Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 22, 1858, Image 4
r ..I r; i 1 1 5 Buchanan Life and General Insurauco Co., Oliioe Cor 21 and Ji-le st-1., .Vr. JOSEPH, JO. HT1!T T TUB LAST SESSION OF Till? HO. LIIi Authorized Capitol $3,000,000. DIRECTORS: J. B. Jenaing.', I. I!. Howard, J. A. Owen. Milton ota, JohnC"iUuun..!"liD II. I. ikons, W. Il.l'eneik. Ja-b4 K&v, N.J. McA-Lan, A. O. Manstiecr. " J. IJ. JENNINGS, Pres. N.R. McAshan, Sec'y. IS now roa.j.v to receive application for Lifj, Fire, Uarioeaud Liver risks. A cash return of 25 pee .eat. will ho all-iweJ on caro premium. Losssr promptly adjusted, and the usual fai.-iiii.ictf given to tbpft'ron3 of tlie oQce. April 15th, 1S57. 41-."ni 1 MOT WEBSTER. MARSH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Ready Made Clothing, 8-5, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SHIFTS. PRAWFiRS.. OVK'tAI.I.S, HIltTS. x;il ml kinds or FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO FALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Which ire cficr as lowas anv IIoufo in Hie Citv. WKBsTEI-, MAUSil ix CO. WHEELER & WILSON'S INC OMPAR rI.E SEWING MACHINES j. w. Mcdonald & co., No. 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. Are tating tho place of all oilier m.n bines to Families, Dress-Makers. AND Taey are the Simplest, Speediest, Cheat est and most dnrab'.e Marhines exifant. Agents Wanted in Every Town in tlie West. . F. SNYDER, Forwarding ar.d Commission And SteainUxit Agent, sr. josnpii. mo. Will te at the Levee at all hears upon the arrival of tetmbests, and a'tend to tlie Collection f Bills and BiMtuewt left with hi:n icpt'li also attend to the Receiving of gaods Kr boats, either I jr St. Loins or r.pper Missouri. Will te found in the cftice cf IVm-aa & Vest net.! Eilite Ageut, Market Square. MILLER Si BOISAVBIN, Impjrtersof I'ren-h .uidi.ernun LOOKiNG-GLASSPLATESj Sheet, gky-Uslif, ami Floor Glass, IS, Sccona St., St. Louii, Mo. Ktrrafaci-jrcra of Ornamental 1. H.l;iii-;ias Frames. Stained Glass in ail its Various Branches, for Churches, Pullic and Private Buildings. Ornarr.cnial JVork for Sleet mhoats. HAYDEN '& WILSON. Icporters onJ Manufacturers of AND Coacli Hardware, Carriage Tiiunnings, S.uldie Trees, Hames, Springs and Axles, Patent and tljiuintled Leather. SKIRTING, HARNESS. Si 'IDLE LEATHER. So. II, Main Street. St. Louis, Mo.. Are prepared to out to their cu.-tomois and the trade an aMartmeat cf articles ui.-urjia-se.!, in jna!iiy and Cutapoes, ly ar.v H .use ic. their line, Last or "et. 1858. 1858. SCARRITT JIASOX, Wholesale and Rttail Manufacturers ol Furniture and Upholstery Wo-sLlkiton Avenue, between itCOJfp A Nil TlilLD fcTS, ST. LOUIS, 510 Ia our Wareroen turi l e f und the latest ant best ttylea, &de Ly i-etet and of Miperior mate rial n- Si-i-b BEDSItAI'G rine 7. ?e-v. 1 aie! Jf ib irany, Walnut Oak a-dCierry, wuu f. -'b pis'.s and C ui py. Uat and EIDEBOARIii II. . d. Mt-.hocany, Wa'-11a- tit wi'.h Shelves l:i WAKXROBLi : r.1 .-b'.e T..-..S. ..iLIAt:lES. n.isewood, :iny,02i ar.d ".-.:.'.::. SOFAS M..hvC.r.y aud Witaat, covered inhair Cloth, Lastiiig and Brocage. ie. BUKEACS FiL-i rt-it-woc-l. M.ih ?nny. Oak and Wa! ul, with (ide else. aib:" 1 u Olas.-es. Rooicwocd. i-b-.y. Oak and Wah.ul W-h.-tands, Center and Side Tub.e; w i.'a Ma: 1 ie T ;-. HAT BACKS R-scwt.i, iIaU..-eal:y, Oak and Walnut cf many etyle. Alto: Fine Rc-sewozd, Hah 'fany, Oak and Walnut farlor, Easy and 2cckir.p; every variety of Cu-h-len, Rnsa and Ci-e Se : IUc. ,i..:i and Cot:ai:e Chairs; Rvwumbeot Cb&irs, P-anj tie.:s. ittt'.r.-aiK. lm' Caravr aad .5? V.'tHtt ,-ts. Exietisb.n Tables, jfli-.wei atht. Ice 3oxes. V.'ire id T.a Sales, Scariui's Patent Lounge Bedst?J". GILT LO02.i: GLA.-':S Splendid Tier Classes. Oralt, Min'.ie s.-d S iare; 1'iaiaes in lar;:e as tartsent. Sprlt.i. Hii-. Mjs, Kvelsior aiul Hiis'k Ifatraares; Fea'ier Lei?, V..W-f. Bolsters. Comforts, Siteti, he, i'A cf the bc-i-i nuteual, aud warranted to o fresh, awtet mid new. Ivery articie 'earrartc I as re: re-rntel, arid at prices aa Ijwii any c'.ier Li. ia the city Lr corresponding fttality. Ordari aolicited and faithful'. y filled. Wi oordlally invite every .ne who wishes to oCl and aauilne and price cur g -is. a, we are please 1 to f how T faoda, and (tiveytu ihe miortnatiou in our power. All articles snid ty ua caie:iii:y packed and delivered o or at the h:u: VaryEe?e::.'u;:v, SC'AltKIIT & MASOX. b:7 SPEKix AXii SLjIMEU 000DS. riELD, SnAHDSLEE & CO., Iispcricia unci Jobbers. X'iece GooJs Tor Mcn'S Wear, .To. ?, JL.'h ttrrrt, Vf. Luis W aren.-w iz re i a Ure :id comp'ete st-H-k m:ner tradewhich The stock coii- al lacda auitaile fir tr.c S;t:::.' weofTer oa the r.-st :.vrorable tertr.s. Itltllo part cf the fiiisw i:.e c , Is, viz: . r'.is. Caaatmerf; t-:.i.-i-: Twrel Jaaaa; Corduroys ; li.-lc-.:.:fi Linens; i : Cashuieretts; t-ooades; Al- ftcta; Drap E'ICites ; rrtaer's tu Serges tc i every cc--c .f.i leri' trtmraiugs. A c: rr.; s: aaiortment of wxl fh.r:s at.d d Merchants, C. ; tae purpose cf buy r.J thr:r S; ." tieir xatereslto exarc.uc- , r .