbe Une of their profcssion'..Mrill buy and sell Land wanaais, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands, make out City Plats, Stc., &.C, naving been located in the Territory for tbe past year, wc are prepared to make the most choico selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance in contested cases at the T. S. Land Office. "'f. i ', i ' i '. . Lcttersof inqulryprornptlyannvered.; v WS KEFES TO' t Hon. W C Reynolds. ,' ', Kingston, Penn.. f John J Pendleton, Eii, ' Cincinnati, . Ohio ' .- ; .-. HonGalutiaA Grow " Washington City, D. C. Hon Joseph G. Crane Dayton. Ohio " ' Ryall & Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa Boster St Helges, Bankers ' v do ' do Lushbaugh St Carson, Bankers Brownviile, N. T. R. W. Furnas, Esq. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton, Pa. Rufus R. Edwards, Esq, St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell . " Wavertey Pa. W. G. George, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio Apri!8. 1S53 v2n41-yly - - , A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., , Macliinists, Founders and r. Engine Builders7 I'ront stree. "West of Smith, ;i - - CINCINNATI O. - - Would most respectfully inform theirf ri ends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in tbeirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hopeto merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill , Engines of every DescriptipD. Constantly oa ban ': consisting of the Jsash, Circu lar and liulcy. Mill Gears and every description of J astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. . ; ;- ; They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. . . . Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new pattern BEARD & BROTHER, PROPRIETORS . OF . THE - SAFE Am SCALE-WORK SALYT LOUIS, JliO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c. The receut test of Safes of the different "Manifactares in the GBEAT FIRE of the City Buildings, in which the Exceleior triumphed over all otters, fully establish es the superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the confidence of all interested in Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in the fire for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Boiks and Papers, while a large number of the others, in the fire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, -of the Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ouseives to manufacture none but such as can be relied on, ana refer to tLe following . CcrtiGcate. We, the undersigded, take pleasuro in certifying to the successful test Beard St Brother's Excelsior fire nroof Safes were submitted to in the burning of the City- Building!', the nineteenth of November, 1863. and are jus tified in recommencing item to auwno ueeasajcs. Hall & Smith Eddy jameson & Co Charles Blow &.Co Samuel McCartney Partriuge &. co Joseph Elder HUMPHRETS TETT& TERRY, JOHN S THOMASOTf RUXTAK UILLMAS & BROS BASTE WILEY Ac BASTE TlLLAV BOZIET &CO . . SCOTT is. BRO - McMehan & Ballaktike, Brown Goddin k Co Von Phcl waters & co w LEwing &. co -D A January & co John n Hall &. co Barnard Adams & co Shapleigh Pat & co THE EXCELSIOR Took the rrcmiumiver the best Eastern Manufactn e at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; is sold from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaranteed to be equal to any iu the United States. Also manufacturers of Ughtnin? Rods, of Best quality, and PUMFS of all Descriptions. BEARD & BF.O., No. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. July C2.TIS5S. ' Iyv3n4 COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. For tbe current year, ending Jan. 1, 1SS0, up to which time subscriptions will be received. Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to : , . . , 1st. Tbe celebrated steel engraving, The Village Blacksmith. ' 2nd. A copy of the elegantly illustrated Cosmopoiitan Art Journal. 31. A free season admission to' the Eastern and Wes tern Galleries cf Art. -.'