Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 16, 1858, Image 1
cvrv if 0 St t 6 tun a Ay Ay DEVOTED TO AltT, SCIENCE, AGKICDLTDKE, COMMERCE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRASKA. VOL. IH. CITY OF BItOWNVTLLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1858. NO. 12. QJZ Ay Ay Ay Ay g Ay Nebraska CMtocrlisct l-t-BLI-'lLD KVllKY Till. l:SIAY ET R. W. FUKNAS, Second Story lLadl--y Iuir B-i'din?, .'CrreT .f M:i'm atil Fit.-l Streets.) ' i i to w n v 1 1 . i -1 - N r P,r r.nrycJir;f , ;i lv.Ui:" . . '. i ..t ' MlunlllJ. 'J.j'J i i v ... - - " 12 " -'-'' 4 tnnii'ii. 'r ,v:l'.l l.-1' Hot i.tlici !";- ,.,-,-,.,, ...j maroon Oae '' ir" rch .i 11''. 1 $i.r" : ". ' 2...' ' !."" : (,,1:1! ' 1 . .1 .' I i I'., 1,11. I 2 i ''-i 20.IH1 j 1"."" ! s.idi ; i::.iiii i 1 ,i i"i I One .-J i.i c "si; in t; Iioi re"- ' ' " r 1'J : year, One '': nri in y ' ' ,.i-ri,;Si i i .,;.i-i,:i. -it i" n'-i'i, f.. " ir Jl fl ' ' .hi n i '!- in hut i; j ii i. t'i f.U't'l " ' C'lt'l " 1-1-. . l-l i:V ' ' in i i ' l ' ' ill .1. ma! v r i i . :i 1 V" . ; : I ; V i i ii II' . v. Ii. .. a'i:-l loth.- T- :i l r -:i: I T. V., i ; ; I'll I "11 'T. nn" ; " i " jr"- 1 i. :i .'( i"'; '" A 1;-:.- -! ' iB'- l h i ii'-' i r-i'TC l .,lt . :i'l 1 ' ' A.'i i "'' lon-.Li t.- i ;(' 1 i 1 'i .riv;! t 4 n i- I'y ''i inMt u .t ,r : k. . tr Vc irlv i U ,,: ' tilCT u li-T- A!! .. i - al vc rV ". 1 - 1- II " 1 t.y !li" V- t. ,r .rcvini:-! v 1 fl 1 ,i ! ; .' Ill l! 1" I . ' v ' rn r.r- I. .M'.il.O'.' l until - r.m-'.r tit l.'-r- i i . i . 1 -i-lv r i .(- t , i..: f.T .-X- ; i i ir - -.1 .L.uMf the I I a -n ( -. n 1 1 . EOOII AND FANCY Tnp ni)iTIVf1'!:ilm! r.lLAiiK. fJUl 1 lxU. BUOWXYJLI.E, N. T., cn to o O J3 XV ti r r s l x i: s s MI M A Ii V C A U i) S . tv km: it. MILLINER AND D1E3S MAKES, ila-.ii P: i it. cv- 'ivr '. c Cat ;-cr..; IaiA. YV VI I I r. N. T. u. c : o:i".cjO:j, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SoI.U'l l'i)i: IN I'll ANC'KllV v i' i'.:; i'.vnvii i.i:. N. T. nn.w I.--- .-.Ti. . l.h N. T. I: S. 1. : .. .: i.ii e. ,: U ,;, K . I . , - t u w i -. t . ?tv :. i . r. IT lv I.OV1S U AI.DIT.U. II 1.) m V' r:i an ! Hr-i :rn -n'tM I' rrt'io 1 uii.; . . . . V Mi i v 1: it 11 1 c 1: it . l.iiowNvn,!.;:. t. T M ; !. -! 1 1 T-i ! e 1 ' 1' '. i : v- .!. . C. i . ' I.e !i i i- . .i i- B' ' i ., : : Ui . .; - U.- i I1.-. - . a 1 N i.-:i-tf U. KA'iIIIEU, Cabinet & Wagon-Haker Mi r sc. .- s.v i ::;,! S;, mum t ii. i.i:. . r. ' - . cik.'llnili . .-. . .i 51"' 1 - i'-' I - i i i .; ; il tiP I ;vrK t I x h i - r. v . i:;;it. -. l K Mi. (IT. OLIVr.Ii r.KXXKTT cc CO.. M..;. r- ... 1 W:. IC ,-, r-ii, I - 'IT ) I ) SllOF Mi.'i st:- t. r ...., ..... , i 1 . . . u ; M : ; t ;i I.,k"1' ST. ". I.Ol IS, .10. C. W. WHEELER, flVnT,U4. -l T)..:n Browuvillo, 1ST. T". A. D. KIRK, Allornpv at L?nv. hillUl iss-al !;;iy IMtlilic. .77 ' :'. .t.'i Co.. .v. T. V" " ' ' i,r'-..f ?"!. r.l;;i)ac..islil i.:.v.:'...;.r-.'fca,ltr. X o O. i'V -. . O J X - L-; ...... ( H , ,,, T( -y. . ' "" ..:i t-. i:i L.u.k : : il :-c 11:. .. : i .. Mi r:i-'rll.:i'i'('.ir.! mi ! ! II n .1 ( -i H - ml : - . . -. ': , : v.. .- ;; "i:".1-1. .. " , - " !. I 1 i .in, ii. Mv ; t '-. ; : . v .1 o V. ..r- ) v.-rv .c- s I .' i.i isr. ' ii i i ..i-,. 1 .11. v . II; . r i;llu-' J :.. It S ; Sr. V i ' . i i..- i ' I " S I" "Ti ' i . In I '1- I'i- i n .. i . I . r i ' - fi m ; T!. I" :-l M Ad -is,'..- . . :..:.. I I t... ! -. ' - ' . ' ll"' H I ' l( ('.'! "J'J i. I I - '. , !..!.- . I i ii , i -: v.- I - : ri'n . '. i ' l l - ' ll :i ' Ti I II t t 111.- ' brs-i-''! .t . f ! I. . r -i i-- iv- t.. plc-l f. I. .. T'; V. " . . .t '!i-it ur'. IIU'l I tat '.. !.! ' a ' : . v c :i - !iu i t ii- i j 'i .( .(-. I DANIEL L. McGAKY, fflllM if LAW. AND SOLICITOR LY CILLYCERY. Bruwnviile, Nebraska. Will i .'.ice ia the Cv.irts of Netraska.and Xortb urFi'.n i:cl.s. Mo.