XT i) nr. !ViIoyntlle.sei. io, isv-. TKH MS: for er.e vpar, if pun! liiadvancP. - - $2 W . .. ' ati.hee:.iM 6 months, ? .... - ' J J - fi-,1 f .T re f " '-'"' t $1 . per f juuin. .t. .: '.! !.. -.' - . paii.e. tl't order, iwt JOII UOKK. Ti.h i,. e'.-'.-ivo Ui;i"'i of New Tvii. ftf. I Col"'-' I- , - li ' .V' .. ui idc-l-.the "A.Ivit- I tiarr ''. w.a.mt . he able to tut n ..M J..I. U'.ukia .' . ... 1 I,-. ;,:iv ati e. The i.roi.i ie!..r ben. it I . pi .. ... ..' .. . .U-' ii . nl. an 1 n.i iin: .ii br- :"' "' I (S.M.toi !.i"l snd. iei.. el V M : . b !. J'l.i.n-: .-.i.- tetli..n.-l !. t. !. .'-:"-. i, li.eex.-i tJ ! u" fc, -rd- (in- .1.1: lie -f r.-tefs l.-e-l , 1.,,.. ed I , Frt-e. ) r.'.a'iit'', W.. k .n C-l..!-. II--" ' wl-' j fccerw .M-.:tlci-..1r ... ;e.,r . , Orde.- 1 - ' : !" ' ' '',i 1 ; i :,1 i'f.-it ii .IIS to til.' ! Tbank. fell.'roity arc in ( f ilii'i. S. A. C:.:iuil'i s. o: .. l Pen:, for a v. ry iar:''- watt r i:i--Mn: -'' , - . 1 1 1.,.. I. e..r ' tO .Vj.-ssis. .ur-i Ji.iivu.y I briiiLri;jr t 1 , ; i j . , t.i i' i ' t ' Wo II U V ci '!l llll il IIM-aHin 3 f' t ii;.i- in in utii'tT' ii''1. Mr. Cars'iii a--ur:-.- t;s that t!i-r" w t" many cti.irs i:: Mr. I'Lr-riii- r.- '.. ! , ' II'." ,. a:. l fi.oi) M di I , r I y t r.jii pat ;i. in La-' v- ' Of M .I'." v.a "tJ- t:i"-:i.i' vury ii i r - thnu. TL:- thcri- i- :i". every ! iy U 1 I ;r ! iv ! . i iiiii-r al.ii' m Li' ! lv wib n uiri:r. fv.r 1 l . V lis t -i-l : ' T ili.-iii. v. r c I.a-i Vt 'r. i' l. HI! r i.i ainiii. i,l t Mr ii'iili V tac nitrlv-t l '.a- rliill'il. I ; i i i ; i - i r..r a -!i'!i t.i -jiv' li-nv li.-.a-ii.' i!i - criouii .iii rneii ill' ii." coura.'.!, - ;ai iii'-r.- i ll- v. Uli'li'liS I Hold Il J be 1 ii.-'lit in t"vii a: any pii' i' Xsrr Vcircl.iljlis Mr. Ha!! I--ft nt tl.i.- ; OiTi' a fi' 'l:i -i a.'", a iiciihiImt 1 1 1 "t - VTi:. 'i in - in !''i!i:'!i. N :t a ) enr il i i rn IT iii' I.''- I d.:;. A!-o a J Cl'-l'iu 11 i'i' li' in ir. litiit r(ti. r. I think N. Kia In ran .it th- u.:i.l . ih ; pro ii.L' 'J ta! !'- "f v.-iy vari'ty thit ii ei: i-!i in '!iis !:t;i:i"!". T!it' an Calil-a.'' .- :: l 'i' Mir in tins City. wfiL-hii;. fridii t w i, : v t" tiiiny jo.i.ii.Is ; a' u 'i. i'.i ;i i!.'.-''rijiti'i'i of ;t BCdlU'V. i' t tUI"lilJ i.wii -"in. w li re in N( I rr.-Ka. ,1. W. I -j It i iixilcu ; ' A !..ti'r. Id.t l.i-l.Iy iir..Tostii:i: j C'dnniuiiii ;t!ioii frmii tin J'iaUI.1 Written I l-y " Wj ri ka," lii-r ln cn rct ivrd, lut i : . ji; :i J T - of ether inii 'er, an-1 net hnvimr t ilie' t" j.;it it in tvpe witlnua de l.ivin tl.e !n iitpiii ef ;!.'' j :i j r, ; arc r '.. Tn.'lv ( ,.i;: ;!i ! t defer it -i.. Ii. xt we.-k. We ;i-k ianl n from "Wv t' ka, .'i.'n I tin- rea.lt r tiie Advelti; ('i r, aiol r-.iui-' .. t.r-. ni'de jiri.iiij.t in lu- Fire. We 1. am 1 y ;.e Cresceht City Ori- il :. .li ll.e -"iii ili-t..al:t'e i'li'e'o:,: II i . -I t Iiie e ;tl I Jerelire, . . 1 ., ate. :'. ll.e i-iiine tiiii", in ;iuo;her Unld i:..' I.a'.;' a imle di-laul cf the V. () I"..nr 1.' ii- wre (!i -ti'. v. .I Lv t!i iiailii'.-. 1'n !1V Tult.; r 'IM'U i. n-are eii t'Tiiiii d '.I.n' t v :i - '!i.' u. :k of i;ic. 11 d oi : i- i;i. 1 'I." ti'locf 11VU I'iij'. r 'urii :;i It Is ' . il Tei. : C - ili'i Mioel, lira::.'', aiu I l-.-.eUI'I .. . ,1 i - (ire (! t y '..-: i a lv.i. r, ........ . IMl'lll, I" ;..li ' i v. i i-.lh.VA i. ! iHriiK r i liiti.r ii- i ..I ei iv a t U .. kicrt IVmii'-r !uivi." to ti e Corisrra'.loiKil ( Iiurch. Ve 1 -am li hi! .t' a hp of ll;e C iii ,i v. li. is J'.acv. ( ii la , t Te-ran-n Saturday - 'li 'lev. inu Keeln- :U. 'h ' f. ti'V.i wa-i,".iM!i!. a -lv J1 a-ed; and lh.it in oriler i '.i-st-t in cnrivii Lr oat i: j.rnvis i.'iis W . T. . Ti;': 'ii !;as --tarted f. r l'i.- S:.;.'s vil,..i ... !i.. is .'vii.-i-teil t,i r.'- turn, a" fariii.'M, Lv 'In' t j ' 1 1 i : i lt uf r.avi- j euti.'l! ll.e i-ellillio. j.rii!'r: j il' Tflls. a llillliliel of liell'M-el'Mlt ir. ii- j tit'Ilell l;a .e donated and deeded to in.:' ; 'iisl,ir evi r (die ln.ndri 1 town lots to 1-t ..ld ly l.i.ii. iu oi.l.-r lo as.-i-l iu raiinn fund.-. I'll wlneh t. erect a IIhum' o! Vorsli! for cir u-e; and hae deM ;natei (Jeo. Li'... n. .lolm Mi TherMdi and C. N Wheeler a- a buil.liiiir i oiiuiiitiee There fore. le-i ',ed. That ih( donors havi our viMi-i'i-.' i'::ii.'..- tor lliis 1 !)-ir hl-i'lal "l;lli'. , . ... , am! that u .- wi.l iM-.j.-raf u.t.i ta.-i-oui- lirtt.'O I V iipOnilllillLT ""f J'H'or llt'V. 1 . . 1 id.'ii as in .r aoiit :n tms cn't'ijiriso. Voting llilll i 'ltVO of al'Sl'lICO ier tht.' pur- J"'-,. i t a.'.-oippli-iun-j tho titijoct tu i.n' grrmt. anil .iiiiiinoiitl him anti our cause "i th' a't. iiiion uf all christian men and tvoiin ii, weri'ver Lo may proM'iit our c.lai:n. To tln'Farfiprs. Mr. UiMiM.s, of the firm i Riii. lal-. O.fil.-y & Co., Coiiiuiision ..lt i'i-l'.ui,:-- :. Lucis. i- iuv in tvwu ld,y inr: Com ivc. Fanners, here i a v.! ; no lor y.ii:: ). a.i l-o seen at Crane Hi!'. Te "d in another C 'lbiiin. ( e i.-i t a .. . n i 1, ,11 u. Tiiis s'.t a;:it r reached ov.; .wl.-r.i ,. ri.l:. ( );:r thanlv- are da L.r 1 1 - 1 1 :'. r ! u,- St. Louis j- ij. is. Sclel i (;riscnUaHr.i, r. ci-iveii j.i r iid iarirt' a- ) ii.i i t.-jts and ?tea:n.-r Sj ,;,x Cjjy. a w S"-'i:.' .',.'.,, 1 ;i- .1 t.ii.-: (.; a. til! lli 1. THE lDVEUTISER U'l'tl:; d" I7 ' rt. i..'.-i ::i St. (,i i-.r-e r.-.aibl ..ii. li. .nooro. t cji-iLn-h a stoic STKEXGTIILNIXG CORDIAL AND BLOOD PUKIFIER! 'TIS Korean -1 .lv i:. tli fcVJ, A llv i:, ,,e wold. for j T'.i-ior.l, il -h-nlled from a ".' known! Vfv ,..,,!vt. my-e.f. an. CA -vf .? : .1. :.:.. I ! cin!.u.r.l , LCl K vau....c-.e,8..ai roots. J V, .i.li.ll'.l'l:.i--ii'.io.p'ii, j ,jV herb-ai.d barks kn.wn fVf to the mil. dot lo.ill, twTN : '' ! r.s.t, bi.uk 'vA r,.t lv.., . hcrrv b : k. !' w dik d.ili.'.ie- t -,'4 flA l.ins rsapanll Cl-U U'- ', flower-, will, others, f'Tif; ,...-! .in- 'be f. ..-t m- 3 j M.iinle ri ino'v b.r the . ."S-V3Z r"' ""V""" blMlr'':345j, rI.fr.r77TfT' t-ver k!...t. Jflfr 1iUr ll'.V RPUFhl' c.i-n-"li-o.i-c- by iiatural laws When i..k-i r- he.-Hi!" mrloet.ee 1- te.t foMrsmi; tl r.i'ch Hf.i vein o! the b j,i;n"" i':? and ai cele. a' ii.b the circ!ila -n ..f the bi..d. It i e:itra!:jes any bilions 1 M1.11 if I : I tin." llll,ll II. flii'i --iHi.s'bui.- .ui ... r, io7ati ii. .'' i.-rn s S!rci thi nni'i i i.r.'..i. trill ijiiruiitiy rv.re I - ....... Tl .. ...-..;. 7., . , I ' i'htl.rDl' cr.iri-i;ii lh l.thii Din .- ot tif h.ioiu:j, j ala at: Ih.-.i :x r.r.-.;ie from a Ditorti r, d 1 and ut: lh;t : hx nr. ': mr from a liinDrcii'i d 1 i,iui-r oi .uiiiiiu i', ' ii,. ,r,i.. ,, -, ...i . , !c .. i.-.-vor -i. -Vnes- f the .ti-in- I ' i .. I, '.'..llt.e'.-.-i i,:.. ,1 tothehe.d.d.iii.ainor siluli ma ! I,.,....,, ... ,,. ,1... ,ri . ;.. k.n-' or sill! t- j t. .- en i..?i i. - .lon dsyi.e-s-r jfll.'i" j t - .t the -l:in .ii I i ii-, -vM.-;i ll.i-hes ot heat oei'ii-s.-n-n .f i - i -it 1 . I 'I I ir i i- i s no vusl'ihi: ti;:ovt (. T) - .! i; ...; ne.er I to hmm:.. ..i tl.e ab. ' e ' .j..,. ... - K i. I. r -i- pT.', .-ti..i,- .-ii e-e Ii bolt e, in ( i.oi :o.i!i. l-.i.i- - ;mj ..i.'I 1' c:. . Or i r.ilf i ;. 1' '"A -v i Ii i. ' been -. . ' ' it..- .he p t -.x'::.- '!-. : n I it. In. ... .. i- 1. 