... In addition to which "the large anTvain2Me eolleo titn of works o-Art, will be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription. Those remitting $15 are entitled to six memberships. Addrese, C. L. DERBT, Actuary. C. A. A., No. 613, New Tork, Or R. W. FTRNAS, Brownviile, N. T. ETDr. Hooper's Female Cordial will cure all female complaints, such as excessive, suppressed, or. painful menstruation, Fluor albus or wtitesf barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, ( diz ziness, weak" r.erves, frightful dreams, and all diseases caused by colds, checked perspiration, exceszes, over excitement, &.c, of tho sexual organs. . Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la dies the best remedy ever invented. - f"Price $1 per Dottle, or C bottles for $5J Dr. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets, Si. Lcuis, Ho, sole proprietor and to whom all orders mustbe addrerscd. . " " Sold by J. II. MAUN &. CO.i Agsnts,' ErowBTille, Zt. and by Druggists generally. VOLUME FIFTY-ONE, GRAHAM'S ILUSTRATE9, MAGAZINE Edited by Charles G. Leland, Esq. A monthly periodical which aims to entertain. Instruct and amuse both Ladies and Gentlemen. '- TERMS. 1 copy one year, $3 15 capies, one year, $10 2 cupie " 5)11 ' " 20 Those getting up clls of 5 copies or more, will receive an extra. copy. , V ,; -. -.j . , ; , j. Graham's Illnstrated Marazine will be r uppiied to subscribers punctrialiy, ad arj as early a day as any other Magazine published.-- , , Address, ttaTSON & CO. . South Third Street. Philadelphia. Extra Notice Subscribers sendimr three dollars for one year's subscription to Graham's Macazine, will Teceiveacopy cf Graham's Ladies' Paper forgone year without chaigo, v - For yoxir Wife, Daughter; or Friend. - - T.Si ARTHrE'S' -' Home Magazine for 1859. Edited tyT.'s.' Arthur tad Virginia F. Ta-a-Esend.. . TERMS IN ADVANCE. 1 crpy, $2; 4 cepies, $5, 12 copies, $15; and an extra copy to the one getting u the club. Specimens 6Cnt free to those wishing to subscribe, cf to mate upcluis. , Addrets - -'T. ARTJJcE k. CO., - Wa'.Ent street, rhiladelphla. ' MatTfirasseG. " ; S3 husk JJattrasscsjust receive at thestore of t. fviJ I. T. lrBTTT, BRXJWNVICLE AD'S:! jH. M. ATKINSON; : Surveyor and: Land "Agent, - ivijiisr' STREET, - BRO WNV1LLE, N. T., Will attend promptly to the selection and loca tion cf Government lands in tbe Nemaha land dis trict: surveying town sites, and subdividing lands: drafting city jlats, and all ether business of a Gener al Surveyor, He will locate ' warrants on time for distant dealers; tie declaratory statetementa of in tention to pre-empt ; mnko nt pre-emption papers; and always on haud to lookoutcl&ims for actual set tlers. - ' '; '',.- "; i .- ' : REFER TO Ty.TT. Sanger, M. D.; Sewal & Withington, Rev. T. y. Howe, Col. W. E. Atkinson. New York Clly, ' Koton", 51 n. Pataskala Ohio, George II. Nix n, Register Lan'2 03ce. Crowiiville, Lashbaugh & Carson, Hankers, Urownville, N. T. R. V. Furnan. - - - Honey Creek Hills. The undersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared to till all orders in their line promptly at their mills four miles-northwest of Brownviile, near the mouth of Honey creek. They have on hand the largest and best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe ever ffered in the county or Territory, ccnsistiOj of 40 m;-.- ier seasonea siaing; 40-GCO - 'cotton-wood flooring ' - - - 20 000 10,009 sycamore " osk and ash cotton-wood, so?t t7'.e. tyr.n and ' -- walnut finishing lumber; '' fencinjrj .