Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 28, 1858, Image 3

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    -i-r-r-r-l- i TATTTTm TY fC T?T)
mj ir a. iv h,ii, nrjit.
" brownville; OCT. sisss.
in ail varied
t the end of C months,
"12 '
,-,,.rr.if rwiid in advance.
3 00
. , nr will be furmsnca at si,w yci
A Card.
ssRS. Daily, Noel, end Doom.
r;f-hlg ; The undersigned would take
s rnethod of returning their thanks to
i for a copy of the "Omaha Nebras
n " containing the Criminal Code.
:rownviUe, Oct. 2S, 1S5S. .
Woed and Corn-
We hare been almost entirely deprived
;he former luxury and our hogs of the
a. ih met wrek of rain and
'J. Those who have engaged to
tha. i.lreriiRcr in either of the
-n'.ioTied articles, would accommodate
ly bringing them.
Potatoes, beef, pork, sorghum molasses,
3 wanted.
ESTDr. Baker's SpccIHc will cure
gonorrhea, gjeet. stricture, seminal weakness, chordec,
diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the
genital organs. Reader, nave yon a private disease f
Do not neglect it. Delay is dangerous. Dr. Baker's
Specific is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr.
Baker's Specific you can cure yourself, and prevent
exposure, as plain directions for uso accompany the
medicine. Price $1 50 per bottle.
j3Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets
St Lonis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom all orders
must be addressed, to get the Genuine." Sold by 5
J. n. MAUN k CO., Druggists, '
Brown ville, N. T.
Watchmaker la Brownrlllc.
ice in another column the advertise
at of Mr. J. Scnixz, Watchmaker,
cessor to Mons. Lamarque.
A is
Fever and Ague.
said that the "Celebrated Stomach
Icr'of W. L. M'Nuttcf St. Louis,
a "biirc preservative of Fever and
ue, Indigestions, &c.. See advertisers
;Ve call the atrention of Merchants
1 ptiers to the advertisement in to-day's
er, of Fassett & Crossican, Trunk
inufacturers, St. Louis.
received last night
cigars. We have been
iri'T soma o: mem, auu uau aav
luy they are better than any
e smoked this side cf St. Louis.
ix Mur.t
e supply
The r&clflc Railroad.
s the white, man in his exploring
ch presses forward to the great West
plants his foot upon the thrcahhold of
arisrn, so does the. elements, and
:Ls' ihat mark his s'.iperiority immedi
!y follow after,- to brighten his foot
h in riper years. Among these most
uderful works are the railroad and tel
raph. Though our advances have been great,
1 uur efforts woiiJerous, yet no interest
msjto attract iho attention of the pab
vuridncre than that of the construc
l of a "railway to the Pacific Ocean.
's c-iiterprise. seems to meet the wishes
he people more than any other; nor is
n impracticable project; patient effort
1 uinring will by men of character
eli'd forth in this great work not on
f -.'the West but of . the nation, They
e contended against individual avarice,
Iodine and Sarsaparilla
Will cure all diseases arising from an impure stale of
the blood, or a depraved condition of the fluids of the
system, viz : cancers, swelling of the glands, rheumat
ism, white swellings, chronic sore eyes, piles, coils,
erysipelas, goitres, pains in the bones and joints, ul
cers in the mouth and throat, and all chronic constitu
tional diseases. This medicine searches out the very
roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing
the secretions in the system, thus removing the cause,
which renders the cure certain and permanent.
Dr. Easterly's Iodine and SarsaparUla will cure the
worst mercurial disease, and drive out and destroy ev
ery particle of mercury which is in the system, and cure
its bad effects.
It will cure secondary syphilis or venerai disease,
and will drive the syphilitic virus and all hereditary
taints and poisonous matter out of the system through
the pores of the skin, and restore the patient to a per
fect state of health and purity. It is a positive cure
for liter complaint and dyspepsia,. if used a proper
length of time. I challenge the world to produce its
equal in these complaints. The afflicted will bear In
mind that Dr. Easterly's Iodine and SarsaparUla will
cure all nervous diseases, female comploiuts, dropsy,
gravco, diseases of the kidney's, bladder, and urinary
organs, in a few days.
It will remove pimples and blotches from ihe face,
and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala
baster. II does this by purifyingtbe Hood, and by its
prompt action on the liver, kidneys, and secretory or
gan, producing vigorous health.
Persons who have long been afflicted with scrofula, old
sores, tetter, ringworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions
of the skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to
procure Gridlcy's Salt Khoum and Tetter Ointment to
apply on the sores and diseased parts, when using Dr.
Easterly's Iodine and SarsaparUla. The Iodine and
SarsaparUla purifies the bleed, and causes the sores to
discharge their putrid matter, and the ointment heals
them. When both are uscd (which I always recommend)
a permsnent and rad cal cure is always effected. They
are the best and most powerful curatives known to man.
A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result.
Price of the Iodine and Sarsararilla, $1 per bottle, or
6 bottles Ior $5. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75
cents par bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly,
corner cf Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo.,
sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed.
53-Soldby J. H. MAUX &. CO., Druggists, Brown-
Ville, N. T., and by Druggists general ly.
:2'"Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial
will cure all female complaints, swh as excessive,
su-prested, or painful menstruation, Fluor albus or
wnitcsf barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, diz
tinpsfl. wpak nerves, frichtful dreams, and all diseases
caused by colds, checked perspiration, excesses, over
excitement, &.c, of tho sexual organs. Dr. Hooper's
Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la
dies the best remedy ever invented. JQ-Price $ Per
bottle, or 6 bottles for $5.
Dr. Eastekly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets,
St. Imis, Mo, sole proprietor and to whom all orders
must be addicted.
Sold by J. H. MAry &. CO., Agsnts, Brownville,
KT. T., and by Druggists generally
Dr. Easterly's
EST Fever and Acne Killer Will
cure ague and fever, chills and fever, dumb ague, inter
niittent and remittent fevers, and all the various forms
of fevers incident to bilious climates. If there is a
man, tcoman or child suffering with ague and fever,
they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and
Ague Killer, It is a positive cure speedy and perma
nent. Try it.
Plice $1 per bottle, or 6 bot.les for $5.
Dr. Easterly, corner of Third and Chestnut streets
St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be
addresscp to get the genuine.
Sold by J. II. MAUN & CO, Agents, BroWUVllle.
Clocks. Watches & Jewelry.
