Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 22, 1858, Image 3
! I t r f I; - M en le be ty is he to M ia iy er. snil rri ock .st Jeen js... teen rpr . of m- U is it. :iv i l'B .11 j-LI.H rot I te J.ny. .eep pel r- Vi fore nd rirer f tent and with I for, the Ict, 1 tie !,ia if ur KlBt r f te" .h . BIT 4i.i ',t i oll 1 " I TITTT7 r.IlOUNMLLi:, JULY --, 1N. TKIIMS: F r one j ear ,1 .1 '.: I'i O. aT the en 1 .1 fi r.i.. 12 $2 no 2 50 3 lid ZZlvX$. SS j rnnnm ctlicru i ! iii!ii: Willi re c: A extern-. ve a ld:ti .is ..f Not Type. C uts. . . Ii.r-, ii:-M!7'-, t' ir-:-. .c. made t" :l-e .. .. ...... ... i. Work in t.'i otn- e. hi . u i ii i ic .i-i i"!!'" '1 . ... ...o.-r ..'u: niii 1 i.V :ill oi:i C Ti H ' f ' '' 1 1 ' -iOt '1 being ...i. '..,..1 i,.ciu.g in In employ au fl C.nil.Ue.i 'and experU-i..-..l f an. v J.. I. lTii.t-r,i lo- ll-rinined Hot to 1 Cards (h.-.vil.g . l'rt---c ; l'.:a:.kv i,,. . f l "-!"r's latest itn'r.. i-l ( trd u..rlt in f.-:..r, Briu W ..i L. Ao.; ill liMM-t J- rliCi rii'T- li '" '' ;tn J u .ir:aii' d t' ir a'tent l.p rron'i't ly a'.teuded t-, ; t i.a I'jy. V have i-i-t -. -t ; . i . ei.-d a new st.. V,.f lt!atik of every Wr:;.!i-n. loif.- re 1 on Lie Mi!.-tdii1ial paper; and .ire ) ; ir.-l to till orders a? a moment's notice and . li lie a . a p! are r a Mil id ln.ip d S.Oiili l'larte. Ne!-ra-l-. for .:.'.rz --v.iw :: -:zed envelope-, with any .ie-i:rd I ii-me-.- cat.! arra- Led. orders eoluited. Jolill CillllOUIl- ' TV ctimiN.ioii of this individual as . . , , i Stirv.-v .r.(-ii.-r;il ol Kansas and .Wl.ras- : irvcVT-ix-ii'-ra ka pir d di tli'- third inst., and (Jen. J. II ;rii' tt, f Xew York, his been n'p.iu'''d in Lis m'.-h'I. Tillcs to Land Warrants Th" f..r. 'uing bi'.l has passed bu'.h the II jttM-s ..f ('.'!:rrs : i7 o." J. -.So-., S a I r f Ins 1 n or ic. 1. That n Li XJll i lil. d in th.- JViiMon Uih.-o, duniiir tiw ; . . 1 ' lit.-tim- of a claimant, establishing, t. ! Liberia, as follows : th.- s:t;i-':e tioj. of that olii'f, his or! Liberian produce is going to show itself h r l ijlit to a warrant has n-d Lorn or this year in cotton, sugar, ccflee, tobac mav li"'. h n afti-r is"iiod until aftt-r , m, and I do not doubt that in a few years tli'- doa'.h of a claimant, and all such warrant-; as l.avo Mil'si'l'Hont li.i lll" ot !! h'Trl.. oTO i-.-U' d i-atli of th' claiiiiant ; tho titl'-s of s-.i h warrants sliall vest in the widow, if lh.-ir 1 vn and if tliTo .be no wid iv. tlii'u in th-' Loirs or l.-iratros of lh. and a !a:iii:iiit ; and ail sm u warrants, " .. !...! u-inviids isih il iniriin 1 it to 1 1 1 1 OXIstJI.l law.-, sha treated as person bo f. iiveyed Ly as- .al ( Laiti b. and n:av sinni' i.t of s:;i h wid-w, heirs oi leira- j tees, or by the legal representatives of the ; de ea-cd t laimant for th'.' u.-e of such heirs i or legatees only. j L. .7e ifj:thr(ha,1,!l, lhat the provisions of ihe ir-t seetion of the -act approved Man h --d, to make land warrants assignable and for other piirposi-s, shall b- so tej,ded as to cm 1 rare land warrants is.-n.-d under the act jf March, -V. I'mmllir M. J l.ti . i.iet 1 e, I .;h. Arrival of Hie Salt Lake 3Iail- The Tr ! in 'i'avow'ji of i'ir ('if if Jirinjil ) "1' H If of Pi nViisf Trulmblc Jiif urn i'i tin .Iri'!(is tn tin City ! The Sa'.t Lahc luail arrived yesterday, 1 . ;...r 1.1, I -J ... C',11- nil tl,,. ,l'.t!l ..i i . vi i.'... .,. i.:.. i 1. 11., ill' Ol .til. .1.1111' S, llldltlll ! the vhe!e trip in nineteen days. Mr. James n-p. rts th" roads between this city and the l'lat'.e crossing as being in a hor ril'le condition, but from tho other side of the Platte as being excellent. Gen. Johton and cinnmand were entering the fcubiirb of the ity us the mail party was leaving it. C I. lb tlman and two com panies of troops were still at Ft. IJridger. taj't. Mart y was with den. John-ton I 1 IT , coinuianu. iienerai Jiarney and com d were at UTaHon's Plulfs, forty j mam null The b.v.w th" crossing of South l'iatte . -.i..... . . r..i , 1 1 I - .1 . U 1 I - I IK lll l.lli Harm v from t!i vn n ..r, ' Hill '.HUH' 11, IUI3 alioiit six mi;es irom tliat olncer s camji. Major Finery's command were at Scott's Umlls. The (leneral had sent word to the Mormons who w.-re still at Provost to return and resume possession of their irnproveiiii-ms. It was generally believ- '1 od at the . ity. that the mormons would receive ( . ive ri n.r ( 'm ii i ii t ii.r" c, in inn n 1 1 en . t ;., ti... ;. ...... ;. ,.'!... 1 .1,.,. noil ill 111' .- '1IIUI litis IIHi jiiu, dim lllill .1... 1 1 ... 1 .1 uie wotii i re;:irn aim resume tneir usu- - ,- -i f ,1 al o . iip.itp ns. I lie military arm of the 1 ,, . ... , Jaw is now in all prohahlity useless there, r ..v...r, v-ri usau ..uxiii.ii in 10.110 4 viiiui- once to the civil auth-iritit. The ii. lict- incuts found by many, if not all, tbe r,, ,T , , js.ry the rrincipnl im-nand riders in the dr :ch will, no doubt, re m rfrMi.t r.- - - ceive the attention the offenders, if th the attention of the o-diciary' and r-hares are substan- liated, be unished to the full extent of the law. It is h be hoped that lirother Unchain. Ill r Kimble, and others, who ! Fave ur- d ,!.- .muis to openlv rebel t ,t , "' . ,,r,i ficam-t the Viov-rninent, jn tnea.' aru, ti ponirhmt-nts, will receive their i"t oi'x'ns. 1 ins, hoivt v. r, nirty iu inurt ifiin.'.t t- aT,.ii.lih limn is ?.-'iicrally till ,n. t . r- I I, f..rt!ii-- tri.-.l 1.1- n inn- "1 1 ' r.ij!ip-.).-,! nr.'Val !y 'f not u, a.'. p.: it 1I.0111, no matter ,1 iovvi).:iit' tl.o in..-f juav l- ,.f ihoir jMiilt. " Mr. J n s rei'.-rt tho Ij.uians on tho rCMO.-1 pea. ' ;i on the roi.u miH-t. Th streams ar. still l.i-h lut '-tllin'T. The era is cxe.'I'.ont. Yellow Fever. I New York, July 0. j Three ships hae arrived at Quaran- i tine from Ci! nn ports, tach havinrr lo. its Captain and pnr' of ils crew ly yellow fever, the rest of the news were down with that disease. The ship ;iv-;M. (,f Richmadd, Maine, arrive.! yesterday from Sauna in charge of the Mate, (apt. Dimly havin- died at sra. The Ihitish ship Sr.sana. from Matan zns for (Jre'Mi.ick. put iu below yesterday, hor crew all d-.wn with the fever. Tlie Captain died at sea, as also did three of the crew. Tlw tl 1 - p ' 1 r tt nip j! eoiiiaiiil, Irom in-. rived tO-daY ill rharT0 ef C int V-irmim Pant Ititn 1. ...;r.. i- 1 , J ' -j.. in.-. ..-.- w ur una so uieu in Havana, having left her in that port. i A arn:nn and t art of his crew are down ' with :he fover. Yellow rncr at Nnv Orleans Tr- m the meir.orandimi of the A. T. lr-y. wl.i,h arrived yesterday, from New "'lean?, we i.