Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 16, 1858, Image 2

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    , I
iv u iii Liorjit.
u. w. i i 'it.vAs. i:iitok.
Tin ksd.vv moknim;. M-:rT, ir., iscs..
During the Ilitor s absence several
frifiids have consented to writ! oocasPn
;i!Iy for ih" '-Advertiser." Dm in? such
Tl'.C FlltUre Population Of tllC V. (even those in the best circumstances)
S., Of Nebraska, anil BrOKIlYiile. j did not exceed l.j or 20 dollars a year.
There are laws governing the actions I Here, now, if a man does not "handle''
r- 1 . . ..1.1 1171 1
; oi communities and nations, as rumiuia-, a mousanu ttonars a year, ne is very un-
Lie and unvarying' as the laws to vhn h fortunate, or times are very hard,
physical phenomena are subject, liven We will now atop to e numerate the
the occurrences that seem to 1 e left to j edvnnlages, possessed hy Nebraska, over
the free will and s.-;ics of men are not ! other Tt Tritories, that will induce erni-
ah.M-nce, th n-fnre, he will hold himself , pxec'.tPns. No one Icnew.s ihe dav or '-ration to llotv in here, but allowing her
responsible emly for articles ova r his own; p.-. r of his death, and r.s to his actions j to have an equal share proportionately
signature. 4,1Y during life there is the utmost un x-rtam- with ether Territories, Pr the next ten
' 7 V i : tv ; hut til-.1 proportion f deaths, L;rth. years t coiiic, and the r epilation here,
,. , , i i ; ioarria?es, filicides, ivc., tor ten, iv;(mt. , will he vastly greater tiian the incst san-
Ihe Lditor has departed for the j . . . ,. 1 . . -. .
,.. , , , , , tr hf'.v years t j evvi v minion oi luhaU- j gume nnmaginatmns hope for.
dreat City of Omaha.' and the control ! " " . , , " , ., . -
.. . ...... , la.'its, can be a win. almost n:a-1 Allowing the increase of ror-ulation to
t i the "Advertiser, in obedi.'nce t j cus- : . , . . , . . . ; 11
p.m-matical precision ; the variation:; irom , Le J j i J per cent p r annum, the in
tern, is in my hands. During ti:e absence . , , , tin-1
. . it ; th'' ii' .-t amounting to cue hundreutn crea.e ot population in the tinted States
i.; said I intend talking tosruit my- . . , , , ,. . i 11
. , ... , J-nrt oi tm-whine. V. hen me cognitions ; ,n t,.n v,.ars u-;;i p0 over 7,01)0,000, of
self, and I knt'W vi.:i w;!l be hienlv , . . ,. , . , . , .
, ' " h-i sccn-iv are essentially and peima-i inhabitants, without counting any from
' . ....... , nentlv altered, as a change in tin- system I Kurope. The populatton in nearly every
It is not every individual ot my stain-! .. . , , , . ,
., . ' . . i -i Lduca-K-.n, oi Kt'.iioii. or ol tae Um- 11(,r.iL.n 0t New Lnlan-J, in a lar'e r-art
i:. r n'a!'b- o! nssiuiiin' the diltr .s ; ,- , . , , ! 1 v 1
. - , . ,, , ,i ernmciit n a country, there wi.l be " i of the .liddle, and in some portions of
mair, and y u must tliereiore conciuue I ,. , . , - f J
, ; , . I com sj" n-.l.n t-iiaiiire m toe a.-.ini.s oj ,jl0 vii,thern States is already so dense
ti;at 1 am '-.sow'' inhiiiufi:;. ..... . ,
, , , 1 Us inhabitants. Lot r the sume con- j ti,lt xw cll;Tation from there is equal to
1 nave always opposed the land sales I .... , . . .. ( i
. j , , uhtions th.- same results are mvanabh : ,n0reas.'. So that out of the 7.000,-
aiU.ouirli J never o t.nitt my nral oiuran : , , '
Ma. lhrioi: :
Can every man be a 'Jin 'oi' f If so,
I have a notion to get an outfit, and com
mence attending calls. I am a good hand
to cure ague, and I will prepare myself
with remedies for most all bad diseases.
My saddle-bags, or, in more professional
language, my "pocket ,s'" will be filled
with a complete assortment of pure med-
it. If we could always Lave such, sea-! favorably namul in that eo:m:ctioi!, ! I''EJa. Jloojicr'n 3-i::a!. ,.,,.
sons as the present is, and has been, there tut he had the superior advantage ,,f , i r.,,..:.. . :
... ,-i .11 i i i pivmint-nce ot positi,.!!. In ad- -:'r ' "r 1 ' " " ! ,
would be no diiiiculty at all, and 1 b.-iive V . . e , , ,., , . -u.;-r i. n.-.. .. .; i,... ,
J union to lus litness I r l..e important - :
that if the hedge could be started such a s!ation he u.;ls 5iiit.J Stat- s r.IinUter to 2 ' '''7. l! '
season that the drouth would not after
wards materially allect the growth of the
plant. At all events, I am anxious to see
it tried, and I do belive, that experience,
will prove the utility of the thing.
lj)ota, under tae late admui'stration. , ; -v.t.u.;. .r e. .
The Am- rican (.'oloniation Society i t ot- c.i :. u n .,
have pr. pos..u to (haernment to take. '
care of the cap.itt.rcd Africans t n their '"
arrival in iii t-na. an I subsi-t tuein tor
one v. a r for -'.0. .;()', and in tie- mean-
i-.. i:
i : h . t li'iiu-':1- ' .;i . rli: i. .
: . r t; !. . t r - i ; .-.".
I . V. . i.iu.v . . . .if I . ! .m l e;,,
s;. .Mi. i r -.,.., .,r .ml t..
Hoping that some i-:re alio pen than j send the in to sohual, and t -ai t!
I am r.fe in tiroes arising mine, will take up the Millet and portray how, by iniust.-ial pursuits to supp-n t ---
.;!. .1. II. M l i : . A Eo-. -.
oil tie- . ub;-, I have thought the actual ;
i'" " l!- OuO, at least .1,000,1.00 will emigrate west
AVf!i ii .ot ft .r ibi- en:r-;-n!iun from ! of ibe Ad ississinni- f tbiKH .1 (Hit! 000 it
loua'.ter s!;(j',:!d be protected in luddii.e ! , . . : r.,:r t , i.-t ,,.;n l.4.i.. ;,, v..
i - ; l.unpe. .hiih varies ev ry year, accor- ldil iosaio.:' ipj win sc. item -M--
100 acres of land, and I am to-day if' ' ., . . , , " , braska.
: A'.i.'r to the state of iionti'-.s m that part . .
ih" same i, on. an 1 i to advoean- i - ',' , , , , r , i 1 no great hnancial crisis whuh swept
xh, dttctriue ,bi!.. -i,vr r and ,rass ! "f , J-ricane over the country ,
... , ,. , . , ,. , r:'"i-S t:o- num. -or uj. d- n.nat-ittuns ot nionths aire, almost siisiiended euiigra-
:t't'.vs. I.i-t our ::;::! O' o.ain ;.-e oils- ., . . .. , .. . . , . ., .. i... . .- t . 1 i ' . ..