- C0,C;t Juists; sills, studding and scantlir.gof al- f ' most every size both hard and soft wood; 20,000 " rough and square edged sheathing; also 200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and cotton wood; also . - ' J50,COO lath, a superior article of uniform lengUi, thickness arid width ' " Their mills are under the charge jif experienced and S".c:er.t men, and tbe undersigned flatter themselves hat the quality of their lumberwill compare favorably s-ili any other made in the Territory, all of which will ej;;aio suit the times. -. GREEN, SP2INGLE & CO. Iloney creek Mills, May 20 '63 ' 4Stf MW PAINT 1 S10F. The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of this .place and vk-iaity that he has started a new Paint Shop in Brownviile, and will attend to all work in the Painting Department, that he may be Tavored with. 1 HOUSE, SIGN, SCENIC, O RN A3! ENTAL PAZXTIXG; Gil AL"L G, GI LD I AT U, AID PAPER HAKGETGr Imitator of all Kinds of WOODS -AND MARBLES, Instructions given in the. . - - GRECIAN OIL, CRAYON. ORIENTAL, OR GLASS PAINTING, On reasonable terms. Carriages painted neatly and with dispatch. Having had a number of years' pratical experience in some of the largest Eistcrn cities, he challenges com petition west of the Mississippi, and feels confldent that he cau givo perfect satisfaction to all that may favor him with their patronage. Call and see for yousclves, that 'This show can perform all it advertises. '- CHARLES R. IIAaMSO. Brownviile, Sept. 16, lScS-6m GENTS' DRESS GOODS. JACOB MAKHOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, U2BEASKA Respectfully announces to' the' gentlemen of Brown ville and vicinity that he has just received from tbe East a iarge stock of very superior goods and latest styles. Cloths, vestings, &c, Which he will -manufacture on very favorable terms. He flatters himself that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted earning from Ms tablishment, and charges as low as 3'jy other competitor in this place or the West. A Ftcai Fit Guaranteed. IEW ARRIVAL Two HuMred S J? O "W j53 S CHRISTIAN DErSEK. ISroivnvIIIc. Xcbraslia. ANNOUNCES to the public that he hajust re ceived, pet Steamer Kvland. a very birsre and well assorted stock of-Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved patterns.as follows: Buck's Pattern, Plymouth Rock. 1 Elevated Oven, lTew H 1 , ; olden Era. and every vat isty o Parlor and Office Stores. .... ... .... Also, ..... ... Japancd Ware, Brass .Kettles, Lantiierns, Copper Waie. Sho vels antl Toners. Ail of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishraent in this region of conntry;-. ."' I have also now on hrtnd every reqnisi to raricty of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, andam prepared to rut nn jrutterir.gand spcutinc; and all other work in my line, at short notic?, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. I plerlge myself not to be undersold in the upper count rr. Brownviile September 2, 1S53. TilO-ly w "' GIT . -LIVERY STABLE WM. ROSSELL, BEOV7NVILLE, IT. T. 1 Announces to the pubiic that he is prepared to awm- rflodatc those wilting with Carriages and Bupjes; to gether with C'Kdsafe horse, for comfort and ease In tra veiling. He will also board horses ty the day, week or month. tTERMS FAVORABLE. Jar.e 10, '5S. 50tf National Police - Gazette. This journal of crimes and criminals Is -in iu thir teouth year, and is widely circulated through, the conn try. It is the first papor of the kind published in the United States, and indistinctive in its characters. Subscriptions, Two Dollars per aunum; One Dollar for si x mon;hs, to be remitted by subscribers, who timi write their names, and the twn, county and State where they reside plainly to ,' 1 , ' GEO. MATSEU. & CO Editors and pror.netors of National Police Gazette. N Y. Citv. ntC3 ITBr. Bakcr'5 Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seminal weakness, chordce; diseases of the kidney?, bladder, and all diseases of the genital organs, seader, have you a private ditcase 1 Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous.. Dr. Baker' Specific i3 a safe, speedy, and radical enrc. With Dr Baker's Specific yon can cttr$ jourtdf and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Pike $1 CO per bottle. 3Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut rtrcts St Louis, llissonri, solo proprietor, to whom, all orders must be addressed, to got the genuine. Sold by T J. H. UACN & CO., Druggists, " Brownviile, 17. T. The Great Republic Y,V'.;;' L:02ITHLT.'; :Z :1 :V To' tho Public, the Book and Peri odic A Trade, and the press.. t .