-rn that tho Vi mv l e. verhas i.:aJo l.S aPPfaratlCO 111 ritV. 'Vor;il cim-j li-ivii t ,-j-,-iirr,..l 1 ..t'..-. ,!,. J.a' V l.-ft. ri,, i . 1 r.t? cc;i iir i vr-rv X..-.V ( hi. - - . ' . illl-. aiel the i tt'o.-'i . .f tli.i lit., t- 1 1 i . . v iiooual vuaiii ns. jaH ns and lav vamps, lagoi ns and lay- J, .It I .i"ri I y.Anz to ue pi.Tc.-ptilat? m tJ"' i::crra; A u-s, i f S;h -f bi':k:n.-:-s. .V. Lota's P-rj-1,1-W ho la- I . ; i i ;h- a la ill .to ,, ... "r t in.-Cf! s:.l( e Adwr-i-.-r t.,s. i.c . s s,'xe ' The Indians. Washington, JfilyG. Dr. Forney, Suju-riutcudcut of Indian dian affairs in Utah, writes to the Indian Bureau tlat he has made several treaties with the trilies who hare been at enmity fur m iiianv The liations which lie visited have always been faithful to ti;e Limeu jmuics, uui iie jii a. jio sition to do much more harm than the ' T - - The Indian affairs are ren- - UUI Ill'ma. ! resented as heincr in a wry mixed up condition. lie intends to visit all the tribes from Salt Lake City to Carson Yalley. The agent, Mr. TJedfield, writes from Fort 1'icrre, N'-hras-ka Territory, that the Sioux Indians are much excited on account of the treaty made ty the United States with the Yanctons. They claim that the lands heloiirjr; to them, and pro tect against the Yanctons heing paid any thing. They are in an unsettled and dis turbed state of mind. Mr. Hod field could not have transacted his business with them, if it had not been for the nresenre r.f the troons. The v are lnso- - , , , : ,. ' iem unu iuiui-nii!iiiiLr, anu n inu u nc- cessary to chastise ihem severely, me stipulations of the Lademine treaty are not observed nearly all the nations and tribes being at war, and committing dep redations un one BuuiUr, us well as on the whites. t i rr Liberia. Henry M. "West, who formerly resided th so articles will be raised in sufiicient ijuaiitities for oxportation. To tell the fai t, Liberians have never been so inde piond. nt as now. Iverything indicates unexampled prosperity. Movement of the Troop Towards Utah. Lr.-wrxwoRTH, June IS, 'oS. Left Fort Leavenworth: 1st Column, ISth March, seven companies, under the Command of Col. 1 loti'man. Jd Column, 20th of May, ISoS, sqven Companies, imd'T coiiimand of Lieut. Col. Monroe. 3 i C aiiumn. th May. Mar. ' companies, nuud ( enm 1 31st May, 7 companies, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Morrison. -1th Column, oth June, 7 companies, Col. Sumner. ith Column, 13th June, (not gone on airount of rain, )undei command of Maj. Linory. Gin. Harney and suit ll'.hof June, (ii"t none lth on account of rain.) The orders of inarch are 1-3 miles a a day ; 2-i dav v -hiding two rest days, " il!owed to Fort Kearney, 3U0 miles; Jo days to lrt Laramie, 310 miles, and 40 days to Salt Lake City; in all HO days, PJ-10 miles. The 1st column in -11 days had reached 700 miles, with mules giv en out and broken down. A snow-storm on May '2d detaining them. The"-2d Cob.imn. JtU day's march will be the '2(.Hh August; 3d column oih of September: -1th column. Nil September; . ! nh column, 13th September; 3th culumn, -;",'h Soptoinber Without any det.-n'ion by hLrh water - , l c l r 1. accuients or misnans. 01 w nica mcre or id it will lie November less w ill occur, am , lit iOll Ull UH.S.J uuv j's icaoi .'mi. i.uiv. City. Worn out and used up, some six thousand men including those with (Jen, Johnson all to be' fed, clothed and pro vide for twelve months in provisions, as they cannot return, if they hr.d fresh an imals, until another season cf grass. 1017 head of beef cattle. 37 cow? and 4 ! bulls are sent alon with ea'.h. Column to J - l,e us.ol on the wav. These cost at l ort 1 , , , . I Feaveow. r'.'i. Iiourrhl by the Comnu-rv.; . . a , 3 , v.v (-P..' v r 1 ind, jieal tvturht, .-n trie - 1 l , , c ;hoot. b' io;v t-'-tilrii?. I'Oi) head of , , , . ,1. ,ii.,Pa 0 T IlOlses ILL Olir IIUIJUU it nuu tui v..iinio 11 ! 1 ..... .1 1 .n --..I . ,rl cent nlnnrr vi t li 1 1 1 o wii i llf.lil, lUIO'n.-o. Ollict n iu uiuii. .. .... ...v . ! 't c-it.o 1 i. : . ouuV ,UUitts' C1 'iL , ' 1 s-'ome (jtiU six mule wagons at i iu eacli; i . i ,-.oi t . r 1 .. ri ! Uarnoss lor t acn ct;.; oesme. Mine nmbulances at each; Harness oU each, The immense rams on the Sth, Hhand 10th J,in0' dmed the last column of Harney and suit from starting at the t me fixed, but thi y womd move as ... li,;j?.as riLlle- iiieie J3 iiouuii; ieii t ut su:nii s of infantry and a section of i ff,nramc.s Sherman's llattery, say (iO men in all, at Leavt I , .1...,., .1... ,C ; ' .w- lonesome 1 ! t'iiiguut in camp .omc oistanco rcauy ing oi ve. to move At the Cuinberlaibl Supreme Court in the of Nonh Carolina, II. V. Ihrtktt, 1 I convicted of Licramy, was sentenced tole Iranded on tho left cheek with the letter 1, to rec-ivo thirty-nine lashes on his tare l aik, and le imprisoned thirty days, then to receive thirty-nine lashes more, i and then to he let loose lie had four wives. CLAIM NOTICE. To Isaac Walters. Kdward M.mnel. Adriun II. Liitzell. and all whom it m.iy c .iu ern. You are herd n. t nied that 1 will ari'ear at the I. m l O.'.l e at Hr.-wnviDc. Ne t r.ek.i. n Monday the liiMi day of Aii-u-t. lx'is. at 2 Yl"i k I .M. to orove un my nuht . ( i.rc-eini'iion to the ii..rOi-east fractional quarter of scti.tiNo. three 111 township six. ratine Iiuniler lift.-en east. July 13, ISiS. t.KORiii: A. l'.r.iHVX. "claim notice, T.i (.Corge u. i.pynoius an-i .111 ii. m 11 may c irrrrr. v.... r. l...rel.v not. ti.xl that lwill anfearat the I anl ' 1,1 Iown'ville. Nemaha cunty. X. T.. on the J3id j ,i.,v ot July. lSsto prove up my riiiiii 01 pre-empt i..n t.. the southwest iiuarter of s.vtion seveuteen, in low n ship rive, ratine lourteen east. ABRAHAM G. KEHIART Brownville. July 15. I'nvS. noSECR Book Bindery, ' COIWCI L R L U F Y S . 1 O AY j Empire Block". Xo. 3. A.! WILLIAM F. KITER, I - ...,.t ...r . ....i.i... .! .... v,.. . ... ' clas It v k Eiiiderr. and is n,.w M to do all kin-is ! of li .ok lSindin; ..Id or new, K und or re-l-oiiiid upon ntl....i...... .,.i....i ... .., UH- fli'-l.lJl I".-...'... uu, ..... v.. li.v UI"M LlJ.'1'H.Li.C ' terms. I ir.iers receive i ior :.i kiiiii.- u i.a:.s wrs. - July i, i.-;-iy. Claim Hotic e. T . Thomas WU' 11. Hill and a'l others I wh. in it may concern. V. u ate hc-i l-y not i:n-d tt-at 1 will ;tpj (..,r at tie Land Ui-.-wnvit ie. Xettmhj l entity. Ncl.ra-ka Ter itory. -:i the iil li day of July, i lis;-. at to o'clock A M. t . j . vc up my -iu-'it to r ' i-mpt i-'ii tl e n. rtl.