, THE ADVERTISER. HRO WNYILLE, AUG. TKKMS: if pud in-idtati-e, - T r one year, ' of 12 -r more will he fu.:.i.cJ at $1.k per vr.vi.le4 the cob ac.ompai.ies the oider, nut "bCHMsP. " JOIK HOHK. W-th re-mf nfnv.vp aMitiot' of Kcw Type, Cuts, -a.,i-. l.k, lt.-oi7-,Ciru. IV:., made to the "Advcr U,r'"rli p '' l,,,mt. he able to turnout Job Wo k in ......nv. nn-u-p-.-fe-'l by any Mi "C. Tin- p-op: iet.;r bo.., a t.- . lirl on iter lum-eii. ami na. "'- " '"' , cs.ms.'i-hel a;il experience! Famy J b 1". inter, i- li lemuiied not to be ouI-d"ic in ...... . t- .... ne pxwiii"" ' "" " " l..irst unproved Card .r..,- ,. ( ,r. B.ou-e Work. 4kC. ;v.H Dfft (i-i.tic liar rtTi.-f' aTtr.l..f- f r.,ill tii-t.lM ' Wi , i,e promptly altcntlel t, ,- ..,e:ed a i.e M'--kol Bianks of every te"rn'! 'ti. n e-i t y v ad ate p ep .ri-1 t" 111. V !i-i e .!-' ri-'r JO' .i - V i f-.r p .n:i:.- ' ..;uiel on rim substantial papci , oiorrs at a in .merit' notice and ,-l a small ln.ipof S Platte. .,inin .n sized envcl. pes.wiihaiiy I .. !,(-.!. Oideis '' i.t-I. To the Actual Settlers of i i MMIIU MM) DISUSE-LB -taict Wl : ! t.e i. st , f r the A i . f tu a'.,... e d tlie 7 h It.. i. i- .,i i i : pa-1 ?liifual I'io lin? Association. The .1 t ot !, i hall 1-e t-. I ,ote t tl.e seiners ::i re-cMipt 1 1, -:ji l.e'o'e iifeed wl... I iv any V AN V .-ETi'LERS. their . w Ui.1 ale late --t :. A'aK'i-t 5, I- Ml. . to p m tied to All a:e IU1 ria)Inaj Tricks. Hi i.l, of the house of Cran-i II ill of this city, has played us noih-r trick fur which we s-hall remem ber him. To rut a Lin:; st-.ry thurt, we ere the jxs"-.-- -r of a Lox of as (ine "op i pe I al I j J ! era" ;-'LT'ir:- as any one Then- an a "iV-w mre 1 Xheru'jr man ays, whi'. ever 'pmi. ft. tame sort' as i can he had on an ally iratii n, as tii'-y go oil "like (io s on if yju wuuld tl''ply hot ca ics. yourself i an extra qunnty Spin i r i he wot. have he fore us the first n'lmh'T pi.'-ii-lr-d at N.T.. S. (). Tulli-h-r. neatly pri:. 77 Sj.irU f the a," Otoe Li;y, in Utur; county, kmiv, I'.s'., IMitur and Tin- - Sr rit u i-'i -rooiJ size. d, and dlt d ith al ility Hcrcliaut Tailor. Jacob "Mabiion has 1 from St. Loris with the 1'itt rotnnn fl;.-t ttu fc ne ever i I'li'li'innn's joods we cjM'!i''d out in this county, r ;irrl t man:ifai:!iir I i hp a ord'T t rms. ': uve is s!i irt and lir and on r aona Hi C.i him at his new -stand II II;in?arl;m (ir:;s. Yi have hfrii thown scv- eral spf-1 in r! .. jn tin-- i' i;ii:y S N, I".- p. h:l Ii !I, cf fi'.'ril I: iii"a-'ii ? ( :..f Il.mcrnria tliis s( as'in. s I - ft in our mi' Iv fine cr fr. t 1 in; h pr.'dnrt of n Cras roivii J. W. C.i.i - ofiice an ariu ih and yield, in hi'-hth, and 21 a tingle teed, ounces. Mr. expresses reat t;r 1 1: w i-ii'hinjf 1 r an Cull tv I .ien-o t:,: n- as the h will rrct al l-.a;t twen VI . 1.1. Milliard Saloon. MouKitoN, of the Urown fiile II 'u-e, hns procured a splendid hilii rd iaU ai d j lact d it in one of the T-i-Miis mi th- Lrrn'..nd il'inr of the Hotel. Lovers ji'iw he C'inteiit. ti kind e'f air.usement can aa-.-mmodatid to their heart's Thanks To Hwvi.y,!". S. Express aent, fcr f.les (f St. Jt'se jih, St. Eon's, Cincinnati and Philadelphia pap-crs, in advance of - the mails. Our thanU art- due the f the t'.e;in;er Man-li' Id Joseph and Kansas papers ohliin j for liles clcrlv of St. "II. II." ha: hem receive. d and shall appear 1:1 next Hn L'. issue". The I'lilte d St; , Avorth f staides end st lis i,i h r tares and T.'dnci ites I uy.'S i-1.1.2 13,101 (vry ye ar from Co! a, ,'.,:iT..-)rJ, of inaniifae an exee-s in itrporia- tlOti.i lit - i.-g:?, ."ii'j over ex;'rtaiion t il.1l f.'Ct. a i. inne annexatii'ii wor.-u ei- Fr le.nher is37,to jane 9th i 'in 13S. Lh'.i.M reived at tl crease ever lah s of cotton were re rt of New Orleans. In- e a t vear,7?,(.t5)l. Tie- Athens (Teiiu. ) Po-t h arns rnrrarremeiits for id-w wheat have jn.-ule at (i.) c. nts per hii-hi 1. that heen Tie unite cordia (La.) Inteh ilaminre' 1 v the at over f-K'il.OoU. irer.rer cs oYcrfluw in that parish It is n porti ei that Om-ci Victoria is to beconi" a in -tl cr and a crand mother in -Hie :aini wet ti viueljh and Saxe Co- li f orever The Indianapolis Chi fa v : n, of Triday, Louis this were twen- "Ry pa-rn":ers from St. inoriun tv-thre . we h arn that tlicre eleatiis from di'.lera on Monday. Jidv o;h, s.' in St. Louis, besides forty cas- A lie oat aiie! oat. There has heen no ch'-Iera here this year, and the weekly ftatt-meiits show the extent of the mor tahty. St. Louis is now, taking' out the aths from accidental causes, as hcal- t'-y as any ci y i:i the Lnion. Sf. Louis f'.. i r- n ;-mii'i; n. The rr.epS. Erc-m every point our xchan-es speak of the crood crops. The vheat harvest has ended most auspicious ly, and the crop could not have heen better. Kansas II,ra!J. Thes'.mis like God, sending ahroad jwe. beauty ami happiness ; and the st rs ie-.e niiraiii souls, for all their comes from the sun. glory CLAIM NOTICE. To Marvin Alien and all others wbuui it may concern. Tou are hereby notified to an" "l t,ie Land Office Hi Brownville, on Situiday llie'ili elay of August, 1-168. at 1 n'cloek A m, as 1 intend to prove up my right of pre-emption lo the uortbwcst quarter of 6C-ctiou nine teen, t..wirhip nx, north ol rung eleven east. Jaiy 25 M.-glt J S. 1) A I LET. Claim Notice. To If. ward Sweden and all others whom it may con cern. Vuu re he: cby n titled tliat I will appear at the Lt'id lilce at Brownvii ie. Nemaha county, Ke bra-kit Teri may. e,n F, iday the 6th day of August, 1&-3, at 1 . 'click I'M. to pr..ve up iny i i.-ht of pre-cnipti' ii ih tie north-west quarter of icctior. three. iu Tk-wmbip one. K.ince sixteen, Cast j Ju.yi'i, IbM. GEORGE W. PARKER. CLAIM NOTICE, Tj J. II Il.trt and all whom it may concern. You are hereby n. ititnil that I will appear at the Land (ifiice in llruwnville. Nein.itu ci unty. . T., on Monday the 9ih day ot At:nu-t, Ic'Sltn prv.-ve up my nj-'ht of pre-cmp-1 1 .ti to tlie .ut!iwe--f quarter of tectiou nine in tcwu alnp fU rai.ee fi:teui eaht. Jaiyv:S. lS. MARTIN' STOW ELL. CLAIM NOTICE. T i N' ah IJ.-own and aM wh im it may c .nrern. Ton are lierehy ii-.iii:i-.I that I will appear at the Land Office at iim ! !e, Nel.i a-ka. on Monday the 16th day o! Au.'ti-t. 1 ij. at 1 o'clock 1' M. to prove up my right of c-einpti. n to li e hihi.-v-m tuai tr n seciion t ls'np ix, raui;e nuinl.er ten east. n .i:oit;K ii. w hite. WATCH MAKER. Will. wi:h a f.te k of Jeweliy, and preparations for par in.', v: it as Illov.a : J'.r.rw i i v 1 ! : . - - A'Jrfust 16 N-ni ih i t ilv ..." 20 M. S ocheiis ... "23 Uil, - - - "2a lie L-.