h.'-.. J-hf -vn. Mer.ufcctureri and - . fcoJcsals i iJLJoalera ivi i l t- i I i Beady. JUada-.: Clothing, .65.-2Ilin-St..St.'.Loias,.-Mo.i4 : v Ana tit riJ vf - --- FUK1IISHIITG GOODS. T ALSO TALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND SOY'S 'CLOTHING, Wticli we o!Ter st low a? bet Jlotiie in the City.. .. ' . . . '. .- - " WE1LSTER, MARSH k. CO. i New Spring, j Goods?ii "BUOWNrwife-.CO., Tto. Slain Street Saint I,ouIs, invite lUrcliitn. vir-iticg bit -wt-ij tf tutu immense I1IPORTATIOII OF 1853, '! tiro Outline S'.rkef Black and CJ'red .Satins ; Trinted-Jaconet; Ctialiie; Uubaze; .Viiiie Goods; Biiibruideric; Lce Gods. Glove; Hosiery; Lace AtitU. &.C. It. w n r f V",-- r emrT f of t1.1 !! I ion th latest Surcjean and American ttyle of Loop and Loop s&irU ; Ireucn Stiit reel-.? ritloii of til e'yles, silk cravata, drei trtmriungk; bririef, oricb. JjnHuEa, together with te eae Iraol,'of tLe latest and mutt fasnlonable 4:ga. ' . Can tnreri. cloe- wirchw tn, and prompt men, vli lUiii tut market, aie invited to eiaanao our stock and prior. . . 'i . . - - Br.OWX, & CO., 73 Vain Street Saint Louli. April 13. Bo 43. MILLER & EOISAL'BIN,.. , .M Importer of French and German . LOOKIilG-GLASS PLATES. Sheet, Sfcy-IJsht, antl Floor Glass, is, -second m fer. lohis, wo. Mtnulacinrera of OrnameBUl Ioking-CJl8 Krames. S;amed Glass in all its Various Branches, for Churches, Public and Private .v"r- ":Buililin?s...v- : Ornarhtvial Work for Steamboats. i PRIXG AM) - SIMMER 00DS. field; b e ardslee &. , co:, J Importers . and Jobbers. J rieco tiood for Ulen'S Wear, -' "W now in rece'ipt'cf a large and comple'e stock f Vvi. suitable for jJieSprlntr and Suiimier tralewhich wacCer n tlia nostfsvorable terms. The stock coQ; ;suid part of the following gods, vlti -CIAiTlfS. ' Cansimers, vkit, asirieiFj iarrii csbumereiis, j9iijCordans; Jijle.kto; Linens ; Coltonndca Al pacas J lrap U iiai Fai mar's S.rtmsf Vesrtnts; Vel etierpes Jtc; every description of tailors' and cloth iers' trimmings. A complete sunk of Blankets. Jl ful rt!mnt of wnrr el liir and drawers." . ' . U ercuaot Cl-t:-.'.r-t .auJ Titor,n-iiticJ the clr tfft tht prtvose of bnying their Spring Stock wfll find it to their interest to examine our stock before making their aalectuuns. All orders will receive prompt attention. . ' ' , - X ?U:U; liKAlliJSLtt X co.i: April 16," 1855 nott' ' " " HAVDEN" & WILSON;" J Importer an! ManSifacturert of S j: ZD Co ach Hardware, v Carriage. Trimmingt?, -Saddle Trees: ? Hamcs "Springs ' arid Axles, . Patent and 'Eiianicfccil Leather, . SKIRTING. . ... .. .. .... ... ILvIlNESS, , . BRIDLE LLTHER. , Ko." 11,' Main Street. St. Lonls, Mo., Are prepared to ofTor to their customers and the .trade ac ..rtiii ft ftIJs utifurHstcd. lnNialitf and chtaiCft, bf any llote in their line. East or West.' "COMBIN'ATIONJ'ATENT." tPRIGIIT. STEA3I,1W. MILl. mill c . r cnill men evr , ttmand for it in iHTi.ls tue iiTnyersal acayraucu of saw--oro. Ait merit be juneknown, the . reafres. Orders are coming from every cti.'n it tin c untry, Canad v Cuba, and South Ajlicri- ca. H I s.iiea iorery sbcuob oi mewona wuerevcr there is tin,U.'r la It swd no matter I wkai-character fcow hard, how larseor how Ftnull. Two extensive ma cufacu.rtM are now eniiped in buildinir these mil Is, yet 11 is aluioxt iuiN)ssible to tcraiham out as fast as they ara wutid. , J fvry t cn.tnce several. Valuable patents and ImproveiwBts, and eomtine all of the following d Simpiicily Botb the mill and power are so simple in 'ttrir r'UiotrnrttoB that any one f ordinary mechanical ! abi; ' ;.t;.:nn.rehnd r1ieui,nrt fnein Lpand rta them wii ,..3rtTier rimrrrtrr.- " " I'urtabilituTlie whole establishment can be very tuickly taken apart and pat toetliarj' tfcus retidering it a-y to be movoJ from place to place as desired, and av- iof the necessity of drawing the lops a long distance to Durability It is constructed iu the.luo&l swlid and obslantial manner, runs perfectly tillr is not liable to gat out of order, and will la?t for years 'without repair. Rapidity It will j;rw fsjtrr than 'any other upright tipncht mil Th speed of the saw is about three hun Aitt trotf! rtr Luiuute. and the feed from one-eichtk to tbreeuarters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a nedmaTI peedthesaw will cut through a log twenty-rinr feet long In about three minutes. From this, Buta.any one kawing the character of the timber can-calculate bow n-h it will do. - Vjfiiciency It does It wnr V$JI, cuts smoother and atrvigbter Wict, the ordinary mills, and thearrancement f the saw Is tuifh aslo render it utterly impossible for It to ran out of line. Cheapntn The entire lost of the milL with fifteen kortt power and verythtB alfcomplere anj'jeady for rurminc, 4) twdanJ rwdy for shipiucu ia St. Louis, is en It $1 700. - - -- - i. - This mill requires less power to drive than any other sill, and the power fumis-hed is sufficient toriveextra machinery. ' - A circu lar containing full particulars will ""be sent to any one desiring it. All ortiert sh;itld e V!res6ed to BRAGQ-a, Et'RROWKS, Corner Third and Mtirlet streets, St. Louis, Mo., tole agents for the We.-tern and Southern States. Ilarch25, '6. - ;) 43-ly DOYVDALL, MARKIIAM, & CO., WASIIfGTOU FOUNDRY Ditnc and Machine shop, CO&Xta er iEl BKD AND koecak STREETS,' i .ST. LOUIS, Mo. Varrfactnrrrs of Stesra F.ngiuet. and Boilers,. Saw and Orltt Mill il l.u.frj, bit ?': and Double -Circular Saw Mit:."ToI.ac!?o Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lard Hcrewsand Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines Building CaMtnc. Ti ung's Improved Patent uiut Mills, &c. k"5-AEXTS for the sale uf James Suiith.2t Co. 