-w e -1 t;i: irici . f mslo :i ii-.e. ii T n- fhm No sjt '! n ve l." ei-t Ju!yl..l86S. JOaErri JI. LOXGrr.LI.OW. CLAIM NOTICE. To Lewis W. Egglototi and all others whom it may concern. You art; hereby notified to appear at the Land mice in Isrowmilie, n the Friday tli 3d day of J i 1 !.')S. as I intcii'! t i rove up my riht of pre-einp-tiiiii to I lie f.ifl half of the suut Ir.vct (juiirter and cat h ,f the iiorth-W et quarter of ,-ectiou twenty, towu rl.ip mx. n..rth .f raliuc fourteen east. Ji:!y Io'iS.-iil DAVID WATKINS. EL Lamarque & Co, WatclsOIukcrs and Jew elers. The iniderM-'nrd, h.arrd in Xeliaaka C'itv, 7' wi'vh ;iii i'.::il.: H'l ret-lltalion of ttiree vpar'ii ft'ii''i-r.i:i.i:!i-'. di -ir. us to secure the penerous patron ate ot the ladies ,v (;!. tiernt-n of Iln.wnvi le and the si rro'i'iiin - c mitry, th is informs them thst UiPjr will always keep on Laud a larpe stock of all defer iptions oj .jewelry, wati hes and i h.eks, and they w ill sell as cheap as any ,oi:-e this n !r of St. Imis. They repair watches, mend jewelry. a:id do all Work l.'Clonsing to that line and viviupp.icss. Charges reasonable and v : k w ;i:t.i:i'i I. Ail i-m l e :,'!t at the City I)rt:z Store of Brow-nvil'c under the ire of Metars. J. II. Maim & Co. July I I-OS. M I.AM AUQl'E &. CO. D.lVKlMi n, t SB OF I.I SIIBAI CH ii. C.lltSM ) Urojinville. Fel.iuiry 1, S;i8. On ami after this date, .1 ? accounts will be peiif d t .r si ecie. currency and scrip payable in lame kind .d fin ds. lie. ks inn-t 1 e marked ao oidingiv. Oilii-e hours from 0 to 12 A ."! and I tngl'lt, U SIIliAUiU it ('ARSON, o. bTiwett ATTORNEY AT LAW REAL ESTATE AGENT, UrowiniHe, Nebraska. Will attend to business in all departments of his pro fession. Fre-emptors Kifrhts Secured. Land Viairauls for Sale. Office on Fir-t St., Let. Main and Water. II r. I i r. n . Kiimev K. 11 dii y, Nebraska Ciry. I'heevor Sweet . Co., do J. Ste. iitiu Morton do Itrown At lti'iiTKtt, Brownville It. W. 1 uo r.r.'wnville, X. T. May 13, 1S."S. v2nlf,tf Scaled E't-opaKaN I) rioted to the C onnii 1 niers of l'awnee rutintv will be re.-eived fr...i al: I alter this date, until the tirst Jlou d.:y in July r ex;. I n- the eev -tioti of a Cjurt IIoue in I'tivnrc ( ii,, I'airme I utility, .V. I'., of the fol low ini; dimensions ;in,i t ..-1 e namely r S ud hoiie to be thirty rev", hue- and twenty-four feet w de. two stories hi-h. (lie lower .-lory to bs divided into lour apartments, in one ei.d two rooms twelve feet square, a lull th roii'.'h the .-enter eiirht feel wide. Jn the orher end a t-Mi feet wide by 2-1 feet lonjr; a ;-I.i:io ).en st.ii:( -i-p le idini: In m the hall t the Court i:...-m ..l...e: kii-i o.,u t li- --m to be twenty by twenty loiir feet and i-r.-i-.-rly seat-d :) jdain st ie. The re in i:ta!er of tl e nj l-er story to be di ided into two equal si : I r-twooui-ide d is tlireeftet wile, six feet ei:ht ine'.ies hiih. one a-id three-font th iinhes thick; 5 m-ide doors, two feet e.-ht i:n lies wide, six andahalf teot h:--h. and ( in; and a h.ct ir.' hes thick all to be fo ir immels each Kisrhfeen windows, twelve liirhts e n h. lu by 14 ejass: and d .or ca-ini:, corners aid b ie. ili:n sqn.i:e style: ' coinue seven ni'-nrCe: i-rojeeti n. n.-Mirn in. lies, and lune ituhe d -j.. returned with the r :le: ;h;ee oats i f iaint. winte le id or iin.-, in-iiie .m l S ml to be a frame w-'th ..! and hra--es. with a food Miin-le rt-of, the bid der to fui-iii.-b eveith.tii- for the coitnletion of the buil dnc o.ik floors. .jo;nrcJ and liued, walnut siding, drcs ?d, kc. Said bui'd'rig to bj tcuijilcte 1 on or before tli firft of January, ijj.c nir in ta pstij as the n-oil VfogreHseti tbe remainder fen tloisbert. ' .- .. Patel at Pawnee tity this 6th day of April, 1IJ57. By order oX tbd Otiuntv CooimiMinneers Attest'" y- J'OWMMJ, A 1 1 County Clerk. April 2-: rm in 13. Watcliiiiaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK TOUT, MO. !e ive to inf .n:i the p'iblic that he has located in tiie above named tov. u and oilers for sale a choice 'clocks. IV. itches, jewelry, and otherarrn o - r.iy kept in such establishments at pr.ces w cannot bee inpijin ? i of. lieini: an exper-iem-ed watchmaker he tl.itrers h.mself that i i repairing watches, chicks and jewelry he can give pert. ot. satisfac tion. . 19 Gm. M iI F it TORY. NO. K, MAIN STUFET, Jlrov.iville, A T. WILLIAM T. DEN, lle-nectlr.Uy inf His th. ' I.u'd;.- that he has just re " I an I S;i e i.i iierial. and is n. y de-i i I a; : o ie in his line o r e.-tai.'.i.-'nnieiil .ti tiie Ter- ceived his new k t p. n cv p-et-.tred t. 1 o o:-h al a- b-w .n.i- ;o any nt .ry. All w.-ik warrinred. lie l.y Mnct attention to business, ami keeping constant ;y on hand a -i!eto.r .1--011 miiiit of heather, Triiiitniiivs, i.c, lor home m ii.iit.ietnre. to tUl merit ill it ill-era!"tia---e vl.i. li he has heter..!..; o leceivcd. "j -ltp iiritu i i. t'le s'i..itot lu-ii---.' .- All w :k to I.e paid for . :i delivery. April v-Vl W. 1'. UAltVi:V. L. VAN" WYCK. Civ. Kni.. Stir. K Draffn. Oeneral I.attl Agent- ii iuvr:v. tax wvcit & :.. General Laud Agents N"olrnslin, Oil y. AHK conne-teil -viri agencies in Wifchi. irton City by w h. hthey are eii'lei !o prose-tile claim - a-' irnst the Vnited Stttes (i- v. n insnt. or attend to .my bioiness l.e t'Tpthe .ieneral J.ind Hi -e wl.U di-.atci and to the sal O! act ion f Tin nTUi-tc ;uers. O-ic the tirui I. ii.t a practical Engineer ami Stirvey o: ;:iavinc 1en l.-r many ye irso-iinoe'ed w th the I n i ted Sr. t.w ('. r! Surveys eiiL iL-ed on w..rks f In einal Im-ir.-vemo:io) we ate pr(-pa!-d to make Surveys of Towns, r.ftto. .Vo. in any part of the Territory; and bavins emrared the be-- lii-iittsiiiai. in the Territory, tan execute .Map-, Town I'm s. and di awncs of ;ill kinds (mechanical, ar hitivtural, iSc.,) to the perfect jatifaction our cus-t.-taers. October 1. 1C.7T. liulvK General Steamboat Acnt, FURlVARVI.t; i- COUUISSIO.V MKRCUAXT, .NEBRASKA CITV, N. T. ;..k1s ,11 (' and pr.nni't returns rnn-lc. Particular attcn; i-.;i piven to reccivin--. Storing ami IVr warditis a!ikii:-!s . f Ireijiht i-v.i .ri d ice. Oficeon the Licvco. S-torcV m-P i'i the sum.. Id. ck with Kf-arney Hotel. llrfer to the Metvoants of Xel.ra-ka t'it; Fife .V Mi l.aeistl. John A. Warden -.ikoli- vd. Kiimev A'i'ril-li. jv- .uis .Mo; k Snider St. T.itiis " Joseph -M -Inivrc- " sCo" l-Mtcklay, Hf-.xio 2-1 l-I y Brownville Steam Ferry ! jgjgMST CROSSING '"""mYs's 0 r k i"ek 1 v eTT. The Koutc lromllrownviHe to Ft. Kearney, raid trom to California, isj the nearcbt aiiJ most practicable. AKER & CODINGTON ANNul'NCK to the Traveling l'ttliiic th it they are new rutinin; as a Ferry t.cross the Missouri jiver at An cil 'trt I'i n( if . ttuhxtautial evil co'iinioriiovx STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which ar' will secure a certain and safe .:e-o;o at, a'.l times ati'l in all kimls of weather. The I'roj.r-.dofs Jo not assert lioastinly, or for the iiir.