Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 18, 1858, Image 1

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4- Jt, Q W
' '. -T
i i
deyotedw aet,
..QLTnrT city of browy
.M 1 ;
iStory Hoadleyfc Muir's Building,
(Corner f Mia aa4 Fint Streets.)
nejearii iu ,'tt monlbs, 2,50
, . 3,00
faorleiouo Upturn,
'additional insertion,
iuare,n montn,
three m ntns
" rix UloalbS,
,-HC.ri. nf.i line, or iess.on. year.
C-.luran one year,
.lf Column, oreyer,
tu .";
Ciiuinn.six mmtas,
'ourth " " "
:;VA'"' " "
'J,laan ture m-n?h,
Vi'.f Cduroa.tbree cuntM,
. . . ... u
1 .li.uw f oroSL-e fin advance,) 5,00
Tin 'aWa will b, re luirelfor all tie
' lf i,.w.,iUbi added totbe
(l'r ttauoi ."-"s . -
will he considered by the year.
tmwifiei oo tb5 Minaript, or previously
-i up m between the parties.
...,. mirlteion tbeeory for a spec
' w.rf will be continued until
rl ouf.andcbarireJ accordingly
.!Irrtiro---nttrjin Grangers jrtransientper
,to berU in alrince.
j.ririi of yearlj adrcrtisers willbe confin
llgrdlj tu their oirnbusinc?;nl all adTertise
ti no perUiaing thereto, to be paid for ex-
"arlj a JrertiFfri bare th priyilegeof ehanging
.r ajtertistuicnts quarterly .
1 tealel alrertisements charged double the
rtratc. . ,
lpr'i-?ints on the iniide excluiiTelj will be
reJ extra.
Iirin aJ.led to the Adrertiscr Office Card and
l're!e.New Type of the litest styles, Inks of
e il'.re,l.ronzc, r ine t aper, Lnrelopes, &c; we
n w prepared to execute Job Work of every de-
; lion in a style unsurpassed by any other office
;ue I nited Utes. .
'.irtioular attention will be given to orders from
:-;tan,e in hurin? them promptly attended to.
riie lViriet r, living had an extensive expe
ae, .will pive their personal attention to this
;:ch of buine and hopo, in their endeavors to
ie, Uith in tha excUcnco of their work, and
voil!c charges to reeeive a share of the public
ain Street, one door above Carson Bank.
. jxneit and Trimmings always on hand.
Real Estate Agent,
noruYTm-Jcssup, Montrosc,ra.
M..S.Uect1r, " M "
"John C. Miller, Chicago, 111.
Win. K. McAllister, " " '
Charkg r Fcwler, " " "
U. V. Furnas, Urownville,X.T.
. V). F Lake. . .
May 7, 1857. 47-ly
. H LlATniEU.
iabinet & Wagon-IIaker
llain Street. bet. Sixth And Seventh.
AUkinJ c.f cabinet wrk ncatlr executed.
tEepiiring of waRin' plow, etc., promptly done.
joiin Mcdonough
louse, Sign, & Ornamental Painter,
IlROirXTIUs, X. T,
rT Order can be left at the City Drug Store. S
cal Estate & General Collecting Agents
cnts Tor Iowa Ins. Co.,0skaloosa,
ALL baf.ioe entrusted to vur care will meet with
'mj.t and warranted correct. Papers prepar
S tr pernont wUhing to pre-empt. Declaratory state
fats made out, etc., etc.
Omce on First Urcct, north of I. T. Wiyte & Co.2
3. W. Grimes, Lx -Governor Iowa
T. L. Price do Missouri
An-Ua A tina do do
. S. Inyre 4t Co., Glenwood, Iowa
ft. l..ucUy Council B.ufTs, Iowa
April 8, IS08. . v2nll-ly
jus. wsxrr. chis. r. holly.