-: lec'.ioci. Ail criers v. ..1 ;-. Saittis; Vc stints; Vei ;i of t lilors' mid cloth . kof li!..:ike:s. A full .overs. s vi-itins the city f r :.,: Sto, k w ill find i: to k beto p inakiiii: their ,o i ro;::pi iciw.t'a :.. I jLLU, I'.i;AllI's.l.t;E 4s CO. April 16, lgSS i2 New Spring Goods, BROWN b'cc CO., Jio. t. 5"ain Street !alnt I.onis. lorKe Merchs.n;i Tisi-.ioj St. L ateckof Xew Spring G.als, lis t their imii.eiise IMPORTATION OF 1858, Black Grode SVir.eS:: ; : lt;:.!c and Colored es; l'u'ai; o.i'.s ; 1 Us ; L-ict mated Jacjr.e:?; Cha. ies; Irabr aider lc- ; Om-Js: MitU, Ac- Browa h. Co , h-ve re.idy Xsropeaa and Arr.ericsn f:y'.t tj.uves: f T chibi:io:i the latest c i hoo'5fr a:ii hoop sk.rts ; f uli sivles. i.k cravats, b:;-:.ns , ...,; (.rvit;u 's- a:.d iii.'s; fasLi- liable Treoch ikirt rctus; rii.vii .f uii tfreea uimaUiS tr? i . eases Firaejif-cf :i-e i-U's: a: lnii. Cah bny?-. c'.ci? a: Itlaf this nariet, are ;r,v;:ed :u cx BrUes. rinpt tner.. cur sto,i vis- and BROwy, k CO.. Ma.a Street Uvis. April 15, lji-a 42. Potter Wanted. I wm give!,, in,j, Potter, well aot;ui;ritrd with the i. s.. -'-:l' Hc-rilEIUfOX. Browav!i:e. Dr.-5. i.;r,;r ATJOBKSY AT LAW, BSOWSTILLE, N. T. Will write deeds of every tind and contracts for erery ymr;.e, w;:a wirranted iega'. accuracy. C3c, la tt BaniitiF House cf Ltithbatigh &. Carson. RFES TO John A BiSKxTa, Cidli, Or in. " -w K. Carter, CievcUr.d, n v Sliding. ' " " Jr Letter Cantr.n, ' S Lihm. " - Wa R Sft."Verr.n, " 8PCh!.C"!ticV:!. " The Fcrd, Xne, n, " ai. Cr4 . ti,h Mo 3rtwille Or Dd 7. '.I-.n-l'- -a Valuable Claim for Sale. Tlio uiidersijnrd will sell a VhluaLlc claim at a l,ir-t-rin. as they are determined to sell: It consists of 100 acre. ail b-o tout lan. 1; ali-nt one half of which is tiniher atii ilic halauce prairie; 40 acres under fence and culti vation. It is situated on the Liu !e Nemaha Kiver; nine miles from ilrowuville and i!. ;it the same distance irjui Xei niha City, one mile north i Lout's. bridge. Apple to the undersigned oa the premises sons iirc.HKS 3ni-31-pd Kl, Hl (;i!KS NEW ARRIVAL OP and T I X W A HE. CHRISTIAN DEl'SER. LUOWNV1LLE, VNNWNCES: to the public, that he has just re ceived, per Steamer Kuitiia, a very birrre ami well assorted stock of l'ailnr and (.'ouii S loVCs, ol new and improve J follows: Shatighai Elevated Oven. COOK SIOVES, Buck's Clijer Oven. " Impro-fd Pattern. " ' Charter Oak " all of which I pledge myself to sell at a? fair rate and on as accommodating terms as any other cstab lislniient in thij re;on of coun:ry. I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet In n 'varc, and am prepared to put up gutterinjand spouting and ail o'.her work in my lino, at short notice, a:id in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give salisfaetion. A share of patronage is solicited. C DEUSER. r.rownville, July 10th, 1 So7. v2n5 ly A. K 110LLABIKD & C07 Machinists, FourJits and Engine Builders, I'iont street, Vvrest of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. 'T7"etild moat repeetful!y inform theirf ;-iond? and tt the public peneraliy, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theii Hue, w ith prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop, and with the increased facilities thry now possess, ti.oy hope tn merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw M Engines of every Description Constantly oi ban ': consisting of the Sash. Circu lar and Muley. Mill Cears and every description of Jasiinj.-?, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Tloi'erYar.l attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all w. rk in that line furnished by thc-m, and are pre pared to work tn as reasonable terms as any other sh .p in the country. Those in want of anything in our line, would do W( 11 to give us a call and examine our new pattern GEO. S. EAYEIl & CO., fill General Land Agents, Glenwood, l'lottstnouth, jliils eo, i'.wa, la?s co. Nebraska ""V 'ILL promptly attend to T.and Agencies, Inves- tialiiig Titles, l'aving Taxes. Investing mon ey. Buying and Silling Town Lots. I'.uying: Sellin ana Locating i,an l u i.rrants, atid ail other business c nne. te 1 with ttcir profession in Westcin 1 jwacad ebnika J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. :iii:xci:s: Greene, Wenre i 13tn;on, Council E'.u.Ts, Iowa t!. Douhtv it Co.. " ' Creene, M'eare i Uico, lircene fc AVcare, Nixon A (loodman, Tootle k Greene, N. W. Thomas, Schooly i Son Cen. "m. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Keed & Son, Kobinsoii & llro.. Ft. Des Moines Cedar Rapid, Cin innat i. Ooio. (ileuwood. Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vincentown, X. J. Hightstown, u 1'hihidclpLia, Ta. Ilurlintrt. n Co. llnnk, M-.if.ol. X. J. J. V. Wr.STLAKE. A. A. BVTTOX. WLSTLAKE Si BUTTON, MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY, Railroad Car. Eliot k I'j:;p. ISolt Corner of Main Si Biddle St., st. i.oris. mo. Contractors outfits e.nistant'.y .u liar.d. sn "i is Rotary Pumpj Cars, Sidcer End Cars, Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Single and Horse Tower Derricks. Sic. IiLir VMiiitliiTii of all kinds. 11; id.'e and Tnis Bolts of any length. Workmanship warranted of best quality. Groceries! Groceries!! Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions ! Piiccs Circafly Reduced! CUXRLXCl' TAhKX AT PAR ! ! J. TT-TTTVTT,nT-C! Cm: 2nd and Fravca .9, Sf. Joseph .Vo. HAS just receive i at his st. , re room, corner of Second I .v.d Francis Streets, St. Jo? or b, everythiiip desirable in ! bis line, which ho purchased f .r the Fall and Winter i trade, at freatiy re lti.ed pi ice f t Cash, an 1 which he I will sell at e" prices for ca-u, or to pnncua! ! customers. Am-'iis bis recent re-eip's are 30 1 z I'rc-h j I'eaelie. 35 t. Prime Apples. 20 z Ar;ed Fri.its. i '-Odoz L- bsters 1 it 2 ib cans. 300 d..7. Field's ceiebrated Dysters put tip this fall. CO b ill It irrol- w hue Fi-h. also C diisli. 100 b .xos v li CI oo-p. oo )...-.. s V. ... .NiO ib; Curratiis. 50 boxes fre.-li r..i-ins. 100 1..m- ,: icd lier rina. 600 lbs tloih.-n 8nitr, 2'H) !!! rt.e-ker-. oO olds nuts iissorted, i)O0 lbs Featnit-. UK) b. s.'- assi rted at:-', laiicy candies, loo do fruni ilrops aid nittj I. oncers, 21 HJ drums Fti-.kf. Also a lar-p lot .:u-a.i and molasses, w hich will be sold at pi ices Considerably below the prices sixty d tys ;oio. St. J ieph. N. v. S. ls.-,r. otn Lockwooi. 1357. K. Ii. I'dmekov Lockwood &Ponieroy, V.'hoksale and Retail Dealers ia HATS AXD CAPS. STRAV7 GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every de fccripiicn; foe which they will pay' the highest Market trite, IN CASH. C0TXTr; Merchants are invited to examine onr stock of Hits 4 Cap? f.r the atproai hing Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stocksiali not be excelled by any House in St. L mis. Our prices will be low. terms accommodating. Call and see m at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph. Mo. :'.2-firr F. h.Uii. Urownvilli-. W. If. HOOVER. Xennhri City. LAKE & nOOVElt. mat. mm AND XOTARYS PUBLIC. Ercwnvills and Nemaha City, XEDSAMJA TERRITORY. 'ILL pr.-.sriptly attend to Land Agencies, raying ttxas, Diawi'iir money, buying and ael'ir.g 1 - . --litie, buying and felling on Commission, ing Collections L.rdistant dealers, and all kinds V:,'- of bus.ncss rcr'.ainit.g to their profession. I'articiJlarattentoiii w ill be given in tiling declara tory s: i:ein?nts to pre-c nt and procuring War rarity Deeds from the Town authorities. i'ersens owning tow s lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to ..l:i;.Mlm,.er inn.r han.'s. i alw n r : t resenting their ('i:it claim Deeds for said Lot t 'w "itll ie er titration of six mcrt as after that time all lots not Deeded will he sold. lUanks always on hand. X. 1L Letters of iap-.iiy answered promptly. March 2'"". V'. 41-ly XciT Wholesale (iToccry House. W. C. RITCHIE, WHOLES-1 LE .LVD RETAIL DEALEU IIJ Groceries. "Wines. Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner of aiurartdt Streets. 7?;"i.Ve" CJ ' HUizd. o"n;,v Stents Hotel, ST. JOSEPH, MO. HATT just rece.ved the larpest ar.d tiest ecmrle'e t-kcf thp ab-ive roods ever "l etud in tipper Miscriri. to which the afontion of merchants ar.d dealers is res. rectfni'.rf:: invttel haviac purrh l'ed them principal. r fir ca-h at the very lowest p -tdlp firps, in Boston. yw Vo'k and St. L.nis. feel coTiiident that 1 can . ru-r jr.duceti.etiTs that ate -ar!y found, and It, pn-. by fair and lit or i' .leaiicu. law pri es and chh1 ;..js. to n.ent a libera! si are ,f p:.-.r.-.r. ;e. Call and examine my st.H'fe and prices leforo pv -eh a -1 ;-: ;; sa'es ,-,rf. h.,,,,,,) t foiio-i-. In my st..k ii: leJoin.u c-.ery aruc.c usUall- kept ia iS.dCr y IP,; &Mh mm uMoMh. mm AYER'S PILLS. FOS ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY rilYSIC. There has long existed a public demand for an effective pursrative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is eav to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pill's one which should have none cf the objections, but all tae advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with" what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. T his is not. Many of them produce so much prilling pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the pood to be derived from them. These pill produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be takeii judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to-which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various form of jaundice. Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Tever, Lever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for. in truth, all these are hut the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient thev afford pr-r1 "a 5,,re r'llef in Cos tivptioss. Files, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood, Irregularities ; in short, any and every ease where a purgative is required. They have" also produced seme singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Kn sipolas. Palpitation of the Heart, Tains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists ; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as ecrv purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand eases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they" suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mat-kind. When their virtucs are uuce known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ irhen in need of a cathartic medicine. Bemg sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, HO harm can arise from their use in any quantity. Tor minute directions, see wrapper on the Box I'll EFA RED BY DIa. JAMES G. AYER, I'ructical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Box. Rye Boxes for $L AYE R'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For tlie rapid Cure of COI'GIIS. (OLDS, IIOARSEXESS, CROM'IIITIS, WIIOOriXG-COLCill, tROl'P. ASTHMA, AXD lOASniFTIOX. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so" numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have teen restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When ence tried its superiority over everv other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where Its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of "the pulmonary organs which arc incident to our climate. Xot only in formidable attacks tinon the lungs, but for "the milder varieties of Colds. Covghs. Hoarseness, K.c. ; and for Chii. M'.kn it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we" need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article is sold by J. 11. MAl A CO., Browaviile, X. T CAUPETIXG. 1S3S SPRLYG SALES. a. Mcdowell & company. Are now in receipt of ilioir sprir.s importations, whio! liave been purchase in l lor cash, for thorn: u other boosts are advert i-iii- direct imp ortaii ns from K nri-pe. we t;ike ple.istt! e m annorru in'-t that we are the only oirect importers from Knciand Frame in the west ern Stales, andhive n-'W on h ind ihe largest and tincst stock ever imported to this c .r.t.try, consisting in i art as follows : 9-1. 6-4 4-1 and 3-1 Nov.- M-daliions; f-l royal VeiM-;-: oooroll- brco.-li velvets; Coo rolls Koya! WUtoii; KVO l)- K-bert Crosslcv Brus sels; ":'..) r.dls X hn Cr..--!i v & Son's T ipetv ;m--r!-; 2 i roil- nV; J'"! r-ll-l'.-anl-c' ll-iiim'.- l.w n lis it icht'.- now .it-iuiis: HMr.-t! bc.ny Ki; -ii-h ihiee-piy; looo he ivy so et line; To-cihor with i he ia rce stock f rvniostic Carpets. 1 r t oC v ho.esu ta::is. e trade, ec Or l:' u est of liienici b- A: so 20i.' .'0 !- 1-5 wliitcand c'lCck ni.ittiog; 4-1 and " Ei oo C' c i ui.i':!!'.' 'ill wi.phs. !." .):"("- f il I'lo'h 1J to :m ;Vet wide; "o0-io os 1!-1 1-1. i-l, VI til. .-4. oiiclofi. Also the I.irrcst stock of rocs, taioe covers. Fofaimrs. Mils. st;:irT.ds, table oil clothes, 4tc., of ary estahsh :ne::f iti the coim'rv. T . the i, .tail customer, ail we a-k is a ell. to convince them that we r in and "iii sell lower than any other house in the west. T .the wholes.'. !e purchaser wewoitbl say that we em otTer tlic-tn ?rp.ter inducei. tents than any est.iblisln.,eiit either in Neve York or lioston, havint: purchased i.ur entire st. ck f- r cash, we are prepared tn ilcr our c.-iis at the very 1 w est pri es of importation. A. McliOWiil.L 4c Co., &5 -dam st., M. Louis. M iv lo. Pas.. (2. ZOOK & BALDWIN, Forest City, 3VTo., j iph - t-r m 13 IFL TJ G $3 And MEDICINES. Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils. I"niiits. ami Paiulers Articles Vanishes, and Puttv, (iLASSWARi:, Trench. English, and An riean Terfumerv. - FINK toiiet and shaving s.ians. lin" hair and to. th bru-hes. paint brushes, and dent nl itistrtf.ii. n:s, spice, snuus, manttfaetured tcUieco: all the latent raedic-rjes ol the day: pure wines atid brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and far.cvrtrtielo?.'. Aschts for the sale of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. L-'-cr's Liverwort, Tar ar.d Canchalag'ta. " (isguvd's India Ciio'.agogue, J'-nes' American Choljgogop; ''s Yellow ibk and Sarsnpariila; : Suii'li's Tofjic -vru:. July 2:1. I?j7. " T2n1-yly Lightning Eods. , Tl w'"-n it may y..a are hereby informed t.iat the uii.icrsiiriK.a is uw pnea-ed in j.atiins up the t e-t cij-iil Lt.chti.ino j- n atiufactured in ihe Fast. ar.d.i.;'. the ni. t tv.isoo able ternis Having had Ions ex perience in the business, he warrants ill d no i v him to he dune rich; H. n. AIARSn. " KF.KKKE.WES. James Bcch.unn, v,-asl.:t;c;on. P. C ; J. C. Drecken ndie. Wa.-hin-ion. 1 C; .Mrs Victoria. London, Ln-c-lanl: L-uis sapo'.e ! K:n..par;e. Paris, Franse; Emper or Alexander. St. Petersburg. Russia. Enow nville Mrchij ivSStf. IS HAM REAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AG EXT, Fells City, Richardson Ccvtnty. Nebraska. W:!l ctvp j.rcti'pr ate::!i n to all r.r-.fe-'siotii i htisi- r.trttste-l t !-t , in 1. atiu a !h-:nii;5 rc-Ptn; Tt.-n i a- i.lC Cin of -PC 0 NEW'SPRIXfi AXISllDlEll GOODS! CSANE & HILL, DEALERS IN r-. Sl if 3 2 AXD Main St. between HATS & Stove Furniture, 7E have just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and SOOTS cfc S20E3S? aud Fancy hue, wliicu we arc now prcjarea to oner to rue iraucati-iiituicij ion For Casli or t'ouistry Iroducc. 1?5. v2nlS-tf CUAXE.tnil.L. SIEGEL & GREEXBAUM, pTco. Ss7 IMIixi. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Lrownvillc and the public generally that they have received aud are now neof the largest and mus: complete Stocks of Clutuiujj liver brought to this market. Their assortment of Embraces even- variety of Textures and Trices ; as to Color they have Lrown, Line, Black, visible and invisible Green, and Cloths, Cassimers.Satinctts. Cashmcrctts,and Jeans, all made up according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of veU U superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In tho Baltimore lo May also he found at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored, Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell as cheap as any establishment in the West. We have the finest and best assortment of SPRING AND STJMMER CLOTHING Ever brought Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A Cue assortment of COATS, tiess, Frock and Sack. I'AXTS, Fvciy Mjle and Vesit ipiion. VESTS, To please Large and Small. SSIIItTS, Kotu 171iitc and Fancy. VTE would but ask the public to call, axamine and judge f..r themselves whether the Clothing at the V Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed .ind twcntv-five percent, cheaper than thev have ever bought elsewhere. 0ctoher"2'.nh, 1o7. v2nl-ly SIECEL i GREENBAl'M. victorious over pain. Affny or tam ! citknos or Iii'ifcTTTi Life or di'aili! Thv-e aie th'' (i no-lions iuvolit'ti in the a !.l';i(iinr r jcctiun o( tii.s ti e ciiic by tho martyrs t tvtcinal (li-c-a-cs antl irijuiivs. Ihninj; ie-C'-ivi i tin. iLi'lur-fiiH-nt vf tl;vf!is-tiiiLTui-Iifl ft. run, tho Lite 1 r. KA.NK. ami its . llicacy t'.-it l dur ing tuo a(.il Aiu;isin tht ro-rioii-i f ftoriKil ico. it is'ia-ing into p-iM-ral in ovvi v stc tion of liie ci iliz?l pl'-l e. nnl its marvelous curs are twry wlicie txcitiuir ahioui.-sliiiioiit. THE AFFLICTED KEJOICE. nuxi'r.r.Ps and Tnor.Ars Lave test... its a it tops, and are r.-jo-cio in bo.-doni from lino'iini; l'', Msr,si.; which other remedies had failed to cun. Have om the FKiiN UllllS. MlllAK.IA, llllir JIAT1.SM. M IK d I I A, LAll A Hii or 'MO'.H-Ai vim iitllictel w i ! 1 1 (d.Ii Mi!'.l ruf- lcrioa from ;!'.! sr'. SI LAIN-:, CUU.NH, M'hi; l.Vl.s, 111 J THE ilHCTiC MX1MEXT "ill nO-id v.oi iostaat ic-ii-.f. Lier body ii liable to For the-o dtendfrl nccidcrts the AllClIC I.IMMLM sl.iadd ba I ' A1..IIC LIM.'.il..M sl,,.,dd be I;'"l't "" ' nr'b for it ,Toi, s MTe ( Vt . imm -!i:.:e uli. f. i-I'ton sav- . '-t fi "ia c-atli. laity st.-:iiii-: boat and railnod train should ' keep it. Who that has lar.rd tlie sirie!;S f luipnish lit ton .1 bv the scalded antl n.ainu.l virtims i-f s p.iosoi,i a ii, coll. -ions. O 'ps not i fi-el that some im-ms of u-lio : i - ; ' "-"C-S tboir lortoip ., jj'j balmy pain co a-ol-1 ,ilu:is bp ncl, ilnps exist in this utrolliiigagent. Itis THE MOTHERS' COMPANION. It cures CAKPS IN" TII r.i;r.tsi. mi:k Mini!, . d:i; l.n.-, 1i.mii.i. kc. Li- dii s.viho ne a jane shin, void of ini It's, blotches, scurf and all ilisci-b iations and i x cresc r.i-cs. should attack lltp-e tipsj, rn ;u:tv-s liomain lis sfM.nas lhov ij i-car nitlilhe Alit'iiC 1 IMMIM. It is exj.-ll'iit for the Hair, peine: it a lnalthy, ola.ssv ap l iaiauce. is - - , t '- v, fi . --.j-?-l', GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. It is a -nvcrpin fet th" various ti.srn.i-s 'i;U T hicli hi r-e- ni eathicled, ccr iiiir the i mst .ilai iniorcaspsi f Lilt IS . M'll.MNS. mkim; II A IT. WdlMiS. M'UAKH 1 MVI INV,M'AV1N.I;1N; l:"T L!C-Illi.. Dl.I 1 VII., i:c. No f: irnipr. licerv stable Keeper, or any ers. n pniin'- lali-al.lo I I P 11 SI ; shoal-! I.k cviiUout this vul.a ble renns'-.-. For sale V all rpspec'.aV.a rrej---ts nnl PotiTorj ces of top'aiftit, -o CPnts. .' i p. nts a 1 a Trt- tie. i-i-ht A one dollar l.ot'Ie contains as inacli 1. twenty live cent Lotties Lireiit as EXTR AOROKAR Y A XXOrXCnitXT Every purchaser of a dollar bottle i f the AIltTlC LIV IMKNT receive, at I'r. lira pi's een-e. the LMIII) STATKS .K'L'r.N'AL. of New Vo:U. s,,r one vcar. ILe Journal is a largo illustrated paper e-ich iminU r con taining sixteen pa-s, beautifully jriiitid on clear vihite paper, -ti l tiii.-l c:tii orioinai inaTr trom li e most bril liant writers i f the country. Cert Urate of subscription and fail particulars i,i 1L novel and mthropic en- terpn-e. of naic'a this o.icr forms a tart, vidi aceouipcy tacu bottia. An ACF.N'T TV.WTTT1 in FVTr.T and TTIT.AGE. URAGG tS; Bl IIIIOWES. St. I.onis. Mo. Xrx York (.utict. No. ST1 LilOAI'WAT. Communications should always be ai-iresied to it. Louis. J. II. MAUN & CO., Agents, Brownvi'.le, ". T. Laud Sales! The tmdorsisTicd. owner of forty-six arrps pf lan-l ad-.i'-initis the city ,,i Brownviile i 3s r ri;inal!y hud orl as a rT:;..n . f the toun site desirous tu d:.-r, -p i f ihe : same, and w:il i. so a CACClmctlr favorable terms. . Applyti JOH X'MclHlXot'C. H. May 20, 13i5 ElTrf Bkowkville, X, T. BRAGG S mm I Front and Second sts., CAPS, Flour, Banon, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in tho Staple tiling Btom to this Territory. KEROSENE OILS, j (Sccnrt'd ly Letters Patent.) ' KEnosnsE Ii.lvmtnating On.. The light obtain ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is incxplo- , sive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. ! 'lho Company recommend as thelamps best adopt ed to this Ooiljthc Kerosene Lamp?, manufactured by the following parties: Mcssrtt. Cornelius & Baker, also, Dyr tt, of I'hiladclf.hia, K. V. Hau-hwout k , Co.. 4S llroadway. the Lrooklyn Flint Cilass Co., No. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Oietz A Co, Ll.5 W'il-' I liam Street, L. Mercier 137 Elm Street, Jf. Y.-- Samples of dillerent styles cf Lamps can be seen at the Oiliee ('f the Company. I KEittjsKNE Li'BKifATixii On., No. 1. Prepared to suit the finest, and all other kind? of Machinery burns brilli inty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solarand Hand Lamps, and stands as great a degree of cold as best Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. 1 Kkhosene Lritr.iCATiNfi On.?. No. 2, Superior Lubricators, and will be found to posses advantages over any Oils in the market at ame prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Kailroads and others. Kki-.oskne Binnacle Oil. Prepared expressly for Ships' ue, and will be found admirably adapted for ue of St 'amships, Men of War, Merchant Yes- 1 sels. Lake an 1 Liver craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lau- , terns. Ac. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid a? long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without re.juirir.g to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Oil pan be obtained from the Wholesale Oil DeaW. Ship Cha ndlers. 1 iruggists. and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n many of the principal Towns and Villages of the Cnited States, the Cana days. and the I-iand of Cuba. Local Agents aj. pointed i in conformity with the rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap ; plication to ! Al'STE.VS. ! General Aynt. Ki rorw Oil, Co.. No. oO Beaver Street, N. V. N.B. Circular? with full particulars. testimonials, ; price-, ie.. will be forwarded on application as above. 1 dune 2.nh. 1 .'u. v2 2-li ! Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Bced, II .labird k Co., to ' manufacture the J. C. Ilecd. Latent Portable Gri.-t Mill and are now prcrare'd to furnish all those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura : bility, simplicty and economy : excel any Mill in the i worid. Oa the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a t'oi A: Jul was awarded i them for it. i It is adapted to all Grain grin lintr purpose? : it i superior to all others f.r the most extensive Menhant Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse ; power. i The above Mills are manufactured by the nnder 1 signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they 1 con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: ', 3o in. diam., per hour Jd B. Corn, 25 Wheat, filuO i "0 " " li " 30 " 15 " 2o0 2 1 " " ' 20 " lij " 2n0 20 u 15 u g 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to (paotefrora our numerous recommendations, received. Tailoring:! Tailorincr!! Tailorincr!!! i r:. e. PAiiKF.n, Merchant Tailor, ; Atlantic street, We; of LToblitzcirs Store. BIIOWSVILLE, SEBRASKA TERR. HA ING bought property and located permanent ly ia Brownville, I offer my services to the public generally, if they want any thingdone in my ; -i--c -f buiines. I can always be found at my post, j or, more properly speaking at my bench. j Work W arranted .o Fit A'o Pay! I Particular attention paid to cutting garments and ! laying off work for the Seamstress. The greatest portion of my life has been de voted to my trade . in ! which I consider myself inferior to none especially in the cutting department, and Ihoja? !y close atten tion to my business to merit a share . f public patronage. . E. LABEL R. j Urownviile April ICtb, H57. 4ilv New Hardware Store. Siu of the Saw. jf FLALTERTY", Imrjorter, Wholesale and Be .ail Dealer ia American German, English & French HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY. ST. JOSEril M0. IS NOWrcceiving and opening thelargest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever ctfered in any market west cf St. Louis. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the nics-t approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the re.-eut and useful improvements for tho s iving of a vast amoun; of labor to the fanning com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. 1 am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, aud fill all orders at ihe fjetary prices. Also a large a-sortmcut of (runs. Kides and Pistols, Iron. Steel, Nails, ie.. of tho best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quai.'ty and price, I am determined to oiler such inducements a- will command a liberal share c f tr.tdo from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware M inufaclurcrs, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is small profits ar.d quick returns. January 1. 