I j J I if r f ; Buchansja Life and General Inaiiraiico Co., Cifi'-e or -d anil Jill'' St.-., zT. JWLTII. MO. rhk1TSrit AT THE I. .VST SESSION cF TrTK MO. LEG Authorized Capitol 3,000,000. DIRECTORS : J. B 'Jencirigi, 1. ii. Howard. J. A. Owen. Milton V.-ot'-i, John Col hoii n. John II. Likens, W.II.I'eneik, Jam" y, N. J. ilcAshan, A. (i. Mar-fieer. I. ii. JEXX.XtiS, ire?. N. P. ilcAEu vn. Se;'v. ; p.'! read v to receive ar.rlic-ati..n f. r Life, Fire. Ur.aej.r.a Hirer risks. A cash rtturn of :jpee uo,v en:, will be allowed en curo premiums. Loss-r ' ;r -jjptiT al.utod. an 1 the usual tciiitios given to 1 the natrons .".f the office. " " j Apnllatb, lr-.,7. 4t-om ! ' ' V rp.sTFP r Ti STf V m ' V. 1. bML k, MAh 11 L U, , .uanutacturers and u holesale DvaltTs IX ' in Ready Made Clothing, 5-5. -Main St., St. Louis, Mo. S1TIKTS D;tw-KR. .VKRAr.T.S. s;uttr. , ntinriEIl OOOXDS, , FUENISHIKG GOODS. A LS' FA I.L ST' K OF ;i:nt s and ijuvs clothing, '.vK'.;.r;- i;. m. .v t WHF.KLKR .S: WTLS()N"S J. V. MJUNALl)aC (.()., , N". ?'.. ri.urtil tr-..r, St. L.-'ils. Mo. ' v.. t..c tr-,:: ..tr.,.. .m- r . Families, Dress-iviakers. v n : ( ..c; a:: I r.: t Agents U'aati'd in Ever Town in F'irwnnliJ'ir r!niirt?vv?:n ' A; ;t-a:ii-. -at At. Lt sr. jejuni. 1. I' -Mll.LF.it iv. IiOls.VL'IiLN, LCGklNa:OLASS'PLAtES, Seroiid St.. St. Luh. Mo. M i:;u:av- ..-- . r i-u.i: i:.:al I. c . i t - J'M-.ue. Staiifil (liaii iu ail its unfits J)raht'Lt.-. f.-r CL'in-h. I'u1 Ii.- a::l Private On-zrrv.1-il Work fur 57'''h.-.'.'.. It AYDFN & WILSON. A N D Coach Hardware, C iiii itro Ti'iiiimin. S i.Mlo Trees. Iliiirs, niitrs ;:rl Ax!s. SKIRTINU. HARNESS. & FililDLE LEATHER. o. II. Miin SIitH. St. Louis. Mo.. Are pr'?"-'i l eifer t.. tli.n- ,m-r- .1..., tl.. tr.i.: .ri i-vri;jfH; :' art; :;. i.r.-.r;....-l. ia .;ia.i:y a a i. i-r -- . ',y u.,i;., ,., ;,,, '. .i. e. K.i.-t . r U ,-:. ' SPHJ.Vft AM) l 3EliKU CiOODs. FIELD, EEARDSLEE & CO., Importers and Jobbers. Vin v i.tmt'Ki i'ov Jlen'S IVtar, tVe s-r- v. t-- 1 ' 'im;'T f a .'; nw '" -t .-l; 'f - -.1.: : "'.:' 'iL'-' Jll't !?'lIILIhe tr.'ie 'l i- h -.v.-. ;r ; tl.e i'i t f,iT.-ra!.! urm. The Uk :. ; i" c "i.e." ' lew::.it r-J-, ii: i Lolltv t.t's. T .?-iins- .rn'i t-:T"w!: r.i-' ni'Tf-; -: ' -: V -. : , - T a i s ITr.-HVlccsi Kartiw-r's i:;n-; Vi"titi--: :-ve-- '. rj- : e-y : rt u . I t i.i "-' .n. i ),. : . ' . ' . r !'. .. '-. i 1 " '"- i . 1 'i i . - t. -, z ' i ' ' t. r " ' " ;::t-t !.. .; i a. :i e r - . !.; .re ;.i .k .a. i,r . l- . A . . -.. :cr? . ; i--- t- .t -i i'T.-w. u. J'iKI.le MlAlll'M.KF. x !' a-- : . -- -.. i-: JOHN MrDoNon.H i Ilk" i .i Ti- rr:iri!. cc uripo.iuMnui rainier. 7 --D- ,I.t Y.ir.ii. i IT t Brovriiville Steam Ferry ! JBLSTCKMsSIXGg 5 jssoi ui "r i vlTsT. "Pl Itoi;Ti li-oiiT liro-.vi: v-.1V o Ft. Kpfimtj, ir.vi' 'a.'-io? to C.-: rmi. is the (j't.:: and. r.t-st prccticabi?. TIAKEIl i t oDIXOTOX .:MI' .. i. . :i 1 r .a: rub I. runa a a-a nrrv J.T in" a- ti.at t U"y a 1 s-oll''i j.ver a 1 7f 'ol.V ,...V.I 'IT STEAM FERRY BOAT, Wti'-j rr:u ii-af v. .;i -."ur" a certain and -ai : n -.1 :..'- and in ..'I k'ti 1 of r.i .i'hrr r ! ::- t a-s. r ! :i?::ig'y. . r f r r - ar :' grnlng u iu- r 1;. .' ai ar-- g- v-:-.,-iC ' v fa. 's. 1. i. ti.ey -,y tai- :- the 1 r ff4i.r t.. ar: u.vr ia A i 'n.-iiii. an 1 "'.el'. C" -a f. r. ';"e ir in llr wnvii', t.i (- r t l h mi " ; . ' -r-.i i is th" n.-ai-.'sc - :'.-r the r ,- trap f :i" : a.'ra:.:. .! i :. -a i a g i i- ! :n. - t ' v i !: n il . : . n . i.- .!'. a.- ;.':.. rs u '; u t ra el.-d i:. r r .a t : h 1 - . r. -s ti' in i i" ate i.. .1 1 - av. ra '.'ie i'..u. en's, to p. r- n .a . ii 1 - la-:- ' o o r j a r ; i -'. X. t r -ai . r'i. r air ing. m at- ;'. r a -alV a j I 1 1 v. a i ' i V" e.aan- ' :' . at i .- . a ' . ... 11:. - -.:r .a N . ra ;.- p eraf'n and. lie' -Hill'. I - .lat-d :.. I.. -..i. I--.. i.i - : i . 1 - v, . i A "A.. i i 1. ill i Win i-ii-r 1 It':., 1 - ll . '. . t '(:! V . I.i i.-.i iii '..-iiAiiA city. :;. T. 1I.I. i .M X f.ntlil'i.ilya!.', : : n.' i'r t all : a-;' u-e- .--: i : t ''.::;. : :. i .:::. r.al .. I . i Ciuris, o t J'S p :r-ha.-e 1 1 it.- aad.aals, -a-trr. and . :- "a; ;;. i.-.e- l.n-:! : tiiiict' ti, bvl -:ory . 1 H-inr il ..:--.. w u 1 taz. nearly i p.si'e t.ie Vest r:. L-.,.:, t'.ittn.. fartih -tr et. :7. i vin-:f Honey Greek Mills'. it . . i . i j ' a.-- tl. -tl .' . . -.. , . ..... i.. ; ;,i ,e t: . i .' : "i -c -. ...-: ..iihiI " i ' . - a .; : . . - a; ZZ e-''" " v . a - : " f .1 ' ' a i-'. -e ' i " ' " ' -: '.:. - ;: :...ip' 'y.iZ .nA v. j.: :::::.. -Li.:.