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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1858)
J 1 ' i i i 1 ', 1 Buchanan Life and General - Insvirrtiico Oo.y Ofnoecir 21 nn 1 Jule t?ts.f ' ' st. josei'H, mk tlllTKKKD IT Till LaST SESSION -F THK MO. LEU Authorized Capitol $3,000,000. DIRECTORS i J. H. Jennings, I. H. Howard. .1. A. Owen. Milton llooth, John Colhoun.Joh'all. Liken', W. Il.Peneik, Jauies Kay, N.J. MeAihan. A. t. Mansfiecr. J. li. JLANlNOlS, Pree. N.K. MrAsiiAX, Sec'y. o. IS now ready to receive application for Life, Fire, i V Marine and Kivcr risks. A cash return ol 25 pet J ' ' cent, will be allowed on cargo i -reiui u 11)? . Lusssr promptly adjusted, and the usoal facilities givt u to the patrons of the office. April Kth,! -57. 4i-3ra lotlmis.. WEBSTER, MARSH CO., M.mtifacturtrs and Wholesale Dealers IN Ready Made Clothing, si. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SUnilS. PHAWKRS. OVKKA1.I.". SHIRT. I j ! i I 1 ; 1 I j ' I XX. UBBE rt. Gr OO IOS3, 1 kiii.K FURNISHING GOODS. so r.M.i. TO k or GENT'S win ii WI ND BOY S CLOTHING, as liwas nn Hoiisp in the City. VKBSTKK. M AIlS.ll J. CO. WHEELER i-v WILSON'S INCOMPARABLE SEWING MACHINES!?. J. . AlcDON ALU it I U., No. 75, Fourth Mrcfl, St. Louis, Mo. Arc takitie the place i.f all ll.t r in chii ! Families, Dress-Makers. A NO TAILORS. They are the Simplest. Speediest, Cheapes and must Aurahle exi-'ai,t. Agents Wanted in Every Twin in the West. B. F. SNYDER, Forwarding and Commission And Steamboat A'ent, ST. JOSVPH. MO. Will l.e at the Levi-e a; all h.mrs i;j..n the arrival of (teamlxats. and attend to the (..Ileti..n of Kills and il'iMiiess left with him with jirnmit dispatch: aiso attend to the Itcveivingof gmJs for huut.--, eithei for tit Li. WIS IT ni.ier Missnuri Will he f..und luthei tiicc ot LMmau is. West Real Ktate Agents. Market S iiai e. MILLER & BOISAL'BIN, Import ersnf French aii.Hit'iman LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, Sheet, Skj -I.lclil, and Floor Mlass, IS, Seeond St., St. Louis, Mo. Msnnfaciurers of. Ornamental LiH-kinp-tilass Frumes. Siaint'd Cilass in all its Various Branches, for Churches, PnMic and Private Buildincrs. Ornamental Work fhr $trn,ii!-oa!f. SIRIXG AM) SlMSIKil GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEF! &. CO., Importers and Jobbers. Piece Goods for 3ienS Wear, A'o. jS. . loi' i -(r. . t. St. Lnii Wearen .w in receipt of a lnrce an.l coriplete st.K-lc i i.f 8 nls suilahle f..r liienprins: and Suinmer tr;:.!e wUn h 1 we ..ffer nit the most f.iT -i ' le torro ;. The Moct cvn- intkiii p.ut of the followioi, vii : i CLOTHS. I rt.imer; PoeAii.s: Satinets: Twee,!-: Oslimerf Ms; Jrn ; ('r.liirvys ; M'l.-kin; Lmen.-; C-.o.. n.ide.-.; AI- pa : !':.:, ICK'ti-s ; K-'Tiiei S ;i i!i-: Ve-t in : M'if Sfrjio eve:y .le-.'i ip.v 11 t-nl t a'td ! :!i- ; iiT-' tn'M-nins. A cmplete 'nt liL.i.Uci . A:r'.I, ar-"irtnieiit t w 1 -Imt- an.l iliitwors. Men .iial Tailor- mmI.ij tie ci-y '.-r tiiC- pnrp. se . f h;. ynii: fbeir Si riiic ill lin ii: : , their inlcrest to c. 111:111' ..ii"-.-:. . k In-' .re ni.ik:'.,-' the:;- , ,eltc'....ns. Ail orders w ill re- ei o 1 p-ihi-i at t -ut n.o. ; I1L1', HKAIU'M.hE i. CO. ! Apni 15. lftsv 1. i JOHN MtDONOCOH. j House, tSign, cc Oin iiiK'uttil Pi-inter. f.L f,c. RROHWIIXi; IV. T, j XT Vdor can heteft ai the'irv Iric S'ors-. Brownville Steam Ferry ! vi.BEST CW.SSLNU . w , . .1 1 - I ft V V ft V wt Eft U 1 K n U l u I nil li U j ;.out irorn isrownvuie to jyi. i.earney, and from thence to California, is the '.-areet and most prax;ticable. HATERS: CODINGTON A." N' t ';. E to the Traveling l'ublie t'.iat they are .it,': .s a Fern across the Missouri Jiver at iiri.'i' new, ;'''irnfo tin'l coi'iud'Hou now n An STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which anmgenient will secure a coriaui and Fafe jiassaso at, all times and in fill kinds of weather. The Proprietors do 11. t n-Tt h n;v:it!;'!y r for 'he purpose of gaining euton, nieieiy, but are jt iverned by facts, when they say this i., ihe best erosiing of the Missouri Liver in Nebraska, and when they c:-y the rente from Browuville to Fort Kearney ami lroin then -e to California is the nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the imiiio'' the Country: and are Warranted in saying it is tar most practi'-aliie route by personal experience, a- v. ell as that of hundreds of other who have irmel.- l it. -We claim therefor this crossing and route L10M ; out y . culiarly favorable inducements, to pcis.,;.s going to California, and solicit their patr mage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe nd speedy erosinu, our charges ;ire the s 11110 us other Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by l."in-!a-tirc enactment.'ieot that with our facilities of Power, no kinds i.f weather will prevent our Boats from wtikinjr regular trips at all hour. J-jfA skilful. d hinii will be in readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. n2U November 11th. 1,7. T. B. tlHISli. MIH.N C. Tl'KK. ! I ITMIXU & Tl UK, Attornfvs at Law & Keal EM ale Agonti i " OMAHA CITY, N. T. i "VTy'ILL attend faithfully and promjitly to all busi j nesn entrusted to them, in the Territorial o 1 Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lauds, en trries and pre-emptions, collections. Ac. OHice in the second sturv of llenrv Roots new building, nearly opiiosite tin) Wtsteru Exchange Hank', Farnhsm street. Dec. 27, 15 vln2Stf Honey Creek Mills. The ujiilprsiuned re-pe. tful.y ai.i.oiuve that I hey re prepared tp till all ..nle. in their !n e prompt ly m their nulls four mi'.e- " si thw pst ,,r H . vi il,c. near the inoiilb f Honey ci eek. Tint lo.o m haul i!.p lavn'-t ud bet as-on-nei t ..) i'lniber. s,i:.j!e. a ulia'.he ever ffered ia the tenuity 01 Tei riioi ;. , c, iim-u.i of 40 OOC fret spawned si. hup: 40 IV.