Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 07, 1858, Image 3
t i 3 5 I , - tittt i Ti7"PTVPrCn?D' interested to view and examine the pub Ullj AD V Jl-ltll&iljlt. He records. jlAOWNVILLE.OCT. 7, , r i: it m s : m ' .......... if in adm.-. - - w .tibceudof moiitbs, a&o J mi ,J I. will be fun.. -bed t 1 60 per . . . . -....TP ..r..i i'i ac.uj.auie. the ruer, ui tllP' jol) WORK. rrsp l B:a w.-t, particular ' .. . .i.-taip-e will wi.i prompt!? ..tended t., . iX. r.,.es,c.r.i. .......ic...... " . vote ot tne people. tl,r.r,,.-.u!:,:M.1.j;-Mi;;;; COUNCIL. waimfinnsurpas-ed by n oflne. ' ' 1 -..,..,. . w:k,I pr...trr b.m-elf and 'T r"' ,1'ae- ! BiV.y introduced. r.f by Mr. Miiier. a mil to a Oris rvii.i -n" f K;r",,'r" !.V.r. u'Hrk'.Tc : wui I art incur noratin''- the Nebraska U ::V. W li i I '"' " o r f 1 An -Cl .. Hits of TouiJfiii n:c thf. Lor or t I ",rj V I t'.r City r,f Uruxr..nU i of I ;" Si i ion 1 . B-r it Pi.'i.:t:J by '-he Conn- j tilanJ II--u of Repros.-ntativ.-s of the T-rrii irv of ni-U, Ti -' the corp..r- it-- a..lh..rr.i-- C H.-..uiiviU N. ! ra-ka, N in ilia i ,ri!i y. !" .h.tli have p.) a r a ' ized t.i ll, uT nii.t i v or y'l r-:it -t:tt. 1 wli' ii !i. i- ! r.iay I- . ' ' ' ' ,. r. by author ..p.. .- of. any !iT JiIup'TIV, if liiT'att'T ;,a t i by taid 1... ...- i Arii... ! i in i i i . n : 10 t:.-... may ...mi"! t - b.-l ,.,r.vtof tb- i'V. nn-.l ail funds ari-iicr fruii sut.i tab s - I ; d m tb-- C.-y Tn-auiy and oi u. other iiii.da bob-iiii;' th t. . . When at any urn tn- cor- t . '1 Ill MSr.. n .1 i. .r. !(. HI a il inv in.' j.'.'- - 1 j (l.p r '. st 1! any portion of eatao- !" I Hiring tbT-to, th y - Ut ih" ma't'T to a vo'e ot t t.;r - of .-aid ' i'.y, and r by ' tbt n s;iid ity autboii i 8rV: - .i JTojx r'.y a' ltrh iii:i.iin r ii may t i i :Si . :;. Tiii- a. : t in fopv from ami a: t ' in lb- Nebra-ka Advtrti.-' " 1. Thomas B. Coming. ' the Tenitorv of Nebra-ka. i. t-t ;i- n in fy that the forfiroiic bill, hmnsj; h.- D,.v.sesM., of the (iovern r mof - 1 . , , . I .. .1 , r ll.o I tLr.-e days (Sundays exeept.n; a,w uie ; fUme as present .J to biin.lias U come a , Uw. ! THOMAS lb CUMINC;. " () e of tb.- S- y of Nebraska, ) r O.i.alut City, Jan- 1 5 ; Nebraska Lcslaturc. AVe ba- l e!cre us in- proceedings of ih L.--!aiuie up ' S,p. Jltht a re rr:."l for tie- ().ii:i!..i j ; ,"Ts, and cer tamlv ih. v are far from being sati-fac-tor. . In the Cotiii' il business pro-resse. : a -real many bilN were m the tit I liiols. !' Committees and ready to be re- porn-tl ; and s' eral I i 11- hid already U- u pa-ed. in the House a totally di ! sit t-tale of things exi'teJ. Il ap jxurs that, fr.di. lb- vry beginnin-; of v ,..;.i, i i.i.nili. r of r'-ntb men. anx- , , , i ;.. . ... s ..,iv t.i :n K :ii.t:i:Te the oratorical poA-ir with wb.i. h tie-y are finlowed, ar.- ..d,s.;n.i!.Lr -f-tty near the whole time of il.,' H.nise in making speeches on cu- -ii a- in v. in.-ii tie' p-.-ojde ..j the Ter rh ;v are' n -I parti-'.i.i' iy ;.r.- .- u 1. . t'.t.ul t i.ot tb. J' . .: liit se 'Liie-n h v. tyiiiir. i..n ... . : ..ce, I , f IiM. ii, lle'tli.-l ie, Blel Ul tKat cKn. Ol ..: the ... t l: .A. pres.-i.t ;v i.. .1 w it ; Tle have no oc i..r th p- . i ii. s nr.- nut m in- j irvan-l ! ov. r-' , ;.! iu. ii k t , im m. 1 a! o a;, ! in r. i Hi Kecll lie p 'J If .b-r." e. U'llen want i . and ' il k d :i 111' T thv dv. ill ii.ive be. ii i.i .- it .ii.v' i - left and the r. '. ! '!. ' ll'-.ise kwAi t. consume , .I-.. .i m;i thai a --n o.'Hly w ..I e.-j i o m luaki.i- .'1 sj e.-'bes. D-'fer V -tir talk ia; i... V. th-n. gentlemen ; that's ail we ask. ;V. ..1st a.ld. however, that ! y tie- lat est ailMd s fi ..iu Omaha, hopes are entt r- .tiin- d that matters will progress i: 1. !itni .iti.:js!y during the reniO" ' Ks J. istt rtaiuly 'v - 1 I. ; i'ibw ihg a-e to' , fiff Ji a. nl iie' lii'.s im ' trmnches of ilc L'-gi . A - Xruji the cotiuneii. emeiii t : ; Thurs!;.y, ; -. not -.r.. Aonta if Itills. By Mr. Masin. A "bill to regtda;-pra- t ice, pleadings and proceedings ol V,. l'ie th 1 CCHirt.s of law. I v Mr. Steele. A biil to exempt ! Lames'. -ad of lamiues from execution S -Bv Mr. Co',!i. r, A bill to regulate th 6ppcintmenl and define the powers aild 'ort "" r'u''': d.c,ue. and and destroy e.--! duties i'f a Notary I'uhlie; also ; -'o -Hm-rtury whi.-l, ism the system. a:id cu-e ldii lit a'ltno.j.' conaiti t'tm-ors to :hs and at;lrm;)ti.'iis and Oils'.' T ; tat-- :n know it'd-im-i : aio A lid lor iiifkLanic 'oMi 'aw. I 11- Mr I ' i-..r 1,1- r .- tho ee"ee ( .. It. ill- J led! :. '. Rt 1.M, V ' , ;,l-, I J' -N''''l, -V L'lil TO pri'.llL'K gam- j I,-?. j -.!B Mr. D.r. is cf Y;lsliinJun. A till ,t0 Mi- '!,.- Criminal C.h. il" 1s3'j. j. By Mr. (.ny.-r, A II, .mislead Act. By Mr, 1) ,,.'.1, For a valuation and ; Api'-a s' nit iii Law. By Air. ( iatk, I t;r llio roulalioll of ! dram ;.' ! By Mr. Ma..-n, A till to r.-jM-al ihe " t rejt.-ju.n the Criminal Code. By Mr. Kline, To rcjua! the Attaeh . l i Bv Mr. Ratilviri, A memorial for adtli- ti.Xiiil 14 .-r jrii'ion for a W'aoti ir)m Vu-.-.i- River to L'. an tjiti court ri- A m.'m .rici! :"o r aj1 r.'Jina'.on ,or a I w.i'.-i.: -irv .- i I r J J.n is of f ns. l'.v iriiiili n 111.. i nn- . : i.-j VotT. mav r..-movo a coun ty H-:i'. 1. . B -i.-',ti. f- To rr t Jrn;-i ,,f it;i,ri.-s By Mr. D-;A ..... ;; , . rsT oi It,!. 'It'sd Ih' Mr. kij -p.,,, , . ' Wrt-I1i.!.J.ltv.-.,i.v' T-' M . r - ;e 1 It"Tal C 1 .... i r.' t"-u-, a t.;;i ... if'1 .1 3y Mr. Gwver' A tUUuih aulhoriirrr ! ul"WJr.fa a lion op :;J(1 r,ueilt. By Mr. Clark, Toestarm.-n me county 1 ' "l . K" nl.q finrl I It j It rf'mi Tit line Ijeiw 'jeil i-iua:i - ivv, ....w.-.-. lv.,..r Kill 7.r nn Annnr. 1 1 V Jll. - 1 I tlOljmeilt Law, JilsO - J !,c,.nse venders of spirituous liquors. UvMr. rit iiiin?, A till 10 relocate the ' county seat of Richardson county by direct mend the niver- . ,..., . ' I Jiv .ir. r urnas, -v im 10 ncen&e nuu , i ' ( regulate the sale ot U ;nors; also I , Kill for Hoilifvli ad ExHIIOtit'tl ! V. . , . i u ! Ry Mr. Miller, A Kill to change the ; tim of COUVciii:ijf of the Legislative A- i 'ti I jjy r. Moore, A bill fW a Civil Code, Ry Mr. Reeves-, A biil for a Criminal Cih1.. v r. poner, A Kill to m-Mrporate tiJ(. i,,,,,. . (. (). I. , ' I By Mr. Moure, A I ill lor a Lnn.inal ; CV'.b- Friday, Sf.