-T-i W illi 3 K"f,d stoi k of pood.-, and close attcn- 'i t.. in it 1 1 .ii:u reoeive a liheral pt-onage. J: iv to, l-.i-i. r3n3 Claim Notice. ire is l.p-ol v civr-n tn llhar.'px C'.' and all ether i!iteie!ed that I will appear at the Land (mice Ilr-.-Aiivi.il on Kii.l.iv Hie '0:h l.iv oi Auuubt.1858 to prove up my riht to the n. rihe.t uuarier ol oUclioii 29, lovvii - hiii ix north of ruiie tif eiTieo-i. July TJ Ii. 15.)S. Ml'llDLAS CON'liAD. CLAIM NOTICE. To He. -r II irian and all ol hern whom it may concern. T-i a'-l.o.-( ' y iioiined that 1 will appear at the Land ;1i.e n. II, ..w t.vi lie n i'l.'i.iy, Ani:t &:h. 1S58. at 1 , k 1. M.. to p; ,-ve i-p my n-ht ot pie-empiion to tl.e N II .iturter -t tcctioti i:S, T-.w n-l,ip 2 liance 15. ,;4-:; JAC'OU eol KMAN. BEARD & BROTHER, i mi'-iiiEKiiis or -::ri m m suu works, S.1LVT LOUIS, MO., Dank Sulcs of II;irtedS:cc!, and Chilled Iron, Jtwe'lcrs and Ex-rcss Safes, Vaults, P.u:k Link's &c "Tli" re-ent :e tot -Sale- ol the hi !,. til'.rl.VT l'lllll ot ihe ( i-: f e Kx-.-i si r i mi in j. I,e-1 over a. I e ii. s'ipe-i"i I'.v -t Hie Kt i'ik iliilerent. Manifactnres Buiiiiiiiss. in vMiiv.li .t!ii-r-, ru:ly eatabllli r S ite which met it t lie i :ill ieh e ol al i in; rre; e-1 n. Saie ati'tl-e securi ty ibeir clients. The Ex -e.-ior l-eiii' the only t-ale alter 1 emu liitl.eti e f -r iiiui'iy hours, ami lalitn out -.1 ho ,!:,!, i i that s ,vi-l the li k. a'nl Papers, while a laie r ,i iheo.hers in il.e Ike but a siiort time wore u. w ti Iheir c.-u'en'o i H.r.-.y ii-unie.l, most - a.l i h il.e ii'.ve- .-i'y i-t x .i:i-:i.:u the.r a tes, p.ir. li i -i lie to ,c mho in . n-i a doubt, of the . i ii. si U the test and i "tue on: viciot i.ms. we n:.p e- r. m-- !., la iiiiiiaci and n-.i-r t i l.e u en no l.,v-ll;-J Li.t such as call bu i c .ic i o;i. C'eiti Scale. We. tlie i'n-1 e-s!::l ; . : c ' w i- u.ic .io-i.tir in e. tifyrnj: to i li,ir,v 11. -..Hie. '.- Ex.eii-r lire t.Liin : ;el to i i b:i i.i-, -t iheC'ity '.ciu.ln l ",' "Cinber is.ij. -i Jan; jus- i ; e Bin in:--, the-1. i , I; vi ia : e ., -in i:ie;:u II A I.I. .S. II i li m: i.l s l-.Lii iv & I' a u : ( 1 1 . i li en iio iLe-sn to ail who i. CI .1 jjiCs. 1'iiHV JAMHSOS ."v. CO ( O tA:UI I. Mc(. AHTSEY .lost I I! KMjLK Ii i .: I'm ii i s Tl i t N. Tt nn y JfiiN s iiinMAsnit in si an IIii.i.iian linos ii a si l Uii.lv vV Baste 111. I. AS KnII-T Mil SlUl t i. llUO Nn ..! I II AN .V. UA I.l. ANT INC, llHMlVS UliillllS X CO UN I'll I I. WAT l i s .N. eo W l.l.WINU Cs 11) II A J.lMlllV .. e'D .'OHN il II A I.L -S. CO llARNAHU ALIA IS IN CO Sll A 11.1.1 Oil O AV -V. CO THE EXCLI SIOll k ti e rreme e Ik.i'f F. i: . 'ii over the 1-e-i E.i-iiein MmufacMirc nSunt L-.ms; i- oh! ii. in the ty P. and yuaraiiievd to be euai to any in at :he 1 lie y i-t i he t!nli-l -S a.es. A ito iuani.ia i-lu. ers f LiIilni:? Reds, f Bc-.t quality otid ru:.iro or au Dn Kcrirtions. BEARD Js. HRO., .el, S.iiul Lo.iis M i. ly3:.4 No. 1j. Main J'jlyCI IV; JAMES HOG AN. AND BLANK EOOK 'lAM'FACTl'RER. Soiiii:t:ist cr. and Ioctit Si's. ST. LOUIS, yio. All Iiir.ilsof Blank B m ide of h tet paper, ruled i i any pattern, and n''il in iLe ue i.npr-.ved patent III. -do. LI13nAIUEo, FEItlODICALS, MUSIC. etc, t. ..in, in ai y s'yle. and at the slci te.st notice. llaiiin' I, ecu anal, loll the l.e'imiun at Ihe I.irt Mc rhanic's Cm, he le'i-ls iv, lain lei. t in nisu.i.ig sal islacin.ii to a 1 1 who iii i t v . ii i in a call. Ju;v .Jd l-s.-s. Iyv3nt NEW GROCERY PROVISION HOUSE, l;v J I1JI0BBIS0N. Old Stand of M. R CLARK, BROWNVILLE, X. T., Whe: i . in be f. nr.! n f'lll si: 11 iii .1-1 Hac .il. M ick.i-l a!. ;; ly of F imi'y Gr, cc ics i Co,l l':-h Tea-, si.gar. kers and Chee-e Li'iuois (' ; I' in, lie-. N ot-. Wine C. a, a-:. I Wine's Si .line's, e'urs :n I. !-ers. Peaches. P 'iiii's. B .i I i ,,'s ;inj all art:c;es ii-nul y Mo e Inch he wil , set I tor c i-h ih.-.ipa t. V.'i.l .-u gue u;e a p.u- , .-.. It-,,, in;. ,lo. Jiilv lolh. l'-i-. .1 Tol.a.'i-... (Ivse,- and cli-.-ri :i-s and Wnoitle-ke-pt in a F-iacy (j , oce y r p. d ice as ci.e'i.p .-si he shaic ot yoi.r coiiimuc d vn3 Spring-Wagons for Sale ! , .--v-v The uiclersicned b-m got out recent ly iroiii j'ennsyl- ini i. lnitul ei" ol new. li-ht Sri ;:iu W,i:.,!is adiui- r,.'-Iy in ii -coir Apply no sol J Sl t"' :'r, .11 hisc. utrry The v n call pel fee! ly new. d are lor sale u sea-lib. e terms, for to I. IT" el lev F. at T .hi- I! c 1 y 1 5 I HI w Cal l. I. T. Wl.v'e B C. W. Gl i wrvil ic cr UD1NGS. "COMUI NATION PATENT." j I" i'lIKialT ST E: VII SAW I T.iis mill c u.in tt.ds the universal a!iiurai'ii of saw J mill men eve he.e. As its me. its be.'.-ine kti wn the 1 elein md t-'i" it in- e . es. ) .ic: s a: e coining in. in ivei I sc. ,i- n - t tins c entry. (' in.nl t. I'liha a:.d S mih mer j c.i. I1. is sin e-l tcr eve.y mc i--ti ,-t the w.-r.d wherever ihe.e is iimbe.' to i.t- ..weel n. :a it tor ot what character I It, w h ti, I h, w lame r I- -w 'tn .is. Two exlen-ive ma- tr.it u t-! ics a; e n . v e'l - i-ie-I in buiMing thee mil Is ye! it is -in'.i' st impossib e P. tm n theai etit a, fast as they ! ai e t an e-l. Tiiey e.iil'i.o'i see-:.il valuable patens ill.! i .;:;, ovi-ine' ill s ,,:i.i o m . , oe ail it Hie I ol lowing ail- : S. ;.-i o.'.i'.. B -ih the in-.n .a'i.1 p -wer are so simple m j then tistrii. ;tou th tl a'.y .,'ie , f ..'.1,-iiry me.-li.ipic il j ,e!;i.i:v ran c..mp'i'i ' tl.eni put ihei.i up ami run them i wiihoiit d irue r .r eiltll ul-y. ',i-.' nh;!.t-j Tin w h-k e- a' 'i-liment can he vet y I i;t:i k:y taken apr t and put h-iu 'lMr. taus re'iriering il 1 i e-.i-y io be ni.. 