-; .lai.iiTi I".' A '" s -:.". t- .,; i r.i m-i-i! :--? i'.. D p; everv -;-e ill h.ir.i .it.a -.at -?1 ,V,1 t . ,1 aL,j ;,irt. ..J umi,--; ., -T iha ".tH.:i-.r - ine.. ;.nf.f.'ai. ....nui a:.J j.tt. u W'S so 1 w' .ta- -ai.e-...r irticlts uratrm le-.gU. '.iuk'l'Si .1.1.1 V.,..'L ' Tln..r nu - are -aa-r ;t.e rnirce , f rieCCii a-.l -frtc:err- rn-n an-, the r:.d"r..j- -'.r.ter ii:.'u-f.v. ' tt -a...-.?;' . lie:.' ; :-.-i nu, c Tipare tnv. ran.--'2 MIT J'Si-r Vile i'. " Tc: r.t rv. a., el Wltl- a w;.'t e : - .. ::.- - iir.vvy sr-vIN-'ILE Js. C rt TT ev "rrrV .'!.". May to "o 4s- Land Warrants. " Acres , f ur. I . irrats l" r sale m l to 1 -.i ? 3ire-, x;t-r-. hy TYSON A HACKS KY. NEW ARRIVAL C Q "7 S2 T I N W A Ii E . CHRISTIAN DLTSEIL i;i.iY. VILLI.. N'yci'NCFS t- t!i.'Tn'-:i'; that !-. h' i:i-t re- xyr-r eii.i. t r -vainer hmma. a venr I urge and ! well a.-sorlid st.uk of Pari-r and Cvok, ---oves, .t' ! ": '- '-'-I r v'" l;UU'rt;--.as Sti a:..; -.'.'. 1-i-rv.ito-i Oven. COOK SIOVT3, Lack's Clip ft r Ot'fii. ;,-, -.-.i i'.irt,.rn Charter Oak of whi-li I ledge myself t. sell at n fair rate and i n si a--omnio'luti ng t-rai. a anv other estab lishui-iit in thi- re of o-uutrr. "i ha v..- al- n .vln 'l-and nr re.iuisite variety if Tu, r.,...rar ,j h,,.t lr, u ,,,,, anl pr(;piir,,i t .:,:l.ir,.lll.j ..,.ut:.. . , t tf.r'w ri ' my lirv. -h re niti e-, ;ui-l in a w..rkm;ii.iiie -"wVHi; " C DEI'SEIt. I'-r-wr vl!j. .T'.'v l.'rli. i -.".7. vL'n." Iy " , T urn r Hi:,., .. i. nV'liLAlHiiu c K.VJ., n M:u-liinit. riuiirs a::J Engine Builders, ...nt street. V.ret cf Smith, CINCINNATI. O. VT :,.-t r.-l-vtfu;:yi1.:..riathvirfn..-n.:san.l y t . , . , i ..-'fVi i mr;t a , ati-r, -f r, :!. r.i i a-r. u,!', whicli lias hor;r. f..rr I e-n ext.r. l-i to tii.-m. Saw Mill Eudc tf every Derii't lor. r.,u.:utiv, .. .,n.;,tir,Sr..fti..; a,h.vir,-u- lar and .M.nev. li, .( :tr- at.d fVTy dftit-riptlon of . a.-t warra st.d to i e w ma ic iu ever particu- r,.v ' : Yard an.uhed to their j : a! ' f. -r. to ...er--o all -li 1 V.y tl'.T.i. :. i 1 arc pre- j .i-.r.:h:.' t-TUis as anv other I-1 i-1 1 1 ai r. rk i, t, .r .- h 'tu i.i r n r n p. ry. ur new pattern ML state mm AMI 7 General Land Agents, G:enwoc:l. ih'.ttsuiouth, MaN i- . i a. U.i.-s N..l,ra.--ka. " 'I!.L prota;.t!y ar.tnn.i To Iu:d As.'in-:.-. Inve tiiatlrr Ti'l''. i'ayii: Tax -. Invi's',!! n:"i (y. nil;;:.; ai 1. -in J.. ' J'11-: t-f. 1 i " i i . L.ui i a rraa: -. ana a.i ot icr oti.-ines i '.iij' .'t d ;L lr .r. fecsi. a iu Wcsuraiowa, and J. M. 3'EWS. Assf-iaie AttcrneY. lil .1 KKKXt T.S: ( Ire. 'ne. Weare kt ':u G. I u.-i y .V. C... Greene. Uec.re A Rice, ;r,,.n,, t V.'eare, Nix ri .V 1 1 . -.jujin, T-.rl,' i ir .-. ne, X. W. Ti a , v. - 'i ' '. i... i.-lk, li..' 1 :.. -.. 1. i: 1 11' 1 it:.-. :'. .. 1 In rl : C. Da ti. .1. v. i. n. r.. '..unci! ri-ifTs. Iowa. F'. r -!s Moines 'olar Rap; -K " 'ii. 'ii.n.ir i. 'hii). iir-iiwo .d. I )V.a, Cincii.i.a.:i, Cilia. VI,:;:;.- .n. X. J. J.t ,i f.. ..... I'hT'.i- ::1J1':. r.i. M.-df.-rd. X. J. a. a. i; t itj.v. WF.STLAKF. LITTON, MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY, i:;!i!toi;! Car. It!ork I'uii!-). Iit i ivz '-lilxil -r,i oxory, , Corii-r ..f Main Iii.Mle St., sa !i as !.:''. Cars, t ... . n"..li Pi.i.ip. C;.;. S;,l- w:. '1 ibw IW.-r jj-n-i. !cs. c. v.. .in... i.-. ; w irr.i!i:i-! ..f ua.ili'v. Groceries! Groceries!! Frt.-li Arriv.ils 1 Ilt.nvy Additions ! ! CURREXtr T.IKEX AT PAR! ! J, E. JEI7NING3 Cir. '2, rr ! rr,n-rr. sf;. St. Jo-if ih Mo. I ! A - .'!'. a I ri i ,i -' a-. t. J - it. iU'tvi! n;: 'It -ir.i'o" i; i. ,e joir. ,..,-ea l-.r p,e r.i. 1 UVit.T! o ' re.! : '!;;'.' e t' :' ( ,tii. a:,.i u iin Ii l;p j :'ro-j . i , (, i-- f-r ' .s-h. ' i" i aau'f a a I i A;. . !,. ii.. roi".l iv-.-i;..- i.v.i !- . ' ,-e-ii j V a: ! Aj ; :o .ii A--, rie.i Frin:-. i I ( ' -a.-. . : ; i. , .';,,; h. - .1 : -.. i ' .. '!.!- I.i o . -O e . I I. I: I'.'i-. i,l '-.' - j. 1 e i-'l-a ; i i.. e. w i: . ."o ..'-k ! ' .'mo i o.-i i.o. Lienier-i .I- I- i l i iii' ..e i To e.- S. Kc.i.".. 1857. P. il. I'iimi.Kov ; Lockwood 6: Pomeroy, j Will leale aioi Retail l'--:'.!' ifi I HATS Al) CAPS. STRAW GOODS. Also. S'.-.iTf r? of Arr.ric-.:'. Furs of every de sci,:?':'."'i : for vr-'eri th?v will rjav a ii ei.es c iVi.irket Price, I-X CASH. iC"XTl: ' : t - a iv in vired to exitriin" our -t.. -k of Hat- .v. C 1 1 - t r 1 1 ' t aci.iig n n mil Miiioe r r:o ivlai'l; ,;. ; . i.l""'. ta-l.'.Miialjle. .n jK.'nt f varo'y ur st.-ek shall ii y II .'I-e in t I.o ij. 1 -w. t .e.aiodating. be e .II led r ? a.-!-.- v . X, v ecu i d r. i . i ; . I!. 1 1 1 1 ) V E Ii. eiaa a-i ('it v. LAKH & IIOOVKH, & Iii lil IMlh, NoTARVS PIT.LIO. Brovnviilc and ITcmaha City, - 'a V 1 I . :i i :: Y. !!.!.-. !r;.