's Su prrjor M'hin Cards. - 1 " . r2n8-ly UJblYKH BEMKTT & CO.; VlMfACTrEEKS AND wholesale DEALERS IN Boots Shoes ScErogans, X0. S7 XAiX STRKR 1 SAIXT LOUIS, MO VUE NOW IN ULCE1PT of a completcassortment cf jrMd from their own nni other manufac- tone.6J-xudcipecaiIy to lhe U estern trau. Purchaser! are invited to examine their stock Bancfacturod and. selected with erect rare and warranted of wperior Jttality. Order, will receive roupt and careful attention. BEITJD -Xz -BROTHER, - rRoraitToas. or. tii SAPBAXnSGALEOBK Bank Safes cMIaiienedSled, and dulled Iron, JtwtlltT&aiXxpress' Si f $f e '.. . Vuill5, Baik .Locks, 5cc.' ' : ? The recent tet of Sjf e of the different Minlfactures la tb i.KKAT FIRE of the City Buibhup, in which the rxceisior triumpi.e-? evrrnirTTCtrS,rurrjrTalTl.vi. s thesuperMoirv t.f Tr.e l.n!cr sarc.- ta merits the confident tf all i;:!ere "led ia Si!'ea I Ue fecurl ty i.f U.eir oouient. li.e Esctisior being tbe 1 nly safe ' attrrfertT g iBthef.'-' tn i,tnety lot!r. and takin ont red hot. V'M jvea tv.e t ni, j-jI r j; cTi. while a large nun.lrr ' bti !t-: i .3 th? t.re bui a skrt Uar, were :tkth o"t 'iua tLj u utcnU fcLUtely ft nfi.ajcul, must tniire all i.U tl,e n's-pfsity of examiniug their tfes at itv-e pmhji!'g tcj te f'ure beyend a doubt, of the tare fca inf su J the test Mid ccme out victorious, we pll,:e tKM to rujrrf ie:r.re p'ne btt such aa can be rellcl on, aud refer to tie following , Ire, te rne'slS'W. tiVc pleasure la eerUrjing to the intp-;' 1 tti-t t Brothers Exce'.Ftor Cre- rot f hi!e weresuln.itci to in tbe bnTnirg cf the City Bui'. line. t? tcine-e".b cf N.err.t'r.lSS6. ar.lare Jus- tir.caia Te-..trri;eu-.cg tLeui to alt whoiieo saJes. HalL &. Smith , Eddt jamesox fit. Co c BtnlUM- Co 'I Samuel McCAirsTr PAKTaiDCE A- xo ; JOSEfU F-lde '. UuxrHitn TcTTTrr.T, Joh S thomasow RttA Tiillmak h t-wi Baste U"ii it &.Saitx Tmla BoriLT tco :. fcoTT A- Bao VcMctraa k. Ballaktim, Bsowa Goduik &. CO : Oa l'MTL WATEXI h. CO W LEWIKfl k0 1 A JAKCAIT K to JOHS n llALLtt-jCO . BaavAao ir's & co Shaflfisii V AT is.jco 1'liC-EICELSIOU.. . T k tht Premiu!DTer il best Eastera MaaufactDre at ih State Fnir, i a Saint Luls; ia told from rUrty U rty trect iti. aaJ cnaraxiteed U Lecqul toanyia lie Cnitj i AlsoUiAiiufarinrfra 0 ' . - Ltjfttalnsr Hods, -tl!ty.-ari4 ; ' ; - - PUlirs cf a 'De(Hrt!OTii." ; LEAP.O h. BItO., 15. Kiln' P-.rtst, fcjiLt Iuis, itn. ... , INCOMPARABLE sii.L;c 6:,L SEWING jl AUH1M JSS. Y V-:-'-r-rrv'4-LT-C- j. w. McDonald & co. No. 79, Fourth street, St: Louis, Mo. Are tr.U)n?'the place f all other machines to ' Families;. . Dress-Makers. I r:i7 nil-'-'-. : AND f ' . TLey are the Simplest, Speediest. Che&pei and most i luril)!e ilacliirjcs cxistant. , . i Agents Wanted In Every Town In me n esi. OLITEK BEXXET. tm; b. qakbit. ArGC8TCB KNIGHT. ther. JAMES r. FISKE. OLWEIt BENNETT CO.; Macufacturerrand Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 87 Main Street. FoBXRLT,No.mi, Cc.itvrop Mai? akd'LoctstO ST. LOUIS; .MO. 3. V. WESTLAKE. A. A. BUTTON. .. WESTLAKE & BUTTON, MACHltlE SHOP & FQ'JKDRY. Hail road Car, Illocli Pump, Holt I marLUiaotory, Corner of Main & Biddie St., ST. LOUIS, MO. .: Contractors outfits constantly ou hand, such as Rotary Pump Cars,. Sideer End Cars, Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Single and Horse Power Derricks; &c. ' " " BlacVrniithlng of all kinds, Bridge and Truss Bolts of any length. Workmanship warranted of best quality. B. B. II ARDI"0 O. C." EIHEOrGU V B. . TOOMEB. HARDING, KIMB0UGH& CO,, ! MfinnjaciurersaHu. n noicsaie jjcaiert tn HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS. .Ifo 49 Main 6treet, bet. Olive and Pine, Particular attention paid to manufacturing our flacst Mole Haw. .. '' : - JAMES HOGAN. - , BLANKOOK MlKUrACTURER, Southeast cr. 2nd and Locust Si's. -ST LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Boks, made of the best paper, ruled to any pattern, and scwd in the new Improved patent mode. ..,... . . j LIBRARIES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC. &C, honnd in any style, and at the shortest notice. ' Having been awarded the Prcuium at the last Me chanic's Fair, be feets eordident la Insuring satisfaction to all who tun give bint a cull,-'- j - July 22d, lt63. ..... ; Iyv3n4 MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RIEIEST DIADEM EVEB "ITT " T Tr -Tl . Olil Uy IVlllff S Of JjHljer0rS w - I What? Why abcantifullleadof Hair Because it the ornament God Himself provided for all our race. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly iu the glowing check, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, if the head is be reft of its covering, or the hair be snarled and shriveled, harsh and dr y, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. M'ood's Hair. Restorative, if used two or three tlmas a week, will restore and permanently secure o all such an ornament. -Read the following and Julze. Tbe wri ter of the first is the celebreted pianist Tkalberg : New Tork; April 19, 185S. ' Dr Wood Dear Sir: Permit me to express to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arri val in tbe I'nited States it v.as rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your Hair Restorative, it soon recovered iuoripnal hue. I consider your restor ative a a very wonderful invention, quite eflicatioua as well at ugreeable.r : 1 am yours truly, , " j - - .. S THALBEKO. Trych air Gwyliedydct' Welsh