-& '0.000 10,004 25 OO fO.Ct '.'i(ii3 coin.n-Wiiod '.hviriiij r. c.ttiiore " oak and ash cotton. wo,.,. s..ft mipV. ivt.n al,t W.U111U nnisiiini: rimher; ton -lnc: ioists; .-ii!. 111 .st ee,y ani s. t uddin Hint sen; in- 1.. i. hard and u:ii-:- e-i.;e. -l.e.itl Inn; of al oft Won.1: :nc-; i:i. .'00 0OO superior sawed, shingles. ,.ik. .!; also o.ll. ..a en la I 000 lath a m; prior am tin. kne-s and wiuth .P. of tin. farm length. Ttfir mills are under ihe thai cp of experM'iiiei and T.-ent men. and the nndersi-ne.1 it.itif-r themselves the quality of their luumer ill i.inii are lavot T-;;:- i'it other made in the Terntorv. all f which will f .W. to suit the times i. RKKN. Sl'HlMil.K it CO. uoiiey creek Mills. May -Jo X -JSif Groceries! Groceries!! Fresh Arrivals ! 1 louv v Atlditioiis ! ! Irlccs CJrcatly Keduc otl! ClRRESi r TAKLX AT 1'AR! ! J, B. JENNINGS 'or. '2nd anJ Francts St. J.;o i Mo. T! vs Hist r(n en isl at bis store room. 0 mer of Sei- olid 'rmcis stniels, St. Joseph, everything deirahle in hicti be purctiaseii lor the Kali and W inter . t -reatly re.lined pritsp 1 r Cali. andniiieh he . : restKHil;ni: prices tor cash, or to puctua 1 :. A 1011K Ids reie- reteipts are f0 ia.x Kreii j'- '- e r riinie Ap'le. '-'0 ,t Assori.sf l-,it- 1. -v'ls 1 & 1 li. oalih Joo doj. I iel.i's teiel.l ausl . upthis lall.ioh.ill H.irre.snew while Kish. 1 1" xes KC'ii-i-se. ;o - .i-s K I .: .. iin) os 60 Imxes i esh raisins, loo Is es di 1, ! her- O. -: Is . K'v ( rins. ISOO li,s li.ftsheu liutier. Coo 1 l-'.s eravkeis. ,V) h. is nuts assorted mo Ihs Peanuts. l.iO h. xt as.rled an i fancy candies. ilK) do 1:11111 drops an I ;u. !!. I. venders, S00 drums Kics ,Vr. Also a larp lot si- ,., ni .ia ', rnicn win ne s, id at p i.esv .:i-ider.ib.j I el. w :1c aixtv dots .,;o. La 1 1 ! i W. II . HOOTER. Umwnvill'. Nemaha City, i LAKE & II00VEK, state mm, NOTARYS PUBLIC. Brownville and Nemaha City, M'.BHASKA TEE KITOIt Y. " yiLLpr-.nndlynUend to Lund Agencies, Paying t;ix:i-', llr:;wn:g money, buying an.', sciing Ileal L-st.-ne, buying and i.d!in; on Lommisj-Riii. Making Collections f. r di-t; nt dealers, and all kinds i.f business pertaining to th.-ir -profession. PiinioulaiaUontoih w ill be given inCling de-lara-tory statements to pre-empt--mid procuring War ranty Deeds fn r:-. tin1 Town authorities. Persons .. ning Tun s lots, residing at a distance wishing to pro. urf Warranty Deeds will do well to place trie agency lnivr nanus, 1 aiw j ui-saiiiiinj tlieirljmt claim Ueeus lor saia Ian, tr w unui me e.x- ..:..t; f t; nw.nil' j n m it l.-i that i imp All It it lot Deeded will be sold. Plank always en hand. N. li. Letters of iii'!iiiv answered promptly. March 2o, ;.,. ' -il-ly ToMmNVTION PATENT." I l'KK.EIT STIMM SAW MII.I.. This null ivtmiiaiM tbe universal ailmr -.M 11 nf niill men everywhere. As its merits hpo'ine kni..wn, ihe ilfinaml t T it l'llrP3e'. Onlers areeomini: ii'.m every i.f this cmitry, Canada. Culia. aii'l Sailli Ameri ca. It is suitel fur rvery Feciiou i ice na ui-ivm-i there l tunher to t e ivciil, no matter of hat charailer how h iril. how larueur lw small. Tw.. t'xtensi ,e 111a- nufactorie- are now enimreil in luiihliii; :t i- atm .vt ir,ii..isit,ic to turn them o e 111 i T Is. yet out as last as they are;e I. They unbrace everal valuable intents and improvements. Mid comeine all tne leiw-M'm -.u- Simplicity Koth the mill and power are so Mnoue 111 lr coiistrin It- .11 that anyone 01 oiiunaiy inc. iiuin -,n niy i-.m c .loprel -.pint them, put theni up and run them without d.n;.er r uiill.ailiy. ) Portabilitytup whole can he very i Quo Kly tnkeii a;..irt and put Urns roiiderinu it ' easy lo l,p movi d lr..i:i place in place .isdesired. and 1 inf.-the necessin 1 1 driiviii' 1! e Iol's a loni. disriim e to I luir.ih.lilii it is ,0:1-1 ruried in the most so, 1.1 and I nihstantial manlier, r'lns perfectly still, is not l.ahie to i p.-t 1.11: ot i.rdt'i-. and will 'at for j ears w lthoi-.t repair. j )liii(!i,'i 1' will saw lastei than any other upn-ht j I v.pi mht nail. The sp.-cd ol tlo- s.iw is ah,.ut three hmi-(!.-ed per i.un.r.e an I the feed frmn one-fij:htl to 1 tb:ee-i't-iitcrs . I an imh per stroke. Thus. :it ;, medium speed the saw will nil tl.t.-ueli a lie twenty-four feet i loim in a:-nut three miimtes. Fr..m ihi data anyone ;'iu the chara, tcr ol the tan cahuljte how I mcii li v. ill .1 .. ' I Klliii-icm-nU loe it-- w..: !c wvll. c.n m..dlier and ! striiihier than the ..uhii.iry nulls, and O.e. irrat aemenl 1 .'the s.i-.v is sin h as u. render 11 utterly iiup-issihlc tor j 1 it to run 1. ut of line. ! 1 hi am i ss T'ne entire io-t of the mill, with fifteen 1 ! llor power and everyihinn all cmplete au-l ready l..r I ru'iniiii. ho eo and ready lor shipment in St. Louis, is I only M. j This mill reiini'es less power to drive tha i any other mill, and the power furni.