1.1 practice in the Conns of this Territory. Collee-
n and criminal buKineei attended to throughout K
rska. Western I wa and Kissourl. Vlll attend the
-uru at Brownville. Y2n33-m
WILL practice in the ereral Courts of the id JodicSal
. u- 'M ""end to all matters connected with the
. McLekkah, '.Emj., of Nebraska City,
... ...t nr ,B ,De procimon of important Suits.
Ircliitect and Builder.
CrowavlUo, 2NJ. TM .
! (ft'
science, ageicultuee, commerce, news, politics, general intelligence and THE INTERESTS
ittoboey am.
Brownville, Nebraska.
Will practice In the Conrta nt Nebraska,and North
Missouri. .
Messrs. Crow, McCreary
lion. James U. llughs,
Hon. John R. Sheply,
Hon. James CraiR,
Hon. Silus Woodson,
Judge A. A. Bradford,
S. F. Nuckolls, Esq.,
& Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
- Do
St. Joseph, Mo.
Nebraska City, N. T.
. , Do
R. L. DODGE, - ' -
Land Warrants bought and sold. Pre-emption papers
rarpfnllT and correctly prepared.
OFFICE on Main street, in Brown ana uennoii s Bant
ing House.
Fenner Ferguson,
Bcllevue, Nebraska.
Brownville, "
" R. W. Furnas
" R IJroTm
Kinney &. Uolley
lion. James Craig,
Nave, McCord &. Co.
Clark & Conrad,
July 8, !S53-v3n2-ly
Nebraska City
St. Joseph Mo.
BT ' ''.
Old Stand of JL F. CLARK,
Where can be found a full supply of Family Groceries
Ham and Bacon, Mackrcl and Cod Fish, Teas, SHgar,
Coffee. Candies, Nuts, Wine Crackers and Cheese, Liquors
Bnrt winPR. Sardines. Cigars and Tobacco, Oysters and
T,.i,ctri. pparhPK. Prunes. Elackberries and Wnortle-
.orrio and an articles usually kept in a Fancy Grocery
Storo.which he wil 1 sel 1 f or cash or produce as cheap as the
cheaDast. Will you give me a share of your contiuuod
Brownuiue, Juiy loin, iooo. . -"
Will write deeds of every kind and contrasts for every
purpose, with warranted legal accuracy.
Office, in the Banting uouse oi L,u&nuauu &
BtFttt to
lion. John A. Bingham, Cadiafi Ohio.
" W K Carter, Cleveland,. "
" RP Spalding, "
" B F Leiter, Canton, "
" S Lahm, " "
" Wm R Sapp, Mt. Ternn,
" S P Chase, Columbus, "
" Tfcos. Ford, Mansfield, . C "
" Jas. Craig. St. Joseph, Mo.
Brownville, Oct. 22d, 'c7. v2nI7-ly
- BrownYille,- Ncoraska.-
Will attend to business in all departments of bis pro
Pre-emptora Eights Secured.
Land Warrants lor Sale.
Office on First St., bet. Main and Water.
Kinney & Uolley, Nebraska City.
Cheever Sweet it Co., d -
' J. Sterling Morton do
' w . Brown & Bennett, Brownville
tt. W. Furnaa . . do
Brownville. N. T. May 13. 165S. v2n46tf
Will select lands, Investipate titles, pay taxes, &.c,
either in Kansas r Nebraska;, buy, sell, and enter
lands on commission; inrest in town property, buy or
sell the same, and will always have on band correct
plats of townships, counties, &.c, showing all lands sub
ject to entry, and where desired will furnish parties liv
ing in the states with theaame. V' . .. . - .
Being: the oldest settler in the county will in all
cases be able to give full and reliable information.
Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownville or Nemaha
City, Nebraska Territory,. 6m-42-v2
St. Louis, Missouri
Orders for merchandise solicited, and premptlv filled,
at the lowest rates. All kinds of produce bought or sold
on commtsioB. ; . .
Septoinber 23. 1358. . - . lj.
Attorney at - law,
Land Ascat and Notary Pnblic.
Archer, Richardson Co.rN. T.
Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska,assisted
by Ilarding and Bcnnett.Nebraslta City.
House, Sin, and Ornamental Painter,
Takesthis method of Informing the public that he has
removed his paint shop from xemaha City to this pUce
lie thinks tnmscii qualified to undertake any work per
taming to his line of business, and respectfully invites
the public to give him a call, -i
Please leave orders at the "Advertiser" office."
Nov. 19, 1S57. n21-tf
Archer, Richardson County, N. T.
Attorney and Counsellor
Second Street. between Main and Xebratta,
ED. W. 31QORE,
General Steamboat Agent,
Goods told on Commission and prompt returns made
Particular attention given to receiving. Storing and For
warding all kinds of freight and produce.- r
O files on the Levee. .
Storekoute'in the name "block with Kearney Hotel
Refer to the Merchants of Nebrek City;
rife & Michael St Louis Mo; j Harper & Ecnler St. Louis:
jonn a. wamen " ; : ,- I Joseph Mclntyre "
Sakelford, Finney k Co " I Barcklay, Hlnkle & Co "
April 29, 1853 '., ,:,..., i-U-y
AN. ACT to Incorporate tlie Neisa
lia Tallcy Insurance Company.
Sec. I. Be it enacted Iv the Council
and House of Representatives of the Ter-
ritory of Nebraska:. That John Carson,
Luther 'Hoa'dley, A. S. Holliday, Isaac
T. Whjle, U. C. Johnson,' James M.
Huglis, Benjamin F. Lnshbaugh, Henry
V. jJlayhew; K. : Y, Kurnas Kobert V.
Frame and John Grant, their associates,
successors and assigns, are hereby con
stituted a body corporate and politic, by
the name and title of the "Nemaha Val
ley Insurance: Company.'by which name
they and their.successors shs.31 have per
petual succession, and are made capable
in law, of contracting and being contrac
ted with, of suing and being sued, of de
fending and being - defended against, in
all courts and places whatsoever, in all
manner of actions, and may have a com-
mon sealj wnicn tney may cnange at
pleasure. . r
Sec. 2. The capital stock of said com
pany shall be ten thousand dollars, which
may be increased to any amount not ex
ceeding five hundred thousand dollars ;
an I any three of the persons named in
section first, shall be commissioned to open
books for subscription to said stock in such
manner, and at such times and places as
they may appoint, until five thousand dol
lars of stock in shares of twenty dollars
each, shall be subscribed, and soon there
after the subscribers shall meet and
choose directors, first rnvinff notice of
meeting in one or more newspapers in
the City of Brownville. . j
Sec 3. The payment of said stock
subscribed shall be in the following man
ner: ' At the time of subscribing, one
dollar shall be paid the commissioners on
each share, and before the company shall
be authorized to issue- a policy of Insur
ance, the further sum of ten dollars shall
De paia tne directors on eacn and every
share, and the balance due satisfactorily
secured,' payable on demand, any stocl
holder failing to meet his calls for thirty
days after the same shall have been de
manded, the directors shall have power to
declare said stock forfeited to the compa
Sec 4. The corporation hereby cre
ated shall have full power and authority
to insure all : kinds or property against
loss or damage by fire, to make all kinds
of insurance against . 1qss; of property of
any kind in course of transportation,
whether happenining on land or water ;
to make all kinds of insurance on lives
and grant annuities, and to make such
other insurance as they may deem proper
or expedient; to loan money on real or
personal security, and on respondentia
and bottomry bonds, and to re-insure
themselves against loss on any risks they
have taken, and generally, to 'do and per
form all necessary matters and things
connected with these objects or either of
them. -
Sec. 5. The affairs of said corpora
tion shall be managed by nine directors,
who after the first year shall be elected
on the second Tuesday of January, in
every year in the city of Brownville, as
the board of Directors may designate;
first giving thirty days public notice of
said election. Should anything prevent
its taking place as hereby provided, the
corporation for that cause shall not be
deemed dissolved, but the election may
take place as shall be provided by the
companies' by-laws, each share being en
titled to one vote. , . -. ,-
