Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 23, 1858, Image 2

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THIT.SI'AV MOKXINO, Hie IT, 2 '., 13.
During tLf 1'ditor'a oh-erice several
friends have ccr.scnu d - v. rite occasion-!
allv for the .1 IvrfL-r. sr.-1:
absence, therefore, he will hold himself
responsible only for article? ever his own 1
denature, 'F."
().mn. N. T. )
S. ptembcr lo, lb'?.
- . i
I ai:iv..t nere
alt'-rnc" -n
, -,
v;l-r.t I'oat l'.-st l.nv a at '
: k -f ll.
i r !
, . , , i
. ,-: i
th-.,.' Je-.iralle v iiiicati ..:-s ne e u
: v to be p;-:s--d y a C :ii:;.u; : r. to
rei.ler b .r. p- .pt.'.ar with the traveling
jtnmuiiiiy. 'Ihe clerk, Mr. Cr,Lv.
may truly - ulh.d a -j tr-.-vd fel
i..iwi.; nctmntr. t y 101:1. i - i--tt uin-.-okc-u-:'!
r to r-.-i.'ler his pass- Hirers c.Mnf.-rta-He
and atrrcer.llo. The table was iiled
to over;; ihir wiii almost c vervthinir de-
lruKe- ly the ia t iastidi.-u-: epicurean.
The Man-held t
.t to receive a hi oral
I was -lad to learn that the I J'..-,'...;.-and
.Mm f'dl are i.u lonrr-. r to Itavt-St
Joseph and this j '.u , on the sum-. luy.
This itpp--r ( y needs more than ::e
1 oat f-a.h v.e k. retrularlv. As it has
been hen vf. :e. we have bud. really. n
thinz more. Asa new arrange inei
,t ha.
been entered itiio. we need n-'t giv..- cur
opinion as to which be at was in fault.
I find no great alt- ratli n in the ap
i. vii a!ia. M:e l.a- u'v::::.
i.o couL t. prini ipaily to the exi
times ma le- but i.ttie pre cress in the
way of improvement the pa. t year. The
same may be said, perhaps, cf ail other
Nebraska tewns. Urownviiie has Cu ne
letter than any ether p.-int I hv.c vi-i-U-j.
There is nothing new, cr jartkulatly
interesting tran-piriug here. Hotel re
parations are b eing made to ace-miaodat-members
and visit' rs during the --si..:,
of the ;re. coniinencing on T:o--dayn
xt. The II imu.:on Hot sr. wh "e
I am ft.r the. M'e.-ei.t ..:irnh.g. is most
f-xcellentiy kept 1 y Mr. C.w,s. The new '
lle.t 1 is being opened, and w:li be t ady
t.-. rf rptvr. r.n.r.'ir . rV 'vei-I.- Tt Lpi.t
1 J 1
by Mr. Keith, of whom and the house I
shall write again.
A few members elect of the Legisla
ture have arrived ; not a sutiicient nuni-
ler, however, to warrant a formation of ;
an villi - j;! us 10 lii iiiu i". uui .is v. Iaa i
1 . l .
suine. lne n:ienon as to v;iO are f-un-;
.Ti. ..1 r-
., , , , , !
ui, nunnci uie ieu e. i.e.Mv e.'titu,
, , 1
members of the Council, is talked of.
t. : t r ...
iiiit; me tuu ('' li iesuiue .11.' ia;iei .
-v 1 '
will be conceded at all events, and 1.0 ;
1. . 1 ... . T . , .1 - 1 . .
irouLle arise.
By publication day you will undoubted-
1.. t,. . .u-
i-"1 i -e..e..e... c --i"""
VA luu -.t
... l.n ...r. h .' 1,,.,- .,!-..!-.'
Bowlx is the prominent candidate Lr
President of the Council, and Judge Uln
nr fur Speaker of the House.
The Hon. A. J. Terr liton, owir.c
to ill health, has resicned the office if
Mayor of this City, and ih- Ci'y Coun
cil have aj j vinied H.-n. G. ore .'ir.M
mhom. to iiil the vacancy. !iMr. Arm
strong's appointment ci'. es ceneral ati.
faction. He will, no deubt, u.uhe an ex
cellent officer.
The post p. oi.rr.cht of the Land Sales in
Ntbraska. does not cive general satis
faction to the Ci'.'y citizens here
country people, and those of the towns in
the interior, 1 h am, are w ell pleased.
The "Geld fever'" prevails here to a
considerable extent; principally Tike's
Peak;' some little -Fraz.r River. One
i , l i c. c c .
coniranv has already left for tne former
1 . .
point, and one or two others luting out.
I am inclined to think much more favora -
My of the gold rospects sinoe the re-
certion of the '-latest news from the die-
, , ... LtlillJ, Ol .T-e'I.O1 a, -lO., i ; ;ue 1 i 'O.iU ... ujueii1.'. i;o.o ..uou;i;ui.u ;c.j .u ..... n ui. iciiidma e.i a ; r ,1 ;. i , ;
: :sion. whether the iu o ifars for whieh ' . - c t 1, v v it 1 i . . .. i .... , . , . . ot this tim ..t 1.1s m- 1 1; msicmtirair.