-rv Tri MfTrrarv &.Ci., II .!). J ti n-- M. H ui; lis, H-jii .1 In It Sl.,-1.. :y, n..ii j !i.c rr.iii:. St. I.nuis, Mo. Do 1) ) St. J i-i-ph, Alo. I H ,ii Siiu- W i- -n. JmVe A. A. ll: u '.i'.id, Ne'..ra-ka C;!y, X. T. Do J. D.N.&C.B.THOrdPSON Yxx :w& Cm-nl nlrc-ii; Aleuts ( IT :'i.- i. I c v. : i l: ci't l , . : -., i ti .c.O u 1 ..i. cO it - !,, v. i -;. I., p. .-(; t I'i;.-!- !: lieu. .:!' .-" . ;.. i ;c. , (sc. i . u fi.-i -' i' -rrli'-f I. T. Wl.j le C" i .:-;:.- . -co : J V.'. ; i::ir., Kx-d vc.hvr ! wa X. i is i, ( ii l!i .iiiri A i- : Hi A K i; - ''J ; s I y e .V C .. r. oirv - 1 1 iri i; Ii . ;-h;y CjuiisiI ii.ul!., lc'i .1 S. I-i.'ci. vj:;-:i-ly R. L. DODGE, ATTOILXK Y ATLAW SOLICITOR IN ' fllAXCITJ, '.'.irr..ii 1; .': V ..!:. ( ,: in; I K .... X.:ll. 1 :M ,i:,.l , . c!-.i: v.-:. i.i 15 M. r.l--fui;liuli jaj era i . v. :i aiv- HcuriCK'i lluLk- II n re:.:.. " it V I ' i; i, - K : . ;. 11 J'.nv s i :. ;i;. ii, It. ll(.'v.f . N'olirnka. j li. . '. v: I .e, " ?! t N.-.i-k.'. C.ty NEW GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE, I V 4 m 17 A P 5 3 K fa X at Tin: Wl,i r.- r -II .: I ! i' r.. :.! .i f' il m.j.; ivi.t;y';r..ronr :i M '.; ! M l ('. ! I l !i Ti i- M.J i-. .N V.r:i-C..i k,"- i i. i I !.( i-.' I.i.'i .i i.'.r-. u.i. - ;il.. I T -I .. ( l - .-I nil. I . ITrii.-. 1". ... ',.! . t: .c- ..-i.l Wn..rt:o- 1 . i;. ,t - ti-' ,li kl'l"! .11 1 1' III' v i,r... o v .;: . . :.--i i -r ). .'i.-i ;i- .-!. -p : ; : . i. .-. w i.i.- .i sjir ..: v,.ur cvir. iin; '. i.e ,i ! '; I l -:( r- is i ' r I ,- .i: : c . !i .. ;i '. i . I i :v J-.:v v 13 x-XjT-iJg'. ATT0HNSY AT XAVt'UI1 It;OV'.ViLLM, X. T. I : .-..lit r.!.- j-!!.:. i. t -. '..h. M i. -J5" O. B. IIEVETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW A N 1 All lib llx iJ AUxjI 1 , i lirottiMiiir, Ae:jia!va. W : I 1 - 1 ,i'i;n"" i ! , Pro env-to;-? JJ-'.ts Soouro 1. I.aiKl ;:ir::iit lor Sale. ion,. n I ii'st St.. let. Main and Water. i: : i ! i: u I i K : 1 1 ' i v .'. II .: . N,'!.i.,-k.l C::y. .! l-Sl..' . t'.... .( . .1 s . r - l -i :i . ;. . i ,. i:-...u,-.t. It;, v. ;, i : :e l: w r ,.i. u . i ii-. iv:i. .i.e n t. i , ;.: i-.-.s. e:.;oif A : ft f I T .5 ' J (A ' i p ," ' r. T .' :i:.rc ;;: .('-. . :y i,.-.. ''. ..hi; t -r i ..I..! I'Tl'.lT .: .'I I v.u .... l ,-riy 1 . 1 -r ', j.'.i c- 1 1 i v i .;i i, ' ,-1 :- .v.1 . -ii v ii. .i i i : :n l- i).- i.- i i ! i. ; e.1 :.i-l: ; .i: tn' 1 1 v- - .t ir . : n in O p -iiii'y n il! in a1.! ! i ' . ll.'f Cl! .-!l... l':.r. ..I ! a ll ; i If r N P'll'.'l.l i i;;,i-C-'J c i i. T. V.. HAYCOOK. Attmcy at Law n :i . ' ' . 1 -.'..1.311,1 Mount Yeri'.ttii. Neni:i!ia Co. !.(. . i ; ov ,i.; f..i N t. lt i;.io i , i ; i ..i--'. :i I. iiul 11'- i-f-f.i. I ...l. i d . 1: ii Si-i 11 V. II V It.-..-... ( 1 10 . 1'f :.:u-- if .: X i I'. i'i .. ii N" T. , ki ,i v r i ih , . .!. N T i M C. Hi-, n ; o X T I', .ikf r. C i in il ltiiill. I wj I .. k Sf : -c :!.: , C Po. riii! 0." 3. l-.'7 . t r: IV: :.i iiit'- I i i.C, y .iki i ..v r. v as i v, J . I. TiT. fi.iiii. :1 :::,i;T-.l M v i:ti n w :m ;:s. i a-. i. wim i:. ) N,l.r:i-l-.iv-i:vNT CASSvDY, TIT. KIDEX & CO. S?".v.-..ri 1.1 ihaVn a- W liito. LAND AGENTS. I.lili HA I I I 1, ... I. 1 1 AV,XG !rrar.-Mtn-Dt- t.y whi.-h wo will 1 ;., .1,.. r. . v.,1...., .. - : iir- ii.. iTci'srol in i itf r m:r . rvif f tn It.. I " .V;, ;... ; .s o f .Yi ! rn.'-kit Tt rriforii.'' In I-'illinK Pcclar.vtory Jstntemerts of Inten- ! I if n li. Vl'iMniM. S..i..;i ri r. 3- l?m.nirn tions, IiOC.Uir.a L-nJ Vv ariv.nts- I AM) ENTF.RING LAND. mil ai ianls ltouhf and Sold. LAND KXTKIIKI) OX TIME. I';ir;ifii' i:ii' n j iii.l t. hnyir aii 1 Selling ill,. I '' .rwiiriii ti ri !..;i' ( . iif . - tn :i tiy T:rt ..f t Ssc L ItliinL ul :i'u .o!.,l- llwnv- n hand. ,,n- l.l- l- hKhNCr S. I! n. A. A. Kntiii, .c!i.-ilii City. St. .1 .