I a AYER'S." PILLS, Aww end eirtri'.nrly raecessful remedy for the .cure of all LlLous ciseases Cosiiveness, Indi f-ttLrrr, Ja-.usdi"", Llrcpsv, KhenmatisTO, Fevers, ttc :-.!, I' timers Nervousness. Irritability, Infiarama-tl-'r llesdar'ac, l'luis in the Breast, Side, Back, and lin.b, r"ems.lc Complaints, &e. ie. Indeed, tcry iw ire the diseases iy which a 1'urgative Medi tixie U net u orc or lcf required, and much sick' ttkt ar.4 sufcrn.g uitcht Le prevented, if a harm Vn l-t efVtaal Cathartic were more freely used. Io person ran feci veil while a eostive habit of toJv rre vails ; bovidts, it soon cencratcs serous and . r . 1 ' " . ' '. V. ...... 1 . aa. nr,iAriA tv tie tmf 'y and indicious use of a good purgative. j U Uue of Coiu reven.-,h prm ptosis, ana ;ous d rarer. meuU. They aJ tend t: become cr voivr the w"p seated ana formiuaule cuempeii loci tie l.ears an over we i&na. li ence a rs.b.e LanuT 1 r vs.c 18 oi ins nr&t ia.pciiaace iv m r r i r i A.-. the f ubUc health, and this Tiil has beca perfected ilk tf. rostc kkiil to meet that demand. An eitenive tiiJ of its viitues by Physicians, Profes e;r, and I's tfutf, has khowu results surpassing aiy tM; LiCcvto kr.OTm of any medicine. Cures katebctn efctttd beyond belief, wore they not sub tar.tlaU'd by pern: of such exalted position and cLaractrt a to forbid the suspicicn of untruth. Aiuor. t;.e nary eminent genuemen vrto nav tcr.Sed in favor of these Tills, we may mention: Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cin eianatL whose L'h professional character li ea- tie UiiiU i States. Tu. CRTix, bferctr.ry cr the irsiurury. If on. J. 21. "Vj::ght, Governor of Indiana. J Lovgwckth, p-eat wine grower cf the West. Ali , Dx J. Jl. Chiltox, Practical Chemist, of Jew Yorb Citr. cndorned by Ho.f. Y. L." l-iARCT, Secretary of State. Ww. D. AjTOS. the richest man in Ameriea. . a Lti.W & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan JIptelfnin:ar.y otht.rs. 1311 fpn.ee ptrir..t, we could give many hundred certlCcite frora i.H parts where the Pills have ln used, but eridesce even more convincing than the eiprionce of FT.ineat public men is found in their everts wpen triaL . These PU'. the result cf lor inrestigation and 'tzi, a-e oSerei to the public as the best and Bicit cc: pitta which the "resctt state of medical ar.c.-.ce era arTord. Th'7 are con-:poundcd ECt of, the tl-""s then. selves, Wtof the medicinal -virtues proems in sntli r,-stc. "f toTiiWoIiitn f r tif iliJnes has been found ftjrre efilcic-iit remedy thsnJd hitherto been ob- twined ly ary prowts. The reason is perfectly ob rious. W'Lii cy the old mode of composition, every ciejiolne is hardened wiJh more or less of am- . RiCiiious sr.d i' : ;irious qualities, by this each lndi yAzH Tizlue c-:.'y that is desired for the curative . ::;t pre t. AU the inert and obnoxious qual " lues of t a h - .bstar. err.ployed are left behind, the " MtratiTe virtues only teir.g retained. Hence it is clf-evident the elTtctj should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, sore powerful antidote to disease than any other . ied.ciie known to the woild. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should l-e tske.i under the counsel of an attending lV,:ciro, rj.d a he could not properly judjc of a nave ltact'.tiortT in the L u.Ud t tatcs cr.d lintisu Amer ican Provinces. If, towever, there should be any cte vho his- r.ct received them, they will be jri-nsj tly fonvardvd bv mail to his rcqnett. , Cf ail tVe Patent Jcdlcines that ere offered, how f-rs trouM be tJikcu if their composition was known J Thflr 3Lfe csist in their mystery. I have no tcvkU-ries. The composition of my prcpnitions is laid open ta j-U mrr,, rnd iul v. ho arc competent to judge on the n-.'-iect fic'.lv acknowledge their convictions 'of f.xiir intrinsic merits. . The Cherry Pectoral was jrwuiucd by sclent .nedlc're before its cir ti5e men t3 e a wonderful "ccts were known. Many em- inert Phvi i:'i have declared the same thing of Civ Pills, tird cvou nnre ccnf.dcctly, and are wul in; to certifr-that the'r anticipations were more tlsn rcr.lizt Vr ihcir effects npon triaL" ." . " ' rlhcr -pcrte ty their powerful inf.nenee on the Intern'.l viscera to purify the Uood and stimulate it " into Lev thy. trtlon remove the obstructions of the f Urmjwh, bowels, liver, and other organs of the bodr, rt.-torirg their lrrejrnlar action to health, and ty ccrrcctlit, whercrcr they exist, such derange nIeTts as tre the first origin of disease. t Iing sug.r-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from Uiir use in arv quantity. i'oi loinut directions, see wrapper on tie Box. mErARLD BT ' m. JAMES C. AYEE, TracUcal and Analytical Chemist, ; ' LOWELL, MASS. Trlci 25 CesU psr lox. Tiv Xoxei lor SL ... . rT.TI RT J. II. 3IAUX & CO., '- Brownville, N. T . NEBRASKA CITY ' Capital ttock 30,000., . 1. U iv n a a a f a a - rnniS Ctxtdcy, under a liberal charter, is now L - fully vrgacucd, aad thHr entire capital stock cf . '.y TLi-nonnd J)' liir, paid in andsecured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, an-i tako rlk, upon ci,ual term?, with the most Iarrc4 insurance tiimcy gnynro. iiaving a4?7 tod f.e putual prinrlpls, Its' patrtus, without iwcm ilug ary liability, wiii shire in the profit of the.-cpiicy. The operatives cf the Company, will be confined, forth present, to mauixk, or cargo risks, with a maximumliat ilitv of 12.509 onany one bottom. Ik-iej tVeonly trunranre 02ee, on theabove pop- tilarplan, Wett" of tho Missouri, it confidently ex . pects r.erou; support from Western Merchants. . We rvspevtfu.il invito tho Missouri River pa- CIRECTOE? 