-ho-l is titfflcieui to ilrivetxtra i machinery. j A circular ci.ntaininc full panictilars will he sent to I any i ue desiring it. All orilert should he mldi esoeal to ! HltAOli t lil HUOWKS, Corner Third and Mnrktt tretl. M. Lotus. Mo., sole aL'ents for ihe Western and Southern S,ates. M .r.h. 2o, 'W 4S-lr 1858L 1858. SCARRITT & MASOX, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers ol Furniture and Upholstery CORNER VASlMXGTO AV. & 2d ST., St. Louis, Missouri. To our Patrons ami llic 5ublic We tal;e pit that n.dw i:h-t aii.liii:-' oi.r Sales It, .01 is at and H e lo-s of the en in beins aide to aK'iro you our heavy by th burr.inp i-f ,;s .o and 4-' Vash:n;.:toii Avenue. : ire Mick in them, on the Mioriiihfi of the -.'lib itst.. are a'rrady able to till any order that in iv be 1! -.'sired in 1 ui line. lliviiua i.u.'o ani..;int ot sink ill our ware houses that are not 1 ...inec'.id with tir sales roovi, and beinit in coti-tant receij'l -d itoods from the best manut e '.tirei s. we are tuit-s,,.. n i-n.i'deit t.. till orders at our iisiil low I-. I-. :.i: ! in -n;r 1 ji mer p run. pi and satisiactoiy man-lK-r. onr fac!liiie f .r n-. c'.trin.L' an.: keepii s up a ileirab!e -t . n . :i! i'.t ci'; 1 'el on r oers. na 1 at ' o'.t ion at' i lare 1 1 -f! ii- '1' ;s in.i v 111 lie constant ly t'lvi-n to 1 nr 'et-'ii- 11.1 1' h i- :no-s a-.. .el s in a d l"..IUUt.o t r.rPr, , f ITIIOLSTI'.RY l URNITUIU: AND e . i.s I 1 in.-:. I p....!- au-l w .'I--U1I that we n as f a- -1 11 . and ; ',e .vms s n.y h .u-e 111 theVi -t. Ti .n.'ii in-' 01: : ,.r 1 i i; very Lieral p-itron.iL'e already .-t .v. cl on us. m e a-t; a en! iuu.i. i .u of the .-aim-. Sales for tlie p.-e.seiit on the Jii.rtLwe-t cr-r.-t V.-liiiii.ioa enue and Semud btreet. lonr l.. a. !..w our . 'd stand Very i;.- p.vtl ii! iy, SCAKK1TT &MASUN. St. Ldius. Auutist 1. ls5S. 11. 7 VICTORIOUS OVER PALN. BRICK'S ARCTIC LIMJlEiM . Asronv or ease: Sickness or bealili ! Life nr ileadi! These art" the questions im,.'.icd in the adoption or rejection ul this spe cific by the martyrs to terunt di.siases and injuries. Having re ceived the indorsement el the dis tinguished stmin, the late I'r. KANK. and itscllicaey tested ihir iu two anlui Winleisiii tiie re irioiis oT eternal ice. it is liowcom iin; into gcni-ral use in i-nry sec tion of the civilized lobe, and its marvelous cures au eer where exciting Kstoni-hineiit. THE AFFLICTED KEJOICE. IU'NPlftT.I'S mil TKOlSANIiS bav tesiid its virtues, and are rciol'-in ill free.loui lie 111 onj( lnipiiiV 1'AIN" and IdM'AsI-.. w liieli oilier leini-iiirs had h.ili-d to cute, liaie ton the l'"i .N C1UIIS. Mil! A I ( . I A , Pilir- M A T ISM, m 1:1 .1 1 1. a, i:.i: A ill-: or luolll A( UK An- Vou ctliicted uith lil.Ii Mil'.l. Si.f- h-.-iiu; fioni lil'.l s. SI IIAINS, CMltNS, m.i:k s, 1 H.1.S5. I I fttrj". 'd inmi e.iiale u-hi f. 0I1111 sa I V 'f 1a9 ' tiom death. l-Aeiv stem: 0 .V' '"'ilt "! i.nlrind train M101I 'V V I ' K 1 I' "- " I:') tl at has 1 ,:-ul tl. ! i' V-C-yVC'J - s'niii ks ., anuiu-h utteied hv th 1 NSJ -5 scald.-.l and inaao. d iictitns . isiit.iV;-y"f - eV,losjons and cidli-io-is. doe in , v ,;i ' i-ome iin ans 01 n-liei t ' .-".-:S ''""'r lorlme hhould l:ns I Ti "A 10 awessible Such docs exist in tl. kv-Vft haluiT j.aiu coiitroliii:(; .-iit. 1: 0, THE MOTHERS' COKPAlttON. It euiOH OAKrS IV TT!p li it r a st. shim: Mi ru-i Sdlti'. 1 . 1 I S. IIMPI I S. .xc. lA dies who j-rie a pui shin, void of pimples, blotches, scurf and nil discoloration-! and ix rrescences, slionld attack these trespassers on beauty's domain tissue 11:1s they i.pi ear with the AUCIIC 1.1MMIM. It iM .-teell.-i.l for 1he Hair, pivimr u a lic:.Uh. (jlossy ap-peaiatH-e. H is GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. It is a "oieieipu remedy lot t1;- various liso!i-ei il!i w'biidi hoi-se-aica iiict. d. cnr in - the most :.l u nun:; ra-f-i f HIM lI S. SI IIAINS. HKINC- ji rr ivcim s. si p.Aicii- l.-s -W1 I NV.SI AV1N. P.INti laiM. 11I -1I1'AI. 1 VII., c. No tarmer, litery stable Keeper, or i n v persou oivioni;' iloUsl'.s, spool I !. iloout this valua ble For sale by all rt s,., ctaV..' I'r.igKi-t-nr.d I'o ii"is 1'iices of th liniment, 25 pen's, ftn e.-iiNa-..'! $1 a bot tle. A one .!. liar b.ttl contains as luncli l lit us eizllt twenty live cut 'jt.ttles EXTRAORDIXAPiY AXWCXCFMCXT. Vverv pui.-h user of a dollar l oitle ol the Allt'llc I IX IMKNT' re-e:-s, at Ir. lliaf-' S e-ense. the tMTl 1) STAIl- .bl ItN'AI.. of NV' Vo:k. lor one v.-ar. lie Journal is a. lare iHusraed rii i-ach manner c..n iHiiim sixteen pates. Iieniiliiullv rinted en clear ivlote pa;r. and In'., d vvith original matter Irom li e most bril liant wiiieri of ti.e cmiutiy. Certitieate ot s,ihs,-r -ta.a mi l t ill particulars of lii novel and piiila athro! c en-ter;-r:se. rf which thi oiler forms a tart, will accompany each hot lie. An M'KN'T AVAVTFO in FVKTtY TOWN' and VII I. AGE. UKAUU tx Hl ltltOWKS. St. IiiiU. M Nkw Yokk ivfick. No ;;T1 LKiiAl W'aY. Commuuicaiioni should alnavi be addressed to St. Louis. MAUN & CO., Atrents. J. D N. THOMPcON, iiinv, II i r. snn-cd I,,- pr .lest tc . in t. e C. i ' :s ol At unison canity, , .. t ;lke one d .oi w est t.1 1 N'p.r,.sk.a. l.usi;.ss. ; tut will pr. c Nel.iask.i. and the Coi.ris in T. V. hyte's S;,.re. lirowuvi;; llr. wnvtllp. April Si. lvVS n-13 ly" Mhttrasses. " -k .V m: at-es nst -eceived at thpst, f-s; ; re T T'HTTr F. L.VKK. 1 Jg . N3i 'l- !f'd .ei in-taut u-hef. j tj. lava..,!;- i;t hahle lo , . ' I'or these il;e:ol!nl CiMent s the I '. .i $r . . Al'd'lli' LIMMl.N'l h,M be . 