Sec 5. The directors regularly cho
sen by the stockholders of this company,
shall as soon as may hereafter at any an-
nual election, choose, out of their body,
one person to act as President, and one
erson to act as Vice Tresident. lhe
first named shall preside at all meetings
of the directory. In case of his absence
or death! the Vice President' shall per-
brm his duties: either of whom with the
Secretary' or Actuary shall sign the pol
icies or contracts made by order of the
Board of Directors, which contract shall
be valid and binding with or without the
seal of said corporation : and such oth
er' aets and. things as may be prescrib
ed in the companies' by-laws. Any di
rector ceasing to be a stockholder for-
eits his powers and privileges as a direc
tor. -
Src. 7. The corporation; hereby crea-
ed shall have full power and authority to
invest its capital and surplus funds in any
funded debt created by or under any law
of the united States' Government, or or
any of the States or Territories or of the
City of Brownville, and to sell and trans
fer the same as the directors mav deem
tor the interest of the cornoration. or to
. - -
loan such of its unimploved money or its
funds on snch time and security as the di
rectors shall prescribe, to be made availa-
ble in the time of its ordinarv business
bec. e. lhe stock of said company
shall be considered personal property, and
shall be transferable according 'to such
rules and under such restrictions as the
Board cf Directors may direet. Provi
ded, that no transfer of stocks shall be
made except npon the books of the Cora
pany, which shall specify the date of such
transfer and shall be at all times subject
to the inspection or any person interest
ed. And, provided, further, that no such
transfer shall : release any stockholder
from liabilities existing against said com
pany before the. date of such transfer.'
The directors, by their'by-laws, may also
prescribe what number of directors shall
form a board competent to transact the
business of the company, prescribe what
number of Clerks, or other officers, may
be necessary, prescribe their duties, titles
salaries, and such other things as they
may dera proper, always, however, sub
November is, 1858. no. 21.
jectto the general laws of the State or
Territory. ' . ' . "
Sec. 9.' Nothing in this act shall be
so construed as to give the Company the
power or privilege of banking.
Sec 10. This act to take etiect irora
and after its passage. ; ' '
Signed, , HI HAM liJuK N tuT,
.... Speaker House of Rep's.
Leavitt L. JBowen,
. , t President of Council.
- I herebp certify the foregoing to be a
true and correct copy of the original act
now on file. ; in my ofT.ce Ja witness
whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand
and the great Seal of the Territory. ; ... .
Done at Umana, tms tniruetn aay or
October. A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-eight. - ; -
TINna nf ttillc Paccori tlio Plftri
session. -
An act to adopt and establish a crimi
nal code for the Territory of Nebraska.
Approved October 3d 1868.
A bill for an act to authorize Charles
M. Greever C. 'J. Waddell and Elias W.
Jones to establish and keep a ferry across
the Missouri at Stl Derom, - Nemaha
countv, JN.. 1. . - '
Memorial and joint resolution relative
to the homestead.
Joint memorial and resolution relative
to the construction of a wagon road from
Platte River to the Kansas line.
An act to , incorporate the Beatrice
Bridge and Ferry Company.
An act to incorporate a university, to
be; located in Capleo.
An act to incorporate a seminary to be
located in Cass county.
An act to incorporate the city of Da-
kotah. '
An act for an act to locate and estab
lish a Territorial road from Nebraska
City to Salem, N.T. ;
An act to incorporate Columbus in
Platte County.
An act to amend chapter 2d of the laws
of 18o7, relative to District Courts.
An act to. authorize Richard Kimball
and Richard Hogaboom to establish and
keep a ferry across Platte river at Lari
mer city.
A bill for an act to establish a Territo
rial, Board of Agriculture.
An act amendatory of an act to mcor-
porte the Nebraska University.
An act to nx tne time or holding gen
eral elections.
' An act to incorporate the Cedar Hill
Cemetry Company of the City of Orca
An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
of N. T.