5 F.F.Vnckor.3, v Chas. F. TIclly, H. P. linnet, J. L. Armstrong, V,. .liinchman. Miles W. Brown, A. A. Bradford. oFricEK?: - CT1 AS. F. HOLLY, President. - J.GiRsiBEjSec'y. ' - Ft.LculsAgnt Col. W.T. Howard. - April 21- Patent " Portable .Mill, TllE sutserLbcrs have entered into a partnership under tha fra of Reed, Ilolabird 1 Co., t uf-rtuTt the J.C. Ileei, Patent Portable Grist ttl Mill an i f re nowiirt-parT'd to furnish all these in want of a jrooJ Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura-bi'.itr.ji-Lvii'-ty an 1 economy : excel any Mill inthe w.-rli. Oa tHe late exhibition of the Mechanics .lo'titatsia Ciueinnati,a CJi Zlcdal wasawarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes; itis superior to all ether for the most ex tensive Merchant Mill, as it Is f grinding the Farmers feed by Horse vower. - The aboTo Mr.lsr.re manufactured by the under signed at their frhop in Cincinnati, O., where they eon be furnildin any quantity at short notice. The iSovc Mats warnicttd to perform as follows: 58 ia. diaua., per hour iO B. Corn, 25 Wheat, 250 200 150 ji44 ; - 23 1$ As this Mill telle it wn ftory.it is tonaeecssary to lntf ifroin our nuuTcrousreoomnrendaticns.reeeived. 7 DO WD ALL, MARKHAM, & CO., V7ASIIIGTOIT FOUNDRY . ' Entrlne and 3XachInc shop, - oimi or inosD Ann mokqax sTsrcrs, '; ST. LOUIS, Mo. - ICianfact urr of Ste.m Engines nd Rdlers, Saw and flnrt Jiill itartuncry, i;ncle and Double Circular Saw ! Villa, Twbcci Screw ui Prcs I-nrd fcettlcs, Lard f,-rt irtd Cylinder. Vi'uel CsrOms Martitues Kuiliimg CsRt',r..c. Yy'inc's In-.yrovcd Pat est Smut X ills, &.C. PJ-AGKXTS f.r tbesaieot Jmcs SadtU &. Co.'s Sn- rni,r MarMn Cards. v2n8-1y -. 0LIVEIU3ENNETT & CO.,- xiKmcrrrrts xxd wnOLtsiLi pkalkks is : :; Hosts Shoes Cl Ercgaas, XO. S7 r.i.v st::fet, saixt louis, ho NO'V INUECF.li'Tof accmpletea?sortment cf z fr-m th ir i,wn snd other rnanufac- d-f peciiy to the Western trade. . ' - - r are tuvitcd to'jcsaaiino theixlstock .Vtuwl ar-i selected irith great care and w ttli '. J f. u pcr- onslity. Orders will receive ?trcfa) attention. " " . ' " . : i:nAT.2rj2AVi3r ArlTOILTEYAT:LAW, r . Ai'D HEAL ESTATE AGENT. -risen County. Tiebraska. pit" i,r i It.' -.-.i f n all vr-jfesi-iial busi ? iu Rirhard1 cn and ai't iuing cf dl, prs-rirtic n pt Xr it, 'i3 n-Bta r r f'f f'ftab.e rfmea.es, txtraciea-t'y cnemicai a mii-if r as to lzLxc the best results. This wutr xr.Jimut itiiowirc its comrxjsiuon, l ".r'ppUfcd tha accurate l ormulx by which both my PrVtural' tiid Pill ere made to the whole body ef ST. LOUIS '"'AD'S r? - ' n ' : o - WEBSTER, MARSH & CO., rl Wholesala JJeaiers uvtvaaw&w TT IN Ready Made ClotMng, So, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SHIBTS. DRAWERS, OVERALLS, SniRT3, XLTJXIIZilli-Xl. GOODS, . aut all 'kinds of EUEITISEIITG GOODS. ALSO FALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, "VChicb we offer as low as ativ House in tbe City. WEBSTER, ilARSn &. CO. ' HAYDEN- & WILSON. Importer and Manufacturer! of ' S jOl 23 T-b SL AND " ' - "-' " Coacli Hardware, Carriage Tiimmings, Saddle, Trees, ILimes, Springs and Axles, Patent and Enameled Leather. SKIRTING, - ' " - HARNESS, & " BRIDLE LEATHER. Xo. 11, Mn Street. St. Loais, Mo., Are prepared to ifler to their customers ana tne trade an assortujoat ef articles unsurpassed, in quality and cheapness, by any riouse In their line. East or west UPRIGHT STEAM SAW BII3JL. This mill commands the universal admiratiuu oi saw mill roe;i evcryiiere. As its merits become known, the licuand tir it increaxes. Orders are coming from every section cf this country, Canada, Cuba, and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every section f the world wherever there Is timber to te sawed, no matter of what character how hard, how large or how small. Two extensive ma nufactories are now engaged ia building these mills, yet it is almost impossible to turn them out as fast as they i aie wanted. They embrace -several valuable patents and improvements, and combine all of the following ad- Siwpiicity Both the milt and power are so simple in ; their c-nstTuctton that anyone of ordinary mechanical abiT.'-r can comprehend them, put them up and run them wiv-ut iiTCT or diflVmlty. . . r'lzb';tj Tne whule establishment can be very j o-o;;:y taieaipart and put togeihar, thus rendering it easy W te csved from place to plsce asdesired, and sav in? the nfvfts-ftity of drawing the l3 a long uistance to . DurclilUj It is constructed la the most cMii and fuhstisrtal manner, runs perfectly stiir, U not liable to let ft order, and will last for years without repair. Itafidity It will saw faster than any other upright upright mill. The speed of the saw Is about three hun dred strokes per minute, and the feed from one-eighti to three-aarter rf en iuch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the e" va cut through a log twenty-rout feet long in abeut th-ee minute?. .From this data anyone knowing the character of the timber cau calcalato how much it will d. -' - - - EJfrciervcy Itd es its work well, cuts pmoollier and straighter than the ordiBary mills, and the arrangement of tbe saw 1 sudi as to render it utterly impo6ible for it to run out of line. Cktavnett The entire lost of the mill, with fifteen bone power and everything all complete and ready for running, boxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is only $1,750. This mill requires less power to drive than any other mill, and the power furnished is sufficient to drive extra I machinery. Acircular ccntauunB full particulars will be sent to ; anv one desirinz it. All ordert should lo addressed to BRAGG 4i BURRO WES, Corner Third and Market ttreets, St. Louit, Mo. sole agents tr the Western aud Southern States. - 'S3 43-1 y MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM EVER Worn by Kin gs or Emperors What? WIiyabeautifalEeaaornalr Because it the ornament God HimteJf provided for all our race. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly iu the glowing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, if the head is be reft of its covering, or the hair be snarled and shriveled, hanh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled witli gray, nature -will -kse more than half her charms. Prof. Wood' Uitir Restorative, if used two or three timas a week," will restore and permanently secure 10 all such an ornament. Read tha following and Judce. Tbewri tcr of the tirbt ia the celcbrcted pianist Thalberg : KewTork; April 19,1858. DrWood Dear Sir: Permit me to express to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about thetimeof my arri val in tbe United States it as rapidly becoming gray, but upon the applicetion of your Hair Restorative, it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your restor ative as a very wonderful invention, quite efflcatious as well as az- eeble. 1 am yours truly, S THALBERG. - Dryeh air Gwylledydct' Tein Newspaper office, Nassau st., April 12, '58 Prof O J Wood Dear Sir : Some mcnth or . six weeks ago, I received a bottle of your Hair Hestoratire and gave it my wife, who concluded to try it on her hair liitle thinking at the time that it would restore the gray hair te its original color, but to her as well as my surprise, after a few weeks' trial it has performed that wonderful effect by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beastifyicg and thkkenmKthe hair. I strongly recommend tho above Restorative to all persons ia want of such a change of their hair. ; . CIIARLESCARDEW. New York, July 23, 1S58. ProfOJVToOD: TVa confidence do I recommend your Hair Restorative, as being the most efficacious ar ticle I ever saw.- Since uf ing your Hair Restorative my hairn and whiskers which were almost white have gradually grown dark: and I now feel confident that a few more applications will resU.ro them to their natu ral colwr. . v. J G KILET. Chicago, 111, May 1, 1S57. Prof WOOD About two years ago my hair commenced falling eff and turning gray: I was fast be:omuig baldr and had tried m3ny remedies to no effect, I cunimenced using your Rei-torative in January last. A few repli cations fastened my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out, and turned back to Its former color (black). .At this time it is fully restored to its original color, health and aprearance, and I cheerfully recommend its ufc. J D 1IOE.S , The Restorative is put in bottlds of 3 sizes, viz : large, medium and small; the email holds half a pint, and retailsfor $1 per bottle; the medium holds at least 20 per cent more in proportioe than the small, retails for $2 per b jttle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent more in iroLortion and retails for $3. t). J. WOOD CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, New York, and 114. Market street, St Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. S.'lJty J. H. MAUN & CO., Druggists; Brownville, ACbrasta. 1858. 1858. SOARRITT cj- MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of . Furniture and Upholstery COEN'EH WASHISCT05 1V.& 2d ST.. of Tnnic IHcsnTirl bJ; LOnii, jUSSOUri. To Cur I'atrOHS and the Public in general. ve take great pleasure in being able to assure you that notwithstanding our heavy loss by the burning cf our Sales Rjoms at Nos 40 aud 42 Washington Avenue, and the loss of the entire stock in them, on the morning of the 25th Inst., are already able to nil any order that may ne aesirea ia our line. . . . ... Having a largo amount of stock In our ware houses that are not connected with our sales room, ni being in constant receipt of goods from the best manufacturers, we are thus s ku enabled to nil order at our usul low prices, aud in our former prompt and satisfactory man ner. Otir facilities for procuring and keeping up a desirable stock, are unequalled; our personal attention and large experience is and will be constantly given to our legit imate business as dealers in aud manufacturers of FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, in eii as 5-H.m goous ana ai n iuw ,uu-, i-u y vorable terms as any bouse m the w est. Thanking you for the very liberal patrmagc already testowel on ns, we ask a continuation of V- e ssme, Sales RooTusTor the present on the Northwest cor neror Wafhington Avenue and Second Street, four doors belowour old stand. ' Very Reectfully. SCARRTTT it JIASON . St. Lonis, August 1, IS53. ; , , GEO. S. EAYER & CO., :nnftnn nn. IT till! AXD General Land Atrents. Glenwood, attsmouth, Mills eo, Iowa, Cass co, Nebraska. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves tigating Titles, Paying Taxes, Investing mon ey, Buying and Selling Town Lots, Buying; Selling and Locating Land Warrant, and all other business iponuected with their profession in. Western Iowa aad Kebraska. . ' '- ., . :...'.