'f edT Uf-l.t on ban. I lor it nil. .X;-T. . - " fen ! Itf II fill M-Il-W T El lis I i t BROWiyILLE3 N'. T The proprietor respectfully informs The citizens of I5rownvil!e, snd the public genrally, that he has just returned from St. Louis with the largest stock uf custom-made Boots dib Slioes Ever brought west . of Saint Joseph. His assortment of ready-made Itoot? & Shoes embraces every variety for Fall and Winter. French Calf-skin boots, single and double sole of the latest .style and fashion; also a superior stock of Grain leather water-proof boot?, just right for PIKE'S PEAK Gold Diggings. He has a large supply of Kipand Stoga, Boots, and a great variety of Shoes and E10 gaiift : Hoys' Shoes hnd boots of all sizes and all varietic, lie lias a large supply, and great variety in every style and fashion, of Ladies' Gaiters, Slippers, MicsM and Children's Gaiters and Shoes, Gentlemen's Slippers, Buffalo and Gum-elastic Over shoes, if'C., &iJ. Ho also has constantly on hand a larjc supply of Fien'b Kip and Calfskins and trimmings FOR HOME MANUFACTUllE. He .:r. ..;;.s his woik to ive entire satisfaction and inviles Ihe pi.l.lic to call .tnd examine for themselves nt tt,n u.-.,v, in itio n,...t it Shoe Store, and indue whether the and cheaper than any 011 ever pin cha-ed from any other Sept. 23 1S5S. CEANE & DEALERS iaieiiiis Viai'i st. between Front an I Second s,s., Srownville, rsr. X3- piFiiPW AW HATS & Stove FisriiiUirc, Flour, ! AND W 'E have iu-t opened a heavy Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple and l'an. y line, which w e are now prepared to offer to the trade a t extreun ly low prices, Sor C'u-Si or C'onairy I'rotUite. 157. rv2n!8-tf! A3 i-Y Ml -lfTMI T ' SIEGEL & KTo. 27 TiT 2133. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Iirownville and the public generally that they have received and are now opening one of the largest and most conij lcte Stocks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of IFSLokc!3r BtSetclo Olotlxizx Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as to Color they have Ilrown. lihie. Klack. visible invisible ('een.anil Cloths, Cassimers. Satinet ts. (.'ash m-retts. a ml deans, all made up uccurding to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, embracing the very la'est styles and patterns. In tho 15-451. May also be found at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored, Handker-rhi.-is, Suspenders, Carpet Hag-, etc., which we will sell as cheap as any establishment in tho West. We have the finest and best assortment of SPRING AMD SUMMER CLOTHING Ever brought XS-LiS J&JSITy 0-Z3lIPSS, Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fine assortment of (OiTS, lilt's, EVocSi and Saefc. 1MXTS, livt-ry Stle and Dt'scriiJifon. V LISTS, To liK'iisic L.arc and Small. SIJIEITS, ISotli White and Fancy. ATTE would llaltii. but asU Uie p.ioi.c uie.iii. examine ami -it, ...... ......... ........ tv... uid t wentv-tive percent, cheaper than they have ever October"-.". !h. lSj7. :2nlS-lyJ MccoitMicrrs Reaper & r.Ioper for 1SE8 f. II V ATT & li., AsrnlK, Is aitain 1 ltced t th ifiue.--. I Mi--..u: i and Xohi ';a. as the best K .aoerin .1.0 v-.rl.i i-n'. , ;,e best c . ".e.l He.iper and .Mower, and is s .. r-n . :'..r five ears past 1 have avoided alien. li: -. ihe voi u State and C .uoty ! irs. i.e li.p j.nrp .se f eki . ..: cnniiiiis. re C in:in; i. iy n.; n' us too we'l k u ' need that sort .f lametaiati-iii. In July la-: . I" .; . il S -tis A-.-- I let i' si ne!v . at their Fair io i aw arMed ;. ii.e a j GOLD MEDAL and t 1 or Cue hp.i tea;.:'.', alter a -ev ! u'e 1 ri ov p.- hi ; . 1 i 1 1 tit "Vi 1 1 o ; I' .i.n, 1 1 M e.ia i' w ..s a'i ir-ii i !.y : I . ns in I. .n-1 .n in : V1 1 . C. M 1 Sv racu e. Now Vol k DIPLOMA. :'ie test, m I e ivy t.m !...d. A is . the 1. 1 0 it el.:i i:i..-.i . t all 1, 1-ri-nck u th-'.d ol :he ot ..iiuain'y and val i:l A M Lit It' A X UKAl'- Lit the -:; e ;t Freii.ii ls.Vi. w .is awarded the (" 11 1 lheh;sips- i7c! t.. any 1 lbva! A -1 'lei: it tit .11 S it;v .t K: Kxhthiii. n ai l' in i Medal of Hotlor. AI.-O eaoiui: maehiiie I v ihe I 1 1 ul 111 lN'iT. and nr ire '-'1 .11 the highest 1', i s ! .11: 1..11 appn vai 1 over iiH) Ojo tanner of my v n c. tin; 1 y. K.i ru ip 's ilesiTu the JlcCornnck Up. .per and Mower f. the present ye tr wi.l se ure by Ip.ivinii tluir ord. I sho;::. I la--en: ,.:i before the 1 d..y ,1 March next. April 15 lsjsi tj. 4- J. V. Wi:TLKL'. A. . ni'TTOX. WESTLAKE & BUTTON, MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY, Railroad Car. ISIoch. Pump. IJoIl Corner of Mniu . HhUIIo St., ST. LOC1S. MO. Contractors outiits cciisiai i y on hand. so. h as Rotary lnnp Cars Skleer End Cars, arrows. Si.Tapjrs Sinrrle and Horse Power Derricks. .:c. U!a.-ks;iu:lii'!i of ali kinds, Bridvte and Truj.? Ifc.lts f any icndi. Woikmaiiship warraiite.) ot l.pst quaiiiy. Notice. 7 lV-s,..i inilel'ted t. f.e -j-i.c-su-!:p.l will o-.nie f -- ward " .tei ;:le. e i,-ii:e: taken a. j.?r. inJuUeueewiil net, he given' Tll'iVPSOX ls.'. All' 'I. I'.'.rf r..-.v - . - -' -J rr ' v jg5 f?3 hoots and shoes are not of het:er leather, letter nitde p'ace. The highest prices paid for hides. HILL, IN 3 CAPS, Jaeon, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Civ ANE i HILL. GREENE AUM, 23 W dL .' e g J to this Territory. jit. gcfe.r themselves whether the Clothing at th. inuut- ll.aicriMl, cut W 1 ith better taste, better trimmed bought elsewhere SIEGEL A GKEENBACM. Patent Portable Mill, rpili. -1, : s, riber .a: e euti -r.-d m:,, a partnership X under he n . f Reed. Hob-.bird A Co t. .i.e. I. Reed, I'atent l'ortabio (i'risf 'lill and uro now pn-p-..-. 1 to furnish a in want f a g-od C ,r Wj-at Mill that for dura- bihty. s'.mpli :-ty ; mi economy: excel any Mill in the vv..iM. tl,. tho inr- exhibition . f tlie Mechanics institute 111 Cir-innati. a h'u.'ii M. ,tl wasawarded . hem for it. It is adapted to a!! Crain grimiin-purposes : it is o'.erior to ail others for t Ik-most extensive Merchant Mi,!, as ir is for griudu ; the Farmers feed by Horse p.... .T. T i -a'n-ve Mills a.v lo.inuf.ictu.ed bv the umlcr sig .e lat their shoj. inM'hi..;i,r.:,ti. O., where .hey I 11 be furnished in any .;uai. vity at sl.ort notice. The above Mill- warranted to perform as follows: 1... ui.uii.. per in ur 00 ii. urn, La he.u -?oH" l!ail .id :;o 1 -, 21 " Jd li As- jUcTi "11 " 13 " "on ! 