Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 25, 1858, Image 2

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A fcTT Suesilons for (ic People
cf rroTrnvilic Easiness Hen Par
ticularly. There is no need of argument tothow
how important it is for the interest of
this place to secure the trade and travel
cf that faction cf country situated direct
ly west cf this point, and cnls'ss diverted
by seme undue influence, would natural
ly find its way to Brownville. This sub
ject has frequently been alluded to in the
coldxnns cf thb "AdrpHsPr. .ruin
' r . . ., . "
present lacts for consideration That
natural advantages equal it
to any Cher point in Nebraska is a prop-
catiea susceptible cf demonstration ; and
if this Chv can but tor nrp tbPco ndvan.
tages and develope its own resources, it I
need fear no rival. If we consider the
section cf country which is naturally de-
' pendent upon this place as an outlet and
market for its produce, we find that near-
Iv all cf that Dortion cf country extend-
isg north about fifty miles from the Kan-
fas line, and west as far back as settle-
ments are likelv to extend, embracing
the 'finest portion cf Nebraska, andcon:
: tainicg within its limits tlx . organized
counties ; to-wit: Nemaha, Johnson, Paw
nee, Gage and Clay, is mainly tributary
to Erownville. The settlers of these six
ccur.tie?, excepting perhaps those in the
eastern rart of Richardson, and the
rt cf Clay, will find this the
neartil nr,d most accessible point cn the
Missouri river ; and unless attracted by
crne unnatural influence will eventually
make this point their market place. If
ruch has not been the esse, heretofore it
is to be accounted for bv the fart thnt the
j -
RPttlnrs h,T-p V.ppn pA tn RiintMKto tbt the I .
nisrehants cf Erownville were not fur-
dished with such supplies as they needed,
end that they could make their purchas-
es to better advantage -at older and lar-
ger places; and also from the fact that
the principal road extending from the riv
er to the interior, starts from Nebraska
City ; and people find it more convenient,
in a new country, to go a little further,
and follo.v well beaten routes, however
bad, than to go to the trouble of seeking
1 1
nearcnes, ana new crossing places ma
country so difficult to traverse as ours.
. Heretofore a greater portion of the
tettlers cf Gage and Clay counties have
rtade Nebraska City their trading point,
for the two reasons above mentioned
;And it is enly till ihe present season that
they have thought cf coming to this place.
We ere assured, however, by all those
who have encemade the experiment of
. coming to Brownvills for their supplies,
that henceforth they will make this their
point cf trade. They find a far easier
country to travel over in coming here than
can be found to any ether point on the
Missouri. The settlers on the Blue in
the neighborhood cf Beatrice and Austin,
-who have been accustomed, heretofore,
to trade at Nebraska City, have express-
ed this opinion, and acted upon it. With
. in the past four weeks they have bought
goods and supplies in this place, to the
amount cf nearly two thousand dollars;
'mostly at the house cf Messrs. Crane &
Hill. This fact is sufficient to show where
" tho trade of those places will naturally
tend. But still, if the people of Brown-
ville are desirous of securing it, they
roust not expect to have their desires grat
' i5ed without seme activity and effort on
; heirpart.
. In the first place let it be known that
.our merchants have as good a supply cf
goods as can be found in the Territory,
and that they are selling, and can afford
' tq sell goods here cheaper than they can
at any other point. Next, we should
make cn effort to open and keep in good
repair a public read from this point to
the Blue. An apology for a roadhas been
laid out between here and Austin in Clay
county ; tut it has never teen put into
good repair. It would cost but little to
make .a good traveling road from here to
cd, and a little labor in fixing the cross
ings cf the smaller streams is about all
that is necessary. A road from this
point directly west would pass through
St. George, St. Frederick, and Tecum
seh ; crossing the Yankey Creek some
where in the neigh"borhood ef Lafiin's
thence over a direct ami level route to
Beatrice; crcsiir.g be ir creek About three
. miles this side cf thru place. This route
.ence opened, ati extended about twenty
miles beycr.d the Eh:e, to where it would
intersect the old Military road from
Leavenworth to Fort Kearney, would
draw all the travel from the plains to
this place- . Because people in
from there wul be anxious to reach the
Missouri rirer by the nearest and casi
est route, and they v:dl find that they wil
thorten their journey some fifty ct one
hundred miles by crossing the Blue a
Beatrice, instead cf following the wind
ings cf the eld Leavenworth road" by
The Blue at Beatrice has a rock hot
t'.rn and low banks, and is easily forded.
Th enterprising citizens cf Beatrice
have organized a Bridge and Ferry com
par.y, an J taring obtained a charter from
Legiilatutft, intend to bridge the
IT.ue s seen as practicable. From
p..;nt i; U Ft. Kearney read there is
l.;, ki o! !rtu t the routi. Tb? et
tiers cn the Blue have already opened a I
route from Beatrice to several trading
points cn the Leavenworth and Ft. Kear-
neyroad, and will find a ready market
for tneir produce at the different stations
cn thai read.
