Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 28, 1858, Image 1

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r ' 1
1 .
H Ml
vy A Ay,
Nebraska Ctfiutt-Uscv.
12 -5'00
'V" .. . . : t SI .50 1.Cr
QubSof coaii)auic8 the order,
mum, nrflcl tuc c
' rvvF0FAiiUTI5IS0s
R ;:'...,rUsv luiertion,
jur ".
tjaare, cue lu -ulb,
- tLrcc u nlUN
fc " " fix ui'fut j,
lutan.ix m'.n..s,
U!fC.uma,MX arKu,
- (Mim-i three m ulh,
hv'f C.a 03, threw unntus,
f.nrth '
1-v i au .
.n v. 1 .to,f.r offi-e f in advance,) 5,00
' :117 V"Jrc edibility Uno.
" VlVe""i-- - t -i" be c4 by the year,
o..t ,a.rk.lon they for a Spee
:fi 1 ;!:r,er..f inrti .ns will L, ,.ntiaued until
.iui ai l cluirjevl nwi'rainsiv
' la! I, r Mv. -at "r .:r 5err:raB,lentper-
la, riv;i:,M..f ysirly i lvwtiscr willbe confin
4l rl i - liy t'. th ir .,wa baoi:al all alrcrt ie-
' . .I.-..'.... .. l.o i.:li 1 for CI-
VtirlyndrcrtUcrs 1 stcttc pTivilrgcof ctanSinS
Ail .il.-o.-iiicaijuts thargeJ double the
i Li-re rate?. .. ... -n i
' Atff--nnH m,.,aBioj..l3 cicluiirely will be
b o on5?iTrAi:c y
Ilivinj aJl"dtothe Advertiser OSce Card and
J..brn--t.New Tyj.e 'f the latest ntyles?, Inks of
nil e l r .Hro.u.Yine Taper, Knyelope?, kc. ; we
are am proparod to execute dob Work of erery de-
riptionin t vie u:iurpassed by any other office
in the I'iiileJ States.
TartieuUr attention will beivento orders from
A JisUii. in having them jroiDitly attended to.
Ths I'ropriet.irs having hal a u ;xtensive expe-rjen.-,
wi'.l cive their vers-tnal attention to this
hrnh of UiMnes:t hope, ia their endeavors to
i.lcaic. b.ith iu he cx-jeUeneo of their work, and
rc.! m.iMe cbarea to receive a share of the public
j;rin .?.
in Street. on door above Ctrsons Bank.
liounctx and Tr minings always on nana
Real Itutc Aj?cnt,
ilon. Wui-Jessuj., Montrose, Pa.
II. S. Ucntiv, " 44 " . Mfll-r. Chioagn, III.
Wui. K. McAllister, " "
t'harle F. l.wl.-r, 44 44 44
- H. W. Furnas, Urownville, N". T.
1). F Lake. " 44
May 7, 1S57. 47-ly
Cabinet & Wason-Haker
Hiin Sixth nd Seventh,
. A II kint of c.tiiiet w.irk cet ly executed.
t."Jileirnig 1 wuus plows, etc., promptly done
John-' Mcdonough
. House, Sign, & Orn -mienta! Puiuter,
' " GLAZIER, 4 c.
Iin01T.TILLiIX, X. T,
tTT can tleft at tbeCity Prug Store. J3J
Ileal Estate & ficncral i 'orecting Agents
Ajrcnts for Iowa Ins. Co.,0skaloosa,
ALL tuMues cutrusted to onr care will meet with
rutu ;t atifiiiion and warranted correct. Tapers prepar-
oJ f.r ;rK-,ini uins to pre-cuijit, Declaratory state
luciits iua.Sc out, etc., etc.
I?fn. e mi First street, north of I. T. Whyte &. Co.42I
J. W. Crimes, Ex-(i.jvermr Iowa
T. L Pn.-e Uo Missouri
Aovun A Kiiir io j
i S. t:yre . Co., Glenwood. Towa
H. P-.nthiy Council U.uff, Iowa
Apn! S, IboS. n41-ly
johk r. TVKOK.
W. W . niCXNEV.
Ijnd Varraiit lioupta and Sold. Land entered on Time.
Uiuis and Town Lu Bought and Suld. Loan Money,
M luvct.nent ainl Locate Warrants on Uui, lor
liplant Dealers.