. ; tor ot the bt. Joseph Sait -.tail i t.rii..r, hp of ! communication in last weeks Advertiser, ! , 11 1 ,
0 ..eihnen are ebcttd ct ir.menees 011 ' r, YK-ti...r thU i Urr loc-ih'vi ... , , . . - , ! , , . .. . , , has no tail and ra.n.ot L. soon with the
. , r , , . , ro"t'- this is di" s..n.t ioca... j p)av ail.l Guriey have 1 een nominated : head-d --Do-te'r. The writer asks: can ... . .
day of election, or the tune ol tak- as previously n ported I am unalle to say. ; . ,,' ,,..,,. .... , T, , , . ; na' .1 ye, nor is it to be seen 1:1 the
, , , , , T,- , ,-, r (i r -11,1" for Concress, 1 y Kepuulieans of Lin- every man be a 'Doc'cr. and then launcn- , ., , . . , . , . ,.
c upon themselves the cath of cilice: This is m latitude between 40 and 41 do-: - ' - , - ...... , , ! north. This comet. 1 h:n:-i : approachmc
, , , . . n-n.o, north and lonitud-1 2'J we-t; a lit-: enmatn Givoslec. and 1 eudieton by tne es lort.i his belief that every man can. and , . , 7
1 ,r w lipthpr f. ir' v 1 :i v rr:, 1. sKU uui 111, anu iei..iu.u. '- iJl , 1 - S n. r. : i is nun ::'ic 1 r.o:ir-r th pr.rth
gmcs. It halt that has t-eon told le true ; fTm a , r' , j j " latitude ot than in either .wu.j.-..i lor an inpiric. -ow i. t u near anout ; o niucn a:ie mat no ph-tmaster un
then th-'-re is mtuh to ( ncourage. , y"--,. j;, '.V . ..'yj-. j:1. ? --ti" or I1 liu.-s-otu : without any houses ; with 1 the- "Quack." lb. tier in his Hudibras ; po.-silly tell which i nuant. Th-- diifi-
Secretarv Mokton and his family crime ; ee'inc to the Suited o I'r..- .-- n-V.-'.-'-t' ' now fiMii four to six foot dep: in the says of him, that "li is o!: who boasts, enhy mijht 1 remedhd. 1 v either s' .11
vp on the Mansfteld, and have tak-n , and will re-turn to the mines iinu,. diat, ly. , midst of Savages more hostile to tne who talks n-.-isiiy and o.-ten:ati,.,ti-ly as a ing Nebraska in full, or ly snbstitutinc
rooms at the Earnam House. Morton' The St. J.-eph Gazette' of the lth 1 whites than any others on the cont.nent ? . pr-tender to inedi'-al skiil. when he has ' some other contraction; for instance- "Na."
takes hold of matters ia his oiike with ' has the following: i Cor many to go there fhli winter under . Eelton describes him as "A . "Neb." or "N. Ter." There are donbt-
the deteiininatioii evidently of
dome ;
his Lest.' He says his motto shall le.
"lie sure you are riget, then c ahead." ;
He has the benefit of a trodden ath b. -fore
him in performing the dutiesef his
office, and besidos consults fret Iv the De
partments at Washington, upon doubtful
points. He intends. I am t-dd, to claim
the right of vp't vhdl' a 1'i.alie Vi inter.
instead of allowing the Legislature to
choose, as nas t'een Cone h.ieto;ore. lie
ti i
perhaps doe - possess that power; yet su.h
.,,. . 1 ,
is almost without precedent entirely so
ri this Territoiy and canr.ot fail to'
.: e comphh.-t. He and the aspirants;
for it. 1
The e. retary hu, received instructions
tivm the Department, that "under no con-
fideration whate-ver, will any portion of
ihe- expfhsos ateen in.
the lloionce
tit-ssion be
. 1 1
wed. S, th- s ends
matter, and kav.-s the
Mormon mem-
.r- .... ....,. .
i w e
Lo.-als crteUl cut
Tli0re wil1- likel3 'le 110 Coilven
ll'th for the purpose cf
reco:rmendmg a suitable person to sue- i
eeed Gov. Ilk hards, n The Democratic
Territarial Central Committee meet cn
the2:2d, ar.d may take some action in the
matter. Judge T.l(k appears to meet j
with almost vniv rt;. i f.iver.
The Gold Fever.
A':::-! always, in every cci-im-.Tnliy, j ,,tWtid ' fr.l4.,-ure the
therein v-me v.V-u which. ,,Uir,:ha,M Administration, and the- Democratic par- I
all others, engrosses public attention j faVc0' !ia." . uhra boli-
3.wiHtiiuesi:isscaiJal.s.m.-timesatrac-;t:;;: Thev'adv-ate'the policy of vo-
nlv. or something cUe intre'stiii? only ! . " . . .' , , . , . i
y, or t:onie.ii!!: tl?j intHrt'Sting only
in particular localities-. At otter times
, , " , j
.i.tere: - :. jiere, a i.w weeks a'o, tne
, , . !
tuojeci iiiO:i convtroeu aoout, was
... , .
Tl T 1 . . 5 ... 1 .1 1
jiiu cait;, ana uie an.u ij aieu
-:tteri:.g r-: tneretr-Tn: since tne
?a!?'S have been r js'n, :;. d i
i I
G'Ad : (;,u: r, vc.&
G-Ad : : :
It would be incredulity amoitntir. to ab
surdity. Ivngvr to djul't the cf
-,,- ,.,. ,
Letters have been received from there by
citiens m a..:ii st t very town west ol
Mississippi River, all confirming the re-pi.-rt
cf the dis'.-.-veries. The excitement
in every t wn "ii tne Mi
Sieox City St. L
r.vrr. ir..:n
1 ..
a.ut' it every pjii.t.
Every tvwn m the
ILvt-r, of a..y i
n porta r;. O
t Kansas City, claims, through
'.j be . proper r-int of departure for :!
, i e 11 . 1 .
te 1 s J eUiv.
frotn the Mi-S'-i:ri
1" , ;.
1 r.e co.umt.s
0: mest
ol our exttat;!
are n.on
ied, to a
creat extent. 1 y artieh. s concerning Pik
Peak. The list number of the NVbrj
ka City ccin
with the dun
under th Editorial head iilumit.ated
with faming
fiein which we ex-
f. db-wing senten.-es :
'The P. icYr towns d. - pdat 1 ! "
The May. r of Nebraska City start:
for the G' I f Mines".
-Lieutenant K. II. Milhr starts fcrthe
G. 11 Mi:.-.-."
The Hon. James II. Detk-.r leaves
f,,r t,e Ctvi R,.ions-' &c, &r .