Messrs. Roper &
Weston cf Beat
contracts for the
rice have made large
sale of corn at these stations, and are
buying up their supplies in the vicinity cf of
Bcatrice and. Austin, at fifty cents, cash
per bushel. The proceeds of this trade
wul douciless find its way to the mer- L.
chants cf Erownville. V :
The importance and advantages cf this
route from Erownville to Fort Kearney is
and the Nebraska rold mines have been
, , , tt r
almost entirely overlooked. Heretofore
has been claimed that there were but
two paacticabie routes, trom places south
cf the Platte, to these Plains; one by the
wav of Marvsville and the Leaverworth
and Kearney road, and the other by the
head waters of the Nemahas across Salt
Creek, and along the South Fork of the
Platte. The route from this place to Be
atrice will be found considerably nearer
and less difficult than either of theoth-
ers. Y'e therefore urge upon our cm
zens the propneiy of taking some meas-
ures to avail ourselves of these advanta-
"3Iare's Nest.w
The editor of the Nebraska City JVhcs
has discovered a "Mare's Nest," with
nary esrer cr little mare in it, however.
W. Furnas is disaualificd
r-.i." r.. .-.
,,. T1 - ,
Public Printer, and in
support of his declaration quotes an ex-
tract from Section 8, of the Organic Act,
which reads as follows :
i i.A w r.t r.o,0 tw rt
member of the Lerislative Assembly
shall h old or be appointed io any office
m 1
vvmch shall have been created, or the sal
PmolnmPnts of trhich shall havft
been increased, while he was a member,
during the terra for which he was elect-
ed, and for one year after the expiration
ot such term; Dut this restriction
not be applied , to members of the first
Legisltaure, Sac.
Then there is such an office as Public
Printer is there, brother Reynolds ? and
the Legislature have the right to elect
provided the person elected be not "dis
qualified''' and the Secretary consents-
vnn shrmia nave aaaea. remans vou
it. 11, t-i I
ff- n,nmmi;r,
J J ' I
. . . . , I
of the Organic Act, provisions made
for the cmces ct "wood hauler" and "po-
tatoe digger," provided always, that he
is not "disqualified." We reckon the News
did'nt know of the above quoted clause
in the Organic Aci, or else he forgot it,
when under precisely similar circum
stances to those ot K. W. Jturnas, it,
was an aspirant for the office of Public
- . I
earned to place a new construction upon
this portion of the Organic Act. We
hone to be pardoned for referring to the
fnn hmt Jn i ctfl Ut lnmpn.
, - . . j, j , .
ted Secretary Cuming iaUed of attempt-
. 1 .1. Tl'-i' t
mg to control me rrmung mai no one
was louder and more fierce in heaping
anathemas upon the head of Mr. Cum-
ing than the now Secretary, Mr. Morion.
However, "circumstances alter cases."
That portion of the Organic Act re
erred to above has no application what
ever to the present case. If so, why did
not its advocates call it up in 1857 when
R. W. Furnas was before elected ? Echo
answers "didrCt suit our convenience.
The office was "created" at the first
r f tl." .
right of the Legislature to elect a Public
The Jftbraskian, whose interests prompt
lt to denominate the last election "a
farce" was the first recipient cf the "pe-
cuniary benefits" arising from the c5ce
of Public Printer; was a candidate again
in 1S57, and, if we are not mistaken, in
1S56 also. It never for a moment thought
otnerwise tnan that the Legislature had a
AfnM -;,vV. . i
. .iii.iucicci a juiuier,uamecon-
trary it was very much out of humor in 57
Kprfinw Ttrit vloftaA Vtt Va T '1 -J -
.. iiim-u ujf iuc ivigMiuiuri;
io. centlemen. iherp is rnt rno of mn
who yourselves believe the positions you
take are rnrrprt. "TIpw ift iU liro tot
, -,
the chips fall where they may."
Territorial Printing Stay Law.
"Dion, the Brownville correspondent
ot the bt. Joseph Daily Gazette, under
date iNov. 14th. writes as follows m re-
gard to the "Territorial Printer" contro-
versy, and the improperly-called "Stay
Law," about which interested parties and
enemies of Is ebraska are inclined to make
a great "scare crow," and "bug bear.
We had designed when leisure afforded
an opportunity, to say something explan
atory cf the "Stay Law," but as "Dion"
has briefly, ably and to the point, given
an interpretation, we with pleasure give
it place in our columns. The whole
truth of the matter is, debtors, oppessed
by the excessive pressure of the times, are
by this ameniment to chapter lid ot the
laws or 1So7, regulating District Courts'
provided with an extension of six months.
No lecal rights are disturbed or iin-
paired in the least nothing retro-active.