--ph. Mo.. W-ii'iint. :i (.'iry S. i . Xm- Mrs. l .!ir..iii i Wc;t, 1-t.T A. K-il.-r. T'l'-n. 1- t '"l .'.in. Jacc 2s, ISOih Tl-nl Miscellaneons. From the Ntw ll.tvou Journal. A Quaint Will. Judge Morris has shown us the follow ing copy of a will recorded on the New Haven Probate Records. "In the name of God, sole Governor of all worlds, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the twelve Apostles, Saints, Thrones, Powers, Virtues, Angels, Archangels, Cherubiins and Seraphiins, Amen. I, David Ogdcn, of New Haven, in the State of Connecticut, being in uncommon good health and spirits, and in iny right mind o in the following manner i-i-ilie this mv la-t will and testament, im- I primis. My body, this mass composed of, blood, arteries, bones, cartilages, fibres, and God wot not all besides, I commit, when tlrest in my best suit of black clothes, to its deep, dark, silent grave 'tis a di.-mal house I am to dwell in, yea, verily, a mournful one; therefore, the dress for inonrnin is the most proper one for me. Thus let this body bedrest for its colli ti, which I pray to be mad 3 of sound mahogpny wood, and ml ornament ed with bra.?s nails and tin plates telling my name, age or death my head will tell these tilings to the in juisi'.ive in the grave. lien this mass of coruption is thus equippt d, let i'. be born on the shonl- i dors of fuur sturdy Youths to its h;i'r i 1 home, the narrow grave, whom I would ' ! houlJ be rewarded for toeir trouble with j a d-.cent pair of h.vcs tach. By the tor' and stood soaking ginger bread and ; acquirements to devote themselves whol- way should David Ld wards, the Sunday J making wry faces! The shop-keeper, '. b' to those. But if the one sex have cul-n- xt alter my exit, conceive either my 1 mistaking bis meaning, had given him a j tivated and refined minds, the other must !-a:h or my life to merit a sermon, a short ; mixture of sal-soda and water, and it sermon, prayer, or a few hym. to bo si n; i.p tasted strongly of soap. But "he'd hearn to liie throne of an all-1 it viiirT and m'-rciiui t -II of soda and water, and was bound to G'.d, j'rythet; let it be dune; and lor his ; give it a fair trial, puke or no puke." trouble and good services in this solemn ' Some "town fellow" came in and called bu.-ines, give him my best wishes for his for a lemonade, with a "lly in it," where weliare, accompanied with a compliment! upon our "soaped" friend turned his back of Xo.10, New York currency. Ila.i land quietly wiped several flies in his My soul, God grant, if I have any or ever bad, it may wing its flight to heaven, be placed conspicuously among the stars, lly placed conspicuously among the stars, lly . the w-ings of the wind, feed the beasts ' ,ji 11,0 u'-kl- llK o!i"u -i the air, the m- j r. r c cry ; sects of the earth, or the lishes of the , "larniu' was a wicked mwention, and cul .v c.i:s.;ii. ' a pieus deep water.-; upon the whole, 1 ' terwaten nothin but wauity and wexa Live my soul lo God. Item It is my will j tioii." None of his family ever learned 1 and pleasure that a monument worth j to read, but one boy, and he 'teached jlIO.U.0., be erected in the burying-ground ' school awhile, and then went a studying J in New Haven to my memory, the motto ' diwiuity." ; and epitaph for which I leave wholly to the discreiK'ii of my worthy friend and I rother, 1 K-ipont inwards, I,.-q. , To my sister Polly Cozens Ogden I give, grant, bestow, and Leoueath ail mv ! uoil.ily concerns-,.ds, chattels, lands, tenements and bi lament, which IS I wniist an n.l:ai.iia- ,this planet, was in I posse.-sioa of, in 1'etM.inplo or otherwise, ; to her and her heirs forever, she first pay- . . J . . . nig. saiistying. and eancelnng all lawtul l u (K its, and demands against the : i ami-, also, paying to Susan Edwards, my '. lovely niece, the sum of X2o, New York money, to be laid out for a mourning-dress for her the said Su.