Prc-Kniptlon rapcin Prepared
OFFICE Next d,K,r to U. Land Orilce.
'eo. n., Repisier L. O..
nif ebekces
Brownville, X. T.
Ixinirton, Mo.
Omaha City. X. T.
Council i!lu3"s, Iowa.
Warren. Pir.n.'
St. Iuis, W.
St. Joseph, "
. r snmu, llPeiver,
tu-k h. Williams,
I R. Tuttle.
K. K. Fcsrraiu k Co., Banters,
Hon, t;. w. Sc.field,
K.. L. Ili4;iie Co.,
TWle Fairlei-U,
Otl. I. 67
Architect and Builder.
Brownville. Nebraska
of vcirLkand North
Wi.Il practioo ia the Courts
wct iliibouri.
Messrs. Crow, McCrarx &. Co.,
Hon. James M. Hush9, -Hon.
JjbD It. Sheply,
Hon. James CraiR,
Louis, Mo.
Do . .
St. Joseph, Mo.
Hon. Sil"us Woodsun,
Judce A. A. Bradford,
S Y. NuckulU, q.,
XebrasU City, N. T
T? T. TOT nTT"
xv. xj. -
TTOR "VF1 "Y" rr T A W l"a na( UT1(,er such general rule3 as the "On the 4th of January, 1819, insti-J-
J-1 1 rVVV Supreme Court may prescribe. rated by the Austrian Government, the
iw,t.i.,.wi,t.n1l,M P.-w.Uintiniimnfrii
carefully hhi &.rrectiy prepare!.
OFFICE ou Maiu street, iu Brown and benncit' Bans-
lug HuiibC.
n n. Fenner Ferguson,
" R. W. Furnas
" H Brown
Kinney & Hullcy
Hon. Jjmies Crai?,
Nave. McCoiU &. Co.
Clark &. Conral.
July 8, 18oS-v3u2-ly
Bellevtie, Nebraska.
Browuvtlle, "
Nebraska City
St. Joseph Mo.
A1 i -l , -c t- rj T)Tr
Ulu OullUl 01 Jl. T. VJJjAIlJX,
Hm and Kaon. Mjckrei and Cod Fi-n. Teas, sugar,
2 wineSes r tXcS
L.,l'or. reaches, Prunes, Blackberries and Wnortle-
.iieapat. w in you give me a share or your contiuuod
Browuuille. July 15:h. 165S.
Will wriie deeds of every kind and contrawts for every
urp e, with warrarittHl lp?al accuracy.
Office, in the Bjt.knii.' House LubUDaugu a- Carson.
lion. John A. Bingham. Cadiz, Ohio.'
" M K Carter, Cievclaml, " "
" RP Spaldinsr. " "
" B F Leitcr, Canton, "
" S Lahm, " "
" Win R Sapp. Mt. VcrBn, "
" S PCh.ise. C'luuibas, "
" Thos. Ford. Ma'nsfiMd, '
" Jas. OraiR, St. Joseph, Mo.
Brownri'.le, )et. 22d, 1. v2n!7-ly
BroTTiivillc, el)as!ia.
Will attend to business iu all departments of his pro
Pre -emptors Rights Secured.
Land Warrants lor Kale.
Office on First St., bet. Alain and Water.
Kioney & Holley, Nebraska City,
t'brever Sweet &. Co., do
J. Sterling M irtoii do
liruwn . Beuuett, Brownville
R. W. l'uinas do
Brownville, K. T. May IS. 1S5S. "v2n46tf
Will select lands, investigate title, pay taxes. &.c
fitber iu Kansas or XelTita ; buy, sell and cuter
lands nti commisMoii; invest in town property buy or
sell the baiue aud will always have on baud correct
plats ol townships Counties. Kc. showing all lands sub
ject to entry, and where detired will furnish parties liv
ing in the state? with the same
Being the l!et settle." in the connty will in all
ca--es te abie to pive inn ana reliable inrormation
-es ie aoie 10 pive i iui anu rename iiirormauoii.
Address a. l coat, either at Biownvuieor Xemaha
City, Nebraska Territory.
SI. Louis, 3XiSGurf,
Orders for nierchandise i-oiicitcd, and promritlv filled
at the lowest rates, aii k.nds er produce bought or bold 23. 1Sj8.
Attorney at Law,
Land Agent and Rotary Public.
Archer, Richardson Co., X. T.