-... J. M. DEWS; Associate Atlcrcey. . HT''i .EXGKS; Greene, Wears & ; Coc.mil Ia2s, Iowa. U. Doughty Co., Greene, W care & F.L:?, llreene & Wearf, Nixon & Goodman, TooHo & Green;, N. W. Thomas, Schooly A Son '. Ocn. Wm. kick,.. II. Johnson, ; I. Rood & Srn, -Ikbinon k ltro., " Curlir.jtoa Ce. "jaak, Ft. Des Moineg Odar Rapids, - - Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleswood, lows, , Cincinnati, Ohio. . a u Vincentown, N. J. Highblown, - Philadelphia, Ta. W 44 Medfcrd.X.J. TlTlftT T mnm?. nil r is f j avi vr 4e a v I aB j r v ' a "WILLS AM v 51 iim p.o r.t er BKOWNVILLE, - The Proprietor respectfully informs the citizen of Brownville, and the public gen erally, that he has jost returned from St. Louis with the largest stock of custom-made BOOTS ft SHOES ever brovght West of ' St.' Joseph. ' ' - FIIs asjortrnent of ready-made Boots & Shoes embraces every, variety for Fall and, Winter. French Calf-skin boots, single and double sole of the latest style and fashion; also a superior stock of Grain lea ther water-proof boots, just right for PIKE'S PEAK Gold Diggings. lie has a large supply of Kip and Stoga BooU, and a great variety of Shoos and Brogans ; Boys' Shoes and boots of all sizes and varieties. He has a large supply, and great varioiyi ia every style and fashion, of Ladies' Gaiters, Slipper?, Misses' and Children's Gaiters and fcjhoe3, Gentlemen's Slippers, Buffalo and Gum-clastic Overshoes, c, Ac. Ho ahjonasconstnntlyonhanda large supply of French Kip and Calf-skins and trimmings FOR HOME MANUEACTUEE. lie warrants Lis work to fire entire satisfaction, and invites tbe public to call and examine or themselves at tbe Brownville Boot & S!ue Store, and judge whether tbe boots and shoes are not of better leather, better made and cueaper than any jou ever purchased from any other place. Thehighest prices paid lor bides. ' sept. 23.;i85s. . . . .!.; NEW-FALL -v--AN GEAIf E DEALERS IN U. n liaiu. st- boiween Front HAT Stove? Fiiriiitiire, ':vV:;V;.;FlQ1li: ! AND , VM- M ?4 MV' p3' ' 3 Si, CL WE have just opened a heavy Stock cf Fail and Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple and Fancy line, which we are now prepared to offer to the trade at extremely low prices, For Casli or Country.Prodace.' - M " 1357. . ;,. T2nl8-tf . . - CRANE & HILL. iiiifr3 SIEGEL : : ' - Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the they have received and are now opening one of the largest and most complete otocks oi Llotmng. Ever brought to this market. ,! Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as invisible Green, and Cloths, Cassimers,Satinetts.Ca3hmeretts, and Jeans, all made up . . according to the latest fashionable cut. - Their variety of vests is superb, ' . . embracing tho very latest styles and patterns. In the May also be fonnd atall time a fincscloction of Cravats, Sock3,Tyes, Collars white or colored, Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we willsell ascheap as any establishment in the West. "We have the finest and best assortment of ' SPRIHG AHD - SI) MMBE" CLOTHING Ever brought .. L V - .i i. Warranted to suit tho most fastidaous. Afine assortment of ' COATS, Ercss, Frccli and Sacli. , o .Vv.:: Z'O" PACTS, Every Style and Description. - : " v' VESTS, To please E,arge and Small. .SIimTS, Both White and Fancy. WE would but ask the public to call, examine and judge for - themselves whether the Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better inada material, cut with better taSte. and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever October 23th, 1857 v2nl8-ly A. TT. FCETT. -M. O-.-WltSiysOJJ.t PUETT & WILKINSON, mm AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, '- - OMADI, N. T. - Will attend to all business entrusted to their care EEFEKKXCE3 Col. Jesse Williams, Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr.F. N.P.oock, -Hon. John G. 5av3 Hon". Geo. L. Miller, Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Ind, Washington City. Rockville.Ind. Omaha City, N.'T. T. B. CVMING. , IOUM C.'TCBK. CLUING & TURK, . Attorneys at Law &' Real Estate Agents OMAHA CITY, N. T. WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial o Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en tries and pre-emptions, collections, Ac. Office in the second story of Henry & Kootsnew building, nearly opposite tho Western. Exchange Bank, Farnham street. Dec. 27, 156. fln28tf " - : FRANKLIN STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY i a t No. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fiftn. tinciiiRati, u. . C. F. O'DMSCOI,!, & CO Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac., Ac. Inks, and Printin? Material of Every Description, STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac, 4f"c. o ' ' ' ' Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Of5ce of American Eanlv Note Company'. J. J. O'SIIAXESSY, Copper Plate & litbograpMc Printer. Comer of Randolph and DeaTborn streets, . . CHICAGO, ILL "Wedding and Visiting Cards, Door Plates, Office Seals, Xotary Public's Dies and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and ; Labels of every kind promptly executed and sent by Express. 3"-t Pack of the very bett glazed or Brit tol Cnrdx with name for tveo dollar t, 6y a neve and beautiful procett icitkout cost of plcte. equal to the very choicest engraving, samples when required on reception cf post stamp. - 9-J J G ly E' ft ME ffi - ' Oregon, noit County, Missouri. - ' Keepconstantlyonkandalldescriptiotot Ilarneef, Saddles, Bridlee, 4c, 4e. , , N. B. ErcryartUleinonrshopismanufactured parfo'rvaal wirrinte d to jive satisfaction. r T ail ;f a c t ii r e'r . NEBRASKA. - '., V , . . v &T:H - I 1 and Second sis., '.'-,., 'Slices r, ... - isaeon, COUNTRY PRODUCE. -II' ff I ta CfP3 cTT) (?T) ':7FT)' CSV 1 It 1 nf " " & GREENE AUM, : T.r.i-rir:- street," citizens of Brownville and the public generally that to Color theyhavo Brown, Blue, Black, visible and to this Territory. 9 Clothing at the better trimmed bought clsewhero. .SIEGEL: & GEEEXBAUiL A." LYFORD. irT. HORN m rLyfordi&; Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - Dealers in -i - v ... ' ;'., . . AND GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, EOOTS, SIIOSEJ, HATS AND CAPS, Sails, Plows, toYes,Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1S57. 