If present circumstances do net cry aloud
for relief, in. the name cf high heaven,
will seme w iscacrc imasiine those that
"Since the adjournment of the Leg
islature, I see that quite an interesting
squaLLie has sprung up between Mr.
Furnas, the member cf the Council from
- Uhis county, and Mr. Soorctirv Morion.
session m looo, since wmcn time, until lurtiuiy .lupreeseu as we are aany m
the present, not one of these organic-act creasing our altitude) by the appearance
sticklers ever dreamed of denying: the of the comet, which like the Star in the
The Legislature, it seems, elected Mr.
urnas printer before adjourning, which
cl,on 011 their part has caused ine lion.
a f,t n ' I
ter resting entirely under his control, and
with which the Legislature had nothing
to do. So. through the columns of last
'Nebraska City News,' paper belonging .
it is hMiftht tn himeo r no nnr , nt nnt n
Mr. Furnas and the Legislature, a series
epithetical projectiles, which cejtainly
prove the attainments of the writer in
that particular department oi literature,
. m . fhft rnntrnr That Mr I
r,,Tn Mmn'ptMt n4 pffiriPnt work.
man. has been sufficiently- attested. He
perhaps, the only printer in the Terri-
wy.i lue ttl
nome, ana me legislature, as me Tt-p-
n nBpnT)ip .Uonai, a dis-
position to patronize and encourage
home industry ana enterprise, nave eiec-
a mm io puoiisn wr uwu uiutccumgs,
v , . V ""1" .
n-Vir Tioc Tiorolnforo rpn sn rl!imnrrns
about the 'sacred voice of the people' as
Mr. Morton, comes with an exceedingly
bad grace.
A ; very erroneousand injurious im-
regard to the action of our Legislature in
the passage of a Homestead and Stay
Laws. By means of which creditors could
be postponed 'indefinitely, m the collec-
tionor tneir aemanas, ana aeDtorsnoia
all their property from liability or execu-
tion. The Legislature had such laws un-
der consideration, but they, together with
t 1 i n .1- . 4 j iii
n is.TTilf Hill thnt was lntrnnnrpfl nnn hnn.
" " -, I
t - rJ,
the members, died still-born. Under the
law as passed by the Legislature, there is
i -i
Pviaea an appearance xerm ana an is-
sue term, under which, cases requiring
L - i i r.
hue. term, under
Itrml hv inrv-sinnfi dvpr inr sit mnnins
T3Qt vou ;n Afi5;0ri lived under a law
very similar in its provisions for the last
ten years preceding the last revision of
your statutes,
considered particularly oppressive to cred-
iters or any one else.
t ry Tr amq men
TTi1 TlniAO r VnironnnAaa
uum nmw MnByayw
1 .1 m
J0E Jomrsow, tne pioneer ot newspa-
pers m this region of the YV est, and at
present editor of the Crescent City Ora-
cc, ufter mentioning about a dszen Ne
braska papers, and an equal number in
Iowa, which have "succombed" to the
"hard times" "gone under," says .
"It is with regret that we announce the
untimely demise of over a dozen cotem-
porory newspapers in the West. It seems
that there are few who either start or
wrtrf vrTii-fcvc ntHsi iAn K a n 4 I
a - - .1.. . ... .
kauuuc aucia icuic iuai unui-
" i i -j a! i i .1 I
ers nave io ue imiu lor lueinaDOr, or mat
rnnof and m r nna mnnoir anH ihni I
y u uvi uuu AXin. wo . uiuuj) dill iiiai J I
for subscripli0n and advertising must not
oniy be liberal and prompt but that as-
sistance aside from those, must be given
the publisher, or he goes down as sure as
r. TV,. 1, r v ij i
laie. nc nave uiieu uecu tuiisuiieu uy
parties preparing to start new papers in
the West, and have invariably given the
answer "Dont undertake the task un
less the citizens of your town or neighbor-!
hood, provide for at least one years' sup-
ujg auu auusuiiuiiuu ... .t
.iFor aD0Ut eii;ht years we hare been
publishing a paper in the west . and have
experienced and felt all we say.
"The interests of both towns and com-
muniues mus; go aown unless tne people
, necessity in aUnnoriiSr Sip
. O
jocai press. They must give a more lib-
era! patronage pay up more punctually,
or the west will soon be nearly or entire
ly uepopuiaiea ci newspapers, ana print
ing oihces.
Letter from the Plains-
September 25, 185S. J
Friend Fcrnas:
Since my last from the Bridge, I have
each mominar and evenincr been more
I U 1 . J f 1 'I
East, to the Wise Men Journeying to
the Cradle of the Babe of Bethlehem,
as a beacon to us has made its appear-
ance m trie est, about 7 o'clock P. M
and in the east about 4 o'clock A. M.