-pt. 24. notsr. Aijirev of Bills. By Mr. Su-niber-reV, A bill for an ap propriation to repair the Military Bridge at the ernsHiiLr of the Eikhorn river. By Mr. Noel, A hill authorizing the c , : ..... . f,. ,1 ,i,., ' foiiiHition ol companies tor toe oe.tUion , - i i i . l r 1 ot ilir. thi.-vt-s and oth.-r felons Bv Mr. Maroiiette. A bill for rerrul t- i . i- i i t..e sale ot plrlttlou lupiora; "l.-O A bill to regulate the fees of (iiii!y oiiitf oiiiOTs ; aio A Kill for an Apportionment Law : .. IIi'iiiest ad Lm jiiption Act, ( Ol NCI L. By Mr. Furnas, A bill to es'.ahlUh a Territorial Board of Asrncultnre ; also i j A bill ti t I'eouraire the irrowth of htlge ft-noes ; a!? A bill foncerninir county prisons; also A bill for the relief of Martraretla (;(ani...r. Monday, Sept. 4J7. not l. By Mr. Davi., A f ill to revive an act relative to t;ie common laws. By Mr. (Jwyer, A bill for the collec tion of Revenue. Tuesday, Sept. 23. CO I'M IL. By Mr. Reeves, A memorial in rela tion to a Traill of lands for railroads leadl!i!r from Nebraska City t'" the troid i iiiinev m toe e SceTi portion Oc tiDi ler- ; j ! i. ... ri.(,rv j nif fil T'ilv I'p'llt I ivi "aun 'turn j A company of about a dozen of our ei- J tizens started yesterday lor the ''0111 re- ; ! gums. Tney were supplii 1 with ininie- i ments for digging gold, and with sufficient provisi. .ns to lat about eiclit inoiilhs 1 On Tuesday last a train of five wagons j .....I .... f. ... 1,...! At . 1 tiij. 1.10 cu nit ii, iiutii liiiciievi 1, .iiu., i c;ini by c .Ids. ciio ked pprspiratioii, es. over passed through this place for Cheiry ! ec.-emeiit ice. ..f th-i M-xual organs. Dr. Hooper's Creek. Mnro I -ir"-!' Vp'Tt-ihliN .tiwL 1 ls. We reet IVid a lit ihe Ollit r daV. fr,.lu Jn. A., of a 1 arket of ! Kelts; the laref.-t of wbi'Jl Wei"!ieJ S ; pounds, and m a.--sir il 2 fei t '. inehes in length ; the oil., rs wi r. a- large, j O. F. LKll has left at ibis olhee a ! ' radis!i three feet in 1 n-.t!i ami u mc. . Wejtrhed over six pounds. I , , . I Mr. Lake did not con-ider this an x- traordinarv radi.-h. and would not !,;:v..- rone lo the trouble of measuring and Ut j , .i ing ii, n.iu ne not seen a noiice in one of the Omaha na tiers of a radish i I raised by A. D. Jones, Esip, which weigh ed about four pounds only J- 15. Jennings. We have received at this office seve- j ml peeim. ns of most excellent tobacco :. m J. B. Jennings, Wholesale (jre.c. r ph. Mr. J. is wt 11 supple d wi'ii . ; v . ari. iy of the best tobacco .nan; . ; .1 :n the 1'nitcd States. 1 I Iij iV .IM I V T Iodine and Sai u2ui'ila W 1 curp all dispa-e- : isin; m .111 in, pure state t '.;.c HL(K.i. r adepraiis' . i.:itin . t the tiuidsof -sie:n. iz. taneers. swelling of the Clauds. rbei:niat- istn while swt: Inn's, t-br'-mc pips, piips, ti's. ers.jii, .iiirps i.ain iu the bones a. id joints i,l- ' Cr "' a!"' :!l:'"aT- and ali chi'.i.ic coii'-utii- ti.' ..i-easps. This l.iedo me -pji . hps out ti.e iery T''is ..( the -li-easp by 11, n inic the t . 1. ,. and chanting the s.s rei ..,i.s in tl.,. -c :.,ii ,t ri. ....... .... i... whnh renders ihe irr nrlain and ft rmanrnt . Dr. i:at r.'.,- l.,d,nc anil Sanajiarilla ill cure the Its l a . frtts '. It wiil cure trrofitfnr-,' tiphilis ..r ventral dinate. at. 1 w ..: .1 it p the jpl.i.itic virus and ...l hereditary fiii and ;.iHu"i"tn matter ,,ut .,1 u,p scsu-m !iir.-iu:li the P'.ros. n he skin, and resf.iPthP ,,.1.11 to , ,.er-I f.'ct st.ep ot I pal'h and purity. It is a positive vaie f r hetr nt Jtiji) .isja u ,lipd a , , , ,.,..., ., . . , ',",t """'" "rl't t.. rr-l.tce H t-iuai in these .-'.mp'.uiits. 1lie arltnted be .r in mit.'i e..i: Dr. Eitcr:y Iodine end Xariaj.irit.a wih . lureaii her.u diseases, female e. mp... n.;s. Ur.'y. grave", diseases .: the kidney's. 11 eidpr, and uritiarv i'r-.uis. .:. a tw days. It wi.i retnoie p.mple- and bi.t.hes fr. :u .heiir. and make the skin clear, w liitp an ! bPar.t ,r ui as ala t is-er. It d cs this 1 y piir.iying The I'lo oil. and It is prom; t a. t:..n,.n the i.ier. kidne s. and sc.iel.iy tans, prodn.-.tig 1 11:0-1. us he.ii.!i. Pe s t:s who long been .ilTlo iod w ,tL scrofula o!J s.'ips. teller, rii:g-.-i!i. staid head. bl"tt!ies. ernptioi s I the k::i and all cut .ue-u tii-pa-ps. a: p a lvi-tsi to priicu-e Grid:ey' salt Rho'iin ,,tid Tetter Ointment to aiiov .-n e sores and ,!i-ea-el r .rts. when ii-mc Dr. ''.' " and sam.ipcr.n.i. T:.e i i:i.e ..nj Sarsapai ilia pu: .t'.Cs the l io,.d and the s.ops ui dischame their lutrid mat. p.- and tt.p n.ntn.ent hiait the. Whet, b tha,eiispdiwl,i':hI...w..vsrec,.minpi.o) ' a pp-Tu.ncnt and rad ra I cure is a'w .,, e:lec:e-l. The. a-e the be l and ni-t p wprlul cura.-ives kt. .wn Ionian. A lair trial is all 1 a-k-I do u ,t tear the result. I ice ..I .,c I dine an ! S . sapa ilia $ : 11 U.t : le. or 6 b..!iies )..r ij (j-idie.'s Salt lUieuui Om 111PI t T.i 1 "r 11 ''-' t!'a' spas.. 11 1 hai e n 10U in rec -m-cents w-u.:.,e. a,e peered by 1,1 K.-erl,, VA'nlu " " ' ' !ect ,n:lu"U ''fZ' r.Tiiern lhiid .:t-p t he-tinil -irppt, s.- l n,. ..0 "i'o" .1010 .;ei V III sin'lt L, HI- A.O. ".,e .e'.or .,. uh n, a!. ..rde. - m .- U .-c C3-s,.,dt,j- j . n MAI N ii Co I; ..-gisl,, UlZ .u- v'119. ! 't' . and t y D. net. ir ti'y. Jta. K. klMU'. .Ill- I...Y. KINNEY iV HOLLY, . rprpriT? TVTTJlTTCi Am T A ttt XX X X vlVll 411 X IsJ o'i. i jj YV , vnmuui m v. t. tin i'iiiiriu nit-iJiiris"! 11111. lerntory 1: ,'. tion and criminal bus.tie-s atiended to throuch ui N - -.raska, Western I .wa a-jj Hm,ni. Wiil at end , Coart. at JirowBii. ii-im STBEXGTHEMNG COBDIAL BLOOD PURIFIER!! THE greatest rcme iiy in ' the. world. 0 This conlial is distilled ln.m a Berry known only to my-e.f. am. Ui.i.iical.y combined Willi wine 'f the most valnab.e medical hc:hnd barks known ? l.e miud of lun, viz : !.Ijn1 root, black ii...!. vv ilil cherry bark, e.l' ' d. t dandle i. ii tar,iiaril!a ell fr ft wers, with others, jciiiu the most izi tdllibic remedy for the rrf-t .raLn.u of Le.illu Rffnrf Lnkin?.'''" 1 , r-, After lakinf. ever kn. wn u j j OWX REMEDY, cu ius iiifj!