Will practice in the Court? of Nebraska. assisted
TTlouis waldter.
tt . , .
llOUSe, N'.Sjn, .Hid Umamfntal Painter,
Takes this method of inl'ormins the nr.hlie that
removed bis paint shop f--ia xemaba City to this place
ne thinks himseir qualified t undertake any wo-k per
t.iinins to his litie of husiness, and respectfully invites
tne piiDiic to pive him a call.
Please leave orders at the "Advertiser" efflce."
Xov. 19, 1?57. Ii21rtf
Archer, Richardson County, N. T.
tfc.niiC.ia rLnllUoUll
ftoni0V nT) (1 OoiniSpllor
1 : ;
J AJlho Y . CrllioUiN,
T T A T7" O 11 TTTT.
13 JLi 1. J jl U lU 1 JL JO.
Second Street. between Main and Nebraska,
General Steamboat Accent,
Roods sold on Commission and prompt Teturns made.
particular attention given to receiving. Storing and For
w arain? auincjs T freigLt nna produce.
Office on the Levee.
5torekone in Ue name 11-k.V with Kearney TIote.1.
Kefer to tlie Jlerchrvnts of $ebra-ka City;
Fife & It icuael St Louis oJ
Harper &. Scudor St. Louis-;
Jonn a. wnieu "
Sr-akelford, FinncvJt c."
April 29. 153
J-iHei.b Mclntyre
BarcVlay, ltinklefc Co "
An Act
To amend Chapter 2 J of the Laws of 1857
relative to District Courts.- ! -
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Council
and House of Representatives of the
Territorv of Nebraska. That in all suit
in law and chancery, in the District Courts
of tne Territory, when the return day of witn oyiyxo i;enco, anu suaereu severe
the process is after the passage of this hardships for his devotion to the ' liberal
act, the first term shall be the appearance cause in Italy- An interesting autobio
term; and the second term shall - be the graphy, published two -years since in the
trial term, and not before, all said cases Watchman and Crusader, entitled -'Twen-are
to be tried, unless the parties, bv sti- ty .years, in the .Dafreons-of Austria.'
nulatinn. shall ,th.r;p 'nrrpo nnrl tfin
ii i -1 i .i
jsbue merum snan De maae up, ana me
I O C TT I 1 1 11 I
occ.a. -laeaoove provisions snail
tint n nr.lir thcn. ; ...1. ,U ikn A..C
-""' iau luau jcai in mc lausc,
I 1 11. ! .. 1
and answer, as required by section 5, of
ni . in r::i J
Chapter 13, of the Civil Code, as approv-
ed February 10, 1S-57.
bEc. 3. That all laws authorizing the
foreclosure of mortgages by advertisement
without judicial proceedings be and the
same are hereby repealed; but such fore-
closure shall be effected by the usual
course in equity, in the Territory, Provi- another cause of vexation and rigor to
ded, That this repeal shall not impair, any wards us. The investigations of the Po-
nghts which have accrued under, or ia
virtue of proceedings already had or com-
raenced, under laws authorizing toreclo-
sure by advertisement; but when so com-
menced and not now terminated, the same
"ia; uc iciiujijuitu wmi use eueci as
m n r. I. . T .,J '.t 1:1.. T
though this act had not been passed.
oec. 4. in case ot a sale ot mortgaged
n , -r . t I
premises under a decree for foreclosure.
mux iuee or ins ueirs or assigns may
redecm,the premises mortgaged,- by pay-
iug 10 me purcnaser or nis neirs or as-
S1ns the amount; paid with interests and
costs at any time wiihin one year from the
time of sale under any final decree; and
creditors of the mortgagor will be entitl-
. . ' .... i
ed to all the rights of redemption, as pro- fessed all; a few were traitors; the great
vided for by Section No. 43, Chapter 1G, er part remained firm, resisting andsil
Third Session Laws, and in the mean ent. There was more courage and virtue
time the mortgagor shall be entitled to
the possession of the property.
brc o. 1 his act to take eliect. from
and after its passage.
The above bill passed both branches of
t-e Legislature.
To tne Citizens of the Territories
Fellow Citizens : You are respect'
fully requested to sign and procure sign'
atures to tne tollowing rorm or petition.
and when as numerously signed as practi-
r-nVilp mail tlia enmo tr vnnr r1oliT?to n?
representative in Congress by or before
in- fif nrwt'in nmlorn v. ti,
.... . I
it may have the early attention its impor-
tance demands. -
Form for Petition. . .
