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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1858)
I ils.- I ! ' J-vv i"--. ,1k. . HH5r. np .ll.iivHKHI I .T-lIieeeo. 51 and JiiVal, ,-.aT. JOSEPH, ... ; CHIKTJT;b) AT THE LAST FESSTO t-F Trtlt VO. Lt': i Authorized Cnpltoi .5.1,0001.0 0. j V : -' Vinr.CTORS:' - " - - i J. C. Jenair-gs-, L It. nwarJ, 3. X. Owen.iL.foB j Booth, .ToUiCulhoun. John II. Likens, V.H.l'cneik, f ii J.L.ElXfJ- r. i .1 T-lw? wsJyto receive at plication for Life, Ii;c, allowed oa cargo premiums. Uasr promptly adjured, aud the, usual futilities given to tho patrons cf-tbe April 15th, 15o7. - .''.:"4U1tu 1. ctlvcil, por.Si.eyt.'ior Emma, .a. very Jur-re. , WEBSTER, MARSH S CO, Manufacturers aiid IVholosalo Dealer Heady Made Clothing, "- h-r), Mnin St., Si. I.nuK Mo. STtfrtT!. f'KAvrEl;. (M'PItMro STIII'T GOODS, - ail kiuif oi , 9 FURKISHIKG GOODS. ALsO FA I.I, SiOCK OF GENT'S AND JJOY'S CLOTHING, Whidi we offer ai low?' -iv in ti-p Ci'v V K l'.STIR. M AKS ! J. CO. 'VIIEELER I- WlLSOs"" ' ISCOMPARAnLT: SETVJXG MACHINES J. w. Mcdonald it co., No. 79. Fourth ftn-ct, St. Loins, Mo. A-V tiiir tin- pi.-,. if BH utlior in -lone-. ,,, Families, Dress-Makers. Tli!- are lie, eoa.tfst, ciu-pe. and moit durable M.i. I,;:.-; . ;-t. - t Ageiits AVaiiifd in Kiery Town In Wlfi I! ;-v,rtt..l -. ami j e., of Shaiigliui Llovaied.Ovefti- - . . : COOK SIOVE3. ;' : . r XucVs Clipper-Orrn.'' " ' ' CLnrrcr b;:k id! ,f wUl.-J. I plc-e i rj-telf.t? j.iH :,t ai fair -rato nn.l oil as :. term? as any other estab n.-lujiPTit in !!:!.- of -vtn.l.-y., ,. 1 luive :.-) iir.-.v -wrt rchTi4-.!f o-rtt-Jr-f i in, , ri.j.iT :i i 1 !0' t Irisn ware, i-.'ml .mi Mvmr.'.l I to imtup g-irterkiifixncUi sating nnj t!icr w. rk pa iiiyl!i...,,afMl.,rt n'oll.-o,' And In a workmanlike i iu.uiii''r, n!;:. !i I uiimint Li -ivn sM!i-f i,.ii,.r, A sbaro of j.-.ttiuao is s'4ivaU.J. ; ' t" , v rOI ALL THE PURPOSES QT A " . j of Tiro A. IJ. 3l- iiollaijTkd& CO., Engine En x runt tti-eet. West of Smith, U JSC INN ATI, O. ' rcowtSn!:jii.f..rm thrfncn.Jsaml tiio i.::blio s,-enern;ly, ihnt they are ".1 : x 'cut.' ::!! ( r,;, t., ;tj tli fir line, with roiiivt- i!:.-. iat-.y eu:areJ tltlr ii.l with the ipohm.I r.n ;:!tey iiowi.(,..x.,tlievh.i..oti. I::ei"it n 1 . .i:r.;it 1,1' :!;i Ii' i,,i. .-.. 1 . ....fax nuivu l-ared .111 ii can ir "jiifuiiiuy oa l: r:i:. l :.ja !"r. .a-ui.'-.iiairautcdto L i. re -n exte:ii!".l to i!i Engines of every -.Descriptor. ii;iil 1: e;,i!-i;tii; o: til?- .S:ish. Cirpn- -MiiJ C ar.s aud tvciy d0.-cr4 ti.jii of 111 u very particu- - F. SNYDER, rorwarditisand Coninils.Ioii "ST. JOSEPH. MO IflhrSfl Win ,be Lrvt at a!! p.. tt,P .,rTivn, ,.f I 11 SieafUboeU. ud attend to ti- C .Mi .Mi.m .r n. ...i J HusiBOt leit--i!b i,iin itu prompt rtpa'eh: ulw 'ri-ii.1 i t. the Recriviuaol gooda fur boais, uttier lor St. Lt-uis or i 1 yr. i Tl.oy ;;.,vc a!.-o a ll.-ilcr V;!rI atinelied to their I t.-.:ibhri:tiio!it-, v.i.n-!i e::;ib!..s lluiu to ovc:.-ee j ,V0l!: !h;lt iWi'ichtd I.v theiiH ti:id nre pru pired t: ;.vot:c u as rtasvuuluc Unas as anv other I idiop in tiit cunti'y. ! 1 U(tf..- :u want of apytlur ' veu i. jrive 11 j! e in our line, would do u oxuiimie our new 1 attern Will .e iM'd in the oUije oi I,.Iaiau &. West Kt! I-.Klate.Ageuts, il4:kt t Suxo. (!K0. S. EAYJ-U & CO.. - 7 111 General Land Agents, C'?nv.'ot MILLER c R01SAUJ3IN, liaj.rtersol French -.u LOOKING-GLASSiPLATES, Sheet, Sky-Lilit, iiiaI Floor Gluts IS Second St., sr. Louis, 3!o. Wanf;rtJ!rer of Vmiu:int,i r f, .-T(!ii-- Fr1!T,e Stainod Glass in all its Various Bra'ic'irs lor cimrchos. l'uLll0 UnJ Fj ' Utiiidintrs. l-,:atfs:i-.f.n. 'a r ; ': 1 'f$s".- v-h, . .1... ' I W1IJ'l'r,-'l',Vallon.l 1 0 land Aneies. Invr-s-1 ' J, f.niijt 'iulos, I'ayin? 'iasc;., lnveni.- moii I cy, v.iA S.-!li.,:. Town J(,f,. Uvin Se'Iin j al'tt ,-"ca:,S '"l'"t W.rranf., ai;d a!! other luAuc j o.nnee ted with their prof.-i.u in Western Fowa auJ j Je! ra-ka. - - vnii. ilt.uiuij. ii!-:fkhl:ncj-:s: iate Omc, IVorkfor Skanloufs. . Urcene, V eare A l?;-r.t I G. Doii-hty Vv.r- I Greeny y.'rcre Asce r.ree'ne A To:'if-.,' " " j Nixon : i.'.!:na.i, I 'foot I- it (.Ireene. j X. AV., j .!.Li..i!y .V Son j Ci.'n. W'm. Iriek. ' U. J.,hn,-,,r., i I.I- .l ii .n, j U.ibit'M'ii A; Kio., I Uurlinvti.D Ce. Hi:cc. tounoii CluiTf. Iowa Fr. pes 3f.-be d::r lio j.i js, inii.-iti. Ohio. :!eiifoul. 1 wa, (.'i.iiiiuati, Ohio. - 1IAYDEN & WILSON. T; Importer and Maiiufaclurcrt S -A. ID X L IR. . AMI , Coach, Hardware, Larnngo 'J rimming Idle Trees JJ IMUnt ana Cnaiuc-lcd, 1 mHbri:i: & FuL'nDRy . i juitilroad Car, SHock lnnin. JIu v. i:i LAi.r. WEST LAKE VIr- f ::town, X. J. Iliubt -town, PLila.i.Jf.lii,la.- Motire:,!. y. .t; A. A. i: l. l TON . BUTTON. I TitKf.K Iim long eristed a publie- demfind R)r Kn it "eetiOe liurrntive pill which could lie relifd bn as. Rttrc and pmcttly safer in its operation. ' Tlis has rejfijrrjif.reito.nictt jha,t demand, and an exteii- fiive trial f Ai- vii'tii Jka oKitlifiHicly shanith vliat svess.