1" " S Uoj ; on is tinnecessarvt. ! ' is Mil! tell it fro n our 11 itiKrous recommendations, received. Tailorini;! Tiiiloiin!! Tailoiin I'.. K. PAliKF.R, Merchant Tailor, -a J? aZga Aiinr.iie streat-, . err ot Hi4ditiPirs Store. r.!:0YXYiLLE, XEUKASKA TEUll. HAVIXtJ longht property and bx-ated permanent 'ly in lfrownvitle, T offer mV services to the public frei:jral.y, if they want ary'tbingdi ne in my hue of business. I can always bo I und at my post, or. mure prpp.-vlv speaking at nv beneh. IVork Varrantocl .o Fit o Paj ! Parti -uliir attention- paid In ctittinggann"rit-' nml layiug off work 1'ntjljc S.-:tm-tre'. " The great.-: p-i :ii.r. of my lift has been dQVo; mv trad. . . '.vhich 1 cotiVider myself inf. r:..r t.i. -pcci.iliv iit.fhe rutting Je-Mrtir.t-t.t,ii!i.l I hype I y y .-ra'te;r-li' D ,o P2J busiocss. ij iiiflirit a. t-l,are f p'-blio pa:r.Mi:igp. " ." P. Er PAW K Kit. Lr- eiav.ilQ Anri: IJili. . -'41-lv uiJNewi Hardware Store. : ; Siijn of the Saw. ' ' J. FLAHERTY, " Imoorter, Wholesale and Retail Dealor in ADieric;iii Genu in, English & French HARDWARE A.YD CUTLERY. ST. JOSLTII, MO. IS XOWreuciving and opening the largest and most varied arsortrcent of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock embraces a lull aud complete assortmeat of Cabinet a-nti House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from tho most approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools ana implements, in greni variety, couiuui intra.!! the recent and useful improvement for the saving of a vast amount ot labor to the tanning com munity, from whom I respectfully reiiuest a careful esami nation of this department of my stock. I Bin also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated 1 St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross t ut aws, winch. 1 will warrant, and till all orders at ihe faetary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, BitiVs and l'isf. Is. Iron, Steel, Nails, &c, of the best brands: in td, my stock is very complete, which, fu. its ip.. '. ". and price, I am determined to offer surh rulnc-' . ii.-as will command a liberal share of tra it '; . : i- iiod adjoining counties. My arrnn-xono -tti.- f. 1 .1. .1 and agencies for American Hard-.i.t M !::. i.-.r.iv, together with a long experioi.. e ' i-ev.-' !inM ware trade, enables me: n-it ' j'.yr'll -p-ti-tion, but has convinced iin? t- . 1 r e r plo of trade is small profits and (jn 'is. January 1, 1S57. yln'.' If'IiWiilfli J01IX (OLIIOIN & BKOTHEH, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AM) II ETA I L DKALEK IN, Building and Saddlery Hardware, G II U G E li 1 E 8 , Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Y' ST. JOSEPH. MO. QAVK now in fc'orc.and to arrive shortly . . : ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves A Son's Files Scissors an.l Edge Tools Pocket knives Rutcher's do do Spear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull A Porter's shuiter Putts. Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly Knives and lurks Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Augers and auger bitts Com knives ltrinr scythes Grass and grain Jo Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wo. d saw s Riai ksini: hs' Rellows and V ices Mousehok' Armitage an vils American am ils Sloi-ks and dies Pad hooks, breech'gloops Pad serews. cockeyes Ornaments, racks Giri'i rein ami roller web Silr, :i cord thread Calf skins l i per leather Rriddle do Ski.iing do Harness do Helling do Goat si; ins Enamtuclled leather saw s I'lanesand plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adzes and wood tools Tress Hoops Putts, east and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. stirrups do do Rifts do do lJii'-kles do do Lings Rreastaml rein snaps Lasts, pegs I'.-g floats Pincers Shoe thread Rristles. wax Lining skins ISinding With many goods embracing a complete ass. rt ment of tho most desirable which thev will sell the lowest prices. J. C0LIHH''. A pro. April loth. ISoT. 1 1 I v George Fer?u or. MILLWRIGHT & "i. ' BKOWNVIL u I . 4 XX0FNCE to the .-. ;.t. j. . (,a. to erect Steam and V Mills at short notice and 1 ami term dmi pair ing of machinery of all I ' 1 ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ho is also Agent fur A. 15. HOLLiniRD 8c CO S Wcstsrn iGuiidry. IX Ail. O. lei: 5C LEAVITT'S rt , Saw If aninactory, . r - ' -. n. r -ft CINCMw.'ATI, O. And :iro prop.) red to rec, iv cam! till orders fur any ina rhivTV manufacture.! or kepi 011 baud, by tLc'oe c.--'a in i--iti;oiit s. Letters ot enijiiiry, promptly answer -d. UilJ KFitilNC!:-. X.c l, Lake A Co., Prowi.viile N. T. Steam Mill. 11. . I Fi-o-.vnv ii.e, M'.iir. Haan Co., I).', ll- ovcr, Nemaha city. P. M. Ko-ers, Pa w i.e.-ci! v. Nuckolls A White K .--k;-o: t, .!,.. James L'.n ieii. A. 11. I Li 1 1 1 be 1 d, Ci in-iin: a i, 0. Prov.m il!,., .June IS, K,7. 1 It J. D. IL & B. 0. THOMPSON Real Estate & (Jcneral l ol eeli:!; A'reM BROWNVILLE, N. T. Airents forTowa Ins. ( o.,0s!ialo;)s'i. AI.L hiisine-j en.i tiste.) to our ore v l.r. iiipt attention and vv arrant. .! 1 1 .-et ed tor ; ersi.ns w ishint: t.i pn-einp:. De lli luce I'ape - p iai aiol incuts uiaUe out, ' etc. ITj"0!lh-e 011 First street. 