Would anuounce to the citizens of Brownvillo
and vicinity that he has located himself in
Cr.kJBrO'RTiville, andintends keeping a full assort.
iu4j of everything in his line of business, which will
be sold low for cash. He will also 3d all kinds of re
pairing of clocks, watches and Jewelry. All work war
rantee. v3nl8-ly
Manufacturers of
Traveling & Packing
AO, N. Second st., bet. Pine & Chestnut,
Saint Louis, Mo.
y We are now rrepared to fill all orders
V ,'-'J--M'jin ur line with promptness andonthe
S, 1 J.I.
yuc .uiroii IVtUVUAUlC Let 1113. VUI ElUCK IS
-large and complete and all of our own
manufacturing. Those in want of articles in our line.
(wholesale er retail) will do well to give us a call be
fore purchasing elsewhere. A share of public patron
age is solicited. nl8v3-ly
Are an unequalled Tonic and Stomachic, a positive
ana palatable Kerned j for general Debility, Dys
peptia, loss of Appetite and all diseases of the
Digestive Organs.
The e Bitters are a snrc Preventive of
They are prepared from the purest materials by an old
ana experienced Drugm, and therefore can be relied
By gently exciting the system into a healthy action; are
pieasaut to the taste, and ah-o give that vigor to
the system that is so csscuUal to health.
53A wineglass fuli maybe taken two or three times
a day before eating.
Prepared only by W, Jj. M'NTJTT,
Oct. 23, '63 lS-ly
Public Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a trusteeship
vested in William L. Parker (since deceased) by deed
or trufct executed ou the fourtteath day of October a u
1637, by James II. Mastin, and recorded in the Record
er's cfllce of Aeiuaha county, Nebraska Territory, on
pages three hundred and forty-five aud three hundred
an d forty-six of Deed book "A," I Watter W. Hackney,
administrator of the estate of said William L. Parker,
will from the corner of becoud and Main streets in the
town or Brown ville in said county, between the hours of
nine a cioct A m and four o'clock p m, on the twenty
eighth cay or .November ad ISoa, sell to the highest
bidder for cash in hand the following described land, to
wit: the northeast quarter of section number thirteen.
in Township number five north of range number thir
teea east of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska
Territory, and to execute a deed to the purchaser. The
same to be sold to satisfy a certain promissory note de
scribed in sric note, said note being j et unpaid. 18-4t
Public Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a trusteeship
vested in William L, Parker (since deceased) by deed of
trust executed on the (Uth) fourteenth- day of October,
A.D. 1S57, by Cornelius Mastin and recorded in the
recorder's ofilce of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory,
on page three hundred and forty-six of Deed Book "A,"
I, Waller W Hackney, administrator of the estate or
said William L.Parker, will, from thecornrrof Second
and Main streets in the town of BrownviUe in said
county, between the hours of nine o'clock A M and four
o'clock p M, on the twenty-eighth day of November a
d 1868, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the
following dercriued land, to wit : the south-cast quarter
of section No thirteen, in Township No. live, north of
Bange No. thirteen cast of the sixth principal meridian
in Nebraska Territory, and to execute a deed to the
puachat-er. The same to be sold to satisfy a certain
promissory note described in said deed, said note bcir.g
yet unpaid. lS-4t
STDr. Carter's Cough Balsam
will cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bron
chilis, Spitting of Blood, Pain in tho Side and Breast,
Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint,
Palpitation of the Heart, and all diseases of the Throat,
lC policy, and even against the Stern I Chest, and Lungs. No one should neglect a Cough
Cold a single day. Milhonsdie annually by neglecting
a Common Cold. Coughs aud Colds lead to coxsump
tioji, and then to an early death. Reader, have you a
a couch, cold, or any disease cf the lungs? Procure at
.,nn t)i,t nlnhrntnil ramlr Tin r11Trs' COTTGH
Ji. Louis, that great Central city of the Balsam, which never fails to relieve a cough in twen-
liiient; it has progressed very well,
:'nng a distance of about 150 miles
a St. Louis. Through the kindness
1 liberality of John M. Wimer, Pres
et of the
riers of nature, to give this work a
rt, and they have done it.
ru ' 1. : i r
me vfurh. was oegun a iew years ajro
Leeal Notice.
Samuel n. Bennett, Tl'a Second Judicial District
vs. I Court of Nebraska TerrU
The Nemaha Valley Bank, - tory to November term,
Samuel K. Bodgers, et als, A. D. 1S53 for Nemaha
defendants. , ) County. -
To Samuel E. Rodgers, Barton,B. Barkalow and Tho
mas L, Mackoy . - -.-
You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the
oftice cf the Clerk u' tho District Court for Nemaha
County, Nebraska Territory, the petition of the above
named Plaintiff, Samuel H. Bennett, wherein is claim
ed of you, jointly with the Nemaha v alley Bank, the
sum of one hundred and fifty seven dollars, upon bills
of said Bank, issued to circulate asourrency, and that a
summons aud attachment were issued against you there
in, and that lots number one and two of Block no three,
in the City of BrownviUe, in said County, has been at
tached therein, as the property of you, the said Samuel
H. Rogers, which said summons and writ of attachment
has been returned "not found," as to you the said
Samuel K. Rogers, Barton B. Barkalow aud Thomas L:
ilatkoy. You are, therefore, hereby notided, that unless
you appear at the hext term of the said court, and on
or berore the morning of the second day thereof, to be
beguu and held at Brownville, aforesaid, on the' six
teenth day of November, A D 1868, and plead to said
petition, judgement by default will be bad against you
for the amount therein claimed witn costs.
D. L. McGARY, At'yfor VVft.
Ordered that the foregoing notice be published in the
Nebraska Advertiser; as the law in such cases provides.
Brownville, -October 7, 4w - - - .'
, s
Legal Notice.
, JLesral Notice. . .
William SIIall, Pl'ff,
Abel Line, Defendant. J Sira?".'.
To Abel Line, the above named defendant, tou are
hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, Willi
am S. Hall, has filed on the nineteenth day of October.
1S53, in the office of the Clerk of the Nemaha county
District Court, of the Second Judicial District, Nebras
ka Territory, his petition, wherein he claims of you,
Abel Line, the abole named defendant, the sum of four
teenth undred and eighty ono and twenty-eight hundredth
dollars, with iuterest on tho same, at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the first day of September, A.