Some 3 weeks the tail of this luminary
appears to the naked eye, to be about
two feet in . length. It has Steadily in-
creased, until this morning, it appeared
about fifteen feet m length. We are
: u :. ri.ri
cuauicu " .
from our elevated position, and our vis-
I irir Vioinor mo torinll' n iPfl ViV thf rtnrltV
uu w j - i j
of the atmosnhere. e now nreatne
the most wholesome atmosphere on the
elobe. Aided bv instruments we could
I u . . .
here be enabled to ascertain all about the
movements of this dread monster, in its
Mazeppa flight, should it get astray some
pleasant evening, and attempt to impede
our progress. I hope it may first come in
mnmrt with Frpmont's Peak. I was an.
prehensive it might take a notion to give
battle to Larimie's Peak, but I presume
mat treading the ground immortalized
f rom beinr pressed bv the heel of the Mule
andGrasshopper hero, will redound more
to the glory of this long tailed monster,
should it feel in a beligerant mood while
in our vicinity,
We Yesterday met a number OI return-
J J . .
jng teamsters from Cedar Valley the
principal field of operations of Govern-
troops. At present, improvements
Uy Government are going forward rap
idly in that vallty, forty miles beyond
oait lake City. I hey report navmg met
, nc -?.
r. i i i ' i
x mil ill ttiil u.uu.U3.uue SIUOUUUS III ILH2
V!1v CCr,0l! V
The loS of stock is rpmrtprl ns
a lie iu.a Ui ElOtiw la reported- as Deing
enormOUS. One Government train that
passed forward earlv in the Season lost
Seventy -hve head OI mules. Large num-
bers cf dead cattle line the road.
Vc have just overhauled a train three
months from Leavenworth, sub-contrac
tor:?. As regards the road agents of the
Company, we cannot find them have
seen hut one since we left.
We haye Jost tLree stegrs twQ died
one killed by Indians. Mere strayed.
We started with fourteen extra ones, and
now have over thirty. - Our Captain has
t,:IT,coif c hih fiftv-fivs steers
. , J. , . ett , c r
thing he could pick up. This, with care
and attention in driving wattenng, graz-
jDgt &c, accounts for our loosing none.
Train twenty.scven is traveling near us ;
has lost no stock of note,
, At the bridge the Assistant Quarter-
Master of that station unloaded six wa-
g0ns of Oats for us. We had over-haul-
ed the loading in all the other trains.
- - . -- .
" e now tmel mtl1 Sreater
At the bridge several companies of U.
troops are in very gooa quanersior me
Dates from Sacramento to the 12th cf
August, report the mines yieiaidg a ncn
Great distress is anticiDated in the
Frazier river and Collville mines, in con-
7- .1---
ter, and the scarcity of provisions when
they get snowed in.
Respectfully. " WYREKA.
, .. ... ; HoW it Works.
- ye noticed by the last Nebraska City
. 1 . ,nt r: trnrn
JVews that the revenue arising trom the
. . r .1 T T
provisions 01 me new license mw us
fixed by the City Council, amounts to the
snug sum of one thousand three hundred
and twentxj doUars per, annum. When
. . , , .
it is remembered that this revenue goes
into the Common School fund, the value
of the new law can be seen at a glance.
Our city authorities, we believe, have
granted .license to one or two
ments in this city.
The Louisville Courier pays the follow
ing tribute to the occupation of the far-
If a young man wants to engage in a
business that will insure him, in middle
lite, the greatest amount of leisure time,
there is nothing more sure than farming.
If he has an independent turn of mind,
let him be a farmer. If he wants to en
gage in a healthy occupation, let, him till
the soil. In'short, if he would, be mde-
pendent, let him get, a spot on earth ;
keep it within his means, to shun the
lawyer be temperate to avoid the doctor;
hi hnnoct that ho noiro o r oqr nncfifinpo
"v uvuvsi, Uv umv, vUUn,ul,v,
: .u :i i .u i4
lmuiuve mc aun, su as iu leave iuc wuuu
nptfpr than ho tniinn it arn then i r ha
w w unv . , w .
cannot live happily and die content, there
is no hope for him.
The Markets.
Crane & Hill,
Ueotvxville, Nor 25,
Flour, 13 sack
Buckwheat Flocr, & Sack
Cobs Meal, V bushel
Corn, $ bushel
OAT3, bushel,
ougar, U -
Tea, ..
Chickens, t?doz.,
Eggs, do,
Fresh Beef, $ B
ForK, . per 10 E3. $5,506
Potatoes, $ bushel
Lumber, Cottonvrood, per 100 ft
1 ellow fine,
Chsese, 9 ,
Nails, per keg,
Wheat, none in market
Whisky, per gallon,
Salt, $ sack,"-
Bkans, $ bush,
Drt Hides, $ fi,
St Lons, Nov. 13, 1853.
Whkat, bush, "11
Cokn, bush, 7075
Oats. bush, 50 70o
' Flour, f bbl, $4,50
Buckwheat, Flocr, per cwt, 2,122,25
Beans, per bush, ,Anl1,'?