-;y rt nit La-. ,g,-: .s. p,ying la va;, rroiai; : . l ey. buy and s-iiing j ''-'l - '"' li- .i ; ' - . in- '.a V ' '111 '11. II 1 M iv:.; C. n- : r l.-: u-r : ,1-rs. aad all kin l a "' i , r :: 'ten toi a a il ! I - givn rt Slii ' de-lara -f. rv --..!" : - : . : .... '. , r , ar..- War ra ' 1- 'I'Mi. tl: T- xv'i a'h'.ri: ii. ! . - I. - ,. m. :.- v ;.. ia -i t. .-' :. : a .iis-aix '.v:- :; : . r . na.tiav i.e-a- ah io '.v.-il fw t i, t . : .'.;'..'':. i.i lets Ei.t 1' ...sled . - 1 :. . . .. 1.' ' i" a - 1 -r -.:-! U-lv .NeVi Vi'Lcli'sah' droctr) Huiim1. j W. C.RITCHIE, WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL Urni'crirs. Wines. Liijimrs. i c'-::ars. wooden .vare. . , I'. a a;. ; T",',, ,. s o....ti U.J 1 - -an. ,e.. '. -' : '! I T -a p' i'e ''.'i 11 1 1 er M un. ..' eiiia'i ,.:".,'.,.:- ..r-l : re-1 , no: !,'.,:.-. ..:::-; ar 1 ..-., t'.m I ' :-. r , i '..-.:.,: .a.--.,..-, ,-. m H- ,-i-. : New V. ' k ital s . I., a-. : -. i ! :,;' hoi- t!.it I can , rf-r i ..... i'i"...'i:i- .. ' " an 1 i "Pi'i-t. Lv t ur , - " '. a- ..!- i I-. a. ii..--:: i i'i.. " ii -i-.i e ot p it-. 'i .!-. i',i ' ,1.- n:i-i'r,v.,.'i O' l tea. .. -Pvi.-e i a-. a, i-,' r": ..nn-l .. toil. rr. I Ir. niv . -, . i vt 1.1 . 1 n ii e ery j-t.cie Usually k'-t in i a 1 '.r . ry li u-e. ' j Eaalc Mills. b T. JOSEFE. MO. .TABU'S CAR(iILL Pivrriot.tr. r Wr-T M-ff-t.v-: ,. i i- ." ' 1 .1 v A -l'w 1. I. lit. ' a. i'i ll.TJiJ i-Ul.Ull.I,V ; . on n;..-: fav -A'.-i .sb ,.,,r s--, : v f. r , i cors.a: iT to eV" Wi r r -aarjerer . ; ti .ur !!... .... that ev iis 1 it. -ph. ..A-:g. rial?- t s,,,. . ,CTM.W...,. ..-.. ,.,.. , ,,, t , .. . t . j. ';;:. ' i'i im..,. -.iw-.,- . T- f" AYER'S & PUIS. FOE AIL THE ITJEPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Thtre has long existed a public demand for an elective purgative pill which conld be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed It is easv to make a phvsical pUU but not easy to make trie best ol all piut one wrucn snouiu. nave of the objections, but all the advantages, of every ether, lhis has been attempted here, and with what nrcess we would respecttully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much irriping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These ! produce r.o irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement iu the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any jjiiaiitltv ; but it i.s better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plica! ie are given ou the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we inav mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of jaundice. Indigestion. Languor and Loss of Ap- ijiianis riit r, rever uiiii .-vuue, a ulix m -ivac ana j-oms ; ior. :n micu. an inep mr uui uue iw seiuence of diseased action in the lirer. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tu er.es. Files. Colic. .Dysentery, Humors. Scrofula aTid Scurvy. Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood. Irregularities; in short, anv and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly suc cessfiii cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, F.rysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Ealk. stomach', and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood arid prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though r.o serious derangement exists ; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as everv purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suiraest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a Letter purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer j........ ... 1 1,,.. ; . cathartic medicine, iieing sugar-wrapped, tney are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box ri:i:rAEEi bx DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical ami Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cent3 per Box. Five Boxes for SL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COrGIIS. (OLDS, H0ARSEXESS, liKO.XMHTIS. MTJC0PLG-( 0l tII, CHOI P. ASTHMA. AXD lOXSlMPTIOX. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its -virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over eerv ether medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to emplov for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacks tinon the lungs, but for "the milder varieties of Colds. Coughs. Hoarseness, Sec. ; and for Cmi I'Rf.n it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant nse throughout this spction. we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever hai been, and that the genuine article is sold by-S J. II. MAI N & F0., Brownville, X. T. J" CARPETIXG. 