D. 1858, upon a certain promissory note, made by you,
upon the nineteenth day of November, 1857, whereby you
promised to pay to the said William S. Hall or order, on
or before the first day of September next after the giv
ing tuc said note, the sum of twenty-five hundred and
fifty dollars, for value received, the said note payable in
lumber, at twenty dollars per thousand, except feather
edged sheeting, at one fifty hundredth dollars per hun
dred, which said petition also avers that you, the saio
aoci L,ine, are a uon-resiaent or the Territory of Nebras
k.a, aua inai ue veriiy oeueves mat you are in some
manner about to dispose of or remove your sroperty out
or tne territory or Nebraska without leaving sufficient
remaining for the payment of your debts wbic! is veri
fled to under oath by the plaintiff: and. wherpas. In
the said case a writ of attachment and earnishmen
has issued apainst you the said Abel Line, returnable
to the ncxtNovembcr term of the said court, to beheld at
the city cf Brownville, Nemahacounty, Nebraska Terri
rory, ou the sixteenth day or November, A. D. 1358
which said writ of attachment also summons you to be
and appear oa cr before the second day of said term and
answer to the said petition of the plaintiff, as aforesaid,
and whereas, by the said writ of auachmetit, the follow
ing described property, belonfrtng to you has been attach.
eu, to-wu: mo steam-sawmill now being and situated in
the south-eas-t quarter of the northeast anarter of sec
tion no twenty-five (25) in townsnip no six (6) north of
ranpe fifteen east of the sixth principal meridian, Ne
braska Territory, situated in Nemaha county aforesaid.
anawuercas, Dy t.iesata writ of attachment one Frank
Wirth was attached therein as garnishee of you, the de
fendant, and whereas tbe6aid writof attachment and the
summons therein contained as to you the defendant,
Abel Line, has been returned "not tound," now, there
fore, this is to further notify you the defendant Abel Line
of the issuing of the said attachment and the sa id mm.
mons, and that the aforesaid property has been attached
as aforefaid, and of the garnishment of the said Frank
Wirth, and that tho said writ or attachment and the
summons tberciu contained to you as aforesaid, is re
turned "not found," and that unless you be and appear on
or before the second day of the next term of the said
Iiemaha county District Court, to be held as aforesaid,
and plead to the said petition, cf the plaintiff, judge
ment will be rendered against you, for default thereon,
and the plaintiff be allowed to recover the sum which he
claims iu the said petitioh of you.
Attorney for Plff.
It is hereby ordered that the said Notice be published
for four successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser as
the law provides.
By G. Dobsey, Deputy,
October 21, 1S53. .
Charles F.IIollj "' Xcmaha county district court of
ts rihe 2d judicial district eb. 1.
Moore & Brownleejl To N orember Terra A D 1858.
To Thomas Moore and V W Moore partners in
trade with Ueorgo Brownie o by the above firm
name of Moore and Erownleo. . ,.
You are hereby notified that (hers U now; on la
in the Clerk's oflice of tho Nemaha, county district
court of the second judicial district Nebraska Ter
ritory the petition of the above plaintiff Charles F.
Holly, wherein he claims of yon by the firm name of
Moore k Brownlee tho sum of fire hundred doll-vs
with interest on tho same at the rate cf ten per cent
per annm from the 4th day of April A D 1858, npon a
certain promissory note made by you by the firm
namo of Moore A Brownlee, on torit tho 4th day
of April a d 1857,nnd payable 12 months after date
an i given to one II C Carpenter payable to him or
order, which promissory noto has been endorsed fcy
him the said II C Carpenter on to wit the 10th day
day of May a d 1857, whereby the said II C Car
penter ordered tho said sum of money thereby spe-
pined to be paid to him tho piajiitiff. And yon
Thomas Moore and W W Moore aro herein notified
of tho issuing tf a writ of attachment ani summons
in this eae and you the said W W Moore aro hereby
notified that by virtue of the said writ of attachment
tha following property belonging to you has been
attached, to wit, The south-west quarter of section
No twenty (20) township No four (4) range No fif
teen (15) east of tho sixth principal meridian in
Nemaha county Nebraska Territory and also lot No
four in block No eighty-six in Nemaha City ia tho
said county of Nemaha as appear by the recorded
plat of the said place. And you tho said Thomas
Moore and W.W Moore aro notified that the sum
mons issued in this case against you has been retur
ned as to you "not found." Now therefore unless
you the said Thomas Moore and VT W Moore appear
atthet Nemahacounty district Court of tho Second
Judicial district Nebraska Tirritcry on or before
the morning of the second day of the said term of
the said court to bo begun and held in tho city of
Brownville in said Nemaha county on tho sixteenth
day f November a D1858 and plead to the said pe
t tion Judgment will be rendered against you by de
faul t for the sum claimed by the plaintiff of yoa as
a foresaid with costs of suit.
. U C. JOHNSON, Att'y for Pl'ff.
It is hereby ordered that the above notice bo pub
lished in the Nebraska Advertiser for four successive
weeks as is provided by law.
A. W. PENTLAND. Clerk,
EyCIIAS. G. DORSET, deputy
October 2Tst, '53, nl 7
Brownville, N. T.
ty-four hours, and always cures the worst cases or
aolds, coughs, ans all diseases of the throat and lungs in
a fpw dav. Price Trial bottles. 25 cents; largo bot
tles, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5.
5-DR. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut Strs,
St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, te whom all orders must
Company, we passed 0YerjbaWreB5eit0etthegenuiMe- 80,(1 lJ
If - r - - . 1 4. 11. SAU 01 ..
iuuu uoia a i. l,ouis to Jellerson Uitv.
tA n . . ! r J .1 J
u Mu lutiucauoa we iouuu me roau fh 1),1 UrMt for
1 fi . '. , 1 111!) AU IIUV VVAEKV.AAU JJ VVUV VA
vul; i luiiiisucu uiiu iu juuu i uu i "ATX x,TTV"T 9 C
iarJy set of conductors and other iVvT U Hi It A I jw A iVI f
:crs; therefore we can, with the assur
; of ihe faith that is within us, recom
this road as beinr a safe, sneedv
o -f J
direct route to the great West, and
cially to the Territories of Kansas and
:raska. Also those in the West de
to ro Last, will find this road the
kest and most direct to St.