An act to establish a Territorial road
from Covington, in Dakotah county, thro'
Crawford, on the Elk Horn, to a point on
the Platte river, on the road from Oma
ha city to .Ft. Laramie.
An act concerning the powers of Dis
tnct Judges.
An act to authorize Isaac T. Whyte, A'.
S. Holladay, Louis Neal and Benjamin
Holladay, to establish and keep a ferry
across the .Missouri river at Aspinwall, in
Nemaha county. , - jf :: . ., . , . ...
An act to incorporate the town of
North Bend in Dixon county. "
An act to authorize Luther Hoadley
to erect and ' keep a mill dam across the
north fork of the Great Nemaha. .
An act to authorize certain parties to
erect a mill dam.
An act to incorporate the town of Wa-
copana in Cedar county,
A joint resolution relative to the pub
lication of the criminal code. .
A joint resolution and memorial rela
tive to a geological : survey of Isebraska
-'Memorial for a land grant.
Joint resolution and memorial relative
to the Ponca Indians.
An act to incorporate the Otoe county
Horticultural Society.
A.n act to change the time of holding
courts in the counties comprising the third
Judicial District. .
An act changing the time of conven
ing the Legislative Assembly of the ter
ritory of Nebraska, and for other pur
poses. An act to incorporate the town of Saint
Helena. . -. ' ; .. -
An act to amend an act entitled an act
to incorporate the city of Plattsmouth.
Approved March 14, 1So5,
A bill for an act to amend an act en
titled an act to amend an act incorporat
ing the town of Brownville Approved
Feb. 9th, 1858.
An act providing for the appointment
of deputies.
An act to authorize citizens to view
the public records, r
An act relating to the salaries of Ter
ritorial Auditor.
A bill for'an act to establish perma
nently tbe: county' seat of Richardson
county by a vote of the people.
A bill for an act to create a lien in fa
vor of mechanics and others in certain
cases. -
Joint resolution and memorial relative
the Yancton and Sioux Indians, and the
treaty negotiable with them.
. - . . ..
Memorial and loint resolution asking
for additional mail service from Dakotah
city' to Niobrarah, cl the Running Wat
er river. : - -
iAn act- to locate ! a Territorial road
from Nebraska City to Plattsmouth.
An act to authorize John H. S. Groove
and Charles F. Putnam to keep and run
a ferry across the Missouri river at Pon
- 1 ca landing in the; county of Dakotah.
An act to establish a Territorial road
from Rulo to Blue Springs.
An act to establish a Territorial road
from Bellevue to Forest City, in Sarpy
county. .
An act to incorporate the town of West
Point in Cuming County.
An act for the; regulation of county
jails. '
An act to incorporate the city of Beat
rice. ... .
Memorial and joint resolution praying
for the relief of John B. and William
Bennett. "
Joint memorial .and resolution askinjr.
for an appropriation to construct a bridge
over the Platte river.
joint memorial ana resolution asking
for an appropriation to finish the Capitol.
Memorial and joint resolution relative
to a . mail route from Bellsvue to Llk
Horn City
joint memorial
and resolution relative
to school lands.
An act to incorporate the Frankfort
Town and Ferry Companv.'
An act to grant a ferry charter at the
town of Hoobrah, across the Missouri
river. . .. .
A bill for an act to authorize R. W.
Frame to keep a ferry across the Missou'
n river at Peru.
An act to authorize J. B. Stough, Hen
ry A. Fuller and Adam Smith to erect a
mill dam acroos Aoywaye creek, Dako-
tah county.
An act to authorize George W. Hunt
to keep a mill and mill dam across the
south branch of W eeping Water, in Cass
An act to establish a ferry across the
Missouri river at a point opposite Srike-
the-Rees Camp, in Minnesota Terri
tory. ,
An act to incorporate the Cuming City
Ferry Company.