-itjiwooplthrs-tlif Intrude dqacRted. It is tr.y to make a physical pill, but not easy to Mfcl-e the best of n!L'(Vs "-one which should have urine or the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. -Xhi -ha linen -ttemDted.herc. and v.iiii wiint s'ieces we wnnirt-Trrpert!n!ly snbmit to Die pune tlrei.'-ion.: It has been iiitfortunaite for ho patient Litherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious aaii rritatinsr to the bow els. 'Ihis is not. Many of them produce so, much priping pain aisd rerohipn in the systenlas-to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. ' These pi'li produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement jj the bowels Being purely vegetable, no harm can nrise from their use nt any quantity but it is Letter that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their ue in the several diseases to which they are a-3-pHcahle are given on the box.-v Among the com pkur.ts which have been speedily cured by them, wc may mention Liver Complaint, "in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Iss of Ap pctitp, I.istlcssness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain "in the Side and Lob; tor.Jn rmth, art' these are.but the eon scfrnence Xt diseased action in -'the sliver. Ai an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos- tieness, Files. Colic.. Dysentery, Hnmors, Scrofula -4 .uio otnrvy, Luas mitn soreness of the liofiy, L leers a;;d impurity of the Wood, Irregularities; "in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism. Gout. Dronsv. ("iravel. Krysipelas,' ralpitatipn. of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely i . t - . . r ......... in me spring oi ttie year, to piuily the blood and prepare the system for the change of sp asons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and Dowels into healthy action, and restores the appe t.te and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory systemj reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasieu or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an ocoiwioual. dose is advantageous,, even uioutn no sotiou.s -tierangenient oxist.4 but xm necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative luedieine reduces: the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but tney suggest themselves to the reason of every body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than anr tiling which has hitherto been aai!able to mankind. 'When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a .1 . ... . "- raiuai uc mcuiuuie. ljeuig sugar-wrapped, tney are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. lor minute dilutions, see wrapper on the Box 1 rin:rAUKD by m: JAMES C; ITER; Practical and Analytical Chemist; LOWELL, MASS.. :. . : -Price 25 Cents per Pox. Eive Boxes for $1. iir. i . j, ' DEALERS IN EM!?1 2 E 'B " am St. between Front and Second SOOTS eSs HATS & Itovc Furniture, Flour, SHOE CAPS, con, SKIRTING, r: iiar URlDLi: LEATHER. -o.;il, 5Ia!n Sliwt. St. Louis, Mo.. ArrejnrM to .-m-r to t!air ca..t.,u.ers aml iu-1 .! a"ment of articic rnnriae(j in na!.tv . ,,,, theapness, l.y any e in ilieir litio, K .t or Wc. ' ' ' SIMUNO AM) SI lliOODsr" riELS), BEARDSLEE &. CO., Vlrnpcrters and Jobbers. . -Vo. l, Xnn. trc. t, Si. L-mU wc areii'.w m re.i i. t . f a i ,r cr c.m..i3 suit j UT uircf OTl tl Aiatn 1U t i Ca'-ir.ior: !). Jeans : 4Joi Uu; v-. vvis M! -r- : i urs l; .!.nu u. A id ;c-..i "cd:? ..f r , i M ,! ills. ( ' . ; -lii" ptirj. e i t i.u ;! April l.V i P,V-' crv ilr-ji. riii ...1. ni "m i, i i a auu r o..i .0 in...-?!.'f tc :., t .....v.. .". ft lac 1 "!: r xT-xf vu : I ' lan;is. I -kiav; suui. '-: T -.; r r.is1,inrel; ! -j.'KU.. : 1 ... a. r i '...... ...i.. . . .. . y ' ' I VV. 1 nut 1AU O K ..M V,:!" ! aiKlFraiu-i. '"- ai. i c .-in- i . .. . . ... . el. .-'viii i i-iUkew. A mil ..'.' ........ . 1 - i i.e i iiv ;.. eir ."-i r;':: t- v. . ; i i .. . fcfleottoi.s.- J!Ui.,av :;i ! c ;,r .r:.,,: 1, iiiiAUDsLKK nil Lurii.T t-f Main liiddlo S 7 ST. LOUIS. Jl(l. C intra.-'. s o'.i.i.n . i.;.. V :,.ji lua.I. v.-i, r3 Rotary CWs,- fcjidetr.Eud Cars h.'cil.nrrtiTO Scrapers; Snio-le'aud iwpo I'owcr Jirrnc kinds I .O.t lliulllv. Groceries! Groceries!! Frt.h Arrivals ! Ilvy Aaditious ! ! Prices Circatly Reduced! cmnrM-y takc.v at par:! ar.v li ;u- Iriiu anil Trns ii .'-.. ,.t . ... . - " ........... hi .... n.iiiMuji v.-.n-raniou if J, B. JENNINGS dti'l J'r Mo. 'Cijlld tit.' Un-ir r.'i.'ii. A. CO. i'. 7. I...i.-tc: . JOHN McDONOU(JII. CLAZIVIl. Sc. i ' v Itri:ir Store T T rilr can l.rli ft ..i ;!.( . i i.i- Mere r...nn. corner . . i..- . j.-m r n. t-vcryiliins ucviraMe iu 1 f :.:.-. ! i t H p r:,ii , a -r.i.i. ej pri.-c r .r ('.,-1,. anl wi.i, ". I ifni-: : i l.-n ; tor ..i. w u........ . crt..::,mnAB.tVl u: t re-Mrs 5, 1 .v ... C'.ll: 2 J. - Kiciii's . t. hranul ti-'.;;!vrt!i '.: . ",i l: , .-.-.. ..: , ; v. .iii.-ii. .-s iv i ac. -e M O.iXCS 1; ""ei: -rants, oil .- Ii-.'f!i raiMiis, H'O li.e e : r.-!,', 5',.0 IIis li. li:;;ur, -.UU 1,1, s crackt-is i aiirui. f.otj renins, ion i I la-ay .:!!. uc?. hu n erni .!'