We give a few extracts from letters
received frcm the "Mines" and their vi -
ciuity. The following is from a letter
frcm C.J. Terrell, to Lie,. Mil -
Tbo n.inr. i; fnr d.-.vrf-d nro
yery spotted but of rich deposits of co irs. !
1 Tit . i r : 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 u 1 i : ' t- I i ,
1 :.:in r li i uir' u f: . ti j .uiunc,
, , , i r i y - l
.11:1.7 iui , i.u e f -1 ik- - i. v a,- -
sn .ad .arties at present. .
.v urce nartv is orcamzmc ai ".ur-
r 1 i . -
anne for a then uch pro-pectmc party.
Am-nc the number is Mr. II." L. Kim-'
: I 1 ' - r C' . -. - AT ,
tie south of Chevenne Fas.-
111 . ' i .1 t 1 -j , . i
A like others I shall stampede
Cl! Ujy arrival at Laramie. I am undeter-j
mined. 1 will rulvise you more partieu-
lariy from Laramio. '
1 1 ours resnectU.uV, v. J. 1. ;
, w ;, , .. .,
Mi".t; t I i tlr U i U v 4.1.
: A.,, ( r route for the S'at"-. wrh .
a pa,.,j 0f :..t U ad h.-rs.-s.wlv conf.rms '
the f. rer -ing, and reports tue exciteniei:.
"i.the iner.a-e at Laramie. We vr-ia-t
nicht visited by about three hundred
ioux India is; nve trams heme
t.-cether, we saw no hostile d i iO;:.-l:u-
ti ns. but a di.-u
itlell tO t-
Mere a-.
i ne
ihwing we clip from the lb.
Our fell -w t nvnsmen, Messrs. .Martin
and Kenc !. ur, have ju;t returned 1'iV!:.
the Llatte lriuco. Th v bring news of
disc, very of cold t.poii the South
i latte. at out I'VJ mues at e vo the cros.--
i.:c, cn a :r. am hn.-wn as Clieiu v Cr. k.
. . - won-, cm n i me p. up se cl
pr-ospevtinc in the early j art c : the ,.u.
s:-n Mini sl.Ti'e. ib'il Ol ' i !,1 r:t !:..
; al. Vo named place. They are washing
; out 10 to Sl-3 per day. p. r man. with a
' omnion p ui. Several p-r. -is have visi-
te d lio- unnes, and are satisfh d that thev
, . .
. are very inui: have cone to the States to
; rrcn:rt;an outfH. v.hich to ret .rn to
; the diccii Cs. Messrs. Martin a. id Kon-
; ceh our juive I r oucht w vh them a small
: :1" cini' 11 ?fAi dlt.a pait of v.hi.-h is
i. .u iii p'-'.vijii. iney os tamed
! ..ti , i , . , . . i
"The S.-ilr IiL- AT-iil ini.,r h.i ,
'hu t of Mr. llupe arrived in this City j
yesterday. Mr. Rupe saw a man by the '
- . -... ........ ..i. ui
iearned of the con
v- , . -.- c
. i . i i . i ..i-t 1 . i f .r wn t r r.'irv" t r, m i
! iVm until wo hear from s-ome of the r.u-'
r .1 - . . :..l.i .1 )
'morons per
son irem n:is h-uii'hhuhi. .
1 "'ho are preparing to vwi u e
i Wo have notlnnc as vet whic
; i i . . ,u m, i,- r i -' 1 .
rearJe il as sutniienn rehai ie
armg to v:it the mines.
h can he
and en-
cotiiucmcto induce cm:.ation.
is adisi'ath frcm Leav-'
ci, worth :
Th, ..r,Ue, p, ,ViJ excit.,Ui Ilt a
( nerfect mania at this place. To. o comt
nies leu for the gold region hist week
another will leave this week A i
large and woll oreani?:e-d coHipany. with
(ienerti Larr.mer and Judge He mining-
way, hankers, at tho head, w ill leave on
mimeot aumlers, an old mountaineer. ; fec, n;aaii0s5. Uc weald tar rather ster describes a Humbu-r" as a person ' with us.
;ht!roi:i the Gold reci'jns, who reported i ,e,. ,f,r , th X.vsh I 'o wiib v . .3. . .." 1 . ... .
- , , .. u speuu ti.e . ...icr a. in. - o. i.i i . .e, w ,in who pra-, tices an imp -.i:i.-.n. up, lor fair '
that there was "plenty of co.u. io - ., . i 1 1 ; lv-.i. I.n,l s:.lw P.Ktno'v.t
-epert.d that there were alre ady many a 1 ranknn or a Kane than at Pi.ces s ; pretences; one who d- ,-ives. L-.Iill S.ilt I Osipo.r.'J.
in th-mines more than he liked' to see., Teak. If there really is any gold there ; Yet there are people whe will -ive ' T'e Tt loi:ra-'h 1 n:'-5i tIu 1!h'r:a
This is the substance of ail Mr. llupe ; wcr:h digging, it will not all be taken ; themselves up with th-ir'io into'the ' UCWS lhlt th Vrt h:X a;-:h' n'''
-c .Hull
c the --Ith spi-u i the w in
U -!..- tV..m .- - s -f
The canvass in Illinois is exciting in-
tense interest throughout the Union. In
the West and Northwest, Democrats
, ! of
both 'Leccmpton and -anti-I.ecorapton,
aim st universally svmnatnize with
, T- - -
Don das ; lot the Washington Union, and
n;a:iv Southern Democratic journals, are
exerting ail their influence to defeat him;
assigning as a reason tnereior, mai
i:z ivV lotitrias nor j.inco.n, iu.
1 T1 1 T 1 1 ...
fvr J
o" T dmin-1
litration Demoua
mere are .tvimimstraiionpape:
i . i
! in Illinois, which have not
. :
yet crone into i
- .