43 , fc W. II. TTIIA1A3IS," WHOLESALE AJTD RETAIL DEALETt IH ' STOVES & TINWARE Orogon, Mo., rivAlvijb pleasure in announcing theeitiipnanf Or. L eon and tho public in ccneral. that h ha n . hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever ofiercd m this market. M v strxk of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at uoicsaie ana Ketailat St. Louis prices. t would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patternsboth Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be round Lilly's Charter Oak, fhebesistove now in use, ine Asiatic Air-1 lght, Pioneer and prizePrc- Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sisesand Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing doncon short notice and on reasonable term.. 014 copperi Bra and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, t1-h5 j- : "; Oregon, Mo.s July 5, 1S56. HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEOBGS CLATE3. J. TT. LKB. Claycs tj X100. Real Estite and .General Agency, OlIAHA CITY, U. T. REFER TO James Wright. Broker. New York, Wn. A. Woodward. Esa. noc. R. Wood, Ejt-Gcv. of Ohio, Vicks, Otic and Brownell,Bankc Cleveland, nkcrs, Alcotti Uorton, 4 " St. Loai if 4. Chicago. vlnlS-1 Col. Robert eamr bell, -James Ridgway,iigq. " Cmwfem and Sackrtt. Omaha CityAog.SO.lSSS. 1 U 13 L3 3 STVEPlTAj - Forwarding and Commission ' And Steamboat Agent, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' Will be at the Levee at all hours upon the arrival of Steamboats, and attend to the Collection of Bills and Business left with him with prompt dispatch; also attend to the Receiving of goods for boats, either for St. Louis or npper Missouri. Will be found in the 'office of Pol man Sc. West Real Estate Agents, Market Square. Groceries !! Groceries ! !r Fresh "Arrivals ! -Ileary Additions ! ! , Prices Greatly. Reduced? CURRENCY TAKEN AT PAR 11 . , .'.', j, b. JEimiiiGS Cor, 2nd end Frances sts, St. Joseph Mo. II AS just received at his store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets,' St. Joseph, everything desirable in his line, which he purchased for the Fall and Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cash, and whieh he will sell at corresponding prices for cash, or to punctual customers. Among his recent receipts are 50 doz Fresh Peaches, 35 doi Prime Apples, 20 doa Assorted Fruits, 23 dos Lobsters 1 & 2 lb cans, 300 doi Field's celebrated Qysters put up this fall, 20 half Barrels new white Fish, also Codicil, 100 boxes W R Cheese, 60 boxes E D co, 000 ibs Currants, 50 boxes fresh raising, 100 boxes dried her ring, 600 lbs Goshen Butter, 200 bbla crackers, 50 bbls nuts assorted, 500 lbs Peanuts, , 100 boxes assorted and fancy candies, 100 do gum drops and motto Lozengcrs, 500 drums Figs.Stc. Also a large lot sugaa and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the prices sixty d3yg ago. , ; - S. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1S57. ' 21n ... new Hardware Stcre. . . Sign of the Saw. , . . - . ' ... J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AjYD CUTLERY. - ST, JOSEPH, 310. ' . . .; TS NOWreceiving and opening the largest and most X varied arsortmcnt of goods in tbe above line ever offered in any market west of fat. Louts. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and liou30 Builder s Hardware, '.Iechaa ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the savins of a vast amonpt ox labor to the farming com munity.freni whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department cf my stock. I am also exclusive orent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe faetary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Sails, &c, of the best brands: in a word, my stock 13 very complete, which, for it3 quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal snare oi trade irom tni3 ana adioinins counties. ' My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware aianuiaciurers, tcetherwlth a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced ma that the true principle of trade is small profits and quick, returns. i January 11So7. vlnytf - , Ml liWffi J0M COLHOM & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite tho Post Oftice.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL . DEALER IN Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leatherand Sboe Findings: i . .ST. JOSEPn, MO. TTAYE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer- XX ican and foreign Hardware, sue a. as : Greaves & Son's Files Scissors and Edge TooLj I'ocket knives Knives and forks Butcher's v do do Spear & Jackson's saws . Gimlet pointed screws - - Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks ' , Angers aid auge? bitts Corn knives Uriffin 3 and American borso nails ! ' . i Post hole augcr3 Ames' shovelsand spades Briar scythes Lull & "Porter's shutter - Grass and grain do- Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and mnty Shovels and toegs Candlesticks Framed wood saws saws Planesand plane irons Blacksmiths' Bellows and Coopers drawing km ve3 - Vicc3 ' ' do adzes ana wood tools r ,; Mousehole Armitage an- N VH3 " . .' American anvils ; Stocks and dies Tress floopa i . ' ' Butts, cast and wrought Copper rivct3 for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. stirrups Pad hook3, breech'gloops raa screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks do do iiitta do do Buckles do . do Rln-rs Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread : CaU skins Upper leather " Briddlo do Skirting do Harness do - Belting, do .. I, Goatskins 'Enammelled leather Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining skins . . . . Binding With many , goods embracing a complete assort ment of tho most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J.CULUOUN & BRO. April loth, 1857. : . - . 