I " " ' ' ' ' t ' ! . it f. .r :t.v A-i :;t- 111 '
trib-.tul to th" end that the man v.hhou: ; ' ' r . i .
rreseni century, unulit e preuictea t.
i ,"iii 1
a l..'!:ie e:-n S'- uri- ol.e ;;!. e;,i- dollar and '
. iiiliil a iU'.UieU.
a pi.-'.i r an ai re. ,,;! s It.r aoftrnt
A -II- n, ; 1 Uiii" by
no ai.s 1 j as.-..:1, th-
( tn..'j-.-:-v. li.i-is tlio pi mi" man s ai:eh"i'
of 1 irths over
i i . ' . i . . i. i ' .
o. aius in unsoi-unn y since me j-o-ua-c
unnLr s- - ----1 i of , j i - i
i.ti: la . i inei ! :i:i i nt lej't. i.ucij. e, iui::
it i !-.""? 1 o (In!;.'. Tie-man of money
t a.: !-.!o- care of hiinsclf. Come, let us
hr. e .- net thine: f-.r the uof .rtunate ,
iar' tin- L'i'- at human family.
V -.v. if I ! ad n. y v.ay, and I am sorry
I lu'vi,-.. a ! ill ..f this ki.od would hec. me
a law of the j in full foree and t.ilect.
(.ive to each settler and tii'e r of the soil
Tie4 preponderance.
aths in this c.-untry
t: -a of Ameri.-an I
been two an-1 a half per cent per annum.
in III iy years the population of the Uni
. . i . i i - i
a ai nau raie wm nemiier ntaia one
hundred and twenty millions, even if em
leiuthci from Luiope wer-4 to entirely
c-a.-e. This number will be suiiicient to
p,:pi every square mile tf territory
or;h eu'tivatinr, b.-lu?iring to the 1 ni-
tio'ii during the la.-t year, and will per
haps s!ii;h;iy retard it, during the eonjintr
-ea.-oii, but as the poj-ula! ion is constantly
increasing, when emigration does again
tairly set in, it will be with redoubled ra
pidity. Now, is the most favorable time for emigrant-;
who have some capital to locate
in Nel raska, that ever has been, or prob
ably ever will be again. Perhaps it
would not be judicious for mechanics or
laberinir men who expect to work as
"journeymen" to come bore before spring,
but for those who could take a claim and
from impure blood. b4"nsse 1 prescribe
salts and John Bull's Sarsapurilia.
Vlien I get a call, 111 tell you what 111
say and do, and then you can judge of
my medical resources. In the first place
I'll go with ail speed, and when in pre
sence of my patient I'll assume the atti
tude and rranners of an old and experi
enced doctor. The tongue Til examine
first, next the pulse, pass my hand ever
vital places, put on a wise and knowing
look all the time. The patient must 1 e
told of his condition, and it must be done
throue;h the friends. Til take them oil'
some distance out of the hearing of the
patient, and then I'.i say : this person is
awful sick is in a bail hx must have
immediate relief e.r die spinalis giserto
rum et oleum ricini. or death will tear as
under the attenuated thread of life.
Now comes an alfecting scene if patient's
friends understand my language, and
they :av, "Doetor, do save him." 111
reply, "my remedies were never known
to fail;" and down goes 40 grains of eal-
oinei, ii gram or morphine, - grams
quinine, -1 grain.-; ipecaa, 1 drop of croton
oil, 12 o. tincture lobelia, followed in
two hours by a half pint of castor oil, and
in four hours the patient vi.l ,o able to
resume his usual avocations. After
swallowing a half doxen bottles of John
the advantages nur-4 fully than I have, j . - "-'V"-11"'1 r.r.v. u.-:. u wu -r.-., ,r .,
, time, inert4 i every the e .r;i:. , -.,,,,..:;: .t v. : ; . . .
I will leave the subject who tne farmers I ,n v;t;,,;i v:i a(..".-.,)t..,l. Th- Seer -mi -: -f 1 u.vtr. ....r . : . ;.',
and puLlic geneially. Yours. cvC. j tary e-f th-- lot: rior will forthwith author- ; ; : "' i i -.. ,,
A I-' rii-m or tii r. F.viorjn. ! i-- lb."' pun -base t f the n.-ees-ary el .thing
- ' j and l.Iani.e'.s to secure lor tne-m a coin-
Erc"anvii!e J.ycc:ini, Library aiid ! f ,nabie ve ya-
! 'l a .t . - : t.
Literary Association.
Nolhiu-r has yet been Iu-ard fn m Set.a-
i .it.r.i- . .:i u, ... ,
.-. ;. . . .'. .- v. .. , . ! i.. I.
i "I i : :il li." 1 ii !i. i ... , .
' i ! i! ' - a t-f. ii' .
. : i - . i -in..! .--..: 1 1 . .' I .,. V .
Oil .;. .
i .. , ii - j,. j tor Ijt-mamui r ative to to- mission t. -" ; !- " r '' jU
In pur.-e.ace et previous notife pnbln :l . . . ,. .. .. . . . .,
. 1 r , , , j Sp;i ; u; but 1 1 i s no" su pivsei i 1 y h is mos t '
-iven, the trustees e.f tie4 above named as- iiil"I.ia.0 fnt,h,ps ,ii:it ,vlll Mlne it. l'7 " ' ; ' V''
sociation met at the otiice of Danie l L. A hi aril of Survey has been ordered to '.'u..'' ;" Vu. 'J.lil'.
M.. .... ,1,. 1 1 il, ,1.,,. . .' C. a... r .w.-ui,,! -it !! ,.f.-,':.r V...,- U..O..,, i
.ILLttiU,, Ull iliU 11111 tia Ul fV'H.ill.A t, i i..:. Lin. i- in ..i-'i. l ji.' I'i' , .1'- 'I '. A II o, ; m m - .
A. ). for the purpose of arranirimx un- i v examine into and rt port upon the d if- j w.-.:..- ,-, :. . i t!.,--n-A..i:.i ....... .
, , . i . i " ,- ! (ieulty and diiiuace on pa! lie stores do- - . ..r t. n ( ir i:. i
der a charter granted to said as.H-;ation - . . . , 1 ,. .
live red by the cot ir.mtors ot tne com- ' --' 1 --sot '. -t .t: ! t
l.yan act ot the J.egislature oleun. ska : 1Ii;i!l,!u ;llj;iVi- ilt ,;::it j,t.
approved I-Vhruary the ft!i 1.17. Pros- j Orders have bi-ea i. s.u-d selertin th"
ent of the trtistees of the said association: ; Sixth Infantry, now in .--erviee in th- I)-- :
I. T. Whvte, Jesse Noel. Ilichanl lhown, ; l1;irt!!;,',;t rt' l'u,1,'1yi' ;rvi.,v ,u ,:-"-'' ':,: .,.......... .
., ... " . t. ,, ., , 1T lnc'toii aui. Uregou 1 erntor-es. - . r-r :.i. -i iiu-- .ne n..,Nn,.iv .