11 .rth of I. T. V hytc C- IKKKiiKKXCKS : J. V. Urinips, !j-t; .i..n r T. I, P ice .1-, a nr: Austin A Kine ilj !, li S. tayre ix. Co., I . I en v o,.,l . I ,u .1 lr. llou-lity Council 1J. mis, Iowa April 8 v2n4t-lv .NEBRASKA (HV Insuranco Company (apital isiock ;.");,,). Ni HI! Ask V ( I I , N. a. f-rTTTJ i- 1 .. .- . . Iin.- v o.ui .. 1 . uii.ici a ui er.11 charter, 1 fti'dy i,r;iiiied. and their n t rf.-ii, ital'st .'e 7.I-. i. (;,(' .,.o,-,. j 1:1 i., in and sccur.-d. are prepared, i'.i.s date, to jrr.,i,t ,,..., an I take risks, upon eitual term-, with iii l'...ored Insurance I "oinp.-ny : uv where. P now .ok of , 'i in y l'",r-, -1 I nil..- i iiolll I a.i-.pieu me iiiiiiuiii 1 r 1 lie 1 pic. u , .,a'i, t:s v'-, incurring any Iial uiiy. : j 1 he company. ! The operations of the (' i shaie in tnc pr. tits ipa . 1: ';. : l.e : .r t ic j. resent, ;,, y i:ixr. , r . I maximum Labiiity of .jl-;.. .1. .- ! lleing the only !u-tira:a c o:l, c. , ! t.lar 1 Ian. West 11' Ihe Mi--.,.., r.. i: J pei-ts a generous support !r..ui W, -: . U e resi cctfuliv inv ite tip f . rn M -..uri 1 tnaia i pa- e. I'IBKtTOits : S.r.N'ii-ki.ns, I'ba H. P. p.-nnet. J. L. W. N. Ilinchman. M...s A. A. Pradfurd. .n ; t ':s : ! . It. Art:,-' W.Pi CIIAS.F.1I0LLY, Pre nt. .!. .11 St. Louis AsrPtit CM. W A. -ril 2d. is j'. ls." SPiUNC-iSAI. W.F.ENDKH: ;o. 1(1H0. IVIiolrsale X . r.2 It r. e i;.-t re 1 i'. iiiii! S iiniupr .- ci ';'iaii' . .1 v. , I'll'.' li A.: " it ir::i:tt M-n'ii s . 1. .v ... , 1 .p en s. .1. d 1 .h is ; of spr ing -: ..I, .an-!-; o .s-e.i in PX l-Tlt. 'i er h oi-p in the "le : .- in iai' -i .,;..- ... s.,0.1 .'.- .I.,k. i' f"- tl eir interest Iv.v .. pH r,r , '. ' d.-'v all couipi d s.,.,.. p.. tr;cle. ' 'i ' f -ri'..s :;..i Iiost. :.. I.;r-.- in d .1 e Pup 1 f 9 iSii ti3 VA ta -'ive ".- a cut. - t- 1 n-.o - ;: ,. If'r-'-n: A f"'i!t t ... 1 y.y. v. ;:.-.isn -tt-p , V 1 .r S : s S.'. i J. HAliT & SON, I SADDLE & IffiMS Oregon, Holt County, Missouri. Kecpeon?ta:u! on baud ail lescriptioi;ol'!Iracs. Saddles, Bri.ili s. Ac.. Ae. X. B. Every article inoiirshi.p:stmiiif.ieturcd ourselvcs.ntid warranted to gives.ititiaction. D0WDALL,:IARK1IAM.C0., WASINGTOIT FOUNDRY Fiiinc :iml 33n'Siin siio. COUXtlt Of SKIOl) AMI .MORGAN bllilt IS. ST. LO LIS, M .. M an 1 fai't urers of Steam Kic;i:ies and H dlrs. Saw an Oust .Mill .Machinery. Smt'le- and Oouhle Ciicwl.-r Su' Mills, Tohac.'o Screws and La.d Kettles l..u Screws and Cylinders. V., Caripnir .Ma'.-hine-. r.uildi!. Castinv's Young's I nr.- ed I 1 tent Sinn! .Mill-. .S.C. 5C?A; KNTS lor thesa.eot James S'nith it Co '-S perii.r -Machine Cards. 2i:rt-' ULIVEIt BENNETT & CO., MASCKAcTl KKItS ASV WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Boots Shoes Cc Erogans, AV. S7 MM.X HTHKF.T. SMST LOI IS, Ji'(' VKE NOW IN Uht'EU'Tot acotupleteassortmet of iroods from their own and other manut'ai tories, adapted especially totlie Western trade. I'urclnisers are invited to examine their stocl mmiulaeUired and selected with great cure am warranted of superior quality. Orders wilt recti vi rompt and earcfu 1 attention. BROWNVILLE STEAM NOI-L. LAKE & EMEKSJON. I!. We wouol i" speettulW- inf. no tio eit i- zen of Neinalia county an.l a 1 j.,iiiiio- Mv-snuri. that we have always i n hand :i l.irc ami wi 11 selected supply of 1.1)1 ftl'.iC, whii-li we can furnish at low er lates than any mill in the Torrid. r . Marl.ct price.- paid for log del ,vi i-i d :.t the yur. oron the bank i.f tin- river. All orders a-eoinp.. 11 ici n it! our i Ii.lm'ilia te at ten' imi. A. :.YKOKl. Lyiord & th mi. will receiv J. T. hor: Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL antra in 7 GrO AND GROCERIES, II A R I) vVA K E, ( V V. ENSWA R K, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CARS. Vails. i!ous, Mow cs,Fiiz nilnro, ( SUNORA, MO. April Oth. is:7. 4:1 t Lumber ! Lumber ! ! We are prepared to furnish at i.ur Steam Saw Mill opposite Iirownville in "Prairie Ferc.-t," allkimlsot liiiubcr usually found in the We-t, iti d some eh.e. i lumber suitable for wa-g ns. fu mil 11 re. and f.-r Iniild intr p.irpi.scs. ifv., su.-li as Hickory. O.ik. Ah. Li.:. ;, Wainui, Sycamore, Linn and Cottonwood, which v.v have ci distantly on w ..t pi, p.(il. ,n in r. n, . nee. a; uie p.w.-st market pn.-'-.s. titii -nweil t I'ler. f..r stean.b,.iits. Will sa '.v I. .j;.- on the s! ..r !iy the hundred. V.V.U for luni'e.r can lei. 1.1 ircs. ior l:;nr-. r can I e o l ' a e We w ill a!-o fm ni-!; huo r bv l!'.. htiniit c i at oi:r LHADI.KV i ;( n:. elTc-. ber saw . in i.row n"il ur n I lie s:i:t: mi; . ;tt I ab 'r..w r vi! Il .-'v. . At ril 1. New Spring Goods, BK0WN,S'& CO.. o. :iit ;.. tl.el Invite .Mercl .ck ., Xev M. I...; 1.- . ' -. IMPORTATION OF and . 1C53, re I Sr.: . 1. lie .: 151. 1. I; (.ro Oe Ith.i.e s. k : P.' i'.-i!.-.:; ; I' V.v. .r-.idei n-s ; I. i--e i-: i .. v ; I! -M.iTs. ,x.-. Blown ! Co.. have re.:.!v for p:.:' . i, i. 11 th : ,1 I. pi. K 1 ; . ; o 111 and A in c: i.-.m French S:; . ri 1 ce.i-: till iV if - o ; 1.- if a; I I e tl imooti -: i. u-I.e-.':,. live c.i-cs i'lta-o;-. ,,. in,. i;e-t .v-iun. C i-ii I.tiv e- s. 1 lo-e pin ih;:-ers 1 in-t market, are'iiv:fed to lis. I.-:.. Ill -t lj , an . proinpt 11. en. ex ainine our si,., k i.nd ..'it es. ItttnU X. CO.. -S Mam S rec' iint I. April I.) I sis 11 . 12 TYPE & sVEOTVPE FOUND? Ko. Hia Vine St.. bet. Fourth and FiUxi. ClRrfiiKan, 0. ariutactar-rs and dec ers ; ri News. Pnok mm .loh Type. IViiil'-ng l'res,cs. Cas s, Oallies, ., Ae. In 1111. 1 1 n i: renal o Lvrv esi-rtption, sti: liiii) iv !!.; ; kir: '.-Hooks. Musi,.. Patent Medicine 1 i ;- . t i t A-".. .Iv. , Jobs, W ood Kngreviiigs. Jjio.'id nr. lV-I.trn Letters, various My!e.