1- it i i. in iii. en ne s.i-i t o ti- ii Win. !.. i. ' -i. ti.-r I., in wetki.. . .r itebilln when JSc l.f.i:.'.- .-..fi.f il.'.'i.iuii (" ui. i. w ill I'M y,, To tlii- I. ad it v. I !.. ..i; ui lit. be h,ut! attd -t'.nt? Then (to at ;.;- tet -..'., .-: M I .e i . - (-...! i , y 1 1 v. : 1 -i rci.c- !,, :i o.-l ,.: ..'e...r I io. I t-. lb w through e-ey ' ii,-! .... i : r.- .... in 1 'o'.i : : h ! ni -'i::' t .;-;t In.......':, I. : ! .e wa: ..-.I. el t give .-a..s:..c- I'm- ( 'ft i-'In n. iv t .) i-et.'- it vonr i ht'd r ti -. k!. p ! ; ). . Hi; . , Oi - p Ova .'Ill lit: ' i.i .'i '! i M I e it. I . . - il; c lie! ii -t a in-liiei. . 4 1. 1 1 :. : .- be ii.. I p I : '-I I olr- i, 1-1,11 - I . ,'. .:,'." I' It . 1 . T-. tb" e I ' I t . -e:l j HioA -t-.v re if .Mitu-.-t r de.ile I t, , ii i lev .ii I- ' . heap bv - av , li'-' it l- I.!-? a- it ! ' A . i i -'i 'i I'.'-o- A-k i .r M- l.e :- ' ei.:t . i. ..i : i.n... o I i i.j Il i- i: iei;, .! ! - . , ; ii. ; y . I d i 'i .. i-!i"i.t ni: 1 at the s..:oe I, t it 'I'M if.it taken -very mo'tia'.-i i- a '"'Ml" o r. i i,.l!- ai.d lever yell, vv ! -. e i e . I. -;t le. or G b- n le- b.r s.."). J il M - I.'IAV. S-.le jr. ;- iet..r .a i r r.n . 1. , M l.e,;:.'- V .' -.mn '; I I. '.: nieii' . -ill ll.e i i tier . f i'l.li 1 ai.d 1'. ii .Mi. U !. t t( :in:(- Oil l.iuiiitei... H.e l.e-t ! in i no -ft ;n ' ii -....-'.1 i..r t.i ti "t t i-l A Ho! in I' Hell III knl le 'l.l'C i,n d bv M l.'.'a:.'- K a..-.' Oil I.n.iiiietii. Ile al j ill - ''.r-i'i v r- I 'li, in - i .to. a bl hi k to. h. liv.j.i ti-ir '.i- aventie ! I'.'f i- -, i . .-t . ii .-I a n ail :,- : i.icn.v -'. e .-li li. - I 1 ' i lll'l!..'-! V i.i - l.li .I.HMII-. .-. V.-. ' b:it . i a.'i .1- ! j ....!. lie b'-p l. .'! t -. oi l i l . : .. ' . e i ' v- .-: k i.i bi - ! 'i . v ic I-.- .ii. e i i d n i l.ea- .my i-,J.l .-n 1 i- - ; -i- 1 ' , i.e . : ..'. i V. !., ...i'- V.-i -i!-i'' (M 1.:: t- 1 ;..e I... i ii -a t'."ti- :iv ,-ii i--i. V... .1 1 ' 1 1 ;i ; M h ' -1-. 1 'T. - : :t 1 : 1 ! - r inn-' i-i-. s ( 1 ..'.;". 1. 1. a. 1 it- : ' 'In n..t-i.' i -1 . ; i ; 1 1 1 1 ! ' 1 ( 1 1 i . v ii 1- t.i ihf:ilM rcint 'lv t.-r l'i 1 t 1 ; f.. ; ..1 t.,i- 1..!. I" ,r in.rp .if -1 -tit i I, ,ii. ....I. a. a . r... L ...M. ...!. 1 tin..i,,... .!.:i::i Il.tn- bin: ue.uni:- wimds. rati l--siiake biles, ami v a i ;o ..ii'i'i ii -e.,. u I.nli am ma 1.- a: e li.il'.e to tri. ni in 'I'tie- or ao fleijt-. Mv -i y r...,f . , y fieri bant -hotiM ibtaiu a siipl'lv "f il. I e in'- V . eii--i li. l.-.in:.ie:i' . It .-i 1!.- raj i lly 1-iH-ause i : a i w.iv .- .re-. A I ii'. -i a i Oi -i "i.n; v ill I e tn ale t" mer. iiants who boy e, ' ... ,;ii. -J-:- Iy J II M. I.KAW proprietor . corner ol ''i.t.d I'l'i I'.i a' -1 ' I'i'is. IS: I. .1,1-. M... . . m . . . . -. . . : Ii..-. t!o;-:- S rjnalx'Cordiai .:e all te.ii. . inpl anil -. . ti a- i r.n ice v : . 1 . . , , . . . . !.-,. i, f i r I ,,r I i.i..-l I .i-i-etme-s -a,i. i-mplfM- n. beada. lie. j ::--. -aetk neive- I. iclitlnl .'U am- .....I oil ' - I il t.i bv c-'b'-. il, ktd per-piriti iA.es. .--. ever- , ... ... .. .... .-'.ici.ietn. m . .i .no -(-..in e.-.i-.-. ... i.'-i'.. ..' ( aa: .. .- ui.ve: - ii iy a. t.i: -v --.l.. 1 1 y the la- ! , . ., , - ly ever inve:i:.'d. j .'fi.c s. I pt . I tt ' o; r, i- , ..r 1. ' v 1 1 t.i.v ' ii.-.- oi ILifU'ill ue-.:i:tt .-tnets i -t I an-. 1 . - ' p. :: ict'-r and t" wh-.m ail eiders p. p.-: l i' a d. t sc i s i.i i y .1 ll V M X .'v c-i . A- -its, Brownville -, T., ..: i : i'- --' is i.-m iai n i j. k a s-n-; i UiY's 1 Wi ' . I '.be l.l.l'lll.. ,r .1 '!.' v - en: v n : can e - ... i-ilii: -. "in an i nip": c -t ale i : ivcd c li 1: i I. "I the lii.l'l- el the -v. e.i.:.z . 1 tl.e ind.-. ii.ct.ma.- M wl: v -li l'i . wl ::;.-. cl, .-...,: --re I i - 1 :.-. " i.- t ii . i -. p nil- in :h el. io- and J "ii t- nl- j . . 1. ..I. ;b.. .: .al all t.r-f o .-. i.-i ,.- j Ti i. in. em l.e- oft tl.e v erv I i . I 1. .....: thee, .,: e'ev p ..... .- tl..- . ."- I a f -1 h i Z j he .-eeiel.elis i.i i I .' y-letll .h'l- re"., v i.e.' -lie ali-c, . ..I, tf'I' . ;!.rilii'rf i'l a .fid ,-" .ii'a. f i J).- i.'n.f' ; . s :.' in :...' .. -.M'; a. ' ui , i an e lie i ir. -..f ae J. ..,!-, ..'.dd-n iCa. V w ho h 1 - iii nl !.' teln. - i-. 1 I : w . I lm.' 'I- .. j-i.ii.'s or e. a. nt duca. t ." -. I ' .,' Y tl."' ai d ,.ll hi ,k''Ii'.' , .a-.'.'i t : 1 e - v - te-.j iln . a, an 1 1 1 .'. e ; i.e p i" .em to a ','i . " j -j ll -i d 1 1 I- .1 p '-' ! i e I .ad .1 a Cl .1 p ",e. . o i.ii-i.ie -be v..i id lo p: ei:., e i, -u , a: i, i -. The a::I. ... he -.; i.i ' . i" , I. Ill i.i ll, i.t r -l..of I:. . ',' Wi:. ,. , ,-. I a oi.. .e , in, e las .1 - p y 1 ! he kidfe;. '-. bladder, afd u m.i:; I. . I I life .,'i.li in lla -e i.i.f.l ib i ii i.'.'l .il i e ..b f.-: v ..- --.l V eo. '1 ' - I'.l-C- i r. if- if . i w a i 1: wi.i.ei. . pi.up.e- and bi'i.i.e- feni ! e .: r ,ii. I niai.e the k.iiilcar. wine afd be-': eiii a- ..ia b - f-. 1 ,; ' il.i- , :.:i.vi.i.fl e bluo-'.. ..::! I j i. ,; uv I s, : : f ti 'I e lo er. kidneys, at.d .-.".iel:v r 4 il.-. p.".i. cii.J 1- : : I.e.. . Ml. I'e:-us w ;. i. ,i e I- ;. - l"'i':i ,,:i." f i w i:h -, , ful.i old totter iti-w .tt:i - aid l.e.ni li'fhe- ei i.p i n 1 il e -kin a: lal, fiiie.f- d:-ei (- a; e ad- i-i-l to ,f e(.:.l.,v -Sail Hie i.m ..ad Teller Oi.ilmci.l . lithe-...'- nd a -e t -ed par'-, when i.-i:er I'r L'.i-. '.' I... n ! .S'!.-.-!4..-:-.;'.. T:.e 1 ine ..: d :-i: -af a. ii i pil. .;:.- ll.e bi" -1 afd e.l ::-'- I hi' ."l'- t" ii-vli.it i:e ibel i.t, id nut er. afd tin o.ut.ut'lt In itm l'i mi v 1 en I ,b a e u-ed (v. b: li I a w - it- niinea-i) i t'l'iiii.ti.i'ii! afd i. ei .ai if..' i- i.w.'v. I'lie.ied. ibev n e the fo-t a'i'i in -t p v.e l al . u: ativ e- known lo man. fa.r 1 1 ial i- a 1 ' 1 a k I d- n i ten ihe i o - c. i t . lbi. e.l i he 1 .hue and S ii-apa: i , ia jj.1 pei I.. Hie, ir 0 hot i .e- for ..". liev'- Salt llheiiin Oiuiteetii 7.") , .!.- pr b ..i.e. P. lh ae p. epa: ed 1 v lir Iho-lerly , J ,,rMM VlA.a . ., , , u. SI. M... j I ,,-.., .,.:. ,r . ... , .m .,' ,,r .iers mu-t w -ol l-e-ed I i ; j-.-. . 1 1 j u ai vx & o . D-.uei-t-. Bro.vn . viae. K- T .'" ' 1'mi-ts yene ally. li. i:astcily'M Fever and Asue Killer Win cure -iKtie ai d lever, chills and lever, dumb aiiue iuter itiiitrut anil ica intent fevers, atnl all the vari ms farms of fevers incident to l ili- us c'tmate-. If there is a man. woman : c Iii id siiilei if - iu.li cyuf and fever, bev are adv i-ed to pr.u:e lr. Kasieilv"- lever ..nd Kuk-r. I: is a j osl.irt t:rc shecil-j w.! jn -.iii.--:. f. Tiv .;. r -. e v ! pe. ) ttie. or (5 ! t le-f.T .. 1 H li A si 1. iu. V . corner o; Thi. J ..'..d Che-unit -tree-S 1. ff- -o.e pi"i rie;,.r. l.mL'.n all otileis u:i:-l be a Id e--i p to vet il e reuu'.f.e. s .dd ly J. 11 At! X' X CO Aiient.i, Browiiv;lle. l)r BaKer5 Sppeifie will am? t - .- c 'ii. : l:e.i :!ePl -incture sei..:iaiwi .ne.-s ci. rdee .'..-'ii-e-ot 'hekidniys bladder, and all i!i-e?sps of the i .ef it il i. li- def. have u a pr.vctv aaeesf I V 'i.'i "i-.f.i :'. I'iiTV i dii 'io.' ro I.. ')'. Ib "i r ' Sp, .- i -. f --,..,!;.- a-ilr. 'f.l cf.'e. Willi lr. ; I'.ike'- S;...:i v -. can d rf iivrxeif, a;,! prevent j ep -u o. a- , . in .'