'til I re -m p are to place asdesireM. and sav- ! i me the necossi'y e-I draw in.: the logs a i,,ng eiistatt'e to 1 Durability It is c nstrr.cied in the most solia ai d Mit.siantial manner, runs portcctly still, is not liable to ! get out of order, ami will last tor j ears without repair, i R,iiditl It w iii saw lastei than any other upright nprr-'ht mill. The speed o! th? saw is about three li mi ll ed strokes per minute and the leed tmm otie-eighili 'o th: ce-qmtrtcrs of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a niedit m spee'd l he saw will cut through a log twenty-four feet lone in about three minutes. From this data anyone knowing the character of the timber eaii calculate how mni-b it will d . EjVuricnrij Itd .es its work well, cuts smoother and straithter than the ordinary mills, aid ihe arrangement i f the saw is such a to render it utter y impossible for ! i: to run out e-f line. I I'keopnexs The entire iost of the mill, with fifteen 1 horse p, wer and everything all c inplelc and ready for ririnin c, boxed and reaely lor shipment ill St. Louis, is I oniy SI TfiO. j This mi'l requires le pswer to rl'ire than any other ! mill, and the power furnished is snflicicnt to drive extra inmhine-y. A circular containing full p.trti-iiia-s wiK be sent to any one desiring it. All ordert should he addressed to BRAGG X BI RROWES, Corner Third end Market streets. St. Louit. Mo., soleacents for the Western and s :;:ieru States. March "b. '5J 4S-ly joiin McUONoucai. House, Siir:t, & Orn -mjitnl Painter. cn.ir.R. KROlY.WlLLi:, -V. T, IT" "irOer can teleft at thCity Prus Store. -43 Claim Notice. To A. H. Reynolds and all whom it may concern. Ton are hereby notiaed that ! will appear at the Land Office in Brownville, Nebraska Territory, on Saturday, the 1th day of Auuust, at 1 o'clock, AM, to prove up my right to pre-empt the east halt of the Northeast quarter of Section no 20, and the wet half of the North west quarter of section no 21, Townaeip 6, Kane tour- Jeenea-t. JOSEfl! C'OXKAD. tuly 29, 1929. Land Warrants, 3?or Cash and on Timo We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to t.ettler8 on such time as they may desire lon or bhort at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere in town. Buy of reznlar dealers and beware of botrtu warrants. All warrants sold by us will he guarantee to be pentine in every respect and will be exchanged if de fective. Beintr permanently located in Brownville. we can al ways be t mnd at this old otaiid a lew tloors cast of the brownville House. Ll'SIIBACGTT & CARSON, Banker-, and Dculcrs in Land Warrants. B V. l.fSHIlAl'GII. JNO. L. CARSOS LUoSBAUGH & CARSON, BAXKERS AD GEAERAL LAND AGEXTS, Icsil('is in Coin, rncurrent Money, Exchanve and Land Warrants. BKOWNVII.LK. NEMAHA CO.. N. T. Emporia! atit inioii will be given to Buyum and Sel linp Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold. Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A enstant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale t'OR cask, or en tered on time lor li e-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every re.-pect. Will file Declaratory State ments ot intention to pi e-empt, and prepare P. e-cinpth-ii Papers at short notice- Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments nude in Lands or tity property tor distant capitalists. Col leo lioi.s upon ail convenient jsints w 1 1 1 be prom pi ly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rales. Milis of Exchange mi England. Leland. and France, ob tained at u-ual rates, with cot ol Exchange em the Ea-l added. Deposits re'i eivedoii Current account andinterest allowed on spe'rial deposits. t I F ICE Al.uu Si .. near I.". S. Land Olilcc. HEFESESCIIS l.inl. Biother & C , Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. McNaiightoi' Ca' sou Co., " " " liiser Ac White. " Baltimore, Ml. Young. Cais. n & Bryar t, " " " Jno. lhonipsoii M .s.. n, Col'rof Port, " " H. M. Pun. I'-rsoti .S.Co. Merchants, ' " .11 . 31. Yeakle f. (Jo. No. 17 B.oadwjr, New York. H'i'i. T. Smiths.'. n Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C. S. T. Stevens, Esq., AU'y at Lew, " " Jno. .S. (iailaher, Late 3d Aud. V. S. T., " " T.,',lr Knegh, Bankers, Chicago, III. MceieHanil Si ruggs 4i Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Md. Iloa. Thos. O. ."' 'alt. Annapolis, Md. lion. J. W t;t.irv. Kx-Oov. Katifas, Penn. Ilo i. Jas. O. Cars. n. Merce'sburg, Pa. P. li. Small K-ei-, Pif-'t S. Bank, Hagei slown, M l. Co!. ie... Schley. Ate'y i' h-iW, " " Charles P.n , lis ii. Co. Baukcrs, Keokuk, Iowa. H. C. Nun iv Co. " rouncil Bluff" iriene. Weare Rico, " Des Maine, " Do lgiass X U'als n, " Vlii'.A " Cil. Sain H-i'iibleton, Att'y attsw, K i-toblM J. Judge Th .s. Pei iv. rumncrlaTid. 3M. Pre f. 11. Tntwiler, ' Itavatiu Alahauii. ' Oct. S. '67-v2-i.l5-tf Yancton Town Company Ta all wh .m it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this d iy associated and in c .rporatcd iLcm.-eives together under Uic name and sty it of the Yancton Town Company. The principal place of transacting tlie business cf the coripany is in Hie t. wu ol Yanclou Hi Itichaidsoucouiry Nc'i-a.-ka To, rltory. 1'be tereral nature of Ihe business .f the company is Coal ininiiig. and buying and si; inig Heal Estate at ihe tovn i;f Yaiicion. Nebraska 'i't-nit. ,ry The amount of capital t-t-ocii ..f the Compar y is not to cx eedtive hiindveil ihnisand ilollats, to be paid in as reouired by Ihe By-Laws of ihe Company. (' ivp-iriiion c.-nimeiiced en the 21at day April, 1509, and is lo cviilince tor 20 j cars. ' liie hi. ln-st aiiioiint e-i indi'li'e.liiess e.f the Corpora tion sh il at no time ex.-ced on Ouu dollars; no more lhaii two thl 'Is..!' ihe Capital Sloe k p.iid in. The all li.'s f tin C . ration are to be Conducted by a Pi c-i'lent, Vi -e l-.e-sident, See retav;- and Treasurer, and a B ard of Directors to be e-ie-:-e-l nii-atinuuliy. HENRY ;'ULT, N J SHARP. A I KIMW'N. HEATH Nl'CKOI.LS, TOIIN W SMI 1 11, LEON GAYNOlt. July I, lSi'rt. S F M CKOI.LS. it r ARMsriioxr:, IIENKY IXHGI.Ad WILLIAM COkIC. llLEsiXN NUCK.OLLS. st. chough ti"X' o.iir l HOlV XV1LLH. N. Jui.e lit. 1S6S Ptirinrnt to a call of the Secretary .f the St 'A XV George Town c uuiaiiy. aouoruniof the slockhoidei tins dav met at t ue.lti.eoi It. J Whitney, tin call there was t-onul piesen. representatives id ov,r tv,i-!hi,,!s ihe entiie st- ck of thecmpatiy. The fo I lowing resolutions w ere lntroducea and unanim-ou-ly ad .p'i d . RisulvJ. 1. That the s nn of two ehdlars be and is he ebv as-('ssc d against e.i- h sh.il e i f the town compary. 2 That the am .unt assoseil shall be paid on or be--foi e the tirsi d..y e-l August A li lSOS, by the holders of shares. 3 That share-holders paying the s.sciiion; shall give to the Ti e-.is irer a list ol i he number i f Ihe shares upon wh-.ih lie makes payment. That the T.easu er shall deliver such lists to the Secretary, whose duty it shall be to make a word of the same. 4. Thai all shares upon whb.il said assessment has not been paid by the lirs. day ol August a i Ivii, shail be and a'C bei'diy declared to be forieited lo the company. 5. Tn.it it -hull be the duty of the T. easurcr to keep a strict account of all the m.,iii-ys received up -n -aid as sessment and report the same to a meeting of this com pany to be held al Brownville etl the said lir.st day ol A aaust . 6. That the provii-ionsof tlii assessment shall not ap ply ta any share-- up n which the assessment ordered on the first day of D.