-.' ' - - We have the honor to announce that we shall issue, m or about tiio rt -f December next, o as to hi ia sea- I son to command the early attention oi the publicandtho perinea! trade, U.e first number of a new illustrated Macaine. t he called the GREAT EEPfJSIjIC ILOUTniY. Terms. Tolcme? Thercwiii two volaxes a year, of abuct 709 royal octavo page each, commencing in January ard July, and ending ia Jane ar.d December. repectirety, making C numbers to each, vuluiue, and twelve numbers to each year. .Sabc.1iAions mar CvUmeace at any time. , .-.- . j r -w . - f icgTc copies, .' ..- "J."- 2J-- -' Suiscripuou, ore copy one year, 3 00 Clubs Tvo copies - - " - '5 00 "' three copies, - . too " four . ' . SiU h 9 00 " five . " .... , - . - - 13 CO And all additional copies, over five, it the rate cf $2 each, Lf sent to the Mue elab. Clubs may be form ed at different Post Offi:es. Ail subscriptions must be pail in advance. -. -. PREMIUM crSCRiiTlONS Entitling theenbscri t tr to the mag.iine for one year, and to tiicir cfcoice cf timber cf or two gret steel engravings, entitled, THE LAST SUPPEIL'-AN D THE 'CITY OF OTE-GliEAG? KING r , . FOU3 D0ISAJ:S. . , ' There 13 UtfJa rUk ia sending money ty maili Large snms should be remitted tl;it iT pufa-ibie, or regis tered. ' " . J . .OAKSMITHCiCO., : Pablibhersof the '"Great R.-pnlJlic'' JIonti!y.'" 113 it lli William 5uer; New Torlr. An Ordinance. . Be it orkained by the City Council of the City ef Zrovnville. Thattteordinti.ce passed ty the Council of tbecity of Brownviile oa liit second day cf November A d ISX, relating to the leasing of lota belonging to the dtyontbelevee.be and the same is hereby repealed. And btxt further rrrfatnti. That any person who ma? Jefre toleae cither of the lot belonging to the city if Brownviile situated in tbe levee addition cf the said city, may lease the same for the term tf three yevs, upon condition that Lt each of jsid lots a yearly rent of ten dollars be paid to the authorities oi s-sid city; Provi ded, That the lessee or lessees of each of suid lots shall bo and they are hereby reqnired to erect ou the same a building, not less in size than 24 ly 40 feet. Provided further, -That the ity reserves the risht la allcjues to sell at any titao auy or ail of the lot or lots so leased, upon a notice of sixty days being given to the Jsee vr lesees. Vrh bball be entitled to pprtbnc the loH res. pectitety ccmpred by said lessees, at strli prVe as equally elijible lots rr.ay bring exclusive ct tue iairro vements on the same. -The Ms?- cf tbecity of Browrvi!:e is hereby requir ed to Craw up and execute Xr the city any o.nti act, ieae or agreement relative to the lea&irg of luts ad aiLrea d. Attest LCTnEX CO AC LET, Msyor. CH.VIII.ES G. DORSET, Recorder 21 QV AT a. C. Lh ucr bas removeU h lin Shop f rem Front street to ilain street, nearly opposite the ncv Hotel, where be has opened up the Iarf est stock cf ware in his line to be fonnd in the upper country. H.0 feolicits a continuance of patronage. Jane 10, '53. Land Warrants, 3J3ox" G43lx vxxel on Tlmo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizasto settlers on such time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. " ' A cunstant suppiy of Warrants will be kept cn hand for sale as cheap as Hey can be bought cic where in town. Bny of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants cold by ns will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged If de tective. - - - Being permanently located ia Brownviile, wc can al ways, be found at the old atand a few drs east of the Brownviile House. ' ' p LCSnBACGH t CARSON, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. A superior tocCot Ainiiuery and Dies crxxis at rry ew Millinery establishment, one door above Lnshbangh & Carson's Backing House, Bruwaville, N. T. 44if . HART TURNER. Notice to Tax Payers. R. T. P.A1NET, Treasurer of Nemaha county, informs the citizens of said county that he is ready to receive taxes at all times between this aid the 1st cf