An act to establish a ferry across the
Platte river, near the mouth of Salt
An act to amend an act entitled an act
to establish a ferry across the Missouri
at the mouth of the Little Nemaha. Ap-
proved March 9th, 1855.
a act iu uuiuuiize kj. x. iimt'uuut'u
and others to build a mill dam across Ma-
pie Creek. - ; - .
An act to incorporate the Blue Springs
"Rrirlrro nnrl V frrrv rnmnnnir
An act authorizing Joel H. Johnson to
keep and run a ferry across the Loupe
Fork of Platte River at the town of Ge
noa, in Monroe county
An act to incorporate the Fremont Fer-
ry companyt .
An act to authorize H. G. Crawford,
H. A. Patridge, Jno. Rupell, L. E. Good-
ell, Harlan Baird, Hugh Compton and
S. P. Baltzly to keep a ferry across the
Missouri river.
An act to authorize Thomas Patterson
or assignees to erect a mill dam across
Rock Creek.
An act to locate and establish a territo
rial road from Saint Stephen, Richardson
county, to intersect the military road
leading from Fort Leavenworth to Fort
An act to locate a Territorial road
from Decatur to Niobrarah.
An act to locate a territorial road from
Florence to the bridge on the Little Pa-
An act to locate a Territorial road from
Brownville, in Nemaha county, to Kings
ton, in Johnson county.
An act to locate a Territorial road
rom Peru to the Kansas line, near Ma-
rysville, K. T.
An act to locale a Territorial road from
the city of Elk Horn to. the Papillion
Creek, at McCardle s.
An act. to establish a Territorial road
rom Bellevue, Sarpy county, to Elk Horn
City, Douglas county.
in . aci to locate a a errnuriui roau
rom Omaha city to Forest city , in Sarpy
4 . . . 'i1 : . . - i l
county. - ,
An act to establish a Territorial road
rom Omaha city, to Fontanelle, in Dodge
county. , .
An act to locate a erritorial road from
Aspinwall, in Nemaha county, to Paw
nee city. . .
An act entitled an act to locate a' Ter
ritorial road from Ionia, in Dixon coun
ty, to Fontenelle, in" Dodge county.
An act to establish a Territorial road
from Bellevue to ' Forrest City m Sarpy
An act to establish a Territorial road
from Wyoming to the West line of Otoe
county. .
An act to provide for the repairing of
the Military road at Elk Horn bridge.
-An act to locate a Temtonal road from
Decatur to Columbus and Cleveland.
An act. to regulate the - appointment
and define the powers and duties of no
taries Public.
homing private persons to
sue out writs of quo warranto and man-
An act to amend an act entitled an act
for locating, opening, repairing and
changing county roads. Approved Jan.
26, 1856.
An act securing the benefits of the
writ of habeas corpus.
Jin act tor the regulation of county
An act to apportion the members of the
House of Representatives of the Ter
ritory of Nebraska.
Jin act to legalize the acts of certain
commissioners of deeds and for other
A. bill for an act to provide for the val
uation and appraisement of the real and
personal property, and for the levying
and collection of taxe3 in the territory of
An act requiring justices of the peace
to give bonds before entering upon the
discharge' of their official duties.
jJnact to authorize county commission
ers to pay interest on county orders.
An. act making certain instruments of
writing negotiable.
An act to require county clerks to give
An act for the appointment of masters
in chancery.
. An act to fix the time of convening
the Legislative Assembly.
An act to authorize certain officers to
administer oaths and affirmations in all
cases. ; ; .- - ; . .
An act regulating fences.
An act respecting juries.
A bill for aa act to establish a Terri
torial board of agriculture.
' An act for the encouragement and
protection of live fences. ;
An act authorizidg the judges of the
District Courts to provide rules regulat
ing the procedings in chancery.
An act for the relief of paupers.
:. An act to prevent the taking away of
books, laws, records, or other documents
from the Territorial Library and "pre
serve the same. , .
An act to regulate the entry and dispo
sal of town sites.
An act to amend an act entitled an act
for the appointment of masters
in chan-
An act supplementary to an act entitled
an act to establish a code or civil proce-
dure. Approved November 1, 1858.