Newspaper office, Nassau St., April 12, '63 Prof o H"ooj Dear iirj Some niootb or six weeks atfb, 1 received a bottle of your Hair Restorative aim gave it my wife, who concluded to try it on her hair little thinking at the time that it would restore the I gray hair to its original color, but to her as well as my surprise, after a few weeks' trial it has performed that wonderful effect by turning all tbe gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thickening the hair. I strongly recommend the above Restorative to all persons in want of such a chanze of their hair. CHARLES CARDEW New Tork, July 25, 1S58. Prof OJ Wood: with confluence do 1 recommend your Hair Restorative, as being the most efficacious ar tide 1 ever saw. Since using your Hair Restorative my hairs and whiskers which were almost white have gradually grown dark: and I now feel confident that a few more applications wilt restore them to their natu ral color. J G KILET. Chicago, 111, May I, 1357. Prof Wood About two years ago my hair-commenced falling off and turning gray : I was fast becoming bald, and had tried many remedies to no effect, I commenced usihg yofir Restorative in January last. A few appli cations fastened my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out, aui turned back to Its former color (black). At this time it is fully restored to its original color, health and appearance, and 1 cheerfully recommend Its use. ' J 1) HOES TlieTteslora'ivtTipuflH bolt Ids of 3 sizes, viz : large, medium and small; the. small holds half a pint, and retails for $rper bottle; the medium holds at least 20 percent more in proportioe than the small, retails for $2 per bottle; the large holds quart, 40 per cent more ia proportion anl wu for 93. O. J. WOOD &. CO.. Proprietors, 312 Broadway. New Tork. aM 114, Market street. St Louis, Mo And sold by- all good. Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealers, i '--;- .- - -' - . . Soldby J.- n JtfACN &CO., Druggists, Brownville, Nebraska. BODICE UEALMS, Foru-ardina; & Commission - MERCHANTS, - - - No 73, North Levee, St. Louis, 3Io. . Orders for Groceries and Maaufactured Articles accu- rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for sale and re-shipmcut respectully solicited. Shipments of all kinds will be faithfully attended to. ..--s . . neferrences : - ; : Messrs. G n P.ea 6c Co - - - .. st. Lonis' B irtletU McComb k Co . . .. 4 do Gilbert, Miles & Stannard . do - t Hon. W II Bufllngton, Auditor State of Missouri ' J Q Ilarmon, Esq, Cairo City, 111. ... 1 Messrs Mlony, Bro's&Co' New Orleans, Louisiana J D Jacksn, Ksq. do do. Messrs Hinkle, Guild & Co, F Uamoiar At Co , Brat.dell &. Crawford Woodruff i Huntington, II. Billincs, Esq., May 12, 1656 . 45-3m Cincinnati, O. do Louisville, Ky. Mobile, Ala. Beardstown, 111. MISCELLANEOUS. T. E. IIAYCOOK, Attrney at Law - A.KJ) - EEAL ESTATE AGEHT. Mount Tcrhoiij- Ncciaha Co., Particular attention paid to the practice of law andcoW lection of debts in the counties og Nemaha, Pawuoe, Sobasoo, and Richardson, Nebraska Territory; Real estate bought and sold on commission. Land . warrants located fordistant dealrrs. Pre-emp-tKn papers cnrefuliy prepared. RF.FERS TO . " i Sam, Tl. Elt ert, Flattsmuh. X, T. 4 11 P HennetNebra.kacity.N T . . . O D Richardsoa, Omha ciiy. SI , ( Fenner.rerjrcscu.-'MC,-BelieTne, NT - Cassady & Test, Baukers, Council Bluff, Iowa Cook , Serpemt ii Cock, Fort Desmoines, Iowa. December a, 1657 : .'.'. - n231y , , riOXEEIt- v ? i Book Binderv COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, . : Empire Block, No. 3. "WILLIAM F. KITER, . . "Would inform the y-utlie that he haa cpened a first choss bM'k Kitadery, aud is now prepari4 to do, all kinds of Book Binding--old or new, I.,und or re-bound up-.n the shortebt jssiile notice, and oc the most reasonable terms. " Ordrrs rwired fot all kinis ot Blank work. ' I July I, ia&S-ly. , -..?. Watcliiiiaker k Goldsmith, JI.OCK: ;P.O,U.Ti.,.MO.-JLiA kgs leive to inform the public that he has located In the above named town and offers for sale a choice stock of - . CL 0 CKS, WA TCHES, JE WELR Y, and other articles usually kept ia such establishments at pi ices which cannot becouiplaiued of. Being an exper- lenctM watcamiker he flatten himself that in repairing watchea, clocks and jewelry Le cao give perfect satisfac- W1U- 1? tia. . J m p ot'1 e 'v'r '&'. 'M:a.;nu:-:fjac'tu re r. BKOWNVILLE, NEBlUSKA. 'vThe Proprietor respectfully informs the citizen of Brownville, and the puhlic gen- r orallj, that ho bits jost retnrneU from St; Louis with the largest Hock of. custom-made ! ;" ";' , BOOTS ft SHOES ever "brought West of Sl. Joseph.:- ; ;; ', ni acrr'tc(nt of reaJr-made Boots & Shoes embraces everr vatiety 1t Fall and Winter. French Calf-ekin Ic-oU, pintle and. double ole of the latest r . vatcr-proof boots, jast right for PIKE'S FLAK Stoga lioots, and a creat variety of Shoes and Brogacs H k4 i larfi nrt lv: and ereat sarietv! m everv stvle and Children's Gaiters and Shoes, Gentlemen's Slippers, Buffalo and Gain-elastic Overshoes, f o Ac. i Ha alsa has constantly on band a larare supply of French Kip and Calf-skins and tnmmings FOIt HOME MANUFACTURE. ' He warrants his work to pive entire satisfaction, and invites the public to call and examine for themselves at t'iA Rrownville lioot &. Shoe Store, and judge whether the boots and shoes are mtof better leather, better, made and cheaper than any jou ever nurchased from any other Sept. 23. 1S53. . t NEW:":FALL .-MB TOTBR.".'