: I it' i '111 Oi 170-J"lili y.'MTIUI li.ciu
peniy oppose htm. The Louisville Jour-
iial auvi-es the Know-Nothings of Illi-
. . r .- . .1. . T : -1..
"is.- t,m! t,i vi -.e jr i: 'Mi lor i:ie i-.eLMs.u- t
v.. -.- .,.,... t n,,!.,, P',;r i
, .- . i,i ,v i
Ih-own. and lia rnsteiii, the leaders ot '.ne ;
., i- iv i t 1 1 : . f
Jn-s.ton men, alias Ii.;.-k Kepublicans, ot
, t- .... i f . .
ii . : . i- n ,v ;, n
: n
st tne
, -
id are ;
ences that are brought to 1 ear again
"Little (iiaut.' his chances tor
ehctedare better than Liiifoln's, and
imp;- .i ;::r t-
1 1. . L
rv 1. av.
e Deiii ocratic Convention ia
has in the resolutions passed,
censure--! v.i
he itr.:urc;t lauguatre, S.-n-
ut.T Drtd.-ric f r his ...r.rse in Congress
with rc.-f-vct t the Leeomptc-n Constita-
ti..u. lle,cc
i) i .
1-, 1
; A S . -1
.. ,
?en re-ncminated for Gov-
i.e i-Tt.
cans of Mi
p. nr;:'.:-
Jvsht aR. Giddinirs Las Icon defeated
1 el-re the Iiet"b:ican n .'u.iuaMnz cen-
"Jlst Coi.irrossional dis-
, veu'ieru in
vi trict in Oni
rr.,- .1 ...
mis surprises p
, 1 rvwhtre. It was thought that he 01-
c ail northeastern Ohie., and especially
his own Cun:rressi-nal district. He has
1 ;,, "..,i r-... t 1; .v -e:.r. Hi do-
( I'l. ' 11. V. .1. .;;..;;. ...- -
; f. at ma'j 1 e regretted 1 y. Ab. iitLuists in
: New Enc'.ani. 1 ut will not 1-. by many
ef the Piack II .. pubh.-ans in the est.
Tern Corwin 1 as 1 n iieiniuate'i fT
'.'XV-ncrtss ly the li- pu! licans of the Sev-
end: Ce-Ul
-ioual Disttiet in Ohio, cue
... . i 1
me strongest nopuci.tau uisnius iu
! the Union. He savs he is a "good Re-
; " ut iM '
1 1 . . .f u.tQrm TIj0V do rot .
j .q j-,
: ; ' he Las '
;"' ', ' -
i stood aloof from p. hues. Some claim
: . . . . , ,x .
'sound Democrat."
him as 1 einc now a
, - to;he IIouse cUv. ;
It-i Lua -h:r to whatever
LiiL i.'.: ma ,
The Re-j ub.icans have eiected five out 1
, . ...
'of six representatives to Congress from
, , 1 !
'- ;
t .-. .-, ... II r,,v o.-rr.!'rrio. fiii". 1. r,V
Vill the Cold '.lines Pay?
--That is the oiifsti.-n.-' Wo think not.
At all f.nXi xlU fu!l C0IIlin?
. - , .
,;wmter. Some ol tne letters received
ircm the -Mints state that men can make
. . . , i
. i
frcm oicht to tw.-lv
e 0
ii.irs j er nay, and
"U hich
r tnun mat
oth ers say
se wno are there
now, ''owing to
) not avif:
u.e re than li e in tw
, ,
four dollars per
Know iuc the dispetsition
ut'il.ii.i have to rate cv-
ervtinue t.
at is both ie w and marvtl-
oUs, we st. pose that lie.' lowest amount
mentioned m any of the letters is puite
a much as the miners have as y.-t been
able to h
e.f i:e mivwuii an .ther. v-r
-re than most of them can
make wr.h th- tuniest extrtion. Liit, ad
mittmc that each man there can gather
i - i
as mtic.i as ten d"i.ars per d.iv now. thev
l . '
cituiiot dur
i:C winter. How are peojue
eeep.e to tittle m the winter time,
. . .-:...i .. i i . i-
oi .net iiunuitu nines irom civuiza- ,
t: on; without provisions for man or least
except what they can carry with them ; '
in a mountainous district on the eastern ;
pe of the Rocky Mountains, where :
ate is more riC'.'-roe.s.
ve il in tne
,i- i-
. ,Vio . irrmnstances. and when tne ffold
. , . ,
.iii i.i. v . - -
is covered to a great depth with snow, ,
would be absurd, the height of folly, per-
away before Spring.
u o u t ecioi c ' i'
a iar as u,s 1 15 con,-ern-a
.1 ,-.f .-.t 1 -v .
.... uisee.nj, ei ii... u"iu .i -.-ii a .
ebrious i'urure. The re -ions of the .
, .,, .
m.n-s are worthless tor .Agricultural pur-iGf
c t se-ue ntly there will be a
"Oses. at
l'' n!a;i'l for all surplus produce from here, i
The maihets here will be eoual to. and .
n"'re reiiaUe than tk'se cf the i. I
Our friend Den. returned yes-
terday iron. St. Lo
ouis on the steamer
Emigrant. 1 ringing w i:
i several
nd ;
'1: r.isan.1 d ..liars w orth of Ikots
Shoes, of fvrtv style and variety.
ee '
Home Correspondence-
F t the AJvcrti.-cr.
2Iii. Editoh :
In looking over the last week's number
the "Advertiser," I saw a communica-
i . .
r - 10 - entitled "Doctors, writ
i?o?eby one cf your wornd be
written, I sup-
pose ty one cr your wornd ne asptran.s
to the noble and exalted profession of
Medicine. The gentleman asks the
question "Can every be a doctor?"