other point Ea?t. L,
Public Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a trusteeshid
vesteu id William L. Parker (since deceased) by deed of
trust executed on the seventeenth day or October a d
1857, by ThnmasStateley, and recorded in the recorder's
olllce of A em ah a county, Nebraska Territory, on pages
three hund.ed aud fifty-four and three hundred tsnd tlfty
five of Deed B ok "A," I 'Falter W. Ilachney, admin
istrator of the estate of said William L. Parker, will,
from? the corner of Main and Second strcbts in the town
of Brownville in saidcouuty, between the hours of nine
I o'clock A 11 aud four o'clock P M, ou the twenty-eighth
day of November A D 1853 sell to the highest bidde
for cash in hand the following described land, to wit :
the southeast qaarter of sectiou number thirty-five, ii
township number five, north of range number twelve,
cast of the sixth principal meridian in Nebraska Terri
tory, and to execute a deed to the purchaser. The same
to be sold to satisfy a certain promissory note described
in said deed, said note being unpaid. 18-4t
. t Guardian's Sale-
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order
made by the Probate Court of Nemaha county. Nebraska
Territory, on the 26th day of October A D 1858, in tho
case of Jvbn llanna, guardian of IKalbridge Uooanago
lunat o arid intone, against the Heirs ana creauors oi me
saidC -irice, the undersigned will sell at public auc
tion ' B, wnville, at the Probate Judge's office, at two
o'ti P m , on the 12th day or December A D 1858, all
of thv.f -ill property of IFalbridge Goodridge; and
the foil described real estate to wit. lot Ko 1 of
section No 1 in township Xo 4, range Xo 16 east, or so
much of it as the court may on day of sale order to be
TER3:S One third down and the balance in six months
with approved security.
18-4t JOnXIIAXNA. Guardian.
Surveyor and Lanfl Agent,
rN VILLE, N. T.,
.Louis or
U. R.
Because it will, in all cases, saft'y acd effectually
cure that much dreaded scourge of the West chills, le
ver and ague withont fall, and in cases will counteract
the poison or Malaria, of which fact thousands do testi
fy; and, unlike all other nostrums, it is only recom
mended for one class of diseases, and as a tonic if is
unsurpassed. We will offer a few evidences of its worth
by men of influence and high standing.
Princeton, IU., Sept. 20, IS57
Da. Manx Dear Sir: For several yearn past I have
used your Ague Balsam in my daily practice, and have
closeiy observed its effects in hundreds of cases, and in
no case has it failed to produce the most happy effect.
I can most cheerfully recommend it as a certain specific
for chills, fevcrand ague, aud uialerious diseases.
II. AUSTIN, ii. D.
MarshaU, Mich, Feb 11, 1857.
Dr. Mann &. Co : 1 have sold a large amount of your
Ague Balsam ia this vicinity, aud from my personal
knowledge of it, 1 believe it the best remedy for chills,
fever and ague that has ever been sold in our State.
Aihtabula, O.Jan 1, ISM.
Messrs S K Mann & Co Gents: In canvasinir tlm
States of Ohio and Michigan for the sale cf the different
u ..mi . , . , . ituip1.n.i.iuuic uae couiroi, our attention has
J approach a Milage or a City, which IS been called to observe the great name that your ague
ui9iu u taiueu ior usen in every place where sold.
It really seems to be the people's own remedy, and its
sales more rapid than all others. It is deatiued to su
percede all other ague remedies in the market.
. A'ew I'crfc, Feb 23, 1S5S.
awraaAiraaio uenis : I have at imrhnnso in
e v : . . i m . ...
i - . , o. uiuh win jourmoc raisim wme three vears, and
-am, who have JUSt fitted It Up in a have carefully observed its effects in curing' ani must
u mn uuuurra), i uu uoi ueueve us equal exists in all
me woriu or meuicmes. to my personal
n a num.
Then you go to St. Louis, got on the
;frc Railroad, and go immediately
a aud put up at Kind's Hotel. The
"ding public are always enquirin
best hotel to stop at. Now to avoid
.his, when you go to St. Louis, only
e- - tt.i .
ior lYinir s iiotei. it is now un-
Brirrham and
'-he-chanre of Messrs.
"riodious and comfortable manner, and
t'ined cheapness and plenty, so as. to
the stranger arid the traveler with
-a he can desire. This Hotel is al
-a-a in a verp desirable part of the
cf St. Lo-Jis. T. TT T?
,lA,n TUist one r the greatest or
i.t l.l, in .r woman Could boast of. A splen-
f Ki.1Jr' luxur'" w ir, if it he in . "high
vf bta lb -y and tbick, no matter what its col
v. Itat w natural, u tt traction that will not
the envy i,T tboe who are ba.d. and gray hair is
firai tll is in the -neighborhood of four score
short of that it is a disease. H.iw could wt
r-'y hair to its original health ? Use Profes
uir Restorative, f,.r rale at all the drug stores
"ii the restores its health, and whei
re-.r.Klucd, it tK-auty, its orisinal color, its lu---e
aaj g:o8 is sure toJollow. Wood's Reotora-
wieonly valuabiehair prefaration.
'ivitt the of the tick and afflicted, to the
'eric:its m our c.!iimnsof Dr Katriv'a
yTill attend promptly to tho selection and loca
tion cf Government lands in the Nemaha land dis
trict: surveying town gitcs, and subdividing lands;
draftingc-ity plat?,and all other business of a Gener
al Surveyor. He will locate warrants on time for
distant dealers: file declaratory statetements of in
tention to pre-empt ; make out pre-emption papers;
and always on nana to iook out claims tor actual set
W. V. Sanger, M. 1)., New York City,
Sewal & Witbington, Uoston, Ma.3.
Rev. T. W. Howe, ' Fataskala Ohio,
Col. W. E. Atkinson.
George II.Nixm, Register Land Of5ce. Brownville,
Lushbaugu & Carson, iiankers, Brownville, J. 1.
Honey Creak Elills.
The undersigned respectfully announce that they are
prepared to till all orders in their line promptly at Ihelr
mnis ronr nines nortnwest of Brownville. near the
mouth of Honey creek. They have on hand the largest
nd best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe ever
ftered m the county or Territory, consisting of
4u,uw teet seasoned siding
Stephen F. Xuckolls Plaintiff Second Judicial District
vs. I Court of Jsebrask Ter-
The Nemaha Valley Bank, 8c -ritory, to .November
Thomas L. M ickoy Deien- I Term, a. D. liC3, for
dants. j Xemaha County.