1S5S SPRLVti SALES. ; a. McDowell & company. A re n .w hi re . e, f Mie. r ; rir ar '.i!ir..rtatiot:-. wh.ch ii . . : e.-a o-. :,.i e.i ;i K: - i 1 : r i'a-h. for Thoauih ,,. lier li. -a -e- ,ir" ...S ert.-o liinvr ini;.rt.ri -ns from ir ie. u e r.il;e (oe.i-are ia ma. ;-;t' i ia; tl: t" we ire the Hi" :. I'e.'f i :a i'. a it. t". r.i K a -'I.i ml FraiK ia tin wet er:i re-. .1- ! h t e ..- on li.ni l Ha I i rjet ami tine-t S ' ' e,' ...... r .! f. t in -omit ry. c .n.-i.-t;ag in part as h-1 o-i j.j .,... :;-) v...v MeaaMi m-: : il e:i.'er: .n'r.-.N l-'fea. ii ve'vef; i i'.. u- 11 : il W i : :on.) I' . X.t err Ci'. -.-Iey Br-is- '.'i oo r..!N J t.n i'r..s-iev . S.aiN Tipe-'r Bn-e1-: i r. !N ai.toi.'-; :jioi mil Pnud-.e ii. II .oiaanS; l.V'O l-.l -ll-iilit'- lle.v .le-i.-a-: 1'ioor .il- lii-.ny Ka.-,i.-h three-ply; !oi o ;ien y e: iine: T I.i r with tl.e i i-.-o- .tuclt of P..nie-tie Csrprfs. f.-r ihe w li"le tie ir ele, ever he i.liIo v. . ; tliennam ta : a-. A'.-. .-".00 r 11- 1-1 w..:ea:iii.;.e,k matting Jimio '" o-4 "' '' " ii.mO '- !- iin.l " '.oi'O " ... ...i iii irtiTi': a 1 1 wi.lihs. I .o0 -'. 'JOO J.le '! M it,. - a 11 1 -T I " ill - . f . ai . ;-.'h I- i . :!') feet w,,Ie: o-l 1-i a-l a-4 ami -j-l, .i!.:I..Ui. i.i: -e-t -i, k . t ru',. ;,i: ;o (..a.,'!, sefa rnzs, r- .1-. ' t.oe oil eio'aes. (,i y eta'.iili- T.. a,. ihrtn f 11. l.-e I n-ai .ai-i. -icr, a! 1 we a-s is a ca.l, t.j convince I we,,:, .,a, sou -iin any other I lew.-, T thewhae-aleper-hase-wew.,.,..!, z:ar'tT:rz!!T : ir .',;.:-, .o.- , - ne are pre; arc! tn 1 .-...'s a- "..-v.-r-. :..-:;-- ,.f Tup'.-tati.,, . l ,,.,.., , v ,. - w . oo. A. -M; l M.I. sV ,., o M.,ia ?t., .st. L-U1.S. la-- . M.: 1". 1 -.!:. , 1- Z()()K IJALDUTN, ZT'oi'csit City, I.Io., And ' Ola Dye Woods, DyestufTs, j!s. Iaiiits.aml Painters Articles .iiiiihrs. Wiinlow-irla.ss ami Putty, . GLASSWARE. I r-n-h. l.nirli.-i,. ;,nd Anieriean Perfum-ry. HNH '::! m l sharing . urs. fin- hair and J t,N t!i orasiies. paiat t rushes, surgical an ldent-i:.-'r!;i 'i.is. -;, si.urTs. manafa-tured t. ..a-".- all the -a-.-nt tip .-a hies of the dav: pure ivines and o randies, f.r medical purposes; choice! Uilct and fancy ar-i-I.".e-e..ete. j A.ais ior nit- e or i Pr. Vi-',r's If.l-a:,, f Will Ca-rrr. I ii. g-r's Liverwort, Tar and CascLalagua " ,g ,r, India Ch'.'.agogue. " J. i. 's' At::-r:-an Ch- lag, gue; liny-. rt's .alow d..ck ana Sarsaparilla: rili;.:i l',nicvrup v2nl-vTv Lightning Rods. M AM FROM ODI'R ! T .:: : -a : m,ir -r' ern. v,,., a-p ' e-e! v n '..r-o-l ' 'h -i ;. .1, .. --i-,(1l ,s nlt ei.'-.co.: -a uatft - u-' t' e i '...-. .1 1. -h :: .nc R .it. n,.t,. ui ture.1 .Q lite ' Ka'l. " "e ri- -t re na! 'e terv.s 1! ir.:i 1. 1.1 !, r,g ev-" 'r i.t -'.i.-n.e.-. lc arrm.- aii w,.ri .1 ne Iv L ".uieA ne r:,"at. 51. II. Mali-sil KKFKUFNTFS!. Jaa:,.- Pa-h in n. Wa-hitait.-n 1. (".; ,T c B-'k.n- t'-e. U"i-!:t-t ... t-: jjr, Virr.rii. !. ..'i.'.-n Ka-- !.:'.: I. Mr-.i.- n Beiiar..,rte. p.,-,,. v'-',L'- r,e-' I . r .i. .t: ;er, sr. iv;.-rM.i:rg. R:i.-s:a. r.S'H.vM i.le Mtr-!.i ::,.3:;f 1 15 HAM RE AVIS, i ATTOTVFV AT 1 AAA' . -iA -A. i.j- oj.o. ii , x.n , REAL ESTATE AGEXT. E" lis C:tT. E chard; cn. Count v. hrj,Vo i K chard; "..r: a:'-::-i I., l.o'i:" . ..ies.-i. ml tn.-i- a anl a.LN.aiiiz , 'A'.'! 'A ' ' t-i" "r"" :r :' Vaii'ti ai ! I- . -v... v. , il T 13 '53 c-to-Sat . NEW vSPIIIAG AAD iSlMMEItpOODS! CR'A N E& II PL?L , DEALERS IN Main St. between Front and Second sts., Srownville, 3J". A SOOS crib HATS & Stove Furniture, Flour, Bacon, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. "VTTT have just ope-.e.l n heavy Stuck of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple V and Fancy line, which we are imw repared to offer to the trade at extremely lew prices, For C'asli or Country Produce. fv2nlS-tr 1-7)7. . ii SIEGEL & GREEXBAU3I, INTo. 27 JSLzxixs. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of P.rownvil'e an-1 the puMic gnertlly that they have ryj-dved and are now opening one of the largest ;lrji mst complete Stocks of Cluthic Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices : as to Color they have Brown. Blue, Rl iek. visible and invisible Green, and Cloths, Cassimers.Satinott-1. Ca.-hueretts. and Jeans, all made up according tothe latest fashion ibie cut. Their variety of vests is sut orb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the May also bo found at all time a fine selection of Cravats. Sto.-ks, Tyes, Collar, white or colored. ILindker- chiefs, Saspendcrs, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell ascheap as any istabii.