S.X.. 1 l HE ADVERTISER. 3R0WNVILLE.AUG. 19, lST. TERMS: M .4 m - ,t the end of months, S,M n M - "11 " C of n or Kt will be furnished at per a. , provided the cash accompanies the order, net JOD WOKK. VT Tk reeeat fitrmin additions of New Type, Cuts, cr.iJ-r inks, Brotues, Cards, fcc , made ta the "Adver tiMr" Office, weclauaw be able to tura out Job Work in irrr unsurpassed by any office. The proprietor being a t - -.1 pruiicr htmself. end having is his employ piisbed and experienced Fancy Job printer, is de itrn.aKl not u be oot-4.e in tbe execution of Job Work. :ri (having on of filer's latest improved Card rrom ) Blanks, Work in Color, b route Vol., fcc will wuft particular attention, t ..:ars from distance will promptly attended to, nsl v arrautel to kit saii.facimn or no pay. , i - . - i . .... .inrk , j hlinkt of trm aveiuM atuyir" , - " - . , eU ioo. cUy executed on fine substantial paper; notice and utb Piaite, jVi.uJi lor prwtiuir ciuDjon.ixed uvelope. with any es.i tuiuea card attached. Order soliutcL iTsTEip'rcss- . . We are again indebted to tne the Vriited Steles Express Company for tics of papers in advance of the mails. Cczntj Fair. What are the lioard of Man ners doing preparatory to holding the Agricultural Fair this fall ? Come, gen .tleracn, stir around. The time for hold ic lie fair approaches, and will be on hand before you are aware. He". Jas. Crate. . This gentleman was in our city a few days last week. The Captain looLs well after his laborous duties on the atanrpu No Slate tan boast of a more zealous, industrious, untiring member. Nebraska is greatly indebted to Mr. Craig for many, very many efforts in her behalf. Ed j 3U Tvlh to sell jonr Cattle ? J. W. Coleman has a contract for pur chafing government stock, and wishes all tpare rattle in this region. You who htre cattle to depose of will do well to five him a call. Xc? Bridge- The new bridge across the Ne maha, near its mouth, and erected prin cipaUy by our enterprising neighbors of Nemaha City, we are informed by Dr. Hoovlr, is so far completed that teams are now crossir.g. This is a valuable improvement, and one long much needed. ZL'Mtl and Hungarian trass. A number of farmers of this count)', who have been experimenting in raising Millet and Hangarian Crass, have promised to re port to us their success. So look out for something tall shortly ; perhaps in our next paper. . tzi Accident. We are pained to announce that a child, daughter of Mr. Hughs of thiscouhty. was drowned in the Nemaha on !asl Saturday week. Mr. II. attempt ed to ford the river, when the wasonwas wept down the current and upset. In iLe wagon was himself, wife and babe, and daughter. Mr. II. succeeded in . rc cumg his wife, who heroically clinging to the hat., both were saved. The little girl however was, sad to relate, drowned. The body was not found until several days afterwards. lecied Lively Again. On Thursday last, there were four steamers landed at our wttrf: the Prima Donna, Mansfield, SVtiossa, and Itowena. Quite a number of passengers from each srot off at this pclxX The Itowena landed forty tons of freight for this city. Twenty tons for Crave 5c Hill, and twenty tons for C. DiLSLft. Passengers speak in the high est terms of praise of the Itowena as to accommodations and the gentlemanly de portment of officers. II". Mtthlcn. See the advertisement of Mr. Lla'Jhieu in another column. We have aberetoLore spoken favorably of this gen tlrr.an as a No. 1 workman, and take jJeasure in again doing so. He certain ly has no superiors as a workman in wool. Such mechanics should be patron ized and encouraged. Mr. M. is some whit modest and retiring, but merit will EitLe itself known. TTttchmakcr. M. Lamakque & Co. will in a few days open a Watch, Clock, and Jewelry establishment in this city. We thiuk they are to occupy a portion of the Drug Store House of Maun & Co. TxiTj lot or Stores. . Mr. C, DcrsER, of this city, has jut returned from St. Louis wiih a very extensive lot of stovps nf pv. try description, together with almost every thitj in his line. This establishment, by Laduf try and perseverance, has grown Irora a small beginning in a small log ca ll n, to one of the most extensive in the West, in ajlarge new house erected this : 8;-':zaier expressly for that purpose. Cor. Richabdson has returned to the 'C:;ital. He passed up on the Mans- '-' 1 TIr. Bright u 111 Please Walt. our last issue we stated that a f ede ; 3icer in this city, who was about to removed, saved his official head by nir a newly born son of his "John Senator Slidell hannpnlnrr torwi r 1 e i.i t. Licago at the time. .' nother federal officer here told us ye:-.irday that his fate depended upon ?. -If," said he, -Jesse Bright don't 4?et -ere before the 10th of Augus: I am for I intend to call rrv prnprtprl t i I3;ight and Fitch. "Chicago a. STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AND BLOOD PURIFIER!! rIE greatest retne rtr in the world. 3T in Thia cordial la diitilled from Berry known only to myself, aw. chlhilcally combined with me of tbe most valuable medical roota, berba and barks known to tbe mind of man, viz: blood root, black root, wild cherry bark, yellow d.ck. dandle loins, aarsaparilla. eld er flowers, with others, producing tbe mutt In fallible remedy for tbe restoration of bealtb Before takins ever auou. . ITIS NATURE S l"T Walll. OW.V REMEDY, curing dir.eac by natural laws. When taken its healing influence is felt coursing tbro'cb every vein of tbe biy, puritymx and acceleration tbe circulation of tbe blood. Ii neutralises any bilious matter in the stomach, and strengthens the whole org a Diiation. McLtan'i Strengthening Cordial Kill tJTectutlly cure Liver Complaint Dytpepti. Jaundice, L atonic or A'ervout Debility, Dneattof the Kidntjt, end all Diteasct arising from a Diturdtrtd Liver or Stomach, Heartburn, inward piles, acidity or ticknes of the stom ach, fullness of blood to the head, dull pain or swimming in tbe head, palpitation of tbe heart, choking orsutfuc aii n fee Unit s when laving down, dryness or yellowness of tbe ikin and eyes, sudden flukbes of beat, depression of spirits. A.C There is no miatakt about it. This cordial will never fail to cure any of the above di-ri-es. if u ken as per directions on each bottle, in German, English and French. Over half a million of bottles Have been sold during tbe past six months, unl in no instsnce has it railed in Kivinn entire satisfaction Who then milt snfler from weakness or debility when Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial wilt cure you? To the Ladies. lo you wish to be healthy and strong? Then go at onte and get some of McLean's Cordial? It will streng then and iuvigorate ur blood to flow through every vein, and tbe rich rosy bloom of health to mount to your cheek again, Jvery bottle warranted to give satisfac tion. For Children. We say to parents, if your childreg are sickly, puny or affiicted with complaints prevalent among children, give them a small quantity of McLeau's Cordial. It sells rapidiy, because st always cures. Delay not a moment. Every Country Merchant Should not leave the city until he had procured a sup ply .f McLean's Strengthening cordial. A liberal diw-otmt will be made to those who buy to sell again. I A L'lVO.V Beware of druggist or dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or Snrsaparil la trash, which lliey cjii buy cheap, by raying it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean's Strengthening cor dial, and take nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood throughout, and at the same time strengthen the system. One table spoonful taken every morning is a certain preventive for cholera, chills and fever, yellow fever, or any prevalent disease. Ii ice only $1 per bottle, or C bottles for $5. J II McLKAN. Sole proprietor of the cordial. Also, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment StTrincipal depot on the, corner of Third and Piue streets, St Louis, Mj. Jlclean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The best liniment in the orld for man or beast Another Remarkable Cure Performed by McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Read it for yourselves Thomas Ford, a blacksmith, living near Cass avenne Tenth street, had a horaiblc ruuuing sore on his fool He tried various Liiiimeuls, Salves, tic, but could do it iiogixnl. He despaired of ever being able to work at his traile again, because be 'jould Hot bear any weight on his fKt; and by one bottle of McLean'. Vulcanic Oil Lini ment he is now perfectly cured. Kheuniatism, neuralgia, paralysis, bruises, sprains, stiffness in the joints or musclds, swellings, sore throat, earache or toothache. Kc yield to the magic in fluence of this wonderful liniment. For horse and cattle, it is an infallible remedy for chafes, scratches, cracked heels, lameness, spavin, fistu la, bruises, swellings, wounds, ratils-siiake biles, and various other diseases hich animals are liable to from injuties or accidents. Every country merchant should obtain a supply of Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells rapidly because it alwayscures. A liberal discount will be made to merchants who buy to sell again. JFor sale by J II Mrl.EAX. proprietor, Coiner of Third and I'nie streets, St Louis, Mo. DR. EASTERLY'S Iodine and Sai'Kuparilla Will cure all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, or a depraved condition of the fluids of the system, viz: cancers, swelling of the glands, rheumat ism, white swellings, chronic sore eyes, piles, ooils, er; sipelas, goitres, pains in the bones and joints, ul cers in the mouth and throat, and all chronic constitu tional diseases. This medicine searches out the very roots of the disease by purifying the blood, and changing the secretions in the system thus removing the cause, which renders the t ure certain and permanent . Dr. Easterly' t ladinc and Sartaparilla will cure the trorit mercurial diteatc, and drive out and destroy ev eiy particle of mercury which is iu the system, aud cure it. bad effects. It ill cure secondary syphilis or tencral disease, and wiil d.ive the syphilitic virus and all hereditary taints and pouonous matter out of the system through tbe (Hires of tbe skin, and restore tbe patient to a per fect state of health aud purity. It is a positive cure for frrrr complaint and dyspepsia, it used a proper length of time. 1 challenge the world to produce its equal in these complaints. The afllicted will ber in mind that Dr. Eatterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla will cure all rervous diseases, female coniploiuts, dropsy grave, diseases of tbe kidney s, bladder, and urinary organs, in a few days. It will remove pimples and blotches from ibe face. and make the skin clear, white and beautiful as ala baster. It does this by purifying the blood, and by its prompt action on tbe liver, kidneys, and secietory or gans, producing vigorous health. Persons who have long been affiicied with scrofula old sores, tetter, riugworm, scald head, blotches, eruptions of tbe skin, and all cutaneous diseases, are advised to procure Gndley's Salt Rboum and Tetter Ointment to apply on the sores and diseased parts, when using Dr. Easterly's Iodine and Sarsaparilla. Tbe Iodine and Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and causes the gores to discharge tbclr putrid matter, and the ointment heal them. Wbcu both are used (which I always recommend) permanent and rad cal cure is always effected. They are the lest and most powerf ul curatives known to man. A fair trial is all I ask I do not fear the result. Price of the Iodine and Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Gridley's Salt Rheum Ointment 75 tents per bottle. Both are prepared by Dr. Easterly, corner cf Third anp Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addresed. JLJ-Soid by j. H. MAIN 4t CO., Druggists, Brown ville. N. T , and by Druggists generally. Dr. Easterly's tr Fever and Ague Killer Will cure ague acd lever, chills and fever, dumb ague, inter mittent and remittent fevers, and all tbe various forms of fevers incident to bilious climates. If there is a man, woman or child suffering with ajrue and fever, they are advised to procure Dr. Easterly's Fever and Ague Killer, it is t positive cure speedy and perma nent. Try it. Plice $1 per bottle, or 6 hot. les for $5. Dm. Easterly, corner ot Third and Chestnut streets St Louis, sole proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressep to get the geuuine. Sold by J. U. MAIN . CO, Agents, Brownville. ijrDr. Baker's Spetlflc will cure gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, semiual weakness, cbordee, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and all diseases of the gcuiijl orgsns. Reader, have you a private disease f Do not neglect it. Delay it dangerous. Dr. Baker's Specific is a safe, speedy, and radical enre. With Dr. Baker's Specific you cau cure yourself, and prevent exposure, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Price $1 60 per bottle. fc-Dr. EASTERLY, corner Third and Chestnut strets St Louis, Missouri, sole proprietor, to whom al) orders must be addressed, to get the genuine. Sold by J. H. MAIN it CO., Druggists, Brownville, N. T. MTDr. Hooper's Female Cordial will cure all female complaints, such as excessive, suppressed, or paiuful menstruation, Fluor albus or whitest barrenness, sallow complexion, headache, dix- ainess, weak nerves, frightful dreams, and all diseases caused by colds, checked perspiration, excesses, over excitement, Ac, of tho sexual organs. Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by the la dies the best remedy ever invented. JPrice $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Dr. Easte alt, corner dY Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo, sole proprietor and to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold by j. h. MATS a. CO , Agsnts, Brownville, N. T-, and by Druggists geuerally Notice. Persons indebted to 'he undersigned will come for ward and settle as longer indulgence will not be given. Ilotci m ip taken at par. THOMPSON fc MARSH. BrffwclIIl Arrit lf:n; 1558. tf-tf 0 J'l, tSTDr. Carter's Cough Balsam will cor Coughs, Cokla, Asthma, Consumption, Bron chitis, Spitting of Blood,' Pain in tbe Side mad Breast, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, Croup, liver Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart, and all diseases of the Throat, Cheat, and Longs. No on sheold neglect Conga or Cold single day. Killlonsdl annually by neglect lug a Common Colo. Coughs and Colds lead to cokicxp tiok, and then to an early death. Header, have you a cough, cold, or any disease of the lungs? Procure at once that celebrated remedy, Dat. CAKTxm's Covoii Balaam, which never fails to relieve a cough in twenty-four hours, and always cures tbe woksT cases of solds, coughs, ans all diseases of the throat and lungs in a few days. Price Trial bottles, 25 cents; largt) boU ties, $1 per bottle, orb bottles for $5. EJ-DK. KASTKRLT, corner Third and Chestnut Str, St. Louis, Mj., sole proprietor, te whom all orders must be addressed to get the genuine. Sold by J. II. MAIN it Co., Agents, Srownrille, N. T. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas, on the 2d day of May, 1858, one John T. Scott, Tor tbe purpose of securing unto John M. Gra ham the payment i f a certain promissory note executed by said Scott to said Graham for tbe sum of one hun dred and lifty-flve dollars and twenty-five cents, payable on tbe first day of August, 1868, did execute and deliver unto TJ. C. Johnson a deed of trust of the following pre mises, to-wlt: the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and north half of lot no 4 in section 30 Township 5, north of range 16; con tainlning 21 60-100 acres, more or less, the same belong ing In fee simple and dated May 2d, lsjoH. And whereas default bas been made in the condition of said deed in this, that the said note thereby secured, although long since due has not been paid, nor any part thereof, but is now wholly due and unpaid, wherety the power of said U. C.Johnson to advertise and sell said premises has become operative, and no suit or proceed ings having been commenced or instituted at law to re cover tbe amount due on said note or on any part thereof. And whereas also said deed has been duly recorded in the records of Nemaha county, in said Territory, on the 26th of "May 1868, and recorded on Mortgage Record, 1 of Nemaha count , Nebraska Territory, Pages 23 A. 24 at 2 o'clock P. M., and there is claimed to be due on the said note, on the security of said deed, the sum ol $166 35. at the date of this notice. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that I, U C Johnson, trustee as aforesaid, by virtue of the authority in me vested in said deed will sell the premises above described at pub lic vendue in front of the office of Regbter of Pods,' Brownville, Nemaha county, N. T., on the Ilth day of September, 1868, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and the setting of the sun of that diy, to the highest bidder for cash. U. C. JOHNSON. Brownville, August 12, 1858. Trust.ee, DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned under the ilrm and style of Isaac T. Wbyte k. Co., and of William .Hobiitzell k Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. IsaacT. Wbyte will pay upon presentment all demands upon either oVthe said Arms, and is alone authorized to use the name of the film in collection and liquidation We would take this occasion to extend our thanks to the community for tbe very liberal patronage extended to us. But we beg, also, to assure those who are indebt ed to us that the pressure upon us at present is so great thatwe shall be compelled to make collections. Those who will be so kind as to make payment without further notice will confer a favor that we will, under present circumstances, know how t apprc. iate. Those who fail to do so win leave us no alternative but to resort to le gal means. I. T. WHVTK. Brownville, August II, '58, Wm. IIOBL1TZELL. CLAIM NOTICE. To all whom it may concern. You are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office in Brownville Ne maha County, N. T., on the first day ot September 1st, i-kw to prove up my right of pre-emption to the northeast quarter of section 27 in town.hip 2. range 16, cast. NICHOLAS A. N1BLACU. August 12, 1S58. Claim Notice. To noward Stogdcn and all others whom it may con cern, lou are hereby notified that 1 will appear at the Land Office at Brownville. Nemaha county. Ncbras ka Territory, on fredncsday the loth day of August, 1858, at 1 o clock P M, to prove up my right of pre-emption the the north-west quarter of section three, in Township one. Range sixteen, east. GEO. W. PARblER. August 12, 1858. -If APPLE TIES FOR SALE. I have for sale 60,00 Apple Trees ,f the choicest va rieties, grown in this (Nemaha County, N. T.) Thev are of one year's growth fiom the graft. I am compelled to remove them this fall from the ground they now oc cupy is my reason for ofleriug tlieni Tor Sale this season. The pn. e, however, and the fact of their being grown in this soil and climate is a very strong inducement for persons i esnient in the Territory purchasing of me. Orders jetitin. will be filed, and filled iu order when the season arrives for taking them up. The following is a list of the principal or leading as sortments : Yellow Belltleur, Darwin, Hocking. White Winter, Autumn Swar, Rhode Island Greenl.ig, Red Romanite, Wi1 low