January next. Brownviile, Nor. 4, 1853- 13-Srv CITY TRUNK STOEE, FASSETT & CEOSSMA1T, Tlanufacturers of Traveling & Pacldng VALISES, CARPET BAGS, S'C. 40, N. Second st., bet. Pine Sc Chestnut, Saint Louis, Mo. e arc now prepared w n;i an oraers cJ'l-JL Mia our line with promptness and on the vthe most reasonable terms. Our stock i ' fii-Tf Jiarge and complete and all of our own manufacturing. Those ia want of articles in our line, (wholesale or retain will do well to givo u a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. A share of public patron age is solicited. nl8v3-iy Clocks, batches & Jewelrv. J. SCHIITZ Would anuounce to tho citizens of Brownviile 9Tlrt rifinit that h n ham 1..4a1 Vklmanir in siiiBi ownville, and intends keeping a full assort. Uieut of everything ia his line of business, which will be sold low for cash, ne will also do all kinds of re pairing or ciocts, watcLes ana jewelry. All work war ranted. - 3nl8-lv LUTUEK HOADLEY. . I'.OKEKT V. SICia. KOADLET & MriR, LAUD AGEITCY, CroTFnville, Xenialja Co., X. T, Odce Corner main and First Streets. Will select Government Lands;locate Land Warrants in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa; collect' debts ; pay taxc3 for non residents; bny and sell property oa commission. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Pre-emption papers prepared, 4c. WE HATE FOR SALE LOTS IN THE CITIES OF BROWNVILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ELWOOD, K. T. ALSO FOR SALE Lands near Table Rock, Pawnee county. Also, In Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. REFERENCES. Lucin?nopkin?,Prs't Importers & Tr.idersT.mk N.T. David Iloadley Prs't Panama railroad, Gen.C. T. lltllyer-- Charter Oak Hank, Hertford, Lee, Putlcr & Co. llartfoid, Conn, ColliD?, Kellogg CKirby St. Louis, Mo., Thomas M. Phelps Mobile, Ala., C.Wilson - Co. EaUw, Ala. Wm. P.Webb.At'y.... - M. 11. Osborn & Co., ....Ikk Island, 111. Ja's ILArehibald, Genl a;1D.I . &W.U.U. Scranion Gille?pie. Pcarce & Co., Uankcrs-. Carbondalc, Pu. Itcv. T. S. Ward " Lathorp Si Jones Scmriton,Pn, 1J.G. Morse Tved Falls N. V. Wjllinta Frothinham, Att'y Albany, N. Y. Rev. It. yclson, Principal Wyoming Seminary, N.Y. J. A.Parker f Co., ashingten, I. C. A. T, Gil icer, Receiver Land OIco Omaha Horace Evcrztt, Council IilufT.Ia. Prnwcville. April l. l?:1 ' ORDINANCE KO. 2. Be it Ordained by the Comcil of the City of Brown viile, that a competent person be employed as early as practicable to survey and lsy oIT that portion of the Le vee lying North cf Main street, zrA fronts; tn the same, opposite the present Levee., additional to the city, into lots fronting twenty-two feet n llin street, and extending seventy feet ncrth of tbe same, end that the provisions of the ordinawe recently paed by the City Cotincil. relative to tbo leasing of les ia the Le vee addition be extented at.d arplied to the lots which may be surveyed in pursuance rf tbis ordinance. LCTHER H'JADLEY, Attest, Cn'SG. D0RS2T, JIayor. Recorder. A. W. ELLIOTT, J?3" "OL S O 37 3T SEED DEPOT, Cor. Brcatlvraj andTTasla Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Having purchased the entire nursery stock of John Si?gcron& Bro., I am prepared to ifior tj the prbiic the largest and be?t se'.ected stock or Trcit Shwde, an-l Ornamental taees, shrubs and plants ever f)V?red f.ir anlein the west. We -redetermined totOr such in diccments to tree planters and the trie as will ensure tbe moet entire satisfaction. Descriptive cat.ilgueswi be Xaraiacd, and any iaforuatit.n given, by a.'.rdesi&x, .' . ' A. W. ELLIOTT, - ' - : Siint Lo.iis, iTa. Norember i5f3-Ty. v Claim Notice, T Jotn IlTt. Sam. E. Siumt- and all' o;tpr whm it enay c mcern Ton are hereby notitied that 1 will o;- pe3r at tbe Land iffl e in D.-ownvillc. c-n Friday the ITth day of December. I33S, toiceve cptny riz:itt the S. W. jnarter of e:tion no. 11, Tuwnsliip uo. 1. uonh tf range 16 east. Dec. , ISii. , E. S. DITNDT. Brownviile Hons BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. LIORHISOIT .