The nuestk,n I think, is easily answer- J
td " i:ry manv cannot te a doctor, for !
thc siwpIe rcaaon lLat evey ,aau CaBKOt le j
a UleiI:i"!l- o, Mr. Editor, as an .j
humble Ir-cinI. ar.d warm supporter of 1
ana warm supporter c. f
tl I .'!...'i:m nil r. .' 'T.i-.t lTiM Wl'h !
" i
;quucvsanu piviennera wuu i;u awm iw
' Jim-r.!!. V t- V.ji.t illt. PVl'-V
ntim tuuii.iu: ii.'. ii .vii- um:j iuiv v.,.
- .. f .v .
anu r.rurnonn in v.ti.aa' w un'
1 1
Now, !Mr. Editor, in my humble opia-
ion, a man to become a t.'torovgh-lred,
out-and-.ut, good Doctor, should do
i i i v: . lr
as i na e uone apjireiiiice nmistii 10
some noted and rojunar i.hvsi'.-ian. of the i
- 1 -
true Xius;rado style, and employ his time
. - - - I
in ul- uui: ir me necessui ki.ow ieuue
a:... instruction from his preceptor
- , it
at... instruction from his preceptor. He!
1 11 it-.-- t . i
should read -Di-ctor Gun on Practue, j
Uuliiver s I ravels, SmbaJ the Sailor, t
, i
"1 . 1). U.u .Mother (j-oose, anu a .
' '
variety of other tlassical Wors. After
.dent has peruscii tne atuvenai
a. 1
e-u uelec'uLIe t loxs, then let nun saui
11 1 1 I"
rate his clothit.ii thoro.:cri
with the odor
of a Dnur Estai lishment, and he is ready
t j gei f..-r;h into the world, armed with the
true knowledge, and with the of
geniotts sparkling in his eves. His evry
look and step It-tokening the man of ge
niotis. However long and arduous his la
bors in the ceniiu d space of his study,
toiling by the midnight lamp to fit him
for the
laborious dutiei of a y hvsifian. his
first success crowns all his etlorts w ith a
- -
In my ex;erienoo. (' whit h. I v the way.
is not to be
at, bv those who take
no snu.f.) I mean professionally, the man
who can command his passions, wear a
smooth and smiling hyiecamy talk
scie ntifically cn the origin of diseases,
ojucte ki-gelv fi '. m Materia Mcdica. s---
-rt hh
1 -'
azes wutli a view to
wr.n a view to j .:.,
his gapin.
,1 , .... 1 .
uutnts 1 lei..;
in that til
irises fr, ,;i a
n ef
,- 'flit;
1 cute
tympanum of the head; that thercme" Ientn; 11 "lystery to some why :
dies should be 4 oz Hydrag. sub cum cro- J :t sets s0 lviVS aiter sun-set, then rises so,
ta, 3-30 drops of distilled esse,., e ,f Cot, j lre sun-ri.e, which is easily ac-j
sanguenetine oil, diluted in a cup of t(ul. j cote.1 tor. on tne ground that ns course j
,K- -,.!! .u-(.--ioi f ' n- ' -tt- . , i -t ;s 1 degrees farther above the Horizon.
('hv'" .u.;. ..uen e er;. lo . - .
n.i. ,::.- mol no n-..,... ,w-,,r, ,; ,..,, ' .hun Uie sun s course is. 1 have not seen
,inul0 u;':;1 i'-i'- oe appears, when ,
the patient will convalesce in no time, is i
i.l. .1. n t
l nian tn:a vi:i win ins way to tame
1 OUTS IX'f TOR (ioi.N'TOL.M.
Mr Iiroa
lUt .Jl
Cives us his mo'i ot cp-ratinc, which in
fact is the mole by which most '-Doctor'
in a new country like this earn the title.
one, run alive to the creat enormity
wnrh j
rinc the somblance of
Humanity, practice on a toorr-viuloiis nub-
!..! y paluiinc tueniM-lves oil as persons i
... , ' i
wcil s;;n.ed i-i luf ehcine, when they are
,, , , . -
rtany knlmc unirtu!;.it i:itii;t
nunc their ortunate Mitvi.u
by the thousatid. with as unerriie- aim n- '
i - , . , , , - ,
ever ken-u, .v V., , o. T.-.n..
ur.i JO. Ill ,
T, n! v,. . ,
T ,
l et I must uraw a parallel l-otwoon th.o
i ... ,""."
prcteI;.,r m m.uicine, and the .ei.-n-
, o . .. 1 - 1. .. . 7 . 1 .- ,
uue in. .ii o.e . Ote'U hi" I,
hie Lest part
t.-. t' ,. .1,. 1
iv o: ins m-otessi .ui.
and who entered that study well orerar- i
ed i
. . A
in u:e iu;iiiiie.'ii..ti eu.ieatloll, lie ii'';- j
ary to en-ible him to master all its iuti i- j
cacies. The fii,piric, p.iack andhuu.!
are as different from the man e
as licht is from darkness
lll II
. ...i . ..i..;.-
ouuei ej muKe i.ns '..-.i.
n. take up the em-
pirie, as first iu order, ilesstet him and
pj,(v V
sh.wv what he1 really i-u
Vt i ster srv that
who tries experiment
an cn.piri.; is one
md who uses med-
jcine as a quack." D.vight says of him
..ji,. shudders net to destroy life, either
pv .j,,? naked k
ufe or by the surer or
Safer medium o:
So much
fH-apr otti whn nrt('t,A m .Ldll nmi,
-- ... ' - ' i ...... i v, . rv 1 1 1 , i.iii 11
he does not possess." Addison calls him j j?h.-,ranl practitioner." While Web- '
i i r , . , i , !
nan-is of such wholesale murderers.
"Men who go about like re aring lions,
, , ,
seeking whom they may tlevour '
i ... o
r a paltry trule, w a prostitute the gifts
God to man s destruction. On their
0,vn heads let their sins fall; but may God :
;n )ls l4)ercv save the people from this'
.,-;v., tr-., ....,. .. u;
not redden the picture; God knows it is
eery enough already.