-cs by natural laws. wheu ukmi its h-inigii.nueiueis reit foursing thro'th pve - y vein ol the b'ly, unryii and acceleratinn the circulation of the blood. It rie'itralnes any bilious uiatier in the fctouiach. and streniheiifc the whole orga- ''"'" Mrl'n Strtnathrntng Cordial vul rflectuoUy ture Liver Complaint Djtirfitia Jaundice t'b.rouic or Servou nihility. lx. tanetoj the Kiaaeyi, and all Vitcana anting from a Viturdired Liver or Stomach, neartr-.:irn. inward pile-, aridity i r ?i:ki:ei of the stotn aih fiillnesi-ot bl.s.d t.ithr head, dnil ia.n or swimming in U.o palj.itatioiis of tLe beirt cliok'unt or-suir.K:-aniiir fe'iiiii!8 who!, layine tlowii. ilrynpssoi yc'.luwnesii . t .1... .1 ; .l . ... ... I ... . ..f ha.t .1....,.. i..t. "I llll rtlllillli. C'Cl, B UWJVII 11 V. , .IVsn.ii of .iti,. kc. J is no Mistake about it. Thiscordial wi'l never fail to cure any ol the above di-ca-es it takoii as per di-ections on eoili bottie, 1:1 crmali KliKllsli and K.tnrti Over half a million of bottles II ive been mid dui mc the past six nioiitlis ..n 1 in no lii-tanre h.i- it tailed in civinu entire saiisfac'iMii Wim thtn wiil siiRor from weakness 01 debility when Mc l.o ui's Stre:itl,cnii!s: C" will cuie y To the. Ladies. Do you wish to be heallhy and !ttroii.'? Tl.en no at and net soinei.: M'.Lean's 1. v..:'. btrei'l-'-tln'ii and mvi..r.t e --ir 1. 1. ml to t! -w ih- .uh eve-y vein, and Hie rii'li r..-y '...-on) ! 1,.' .l!h to in nut to your wr....ei to Kiv nature- J'nr CI ildrcii. W'ps:irtii!'ii-r::. 3n.i,-i"i:t, , ;;,; M"-m , - ii y.,ur n.' -::t:y. puny or i.!..- p;-r .-.i.ent ;:,-. children, give in- : ;.! 1. 1 m:i's Midi. It sells I v.- - i ifv icnv not a uiuuient. v i . nfni V' n hunt Shon'.d p. r .... y.n.'i: !. had proc'ired a up- p!y f .V 1. ii'- ' 1 1 1 ! ' l 1 1 p 1 1 i i 1 1 cordial. A liberal tliso. .i,i wt . 1 . . . . tii.-M- who buy to sell again. CA I'V'iJA .i -. ; .ii oist or dealer who may try lo pj;..i i.,.. : . :: l.u-It: :er or S.irapanlla trash, wiir-li il.iy c.;; b . .-heap by p.yine ii is just as good. .Kv id si.ili niioi. A-k L.r ilcl.f m's Siren' di it ami 'ake n Mi in: el-e. Ii is the only remedy that i"':iiv ,'e '""ttbroui:h ut. and at the ame time st;eiii-;tu!i. the sy-tetn. one si,,ntul taken every mornini; is a certain p.ip pan ve I in noipra tin I is aim levvr, ei ii icer, or ati p evaletit di-ex-e. 1'iice only $1 per bottle. r 6 lMjt'les for $5. J U McLKAN. proprietor ot the cordial. Alio Mi lean's VobanirOil Liniment rPrim ib-pot on the coruer or Third ami Pine s;rci'ts, St Louis, Uu. 33 el-ran Volcanic Oil Liniment. The bit liiiiment in the v...rid for man or beast Another Ren atkable Cure Ier:'orir.e-l by McLean's Volcanic O.I Liniment. Head ii for yoi rselve, n 1 ia ksmith livii.; near Cass avenne Tenth l.'eet had a horaible runi.ii.: si're on his foot lie tried v irioiis Liniments. S.iives. but could do it noCo' d. lie despjire lol ever beinu able to work at his trjde ac.nn btc.iu-e he ooiiid not tear any weiiiht on his foot; i, i id by one b .it ot M -Lcaii's Volcanic till Lim ineiit be is now pPi le. t'y ru; e i. Kbeiiui.itism. iiMiraltia. paralysis, brnispn, sprains, stillness in the join's or inii-cids, sel!itii:s. sore throat, earai he or .Vc. yield to the Uia;?ic in- tluem-p of tin-wondertui iiininetit i in i, 1 1 1 i aim it i ' i, ail i o i .1 1 1 1 uitr itrmt-'i. 101 chales sorntches cra'-krlhee:. latiieuess. spavin ristu- la bn.ise.- suhIiiiils, wi iitois ratt Is-snakP bees, and van ii. other tii-p.i.p- l.i. h aiiitnai-are li.C.eto from injutips ,,r ai.'idpiiis. Ecei y coiino v lupri should i htun a supp.y i.f Mc- Loan's Voicui.. oe '....imnut. It s.-;;.s rapidly becau.-e ilu',,vl ir'' A libeial di count will l p made to merchants who bi:y trl'-r sale ' y 1! MCLEAN", proprietor, Thn.i .mi ph.i--; . . l hs.m ,. of ZJ l'. !;; cr! I'cmalc Cordial ! vvi.l cure i. ! i i tuplaints, such as excessive. sir ure-.pd . : : . iiietistru.iti. il, Fluor aibus or wni-e-t in.-. e..n-. . . ...w complexion, headache, tliz-I.-. hhlful dreams, and all di-eases ziiH'-s ivotic net ve. . I'eina ie o-dial is iniive. s.tily acknowledged by the la dies ;iic t,p: remedy ever .nvented. j"lrice $1 per i'""e "r61, ,:t",,r $5 ; i.-. ka-tkri.V. corner of Third and Chestnut strpets j St. Louis. M , sole proprietor and to whom all orders ," ''"e ;"Mi"soJ Sd.ibvJ II MAfN & CO ,, K. T.. :! Drutcist KeneraMy Brownviile, Dr. Easterlj'N frCV FeVCr and AffHC Killer Will ' 'C J f- c'ulis and, dumb k-ue. inler- inivpii' n .l rpine'etit tp- prs, and all the vari ms fo. ins if jtli iHIlt ,..,;... climates, it there is a man viman or child sutleriiig with ar-ne r.nd ftver. tlipv are advised to p'-. cu:p Or. Easterly's Fever and ..... ,. nit j cnf. Tr n ! "" 1 per'e. or6 b. elp- for $5. en. I . A s 1 1. It 1. a . c ' . I it ! oi ;iii.'oii.i CI.I-" I St I. .i.i-. sie pr..pi iPior. touleiii all urde - t::-i-t ad.ire--ep to net ti.e itiiume. S !d by .1. II MAI N CO. a-. -nt. DlOAlaV.'.e. ;y Dr. ( aiii i's 1'otiii lSalsam will cure t ."Uti-. '1 Mima. C. - ! i.,;. K; n r.mi i;i : c s. ;.- ,.',.l B.east, .': v.'- tttpluint. : .i' . Si-" is--s .! ''ie Throat. I rhii:. Spitting of li..s . : 1't.oiri .v ll'li i,i,:n ' i' p.,ipnation ..t the nee Chest, and Lunf C'oid a sing.'e -y ai'OMMON fi.:.i.- . ii.ii,.' it.: i Cough or .',t;' : ii lynegiPcting i . - .: (' .s ,. i . in loSSVMP . .- . ;v t-t 1. "irr, have you a . ; . . .1 tin- ' .t-g-V at ' . ' 1 li . I'lRUK'S COfCH . ..: ; r ;.o.p a cugh iu twen- l: ti.e WORST CAStS of !'s...i: ps of ii.p ihro it and iunus in im. and a c oith c . .'.ce t!, e 11 '1 Balsam b ty-fotir h'.i'i - Cou-l.. a few days. I'.ic T:il b-ttles. 25 cet.ts large bol- tle. 50 pet ii.,:i ie m o t.nt n-s 101 to 53-Dlt. K ASIK1JLY corner Third and Chestnut Htrs, S!. L'-eis, M i., side proprietor, tewh' Ui ail orders must be addresse.1 to get the genuine. S dd i f J. H. MAI N & C... Agents, BrovcnviPe. IV. T. Wi.v i ttii' UrDiaml (ireat tar f )R. MANX'S AGUE BALSAM? Because it will. ir. a:! ,a.-Ps, safelv and efltvtual'.y cure that ni'.n l. drp.i'ie I s,'. iiri: ft Ihe West hi! Is. le ver a-id ague wiU.'-tit fall, aid incases wi l counteract the --is, in "t .Malaria. : w 'm h l.ict ihoiisaiid- do le-ti-t; and, u:; ail other .lostrtttus, it is only re-om-inendcl for . ue . lass oi 'Iimvih-s, and as a tonic it is m'.-M-passpd. We Wiil'dHT a iew pvidencesof its worth ' ' men ol mtlueuce and hiith standing. Pr,nccton II!.. Sent 20. 1S57 I Dll. Mann Dear S.r: For several veais past 1 have ; Us.sly..nrAs:ie llalsatn . ,i. practice a:.d 1. ive ' "'l.v ' served its 'fli-cts 1:1 l,.mdredsol eases, a:id in ; ..,,sel..s ,t la,:e. . ,.r.-l.v ;hen,.st happv etlect.- 1 'an 111 ,. . I, epri iuy ..mmond il as a certain specific j '"r tl"':- 'cCi and ue. and diseases. H . AUSTIN, M D. Marnha'l. Mich Feb 11, 1S57. 