..1 e -ti. :i- i... ..re a.vi t..-ai.y the i im-li -i:e. P a e $1 f 'I per boti le. --'If. K iMiULV c- tier Third and Clio-' nut s-rets Si I. .i.i- At'-- ... i 'e pi' p-icf r. t i w h "in ail eiders tav..; hp a.U cs-el. lo .el the .ei. fine. S-'id by J II. MA. X' X CO., lrii :-:-',:. Fro.vvt:!e, K. T. e pr. p-;c; r. t i whom ail eiders A -upi : i-i -; k f A!,"-,:,, a-; 1 I'rr.s ;.. nt- at ir.y in. M...it.p e-t d i-.-'eai . : e .! r a". Lu-Luatu, ii Ca'-v ::'- iiai.Lihs lb.u.-v ';r.'wi:v :1 ie. X" T 10: AIAKr r. RX'EK. ui. cartcr'N tougii iiaisam : will cure Ci-nelis. CoMs, Asthma, Consumption, Bron- 1 cLios, :J.iiS..f !,,!, Paiu in the SiBe ana Brea.t, i Pleurisy, " ti'.oplm? Couph, Croup, Liver Cmpiau.:, j Palpitation of the Heart, and all disease of the Throat, Chest.. and Lungs. No one should neglect a Cough or Cold a single day. Million die annually by neglect if,: ; x Common CuLD. CotiKhs and Colds leaJ to tossu.Mf- j , ., , , . ,, . , TIO, and then v, at, early death. Header, have you a j a comm, com. or any m.-ease or me m.i.--.- r. in ure ai ; i once that celebrated retnedv. Pit. Caritr's Cough Balsam, which neer fails to relieve a c i'.h i:. twe::-ty-four Jiot'rs. and aLva;. s cures the WOUST cases if .Toids, coiichs, aus all di-eises "f the throat and June's iu a few day.-. Price Trial bottles. 0 ceiils; large tot tics, $1 per bottle, orti bottles fr $5. Jrj-UR. EASTEItl.Y. corner Thin; and Chestnut Strs. St. I.ouis Mo., hole pn.priptor, te whom all orders mtist ; be addres-cd ... kn the Pennine. Sold by j J. II. -MAIN . C ... Aueuts, ' Srownviile, K. T. WLv I l!;o DrmaGd so (Jrcut for AGUE BALSAM? II...--. .10 il w.ll ... u 1 1 .u.c c . ( .. -.,..1 nita.-.tiiH. ,ure that lunch dreaded mo nine of : ; est chills, fe- veratid isue withon: tail, ami in c 1 will counteract verat.d -.i-.te withon: tail, and inc iio i .-ii .'i .ii .tia : i.i i.i wiik u lact m nain; no t est i- and. 'iniike all other nost: urns, it only recoin- """" It ..lie .la- of .l.-ease-. and as a tonic it is uti-nrpas -ed. U c v; : I . :lor a If evi.unce-of its wonh y meu uf inHuen.e ..i.d hi.-l, standnc,-. Princeton VI.. Sept 20. 1S57 Mann Iear Sir: j',.r M'ih,i e....- pa-t I hive ll-t voiir A.iie Hii-a-n in mv d'l.v nrat-tii'p aim have ci eiv ..t.-erved i:- efl.it in bun.!' eds. I ra. -. and in j I- ease ha- ii fu.ed r prodn e the in st happy et!coi. I cm nio.f cliecri i !i leromu.end il a- acerian. speciii. for i hi. Is, level and aivae, and maieiion- o.-ot-c-. 11. A I MIX, -M. J. Marsha!!. Mich Feb 11. 1iTi7. I'll. M ANN N. Ck : 1 bai. e o:.l a iaiire auiomn oi y.i'ir A-'.i' II i l-aiu in 'I..- ic:ui y and from my pel- nai know c.le "t it. I believe it the Le.-f rei.:eny t..r. li:lls ieer nd a.' it M...t b.;- cu r been -old in oi.i Sta'e. O A 11VDE. A:Uahu-i, (),J,i,i 1, l-,oS r- S K Mann .--C ;..-: Iu .aiiv,,,-n,u ihe i OH! and .d: iiuan i.,i ilie sale of the ditteient j e-.tuii. hue h.n e e. iiin.L our aile.i.i.n p.,. , i .el . . ..Iwim. the i-iMi mime thai i.i ai-".;e i h .- -aitie.1 i ii i -eil in c oi .-i-l.o e . hei e sold, i I - i'llO I i. . ft-ti'.- to 1. 1- ' in (line's iirn et.nidn mi.) it. i i e v ipid th :n al i h I . t . ''e tlined to sit- . oiLer uUi' n. i..ci.t .- 1:1 foe market . A IIUNDUY. Wv J'ori r. Ii ;3 I'-O-v. j i;,....- MtwiCii Ceuli : I l ave ai ....r p.-.ii-e in j l.-o.i,. - y, .t.i. t- l-i on -. 'ne ;..,.ce ve..i., , ....'. e ' ., .-I '.:. .y o'"-e. '. i ! lie Is !ni,,.ii' i.,i,.t ..i ni .an.; r -a1 I d - n-: la n--. e its o-iua ; ei--.- in ai i i.e vv .rid o! n.i-'ia :ne- Ti :i.y pei -.a: , . ko v. ,e ie H i ed pe.-m.iiieai i v c i " t v : line aa-l 1 b.,ve ki. v n i. .. !..: ". . : :brr iiie-1!. :!!' -I... I t een med in vaio V, :' i, . 1 e l'i .-! , ippv io ' A. id :!... . m ..e au.'ct ...... ii ... i t i-.r a, lea-' .1,, a n I I. .ve lie hesit.i. i-n in rec.'m- I me;:.:...; r. a- a pe: teci il li ,.v ii: i - in: I tev er. I 1, ,,,..-,!,.,.,,. i I 1 ' ! : i !- O .! V.Dill). S. K. MANN CO.. Ir..pri.i.,rs, Ottiion. U! Siild I y u'A lrnit. ) J Ullllll.vl', .. St I ... Mn I ' r ' i HilOlt . ilie a-reiii:' to.- liib' ' .-'.ei ll Si t.-. I Illy J. li.il. X .V .) .ri:-'vri-T ii -..Miie Xel-t than I THE RI3REST DiABEM i. v i. u w oi n i a in us or I'j.n icror; i -j 1 1 : Wiuil? WiJ) a beautiful Head of Hair li.'.ail-e 11 il.r liiaiiielii li'll.' I.zi.M. ,il,tUcil lal . '.ioi. i i.e. li.-, i li r .ah .ii..h i he h-f i.i.tv I.;. . m ever -obr.LMiiv iii ii.e iii- wi:!-' i.eek. the eye be eve:- -a. -p.u kl ma, ti e teeth I e tlio-e ot pearl- it the bead 8 -e-i oil ot i;-i i.v e. ini;. .-I the hair be -naried and sbi . cl i liamlt mid t! nj . or wmse -till it sp nikii"! iiu ,.... tiitii e will ;.,-e m. ire than half tier charms, l'n.f Wo - li.ar Kesi'.r.iiiv e it u-ed t " o or ih! ee tiloo- a wei-k .n, .I--., h' .i:i.l -.': : iiiu'iitl) .-c-'aie to a:l -n h an orr. n u nt. Ko.-I Hie i'.-il.v. iiu -iml ind . I'bevvii ler "I thelii -tis ihe ei-.'i 'j.-eleil jimtii C J'l.tt.'b' )' : New y.e k: Ap. i i. i -."-- . Pit vvniiii Dear Sir: IV: in.: me to ep. . ;.ti he .-! lia. I' ll- I am ..1..1.T t..r I be e'n i : e : e . i i. . t mv hai. rn o - or.:. iii , . . .1----; ..I. oi ! he t inn' "t mv iri i- v.,, ,!;(. n ,,,., ,a. iilv,.Ly , ..,.,.i ...t. bm C m tin' appitce. ion ol v..i:r ll.u. It.--'.; -...in- u -""ii i e "V e. i i i. mi: . filial hue. 1 n i'ie v -,.r i e 1 y, - .mv e a- a v e. v w ..nde; 1 ui i nvcni i n i u; : ( i Hi a: io :.- a- I weil as a;;ieeal..o. 1 am you, ,. truly. 1 S TUALKKKU. 'IH-yeli air l.v.-y !:e iyu. i i Wei -li X. v -p a; e I.i ,'. X i--.ei ,-r .. April li, 'M ,,ri, j Wi.iiu Iii nr S.r ;- .,.. t:, t. r siv ! ax ),-, e.ve.l a foil .e of v ir II u: Ile.-to a'.iv e ::! .i f it my i:e h-, i n. ,n... ! I - t rv it on her bur think. iu at l.e iii::e .hat it voin.l le.-iore lln c-..v nair to .:- ... i.'i.ia. i -. i.'it to he; a- well a- my (. alter :i te vo. k- t: i.n it ha- rforme.l t(.;.t a ii.'ei : e, I rile I by I ii. f in r ai i i be lt iv h ii i - I . a dek i-. "vn . ai tin' -a,.,o t im.' ta - ni ' : v .t.c :!. i n ken :nu' 1 r:e ha. I. I -irolliy ,e. oliliiie.. 1 Ihe .move i".e-'....: .iv e to ail per.o'.i.- in w an: ..I -u, ii i '-li.t'i-o ot :ln'ir b r. ( II A ill .S (.Al.riiW X e v Ye a illy .,: I'-iiS. fll.1 IViiim : V. :li c ,:.;i :eia . - . 1 recommr. 1 i-beitia tiie", olii 'a. i-'ii - .i - 'i.-if v. .io ,.ii, 'ic-lora: iv e w!,i ii vv o e ai:.i .' v. hi:e have .v 'ii lla ir Ke-.-'iaiiV e. U.-.e I eve: -,.vv. S-:ie i : l. lli - ai.d vi 1 i i: , - -ii. a . .y i;i ti'vc m a c aj r.ii .--. f. o k: and 1 n. : -i: wi.ii e-;. ieel c ii.e:. :.a leui that a lo lifii' natu- J (i KII.KY". Obi. a. - 1 ' . .M iy 1. l-v7. . : tvvi. yeal - : hal. Coinme.'.' O'l .oi:l-', v: I 'a. i- ta t bei-nii'i hi.-i. Pr .f V-'unlt-A' ,. . n and ; :: : ' ... : ne 1 In . . ". . -.I.. ... Hi. eil, 1 I c.-mn:.-,,'. ;. -iii- lie-, .-i'. . .f :iiy!a-i. A ie.v app.;- ,-: i-: , iei t i I.a.: litmiy. It liaraa to : 1 up .:tf. ai. t e-ri.e I ha. k ! i..- !; (. : (Ida. :. 1. At i.te ii l - 1 1;. i v re-t e c i .-. it - - u :iuai , -, hi'.i i in i cai iif i e. loi'i i eiiee. I . . ';. ; ec nimi :id : s i. e. ' J n IlilliS Tlf I!e-t 'ta' ive l- put in l.