-hment in the West. e have the tinest and best assortment ol SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING Ever brought HATS AT3JX OjJS, Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fiue assortment of COATS, Dtvss, Frock and Sack. PAATS, T.vcry Style and Description. VKSTS, To please I.ar;;e andmall. SIIIKTS, I2olIiYhiteand Fancy. yyE woaM but ask the public to call, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Glot'-p-i Da.Ul"rC 'f berc-r made material, cut with better taste, better U ind twenty-Sve percent, cheaper than ttiey have ev er bought elsewhere October 2'Jth, 157. LvJulS-ly VICTORIOUS OVEIi PAIN. . i i'i lit nt Jiii.ii jiuii .A-ony or ease . Mckn-ss or heui-.u :-..! tr .!! h 1 IUi-mj aie ta-iiueti. .us involve., in tne a-lonti. u or r.-::-! of this sp- ciii.j liv ii:.- martvrs to vtiTunl I ili-ases aiid uijunes. ihumgre- '' '"-''""nt "I ;,.o.:;s- ..ii, e-..' -i .-e.ii,, me wi.e i r. KAN M. an.! ii-..i;,.:i,-v t. :.-. I .!ar- -: - n. ir t.v.i nwt.il hilts in th-i re Ii' iis ..f e'ermi! i. ... i:, is n.ov coni ci ai int.) .iifral u-e in .-virv ,s,-L.- -'-'-.-t As ti. a of ri. :". i- and i:s iM cur-s -.tit cvtij.vLdie . - ex THE AFFLICTED KEJOICE. IH NI i'.MIS aril Tni.ANT'S la'.'" te-o-.i i's viiti.H-. and ire rV': -aig ia '...eo.-tu ti i rn I ng lai--;aig PAIN' and M-FA.-K. W 1.1' ll ..iii.-" l- IIit-'lieH l.,i,'. I'li.ie.l t" .-are. Hrt . . on the I.Ia 'V I'lUnS, NM i'.at i,I.. I'.iiM JIA l'I'M. H.ool'U.A. HAR A 1IM or V a 'ill Ai'U; .i-.. riii:;. :.-.! w ,- el ii ri .i:: - if. I'-riiu from PIH I-l-s, i-;'!:.:vs, in i!:s. mii:;.; i-.vi-.-. r:: r.- iftv t - :;Tiir. akctio i.i.i:.ir.?.T 'Tl 54 '! ,. ...1 . .. . ,: r Hveryho.'.j' is liable to I'D For ti.se .'r.'.i.V ol ne..'.!snfs (lie AIM Iii; IlMMl-M' slo.iiM be l S ." , : , Wy, ' Tf 'r Z o, ""''l: ? 1 .v '.kA-'' r'rr H, VVSi I'l nf "l'"'' "'"-! .t'V th- f&. V ". ''--1 a.l naa, .'1 vi- :,s ef -W-T, s Tl 1.-1..HS n ml P. ions. . oh r..t ftt;A' f.l ilmt m i.-at,s ..f r.-l ,-v.,.- Tlr K H !"el Ilmt m .ii-atis ,.f r-1 ,v,- C'-'lilt Vv-'b-ir tortai- sf. ol.l hI.mus l.e VaS?'ifiA w.o j'svSM l.'-es-ihle M;eh .'.esex -tint lis 'i-rs ' ;,.'.ii'v I'aai cohtr i.a.ciui-iit THE HOTIEEES' C0XPA3II0N. ix:unit. It is T cir.-s fAKF? TN" TTTr BlU'lA.sT. M'i;l- NililM r-"KK I ll.s. ! Iiii I IS. ie. I a- a. s w n.-e a p..r -kin. va. i.i of pin' !es. Iii..:,-!,, s. si- .rf an.i iiii ii.-eoi'-i'it' ,- us ;i ti-! . - ,....'V-;V7 s cr.-ceni.'.-s. s .,,1 attack fl?.;-'iiV.,? t.-;:i r- on Pea,,v s fW'V a'jftiiSS-y -s - lloia.'llll as . Tl 'is ; ev li; ; e;ir y wi'h tl - AlHTK' MNllilA f. ;,-.Sj V"-' '.'-i-i H IS Vl'-li. lit for the ii.i r. GOOD FOR MAlf AliD BEAST. It is a sover:ja r-iae-i for 1.;- T.i.'lOMS ..,-.;i..s iv ,ii ivio.-'i l,,.r-.-s in e :i :',,,,. c.r- il.-- tie lllo-i ai i-.i-e- of l ia 1-i---. .-; r.A! y-, -ii::i,-hai ;. ;i.!'.Ni..s. .-i ii.ui h- 1'..-'.VI-I' NY.M'AVl.N-.!:!N;-I ' N i-. Lil, -iii-AI'. 1'iIaV I il-. .s:-. No :,n ii.tr. i.-.erv stai .e k.-t per. i t iiny i. r-i n owning vni.i.i;.' li iiR.-KS, shouia he niti.out tL.j vaiaa- 4 f J -Ih V'tf f '-l-'--. V'S --.'sfen -- i;.-. 1 For Nile Sy all respectaMe r'ra--.--:- in ', r.-alem. Trices of th Uninient, C-1 i-.-irs. ',a ,. :.:-.t,. 51 a t,t. tie. A on-.ioii.ir l ! C"n:a.as as n.ucU I ju.a.sat u eijtUt t.'.eatr Sv cm! bottle-. EXTI?.OOI'AHY s.OCA'CE?.iTXT. I Fvf-y r"ir-ImstT of a .i'.iiar i ". i- . I ti .- .UA .1 '1' I IV- ! IXI-..N 1 ih'i'ivin. at rr l-a mim-. to- i.Ml-.D j STATES ji isv... of N-v V. ik. :..-.i:e yr. Ihe : Jiiurtiiil is a inr-" nbistraf. I ta-e- icii iiim.i . r ron- Uiai"-t sixteen p:i-'"-. tenut:,'. y r r.n. i on ct-ar wait P;'r"r- aivl ,!U ,,r-":ui tna-vr Irom the rno-t bnl- writers of -i:e c.. it---. . -rM-nte ,,f s,'S-..rTt.m p:rt;-iiirs ot he novel an.l j inn ii'hn f ie en- Terpn.se. oi wu.- u..cr lurnrs a t.r., . a-i:oii,Laay each bottle. An AUKNT W.TFT in FVTT.T TOTX an '. TT I.AGZ. Bit AGU . Bl UHOVF, St. Louis, Mo. New York t:.t. No CTl bili'A 1 WAY. Communications should alwuvi b a.i.ire-.-e.'. to t. Ijg. Caution. I cant: -a all pe-s.-p.- rvv. nis ever 1-nr,-t Vi:-r';si';s K .iiti'ite ,ti; ; K".h 'erta n ka, wa as 'Bent i't B-- 'vr.v; J.liiN I e. N. 1 - i-i.i. liKHr-.iN. CITY LOTS. tior..,, , ... o tbeC.ry. f Br. w;,vi,.e. : bargain - f r .-.,... N. -v . i 1 .ia: .:;, r.i'-l '. , i .., me hefoi e :;i lim,- t ;-i-u Cr',"c:;v;,;e. Mir.l; 15 " ,v ' '' "' ' '.U It. W IUP.XA5. r.ei. ti-a.e Ajtest JJU.IUU U Al r rM mm W5 ?! W A 55ilBi CAPS, CRAXF. i nil.L. 61 4Sa to this Territory. at tne iiumed SIEGEL A GREEXBAt'.M HSEDS Patent Portable Mill, riiiic subsiribers have entered into a partnership 1 un.ler the firm of K 1. I!..' jfc C. t.. min,.!'