1 .'K ass,svio: i liat e so, ,1 .1 .a. ne amount t'l y,.ur : A J'.f If .l ain in ih.s i iniTy. and tr .t i mv nersonal : ki.t..sUe ..t it 1 .fln',0 1. ihe t'Cst reinetly forth.. Is, lev ei and ague thai has e c. beeu sold 111 oui Sta'e. O A HYDE. .4i'ufuj. O.Jan 1. IsoS Mes-r SKMsic(i : a canvassing ti.e t . and A. n.u in 1 t the of ihe dittereiit reinetlie-win, h wp li.. . e c. i ll ot. our attention has l een . ai .tsl to i.,-p vc the g eat name that your aifue t . s. nn has ;.ii!u"l ; . 1.-C1! in ever-, liace w here sold. I It reaoy seem to be the people' $ own rv-?y. and its s.tie-tuoip rapid in 1:1 .1,1 '.iieis It is deatmed to su pciccslc ail other ague reiiielies::i 1ip tua; ket. A A. S II ENDRT. -Vtic I'ort. r.6 23 1S.SS. Mpssrs M lVN , 10 Grr..' ; 1 have at our house in . I-s ! I y .i:r ague !:.iiii s,.me three lears, and ,,J 1 ' -1 -en ,d it. etli- is in cnnua aud mast in a 1 1 can. ior -,iv 1 do u d t'Ciev e its pii.iai exists in all ! .he w..r 1 . f niedn ines. T ' l.iv personal kn..w hMce it 1 'M l!lel ei ui.inpn: :y evprvtitop and 1 have ktewn it I " -,.1',r a:1 '';i"r ''""vs had been tried in v..,n. I w nn .ne m st 1, i py results. And what is mme re mart- 1 abie I have neve: know n a case but w hal remairip,! cured c T T -X f t II , . ,. S' K' IA V V C(J'' Proprietors, GuljOq, i O'.no. by all Driiists. O.J. WOOD & Co., of St. Louis, Mo., wl.ult'sale air. nts for the Western Si'ts. S dd I y J. II. MAUN i CO Druists. Brownvilie, Nen a-ka. .1 I'.iK'a.r - tt.. Jliini' j ,0.1 i: ,,..ti- at n.y i ' tiew M.lliiierv establishment, one d..r ab .tp I.h-V..,.i,-k ' ' h. Car' BaktCfi Uause, Urvwavi.te. X. t. ! WH MAJU TfJOiali. 1 f 1 JtsSTDr. Baker's Specific will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, seuiiual weakneo, chordee, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the genital organs. Header, have you a private diteaie 1 Do not neglect it. Delay it dangerous. Dr. Baker't Specific is a afe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific you can cure yovrtclf, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for u-e accompany the medicine. Price $1 60 per bottle. Ej-Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis, Mi&suuri, sole proprietor, tu whom all orders must be addrexad, tu get tbegenuitie. Sold by J. H. MAIN it CO., Druggists, Brownvilie, N. T. ' TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas, on the 5th day of October, A. D. 1S57, William Rose and Laura Ri se, for the purpose of securing unto Julian MeKaif of the County ot Otoe, Nebraska Terri tory. Trustee of Dwigbl J. McCann, the payment of a certain protui'sory note executed by said William Rose and one William Rotten for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, dated the day and year above mentioned, and piyabe six months after date with interest on the same at the rate of live per cent per mouth, after maturity, did execute and deliver onto the said Metcalf, trustee of Dwight J. McCsnn, their deed of mort gage with a powpr to sell of the following premises, to wii : the northwest quarter sectiou eleven, in Town ship six north of range eleven, east as described in ceriuU ate of location. Nebraeka Territory ; containining one hiiinlred and sixty acres, more or less. And whereas dt-lault has been made in the condition of said MorUMge deed in this, that the said note thereby securi-d. aithoii.h long since due his not been paid, nor any p irt thereof, hut is now wh.rfl? due and unpaid, vbeieby the power of said Julian Metcalf tu advertise k. sen said as is nrovided for in the said mortuao deed has become operative, and no suit or proceedings i having teen commenced or instituted at law to recover the amount due on said note or u any part thereof. And whereas al.-o said mortgage deed has been duly I recorded in the recoids of Johnson county, (the county j in wliii h the said land is located) iu said Territory, Hi' Ueeil tss.k A. page 34 of JohnsonJ. oiinty, Nebraska Ter- ! ri'..ry, the said M-jrigage deisl being liied lor record with the recoidcr of Johnson entity on the I4;h day of J December. A. D 1K67. and there is claimed to be due on ' the said Uoie. oti the security ol' said deed the sum of : utcf hundred and cibhletu dollars at the date of this i iioiice. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons' win. in it in iy Lvncern, that 1, Juiiau Metcalf. trustee as . al"i-.;aid, by virtue of the authority in me vested in said uiortgaeedced will the premises ah- vpdescribed at public vetnliie in front f the i-rti-e of Register or Di-rt. BrownviilP. N'pinali.i county, N. T., on the 18;h j day ..f Oct., 1S5S, beiwee.i the hours of nine o'clock i'i the f'.reni- n, and the setting of the sun i.r that day, to the highest bolder for c.ish. Jl'LIAN METCALF, Trustee, 1". C JOHNSON. Attorney. Brown vi Hp, Sept. 16, 1S68. S. Lock woon. 1857. R. E. Pomekoy Lockwood & Pomeroy, Wholesau and Ketail Dcult rs in HATS AM) CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every de scription; lor which they will pay the higheat Market 1'rice, IN CAUH. COL NTKV Merchants are invited to examine our stoek of Hats A Car for the approaching Spring nnd JsurjimrT trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point rf vnriety our stock shall not be excelled by any Heuse in rit. Louis. Our priees will below, terms ivcuminixlaling. Call nnd see us at our New Store. Second St. St.. .los-eph. Mo. :i2-fim MORE TO BE ADMIRED THAN THE RICHEST DiADEM Worn hx Kings or Emperors What? Why .1 beautiful Head ofllair Because it the ornament God liinuelf provided far i all out race. Reader, althou.:h the ro.-e may blot. in ever so briKliily iu the Kiowmg cheek, the eve be ever bo i spai kiiiiK. the teeth ne those or pearls, if the hea l is be- i fr' re't .1 us covering, or the hair be snarled and rhriveled. harsh and dnj, or worse still, if sprinkled with Kray, j iiaiire will lose ni"re than half her charms. 1'rot. W.Hr Hair Restorative, if usel two or three Imus a week win re-tore and perm iiicnuy sc ure 10 an such an ornament. Ketd the tol l..wiuu ami .nd-'P. Tl-e wri ter cl ihc Ikst is the cclebrettd pianist Thiilbery 1 New York; Aptil II, IsiS. UrWooij Drar Sir: Peimiime to express t., yon ;be . buKaiifi.s I an. under lor the entire iPstoraiioiiof my h iii I., its original color; about thciiiueof my arri val iu the l ulled States it -as rapidly l ooming gray, but up hi the appiicetioti ot your Hair Restorative, it soon rev-.veted i.soripiiiai hue. I ciiside.' yur re-tor-siive as a very woiiderlui inveinioti eu:e efti-.