Tothe Honorable Senate aid House of
Rfinrcsentatives in Congress assembled:
Your petitioners, citizens of
i . -
would respectfully ask your honorable
body to modify the pre-emption laws so
as to extend the time of entry five years
In actual settlers who arf pnliivntinrr nnp
eighth part' of their claims in timber.
And as dutv bound. &c.
v - .. . j e .i-
1 it' - .1
wouia express tne conviction mat bv
11 t..
prompt and general action in forwarding
m J
your petition we will obtain the modihca
tion asked for.
! 11 ,1 . r li .
Papers all over the country friendly to
, , - , . - ,
the object are requested to nisrrt this card
Omaha, N. T., Oct. 6, 1S5S.
n4. ti.i..i.i
Gov. Foote, in a speech recently deli-
'ereu m uoiivar county, nnssissippi,
1 n 1: ... ;
said :
"Had Mr. Buchanan remained where
ie was jn September last, in regard to the
sur mission oi iue xjf cuminuu votisuiuiion
to the people of Kansas, before the new
State should be admitted into the union;
had- he even remained silent in this mat
ter and contented himself, as he should
have done, with awaiting the action of
Congress on this subject, and then either
approving or vetoing such legislation as
Congress nnght adopt, as ne mignt nna
to be riht and expedient, he would have
O I ' ....
in i)H riL'iii iiiiu CAUCUiciu. tic nuuiu uia.v
keen able to keep his party united during
the whole of the last Congressional ses
sion; no issue between himself and Mr.
Douglas would necessarily have arisen ;
the . Democratic rartv. with unbroken
strength, in the Free States of the North
upon the basis of popular sovereignty,
- - .
where; the victories achieved last autumn
over this pestilent faction would ha7e been
renewed and multiplied ; and before the
present moment there would have been
an end of Free-s oilism and Black Repu-
bheamsm forever. By pursuing a con-
trary course; by yielding to the silly and
necent menaces of the most shallow,
self-sufficient and really impotent dema-
gogues that the South has ever known
men who had only to be met withhold-
ness and energy to be overthrown and
put down he had effectually broken up
and destroyed his partv in the north.
throwing upon its leaders, his special sup-
porters, the necessity of opposing a great
principle of popular liberty, the negation
or enfeeblement of whom in the public
mind, would pe mevitabiy latal tq our
system of civic freedom, and had thus
presented an epportunity to the black
Republican faction of strengthening
themselves by becoming the ostensible
champioqs or a principle which. has been
always heretofore recognized as the mot
essential feature of the Democratic
creed.' . -.
would have been able to meet and over- tney snouid make any spontaneous reve
throw the Republican fraction every- lation of importance to the great political
Death of E. Felix Forestl.
Professor E. . Felix Foresti, for several
y ears a well known resident of New York,
and recently appointed United States
Consul at Genoa, has just died in the lat-
ter. city. Professor Foresti's history was
remarkable. He . was a fellow-pftso.ner
trives a' narrative of the principal events
Lf BwrMi'difo IVo rir
Ui llulCMUll u'"as ut'
. 1 r, 1" TTT - .1
umet oi roiice or Venice, arrestea many
.Lf.. ,1 1 . C I
. vv
CSU WilS iUHUIl" lUC IlUillUCl. 11C oayo.
4 We were conducted to Venice some
were shut up in the prisons called The
Pionibi and some in the Monastery of the
i . uji tu
Island of San Michel of Murano severe
imprisonment, no correspondence, no in
tercourse with our families. While pri
soners there the revolutions of Piedmond
and Naples burst forth, as I before said,
lice were incessant, both by day and by
night. A solitary prison and bread and
water to those who refused to answer.
"The Emperor appointed two special
Courts to proceed against them, intrust
.1 .
ing me prosecution to tneir worst enemies.