(-. U. Ilratton. A. S. Ilolhu.ay, II. S. - - . ,: y r(,,,,,... , h,r .
Thorp, C. C. Dorsey and Daniel L. Mc- j
o.i ; ini'..: . I'.f t . it'- C.i: h I'..i l-.i'.n. Or 1",
0. il l i-i i'- m.U. t Hi 1:
v . . . . i--i' !- y : : . :i .u f j. : .' i I j
l';.y i, i i::. ('!: .!:i!-t alhl I'Yti
Ij-ary. JJ-mg a mrr.ontv u the trustees
Ni:w You;;. Sept. 7.
l.i.V K ll'i- Mi I-..-:...' !
.!. I', m.: ,.t. : j
liii: I 'lit O'l
W w C 1 i' irt i. ii !y 0. 1 I hi ; .
I !
uas is.-ui n a proclamali-Hi
. i ..' . l ... i..: .bi-!:ii-ii.r l4-.!., ,;,,,,,(....,,,- ;., .
S.I ' l u.illli 1, uiiii e ei:s: :o e. in iiiaiei j . - v ....... . ...-...... , .,. ,.. t ,,,,,,.. ... ui..w: e M l.f tC-
. . i .. i . i . - -.
said chart: r a ouorum for business. ",M,: ' Ul""' "", "itl"1" ;i M:II''1"" :-'----1-- ''''-
T. . ... tr n i - nary loivc to i-i' stati':ietl at tiuarantiue to i.--. w.- u..
lpo,i nu.-io:., A. S. Ilolluday waseuos- ,(i-.(.t tht ,hvs nh, sick, and th-tH'o- f-
-:i '-resident. und 1 1. S. Tiiorn seretary . pcnV ot the Slat--. :" " ' 4 1
of said meeiii:-. I). L. Me(iarv C. (1. vo. i. -
A IT r. i i.; i i:. Xl.. Si it. S.
!t.' el-.C ! '!1 to. i-.i .'.O-e
fn-m -ix'v-t.vo t.nvn-'
' - 1: e ,.
Dors, y, II. S. Th.-rp and A. S. Ib lau'uy.
were by the trustees present made ;
i c m-
. i . i . . i . . . .
to-iLv. lieti
.-Iio'.V t.;.' e.eetio;: i: ..') lK. ; u! 1 i t ; 1 1 1
in:prove a farm, or who have th 4 means I 1Ji:Iis u'l i'-ril!a I;e Avi!1 te out of ali
ted State.-, as thickly as now in the mid-!
! to commence any other business on their
mitlee to draft regulations a. id l yia-.v- lor
said association, ami v. ere re nn ! to re- il 1 ) mot-rats to the Legislature a He
port the ram-; at a meet:;"- of the trus- : paM.ean 1' -s of one.
,- , l I i l ,1 I So Ve !;!" I) t r.v:..- r- tUt'U the f , ,! ' , , , .-
tersoi .-aid a?s...-iation. tib- h.-id at th.- .. - ,,, , , ;;
,r vo.e i.,r (...v.-rnor, vi,:.: ILiand Hail o. ). h. -Uci.arya! t ucn-r:; i .m.. ( U.p H,nrv K,.v.
on Thurs !ay. tlio KUh . f S.-ptemb.-r. i-j.i This is a lb-publican .iraia ofJ-J
It was by resolution. b-il, that any vote-.
V :-!..'!-:::.::. I V U ,,
IT-. - .i -, . ! ,. . , v.. ...
.i t . i . i . .,: ; y, i i:. it . ,.r. . w ..
:- 1 1 ": - i .-i- tt. 1 M t: x : . i:..
!' : ..' . i tt --, -..t.. ,-, , y .
- . M !. . , i! ....r.lM. ; .
r - . r ...
! -.. : . i i -n . !t :.. . t!..- - .
' ' ' I . i IV- I,. ,- . . : in, , '.
'I i : I ; . I' i . ..i ii.,. .. . r : : ,
' O . I ", . ... -., ;,,,,y . -,-U : ; j , .. .
1 ' i ' -: l- .- ii pi li .i. I 0 i .
' i : ' '' ' I. .., ,.
i : i. v n i i- i: - i . im i . ,i i .
i'.vii hojlx," would do muc
-everal reason-, to come no
1" io res of land. aft-r five yeais actual ' ..
i.ii Sum-.
.i-iipain-y: said senior i:aving the fees of ! , ,
enti v, c: but. at any lime d-.irin" th.e , ..." . ' ' .", ' ' ' , " "' ', ' ,"" ' i till spring. Money properly invested is
; the li rritcne.---win not be ail set:ie,l for ; . " , ,
live wars h- r'iA.X of nv-; , , ; worth from -iO to S- pu r cent interest;
: , 1 i ag s to come; that '-there is yet more i . . . . , ,
emminii mav oe '-rantt t . and th" svl ' . . . ,. ,' . ; r revisions are abundant ana very chean:
-', .... ! laud remaining tiiau all that is set-i . , , . , ' sure the spe. !v and certain eiibcts of th
an acre naid over. 1 feel sa'isb-d . . . town p.opeiU is much lower than it ever 1
' , , . lb d on, anu that it wail take as Jong a; .,, , , , . .,'1 ..-pu.. b,,.-.'" if r..,.,.v..- 1
jii ..w.i.'i ji-si i-i uiv- tn.-.i- - .il l . r mi- l , ....i.., i.i... in.-... niiiiii. in -l win feOi 1 ! 1 I M PI - I-' ' ,:,r
, ,. , .... ; o. limj for all this to set tie up . - . ,K,U-Crs of U,e "hoss" w th a handful of -,J,1-' 1 l- u"--,-
through the operations ol su.h a 1 ! , , , ma-, e the choice of the hind yet remain-- .. , trustees adi-H.rin-d torn
ix -ill ii ie- a '-'b 1 11 .--tne tlie hist settlement ol . .. -rooster sneeze, repeat'-d every two
(nir w ml lands uoiiid ra-s gradtraliy into . . , , , , -. , m, vaeain. lee past season the citizens Kith of Seittem'-er r-ore
ii I . i .. , ; . , la- S-tatcs several nunured year.-; h:at . , hours until the -secret ion:-" are ri-ht. I i ' ' ' ' .
the hands ot bona hue settlers; specula-:.... . . , , here have not advised their friends to i , ,. , , . , of D. L. Mi ( arv at 7 o
1 . (Jin,, Illinois, and Missouri, have eeen , f , f don't think there i a possibility of such
lion would be ce-mpt-ht il to M-t-k feme i 4.. r . , .. - i e.i-;e on account of the prospc-t of ... " . A.S. HOI.I
;!ness on their J u-J!!o''1- ! live of -a:d : ru-t 4e sboul-l a ouo-1 Tlie r. iurn thus far received, indicat- ' uo.. :-,.-tu. , .,;
ch ,,.tu.r This kind of treatment I will u.-e ia ! , t ) ;,:ti;n of the pubh. an Stat, ti-k- UZ:,:.