31-ly Buchanan Life, and General Xx3.e3ixxTxxa.oo Oo., Office cor 21 and Julc st3. ST. JOSEPH, MO. C3ABTEKED AT THE LAST SESSION OP THE MO. LEG latnorizea Capitol 03,009,000. DIRECTORS r J. B.Jennings, I. R. Howard, J. A. Owen. Milton Booth, John Colhoun, John H. Likens, W.H.Peneik, James Kay, N. J. McAshan , A. G. Mansneer. J. B. JENNINGS, Pres N.R.McAshan, Sec'y. ' S now ready to receive application for Life, Fire, Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 nee cent, will be allowed on cargo premiums. Losssr romptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to he patrons of the oEce. April 15tb,lH07. 44-3m S. Loczwoou. 1857. R. E. Poxeroy Lockwood tSc Pomeroy, " Wholesale and. Re tail Dealers in HATS ' AMD OA 5 STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers cf American Furs of every de- . 4M 1 i . i . ... oviriiiiiuu lur wmca mey win pay the highest Market Price. IN CASH. tWU.MKl Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats k Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will bo large, fashionable, ana weuseiecuu. in point of variety our stockshall not be excelled by any House in St. Louis. Our prices will be low, term? accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Secand St. M. Joseph. Mo. 32-orjj . v: ' M'NUTT'S ST0SIACE BITTERS Art an unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, is positive r . . F f ..... unu jjuimcuic nemtaj jot yenerai ueomty, jjtjt pepsia, loss of Appetite and all diseases of the Digestive Organs. There Bitters are a sure Preventive of . FEVER AIID AGUE ! m. " .-ueyarepreparea from the purest materials by an old ana experienced Druggist, and therefore can bo relied VII. . THEY AID l)IGKSTin! By gently exciting the system Into a healthy action; are F-t-o.iii, voiae lasie, ana aisogive that vigurto the system that 13 so essential to health. I , . ... ... wine giass run may be taken two er three times a oay oerore eating. Prepared only by W, L. II'NUTT, ST. LOUIS, 3IO. Oct. , '66 18-ly ' SAINT I.JOSEPH --AD'S: New Wholesale Grocery Ileus e. WHOLESALE AYD RETAIL ' DEAliinil III Groceries, rines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, r Corner of Main and Francis Streets, Ridawt vii ST. JOS CPU,. 31 0, . WAVE iust received the largest and most complete stock of t)e above goods ever opened in upper Missouri, to which the attention cf merchants and dealers is res pectfulllnglnvitel -havinspurehased them principally for cash at the very lowest possible prices, la Boston, New York and St.. Louis, feel confident that ,i can oaer inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liberal dealing, low prices and g.Tod ioxls, to merit a liberal share cf patronage. Call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing?; salea are bound to follow, In my stock will be found every article usually kept in a No 1 Grocery House. i' ianrie JAMES CARG1LL Propnetdr: ' MANUFACTURES ami keeps cosstaiitly on hand for sale, all kinds cf Flour JleaJ, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of i lour refer to everybody that ever nsed it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, ISiS. rlalS-y iBRAM KATE, DUDLEY SI. STEEJi CHA3. J. CLARKE. jas. M'conr.. NAVE, ITCORD & CO., n h 11 la i t ki U 'ErUUbiiiia -Forwar!iii sr and Comn;!ssion Felix Street,, between Third and .Fourth, SAINT JOSEPH, HO., - Have just received and for sale low 350hhds susar; 250 bags rio Coffee. SCO kegs Iron Mountain Nails, (the best nail made) 258 brls and h3lf brls molasses. . . 150 ten galloa Keg3 Belcher's Molasses; - 2300 sacks G A salt-. New sacSs and hi good order 1S00 bags Dairy Salt in Gunny's of 15 and 25 pounds. each ; 200 brlsconper distilled whiskey, guarrantied good 75 brls ann hf brls old Bourbon aud Rye, best artinle; 60 qr and 1-8 pipes Erench Brandy, warranted pure and genuine ; 150 boxes soap, different .brands, 01ein,Pahn and Fam ily: ; 15 tierces new Carolina rice - 1C0 casks Lee's New Castle Soda; ' 23 boxes soda In pound papers; 100 boxes assorted candy; 25 boxes' fancy candles; '." 200 chests and half chests and cantins Imperial. Gun powder and Young Ilyson teas ; 2C0 bxs Tobacco, Glasgow and Virginia; . ; 125 coils Manilla all sizes; ' 69 doz woodeu buckets end 3S d3zen each no , I fit 2 Tubs; 36 doz wash boards. . Our stock is the largest above St. Louis, fell of which was brought before tbe late advance and shipped a I twelve and a half cents per 100 lbs, which glverf us great advantages over our neighbors who have not yet re ceived their stocks. . NAVE, McCORD & CO. Sept. 9, 1858,-tf. . MEDICINES. ..STRENGTHENING CORDIAL ' BLOOD PURIFIER!! rpHE greatest reme - dy in tho world. This cordial is distilled from a Berry known 'Chlmicallv rnniliinpit with some of the most valuable medical roots, herbs aod barks known to the mind of . man, viz: blood root, black root, wild cherry bark, -yellow dock, dandle loins, sarsaparilla, eld er flowers, with others, producing the most in fallible remedy for the rastoraticn of healtLic- Ecf ore taking, itis nature's After taking. - OWN REMEDY, curing diseases by natural laws. When taken its healing influence is felt coursing thro'gh every vein ol the body, purifying and accelerating the circulation of the blood. It neutralizes any bilicus matter in the stomach, and strengthens the whole orga nization. McLean's Strengthening Cordial will effectually cvre L.iver complaints, vyspepria, jaundice, Lhronic or Nervou Debiliiy, Diseascsof the Kidneys, , . and all Diseases arising from a Disordered ' Liver or S'tomach, r . lTeartburn, inward piles, acidity or sickness of the stom ach, fullness of blood to the