157. vln2'.'tf iri ' . ,S -yi mi JOILV COLIIOl'X & BI.0THER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post OQce.) WHOLESALE ASH RETAIL 'K tl.EK IV Building and Saddlery Hardware, Cf 11 0 C E 11 1 E S , Boots, Slices. Leallier ami Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH. MO. HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves A Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Pocket knives Butcher's do do Knives and forks Spear & Jackson saws Brass curuia Lands and Gimlet pointed screws pins Griffin's and American Poor locks horse nails Augers and anger Litts Post hole augers Corn k -lives Ames' shovels and spades Briar scythes Lull it Porter's shutter Gra-s and grain do Putts Na.Is Morticing machines Sho , lsan l tongs Circular, mill and muly Candle-ticks saws Framed wood saws Planes and plane irons B!.i ksmiths' Bellows ar.d Coopers drawing knives ices do adzes aud Wood Moti-eliolc Armitn"ean- tools vils Tress Hoops American anvils Butts, cast and wrought Stocks an 1 dies Cupper rivets for belts Pad hooks, breech'gloops Tuyere Irons Pad "crews, cockeyes Plated and coin, stirrups Ornaments, racks" do do Pitts Girth rein atid roller web do do Buckles Silk, a cor 1 thread dj do Lings Calf skin Breast and rein snaps Coper leather Easts, pegs Bri Idle do Peg th ats do Pinceu Harne.-, do Shoe thread Belting do Bristles. wa.X limit shins Lining skius Enamuiellcd leather Binding With many goo Is e-iihraeipg a complete assort ment of the most desirable which thev will sell at the lowest price. J. COLIIOl N i, BKO. April lUh, lsC.7. 31 -1 v George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, J BROWI. VILiLiE, N. T. VNN0CNCE to the public, that he ip.r"parp.l to pret Steam and Water Saw and Merohpnt Mills at short notice ai d rpa-mnablc terms. Repair ing of machinery of all kinds. ALL WORK WAItlLVNTIID. lit! is also Agent f.r A. B. IIOLLIP.IRD &. CO S Western Foundry. CIXCIXXATI, O. LEE k LEAVITT'S Sav Manufactory, CI-KCINiVATT, O. And arc prepnred to receive and till onlers f..rany ma chinery manufactured or kept iu Land, by thc-c es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. RE FEE REN CI !S. N.,el. Lake A Co., Lrownviile. . T. St'-aiu Mill. R. W. Furnas, l rownvi:: .., Muir, Harm A Co., " " ' ' Dr. Hoover, Nemaha citr, " " 1 . -M. J.oger.," " " Nuckolls i White, Rockjort, Mo. " " Jame I.uwe, Linden, " A. B. Ilaihln r 1. Cincinnati. () Brownville, June l-o7. v2 1 ly """OLIVER RENNETT CO., " j MANt FAcTt KEtrt AND V w F. I'EI.KK.S IN j Eoots Shoes & Ercgans, SO. 7 .IA1.V STREET. SAIST Lot IS. .10.1 RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a co,,, plotea--..rti,.ent 1. of goods from t'tuir own and other ii.nnut'ae- tories.; ttdapted e.j eri.tlly to the Wt-.-t-m trade. I Purchasers are invited to examine their stik, ! manufactured are! selected with great care and warranted of superior oualitv. Order will reeeivp i rompt and careful attention. NELUIASKA C1TV Iiisurniico Co izi 10rs.x1.3r-. Capital Slock n.HUIOO. K E B II A S K A CITY, X. T. rpiIIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now L fuily organized, and their entire capital st . k i f Fifty Thnu.,,.,,1 h,!!ar. paid in and secured. Thev arc prepared, from this date, t , grant open poiieic. and take ri-ks, upon equal term, with t!i" m. -t favored Insnraneo Ccnipany any where. Having adopted the mutual priii iple. ii"- patron.--, without incurring a ny liability, will .-hare, ia the tr-fita of the company. The operations r.f the C r.ipnny, w'l! b- eonSnr-L forthe iresent. to m.'KIne. or c k.;i risk, with a maximum liability of 12. .'.no on tny one bottom. Leing the only in-ttrvnci; onb--. n the above pop ular j Ian, West" of the Miouri. it cnti lently ex eets a genrr .ii sup port from We"orn M-rehants. e resjec'sfiiily invite the Mi.-- 'uri Riv-.r ta tronage. nr.ECTOi;5 : S.F. Nuckolls, Cin?. F.n.lly, H. P. Bonnet, .1. L. Arm-trong, W. N. Uicchman, M:les W. Bruwn, A. A. Bradford. orFicKi-.s : CIIAS.F. HOLLY, Pre-ident. J.Gxr.-trE, Secy. St-L-ni? A r-nt-CoI. V. P. Il.jwari. A ril 2d, 1 vi7. 421y T. H. EDWAt-.t'S. ASHtET J. LEKKV. EDWARDS Sc BKRRV, Proprietor"? cf the J. ' - - - J - 7 v v - O I 9 I : V',X 7-N NEBRASKA HOUSE. Sliovvnviilc, ..T. The u-.ders;..r-.e.l havtr;; emered a c -r-irt-.p-sh:? in the hotel bn;n?-s at the r..-imp-l'H-.i:se. an I havir.; inade an entire char..-e f r--.-;ns. Ac, :.n : 1. r.i; le te'.y repaired i-r.-l reriova'ed the whoip e-tat they are prepared to ac dt-e the travel rublic andrer ilar borders ia a f.j ie n t surj-sse-i ly any other n.. tei in the Territory. Charsres Moderate, and pvp-y far..:.-y o!Vre 1 : . J 'u p o ir cr.p-is t e-50. and fit ply iheiri as as p. -.-.b'.e w.;U the CvTlJc.".. ot a h :::e. April b. lv;s. i,j:-:n II 1 . ,v A 11 k Hli lilt V. PRESERVED FRI'ITS: Strawberries, PcOsLe;; L air'-kberric; Ac , Ac. t .. b- ',:,( i ;,t - T. WLiVTE A CO 5. NEW GOODS!" A T JOHN McPIIERSON. I have just rcccivcl aa entirely new atl ascortmcnt of a SITLT.I0R GOODS, Which I will sell at as reasonable prices ajar!. establishment in the West, I have now in tdare a great variety of the frt lowing articles, which were purchase 1 f. r CASH and consequently. caa sell cheap on the sani.j urn DRY GOODS. HATS AND CAFS, SADDLERY, HOOTS AXD SHOES II Alt D VI" ARK AI ( ITLtRT, QUEEXSWARE, ROOTS AND SIIOE, Ready Made Clothing. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Tippers, Salaratnv, Ginger, -lllspice, etc., etc, 19 NoveniLer oih. LOUIS WALDTER, House, Sii;n, am Ornamental Painter, GLAZIER, GBAINEH, P A ! K It II A A" Ci K It , NEMAHA CITY, N. T. Takes this method of it forinnu the pnWic thathphj removed his p.m.i .', p 1-, m j;.,, k fT t . Mo , t.. tins I!. 1 Unnlis toio-elf ii..i!tnc I tu undertake any w..r t,,.. l.unini to his lit e ..I Oasinps,, and rpeet!ul!y ni.ito? the putilic to ciie loin a .