-tober a u lSii7, has been heretofore pml. 7. That m,t of air fund of the company in the bands ol th T"Trasnre, it .shall bu lawful, for the TreareT by mni Huh the allowance, nod aMiroval of tbo Pii-MeU.-ut to pay any account saainst (he -ninpiny that may bo prf sented prior to the i.exl meeting of (he company; and that ithall be lawful for the Treasurer, by Mini win tlie tpiir"V-l of the Piesi.lent. toenter info, c infract for. and apply the guilds ..r the Company in bis hands to the improvements o! the tow. n siie. p; ur to the next meet ing ot Hie r nip riv. Adjourned to meet at the call i f the Secret erv. It J. WHITNEY, Pres. R. W rrRN.S Treas'raiid Sec'y. GEORGE EDWARDS, OrrilLUnin St, Last K.niK-y 4 Ih'llft ojjice. KebrasV.a City, li. T, Pe-:r,ns wlio colli I'tnplate bni.ding can l e furnished viih Designs, pi. his. spe-ci'.'n-.itioiis, Aic., for buildincs oi any class or v.ri-;y ,f style, and the erecio n of ihe s mie siiperintei.I.e-i if do-iied. Piompt attenti, n pud 1 1 business 1 loin a instance. 6il t C. l'er.-ei has lein-.vi-il lr s Tin Sli-.p li oin r rout ctreet I i Maui street, near iy e pp ,site the new Hotel, where he has . pent-el up the largest stoek of ware in his line to be I ,'in, I in tl e upper country. He solicits a continuance f pat ronaue. June 'OS. Brownville House. BUOWNYILLE, NEBRASKA. MORRISON & WHEELER Announce to the public that they have taken charge 1 the new. 1 irce. and c. nimoeiious In o k lintel building re- renl Iv c .u-plete'd in the City f Brownville. Ne'hraska urnishrd it In in cellar to garret witneu nituie; the rooms are all laig2, well ven tilated and nnisii.M. The table we promise, -nan mail lime. contain the best thecui trycan offud. Our lieiu. shall be as pure as ire made, as we purchase in person from reliabe m riulaciurers. We litem a more exien- . ed notice unnecessai y and conclude by assuring the pul lie thai o ire ile'ermi no! l ha' n-. i-il'ot t on our part sh til 1 e wanting to render the Brow nvil le Houses first cla Hotel. MORRISON k W HEELER. JulyS. 1-jS-Gm IS.'iS 1S."S lcoileM Independent Une. Sea-son Arran-remeiit of the new Mis souri River Passenger Steamer ALONZO CHILD, ( ATT. JOE HOLLAND. rTT"' ' n-Regular Cnuneil Blnffs. Omaha City, Ftor- 'I .....n .....1 SI i,,.. 11 ..-l-flt I..T- S,.o,V l,t,- FT-.remt "t.naln Council Blufts. Bellevue St. Mary s i'lattsmouili. Wyoming City. Nebraska City, Linden ISn.wnville. R, ckp u t. Hetnni e's Landing. Saint Steph ens. White Cloud. Fonest Cilv, Oregon. Iua Point, Sa vannah St. Joseph Doirphati. A'ohison, Weston, Fort Leavenworth. Leavenworth City. Kan-as Ci y. &.c. Thene... swiit. and magiiiticent passencer and freight Me.imer ALONZt) CHILL) Jon Holland Master, will. upon the openm -of navigation, resumeher regular ti ip m thean e tnu.e. anil to all the uiterineuiate p untson the M issoui i nver lie." patrons can rely net only up. n her continuing in the tra le during theentire coating sea- soii, but ot liiiding this season, as during the past, that lor qm -tress anei regularity of trips, as v eil as soperi ority of pa-sencer aeci tnmodations. and ceneral arrange ments. Unit they are not excelieel by those e.f any ether tu at running on 'he river; having recently been placed in the n .si uncNeeptionatite condition threoighout, pre paratory to engaging in the approaching season's busi ness. The s-earner Atonzo Cl.iM, is new, having run but i poruon e-f one season, mid for the very liberal patron age sap nas reoe.ved, ( apt. II :11am: c.e.-ires to. present his thanks to hn friends, and to say to teem that they w il rind his boat and !lcers fully tip to ihc standard of i 5rst class, we'l officered Missouri River passinccr steam er, and as such fr pe9 tn receive a reasonable share of the patronage of the shippers and the public generally. March -J vvn39 JOHN A. PARKER & CO., IV.VMl&Xta TUX, O. A. JOIIN A. PARKER, late Reeister of the Larj Pfrloe Omaha. N. T., having resigned his office will hereafter in tonneciion with one of the best L.nd Lawgivers in the cuntry, attend to al! business conhded to him; aud es pecially PEE-EMPTIOlNr CASES. Which tehas made himself thoroughly acquainted with f.y study and practice lor years. lie refers to the Heads -f Departments and Member' of (".mgre-s . f l.-. h II noes. All applications for services must he accompanied with a lee to iunie a'tenutn. Jan airy 5-3, 1SJS. ntil-ly R. L. DODGE, ATTORNEYATLAW AND SOLICITOR IN CUAXCERY, BROWXULLC, KEBRASKA. Lund Warrants bought and sold Pre-emption papers carefully and correctly prepared. . OKF1CE oa Main street, in Brown and Bennett's Bank ing House. EEFEP.F.NCE3 II- n. Fcnner Ferpuson, Bellevne, Nebraska. " K. W. Furnas Brownville, " " H Brown " " Kinney & Hollev Nebraska City July 8, 16oS-v3n2-I FEMHER FERGUSON, Attorney and Counsellor BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. City Property for Sale ! I have two excellent l"ts, on each of which is a new, comfortable ami cjnve. lien', house, both e-n Main street. One is in Block 13, and tl.e other in Bb-cksix, in the City of Brownvilie. I will tell either ou very favora ble terms, viz.: one third cash, and ouc third iu three months, and the balance iu six months. If not s.ld by tie S:h day of September next, one will be sold on that day to the hiijhest bidder, on same terms. July 15, Ids C. W. K It ATTON. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration of the est. -to ol (ieoige Lewis was. on the 22d day of June 1S5S granteel to David D Lewis. All persons owing said estate are requested to pay up immediately, ami all per sons having demands against said estate are rc'iuste-d to present them for allowance within three months and all elenian.ls against said estate not presented within tix months wi li be forever b.iried. DAVID D. LEWiS, Administrator of the estate of George Lewis. Brownville, July 1, lS5-j.-r.low To our FiuiiXDS: II a ing sold out our stock and wi.-hing to close our business as soon as possible, wo wonld request our friends to call an-settle, cither by nutecr cash. For the p esint we will be found at Seigel . ; reeiibauin's Store, where vve will be pleased to see our friends, and customer. general!v. M. F. CLARK & Co. LIVEHY STABLE. V. M. ROSSELL, BPOWTTVILLE, N. T. Ann-sunce! tu the public that he is prepared to accom modate those wishing wiih Carriages and Buugies ; to co;!, er with cull sale horses, tor cmfort and case in tra velling. Ho will also b. aid hoi scs by Ihe day, week or mouth. ttTERMS FAVORABLE. JEZ June 10 'uS. 60' f PIOXEElt Book Bindery, COUNCIL FLUFFS, IOWA. Empire Block, So. 1 WILLIAM F. IIITER, Would in form tie public that l.e naj opened a first clas li n k Bindery, atil is now prepirid todo all kinils of B k Birdin; old or new, h und e.r re-bound upcii the shortest p..jih!c notice, and o:. the most roasonoble terms. e elors received for all kinds cf Blank work. J'llv 1 ISoS-lv. AYER'S PILLS, Anew and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Uilious diseases Costiveness, Indi eestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Feven 6out, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female Complaints, &c. iStc. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Pun-ative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suMeriiif- mioht be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use ol a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this fill has been periectea with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and ratients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been eli'ected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the manv eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of "these Pills, we may mention : Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whose high. proftSMOmwl character ia dorseel bv ' . ' Joi."i McLean, Ju,igo of the Supreme court ot the United States. ; i " Thos. Conwfx, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M. Wkiuht, ijovernor of Indiana. N. Loxowohth, great wine grower of the West. Also, l)u. J. 11. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor, the richest man in America. S. Lelaxd & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did space permit, we could ;ive many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills hav been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are o tiered to the public as the best and mu st complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This svstem of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob taineil by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired "for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body eif Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there, should be liny one who has not received them, they will be "iromptlv forwarded bv mail to his request. Of all'the Patent Jfedicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced bv scientific men to be a wonderful nedicirie before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills.'and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upein trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy acticn remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting," wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and bcins purely vegetable, no harm can aritse from their use in any quantity. For minute directions", see wrapper on the Box. rRF.PAKED BY BR. JAMES C. ATER, Practical andAnal) tical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 23 Centi per Box. Five Boxei for $L BOLD BT J. II. MAIN ic CO., Agents, Brownville, N. T. T. B. CCMlNfi. CHN C. Tl'RK. CDIIXG & TIRX, Attorneys at Law & Real Estate Agenti " omaha city;, n. t. -l"T7"ILL attend faithfully and promptly to all bust V ness entrusted to tbem, in the Territorial o Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en trries and pre-emptions, eolk-etiot", Ac. Ollice in the second story of Henry if Rootsr.ew buildirr. nir!y op-wit e thi Western Ex.-hsmgc Bank, Famham street. Dec. 27, 15G. vln2Stf vp Election is Coming. The assessment is now complete for the City if Brown ville for the year l-s68, and in the Mayor's oClce ready for inspection. Those feeling themselves agrieved can conic forward and have a hearing any time within twenty days from this date. U. JOHNSON, ilauial. Brownville, July 22, 1S5S. M. lamarque & Co, lYalch-IMaikers ami Jewelers. ""L The undersigned, located in Nebaaska City, with an established reputation of three year's flmtii&standing, desirous to secure the generous rtron age ol the ladies & Gentlemen of Brownville and tbe surrounding country, thus informs them that they wij. always keep en hand a large stock of all descriptions o; jewelry, watches and clocks, aud they will sell as cheap as any house this side of St Louis. Tiiey repair watches, meud jewelry, and do all work belonging to that line wiihcare and promptness. Charges reasonable and work warranted. All can be left at the City Druq; Store of Brownvi'.tc under the care of Messrs. J. II. Maun i C . July I 185-3. M LAMAHQCE & CO. Banking house op Lvshbai'cii & Cahsos ) Broainville. Februaiy 1, lttoB. ) On and after ibis date, depositors accounts will bo opened for specie, currency and scrip payable in same kind of funds, Checks must be marked acc.ndingiy. Office hours from 9 to 12 A M and 1 to 3 P M. LLSUBAI GH 6; CARSON, O. B. HEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Brownville, Nebraska. Will attend to business i:i all departments of his pro fession. Pre-emutbrs Eights Secureet. Land Warrants lor Sale. Office on First St.,het. Maiu and Water. REI'ERREVCES 1 Kinney Ji. Holley, Nebraska City. Cheevcr Sweet Co., & J. Sterling Morton do Brown &i Bennett, Brownville It. W. I'm lias elo Brownville. Is. T. May 13. 1S5S. vlaJClf Watclnnakcr k Goldsmith, A. ROCK G Y T CJ PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the public that he has located in the above named town and ohers lor salt) a choice stock of CLOCKS, W.1TCIIES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establishments at prices which cannot bec.iiiil..iiie i of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he Hatters hmi.-eif that in icpaii ing watches, clocks and jewelry he can give purfect s.itialac tioii. 10 6m. ft UIAATTACTOSIY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, nroicnviih. A. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Itc-'pectfully informs the public that he has Just re ceived his new stock of B ot and Shoe material, and is nov" r-'epared to furnish any desired article in his line at as low "rices as any other coUhlislimtiit iu the Ter ritory. Alt 'ork warraiiu-d. He hopes t. suk" attention to t uslne s. and keeping ctmntantiv uu hanu a v.;tr.r a-sortmeiit of Leatber. Trimmings, &c, i-t ln'.l..n ;;-nurac!ure, to Mill merit that liberal patronage which 1.0 lia iet Ctesfore lcciveJ. 5j-"Bepairing 'tone on tho .hoi icsk notice 3 All work to be paid for on tlelivc: v, April v2ol ' W. E. IIAilYL'Y. I.. VAN V. YCIC. Civ. Eng., Stir, k Uralt'n. acnerul Land Agent ISAUVKY, VAX tTlCCv -fi CO., General Land Agcuts "Wo T32.-.!slx.o, City. ARE c.