'The prosecution lasted more than a year,
... . '
and it is impossible to describe the mise
rip nnd snffprinns nf thfi nonr nrospcuted
ones, l nose in tne prisons or v enice
had almost all lost their hair. The judges
were adepts in tne art oi torture tne
jailors severe, rcugh, and inflexible. Our
families ' could not console' us, even for
one moment, hv their presence. Among
. " - '
the prosecuted some were weak and con
in the youths than in those of maturer
years more strength of soul and loyalty
in ' those from the country than among
those from the great cities. The sen
tence of the commission was concealed
from' us for a long time.' - 11
In November 1S21 the final decision of
the Emperor arrived at Venice. Foresti
at that time was in the prison of the
Piombi. One midnight he was led out
by six armed soldiers through the long
line of magnificent rooms of the Ducal
Palace to the Bridge of Sighs, which con
rffte I h .. ran . n a I ...4th. ( A nn llA
ua lliC, t",m, - "lci ..'
to one of the prisons of the State Inquisi-
"on' ,iYS loon as ie aione a"u Arteu"
that as a Judge and one of the first to
mtroaace caroonarism into, me imperial
oulT' U1S lJt"""1Lm w-uaiU. uy ur. "IOil
uel' ne aempteu to commit suiciae.
These are his words
'I had for a long time kept a little pen
knife concealed in the collar of the coat
that I wore in prison. I took out this lit
tle weapon; uncovered mv bosom, and.
I . . i -i
aitel an.asPiralo love, and a prayer
tor forgiveness tp my Lreator, I plunged
Kuue vitit iorce into my oosom. l ne
blow was so powerful that the blade snap
ulu iii m j, pan viiiv itiiiaiucu ill 111c
tltsh, and the wound did not prove mor
tal, although I have yet the scar re
maining. The blood flowed ; I was in a
fury of anger and desperation; and still
iviouilJ iu LUL till V1IU IU 111V lilC, x iiasinv
uhich contained the
wine, and began swallowing the little
harp pieces of it, and trying to cut the
uiit-iiea iu iuo arm. ine immense loss
, strelfccd a3 one dpad up;n my bed.'
nr h ciiin hnn PYhnns aH mir ttronn- h - I
The officers of the prison found him in
this condition, and the physicians pro
nounced his wound dangerous, though not
mortal. Cavalier endeavored to indue.
him to retract, promising him his life,
though forfeited in the sentences of three
legitimate tribunals, but Foresti remain
ed immovable, The Secretary therefore
reads his sentence:
'That all those accused of Carbonarism
by the process of Venice, of the grade of
Master and above it, wjre condemned to
c-eath. That still His Majesty granted
life to all except the Judges Solera, Fo.
.... - r i ill
resti, and Count Munari, who should be
execuita, wi:n an tne nsjor ana iormaii-
ties of the law, in the Public Square of
Venice.' Then was read a note under
the own hand of the Emperor, in which
he said that he would even give therr
lives to Solera,Toresti and Munari, if
I . 1 m
views of His Majesty. 'I was sent back
to my prison; two guards were placed to
watch over me day and night. I was de-
prived of the use of the knife and fork,
and obliged to eat with my hands. The
doctor attended me with much kindness;
my wounds took a favorable turn, and I
was left there, condemned to death, and
uncertain whether or not the sentence.
would be executed
'On Christmas Eve, 1821, all the con
demned were led, chained two by two, to
a scaffold on the Square of St. Mark, m
Venice. Tt was about 12 at noon. The
square, the windows, the roofs were cov
ered with people. The whole Austrian
garrison of Venice was under arms, in
bands, in the squares' and streets. The
cannons placed between, tne iwo columns
Todere and St. Mark, The Viceroy,
brother of the Emperor, was on the great
balcony of the Imperial Palace. .Uhbro?
ken silence prevailed; one of the judges
read in, a loud voice the sentence of con
4emnatiqri ; at the word death, there was
a shudder of horror; at the word life
granted, there, was a crv of.iov.. Al
were saved from death, but all were Con
demned to irons. (carceremduro) .in the
Spielberg and the Castle of Lubiana
some' for 1 0, 1 5, ; some for ' 20 years. I
was among the-' latter. They 'said that my
youth saved me from' death. : Meanwhile
we were conducted to the Island of. San
Michael. Ladies and gentlemen follow
ed us in gondolas, waving white handker
chiefs and calling "to us, 'Courage,' cou
rage, brave patriots.' At night a grand
serenade was given us, from the Lagune,
and pieces of-poetry recited, which, from
the great distance we could not under
stand. A few months afterwards, at Mi
lan and Venice, were published similar
sentencesand all under the title of high
treason, and all condemned to Spielberg.'
Silvio Pellico was among his fellow
prjsoners, many of whom died.. On the
42lh of January, 1S22, the officers set
out with their prisoners for Spielberg.