Twig, Snow Apple, Harvest Kr-d Stock, Fall Janitan, Roman Stein, Northern Spy, Johnson's Sweeting, Fall Strawberry, Sweet June, Milan, l'airmain, Trenton Early, Baldwin, Early Harvest, Janitan. Golden Rnssett, Golden Sweet, Winesap, Fulton, Summer Queen, Fall Pippin, tic, Ac. R. W. FURNAS, August 6, 1868. Brownville, Nebraska. Corporation Orders I-ost. Lost two corporation orders on the Treasurer of the City or Brownville, No. 3, $30, and No. 40, $10. The finder ill confer a favor by leaving it at the Br. wnville House. GEO. KL0ENE, Brownville. Aug. 6, 1S5S. Removal or the County Seat. I have a house and lot in Brownville on Main street The lot is a corner one. convenient to water, &c. A good dwelling house with three rooms, a wardrobe, 6.C will sell the above property (which est me eight hun dred dollars.) for four hundred and fifty dollars. One hundred and eighty-five dollars is required cash down; time or a Land Warrant taken on the balance. For I nr- ther particulars call on Messrs Lushhaugh &. Carson, Bankers, or on the Proprietor at his office iu Brownville July 13, 1868-lm E. E. PARKER. CLAIM NOTICE. To Tbeophilus Little, ar.d all others whom it may con cern. You are hereby notified to appear at the Land Office in Hrownville.ou Friday the SUtbday of August 1368, at 10 o'clock a m, as I intend to prove up my right of pre-emption to the southeast quarter of section four teen, township one, north of range 16 eat. I August 12, 'S8.-2tpd JOSEPH McCRl'M NEW GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE, BY J. II. MORRISON AT TUB Old Stand of 11. F. CLARK BROWNVILLE, N. T, Where can be found a full supply of Family Groceries Ham and Bacon, Mackrel and Cod Fish. Teas, Sugar, Coflee Candies Nuts. Wine Crackers and Cheese, Liquors and Wines," Sardines' Cigars aud Tobacco, Oysters and Lobsters. Peaches, Prunes, Blackberries and Wnurtlc-berries- and all articles ustaLy kept in a Fancy Grocery Store. which he will sell for cash or produce as cheap as the cheapast. w ill you give me a share of your coutinuod patronage. Browuuille, July 15th, 1S58. vSn3 -COMBINATION PATENT." CriMC-HT STEAM SAW MlXIa. This mill commands tbe universal admiration of saw mill men everywhere. As its merits become known, the demand for it increases. Orders are Coming from every section of this country, Canada. Cuba, and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every section of the world wherever there is timber to be sawed, no matter of what character how hard, bow large or how small. Two extensive m nufactones are now engaged in building these mills, yet it is aim t impossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents ana improvements, and combine all of the following ad Simplicity Both the mill and power are so simple in their construction that anyone of ordinary mechanical ability ran comprehend tbem. put them up and ruu them witnout itanger or difficulty. Portability The whole establishment can be very quickly taken apart and put together, thus rendering it easy to be moved from place to place asdesired. and sav ing the necessity of drawing the logs a long distance to Durability It is constructed in the most solid and substantial manner, runs perfectly stifl. is not liable to get out or oraer, ana win last ror years without repair. Kapidity It will saw faster than apy other upright uprignt mill. Tne speed of tbe saw is about three hun dred strokes per minute, and the feed from, one-eighth to mree-uaners oi an men per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the saw win cut through a log tmetity-fonr fcet ong id a ooui i oree minutes, rrom mis data anyone Knowing me character or the timber can calculate how morn it win ao. Efficiency d.es its work well, cuts smoother and straighter than the ordinary nails, and tbearrangemcn of tbe saw is such as to render it uttefly" impossible for ii io run out or line. neapness The entire iost of the mill, with fifteen none power ana everything all complete and ready for runuing, roxed and ready for stlpmbnt in St. Louis is only $1760. ...'' This mill requires less power to drive than anv r.thw mill, and the power furnished is sufficient to drive extra A circular containing rull particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. ' All ordert should he addressed to BRAGG &. BIRROWES, tomer inird ami Market streets. St. Louis. Mo. sole agents ror tie Western and Southern States. March t. '68 ify-y S3 husk Mattrass just received at tnefwe of" Aug , I6c7. rJ i T. WHITE. CLAIM NOTICE, To Phillip Overrlckard, Stephen Bower, Perry Taylor, M. P. Dorrington, and all others whoaa It may concern. You are hereby noluied that I will appear at the Laod Office in Brownville, on Friday, Aug oat MU, 1869, at 1 o'clock, A. U., to prove up my fight of nre-easnOo te lots no Sand 7 and tbe vest half of the Soetheaat qua, ter of section no 23. Township , Banc sixteen east. J. L. STOCTOJf. August 12, 1368. Land Warrants, For Ooaeli and on TMxtao We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all slits to settlers on such time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates.' A constant supply of Warrant! will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be booght 'elsewhere lh town. '" Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrant,. All warrants sold by us will be guaranteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al ways be found at the old .und a few doors east of the Brownville House. LtTSrtBACGQ CABSOJJ, Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. F. l.rSHBAUCH. jho. L. CAasoi LTJSHBAUGH & CARSON, BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Healers in Coin, Uncurrent Monev, Exchange and Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA COl", N. T. Kspecial attention will be given to buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank N,otes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, rox cash, or en tered on time for Prc-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates. Bills of Exchange on England, Ireland, and Prance, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account and interest I lowed on special deposits. OFFICE Main St., near U. 5. Land Office. TIEKERENCES .ind, Brother & Co., Merchants. Philadelphia, Pa. McNaughton, Carson &. Co., " " ' Hiser it White, " Baltimore, Md. Toung, Carson k Bryant, " " " no. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, " E. M. Puuderson it Co. Merchants, " " M. Yeakle &. Co. No. 17, Broadway New Tork. Win. T. Smilhson, Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C. T. Stevens. Esq., Att'y at Law, " " no. S. Gallaher. Late 3d Aud. U. S. T.. " " Taylor k triegh, Bankers, Chicago, 111. McClelland. Scruggs it Co. Merchants, St. Louis. Mo. lion, lrios. ij. rraii, Annapolis, Md. Hon. J. W. Geary, Kx-Gov. Kansas, Penn. Hon. Jas. O. Carson. Mercersburg, Pa. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Hagerstown, Md. Col. Geo. Schley. Att'y at Law, " Charles Parsous 4c Co. Bankers, Keokuk. Iowa. H. C. Nutt & Co. " Council Bluff Greene, Wcare it Rico, " Des Moiue, " Douglass i Watson, " Vinton, ' ol. Sam Hambleton, Att'y at Law, Kaston, Md. udge Thos. Perry, Cumberland, Md. Prof. H. Tutwiler, Havana Alabama. Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf GEORGE EDWARDS, A. H. G H ITEOT. OFFICE Main St, East of Kinney f Holly' office, Nebraska City, N. T, Persons who contemplate building can be furnished with Designs, Plans, Specifications, kc., for buildings oi any class or variety of style, and the erection of the same superintended if desired. Prompt attention paid to business from a distance. bilt C. Dvuscr has removed li's Tin Shop from Front street o Main street, nearly opposite the new Hotel, where be has opened up the largest stock of ware in his line to be fouud in the upper country. Ho solicits a toulinuance of patrouage. June 10, '68. Brownville House, ISKUWJNVILLE, NEBRASKA. MORRISON & WHEELER Announce to the public that they have taken charge of the new, large, and commodious brick Hotel building re cently completed in the City of Brownville. Nebraska They have furnished it from cellar to garret with en tire new furniture; the rooms are all large, well veu lated and finished. The table, we promise, shall at all times contain the best the country can ofTbrd. Our liquors shall be as pure aa are made, as we purchase in person from reliable manufacturers. We deem amoreextcn- led notice unnecessary and conclude by assuring tbe pub lic that we are determined that no effort on our part shall be wanting to reuder the Brownville nouse a first class Hotel. MORRISON & WHEELER July 8, 1858-6m JOHN A. PARKER & CO., WASH i:GTOA, 11. C. JOnN A. PARKER, late Register of the Land Office, Omaha, N. T., having .resigned his office will hereafter. u connection with one of the best Land Lawgivers in the country, attend to all busiuess coniidcd to him: and es pecially FKE-KMrTlUJV CASES, Which he has made himself thoroughly acquainted with by study and practice for years. He refers to the Heads of Departments and Members of Congress of both Houses. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. January 28, 1S6S. no31-ly -LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSSELL, DBOWNVILLE, N. T. Announces to the public that he is prepared to accom modate those wishitig with Carriages aud Buggies: to gether with good safe horses, for comfort and ease in tra velling. He will also board horses by the day, week or month. XJ-TERMS FAVORABLE. JZ June 10. '68. 60tf Claim Notice. To Frederik Mcnts and all whom it may concern. Tou are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office in Brownville, Nebraska Territory, on Friday, the 27th day of August, at 1 o'clock, P M. to prove up my right to pre-empt the Northeast quarter of Section no. 12, Township 1, Range 13 cast. August 12, 1858 CHRISTIAN OBERLY. BEARD & BROTHER, P no PR IE TORS OF THE EXCETjSIOn SMS 10 ME VMu, A ,1 ft T1 lateral " ' Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, and Chilled Iron, Jewellers' and Express Safes, Vaults, Bank Locks, &c ?!The recent test of Safes of the different Manifactures in tbe GREAT FIRE of the City Buildiugs, in which the Excelsior triumphed over all others, fully establish es tbe superiority of the Excelsior Safe, which merits the confidence of all interested in Safes, and the securi ty of their contents. The Excelsior being the only safe after being in tbe are for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, that saved the Books and Papers, while a large number of tbe others, in tbe fire but a short time, were taken out with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of examining their safes, and those purchasing to be sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe having stood the test and come out victorious, we pledge ouselvcs to manufacture none but such as can be relied on, and refer to the following Certificate. We, tbe undersigded, take pleasure in certifying to the successful test Beard it Brother's Excelsior fire proof Sales were submitted to in the burning of thcCity Buildings, the nineteenth of 2,'uvember,1866. and are jus tified in recommending them to all who need safes. Hall fc Smith Eddt jamesok &. Co Charles Blow & Co Samuel McCartket Partridge &. co Joseph Elder Humphreys Tutt. Terry, Johm S thomason Klnyan Hillman & Bros Baste Wiley &. Baste TlLLAN ROZIET &.CO SCOTT fc. BRO McMepia St Ballastike, Brown GoaDljl 4. Co VOS PllUL WATERS fc CO W LEWIKO B. CO D A January &. co John H Hall it co Barnard Adams & co ShApleigh; D ay & co THE EXCELSIOR Took the Premium over the best Eastern Manufacture at the State Fair, in Saint Louis; is told from thirty to fifty per cent less, and guaramceii to be equal to any in the L'nitcd States. Also manufacturers of Ialgbtnln? Rods, of Best quality, and PUMPS of ell Descriptions. BEARD fc BRO., No. 15. Main Street, Saint Louis, Mo. July 22, IS58. Iyvn4 JAMES HOGAN. AND BLANK BOOK 31A2.TFACTHtER, Southeast cr. 2nd and Lop ust St's. ST. LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Books, made of tbe best paper, ruled to any pattern, and sewed in the new improved patent mode. ' 1 LIBRARIES. PERIODICALS. MUSIC. Ate, bonnd in any style, and at the shortest notice. Having been awarded the Premium at the last Me chanic's Fair, be feels coadident in insuring satisfaction to all who mav give him a call. July Md, 1S53. ' lyvSoA CLAIM NOTICE. To Joseph Forney and all whom it may conr-era. Tou are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office al Brownville on Friday tbe 13th day of August, 1638, to prove up my right of pre-emption to tbe northwest quarter of section 17, township 1. range 1 east. August S, 1969. LAWBOOK FABBELL R. L. DODGE, ATTORNEYATLAW SOLICITOR ix CHANCERY, zmowiwTiuLc, itxnziAsajL. Land WacranU bought and sold. Pre-emption papers carefully and correctly prepared. OrriC on Malo street, L Brown and Benneli'a Bank lng BTomse. AC.nA.1tAl Bn. Tenner Ferguson, " X. W. Furnas ' R Brown Kinney Holler JulyS, lboS-v3n3-Iy Bellevae, Nebraska. Bruwnville. $ Nebraska City FENNER FERGUSON, Attorney and Counsellor BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. PI OX E 13 Book Bindery, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Empire Block, No. 3. WILLIAM F. KITER, Would inform the public that be has opened a first class Book Bindery, and is now prep-ind to do ail kinds of Book Binding old or new, bound or re-bound upon tbe shortest possible notice, and on the most reasvnoble terms. Orders received for all kinds of Blank work. July I, 1868-lv. O. B. HEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW REAL ESTATE AGENT, Brownville, Nebraska. Will attend to business in all departments of his pro fession. Pre -emptors Eights Secured. Land Warrants for Sale. Office on First St., bet. Main and Water. REFERRECEs: Kinney fc Hoi ley, Nebraska City. Cheevcr Sweet fc Co., do J. Sterling Morton do Brown fc Bennett, Brownville R. W. Furnas do Brownville, K. T. May 13. 