-an, by her the said ; Susan. 1 appoint, constitute, and make l'b rpont I'd wards and David Daggett, l'.sqs., of New Haven, and Aaron Ogden, Ks.p, of Kiizabetiitown, in New Jersey, executors of this my hist will and testa ment. Witness my hand and si ah Da ted New Haven, this VJlh day of Feb ruary. 17 .''.) Diviu Ooutx. Y. S. Artilic-r' UclVaU d in a Slur misli witli liie Uulfaiues- An olii o r of the army, writing to tli v. ..- V.m-1- II. .-.,!.! f,-.., ,i . .1 a vi tv i i v. i aiu iirui ii e camp on tie: Piatt.' nvs "on the -ill of July we first struck the bt.nalo The excitt m 'lit was intense irl i he recruits m tli-.-ir entiiu-i- ! asm 1 r.. ke tbri g.l OlSCIJ' i i i awav at a; herd crossing in i rent oz ni in. tN ine t.iree or lour lis ran par- to a light lattery, when the artill erists coiimi i,..ed p: ppering them with Vo.t's re v ...'Ivors. Stung 1 y these b aden pedets. the animals wheehd in the line and charged the 1 alti ry with the most wa rake1 intenrions. Down they came i . -.1. . - . XMul maung eyes. and away went the horses and pieces in the most inglorious manner. Oi.e piece ran to the rear nod ' ( another struck oil a quarter of a mile into the prairie lelore the a 1 righted hor.-es bei nme managea! le. The dragoon nn.l infantry of course had a harty laugh at the vanquished artillery; but had tllt.y been charged, one-half of the former would pnd ally, have found a seat somewhere else, and the latter scattered rapidly, without standing at all on tli0 order of their going. Indeed, if there! lis any military combination, composed !of fiesh and blood, rapalie of stolid-' lly withstanding the charge of an infuria- ! t d herd of Lutfaloes, I have yet to find I it out.'' An unfortunate Family. The man that don't take the newspaper was in town yesterday, lie brougnt tne whole family in a two-horse wagon. lie still belived that General Taylor was President, and wanted to know if the Kamtschatkians had taken Cuba, and, if so where they had taken it. He had sold his corn for twenty-five cents the price being thirty-one but upon goin. to de posit the money, they told him it was mostly counterfeit. The only hard mon ey he had was some three-cent pieces, and those some sharper had "run on him,; for half dimes. His old lady smoked a "cob pipe," and would not beli re that any thing else could be used. One of the boys went to the Blacksmith's shop to be measured for a pair of shoes, and another mistook the market-house for a church. After hanging his hat on a meat-hook he piously took his seat on a butcher's stall and listened to an auctioneer, whom he took to be a preacher. He left before 'meetin' was out," and hud no great opin ion of the "sarmint." One of the girls took a lot of seed-onions to the Postoltice to trade them for a letter. She had a baby, which she carri ed in a 'snar-trough," stopping at times to rock it on the side-walk. When it cried she stuffed its mouth with an old stocking and sung "Barbara Allen." The oldest boy had sold two "coon skins" a:d was on a "lust." "When last seen, he bad called for a glass of "soda and wa- We approached the old gentleman and tried to get him to "subscribe," but he would not listen to it. He was opposed to internal improvements, and he thought The Lmi)ty Cradle. Kvory fold counts a missing lamb, and ,iiere aro fen- hoinOS where there has hoen no mourning over a vacant chair. It ; l.-.r.l t. t.ort t.-Ii!-. l-.i-Hn e.f th. ,liirsrv. AilVetion , lin-s to the,,, fond- 1 i- niiil k nliirloi.t t.- l.i.ii 1 1 ; hr.1.1 hilt tJ,0 all-wise Father deals tenderly with children, and removes some of their treasures to Heaven, that their affections liiay U.Wow. Many weeping parents will n-ivunii-.. tl.-ir . .vturiiu. hi th.-. f.