,,.-,' all cases, and so my success; will be made I ,. , . , et by aa ia.-roa.-e : ..!):) mattnty over ''";:,f" "'' ' "'
, than to wait . , ... permanent org:in:.-iti..n oi the said a.-.-o- ! i.. r J v ,
, . . . : Known in every house m the e.-t. . . l444 .-' ' " -i:"-''-'
1 nnested is; . , . ciation. ! Tie- (..:i-rer,i,.n:.l ti.-k.-t runs ab-.ui
1 will gave calomel tor every uiseae in .. . . . . . i , . , .? . ' 1 .", ,, Tv 5.' IV P 7 "S'fil t'?
com m.eiest,. - ' I p.m moti it was n s-.-.Iv-.l that iue ' p'al uitn h..- State ta-ket. a.l ih.- !!. if, i i 5. $ - S5;
i i the .start, and a dose oi castor oil to in- 1 , ! ,,..i ..... : i... , i : r i ., i i ,. . i sj M k 4 k a niiVl ,
d very cheap; ' ,. ., -ecn. tary be rt-uunvd to lurm-h th-4 N..-J 1 " :'" ' ale. i d I v o.i go
iue . , ,. , , u;;:. inracs.
nrasioi .eivortisor witn a copy o: tne j ro-1
ceedings of this meeting. On meaion. the
l - . r i . t. . i 'it. t ' ,. ... .
" . ' i. : i i- il - II ' .1 l:. ... I'.
-. .i ! .;. :. ; i. ., i I; ,;i
I Oif t . - 1 1 1 i I ;, . . , ,U i : .;
1 il", II. :(:- l.l . I i- Vn-IIV tiiw n 1 ...r ,r. 1 1
I I 1 . .11 .11 I I IV 1 .111 1 I 1.111 111. 1. II... II III . I . T 1
new channel ; the Territories would , ". '. , . ine J.and Sales taking place, in September:
, settli-m. nt, mi aeitiirin-5- tlieir present p.n- 1 1
grow rapidly into States; prosperity. . an(, . .nul tiat t nmv it would be well for al! to write
wealth and happiness would shed I'r , prajia a,1( Fan-as will re-euire a-: .-re;4' : !" ,lu f r!i'" m the KaA U) co:i;e im'
bemgn rays ou-r our land. Shall our a p, ,., tiUiC l0 5ulvant.;. l0 tIl;, , ai::. I "idiat, !y this fa!!, or if not convenient
voit-e, the voice of the pioiiet rs of tin so - , , - .- , ,, , , , i .,, ,. so snxi. to come as early as pos.-il Ie in
pt'.-iiu-n . we win uoi necti any ! 1
western w nil.-, be heard by those who -, i - . , - , - lie4 .-prii: r.
, raiin.aiis in Neoraska lor thirty years, . 1
govern the destinies of the nation i : v(. ' ' j There are many who desire to locate
Will the -Homestead Hill"" be granted ..p,.,.,,.; ,.,n i( .-.i,..., hi the west, where they can 1. ave to their
tons? Who, of the members of our next ; j,,.., ...jj repnhuion, in'lhiV. oun-' t'hillln'11 ;l home, 1 ut think there is plenty
Congress, will originate a bid of this ' ,..y i....,.,..,. i;l u .,,,.,,.51 r;i;;.:, m,-. ' ''' Y '-at in this they are mistaken,
kind and secure its parage ? Will not ; c,;i..(1.iIi.1 iiit,.lv,t. yhrtl J f,r jV:lj,J There j not plenty of time. Nearly
Hon. Jas. Craig of Missouri, the s-ptat- airi,l:;ll,u. tll0 til!10 t:e Tt vvU:rv, , .f. ' timbered latuh and prairie imme
ter's friend, labor to aeeomplih so noble ! N(.pr..a :u,,i K;ill,a? ,V( ro ,.r.U;iz, a "lately a line, nt to timber, is now either
and worthy aiM.l.jee-t? If any mauinth- f,i(.lul f 0,,rs Viho ti(.,in.a toh,,,,,. ..,., occupied ly a--tual s. tth-rs, or is owned
est can carry it throu .:, Ci aig is tl
As to p.,l.:ifS we wiii keep pace to the ; tn j. p,.,- i,era,,,.(. i Territory letween here and the I?ocky
l.-iusic ot (Jul l)i-,ioi-;.ii'V lighting in ., , r.... r : ... . :. 5 Mount urns is said to be -,.. -n .
y, loth east and west of the
. . j tl iiV'i Villi' H.5 11 I 1 ' 1 1 1 I it
braska, and, ahhough he liked the coun- -,J1"!:bi,i rivi r. A vast portion of tin
wa- too far from civilization: it
be an ago before there could be set-'
rtiness. an 1 these who expeet
to com.
earnest for the Mpiain-r
sovereignty--!.on-m'eil,renee tne ' l).l,.,.vA li(.r..' Tlo-re ia much hn-er ; u v';t 111 u'n or lifu't 11 " a,'rf l"1""1-1 how,
part of the run. ra! government with the i j,.,.,,,,,, l vV, ;u ,.pnijv;l ll::ui will iiudland worth from oO to 1 ... !-
subj. it ff negro slavery, or with any oth- ' .t ,A,,Uuin ?uiau,sed tlier" would be for ! !ars incr a,'ro' lrY C"'dd now get for
er insiiint;. of a local hara.-fr. 1 ,, Iu 1,., ,n l;;r!y om- ,., !ar and twiMily-hce cents.
1 wili make ,;.. Advertiser :i y-li-w.-: yt.s, . v.iH p Ji:,jlv ,.f p.; The future millions of Nebraska will
isitsr to e, ry home a c.uigej.ial ct;m- j-, .,.J u-t of the Missi.-. i-j i river, than' ,H'' ?',,:it city s-Miiewhere inthesouth
panion in h-alth ami aihiclioii-the gay ; til01v ,...,,v t.a,t ;t. Tp(. nl,.; UUK. a-t ) art . f the Ten itory--a metropolis
as well as the sad w ill find many things ; CoimwU., v,.jIil t),e first settl. nc-i.t of ,i"' ' ' -Y lying west and north
of amusement and eon-humm ; th-Ila-tern and Middle States were on-' u''- i,f h,'lv- S!:;l!l that -M"etr,.n...!i4 be
The .-.llsliall go oti" anyh.-w I'di- '. tin Iv di'l't-rent from tho-e n.,w of Ne'na--. Iht.winilie i Y'e knuwof no reason why
tor at home or a! road -T have the mate- ka. Ohio ai
1 iiil it will I e u- -d.
vli many kind wishes for your
cess, reader, I subscri
high t-stc
' fro-:-: w i'k::n. m '''. i-'i"
mod to meet again on the! TI,4 Sah M,: read, . I this ,-ity HOUSE, SIGN, CENIC
,ber. aforesai.l at the , .ii ,- i Y'Y- "; ''' ' -'- ()- .Chi.u-s,-. r-TrJT-yj. AlNrx,
1 !i.iMog 1 -u im- toy u o.ivs since. , . . . ... . , .