-...,,., ,i, t .' i- 1 ! i. .'' " "'"ture the J.t. Ueed. i ar. nt Portable Grist "" an, aff; r"w prepared Co furnish all those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that f..r dura- biliry. simpli.-ty and economy: vil any Mill in the w.,r,a. ln :he late exhibition ,,f the .Mechanics ms-;tute in Cincinnati, a Ij-Ad AI- 'lil was awarded them f..r it. It i-1 adapted to all Gnin g';nding r nrposes : it is silp.TI.ir to ill; otlo-rs t, .r.-io. VI .,-..1, .Hltt. la it la I"f ; rinding the Farmers feed bv Hor-e power. 'I he above Mills;, re m:ir.ufaetnr...l rtA.,n.i.,.. sigedar th.'r-h..p in 'ineinnati. .. where the, - t .III) i. i As this Mill tolls its own st. ry. it. is unnecessary to plot.- from . ar tuirn t.-us ree. tniiiendations.reeeived. I T .1 T ' 'm rp ., .,, i l.-iuciinir. i;:i."niiir.. L-iik.nni;!!! ! J ".. r.. l'AivKi.i; Merchant Tailor. Atlar.fi- strt. We, . f IP blitz. H's Sf. r. IT AV'IXG bought oropertvaial .-ated t-rm:innt. ly in Pr wnvill... I . rl'-r my servi-i.s to th- pni.ii- generaiiv, t f n. v wan t an v .a . r.g Ion-in m v ' I -an always be f ,ui,d at my po.-t, .r. U1, r ,,r, , ,.rlv speak i rg at mv I-neh. w,'k,M'arran,d-,k'0 rit -Xo ,,a'! part i-nla r at t-n M"n pa 1 I to -it t i g-, rm..nt - .,r!, !;lvi , i!f fe Sea ms'n-s. Th- -r-ar-t - - .. , , . , , , "r 1 l ' f Iif'-' has n d?v .ted to my trad. . in 'l"1 'l m7 't'.-i to my trad. . wdi-.i Icn-ob r mys.-U inleri'.r to tf.ne e.--eia! in til- CUftilig i- 1 ll lM ni e tl t . a I! d Ihope b V I' l'.-e V T e 1 ti-n to my (ias,ness to tn-rif. a -har- if taii'lie ! ltronage. t. PAKKKP. 1 Prownvill: Anr;! 1 ':h. ls.'.r. ai.!r ' ' ' 'J I McCORMICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 C. 131 ATT .v. Asenls, -V. s. y.a . J ...,.o. ril. 1- .uam . ;I--e.i t.. r i-- ;,r- ,. M ri at,.j y.o 1k , ' - ' '- II i' ': '. .' .-!!. .i'i.I the ,-, p. ., ,,,,.1 Re.., or li.'i Ai - .'-. i:,.l i- s.. V, -- ir.-ee L' ,r tlvo , e I r ii,. i Ai v i , i '. - 1 . v K f I'ie'... .'I-' ti e v i:;, .- St.iiM :ii.l re- .'.ir.:ii.:iuv ti: n a me 1- n ,., -.veil f , a .1 : .. 1 i- a . In J : v ; , - a - ,tr ie-i t , a, a ,i wn t.. nee.i rb.it s. rr I':,,--.! S; i-,- -. ; :'ii u-e. Jt'.e.v GOLD MEDAL ind DIPLOMA. V a ... r- 'e-t. 1-1 he , v.- t. m- M- .... . , . - t -o ." '.'.at .. -..1.-. i.t..i J...I-.V rne .'Xftibits.m. r .,i ,.n o. 1 s." I r,, , 11 .f -- .1. il..ry iiiiiv..: ie.".f AMKKirAN -tKAH- : f : ' Kit. .I t.- it t,.e .-real Krea. n n i.r. . . 1 l-oo. A-.t-., s.tr.i,"l ::.. t,r.t:..t Al,.Ui..f If r.,.r. A!-., :i-'h.-. ie-' ; 1 :.e ..a ir.i-.l ., n.v r.-u pt ri - iii.i. taru. (. tl.e ll. yai A--ri. : ta-ti . . letyot Ktiit:.,il iU lsT. avl -ti.l! T! '',"s',"uo'"' :'-"i;V;1'e --n an.l ap:-.v..i.f 1 over .00 ..M t i.-tur-r "f r,,v wa , . 'ir.trv ir-aer- .le-ir:rerPe l, 1 '..--,, 1, . ,." ' . .... . fh- ;.ree:.t yt.,r wi.l ar- hv :e:,v':-i- rh. .r ..-''.-'rs I -hiiM-e-.n, let. re the i.-t "iy ot March r.i v. Aj.n. i. is.,-, -1.42 j 1.") Sl'P.IMi SALES. W.F.EXDERS & CO.. Wholesale Clothing Wureliousr, -V '"2. .ixibl .rr-- t. .V. f,r,iit,f IT ive ;s. rtH'e, viila fail ;in.'. 'iipU-te st. It , f r- !: ; '- ia.-...- . . . ..: .. .- .. - .-;.t ; .n ,'" a:fl vv'.rsriari-bip. in ,,r:.er hoa-e n, the .'! '-ir 'r..i ,.- :, n.., ; f.rri.is mar Set, at .-;r Mi;:;:i - rv B. -r.-i. Lir:e tnlr! -p ::-..-; :'! r: ! i :s er-.'- r rf.i 1 1 -;ve c- .i , a.i. i- - ,.,o or p, pr- mr' nt-". ir pr:,e- ,r ,.,.fv t - A : ' ' : - s v. . mpe- r. E.NTF.XS, it. L,u., J.h:i W. BI'.KiaV ;" "T :'- :.-. ii 01IX. F. KINNEY. it vs. r. n lly. KINNLY .X: HOLLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i.:lt ri I i 1 . 1'. -- . - it tl.e I - : "' - T -r-.f-rv. C : - t;. :i ir.,j , ,r t r , -it i. Mb .',- 11: '-- J-'-'i-e.! t , TP.-, i.jl., .... J '- ' a... il.-.-. :-- Will a'-e-,,! Oil. t-u-n .r Ii; ua..'.e vi-,;3-6ra 1 ITew Hardware Store. Si'ti wf the Saw. J. FLAHERTY. Importer, Wholesale ar.d Retail Dealer in American Germm, Enirlish French JURDll'JRE .LVD CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. IS XOWrcceiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of guods in the above line ever offered in any market west, of St. L' uis. My stock embraces a full an 1 complete a.ss.rtmeat of Cabinet and House Builders Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of erery description, direct from the most approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvement for the saving of vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this departmeat of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe faetary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns. Rides and Pistols. Iron, Steel, Xails, Ac. of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, whieh, f r is qualify and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal sharo o f trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies f.