Now let us see what i ' Doctor"' i ? '
S el ster defines him, "A teacher" from
, the latin doceo to teach; one who has pass- :
aI1 lte c-r a faculty, and is em-
powerea to pr.r
e a:i'l teach it; one who
faculty; the degree of "Doctor,"' is con-!
ferred on, as a professional de-
"ree." Now let the public, compare the j
definition dven by men of the highest or-1
der of intellect, of the different preten-;
ders to medicine and that of the educated !
physician, and they will at once see that
all the one aims at, is a sum of money, at ;
the expense very often of life to those who '
o-n ploy him. The other is a man who
has reaJ aiiJ anaiyzeJ what he professes
to rractice. a:,, 0.-,.. who must know the ;
anatomy of the human l-ly; who roast le
yerauu, in all that -,..-rain to his pro- j
-., . .-.. n, ...... h. r, - .,.. ; tai..
- .., Thfk m ,..r U n ; o:ik- i?nor-
r 1 , t r .X.., !
ant or t::e iiuman ;v-o.m. ! ..i ttn w me
sin!pK furui 0i the el iu nts, and yt
, -- . 11 .1 :l
iiith in r.' r..nvn' h;t.i.i,t ram p . will
" . J ;
.1 o, , th.mnnr.
uuie vut uiu, mc uuiun. uuu mt. n-i
ties of which he is asur-acjuainted with,
, , , , ,r . , !
as the animal he rices. Mere at aixth-:
er t.:ne.
A. Friend to Science.
K'.r tl.e A'lverti-cr.
The Comet.
Mr. Editor:
inert is now 10 oe seen u omei 1:1 me
. . . t
North est part of the heavens, it 1
either approaching tne Sun or rec
11 0 , -.
from it; two weeks since I first noticd it.
,;t i:s motion is so slow that I have not
. .
There is now to be seen a Comet in the
1 . ... .11. .1.:. 1. .
"! 111 11115 ta"11 lul" v '
its real u;.
ctioir, t.. ruga it appears lar-
cor and plainer than at first, when it is .
can se e it with the naked ,
clear any persoi
1V,1. o' in -iTi'iie. TS ,i'"t i i-vimn. v:th 1 it
any mistake, as its appearance is as large '
a star of the first (though
I not so bright.) with a himhe u? tail from I
! -k.-. i 1 lit- I
; o totei'juecrees in lenc'n, ana at -ui tnries
p intii:g directly t- ward the l iar Star.
Its right axei:si:-a is ISo degrees.
north d'-clit
iti 0:1 about "J') d cre
ees east cr :
r .. - .1
.ia! Colure.
inoX, in the
1 '-
f the pr-'Sf nt Autumr.
1 l.-p
constellation of IjeTenic:-
Hair. It sots
in the evening north, ,-j degrees, Ve.-.t.
at S hour; and lo minutes ar.d rises in
the morning north, 33 degrees, east,
at .'J hours and 40 minutes. The be.-t
timo to ol s'-rve it. is
r 1
d T-2
in the inorninc, as tne i'.iV is nnt to t
more clear ; at noon it is in the zenith
er immediately over head: when vi wed
w ith a Ttle.-oope of a magnifying power e
cf fifty rmes, it is well d-lined and its l
tail appears to bo from '20 to 30 degrees
in lencth. It is a mystery to some why
predictions of this Comet, nor do I
I tr.inu" its oroit nas ever nea traced out.
! or put on record, cr vn us periodi. al
j return expected, o.-p,-.daily at thi time.
ueu uctions
would arrive
j made in lv2G. Ihehr,- com-
at its p reh ii--, di onee. '.ithm 40 days
ihau .- the sun. and a! out as close to th-ear:'-is
it will get; r.s its or! i: must le
inc.ned to the etliptie al -ut tr-1 decrees,
and the earth is j assinc to ti e east cf the
c hire, whil-.t the come t if appr. -a'-hinc i
om::.c to where the colure crosses th
,. . , , .
ecnpf.c. A few davs or we. ks at n.e.-t
, , . , , , ,
w hen the uichts 1 1 me dark, ni 1 w.
. , ...
e it nearer tn- honz- n. lr it has
any motion it wi
-iM 1... tn,u.,l t.-v it. ,'...h
- -11 ... ,
ill sem., j
? maue ;-me o! s. r-
vat! '!)', :
to the our:
h -.vill certainly ! e i:.tere
A. L. COATih
XrM,IIA ClTV. X. T. S, ;,. tl.
iirov.niit:i'. i- uiU'wituii
- rp ...., ...... ;
Almost every mail, b f. rs and papers
come to this cilice via: h: wi.M.le Ne w
York. some c
year hi makiu.
e i .e..tint bv s.
.... '
l ... 1.1 A...
ti e trip.
me o! eii;
v r a
xv n.uch
:i n-
the sai:.e eau.-e. Thtl'eare in thevaii.
ihe-and Terri;-ries. w e ! .ieve 'Jt' tovviis
ne t ame oi lroW:h. ihe r
; cwusvhie;
of this City in the state of New Yoik
that occusu.'iis us much inconvenience on
account of the name.
Many in direrting letters ,-r papers t .'
''-hi r ot these places ii.ukv the"T" or the
:Lk mh.r im. iK In V..- V.-.t-l- 1 x-..
.v.. ....... .'....- . . . . . . , itv fcli.e. -it-
braska, bearing the same name, whi- h.
occasionally su.Ter a like nee
tne rostoonemer.t
, ,
Oi u
n i.
t lands. ad; t-rtis-'d
' e ti.I- i .1,1 .
' v. ry n
- of that Ter
e rejeired to
until July m it.
news t.t
ntorv. very
.h i:
rs w
make J:iyu
a .urge
Crievoii -iy
number of
1 c.t nebc-dy will sympathize
with the m.