.. ;. I 2oa i!rmii 1 tr,S.c:'" AIM a !rje 1 wluth wiii be eo;a M i,rMpojniUwal, n.ty o.-.vs no. , . : , ... j " M. J..m-.!,,N..v. R. K.-,7. ) 1) it". oOO ititd iier . 6-1 bills xes ;is,.,ntt iin.1 tn.tL.i. J.ieuu.-s. t siipa si A molasses, .j tulow tlie prices Brownville Steam Ferry ' I Jt. L. In 1'o.MEKttY MI8S0 1 in UiVEIt. j.he Eoute from 33rownv-;ilft to rt. Kearney, and ii-cm tnence to California, is tve nearest and most pi-acticabld. IjAKER & CODINGTON ANKOrXCE to the Traveling Fnblie that thev are now as a lorry cr,.s the Missouri aiver at STEAIvI FERRY BOAT, Mhu h ar-angctm nt t, ill s,-. ure a certain and P-'Y'e a' " t :!!!. iin l in siU kinds .e.iuier. i u 1 1 fiprh'J.ii i,t aicrt boustin-lv. or for the purpose of gainin- .-ustoiii mer. ly. bat are governed by facts, when tiiev say this i" iho b. t .n.ssin- uf the .Missouri Bivtr iu X'el.ia.-ka, and when they say the route from Bruwnviilo to Fort jveamoyniiu iroiu tiio'ico to California is the ii.r evidence tfaeT rcter the render to the iv ..... i . ... v; una rv y Hrinnrt .l in route ly personal that of liinire.l ? f others w V e o!a ,t:i i hereor iUot ttLjnMn ? an.i rcaf holds ut j ot-uliarly i'aeraMe i.i..t ncnts, to p-r.i .-.nag to L-Uvctiia. ai.-l licit their paUoao. MATS .Lockw..6!.,; ;: ;2S57.I Lockvood & Pomeroy, STRAW GOODS Also, f ! nearest inapt f the iti-r 11 is t no ii! it e.p. 1'iei, as well as wn.i nave traveled i -nippers of Amerie-rm Frirsof every de icri'jtion ; for which thev will p-iy tho highest Market Pi IN CAoil. n il XTBV M. n l.ants nreii vited to examine our J xhK-.i i.t ilais A Car. forth- approachin- S prim am! Mimmer trade, which will be iar -e. fnvhjr.i.j.l.l " nn.l well selected. In point of variety our f lock shah not b- excelled by any House in St.'Luuis. jur pn-es .will b a loiv, twins acctimiuolatinsr. viui iin.i se-j us at our .New .Store. Second ' "i-a, .'lo. AYE R'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of tmiiS. (OLDS, HOARSEXESS, Liio.M inns, v, iioomc-roiGii, (ROM. ASTIMIA, AXD (OAsi.iirnoA. Tins remedy has won for itself such iiotoriety from its cures irf every varkty of puhnonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the ei denccs of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the iield of its use fulness, and ta numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over t t ry cither medicine of ils kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which "are incident t3 our climate. Not "only in formidable attacks upon IV , lungs, but for "the milder varieties of Colds, Covohs. Hoaksexess, &e. ; and for Cm l dkkn it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. - . ; A it iias long been in constant use throughout mis section,, we need cot do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best tha t it ever has teen, and that the genuine article is sold by-S J. 11. MAIS & CO., I-rownville, N. T AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. WK 1,?S?illst,P'ne.I a heavy Slock of Tail and Winter Co,, embrac,- everything in the Stn-.le T anu fancy hue, wim-n v.e are now prepared to oll'er to the tradeat extremely low prices, C:sli or Country Produce. 'j7- v2:.lH-tl CRAXEJtniLL. 'iia -jjj feMji (? 'S HJ SIEGEL & GREEM3AU3I, IMIlxx Street,- Brownville, N. THE pniprietors would mwt rcpvtfiilly inftrra the citizens of lirownville ami the publi ' J " "..- ana aie now ojiening one or iue largest aud most comi-lote .Stocks of Ctothin-' Lvtr brought to this market. ...... Their ascortuient of generally that 223 Embraces every variety of Textures and Triees : as to Color they have Brown, Line, Illaek, visible and u in....- unri-ii, uui viouis. assim'jrs.aliiieits.i Jeans, ail made according totnelaiest cut. 1 loir variety of Test? it superb, tmbraeiiig the very la-cst styles and pattern. In the Importer, V hole-U and lletail Deal-, T . ! lilRwrifofj xyd cvTLt;h." rri sT.josLTir, mo. O TS N"OWrccejviniran.Iopeniri!rthelargestftnJ most vnrjea nwortment or good? in the above line ver offered in any market west of .St. Louis. . My stock embraces a full and complete assortment cf Cabinet and House UuiUer'u Hard ware, Mechan ic s tools of rery doscriptioo. direct from "the most Jpprored manufujturers: ngricnltural and horticul-. tural tools and implements, in greatyarietv, combin ing a.11 the recent and useful iinprorementf for tho saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming em ciunity.frcm whom I respectfully request a careful examinatnm of this department of my stock. Tain also exclusive- a?et for the sale of tho celebrated Louis Circular Mill and Cros C-it Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary- prices.. Also a large assortment of Guns, Hides and Tistols Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of tho best brands: in a word' my stock is very complete, which, for its qualify and price, I am determined to oiler such inducements as will command liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware .Mmnfaetnrerp, together with a loner experience in the i-rnml It .rrf ' ware trade, enable me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is small profits and quick returns. January 1, 1So7. vln2'Jtf Iwliliiifii I h asaortm ive just rtoeid dik iutirul v ..