& Y7.EEELER Aarsmuiee to the rMic thy have tatencharpet the new, la.-;?, ana commodious buck Hotel biii:Cii rc cerit:y conpleted inttcCity cf Brwtvills, Ncbraoka. They Save furnished it frora cellar tj crrct with c:-tiren?v.- furuitire tbe rooms are all Ij-re, well ver. fiUtei mi-5 f oishei. The table, we prorr.ire, -sJ.all at a'.l times cc:air the be?t thec-iuatrycan otrrd. Oar liquors sua U be as pure aa are made, as we purctae It f-crma frctn reliable cunufacturcrs. We deem a mure exten di: notice unnecessary ard-onr lude 1 y ?euria?TtUo pu'j lic that wi ;re litcriiiincl that no effort caoi;r run slill bo waclii: to reucr the Ur.iwcville lf.iue s hrV. c'2Ei Hotel. ' . ; - 'ilOitaiiON 3c WEJXLEX. Ju:y3, ?i:33-Ca Ler;al ITctico "Vniliaai FeTrts-cnaLd Xcra.iha CctictT il t:a?t K. A.I'eruscn Co t i.f-V.U., I 3 , . i f Ti fdiiinct cL.n-'Ka itfru',7. Tho. ?. Haywood J To NovcciUr IVra A p To Thos. I. ilajwccd, the above BatscdT dsfcrdanU This is to nviifjyou that WeM a writ f tuaa rconj hr.s issued agiat yna fntn . tho Netrah county CLstrk-tceurt of the locoed Jodieii.uitrijt yetra.a Territory" on t. wit the" the liiu day cf Oc tober. A D133?, returDable W the November Tiraa of said Conrt, to be held in tha eity f CrowiriiU . in ph'd Neman ft eiantT pnthe sixt-nth day of Not cmbrr a d lSSuimaiinsi-g you toaawcr (in wis- foreth-j secend djVfifsaid t-ra tbe rtiUOB -f tao aboTe named pl.tiiititlV Will lent W-'if-n ard It. A. Fcrgn5r. to be on lie in tbr trcof tbe clrk f ' the !s;4 Ncmsbn ti-nr.ty I;str"cr vnri on cr t-efrw ' the Crt of vcr.l cr a u 13S, wherein thoaaid )!dintifl-i cl.irm f j; u thi sura T two hundred ar.l . ten d-"I!r? an 1 et.tjc'.n with ir.trmt on tb at tie ratj c: ten pv.r cent per anc-sra frt-tn the 5th day of June a T 1 3ii upon a certain prcrniaory note made byyoa unto thca on t wit the day aal year lait aforesaid for the sun of ttro hundred tnd ten dol!ar3 and e: 'b'y ecct.s rayaclo lirty dati af ter date with intercut on tho saiao at the rate of tsa ' per cent per annum, it being giren firviJticreeciTfL. Ana whereas the said summens has been roturnea v tho sheriff ( f the said county "not found aj toyoa the said Thos. P. llsywocd. Now therefore, you are hereby notiHecf that caioss , you appear at the next November term of the said -Nemaha county district court to bo held, as arorcsa'4 and answer on or before the second day of tho aaij term the said petition of the p!amtia, that then judgment will be rendered against yru on th sal petition per def.ic.lt cud the rlisti2T reotrer si : you tho suai dem-tndd in tb f.tid pct'.tif n. L. C. JOUNSONjAtt y for 1 " c. It is herebr crdercd that the above notice b pat ished iu the Nebraska Adrertiier for four f-acctaiirt weeks as is provided by law. ! : A. w. rR.THM. t.era. By CHAS. G. DORSET, deputy. October 21st, '55 nt7 J. D. 17. THOLIPSOII, Attovmr at Lmr. ITas resumed his professional business, and wl'l prac- : tice ia a'.l the Courts vt Nebraska, and l- Court U Atohinson cocnty, Mo. VZLc one uoor west cf I. T. whyto'i Store, rowtm:i etrasEa. Brownviile, April 22. 15Z3. ni3 ly Brownviile Steam Ferry 1 iJSSi BEST CKOSSING fp OS THE MISSOURI UITEU. Tho Ecute froTa Ercwnvilla to Ft. EcimcT, and Iron ttence to Ualiromiru is Ui3 -nearest and most practicablo. BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public thattbey ar now rnnnins as a Fcrrv ncro the Miiourl Jiver at ' ' An tntireht new. rtsttfantlal and conmou!eiM STEAi! FERRY BOAT, Which arongement will seeore a certain and Eafo passari at, all timrs and in all kit da cf weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastiajly, or for the purpose of g ining custom nierely, but ar . governed, by f.icts, wften they sy this U tha best crossing f-f tha Missouri Rifcr "in Nebraska, sn4 when they say tho rontc frtna Erownvirio to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence they refer th reader to the map of th Country: and arc warranted in saying ills tho most practicable route by personal experience, as well aa that ol Lundreus ef others who nave traveled . We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds oit peculiarly favorablo inducements, to pewma grijn to California, and solicit their patroaigo. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for ft sal and speedy crossing, our charges arc tht same as other terries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. ST'Recoilect that with our facilities cf Power no kinds cf weather wi'l prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all hours. J5rA fcVilatid hani will be in read;cess Uciom foot aiscnjers at all times of nijht. n20 November 11th, 13i7. BROWIIVILLE STEAM M5ILIL,: NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON, N. 1J. Wo would r jspoctfully inform tho citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we hare always on h.ind a large and well selected supply of I.iL'.VlIJlii, which ne can furnish at low er rates than uny mill in tbo Territory. Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard or on iho bank of tht river All orders accompanied with the cash, will rtceiv onr 'TiTneiliate attitiT. Lumber ! Lumber ! ! Wc arc prepared to furnish atourSteam Saw Mill opposite Lrownvill? intoPrairio Forest,, ail kinds ol lumber usnary fonn.I in the West, and someehoio lumber suitable for warren, fnrrsiture, and for build ing purposes, fc, such as Hickory, Oak, Ash. Black Walnut, Sj'cnrunrc, Linn ar.d Cottonwood, which wj havo constantly on hand, or will prepare at short no tice, at the lowest market prices, bills snwed to or der, for steamboats. Will saw Irp en tb) shares, or by the hundred. Hills f.r lumber can be kit at our uQce, in IJrownviiie. We will also furnish lum ber saw upon the shares, or by tho hundred at our mill at Tablo Rock. IlOADLLY A JIL'IR. Prwnvil'e, Arril 1. O. F. LAKE. LrcwnviL. w. ii. noovia. Neman City. HOOVER. LAKE & ML ITffl ffilfS. A.VU 1' TTTTT Tn Ero7nviilc and Ncmaia City, KECBASKA Tilt 2 lTOIt Y. "YTriLLprorcptlyuttend toLand Agencies,rytnj ? V ttxs?, lJmwing money, buying and sellinj Rer.l Estate, buying and srlling on Commission, Making Collcctiims t or distant dealer, and all kinds of bu.-;nc!" pertaining to their prof t-asion. Particdarattcntc-ia will be given in Cling declara tory stiitements to pre-empt and prr-curinj War ranty Deed? fro-ia the Town authorities. Persons owning town lot, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agency in.ur hand-, (alw a Mprescntinj their Quit cliiia Deedd for said Lot wi'bin the ex piration of six cicjlhs, as after that time ail lota cot ureuru wi.i DCSOi'J. Llartks nlwuyi on hmd. ' N. II. Letters of inauitT answered prcmptly. March 2', '57. . r 4l-ly t . Gecrgo x'erniscn, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, BliOYTIJ" villi:, n. t. ANNOUNt'ci to th j public, that h uTpreparedl to erect Slcanu and Water Siw and Merchant Mills at short Eotioo and reasonable terms. Repair ing of nuu-hincrv rf all ir;d. ALL WORK WARRANTED. IIj is also Agnt for A. B. HOLLIEIRD & CO'S ' Western Foundry CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S . Saw Manufactory, CHJCII7NATI, o. A nd are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these -Ut.iisfcmcntf. ' Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. ; EliTZRENCrS. ; Noel, L-iko & Co-., Lownvir,,N.T.Stcra ilill. V.. V.'. Furnas lirownvilie. " Muir. LUr.a Co., - lr. Hoover, Nemaha eity, u P. M. Roger. Pawneeeity, NcrkoTls k White, Rockpcrf, Ma. James Lowe, Linden, " A. 1J. tTiliberd, Cincinnati, 0. lirownvilie, June IS, I3i7. it 4 u 49 U t2 T , - Ican-tion ii pernors wjomsoever Hiiont beying from AusritL's K-.jv.n7e and Wai Rmh ccrtsin town lota inown as 'Benedict's AJJition'to Crwnvili Xebraika. JOUJf ilcrHKSSON. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. J. W. BLISS, ( ' Collecting Agent, r T- NEMAHA COUNTY, r ' -NEE-tAiA Tnr.isi r)S7. - pirtirulir a::,-":iioi pail i-i ir.-j eolloctlons for nun-rcii-ti-Ci:i:r.' icnaMc. .B.'W. rraraa. . ..j.tour. rcrn- -Wm. E. P..rdcs, " Irobe ir ';, Neh. Ci'f E E Parser Couafy C.er ; Brai.ll . XyLra &. nviny- &&zn, If a. ., v , ' - - j .......