-.l. lowing paragraphs from an exchange: "Th-' death of a little child is to a moth er's heart like the dew on a plant, from which a bud has just perished The plant lifts up its head in freshened greenness to ;he morning light; as the mother's soul gathers, from the dark sorrow which she has ,. . . 1 r .. , 1, 1 -i rf 1, - passed, a fiesh brightening o. her heavenly hopes." 'As she l ends over the empty cradle, and fancy brings her sweet infant before !u r, a ray olivine light is on his cherub ace. it is her son still, t ut with the seal of immortality upon his brow. She feels that Heaven was the only atmosphere where her precious ilower could unfold without spot or blemish, and she would not recall the lost. Bat the anniversary of his departure seems to bring his spiritual j presence near her. She indulges in the tender grief whicu sootaes, like an opiate ia pain, all bard passages and care in life. The world to her is no longer filled with human love and hope in the future, so glorious with heavenly love and joy; she has treasures of happiness which the worldly, unehastened heart never con ceived. The bright fresh flowers with , u'hich she has decorated her room, the apartment where her infant died, are mementoes of the far brighter litres now I J;tw ot ti nvning on her dav-dream. She thinks the glory and beauty of the New Je- rusakm, where the little foot will never nn; a thorn among the fiowers, to render ' a 100, necessary. Nor will a pillow be ; wanted for the dear head reposing on the breast of a kind Savior. And she knows ! that her infant is there in that world of j eternal I liss.M "She has marked one passage in that book' 10 lu'r emphatically the word of life, nou' Iving close on the toilet table, which she daily reads: 'Suffer little children to come unto me, for of sach is the kingdom j of Heaven." " Influence of Females on Society. From an accurate account of the condi tion of women in any country, it would not be difficult to infer the whole state of society. So great is the influence they exercise on the character of men, that the latter will be elevated or degraded accord ing to the situation cf the weaker sex. Where women are slaves, as in Turkej', the men will be the same; where they are treated as moral beings where their minds are cultivated, and they are con sidered equals the state of society must be high, and the character of the men en ergetic and noble. There is so much quickness of comprehension, so much sus ceptibility of pure and generous emotion in women, that they constantly stimulate men to exertion, and have, at the same time, a most powerful agency in soothing the angry feelings, and in mitigating the harsh and narrow propensities which are generated in the strife of the passions. The advantages of giving a superior education to women are not confined to themselves, but have a salutary influence on our sex. The fear that increased in struction will render them incompetent or neglectful in domestic life, is absurd in theory, and completely destroyed by facts. AN omen, as well as nu n, when once es tablished in life, know that there is an end of trilling; its solicitudes and duties mul tiply upon them equally fast; the former are apt to feel them much more keenly, and too frequently abandon all previous meet them from shame, if not from sym-' pathy. If a man finds that his wife is not a mere nurse or a housekeeper; that she can, when the occupations of the day are over, enliven a winter's evening; that she can converse on the usual topics of litera ture, and enjoy the pleasures of superior conversation, or the reading of a valuable book, he must have a perverted taste, in deed, if it does not make home still dear er, and prevent him from resorting to taverns for recreation. The benefits to her children need not be mentioned; in struction and cultivated taste in a mother enchances