- 8a,t nt tif BLTERI0R Which 1 wi sell at ai rcaaouilla lr' estaljIULnienf in the West, " I have now in store a aX wariotT of a lowing articles, wbiea' west, iunlase,'l f , and uvnsciiMeatjy.Ktta sell cheap 6U t DRY GOODS, II A Til AMIiin-i,., Q HATS AND CAPS SADDLERY BOOTS AM) 8Uof H lIlim iRE JLD CLTLl nr liOOTS AND SHOES5 Ready Made Clothing' And a fine assortment -,f LIGHT tit - t IUe, JOIIS C0LII01X CKOTIIER up fign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office ) WHOLESALE AJI) RETAIL IKLKK IN Building and Saddlery Hardware GK0CEIUES, liOOtS i li1 Baltimore b in May also be found af all tlm.? a G-iesele ' fi.lcis, .us'ien'.iers. I arret Hai'. etc . whie', n-i'l .-ell c '. ." a nave the un.j.-.t aad In f Cravat?. Stocks. Tyes. Collars white or mlorerl IT,.n .... liauunui- heap as any e-tabiishuiout iu the West. st a.-srtiuent of . SPRING AMD CLOTHING L'ver brought t j this Territory. Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. COATS, EJress. anil Sacfc. A Cue assortment of PAXTS, Every SJj le aisd escr!iUon. vrsTS, To please Large and'2iiall. T7"E would but ask the pul.iie to eall. axai (Jiothing Kuipoi itim is not o :Hsey. iia iwentv-nve 1'Preent .October l".:th, ISjT. die mine ami iu.luf..r tt, ....... .1.... . . . . . 1 ' 1 oerter i:i n tii-.t.-H 1 or man rti'-y nave ever ,011- , , t v2nliS-ly 'twiiere. whether the ("'ethin-r ti-e nt with better taste, better 'trimmed JUL & fJKEEXHAUM. i A. i k it iirvftT SPRLYG S.7LES. .C'I al o.Ti.. Are i-i li::ec t.eeii i.u .iiier l.tu.-es Kar,.; e. v., 1 iiiiy iiire.'t i em Stales, a stock everjiujiui-iea lo tLisCuunt". s : 1. men- -.: -mi! 1n1iK.rtati.1i1s, wbich m iiui i.,r e.isli. f.,r tli.mel, wuoei illltiurtatlelis fri.m .1 v iiiaoii nmeiii.; t We aretiie .hi 11, i-i i-.:;i urn i-idiKc 111 t lie west . 11, v. u u,;,; Li,a (test ;,n,i Hue cvuMsiiag in , , (i-i 4-1 aiiU 3-1 V..U- Mr..! .in..,,,. in.'." civets; ik'O roils I':e:i. i ifajiu.y.ii H lit..-!,; 1000 1 -1 velvets; fieri C'ies.-Iev B; ils ('.-usslev &. S:.ti' Tapesty Brnel 1 . .. 1 . ""' 1 iuiis 1 iai,i.( j1(KJ1 i'..-ni . ne oe-i,iis; iienvy KllUiisl. tl,.ee-i,lv: nan 1 St.- 32-lirr O. r. I. A! wnviKe. W. II. HOOVER. Nemaha City. ii;i.-uig o-siii ir:r a and spt-.-l v . ;..-sinL-. ,lur elur. rcriiMSia ...fiiit ha. ali bi: t: e en.?' trri' i't ii r will ip- at a'.! I iom I u ili all tin; - , LAKE & HOOVEH, Mill ill' aU'OB:lg, rangcaients 1,.r a safi) es are ffce same as other ! ij reflated by I.eji.-!a Heoo r,.11 2 '00 rui! 150u id; loot! r..i:, ioiki .e.i y sei ei liii . . v: I'M'! tains. -ls.,-JU00r0!Is4-l wl 20O0 . '. " , 6-1 . : 3000 ' 4-4 ;; ' "' ?"!!!! , . ". nn?a!l wi.HI,,. lo'iO sheets ,.f ,,,, ,.,, , 3,, '00 n o-os 5l A 1 k ic . . ... ...."" u-, .t-t aiin eil ?1 ais me i:ireest stuck nt rns ..ij:s, siair r.Mis, tadle oil el., inetit 1:1 tlie c, tinny tben'lh i32' x"? wt a.H is a call.toaan-Shoe ,, . ,-',!,c w'"'e.-a,i.,i.:tha:-er we wouM ..... , ,u, ener iiiein z -.i.ieo.-iii..e:.t eitl er in N, ,v l":td;.-i-.,i our entire stuck .,; oiler uur .,.os ut 1 very 1 -. MeD(r-Vj:i.L Al o, -May 1.), no -12. :lit west of themcmi. eanl check rajtiihg'; " , Intli. tal! covers, sr.f i rnirs tties e.. oi am- estalish- eaiei iieiueenients tLaii any v Vi ; k . r Jl,s,n ii. liavin ir ea-ii. we are oici.are l 4 it st ;.i'i. es ,.f iin;i,,ri,ii ioo. , fclr. Louis. 06 jtjlll St., IIO k. . f : uiakiii i-vu' :r . 7 A si.i ii, I'... t 1 a -- ities - f IV a cr, our Iijats from i.JO-E X"V. aihcr lttb. f. Vent .11:".. be id reaiiiues' tovrsi iS-- . . . u. . , " XOTARY8 PUBLIC. Ercwnville and Kemaha City, ' ' MiRRAsK.l TKHHITiiRV. TTT11T ... . , . ... V 'i-npi - impnyattittolifrrtd Ahcic--. Pa T. ij. 11 : Alt KillN c. TITiK, Tl .;s. S il , nV .y. ill Ti i!: ,-,.'. CMAliA Ci'j?r, jv. -p.!r, "It and rr-ntt-f- taxas lira winy ir m,-,-. bn ,.,"...1 01 1 a -tie- 1. t., th-ir rif f .--stij-, I'lrticubu-attentoi,, wiii he ?Wen in'lilinrr p. ace 1 in- a thoirO.iite! lerati-n,.! s I).- ai t e pv n"ss e;:tru - I. .wa '.'iirts, to t av.d or.'-'.-r1'. ; Uioe in 1:: - y. building, iie.ii'y i,... Ifa 11U, Kiruh.Ta'.-irc.'t 1V. 27, 16t'i. In" ' bus; '.etn. in eiTitorial o t!;d lands, en- se ( f Teis V ' ' r.v 1' 11 vary a" Jluohsuew "tte.-iorn LxcLange Mf X. li. 1. March i'c i- Jioti Within the ex-" Hi-nttn. as after that time all lots not " --.'a. - 'yi ' u band. ;rs ,,f inuiiy answered promr.tlv. S3 Citv. Mr... letib-r iH -. f 41-It Honey Greek Stills. Tae i"i;.!i: laeiMii-J t.. ii lenis i.a.r i..;:e : t.; VI Mil el li l!f-y,.-r;-.t. .0..! 1 .e.':ae.'.; i-r I'-.-rtsi 'i 14 -naif r JO on f, .0 O.") lo.ouJ '.'S.i-Otl - feci -'"i "O "... a.; o.tle.s in l;:fir li e : cr-i. est el 11; Tvcy 1. , : i:iri-iT -i. Te: i r.. lu-'ii-: a i-a -e ;!i..t !!;fv arr " jT-rintiyat iheir -v '.il.e. jit-ax U.e t-'i -'ie '.jr-e-t atiilaiLe '- cv Vt'lieiesale trcitrj Hottse. ' -V7. C. RiTCHIB'i iO'A v-uoLi:siiExn retail (lrAci'Tii iLifjiiors. a HI: "et t.