Whereas, in the above entitled causes the summons
and writ of attachment therein issued, have been re
turned not found as to said defendants.' The -said defen
dants, Thomas L. Mackoy and the Nemaha Valley Bank,
are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office
of the clerk of thedictrict court for Kemahs county, Ne
braska Territory, the petition of the said plaintiff,
Stephen F. Nuckolls claiming of said defendants tho
sum of three hundred and eighteen dollars, upon bills
of said bank issued to circulate as currency, and has
caused the iuterest of saidMai koy in the building here
tofore used by said bank as an office, also his iuterest in
the ground occupied by said building, and in a pattent
safe therein being, to be attached in said cause. The
said defendants are further notified that unless they bo
and appear at the next term of said district court afore
said, and on or before the morning of the second day
therecf, to be begun and held at Brownville, in said
county, on the sixteenth day of November, A. D. 1858,
and plead to said petition, judgment by default will
be had against them for the amount of said claim
and costs. D. L. McGARr. Att'y for Prff.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice be pub
lished in the Nebraska Advertiser, as the law in such
cases. Andrew W. PENTLAND, Clerk, by
Louis S. N'ickcson l'f ff 1 To Not. Term A. D. 1858
vs S of District Court for' Ne-
Williara Hencher, Def. j maha county, Neb.-Terr.
The said defendant William Hencher is hereby
notified that there is now on file in the oEco of the
Clerk of the District Court for the Second Judicial
District of Nebraska Territory, at Brownville, in the
county of Nemaha and Territory aforesaid, the pe
tition or tne above plaintiff Louis JS. Juekeson,
iming of f.tid defendant the sum of five hundred
dollars' together with interest on that sum at the
rate cf ten per cent per annum from the second day
of September A. D. 1833 as money due and unpaid
npon a promissory note executed by said Ileucher
to said plaintiff. And that unless said Hencher ap
penr nt iho next term of said Court, to be begun
and held at Brownville aforesaid for said county
aforesaid on tho sixteenth day of November A. D.
1858, and on or bofore the second day of said term.
and plead to said petition, judgment by default will
be had against him for said claim and costs. Defen
dant Hencher is further notified that summons in
said cause was heretofore on to wit the thirteenth
day of October A. D. 1858, issued against him and
that tho same has been returned "not found" as to
him the said Hencher.
D.L. MeGARV, Att'y for ri'tlT.
It ij hereby ordered that the foregoing notice be
published ia the Nebraska Advertiser as the law in
such casc3 provides.
A. W. I'tN fLAND, Clerk,
By Chas. G. Dorsev. Den.
October 14. '53 nlC
Legal Notices '
Wliliara Ferguson and) Nemaha County district
R. A.Ferguson - . 1 Court of the Socond Judicial
vs f district Nebraska Territory.
Tho?. P. nay wood J To November Term A p 1S53
To Thos. J. Haywood, the abovo named defendant.
This xs to notify yon that whereas a writ of sum
mons has issued against yon, from the Nemaha
county district court of the Socond Judicial district
Nebraska Territory on to wit the tho 12th day of Oc
tober, A D 1853, returnable to the November Term
xS said Court, to be held In the city of Brownvillo
in said Nemaha county on the sixteenth day pf Nov
ember a D 1858ummonsirg joa tq answer 90 or be
fore the second day of said term the petition of the
above named plaintiffs William Ferguson and R. A.
Ferguson, to be on file in theoEceof tho clerk of
the said Nemaha county district court on cr before
the first day of November A D 1858, wherein tha said
plaintiffs claim of you the sum of tro hundred, and
ten dollars and eighty cents with interest on the
same at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the
5th day of Jane AD 1853 npon a certain promissory
note made by yoa nnto them on to wit the day and
year last atorcsaia tor tne sum 01 two nnnarea ana
ten dollars and eighty cents, payable sixty day af
terdate with interest on the samo at the rate of ten
per cent per annum, it being given for ?lue received.
And whereaa the said summons has been returned
by the sheriff of the said county 'not found' as to you
the said Thos. P. Haywood.
Now therefore, you are hereby notified that unless
you appear at the next November term of the said
Nemaha county district court to be held as aforesaid
and answer on or before the second day of the said
term tho said petition of the plaintiffs, that then
judgment will be rendered against you on tha said
petition per default and the plaintiffs recover of
you the sum demanded in the said petition.
. U. U. JUIINiSU,Att'y for ITCs.
It is hereby ordered that the above notice be pub
lished iu the Nebraska Advertiser for four successive
weeks as is provided by law.
A. W. PENTLAND, Clerk.
By CHAS. G. DORSET, deputy.
October 21st, 'S8 n!7 '
Attorney at Law,
Has resumed his professional business, and will prac
tice in all the Courts of Nebraska, and the Courts in
Atchinsou county, Mo.
Office one door west of I. T. Whyte's Store, Brownville
Brownville, April 22, 1858. n431y
Brownville Steam Ferry !
The Route from Brownville to Ft. Kearney,
and from thence to California, is the
nearest and most practicable.
ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they are
noT running as a Ferry across the Missouri jiver at
An entirely new, substantial and commodious
kobxxt t rns.
Of2ce Corner main and Firat Street a,
Willselect Gorernmost Lands;locat Land TTamz tj
in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri tsl
? Iowa 7 collect iebta; pay taxes for roav- j
residents j buy and sell property a
, commission. .J 4 ; '2 'a.
Land Warrants Bought and Sold.
Pre-emption papers prepartd, te. : '.'
, : SOUTH BROWXtVIlis, m
: - A,
Lands near Table Rock, Pavi-nee county. "
, . . Also, ' .
Ia Nemaha county, improved properf for ! cr rant.
Lucius riopkin9,FTa't Importenl TradenTaJik K.T.-
David Hoadley Frs't Fanama Railraai,
Gen.C. T. ilillyer Charter Oak Bank, Hartford. u
l.eo,15utlor A Co. Uartford, Connv .
Collins, Kellogg d- Kirhy .t.- St.Louii, Uo
Thomas W.Pfce'.ps , Mobile, Ala.,
C. Wilion fr Co. , , EaUw, Ala.
Wm. I'.WebbjAfy " -
M. H. Osbora A Co., Bock Taland, tl .
Ja'ill. Archibald, Gcn'l Ag,lD.I..W.U.B.Scrntott--Gillespie.