ThQ journey lasted about a month a
terrible journey over the Alp's of Corin
thia'and Syria, amid snows and intense
winter cold the prisoners chained toge
ther, two by two. Spielberg is a moun
tain which rises above the city of Brunn,
the capital of Moravia. The vaults of a
fortress, erected by the Emperor Charles
V., were changed into a penitentiary, and
here with assassins and highway robbers,
incendiaries and villains of all kinds,
numbering generally from 800 to 900
men and women, the Italians were left to
drag out their miserable days. '
'To each of us was assigned a prison,
twelve feet in length and eight in breadth
with a small window with double rows of
iron bars. For a bed a plain wooden
plank, straw mattras3 and blanket, a long
iron chair fastened in the wall, an earth
en jug for water; this was all the furni
ture. We were allowed no knife and
ork but only a wooden spoon. Morning
and evening, broth of burnt flour and ba
con put in warm water: at noon a dump
ing and a little piece of meat, which pro
duced vomiting and a small portion of
read. 1 he food was given in a dirty,
dusty iron vessel.
The Emperor died in 1835, and his son
erdinand ascended the throne, immedi
ately passed a decree liberating the Ita
lan patriots, but condemning them to i
perpetual exile in America. On the first
of August, 1836, Foresti, with the other
prisoners, was transported by night to
Trieste, whence, on the 3d, they sailed
or America in the very same brig the
Usello from which Koszta in Smyrna
was dragged, immediately upon tneir
1 1 W 1 . 1 ' . 1
arrival-here they , were received with
much consideration by prominent citizens,
and a week later their fellow countrymen
gave them a hanquet at Delmonico s.
"Occasional,,' the Washington corres
pondent of the Philadelphia Press, writes
o that paper:
There is no doubt that a movement
will be made in the next Congress to in
vestigate the profligate employment of the
public funds in the late elect.ons and es
pecially the manner in which they have
been used against the democracy of llh
nois. A gentleman now here informs us
that the extent to which this matter has
been carried will, when it is exposed to
the people, create such a sensation as has
never been known in the United States
Gov. Brown of the Post Office Depart
ment, Mr. Cobb and Mr. Toucey, have
gone to extremes in punishing men who
have not agreed with them in opinion.
Jefferson Davis, in his late speech at
Portland, announced a doctrine that will
greatly exercise the quid nunc in Mis
sissippi being neither more nor less than
the assertion that a Territorial Legisla
ture can exclude slavery by refusing to
protect it. ' 1 his is no new idea ot the dis
tinguished Davis, tpough it will greatly
surprise some of those who have been re
lying upon him to help them on in espe
cial devotion to Southern rights. Noth
ing so clears the vision as for a Northern
er to visit the South or a Southerner to
visit the North.
Do not be surprised if, after Congress
meets in December, a Southern Democrat
shall rise in the Senate or House, and of
fer a bill repealing the English bill, so
as to allow Kansas immediate admission
or as soon as she has a Constitution rati
fied by the people. Stranger things than
this have happeqed. , V hen Congress ad
journed last summer Douglas was ostra
cised by almost the entire South. Now
he is lauded in niany quarters. This was
blow number one at the Administration.
Look out for blow number two.
The Coming Winter in New York.
The N. Y. Tribune says:
Our last wiuter was undoubtedly hard
one. Charity was taxed to the utmost, yet
many died, if not directly and absolutely
of hunger and cold, yet really of disease
engendered or rendered fatal by want.
The harrowing scenes rf that season of
distress we would gladly forget; but there
is another winter at hand, and it js likely
to prove even a severer trial than the last.
Our city is poor. Her trade for the last
year has been slender, precarious and un
profitable. Thousands have lost their all
through the failure of their debtors, Wre
have more houses, stores and ships than
we need, so that building will be nearly
suspended on the completion of structu
res now in progress. Our manufactures
are unprofitable and stagnant. The coun
try is generally poor and must buy but
sparingly and pay up but partially. How,
then, are ihe million people within a ra
dius of five miles, tq be subsisted through
the winter before us?
Neyej: rjdcue the unfortunate..
; MorQ Miracles. .