. - ' DEALERS IN ' ' . ., : i -- ... - ' ' ANP Hain-st- bervfeen Front B270T70r23."VillO, 3XT- "37- n-m'M .y w n- 2 t : HATS & love Fitriiiture, Flour, AND W 1 S3 O O "rt s . TE have jnst opened a heavy Stock of Fall and T T & and Fancy line, which we are now prepared to - For Cash or Country Produce. 1857. ': .; v2nl8-tf : CRANE & HILL. T (ffs P-iOf : fna if! SIEGEL & GREENBAUM, 3Jo- S'T' IMIixa. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the tuey nave received ana are now opening one or tne largest ana most complete Stocks of Llothing Ever brought to this market. '": Their assortment of Embraces every.variety of Textures and Prices; a3 to invisible Ljreen,and Cloths, I.as.-;imers,atinett3.t.a5hmerctts,and Jeans, all made up " . according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, : embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the mom May also be found atall timo a finoscleetion of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored, Uandker- eniels, auspenaers, carpet uags, etc., wnicn we win sen ascneap as any establishment in the West. We have the finest and best assortment of SPRING ".AND -SUMMER. CLOTHING 1 . Ever brought to mm Warranted to suit the most fa3tiduous. A fine assortment of COATS, Dress, FrocSt and Sack.; 4 v PAXTS, Every Style and Description. VESTS, To please Large and Small. SUIRTS, Both Wliite and Fancy. WE would but ask tho public to call, examine and Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better -.,lA a C . i ,i . "SS'SI A. W. PCETT. M. O. WILKIK80X. PUETT & WILKINSON, Jl AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMADI, N. T. YTill attend to all business entrasted to their care ' BEFEKENCES Col. Jesse Williams, r ' Fairfield, Iowa. Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Indianapolis, Ind, Mr. F. N. Boock, Washington City. Hon. John G. JJavis, Rx;kville,Ind. Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, X. T. T. B. Cb'MIKG. tOUS C. TL'KK. CUMING & TURK, Attorneys at Law & Keal Estate Agenfc O MALTA CITY, N. T. "T7ILL attend faithfully and promptly to all busi vv ness entrusted to them, m tho lemtonal o. Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots andlandf, en trries and pre-emptions, collections, &c. Office in the second story of nenry & Pootsnew building, nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Farnham street. Dec. 27, 156. vln2Stf FRANKLIN TYPE &. STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Mo. 163 Vine St.. bet. Fourth ana Fiftfl, Cintinnatl, 0. C. F. CTDRISCOEI. & CO Manufacturers and dealers in 'ews, Bock ana Job Type, Printing Presses. Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every De-cr5ption, STi:Ui:OTYPIN of all kind Books. Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engravings, I Ac- -c Brand and Pattern Letters, varices styles, Office of American Hank Note Company. T i"noin vrcor Copper Hate & LitlioTapiac Piinlcr. ixirner of Randolph and Deait-orn streets, CHICAGO. 1IA. "WeddiBtandTisiUng Cards, Door Plates, OrSce 8eals, NoUryPnblic'a Diea and Presses, Drafts, Invoices, and Labels of ejery kind promptly execated and snt by ; Express. tJ-A Pack of the very best glazed or Bris tol Cards triA name for tvso dullan, by a new and beautiful Tra,tM rithnvt r.rf if ,ttm very choicest engraving, samples when required on reception of post stamps. - 8-JJt;)T . J. IURT & SON, SABBLJ.IJJJ11IESS ; Oregon, ioit County, Missouri. Keepconstantly on hand alUeicriptioLof Harness, Saddle?, Bridles, Ac. - X. B. EveryartieleinoarjhopijTaanufactured ir8res)aridwrxaritedtojr1ireatiffactk. VUMtl "9T stjlo and fashion; aK a superior stock of Oram lea- Oold Diggings.- H hj ias a large suppl j of Kip and ; Boys Shoes andpoots of all sizes and varieties. and fashion, of Ladies Gaiters, Slippers, Misses place. : The highest prL'es paid for hides. ; ; . ; and Second Bts and li 0''s';' CAPS, Bacon, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple offer to the trade at extremely low prices, citizens of Brownville and the public generally that Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and this Territory. judge for tbemsel' made material, cut ' ves whether me .uiotnmg at tne with better taste, better trimmed SIEfJEL & GREENBAUM. A. LYFORD. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in . AND . GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, boots, onono, HATS AND CAPS, Hails, Flows, Stores, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. ' April iftn, loo. 43t 1 1 ' j fTf W. II,TFIIXIABIS " ' "wtioleSalk and Detail dealer in STOVES & TINWARE Oroson, aio.. PT1AKES pleasure in announcing thecitizens of Or- a. gnflHume public in general, that he haron hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. Mr tv r T;. ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at holesale and Retail at St. Louis prices noma can particular attention to my stock of vvvA.i.y niui ts, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and lreminm. Among them may be found Filly'sCharter.Oak.thebeststove now in use, me Asiatic Air-Tight,Pineer and prize Pre- Parlor feEox .Stoves, 4 yiyarvQOs atzesand ratterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAX AXY IIOU.SE IV rmrv ! Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing doae on short aoiiee and on reasonabla terms. vm copper, irass ana rewter taken in exchange lorworaor ware. w. w. W IIXIAMS, " l-n5 Oregon, Mo.. July 5, 1S58. - . REAL ESTATE AGENCY. "U" Wl-ATEa. , J. w. LIE. Real1 Estate and ! General Affciicv r' -' JtEFESTO . -ame. nnght Broker, New York, 5?.n-od,l:5rSr-fOU! Cleveland, AlcottA Horton, - voi.ioert Campbell, , St. Loui, CrawfornandSackett, Chicago. OmaU City, Aug, ja,l81. tlalt-lj mom -ST. JOSEPH-AD'S vv V ""-v"' . B.4 F.: SNYDER, rv . Forrardiiisana Coinmlssioa S And' Steamboat . Ag"ent, ST 'JOSEPH, MO. ,; r Will be at the Levee at ail hoars upon the arrival of Steamboats, and attend to tha Collection or uins anu Business left with'him with prompt dispatch; also attend to the Receiving of goods for boats, either for St. Louis or npper Missouri, v Wilrbe found mtnecmce ci woiman Beat Estate Agents, Market Square. ' ; , , 1 " i .... r - . i- Groceries ! Groceries! I' Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions ! ! Iriccs Greatly Reduced? ' CURREXCr TAKES AT PAR! I . .'' K" J, B. JENNINGS . V . Cor. 2nd, and Trances stsy St. Joseph Mo. HAS iust received at his store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, everything desirable in his line, which he purchased ior the Fait and Winter, trade, at greatly reduced price or Cash, and whiea he will sell it corresponding prices for cash, or to punctual customers. " Among his recent receipts are 50 do Fresh Peaches, 35 doz Prime Apples. 20 do Assorted Fruits, 20 doz Lobsters I & T6 cans, 300"d"oz "Field's celebrated Oysters put up this fall, 20 half Barrels new white Fish, alSO vOUUpU,, loo UtJAUa " JfcUUCCPC, VJ UVAra - ..v. vwv ibs Currants, 50 boxes fresh rarsins, too boxes arieu Her ring, 600 lbs Goshen Batter, sou nnis craciers, oo opis nuts assorted, 500 lba Peanuts, 100 boxes assorted and fancy candies. 100 do gum 'drops and motto - Lorengers, 600 drums Figs.&.c. Also a large lot sugaa and molasses. wHch will be soM at prices cunsiuerabiy below the prices sixty daya ago.' i - " St. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1BQ7. a Nea, Hardware Stors. : n -. Siffn of the Saw. J. FLAHERTY", Imtwrter, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American Grerm.tn, English & French HJlRD JVJWE jZJVD CUTLERY. . V ' ST.. JOSEPH, M0. IS NO Wreceiring and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. "My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder' Hardware.Meehan- ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and-implements, in (treat variety, eombm in? all the recent and usetul improvement loritne saving ef a vast amount of labor to the fanningcom- munity, from whom I respectfully request a earefal examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive azent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut baws, which 1 will warrant, and fill all orders at lhe factary prices, Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron. Steel, Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, mv stock is very complete, which, fo its quality and price, lam determined to offer such inducements as ... . i . , . e- . t i will command a liberal snare oi iraae irom mis ana adjoining counties. . My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Mnufaclurers, together with a long experience m the general Hard ware trade. enables me; not only to dely all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is small profits and quick returns January 1, 18a7. vlniiytt . MID Wl JOM COLffOl'N & BR0T1IEK, (Sign of the Padlock,' opposite the Post OCce.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Building and Saddlery Hardware, G HOC E 11 1 E d , Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MU. "AVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and foreign Hardware, sucn as : Greaves & hon's" Files Scissors and Edge Tools Pocket knives Knives and foTkj -Brass curtain bands and pins Butcher's do do ; Spear k Jackson's saws -Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American Door locks Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Mousehole Armitage an vils American anvils Stocks and dies Pad hooks, breoch'g loops Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins ' Urjper leather Br'iddle do "Skirting d . Harness do Belting do Goat skins Enammelled leather horse nails Post hole augers Ame3 shovels and spades Lull & Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly saws Planes and plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adzes and wood tools Tress Hoops Butts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts 1 uyere Irons Plated and com. stirrups do do Bitts do do Buckles do do Kings Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs . Peg floats 'j Pincer . . Shoe thread '. . " Bristles, wax Lining skins Binding . . V ith many goods embracing a complete assort mem oi tne most desirable which tbev will sell a t. the lowest pnees. J. COLHOUN 4 BRO. April 16th, 1857. 3l-ly MCCORMICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 C. HYATT & Co., Agents, St.Joncvh. MisKOuri. Is again offered to the farmers of Missouri, and Nebraska. iiic uv3i Avayor m me worm, ana trie best combined Reaper and Mower, and is so warranted. For five years past I have avoided attending the various State and vouniy fairs, ror tne purpose of seeking premiums, re BarumK my macnine as too well known to need that sort oi commenaation. in July last-the rnitPit st-t. Ag ricultural society, at their Pair at Syracuse, New York, GOLD MEDAL and DIPLOMA. For the best reaper, after a severe tet. in htx.r tan. sieu rjeover muy anu uneven ground. Also the '(Jreat Council Medal' was awarded by the exhibition of all na tions in L.onaon m isol to t. McCormick, on the ground of the originallity and value of his AMERICAN REAP ER, and also at the great French Exhibition at Paris, in ooo, was awarueu tne lirand UoM Medal of Honor. Aim thehi8hest prize awarded to any reaping machine by the nuyai Agricultural society or England in IS57, and still more glorious, tne nignest satisfaction and approval of over iuu.uuu iarmer oi my own country. Farmers desiring the McCormick Reaper and Mower for the present year will secure by leaving their orders snouia oe sent, on Derore tne 1st day of March next April 15. 