-.fthl- of 3 -ire-, viy : lame, fie-'iuri at. I - in a 1 1 : in- -fi.iii b. fl- b.ii a piat aid i ,ei.ii-l,' S.I MTt'.l.lrl M.e .ne li i :i h oiN at le is! ''.l i 'ei i of I :: i". e i r p .: ii -e .ban the -tii.nl l eta: Is ..r I , . . p. r f . . e; toe i i . e e .'i-a i 1 1 .i j" . . lo pe: rent i.r .. e t : a : -i i. .eel l.iii t a s:t. (I J i ,.1'H .V t'i.. I' p le.ois, 3- Hroaduay. XY-w I Yolk ..:..! Ill .M ii'ket -tie,-- l."i :- At.. t I -a-' s. I r ail j .1 lb i. 4-1. t- atid I'ali. y lb. S Id I v J. ti. .M AI V .V I'd IVi'.-nis ll i i.le. X, i-k,i. Notice to the Public. T fib.,.- a:o l.e.ehv li .Hied n..l to p ::eha e of anv . i.i ii-.:.- . I i. n "I -i . e:i by M.e f ,:!. -::n d to .i.e 111 VI S M!'ll!l. v : . ere f -e . t -il.'n d md Pec. .'.). l-v.7 ..i d .1 ." V. v 1-: I -..-: ! ll if a f :e -t $'!! due pt. 1-1, l-s.-v. A o do f "l it end to p iy -ai l :n te-.as :ev are n d in-t oeb - :l.ee n i li" . i n tor '.v-hK h 1 1 ev e e ran', b i-. iti:-' neve been ie:. le It It v 1 l.:y 0. i HI". 111. To, .-n-eii. .1 !.!:- f . A ;k,:: t '.'(.. h. ISiS CITY f" wm. uossi:ll. r?KOv. 'iViLI.;. J . T. A'i;iei:n.-i- t" ( !" l'fb' ..' 'h ,i be i - prep i ed t a ne,-. m-l.i-.'la I, -I'm I -I'-Wi I. '.i' i a:i - ifd p.r.'-.ie-; t. -reher w r'a u- ed - ne If. e- t" c ?": I and r.-eii:ti.i-v ei mi ;. He vv.i. Us . b ,cl Iff -(- l. Ihe d iy. w nij . r m i;:h. ; TllliMS FA VOR Ain.r. TJ Jni e i fi-v -Si.t I Kl I-KiiSi N P. c As.VbV, t M KTIN W. Itll'KN I ' JAS. p. TK-T, - .IA". I. WIIITK. - Con.ieil . dulls, low a. ) Nebraska Cil.v N 'I ) CASSADW TLST, K1DKN is: CO.,! Sin-ees-iT!' to iiiJec it White.'' Ik XT I X 4 1 X''rI',l1 xi:itssi;A city. t. IT a i.u inane iiri-an;eiuents i.y wuica i. receive accurate eopies of all the TownPhii- -iiiiiraoed in the l'astern on ion of Nebraska, wc lire now nrfpared to off. r our erviee to the .1 V".,i""o,i, I ,..'- Tirr'r-'n '' In Pilling Tr-"i.ti'iitcry Sttterncnts ot Inten- tion to l'i -:-c- :ipt. r-C'.'ur'r.g I've eray tions. Loc tir.g Ij-.-aa W'nrr.m's- i AND F.NTLRINO LAND. j LAND EN T H II ED ON Ti.ME. j rartieu'i.ir itteniion paiil to l)uy:i' and -.''.!:(: l'rojiert y ..." .nniiiissini:: Also. t-. maki: . Col'-vtinns , atnl .' .rwar.iiis reti.i: taiiee: any -v -rt f the I'nion. : It I :i ii k-s t.f til kinds -.1 war . ti h-oid. K"Ki:KENCl"S. ! II.. n. A. A . lira, '.ford, .Nebraska City. I . t-'.Na - . " " ! M-ssrs. D 'lmir, i T. Vest, st. .T iset h. ?.! .. l'-'er A. K''i'.?r. Washington City Thotifis Lnt! (:'iin, " ' .boil.:-.!-'.'; .-I il A. D. KIRK, Attorney at Law, j lAXlii .ioal SUlil OT;!I'.V 1'llllIiC. .7 . . ' . n't I A T ii :'(, oa i..am lw., ... i. ! NVill ir:i..ii"-i'i -le Coiirtaof N. dir-.ska. assisted i bv II r.jiti an 1 '.'.ef ii.-f.Xe! raV: t'itv . I C. W. WHEELER. Architect and Builder. Land Warrants, Sl- alld OU J?" U p are prpnaied to loan Land A arrants of all sizes to seuier(. BUcU time as tbey may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant sui piy of Warrant will he kept on hand for sale as cheat) as U.ev can DC bought elsewhere iti t,)WI, Ktiy of regular dealers and beware of tioRui warrants. All warrants sold by us will be g.iaraiitec-d to he u wi texl;tlJ11KcJ u ilc lective. Items permanent It located in Brownville. we can al ways lie found at the old stand a few doors east of the ll.owiiville Hou-e. i.rsiniArfin & caksov. IVi'iker-. ..nd le ile'S :ti Land Warrant.:. M F. I I SIIKU'liH. J-NO. L. tAKSO' LUSHEAUGH & CARSON, BAA KL US AM) GEERAL LAX I) AUEXTS, Uralcrs fii Coin, I'nourrent ,M .nev, Kx iianpe and Land Warrants, liKOWNVILLK. N'KM.VIIA CO.. N. T. E-ppcial attention will be j;ieri to Buyiic and Sellins K.vb.iti'.'e . n the pi in. -ip.il ciut-sof the Cnilcd Slate-, iold. Silver and iMsciirient Hank Notes. A constant sup ply i.t I.i.tid Warrants on h.'tid for sale for c ash, it en leredoti time for I'. e-e:npti.rs. All Warrants sold by us SaanaiU-ed m every re -poet. Will file Declaratory S;atc nieiits of inten;.. ii to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at h' rt notice. Money loaned upo.i best securi ties, at we-torn rates of interel. and in e:-tnietits made in Lands or niy property f..r ih.-t.iiit capitalists. Collec tions upon a:i convenient p ints will be prompt lyatteiid (il to and p'ik eed-1 e;in! ted iti ex; hani-'e, at curi eut rates. Bills of K.xi hatie 1 1; Knirbind, liel ind. and France, ob tained at ii-ual rales, itli c -t ot Kxch iiie on the Kast added. 1; , . .-il- receiveilon Current account audiuterest allowed on pecial deposits OFFICi: Main St.. near I". S. Land DflKe. 1!1;ii:::i:m ES JAM. Brother & C-., Mrr.hai.:, Philadelphia, Pa. JlcNaeizhlo:: t ar-oii v Co., " " lliser N. White. " Bai imore, M I. Toiiiiir i irs -ii & Bryant. " loo. Tlioinp-..ii M i-i n C.d'r . ! I 'i t, ' M. Ptni.Iers..n V Co. -M.-.l: mis. - M Vc ; Ai. C... N". 17. Bro :dway New York. Wa hiiii;toii, D C. " 'i. 1. .-;.'. i-1: in K-.j , It inker. J. T. Sloven- K-i.. Aft'v I. J'io S ;.illaber Late 3d A nd. C . S. T., " " T.yi rAi KiieL-h, Hanker.-, C)i'.c.!-:i, 111. McC.eiiiii .'. S. rii.vs&i Co. MtTi.hants, St. L, i:is. M-. Hon. Tho.. li. l'rait. AninijAilis, M.l. II ii. J. W. deary. Kx-tjov. Kiiu-as, Peim. lion. Jas. (). C n.-oii Mercersburi;. Pa. : P. B. Small. K-ij , Pre-'t S. Itank, llaerstown, Md j .d. tie .. Si liley. Atfy ai l..w, " " I Char le- Parson- is. Co. Banker.-. Ke-'kuk. Iowa. Co. ' I'o incil Ulntr" reene . We.tre Ai P.!e, " In - Moii.e, " ''"I's'la.-- A. Wa;.-.-:i, ' Amti.ti "ol. Sam ll.n.l letoii, Atty at Law, V;,i-:.,ii Md. J"d - " Tb.--. Perry, Cumberland. Md. Pi' ' " 'I'm wiler, Havana A iabaiaa. Ocf.S o iv'.-l. 15 t f GEORGE EI. WARDS, 3T5. O XX II'ECT. OFFH i-."if(i.ii . 1 :.:: l:.,nej A- lloiif J'ue, I'cb:-nsi:a City, I- a-, Pe-., ii- :.-. iili-:a:.!.-!le 1- ,i .il.:.j i.in be f i'.'.tu.-iie I .- "Spe'-ni it: I'-. Xr.. f a' I n1. .din'r-i'l .-- ! e at..! the ere, ii'-n of '. with Desist.-. Pi it. any cla-.- i r v.i- .. same supe: im'i r.-a Itf-iu i. 1". -ii pt a'teiiti.-n paid me. OJ'.f to bi'.-i:ie: I'jHAM be avis, A "lYl 1 1 1 V jV AT 1 A W ill 1 Vilit I J A 1 A. O.Ji.1. tl x n HE A L ESTATE AGENT. Fills C tv, P. cli.i.flsr.n Conritv, Mcriraslta. ..ve p.fi,. ' ale:,;, n t . i.M p:. te-M.-nil I.,;-, lie? - ( - utrn - :e'l I . hi-c.t: e in l!:i b ird-i n liiid li'l:. lliiiii; .untie - ; to t oe drawing i f deeds, pi e-einptioti pa il ay 13 'oS l: 1 ll-ti l il PIT-. He. Brownville House. iun.Nvn.i.K, xebilvska. ' a... .u-u-.m ,1,0 i,.,ve taken. -i,-.rf.- 'i i.e-.v .ii'ic ai'!. in! i.'.oi.ii b. io,; li. :el biu.i.iii re oip e, " : tri : oe ( py i-t 1,. ' v. uv i; :e. X ef ra-k.i. j liev I. .ve vi. iu ind .! lfiii 'i-il.ti to ;:.it,et vcah e:i- i ! et.eiv t:,'i lire; .I.er.K-m- ,,:e .',! l.-i'-e, well veil- I ii.ati-l id Iii 1 1 -ned. The ta iiie we nr. M.-e. shall at ail ; io, - .- :r if :.e e-, he c-.m.: rv c in . It ril. ( i:i i;.,--bail I.e a- p'i-ea.-, io iii ;.!. a- v e pun iia-e in per ,:i 1 I ; ..in ) o'.i aloe lii.ifiit:!.-: n.i-i . We deem a more e.ten-l.-l ti ti' e nnuei-e--a: v .out coiK lu.ie by a--uriii- the pub "ic tl:;.1 we are dote: iun.nl thai no etb a t on our p u t -hall be warning to render ihe liiovv nvi ! !e House :i lir.-t c ass ii tei .MOlU.ISOX &. V.'lll-'KI.EIl. JniyS lSTrt-Ciit JOHN A. PARKER & CO., J' ITX A. PVIIKKR. 