-nnect c l wiili a-'oticics in Wa hit gr n City by which they are enabled to proscure claims against the I'nited States (i ivermuent. or attend to any business be fore the General Land etliie wi.b tU-paich ai.d to the satisfaction or theircusiomer:. One of the firm being a practical Encineer and Survey or (having been lor many years con'iec: ed with the United Stales Coast Surveys ei.ca. ed on wm ks of lntei iia! Improvement-) we ae p eparcd to make Sin veys oi T- wir. Farms, Nc, inanypirtei the Te riioiy; and having engaged the best lirattsman in the Tei i it : y c an execute Maps. Town Piats, andd, aw ing i f all kind.- (aiecl: a-.icil. architectural, Ue..) to the perfect tat.. faction our cu -tomr-rs. October 52d, l-57. nSlvj; i:i. iv. Mooni:, General Steainljoat Aciit, e " FORWARMXG e$- COMMISSIOX MERCIIAXT. Willi P. ASK A Cl'lY, N.-r. Goods Folel on Commission and pr.,iii't renirns mide. Particular attention given to rece-i ing. Storing and F ir warding all kinds , f freight and produce. OfSooon the lie-veo. Storekoiiso in the same block wiih Kearney Hotel. Keter to the Mercnants of Nebraska City; Fife & Michael St Lo'.is M .; Harper N. S-uder St. L-iuis; John A. U'.irdeii " J. seph Mclntvi e " Sl iikelford. Finnev-'lt Co " Baukiay, HiokleJv. Co " April23, 1S5J 2-ll-lv Brownville Steam Ferry ! j LfBEST CKOSSIM; .i? i3 ON THE 31ISS0VKI niYEIt. The Hcute from TfrowKvilie t-j f"t. Kou-ney, and from thence to Caliloi-ni-i, is lh.j m ireit an-.l most pinulictblo. RAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that t'.i now runi iit:: as a Ferry mioss the Mi-si uri .ii' An entire!'! new. tu'wttintiiil end commndir. y are er at s STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which nr-un'-eme'iit will secure a c'liain und Fafo 'iis.-!i;n; nt, all times raid in nil kinds ot weather. Tho Proprietors do not assert boiistiin-ly. or for " ho purpose 1, f gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts-, when they s.iy tin's js tin- l,,-.st cn-ssin - e.f tiie Missouri Kiver in Nebraska, arid when they say the nuitt. from Pron nvilSn te Fort Ivcaruey and from thence to California is tiie nearest f..r evidence they refer the fader to the map of tlie Country: and tire warranted in swing it is tiie most practicable 1 onto by prison;! ex-.-rrit siccus well us that of linn Ircds of others v'u l.avij traveled it. Wo claim therefor that this crossing and route 'mids out pei'iilitii'ly tavorable inditeenients, to ,i r-nns going to Calitoniia, ami solicit their patronatri.-. Not wilhsttin ling our superior ninui'-i'iiieiil s for a s-ifc and speedy en isshir, our charges a :c the siiui; :is rtiier Ferries in Nebr.i.-k.i, ail being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. "Ueci,'ieet that w'lh 1 ur faeiiities ef Power, no kinds of weather will proven our Punts from making regu'nr trips at all hour-'. sUiirand hand w ill be in readiness tocrcs.' foot pinse tigers at all tini' s t-f night. i)2U November 1 Uh. 1 ? j7. idiotic Is hcrey given that WlflLF.r II. nOTIN has ohtnlnrd from the I'n.h to Court of 1'awin-e r,,r.nty lette.s Tst t tainentary on thet'staic if Ke'idii k Horn, late of -aid Count y, deceased, be iring elate January I I'll. A l 1-&B. All persons haeing cliims against said e-n e ae hereby rC'iuired to exhibit them for allowance to ihe Probate Court of said c .nnty on or bef .re the 9,h day of August, ISoS, or they may be preciu b d from any benellt ed said estate, am! if in.t pie-cn'ed w,thin six uion'hs from the date last above luolitic-ned they will be foxever barred. 43 II. G. LORE. Jixi-reef Tr -bao. AMBE0TYPES. The indcrsis;ned having entered into a ro-p irtr.er: h.p and built a sky-light (side lights c,,,nr.ecte'l) P acuerre an Gallery in coiner of il.r.a and First streets iti theory of Brownville, would re-pecu ul ly arnoun- e to the public that we are riowpieptred to take pictures v. ith a,l the beauties "f the art, and at re-luced prices. Pictures in serted in lockets, pins, c., in tl.e rie,-,test r-tyle Heine experienced artists, we have m duubt that all who want good pictures can be pleased. Call mid see. MINN1CH ei. AKIN. Breiwnville Hay C. nli-.f D. It . M LAUGH LIN C1IAS. DOTlSEV Mclaughlin &. dorse y, 3Iain Street, BrownTille-N.T , Buy and Fell Lanel Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements ; make out pre-emption papers; pa taxes, investigate ti'if" ; Buy and fell property on cr-mmi?ion ; fa-nisi liid warrants for time entries, and attend to all other bai-i-ness Connecied with a general lurid acency business. Particul tr attention paid to the beicitrencf (o.vrr-i-men' land and the location of laud warrant" for parties residing xt a dNftnce. MLAt GHLIN X IiOP.SKT re-pertf ui ly refer to George 11. Nix .n, K.-i., lte.istnr BrownvUie Lml OfTi e. Chirles B. Praith, E-i., Receiver rf Public Mnev..' Nemaha Land Ditirict. Robert W. Fornas. Esq.. Editor Advertiser Briwnviite Messrs. Lushbar.gh St Cars. n, Binkers, Brownville, Hon. W. M T. Himiltcn, Haeerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O H Birnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furgus-n, Telega'e in Corsre frein Xt-braska Terrritory, Washington, I). C. Jcfcn A. Beal, Esq.. Attorney at Law. Peru. Ir.d. Brownville, April 2;. r, 13 f Land Warrants. 17,000 Acres of Land Warrant.- for "aie and to loan to prc-emptcrs, by TYSON & IIACKX E Y. Shoe a e LVIHEU HOAPLET. E03EUT T. XCia. - llOADTaET & 3HIR, LAUD AGENCY, Brownville, Aeniaua Co., X. T., Office Corcer main andFiretStr-iets. Will select Government Lgiwli-ltacata-i-i Warra ia Xebrusiiri, Kansas, Weetern Mi.ssecrl on'l Iowa; ceiUcct debts ; pay taxes for lioc resi.lentji; luy aud sell property on commie-lion. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. rro-emption papers prcparod, is. WE HAVE FOR SALE LOTS X.V THE CITIES OF BROWNVILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ELW00D, K. T. ALSO FOR SALE Lands near Table Rock, Pawnee county. In Xtmnlia county, improved property for saioorrsnt. REFERENCES. Luciiia ITopluns.l'rs't Importers Triulr-rsTank N'.V. UuviJ IloiiJl'-y IVs't rutin in F.iilro.iil. lieu. C. T. lliliycr Charter Oak I'.niik. Hartfonl, I.ee, l'.u ler & Co. Collins, Kellogg et'Kiiby Tln iiias V. I'uclps C. NVilsni .f Co. Win. P. Webb, A i 'y M. 1!. Os'oorn Jt Co. .lies ILAivhibaM. (iouU .;'I1.I', Jiilcspie. PcarcB A Co., Ualiiicrs - Kev. T. S. Ward l.athoi p e.t .Italics ':(. Morso llartlcrei. Ci-iiii., M. Louis, Mc., ....-. le, Ala., Lm.iw, A !.i. " Hock Islnml, Hi. LW.lt.U. Scranti ii C-i'bcnJalc, P.i. Seranton, Vn Ke d Fails N. V Allnnv. N. Y W'iilinm r r ithiiihain, Att'v licv. K. Nelson, Principal Wvuining Seminary. N.Y .1. A. Parker .1 Co., Wuahii:-tt .n. 1. C. A. 