1868 no42 Buchanan Life and General Zusuranco Co., OSice cor 2d and Julo st3 ST. JOSEPH. 210. '' . CHARTERED AT THB LAST SEIOM t,v tctp , LEC Autliorizea Capitol 3,00,000. . mj i njy, lun Of ... J.Tt Je.nniniri I k Il.,wn4 T i r ... Doom, Jonntoinoun. John 11. Likon. v 11 u :i. I. B. JENXIXUS Pre N.R.ilcAsrux, Sec'y. ' r 8 I irnow reaaJi receive application for Life, Fire JL Marine and Liver risks. A cash runn, ,.r n.J eent will Km . ' ' T" -rgo premium. Losfsr I (Tl 1 f II III I W Mi I IIIHIAll Vlyl P - . - , k n A . - . r l ,t c - " iuvu!miui me oiaee. April loth, 1857. 4-,1m S. LocKwoor. f 1857. ylt. E. Pom km v Lockwood & Pomeroy, ,. Wholesale and Retail Doolers in M 4 rzici i tvt iiiiil 1 & STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Fura of every de- ....yovii , lut w xi liiey win pay the highest Market Price. . IN C5ASTT. pOUMRY Merchants are invited not be excelled bv anv Hoimn in r j Our prices will be low, terms accommodating, tad and see us at our, 'cw Store. Second St.- w. ufrva,. 22-ors IW ff1 AOf vy stock of Hats A Caps for the approaching Sprin-r nd bummer trade which will be large, fashionable, anu well selected. Inrxiintof v!iritw saint .u .i:pii-.A 1V.. "Tfcw.TtTiOlesalc Groccfj :; lip use.; 7 , W. Ci RITCHIE, '. ; , WHOLESALE J.XD RETAIL, DEALER KJ r l Groceries ".AVincsV vliquois, CltrARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner of Main and Trancit ' Streets. Riddle' Old .. , Stand. . Opposite Stouts Hotel, " ' " ST. J OSKI'II, 3IO.. TTAVB inst rcceivr-J -the largest aad -most complete stock of the above goods ever opened ia. uppor.ilissoiiri, to which, the attention of merchants and dealers-is res pectful ling Invited having purchased them principally for cash at the very lowest possible prices, ia Boston, Xew York and St. j.ouis, feel confident that X can offer Inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, fcy fair and liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage Call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing sales are bound to follow. In my stock will be found every article usually kept in a No 1 Grocery Ilouse. k ' "V c 'Eagle. Mills.". - bT. JOSEPH, MO. -. JAMES CARGlLL-Pro?rietor. MANUFACTURI:S ami keeps constantly on hand for sale, a!! kinds of Flour, ?IoaJ,' and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. , -::. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30,1358. vlnl3-y, ABRAM NAVE, PCDLEV M. STtiL, CH11. I. CLARKI. JAS. M CORL, NAVE, M'CORD & CO., vmniuii mem, Foiwardinpr and Commission Felix Street, between fisird and . Fourth,. SAINT JOSEPH, MO.,: Have just received and for sale low 350 hhds sugar ; 250 bags rlo Coffee 850 kegs Iron Mountain Nails, (the best nail made) 258 brls and halfbrls molasses. ' -' 150 ten gallon Kegs Belcher's Molasses; 2300 sacks G A salt. New sacks and in good order., 1800 bags Dairy Salt in Gunny's of 15 and 25 pounds each; -' 200 brls copper distilled whiskey, gnarranticd good. 75 brls anu hf brls old Bourbon and Rye, best artinlc; 50 qr and 1-8 pipes Erenca Brandy, warranted pure and eennine, 150 boxes soap, different brands, Olein, Palm and Fam ily: - . 15 tierces new Carolina rice; . 100 casks Lee's New Castle S'da; 25 boxes soda in pound papers ; 1C0 boxes assorted candy; 25 boxes fancy candles; 200 chests and half chests andcantins Imperial. Gun' powder and Young Hyson teas ; 200 bxs Tobacco, Ulaow and Virginia; 125 coils Manilla all sizes; 50 doz wooden buckets end ZC U3zen each no 1 &. 2 Tubs; 36 doz wash boards. Our stock is lhe largest above St. Louis, all of which was brought before the late advance and shipped at twelve and a half cents per 100 lbs. which gives us great advantages over our neighbors who have not yet re ceived their stocks. . NAVE, McCOKD i CO. Sept. 9, lS5S,-tf. ' MEDICINES. IMCo3Ljs,:o.?e3 STRENGTHENING CORDIAL ASD BLOOD .-.PURIFIER! I rpilE greatest reme dy in the world, This cordial is distilled from a Berry know; Noilly p myself, an- chlmic.illy combine ioht fut ?v with some of the m valuable medical rooi herbs and barks known to the cii::d of man, viz : blood root, black root, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, dandle loius, sartaparilla. eld er flowers, with others, prulucing the most in. I ,OI ill ll'U v, ucui.j Bcforf tii kin: ever nmwu. ..!. IT IS NATURE'S WalliJ:. OWX REMEDY, curin die.scs by natural law. M'hen taken its healing influence is felt coursing thro'cli every vein of the body, purifying and accelerating tho circulation of the blood. It neutralizes any bilious matter in the stomach, and strengthens the whole orga nization.. , - - . 9 ' McLean's Strenntheninj Cordial trill effectually cure Liter Complaints Dyspepsia Jaundice. Chronic or X err out Debiliij. Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach. Heartburn, inward piles, acidity or sickness of the stom ach, fullness of blo d to the bead, dull p.in or swimming in the bead, palpitations of tbe heart, choking or suffoc aiin3 feelings when laying down, dryne.