PotatoIs, per bushel, 100110
iloLAESES. 2
Drt Hides, A O
Pork4. 550575
BrownTille 3Iali Arrangements.
jwi-m Da,ilv ( Sundays excepted) at five r. IT.
D -parts Daily (Sundays excepica; at cau past
eigni, a. ji.
Arrive Tn-weekly, on Mondays, V ednesdaya and
Depart On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
. . . 0n TueEdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Depart- On Mondays, Wednesdays ana inaays.
rosi siabsei mail.
r,.HrotniTille on the first of every month
reaching Ft. Kearney in seven days; lea-
I - 1 'i 1. U A 1 IL V.
I - . . ?t. mi
i Jim .tea At urownvuie in i uajs.
tareio mail.
Arrtret AtBrDwnvilleonTuesdays.Thursdaysand
Snfnrnva at 8 o'nlock. A. M.
From 7, o'cTock, A.M., to 12, a : and from 1, V. M.
to 6, P.M. U.G. DUUSliY V.&l.
3?J"0. 37 S O
AN1 -
Cor. Croadvray and TFasIi Street.
HavliiR purchased the entire xur?ery stock of John
ssigperson . uro., i am prepared io ccer to the public
the largest and best selected stock of Fruit Shade, and
Ornamental taees, shrubs and plants ever cffereil fur
sale in the West. We are determined to offer such in
ducements to tree planters and the trade as will ensure
the niott entire satisfaction. Descrhuire catalnmps vtii
uc ""uaaeo, ana any iniormauon given, by addresiing,
Saint Louis, 3o.
isorember 35, '58-Iy.
Is hereby givej. that all persons engaged in the saleof
spiritou!.; ma.t, or vuus Liquors in the City of Brown-
vilje, who do not on o before h3 7 b i ay o! November,
A. D. 1S58, procure from the tity Count... of said City
I iMIt c A aca11 j. r.inlk 1 1 ti . -
under the License law, passed and approved at the last
I session of the Legislature of the Territory of Kebras-
I BT order cf the Council.
Nov.25. Recorder.
"vre invUe the "cntion ot tnesick and afflicted, to the
,aVRrtisementsiBour co!umnsof Dr Easterly's Iodine 1
JSarsapirUand Gridley'sSalt Eheum and Tetter
I Oinlmpnt. Dr Tarter' Couzh Balsam. Dr Rikpr'n Sneri.
fie' Dr Hooper"! Female Cordial, and Dr Easterly'! Fer
1 lerjvillcr. Tbe?e mediaDes are prepared by a thorough
J" Seated Physician, Cbemist and Pnarmaceutist, o
..... D.i au irtj upwu ma uviug tuctuu cutxiuai in
curing the di.-eafes for whicn they are tccommcuded. !
The;'' are standard remedies, and can be found In nearly
rei j urm ma Apothecary store in the United States
lie it? 0nxri)
the- Advertise
- I Hi
S Btf
I, J 1
Um-Jui ImLi bLi
c a t una 1
Sorglium Molasses.
"Diflllil Jill."
u u
iix!i til)
For which we will pay the high
est market price in "Advertisers,"
Job Work, Advertising, and
ccipte for old indebtedness.
Co- i d UcrmX Lara yiSaSEZ.
f is wi (( n
r n1
nere's the
place to get y'r
i money back!
$uh.r!l for th.
r,l rh
"We wou'd pirticularly call the attention of our read
ers to a remedy lenowa as McLean's Strengthening Cor
dial and Blood Puridcr, It is certainly a valuable reme
dy. We therefore say to all, call at the agent's, and
test for yourselves Its intrinsic merits. It is delicious
to take. We ak our lady readers to try it. See the ad
vertisement in another coiuiua.
Beautiful Hair. This is one of the greatest or
naments which man or woman could boast of. A splen
did head of hair, a luxuriance of hair, if it be in a high
state of health, glossy and thick, no matter hat its col
or oe so that it is natural, is an attraction that will not
escape the envy of those who are bald, and gray hair Is
unnatural till one is iu the neighborhood of four score
and ten; short of that it is a disease. How could we
restore gray hair to its original health? Use Professoi
Wood's Hair Restorative, for sale at all the drug stores,
it restore the hair, it restores its health, and whet
that is re-produced, its beauty, Its original color, Its lu
xuriance and gloss is sure to follow. Wood's Restora
tive is the only valuable hair preparation.
Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Brown
ville, that a competent person be employed as early as
practicable to survey and lay oft that portion of the Le
vee lying North of Main. street, and fronting oa the
same, opwsite the present Levee, additional to the city.
into lots fronting twenty-two feet on Main street, and
extending seventy feet north cf the same, and that
the provisions of the ordinance rccentiy passed by the
City Council, relative to tho leasing of lots in the Le
vee additiou be extented and applied to the lots which
may be surveyed in pursuance of this ordinance.