'J', Gilmer, Receiver Laud O.S ic Omibn Horace Everett. Coungil L-iUlTs, Li. P.rownvilla, April 1, lS.i . NOTICR All per-.i.. are iiei cly n-itiilcd mat 1 will take the necessary steps to the re-, pemiig e f the ciire'teil cast ot J unes Ferguson tor the purpose e-f more fully in vest igati!::- i-s lislit to cater tlie south we--: quarter (l;l). f s nth vc-t tinarter (11) ,.nd lot ninnber four (-1) ofscctiou i.-iiieen (IS) in township live (o) range six teen (16) ea.st, I iiei Lby warn all persons n..t to pur chase, trade for, or iu any way to i.egoiiaie lor any par tlon of the above d-e-c: ibe-1 plope IV May 27, 'tt v.'i.lCif AIKicHTL'S K0VNTZC Honey Greek Mills. The un ler.-izne.i respectfully announce that they are P'.'c; ared to 1111 all orde.s in their line prompt ly at iheir mills tour liii.'es nonhwest i f !! . wnvil ie, near tLe ' nioi.th ol II oney c: et-k. Im-y lu-c , u l,jii. ibe Ijrgest aid be..' nsj,. tijeut oi i iiiiber, shingle :unl lathe ever . iV.-il'd 1,1 the Co'it.:." vl" 41) Uo'j feet scasoui'd . ' i ". . 11: 1 4U t- J'J 2d Coil ID l'. ie) 2j,0JJ 0 lf-0 " lOU O'.-O " 50 O-'.O " C.-l'.-.:i-'e Co M'Cill. 'I! o ii; and a-i ;,-u.-i,-.,v-. ti msp'.e. Ivan and wjlnnt !l:.l l.r.g 1 uuibc: J ft j ists; silis. slu iiliii-' an 1 sc.tnt'inu 't a! n. -st every sio 1, ,ih haul and suit wood; rough and sipi t: e edge 1 sheathing.--; al-o 21X1,1)01) sitperi ,r sawed slni.gles, oak, walnut and Cotl-. ti v.'oo-ij also j I50.O0O lath, a supe-ior article, cf r.nif jim length. I thukne-s and v.-itiJi T'ie'r mills ate under ihe charge of experieneeel on 1 (tfli-ient men, and the iiiiilersictie-t tlattei tiieuisclvcs tlu! the etu il ity ol thenr luini-er wi-l compare lavoraloy with niiy other 111 a.le in the Ten itoi y, all of whuUwi.l be sold to suit the times. f.llKF.N, SP?.INGLF. i CO. TI mey creek Mills. ! iy 20 .1 i 4Slf Fashionsible Tailor. JACOB MAR1I0X, EROvI ViLIail. iMUJUt ASKA. Ke-pecttul ly aiinoiin, hand a iargesto, u of c3 to the public that he has en 1 I Cloths, Vcstings, &c.y Also a laree assort mr.it of IIEADV-MADE CLOTHING Which he wil 1 sell at cost prices, lie Tatters bun-e l that he understands, his bt:lne thoromih ly and al i wm k warrant eel coming f n in his -labiislinii-iit, and ci.ai go. as luvcasauy uthcr competitor iu iiuo puce or the West. A .Veut 11 1 CJnarantcccl. DROIT!V & CLISTOV, - PCODl'CE DEALERS- Fonvimling & Coinnnssion MERCHANTS, No. ?S, Nonh L'-vec, ht. Louis, Mo. O -ilers for Groceries atel M..:in:.ictu;ei! Articles aecu riteiy III led at 1 .v,e-l p'.smL.i; rales. C u.-uiiment for sale nr., I ie bipiuent respe.:ti.iHy .spir ited, ol ai! k.tnla will be r.ii'bi.iily utieotlcd t. Srivnie.its lieienciicts : .Messrs. C II T-.ca C-. St. L -,uls 11 it tlct t. il l iiiib .v Ci el , Gilbert. Miles &. Stalin if! el) II,,n. W II Bi.triig;-.n. Auditor bi reef Misiiju.i J tl II inn 111. li e,. Cel... lily I,'. Messrs Moi.-nv, B.0'0 i-Co Su: V J DJa-ks- 11. K n , do ile-srs Hiek.e Guild .V. Co, F ll.iliiui :r N. (.' 1 nn;, L'lui-lani e! , Ci-.uinn t'.i, O. do L-it-.i-villc. Ky M -I lie. A .a. Eo.lldstoWll, 111. B a: dell .t (' r.v ford W-.. .; nit' lliiiHitiijn, II. Bill:,. l-lop, Ma 12. 1-soS ,;.ri-3n 75,000 ibs. Bacon, LYFOP.D & Hor.N, S , have Lt sale, cheap for ea-h. 7o 0-' I j .iiiols - v-n.'JC-ly Ma'eh 1, 'oS T. W. Couni iPFO'in, :ili '. -.v.,r lci'Son ci-'irGn, N taiy I'v.lUz BEDFORD i GEORGE, Sl'KVEYORS, CIVIL LXGlNLLilS, A V I) REAL ESTATE AGENT B'.IO V,"N V ! i.I.K N LBP. A SKA OlT.co on Main Street, at'end promoi'v to a.l hininr-t WIT.T eir.rtt'r.t t , inem iii. Land war. Hon and I i:::e of their air s, m. ike r i i eaten e f ;.- r.-le- -:, rt. Wiil a -y ;,t-e .,.' i 0:: 1 ie-. attend I., llur selre iioaeut Lends, Survey Tr.vn e'"U', I'llv PI t's ,r, siie-, sei. -livid'.' I II,. I-. Ill Having 1 en b e 0 we are prepared to actual sett :e. s. W ite.l in he 1 e-ntorr f, r Ibe p o make iii" m,,st h .r e ?e e, eir, . t-,r 1 pay taxes, invest, g oe tit retetpr as.-i-;tancc m c-.i.te d the I'. La; Offl e. Letters c f iii-'iuiiy prompt -.-tn-we- W E R11FEU TO Hon. W C ri--vri-,l, .T, hn .1 Peirile' v. Seng-ton. P,--,-t. Ot tl'-in Hat , (lr,!l Wa hiiig'on City, Peyton. Ot.io K i. Ilotl liaill'i i A OroW II n Joseph (i. Ci are D. C. R vail Jt Charles. L irid AffCBtS. Sioux City , Iov a. BosterS. He.ices. B Hike: s iii I.urhiiaiith Jt Carson, Bankers Brownville, T. P.. W. Ftirntit E-n. dr. til D. W. C. Cleaver', Grole gica! EnrSnepr, S-ra-tf n, itiifu- K. F1-.nils, E.srj. St. J.-eph 51 j. Col. John G. Fell Waverley Pa W. G. Gp-.rse, Ileal Etae Agent, Uaylen Ohio April S. ls.";S v2:.41-yiy Pi A. w. rr-iTT. PL'E'IT M. C. WILKIssys. WILKLrUN, j ATTORNEYS AT LAV OMADI, N. T Will attend to ail buinc. s entrusted to their care RhrElKENCF.si Ce 1. Jes- Williams, C.r.r. .T.,s. A. Wri-ht, Mr. F. N. Koock, lion. John Ci. Davi.-, Hon. G.o. L. Miller, EiirScl-1, Iown. Indianapidi. . In-1, Wa-Li.15t-.il Ci'y. P..)ckvi:,Ir:d. (luiaba City, N. T. JOHN F.INVFV. KINNEY C'f Ai'. I . HJLLT. 1 & HOLLY, i ATTORNEYS AT LAW, C!I!t4SKl CITY, T. Will pra-lieeia the Courts ef th: Territory. Co!'e - - tion an 1 criminal hiisiness attended t-i tiirotghout N-s- brrski, Wesierr I-wa aud M.s-ouri. Will attend the Courts at Br"W!i.:. v2:i33-6ai NEW FIR1YL t.r.as Cra-ieand T'leoelore H.l', have this far forme'. . nv k'.-p:r t.erh p unoer i i,e ihe rt-:u a id -yie.-t ( lane Hie", h'i 1 vt i, 1 c ,'iiiu'ie i lie Mereai.ine oUsine.-s al ihesoi. sikfl cf AleAllistor. U . .cr Co. JO.'AS CuA'w r-. 8, !Si7. Ulli. I AND Number C02. PR0CLA1VIATI0N By tlie President oflTniUd State. In pursuan-e e f law, I, James Bachana VrmA treat of tbo Taitcd States of America, do berth dt : claro ai.d maka known that public sale will b hlti nt the uiideroicutioucd land offices in th Territory j of Nebraska, at tho periods hereinafter designated I to-wii.: j At tLe lnd cfTuo at BuOWNYILLE, commencing 1 on ion'lay the ttUt diy of S.j-Uwber next, for tha uisp-of tin public l.iuis witliiu the foUowiaj naiu.J townsliii. s, viii. 1 North of the liuse Lin?, and eaet of tbfl Cth prljlf 1 M.-T-dilxE. That ni t of toiviHoija Oai outiLJo ot the Sao Joel ro.t au i lla'.f-B-tcJ N'.mai;a Ucscrxation, at raaM 17. Tha rarts of towushifs 1, 2, 3, and fonr, ontsld of the Sac and I'ox and Hal i -Breed Nemaha Kerer vati on, and fraciionul towuihips 6 and 6, oX raji( sixteen. That jiart cf township rno outside of the Sae and Fi t Kose.-rvationitoivnsliip 2, the part. of township o, -i . n r J ft. outsi'le of the Half-Breed Nemaha re cr. nfioii. and frnctiontil township Oof range 15. Tii.it part i f tuwnihip I outside tho Sac and For KejcTciition, townships 2,-3. and 4, and that part of tewnsliiii 5 outside of the Halt-Breed Nemaha UeM ervalion, ntid township il, of ranjfo 11. Towiliips 1,2, 3, 4. 