-atioUs as well as agieeablc. 1 am votirs trnlv. S HIALBEKti. 'Dry.h air wy!.ei!j.kt' WeNh N'ewspajipr "fllcp. Nassau st., April 12, '63 Pr.. O J Wouu Dear Sir: Some month or six weeks ago, I fece.ved a bottle of your Hair Restorative and gave it my wile ho c .m iudi'd to try it mi her hair uple liiiiikn.i; at il,p time that it would rest ne the g ay hair to in oincitul color, but to her as weil as my -.iiri'i ise. after a few weeks' trial it has performed that wonderful eil'evt by tin lung all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same tnnu beautify.tiK and "hickening the hair. 1 stioinfly le-xiininctid the above Restorative to ail persons iu want of such a chafigp f their hair. CH ARLES CARDEW New York, July 26. 1S5S. Pr..f O J Wei.ii : With ccnflJeiicc do I reenmuiend your Hair Restorative, as being the most ettica ar ticle I ever saw. Since using your Hair Restorative toy hairs and whikers which were almost white have gradually gr.wi. da. k: and 1 Dow reel coiifl lent that a tew m ne aj.plica. ions will restore them to their natu i..i color. J G K1LET. Chics go. III, May 1, lbo7. Pn.f Woop About two years air., my hair commenced fai ling oil and I nrniiiu g.-..y : 1 was fast ..ecomiin; bai l, .m l had ttitsl many remedies to no etlpt t, I c..mmpnce. i-in-.' mr Re-loiativp in January last. A tew appli e.: ii.ii-iasieiied my h.iii firmly, ll began to fill up, grew oi.t. an 1 1 ..: iii'd l.a. ic t.. its former color (black). At .hi- ;i..i" i' istiiily rest. nil t. its original coi .r, healih aiid apjHara.,ce. and 1 cheerfully recommend its use. J D HOES The Restorative is put in botttds of 3 sizes, viz : large, medium and sinail; the small holds ha.f a pint, aud ret.u.s t. i-$1 bottlp; the medium holds at least '2t per cent more in propurt.oe than the small, retails fori sji lfr is.. tie; the lar-te holds a i.uart, 40 per cent more in propotn n and retails tor !S3. O J. Wool) is. CO.. Proprietors. 312 Broadway. New Yoik and 114 Matket street St Louis. -Mo And sold by all g.syi Druggists aud Fancy Goods Dealers. Sold by J. n. MAUN & CO.. Drmreisfs, ll ownviile. Nebraska. Notice to the Public. The public are hereby notified not to purchase of. any onp two notes of hand given by the undersigned to one RUKUS MOORE, viz. cue lu te i f $150. dated 1pc 26 IS.'T an t due May 1st Si; .he other an- te ol $5;0. due Sept. l,t, Is.Vi We do not intend to pay said notes as they ate ..oi debts, the i'..iislderati.,n for which they were given having never been rendeted. B. S RADI EY. Tecumseh. Johnson ...itnty, C. WRIGHT. August jU'.h, Is&S. LIVtHY STABLE. WM. ROSSELL, nHOWIfVILLiS. N. t. Aniioiint es to Hip public that be is prepared to accom mtslate those w i-hing with Car: i.ii:es and Buiriries ; to gether w .th e.kI safe ho. ses. tot comfort and ease .1. tra vel lin. He willaiso board horses by the day, week or mouth. tfTERMS FAVORABLE. 3 June 10 -ftK. 6oif JKFFERSUN P. CA8APY JAS. P. TET. MARTIN w. HlbCN.l JAS. n. WHITE, r JAI . Ne Conncil liluff.-.,lowa brakaCiy.M) CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO. (Successors to Hideo. . White. 1 LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, X. T. 1 TAYIXtl oiaJe arrRnireuir iits bv which we will Ll receive accurate copies of all the Townships etnhracea in the Easter., portion ,.f Xel,rk.fw. are now prrparca to oner our services to the " Squatters of .Yebraska Territory.''1 In Filling Declaratory Statements of inten tion to Pre-empt. Secunrtj? Pre-emp. lions. Locatinj? lnnd Warrants- AND ENTERING LAND. Land Warrant Ilonght and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. I'artieularattention paid to Buying anil Selling Property on eotiiinission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. Wanks of all kintts always nn hand. REFEIIEXCES. Hon. A. A.TJradfokl, S. F.Xuffsolls. Messrs. Dolman k West, Voter A. Keller. Thomas Lumpkin, lime 2. H.Sft vl-n4 Xebraska City. . St. Joseph. Mo.. Washington City A. D. KIRK, Attorney at Law. Land Ageat and Notary Public. Archer, Richardson Co., JV. T. Wilt practice in the Ctmrt.tof Nebranka. assisted by Harding and Hennett. Nebraska City. C. W. WHEELER, Architect and Builder. Land Varrants, For Cash and. on Timo We are prepared to loau Land Wa: rants of ail sizes tj settlers on such lime as ihty may dnsi:c long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants w ill be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can fce bought elsewhere iu town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of b.gus warriuts. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de tective. Being permanently located in Brownviile. we can al ways be lound at the old a land a lev. doors cast oi the Brownviile House. LISIIBAI C.H &. CARSON", Bjri'sers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. B '. I.eSUHMGH J.VO. L IAKSU5 LU3HBAUGH & CARSON, BAXKERS AXD GEXCRAL ' LAXD AGEXTS, Dealer in Coin, Uncnrrent Miier. Kx.'hanue and Laud Warrants, BROWN V1LI.K N KM All A CO.. N'. T. Kspecial attention will he given to H .yine and Sclliux Excbancc on the principal cities i f the L niieil Sta'i-s. Gold. Silver, and uncurrent Note.. A con.stjnt sup ply if Land Warrants on hand for r1p rOKCASH.oi e' teredoii time for Pie-emptors. Ail Warrants s ...j iy Q, guaranteed i:i every rc-pect. Will file De -l.i.i"i;y sta e ments of intention to p:e-euipt, and prepare P:e-c:up?!oii Papers at short notice. Money loaned up. u best securi ties, at weslern rates of interest and investment-- nude in Lands or city property f r distaut capitaii.-'.s. e'-.. tmns upon ail convenient p-'ints will he prompt :y attend ed to and procceis reniitiisl in ex. harie. atcurrent raies. Bills of Exchange on Kugland, Ireland, and Frati' e b tained at usual rates, with cost ot Kxehann' mi ihc K ,t adled. DejKisits receivedoii Current account aini;nieiest allowpilori sppi iiil dep. .si Is OFFICE Main St.. near V. S Latnl Uitlce. RKf CRr.MIS Lint!, Brother & Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, M l. McNauirhtoii ('ars. u Co.. I lliser & White, " Tounit. Carson & Bryant, " : Jno. Thompson Mason. C.d'rof Port, ! E. M. Flinders, n Ait'.. Merchants. M. M. Teakie & Co. No. 17 Broadway, New York. Wa.-hingtoii. D. Wm. T. Smitlison. K.