186S. v2n46tf Watchmaker k Goldsmith, . A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the public that he has located iu the above named town and offers for sale a choice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establishments at prices which cannot be complained of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he flatters himself that in repairing watches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfect satisfac tion. 19 6m. W. . 1IARVEY. L. VN WYCK. Civ. Eng., Sur. fc Draft'n. General Land Agent- IIAIUXY, VAX WYCK & CO., General Land Agents 3Xg1oxus1x.a. City. ARE connected with agencies in Wa hington City by which they are enabled to prosecute claims against the United States Government, or attend to any business be fore the General Laud otlb-e with dispatch aud to tbe satisfaction of their customers. One of the firm being a practical Engineer ami Survey or (having been for many years connected witb tbe United States Coast Surveys engaged on works of Internal im provements) we are prepared to make Surveys of Town, Farms, &c, in any part of the Territory ; ' and having engaged the best Draftsman in the Territory, ran execute Maps, Town Plata, aiiddrawiugs of art kinds (mechanical, architectural, &c.,) to tbe perfect satisfaction our cus tomers. October 224, 1867. n51v5 ED. IV. MOORE, General Steamboat Agent, FORWARDING tf COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEBRASKA CITY. N. T. Goods sold on Commission and prrmpt returns msde. Particular attention given to receiving. Storing aud Fur warding all kinds of freight and produce. Office on the Levee. Storekouse in the same block with Kearney Hotel. Refer to the Merchants of Nebraska City; Fife fc Michael St Louis Mo; Harper fc Scuder St. Louis; John A. Warden " Joseph Mclntvre ' Sbakelford, Finney fc Co" Barcklay, ninklefc Co " April 29, 1858 2-44-Iy D. It. M'LAVCHLIN CIIAS. DORSET Mclaughlin & dorsey, Eaand Agents, Main Street, Brownville, N.T , Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy and sell property on commission ; furnish land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to the selection or Govern ment land and the location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAl'GHL!X fc DORSET respectfully refer to George H. Nixon, Ksq., Register Brownville Land Office. Ch irlcs B. Smith. Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys' Nemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, Ksq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lnshbaucb fc Carson. Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M T. Hamilton, Hagerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer F.sq. Baltimore, Md O II Bartict, Esq , Dyton. Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. n.-43tf Banking hovse of Lushdavgii fc Carson I lirojinville, February 1, 1S68. ) On and after this date, depositors accounts will be opened for specie, currency and scrip payable in same kind of funds. Checks must be marked accordingly. Office hours fiom9 to 12 A M and 1 to 3 PM, I.rsilB.M GII fc CARSON, JOHN P. TYSON. W. W. ItACKMEY. TYSON & HACKNEY, GENERAL LAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO., N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claims and Town Lots Bought anil Sold. Loan Money, Make Investments and Locate Warrants on time, for instant Dealers. Pre-Emptlon Paper Prepared. OFFICE Next door to U. 8. Land omce. -REFERENCES-'"- Geo. n. Xixon, Register L. O., Brownville, X. T. C. B. Smith, Receivor, " Smock fc Williams, Lexington, Mo. Omaha City. N. T. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Warren, Penn. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, " L. R. Tuttle, B. B. Pegram fc Co., Bankers, Hon, G. W. Scofleld, R. L. McGbee fc Oo., Tootle fc Fairleigh, Oct. 1. '67 Election is Coming. The assessment is now complete for the City of Brown ville for the year 1866, and in tbe Mayor's office ready for inspection. Those feeling themselves agrieved can come forward and bave a hearing any time within twenty days from this date. U. JOHNSON, Marshal. Brownville, July 22, 1858. H. Lamarque & Co, Watch-Makers and Jewelers. The undersigned, located in Nebaaska City, witb an established reputation of three year's standing, desirous to secure the generous patron age of the ladies fc Gentlemen of Brownville and the surrounding country, thus informs them that tbeywi always keep on hand a large stock of all descriptions oi jewelry, watches and clocks, and tbey will sell as cheap as any bouse this side or st Louis. Tbey repair watches, mend jewelry, and do all work belonging to that line with care and promptness. Charges reasonable and work warranted. All can be left at the City Drug Store of Brownville under the rare of Messrs. i'. H. Maun fc Co. JulyIlS63. M LAMARQCE1 CO. NEBHASKA CITY -xi oo Compariv. Capital StocK 530,000, NEBRASKA CITT, If. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now fully orgam'xed, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to rrant open policies, and take risks upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, iu patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of tne company. Tbe operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to MARI5E, or Cargo risks, with a maximum lability of $12,503 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Office, on the above pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous Support from Western Merchants. We respectfully- invite- the Missouri Biyer pa tronage. riBECTORS : S.F. Suck-oils, Chas. F. Holly, H. P. Bennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. X.'Hincbman, - Miles W.Brown, A. A. Bradford. OFFICERS t CHAS.F.IIOLLY, President. J.Uaksidb, Sec'y. St. Louis Agent CoL. TT. P. Howard. April Jd, 1&47, 43-lj Ll'THMHOADLBT. BOtIRT T. MVIR. MLBXl, nOADIXT & LAUD AGENCY, BroYraviUe, Itfemaha Co, W. T., Offloe Corner main and First Street. Will select Government Lands; locate Land Warrants in Nebraska, Kansn. Western Missouri and Iowa; collect dtfeU j paj taxes for non reaidents; buy and, aoU property on coiBasJsaioa. Land Warrants Bought anfl Sold. Pre-emption papers prepared, kc WS HATS FOR SALE LOTS IN THE CITIES OF BROWNVILLE, SQIJTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE. ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSE.ru. MO. ELWOOD, K. t, ALSO FOR SALE. Lands near Table Rock, Fawnec connty. Also, la Nemaha county, improved property fur sale or runt. RKFERENC KS. Luoius riopkins.rrj't Importers 4 Traden'Itanlc X.V. David Hundley- IVs't Panama Railroad, Gen.C. T. Hillyer-... Charter Oak Hank, Hartford, Lee, 15 u tier & Co. Hartford, Conn., Collins, Kellogg it Kirby Thormvi W. l'liclps ( Wilson , Co. Wm. IWVcbb.At'y M. 15. Oaborn A Co.. Ja's II. Archibald, Uen'l Ag'II). I Gillespie, l'oarce & Co., Bankers Rev. T. S. Ward I.athdrp Si Junes U.O. Morse William Frothinchatn, Att'y t. A)U1S, Mo., ....... Mobile, Ala., Kutitw, Ala. " --ttock Island, 111. .JtW.K.K. Seranton Carbon Jalc, Pa. . ... " Seranton, Pn, ... Red Falls N. V. Albany, X. Y Rev. K. Nelson. Principal Wyoming Seminary, N.Y. J. A. Parker f Co., Washington, 1. C. A. T, Gilmer, Receiver Land Office Omaha Horace Everett, Council Bluffs, la. Brownville, April 1, 1858. AH persons are hereby noti tied that 1 will take the necessary steps to the re-opening of the contested case of James Ferguson, for tbe purpose of more fully in vestigating bis right to enter the south west quarter (1(4 )of s. eta vest quarter (11) and lot number four (4) of sectiou eignteen (18) in township five (5) r.ingo six teen (16) east, I hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for any por tion of the above described property. May 27, '68 v2n46tf AVGeSTUS KOI'NTZK. Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARII0X, BROWN VIL.L.E, NEBRASKA. Respectfully announces to the public that he has on hand a iarge stock of Cloths, Vestings, &c., Also a large assortment of REAL)Y-MADE CLOTHING Which lie will sell at cost prices. He flatters iiimielf tliat he understands his business thoroughly and all work warrautcd coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor in this place or the West. A H'eat Fit Guaranteed. DROWJ & CXIXTO.V, PRODUCE DEALERS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest possible rate. Guignment for sale and re-shipment respectully solicited. Shipments or all kinds will be faithfully attended to. Referrences : Messrs. CI II Rea fc Co St. Louis Bartlett. McComb fc Co de ' (iill.ert. Miles fc Standard do Hon. W II ButTington. Auditor State of Missouri J J Harmon, Ksq, Cairo City, ill. Messrs Molony, llro's fcCu New Orleans, Louisiana J I) Jackson, Ks;., do do Messrs llinkle, Guild fc Co, Cincinnati, O. F llauiuiar fc Co do Hrandell & Crawford Liuisville. Ky. WoixlrufT fc Uuutington, Mobile, Ala. II. Tlillincs, Ksq., Beard.town, III. .M.i)- H, 1868 45-3m 75,000 lbs. Bacon. Ll KIIKD fc IIOHV, Sonera, Mo , hare for sale, cheap for c.ish, 75,000 pounds excellent bacon. 2n3S-ly March 1. '68 T. W. BF.PFORO, HUDSON OKOKi.E, County Surveyor Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. Office on Main Street- WILL attend promptly to all business entrustfakwo them in the line of their profession. Will buy an.fiiu Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion nd location of Government Lands, Survey Town sires, subdivide Lands, make out City Plats, fcc, fcc, Having been located in the Territory for the past year, we arc prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance iu contested cases at the IT. 8. Land Office. ' Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE REFEA TO non. W C Reynolds, John J Pendleton, Esq, Hon Galutia A Grow Kingston. Penn. Cincinnati,' Ohio Washington City, D. c. Hon Joseph (J. Crane Dayton. Ohio Ryall fc Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa. Borterfc nedges. Bankers do do Lushbaugh fc Carson, Bankers R. W, Furnas, Esq. Brownville, N. T. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Seranton, Pa. Rnfus R. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waverley Pa. W. G. George, Beal Estate Agent, baytou Ohio Aprils. 18&S v2nl-y!y NEW FIRM. Jonas Crane and Theodore Bill have this day formed . new co-partnership under the tbe Arm and style of Cranet II;l',andwillconttnnc the Mercantile business at the ol. stand of McA Uister, Doner & Co. JO"AS CRANE s 8. 1357. THE "TOQUE lULL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWXVILLE, N. T. Will write deeds of every kind and contracts for every purpose, with warranted letral accuracy. Office, in tbe Bankine House nf Lushbaugh & Carson. REFKR TO lion. John A. Bincham, Cadis, Ohio. " W K Carter, Cleveland, " "BP Spalding, " " B F Leiter, Canton, ' " S Lahm. " " " Wm B Sapp, Jf t. Ternn, " " S P Chase. Olutnbns, " " Thos. Ford, Mansfield, Ja. Grain, St. Joseph, Mo. Brownville. Oct. S2d. 'ift. vanl7-ty W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LQT AND LAND AGENT; " Archer, Richardson County, N. T. Potter Wanted. I win five employment to a (rood, industrious Potter, en acrriaintea wiin tne Business. JonN Mcpherson. Brownville. Dec 8, 1967. n23tr School The subscriier would respectfully announce to tbe in habitants of Brownville that be will open a SCHOOL on Tuesday, tbe 6th inst., for the instruction of such pupi Is as may be entrusted to bis care. For the present, the Kooot wiii oe openea at tne scnooi House. Teems Per quarter of Eleven Weeks. Primary Department, . . $3.00 Common English Branches - $4,00 nifber Branches .... s,00 No deduction made for absence during tbo term, ex cept in cases of protracted Illness. Those who enter at any time during the first three weeks of the term will be charged for tuition from the commencement; if later, from tbe time of entrance to the close. Tuition bills will be due at tbe middle of the term, at which time payment or other satisfactory arrangements will be re quired. it is aesiranie tnat tnose w&o attend should eater as early in the term as possible Brownville, July 1st, 1868-xm 3. 