Attest, CH'SG. DORSEY, Mayor.
An Ordinance.
Be it orkalned by the City Council of the City of
Brownville. That theordinance passed by the Council of
the city of Brownviile cn the second day of Xovember
A D 1S58, relating to tho leasing f lots belonging to the
city on the levee, be and the same is hereby repealed.
And be it further ordained, That any person who may
desire to lease either of the lots belonging to the city of
Brownville situated in the levee addition of the said
city, may lease the same for the term of three years,
upon condition that for each of said lots a yearly rent of
ten dollarsbe paid to the authorities of said city; Provi
ded, That tho lessee or lessees of each of said lots 6hall
be and they are hereby rcqnired to erect on the same a
building, not less in size than 24 by 40 feet. Provided
further, That the city reserves the right in all cases to
sell at any time anyor all of the lot or lots so leased,
upon a notice of sixty day being given to the lessee or
lessees, wh shall be entitled to purchase the lots res.
pectively occupied by said lessees, at such price as
equally eligible lots may bring exclusive of the impro
vements on the same.
The Mayor ef thecity of Brownville is hereby requir
ed to draw up and execute for the city any contract,
lease or agreement relative to the leasiug of said lots as
CHARLES G. DORSET, Recorder " 21
Hotel Sale Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of certain deed
of trust, executed for and on the part of the Brownville
Hotel Company or Brownville Xemaha county, Nebras
ka Territory, by Robert W. Furnas, James W. Coleman,
Homer Johnson, Richard Brown and Alexander Uallam,
as officers and directors of said Company, dated the Hub.
day of November a. d. 1S57, and recorded on pages
three hundred and eighty-eix and three hundred and
eightj--scven of Deed Book "A," of Nemaha county afore
said, 1 John McPberson, the trustee named in said deed,
will, on the thirteenth day of December a d 1S58, be
tween the hours of nine o'clock a M and four o'clock
r M, from the door of the Hotel building now standing
on the groundsjiereinafter described, sell at public sale
to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following de
scribed real estate, situate and being in the city of
Brownville in said Nemaha county, to wit : lots number
six, seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven, in block number
three of the original plat of said city, together with the
brick hotel burlding, and all other buildings, tenttneiits
Improvements and appurtenances to said Lots belonging
or pertaining. Said sale to be made to meet and pay
certain bills or notes issued ana put in circulation by
said company which have now f ul!y matured and remain
unpaid, and said bills or notes being those relerred to
in taid deed of truBt as bearing even date therewith.
Nov 11, IS08 JOHN McPHERSON, Trustee.
Legal Notice.
IIuLbcll,AUxauder. DriverX Second Judicial District
vs. VCourt of Nebraska Terri-
Moore & Brownlee ) tory,
To November term A. D. for Nemaha;County.
To Thomas Moore, IFiliiaui W. Muore, and George
Brownlee, partners, or Moore 6t Brownlee
Touare hereby notified that there is now on file ia the
office cf the Clerk of the District Court in and for
Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, the petition of the
above named Plaintiffs, Sampson II. Uubbelt, Robert
Alexander, and James S. Driver, partners, wherein is
claimed of you the sum of one thousand and sixty
seven dollars and eighty-seven cents, being the amount
due said plaintiffs, Hubbell, Alexander & Driver, from
you the said defendants on a certain promissory note
dated May 12, 1857, payable nine months after dite to
the order of said Hubbell, Alexander & Driver with In
terest from maturity at the rate of ten per cent per an
num, and whereos a writ of summons and attachment
Issued against you therein, and directed to the sheriff of
Nemahs county has been returned "not found." h to
Thomas Moore and IPilliam Moore. Vou are herebv
notified that unless you appear at the hext term of the
said court, on or before the morning of the second day
thereor, to be begun and held at Brownville, in county
aforesaid, ou the sixteenth day of November, A. D.
1S5S, and answer to said petition, Judgemeut by default
will be had against you for the amount therein claimed
with costs.
J. SJPEET, At'yfor Pl'ff.
Ordered that the foregoing notice be published in the
Nebraska Advertiser, as the law in such cases provides.
Brownville, Nov. 4, 4w
Public Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a trusteeship
vested in William L. Parker (since deceased) by deed
of trust executed on the fourteenth day of October a d
1857, by James H. Mastin, and recorded ia the Record
er's office of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, on
pages three hundred and forty-five and three hundred
and forty-six of Deed botk "A," I Walter V. Hackney,
administrator of the estate of said William L. Parker,
will from the corner of Second and Maia streets in the
town of Brownville in said county, between the hours of
ninea'clock a Mand four o'clock p m, on the twenty
flfth day of December a d 16c8, eell to the highest
bidder for cash in hand the following described land, to
wit: the northeast quarter of section number thirteen.