An act to license and regulate the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in
the Territory of Nebraska.
A bill for the relief of Margaretta
An act to prevent trespassing on tim-
ber land.
A bill for an act providing for the bet
ter regulation of schools.
An act to establish a
A 1 1
code of civil pro-
An act to proviJe for the copying and
indexing and proof reading of the jour-
nal and laws passed at the extra and reg-
ular sessions of the Legislature of Ne-
uiu&ttu uuuu" mc vcai xooa.
. An act to remunerate William S. Wal
ker for services rendered in copying the
criminal code.
Joint resolution to compensate Henry
V - --r
Crowell Tage of the House of Ilepre-
sentatives, for services rendered.
Joint resolution relative to compensate
H. M. Judson for services rendered in
copying civil code.
Joint resolution to compensate a. iu
Curran for copying, indexing, and super-
intending the printing of the journals of
the House of Representatives of the 4th
General Assembly of Nebraska Terri
tory. Joint resolution for the determination
and adjudication of the claims of tha
code commissioners of 1S55, and their
Joint resolution to pay mileage and per
diem of E. S. Dundy.
Joint resolution to compensate Wm. A.
Gvvyer, Jr., Page of the Council, for ser
vices rendered.
An act to remunerate James W. Van
Nostrand for services rendered to the
committee on judiciary in the House of
of Representatives.
An act for the compensation of engros
sing and enrolling clerks.
Joint resolution requesting the Secre
tary of the Territory to distribute public
Joint resolution to compensate T. H.
Robertson for services rendered.
Joint resolution for an appropriation
to pay the expenses of the extra session.
An act to define the boundary between
Washington and Dodge counties.
An act to change and re-define the
boundaries of Calhoun county.
An act to organize the county of Hall,
to define the boundaries and to locate the
county seat thereof.
An act to re-locate the seat of justice
of Washington county.
"An act to establish the county of Mer-
ick, to define the boundaries, and to lo
cate the county seat thereof;
An act to more particularly define and
settle the boundaries of Nemaha county,
N." 1.
-An act toorgaize and define the boun
daries and locate the county seat of Dixon
county.' .
An act to restrain cattle, sheep, horses
and swine from - running at large in the
counties of Platte and Monroe, Dodge
and Hall.
An act
for the relief of Levi Harsh,
the city of Florence.
to establish a Territorial road
Mayor of
An act
from Cuming City Landing to Fonte
nelle, in Dodge county. '
An act to locate and establish a Terri
torial road from Peru, in Nemaha coun
ty, to the Kansas line in Richardson
An act to provide for the holding of
District court in Dixon county.
An act to authorize the appointment
of county commissioners in Platte coun-
An act to confirm the title of Francis
Barker to certain real estate in the city
of Omaha in the Territory of Nebraska.
An act to fix the times of holding the
District courts in the second Judicial
An act to dissolve the bonds of matri
mony between James B. Hickman and
Salina II. Hickman.
An act to consolidate the towns of
Rock Bluffs and North Rock Bluffs, and
to incorporate Rock Bluff city.
An act to change the name of Char
1 ley Shepherd (o Charley Ford.
An act to legalize the collection of
taxes m tne county oi "uass ior tne year
An- act tc dissolve the bonds cf matri
mony between Mary Burton and Jno. N.
An act to incorporate the town cf St.
Stephen, in Richardson county.
An act to incorporate the town of Eon
Homme city, and to establish a ferry at
said point. ' .
An act to incorporate the Nemaha Val
ley Insurance Company
An act to incorporate the (own cf Ma
hala city, and locate the county seat cf
Butler county. . .. . . .
" An act to incorporate the town cf Par
kersburg, in Monroe county, Nebraska
Territory. . 1 1
. A bill for an act to incorporate the
Missouri River and Nemaha Valley Rail
Road Company.
An act to incorporate the tewnof Fre
mont, Dodge eounty - - -
An act to incorporate the city of Rule.