-ij., Banker, J. T. Stevens Esq., Att'y at Law. Jll.i. S. Oall.iher, Late 31 And. I'. S. T Taylor ii Kriegh, Bankers, McClelland Serugjs 4c Co. Merchants, lion. Thus. 11. P.att. Hon. J. W. tie.tiy. Es-Gov. Kansas, Hon. Jas. O. Caisi.n P. B. Small Es.. Prc-'t S Bank, Col. Geo. Schley. Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons At Co. Bankers, 11. C. NntlcV C... Greene Weare ic Rice, " longlas & Waisoii " Col. Sam llambleton, Att'y at Law, Judu'e Tlios. Perry, Prof. II. Tutwiler, Oct. H. '5"-v?-iil5-tf Chiciiro, III. St. l.uis Mo. Ann M l Peiin. Meicersh'i.g. Pi. Hageistown Md. Keokuk ..wa. Council Blutr " Dp M ine, " Vlltioll. " K . I. ii M l. Cumberiaii'l Md. Havana Alabama. GEORGE EDWAEDd, ARCIIITECT. OFFICE Main St, oj K,nnej y llmlij uJTu e. Nebraska City, Ivi. T, Persons who contemplate bin. dim: can be rnmi-hed w itli liesigus. Plans. SpeciikMliuiis. ic . f..r biiMihnv's ,,i anyclass or variety of style, and the election of the same superintended ir da-ired. Prompt attention paid to business from a distance. 52n IS HAM REAVIS, ATTORNEY AT Lk, a nd REAL ESTATE AGENT, Falifl City, Richardson County, Nebraska. Will eive prompt a'.tenti n to all pr.'" Im-i- I ness entrusted io lii-care i:. Ku hirdsun and adf nun? j coin ite-; also to pers. &c, 4c, ti.e Ira" .li'-' 1 1 d c M r-pinp'n ii pa '5S Iil6-m BrownvilU) imowNVii.i .r.. ; House, ii-lASKA. MORRIfOtC WHEELER Announce to the puldie liat I. .. o p t .kPti i hai cp - r the new. I arte and Commodeo. n . k ll'tcl building re co:.t .y cnuipletts) lulheCi.y -t B.-. wnvii.e. Netira k... Thee have fiimi'lied 11 fr. iu cellar to tarret witheti- t ire new fn i.itiie; the rooms are all la lo. wt tiiated and finished. The table, we proini p shall at all j times the l est the enn! ry can otl .1 d. Our '.iqii irs : shall be as pure as ire Made as we pnicha-p 111 .0 -1 ;i ' m ipllabip 11. euu.iciurers. Wp .leetii a more e'en- Its! io unnecpssaiy ami conclude by assuring ihe pith- lie that we are determined that tu et-..rt ..11 ..ur part sin 1 1 i be wauling to reuder the Brown-. iHp H.up a test ci.i ' Hotel. MoUltiSO.N A. WHEELER. July 3. lsivj-6t:i j JOHN A. PARKER & CO., WiMIIM.TOY, I. V. JOHN A. PARKER, late Roister of OiP I. and OiTI' p. Omah.. N T.. h tvu.g resigned his t.fl'.'.'p w. 1 . i.ereaiipr. In Kinntv i. n i:!i one of O.p be.; 1,'tnl Lawgivers it! 'he cunt y. attend to all business t..ii:i ted to iumjaiid es pecial iy FHK-EMrTlON CASES. Which he has m. idp Iniiisf If to..r..iKh y aiiiuailited Willi by siudy and pi nntp for e.irs. lie refers to tl:p ileails i f Departments and Members ol Uongress of both ll 'ii-ps. A 11 applications f .r se. vices must be accompanied w ith a lep to ir.sitrp atteiitioti. Januarj iS, l. n ni-ly BEARD & BROTHER, PROPKItlORS OK THE EXCELiSIOn SAFE AND iSUALE W'OKk SJLYT LOUIS, MO., B:uik Safe . ut' IltiR't'iit'dSit'i!, and Chilled ' iron, JtweilurN anil Exyievs Safes, Vaults, Haiik J.ovk, &c The re" pnr tpst ..I Safes of It.e ihtle rent Manifacl'i. 0 ii. the GREAT FIRM ol t tie Cuy Buildings. 111 w.iKh the Em o si t triumplied over all otlipi s, tuny estaloi li es the sup..-: io: .iy .d the Ex- eisi .r S ite, w hich me.iis the ciitliiei.'-e of all iuiprp-:ed ...Sates, aial ihe -eciin-tyot llipir cnients. The Ev-eisi..r PPing the only sale alter bemi: iiiiheti-e for ninety hou.'s. and lakiiiout red hot. that s ti e. I ihe li h ks and Papers, w In ie .1 large number of llietehcrs 111 the tiie bit a short time wee ;akeii out with their contents entirely c.,n uined, mu-i imp. es ai 1 1 h ti e in .-ps-i'v ,,l e ; miiliing I our s fo and rtio-e pun I1.1-11..' to h, -mc hey,.!:'! a do.ii.t. 1,1 ihe Sate hai ing sl' d 1 he tet and cnie 1 11; hohimi.. m , pledge oii-eivVs to maiintacture :n ne but s ich a-can be relied on, ami refer to the foliowit.g Cci liticatc. We, the undersigdP'l. tase pleasii'p 111 cCi; to the succe--tul ttsi Beard iw's E-eis.o: nre pr.s.l Sales werpsiib. nitied lo in the t u nmctl lo'Cuy Bui. ding", i,e .1 . 1 1 1- -'. h ot '. vptu.-e. lsoo . ud at e jus tified in re.'ommeii.iing tl.ein loallwlio 1,1 t-d s,-ie-. H.M.I. i S'tlTII ElUiY JAMISON .V CO Charles Blow .i C't) son 11. ai ('akimv Pari Hiixit v o Josirn Unu u II f.tlPUKE S TlTT iw TERRT Jt.llN S 1 ASON Rl'MAN lill.L IAX i. liROS BASTE WlI.EV ii BASTE Til. LAN I'.'IZIET Jl t (I Meal t II N . mil ASTIVE. Vl.N I'lll l. 4. IO D A January S. 10 HAllNARU Ali.t.NS . CO Si in t .v Hr.u BUOU N Gi.'Iil.lN .v Co W L EW ING il It) John 11 11 am. .n lo SlIAPI.EIGII D AY is tO TIIE EX( EISIOR T"ok the Premium over the best Eastern Manufacture at luP State Fair, in Sun: Louis; is tr.itn tlt.tty t" fifty percent less, and guaranteed to be enal to an;, m the United States. Alao inauulaclnrers of Lightning Rods of Best quality and PUMFis of a'1.' rse. 1 .Tons. ..!-. . : :. x bro., No. 15 Main 1 July 22. ISTVS. is Ma. Iv3 .4 I have for sale 5.".o(0 Apple Trees ,.f the choicest va rieties Kri-wn :n thi (Nemaha C'otit.iy , N. T.J I'liey a.e of one year's tu.m the graft. 1 ar.i compelled to renioie them this tali from : l.e roiiial they n.w t npy is my reason P.r .dlermg ilieni tor sale this seas n. j Thc l'rKC ,l ;w-v-,r a' '' ' "t.nJ . I the tact or li.t-ir 1 i: ow n 111 a 1 ery sir..:,.- luduceiuei t tor person- lpsiceiit in 1 he 1 to 1 .t-,ry pur. na-itu' .d Orders -eni in win be ti ed, and lined M order when the spas .11 arrives for takitnf theui up. The il lowing is a list ot the principal or leading as sortments : Yellow BeUilctir, Diriii. ll'ikim: White Winter. Au'umti Sw.r. P.h'stp lsiatol G-peninp kp1 Rom ti.itc. Willow Tw.ii, Sn .w Apple. Harvest Red St..k, Fall Jan. tan, Roman Stem, Northern Spy. Johnson's Sweeun;, F ill .-.tra berry, SweeT J i:;,e( M 1 1.111. Par mum. T-Phtoh Early, , Baldwin. Ei-iy Hi-ve-t, J Golden Riisce-r, ; .l lcii sweet, Wn,ps-,.. F lit' n. Senirot-'' Q'tfen. Fa 1 P ; pr. . Ac. R v.". FURNAS. August 5, l-j8. Brcwr.vilte. Nebraska. School. The subscriber w ..ild rpi,P tf ul ty annonnee to the in habitant. r Brownvilie he won o.n a M.IHH11. .11 Ttietday, thefilh ins?., for th instruction i f such pur.-! as nay be entrusted to hi cirp. For the present, o-e schts.I w iil be opened ..t thp Schisd Hotiso. TtRMf Perquarier .,f Eleven Week-. Primary Det iriuietit, ... Common Erir:i.-h Bran, lies llirher Braucbes -No ' Iiutie for ihseiiec d"ing !bf 00 ist.MI 5 "O term, ex- cept in ca-es of prof ctel i ilnpss Th -e who enrer at any time diirioe ttie rtst th'ee wepk of the term w iii becharietl for tuiti. 