In Township number five north of range number thir
teen east of the sixth principal meridian in Ncbraeka
Territory, and to execute a deed to the purchaser. The
same to be sold to satisry a certain promissory note de
scribed in said deed, said note being yet unpaid. 13-4t
Public Sale.
Notice is hereby, given that by virtue of a trusteeship
vested in William I. Parker (since deceased) by deed of
trust executed on the (14th) fourteenth day or October
A. D. 1857, by Cornelius Mastin and recorded in the
recorder's office of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory
on page three hundred and forty-six of Deed Boi "A "
I, Walter W. Hackney, administrator of tie estate of
said William L.Parker, will, from thecornrrof Second
and Main streets in the town of Brownville iu said
county, between the hours of nine o'clock a m and four
o clock p M, on the twenty-fifth day of December a
p 1853, sell to the highest biddr for cash in hand the
following described land, to wit : the south-east quarter
of section No thirteen, in Township No. five, north of
Bange No. thirteen east of the sixth principal meridian
n Nebraska Territory, and t0 cxecute v
puachaser The same to be sold to satisfy a certain
promissory note described in said deed, said note being
yet unpaid. l8-u
Pafcllc Notice.
,,e.lerebj'iven that fcy virtue ot trusteeship
Testea in IKiI liam L. Parker (since deceased) by deed of
trust executed on the seventeenth, day cf October ad
ibo7, by Thom is Staley, and recorded in the recorder'
nice of Nemaha county, Ncbraka Territory, on pages
three hund.ed and flfty-fonr and three hundred end fifty
ueo.iieea vxk -a," i Walter v. Uachncy, admin
istrator of the estate of said IFii:i,in L. Parker, will,
from the corner of Main and Second strebts in the town
of Brownvillein said county, between tbc hours of nine
clock A M and four o'clock P M, on the twenty-flf ;h
day of Dcccmbei A D 185 sell to tbe highest bidder
for cash in baud the follow ing described land, to w it :
the southeast qaartcr of section number thirty-five, in
township number five, north of range number twelve,
east of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska Terri
tory, and to execute a deed to the purchaser. Tbe same
to be sold to satisry a certain promissory note described
in taid deed, said note being unpaid. 13-4t
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an order
made by tbe Probate Court of Nemaha county. Nebraska
Territory, on the 26th day of October A D 1858, in the
caseof John Banna, guardian of Ialbrldge Goodrldge
lunatic and insane, against the heirs and creditors of the
said Goodrige. the undersigned win sell at public auc
tion in Brownville. at the Probate Judge's oClce. at two
o clock P m, on the 1 3th day or December A D 1S5S, all
of the personal property cf IFalbrldge Coodridzc; and
the following described real estate to wit. lot No 1 of
section No 7 in township No 4, range No 13 east, or so
ranch of it as the court may on day cf sale order tote
TERMS One third down and the balance in six months
Titb approved security.
13lt JOnN HANNA. Guardian.
we have just completed a uew etockof Blanks of eTerv
description, neatly executed cn fine substantial paper ;
and are prepared to flu orders at a moment's notice and
vf. hTVlM aHatecf asmaU map of South Platte,
Nebraska, for printing common sued envelopes, with any
desired VnMncif card artvbfd. Ordtrt . - ...4
f 5A
BY '
Old Stand of JL P. CLAM
Where can be found a full supply of Family Grat. '
Ham and Bacon, Mackrei and Cod Fish. Teas
Coffee. Candies, Nuts, Wine Crackers and Chc, l;"
and Wines. Sardines, Cigars and Tobacco, Oystr,j
Lobsters, Peaches, Prunes, Blackberries and wnon
berries, and all articles uscaliy kept in a Fancy GrJ
Store, which he will tell for cash or produce cbeap,,!
cheapast. Will jou give me a share of yourcooiinn
Brownuuie, joiy lotn, iaoc.
cxioir-wiLXiC, rvnuxi.isiu.
Land Warrants bought and sold. Pre-einpUgn n,.
carefully and correctly prepared.
OKFICE oa Main street, in Brown ana uenntit'i
ing House.
Fcnner Ferguson,
Bellerue. Xebruh
Brownville, '
Nebraska City .
St. Joep&Mo.
" R. W. Furnas
" R Brown
Kinney i. Uolley
Hon. James Craig.
Nave, McCord k. Co.
Clark &. Conrad,
July 8, lSi3-3n2-Ty
Will write deeds of every kind and contrasts for trm
purpose, with warranted legal accuracy. ;
Office, in the Banking House of Lushbaugh Jt Cinu
Hon. John A. Bmgham, Cadiz, OMo.t
" W K. Carter, CUvetft&d, r - .
" R P Spalding. '
" B F Leiter, Canton, "
" S Lahm, "
' Wm R Sapp, Mt. Vernn, " .
" S P Chase, Columbus,
" Thos. Ford, Mansfleld, j
" Jaa. Craiir, St. Joseph, Mo.