-.isc id' i;a;ninr custom merely, but arc pevertn-.l Ly ta-ts. when tiiey say tliis is the best crossing of the Missouri liiver in Nebraska, ami when they say t i-; route lr m Urownvil'e to Fort Keartiev anrl frmn thence to California is the nearest f..r cvi ieiice they refer the reader to the map of the Country: ami :ue warr.intcil in sayintr it is the most practicable r.-ute l.y personal experience. as well as that cf of r-th-'rs who have traveled it. Wc claim therefor that this crossina; an.l route hi. Ids nut peculiarly favotahle inducements, to persons sreinir to California, and s. licit their patronage. "ot wi'bstandit'.!: etir suj eri.-r arrangements for a safe ar d speedy cri ssir r, our eliares are the same as other IYrriesin Ncbra.-ia. all being rcgu'.ated by Legisla tive enactment. I-i:-""Ke.-..r.o-t That w ith ur facilities .f Power, no kinds of weather wiil prevent our lloats from m:kins rcjru'ar trips at nil hours. I7"A skiil'and bar.i wi.l be in rcaJincfs tocross foot passcneers at all times of night. 11CU November 1 ltli, l?i'T. Notice Is here' v siven t hit Will I.F.T II. HORN" h is ehtairied fr-.m the I'r- h.i'e C-oirt of r.wnee comity letters testa- ta:!ientary on the e-t.ite f Re.Wick 11. rn. l.iteof said I cutntr. ileceafCd.le.sriiis date J.inu.i'-y lit ii. A 1) 1S5S. j Ail er.-t s l.ivi;-. cia:m a-.rM sai-1 estate are ' he ret -y rouirrd to them lor a'.i .-.van.-? to the ! rio'.ate I'.-'irt f suit .liti'y on or hef .re the- i'Mi day of ar.dlf n i v:e-mte.I vi:',m -i-.- k. t-th fr I'ue Ua'.e last ahoi e n.- i.-.i.-i ed they will he forever l.i rr 45 11. a. LORE. Ju.hreof Pi.hate. AMBR0TYPES. Tl.e nn !eri.-:ie-I l..r. !i - e:i:erc-l i::to a co-;irtner;l:ip aid hto'.t a -ky-i.-'it (tdc l'uhts c- -in. cte-1) l'.i; ti ii iery on - i i,,.r , f jj ii ii anl Fir-t tr-ets in the citv of Brownville. re-pect t-.l i v ann..iir.,-e 1 1 thepul.-ic tht we are n;.:lr(.l to I he pi lures with ail the 1 1 antic- ol the a: t. .ii.-l i.i r(i! lines. l'.c;ures ih- scriv-i in l-.i kc!. pi-is. ,v.-., in t,c i,. t'ttwho'waia O.pei i ? -d j : li. c ! a- I ; c- c li-i. h ive i-c-1. d C .'I a-vl -ee. JHSNIOI & AKIN". ul5:f Br.w: ?i r. Boot is Shoe LUTIJER HOADLEY. ROBERT V. MCIR. IIOADIXY & LAND AGENCY, HriMvnville, Xcmaha Co., X. T., Office Corner main and First Streets. Will select GoTcrnmcnt Lan Is: lorate Land yararlt3 in Nelira.skar Kansas, Vetern Jlissouri and Iowa; collcet debts: paj laxes for non residents; buy and sell property on commission. Land Wan-ants Bought and Sold. Pre-emption papers prepared, ic. WE HAVE FOR SALE LOTS J.V THE CITIES OF BROWNVILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. ELW00D, K. T. ALSO FOR SALE Lands near Table Rock, Pawnee county. At ho, In Xeuialia county, improved property for sale or rent. It IM'nni'TO P Lucius nopkins.l'rs't Importers Tradcrs'Bank N. V. David Iloadley 1'rs't Panama Railroad, C.en. V. T. lliliycr-- Charter Oak Hank, Hartford, Lee, ltutler & Co. Hartford, Conn., Collins, Kellojrg rf' Kiiby !t. Louis, Mo., Tliinnas V. I'litlps Mobile, Ala., C. Wilson . Co. Lutaw, Ala. Win. P. 'Webb, A ty " M. II. 0,liorn .t Co., Kock Island, III. Ja's H.Arehibald. Ccn'l Ag 'lD.I-.iW.K.K. Scrant-m (iillesjiie, Pearee & Co., Hankers Carbondalc, Pa. Kev. T. S. Ward " " Latborp & Jones Reran ton, Va, 15. C. -Morse lied Falls X. V. William Fr-ilhincham, Att'y Albany, X. Y. Kev. K. Nelson, l'rineipal Wyoming Seminary, X.Y. J. A. Parker ( Co., Washington, 1). C. A. T, Ciitner, Kccciver Land Ofliee Omaha Llomec Everett, Council Hluffs, la. UrownviJle, April 1, ISjS. Notice to Contractors- The Comity Commissioners ..f Xetnaha county hereby pivc notice that they will let to the lowest responsible bidder, on the sixth day .f July next, at the court-house door in the city of Iirownville, the contract for erecting a stone or ln Jail iu the said city of Brownville, Ne maha county. Specifications of both plans can be seen at the clerk's tl'lco iu lirownrilie The coiuniiSMoners re Serving the riirlit to refuse ny or all bids. Terms of payment made known on day of sale. By order of the Board, ERA; XL'S B. PARKER, County clerk. June I, 'ix 4-6w NOTICE. All persons are hereby notined that 1 will take the necessary steps to the rc-openinir of the contested case of James Ferguson, for tht; purpose of more fully in vestiiiatim: bis ri-'ht to enter the south west quarter (14 )of s. titU vest iuarter (1(1) and lot number four (4) of sectiou eighteen (18) in township live (S) range six teen (10) east, 1 hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for any por tion of the above described property. May 27, 'S V-'nlUtf ArUS'STUS KOUJfTZE. I catiti .n ail persons whomsoever against buying from Augustus Koiiut7e and Win Knth certain town lots known as 'Benedict's Addition' to Brownville. Nebraska. JOHN McPUEKSOX. Honey Creek Mills. The undersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared to till all orders in their line promptly at their mills hair miles northwest of Brownville, near the inoiitli ot Ib.tiey creek. They have en hand the largest and be-t assortment of lumber, shingles at id lathe ever ollered in the county or Territory, consisting of 40 ooo feet se.iMjned siding; 40 (K)0 " cotton-wood flooring; 20.001) " s; cainore " 10 niM) " oak and ash COjUOU " c ot ton-wood, soft, maple, lynn and walnut iini-hiiig lumber; oO.OOO " fencing; 1 (Xi ooo " joints: sills, studding and scantlingof al most every size both hard and soft wood; "O.ooO " rough and square edged sheathings; also 200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and cotton wood; also 150.000 lath, a superior article, of uniform length, thickness ami width Their mil Is are under the charge of experienced and efhVient men. and the undersigned flatter themselves that the inali!y of th ir luiiiner will compare favorably with any other made m the Territory, all of which w.'.t be told to suit the times. (IRREX, Honey creek Mills. May 20 '5S 4Mf EaIc Mills.; bT. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES C A H(J 1 LI. Proprietor. MAXUFACTUUES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, and Feed stulls. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph. Mo., Aug. 30, lS5fi. vlnl3- y Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARIIOX, BSOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Kespec; fully announces to the puhlic that he has on hand a iarpe stock of Cloths, Vestings, &c, A No a l;iri:o 3s4rtintnt of READY-MA DE CLOTHING AVhi l. he will ?c'.l at cost prices. TTe flafrrs him-elf that he understands his business thoroughly ai,.J, a;; work warranted comini; Inrni his es tahiislinient. and t hart-es as low as any other Competitor in lui- j.iace or the West. A .oat Fit Guaranteed. D KOWX & CM TOX, rilODlCE DEALERS, Forwarding & 'Commission MERCHANTS, No. 7S, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately tilled at lowest possilde rates. Consignment for sale and re-hii'iiieiit lespecttilly solicited. Shipments i t all kinds will 1 e faithfully attended to. Ret'errences : Messrs. C. U Rea .V Co St. Louis ltartleit. McCnnili & Co do fiilhert. Miles & Siannard do Tlon. W II Itr.flinton. Auditor Sial e of Missouri J 0 Harmon, V.?. Csiro City, 111. Messrs Moloiiy, liro's it Co' iew Orleans, Louisiana J I' Jackson. K-i., do do Mesrs Ilinkle. tinild .V Co, Cincinnati, O. ' H i in mar At Co do Urat dell & Crawford Louisville, Ky. Wo.lnitt lIuntinKton, Mobile, Ala. II. limine. r.i., Beardstown, 111. May IJ, 1S5S 45-3 m 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LYKURI) s. IIORv;. Sonera. Mo , have for sale, cheap for caMi. "5.0.H) pounds excellent bacon. v2n3ll-ly .March 1, 'iS T. W. IIEDFOR1', County Surveyor 1II DSOX nF.ORG E, Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, ANP REAL ESTATE AGENTS. BROWNVILLE X EBRASKA. Office on Main Street. WILL attend promptly to all husiness entrusted to them in the line of their profession. .Will buy and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location f Government Lands, Survey Town sites, suhdivid Lands, make out City Plats. &c, &c, llaviiic heen lor.tted in the Territo-y for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settiers. Will pay taxes, investiirate titles, nd render asststame in contested cases at the I". S. Land Offh-e. , Letters of inquiryiTomptly answered. WE REFEn TO j Hon. W C Reynolds. Kingston. Tenn. ! John J Pendleton, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio j Hon Galutia A Grow Washington City, D. C. I Hon Joseph i. Crane Dayton. Ohio j Kyall is Charles, Land Agents. Sioux City, Iowa. i B.-tfr is. Hedges. Rankers do do I.ur-litiauiih X Carson, Bankers Brownville, X. T. i R. W. Fi:rna. E.. do r!o ! D. W, C. Cleaver. Geological Erzineer. Scrantoii; Pa. ; R'irus R. Kdw arils, E.-i. St. Joseph -Mo. ol. John ii. Fell Wav-erley Pa. ! W. G. Ge.r.-e. Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio , I .xpri: i .iiii-yiy JOHN McDOXOUGII ! IIou?0' Sion & Onriincntal raintcr, CH7.IKR. ie. nnoirxviLLE, x. t, "irilers can I let at the C.'.y Drug Store. IT Number 602. PROCLAMATION By the President of Luited States. In pursuance of law, I, James Buchanan, Presi dent of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that pt.blic fates will be held at the undermentioned land office in the Territory of Xebraika, at tho periods hereinafter designated' to-wit: At the land efliee at r.ROWXYILLE, commencing on Monday the nixth tiny of S jitzmbcr nest, for the disposal of tho public lauds within tho following named townships, viz: Xorth, of the L'ase Line, and ca;f of the 6t'u pri-sej Meridian. That part of township One outside f f the Sac and Fox and Half -Breed Xcntaba Reservation, of range 17. The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, and fonr, outside of the riac arid Fox and Hall-Dreed Xemaha Rercr vation, and fractional townships 5 and 6, of range sixteen. That part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox Reservation: township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5, outside of the Half-Hreed Xemaha re CTvatiQ,n,nnd fractional township 6 of ran.e 15. That part of township 1 outside tbo Sac and Fox Reservation, townships 2, 3. and 4, and that part of township b outside of tho Half-Breed Xcuuiha. Res ervation, and township 0, of ranje 14. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 of rango 13. Townships 1,2,3, 4, 5 and U of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and t' of raiiirc 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and fi of range 10. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 of range 9. At the Land Office at mencing on Monday . the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, viz : Xorth of the Base Line and East of the sixth Principal Meridian. Jrracuouut ..Jil;pa 7 an,i S (1f ran;;e 15 lowuship . and fractional township:, a. 0. 10 11. anl 12 of range 11. Townships 7, 8, D, Id. 11. and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, S, 'J, ID, 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7,8, '.I. 10, and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of range 1 1. Townships 7, S, II, lrt, and 11, and fractional town ships 12. 13 and 14, of range JO. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, la and lt, of range !. At the Land Office at OMAHA CITY, commenc ing on M.-nday, tho sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the fol lowing named townships, viz: Xorth of the Base Line and east of the sixth Prin cipal Meridian. Fractional township? 13, 1 1, 13, and 10 of range fourteen. Fractional townships 13, 11, 15, 16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townshipsl2 and 13, townships 14, 15, and H, and fractional townships 17, IS, l'J and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12. towns!.!:- 13. t ',. IS, IC, 17, uJ 1-, r.d fractiouul . townships 17 uJ of range II. "... "..... Fractional towns'.!; 12 13, nr.J 14, nd town ships 11, 10, li, is, iy, 20, of ranc ;.o i actional townships 1 1, 15 aud AC, and toTTnsli 1 1 ps 17, IS, iy, and I'd. of range Inds appropi iated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes will be excluded from the sale?. Tho offerings of the above lands will be commenc ed on tho day appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed: but no sale to be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March . thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. JAMES BUCIIAXAX. By the President : TtviM vs A. Hksdkicks, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMrilOX CLAIMANTS. Every persen entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships aliovo enumerated is r;i(uired to es tablish the same to the satiafaction of the UegisteT and Kccciver of the proper land offi!-?, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands cm bracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will beforleitcd. TI10S. A. HENDRICKS, Cnir.iuissioiicr ol" General Land Office. .Ipril 22. 