-r American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is small profits and auick returns. January 1, Hj7. vln2'arf m in mi JOHN" COLIIOIX l BROTHER, (Sign of the Padloek. oppn-- te the Post 0ce.) WUOLLSALt: AM LET.UL I'K.VI K IN Building and Saddlery Hardware, G R ( ) C E It I E S , Bouts, Slices. Lt'iiil.sT Shoe Einilins. st. jiis.v;:. t,r, (. HAVE now iu storv. and !. .irriv" sh-.rtlv, Aaier icau and Foreign 11. ir 1a are, such as :" (rreaves A Son's Files ';:- rs and Edge T..U I' -k. - knives Burelier's ,1,, ,P. K:. - a:, i i rks Siwar A Ja 'ksoa's saws Prass i-i.r.aia bands nnd Gimlet pointed sori-ws j ns rnliin's and Anicrijaa I . r ! -k - h.rse nails .Vij.r- and anger Litts I Ames' shoveUand sr.ades l;rr r ('.v.'.' .. ! LuIl"jfc IVrter's shutter Gras and'-rain da i i st noie a ugers r Putt Morticing maehines Sh-vNan-l t.-n's Circular, mill and niulj Can Ih-ri.-ks saws Fi'.kiii" 1 w I -aw Planes and plane irons Ulacksmiilis' liellows and Ccopi r- drawing Unives Vm do adzes aul Wood useh'Se Armitagean- t- "l.s vils Tress Hoops A m-r: '.an anvils Piitts, cast an 1 wr xtght S'i and -lies Copper rivets for belts Pad !ns. or"eeh'gioops Tuvere Ir'.ns Pad .n-ito kfia PI .f...l r, I ... rv. j,; 11 . ... I. " i ii""i 1.1111 i."iii. 'i i ' i . ' r . r i fie ri ; no f - d" do Pitts Girth ran and roller web d do Pii'-kles Silk.:! ci.r I thread do do Kings Calf -kins Preastand rein snaps l'w-r leather Lasts, pegs Pro ii do Peg ri-ats Piaeers Sh .e thread H-iri e-- d lielr.ing do i .at -k ins Enataiu. 'iled leather I liri-r!i.'i, wax Lining -kins ltin.lin g vV ith manv goods embracing a comrb'te assort- nit ntof the iuo-t desirable wh i.-'n thev will sell at tne l. west T rices. J. CoLlPK'X A PRO. April Ith, I-.')7. Ill ly George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & EXGIXEER, BROWNVILLE. N. T. XMM X E to the pel, lie. -; ,. to ere.-t Steam and Wa'.-r -iw M h to the nnl, li,-. ri. ,. t,,, ; ."r.rerare.l nnd M'r'-hant Mills it short notice and r.-asorm ing ..f tnaehinery . -f ail kinds. i tonus, pepiir- ALL WORK VARRANTED. II is als., Ag-nt f r A. II. IIULLIDIRD CO'S Western Foundry. riM INS ill. LEE & LEAYITT'S QofTT TVTo VllfPo AsT enine-y niatinl'.i. ti:-ed r k.-i ai I. an I. i.v these es- lamisamcn's. tttr9 "t eti luiry. promj rly answered, PK1- l-'EUKX'CKS. X...I. Like ,t Co., Pr w:v,;,e. . T. Srp;U 'iJl. n.w. v,.cM. p.-,. M i r. iiaan A. Co., tx,,..t J'r. 1! ..ver. Jam-s I.,. A. li. ll . Prownvil ii.er.l. i '. J in- Is. jsoo 9 i ia ."! l.I I' it X JIY. NO. 10. MAIN MUEET. WILLIAM T. DEN, ct.--! lo- i r:'. r-. A 1.,.' nop.- ,': tl-I I'll V Tr.anii.:.- Capital Stock .s:!Uh;,. N E il It VK v irv, rrtniS C m;:,:,-. nnl r:,. L f-l.'.j organ. i. ';. a-. ;'. ..r ' -. 1 - r-.w al -' . k ..f i. Tl..y n '.'.ii '!"., are tr-iar'-d. m t gi an, 1 tiU- r n f C.-n favored Iiiirai.' If-ivlrg I rrh'-H ' :l i"'"!1"1 r arp n- uicuii.i, anv nac-i. .-n.tre m r ,..'s ...f tae eoiupany. The ..erati-'HS f ti.- C. ., forth- pr---' t.. jrv-s.- '. - taarim.tm liabili-v of 1':,', ,"- 1, .. . ; l-'lfig the ,,r.y Ir.mnr"..' I ' .: ' " 1 ne.i. ii a V ill aI:r I Ian- U','"t I t'....-Missouri, i: .;. r.fld-ntlr .-.f- pects a generous s-r f..rt f.-.ta W-srern Mr.-har.rs. U" respect; ally mvltu t Jl.s-.j an Kiv'.r pa- I tror.age. I f.x; -s, r,:,s. F.:r ;-v n. P. Il--r. .j. !.. -. ..r.;.., W . X. llui-htiian. il.i .s V,'. iir .n, A.A.P-a lf .-1. CtlAS.F. ItOLLvl-rler.r. .1 . i irtsiDE. S.'v St. Louis Agent-Col. W. P. Howard. Aj r.I Jd, l-a7. 42-lj H. Lamarue & Co, Watch-llakers and Jewelers. 0 e.i ia N.a;,uiia c. y. : ' : !. i.. v-ir's s - S 1 '- 'i'e..... ji - ."- 'a- el a t. it s' I. Tie - 1,1 i-'.l.a- :C : Br ,-vnv iii. . e 1 v 'i '. t - i- - , A.I iii .. ... r.r.Ie- Tf.e v .-.. Ja.y I l- an.l .1 ie M LAM :i',' K i C. : ' " . 1 ' i ' . , ' ! . - v a w i .".rr p.! ! '" ' : " . a :., ..';. --. .,... '....; ,, : ' ' '" . . i Ii ii.'l .i n: ii-.,.- i , , - .. . ; , N ' 1 " a a. ' .: i . . t , - . . .. . M " - X that : '-1 ' : r i re ; . . ,.- (. r , iir -vn x ( ' , I --hi:,.-,, :-.'..; , ., . ,. - 1" ' i E ; ..... ,. . AI. -v -'-:..- r a ;, .., - . I -'-it.. -.-..i , i: -- in, ,,i , I .. .. 1 " .i -e- P ' t . N Eli R ASK A UTV " !'!'V;.,V,,., InSlimUCO ConiT-im-.- I a:'- ' NEW GO0D8;:; JOHN JItd'IIERsON. I have just received aa entirely iicwitj . assortment uf "'S SLTERIOR GO"'S, Which I will sell at a rea.