1. e Il. Ji-ter f !, Ian, 1 ( ItH'-'e. On: i X. 1'.. f i.i v in-: re oii.ed I.i- . i will I,.-re.dter. i .e "mutiec: i"ii vv ii h one of the l-e -t l..-i:. Law irivo-- in ihe mil y attend to all bii-iue--coiill'led t. Lim; a'ad es- , p'v "' ' PRE-EMFTION CARES, Whi-'h behas made hi-n-elt IlioroUlily acquainted with - ...i.. . i ,-..r , .. II ' reler- to tl.e Head- . f liep.u'tmetit i.a vt....,i or. of Coi.-.tc-of both llou-i-. I All applications t- r ;-ei vice.- Uit;-t be .uv mipaliied with j a tee -.n-a ve aT'eiilfi Jafoaiy -S, 15.V-5. ti"31-ly BEARD & BROTHER, !: ! MUKTOIIS (IK HIE iSAFK AM) SCALE WORK X.1LYT LOi lS, MO., Dank Sales (if lnrdt:;i'dS:. uS, rA Chilled . 1 1 on, Ji-wi'lScranilLxtiiexs Safe-, V;!'.!!;. I:!.'.k J.(H-Jv, .C The recent :(.si . i s . - the ,!.:',. 'tent Mat ifact m es in ihe (,I!K T Killl". . X M.- ley H.ii!l:'.-s, in vv i.i.h I I ll.e Lv e s: : i : itmi in ', over a ' 1 flier . t .' . ly e- t.tb.i b - ' e- the -up' . i . i y . t Ihe Kvre.s:. r Sate, which nie.i's ii.e i l:.lieli,-' I .. 1 l 1'n .a : y ol 1 lie t ! coll : elil '1 hi a te: I e.f - III '.'l.e Ii: 0 t f e..l hot. '.- :! S .VI I flip 11 i '.o.fer ot the i :hcr- r, led r. S. .le- and Ihe -..viin-11- e.-i'-r l-eiu:4 the only t..ue nt.ie'V hoar-, afd talvinoiit k- .io I r.iper-. v.l.ile a I -i rite e ti: e but a short .::.'., w ere alien on; w; h i hoi .'oi.tei.'s entirely consume I, mit-t i.iiaK - ail with .leio'.e-:i v of ex itniiiiim tli.-i. s.des. a-a.I lhi-e p"r ha :: ao. It -::( bey ::d a ib.fi. r. el ihi Sue hav iii' -to. d lue 'e-t and of io i.a; v i.-;.' i.ai-. we PL-due o'.i-i'i v e- f. iii...": !,- .. e f ' no but stu h as can be i lelied on, ;.f '! le'er toll:.- ' i,.,wi:.' C (i i li(s-:io. We. Ihe in. !er-i--,'..-d t.k pli Ihe soeie -l'll t -! It c l .V 11 r. I p,-,.. l Sale - v. e. e -'.I f li ''"I to in : I- u'eif--. lie :. : fe'.oe i ii ' " an ti e in cettilyinL- to c '- li ei.-io: tire e to! fi e: of iheOity i'.i!1'cr.l-.i). .md are jtis .1 , . w ho hi oil -ales. , I Hied .ii , i- 1 iflia-o'iifh ii.e I! -.i t. .X S inn D:iv .iamkson &. Co itimii is r.i.ow ,r,i sen n. M cvhtnev : I'.viii ifncii .v to .ii si rn I.i l u I Hi Mi-.: iti.i s i . r : X Tt ::h .i,.ii-. s t m v; amin 1 1 1 - n an lin.i.iANX i'hi's b v s'l K i t.i. v "v Has: e j Tiuan Kiiin Mu lonr Him i MiMijivNOv llM.i vn I istl. Uiii.wN (imiDlN X Co j Vll.N I in i. . ll.li.v io W I.KVV INI.. ,N. eti j l A Jam ak X ( .IniiN 11 llAl.i. X co l'.AKNAKIt AilV'is X ll Sil A HLI.Ilol l AV U t O THE LXCEI-SIOR To. k li e Premium over ll.e he-t K.i.-'i'rn Manufacture at ihe s. a e i' nr. ii. Sntit l.- ui:-: is id lr- in Unity tify pei con' i--. and '.iaraaievd to he eipial to any in :he I ni ed :a',i-. Al.-o lii.iiiii.a. u: ers ,,f I.iIiJuiriX !l;nls, f lK-i .jiiii'tiy af d of al'. Dest.cns. lli-AI'.U x hum., Xe. la. Ala.n Street. Saint l.o'ii-. Al . J :: i v lies. Ivv3,.l IM WE FOE M. I have f,.r -a'e S0.( 11 .. n t. .r . . f . il li.ul I , ..' e. Tmni ..f t l..i , 1. . . ...t ,- ..... ..... .... . ....... iii.ih . Coeniv X.a"i Thev-are j e.i ii,e .T.it 1 :n:i i.ani.i.lli.il to remove hem hi- tali f.. ui the cr. nnd they n-w m-- npy is mv rea.oii l-r . t.ciin: them tor sale tin- sejs,.u. . T,,e ,. p,ttevor ;,.c tact ,.f their be:m:nn,w-n :n this s. il and climate is a very stmni: iMdiicement for . ,ersi.i:s u-i :eiit i:i the Territory pcrcha-iiii; of me. ! Orders . cut in wall be tilel and fined in order when i ,Lo ok- lOf: ivi f..r t.ikinp thpm np. i s.iifefs: A'. -'."W P.elliiei'.r, lir.-:n. ll.. i kin:. Wbne Winter, Au'ff.li S.. ar. UI: 1-l.ifd (irec i in; Tied lb r: note, AViilovv T-.v S:i vv A fie. llarv e-t lied Ste-k, Kail Jam v.i. K"ina:i S'i mi, X'. rthe:i. Sp-. Johnson"- Sett:n, Erowiivillp. Xebr.irka. 1 .11 S'r.ai.orry, Sa Pet Jf I.e, M iiall. P lirma:-. T-eft .n Lar'v, Pild.viii, Karly llarvc-;, 11:1' :tl. (i .bb-.t Rus-eO. tioidca Sweet, AVine-ap, lllitoll, Sfnuoer Qiiren, Kali Pippin, .V . iXc. It W. 1 I UNAS. Ae-rust ft, I-'-S. Schccl. Tpe : !' -TibT v- -.' iro-poctfiiUy i.'i. nttco the itn li .!:;. i lit - t !- v.hv ille :::.. l.e wail . i -t iHkm. on , Tap. d..y. 'be ('''! if-t. ' ' the in-t-'i. ti.-t. -f -ch itpt! as i i.iv f e en: : a:-'e 1 to ,i- i-p. i "r i-ic i'.v'-." sili' id wii. bo opened at the S h- I lb't:-e. Trnvs I'er .pa ir: er of Eleven Weeks. I'ri'fai y Dep :: tniPiit, - W C. nif i"ii K "oi-li n.anchcs - - ?l.'"0 lln-i-er l'.-ai. -hos - & IU No deduction made for absence df-'.:i the term. t- ce-1 if c i-e-, f r'eir u lillne-- Tl -ewho enter at I any timnda-im-' the :ir-t thee wck- f the term will . l.ech i--e ! b.r t".': ;i fr. m toe c. i:ii.ie::ci ii.e: t: ii Liter. from the i.f, i; of eu'r-nre to the tloe. Tuition I .lis will l-e -mt- at the mi.-MIe of tl.e tprc. at wi:ch time , payn.pft oilier saip-ijr;0iy arraUAmoatis w;li be re o-ured. It i-.!.-i.a! Ie that tb.osp vi, . attend should enter early i:i ihe term a- p -,l'o JAMES W. GliiuX, BLACKS MIT Hi Secoad .Street, between Main and Nebr.i.-ka, j BROYXVILLi:f N. T. n. E. UARIIS1 li. C. klMBOl'lIU K. K. TOOMEK. HARDINQj KIMBOUGH Be CO II AIitHi'i'trtHri-riiamt W'h-Ji -title IK ocr in IIATSCArS & STPtAW GOODS, j No 49 Main street, bet. V:i e and Pine, j ST. LOT IS, MO. j Particular attention, puid to uiauufcturiiig our j finest Mole Hats. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. GE011UE CL1YES. J. W. l.iK. Claycs cfc Uco. Real Estate and General Agenev, i OMAHA CITif. N. T. " ' ni:: i:n to James Wrilit.Ilrok. r, New York, j Win. A. Woodward. K.-ej. ' " Hon. I!. Wood, Hs-Gov. of Olii,., Cleveland, Wicks, Otie and LiownelljIIanlicrf, " j AlcottA llorton, Col. Robert raniibcll, St. Louis, James Uidway, V.f. Crawforn and Saekett. 'bi 'ago. Omaha City, Aug, :!0, 1S3C. vlnlo-ly FENNER FERGUSON, Attorney a n d Counsellor B E L L i: A U E , N V. BR A SKA. i'20.i:fl:Et Book Bindery, I'orVf'l 1 i i-i-.t.vj ine i lOLMIL LLLi I'S, I O A . ' Empire ISIoi'k, o. 3. 1 ' WILLIAM F. KITER, ! V.'ould iiifortn tbe i uldic I hat be li.is openi .1 a nrst class lf.uk liiii li- -. i'.i. i i- i:..w ;.-. i'i a, ;-i t" do .. .,.,. ' of II i "k liiiidiiii.' old or new, b.-ttt.-i re-bound upon i ine .-m.l test pi's-Hiio noi.ee. ai.n o.. ii.c iii.-M l i'a.-"ii' i'.e ; tern.-. ():.!er reci'i.rd b.r a'. I kiii' July i lS.'.-1-ly. lil:i"k work. .r.iivlMn.il'..l' i' lhKl)t) ) UlClinitlM'i IV UOldMilllll. a rj I IX. U 1 IJ, ' rock pout, mo. IlKfir- ie:iv C to ii,.'.,ri'i tbe p .1 i. '.. it l.r nas ! atf-J i'l tiieab iv.' u.in:i"l t..wn ami o''er- f r si.ie a ch'-a e : . ...1. .c CLOCKS, IV. ITCH IIS, .UIWIILRY, ' AH per- n, are iHT;....T.i;.l7att 1 m tnk. tl and otberai I:. ,.-u-:i..liv !::;. i i -aC- e -let ' --h:.,ei.! - at necessary stop-i I-- '1 e t v . . n:ii;' , ll.e c .l:-.-s!i. ci pricesvvli. -I,... m..-' '( 'iHid.ii. It.-:t.tf an eve - J-iti.e.- I-ettii-eti tor tiie purp. se el more fully in ienrnd v.-at -bni-ike, bei'il-e,- if lli.i: it. rep (.:.:.- ve.-t.c.it:n I.i- r.i:l.t Io elite t;,e s.ti'h vv,-l ,.-ter watclits, cl-cks ai.d Kv.el: . be can nvc pe. !-1 .-.,;i-:.ic- Ci1)"' " " nn.Mrr (1,1) and l.. nntiber ..ur(l! uu i . ol seel i.'U eihleeii 1 1 -) in I vv n-b ;p iiv e (a) r.ince sin- ' ; tc 'i (l.i)ei-t. 1 hereby warn ill per-n- n- t to pnr- ii- i- ii lotfv t t-t v wvi'l." !i'-e l radii f-.r. or in anv wav to no.