11 f.-i.n. ihe c niinrnn't.iprit: if later, front thp cl eniraiiep to the cio-e. Tuiii .n i.ills w ill lie due at the middle .! tbe term, at who hump payment or o. her satisf:v.;.ry arraiignuetiis wiil be le quiretl. It is desirable 'hit those who attcr.t shou',1 entor at earlv in the term as p- s-ible 8WvjHt, July Ut, J5is-in J. H CUAfEJ.. S0 3 O O C3 APPLE TUB SI M. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Secoud .Street. between Main anJ Nebraska, BKOWNVILLE, N. T. R. K, H vKPINU. G. C. UMBOCGH B. F. TOOMEK. HARDING, K1MB0UGK & CO,, M'lniifuctunritand Vhulate l)enlrr in HATS, CAPS & STKAW GOODS. Ho 4.9 Main street, bet. Olive and Fine, ST. LOUIS, JUL). P.articuliir attention paid to manufacturing our finest Mole Hats. HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. CKOril.E CMVK?. J. W. IKZ. Claycs tta ZjoOi Ileal Erjtite and General Age ne v, Oil All A CITY. N. T. REFER TO -.K'.'jies Wright. Urokcr, New York, Wm. A. Woudwird.Lsq. " " Hon. U. Wood. Ks-tJov. nf Ohio. ClerelanJ, A'icks. Otic and lirowutll,liai,'icCr5, ' Aleotti Horton, , Col. Uobert ('auipbe!!, Pt. Louis, J unes Kidw.t v, K.q. " ' Crawfornaud Sackett. Chicago. Oiu:ilia City, Aug. 1 50, IS jo. vln13-ljr FENNER FERGUSON, Atturucv and. Counsellor BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. IIOCEU Book Bindery, COUNCI L B LUFFS, I O W A . Empire Block, Xo. 3. WILLIAM F. KITER, Would info: m the public hat he has o ene.l i firs' cl i-s li k y. and is n .w prepaud to do all kinds or 1! k Riiidinw old . r new. hound or rc-hound up' n the sh p-issitle notice, atid oi. the most reasoiioble terms. t) dp s receive,! for all kinds of Blank Work. Jiiiy 1 lsX-ly Watchmaker & Goldsmith. A. GYS, ROCK PORT. MO. BEOS le. e lo inform the puhli-r that he h is located in thejboie named town and otters for sale a choice sto' k of CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, and other article usually kept in such e-tablishments at prices w Inch cannot bee lUiplainp-i of. Being an exppr lencpd watchmaker hetlatiers himself that in repair. 112 watches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfpet satisiac tioti. 19 Sin. W. E. HARVEY. Civ. Eng.. Sur. 4. Draft'n. II1RVKY, V.4 L. VAX WYCK. Oeneral Ljnd Agent- lVVCIi & CO., dciieral Land Agents jVoitornslLa, City. ARE coiinecteil wi h agencies in Wa hmgo !. City by w hn h they are enab.pil to prosecute claims as' i. list the United Slates (ioveriiuient. or attend lo any business hc roipthe Oenpral l.ind lltee wi'h dispatch au-1 to the .jr-t arnoi. of tho.rcustomers. One ot the tirin beinu a p actical Engineer and Snrvpy 01 (bavins been for many years connected w ith t he United Seeps t'oasi s-irveys encased on works of Intern i lui p'ovement i we ine p eparcd to make Siini-i- ot T v. n.-. 1 e.... x x .., .. ..r tn. T...rit..-v .....1 ...-,...- pnuaKtsi inei.psi .jrans.i.aii .u nip .erii. .1 y taliexetuie Maps Te.vnl'iats -m.! d-an in vs ..r all kinds (:ne. h.n.ic 1 1 arclii'ec'.ural. inc..) to the pcr.ect satisfaction our customer-. October 221. 1S67. tiSlvs KI. W. 3IOORC, General Steamboat A.irent. FOHWARDIXG 4- COMMISSIOX MF.RCIIAXT JNKIIHASXA CITY. JV. T. Goods sold mi Commission and pr .nipt made. Parti-ulai a'tent. ti it.veu to receivtm;. Stoiingand 'or uardiiiC ail kinds of ttemht and p. oil. tee. OfTlcoon the Levee. So.rek .use in the same block with Kearney H del. Refer i" the Merchants ,.( Nehra-k 1 Ci: . : Fife .V .Mi h ipi St Louis M J tu. A ' o len SI- kelro , ri'iiiev-v Co" Ann:.-'! Isr.S Harper Ji Sender Si. I. .uis; J seph Mi lntite " Hncklay. llir.k - - C . " 2-U-tv TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whp;e hi l:e, Th inns P Itayv.-o, 1 and Mplin.l.i Haywood ij lili: 11'il.iin .iei-l. dated the ft: 11 day of J ::ie 1-5S Xetil Hi t 1 Pi-oiled in Hip Heuistrr or Deed's . Hi p. "t un y in the Tprri'.oiy or Nehr-ska, 111 the in . istte ie.-i.rtl vol. ..tip ot the said Nemaha county. .11 panes ilrfi and 1(7 did o nvey to U. 0. J hiisou. the .lesc ibed land. Ijhik and bentr in the said nioy ..r Neni.dia. N'pbraska Tprrit..ry. lo-wii : L. Lm. en; (1 ) in b.k 11. -evpntppn. (;7 )and lot 110 -pven (7 ) 10 h .... k n .iweniy-iiitie (-"J ) in the city or, is i- evidenced by ihe recorded ol the same, in the ipcders's . f!i p of the sai t.naha Cnuiiiy Ml.ict. lohvpyaitcp wa- ... trust to sc. me thepaiment ,.t a certain protmnissory note, therein Iiaimsl bearitu; even da. e with 'he said deed or trust, executed and de- Ine'edny the said Th tu..s p. Hiiiw-.'d unto Will. am Fei ciisou and R F. Ferii-"!. d i ed on the 6 I. day ot J ine A. ll.. 1-sjS p.iynip ninp-y las alter dale 1 cal ling i' r thp sum .f .wo hundred and leiiai.d eitaiy j liiiiid. cd h d d,a: s and beai i;iu imprest from date, at the ; r.iiP. r ten per ten: per annum, and whpieas. d.-rault i has tn-cn made in the p lyinent of thp -aid ti de and the : interest there, n; and whereas it i- provided .11 the J s, nd deed, that in ea-P f so h del. mil that ilien thp , properiy thereby conveyed to thp s;, - ( J .hnson I Trustee m.y Ik- by the said I. U. J..hiis.,n tie 1 unde si ed. 10 pay the amount ot the s,,,. 1,. tp there ' 111 spi n f., IkiHi pr.n. ipal and m eres, and costs and ex ; peiisps 01 this trust to the highest and he-t bulder tor i 1.1-I1 li st cit mc Ih: pc w cck-piihlo notit p .f : hp terms, tiinpa d place ot said -alp. and of the properly t" 1... I sod l.y advertisement tor three weeks in me pnUlic tip -p ,ppr r:n ed 111 .nd Neiu..h . Couiry N. w, thort f.op ,nl.i. -not 1. e is tiP-e! y l'ivpii. the im li-r-iitneil tru tee, 111 piir-u 1: - P ..I ti p 'e ins and Condition- ..I -ai 1 iioP-1 t 1 usi and l.y nr. p r thp autl.. rity vetpd in I ii. :i by the same 1 1 1. - n S 1 nrd iy 'hp IS h dav ..f ( ..-t.,-: t.-ber. A I). Is.., bet wppn he Jhoitrs ,d nine o'i 1, ck of the ..ftio n and the sptiins: . r tit- sun f ih it 'lay, be ! r .re the 1 flico d 'T ..r tne Kei.-i.-ter id il-ed-' . itue, r r ! said Xi'tiid: . C.itit.ty pr. . eel to. ell. and sp'l at pubic 1 l'.'-n 11 to ihe h.-he-t and be-t bidder, r..r ,-,i-li the I .1" vede-i ! ibed rp.t! rt.te t.. pay ?he an.o'tiit ..f th -1 said eommi--"iy n..'e. :u.,l ii.teip t. and the , ,-t- a:: ! fXpei.