Brownville. Oct. 22d. 'j7. vtolT-i,
St Louis, IHissouri
Orders for merchandise solicited, and prompt! j;
at the lowest rates. All kinds of produce bonuht or wl4
on CLmmision.
Scptomber 23, 1S33. . I
I caution all persons whomsoever a.'jjjist buying fro
Augustus Kountze and Wm Ruth certain towo io
known as 'Benedict's Addition' to U-ownviUe Nebrart'
tun 1 &mm1
Will select lands, investigate tides, pay taxes, lu.,
rither in Kansas or Nebraska ; hay, tell, and enter
lands on commission; invent in town property, buy
sell the same, and will always have on nsndcurrtc
plats of townships counties. k.c, showing alt land. .ab
ject to entry, and where desired will furnish parties liv
ing in the states with the same.
Being the oldest settler In the county will in a!!
cases bo able to give fall and reliable information.'
Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownville or Nemabt '
City, Nebraska Territory. 6m-42-tl
All persons are hereby notified that I will taka tin
necessary steps to the re-opening of the contest! cm
of James Ferguson, for the purpose of more fuliy
vestigatrng his ruht to enter the south west qitrtw
(1(4 )of south west quarter (14) and lot number four (4)
of sectiou eighteen (13 in township five (5) range six
teen (16) east, I hereby warn all persons not to pur
chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for any por
tion of the above described property.
May 27, '68 v2n46tf AUCi'3TCS KOUNTiX.
C. Deuser has removed h'Tln Saoprrtu Front trwt
to Main street, nearly opposite the new Hotel, where kt
has opened up the largest stock of w.ire in his line to U
found In tho npper country. He solicits a continuities'
of patronage. June IO, '68. " ,
Land Warrants, -
ZPox" CabIi vzxcL on Tlxno
We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to
settlers on such time as they may desire longoribol
at the n-ual rates.
A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on htni
for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere ii
town. ,
Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogns warrsnt.
All warrants sold ly us will be guaranteed to b
genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de
fective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we can si- ;
ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of til
Brownville House.
LUsnBArcn & carson.
Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants, j
A superior stock ot Mil Unery and Dress (ionl at B7
ew Millinery establishment, one door above Luslibauih
&. Carson'a Banking House, Brownville. N. T.
Notice to Tax Payers.
R. T.RAINET, Treasurer of Nemaha county, inform
the citizens of said county that he is ready to receivt
taxes at all times between- this and the 1st of January
next. - .
Brownville, Nov. 4, J858. " 19-w
Administrator's Notice,
AH persons indsbted to the estate of Joshua Randall,
decea.ed, are hereby not! fled to pay the same; and all
persons having claims against the said etitate art re
quested to present the same to the undersigned.
13 COON RAD ARMS, Adm'r. .
Stray Cow.
Stray from the subscribers small dark brlndle eo,
tips of horns sawed off, supposed to have a calf b
month old, star in face, supposed to be five years old.
Any information will be thankfully received.
... J03. UAKILTOX. .
Brownville Nov. 13, 'S3.
Estray Notice. '
Taken up by the uocriber. residing J miles fro :
Brownville in Nemaha county, a dark bay mare, stir
in torehead, supposed to be S years old, past, abuTS.."
hands high: arpraise lat $75. . . .
Nov. II, lo8. 20-3t THOS.nKAPT.
Manufacturers of
Traveling & Packing
40, N. Second st., bet. Pine & Chestnut,
Saint Louis, 3Io.
f '" SSV "We are now prepared to fill all order
- -l-,fin our line with promptness and on to
hi the most reasonable terms. Oor stock is
- i iJT.iLiarge and complete and all of onr owv
manufacturing. Thoe in want of article in oar line,
(wholesale or retail) wil! dj-well togive us a cm. I b
ftre punhaKing elewbere- A share of publi patron
age is solicited. nlSvj-lj
Are anvneqvaUtd Ton'.c and StonaeMc. pl?- '
and palatable Kerned y frrr general Debility. f
pejma, loss of Appetite c;.i all diteate of the !
Digestive Organ.
These Bitters are a sure Preventive of
They are prepared from the purest material by an oli j
-.. experienced jjrujgist, and therefore can be r'"
on. :
auiil iiu 11U1311U1 .
By gently exciting tho system into a healthy action! a
tho system, that is so essential to health.
53"A wine glass full may be taken two or three tim
a djy to f,,r raf nrr
Prepared only by W,L.1ITJ'TJTT,
Oct. 3, '53 lS-ly
Clocks, Watches & Jcwclr)'
Would to the citizens of Bro1''
4p snd vicinity tbat hy has located binve''1
fc-KDrcwnvi!le, and intends keeping fn" tji
u.eui of everything iu his lino of business, wbich
be sold low for ca..h. He will aLsodj all kindJ '
pairlr.K rf clvckv and Jo-rlr'. All wf ,
raced. ' vJ-'-