-' iia'e t r anv p .r- . h. II A i. I.I . .. AN W !v. ,,.,,,,-f :,. 1,.v,...i1..,.ribed pr.'pertv- Civ. Kl-4.. Sur. X I..i:fi!. t.etier.il Lii.d Asei.f j M.,y 27, 'iS v.':,l-itf AI bi-V1 1 S KOIXTZE. iiAt:vi:v. Vw t., j VeixwA .33-3 iHs.y! H. M. ATKINSON, AUE e .litH-c'ed vvi'h a-'eneies in l ;i !.:::-.ii'i Oily by vvhi- lithey :r e en ibled to pr.i-e -a c claim- im'.iui-t the I niied St..le-; ,vi'i ft. lent or ;.!!:.! t.. io y be i-e be t'oielhe (feial I. md . ill e vm.Ii ni-pauii ..:,,! to the sati-f.iciio:i i t tlieirci-ti-tiiers. 1 One of l!ie :ni. i bei:,'- i p ...-.icil ilii-ifee a' id S'.rvey- i or (tiavi'iu b.-i-a lo: i .:,y e . i -. .unee c! -,;:';.-.- 1 ....el . s a e- ( -. -i i' v . . c,. i . o v. .. - : i i e , . i n..-. provetiietit I v.e a-i p .! an! .- !.: Ae Mi v : ;. . . i 'I .w n , . Karais. .c .,.. p-irl ol tl.e T.-r,t..-y : oil I, iv .::,-; omra - i - l ;lie be t Dra::-i lai. in the leirit.-y .,f ev ne I VI T v.-,i If iiw;:i'.- -: dll- !- ( f-li ii.i'. i! ! ' pe I'' I .-..'.i -i -'.'ii ! "i.i ci 1 a I'ni'.'c'oi..!. ":-.'. ) I- turners. October 2'M, 1So7. I ucikt:i1 ktennmoat Airent, FURU-AKVIX 5- roV.l;!VS,(l. Ml.,:( I.'.IA ; Oo.-d- sold on I'o'n'ii" -ion an-1 pr -mpt re'"ir:i- lunle. Pai t i-oila: at ;en: i-.:i i:iveii t-' i eci'iv i,i.r. Si'iriiKjijI I'-.r-wardin all kit.o- f e .':-l:t afd p-. fn e. O0i.:e)n th. I.e. k-o. SlLTeko:i-e iu Ihe -nine bba k well Ke ency llolc'.. Keter to the Me, eh ant - ol X i In a k i (i:v ; Fife Ik Michael tit Louis J VI I Harp, r . Sender Sit. L. ui-: J till A . War 1i :i " Jo. ep'u Mi lutyre '' Sl-iikei nd. 1 innej icCu" I Ban klay ilinkle.X Co " Ap:i -Z !-;.- v2-l!-ly l 11. M i. woiii.tM l t: vs. IKlHSKY McL A.UCiHLIN c DORSE Y, LancliLgents, Main Street, nro',vfnil!e,X.T , liny and -ell 1. o.-l V.'ar; an '- make oat and lee declar atory slalemefl-; make "til pre-i inpti. 11 pipers; pay f axe-, ii.v e-i l-ate it li : liny anil -eil pr"p'"ty ..-i c n:!iii-i"i: : fuviii-ti land waria'at.-I. r 1 line eiii i ii--, and al.eiid i" ail . tliiT busi ness coiineeled wiMi a ..eiii-r.tl land .f-'ef -y Im-iue-.. I'.n tiriii ir ai U'lii a n paid lo il.i' scle. lion i f (bivern ment land afd ihe l-c.ui ti of land v. a:, ant.-fm par tic 1 e-ldll'i: at a dl-taf re. -McLAI (.III. IX lull:: I'.Y re-pei Itu'.ly refer f. Oe.riie 11. Jvix.,.;. b. .p, !Ic-i-:er l'.rownviile Litfl Ofii.e. t liirle- IV Siiioh. I'-.p, I'.e. e.v er id Pul iic AL tiev s X'eniaha L and lie : riet . Ilohert W. I'nriia-. K ip. I'd. 'or Adverti-er lirovviiv il le Ale.-.-rs. l.,'..-iil af -li . Car-ai llaokers. Hrowir. 1 1 le, lb'.i. V.. M T . 1 i ... . ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 i.a ;.-t. vvn Mary land. Lewis H. Xevv.-ot.ier L .( lia , ; ii.i... e. Md o ii naif .!. i:-. . n.iv ,.. uh:... II .n l'i m:iT riir.'i:-of. leli -.ite in ("oiicre-s from Xi-biii. -S I Tcrrriloiy, W.i-h::iii.f, i. 0. .!, bn . Ileal. I'-u.. Attorney at Livv. Pern, Ifd. Il.-ownville, Apni -J. i."J3;f BlNtlMi II HI'S rl ol' I t'Sltlt -VI oil N. (AllSUN I C,(,.;l1ll.".- I'. l'i it l.; I 1S.")S ll On a ii. alier ih1- di'e. dep i.e .nut will be opo.'ml f.,r ec.e c-r. -v a, I -i::f livable in -.'.me k:i:.I of fin,!-, I'lo'i k- f.f ' I ' :n i: '-i-l e . dii.iy. om-eh'.-'iis fi.cn 9 :. i- A M -f I 1 t, 3 I'M. i.i :-iii; i i. li x i v.iesi.x". JIlltN P. T SO V W VV. It A I I. NEV. rfi TYSON & HACKNEY, CEMEP'H, T.JTi A OF. NTS. p.itnw.w ii.!.::. xkm. ii ti . x" t. I .ni.l Wirr.iiits lio'ii-h: .-...I I. nid i titere-loli T::ue j Ci .itn.- ai.d Town l."t If :-:. . 1 s i'l l."f .M i.'. y. Make lnve-tuiCat- and I. a'e V. ari.n.:- , n time, b r in taf i'.e, . -. l-(v-I.llipi ioil I'aiM'IS J'lT ai't'd. oKl'M"i: Next .1 . r lo I I. ii i oti.' e. . - rt, t ,,.,, ,-f.,, H Xin. n. Ili'-i-'icr I-( Il-o v, nvi 1 le. N . T. .. ., s ... ),,,.,,.,- j "':!:- , K i.ram C ... llankc- s, i ,,n i;. tv". s "li eld. j. -;hee X IV, I T..f le X I-' nrie'-'h, i ii'-t. 1 "f7 1. "Xif-f.n. M ( -: i.i . ( .-v X T. ( r,f . ;. i'o i'l- If.' i i, -re. i. I'eiui. Si. I.oi.i-. At .. .Sf J .-e; li, " I Electicn is Coming. I The a .---lien' :- ti -w c.i-.ip.P'e brtlf (':' t r..iv f i M lie f.r the c ii l-a- ai.-ii:. tie M t'i ' t e iy ' for :ii-pi''-i i 'l: . j Tho-e feeiii.-' them-elv "-a-' icve'l can . one t"rw.-.rd ' at d lcive a tie u ill-' af v t::ne vv i bin ivvi-niy d i; - tr"m I ;iu, .hue li. JOIIXSOX, Alar-h il. : Krou nv ii!e. July -ii l-.'.S. JAMES HOGAN. BooK-Bincior, ELAXK BOOK 3IAXIFACTIREK. . i.i-i ie.ti:i i ill I , i 1 tciiili 1 1 4rit k I i'l'. Jlll'l IllKI I1M !. M. ST. LOUS, MU. All kinds of Blank K'-ks. nude of the best paper, ruied lo anv nullum, and se'A i d in '.he new mil r.. v e.i pat. -tit n.HiV. 1 LI3RARIES, PERIODICALS. MUSIC. &c, bound in auy style. a:,d a: the -bor'e-t noii'-e. Uavm- i.eeii v. .i: .ii I the iffl -ii I:.,' I ft ate- :,isut.i.i -a:.-lae;p. a ihaiuc's '"..ir. :.e ii-i'!- m.i ' to a' I who tti.iv noe liiai a c. July iJd. ls.'.a. ty TTrvrriTriTi Tho M.iv r am! C:?y C ttiici! w::i p.tet n Wo !tio-! :y next ( be l-.li in-.. ) t"V.ew ti.e a.-e-tnent r.dl. Aii who a c -j .i.-f'-sed . ai nuet w. h theiu. I!. Joll.S(iX" Marshal. Ir .wo .lie. Anpibt l-'a. J. W. BLISS, i Collecting Age nt , n:i:l NTMAIIA COUNTV, X.UtaASSA TKRUliOllV. Particular atte:::i ai ; ;:i t j m.ikil.; c. :"..; i:-..n- f r iioii-resiuenls. Charges rea-oti.bjlo. ilClCI CRf CS. R. W.Frune. I" -Ima-lrr. Peru AVm. K ;.:..e. !: V. Parker Lviord X II .rn. l'i. bate J - i.e. Neb. Ciy C. mi'v C.o.k. lir,. w :.i' ie N ; -a, AI. . Two Hc!iC5ar:a Lois for Sale! Tl.e sfbscr.la r L-s ! -v h-n-e- afd '.ot- ill Ur-w te. ill - x . T. w.r,.h be prop -e-t a -ell in eX'-oei:tt?iy ! bio te-ms. v:z : h.t 1-1.1 i i. ck and bt in I lock i. . on ..i.i. r,'..i,o as A 1-.. .a: e .e n r.verat thp n:e..u ':. at I iti.ti".-. It. B. STOl'T.'Jr. Ko3tKT V. ilTlR. LAND AGENCY AA1 UWJAlVAj Ilrowmille, Aenialia Co., A. T., j Office Corner main and First Streets. Will select Government Land;; locate I.tuel Warrants ; in -Xcbka, Kansas, Western Jii-souri aid Iowa; collect debts; j-.-jy tascs lor inh- resident.'; buy au.l sell proj-orty oa cccimi-yinn. i Lund Warrants Momcht and Sold. l're-tmptiou papera ..rcarcd, Ac. HE HAVE FUR SALE LOTS LX TUE CITIES VF BRUWiWILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITV, TABLE ROCK. OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ELWOOD, K. T. ALSO FOR SAI.F Lands near TaMe Rock, I'awnoe county. -t'"0, In Nemaha county, irnj roved property for saloorretit. i:i:ri:iu;xci:s. Lucius IIoi.'Kiivi.rrs 'i liu.orters At Trauers'llnnk N.Y David llotniley IVs't l'atiama Fdilroad. i' .i. n. ti n- . , i, ... . . en. . i . i: ui v er taaricr ax liiinK, Hart ord, I.(.e.l;utl,r.t Co. Ilnrtrorl. r,.nn ;,i:!ns-::,;-J-fs KiThy -Vt'1;''?!"-- I hotiiiis . rtieiris Mobi e, A ;.. c. Wiisn , Co.: Eutw. au. W m. r. ebb. At y ' .11. IS. U.SDOrn cV l JJock Isl.illll. III. da's ll.Arehil.ald. Uen'l .'i'll. I .iW.K.U. S. rant. n t.iiiesiii". reaixe A t. .i., ilaiik.-M t. at in. t! laie, I'll K .-v. T. S. Warti. ! LallioH) .loti. s. S.-rniilon, 1'u. ;!!.;. Morse Kalis N. V. w '!':" 'r..thin-hni!i. Att'y A.'.ny.N. Y. Uev. U. els..n. I'rin'tp.-tl Wy.,nSn;; Seminary. N.V. ' A. r.irker t W.i-huton, l. ( A. 1, t.i, liter. Receiver Land OdV.