I- i .n:. ... .,..t" i . ...... ------ - ...
II. S. THORP. S, cv
j ii;i vu'ig 1 -1 1 the tit v 10 days since. O.
,L. DAY, l'res. ;fa.-t: (1 ? j V I il i 1 l i hr
.ii.i.ii.i, o i n 0 1 a u
ir.-t m. vi o
1 .
The Moriu m- who had ;it (i;
111,1 .ei' an r. to n.e c;,v. ;ii,d . 7; f TSTT TT A TTri TTn
rili;i!t' I('(iin:r- uteri.ig up n their usual avo.-ati .:.s. - :ii Xii liai.UlitU, .
rursuant to a call of numerous citizens! ihiglnm Young, cur informant say-.: IliJ.iKT of all KlarfC ().'
of Omaha, th-re was a no-oting hebl at : ll,-,'li- hmi.-h au.l live.- m foil- 117.,.,' y n
the rooms ;,f the OuiaLa L. -ra. y Asso.a- j fear , tic- u , . '''' J MAL1.U.
i'.tion, eei Tu
Ue-iUiy ( .-veiling, -.Ug. Oi't.l
eoj W
e ilt
the purpose of consulting about taking ' 'a ! "i'1'1''! th-ir .-y-s to bis outtage. u-: ' OM" ( K U
s, me 1,0 a.-tuvs t.Mliil'iise iiiformation wiib : '"l--t;"v.-. 'i his it w ill 1 e r.-u, .-.!.. r- (JKiiiMAI., VAl M.ASS l
regani to tm- resources au-l aOvautage-,. 1 r - , 1 ""' o : o
the Territory. On n."ii.n V. A. How- I -IVr;i 1 Y J '.'oubti. .-s true. The. c .
t b;e: at u.-t b- t-;i st-ipo.-.I ,,; n u -. . :
wa- cl.o-eu Set-rohiry.
., . ..o, ,1 . eii. ;:o I ne- foul Moka.aci stuud- I t . . 1 .
i j re.:crij tion fantug, unies . tne patient
has "winked out" several days be-fore 1
see him.
1 am a "doctor," and I don't w ant to he
called Mr. Snooks any more. .V man
what knows aii about canals, congestions,
inflammations, worms, -secretions, &c. I
must be called "Doctor." Oh. what a
swe et name ! I ain't no humbug, 1 am a
Yours till eb-ith.
Piatr, N. T., Sept. 7th.. '
Fcii.nd I't i::,- -: tion w
.. - t .1.. o .1 ... 1 ..1 ; t;...r ;., : anil d.-st-ribinir the adxan'ages of cirtain ;;"
, I '-IHI, il.s 1 O', IL il' ' lUi't iii l.lIU. ill , " 1 -1-J.
. '-. . ' .. ... . ' , 1 lor:i!ilie. We nr.. !uo b ; , : ! :-. .,1 i , .. i I . , 1 " o til" ;..!.eV
. ........... .1. . r r .... 'i- i ............ ...I.
ivie.-t in mi- e niii e e: our i c-i i noi . ;i:i't
l,r 4'4"- "L -'-'e., - - - . u.,,d l y iu r atlverti.-u.---iMwer iios.-f.-se
to fontribute my mite t-.-.var.! the pro-- advantages iu inducing emigration, which ' ( vofiriiK tl
pe-rity of the same. I have been induced ! we can n--ver have till we follow lu-r -x- i ;r ""i'u J 11
amnio. ou can scarce v inc.- un a news. 1 '' 4 1 " ! at: i n.-tunuunt t-r.- w i
paper in an Must m lU'u-l, that tl..,-- net , l';u' l1"''11 ,!l the mines. They rep.t.rt
ct-utain seme i- tters iVom Minnesota, do- I !-',:!,l 's ! -u;.d ih.-re, and luid imiov w
(.;;!'.-: i . Oil., CRAYON.
' ' 'i inv i .tu-! ,i ;. .,ip '
' .' ! - ' l I i . . i i i ; r
(b-u.-.t-e C. Ciuve- Il .... being ad, d
on lo stale theobie.t of the meeting, hoOer- with his hideous feat .re-
remarked: That he f. It we were tg t
! mg our (iutv as :uf n
v, ::!. d.
S towards the Tec- i Mi'. Chau- - j.;.;-, t;i;lt ,.,. .,. .
ritoi v. A large noi-ti -n of th- enogra- "! "'""i L;"1 1,!t ,;' ;" i"-r Oreg.-n.
Inch b-iiv'-s th Pa. t h r the V, ' '';ilt "!,i''rs woubl m,,ee m tl;ut 1 1 1 1 . - -
!i"h s. on. I!e iii-'i -i i! otht-r tro,.;s . r, . j r , .,
Ie stales that he Pu,
fui-.her south ! ban Minnesota: v. t Mi.,- Ui:il ii.-h-aa-, an-l saw i..-r,e
i ..; . M;li,.Vt . :
'it-i 0 i -:i
' : On- M. i. , , .,. :.
- !" ' . - .:.-:. o . c.-il1 o..u i...r !.. .
! O :; i .. f .i. , .. i..i: ., ; ,.
i ' ' "It .U! it . U .ii i r- '
Oil Mil lis U M'.N'.
Oif. S' 1 I. I- . i .
Claim Notice.
T ' . v. ;-, ... -. it f . t .i ., .,
- .e-l !..: v.l,. ., : , ,..,. ,
' " '!.'-.: O . : I -.. :U ; , .. ,!,,. I-
that re la -! i!e
o wriie tins communication, in fonsC-Mion'-e
oi' set-ing the curd e! the .Ales-is.
auu-'i-s t
f Nemaha Citv.
I : .
Co I
l'l ) il l- oi I. in V.u
(.-it! P.- ::tw : ,
I .s. 1 , ,
i i:.;. t. . 1. I,
i r i, I - ;
I li.ui.,. ,,...
M I I. IU ! V. I l l
de-r.s for tin' erectii-u glowing- v.! n' ige j
fence, c. 1 have bee, i making" some cal
culatii. ns with, reganl to the co.-.; ih:
sc: ii.ti-ms of its bt autiful s, t-iierv, or ex- -I""'''" ti:eir-.-;.es.-i..:.. Th- y
piitiating up. m its 1,, .un iii. ,s re-ource.-. ,!'t ih-- in.ic r.-, without t.tols, ami witi:
The Western fever had bee n indue , j,, j " oth.-r appliances than tin-p:ins. i-x..-..
U.O.,,. ,. . !.
; v t,
. i . i .
id Kentucky were s. tilt d li::i' n"!- ll 'h'b-'hd on the iu-
sli.-.tiy a't.-r th- Ifi-volution, wh-a; there '-'t-try, en. rgy, and sagacity of itsinhab
, , . . . . -i-e ...i , . . a,: .