-sor yellowness f the skin arsl eyes, sudden flushes uf heat, depression of spirits. &c. There ts no mist ale abovt it. This cordial will never f.iil to cure any of the above diseases., if taken as per dii ections on each bottle, in German. English and French. Over half a million of bottles Have been sold during the past six months, snl in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction Win then will snrTVr from weakness or debility when Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you? lo the Ladies. Do you wish to be healthy ana strorg? Then go at onteand get some of McLean's Cordial ? It, will streng then and Inviu'.rate your blood to tlnw through every vein, and Hie rich rosy bloom ot health to mount to your cheek again, Ke; y bottle warranted to give satisiac- tiou. - . ForrChildren. We say X parents, if your childreg are sickly, puny or afflicted with complaints prevalent among children, give them a small quantify of 3lcLean's .Cordial. It sells rapmiy, because st always cures. Delay not a moment Every Country Merchant Should nut leave the city until he had nroenred a bud pty or .McLean's strengthening cordial. A liberal discount will uo made to those who buy to sell again, r j rrrrrt v . , . . " . l-"4"'u-' xuate oi uruggisi or dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or K irsanaril la trn.li which they can buy cheap, by saying it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood throughout, and at the same time Mii-iijiueu me system. - :- . One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain preventive for cholera, chilla and fever, yellow fever, or ) iirTjtieuT uisease. Piice only $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. i U M cLEAN, Sole proprietor of tbe cordial, Also, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment JLJPrincipal depot ou the corner of Third and PifiC streets, st Louis, Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The best liniment in the vrorld for man or beast Another Rerr.aikable Cure i-eriormea oy Aicxean'a oleanic Oil Liniment. Read ii ior yourselves momasi-or.j, black.-muh, living near Cas avenne lonui street, nan a iuraiMe running sore on his foot ing inuu vn-,us t.nuiiients, Salves, &.c, butcould d. it no soon, ne ucFpcuredof ever being bletowork at his trade again, because he oould not bear ai.y weight on his uuC uon io or JicLeau's Volcanic Oil Uni ment he Is now perfectly cured. Rhenmatwm . iiAnrai.'V i . . . stiff.,esS in Ti i vr D'! P"in. tor..a -k"".: UK I- wei ungs, sore , , M-wu.itr.e. vc, yield to the mazie In. flueuce of this wonderful liniment. chafe mIZZL L.J-1 ?T,n,JM "medy for w ;rn::r ""-7. "em, umencn, spavin, flsta 'i " . ' "w""igs, wounds, rattls-snake bites and italwavsrurv. c"" lP7 Docause A liberal disennnt .-sn . . . to sell again - .v iiicicuauig wno ouy 0"Fur ale by J n Third and Pine nt.-eru McLEAN, prcprietor, cojner StL .i.is, M.. of Z00K & BALDWIN, Sorcf3t City, ZVIo., Bye Woods DyestTilTsJ Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles VriiL-hcs, Window-gl is ;tnd Puttv, GLASSWARE, French, English, and American Perfumery. .FIXE toilet and shaving soaps, line hair and gLl t0th brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent il al instruments, spiees. snuff-f. manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pnrt wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, et..etc. - Asents for the ?a!c of Dr, WisUir' li.Usam of Wild Chrrv, ,, ,. , " Roger's Liverwort, Tar aud Caahalarua ; u Osgood's India Cbolagogue, Jones' AmerifHn Chniimmi.. " 'UuynottV Yellow dock and SArsaharilla;r " Smith's Tonic Syrcp. Jul v 2.1. is: v2nl-yly TA.hi'.i lltrMte! Jat rei d at thoitcre of Ag ,1UT. fnt 2. T. vara. 1 EI I -SI SlMEDiOIKi?; 1 1 t t. !r : t r r s. FAMI.LY;;PHYSIi - : i u.i L--r ; !, :jv . .f :! THiiRl has long .existed a public deni&wi effective purgative pill which could be rei;j sure and perfectly safe in its operation. Tij,' hoin nrpna rA tn nvt lhal demand, and m sive trial of , its virtues has conclusively sawn what success it aocomplishea the purpose do?" It is eav to make a physical pid, but notfcT make the best of all pill one which ihocli none of the objections,, but all the advantage " every other. This has been, attempted here, with what success we would respectfully tubnla the public decision. It has been unfortunattj the patient hitherto that almost every pniy medicine is acrimonious and irritating to tie bt els. This is not. Many of them produce sa griping pain and revulsion in the system as to than counterbalance the good to be deriveai them, ' These pilit produce BO irritation or unless it arise from a previously existing obti tion or derangement in the bowels. Being jn vegetable, no harm can arise from their use a fc quantity ; but it is better that any medicine sho ,be taken judiciously. Mlaute directions for ftg use in the several diseases to which they are a -plicable are given on the box. Among thtt plaints. which have been speedily cured by them, may mention Liver Comprint, in its various lu of Jaundice, Indigesrion, I-anguor and Loss of i petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headjf Eilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Fain in the S and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the sequence of diseased action in the.Uvw.