- tl.n.il.a li .race Lverctt, lii-owtivilio. April 1. 1"---!. Council Ulntr-, in. " " " ' TVT rl WT "a T L.VrT STUEET, BU0WNV1LLE, N. T., Wi I ! atiend j-r :n j.t v to t'.e - l-e'i. n and '..i"-i- (;Vi;mUK'llt l.m d- in the X.-ltiaha la nd d'f- , i ;. .- . . i . (. . . , ...,,.,!.,: 1 is..,- i .- i . ... ; '".- .' I ' ; ', ai Mliv ..VT. ii- wnl ," ill- v.an:ii.: - . :i t itue f, r ...-t:illt uea.- r : '..le uce..i . :i; . ri -. itet. ine.t m tn- ontioii to pre-cin-t : ni '.Ue out iire-etn:.:ioti .:ip rs: :H1,j a'lwavs i.n hand t. look fat claims lor actual set- tl.TS. KKFLRTO W. W. Sanger, M. 1., New York Citr, Sewiil .V Wi'hinjjtoii, I!o-lon, Mas. A;':n r.Ua.-!..i.a Ohio, i ii iT. n. Iie.i-tr Land OtTiee. r.r..wiv:.'le. l.u-hhaiiL'h X Cars'.ti. itanker-, Urowrvilie, . 1. li. W. Furnns, W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOT AM) IAN1.) AC.EIST. Arcltcr, Kk'hardson County, X. T. GEO. X. EAViCli & CO., DUST Ffroi-ffs? v&mrTr& AMI General Land Agents, G!or.v.-ood, x-'lattsmouth, Mills eo. own, (Jass...,, Nebr-i.-l;a. A I!.!. promptly atteinl to T.in,l Agencies, inves- V tio-atihj!" i il'es, l.iyinjj Ta v . Iiivc.-tili;r moti i y. t n v i f i ir ami S.-liiiin Tow ti lad-, liuvip;;: Sif liti i mi la -cat in:; l.aini Wiirninls, :in.l ail o'i.er bnsines ci.fnie. teii with their proicssioii iu Western lowaaini Nebra -ka. J. M. I'TWS, Asynein'o Attorney. r.in:x i:s: l ;r?enp, We::ru A: lienton, Conn il HlitfT-, Iutta. ti. l.u.-!itv .V Co.. ' irc'jne. Wei. re iV Uice, ( Jrecnc i Wt aire, X'ixou A. (..uliiian, Tootle A tlreeiie, N'. W. Tao, nas, Se!io..!y i Sou vii'ii. Win. Ir.oi:, 11. .loil'ISOll, I. li-ed A S. n, It. l.in-'oii A; llro.. LIui li:irtoi. Co. Hank, Ft. Dos Moines: " Ci ilar Kai. id-. " (arii'i.iiiiiti. Ohio. tueiivvoi d. Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Yinr'ontovi n, N. J. Iligllb-loWtl. " rhiia-Mp'i.iajl'a. Mcif. .., N'. .1 Eaulc Mil! h'C .TCSIaT II. MO. JAfES CAU(;iLL I'ronrit-tor. ANUFACTUKKrS uml .',- cuoitai.tly an lian 1 for saie, all kind-of !. mr. 3!'-:i!, ami l'i e 1 si nil's. i dfi - -"I : i i ed and :.n.ii:;.t ly li:i"l oil ino-l I'.lVililb'.e tei 111.-. Cash I a :d ci.l.-tilitlv lot Whetir. Kor i-bar.ieter ot t'lour refer Iu ev.:ryb "dv lli.it ever tisi d it. St .,.., "!i.M.. b". I-.-,,"., vlr.l"- v A. ii. llOLLAliiliD & CO., M.iCiMfiM., F.iiiniVrs ar.d Engine Builders, 1 iont r.treo1. West of Snuiii, j CINCINNATI, O. T ""oit'd most re-pe. tf-tliy ii:(. rml h if r friend - .ifd : the puiiiii -(-ni'iiiiiv. that they are in iv .r-.-- yiared to e.X'eiit. all order- in f l.eii iitie. with pi . in: t- lies-'. .laving li'tely ( liliiri-ed tl.eir .-In.o aial wilh the inerea-.-i fa. iii! i.- t'tey now i.,.--,-.--. tliev ln.i et. : Z:tT" Siiw Mill Eiincs of cvi rv I)p'. ri tirr. ... , .. ( on-tai.t v o-l linn : coll.-1st in' 1 I t li' ." a-!i. ( iivi , , ... . 1 . 1 ;ir atid A 1: 'V. Al 1 . ' .cars ml every d ; r: pt ., n ol - J I 5;,;:t,r s vvarrantcii ! be vv til iimdc . h evci v '.'iir: i' - u ' - 1 They have s!.n a ! i'pr Yard aitae'p-.l totiieir -t:0. lis!, ti.i .-fit. whicl (loll.. los thcitl all .. i vv.riv in tnin un- i.ri.i-o-.i i... iii."::i. ana :ne pre inriol i.i inrK oil il - r.-.i -. 1! a L It term- as anv id ier ' .ti ii- r'-a- naul. term- as any iiii;i it: tne Miifry. Tin -e in want of anythinz in cur liae. would do ; ,. (,, 2jvl. lls a eni! ami exiitnine our new pattern IIAVDKN & WILSON. i Importer and Miii.uf.u lurm of 1 CSS A "Yh "S" "B - "JTS -. in fci .n w n n ' I x I) ' Coach Hardware, G mi iro Tiiiiiiiii!!, S.ihlif1 Trees. ll-nii s. ,n;.g ;unl Axi s Palnii tii!l E::3;niiv It'tJ I.cuilicr, SK1UT1N0. II A II NESS. Si IIUIDLi: LEATHER. Xo. 11, Miiin Street. St.LonN. Mo.. " prep ned l i 'ibT to the;.- rit-i. mors .,; . ,l.e an i --or : men t if irft c nieu p .--1 :. in i," : :f. eh fa; i.e-- by .ii v II a: - e i:i I i,ei , i..i', I -i ,-r V .--' STRAY CATTLE. Strayed Irani I! - .v. lie X. T-. on or ai, nt the fir-t of AioiU-t. tW' tli ee voir o'et cattle: in.' :i I.eiier, i. if - . f h iriis lr en ! spotted, i .b.r l.rtuht wl.i'o and red b, iii llp. Tl.e other a vvh.te li-h! risl -a:ed steer rather sta.fti-h. Ia:-:e h :f- afl a repre-ei.t at n t: of a dirt in vvl.i e hair oil hi- uo-e The -ub-c-t er will liberal ly reward at y .ne vvh. will renin tl.e an-imai- or tive in.' mat. u that will i.-.i-' : M.ei- .ii-e.v- ery. September 9, IsOS-tf. JAS. FKt.lSoN. j 3o"V--.: C. Uc'i-er ha-ri'ni.o.'l h.-T.f Sa. pt-. to Cieiit OIL to il aiu -ireet. l.e ir ,;. oi -.,-.a-it i. , .v ;; tei v ',ee n.i. ' i ,. ... n M i:n il.i liifi.i '.- -o .1. ,:,. t.. f LUTUKR UiaILKY i fo'il.d ifl the npror co':nt ry II., ..I.tl'.j a .naU3:ue i ti uieaiis. : ABRA.i NATE, prui.IT Jt. iTtti, tlli 1. ILAMkK. NAVE, M'CORD &; CO., I Mm'. I'or-iariliiisr and Coiiuiilsjslon Felix Stno, Wwwvw Third and Fourth, SAINT J0SE1TI, MO., Have iust ie.-. iv ed .iti-I ,.r lew X li'i.t nurnr ; 2.m) ..i.'-no l . tb e S'..J kens lr. n .I aititain Ns:li. (IIjo tn -i n ni in.i.i.'j -.i-? brl- .in.! 1-aii t,ri5 iii..aoi:. I. le:i -t.li. ii K-e-.s U- i -her's Jl ..s-e ; JJoil -,n k tl s ill. .New M' i-. an 1 in ?.--l order. l'-.'O ba l)a:i v jjjit in (Juiinv's ot lo and i'S pund f ull ; -' brlscpper .li-nile I l,i-k'T. ev. lrnntie l ijinxj. 7- Iris a:. :i bt b is. Id II. iirb.'ii .led live, best artinle; fxi .jr .md l-! pipe- K. eacli Hi andy, w trrauted pure aint .'eniiine ; l.xi l.t s fo;ip, ditTetent l iati.ii, Oleiu, rj'.ni aLd Tm- i'.y : latierre- new t'xr. lio r: ?; liiUci-ks 1 ee - Now ('..-tie .-!j; '.'j Isnes sva in pound pa ersi 100 b -xe- 4-soried c.n Ov ; Ci b.M'- ljy cindie-; 20 ilnv-ts and b.ilf . ln-i- and cjntins Imperial. Gun p.. der and Y.nui(t llv -. ii tea-; -10 b.x- 'l.-i'.i.v.i. lil.i-'.. w .md Virt..nij; p.'.j i oils' M .mi 1 1 i all -i. es ; .Vi dei -Ao iileii luclvets end 3C d3ieu Cacti no 112 Tub-; 30 d ? W,i-h hoards. (mr stock is the l.r;e-t above St. Louis, all of wbi.-H wis lT.-u-.lit b, t. re the bite ;i lv.iii. e mul rlnpped at iw elve an.' a b.ef cents per KHI lbs. which Kives us Krt advantages over our neihb. rs wlv. h,ve i.t vet re ce.vedllieir -f . -k-. SAVK, Ma OUl) & CO Sfj.t. l-s.-tf TllL Si r.E S SALE. Whereas, ,,n the 5h day ..f October, A. I). 1-V57, W'illi.ini Ko-e and l.i;,r a K.-e. f..r the puipo-eof secmuii: unto JiilidaMttc.il.' of the O n:. t of Of.e. X e!ia-k Terri tory, Titistee of yv-.aht J. McCann, the payment of a certain pioif;-5,-r) note executed by said William Rise atid . i.e V. iiiiam Ib.iteii lor the -urn of two hundred aud I.i ty i la, s. i la i i'.i t lie uay and v ear abo e tuentn.iie.i, an-1 pay..i.e -ix luoir.hs alter dale, vv.th interest oil ihe-ai.io at the rate . f live per cent per month, after maturity, did execuic and ue.iver unto the said Julian ilcteaif. mi-tee ot 1'vij.r.t J. 3!i-Lai"i. their deed er uiort-i-'ae v .lh a p. wer to ".! el ,Le to.b wi: premises, to wn: the north .v e-: i;u irter .t .-e, lion eleven, in Town ship -i ti.'itfi of raiite e.e. en eaM an ucscnhe.1 in cei.itnat.' of b.aiioii Xebiaeka Tirutoiy ; toiitaiiiiiiiui one am. :i a ; an,: Mxty ac: es. mere .-i ! . And v. iierea- le auit has been fia le in the condition ef s ,:d m .rftf ic. lieed m this, th n the -aid tf te thereby .-ecuri.! alii. oi. ,.h ion.