-, M 53. JLLI '.VIPiI.KSAi.F; .VNi. KITAtl. MHI.FH IM STOVW&TINU'AKK Ore; - -. - tx rw- r 1 1 A K r S ,.;,-.s: K hi .1 mi t sure 11, innouu. mi. 1 tie. i I ir ns i .( Or- rnl lie in general, if. -it he n-iv . st. ck ot Stoves ami r ii-o.pv..-. :;. re. I ii, ihi-maik et. My si.ckot T111 - uei-o! ni;.- ..w ii m.iiiiilaetuie. and is l',,r -ale at '. h. le-aic and iteiail a' St. L. uis prices. 1 wo .11 j :: 1-1 it-u I :i r atti-ntioii to my stock ol COOKING STOVKS.eomprisiogthe mo-t Improve! paltei 11- l. .l':i Air-Tight and Premium. Aiimii- them ii.i; be found I II., 's Chan, r Oak. the best stove ro.H in ;.- . the Asiatic Air-Ti-'ht. Pioneer. ind i.riz. I'rp- iir.Uin . Al- Parlor & Box Stoves Of vari. Si 17-sanl Patterns, which I will SLI.I. LOWER THAN ANY HOl SE IN TOWN. I attention paid to msiking and putting 1 in ...uicrs. 111 oie rc'vn ami country. A , re- pnirirg tl. neon short notice and on reasonahle t r..,. j Old copper, llrass and Pewter taken in exchange ! torw. rk or ware. W. W. WII LIAMS. V'-''J Oretron. Mo. .Inlv '.. I s:,c, 12. Lamarque & Co, Watcli-.llaKcrs and Jouilr rs. ""V XI... ...l,.. : 1 The nndersie,,,,,! ,, , ,,, el.a.,ska Citv with an est,,i,li-i,e, reputation of three voir'- desirous t,. -icure ihe eenerous nairoii- the 1 idle tieiit leiiien ol Lrovtiiville and thi. ' ''! ' .i ndiltL- i t: ni r v " iy - keep on h.iti.l I li 11- mt 1 ins -hi-'ti that 1 1 , 1 la -e .1 1 1 ip-cr : nt io. iptlol:, ,., leiry. watches ano ( , k JI'v house this -de ,.t -.r ali'l thev I. .IH-. Th w..- k 1 p! Chaio,. Ill so! t as cne;i, l'" rep, 1 ir v ilti es. -m- t.. :. a h,.i. rca-.,ii.i,;e and mend !e-.v el ; ith eve and pr.. nipt ne- Wo. k w.i-ranted. A li .-an he left at the 1,1 d"r tl. e of JJes.r Jul'- I lsr,s ity Drtu- St,, rp ,,f ur.,u Iu ,j j ir .m.i 11 n i t , M LAMAUgt K ,x, ,-() (Jiiici- of Aiii'TK-nn Hitnlft- Crt.pativ. .1. .1. II MUM. SSI, lupjier I'liiifftX IJi,ii:riiit!,;r i'iiii;T. 1 c . mer ot i: in.i..,.ii ;lI,,i 1 HI KO. Hi ar I 1 rn -t rppt -II.I.. ! " '.:! it"..- I Vi.ifiTc.'Cr.l. - P, re- I N t ,rv , ... ,,, 1 p , ,, j I. del- .f iop-v l-o.l . . ni'C'v ei..o-e! 1 (-. 1 . , i- t t e. r t t.r.-t ,u . titl f unis v.lh mure fur fir,, (,.,,,i-v ' I, Il.v. , .Id i.l ' v or ;,-,-; it ri ir and i;,u I,, tr re n 11 in 1! mi S-j J i Iv . "" "n."'' ' ip 1 11 r I lift ot u!tf I c . 7 1 11 in 1 r in rr.r ,1 . - . sn in il. 1 n i; oj y,of ij,.s CITY LOTS. I hive f..r -ale a 1. innl er . ( i.eaut.tu'.lv ....ite.l i. the Crv.f lt-.'.v.,v,.-e hh I .. , .,1. . h". ; .. -1 p. -e i ' iMiCKi-f.rii-l, .New e rneri w 1 1 1 !. P It,, .-,n me het... e inakim: i nr. ease.. p. - Kl"K.VS l(r..w,,v1;;e Jl.rch'Jo is. Lea : K-:., e A -ent - I GEKTS' TtlESS GOODS. .1.1( 01. MARHO.V, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROWNMLLE, 1VEQRASKA. KP-iierr:i'...yann..titl, Tl, tt. t0 en of Rr. .-!,-ivi-d tr. 1:1 the ''is and latest ::i:'.v that he St K k I - Hl-t il er.oi L..-I stV 1 Cloths, VestiRc-s, &c, ,. h'.P,,,;; ri ...... ..p, x...s. f r, r,.p ul Up Ili'ter- ;li ,,.;,.. . . 1 ',..' th.T. e-s Thi III vv ., a'r. , !; ,r'( - . r tin' West. t...:., in t 'Tl l..s e-- el.t I n e i.ipetuor AYER'S PILLS, ANEW and sintrnlariV sttc?e!sftil remedy f(,r t; cure of all ISilion diseases Costivenes, ? eestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Kheumatism, ty'J! Gout, Humors;, Nervousness. Irritability, liirt.w tions. Headache, Pains in the Breast, Kile, b and Limbs, Female Complaints, Sic Jce. Iri very few are the diseases in which a Purgative M- cine is not more or less required, and nttir!- v ' ness and mii;ht be prevented, if a V -j less but eirectual Cathartic were more freely .. No person can feel well while a cotive l.i',.. "', body prevails ; besides, it soon generates ser.i.tist'. often fatal disease1-, which might have been an, by the timely and judicious use of a good pur,-:,;;:' This is alike true of Colds Feverish syiupton., Bilious derangements. They all tend to heron;. ', produce the deep seated and formidable distcmr, nhich load the heuises all over the Urni. reliable family physic is of the first in;port;m,' the public health, and this Pill has been perft y with consummate skill to meet that d.manil. j extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, ptl .,J Bors, and Patients, has shown results surpass-, any thing hitherto known of any medicine, t, . have been effected beyond belief, were they ri. t c. utantiated by persons of such exalted position o. character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Am.vni? the many eminent gentlemen wLi u-, testified in favor of these Pills, we may nientii -Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of cinnati, whose high professional character i e dorsed by John McLean', Judge of the Supreme Cuttrt; the United States. Thos. Cok win, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Wright, Governor of Indiana. N. Long worth, irreat win grower of the ir- Also, )r. J. It. Chiltom, Practical C'lnm:sr, 0; New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marct, Secretary of State. Wm. B. AsTon, the richest man in Amcri.. S. Lki.and A- Co.. Propr's of the Metrnpuvj. Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could jrive man huri- certificates, from all parts where the t'. bin been used, but evidence even more convincing :;t the experience of eminent public men is foutij their eifects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation t; gt'tdy, are offered to the public as the bent tj most complete which the present state of mei science can afford. They are compounded nut 1 the drusrs themselves, but of the medicinal virr only of Vegetable remedies, extracted hv chfrr. i. process in a state of purity, and conihinp.i tour;: m such a manlier as to insure the best res ih. f, system of composition for medicines has he n fnc in the Cherry l'ectoral and Pills both, to pr.Wr more efficient remedy than had hithertu invn ob tained by any process. The reason ispnfpi t.Vpi. vious. While by the old mode of cnmpisiUui,rvtrf medicine is burdened with more or less 0? un nionious and injurious rjualities, liy this each ir. ii. vidual virtue only that is desired for the cur,tta effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious fix ities of each substance employed are left hrli.rnl. t, curative virtues only being retained. Ilpnrf it 1 self-evident the effects should prove, as they hw proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a vx more powerful antidote to disease than any oris mrdicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my nnL--i should lie taken under the counsel of an alt.-n.i Physician, and as he could not properly juri.r jf 1 without knoving its composition, I hit. supplied the accurate Formula? by which bothr Pectoral and Fills are made to the whole 1m.i!v Practitioners in the United States and British Afr ican Provinces. If, however, there should I a" one who has not received tl.tu, they w;.l promptly forwarded by mail to his re-pp'st. Of ;i!i "the Patent MVdicines that are .. ii rd.V. ' few would he Liken if their ( .imposition was k::i"r 'lheir life consists in their mystery. I L.oe : mysteries. "'l i e composition of my preparations is 'iil : to all men. and all who are coniprtrnt to -the subject freely acknowledge their onv i. t.. :is their intrinsic merils. The Cherry Pectoral i1 pronounced bv scientific men to be a 'iii''. .nediciiie b. foie its effects were known. Manvc inent l'iivsieians have declared tlie same tliitiif ' my P.lis, and fxi-n more confidently, 1 -1 :ir ino t cerliiv that their anticipations wue r. " than realized by their effects upon trial. Thev up elate by their powerful intiur -m p .' ititermil isiera to purify the blood and stmiii'..:: into healthy action remove the obstrtn t.o: the stomach, boaels, liter, and other ortrai s -. 1... niy, restoring their irreitulnr action to he t.i: - by correcting, wherever tin y exist, snch ti'T.. inents as are the first oritrin of disease. Poinir sugar-t ' iied. they are pleasant tu t. e and beino tntte'v ve-ri t ' 'e, no harm can arise tr-: their use in at.v quantity. For minute .frictions, see wrapper on theBoi I'ltH AKKH BY DI?. JA.MKS C. AYEK, Practical ami Analytical Cfiemiw LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes lor SI SOLD BT J. II. Ai.vA.iN w CO., Ac-fi v Browin iu-. E. S. DU1SIDY, A T T 0 It T Y A T E W AR. Illll II till I 11 lisi. V 111 v T WIl.I. practice in the several Courts ,.f the I J- 111 si : 11 I ii'I'l .."t'il'l 10 41 : lll.liprs folilieotp-l Ml' .1 Wm I.-1 r v . v V 1 ..i.. l- . . p, otes-i will a is i- t me in ti e prosecution of impo. utS-i.t- Sept 10. O I 1 I I I New Wliolesale (iroeei) IIoiw. W. C.RI:CEIE, WHOLESALE A.VlJ RETAIL DEALLK iN Groceries, Wines, Li.,m! C!(;.IiS, WOODKX WAKE. Comer 0 ,1ii and Frri, Strnt Rut it I tfi'nrt t),,.,. Stauti Hmtt, ST. JOS i'H, H. IIWK Hist reieived I..- iai.-e-t ,11.. I m.,. r.-r: -t.-i k t the ,il,. vi- im;. pv r opene.1 in uppic X.- ' v he h the attei 11, ; , . (, ,,,is and .ici,.-"- pe. -tfuliiua li.n I iheinpi ',' tor c.i-h at ' ' p vet v lowest ,, .. ,i. p p. 1. e-, .t. h New V.'tk a ,. Si. Lotus reel ...nicleiil that I ri in. In. pinet.t- it,., 1 raiely r..i,:i. and l,o .n an.l liher.i! de.ilin.' h.vv j riees and 0. I- t--a i.het ti -h.i, p ,,r ,.,tr, na.-p. Call .,n, Px ,,:, ... -and prices l.cfoie ,,,, rchasinir: sales are hoi. nd ' In my -t..i k w.ll hpfi.unil ever- article us .a:.y It; a No 1 (irocery li aise. KH At (1IMOV, FKODITE DEALEIiS, Fonvnnliiitir k Coiiiinissi1 MERCHANTS, No. 7s, North Evf , St. Louis. M Orders for f.rocerips and Maniifjctijrp.1 Ar' i- ratply rii led at low pst .,,-,,i,!e rates. ('. t -1-" :"' s:0e and ri hipniPtit rps,e. tullv soliciteil St.;-' ol ail kill. is vv 1, 1 hi- fan hi ui iy at 'ended 'o. l'.r ferrences : Messrs. r: 11 rp,, t ,, j: I It a'tiett. ! C tl:h iX C , Oilip-t Mi IPs l Sfali'ian! 1 ll"'i U" 11 Id, mi,.: 1.I1: ,r s ,r-. ,.,f ii,., ... .1 l Harm, ti. K-, C nr.. IVv II M -Volonv. Hr.i'. A. Co' . O- ,;,.:- J O.I.1 k n f -i . il.j ji.---i s H i k :- o ui i 1 A. c, i iii , 1 , 1 1 .x i : . P.r.c .I.-; i ,x Craw-ford W I'tiir A. HuT.I:nK-t..ti, 11 ';.- . 1-:.., . M , I-'. I l.'-3lll C. I.IHl - M 75,000 lbs. Baio: I V I ni; I) .s. Holtv. S ra. M . . h p f r -a ' f r ' "" I" ' -xcC'!ie.ilb..c a. I A. w. pi KTT. M. .1. W i: 1'L'E'IT & WILKINSON- I N I ATTORNEYS AT LA O.M.iDl. N. T. ; Will 1 I. r,. ,. rrUsed to '!.'' ' C (. M. lb' H..1, : rtiel-!.I.w- . a ! ' '. ii-iiiegt'-'i '' '5 Kockville.Irl . Oui.-.. City. ' ' NEW FIRM. J..n a- Crane and The. d. tp II ii; have ihi.!.' ' new ,.-, irtt erslup ander the he i'r-n and " li:.-, !:. 1 1 1 ..nt 1 rme the Kpt, -nil 1 Inis.i e-J st.iid ti Mc A il -tir, lK Co J. s . f 8. 1S07. T'IK)i..OF.K - Potter Wanted. 1 will :n..i'i!i; I. icc-it to a s.hhI, liidu.-: r,- . e'.l ac.j'...i.nted. w.tli the business. ,k JOHN' McPKRi E: a- :: c Tec !?5T. ntr Sc. Fo-f f b 1 it, 1 11. , 1 t: k-ii Itttsin Onc-b. " f j ef i Al Anno! Ca, nent Terl .ahovl No nnlw aroe Ad tfle.l rder All tutu, Th dri ment tr. Vh their 11 Al.. bov AJ char: rj ir Ci P-I O XT. o co O M II. Job 1 tri in tl P.. A t. r. r'.-n brai. plea ron ' pwt' M n .this Mi. t Van. l (i I III I 1 1 c II -" II ' I'd: he , Tin Ii 1 J 1 Hi F. A tut nt C.uarantertl. "SJliU, 4ntK-r 1-