1-OS-no 4:! FRANK I. IX TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Jfo. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, (iiuimiati, 0. c. r. o'iiiscnr,T, &, co. rnriiifactnr'-rs r.l dealer in News, Kookand Job i. L Type, 1 Vint ing Presses, Cases, (JaUics, Ac, Ac. Inks, and lVintin? .Material of Every Description, M'i:::i:oTYri:; r h k-ni " oit?,Macic. 1'atent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrcvinjrs, Ac, f-e. Lranil and Pattern Letters, various styles, JOHN P. TVSllN. V. V. HACKNEY. TYSOH & HACKNEY, GENERAL LAND "AGENTS. ItilDWN VII.I.K. XKMAI1A ((., X T. I.aml Warrants Koiiht au l S.ihl. I. in I entereil on Tune, t'l iinis i imil Town Lots Hoii-ht an-l S.hl. Loan Money, Make Inve.-tnicnts .-ml Lw-re Warrants on time, for l.itant lie.ilers. Prr-I!i1ioii lapcrs Prepared. OFFICE Xext ilo.,r to V. s. Office. Geo. IT. Nixon. r.ej.-iter I.. ()., C. It. .smith, Keceiver, " Smock Williams, I.. It. Tuttle. K. K. l-rna & Co., Bankers, Hon, C. W. Sco tie hi, R. I.. Mct;'iee Co., Tootle F lirleigh, Oct. 1. '7 Brownville, X. T. I.f-xinztoti. Mo. Otaaha City. X. T. Co incil lilurl, Iowa. Wiirren, reiin. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, ' a. vr. rt ETT. f. 0. WILKINSON. l'UETT & WILKINSON, AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMA1J1, A. T. Will attend to all busii.css entrusted to their care REKKUKM'KS Col. Jesse Williams. Fairfield, Towa. (iov. Jos. A. Wright, Indianapolis, In., Mr. F. N. Rooek, Washington City, lion. John d. Davis, Kockville, Ind. Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, N. T. 33 husk Mattrasses just received at the store of Aus. 6,157. nS I. T. WHITE. Land Warrants. 17,000 Acres of Land Warrants for sale and to loon to prc-ciup tors, by TYSON 4 HACKXEY DOUGLAS SALOON. Main street, one door "West of Post-OrTice, Brownville, N. T. The suhscrihrrs respectfully inform tie puhlic that they have opened the above saloon, waere the bc?t qua lity of Wines, Ijiqnors, Pegrs. Oysters, Sardines, and every refreshment for the inner man. usually kepr at such estabiithments, wiil be found and served np in firr-t style. UOI F Js. DEE K. Iirownville April 15 h. 1S5.S. 12-fini Wagon for Sale. I have a light tw o-horse wagon w hich I w.ll di-poe of cheap f .r rash. C. S I.AX;iON, iNotice. Tersons in.Iehted to the undersigned will rome for ward and setHe as longer indulgence will not be giv en. Ilotci scrip t -ken at par. TnOMPSOX & SIARSn. Brownville April lo.h, 15S. 4J-tf Lumber! Lumber!!- We are pretiared to furnish at our Steam Saw Mill, opjwistte Urownville inl'rairie Forest,", all kinds of lumber usually four-el in the West, ami some choice lumber suitable for wacr?1 ri. furniture, nnJ for build ing purposes, f e.. such as Hickory, Oak, Ash, Black Walnut, Sycamore. Linn and Cottonwood, which wc have constantly on hand. or wi!l prepare at short no tice, at the lowest maik'-t prices, hi'.'.s sawed to or der, for steamboats. Win saw lo;; on tbe shares, or by the hundred. V.'.I'.s for lumber can lie left at our cm -e, in Urownvillo. We will also furnish lum ber saw upon the shares, tr bv the hundred :it our mill at Table I!--.k. IIOADLEV A ML" IK. Iirownville, April 1. J. D N. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, Hj re-emed his pr, tice in all the Courts Atchins. n c -ciity. .M i OtHce one j.-ur west s-i na! business, ami wiil prac t Nebu-kj. ;.ti 1 the Cotirts in f I. T. Why :e"s ;. re, E. jtrntil Xeb.i-K.l. Urownville, April -2. 15jS n!3 ly D. If. M'tACCHLIS CIIAS. DORSET. Mclaughlin & dorse y, Main Street, Brownville, X.T , Bny and tell Land Warrauts, mike out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption paper; pay taxes, investigate trtles ; Uuv and sell property on commission ; furnish land warrants for time entries, nd attend to all otlier busi ness conned cU with a ecoerul land atency buines. Particular attention paid to the selection ol Govern ment 1 iiiUaiul tLe lucatiou ot laud warrants lor parties residing at a distance. McLAl'tillLIN in DORSET" respectfully refer to ieort;e II. Nixon, Eaq., Register Brownville Land Office. Onirics JA. Smith, Escj., Receiver of Public Moneys' Xemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, Esq. .Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Luslitani:u &. .'ars.ui. Bankers, Brownville, Hon. . M. T. Hamilton, Hagcrstown, Mr viand. Lewis R. Xcwcouier Ksn. Baltimore, Md. O II B.irnet. Esi , Dayton. Ohio. lion. Kenner Kurfritsin, Delegate in Congress from Xebra.ska Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Deal, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. no43tf "COMBINATION PATENT." lIMlIliaiT STKA3I SAW 5IILI- This mill c.imniands the universal admiration of saw mill men everywhere. As its met its hceonie known, the demand for it increases. Orders are coining from every scctioii ol this country, Canada, Cul.a. and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every section of the world wherever there is timber to be sawed, no matter of what character how hard, how larseor how small. Two extensive ma nufactories are now eniMed in building these mills, yet it is almost imiiossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable t atents and improvements, and combine all of the following ad- Simplicitij Both the mill and power are so simple in their construction that anyone of ordinary mechanical ability can comprehend them, put them up and un them without danger or diltkulty. Portability The whole C:dabli.hnicnt can be very quickly taken apart and put toetliar, thus rendering it easy to he moved from place to place as desired, and sav ing the necessity of ilrawin; the loirs a Ion? distance to Durability Ii is constructed in the most solid and substantial manner, runs pertectly still, is not liable to pet out of order, and will last for years without repair. Rapidity It will saw taster than any other uprittht upright null. The speed of the saw is about three hun dred strokes per minute, and the feed from oiie-eichtk to three-quarters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed thesaw will cut through a log twenty-four feet loin: in about three minutes. From this data anyone knowing the character of the timber can calculate how much it will do. F.jliiciency It does its work well, cuts smoother and straiirhter than the ordinary mills, and the arrangement of the taw is such as to render it utterly impossible for it to run out of line. Cheapness The entire iost of the mill, with fifteen horse potter and everything all complete and ready for running, boxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is only $1.7."t). This mill requires less power to drive than any other mill, and the power furnished is sutllcient todriveextra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. All ordert should be addressed to UR A;; & IH'UROWKS, Corner Third and Market streets, St. Louis. Mo., solo agents for the Western and Southern States. March 25. '6S 4-S-ly JOHN A. PARKER & CO., w.vsiiixGTujr, c. Jons' A. PARKER, la?e- Register cf the Land Oirice, Omaha, N. T., having resigned his crflce wiil heree-er, '.a connection with one of the best I.iu.1 Lawgiver Hi the connfT. attend to all buainem cotfuW U him; amt es pecially PKE-EMPTION CASES. Which he lias m ute himself thoroughly iuuuaintoU villi by study and practice for years. He refers to the Heads of Departments and Members of Congress of both lloiir-es. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. January 23, no31-ly JOHN. F. KINNEY. CIIAS. F. HOLLY. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will practice in the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion anil husiness atteu.leil to Ihroiichout X hraska, Western Iowa and MUsoiiri. Will attenil the Courts at Brownville. v2n33-6m People's IiKlrpnuIent Une. Season Arranrrcinont of the new Mis souri llivtr rasscngcr Steamer ALONZO CHILD, ( APT. JOE IIOLLAM). ' Kesuhir Council Hlmls. Omaha City, Flor--f i ence and Simix City Packet, for Sioux City, FI .re-.ue, tiinaha. Council ltlull's. Bellevue, St. Mary's, PlattMiioiith. Wyoinini: Citv, Nebraska Citv. Limlen. Brownville. Kockport, Iletnniie's L itelin;:, S.unt Steph ens. White Cloii'l. Forrest City, Oregon, Iowa Point. Sa vaniiiih. St. Joseph. ! -ii ipliiiTi, Atihisen, Weton, Fort Leavenworth. Leavenworth City, Kansas City, &c. Thenerf. switt, ainl liiauiiilic.-iil passenger aii'l freight steamer ALOXZO ( II I I.I. Joe Ilui.l.AM) M ister, w ill. upon the opeuitiof navigation, resiimeher re-.-uIar trips, intheahove tra.le, uml to all the intenneoiaie p.-misoii the Missouri river. Her patrons can rely not only iii..n her cotitiimiiii: in the trade 'lorii:? th enure Ooatin sea son, hut of liiiilm? this season, (taring the past, that for ((inckiiess and regularity of tripp, veil as superi ority u passenger . taoni-.lati .ns. atwi g.-ncral arraiii:e- nienti, that they arc not excelled lr those of any other boat runuini; on ihe river; luvuu reiently heen placeil in the in jst uoexceptionable condition throughout, pre ,.aiaioij oj t litj.iaii.j; lu ILO a proai Uinn easoii-s tmsi-nes.- The steamer Alon7o Child, is new, hnvins run but a portion of one season, ami for the very liberal patmn-a-e she has receiveil. C.itit. Holland desires to present his thanks to his triends. uml to fay to them that they wiil find his boat .ni l otfiVcrs fully np to the standard of a first class, we'! oflii ercl Missouri Itiver passiii-.-er steam er, and as Mich hepes to receive a reasonable share of the patronage of thu shippers and the public generally. -March -'j. JONAS CRANE. THEODORE H1J1 Crane eft? 22111. rOltWAIttllVT. AM COMMISSION MFnrlT ANTS, AX!) STEAM BOAT AGENTS. Wholesale and Retail Healers in Dry floods, (Jrocerics Hardware, Oneensware. Furniture, stoves, i'lotir, liacoii, sc, se-,.t. 24, -57 Brownville. X T, SPKlXtiSAtES. W.F.ENDERS & CO., Wliolesale C'lolliinsr Warehouse, Ao 02. J'n" Strut, St. Loiii, Have iit't received a full and complete stx-k of Sprinjr atnl Siiiininer cL.thun:; which is unsurpassed in extent, inality, and workmanship, in any other house in the I'nion. All our clothinj is made hy us expressly fortliis market, at our Manufactory, Simmons Mock, l'.oStotl. Iir'e and close huyers win find it tor their interest ta cive us a call, as we pledge ourselves to sell for rash, or to prompt men at prices that will defy all compe tition. A full stock I..r Sutlers and Santa i'e trade. Win. Y. ENDKKS, St. Louis, John W. BKiKLOW, Itostou. no 4i McCORlVIICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 .'. HYATT & Co., Agents Sf.J'xrjli, JftHiiHrt, Is attain fffered to the farmers r.f Missouri, and Nebraska, as the best R'.aper in the vvond. anil the best cctnbincd Reaper and Mower, and is so warranted. For five years past 1 have avoided attending the various State and County Fairs, for the purpose of seeking premiums, re garding my machine as ih well known to need that sort i f commendation. In July la.-t the t'nited States A -i- rieultural society, at their Fair at Syracuse, Xew York, awarded 1 1 me a GOLD MEDAL, and DIPLOMA. For the best reaper, after a severe test, in heavy tan gled ryeover hilly and uneven ground. Also the 'Great Council Medal' was awarded by the exhibition of all na tions in London in ISol to C. M'-Cormii k. on the ground or the originallityand value of his AMERICAN REAP ER, and also at the treat French Exhibition at Paris, in ISf5. was awarded the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. Also the highest prize awarded to anv reapinc machine hy the Royal Agricultural Society of Encland in V&l. and still niore clorious, the highest satisfaction and approval of over 100.000 farmer of my own country. Farmers desi-ingthe McCormick Reaper and Mower for the present year will secure hy leavinx their orders should he sent on before the 1st day of .March neit. April 15, lSiS no-12 W. If. WIMJAMS, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, IVTo., TJIAKES pleasure in announcing thecitiiTisof Or 1. 'Ron and the public in general, that he has on hand the inot extensive ?tck T Stoves and Tin ware, ercr ;2cred in this market. My stx k of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Loui prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES .comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's ("barter Oak, the best stove no-w in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, I'ionecr and prize I're inium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Size? an l Patterns, which I wiil SEI.I, LOWER THAN ANV IIOTSE IN TOWN. Particular attention pai l to nuking an l putting up Tin tinners, in the t..wn ..1 -country. ANo, re pairing done on -dn-rt notice and on reasonable terms. O.d copptr, I,rass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAM. vl-n." Oreg m. Mo.. July j, lof. IM:Xl:o.e273r. A ciipe-.-i.-r st--r-S .-f Millinery r.ew Mi il;r:ery ( ,-t . -Si. C arson's B u hi!.