head, dull pain or swimming in the head, palpitations of the heart, choking or sunoc aiing feelings when laying down, dryness or yellowpess of tbe skin and eyes, sudden Bushes of heat, depression of spirits, &.c. I here is no mistake about it. This cordial will never fail to cure any of the above diseases, If taken a3 per directions on each bottle, in German, English and French . ( Over half a million of bottles Hive been sold during the past six months, tnd'in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction Who then will suffer from weakness or debility when ile Lean's Strengthening Cordial will ctre you? . lo the Ladie3. Do you wish to be healthy and strong? Then go at onte aud get some of McLean's Cordial? It will streng then and invigorate your blood to flow through every vein, and the rich rosy bloom of health to mount to your cheek again, Every bottle warranted to-give UXao- tlon. . For Children. "VTe say to parents, if your childrez are sicklv. Dunv or afflicted with complaints prevalent among children, giro mem a email quantity of .McLean's Cordial.. It sells rapidly, becausest always cures. Delay not a moment. Every Country .Merchant Should not leave the city ontil he had procured a sun- ply of McLean's Strengthening cordial. A liberal discount will be made to those who buy to sell again. CAUTIO A Beware of druggist or dealer who may try io paim upon you some Bitter or Sarsaoarilla trash. which they can buy cheap, by saying it is just as gucd. Avcm siren men. Ask -for McLean's Strengthening cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood throughout, and at the same time strengthen the system. , One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain pieventive furcholera,chilU and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent disease. , Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. in Mclean; , Sole proprietor of the cordial, -Also, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment 3"Principal depot on the corner of Third and Pin streets, St Louis, Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Unimcnt. The best liniment in the erld for man or beast Another Remarkable Cure Performed by SIcLcan's Volcanic Oil Lin it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith. 11t ins npar f.i .vnnn Tenth street, had a horaible running sore en his foot Ho tried various Liniments, Salves, A.c, butconld do it nogood. Hedespairedof ever beinz able to work ithin trade again, because be oonld not bear any weight on bit foot; and by one bottle of McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment he is now perfectly cured. Kheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, brniscn. Trin stiffness in the Joints or mnsclds, iwel lings, ..re throat, earache or toothache, Ac, yield to the magic in fluence of this wonderf nl liniment. lor horse and cattle, it is an Infallible rpmprfv tnr chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lameness, spavin, fistu la, cruises, swellings, wounds, rattls-snake bites, and varions other diseases which animals are liable to from injufies or accidents. Every country merchant should obtain a suimlv of nf- Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells rapidly because it alwayscures. - A liberal discount will be made to merchanti'wftn hnr to sell again. . trfFor sale ly j jj Jfd.EAK. nronrielor. enjnor of Third and Pine atreeta, St Lfii, Mo. - - . - ZOQK & BALDWIN, f - Zpt rocCity, TtSo., . Deiier m 213 jHL hT Or And MB PI GENES. Dye .Woods, Dyestulls. Oils, I'aints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, . I IT CeTf'TT! French, English, and American Perfumery . .IXE toilet and shavin? soans. fine hair anil tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgicaland dent al instruments, spice3, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice tciletand fancy articles, ctc.,etc. , Agents Tor tne sale of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. 41 Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalaeua. 4 44 , Osgood's India Cholazosue. Jones' Am arican Cholagoorje Gaysott'sVcllow dock and Sarsatarilla: 11 ' Smith's Tonic Syrup. July 23, 1837. "- v2al-yly 33hnk Mattrasses just rec eived at thestororf Aug.6,13o7. inS I. T. WIIITB. mm DRUGS,' MEDICINES PC" A" X A li li ft .... ;nii j - , rOH ALL TITS ITJ2rCST3 0? A." PAMIL- PHYSIC. ' Tjrsa has long existed a public demand for , effective puryitite pill which eotild be ie!ie 0, sr.re and nerfectlr safe in its operation. TV, v.. been prepared to meet that demand,' and an est what s-uccess it accomplishes the pnrposo des.'njj -It is easy to make a physical put, bn wtm make the best or ail piua one wnicn saonldiu,, none of the objections, but all the advaiibj?i d . every other. This has been, atteiaptcd tr witn wnat success we wouiu repccuaiiy yasnut the public decision. --It nas been unfortneatt the patient hitherto, that almost every pnrgvi, medicine i3 acrimonious and irritating to tic be els. This is not Many of them produce sob "griping pain and revulsion in the system a? tou .th?n counterbalance the good to be der-edfr, them. These pills produce no irritadon or pjj -nnles3 it arise i'rGnx a previously existing ous tion or derangement m uie bowcis. jjcmg irt;. vegetable, no harm can aiise from their ut'e ai , 'be tr.len judiciously. Minnto directions for ft, use Li the several diseases to which they are plieatle are given on the box. Among thetoj. -plaints vhkh" have hem speedily Cured by tlion. may mention Lirer Complaint, in its various ftrj "of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Less of.A ; petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious, IIeaJai 'Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Si