Fe:trce 4 Co,, Hanker.. ..Carbondal. Pa .,
Kev. T.S. Var4.......t 44 - u -
Lathorp A Jones. .-Scran ton, Pa,
B. G. Morse Red Fall N. V.
William Frothingham, Att Albany. Jt. Y.
Horace Everett, ...Council Blai,LT.
Brownville, April 1, 185S.
lev. R. Nelson, l'rincipal Wyominr Seminary, X.T,
. A.Parker f- Co., ...Washington, 1. C."
L. T, Gilroer, Receiver Land OEBce tmah s
Which arrangement will secure a certain and 4 IU VV MJTX WlLriKj k
Public Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a trusteeship
vested in William L. Parker, (since deceased.) by deed
of trust executed on the twelfth day of October A.D.
1857 by John W. Dawes, and recorded in the recorder's
cfllce, of Richardson county Nebraska Territory, on pa
ges one hundred and fifty-throe and one hundred and
fifty-four of Deed Book "A," I Walter W. llackney, ad
ministrator of the estate ot William Parker, will, from
the comer of Main and Second streets in the town of
Brownville in Nemaha county, between the bours of
nine o'clock a M and four o'clock p M, on the twenty
eighth day of November a d 1853, sell to the highest
bidder for ca.-Uiu hand the following described land, to
wit : the northeast quarter of section number twenty
eight, in township no. one, north of range number
thirteen east of Sixth principal Meridian in Nebraska
Territory, and to execute a deed to the purchaser. The
same to be sold to satify a certain promissory note de
cribed in said deed, said note being yet unpaid. 18t4
Land Warrants,
3Poxr Cnsli and on. 17ixxa.o
We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all 6izes to
settlers on such time as they may desire long or short
at the usual rates.
A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand
for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in
Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants.
All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be
genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de
fective. Bcins nermnnently located in Brownville, we can al-
wavs be found at the old stand a few doors east of the
Brownville House.
Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants.
-"i jri.i,nauna!oy'Salt Eheum and Tetter
I Dr fr'-er's Cough BUam. Dr Baker's Sneci-
"-'lr Veiuale Cordial, and Dr Easterly's fev
; J,. ""'wnes are prepared by a thorough
?r nl ';,au- '"mihi and Pharmaceutist, so
,fin.-e 1 r Bp ,n thcm s behig sale and effectual in
m ,VT l"T 'bich ,hesr re recommended.-
'orcm tue l nited States
7eLrUry CtH the t''-n of ourread
i i uT fFurifler- I' certainly a valuable reuie
J ,,,vi'trinMcmeriU.- It is
-"SKT ,0 try il- sce lbe d-
' Administrator's "Noticed
. ";iCT4 uf ray u
a 1 . ..... ... . " '
ITjseat the ban to the uiidcrMJTied
00X5 AD AE$, A
same; acd all
estate are r-
knowledge it
has cured permanently every time, and I have known it
used after all other medicines had been tried In vain,
with the m3st happy results. And what is more rcmark
ablelbirt never known a case but what remained cured
for at least that season. I have no hesitation in recom
mencing it as a perfect triumph over rial's and fever.
S. K. MANN & CO., Proprietors, Galion,
Ohio. Sold by all Druggists.
O.J. WOOD & Co., of StT Louis, Mo.,
wholesale agents for the Western Si'ts.
Sold by J.
MAUN & CO., Druggists,
Brownville, Nebraska.
Brownville House.
Announce to the public that they have taken charge of
the new, large, and oimmodious brick Hotel building rc
ceut'.y completed in the City of Brownville, Nebraska.
They have furnished it from cellar to garret with en
tire new furniture; the rooms are all large, well ven
tilated and finished. The table, we promise, shall at all
times contain the best the country can offord. Our liquors
bail be as pure aa are made, as we purchase in person
from reliable manufacturers. We deem a more exten
ded notice unnecessary and conclude by assuring the pub
lic that we are determined that no effort onour part shall
be wanting to render the Brownville House a first class
July 8. 1859-m
Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska.
Vill give prompt attenti n to all professional busi
ness entrusted to his care in Richardson and adjoining
counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa
pers, A.c, 4:., May 13, '63 c4G-6rn
Dealers in Coin,
Uncurrent Money, Exchange and Land Warrants,
Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities of the United States.
Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup
ply of Laud Warrants on hand for sale, FOR cash, or en-
wreaon umc tor rre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us
guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory St ate-
ukthio 01 uiiruuoQ 10 pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption
rapcrs ai snort notice. Money loaned upen best securi
ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made
ui iinus or cuy property lor distant capitalists. Collec
tions upon an convenient points will be promptly attend
ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at.-nrri.nt rate.
Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchantre on the East
added. Deposits received on Current account uuliuterest
auoweaon special aepusits.
OFFICE Main S:.., near U. S. Land Office.
Land, Brother &. Co., Mer-hants,
McNaughton, Carsouit Co., "
Hiser &. Uhite, "
Young, Carson & Bryant, "
Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rofPort,
E. M. Puiulcrson &Co. Merchants,
M: M. Teakle & Co. No. 17. Broadway,
Wm. T. Smithson.Et-q., Banker,
J. T. Stevens, Emi.. Att'v at Law.
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T., "
Taylor & Ki iegh, Bankers, Chicago, 111
aicciei laiw, bcruggs & Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo".
Hon. Thou. G. Pratt,
Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas,
Hon. Jas. O. Carson.
P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law,
Charles Parsons &. Co. Bankers,
n. c. Notts. Co: "
Greene, Weare & Rice, "
Douglass H. Watson, "
Col. Sam Haml.leton, Att'y at Law,
Judge Thos. Perry,
Prof. II. Tutwiler,
Oct. 8, '57-v2-nl5-tf
Philadelphia, Pa
Baltimore, Md.
New Tork.
Washington, D. C
Annapolis, Md.
Mercersburg, Pa.
Hagemown, Md
Keokuk, Iowa.
Council Bluff"
Des Moine, "
Vinton, "
Easton, Mil.
Cumberland, Md.
IZavaua Alabama
OFFIXJE Main St, East of Kinney 4- Holly's office,
Nebraska City, N. T.