- Ilu-c. F-r 'id Dress Goids at rr.y .0 '. r-r aheve Lushbauglt ri.vil e. N. T MART TCRNER. Buchanan Life and General Ixisuranoo Co., Ollice cor 2d and Jule gta., ST. JOSEPH, J10. KTEUKD AT TIIE LAST SESSION OF THK MO. Ltd Authorized Capitol $3,000,000. VIRECTORS: J. B.Jennin-., I. U. Howard, J. A. Owen.Miltoq c-otb, .lohul'oLhoun.JohnlJ. Likens, V. H.Peneik, Jutuea Kay, X.J. McAsban, A. (i. Munsfieer. J. U. JENSIXGS, Pr. N.R.MoAshan, Scc'y. , IS now read t to receive application for Life, Tire, Marinoand lUver ri?ks. A cash return of SSpe ccut. will bo allowed on cargo premiums. LoMr promptly adjusted, and the Uaual facilities given to the patrons of the office. April lGth,lS57. 44-3m Clothing. WEBSTER, MARSH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Ready Made Clothing, J5, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SHIRTS. DRAWERS. OVFR AI.T.3, SHIRTS, I1UX133E IX OOODS, aid all kinds ot FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO FA I.I. STOCK OP GENT S AND LOY S CLOTHING, Which wc offer as low as anv Honse in the City. WEBSTER, MARSH & CO. WHEELER &. WILSON'S INCOMPARABLE SEWING jNIACHINES j. w. McDonald & co.. No. 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. Are taking the place of alt other machine to Families, Dress-Makers. AND Tliey are the Simplest, Speediest, Cheapest nd most durable Machines exi.-t int. Agents Wanted In Every Town In the West. . F. SNYDER, Forwardln?and Commission And Steamboat Agent, ST. JOSEPH, MO. Will he at the Levee at all hours upon the arrival of le.iiiibo.its. and attend to the Collection of Bills ami Business left nith him w ith prompt dispatch; also attend to the Heccivingof goods for boats, either for St. Loui or npper Missouri. Will he found in the rffVe of Dolman & West Real Estate Agents. Market Square. MILLER & liOIS VUMPx, lmporterso t French amKieruian looking-glass:plates, Sheet, S!ij -IJslil, :ml Floor Glas, IS, iSeeondt., St. Louis, JIo. Manufacturers of Orn.iinent al I.kins-(ilass Framei. Stained (j lass in all its Various Brandies, for Churches, Public and Private Buildings. Ornamental M urk for Steamboats. 1 1 A Y DEN TsTV I LS(JN Importer and Manufacturers of AND Coach Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Sultlle Trees, Ilamcs, springs and Axles, Patent and Enameled Leather, SKIRTING, HARNESS, & BRIDLE LEATHER. No. 11, Main Street. St. Louis, 3Io.f Are prepared to offer to their customers and the trade an assortment of articles unsurpissed, in quality anil cheapness, by any House in their line, Fast or West. 185a 1858. SCA11MTT MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery. Washington Avenue, between SECOND ASD THIRD St's, ST. LOUIS, MO Incur Warerenms will he found the lafpst anl best styles, made ly the best and of superior mate and tini-h. ItEDSTHADS Fine Rostewood and Mahopany, Walnut Oak and Cherry, with hiu'h posts ami Canopy. SI lK III iA It lis Rosewood, .M.ihocanf, Uak and Wal nut with Siielvesand .M Tops WARPKOHKS and SK.CKETAR1E3. Rosewood, Ma hogany, Uak and Walnut. SoFAS Mahogany and Walnut, Covered in hair Cloth, Lasting ami Krocatelle. HCKKAl'S Fine Rosewood. Mahogany, Oak and Wal nut, w ith sole cases, Marble Top and Oval Glasses. Roosewoml, Mahogany, Oak and Walnut Washstamls, Center and Side Tables with Marble Tops. HAT RACKS Rosewood. Mahogany, Oak and Walnut of many styles. Also: Fine Rosewood, Mahocanr, Oak and Walnut Parlor, Easy and R.k knur Chairs; every variety of Cusl ioii, Ku-h and Cane Seat Reception and Cottaiie Chairs ; Recumbent Chairs, Pi mo Stools, Ottoman, Footstool, Corner and Side Whatnots. Extension Tables, Sbowei Baths, Ice Hoxes, Wire and Tin Safes, Scarritt's Patent L .unge lled-teids. GILT LOoK.lNi GLASS E3 Splendid Pier Glasses, Ovals, Mautle and S purc; Wood FKtuiei iu large as sortment . It EDI )I N'G Spring. Hair. M s. Excelsior and nusk Matrasses; Feather Reds, Pillows, Bolsters, Comfort, Sheets. &.c, all of the best material, and warranted tu oe frcr-h, sweet and new. Every article warranted i represented, and at price as low as any other house i" the city lor corresponding finality. Orders solicited and faithfully filled. We cordially invite every one who wishes to call and examine and price mir g-:, n we are pleased to show our goods, and give yon all I lie information in our power. All articles sold by us caret ully packed and delivered on Iloat or at the house, Very Respectfully, SCARHITT St MASON. no37 SPUING AM) SHIMEU GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEE &. CO., Importers and Jobbers. Piece c;oo! lor Jlon'S lVear, A"o. b, Jftin tin it, St. Louis We arc now in receipt i.f a large and complete stock of g s.ds suitable for tl.eSp-ing and Summer trade wbi h we offer on the mot faforil.le terms. The stock con sists in part of the following L'.-ds, viz: CLOTHS. Cassiiners; Poesk:n: Satinet: Tweets J CashrrteretM; Jeans; Conluroys ; Mole-k ns; Linens; Cottotiades ; Al pacas ; Drap D'Ettcs ; Farmer's Sat ins ; Vestings ; Vel vets Serges itc ; every des-rlption of tilors' and cloth iers triiiitntu-.'s. A Complete st.rt k of Blankets. A full assortment of wool i-hirt mil drawers. Merchants. Clothiers and Tailors vi-iling the city for the purpose of bnyin; their Spring St.' will find it to their mtere-t to examine o-tr st.M k before making their selections. All orders wi' I receive prompt attention. FIELD, BEARDSLEE it CO. April 15, l?,"j S no42 New Spring Goods, BKOWN "& CO., Xo, "SS, Main Street Saint LouI, Invite Merchants visitinjSt. Louis to their immense stock of New Spring G.iods, IMPORTATION OF 1858, Black Gro ile Rhine Silks; Black and Colored flatin; Printed J.ic.'.iets; Chailies; Dnt.age' ; White Embroideries ; Lace Go.iis; (i loves; Hosiery J Lata Mitts, fcc. Brown & Co., have ready for exhibition tbe latt European and American st .!e- of h' and Imop skirts; French Skirt reed : ribbon- f f all style, si'.k cravats, dre- trimmini:; br'ii e, Combs, button-, toeethcr with five eases Parasols, -t the latest and most fashionable de:;n. Cash bnycrs. purchase's, and rrotnpt men, vis iting this market, are invited to our tRk anJ prices. ftROWX, & CO., 73 Main Slreet Saint Louif. April 15, 1854 no 42. Potter Wanted. I w ill give employment t , a g'xl, industrious Potter,, well acquainted with the JOHN' McrHERSO-. Brownville. Tec 5. 1S57. niatr ATTORNEY AT LAW, KiiOW.VViLLPf, N. T. Will wri:e .li-td- . f tverv kind nnd ci.mra-ts f..r every-D'irp--e. w-i li ..irranusl Icl-- .n.-uraty. ottice, ta the B.inkitiL' llon.p t Lnsstwiugh k. Carson REFER TO H -n. J. I n A. Bin.'ham. Ct1'i, Oliio. ' W IC C irter, CSevfland, ' " R P Sp ildi'ig. " " " B F Leiier, Can'o'i, " " S l.,l,::i. - ..'-' " W;o RSipp. Vt. Verru.n, " " S PCI i ' i' " " Tli- s K .r-I. Marie!-!, " " Jas Craig. S. Jo;Cvh, Xo, Erownvije,. O.:. 2ii, 'iT. v2ul7-Iy ini