V.V 1- am
N. Wheel i r. 5c
MJ Lei b ii
ma- it: go at
"ii'tics. the
vi.le IL-. se 'a
"Frustrated, cn the- I .: .h of J
by the uutnnely appeara:..-. of the yo
lady's father, ".ere married a f.
Latest from Plke'S Peak.
Brownvilh the .Yturcst Poiut on the
JWltS Airi.
We learn from a gentleman direct from
Cherry Creek who passed through this
City on the2'Jd ins!., that he left Cherry i
Creek on the Gth cf Sept.. making the trip j
in sixteen days. lie states that he travel-!
cd a north easi direction and struck the
river at this point. He says that Brown-
ville is from '2o to 100 mile
sidering 'he stratghtr.ess o
anv other point cn the riv
u well bri igej.
- -
es nearer, con-
f the road than
river. The rcrjd
1 3011
Erownksv. the distinguished
Fighting preacher and Editor, frcm Ten
nessee, and the Rev. Mr. Poyne, have re-
n.W on ,i;,,cSin,r ,he Slaverv rue
" .' - - . i--
ll' - 'il till'- lac H'm auunv viivuuuii v. uiv,
North and South wnh respect to wealth,
. ,. .
enterprise, morality, ana intelligence,
&c.,&c, at rhila'elphia. The debate
occasioned much excitement.
JuUlcf over the Postponement of
the LanU Sales.
Frcm th'1 nrownvilie Advert is. r. we
. . t . ,
notice th" ntiz- n- of 1 .at price and :-
, - ;;,, - 'id -i iolifi..';..ti (, ,ve r.-'; 1.-
('iU 3 a H-urn ......ri .. . .,..-i.t-
men f the Land Sales, on the evenmz of
, . . . , . .
the -'nd inst. lnere- 1, not a tru- irien.l
rc ,1 . , ., ,, ,,..r 1 , .,, ,:c. t rr;.
01 tLt ''r. CV V "V 1 ,Krr' r
but what reioiced n,Mt htr.rdy 1.1 t.-:e
nostpon - ment. There is a Jorion, i,ur
Iinu - jr t .re for us. Ceine on emigrants
and .- cure y
td he m.
Omah a Tim, .
So f:ir n wv b.nve 1. ::re;l t I - r.(
r:??tr iatu Territory that d
joice at the postponement o, tae Sale
oxcept Chapman's paper at Omaha
i Complimentary.
! The Omaha ratvrs nthe Mr. Fur-
"IlJ!as' arrival in that City. The Times
im? r.a 1 Kit' pleasure en Yesterday 01
creetinc ot. r fri ml Furnas of the Prow n
vill - Adv-rtis t, m in! -t elect of the
C0 .i11.1l from Nemaha and Jehnsonct t;n-ti-s.
He I..,.,k hearty and well. Th
people of Nemaha and Johnson counties
have nn i. ;". tie r j'resei.'ative. and the
Terri.ory has a true fri'-e 1 of i iuter.-'s
in Mr. Furna. His Advertiser is a
rieud .f the stttl-
"s I.'.
Ttie Vole in Nebraska.
P.dcw we give the total veto in the s..v-
al Coui.tie ef this Terrr.erv at theeive
n held the -JnJ ult:
Dviglas coury Kiof
Oteie " ' 1H3S
Nemaha 6G4
Richardson " o3
Dakotih " 5r-0
Cedar u 07
L'Eau qui Co'rt " 70
AVashmcton " :?.'
Birt " " lf,3
Dodge (district.) 41
Car " SIS
Sarpy county 41
Johnson ' Ir.j
Fawnee " 1-3-1
Total, t!371
The above does not embrace tl- c mi
Gage, ia which there is p rolal ly ab.. ut
III t V votes more.
A Fat onm; Woman.
Eastern and his female ('mpanion. who
w ere cha; c d u ith firing Thome the
atre, ly wliiehhalf of L'-av -n.v. rth. Kan-
h:n t.
r- cenr.y r:
el !.I
W" tan c
; i:,a.
way !
I-: deeidehiv last, it
of that ci'y:
who si lil'-tiliie-.-
mas. si.:
j lays I i v's par's in
ob who wor
r le ' '.o '. - a ss. i t .- . u
by ma'wi e her aj p.-ar-o'
m-nb aiure. au't a
: . ard tie Ta; .ui.
;u:''e in a I'.il sin
th" . l.r.r...
r . i a ta t v .nrc mati
with ai! th.
With her t
in her mo.
U.-to ..t t r.'-li."
e-n the c; are!
1 a or ,
' .: a '. i
a . a v w ;
or inc.- was ':,:,
eX' ' :. il ! v
sta' Ks ot t;,e! (
I n- r
"' kt'hls i:i s-.-h I-- - : , .t
tin' 1 r!.e. ... r in t: I est
e vervLod v e..i I e anh
si !l
Tin." World's (iTiire.
Th' famous speoi h of a tli-inci;i -h i
Processor ef Ti: oloev, deliver d ail v r
Ke t.t::eky. and mmv !: r r:trs cf
Prosl ytei iati
thirty years
aC''. v.r.i-i
hrst Th-
w .'.s maim u the-r
w i
ri meuub. red
1 v many ot the re-;v
'pi - (. r, , 'ut ,A :,.', ,,
wis.. ,J t est
ef I.
. imp r'.ate e
s .'.x:wi'"' a ?r.
;,;'. Hi- are:
i- the ,;. :,'r.. , ;
?:. rem re of th-
-.! -h
mu.try at Dir.
:- n- ran th.i-: D..:.viil
Ke !;h., kv. Kon;:.' :.v i
he Mis-issin-
1. the 3j
i vaib y is the' c.-n:r- c f
. tl.- United State- j.
world. Ri, hlv eridow
; 'a''
he eeiitre i il..
md al !v man a y m Daiiv.ii". ;i:i l it wiM c-w rn Dan
ville. Daevf.le v. i.l govern Ke-n'iifkv.