: The Rev.' Mr. Marco, of Grand Ra
pids, Michigan1, writes that while Father
Weniger was officiating at the ceremony
of dedicating the Cross of Holy iTrinity
Church, in the presence of an immense
multitude, ;a solemn and extraordinary
event occurred. ..He says: "As soon as
the cross had been dedicated and was
about being raised, there appeared on
the blue sky, surrounded by a cluster,- of
white clouds, a reguiany-iorraeu large
vvhite'and well-defined cross, which dis
nnnpnred at the moment the missionary
rrnss was sunk into" the ground. The
whole crowcTpresent gazed with amaze
ment at this striking appearance, and ou
could hear, persons less credulous utter
these words: '1 his is more man natu
A few weeks since, says the New Or
leans Crescent, we mentioned as a singu
lar circumstance, the marriage of a Ger
man widow, in the Third district, to her
fifth husband i.o one of the previous
four having outlived his wedding a year.
Well. afew days since, the fifth husbanJ
took the yellow fcer. He died, and on
Friday he was buried
Parson Brownlow has not enjoyed him
self at the North. ' On his way home he
stopped at Cincinnati, of which town he
savs ?
"It is a city of great weann, iraue aim
mmmprce: but it is a fast city and as cor
rupt as the devil could wish it. It is lull
of rascals, swindlers and bogus stockr
dealers. Even the beggars are thieves
and, impostors. In soliciting charities, in
creating houses of worship, building or
phan asylums, or whatever this mixed
population go at, the thief and . impostor
stick out."
A gambling saloon, containing a deal
table', on which was a lighted candje, an
old pair of scissors, was recently discover
ed in a sewer at Columbus, Ga.
The cost of a (thirteen inch shell, fis it
flies through the air, is fromSlO to Sl'2.
The estimated cost of firing a thirty-six
inch bomb is nearly SI 50. These figures
afford some idea of the "shelling out"
which is necessitated by war.
Capt. Townsend, of the slaver Echo,
who has been undergoing examination at
Boston, for some time, has been fully
committed for piracy. Jljs trial was tq
take place before the Circuit Court on the
15th of October. A. new complaint has
been entered against him, for misde
meanor, which subjects him to a fine of
from $1000 to $5000, and imprisonment
for from three to seven years.
A Precocious Forger-
A few days since the postmaster of
New Orleans arrested Michael Hertz, a
lad of sixteen, in the act of sigpinga re
ceipt, for a valuable letter addressed John
McMurdo of that city. Several valuable
letters have been mysteriously taken from
the post office since last May, and the po
lice have been on the watch for the ab
stractor for some time. Receipts for
most of these have been given in th? boy's
hand writing, and he has even forged en
dorsements of check and drafts enclosed
in these letters and got them cashed ' at
the city banks. How the officers could
be deceived by his bungling forgeries
is a matter of wonder to everybody. On
breaking open the boy s trunk at his fa
ther's house, a pocket-book was found
containing $165 and two notes for S10,-
000 drawn by a merchant of Centre ville,
La., for acceptance on a firm in New
Orleans, due 1st March 1S50. He was
committed for trial.
Swapping Wires,
The Danville (Va.) Transcript says:
A friend informs U3 that an occurrence in
Patrick county came to his knowledge a
few days since, which we consider decid
edly rich. Two of the citizens of that go-a-hcad
State, having each about half a
dozen children, concluded to make a swap
of an unheard-of character. One propo
sed to exchange wives, but the other,
who was thinking Hi w.ts t':e mcst
likelv woman, said he must have some
thing to boot. It was finally agreed that
the one should give the other two and a
half bushels of potatoes, and the swap was
ine vpeen oi Portugal is pretty
well, thank you. Likewise Queen Vic
toria. Likewise the Empress Eugenie.
Kissing the Batcher.
"My dear," said an affectionate wife.
"what shall we have for dinner to day'
"One of your smiles," replied the hus
band, "I can dine on that every day."
"But I can't,' replied the wife.
"Then, take thi.," and he gave foer a
kiss and went to his business.
He returned to dinner.
"This is excellent steak," said he,--
"what did you pay for it?"
"Why, what you gave me this morijjng
to be sure.
"You did !" exclaimed he, "then you
shall have the moaey next tjme you go to
Jra Stout, the Rochester murderer, has
been converted.
The famous Col. Titus, of Kansas ine?
mory, has settled in Arizona.
" Meyerbeer is at present residm-in
Baden.. . , - ...