-i-lv..; e no4 ! li e 00 r' -'""wj 1-lt . 1:1 si (VC' : . l-irll .oi.': sc "We. i.-r sj ia ei M.i V. .ve ,. ,-. I ' !'!' e i .0.1 . i es....i. -5 . .1 T..e-r-nin. r :.-..ieit ., 1 ::e , a J :. :- ... :Ii-.i,,1..;Hh, ii lo M..: 1.. j.j.. : iaa.,:o 1; i,u iin.J tii i-.Li' j , ..,(:. .t ,; i ' j.T-a rfl ir, .il; !''.rt:ii:. ; also v.tilnr.tanU o.Kai U!ii:.iui 1ci-i;0i, ' ' t il.,t:-.- .he ilM-U e- - "1M oen : 4JVv"iity ,.-l m-. , ,4 v-lie w:i c I(.r. US. WOODP. V W A TIF. ; (r,r r.V. iV.nui Strerls RulJh-'t Old ! "a '.'. 0.wi' S'll Hotel, j ... S r JtHM-IPll. ?IO. I -fTA'. i: i i t i--er;e.l 1 he : ra"rf StKl Deist rotujilcte . "tri-lj. I tie; al... e i- ,vff .i.efiM'in lti'i'er 51 is.-eiiri. ! 'ev hisli tle,ittpinol' B eri:iTit and ileaTer ia rec J pen fn! mi: i'.ivi'.V. haviaiwrvhael thotn prineipillv ; t r cjvjj at the very lowest pia-sible pi iee. in Hl .n J N'cai Vorn juofst. Louis. te ! inii,teut tliat I can ,,iit I ir-'-oenieiiis u are rarely tonn 1. and ropins. l.V l.iir I efl li ei ai .le ii.,-. low r toe anj nil t;oN. to iiwrll a Ml -ei a I -6a.e': pair.! a-. i i 1 ,,:..t sr.k atxl price--betoiv l-.uv'.i; sja,: rt t it.l tn tflllow. Iti my st.-cfc wi', Lo fc a: a e er-ariK lc usually l:e t iii a Xn 1 tjrecery Hoae. f i ; - " ' ZOOK & IULD.VIN, orost , . ii Cliemioal, Dye Wcoils.- estuifs, Oiis. iMint;. nisd Painters Arlieles V;;ii!Mhc. Wi :i(l i w-lfig itnd PuttT: GLASSWARE, 1 reneh. English, and American Perfumery. MXM ti.iletand sbaving-sopa, fine hitir and Yj? totth nthes, paint brushes, surgical a ml dent C3 1. in--tninients, spiers, snuXs.' manufactured too. u."o; 'all the i atcnt medicines .f tho day: pure VICTORIOUS OVER P ATTJ IIRJBB'S ARCTIC LLM31EAT. mm K'-.'.V NVl V III 1 i A-roiiv case ! Sickness or .-iiea I tli ! late or tit-ath ! 'llie-e aru tin; questimiH inohe.l in the R.fepii'Hi or l. jtction thU ..-j,e-riiiu I. t i!;e nuriyrs to tKlenatl 1, sfases ii Ld injuries. JI:i ii e; Ceive'l the ili.:uiM-i.H-i:t o! theiiis tiiiirnishe.l fan-u. the Iaie j'.r KA.NK, anH Htselli.-arv tesicl illir iiiL'tHo a win I Winter ; (,,. ill., ns oi .ei.'i lia I i,-e. u Mi into i', ii,.i a 1 ie tie n o! In,, en i! marvelous cm Pa r mie si w m ' I 1111'. si; 1. under manui ictttre the J. C. K nt Portable Mill, Boots, Shces, Lonil er anl Shoe Finlins. ST. JUSKI'Il IO '", A E now in store, a ml t,, uri-ni. ... . - . . i. , .no r- ;iu and 1 oreigti llariware, such as (.reaves A Son's Files ( and Edge Tools Putohcr'.i. du do i Jackson's s1( ws (iimlet pointed screws C-rilTni's and American horse nails Post hole a tigers Ailcs' shovels and spiules Lull &. Porter's shutter Lutts Morticing machine s Circular, in: II and muly saws Plancsand plane irons Coopers drafting knives do adzesi a;id wood tools Tress Ifoopi P-ntts, cast and wrmijM Copprr rivets for belts Tuyere Irons 1 'bitfcd and com. sMrraps da do Hitts 1 do Puekles d do Ein-'s lroast and rein I.a-ts. pegs 1 eg lluafs l iiici r' Shoe thread Pi istles. wax Lining skius JJinding Vifh many .,, menf of the m ,.-t t tie lowi-st prices. April Kith. IK."7 'ROCERIPs Sttch as Srice, ( Peppirs, Soil a, !;i!aratiitiT tiitier, in v 7 - , AlLpien Iy-.vnlLtr -jth. (.,c LO L IS H A LDTER, Sin, ami OrnaiurDtal Pajj GLAZIER, OBALNEB AN1 fP.R 13 A XCJER. UKOWNVII.LB, N. T. Lu'n,4t ,.i ii,..., ' 111 1 1 1 IIIS til. 1.1,.. .i tl.e,- tu mve w a cjl uiiy ls..:i) r'0;N:,v':xi:SiU " l)0VDAliL:ArAIiKH.M ('o ' WASyWGTOW FOUNDRY a.iiRiiie ant! 3laeJii,e Oi Kn'lr;1'.!'-" W. s,.i. Sere-vsa-et ( 'y ! , talers , I faMiat v ..vmic; , ,. I, !,..', t'OICove.I J' Takes tin remove.! his . ,int II-! 'liinlis Mniseir taiainir r.. l..r,l ."cissors J'ock"- knives Knives and lurks Pniss curtain bands and pins I-'oor 1.,,-ks A tigers and auger bitts Corn knives Uriar scythes (irass and grain do Xails Shovels find tongs CamUesticks Framed wu,l snws L'aksmiths" Bellows lees Mousehole Armita vi'.s A meri.'an .1 n vils St. cks n ii J dies Pad books, breech V loops l'ad screws, eo'-keves Ornaments, r icks" tot I IP. I.. 51 iclillim; He ' ' i' ei. i s: .,, .. , i. . , - s :nts tor it.,. , . . ' t ere.r cr.s ""'', M,mh Atv-,s OU YKU IJFXXKTT ire 0 MVNrKAeTl I:;,-s ,su w;i,rsUfc ,0.,.,,;; Eocts Shoos Fi ii.r.i.r. ,v.n-y i.nrio iii-. .( r l.l.l-I. li. e . ..r ........ . V. ' .. 1 ' 1 !ll,"" l'!eteas,..rtm Pii r, In. ' :....:- ' -rorr. trjul. .lie mvife.J f,, H'lecte i aud re a n - manufactured and warranted of superi rornnt iinj.-are',,! at tent It. erainine thoir I . t 1 " witn crcat cnn. .-j r oualiiv n -i . EROWWVir.T.V; TEAi?a MILL JvAKh KMEUSON. T web ad snap! 'irt h r in and r Silk, :i -,t I line Ciiif skins I i.pcr lciuhcr Hri.Mlo ,i, Skirting du 1 la rni-; ,! I'el'inrr flu I'oat sk us Eniiiiiinelicd 1 ta.-;:!g a complete a-nrt-!e v. !ij, h thev will - Il at J. Coi.lior'x a piro. ::i tv V i. ..- .. J. . - 7...V;... v.... ;,C r s',e' '!'".''