3C. CHAPEL. Mminery. A superior stock of Millinery and Dress Goods at my sew Millinery establishment, one door above Lushbautb at oarson's BsnxiFf Douse, Brcwnville, N. T. jIAM imTB AYER'S PILLS, AREW and Binsrdarly successful remedy tat tkf cure of all Bilious diseases Coetivenees, Ioi SMtion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, out. Humors, Ncrvouscess, Irritability, Infiammts tions. Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back; and Limbs, Female Complaints, &e. 4c. Indeed. Very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or lens required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feci well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides, it soon generates serious aad often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or" produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. Aa extensive trial of its virtues by rhysiciana, Frofee- sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected Leyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persona of such exalted poaitiosi and character as to foibid the suspicion of untruth. 'Among the many eminent gentlemen who bar testified in favor of these Pills, we may meatiest : Prof. J. M. Locki, Analytical Chemist, of Cia cinnati, whose high professional character is aa dorsed by John McLean, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Thos. Corwi:, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Wrioht, Governor of Indiana. N. Long worth, great wine grower of the West. Also, Da. J. U. Chiltow, Practical Chemist, of Sew York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marct, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Abtor, the richest man in America. S. Lelaxd A Co., Proprs of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could give manr hundred certificates, from all parts where the Fills have been used, but evidence even more convincing tha the experience of eminent public men is found ia their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and aacst complete which, the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of . the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues) only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. Thie svstera of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ever medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, th curative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mvsterics. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of, their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful nedieine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing bC my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were mora than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on tho internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bbwels, liver, and other organs of tho body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. P.cirig sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in anv Quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box, PREPARED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Clicmlat LOWELL, MASS. Pries 25 Cnt par Box. Five Boxes for $L SOLD BT J. II. MAUN & CO., Agents, llrownvillr. X. T. Claim Notice. Notice is hereliy given to Franklin Block ley arw ai) person interested that I will appear at the I lrxl firfl.-e at Brownville on Friday the 20th day of Angrlst.lWfl. fi prove up my right to tbe east half of the northeast qartr of sfc ii n 15. and the west hnlf of the V V. nr. of.K 14. n?Mi!p , norm oi range sixteen east. August 12tri. 1S&8. W. B. STFWAUT CLAIM NOTICE. T Jon.is Drnry and all whom it may concern. Tou are hereby notified that I will appcir nf the Land Office at Brownville, Nel.raska. on ThuMay rhe 19th day of AiiR-UKt, ISSS.at 10 o'clock A M, to prove up my right rf pre-emption to the north east quarter i.i section JI, township six, ranpe number fourteen east. An;ust 12, 15). 2t pd JKSSE GRAHAM. Claim Notice. ToJ.ircd B. Sours, B. R. R.e and all whom It mar Concern. Tou are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office in Brownville, on Friday, August 20th, to prove np my rlfrht or pre-emption to the southwest quarter of section 7, township 1. of ranee l. east. Auust 12th, 1S59. ROBERT ROBINSON. Claim Notice. To Nathan ncywnod and ;i whm It may concern. Toil are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office in Brownville, Nemaha Countv. Nebraska Terri tory) on Tuesday, the 31st day of August 1RW, to prove up my riitht of Pre-emption to the north-east qnarfer of section 'o 2, tn Township No. s north,-In Bvnee Ha 12. east. ASA fc. HKYWyoD- August I2lt, 1S68-21 J. D N. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, ITas resumed his professional business, and will prac tice In all (he Courts of Nebraska, and the Courts ia Atcbinson c.iunty, Mo. Office one doo'r west of I. T. Whyte's Store, Brownville Nebfasaa. Brownville. April 22, ISM. nii ly oof; l Shoe MAl FACTORY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Browntilrr, JV. T. WILLIAM T. DEF, Respectfully informs the public tbat be has just re ceived bis new stock of Boot and Shoe material, and IS now prepared to furnish any deired article in his line at as low prices as any other establishment in the Ter ritory. All work warranted. He hopes by strict attention to bniness, snl keeping constantly on hand a superior asortrfiltrt of Leather, Trimmings, fcc., for home manufacture, to stiH nwrit that liberal p.itronape which he has heretofore received. tJtRcPi"rM,fc' ne on the hortCet notice. .d All work to be paid for on delivery. April 22. vUnl W. II. WILLIAMS, WnOLtr9AI.lt AVD RETAIL DK ALER IS STOVES & TINWARE Orpgou, 3VXo., TAKES pleasure in announcing thecffliens of Or gon and tbe public in general, tbat he bas on hand the mot extensive stock of Si ores and Tin ware, ever offered in this market." 51 stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Uctall at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, eomprisibg the iro5t improved patterns both Air-Ti;htand Premium. "Among them may be found filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the 4iatio ir-Tight, Pioneer and prirs Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOJVER TlIAN ANY HOUSE IX TOWF. Partieu!ilr attention paid to making and putting np Tin (nit'-err, in tbe town and country. Also, re pairing d'Ve On short notice and on reasonable terms. Old Cooper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work rir ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, Tj -hi " Oregon, Mo., July 1W. i