- Ata aperient they afford prompt and snr relief in C tiveness, PHes, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof and Scurvy, Colds with, soreness of the bodv.i; and impurity of the blood, Irregularities ; in hn any and every case where a purgative is required." . They have also produced some singularly ccssful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gro4 Erysipelas Palpitation of the Heart, Pains is a Back, Stomach, and Side.' ftey should be fmi, taken in the tpring of the year, to purify the fc! and prepare the system for the change of setscm An occasional dose' stimulates the stomaca tn bowels into healthy action, and restores the tite and tigor. They purify the blood, and, by i, stimulant action on the circulatory' system, reu, Tate the strength of the body, and restore & wasted or diseased energies of the whole orgarjja. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, v though no serious derangement exists; bntu necessary dosing should never be carried toe as every purgative medicine reduces the strerjrfA when taken to excess. The thousand cases in wiuci a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, ki they suggest themselves to the reason of every body; and it is confidently believed this pill wj answer a better purpose than any thing which Is hitherto been available to mankind. When tha virtues are once known, the public will no lonw doubt what remedy to employ when in seed of i' cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they w E!easant to take, and being purely vegetable, u arm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box PREPARED BT ' DE. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical CIieMihl, LOWELL, MASS. . ' . . Price 25 Cents per. Sox. Five Sozet for SI AYERS CHERRY. .PECTORAL, For tle rapid Cure of COFGIIS, COLDS, IIOARSEXES.S BKOXI niTIS, M IIOOPIAG-C 01 I'ROnY ASTII.1M A.U iOSl.llPTIO.. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disea, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evir deuces of '.its virtues in any eomniunity where it h?s been employed. So wide i the field of its cse fulness, and no numerous the cases of Its curei, that almost every -section "of the' country abouraii in persons publicly known, who have ben restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of tie lungs by its use.. When or.ee tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appi rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacsc upon the lungs, bttt for the milder varieties ot ' COLD8CotTGHH, IIOAK8EJE99,"&C ; and forCBIL defx it is the pleasantest and safest medicine thii can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use througbont this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept np to the best that it e Las been, and that the genuine article is soli by-" J. 11. MAI S k CO., 'Auu, Ilnwnvi'Ie. X. T, VICTORIOUS OVER PAHT.' BRAGG'S ARCTIC LIMM kfunj or ra..i '-ccImiW beuliU ! Ul'e or dt-a:h! Tli4 are tl iiilioiii4 involved ia tl adoption ur rejection of tlii''!' eitlo by tl nimiyr lo Ienil di-ae-i iul itijwie-. Tlatii ceivel tlie iii.oiemeiit of thl tiiinis)iil janm.- the lata 1 KA.M1 tnl itnellimcy tented dur ing two an lid Vi inler! ia lb rt cions of eiernnl ice, it Is nof con ing into general us in every tion of llm civilized globe, and Itt tn:irv-loui crre-i am ererjaUu. exciting astoiiishment. " fi. THE AFFLICTED ItEJOICE Ill'MiRKtM and TJIOl'SA.NTS it Late tesU I I t T rejoicing i i N wlilcu utl' tesieil IU virtue, ana art. ia freedom fnm li PA IX c.i.4 III.S-TA.1. er renimlim laid faiM in tnr. liar tm tb URON- CH!Ty. NILIUI.CIA. RHtt- Or: i" WATISM, MT.om.A, FAR- iV V aniictM with il.l) H)i:K CORNS, fcuKK KYK. l llKr the Arctic mxiaiext V win . aiiiiri viir iiinUut i.verjrUiiIjr m liabl to (Fy TV 1 For llieie dreadful accidents tl'.e r r. . ill.V,llU JJAIill-VT .Jio.W y-4..i;:.,,fti O '' V- '",ndiale relief, !! v- '" J v.; wat n. r.iilriil tnwfi " W v ' 'T- XP it. Who ll.at ban hiid H' J-i - M'iOiV.l' "1"r'k f R'Msl" afle'i'd 1 2 . j,c,V balded ami - maimed Tielim' i1 -a. f"t - j eiploMMiMi pud collisions, dnwaot -?---- w j that some means of rtliniif ii- 1 ti.eir iortur siiouia airj" aecei,iiji J J-ocli tioen axim iu iu babnypain coutrolIhigjeBt.ltIS THE IIOTHERS' COHPAinO. ' It eiire-i CAKFS IV TTT' nit FAST, HKK Miri.fi. Xii:KI.II-', Mill MS, Ae. liiex ulio prize s pur skin. vil t( pimi'ten, tlotclte, aeorf and all discoloratUtiui and eiexcence, xliould attack tlic-e trespasser- on" h(u!y doinain a.-t won aw D,w ki. ear ilU'U. Ar.CIlC 1.I.NI.MKXT. It is excellent for tlie lte. gWintj it a Lealjliy, U- f j caiance. U U mm GOOD rOH MAII AITD BEAST. y . v; li W a -loTi-reicn re S '.7 fc , Hip inrim-i .di.-ea 'irV ;"V- i m,'r'h borarealllic I f -i j'L . insr tbe nut alamtiui U U a soTi-reicn remeil f eaei iuKne.H Ii:l ft';, si i:ain., fH:iN(i I1AIT. WDIM-S. MBATnt K MH.NV,H'AV1N,KI-rnvf- Li(-,HKAP, H li LVH., e. No Emoer. Tiery , staMe kf-eru-r. fr any er, "wnina- valntiMe llolfS l.i.i. l. witl.'M,t tbi. Iu 1le remedy. i or Rale by all rc-pevtulilu I ii(gi.-U u-l Tealer Prieesef tli IjmuH-nt, '.-r. cni-i, 50 eenNai.4 $1 a -" tie. A one-dollar l.u l cr-ntaio an tuucb ljuiBnl . igbt twenty-live cent bottle . . ' ' EXTKAOKDrS.lRY iXSOnCCBIST. . F.vry piircb;itr of a dollar bottle f tl AIXT1C M" IMKN( receive, at lr. Lrnp?' exi!, tUe tMIl-'' STAT3 JOb'ItN'AIv X-jw York, for on year. ! Joui'iui ia .a lai ga illuR' ratel jmi er encli uimibvccca- -taiuiuij sixteen w--; .:r-rifilt i rtnW -m tbmtr li'1" jiaper, and il4 .ttt.e'inl 4u4Uer Icwui .! luot bril liant writent ol the cootury. 4 erlitit-ni- tl mibM:r:ra' and full imrtic il ir of Hi Btel aui j l.lU. m lri3 terprie, of wiiidi UiUoliec lornia a t art, a.U accoa'l' eacl Imttle. Ai AtihXl WATKTin rV?.V TOWN and Til TC5 IlUACiU t IJLIliUVi:S St. Loul, JI-. Ntw Vokk Io-hcb, X. ;i r.KU.l'VA.. CommuuicatiouA liould al.xaya be addr-tsscd to t- l-o- MAU.NT iv CO. ts, .A i ' c..v' I 'v- XV''" T.T.