." "if-nnth.,,.,;. we harealvrnvs- n hand a I ,r-e ,H i ' , 1 M.l.. . . . " 1 . riee. ,,, , ,,r j,,. or.o, (;.,. l.ii ,.l t:lL. r;V( 4 I I 1 1 -a i . i.i.'rs ii.vr..1!p,i..rllitn thecal. . i .oiiii.-'ii.i i e a t lent ion. A. I. VI wl;. deliverej at the jiH , will rei-rt J T in j;.s ther l it.ers nave t-i.t the linn of Jtee re,i into a nartiiers). in lloiahird A Co.. to "'Hi. i atelit Port!! bin (Jn'-t now i reinred to t'iimi.-h ill tt., :., f a good Cora or Wheat Mill e. i .... ' - I' , oi U U lil- y, suni.liel v .'ind eeoiii.inv- ev, . t .,r,,- !tti :.. .i... i. i. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics titute in Cinefnnati.a Void .V, dT n-n,..t.,.i . uii George Ferguscn, MJLLWKKIIIT & I-XfJIXKLR, ur.owA'viLLi:, t. to ih A in.v coni- iii evrry see t !"".'. ai. 1 its ceres ;.ie t-.ei uia ie toui lonent. ,1 THE AFFLICTEJ) HEJOU'i:. . . . ,7 111 M'KI US an,l HKH'SAMS ies.e.1 ll.s willies, nn.l aio l ejoiei.i,' in f, ..,,!,., iro,,, ,,j, l.i',.-iin,' I'.M.V in ..1 1 1.-I.A.-K. whi -li oilier leinedies Ii.ul Go led lo car-, ll.-ne l,e i Miii and nr wa t, t lr:l w 1 1 r in j i.'ieni tor it. i It is adapted to alt firain grindin" nnrr.fie it is ,,,.rt..i,ll others f ,r (he m,.,t extensive Merhant i j.:,';!;.;'5 n lr f"rS"'"lio' the Farmers feed by Hoe 1 he above M 1 Mil! in o ere. at sh, f ma, to am ;i:, t r-t- rt rtof i,-e in, hiiierv oi' a! ALL WORK He is also Agent f.,r A. V,. HuLf llilRD West public, that he is prepared W'ai. r Saw ai.,1 Mer-'-iient 1 reason;.! ,,. terms. 1 AND ,ep; WA UK ANTED. (niOCEUTES, iiAi.DWAKi-:. (' rk -nooTa, shoes, HATS AND CAl'ij, ii:.r;imssl(Mi April 'Ph. I v,7. . in in idii o,c SOXORA, MO. 4.1 t CO"S Foundry. mi iSALOOA. i in . :r. no eai'hc mannfaetaroil bv the u tin ir mi i ii In (Vi..;...,.,!; I. wjjrre ir.t v ( ""'!S. M I 1 1 II A, .l!!f rt'H?J M "V 1 l6il- tU ; "' i.A. J1A1U V-'V4t f'-'" no... MKO'I'S. sill.MNS, "V i urnis;iiv ,ii iinviiiiiiiiliti-iii J..i (O , ,, " - J OOI I. notice. ihe nhove .,1:11s warranted to perform us follow--i:.. in., per hour 'M li. Corn, 23 Wheat s-mo " " ."ft " 15 ' ,, " " ' " s " is ;nn -' " " " " m s As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to Mote from our!i.sreeomniei:,li!ti,,ns. received I-1" IN ." A i l, u. LEE & LEAYiTTS ll JVC . t IH'i.ihI 1. 1 'i a- du,, r IVcst of IV-t-Oliii h, nroivi) v i 1 1 . IVT. T. I'.Kl.l. i,y ml.jnii l!:fl ,nl,li,; Ha al. .v.- t !.r-ti, M'iien.' the I'cst .iim- 21 'Ml (inn.1 nl'l.'w)' "ill altonl veil iluslaut iCIi.f. r JAerj body us'liaolu iq '"''' ' ' Ff'r flrra.Hiil iu-,-!.', ,.U ll.e i'.y JJ Mil KM' sl.oi.ll l,e ..' t&fSj 1ii. on 1,-,,1 .... i, ..a. ... i and iiuia eilinic icm-f. ol'en ;av i"ir froni "ilen ili. I.civ n,ai,i. I'o.'it and railroad dai,", s,,.,l ' keep it. Win. Iliat ,;,s lienr.l the slnii lis ol niinish iiiieie.l l.i II, . ''aided mi, inalii;,.,! vielin'is i f : ''xl ions :ni.l colli, i.-ns. i!is n,,t r'n,iw, v . ,. ,.: j I-el tnat n n.e i,a ,-h:s of icl.cwii' ll'y&'A Vi'V' Iheir t.-rlnre .-iiould a 1 u .-. i s I.e iti.'yy, Tithis veioj aecessii,.. ( Si.eli .:.,es -Ni,; in . U'-tWl Laliny pain cmlr.,liti-u:. iti.s TILE IJOTIIEHS' COUPAHICN. ! r.. :. FT ti IT Allan tic -7,'OH A; hoiv ;ir-.-.j.i5 VX.'ffTVr i 1 f;T;-V' ia '-i . It ceres C.!;i" IV Til' ri:i:.;-T, t-cri: Mii'ii'. h'Kk i ?rs, i turn l.tes W l,,l li.e a l,a and ali deed. ia! an.'t , rte-e. ii'-es, n t 1 ;i r!; t! o.f ties ,nss(.i-s 1 aim 's doll a; in :e: ,0011 a s ! 1 e ;, ; j ,;ir v i'h tl aiktk' 1 fvr.iVvr. It is lrel'.-nt for 11 o Hair. tiiin-- it a l....-.!:l.v. (ilosv i.p' eaiai,..,.. J L 1.4 Tailoring!!! I'AiJKi'.i;, rRl -1 iL ctiior. street. V ejt of II. .bt i t n-1 1 V Store. I IUJ1. XEL'f.'AS'K'A Till: I! hf pro pert v and loca ted oer.,,.ioi. y in P.r .wiiviilu. I oiler mv mocio... ... ,i, public generally,, ii1 they, want any thing done in my line of bu.- ni-.-s. I can always be found at my post, t.r. uii.r.'. proiwriy-fldni: at my rx-neb. j '."i. Warra riled o Tit ,o Pay! I . l'-"""' 'a!ar, paid to euttingganu'-tits and i.-iyiug. g work-f,.r 1 he' Seamstress. The -reat'-t i p..r,!..n of inylifr has- been di-v,ti to mv irad,., in which 1 consider ray-. 'A inferior to none e-p.-ei:,;!v : iii the eiiHiug .1., in, cut. and I h"pe bv eh, s,. ,u t Hon to my bo-i.o, t0 i r. rit a share f mi,Tt I pair, i.ago. p V IMPkV'I! I lr..v.i,vii:.. Aoil! IJih. 1 . "... 7 I I ' I V : bar Manumctory, -n-Tir f!tr.'fl v.vrr n 7 l fi'- siy'e. Irewnx i',te Are:: 15 li. p;."is Lumber ! Lumber ! ! t on hand cii;ci:,;v:atl And are prepared to n cly eand till or ciiiiii ry in.-inuhtctiiii d .r I tablis'iments'. Letters of enor.iry. prmiiptlv artswercl i;effe!;!-:xces. ".. l.nlce Co.. Pi-nwnv-il Isrs for any ina- y tueac - Oystrr?, Kardinen. mar., u. .1.1. Iv k.-t' tin. I .111, 1 serve,) tit, a. CiOl iV it lillKK. I.' dir. It. W. Furnas, Mair, Hunn Jc Co Ir. Jioover, J. -M. Uo-rers, Nuckolls A. White, James t.owe, I,;,;, A. U. H.illihcrd. llrownville, June ps, p. llrownvi II Xrciaha eitv. Part 11 -ecity, Kuckjiort, jio. n, 1 U. X. T. Steam Mil' j e nr.- pr-pa , e, , f,,, ;.U r,t our Stenn, Saw Mill j li.