-.ill. Plea.-e leave order at the Advertiser'' i.rM e " Nov. 19, lso7. nll-tf DOWDALL. 31 A HK1 1 AM, &.(.()., WAS INGTO N FOUNDRY, Knsritie and .Haeliine lij, CORSili OF SEI OSI) AM Mc'RciA.N STA1T.. ST. LOI IS. Mo. Manufacturers of r-teim KiiL-me an. I RoilPrs, Hinjr.i llrist Mill Mjctnnery, -Sio-ip and loiit.le I 'irrn ir Saw Mill. Ti-li.icc Screws , hard KeMlfs. Lar-1 Screws and I'ylindpr. V'i. t'.irdini .Vaohnmt, buo.-j Casttni:.;ii:' Itiioroved 1'atent srut Mills. A.-. E -AfiKNTS for the sale of James isniuh K i 'sSn perior Machnip I'anls. NEW STORE AIT. VERNON NEBRASKA. A. MEDLEY. Annnniirps to the puMic that he h is pur il- isi thp ntfi sive i-tixlv of l.oiHis hroitht to th phi. e ly Air. Dailt and 11.. w etlers to sell Dry Goods. Groeerie. Hard VI are 2iieeiiMta re. &.c., at prices as f ur a- can 1 e t--mid in the Western enntrr, vi , a-., ... in e-., uuio.0 lc-r country- pr.oa c. f..t. I. '7-olt Scott city Steam Saw-Mill JOIIX C. Hl'FFMAX, St ott City. Ho.. (T-nmci!,al, lj V.i otrnriUe. V. T ) AnnoiiiM es to tin- pi.l hc that he h s leased the hot steam sa-mill re ent y prectisi hy ,M r. Meik, hn ept asjl . ve. and l lio prei np.t furnish tlie rttitrn. .. .Miss..iiri jiii.l .Netraska with an eti a .itiality of Ll.MBia of every desc'i ij't i..n and SAWED LATHS of an excellent .punt v. A share ot patronage is soli, itpl 1 1, s,V7 n'.'o-iT iNATII'L l'Ul'j; COUSIN, Land and General Agent, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. iTavinc rpsipnp. tl.p situation which h h. 0Pld in thp ileripral Mli-r lor tne ia;.t tmmtj jrmr ttv chart-e of tlip I're-einpt n n rturean . tiers hlHserv.ip in Ihe proseuii.,n 1 t claims hetore the DepartiiiPi;'. nn.ler she pre-pin.tioii law. I., a 11 site act of 1S41, Ai,-.' fc,- Mr. f. will al-.( me attention to eic before the Pen son 1 Hi e. procur,. ,.,, Warrants ti parlies eulitiel.. and prosecute claims oef. re ('..tu'ri'ss. IIK1J KS Tl I S A. I' .iicla. Illinois, L'. S Senate. II n. J. I. Hnsht. I ii.ii ri.t. '. H Stiiari. Ma lii-'.Ki, It W. Johd-oti. Ai lt.ito.i-, O iii'l W elN. Wise, ,11-111, II iuse Ren, ('. ". . .s,l,i;riiP. It- t-'t Smith. 11 i inoi. " .1 It. Satolidi-p, I...uisi.,ti,i, Tliotna A. Ileiulrn k. ..m r Land OftVe. S Wilson. K.-.p ,i,.f CiPi k K. .M II 1 : i i 1 1 1 1 1 , ri, K-l vi Tr. Indian.i. James S,,,. I, s. Kv-C 'r. .M rmesot j '.eo. C hit ituv (''r Tension. J . ll-.n. r..v Melary. st I-.i. M i nne-.t a Messrs. Sweetiy, Kent i. C..., linicers, Wsl,Lnt,i Ta.r.. Js. N..iirse( ,,, (j,, Ch d l. T.r .ther. do Sitter. I.ea f.., ,,( ,i,, Also, tothe lOstrot I. md Ot!l er irenprally. aril f ail cvhohave h id land hi.iii.. at tf,pse,,i f e,,vernmei I f. r years. i-N'.i l.iisn,,., ,iit, will res,-ve iipii- ti .ii nip lined hy a fee. nCi-ir NEW FIRM. Joria, Crane anil Hii; have this dr fr.rnifd iwirc-paitiiliip Meier the the tirtn aid sty ie of fr:iTK II 0.1 wn 1 i-oiiTirnie the .M er. at,i , Ip f.iisiin... ,r i, slicd cl McAllister, lazier A. Co. J'AS CrtAXE Til K IXTtK HlLf.. e. fi. lc CKO. T. LKKIIAUDT, WATCH II A K 1 H. uowollor. Ofil.i.ON, IMJI.T Ol 1ST v, M,(. rnAKL.S the liberty to inform the citizens d -1. Rrownvilie .iii-I vicinity, that he has openo-I r Watch. Clock, end Jewelry Store, In(reon.ll .It county, M-,. , w'u-re he wi!l ke.-r. cn stantlyon hand. an. 1 f. T sul". n Ko.l ,i--...ri tnent . f 0.,!, an.l Silver Watches. (T.-ks and Jewelrv, kIo -'i he will -el! e.vtr. ui. ly low. f.,r CA.-II. Also, a fi:, lot ..f ii.lin. A . or loon. Silver, an 1 I'iat.-d m -ta le. ;,,!, 1 1',.,, w,t, iiu arA , txt'.,.., , cn . Silver Thinibles. Ac. Ac. He is j r. ;,arc 1 t., r.-j.air WaN-iiep. Cl ksar 1 .! tl-y ot every ib seri r t i. n. in the best mannvr on ihe most re;i. nalde term. Every article !.,, -tit in hi i'fnl.l!shmepf, j sr rantp.l to bo it is represented to be. WaUa nirinr; wiirranffj l f ronp year. July 2. KOd. vl-nMf T. D. tVMINr.. J()IS t. Tl-KS- mim a ti'kk, Attorneys at Law 6c Ileal Estate Ascnf! OMAHA CITY. N. T. "T 7"ILL attend faithfully and v -.ntill bo-f-V ne.s entrusted to them, in the rerrifortai Ijwa Court, to the urehnsp of lot and land, ea trries and ) r- -em; tioii,e..!:, etions. Ac. Ollice in the seen 1 st..ry ot Henry if r.o.jtne building, ncir'y opposite the Western Ljcharr Lank, 1 art,!, i m street. Lcc. 27, lid. vlnllMf BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL. X0EL, LAKE & E.MKRS0.V. 1.. We would respectfully inf rtu tho c'u zons of Nemaha county an I a Ij oiiiin Mioori. we havealwiv on hand a lare arid will neleetii supply of M'.'.inilK, which wl-fan furnish at her cr rates than any mill in the Terri: ry. Market price. paid f.,r b.gj delivered at the yari oron the brink of the river. All orlprs accompanied with the ca.h, will rcc? f our immediate attention. A. LYFORP. J. T. II"K' Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL D ea'ers iu CrOOdB AND GROCERIES, HARDWAKE, QUEEXSW T?n BOOTS, SllOii, IIATiS AXD CARS Xails.S'ion , Moves Furniture, if SONORA, MO. April oth. i-;,:. 4- .- LINE MOO!:--, F,.r ' - I. f. WUTTL i CO. r 1 ! t! r n r? Si i Ti wi f 11' X r