-es ft this It u.t. I. C. JOHNSON, Septemher 21. jr f p. JOHN P TYSON. IV IIAIKNEY. TYSON & HACKNEY, GENERAL I,AD AGKN"T3. BRUM N VII. I.E. M.JI A II ( O , N T. Land Warrants 1! ..:gh: and S. id eiiterf ton Ci .im-and Town Lots Bo'.tht and s.ld. I.....n M-nev. Make Investments and l..ate Marrams on tn.ip, l,r Distant Di alers. Pr'-i:iiiilion I'aptrs Irriarc1. OFFICE Ncxi d .r to U S Lund Olll P. -rei rhi'M i s Geo II Nix on. Ret'isier L it., C. B. Smith Rpcpiver, " Sm.Klt x M'i;!ianis, L. R. Tut'. p. B R IV.' .mi A. Co.. Bankers, II G W. s. . tield, R. L. .M .;i,ep ,V C..., T Al Fairleigh, Oct 1. 57 Brownviile, N T. I.ex.t.oi..,, m . Om.iliii ity N ('..'unu Klu'fs Warren Penn. St Louis .M ,. Si. Joseph, " T. lows JAMES HOG AN. 23 o ols.-1313. cXeir, BLANK BOOK MAM FACTI RER. Southeast r. rind and Locust St's. ST. LOUIS, .MO. All kinds of BUt.k B- k- nudp. f the best paper, ruled to uny pallet n, and stiied 11. the hew improved patent mode. LIB .ARIES. PERIODICALS. MUSIC. &e, b '"'i'i iti any H.iMin: t.i" ciijiin-'s Fur to ail w ho :n Jno ;ji 1 tyle. and .it ti p -h-.rTpst n"ti. p. 11 awarded thp I'leii.nmi at the !i. Mp- . he feel- o.u-.i 1. t.t 11. i.isutint satisfaction i i e lii'.u a t a. '. '.--. lvi-3-.t J. W. jBLIJSS, COINTSTATUjZ; .2JX Collecting Agent, I ERF. NEMAHA COUNTY, N E B R S K V TERRITORY. Pi-'icnlar a tentt .11 paid Ii inaknig ciieciions for ii"ti- csidents. Charges rea-cnabie. Re Terences. V. W. F amp. P ,-t master. Pern Mi,, E Pardee, Pi obttp Judu'e Neb dry E E Ptrker C tutity Clerk, B.-'.wti:' le Lyf .r : ,V Horn. S iiora. M i. HEDGE FENCING. T'ipi '!e--i.-nrd I: tvimr bad r. i -nierablp Pii,p-,pirp .inuand cuitivt'ins: o-rojp i.,-i,iue He-Ices i.p:e- I ! lnf' r:u 'hp public thai .hey a: p ih w prepared to c n trat t either plantim. -ftniiii 'bein 01. ,-,r Kr'inzail ru' the teni-e c. n'p'etp. Grow. 112 l.-dres (.f their 1 aar.tiiiit he seen n 'l.e firm- of s. w . Ken. iitMy, G. LT-.w, J. tee. .nd oihe's 1:. tf.,- c .untv. D C. & T N. SAXDEhi . rpt 2, lOtf REMOVAL. t lipu-er "i ts ri-o.ioii-.i !i t-.n Sn.-p:.-1.1 ,-..1,1 street to M mi sire-t ff arly opposite h 1 tw I: rr; -..t.r'.ehe his. p. n.t up tl e largest s.n-t; . r ;:i lis 1. e :. 1 c f.-und in t! e f;.per c.?:nrr He oiiu: a c,Ti-..i.'aa ..c ' uf jtruba, Jnj-a 10, '56. LUTUKB TJOADLEV. ' EOBtRT T. MtTB, IIOADLCY &. MUU, LAND AGENCY, Urownvillr, cnmlm to., .. T.t Office Corner main and First Streeta. Will select (iovcriiincnt Lands; locate LandWarracti in Nelraak.i, Kaua.t, Western Missouri and Iowa ; collect debts ; pazy taxes for r.on residents ; buy and sell property- 00 commission. Laud Warrants Bought and Sold. Pre-emption papers prepared, 4o. HX UA YE FOR SALE LOTS IX THE CITIES Oi BROWNVILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ELWOOD, K. T. ALSO FOR SALE Lands near Table Rock, Bawnec county. rftl'ao, In Nemaha county, improved property for sa! or rent. iu;ri:Ki;Nci:s. I. tieius Ili.pkii.s.l'r.i't Importers i Tr.iders'Ilank X.Y. II. iv.d Hoinlley 1'rs't 1'anama I'ailroatt. (Jen.C. T. Hillyer-.. -Charter Oak Hunk, Hartford. Lee. l.utler i Co. Hartford, Conn.. Collins, Kell'! i( Kirbv St. Louis, Mo.. Thomas W. 1 "helps Mobile, AU.. -'. Wilson it- Co. Euuw, Ala. Wm. I'. Will.. At y " i M. It.O-i.orn A (',... K, k Islan.l. 112- .la's II.Areliilialil. tien'l A'll. I .AW. U.K. S-rantoa Cillcsi'ip. l'enreij it Co., H.-.nkera Carboiniale, I'.i. U"V. T. S. Ward Latlmrp A Jones ScrHtitnn, I'tt. l:.C Mor e U.s! Fails N. V. William FrothiiiirhaD). Att'y Albany. '. Y. le.'v. K. Nelson, I' Wyoming Seminary. X.Y. I. A. I'arker f- Co., ashington. I. C. A. T, foliii.T, lieceiver Iind O.Ture (ltnnh lloriiee Even tt. Couucil Muffs, la. I'rowiiv iJle, April 1. lSj.S. AMD NEW GOODS!!! McAllister & pown, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, itkmthik, iiAiunv tin:, Ql C I JS w .4 it r, &. c, miOWM'ILLE, X. T, Having established themselves at the old stand recent ly occupied bv jOiix Mcpherson, They are iiov offering and receiving for sale one of the Largest AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OP :ni k r c it. a o 1 s m Evtr Brought in tlii-. Territory They have an extensive and varied asso-lment ol STAPLE AM) PA CY DRY GOODS, AL-0 A Large Stock of Choice Family COSM.'TINO OF Flour, Ham, Eacon, Sugar, Molasses, Ccfiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., And a fuT1 assortment of LIGHT (J ROCERIES Such us - Sji'iCO, lVjipers, Soda, Salaratus, (JinT, Allspice, etc., etc. TLey have also on hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, DESKS, BUREAUS, C, bC. A I.SO, A u-e.7 stltihd Stock of IIAIUMVA.IL AI CTTLERY, QUEENSVSARE, I ;Scicilox37-, I HATS & CVIPS, i I Boots and Shoes. t I V. H. .vt'LAt-GHLIS CH AS. UOl IT ! Mclaughlin &. dorsey. Land Agents, Main Street, Browniille.N.T', Buy and -ell L.t.d Warrants make out and tl e declar atory stateriipu's ; oe.l pre-emption paper?; pay t.ixe-. iiive-itgate tme-; Buy and spll pr. pe :y on c. nit:iis-i.,n ; f-imi.-h land wa: 1 a .'s : r one en . ne-, arid atrend t . ali other bu-t-ness 0. lit. put. si ih a KPiieral laud agency biisine-s. Pa. tn.ul ir a'ler.ii'.n pai I to- the e.ecli. n of G .vert: ruent la.idandthe i n-iti-.n cf land warraut for partte res'.di.iL' at a di-tam e. Mi LAUGH LIN A. DORSET re-iectfulT refer to George II. Nix E-q., Regisier Brownviile Lml Oftl' p. Ch.rle B. Smith Est.. Receiver of Piil.'.ic M nf)' Netnah 1 Land Di-'.-i, ' I Robert W F'Kn is E-. . Editor Advertiser Bn-wtiviU L'ishbai.iih fc. Car- u Bankeot. Brownviile, II. .n. W. M T Harmtton H igerstown. M iryiaud. ' Lewis II Newcun er E-j Ba.'iUi 'rc, Md (I II Il irta'. r.-r Day; n Oh. .. H n Fuig'ison. De.egate in C.tig:as frvoj Nebra-ka Terrri'ory. Wa-hir.g'oti, U. C. J bn A Beal E-r... Attorney ' Law, Pern, lni. Brow.i-.ilie Apr:l2-J. n.43:f BANElNt hoi ie ur I.vjhbaugh & C'Anso! HrujvnviHe Fi-hiiii... I. llij ji tin stid after ih.f dale dep..sit..r a.-j-.uiitt will b f pened for pec:e currency and st paauie in same kind t.r funds. ( berk must be mi it-1 act- ird.rigiy. Otl! e hours flom K to li A M and 1 to 3 PM. Ll SHUAUGH Jx CARSoV. STKAYCATTLE. Strayed rrorn w nvil'e, X T . "H r-r b..nt tbe 3r,t of Antfust two three yetr oid i.itt'.e: ot.e a heiter, . f h-.rns fr-ten ofl s;..t:e.. e.....r briebt whi9 aiid red briii.l p. Ttie oi.-r a white l.eht red spotted, t?pr 'a'.her sfaggis!..- U'-g horn- i d a reprpspnt'.i.,n of a dart it. !,.: on uo-e The suh-cuber w.l L (sra'ly f-wn-.l anyone who will return the ac- iiujls or Jive ino.i:. ttioti that. Till !e-..t ihpir ilir.v cry. JA13. IE'jVMjX. inr