-.te Ilia -.UiVllIeill-l, I.,',!,. l'r,.st," ,ii kil!,i,r ; 1 otohernsoaily f,.,;,,,) , ,. r iu:, .,..,.,,, j !"."irsuit.i,el.,r wa. r,.. furniture. , , ..,-.. ,n,., jlki.n. I),, I aluut. . nnioie, I, liav : ,, I, 1-ly ( ITV ('iU)Hiil Stock !so,,j,m. RA'KV (irv. v t T;nrS Compa y. ,t,!,.r a ,,, f fallv ori-tin.z-r!. .,-,! , .-.-.. '; . . . ' ' " if, e I j , l : I i and for huiid- k. Ash. liiai ii mn and Yffonwon,! wl.;,a, j ";ll ' ' !. ! - oily oil I.ail.Cr Rill l,r,'l,:,r,.ulJ. 'er'"'!- ' ''"';i'"f.1''' ,ri."f in-,-.; but;;,.;:?. I, I , -J ,U'li aw b'g-cn ,be share. 1 , ' '; ; ; ' '"v ""; m,, furBi,h ,!U. r s.u 11 ...ii the . i.lri... ... , ,1... , ... 1 mill ... 'IV ,. . , ' '. " niiieir. , ar , ur I Jin. win ;;... A: r.I I. IlOAULEYA Ml IU. Ne a 1 1 a Ml .'or'd LIcCOPvMICKS Reaper & lylower for 1858 t.HVlSJ ii. i o.m Assents. ..i GOOD FOR LIAIT AND EE AST. for medical purposes; les, i tcele.. wines and branuii.'. toiietand i'aueyarli. Aleuts. ftr thebaic of ' IVr. VVi-'ar's Ltalsum of A Cherry. " KegerV f.iveu.ort. Tar and Canehalagna " Os;r,ui's In, (in Cdi'.btr'iie, s J. nes' Aoteriean (y'hojngone: ciioice July Onysoit's Veliow dock and Sar?aparilla: i-'mlttiVTouio Syrupy. ' - '.C-.s 2:5, lS57i.'Ki "' . ..- i ; '-r1,-l 1 f- v. i'ii I'i'iiu ,U- fai lisi as. s nil, 1 4 ,'?-P-rVbr-5 If i- a the on; v 1.1, Ii !... in;: tl:.' too-l al;,, ( -,'es ef nu.i i .-. .; i:.'.!.-.- kji:ix;. IIA! I'. V.or-.VI.s. .-l('!Mi'(TI-I.J W.Si AVIX 1 'iv,:. I'-M'. HHi-III All. il.-! J. 1-1 ll . .vc. ,o fMiaeer, 1: s,:' in.' h, eeer. Ol ive: t 1 (' lllll'l c : , . t ! I 1,1 awaa'., 1 h i-, tvi I.:;, i ;a I., if i "t: a 1 .- k. ....' " 1 to loc a '' .J-jk-;,!, Ji"0olil i, Ml f-i:-iners.,f Aiis-eiii. i! .Vel.r .-k a ' ta ti... v ;,:i.l t.e , -.:,,! -irf t-l ei . i- - . For ijve veirs ad ,, 1 1 ei id i ;, il,,. xrmns S'are aed ii,.. puvj ise ,f seeki.i premiiinis, re '" " ' "" ',''''1 kn.'wti t,, np...i :i..,t ,,,u Jn J,.!;. last ihe Cait.-d iato Aj a. lLn i'uii at yra.lle, New l'oil;. "re. principl.;. Js ,:,jrmt -mil;, v.i.j u, t;lt. II IV Iti: x r: -", ',' .".eiai cittiri'-r, is now -'''.laHin'a,:,;;,:!;,;;:1,;' 1 tepared, fim this .iate. t ,-,,, t ....... i:. :. " t.'iM; ri-ks. noon e-.u;.! t.. ...... .-ilk . .. i ' . on inr in,,. iisiii a in.,. I,,,.,,;.,.,,, , .l.O.p,,',! I1U. ,;;,!, lic-un-ii g i, 1;y j tl'" ;ot:r any. - The opeiaiions of the ('.,.,...,,,. , for the ore....,! .. ' ' -. .,..1., or e yia.o r,-i-.. intf, j, I ?lJ,.aol oil anv oi.,; bottom -onuis-o Olii-e, oa the .. bn c pop toe V, -ouri. il ,-, ,.. :..,.,' . . hit,.,,. ,... .i r . . ,.: V ' - . ' " u j..uu..y li'.Vlte .'I Spriiig Goods, " BHOWN '& CO.. 3Iain Street Saint l .w.iv IMPOHTATIOIT .o. "5s l i'. l .M,.,, , ,. "f New S;.r OF present nnxmnuii lJ;,),j I"otg (he oil! ular i Ian. V, I ''i- a g I V.'e re ' to ;ly, ' 1 1. .i" -' Profits ol I I- if ' ' .M r. ill 1," Pnrtfinor ! ,. I!' 'I . is'.. lie'- ti" --i.k-: 1858. -I" k illHi ('ol,,, ,-l S. ,!;,!- llMl. .v',-s ; wt ;;.: '" f.-J II"-:eii : I... a. ( ' I A; : tin etLts. "if i, 1. .e le . (' il ii pie I.I : f ! 'tllil.J I',, . "v" rP"'T t frtiiPiM-n ti,e :. t .-i- l..,..k,ri,; . 'ii-jii" tllO-i 1 1 II M!es. .; , t . ri -. iicji'ilier in,,-t la-l.i. i, i f U.Js !:, .1 Itfl : yleil e:y 1 "r . ti nwniie. Iii);.:) j v''t.l i I e uili.oot xld:;o Lie n i., i ,lv. the at ; Tor sal.; by ali i.--.iectaU fi i neos of t,.,. I.ii,;.i. T2nUyly Lig-htning Bods. st.4d moji r.vnnit! I :u: wu. i j it may e Hiat ihe undersit-ni-.i is sr ci.s ot P. aU on Uio m.v-i r.:i.,oi,'. lrience hi lhp imiio i ,. iu 1:1 i uceru, yu are Ueit ! iufonnej 11' W e::,.J0d 111 HUll ill" en. ton i:iaiiur.irti;red m t;.e K.,5t. Itavlnir liad leu .ne si. Mills tie crefi Mills a) .Vs erir:"(;i p ; Ae-.i I'VTK. tsT. JOtfKTJI, MO. T (live ' i j.i-ii..- t.naiiLL l rrynnctrir. j A rANUfACTUUIiS ami keeps consmtir 1 "n i-r wile, ail kimts r Tlnii. r... , a: id t icj ctiTs. .0ruics iulicktoiaud pruuiiaiy fifuJ j. 'Vi- ... I- p id ortistajjiiyfor ; -. t. I ..r f haraerer pf Fltrar rcrTcT'to eYJfrK'y . 1 trer used it. w.t.-t.a. v!nl3- t far rant nil wr' doi.e bv II. II. .M AKSH. Itt'.FHIi'V.a-s. . -. S litlUulidlL, Si,,,.-..,.,. ii . T ... o.i-.ti. r (; Mr Viosria. Lan,,,. Etu. or Alexander. St. rVt.l.ure R-'-.ja ' 3 illiuwsviLLE ilarcliJiv-iosa-f : . T - , j dames ' fr', lre. V; I lane: I. . - - 1 1SIIAM RE AVIS ATT01LW-AT LAAV,. REAL ESTATE: AG EXT w n . ty' E,ch3r-f0 County, retrrrsl-.., :I1 si'-e I-i. i.-i T .,t:eti:i n to nil tr'csMtu! hi -ll ..,-et,iri.stelt..ose.,.e in T?H,.rds. n :ml ,.., i.rf, .. .. - i, , r U A. s. 3 - I. fC -Olll M -I of 1.11. Ivj w . a'.ij' t i.e i e-t r i. e ; U y 1 A-.-r:-;::?.. r ii. : ( iili ri ets, tf , . ,-r ji) fmo f-. ..1 d'l!' fill 1 C I I . . 1." . -. . . .1 . I it , . ., ' ,' -.-ii': f i it nn-. ; . .,:. - ",i ; ; i 7.i i ,t:'-e "' nuitii iiuiurt.-M; ,.4 the p. p-eni T,. ;r I.K.1I1J uttl-ceui tji'l'iio-l ,,,;, f.,.jr.,f , n . April 15. IS',3 1 EXTnAOROlXARY JlXXOCXCnTTXT. - "t'T.1? rH,,,'Ii- d" a dollar U.uloi IW Aill lli V ', 1)5S IJIKNT receive ml I-;. -Jli.itH-n ,-nw. u- IMiHi . 