and Loins ; for, ill tmth, all these are tut the a sncr.ce of diseased action in the liver. ij , aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos. . tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrcf-i and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Clca and impurity Of.the blood, Irregularities; m sh any and every case where a purgative is required They have also produced some singularly n cessful cures in Rheumatism , Gout, Dropsy, Gnw Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Fains a ft. ;Back, Stomachj and Side. They should be frsi!, taken in the spring of the year, to purify the hiooc and prepare the system for the change of sucx An occasional. doss stimulates the stomachc: bowels into healthy action, and restores the vr tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, hj ftE stimulant action on the circnlatory system, reso vate the strength of the body and restore 4 wasted or diseased energies of the whole orgaain Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, m though no serious derangement exists; but a necessary dosing should never be carried too V as every purgative medicine reduces the strer.i': when taken to excess. The thousand cases in Lc a physic te required cannot be enumerated here, h they suggest themselves to the reason of body ; and it is confidently believed this pill v answer a better purpose than any thing which b hitherto been available to mankind. Whenti Tirtues are once known, the public will no locje doubt what remedy to employ when in need oi t cathartic medicine. Bemg sugar-wrapped, thej a Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, a arm can arise from their use in any quantity. - For minute directions;, see wrapper on ta Ba rilEFARED BY . DR. JAMES C. -AYER, Practical ami Analytical C1ick& LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box.' live Boxes for SI ATE lt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, ." For the rapid Cure of COrGIIS, COLDS, - KOARSHES EKOM'IIITIS, 1VII00PI.G-I0ra CR01P, ASTim.1, A.D C0.Si:tIPTI0.. This remedy ha won for itself rnch notorff from its cures of every variety of pulmonary diw that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the r dences of its virtues in any community r?he.t -has been employed. So wide is the field of iUw fulness,: and so numerous the cases of its ems that almost every section of the country tbouw in persons publicly known, who have been restcw from alarming and even desperate diseases of t lungs by its iise. When once tried its snperior" over every other medicine of its kind is too ap rent to escape observation, and where its virtues c known, the public no longer hesitate what antii" to employ for tie distressing and dangerous tit tions of the pulmonary organs which are incidr to our climate. , Not only in formidable st'Jul upon . the lungs, but for the milder varieties t Colds, Coughs, Hoahsisess, &e. ; and forCr. DREX it is the pleasantest and safest medicine tii can be obtained. 1 . ' ! As it has long been in constant use throng this section, we need "not do more than assure -people its quality ia kept up to the best that it rf has been, and that the genuine article is sold b J. IL MAUN & CO.f.Ajreri:i 1 ' - Brownville, J VICTORIOUS OVER PAIN. i w n mm umn , Agony or ease I Sictw ' health! Ijf or ddih! t are the question inrohl ia -adoption or reject.on of tlii " eiiic by the martyrs to :r diHcase.H and injuries. eeitcd the indorsement f L- ting'.iwiiexl taran, Ui l''c KANE, and iUeftcaey tsi" " in? two awful N-interi in ti .ioiM of eternnl ice, it i n,ff ing into general life in etrrf ' tion of tli eiviiiwd gU'be. .' marvelous cure aro et'JJ' eacitinj; a.stoniMbnicnt THE AFFLICTED REJOK- nuxnnrD:? and wor Lave tetd its virtueo. rejoicinj in freeilom fr""1 lin-ninK rilX and R wlncii otiu-r remedielJ to cure. Have ju tt nuns, momum-m. ri it mow crw.lTI.JL IlICorTOOIII-ACIIK cta -ttiu oi.n w- p. TEE AKCT1C ' trill alford yoi iimlalit Every be It m liable to For tlie ilrendftil :'''"'' AltCl'IO LI MM I'M" ,,4Mr kept on lm ml, for it ""' '' , ' '' ? 1mm liaitf reii-, .R'- "3 irom i'r'J boat and railrond tram " keep it. Who that la htT ilirik ofangmsli nllrrwi ?1 VScO&Jv : Vlii!lil .ml inainif'l TIC'-" (tploMiou and collin f-'el that Mime nie;n .rf it tlietr. it rture 1 (......il l. C...1. ,l,l,-l ' i Lalmy pain entn.liirgr,L THE 1I0THEES,. C02IPA1ICN; It iir CAKf I ', DKRAST, f-CKK !; M)Kfc J.II-S, I llJI li die who rize a void e-f pimj.Je, t,llci-f' and all discnle ration erweences, ulioi'U '' the:- tresj asser on ctonaln a wnn the with the Al'.CTIC U'": It U etccllent lor giving italMilU'J, i1 tuftiruMce. - It b m GOOD FOR UAIT AI7D BEAS Tl Id a ATStri?TI 9 tlio Triu di-' . lich torse aream. in- t!i ninft abriB! .. n . IV C V r', ' VI HALT. 1VldN!;,V. i-. Cy i vst vm-m -stablo keener, or wnir vul';" rS 'i tiiAH'it i.nut t uliould bo iu.ou' ll rcnirdy. For sale by all repectabIo Pmssl K, TV ...... ... . . .l.flt.' , ti i rricesoi iiie unnrHnt, eeni, uc""7 ivjf tl. A oo-dolhir bof.le coutaius tu eight twenty-Qve-ceot bottle AJu, X , JJh 4 . V . W Aihh .AV.-- Every puivhaser of a di.tl.ir Ulilc of tl' IVKNi' recoiTM. at IV. Ra-- -i 1-- ,rtf. STATIC JyL'P.MAU of Nev Voik, lr or Journal U a l.irjo illnstmlM 1 Vc,"tJp c!r taininj sitpu p:i?i'-i, beautifully rv'"'"1 ".uif paper, and JiUed with ori'iimil matter hum tant writer of t!,e e-mntry. ("rrt'"0''!' .'iir and full par'.icuhr al l! -viTel uJ ' j terprLse, of wUidi thi s.Ttc fumw a prt each bott't - - ' . . , ;'i An AOKNT TTAN"T"n n VX7V.X TOVO ';' ji nuAuu & unu:ou F.,,st.t!i)li .. , . Xkw Yokk OtmcJ, 5"' bjxi Coiumuuicallons houM always be adur 1 ; Atlrk MAUN 5c CO., t?. Bvown"