their respect and alfection for her and their love of home, and throw a charm over the whole seen'1 of a domestic life. An Italian Heroine. Onorata Iludianl wielded at once the painter's pencil and the warrior's sword. She is quite a personage of romance, and we are surprised that she has never figur ed in novel or poetry. In her twenty-third ye'ir, she had already attained so great a reputation for artistic skill that Gabrino Fondulo, tyrant of Cremono, committed to her care the adornment of his palace. Onorata would willingly have declined this equivocal honor, but the Marquis would listen to no refusal, and to excite the anger of a man at once so vindictive .,,,1 .,.,.,,,:r,,,l.,- ..,..,, f f.,i 1. Onorata was not destined to labor long in the service of Fondola. One day, whib occupied in painting the the departments a cotirtier, notorious for . . . . his disipated : ahits, entered the room,:' i , , anj oli,,rtj so;ae nniustihed liberties. The young artist indignantly repulsed him, and on his returning to the charge, she seized a dagger which she always wore concealed in her bod dice, and stab bed him to the heart. Then rushing from the palace disguised herself in man's at tire and fled 'o the mountains, declaring she would rather perish in exile and a wanderer, but pure and untainted, than enjoy splendor and dishonor at home. The Marquis was furious; and sent sol diers in every direction in pursuit, with orders to bring her back, alive or dead; but, unable to discover the place of her retreat, and finding no one ai le to com plete her labors, he promised full and entire pardon on condition of her instant return. Onorata, ho vever, had effected her escape from his dominions. Retain ing her disguise she obtained admittance into one of the companies of Condottieri then investing Italy, and, ly her courage and conduct, soon rose to the post of Cap tain. Her warlike spirit delighted in the independence and excitement of her new career; she refused to abandon it, and continued to fight and paint alternately for thirty years. In 1472 her native town, Casteliione, was beseiged by the Venetians. Onorata, at the head of her company, flow to its-relief, she forced the army to raise the seige, but was mortally wounded, and died in the conflict a few days later. .- . i Silver Cake. 1 lb. sugar, I lb. of but- j ter, 1 lb. of sifted flour, whites of sixteen eggs, beat the whites very light and stir j in alterlately with the flour. j India. A perusal af Russell's India letters to the London Times will satisfy any one that the reconquest of the country is far from being accomplished, if it is not actually j ,r .,, , i settling down into a guerilla warfare of interminable duration. The extent of territory is so great, so many real soldiers are occupied in watching others nominal ly in the ranks, the climate is so destruct ive and enervating, and the enemy's for ces are so fragmentary and scattered, that scarcely any signs of progress are perceptible. A good sized detachment of British troops, cf course, carries all before it but then, likely enough, it can turn about and return over the same ground, encountering the show of opposition, re peating the process till weary of it. By the last return the British army in India presented a total of 4S,-571 officers and men of whom 4,0-57, were on the sick list. The artillery numbered three hundred and fifty-five effective pieces. We are surprised to learn also that the grand to tal of native troops mustard no less than 121,000 non-commissioned officers and men, being in the proportion of about three to one of the European troops; but there is a still more striking item in the strength of the allied force, under the head of disarmed native troops of all ranks; there being a return of 20,227 men; these men receiving pay, and, more than