-'unauj r: e eataL'.Lshment in the West, " li I have now in store a great variety , f lowing articles, which were purha-vi :".rVi' and consequently. can sell cheap cn th r -a . . 'J. DRY GOODS HATS AND CAP. SADDLERY BOOTS AXD SllOfU ii imnv iiii: in cn 1 1 Rv QUEEXSWAKE Jb'U JrLJX" ITTj-p ROOTS AXD SHOES, Ready Made Clothing. Ar.il ;i thi a.sortru'-'r.f . LIGHT C, ROC E II I n s Such a3 S.tla. Mlaritus, Ail,: lONoivorri tT -);h. LOLTS WALDTER. House, Sua, ar.il Oniiuumta! h GLAZIEH. GEAI.VEK. AMI P A I n U II A X i E R. BROWNVILLE, N. T. T ikes this motfv .' ,.f ,.,w.k. re-ui vt"l t.i- aiar - rr.-i.i Necvii a f l! i tlnnS- Sum-.'! 1 .. aa l.-r'... ', tasnitii to ht. ',,:, . f t ... the jii.lo i,- -. , u., i Please lea-, e . ' !.:. ar ! X'.v. UK 1-A7. . a;.. I A I'.er I X ) U I ) A LL. A 7 ARK f A M . , , WASINGTON FOUr7DH' Ilnsincand Uadiiin hnn ' COR.NEK. OF SF i l ND v,.K,,kN ' ST. l.oi IS. M ,. 1 r.n-r M:!I Mi.'hin.-, -s . ,.",.',,'.'.". " Mrlls. r i . , o s-e . f , k . ' N-rews i vlir 'le.-s. V ,,. c.,r,r:, M . , " Ol-' i'-'-. 1 . I;, or , v , ., J .,-,.,.. . '?.KM' f r r.p ,.llH,.r Ji:il pen .r ii n li ;.p f'an;-. OLIVER IJKXXETTi .l, MAM FA 'Tt KKIl.S UNO nm.Mil.; :Fl-,,'.( Boots Shoes 3c Erosazs, XO. 7 J.l.V STUKF.T. SAlr 7 r' - from their own and ,.r tori es.:l. I.i pte, esp.T i ill v to III-' W.-s-.. - : ' ' Purchasers ar" invited to manuf,etur."I and s...:,.,.f,.(l wi;h ..,V,.l.J warranted. ,f sap. r:, r .,uai,ty. Oni-r, .1 - .' roiiu t ar. 1 -ar -tnl attention. BROWNVILLE STEA3I Jllll NOEL, LAKE & EMKUSnv ITJrowiif ille, TSX. T. V ! VV ii. -' "".' i r .-, e..,;....v n.t ra. Z'-ns ot . email a -.'..uri'v aa.i mi.ig M --. ir we nave a. w.-i v- . , ; ind a l.ir -e . w su;; Iy f l.r.rlUKK.whieh w.-canf, -er rites than any mill in fie T.-rrir. rv Market prices pui. f.,p log, deliver.'.: i.ron the bank i f the river. All orders aee,,I1;.-,r,ieil with the ca.-'i.wll, our immediate itti-nt i,,n. A. LTKoRD. , r Lyford & Horn, WIIULESALE AND RETAI.'. D(a!,'rs in AND GROCERIES. 1 1 A R DU A K E, (l V Y. V. NSW R r BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AXD CAPS, alls. llos. to s.l iiruitiirc. SON'ultA. MO. Arril Oth. lv,7. DOHJLAS SALfiD) M.uu r'-. r . i-. .. r Y : , -J ' " BrnwivilK', X. T. -I ' "I lie V;":"'- 1;-V"". Zir:. Ors'tr,, Si- Lumber ! Lumber ! ! w, - ar- t r m a- ' . . t ; -M at . i:r ' i.o-i'e prowrn r 1 1 friiher a 'in v ai .-ai ;., w, -. I'llili.i r - li'.tole !'. r iv ,gg n .. iir-.,u ! t: g i ii r-i ...... s. ,, .... -,:,-!!, ', r-. v a i r: nt, -.i i... .-.,!, i j h:iv 'ista-tly ,,:i'i:,; j ti--, ar v. es !, : I r. I'.'i- st.-.iiii'.oni s. i :' ' V tii- rrl-,,1 ; !'' -.'fi l:r..-nv " r -a-v up. u t.;u. .tiV nil : at Tab -i p. ,-V.. I Pro-.vti'.'ilie. . f,rti I . ' I C '' w !. r v, .;; ; . r pro..-, i . , ; -a - Io.-. . n ' ' r ! ; i ' - r 1 '.; a .a.'" : II .A. 1.L.V .4 C New Spring Gcods. IJK0JX (IL Vo. ts, 31a in Mrn I S;nnt . !',v.'.. V. ; N . i. IMPORTATION OF 13: -. rs, u 1 -, 1 -. . -i.iLl.i I tl fS. A ; ll.'ANKiilN' TYPE & STEREOTYPE poU.S-1' Xo. 1'JsVi-e - -et. F'-urh au . - :- Cincinnati, 0. C. F. 0'I13Ht OI.I. A, CO M.i.iu:a..-.'i.-.'r- and Palvrsiji .N -A .. . yi-. P.-mti:. g i'.--s. -..Ca,.-...t.i ; l:..-is. a-.1 I r- , . r, g I.tr.:ri.il f rvl'-.' nti:ki-:iityitm: f ,i a. ,i : 1 .i.ent.uc.iAiine l.r .":r.i ns a.s. V. i A-., .fa;. Rjon. nr,l P-ittarn T ott.,Fv , "ldul1 dLi rtltt LrttrT ill 1' y. u. itii.li i .!. Wn'lLF.SALE 1SD F.KTvIL 1 . S I L '' t ' STOVKS&TIXV.! I Oregon, TWIo.. TAKES l-is'ire ia a;.ri..uih-it:g ': : " g .a -m l the rtibpc ia g-n-r i' -hi'J IT , . , i aan.i ;ac Liost -v: t. I ware. ver ..f.-red ia c -: fiiarket. Mr . w'tr- is . t my own taaa ifurtare, a a i ' W'v., ' i i . . . . .. , i ir' t itn :i. .ir. r i...i,s, ' t ' i wm . i .-a.! ra-ri.'ii.nr a-.tect -ti ;o tt 1 CUOKIXf; STOVKS. ... Ia; r:4:c . .t... . 1 pa':, rasboth Air-Tizhtaud IV'a.iui. i may bo f.unl F:.ilv'sC'i:r'ter:ik.tn- ' ia u". the Asiatic A:r-Ti -lit P:. a-:- .- ar.i ujium. AN,, 3 Parlor & Ecx Stove-; Of varl :;s .z j ; '. 1 SFI.I. Lt'Ui;;. TPv ANY !!"! -11 : l''irii'..r.ct.b n a.d :: xk : - nt Ti-: ii it:, rs. . r: .: t .v i t .". . P'ir "gd. r- -..a . .... i .t M ; . r. L.-.j ad i'-vvr.r :a a : . fjrw ,i'ir -arj. V. W. WI! II" v! - j (r.'-.-i. J .. Jjl ' ' s, nn nut OtH Umf Oac One Aon Cai taeti yr.l A'l ordl All on Tb ei rii meat tr. W (heir Al bo. Al char- J cn Ui O lH o o o IU Job 1 !I co r n criit in tip Par aditt . The rienoi Lrtirw pie asi reMioi, jutroi IJ I, MIL Maii Thnv AT si My Ki. j. Sad 11- x. ; our A'l WI J.I J'l-tri i Profe -will a . .He;.! .il.IVFR OE M BO ( I'O R H 1 Arc At Lai.il w, bj lis