; vi--., were ouv three or lour noliu-us of m- 1 :' oi
habitants thinly scattered over the conn- ' !;1:;,''' arf' Vh nd in many respects su-
. try lying ea-t of the Alb-gheny Moun-j l,,'ri,'r to i"' "? an' 'h"r ,0M n in tlie
Tin: I) r.v ii,. ; tains. Now, tie- States have a pop:.!;;- j Territory. Th" country back of Ih own-
:e lUVs. If,
'I h - ( ... iha 'V;..-ov, i;i an article
!-:i- i, 1-.
ti .. of on (.-(ill ncii mo! ,. : hie is settleil un to a greater cnsiauce
- 1 ....... . .v jii ,.:.u,
'die po-'p-U
N ' bra ka. c-"u .iudes in
ami in, us, m an artieie noon : t , , , , , , .;, .,.,,, '
, 1 i-l-o-es as tin- klv settled as they ever w;'! u!'ui '
uomcnt of the Land Sales in ' , , ,,' ,' , , -,1-ove
. . . , ! e as long a- there is - .icant html m h ! a
f-iciutles m saving: . r , , . i :, ,-, .....
.. , - 4 est for tin- j-epulation to g.- to.
ll; . '."., 1 J V'Paatl eons. -ai-iitly will send from ten toil"r !i'''' "itli"' JX ,,,:,,s l
thinu ii -w th'- ad-.i u-.tration is all right ' - l-" i , , Tf , n , , i ,,. . ' . ,
-.- . .. -: .t ,.,.... ..,.,..,!!,. , , , , i. : I ra-ka C i v. 11" coi.lil not bae le-catei
again. -..i -o. u.ti nt et the " bar i;u-e lu ia..t s ..s n,ai. ..nnua!, m seel.
it is lack of any point on the river
lo re. Hon. Mr. Coin:, we are
inform' d, located tin- chim of Alabama
unci within six miles ot gSe-
as yea tin
.-eeks ago Old lliick . !i!--v homes in the west as the Atlantic
might get fi ighn n tl 0 .r fear you w as "
States did eighty years ag
that amount of laud wiihin I'.ftcn mile.
of Ih-ownviiie. Indeed, in traveling west
ing lo lor.-al.e him. I), in"; v,m think he's ' t:,, i,.,,m:, '.- ,; , .. v' ;, .c; from here, for a bun !r tl miles, we are the necessity o
. , . - ii' 1..U Oi jii.llll'i'i In,' 10 .ii.s
all rugh, lor spcitte,,, ntt-restsf i c-uutrv. are nothing to be compaired to '-'Y ' -'
A,ll. Mr. liuas,, that:;ii ;,t(i;r ( r r f(, . J ( j... (lf -)K. way. Mr. Conn, com. an; la- regard to th- a
Old IWkwul neu-r friglitcm d" ,-n :l f:irill..r f..r!v ,:flv vears' a' -o, s.-tlb-d " ' hool I,.nl doubt net, but l
youraccount. 1! eknows very w, 1 tua, : , . ( , ,.f ,his pb.fc-of all the vacant have c xponded
: Ins ca.-e iy -tist .-in I: t -,r i h-- a to r , v' ''i in -..a i.u ...-.r o ir.- p.-r iay tt
M-.n: i h . to seo n -.-..tT- ,.' . - o . , ; he.' nan,;. I in-. IVil.-..,lln' t rum I :.:'..
I-! -es. 11, 1 :.' I. IT. 1 I v 1" lit' sC l f V I .
; ' , ' gataetl wlu-.-e ot i li,!,t b- to ga'her
ot timber into accouiit, they are Uiecneap- j ml-iiu-itio-, with P
e. ' M I:.'- .' h !.:. I o. :.-. V , .,;,7 V.
' - I - . : i 11 -. liii' l .. - . r - ,; . - i
... -" : ,: . i u r t ,,i,'. ,: o ,. , , ;,
'' - ' e. If.- : 1'.. I I. I ,,. . o ii., ;
' ' 1 ;. .:.,!--.,: , . i,. , ... .;. ... ,, . ,.-t V, ,..... !:
'':.. 11-'-,!, ' ;- ,l,i- - ,.i . , . .
. ; 1:11 e-U'.-l-liuents, il
s th" xi-n-n:
to toe l'es a.i'i t-s
I I. il il
est fence, in the end. that the farmer of ! and canal, lieu-- i f t c..u w ! ;-,..:. ..-t p t.;.-r.- .i r
iugs. If - -ays tr.ob-is anu
Uiig to the gohl -eg..ns.
...... . ;
1 i -'. . 1 1 i-
.1 :
1 ' . ... ' I" I , I , : : ' , I .
v. . i . , t ..I ; .
-. . ...I. i ,
' -.-.'l J. :..... M.
a ii, .i i-i :
this country can ( rocure. llecause, fir.-t,
they are permanent. Let the farmer.--1 ut
once get a good hedge fernr around their
farms and with a very little expense
0,.r informal;
Com !it , ;:,.;-.s
parts of the T rritorv, and to M atter thi-
inl'orm.iii.-n broad.-a-t ihrt-u'-.h all ,),,. : !il l"' t' oi our city whi- h wi-l n lalb.
land. He should hk-a!.-o, tliat the socio-. u '"!l,'!l "b"" ''''' -djeet. au-'l
ty sh'.uid have a room where tlu-re in- ' u!n,':i - 've i!"- m-.-t r. lial ! ii.t'.in.i-
, i ,
I' i - i , , ,
ci ! I ..
' ii , ,. , i i .ii .,
A.l -. .,
- H i IM : . ,,,
. i s
loriuat: nihoulu 1 e propel , lo-pt nod
f' r- are from ai tie
every year, they have a li-ncv ;-.a uurable j at the e, lum-ii.-.l ol s'ra.-c er-.
as the soil upon which it grows; and sec- Mr. Joiu s mod d that a . o-P--uP o
1 S- ' .1.1..' 11
wo'-'Oii i ii:,,s" pit sghi iou;o ,, ut)-:,.
ail i it -gl uiat i- .;l.
The vol" bt ing talo u. the iu .-ti., ; uu
unammeu: !v cai l it d.
Mr. .lei.--: moved that a t a. if -t , ;
live he iippi-m-,.,! i.y ('
The- Chiiiruian apj'oii,'. d :, . J. n-s.
! un- -w in re. una wi!,' i
olid, because they do not, t r will not.
every year be under the necessity of tear
ing down and rebuilding in order to se
cure their crops, nor wili they ho annoyed
with lad and hrenchy stock, ( ithe r of
their own, or tn ir m mhP,rs. for a g. -od
hedge fe nce turns ev jrv'hiu .:; and ihioiiv.
..r 1 1 ;.!. i i;
! 'to CM mil
I . o W e , . t ;
!w.., ;!i. Ai:.,.-u,.:
'.I a
.1 ( . iui i. ! "o e
o.- O I". 1 l.e Solj'ii
- ;ife a vt-ri-y. I a-
a a:i n ha: b- u--w.- i roia : );. -u . .1 1 be
' r i'u uoi. h a;ii'..i v. ... , .
o.-:.. ! iv .... ,.