that, paralyzing the action of a very large proportion of the British solders. With out reckoning the troops employed in the various field forces and moveable Col- umns, there h no less than 107 military . posts and stations in tlv Presidency of ,,eny.u aioue, among .vinca i.ngiisa reg- imonts or detachments are stationed. r i i i. i n i , . v 0 are therefore fully prepared for Mr. Russell's remark, viz: "I fear it is only the truth, that if we had 30,000 addition- al English soldiers landed 111 India by the I - . . .!.. o ......... I 1. . .1 I 1 ... last ueew 111 oepie.noer, we snouui iuu e ui nave amp!1 employment for every man of them." Boston Juvrnal. Seir-Reliance. Insist on yoirself; never imitate. luiu uui wii i.tii jm.-.uu'. rt- III')' ment with the cumulative fore- of a whole life's cultivation: but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemper- aneous, balf-possession. That which each r:t n Oil oesf . nolie hut Ii i 111:1 L rr run tench ' liim. No man yet knows what it i, nor i can, till that person has exhibited it Where is the master that could have taught Shakespeare? Where is the mas- j tor that could have instructed Franklin, : or ashington, or Bacon, or Newton? j Every great man is unique. The Scipi- j onisni of Seipio is precisely that part he j could not borrow. If anybody wiil tell ; me whom the great man imitates in the I . original crisis when he performs a great: act'; I will tell him who el.,e than himself can teach him. Shakespere will never j be made by the study of Shakespear. Do ; that which is assigned thee, and thou canst ! not hope too much or dare too much.- There is at this moment, there is for me an utteranee bare and grand as that (if the '-''dossal chisel of Pi.idias, or trowel of the 1'gyptians, or the pen of Moses, or Dante, but dili'erent from all these. Not possibly w in me so.11 tin, rica an eloquent wua tliou- ; sand-cloven tongue deign to repeat itself: i .; 11 .1 . 1.11 -in 1 , 1 f i but if I can hear what these patriarchi s ! 1 , , l. 1 ; Y' "''y 1 " reply to them m the same , ! nilcli of voire- fur the onr ninl ilm t.i m,. ' .' , ...1 1 . ; iii e i o 01 uaiis 01 one iiauue. i.ven up " ! ,i,r(i i!,,,;,,,.,., ! .,... . ..Vmix thorou-hlv w,r,,1 n- , ; thy life, obey thy heart, and thou shalt i ue i", til iiitoiiat'ic. an i li'-'i.1' 11 l una tu reproduce the Fore-world again. Ralph Waldo Lmlksox. Invitation tO the Sallliatll SthOOl. BY RFV. O. STREET, Tune '-Hippy Land.' Oinc tithe S.ib.t-h ScUui-1, Cine (-noaml all ; Y.ith Lcirts tr-earnl j.-iyfui, F. h . the Ci'.l. AVi! po wCh wiiiimfeet, H ippy face:: 'o 'hull rne:. And fait'uXul tpiichern errct, Cuiuc C me u--Jy. Come fathers '.cad ihc ij, t'.'ine riiuihers too; Cuir.e every S .S'.ith day, We'll f.iili.w y u. There will w.; and wnt, And the heart's best mu;i:br:g. While all . iir v. ices ring, Wi .h hyais of praise. C" me in the ;t i f ym:h, C me bright and pay, Cfjie join the 'earrh fur iru'h. Curie Ti.ileyoa rr.iy. ImrTAve life'? cloning d.iwn, Scire up- n its snnny mors. Nor wait till it he K -ne, Xe're to return. C iiTie litt?ecnes and dear, Ctme chii'lreu all; fe.Teet is your we'.c ia here. Gentle the call; ' C-riJer ffC ime to rue, Surh a? these, and let thern be," Ilfi.-s oi palv.itn.n f ree. CvE.e children come. C rr.o let c nr school tetow. P .int us a'..ive, Where glory wrea'hs the brow, And al! is love. The-? in i r.i.Me s..r.p, WrJi the trizl.t argelic throng, M.iy we with j... y proiui.g, The Savinur' praise Ohf Kitchen Basket, Pickels. An excellent way to make , . , them into boiling water, but do not boil thein; let them stay ten minutes, wije them dry.and drop into cold spiced vinegar, and they will not need to be put into salt and water. Tomato Mangoes. Choose large smooth tomatoes; cut of the enJ slice, take out the inside tolerably clean; put in some finely chopped callage, mustard seed, spice, and considerable salt; lay on th) tops and tie on securely; put them into the jar with horse-radish root and fill up with vinegar. . F. .V. Oil Tickles. 