5 iiml G i f niugo 13. T'.w.i.-bips 1 , L', 1, 5 and ti of r n,-o 12. Tow-.iship.s 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 an. I 0 of range 11. Tr iv-sliips 1. 2. it, 4, 5 and 6 of rauga 10. Tow iships 1,2. M, -1, 5 and i of range 9. At tin; Land Offieo at N KBKASKA CITY, eom p.: i : 'i g on Monday the sixih day of September n-.xt, b.r the disposal e f the public lands within the fo'lowiiij- nai.icil townslitp.-, viz: N .rth of tlie 11 aso Lino aud East of the sixth F: in i) r.l Meridian. Fractional townslnp- 7 and S of range 15. Toiviiihip 7, unit fiaatioutit townshipa 8, 9, 10, 11, an 1 12 t f ran it'! 1 4. Ti wusiiii-s 7. S, D, 10. 11 arfl 12, and fraotional tewrsM-! :t, nf ran? 11. Tcwn.'bips 7, S, j, 10, H, and fractional townshipa 12 an 1 111, of ran -a 12. Townships 7,8, 9, I0,nr.d 11, and fr-utional toirn ship 12, nf riingo 1 1. Townships 7, S. 0, li. anl 11. and fractional town- liirs 12, 1 ninl 1 t, i f nn 111. Townships 7, ?, and 13, and fractional to-.Tnbip 1 1, I j mid lo, ,f r.u)-i' t). At lbs Liiml i.-Iuje .it OMAHA CITV, eomraene- ir on Monuiey, tli j si.ltli day uf September neat. ft r tin di-ipe.-al eif the public lands within the fol lowing named townstiip", v:: N-iith ef the Base Lino and cast of tho sixth Prin ciple! Mcrdinn. Fractional townships 13, 11, 15, and 1G cf ran; fjiirtem. Fin t e.'iial townships 13,11, 15, 18, and 17, of riii.o. 1 '. Fr:c :i. -rial township-12 and 13, townshipj 11, 15, und lti, an I IVactiouul township 17, 13, 19 and 29, cf in nere 12. Knn t . nn! township 12, town-hips 13, U, 15, 18, 17, an, 1 IS, and ItucUoiial tov. u'hius 19 and 2l) of rgn-e 1'. I' li tion.il town-hips 12 13, and 14, and towi- shipi 13. 17, H. 19, 2d, of rnngo 1.0 1 jiii-to nn! townsliips 11, l-'iand 1G, aad toWnihip 17, 13. PJ, ami 20, of ran 40 V. L iu Is ajij r -priatcd by iaiv for the use of sehool-l, milit.i. v, mil other parposji will bo cii luded fryua til' S.lo. '. The nuenng! of the nbovo land.) will be eoitimene c e n ll.o ,ay appointed, and will proceed in tha or-iei in ttlii.j.i t'n, y are iidverlisi-.l, until tha wholo sl.iiil ioive been olfrrcd, ami the sales thus closed, but uosi'le to he kept open longer than two weeks, and 1.0 priviite entry i f tile hinds will be admitted uutil niter t let expii.itioii of the two weeks. tiiv.-,) un.l-r my hantl nt the city of Washinrton, I'ni.- ti.ii tictli day of .March . . D.oas thousand eif ht Jr.tie;'..l nsd 1'1'ty-eih:. JAMES lil'UlANAN. P..." the IV jlJ.-jt: Til .tS A. IISKDMCES, Cc mmlc-j'oiiei' of the Coueral Land Ot&cc. NOTICE TO PKE-EJil'l ION CLAIMANTS. Every per.-e n entitled to the riglit of pre-emption to tny ot the l unis wiiiiin th'j townships and parM of lo'vu-hips above itiiiimertited is repiircd to ts-ta!,li-!i tin; s'lini! to this ; itiafu tion of th Register ami Lrct ivt r of the proper land t.tfi c, and mak p iyni' iit Um rel'or as snouas praciieable after seeing; .his n tiee, and beforu the tiny appointed for tha . a iiniii'iict innit of tiie pubiie side of tlie lands ein-bra.-ing; tin.- tract claiiin ii, oiiiern is..- m- li "laim will bo fericied. THOS. A. UKNhRIt -KS, Cnmmi.'sioiier i f Oeiiei al Laud Office. .1- ri! 22. Ha-s - no - ! 1KANKEIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 103 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cini'innfltl- 0. '. I. 0Iit!SCOS.I. & CO. aimfaci ti it-is and d alers in News. LiKikand Job Type, Printing l'r-sses. Case--", tjallies, Ac, ke. and Printing Mnrerial t.f Everv Ile.-teriDtion. lllk-e ( STEIilXrrYl-l.Nf; of all kind-lJooks,Slajic. Patent Modieine Uiroctians, Jobs, Wuod Engrevinga, A'!., tl c Bran 1 ad Pattern Letters, various styles, joh s v W. W. If ACKTf Eff . TYSON & HACKNEY, CENFTt AT. TjANI) AGENTS, BltOWNVlLLE, NEMAHA CO., K. T. 1 War-ints Bought and Sold. I.anl entered tm Time. mis an,l r-.wii Lots li a.eht and S ,1.1. Loan Money. j y..lk, j,, uneeits and L --..f e Warrants on time, tor Ir t inr Healers. li c-2:st:pifn .i'ajx'i-.s I'rcparcd. OFFICE -Next door to l". a. Lund OnTce. Rti y it i:Hj rieo C. 1 IT. Ni- n Iteuislu, L. O Brownville, X. T. Lexington. Mo. Omaha City . N. T. Council BluflTs, Iowa. Warren. Penn. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, Keeeiver ii k illiaeis, H. Tattle. II. IVt,i:;i & 0.1., n G . U' . S .-Heid, . L M.'t.het -V Co., 'o ,. F.iii iei.jii, o;. i. i; Ban iers. H.M.ATKINSON, j Surveyor and Laud igent, l ATX STREET, LUOU NVILLE, N. T., I Vv'i 1 1 r i !:'l proinp-ly tt. the selection and ln-ffa-l.i.o cf (iti erin::.iit ii.i, ls in ihe Nemaha Innddic tri. t; sui t eyi.-i - town sites, IU11 subdividin-f lands; 'traltinixt ity pi its, a ml all ,,' her hti-iiicsg ,, a Gener al uri'ey ,..r. Ho will I,ite warrants on time for distant ilea!- r-: fi'ie declaratory stntetcuienta of in i"i:t i. n to pre-empt ; i.rik'. out pre-emption paprm; Mil always e u htuel to look out claims for actual eet ier. l.FFF.u TO V. . V, . S.m-'. . M. I) . New York City, P'.sfon, Mai. Pataskala Ohio, .-r v. al A Wi t hi n-r i'.v. r. v. h ,v.c, f. 1. W. E. At nil... it ,rt'e H. Nix, n, I. u-iiioiugh A Cars II. V . t iii ti'i', r n. I;-;!- trr Land OihVc Rrownville, n, Pankers, L'riwnr i'.le, ". T. J. D. H. & B. B. THOMPSON Uu:il LV.a!e & fii-r.pral 'ol!ccting Agents, Hr.OVVI-I VILLI, N. T. Agents forlo'va Ins. Co.,0skaloosa, A I.L. l,:,'if,r entru red to ceir cre will meet with "or.ipt attenti-, in ar.i w i; ranted con ect. Pa.per preoar- ed for cr-"us -t ishiiig t-j p;e-etEDt. Declaratory ut- me nt!. uijue oat, e-'.c, etc. l-'Oa.c on First -treet, north of I. T. WTiyte k. Co .CI I'KFKKK'XCES : J. A. G-;-r,cv F.x-G .vornor Iowa T. L Fire d-j ilisfoarl A 'is. ia A K or i 1 G S. E.iyro i C"., C en wood. Iowa ; Do ieliiv C juncij BiUff, Iorw Apiil S, l-i. vC-. U-ly DANIEL L. McGARY, .iHTIlHT ST Ut AND SOLICITOR LY CHJXCERY. IJrownvil!?, Nebraska. will p-actico in tLe C-.'-irts of Nebraska,an4 Jforta wet l.?so'i:i. r.Ei"EIlF.NCE?. Mc-tn. C i"e-e, Vfef retry Hon. James il. Hrc'.is. Hon. J hn P.. hep y, H en. James r raig, II n. Silas Wevt1..r. Je-ee A. A. Brad'or-l. S. F. Nuckolls. E-q.. Co., St. Loalf, 3fo. Po Do St. Jofipb, Ks. Do Nebr-ka City, X. T. Do i ; ! , j ! i ! i i W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Archer, Richardson Countj, X. T. Ii'-'i'ttt'ii .... person, wh .pise.fvcr ag-.inst buylec from A'igou;s Kountze and W:n Huth certain town WUk' kn jn a Btnedikt"s Addition' to Brownville. Nebr-aa. JOHN XcTZZZ&QX. j ; n