1 M'Ali.'J .!iH.Kj' ol .Vea- : t ik. lor on; ,e..r. T Journal is a Iar--; ill i,' raO'd i ;: : ( : -.-! i: , . t ,.,." laiinii wtxi-n apf. U. in I'tiper. Iian aud ten: .Lll An Hit GOLD MEDAL and DIPLOMA. ! e 1 e-t ' e. ; auer a -evere test, in licvv l,i. I'T .r..f!!'V.,'!'.J".".:V'" -l'",i!"!-. Alsoil.e Viic.l . .i... . : in e ex i.i.iina: r n I s. r 11. p X'l.koils L.tea-t. . Iii: Mi::xtoi:s : ! as. F. Ii ,;iy, . I.. Ai in-t i I. .an, !.i... VV f.. .. . a. a. n,.oii,-;r ' -IlAS.F.i:0LLV,7'leident. JMftTtiir-K.s.- A-'iit t.'o 1 U'. i; I - ! !-.-,,, er-, and .r.,n pt mci vl :eitivite.i to exjininc our sto. k arnJ i l.l l...s- . . ? Jfiii.i siicet Saint iiaii TYrS I. a I'll A N KI.IV .SjEKEOryFEFOUNDar J.-.a . ct.. bt-t.J. !.... h amimmti, i). I sj T " ' a i'.ii;is. iin ..;, ,,i . , . , ., , , , ' . k . Wlil.M C1I.I. JL- i r;v,-:iv:;,;ea hi., AMEniCAX UKAi'- 42-ly .'-.irersan.l .J.,.:... s 7p C' , it thei: Irr.r..-i. ro :t...i I - . I ! .. . a-"', In l,k nn. .1,0 the fir n..l -;.o.rMe.Jlof Il'iiyr .Vi.m! I ?. XVil.J.SiS ! L " k, T) 'u, (-Uie., i, -n-e" lal1;:;1!:' I . Orogou. ilo.. " .il --I Patfem L. fim nrimK vtvVs. .,....,. , ... ... . ---w. i, ;. .. - , . ... , .-n.e isi uav oi Jiarij lieit I " i"1"""" ' .'tniiouneiii.' Hie. t'Tn-. . r t. ' ; ,.! 1 n-,.-. .....1 .1... .ii-- - . . I SPJilXG SALES. bjsi T 1 TAX-t-i-vt.s.-. , , . I .r. jLiYjjjtKS eV: CO.. j iwuu- iii iiiiiiounein.. ih..,. tiw. . r n. Cm and the i.nldi,. i' ', linn.l l.l . ' . r,s........ Vl.-l Ut. U. ........ Li,.. i'ji.'u-ivi.. eto. k ware, ever . tn ware- is of my in b.-ale a..! i . . ni'l ca i.a ' KJWil. e.x,..Us,v,. Ko..-k of Stove and Tin- R.4I.- ' ' . issjfri'--Altor at Law, I Kelai! t St. I., ui-;,, ', e, i it .. rr, 7 ... .... r' : n-::r !..: !in!r!tln rinlt.l... mm- . ' ' I I'llliU-TK-fi 'P,r-.. . . " "'J ''C ol I .' ' " ' t ..Ir's rt V k.. ..r,,l ... . .. . paper, iin.i lilt- ! uiTti .:-T..di.:iT'.-t li, ai :! e ,:.. i ;r. r "'- "iH CIlOUSC. , -"""-y ' rrrpr;nn- the nio-' m'.r..v...i ' A'' '''''' c.i:f . it , c ,-"ur" " t writers .,1 tl.u n,.,, i , l m-tir..... , .... .1. ..... i v.. 1: If. . ... . . ' i pattern ith l'i.ii,.i ... ,1 ii... . 1 ii.'i , - ' . full .wtt,,:in, f tli9 ii.l an 1 jioiiiilnonic en-i- II.,ve jr-t rerivro, f.-n , ,. j nJ U found Iir'n Charter Oak thobe-t.'. - i J"'!''1"'' ' ' rise. ofwnich1lrisofrerf.n-.iMa ;H will srZom,.',, f ".' c' -"'Ph'te st,k ef i,.,r in use. the -A .i 1 "Tof" 1 Hr.iw Wile.... , . ' . ' - ,.'""" ' "; "'"T. is iir.s.rp.,-Md , .xn-nr ! V,. 'Sal' 1 l:'DT ai.U prize Pre- 1 ' "-is I' AfiFlN'T iTAVTm in FTTuV Tf .TVai.d VtT T xr.v 1. ; '. ... c' L-'-'!'"".I'. m Jtiy other in.e in tii. I . ' tf - am mm AGO Bl-RICOU'ES. -St. i.i. 11.; ' . ,'..:,'r .' Ul1.- ty s HATlOT' Rr. Rnv Cl-. L!7Fti ' !7Lk XwY,n,,x;. :;:i P.i.o'a avaY. .t ,ur invfia, sMu; UA unjvtJb J! . IC3J.AS3K CW.municatirins fbotild ahvti-s t-. -.a,ir!:eii 10 Ft 'iief. i,r-"-.., 1 . I Of rflrt-ns :iar. P-'f.-r.- ..1-t r -. I J. II. 3IALV CO., A2;.'l-t jTto prempM,, r,'i,es that w. d vf , - 1-S.rtnh.r attrit .n t.-d to n 'i ' - I". -MAIN' STRFF'P - " .. 7 j y'i3t mi 011 ia I'll, tr . 1 1 riri.-- iiiinAi.n ii..r a - - i -- . . - . JV.-m-.ii. ' -'- - 1 " " '"nri.1 on reas.o.i.u 11 T T A H rr m Uel c.i.iH:r. Pran .,.,1 l..- .., . ' ' I VV X JJJj IrtJVi I . I IHlIM lev.'.! :i a., j e - us .viioins, aL-a.nsi.t,viii5 f.,,r Ae-nst-j.Kut.-r.e ;,,! y, 'Uath ,crt..:n town 1-ts KlioV.Il as 'iienediLt's A.I':-: ..'1 U- x..i. .. . i - JldlN .Mel'jltli.-UN. JfUIV. F. kl.Wiiy. ciias. r. Land Warrants. l".i00 Acres of Land Warrants KLNNKY & IIOLLV.' ATTORNEYS AT LAW l-m ... .. a. ;o : e .- in inn I onTs , .f jio-ji via copper, Xii'ajd a for work or ware. holly, i vl-nj 0 lilld tirm d Pewrer taken tx..-hnw W.!,: 0 1',-Mo, July I: reiv I How 1.1 new t t loan t 'or sale ar.d to j this 1 I ,ve ' .r .... ... To-.;. ... ,. a. c.i 111. 41 .n .;;.,., aM,,B(le4 to t'oit v .fcr"i"-v 'trn-omw.s. U- TVsil.V i. uwi'Vi'i- i'.-ism.. n c.-?erH ewn ar Vssonri tw-.m , ' ' ' ' " . . - rVZ - - - " IUA-J'11il - 1 U-crt; Brc-ni-i:!e. -r2r ;j 6n I me CITY ICTS. It V. fU:,il , , tmshmeui in tiieTer- . ur.,w i. :, e. u f r , ,-1,. C mak 1 11 i. i.--, os. .fiill-. 1 rated let it, I am a.iii,.,r.7ed loseil at r, v. il! . Wt.j , CJil 0Q K H'. t'l'KNAS Rul E:u:e Agot 1 r t ;-".'tirhrit lie has ju!,t re- an.l inateriat, an li :V .:o.i ...I U.....I . ... l ... a 1 I e n-l .j . . " ' ''' IU nip il"" ...iv 01 n.-r estiito -v.: .li ttarr uiied. i: 1: e - y -Ti af oitty 1. It..: 'I a i .,..11-- .' . . : ';..,,(. ;,, , , ,,. ,,rn .....I,,, ...,,f '"' "''-' " - f.:.'s leret.' rreetved j ov -.a. 1 .y -L,'ll.' ci.'i 11 tr, l.tislness, and keei im lei or n- rtiuent of I,.it!:er, 1 1 u r:; ;ir.l .'J. -. .'..I M.d n'' ' a "e eM.a.uce.-Xa i-r en Ue!.ery. Lyford &.Horn, .VirOLESALi: AND RETAIL jU7-y Groods .X .T,,, i...,-,.- - .... row ., lmmM.,m,Kmr-r.-n l , L ,,1,r- r-rm--ri n -. i-r-trn ' " -l-T-'" mw . m,..-,- , , - . . . . 1. .. . ' Hi' t. - i t: t 1 '-J i J ' rt in J br Pi r pa 71 i M v" wil S- Lr- T1V B A