3 dozen large cucumbers, wasli and slice but do not peel, lay in a col ander and sprinkle through them. Take 1 1 1 peck large white onions, peel and slice, and serve in the same way. Let each stand three hours; put in a stone jar a layer of onions and 1 oz. whole allspice, 1 oz. cloves, 1 of mustard, Ij2 pt. sweet oil; mix the mustard with the oil, together with 3 table spoons of black pepper. Vine gar enough to cover them. Tomato Pickles. Slice green toma toes in a preserving kettle; slice a layer of onions, sprinkle in spices, mustard seed, and a little salt, so on till full; add a few small peppers, pour cn vinegar, let them boil 2-j minutes, jar them. Tomato Catsup. Peeled tomatorstoilr cd thoroughly and strained through a sieve. 4 table STOOLS salt. A 1 lurk nrnner ! i ,r .., , , ., f , , , f .. . 1 oi caenne, . ot mustard. 1 of allsmrte. i 1 of cloves, to 1 gallon of tomatoes; boil Xo,hjr l hour a(i, , , t yj u ii.-i .11 ioti Ljiiiion aim ui'ii uiiuiiiir nour. Cantel. pes. 7 lbs. fruit pared and sliced. 2 lbs. of sugar, 1 pt. vinegar, boil together; cinnamon, cloves and spice I 1 cjnnamoll Jluu J nn-dommntp. Pour th boiling syrup on the fruit two mornings; the third morning, simmer a1.! together about 20 minutes. Tho fruit should bo ; just ripe but not dead ripe. 1 rr tv n- TUial 1 Take T fmatoos, ' bCaItl a,ltl t'in. sprinkle in su- gar as they arc laid in the pic. A few peach pits, or tender reach leaves (rirp2 . . . , . . D them a peach flavor. Green tomatoes make good pies; slice, ' thinly, throw away the end slices cf thu tomatoes; sweeten with molasses; a little rhubarb or green apple improves them, . I-)ri,-'J Tomatoes. Scald and remcvo the skins, then stew them down as much as you can without burning, then grease rt-it.. -.r.d enn,, 1 n, ... ... 1 . piaits ana spread the stewed tomato on , , , . t Vt'"I-V 'rI dr" ln tll,; su or oven- ,,ry roll them up and put by in a bag. To pn-pare it for use, soak over night then boil ahd season to luste. E. E. K. Sweet Potato Pudding. Take five eggs, half a pound of batter, quarter of a pound of sugar and as much sifted sweet potatoe as w ill thicken it. Add the juice and grated peel of a lemon; beat it light, m l lake in a moderate oven. To stop h-aks in a 1 arreh take enual ' parts of powdered charcoal nn.l tnlW 1 n J i-uv Jkx niiu u ; knife About Puddings. To cut a boiled pud ding without making it heavy, lay your : pudding knife first on one side, and then e:i the other upon it, ju3t long enough to warm it. Dyspepsia Bread. Three quarts un bolted wheat meal, one quart lukewarm water, cue gill fresh yeast, one gill mo lasses, one teaspju.ful of salt. Fragments of bread may be faved by making 'nto toa.-t or puddings. They al so make excellent pancakes ly soaking ever night in milk, adding an egg or two and a little sahai.d flour. If preserves are fermenting, boil them very g. ntly. adding saleratus about the size of a very small pea to a quart; skim them well and seald the jars before put ting them up again. Sprinkle a little powdered white sugar cn top of jtllys if the are inclined to mould. To dry pumpkin; cut ia thin strips, peel and hang on lines out of duors, or stew, sift through a Cuia.vJer and spread on plates in the sun, or a moderate oven. Sweet Corn. Have a wash boiler half ! full of boiling water, fill it w ith nice ten j der ears just right for eating, from which ! the silk has been removed; put in some of j the inner husks to add sweetness; let ithem boil ten minutes; when cold, cut from the cob and spread on sheets to dry. j Spread thinly and dry as quickly as ; possible. Put corn water in the vinegar barrel