. Pertons who contemplate buildins can be furnished
with Designs, Plans, Specifications, &.c, tor buildinas oi
any class or variety of style, and the erection of the
same superintended if desired. Prompt attention paid
to business from a Qatancc. p2tf
40 CCO
20 000
cotton-wood flooring;
sjcamore "
oak and ash
cotton-wood, soft maple, lynn and
walnut finishing lumber;
I !C fencing;
CO.CC joists; sills, studding and scantling of al
most every size both hard and soft wood;
20,000 " rough and square edged sheathing?; also
200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and cotton
wood; also
160,000 lath, a superior article, of uniform length,
thickness and width
Tteir mills are under the charge of experienced and
scient men, and the undersigned natter themselves
hat the quality of their lumber will compare favorably
with any other made in the Territory, all of which will
1 331a to suit the times.
Iloney creek Mills, Slay 20 '68 48tf
Tailoring! Tailoring!! Tailoring!!!
Merchant Tailor,
Atlnntic street. We.-, of IIoblitEcira Store.
TTAVIXG bought property and located permanent-
J-J- ly in Lrownvnie, 1 oner my services to the
public generally, if they want any thingdone in my
line of business. I can alwnys be found at my post,
or, more properly speaking at my bench.
v oris. Warranted ao Tit so ray:
Particular attention paid to cuttingparments and
layiug oif work for the Seamstress, ihe greatest
portion of my life has been devotea to my trad., in
which I consider myself inferior to none especially
in the cutting department, and 1 hope by close atten
tion to my business to lnerit a share cf public
ratronage. . . L Ji. FAIIKEU
"llrownville April 16th, 1857. 44-ly
The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of
this place and vicinity that he has started a new Paint
Shop in Brownville. and will attend to all work in the
Painting Department, that be may be favored with.
X3.3rasrxan. slzntzd
Legal Notice.
Wilson Bro. & Co., lVffs To Not. Term A. D. 1858
T9 fof District Court for Xe-
John R. Davis. Defend't J maha County, Neb: Terr'y
ihe said detendant John li. Davis is hereby noti
fied that on this fourteenth day of October, A. D.
1858, the said 1 laintiff, Wilson, Bro. A Co., have
filed into the office of the Clerk of the Second Judi
cial District Court of Nebraska Territory, at Brown
ville in rcmaha county in said territory, their pe
tition claiming of said defendant the sum of eight
hundred and sixty-seven dollars and forty-six cents
upon four promissory notes, which notes are more
particularly described in said petition, and for that
defendant was and is a non-resident of the Territory
of Jteoraska, a writ of attachment and garnishment
against the property and effects of defendant togeth
er with a summons was sued out in said canse re
turnable to the November term, A.D. 1858, of said
Court for Nemaha county aforesaid; and the firm of
Lushbaugh x Carson and John L. Larson individu
ally were attached therein as garnishees of defen
dant. And whereas the attachment and summons in
said causo has been returned "not found" as to said
defendant John R. Davis; the defendant is there
fore notified that unless ho appear at said November
Term of said Court, to be begun and held at Brown
ville aforesaid on the sixteenth day of November,
A. D. lob, and on or before the morning of the
second day thereof and plead to said petition judg
ment by default will be had against bim for the
amount claimed as afonsaid with interest and costs.
D. L. McGARY, Att'y for ITffs.
Ordered that the foregoing notice be published in
the Nebraska Advertiser as tho law in such cases
provides. -
A. W. Fentlavd, Clerk.
By CHAS. G. DORSEY.dep'y.
Octuberll, '58 n!6
Legal Notice.
II P Bennett & Co. Nemahacounty district Court
vs I of the Second Judicial district.
William Rose and -Nebraska Territory.
William Rotton J To November term A D 1358.
To William Rose and . William Rotton, the above
named defendants.
Yon are hereby notified that from the office of the
clerk of the Nemaha district Court of the Second
Judicial district of Nebraska Territory, there has
on the 19th day of October AD 1S5S, issued from the
said Nemaha county district Court a writ of sum
mons against you, returnable to the November term
of said Court, to be begun and held at the city of
Brownville in said Nemaha county on the sixteenth
snfo passage at, all times and in all kinds of
weather. The Proprietor do not assert boastingly,
or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are
governed by facts, when they say tins is the beat
crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and
when they say the route from Brownvillo to Fort
Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest
for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the
Country; and aro warranted in saying it is tho most
practicable route by personal experience, as well as
that of hundreds of others who have traveled it.
We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds
out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons
going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not
withstanding bur superior arrangements for a safe
and speedy crossing, our charges are the same as other
Fcrricsin Nebraska, all boing regnlated by Legisla
tive enactment.
R7Recollect that with our facilities cf Tower,
no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from
making regular trips at all hours.
5tT" A skiff and nana will be in readiness to cross
foot passengers at all times of night.
n20 November llth,1857.
X3ro-v?cr:xxA7-llo, JNJ", T-
N. B. Wo would rospectfully inform tho citi
zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that
we have always on hand a large and well selected
supply of LU3IBEU, which we can furnish at low
er rates than any mill in the ierritory.
Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard
or on the bank of the river.
All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv
our immediate attention.
Lumber ! Lumber ! I
We are prepared to furnish at our Steam Saw Mill,
opposite Brownville in "Prairie Forest,", all kinds of
lumber usually found in the West, and some choice
lumber suitable for waggons, furniture, and for build
ing purposes, de., such as Hickory, Oak, Ash, Black
Walnut, Sycamore, Linn and Cottonwood, which we
have constantly on hand, or will prepare at short no
tice, at the lowest market prices, bills sawed to or
der, for steamboats. Will saw log3 on tbe shares,
or by the hundred. Bills for lumber can be left at
our office, in Brownville. We will also furnish lum
ber saw npon the shares, or by tho hundred at our
mill at Table Rock. HOADLEY & MUM.
Brownville. April 1.
McAllister & poyti?,
"furxitoie, iiardttariv
ITavine established themselves at tho old stand raU
ly occupied by . - - . k . .?
They are now offering and receiving tot (lt ops of tat
Ever Brought in this Territory
They have an extensive and varied assortment ot
A Large Stock of Choice Family
Announces to the public that be is prepared to accom-t
modate those wi.ihing with Carriages and Buggies; to
gether with good safe horses, for comfort and ease in tra
velling. Ho will also board horses by the day, week or
June 10, '68. 60tf
F. LA Kit.'.
Imitator of all Kinds of
TTrO f rct j ir n innnrrrrv I pay unto tne orier 01 Julian Jietcau si monms
nUUUb AJS D MAIlJJLLS, afterthe date thereof the sumof two hundred and
instructions given in the
Carriages painted neatlv and with disoatch.