( .-ijiiitie of a si:vi lU i::.
'I he Jyo'j bin, c-ii, ma i, d , J.,, omn
aut John N. Maiiit. sail, d Irom Sagua !a
Or,::. ! on th- Ji -t ult. an-1 f'-li in w :th th.
h u eg a-i ' i.t u r, :
.i i
. i t j
.i ...
u i-
' 1 ,1 ' I .
- i : e,
- .a ii... ..
I t ,.),v f , t ;
' I. c.-i -VI t : , .nt t. h
it will, if universally ab-nt d, siii.erciob ! Al'' ;' !'ei i.;:: til and iu.-!: u- tive ri nairk-
, i i . ... , , - . . . ...
,- I r.V 4 I'.: :: :,.-!. !.. " '..-HI.:
." ! Momii ami S,,-'.v. ih'::, ..-o..: !:' li; ' ' '.d d rang th
- ' -I I'll .1 I... ,
i f to.
ssity i.f the "Ho:; Law,"' s
oi our cili. os. ana with
a-.. our:.
aetiial Co. t ol toe tmng. 1 I -.;,,-ut
i f -
that many ol our larmer.- ;
mi l t a gam , m S
...V iMU.a.v
'i ou j.t-r.
i . i , :
. i - i
i.e .' i : v -
' U.f . t
' I il .
o i i -. ;.n:-i ai.: . i
"; i
ii.. i-...
ihe attractions ol' in- Omaha 1. O. are
chaoses lo pursue, whether right or
wrong-, for or against iP- iiiti-rest t f the
comitry you will always he on his side,
t nioro m u.ey m I uii-tiog
The mhoiin,. ,1 i:..-.-i her l.i.l ...
i t - . i .-... .1 i :. ! . i , .. , - r;. ' u Ii.:: - t v. 'i i ; i - v. : i :.,.- -i . i , , .-. . ' 1
,1 .. i ..I to . i:--..:. . . . i... .1 a:.: it, I ill ten rimes, mis was i:is . -A i Ju n.aov eil-.'s l-oof tenet .- t:,, v .............
, .1 . l . , i , -O' il.l" tii ill - ...'iilii', 0-.i. .I'". ..ill. ' - ; i. 1-.-- ,-. 1 . , . , . , 1 I . , I, 1..,. v
such, that whaierer iiiavP-th" course he ! , ., . ..!...:... 1.,, l ,. -.i ;,.,,:,...,? t-t m lo- I. 1 ...'.... r..t. ;u ... . ;.!'-l,",!l Ul 4 '-1 v.,-......-...,,)
n :!. ! t., ;; ,-,
limit rami iiuorove a farm to a degree lirn' '' cf lhc disappro- j i)ul some- will .-ay. we will have t-ludd;
I ' !' c col's a- a -t. I.,:-
'' I '''!' ! eve ih- in a ! i-mk ,
iu i i-s-iirv to live foiuforta! !v. 1 ! re
i ;
aiioiit f our cituteiis. i a len- e anyhow, in t ;-,.er to pr. t the
It :' 1 . 1 :.. ,,..1. ! ... ..." 11 -1 - i, 1 , !
two tr.Puu vears ou our fertile vranies. I'tmmo mis aiu.-iivu ... I'T- j gu-w ing neeige. v en wen; a..uatt;ng this
.1 . . .. . ui. ,i - lieu sais ft c
Latt'st 'cv.s i Y'ya tlx- Y.:1
'-,!.;,-;, wa ;-r.--a.b d. An al..
!-':'h Id.-- : nP i.ti- Li--..', n-
' : ' a bail ;;:;.. p
o t - . . ,
- . i , i. .
.i.-i : : , ,; ...... ;
l: v. ill; V -
l.f.. K I.
1 .. . I ... , ' . I ... . I 1 1 .1 ,
as, u, iui . t li.iiii ai. t ' tj--.i: :o i,t- true, is tms m: of lost: J,v in; means
Vl.o.-I I.'. lO'I'I ,
1 i I. I i -. , S. ! - .
t. -ur, ami gr.;.-
I '.. ' ' 1 n .:,.;. - , ,;, a ; i
s.i s. :t -,g ,
and lil.d him ali riuht i rem time.
" a man orui n.-ihe a farm ( ith th"
KieCllon ill LeaYeilWOrlll. " '-eption of needing or.hards) M.p.erier t- ',h, riv"r :!;",v, Jo?lbh' -vi;!: 4 Voa have the usg ofyg.ur land while th, Tim Canard -eam-hip'A. ;;l je-riv. "d ii.P v---'' ePm , ' i b'r uimou "p. l.o.
The Republicans in the Leavcnw-rth : the b.-r t farms in Ohio. Ohio was : t- ox.-t-j.ti. -n of Nebraska City, and t:.e m- hedge is growing, and when grown, y,.n morning, with Liverpool dates to .v p-a th- rvrn, pa:n'.-.i '.vr; a l-.rite r
inui ieipal election bat4 1 it n defeated. ' t!el !-. -fore 'many of the modern iuve-n-
ft that jdnre was principally ow- : then have yt ur rails, c, if good f,,r a;,v- I 'ia'- t1'- uA-
name, Putnam. aP , c:,-t-r' d. i . . j t,.
-, , . . .. . , n, :1 ,. t. m,-i-u-rv loca-iou of i!,e Cv. ,b,...r i -.. ;.' ., c, :.,i -. . . :i ; In" so-aia-r liammon.u arrived ..ut on " 1 " !l ve,-, w ita t -tr.-o hue ! a.,. I
i i . j f. x 'i iiiiuiu, i c:in ; a; . -, as ei- i ; , 1 1 : . : .' : s a.'Ci iill erovt-iiiems t 'i ,111 i-.'.rn u. - i t . , , j
I 4 ., a .,..,! .. ...... i 1 i .. . l'- '-'0-1"" o-'
:.l;:yir. beating 1 .-th hi- c -m-. ti-ors 71 Pn-.. were no Canals Kahrom's or ' ' , fouvemeta tomoe eceasion i-iy. so t.uit : ,.,
" '" I - - III... f. .
. ' 1 . 'p. '
" '' : '' ' '-a- ' '!,.. i .
' ' ' I i- I , ; in- . t V. a.
.1.1 J s,. . ii I ,. tl. . ,
o c T n s mo:;: -
'fsia, wi'h the ih;
ighlc-ti 1 h
T1-. v.. 1 - .- .-.. 1 ... . -
' - . . - ' j . i . -. i , i t ,-, s, , , ,t .s . I ;i : ; i i i M : s.
They sent their i-rt du.-e on informed lias actually l'..-v,-a?cd in pop-! ti.... objection is worth n -thing. Lit u-
v.hifh Denman reccivi ,1 h'-h'); S,ott, lit -p- i d:tt-boats t. New Orleans, o
nblican. 7aD, and Fish. r. Five Soil, 100. 1 on w a.:
.ns ever the moim-au
r hauled it ':':'!' n this sunuu'-r. V.'e shall r
s to Finai- 1 irtili'-ad of her,
i f:OC-n liiiLiu a lew !i-ruies ami see what th
a s p.i-s,. gjers. t n tl...