An act to incorporate the Salt . Creek
Bridge and Ferry Company. , .
An act to amend an act entitled a bill
to incorporate the city of Omaha, ap
proved Feb2d,lS57. ' V 1 - ;
An act to amend an ad, entitled ah
act to incorporate the Florence Bridge
An act to incorporate
the Nebraska
City Hydraulic, Gas-Light ' and Coke
Company. . .1
An act to amend the charter oi me city
of Bellevue .'.
An act to incorporate th town of West
Point, Cuming county.
An act to incorporate the town of Paw
nee city. . :. '
An act to incorporate the city of Fort
An act to umend an act entitled an act
to consolidate the corporations- of Ne- ,
braska city, South Nebraska city, and
Kearny city, and to incorporate Nebras
ka city. Approved December 31, 1857.
Whole number, 165.
t.. r 4u. rnwmtHnft in tu
"X 'if on thf. r l" nntlnn nf
Got. Richardson.
Your committee to whom was referred
so much of the Governor's Message as
relates to his resignation of his office,'.
It 1 ...f.JL . . . ,
UCS iy
Governor Richardson arrived in Ncv
braska on the 10th day of January last,
in the midst of one of the most violent
contests this Territory ever witnessed. ,
He came here under an appointment &l 0
the General Government, most fit to bo-
made. He stood up in the Congress of.. ;
the United States, one of the foremost',.. '
champions of that principle which a's-' "
serts and vindicates the ability of lhe "
American citizen, whether a resident -of
the older or the newer settlements of the . .
country, to govern himself. The cham
pion, the eloquent, powerful, successful?
champion of the natural rights of the.,
people of Nebraska, most fit was it he
should be set over them as their Cover-'
nor. - ; . . : '
He came welcomed with the warmest
entusiasm of the people of the Territory.'
They felt, as they had abundant reason
to feel, most thankful that a man of his
reputation, which was national, pf his .
abilities, which in the then present exi-
gency of the public affairs were needed
for the public good, of his connection, so :"
intimate and sp honorable, with their
first history, should be sent among them.: ,
Open arms, warm hearts 'welcome him
to this Territory.
He has served us for nearly a year.-
All his wisdom, all his best efforts hive
been ours. No personal feeling ambition"
or pride has ever swayed him. Patriotism;
a generous regard for the highest public . .
good, have characterized his administra- '
lion. The Territory of Nebraska stands
to day on a moral and legal position far:
higher, more honorable than ever before.
We have now a complete, wise and ad-
justed system of laws. Indiridual and '
public rights can, and henceforth will te
vindicated, a wrong punished. ' For all ;
this how largely are we indebted to Gov
ernor Richardson, to his wholesome and
timely advice.
He goes from our rnidst carryiug jthe
sincere regrets of every class of our cil-
izens, that the pleasant and useful pub-
lie and private relations which he has iuO
so short a time so firmly established, are .
to be severed. Amid all the shifting .
scenes of life, he will carry with him the ' '
gratitude of the whole people for the
great good he ha3 done cs, and our pos- .
terity, and our own hearty wishes for his
prosperity and welfare will attend him in '
all time to come.
All of which is respectly submitted." .
A southern gentleman owned a slAve,
a very intelligent fellow, who was a Uni-
versalist. On one occasion he illustrat- .
ed the intellectual character of his relig
ion in the following manner: A cer
tain slave had obtained a license cf the
Baptists to preach. He was holding forth
in the presence of many of his colored .
brethren at one time when he undertook
fo describe the process of creating Ad-
am, "He" stoop down, scrape' up a little
dirt, wet it a little, squeezes it de right
shape, and lean it 'gainst da fence to dry.'
"Top dere !" said our Univesalist, you
say dat are de fust man eber cade ?" '
"Sarten!" said the preacher. :
Den," said the other, "jsst tell a f el- .
ler whar dat ar fence cum from !"
'Hush !" said the preacher, "two more
questions like dat would f?poil a!l de feol-
ogy in de world ! '