K-no . ky wi.l c 'Vein th" ;ill.y,.f tlM
Missi-sippi. th- v.ilb-y of th.. Mos.js-ir- i
wul eovem the Uni'v-.) Sur.e. ;,,! t:.e
I nit- d State.-) will cev.-rn the World.
rherefore. Danville w ili govern the world.
Qn' irut Jt mullet r a hilum. Unfortu
nately for the argument, it has. in the
course cf thirty years, like most old thines
m this fast age. c -Tie a li'tb-
out i f date.
The centre e.f the Unit. ' S
-ates now r-
-lilt') be in Kan as Territory, not far
;ri in I..-t liih-y. two r three h-ifi'ir.-d
miles West cf the Iississip-i v:--r.
Westward the r.:iv of empire ha- tak -t:
is way. Whore-it willle in a qi.e.rt. -"'
a e-n. : y mire, when we g.-t a.l .
M' i o. a .1 the,! the
r Iiriti-u si.tis annex- d :..u, wh- :
the wheb.' ,nb..und J continent L. ctw
''.rs, I will n .t uu.lertake to give a rr!;, s..
I Je lieve it w ill !i- n -t far fr..-::i llr.., n
v:'b'. in the seuth eastern part cf N -braska.
Fronts or ("rapes.
In the he ighb-thood ui Cincinnati, the re
are more than '200') acres in crap, s.
The pr. fits p r ac. average, taking t:...
ear wan ai.o.ti'
r: a; out .jo"1 per a.
Th-- :--t
. p.aretfig ranges fo:n 6 1 (
per u' re. Th'-t-xj'. n-e. withcr-
to Sr.;!.
Boots & ShoGsT
-c. lO, J2aln trri-t,
. f M e. . . !
i l;.-! I. . - s . .. :.i ; .
r, .:. .... v..;... .
I . r y j ; r : i . jt..; .. :. r. i .
J . ' 1 t.
S .1 va i. f -i;
.,- . : .t.i- -
Va':t'v..I I...:..-' .i . ... ( -v .
: if ;---.:: :. -- . r- r : -
v :.- rt-Tylo' 1... . t- i: : !'. .
I ". : i r. I fc" u -'."'. i .':... . , . , .
..!;' f ;..
lto :t. -.1 kf. - : ' ii--'y . :i . .r. : 3
Frrr.. 1. k. ! 1 . :- k::: -. .," 1 t- n.'.i.r.-.
:.e'y. : r 1. :.n- ::. r. . - ',r !!.- , .1. - . 1 .. ,
fv-Vt.t.r. ..,;. ,.r !.;,.-., Tl;p .':':. t ,.
t-..::i;:.r : ;:.t.' . ,'.i.t j I, - 1 ; - . . , ,. t,.
si' re ai. 1 t:.!- wi ;! r-r ; . .
1 r : it j - ii,t ir .it ri; :? u- . r ' i
1 v-r t .1-. 1 . ..; .- V'...
: v
iRLSillcys SALE.
. i' r .'. .. a '. 1
1.:- t v u 1
J i-.;,- 1.
X "!. ... . inly
!! : ..r..
!:;,-- ;tti 1:.
: . ' ' X . . .
W . ' : . k
.1. ' k : .
; ' .
n ! !i . :. v o . , .
t . .,
( . -' . , , ,
.!'- - . .
II . '11
1 ' !':.
X :. .
v : U
. 1 :
j. x oeh
a ; - '
J i.e 1:. U
M-r ;:
- 'liN. I . t Atis-N
st. I.!.;ib..2l.'i)i:ii.
h. l.
It: I S.'N i;y,,
S ' ,- I"
htemm. m lull
-.esv;..' :: e;:i: - x
C. :-..,.. on ?.I.i:n $...,:
v. i:.r.
I... . v. ,
t:..'i !
l. 1. . -I
Kl:: ,v
II .' . :
p. -
.N . I .- I H..i .
i'. - v ii
it i
l v.
y .. e . u,
. 1!
.i o
..!. 1 . . j ..
rn. . : .
) 11 X HI n XT A I. IMIM
UliAiMXi;. GlblM.Me
Imilutvr ;r nil Ki;;,i. if
iroez-ev j.v .v. i ..-.;.
GKIX IAN nil.. CR - YON.
I.- j:i I t : .. .! - '
-' I - i
Te:. -!... . .
m h k H m e.s:
:; I- .-eie.
.. o .' i- Iip'.y iwtn. that I. ;e.,r-- W !
W-r:e ' . !'.- ..f :f ..r: :;,
k.- ... it. .- i. i ;. ir -.. n..... . f
- :; a- o. a.-; ; . j.
: - ; . :i ',!. t ...-. . . --
e l !-.' if.! :. M
N -. -(-I.-.-.u 1
r -I it o
.. i"
1 ; i - .
1-....T I-. i ..
' l-.e i i, . : ,.
' '.-' :. :. ... (, v.
Ti.o;.:r.s, .N ,v ;i
Jt .N V i-;i !:-
To al! WI:;-h- it 3:;-) i'ena'rt
I . : .. .. x e- - . '
-- .s K : .- Y- , ; . " .I..
1! M
e jnutn
a "4
lCPt t
tt J
.3 fee
of Ma
day r
wa goi
men t.
be bo
ear e
that 11
by "
are r
er, a;
." cle tl
in th
ing 1
r our
flam i
It is
in th
the S
turn, ;
" W,r
t sine.
Vv . '
Tot 11
grr i
V tH
won 1 1
. clai-
it u
.- ing
St M
,w h
'. 1-r
i.mary !un !. u- ed :. t .o td Zi) p-r
ui-g. h
iin t l
emcr.t under l!i
has- re
it Ntb-uska r;-y.
A S h'