: A Next .Play-
A very good story ia going the rounds.
showing the manner in whi'sh the youn j
er Dumas, famous by his "Dams aux La
melias" and his "Pem j Monde," was htp?
ly induced to write, hp'fctjpj
of rather' an indolent disposition by
ture. Shortly after" Beaufort's wsunipiloa
of management, he desired la play fpcpx
Dumas and went to his hotel to see him,
As soon as Dumas perceive hj ie reyf
"the object of his Ysjt ?nd saj4 to Jiirai
' "Sorry, my dear feljosy, that I can't
talk with you, but I am going put x?iih 2L
to take a longswim." ,
Hardly were they in the water when
Beaufort . placed? his harjds cn Piimssf "
shoulders, and asked : ,.,
"Do you like to be ducked 1", :
"Like it? No, I hate it,"'
"Well, I'm stronger than you, anfl V
duck you ttree times if yqu' on't wrjt
me a play." ' ' . : .
"Nonsense." , v .'. ; .
"Not a bit of it. I'm fn earnest;'! '
"You're mad.',' r .
"Am I ? Wre'll see. Duck o. X.M
' And in goes Dumas.
"Stop! 1 1 agree." . . ,:,.
"A long piece ?" ..
"Yes. On my honor." '. ..
"You're a good fellow" lJly revoi V
"How ? Are you not going- to ta' '
long swfm ?" ' i ..- - .
4 What's the good of it? I only war.!4
to get a promise: from you- Fye . got i'
and I'm going." ,"
And that was the way Mr. Alexance?
Dumas fame to write The Prodigal Fit .
ther." . ; "
Origin of Plants.
Madder came from the east, , '
Celery originated in Germany, i w.
The chestnut came from Jtaly,
The opjon originated in J-g?pti ' ' :
Tobacco is a native of Virginia,
The nettle is a native of Europe, . ,
The citron is a native of (Greece. ..
The pine is a native of America,
The poppy originated in the east, '
Oats originated in North Africa. ; .
Rye came, originally, from Siberia, .
Parsely was first known in Pudinia.
The pear and apple are from i!urope
Spinach was first cultivated in Arabia.
The sunflower was brought from Per4
The mulberry-tree originated .in Per- '
The gour4 is probably an eastern.
plant. " ..,
The walnut and peach cape from Per.
sia. -
The horse-chestnut is a native of Jh
bet, . ' ' .
The cucumber came from the East In
dies, .
The quince came frcra the Island cf
Crete. '
The radish is a native of China and Ja-
Peas are supposed to b3 cf EgyptiarV- '
origin. ,
The garden-beans came fropa the East
The garden-crest is from Egypt and
the east,
. Horse-radish came from the south cf
Europe. ' '
The Zealand flax shows its ongip ' y '
its name. - ' . 1
The coriander grows wild near ths Me '
The dyer's weed is peculiar to southern'
Germany. . '
The Jerusalem artichoke is a Brazilian
Hemp is a nalire of Periia and .the
East Indies. ...
The cranberry is a native of Europe
and America.
The parsnip is supposed to be a natir
of Arabia.
The potato is a wejl-known native of
Peru arid Mexico.
The currant and gooseberry came frorh .
southern Europe. ' '
nape seed and cabbage crow will in
Sicily and Naples. :!'
Buckwheat came originally from Sibe
ria and Tartary.
Millet was first known m India and
Abyssinia. -
Barley was found wild in the mountains '
of Himalaya.. . ; -.
Hop3, mustard and carraway geed ??
ginated in Germany.
Anise was brought from Egypt and the
Grecian Archipelago. . : .
The cherry, plum, olive, $ncj almond
came from Asja Minor, :
Linseed originally appeared as a weed"
in the ordinary grain crops cf southern .
Europe. '
Rice came from southern 'Africa,
whence it was taken out to India, and
thence to Europe and America.
Wheat was brought from the central
tablp-lands qf Thibet--where its repre
sentative yet exists as grass, with small
Turnips and mangel wurzels caine f ronj '
the shores of the Mediterrant an. Tfca
white turnip is jupposed to be a nati?e cf
The carrot is supposed to h7Q been
brought from , Asia; others,, h.owever,.
maintain it to be a native the ian
country as the turnip. V
The false impression that irrot abrr.J.
returned in the last steamej?, .,
Why is a fop like a cinnamon tree?--,,
Because the bark is worth more than th -trunk.'
. ' -
: "Very well," repljea tfre rparjager,
"I'm very fond of swimming myself. ac4 .
will accompany y6u 'if you'll let me." : .
Gpld tries jhe rrn.