Having bad a number of years' nratical experience in
some of the largest Eastern cities, he challenges com
petition wesi or tne Mississippi, and feels confident that
he can giv perfect satisfaction to all that may favor him
juth tteir patron ace. call and see for youselves, that
xais snow can perform all it advertises.
Brownville, Sept. IG,IS5S-6m
Respectfully announces to tho gentlemen of Brown
ville and vicinity that be has just received from tne
East a iarge stock of very superior goods and Latest
'Sloths, Testings, &c
"Which he will manufacture on very favorable terms.
lie flatters himself that he understands bis business
thoroughly and all work warranted coming from Lis es
tablishment, and charges as low as any otljcr competitor
in mis piace or tne wet.
A seat Fit Giar&?xtccI.
Nemaha CitT.
JL KIll llGIfS,
Brownville and Nemaha City,
TT71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Faying
VV taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling
Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission,
Making Collections for distaDt dealers, and all kinds
of business pertaining to their profession.
Particularattentoin will be given in Cling declara
tory statements to pre-empt and procuring War
ranty Deeds from the Town authorities.
Persons owning town lot, residing at a distance
wishing to procure V arranty Deeds will do well to
place the agency in our hands, (alwa f presenting!
wie:r iuu ciaim ieeas ior ;im lioi t wunin tne ex
piration of sixmenths, as after that time all lots not
Deeded will be sold.
Blanks always on hand.
N. B. Letters of inquiiy answered promptly.
March 26, '57. 41-ly
George Ferguson, '
day of November ad 1853, and notifying you that MlLLWllltrMI & LlNbliNLilH,
ANNOUNCE to the public, that he isprepared
to erect Steam and Water Saw and Merchant
Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Impair
ing of machinery of all kinds.
Lie is also Agent for
Western Foundry.
Saw Manufactory,
And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma
chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es
tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake & Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam Mill,
II. W. Furnas, BrownviUe, "
Muir, Ilann 3s, Co., " 44 44
Dr. Hoover, " Ncmahacity, "
P. M. Rogers, Pawnee city,
Nuckolls It White, Rockport, Mo.
James Lowe, Linden, 44
A. B. Llalliberd, Cincinnati, O.
Brownville, June IS, 1857. t2 1-ly
Bacon, . '
etc., ota,
And a fine assortment of
Such as
Spice, - J
Soda, .
Ginger, , .
AINnirp. 1
. , .r
- ' etc., etc,7 '
They have also on hand a large lot of .
DESKS, BUREAUS, if C. ifC. -
A well selected Stock of ' '
1 " A
Boots and Shoe's.
there would be on or before the first day of Novcm
ber A D 1858 on CJe in the oCcocf the clerk of tbe
said Nemaha county district Court the petition of
the a bore named plaintiffs, wherein they claim of
you the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars with
interest on the game at the rate of five per cent per
month from the first day of Apr.l A D 1S53 npon a
certain promissory note made by you on to wit the
first day of Uetobe A p J857, whereby you promise
to pay unto the orier of Julian Jletcail six montos
fifty dollars with interest on tho same at the rate of
firo per cent per month ironi the maturity of tne
said note, the said note being given for value rec
eived, which said noto baa been endorsed by the
said Julian Me teal f and made payable unto the
above named plaintiffs.
And whereas the said summons above mentioned
has been returned by the sheriff of the said Nemaha
county as to you the said William Rose and William
Rotton "not tound," ,
Now therefore, this is to notify you tho said Wil
liam Rose and William Rotton that unless yon ap
pear on or before the second day of the said Novem
ber term of the said Court to be held as nferosaid
and answer to said petition tf the plaintiffs, judg
ment will be rendered aeaint too in the said suit
for default and the plaintiffs will have judgment for
tne sum in saia petition demanded.
U. C. JOHNSON, Att'y for Pl'ITi.
It is hereby ordered that the abovj notice be pub
lished for four successive weeks in the Nebraska Ad
vertiser as is required by law -
By CHAS. G. DORSET, Deputy;
October 21, '53 nl7
s ' none or Luihsavoh fc Casjox '
Broasnvillt, February 1, 18M. )
On and after tnis date, depositors accounts will 19
opened for specie, currency and scrip payable ia tao
kini of funds. Checks ntnst be marked accordingly.
Office hour from 9 to 12 A If and 1 to t P X, '
lusiibaugh fc Qkyy$,
inn m m m
I have for sale 60,000 Apple Tree of the choicest va
rieties, grown In thi (N emaha County, X. T.) Tbey are '
ofonejrear'a growth from the Kraft. I am com pal led
to remove them thi fall from the ground tbey now oc
cupy U my reason fur offering them for tale this 5n.
Tbe price, however, and the fact of their betn grown la
thi toil and climate is a very strong inducement for
persons reni.ient in the Territory purchasing ef m.
Orders jentin, will be filed, and filled in order w&en
the season arrives for taking them- up.
T"je following is a list el the principal cr leading ar
ortmcDta :
1 have for rale a nnmber cf beautifully located lots in
the City of Brownville, which I am authorized to sell at
bargains for cash. Jiew eomers will do well to call on
me befoie making purcna8f. R. V. ITUBXAS, -
brownville, ilirch 2?, '3. Ecal ZhUie Ajpat
: The undersigned having bad considerable esperiene
n planting and cultivating 0age Orange Uedpes, here- j
by inform tbe public thai they are now prepared to con
tract either planting, setting them out, or growing and
cultivating tbe fence complete. Growing hedges of
their planting can be seen on the farms of S. W. Ken
nedy, G. Crow, J, Skeen and others in thi county.
Seyt.2, 10l
Yellow Bellfleur,
White Winter,
Autumn Swar,
Kho!e Island Greenlug,
Red RomaDite,
Willow Twig,
Snow Apple,
narvest Red Stock,
Tall Janitan,
Roman Stem,
Xorthem Spy,
Johnson's Sweeting,
Brownville, Xetrwka.
Tall Strawberryi
Sweet Juna,
Milan, ....
Pairmain, " ' "
Trentou Early, ' ' t
Early IUrrc, ' '
4 januan. .
U jMf n Rujsett,
Gt;ua Sweet, ,
Summer Quesn,
fall Pippin, ate, lie.
75,000 te Baion,
LTFORD h nORX, Sonora, Mo , hav fof '.,
for fash, 75,000 pounds excel lent bacon.
T?n39-ly Jf.arch ,