-.:ne due I as :,. t been pani, ii. r any pa.t ll e.e.'t. but i- u..w v. lediy ,U:e and unpat L vv l.e: efy the powo ! slid Julian Men nt t" ..rtisc Jn. - 1 1 sai l p: e.'iii e .is i- pr .v ided tor iii ihe sa..i la rUat;u deed h i-t.e : iiie i pe, anv e. and in. si.i. ..r pr.-redings liaviiv ii'i'ii in. lef.-i .1 or iii-u-i.i, ., ,, law t., iccover i ne anioiift . i 1 1 ,y -n -aid n li'i.r mi ,ii:y prt the. e. f. Ami vv!iei ;..i. ai-,, , iu,.rtt;,ioe d el lias been duly ne. '..led in :'.e re... .!- . f J bn-.-n c. uniy. (ihe comfy ii: v.i. i h ihe aid latid i located) in -ai,) Terri'ory. i'l .ee I b... ii A. t rji- il .-t J I.n-. nj ounty, Xehra.-k.i Ter- ii the saal M.irttf.ice died ben.i liied for record win in" . ecrdcr t .1, Ini-.n . .i.ti'v on the I lth day of l'ec. tebi r. A. 1 1-.Y; and licit' is . Imined tube due on Ho- -a.. I iio'o ntlie i--erilv ..f -ai t ib ed. Ihe sum ot tl. ee i. mail ci ..la: fi.i.'.ct u molars at U.e date of thin Hutu e. Xow. iliif ef' re. lioiiee i-l.ei i by tiven to all person vv I,..;., it m iv e ncc'ti. that 1, Jt.li.m .Metcalf, trustee at at r.-aid. by i, i;e if tl.e an l.oiny in ine vested itt said no . li..s'.-e.: vv il i -el 1 iii p: eiii:-e- ifoved. -cribi-.f al put .i ei.dae in lr. .it . f ihe tli. e . f Kem-ter of l'ei . : . win 1 1 :o Xeei ib t i.-univ . X T.. on the IStli day . l' Oct. her. 1-0S. l.e'w. eu the ti' iir- of nine o'cIikH i:i li:e t .reu . i:. .n i the si liioK .1 Ii,e .-nil . f tint day, to tl.e hi-he-t b f er lor e.i-li. .11 1.1 X i! l.Tt' A LK, TruslPP, I'. O JO I IN MIX. Alt ev . lira, wav i.le, pt. 1 s.',s. NEW ARRIVAL Oi-' Two Hundred CHRISTIAN' DKLSER. lli oiini!lo, -Yd biaskii. NNOl'Nt'LS to the I'liblie lino, he hasju.t re ceived, ji r Steamer KylamJ, a very large ami well i.ssoi teii st a k of Parlor ami Cook Stovcn, of new ami itn. roved pattern-Mis toll ws: Buk'j Patiern, n.vni.uth bock, Ficv.Vii'i Oven,lVe.v E; . Cold n tii ii. nnd every v.o i-yty o I'iifloi- l.bd Oli'iCO fc.'.ot's. A Jupaufil ll;n-t, Slaass Si t I Irs, I.;ttithi 1 1:-. Copper W ai r..iiu 'Is ami iuiigs. All of vvliieh I iie.i:;o niv-ell to soil ut as fair rates and o:i u - aceen iiii.il il iii z terms : any other e-tab-lis'otneiit in tlii i i-.ii ii ol country. I have u!-o ti .w on hand every rc-uiiitp varietc of Tin. Copper ami Sheet Inn war-. :i i ,1 am prepared to put up outtei in-i .ind -pouting and all oilier work in fiy 1;:.", a! -hot t nidi.', and in a vv, U iu.inl i k manner, n I. ieli I wa it a n! to ve -at i-t'.et imi. 1 plecc my -el:' not to be .ui ler-oUl in the upper er.'nti v. br.,w:.v .He l.:i-p'eiii' -er 2 l-.".3 nlO-ly srs l AHi'LTlNt-'. SPRLYii S.lLi:s. a. McDowell & company. Aren.vv inreeip'of iheir -pi mi' in,pn tale. lis, vv loth hav e been pun I, i. ed in Knul.i.id b.r ca-h. b.r l'u"i:i:h i.thei li- 1 1 -- - are ad v ei 1 1 -if i: direct if if .r'alioiis fr..iu 1. ui ..pe. w e l.'ke ple.iMii e ia aiifoiiii' m it that we are tho on i v .pi iv t i n fort i r- ti oiu Km:! - ml l'i . if i , in the we-t-e t. St .:. -. afd ii iv n .vv i,u hand the I i: ce t and finest -ic k evernup, ned to tln-coutiti v. c nsi .in.i npart f.d.ovvs : 9-4 6-1 1-1 and 3-1 New A!, d ill, n-; -4 i. v.il i Ivei-: &o(j r.ii- Krcti- h velvet-; Jli'.i rolls Itoya Wiil.f Iovh) Do lb.hti I C ri -.-ley brus-sel-; .'o(H) roll-John L'ros-ley X S"ii's Tap-ty 3ru-sel-; 2 mo ndi. P.. lfioii'-; anfU roil-Piai'iuu iX. Uoomaii'e; 100(1 roll-It: ic'it'- iio- 'Ic-iLii j 1WH r-di- l.e.ivv Khi-'ii-b tlnef-p'y; Iiwmi lu-av y superfine; To'-ei her wi h ti e la:p- .lock of p. rnestic Carpet, for the vvh "ies..ie 1 1 ade, ever broui-ht vv v i ,t tLii U;uun tains. A 1 -.. iii'jO r.d 1? 4-4 vv l.i'e ..nd i h.-vk iiiat'ire", -o i) " 5-1 " " 3IHKI " 4-laIat " 3ii(i() " C "C . i oiaOif all vv id:hs. l.mo -heel - ' f oil i bah l ifo3ui. et wide; '.'IK i .( '- 3-4 l-li-l li-l and rt-l. . : I c :: I; . aimi i,:-.-i'-i lolo'l i iv-. i.ible 1 1 v ei -. t..fir'ts'., Al -'an i d-. table ,.il cloll.i-, XC. oi any t-tulisL-men t in ll.e c a id v. T i the r.-' ul ni - 'of ier a i I we a-k i - a ( a ! 1. L. en v itire 'h. i.i :1 ,1 '.w- i .:i in! v. i ; 1 -eii .e.e, ami af y ..thi r hou -e in Ihe wet 'he vv h'de- I '.' t-il i ha -IT we Won id -ay I if 1 1 vv , i.iti ..... I In in o : -..Ti-i ;iid..e metit- I halt any e-l.il '' i. .e;. r.aii'i :i New V ok - r it - toll 1. ivit., ! p-i i"! '-.ir i f t . e -U ! .r , .i-ii, w e ar- pi epa, ed t: i lier our z - ' ..f :he e' y lovie-t j i'-e- ..f if iforf.i'i.Hi. . i I'OW KM. X C , ft-- Haiti -t St! I..,!.;,. Al iy !.'. i-.V f- IJ ZUtJK UALDWTN, Forest City, ItTo., ii-.',..- ii 33 3F2. TTG-S, Clicmicals, Dye "Woods, DyestuiFs, iiils. I'ainls. and I';iinl i Ai lii 1"i V,r;l.. s, Winluu-S s ,,i.l Putty, I , uLAtoWAkh, i Frtncn. I.112M-I1. aid Am ri.-tin l'crfiimerT. . i . 11 1 . 1 - rl.vl. t 'll' t and -h. ivin-i soaps, hne tiair arid ... 1 ,1 1 1 11 T J 11., 1 .ni. uf faint bni-hi"- - o r .-of! a ml .1 en t- - w4 . .' ,t ' .- . i ; al in : r tip n's. ...,.. -:ni!T-. tn.if:ri!.teturcI ail the latent tip i.f the day: t.ilin v ni 's an 1 i rii. '.o'-, f r ni dical ur;' je-; cboio t..'i'..'t ::i ! ' i:,i-v.ir': t ...:. Atnts for the sale of Ir. V. i-iiir'.- lial-iii.i ..I Wild Ch.-r-y. ' lifter s Liverwort. Tar and Canchalagtia. '' 0-j.-oi,d'- India C holngosjue, " .lotips' Ami-rii-ai. Cholii jotip; ' l.uy-ott's Y l!ow di,ek and rtars.tj.arilla: " "-ci f - i fine .-syrup. Ju-v J !. v2hl-yly mm mini Lightning Eods. S TAX!) MtOM I XIJi:ii! T.-a'.i w ii f: i" ri. i- fro p. y i ,i-o i.ereby ii:t..rmi"l M. il .i c 'u.lrr-;...' .i- ' ::.-. iJ(d in pieam: up tho le-t i :a--"t bi'lri-fi: R ;- I:: if .! If-ed in the K.-t, and . n 'I..-' a, ,-t . e i-"f do term- II ivmz had b-nu es !(: i. f e .n the 1. - u -- he w arrant- all vv..-!i d -nely him to bedoiie rir.li.. II. II A1AKSU. IlKKKP.XI KS J unes Iliirl ifaii, W..-h.i.-i -f 1 C : .1. C ljrkfti-rid-e. W i Ifii'-t. ii Ii C; Air- V.-t ..i. Ia ii'i' ii. K:ri. l.i.el: . .us Nap .1 ii B .t. .pine. l.oi., 1-1 ji.t) Km; er- or .'vle i-.'lel S. l'i -' "a- 11 i--ia. Ukovvnv am AI : I. .'5 i ' l"'. I DISSOLUTION7 Tie pirn er-hip be-i'.f.re pxi-lifif !aiv. pen he "ti .1 :i-': i"l if-i.-r il e i. i.i afd -:;'. e "d 1-aac T. WUvtefc. ( if 1 "' "l'i :ii!.l.. II "biiteli X C".. n llli- dj (IlB- ' s-ni"! 1 m i.' a. v:..-ei't 1-jj.T Wi.v te will siv ..p. li i. e-eii' loc.r. ii! ...'iii.iii.is np' ii iiber i f tne -aid Hrtn, . aud t- db in- jiil. ".cl to u-e tho tu.e ot the itrnt in I coilec.ii n uiJ 1).; la. i '.' V. e would take tl.. , .va-e.:i to ete:..l i ur tLarik. tn rl e ior:.m i! : f-r the very i.et-r.ii pal r na-e exten de 1 I to li- il .t v e La. a'.-., to a.-.-ure t!e.-ewh are liidebt- I . . . ... . .i . .. . . ... ...-.,-j.t.r .. t'rissL il n 'i. iuu na i r-'ii.r n,. -a. ','.o. - - j ti.t wo -hall ,e i f.pe.ied to make . ll.'iti "fs. Those jii.ll be -ui.nl -.-toinake pii.iicut i'li. it further -u: 1 n -ti' P 1 1 1 c mer a lav. r that we vvi.i, iiimer p tr-j-.v 1 .." cm u m-laf e- tho ie vv . . a) p v ....- l.e ' t . do so will leave us no alte. native i.t to re ri Cu ie- 1. T H II1TI. 'A'u. UOUTZELI 'H- oipni -' I I "iw ISroicuT-illo, -NT. TU. C- w : iip. j-i1: li-. !a J M. CHArEt,. l--rv. . ef i-y ' e-. lib). A :: us! U. 1 I