A pr---; C-U l.U,: j . p...
itj.b ami e xt. n--iu-ly cir.-ila
: I .:
1 a ;t 1 ' a rd. '! h" i i , v.
v.--re iuu. :.-!; ,-. P.- , nth. .1. a;.-! .- :.r i.g
' -a ,P'--. u. Ti - i..-.v -e ia ig...
1 ' g ' : i t New ( ": ' PP I :!:...' s.i. p
ol the4 ci-mtu.-n ran i
. . JO- lilt .:.. I, . i .. .. 1. ',-,r. , ..
..l'l I ... -1 . . . '
mumciitt. i s v.rh Pmna and A- - ;.. : :
. .. ... . .... I 1 -l ... t- l ... ...... ' -.!.. , -t- i
i ne wnc.e j v p:.: in -aa ticket was t'.e- . ttetp., i. a o n lame ol . ei i i.e.; ., . " n...- -- s. ........ ....... . , ..lUi....v n..- two. i .;:;., i.;u,L,, 1 ord. '-'!i -r-- 1 1 .: i . -, ;
fe;:ied. I tahim; moiiths to make a toilsome au-.P made th-4 exertions to attract attention! are worth almost anywhere in our county ! Pmpeg.r Na-oP m
- - ; dangerou.-trip. Now. from here, w-oin ' it in Fast that many other points have. per thousand. Now to mahe an : h wa rum -r -1 that th- Fr.-a -u O---
Hl'V, PiUltf Ml(l. ; ,,.,vi.i a.. rt-mot eortiens of th-- The .-itizej:.-; of seiu" towns have sent ! ei-bt rail fe!:,e. it wiil c, -t f..r v:! !! J ernm. nt had th ma;id.-d .-vnl.-i u---v-. -. -. ...
' " - ' ' '''; f..r t. i
'!'.. i-.. r. ,: . :.
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1 ; .- .ir'. -r ..-i -i.e.'
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Mv. C. It. Manning, hxte ; ;aU,s a,..j iu a, li!anv weel.s. In h:uu:n ds and thou.-ands of copbsof their about 0 gents pgr rod, to say uotPi.-P'or 1 J-.11',1 lvl;l4iv- ' homb
from Xebra-U ( ::y. has established him- I() Vl.ur, a ; a farm-r-s rai;!:p,- v,,.-,. . p, ni papers t, the eastern cities. An.! ikying then. up. This f.-m'- v. ,11 las- l- i ,
seh in lhu,n,.:.--. and will carry onto- 1 .,.-lit.;, rai,, aUthey eat, and mam;- then4 i scar,- ly a c opy of an eastern ra-! p::r,,t. five years withoiit nt-airs. .h- u ! rC'"
1 aiuMngbu-.:., small its var.,-t..s ' ' ;":;,-!u:v ;:!m.,t all th-v w, r-. TP v p-r that does i,t have communhatio;,, ! jvr!:a,, (.ni, ,f tIu. Hrst rZ wi'i ! - - t-o d Zu
has ha.l a great .lealol practice in Y.oa- ,.., . R.J;j v,: ,,.a tia;i J;.,,,: fre m paces in th- west, whPh necessary f,r repairii Now lo d l'
nantal Famtrng in the Last, ami, wv . y (v,;M lam , aro pij f,r as sdvcr!p,nu,.H. fence will cost, all, n-than one!
tau.k w ill give entire s-.-.tK-faciu n to all , . , , , , . , ... . . ,, , . , , , . v.V.n .una ;i
, ,i- . . i .ai-inad to v.vrk n-most Kic.-ssai.:., - - - d..!-.r p.-r rod mPu.hug th- pnpumg , r .i. . ,
who may empi v bun. St v Ins advertise- p. - , - . . . ., , - , , ? ,. , ; "" l
.r. m i!ayl:!;t to dark, winter anh sum- Corn Oysters. 5 dozen ears of (-;. j tl. : .edge row,board. and e wry thing .-P.-. p:U;d and Fran-.
of a r-. '1 ti" , .,. ,' tp. p., p , j .
board tie- I) .'; hi... the ! alam o n u -ih; d
' ' -so "o" L' '. winch wa- i. a;.!:, d ; v
!' : ih- I) P::;ns i .--..-. a:P saf. iy
hor.-d in Char! --v., IPv . u tiPi ult.
1 : : . -v., . . - , , . : i '
In- AY, , r. o . v. T' .If
that 1 y th.- tr- ay of ; , u.-e be ah. 1 ;..
i:.:!n-'a tl lr;i:. s -. o,. Th-- Ma'- -r's ;
i.o.-se iu.h i,i,i-v t. Pug- up ,i..a'v"vp:
,' i . : i
' e c: i. v.
II IUI I l..s
i:. t. -u.r.i iui
t V. I-,-.-- . f i'
.'. I !
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i !.'." r a
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c ll o:,:.l : ;. e a :
Ii :,
. . . , i. .
o: .v. :
no nt in aiiotner column
tiff, to gain a simsPte-iH'e. Lai oring ti eggs, grate the corn finely amid-. 1 ; Now, is it
not evid . ut. ti it the Pf e r
Frank V: Blair has given notice that men w n- t, ;, tented with from V to IU j wi'h wheat :!our, 1 eat egg. very li ;ht -..:.! j 1 v far preferable. The only ft ar that I
he will cntest the right i f ( '. It. Barrett dollars per mouth, and take their ay in mix gradually with the corn, let l! whole-1 have, is with regard t j the P-ahhv grow -h
-u ;.N(.i o v. S- : t. 7.
B. Bovvhn. or 3ii. -ouri.
J ir I go .iau.'-s iJ. Jlowlui. .,t 3
1" as ! t en tendered th" mis-i, n to l'..r;
as a .
I o,
J..i. A :
' no.. .. i- g;.
.-. 0.1 -
f t- .a.
i nv t ..
'. I..- i -. i r . j i ! .
V. , IU I, .
A fc. :,- I.. -.r. i,v; ;.v N '
John .'I. rip: ;s-'
-o tin
la a seat in the- 'loth Congress from the ' trade. In many localities, the ca.-h that be well beaten, 1 spoon of salt, fry in hot i of the hedge riant. I fear that the drouth . -n i ';. .-. ; " ,..'',"! ,4r:t" 1 . '' "' ' :' '
St. 1 -... Disi-i.-t. ' pa-s.-d through the of a hirmerP lard ami bue-r as oa do Hitters. 1 of some "f oar seasons w i!! a;akf a-ainst s- accent i'. S.-v-al oti'.-V "' i'."i t
i.r.-t ,.o'e n.aii
-i Fh re !.-, au I -vi-;
:i'-e ff m Wa-h::.g:,,n
!v reside in I';. Cal-
:.- lil On- Ii I
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of hi
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